1<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
2      xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its"
3      xmlns:if="http://projectmallard.org/if/1.0/"
4      type="topic" style="task"
5      id="noprint">
7  <info>
8    <link type="guide" xref="index#printing"/>
9    <desc>The author may have put printing restrictions on the document.</desc>
10    <revision pkgversion="3.2" version="0.1" date="2011-09-05" status="final"/>
11    <revision pkgversion="3.30.2" version="0.2" date="2018-11-25" status="final"/>
12    <revision pkgversion="3.38.2" version="0.3" date="2021-03-06" status="final"/>
13    <credit type="author">
14      <name>Phil Bull</name>
15      <email>philbull@gmail.com</email>
16    </credit>
17    <license>
18      <p>Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0</p>
19    </license>
21  </info>
23<title>I can't print a document</title>
24<section id="why">
25 <title>Possible reasons for printing failure</title>
26<p>A document might not print because of:</p>
27 <list>
28  <item><p>Printer problems or, </p></item>
29  <item><p>PDF printing restrictions.</p></item>
30 </list>
34<section id="printer-problems">
35  <title>Printer problems</title>
36  <p>
37  There are many reasons why your printer might not be working. For example, it
38  could be out of paper or ink, or unplugged or damaged.
39  </p>
41  <p>To check if your printer is printing correctly:</p>
42  <steps>
43    <item>
44      <p>Open the <gui href="help:gnome-help/shell-introduction#activities">Activities</gui>
45      overview and start typing <gui>Settings</gui>.</p>
46    </item>
47    <item>
48      <p>Click on <gui>Settings</gui>.</p>
49    </item>
50    <item>
51      <p>Click <gui>Printers</gui> in the sidebar.</p>
52    </item>
53   <item>
54      <p>Click the <media its:translate="no" type="image" src="figures/emblem-system-symbolic.svg"><span its:translate="yes">settings</span></media>
55      button next to the printer.</p>
56    </item>
57    <item>
58      <p>Select <gui style="menuitem">Printing Options</gui>.</p>
59    </item>
60    <item>
61      <p>Click on <gui>Test Page</gui>. A page should be sent to your printer.</p>
62      <note>
63        <p>
64        If this fails, see <link href="help:gnome-help/printing">Printing help</link>.  You may also need to see your printer's manual to see what else you can do.
65        </p>
66      </note>
67    </item>
68  </steps>
73<section id="pdf-restrictions">
74  <title>PDF printing restrictions</title>
75  <p>
76  Some PDF documents have a setting which prevents you from printing them.
77  Authors can set this printing restriction when they write a document.
78  The <app>document viewer</app> overrides this restriction by default, but you may want to check
79  that it hasn't been disabled:
80  </p>
82  <note style="important">
83    <p>You need to have <app>dconf Editor</app> installed on your computer to
84    change this setting.</p>
85    <if:if test="action:install">
86      <p><link style="button" action="install:dconf-editor">Install
87      <app>dconf Editor</app></link></p>
88    </if:if>
89  </note>
91  <steps>
92    <item>
93      <p>Open the <gui href="help:gnome-help/shell-introduction#activities">Activities</gui>
94      overview and start typing <gui>dconf Editor</gui>.</p>
95    </item>
96    <item>
97      <p>Click on <gui>dconf Editor</gui>.</p>
98    </item>
99    <item>
100      <p>Browse to <sys>/org/gnome/evince</sys>.</p>
101    </item>
102    <item>
103      <p>
104      Make sure that the <gui>override-restrictions</gui> option is checked.
105      </p>
106    </item>
107    <item>
108      <p>
109      Go back to the <app>Document Viewer</app> and try to print the document again.
110      </p>
111    </item>
112  </steps>