1 Unit JQuant1;
3 { This file contains 1-pass color quantization (color mapping) routines.
4   These routines provide mapping to a fixed color map using equally spaced
5   color values.  Optional Floyd-Steinberg or ordered dithering is available. }
7 { Original: jquant1.c; Copyright (C) 1991-1996, Thomas G. Lane. }
9 interface
11 {$I jconfig.inc}
13 uses
14   jpeglib;
18 procedure jinit_1pass_quantizer (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr);
20 implementation
22 uses
23   jmorecfg,
24   jdeferr,
25   jerror,
26   jutils;
28 { The main purpose of 1-pass quantization is to provide a fast, if not very
29   high quality, colormapped output capability.  A 2-pass quantizer usually
30   gives better visual quality; however, for quantized grayscale output this
31   quantizer is perfectly adequate.  Dithering is highly recommended with this
32   quantizer, though you can turn it off if you really want to.
34   In 1-pass quantization the colormap must be chosen in advance of seeing the
35   image.  We use a map consisting of all combinations of Ncolors[i] color
36   values for the i'th component.  The Ncolors[] values are chosen so that
37   their product, the total number of colors, is no more than that requested.
38   (In most cases, the product will be somewhat less.)
40   Since the colormap is orthogonal, the representative value for each color
41   component can be determined without considering the other components;
42   then these indexes can be combined into a colormap index by a standard
43   N-dimensional-array-subscript calculation.  Most of the arithmetic involved
44   can be precalculated and stored in the lookup table colorindex[].
45   colorindex[i][j] maps pixel value j in component i to the nearest
46   representative value (grid plane) for that component; this index is
47   multiplied by the array stride for component i, so that the
48   index of the colormap entry closest to a given pixel value is just
49      sum( colorindex[component-number][pixel-component-value] )
50   Aside from being fast, this scheme allows for variable spacing between
51   representative values with no additional lookup cost.
53   If gamma correction has been applied in color conversion, it might be wise
54   to adjust the color grid spacing so that the representative colors are
55   equidistant in linear space.  At this writing, gamma correction is not
56   implemented by jdcolor, so nothing is done here. }
59 { Declarations for ordered dithering.
61   We use a standard 16x16 ordered dither array.  The basic concept of ordered
62   dithering is described in many references, for instance Dale Schumacher's
63   chapter II.2 of Graphics Gems II (James Arvo, ed. Academic Press, 1991).
64   In place of Schumacher's comparisons against a "threshold" value, we add a
65   "dither" value to the input pixel and then round the result to the nearest
66   output value.  The dither value is equivalent to (0.5 - threshold) times
67   the distance between output values.  For ordered dithering, we assume that
68   the output colors are equally spaced; if not, results will probably be
69   worse, since the dither may be too much or too little at a given point.
71   The normal calculation would be to form pixel value + dither, range-limit
72   this to 0..MAXJSAMPLE, and then index into the colorindex table as usual.
