1 /*
2     FLAM3 - cosmic recursive fractal flames
3     Copyright (C) 1992-2009 Spotworks LLC
5     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7     the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
8     (at your option) any later version.
10     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13     GNU General Public License for more details.
15     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 */
19 #include "private.h"
22 #define MAXARGS 1000
23 #define streql(x,y) (!strcmp(x,y))
26 /*
27  * split a string passed in ss into tokens on whitespace.
28  * # comments to end of line.  ; terminates the record
29  */
tokenize(ss,argv,argc)30 void tokenize(ss, argv, argc)
31    char **ss;
32    char *argv[];
33    int *argc;
34 {
35    char *s = *ss;
36    int i = 0, state = 0;
38    while (*s != ';') {
39       char c = *s;
40       switch (state) {
41        case 0:
42 	 if ('#' == c)
43 	    state = 2;
44 	 else if (!isspace(c)) {
45 	    argv[i] = s;
46 	    i++;
47 	    state = 1;
48 	 }
49        case 1:
50 	 if (isspace(c)) {
51 	    *s = 0;
52 	    state = 0;
53 	 }
54        case 2:
55 	 if ('\n' == c)
56 	    state = 0;
57       }
58       s++;
59    }
60    *s = 0;
61    *ss = s+1;
62    *argc = i;
63 }
65 /*
66  * given a pointer to a string SS, fill fields of a control point CP.
67  * return a pointer to the first unused char in SS.  totally barfucious,
68  * must integrate with tcl soon...
69  */
parse_control_point_old(char ** ss,flam3_genome * cp)71 void parse_control_point_old(char **ss, flam3_genome *cp) {
72    char *argv[MAXARGS];
73    int argc, i, j;
74    int set_cm = 0, set_image_size = 0, set_nbatches = 0, set_white_level = 0;
75    int set_spatial_oversample = 0, set_hr = 0;
76    double *slot = NULL, xf, cm, t, nbatches, white_level, spatial_oversample, cmap_inter;
77    double image_size[2];
79    memset(cp, 0, sizeof(flam3_genome));
81    flam3_add_xforms(cp, flam3_nxforms, 0, 0);
83    for (i = 0; i < flam3_nxforms; i++) {
84       cp->xform[i].density = 0.0;
85       cp->xform[i].color = i&1;
86       cp->xform[i].color_speed = 0.5;
87       cp->xform[i].animate = 1.0;
88       cp->xform[i].var[0] = 1.0;
89       for (j = 1; j < flam3_nvariations; j++)
90 	 cp->xform[i].var[j] = 0.0;
91       cp->xform[i].c[0][0] = 1.0;
92       cp->xform[i].c[0][1] = 0.0;
93       cp->xform[i].c[1][0] = 0.0;
94       cp->xform[i].c[1][1] = 1.0;
95       cp->xform[i].c[2][0] = 0.0;
96       cp->xform[i].c[2][1] = 0.0;
97    }
99    tokenize(ss, argv, &argc);
100    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
101       if (streql("xform", argv[i]))
102 	 slot = &xf;
103       else if (streql("time", argv[i]))
104 	 slot = &cp->time;
105       else if (streql("brightness", argv[i]))
106 	 slot = &cp->brightness;
107       else if (streql("contrast", argv[i]))
108 	 slot = &cp->contrast;
109       else if (streql("gamma", argv[i]))
110 	 slot = &cp->gamma;
111       else if (streql("vibrancy", argv[i]))
112 	 slot = &cp->vibrancy;
113       else if (streql("hue_rotation", argv[i])) {
114 	 slot = &cp->hue_rotation;
115 	 set_hr = 1;
116       } else if (streql("zoom", argv[i]))
117 	 slot = &cp->zoom;
118       else if (streql("image_size", argv[i])) {
119 	 slot = image_size;
120 	 set_image_size = 1;
121       } else if (streql("center", argv[i]))
122 	 slot = cp->center;
