1Exifprobe reads image files produced by digital cameras (including
2several so-called "raw" file formats) and reports the structure of
3the files and the auxilliary data and metadata contained within them.
4In addition to TIFF, JPEG, and EXIF, the program understands several
5formats which may contain "raw" camera data, including MRW, CIFF/CRW,
6JP2/JPEG2000, RAF, and X3F, as well as most most TIFF-derived "raw"
7formats, including DNG, ORF, CR2, NEF, K25/KDC/DCR, and PEF.
9MakerNote sections found in Exif IFDs are reported and expanded if the
10note is in a semblance of TIFF IFD format. Information which has been
11published on the internet is used to interpret notes where possible.
13The default output attempts to describe the structure of the file,
14showing location, size and content of auxilliary data, metadata, and
15image sections. Multiple images contained in a single file are noted
16(and JPEG sub-image markers examined for useful data). A summary of
17images found is printed at the end of output for each file.
19Many options are provided for detail control of output format.
20For convenience, two pre-set formats (in addition to the default
21'structural' format) are provided: a "report" format (which shows
22"structure" of TIFF ifds, but with values printed inline), and a
23"list" format which eliminates structural elements and presents data
24in a human (or script) readable format for possible use in gallery