73   We can skip the separate range-limiting step by extending the colorindex
74   table in both directions. }
77 const
78   ODITHER_SIZE  = 16;   { dimension of dither matrix }
79 { NB: if ODITHER_SIZE is not a power of 2, ODITHER_MASK uses will break }
80   ODITHER_CELLS = (ODITHER_SIZE*ODITHER_SIZE);  { # cells in matrix }
81   ODITHER_MASK = (ODITHER_SIZE-1); { mask for wrapping around counters }
83 type
84   ODITHER_vector = Array[0..ODITHER_SIZE-1] of int;
85   ODITHER_MATRIX = Array[0..ODITHER_SIZE-1] of ODITHER_vector;
86   {ODITHER_MATRIX_PTR = ^array[0..ODITHER_SIZE-1] of int;}
89 const
90   base_dither_matrix : Array[0..ODITHER_SIZE-1,0..ODITHER_SIZE-1] of UINT8
91   = (
92   { Bayer's order-4 dither array.  Generated by the code given in
93     Stephen Hawley's article "Ordered Dithering" in Graphics Gems I.
94     The values in this array must range from 0 to ODITHER_CELLS-1. }
96   (   0,192, 48,240, 12,204, 60,252,  3,195, 51,243, 15,207, 63,255 ),
97   ( 128, 64,176,112,140, 76,188,124,131, 67,179,115,143, 79,191,127 ),
98   (  32,224, 16,208, 44,236, 28,220, 35,227, 19,211, 47,239, 31,223 ),
99   ( 160, 96,144, 80,172,108,156, 92,163, 99,147, 83,175,111,159, 95 ),
100   (   8,200, 56,248,  4,196, 52,244, 11,203, 59,251,  7,199, 55,247 ),
101   ( 136, 72,184,120,132, 68,180,116,139, 75,187,123,135, 71,183,119 ),
102   (  40,232, 24,216, 36,228, 20,212, 43,235, 27,219, 39,231, 23,215 ),
103   ( 168,104,152, 88,164,100,148, 84,171,107,155, 91,167,103,151, 87 ),
104   (   2,194, 50,242, 14,206, 62,254,  1,193, 49,241, 13,205, 61,253 ),
105   ( 130, 66,178,114,142, 78,190,126,129, 65,177,113,141, 77,189,125 ),
106   (  34,226, 18,210, 46,238, 30,222, 33,225, 17,209, 45,237, 29,221 ),
107   ( 162, 98,146, 82,174,110,158, 94,161, 97,145, 81,173,109,157, 93 ),
108   (  10,202, 58,250,  6,198, 54,246,  9,201, 57,249,  5,197, 53,245 ),
109   ( 138, 74,186,122,134, 70,182,118,137, 73,185,121,133, 69,181,117 ),
110   (  42,234, 26,218, 38,230, 22,214, 41,233, 25,217, 37,229, 21,213 ),
111   ( 170,106,154, 90,166,102,150, 86,169,105,153, 89,165,101,149, 85 )
112   );
115 { Declarations for Floyd-Steinberg dithering.
117   Errors are accumulated into the array fserrors[], at a resolution of
118   1/16th of a pixel count.  The error at a given pixel is propagated
119   to its not-yet-processed neighbors using the standard F-S fractions,
120                 ...     (here)  7/16
121                 3/16    5/16    1/16
122   We work left-to-right on even rows, right-to-left on odd rows.
124   We can get away with a single array (holding one row's worth of errors)
125   by using it to store the current row's errors at pixel columns not yet
126   processed, but the next row's errors at columns already processed.  We
127   need only a few extra variables to hold the errors immediately around the
128   current column.  (If we are lucky, those variables are in registers, but
129   even if not, they're probably cheaper to access than array elements are.)
131   The fserrors[] array is indexed [component#][position].
132   We provide (#columns + 2) entries per component; the extra entry at each
133   end saves us from special-casing the first and last pixels.
135   Note: on a wide image, we might not have enough room in a PC's near data
136   segment to hold the error array; so it is allocated with alloc_large. }
138 {$ifdef BITS_IN_JSAMPLE_IS_8}
139 type
140   FSERROR = INT16;              { 16 bits should be enough }
141   LOCFSERROR = int;             { use 'int' for calculation temps }
142 {$else}
143 type
144   FSERROR = INT32;              { may need more than 16 bits }
145   LOCFSERROR = INT32;           { be sure calculation temps are big enough }
146 {$endif}
148 type
149   jFSError = 0..(MaxInt div SIZEOF(FSERROR))-1;
150   FS_ERROR_FIELD = array[jFSError] of FSERROR;
152                                 { pointer to error array (in FAR storage!) }
156 { Private subobject }
158 const
159   MAX_Q_COMPS = 4;              { max components I can handle }
161 type
162   my_cquantize_ptr = ^my_cquantizer;
163   my_cquantizer = record
164     pub : jpeg_color_quantizer; { public fields }
166     { Initially allocated colormap is saved here }
167     sv_colormap : JSAMPARRAY;   { The color map as a 2-D pixel array }
168     sv_actual : int;            { number of entries in use }
170     colorindex : JSAMPARRAY;    { Precomputed mapping for speed }
171     { colorindex[i][j] = index of color closest to pixel value j in component i,
172       premultiplied as described above.  Since colormap indexes must fit into
173       JSAMPLEs, the entries of this array will too. }
175     is_padded : boolean;        { is the colorindex padded for odither? }
177     Ncolors : array[0..MAX_Q_COMPS-1] of int;
178                                 { # of values alloced to each component }
180     { Variables for ordered dithering }
181     row_index : int;            { cur row's vertical index in dither matrix }
182     odither : array[0..MAX_Q_COMPS-1] of ODITHER_MATRIX_PTR;
183                                 { one dither array per component }
184     { Variables for Floyd-Steinberg dithering }
185     fserrors : array[0..MAX_Q_COMPS-1] of FS_ERROR_FIELD_PTR;
186                                 { accumulated errors }
187     on_odd_row : boolean;       { flag to remember which row we are on }
188   end;
191 { Policy-making subroutines for create_colormap and create_colorindex.