123       else if (streql("background", argv[i]))
124 	 slot = cp->background;
125       else if (streql("pixels_per_unit", argv[i]))
126 	 slot = &cp->pixels_per_unit;
127       else if (streql("spatial_filter_radius", argv[i]))
128 	 slot = &cp->spatial_filter_radius;
129       else if (streql("sample_density", argv[i]))
130 	 slot = &cp->sample_density;
131       else if (streql("nbatches", argv[i])) {
132 	 slot = &nbatches;
133 	 set_nbatches = 1;
134       } else if (streql("white_level", argv[i])) {
135 	 slot = &white_level;
136 	 set_white_level = 1;
137       } else if (streql("spatial_oversample", argv[i])) {
138 	 slot = &spatial_oversample;
139 	 set_spatial_oversample = 1;
140       } else if (streql("cmap", argv[i])) {
141 	 slot = &cm;
142 	 set_cm = 1;
143       } else if (streql("palette", argv[i])) {
144 	  slot = &cp->palette[0].color[0];
145       } else if (streql("density", argv[i]))
146 	 slot = &cp->xform[(int)xf].density;
147       else if (streql("color", argv[i]))
148 	 slot = &cp->xform[(int)xf].color;
149       else if (streql("coefs", argv[i])) {
150 	 slot = cp->xform[(int)xf].c[0];
151 	 cp->xform[(int)xf].density = 1.0;
152        } else if (streql("var", argv[i]))
153 	 slot = cp->xform[(int)xf].var;
154       else if (streql("cmap_inter", argv[i])) {
155 	slot = &cmap_inter;
156       } else
157 	 *slot++ = atof(argv[i]);
158    }
159    if (set_cm) {
160        double hr = set_hr ? cp->hue_rotation : 0.0;
161       cp->palette_index = (int) cm;
162       flam3_get_palette(cp->palette_index, cp->palette, hr);
163    }
164    if (set_image_size) {
165       cp->width  = (int) image_size[0];
166       cp->height = (int) image_size[1];
167    }
168    if (set_nbatches)
169       cp->nbatches = (int) nbatches;
170    if (set_spatial_oversample)
171       cp->spatial_oversample = (int) spatial_oversample;
172    if (set_white_level) {
173      /* ignore */
174    }
175    for (i = 0; i < flam3_nxforms; i++) {
176       t = 0.0;
177       for (j = 0; j < flam3_nvariations; j++)
178 	 t += cp->xform[i].var[j];
179       t = 1.0 / t;
180       for (j = 0; j < flam3_nvariations; j++)
181 	 cp->xform[i].var[j] *= t;
182    }
183 }
185 int
main(int argc,char ** argv)186 main(int argc, char **argv)
187 {
188   char *s, *ss;
190 #ifdef WIN32
192   char *slashloc;
193   char palpath[256],exepath[256];
195     slashloc = strrchr(argv[0],'\\');
196 	if (NULL==slashloc) {
197 	   sprintf(palpath,"flam3_palettes=flam3-palettes.xml");
198 	} else {
199        strncpy(exepath,argv[0],slashloc-argv[0]+1);
200 	   sprintf(palpath,"flam3_palettes=%sflam3-palettes.xml",exepath);
201 	}
202 	putenv(palpath);
204 #endif
206    if (1 != argc) {
207      docstring();
208      exit(0);
209    }
211   {
212     int i, c, slen = 5000;
213     s = malloc(slen);
214     i = 0;
215     do {
216       c = getchar();
217       if (EOF == c) goto done_reading;
218       s[i++] = c;
219       if (i == slen-1) {
220 	slen *= 2;
221 	s = realloc(s, slen);
222       }
223     } while (1);
224   done_reading:
225     s[i] = 0;
226   }
228   ss = s;
229   s += strlen(s);
230   printf("<conversions>\n");
231   while (strchr(ss, ';')) {
232     flam3_genome cp;
233     parse_control_point_old(&ss, &cp);
234     flam3_print(stdout, &cp, NULL, flam3_print_edits);
235   }
236   printf("</conversions>\n");
237   return 0;
238 }