1import sys, dia
3# sys.path.insert(0, 'd:/graph/dia/dia')
5class DumpRenderer :
6	def __init__ (self) :
7		pass
8	def begin_render (self, data, filename) :
9		# DiagramData
10		self.f = open(filename, "w")
11		self.f.write("Data: " + str(data) + "\n")
12		self.f.write("Extents: "+ str(data.extents) + "\n")
13		self.f.write("active_layer: " + str(data.active_layer) + " " \
14				+ data.active_layer.name + "\n")
15		#self.f.write("grid .width: " + str(data.grid.width) \
16		#			+ " .height" + str(data.grid.height) \
17		#			+ "visible: " + str(data.visible) + "\n")
18	def end_render (self) :
19		self.f.close()
20	def set_linewidth (self, width) :
21		self.line_width = width
22	def set_linecaps (self, mode) :
23		self.line_caps = mode
24	def set_linejoin (self, mode) :
25		self.line_join = mode
26	def set_linestyle (self, style) :
27		self.line_style = style
28	def set_dashlength (self, length) :
29		self.dash_length = length
30	def set_fillstyle (self, style) :
31		self.fill_style = style
32	def set_font (self, font, size) :
33		self.font = font
34	def draw_line (self, start, end, color) :
35		self.f.write("draw_line:" + str(start) + str(end) + str(color) + "\n")
36	def draw_polyline (self, points, color) :
37		self.f.write("draw_polyline: " + str(color) + "\n")
38		for pt in points :
39			self.f.write ("\t" + str(pt) + "\n")
40	def draw_polygon (self, points, color) :
41		self.f.write("draw_polygon: " + str(color) + "\n")
42		for pt in points :
43			self.f.write ("\t" + str(pt) + "\n")
44	def fill_polygon (self, points, color) :
45		self.f.write("fill_polygon: " + str(color) + "\n")
46		for pt in points :
47			self.f.write ("\t" + str(pt) + "\n")
48	def draw_rect (self, rect, color) :
49		self.f.write("draw_rect: " + str(rect) + str(color) + "\n")
50	def fill_rect (self, rect, color) :
51		self.f.write("fill_rect: " + str(rect) + str(color) + "\n")
52	def draw_arc (self, center, width, height, angle1, angle2, color) :
53		self.f.write("draw_arc: " + str(center) + ";" \
54				+ str(width) + "x" + str(height) + ";" \
55				+ str(angle1) + "," + str(angle2) + ";" + str(color) + "\n")
56	def fill_arc (self, center, width, height, angle1, angle2, color) :
57		self.f.write("fill_arc: " + str(center) + ";" \
58				+ str(width) + "x" + str(height) + ";" \
59				+ str(angle1) + "," + str(angle2) + ";" + str(color) + "\n")
60	def draw_ellipse (self, center, width, height, color) :
61		self.f.write("draw_ellipse: " + str(center) \
62				+ str(width) + "x" +str(height) + ";" + str(color) + "\n")
63	def fill_ellipse (self, center, width, height, color) :
64		self.f.write("fill_ellipse: " + str(center) \
65				+ str(width) + "x" +str(height) + ";" + str(color) + "\n")
66	def draw_bezier (self, bezpoints, color) :
67		self.f.write("draw_bezier: " + str(color) + "\n")
68		for pt in bezpoints :
69			self.f.write ("\t" + str(pt) + "\n")
70	def fill_bezier (self, bezpoints, color) :
71		self.f.write("fill_bezier: " + str(color) + "\n")
72		for pt in bezpoints :
73			self.f.write ("\t" + str(pt) + "\n")
74	def draw_string (self, text, pos, alignment, color) :
75		self.f.write("draw_string: [" + text + "]; " + str(pos) \
76				+ str(alignment) + "; " +str(color))
77	def draw_image (self, point, width, height, image) :
78		self.f.write("draw_image: " + str(point) + str(width) + "x" +str(height) \
79				+ " " + image.filename + "\n")
80		self.f.write("<rgb_data>" + image.rgb_data + "</rgb_data>")
81		self.f.write("<mask_data>" + image.mask_data + "</mask_data>")
83# dia-python keeps a reference to the renderer class and uses it on demand
84dia.register_export ("PyDia Render Export", "diapyr", DumpRenderer())