192   These routines determine the colormap to be used.  The rest of the module
193   only assumes that the colormap is orthogonal.
195    * select_ncolors decides how to divvy up the available colors
196      among the components.
197    * output_value defines the set of representative values for a component.
198    * largest_input_value defines the mapping from input values to
199      representative values for a component.
200   Note that the latter two routines may impose different policies for
201   different components, though this is not currently done. }
205 {LOCAL}
select_ncolorsnull206 function select_ncolors (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr;
207                          var Ncolors : array of int) : int;
208 { Determine allocation of desired colors to components, }
209 { and fill in Ncolors[] array to indicate choice. }
210 { Return value is total number of colors (product of Ncolors[] values). }
211 var
212   nc : int;
213   max_colors : int;
214   total_colors, iroot, i, j : int;
215   changed : boolean;
216   temp : long;
217 const
218   RGB_order:array[0..2] of int = (RGB_GREEN, RGB_RED, RGB_BLUE);
219 begin
220   nc := cinfo^.out_color_components; { number of color components }
221   max_colors := cinfo^.desired_number_of_colors;
223   { We can allocate at least the nc'th root of max_colors per component. }
224   { Compute floor(nc'th root of max_colors). }
225   iroot := 1;
226   repeat
227     Inc(iroot);
228     temp := iroot;              { set temp = iroot ** nc }
229     for i := 1 to pred(nc) do
230       temp := temp * iroot;
231   until (temp > long(max_colors)); { repeat till iroot exceeds root }
232   Dec(iroot);                   { now iroot = floor(root) }
234   { Must have at least 2 color values per component }
235   if (iroot < 2) then
236     ERREXIT1(j_common_ptr(cinfo), JERR_QUANT_FEW_COLORS, int(temp));
238   { Initialize to iroot color values for each component }
239   total_colors := 1;
240   for i := 0 to pred(nc) do
241   begin
242     Ncolors[i] := iroot;
243     total_colors := total_colors * iroot;
244   end;
246   { We may be able to increment the count for one or more components without
247     exceeding max_colors, though we know not all can be incremented.
248     Sometimes, the first component can be incremented more than once!
249     (Example: for 16 colors, we start at 2*2*2, go to 3*2*2, then 4*2*2.)
250     In RGB colorspace, try to increment G first, then R, then B. }
252   repeat
253     changed := FALSE;
254     for i := 0 to pred(nc) do
255     begin
256       if cinfo^.out_color_space = JCS_RGB then
257         j := RGB_order[i]
258       else
259         j := i;
260       { calculate new total_colors if Ncolors[j] is incremented }
261       temp := total_colors div Ncolors[j];
262       temp := temp * (Ncolors[j]+1);   { done in long arith to avoid oflo }
263       if (temp > long(max_colors)) then
264         break;                  { won't fit, done with this pass }
265       Inc(Ncolors[j]);          { OK, apply the increment }
266       total_colors := int(temp);
267       changed := TRUE;
268     end;
269   until not changed;
271   select_ncolors := total_colors;
272 end;
275 {LOCAL}
output_valuenull276 function output_value (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr;
277                        ci : int; j : int; maxj : int) : int;
278 { Return j'th output value, where j will range from 0 to maxj }
279 { The output values must fall in 0..MAXJSAMPLE in increasing order }
280 begin
281   { We always provide values 0 and MAXJSAMPLE for each component;
282     any additional values are equally spaced between these limits.
283     (Forcing the upper and lower values to the limits ensures that
284     dithering can't produce a color outside the selected gamut.) }
286   output_value := int (( INT32(j) * MAXJSAMPLE + maxj div 2) div maxj);
287 end;
290 {LOCAL}
largest_input_valuenull291 function largest_input_value (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr;
292                               ci : int; j : int; maxj : int) : int;
293 { Return largest input value that should map to j'th output value }
294 { Must have largest(j=0) >= 0, and largest(j=maxj) >= MAXJSAMPLE }
295 begin
296   { Breakpoints are halfway between values returned by output_value }
297   largest_input_value := int (( INT32(2*j + 1) * MAXJSAMPLE +
298                                  maxj) div (2*maxj));
299 end;
302 { Create the colormap. }
304 {LOCAL}
305 procedure create_colormap (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr);
306 var
307   cquantize : my_cquantize_ptr;
308   colormap : JSAMPARRAY;        { Created colormap }
310   total_colors : int;           { Number of distinct output colors }
311   i,j,k, nci, blksize, blkdist, ptr, val : int;
312 begin
313   cquantize := my_cquantize_ptr (cinfo^.cquantize);
315   { Select number of colors for each component }
316   total_colors := select_ncolors(cinfo, cquantize^.Ncolors);
318   { Report selected color counts }
319   {$IFDEF DEBUG}
320   if (cinfo^.out_color_components = 3) then
321     TRACEMS4(j_common_ptr(cinfo), 1, JTRC_QUANT_3_NCOLORS,
322              total_colors, cquantize^.Ncolors[0],
323              cquantize^.Ncolors[1], cquantize^.Ncolors[2])
324   else
325     TRACEMS1(j_common_ptr(cinfo), 1, JTRC_QUANT_NCOLORS, total_colors);
326   {$ENDIF}
328   { Allocate and fill in the colormap. }
329   { The colors are ordered in the map in standard row-major order, }
330   { i.e. rightmost (highest-indexed) color changes most rapidly. }
332   colormap := cinfo^.mem^.alloc_sarray(
333      j_common_ptr(cinfo), JPOOL_IMAGE,
334      JDIMENSION(total_colors), JDIMENSION(cinfo^.out_color_components));
336   { blksize is number of adjacent repeated entries for a component }
337   { blkdist is distance between groups of identical entries for a component }
338   blkdist := total_colors;
340   for i := 0 to pred(cinfo^.out_color_components) do
341   begin
342     { fill in colormap entries for i'th color component }
343     nci := cquantize^.Ncolors[i]; { # of distinct values for this color }
344     blksize := blkdist div nci;
345     for j := 0 to pred(nci) do
346     begin
347       { Compute j'th output value (out of nci) for component }
348       val := output_value(cinfo, i, j, nci-1);
349       { Fill in all colormap entries that have this value of this component }
350       ptr := j * blksize;
351       while (ptr < total_colors) do
352       begin
353         { fill in blksize entries beginning at ptr }
354         for k := 0 to pred(blksize) do
355           colormap^[i]^[ptr+k] := JSAMPLE(val);
357         Inc(ptr, blkdist);
358       end;
359     end;
360     blkdist := blksize;         { blksize of this color is blkdist of next }
361   end;
363   { Save the colormap in private storage,
364     where it will survive color quantization mode changes. }
366   cquantize^.sv_colormap := colormap;
367   cquantize^.sv_actual := total_colors;
368 end;
370 { Create the color index table. }
372 {LOCAL}
373 procedure create_colorindex (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr);
374 var
375   cquantize : my_cquantize_ptr;
376   indexptr,
377   help_indexptr : JSAMPROW;  { for negative offsets }
378   i,j,k, nci, blksize, val, pad : int;
379 begin
380   cquantize := my_cquantize_ptr (cinfo^.cquantize);
381   { For ordered dither, we pad the color index tables by MAXJSAMPLE in
382     each direction (input index values can be -MAXJSAMPLE .. 2*MAXJSAMPLE).
383     This is not necessary in the other dithering modes.  However, we
384     flag whether it was done in case user changes dithering mode. }
386   if (cinfo^.dither_mode = JDITHER_ORDERED) then
387   begin
388     pad := MAXJSAMPLE*2;
389     cquantize^.is_padded := TRUE;
390   end
391   else
392   begin
393     pad := 0;
394     cquantize^.is_padded := FALSE;
395   end;
397   cquantize^.colorindex := cinfo^.mem^.alloc_sarray
398     (j_common_ptr(cinfo), JPOOL_IMAGE,
399      JDIMENSION(MAXJSAMPLE+1 + pad),
400      JDIMENSION(cinfo^.out_color_components));
402   { blksize is number of adjacent repeated entries for a component }
403   blksize := cquantize^.sv_actual;
405   for i := 0 to pred(cinfo^.out_color_components) do
406   begin
407     { fill in colorindex entries for i'th color component }
408     nci := cquantize^.Ncolors[i]; { # of distinct values for this color }
409     blksize := blksize div nci;
411     { adjust colorindex pointers to provide padding at negative indexes. }
412     if (pad <> 0) then
413       Inc(JSAMPLE_PTR(cquantize^.colorindex^[i]), MAXJSAMPLE);
415     { in loop, val = index of current output value, }
416     { and k = largest j that maps to current val }
417     indexptr := cquantize^.colorindex^[i];
418     val := 0;
419     k := largest_input_value(cinfo, i, 0, nci-1);
420     for j := 0 to MAXJSAMPLE do
421     begin
422       while (j > k) do          { advance val if past boundary }
423       begin
424         Inc(val);
425         k := largest_input_value(cinfo, i, val, nci-1);
426       end;
427       { premultiply so that no multiplication needed in main processing }
428       indexptr^[j] := JSAMPLE (val * blksize);
429     end;
430     { Pad at both ends if necessary }
431     if (pad <> 0) then
432     begin
433       help_indexptr := indexptr;
434       { adjust the help pointer to avoid negative offsets }
435       Dec(JSAMPLE_PTR(help_indexptr), MAXJSAMPLE);
437       for j := 1 to MAXJSAMPLE do
438       begin
439         {indexptr^[-j] := indexptr^[0];}
440         help_indexptr^[MAXJSAMPLE-j] := indexptr^[0];
441         indexptr^[MAXJSAMPLE+j] := indexptr^[MAXJSAMPLE];
442       end;
443     end;
444   end;
445 end;
448 { Create an ordered-dither array for a component having ncolors
449   distinct output values. }
451 {LOCAL}
make_odither_arraynull452 function make_odither_array (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr;
453                              ncolors : int) : ODITHER_MATRIX_PTR;
454 var
455   odither : ODITHER_MATRIX_PTR;
456   j, k : int;
457   num, den : INT32;
458 begin
459   odither := ODITHER_MATRIX_PTR (
460         cinfo^.mem^.alloc_small(j_common_ptr(cinfo), JPOOL_IMAGE,
461                                 SIZEOF(ODITHER_MATRIX)));
462   { The inter-value distance for this color is MAXJSAMPLE/(ncolors-1).
463     Hence the dither value for the matrix cell with fill order f
464     (f=0..N-1) should be (N-1-2*f)/(2*N) * MAXJSAMPLE/(ncolors-1).
465     On 16-bit-int machine, be careful to avoid overflow. }
467   den := 2 * ODITHER_CELLS * ( INT32(ncolors - 1));
468   for j := 0 to pred(ODITHER_SIZE) do
469   begin
470     for k := 0 to pred(ODITHER_SIZE) do
471     begin
472       num := ( INT32(ODITHER_CELLS-1 - 2*( int(base_dither_matrix[j][k]))))
473             * MAXJSAMPLE;
474       { Ensure round towards zero despite C's lack of consistency
475         about rounding negative values in integer division... }
477       if num<0 then
478         odither^[j][k] := int (-((-num) div den))
479       else
480         odither^[j][k] := int (num div den);
481     end;
482   end;
483   make_odither_array := odither;
484 end;
487 { Create the ordered-dither tables.
488   Components having the same number of representative colors may
489   share a dither table. }
491 {LOCAL}
492 procedure create_odither_tables (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr);
493 var
494   cquantize : my_cquantize_ptr;
495   odither : ODITHER_MATRIX_PTR;
496   i, j, nci : int;
497 begin
498   cquantize := my_cquantize_ptr (cinfo^.cquantize);
500   for i := 0 to pred(cinfo^.out_color_components) do
501   begin
502     nci := cquantize^.Ncolors[i]; { # of distinct values for this color }
503     odither := NIL;               { search for matching prior component }
504     for j := 0 to pred(i) do
505     begin
506       if (nci = cquantize^.Ncolors[j]) then
507       begin
508         odither := cquantize^.odither[j];
509         break;
510       end;
511     end;
512     if (odither = NIL)  then { need a new table? }
513       odither := make_odither_array(cinfo, nci);
514     cquantize^.odither[i] := odither;
515   end;
516 end;
519 { Map some rows of pixels to the output colormapped representation. }
522 procedure color_quantize (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr;
523                           input_buf : JSAMPARRAY;
524                           output_buf : JSAMPARRAY;
525                           num_rows : int); far;
526 { General case, no dithering }
527 var
528   cquantize : my_cquantize_ptr;
529   colorindex : JSAMPARRAY;
530   pixcode, ci : int; {register}
531   ptrin, ptrout : JSAMPLE_PTR; {register}
532   row : int;
533   col : JDIMENSION;
534   width : JDIMENSION;
535   nc : int; {register}
536 begin
537   cquantize := my_cquantize_ptr (cinfo^.cquantize);
538   colorindex := cquantize^.colorindex;
539   width := cinfo^.output_width;
540   nc := cinfo^.out_color_components;
542   for row := 0 to pred(num_rows) do
543   begin
544     ptrin := JSAMPLE_PTR(input_buf^[row]);
545     ptrout := JSAMPLE_PTR(output_buf^[row]);
546     for col := pred(width) downto 0 do
547     begin
548       pixcode := 0;
549       for ci := 0 to pred(nc) do
550       begin
551         Inc(pixcode, GETJSAMPLE(colorindex^[ci]^[GETJSAMPLE(ptrin^)]) );
552         Inc(ptrin);
553       end;
554       ptrout^ := JSAMPLE (pixcode);
555       Inc(ptrout);
556     end;
557   end;
558 end;
562 procedure color_quantize3 (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr;
563                            input_buf : JSAMPARRAY;
564                            output_buf : JSAMPARRAY;
565                            num_rows : int); far;
566 { Fast path for out_color_components=3, no dithering }
567 var
568   cquantize : my_cquantize_ptr;
569   pixcode : int; {register}
570   ptrin, ptrout : JSAMPLE_PTR; {register}
571   colorindex0 : JSAMPROW;
572   colorindex1 : JSAMPROW;
573   colorindex2 : JSAMPROW;
574   row : int;
575   col : JDIMENSION;
576   width : JDIMENSION;
577 begin
578   cquantize := my_cquantize_ptr (cinfo^.cquantize);
579   colorindex0 := (cquantize^.colorindex)^[0];
580   colorindex1 := (cquantize^.colorindex)^[1];
581   colorindex2 := (cquantize^.colorindex)^[2];
582   width := cinfo^.output_width;
584   for row := 0 to pred(num_rows) do
585   begin
586     ptrin := JSAMPLE_PTR(input_buf^[row]);
587     ptrout := JSAMPLE_PTR(output_buf^[row]);
588     for col := pred(width) downto 0 do
589     begin
590       pixcode  := GETJSAMPLE((colorindex0)^[GETJSAMPLE(ptrin^)]);
591       Inc(ptrin);
592       Inc( pixcode, GETJSAMPLE((colorindex1)^[GETJSAMPLE(ptrin^)]) );
593       Inc(ptrin);
594       Inc( pixcode, GETJSAMPLE((colorindex2)^[GETJSAMPLE(ptrin^)]) );
595       Inc(ptrin);
596       ptrout^ := JSAMPLE (pixcode);
597       Inc(ptrout);
598     end;
599   end;
600 end;
604 procedure quantize_ord_dither (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr;
605                                input_buf :  JSAMPARRAY;
606                                output_buf : JSAMPARRAY;
607                                num_rows : int); far;
608 { General case, with ordered dithering }
609 var
610   cquantize : my_cquantize_ptr;
611   input_ptr,                {register}
612   output_ptr : JSAMPLE_PTR; {register}
613   colorindex_ci : JSAMPROW;
614   dither : ^ODITHER_vector;     { points to active row of dither matrix }
615   row_index, col_index : int;   { current indexes into dither matrix }
616   nc : int;
617   ci : int;
618   row : int;
619   col : JDIMENSION;
620   width : JDIMENSION;
621 var
622   pad_offset : int;
623 begin
624   cquantize := my_cquantize_ptr (cinfo^.cquantize);
625   nc := cinfo^.out_color_components;
626   width := cinfo^.output_width;
628   { Nomssi: work around negative offset }
629   if my_cquantize_ptr (cinfo^.cquantize)^.is_padded then
630     pad_offset := MAXJSAMPLE
631   else
632     pad_offset := 0;
634   for row := 0 to pred(num_rows) do
635   begin
636     { Initialize output values to 0 so can process components separately }
637     jzero_far( {far} pointer(output_buf^[row]),
638               size_t(width * SIZEOF(JSAMPLE)));
639     row_index := cquantize^.row_index;
640     for ci := 0 to pred(nc) do
641     begin
642       input_ptr := JSAMPLE_PTR(@ input_buf^[row]^[ci]);
643       output_ptr := JSAMPLE_PTR(output_buf^[row]);
644       colorindex_ci := cquantize^.colorindex^[ci];
645       { Nomssi }
646       Dec(JSAMPLE_PTR(colorindex_ci), pad_offset);
648       dither := @(cquantize^.odither[ci]^[row_index]);
649       col_index := 0;
651       for col := pred(width) downto 0 do
652       begin
653         { Form pixel value + dither, range-limit to 0..MAXJSAMPLE,
654           select output value, accumulate into output code for this pixel.
655           Range-limiting need not be done explicitly, as we have extended
656           the colorindex table to produce the right answers for out-of-range
657           inputs.  The maximum dither is +- MAXJSAMPLE; this sets the
658           required amount of padding. }
660         Inc(output_ptr^,
661             colorindex_ci^[GETJSAMPLE(input_ptr^)+ pad_offset +
662                                          dither^[col_index]]);
663         Inc(output_ptr);
664         Inc(input_ptr, nc);
665         col_index := (col_index + 1) and ODITHER_MASK;
666       end;
667     end;
668     { Advance row index for next row }
669     row_index := (row_index + 1) and ODITHER_MASK;
670     cquantize^.row_index := row_index;
671   end;
672 end;
675 procedure quantize3_ord_dither (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr;
676                                 input_buf : JSAMPARRAY;
677                                 output_buf : JSAMPARRAY;
678                                 num_rows : int); far;
679 { Fast path for out_color_components=3, with ordered dithering }
680 var
681   cquantize : my_cquantize_ptr;
682   pixcode : int; {register}
683   input_ptr : JSAMPLE_PTR; {register}
684   output_ptr : JSAMPLE_PTR; {register}
685   colorindex0 : JSAMPROW;
686   colorindex1 : JSAMPROW;
687   colorindex2 : JSAMPROW;
688   dither0 : ^ODITHER_vector;    { points to active row of dither matrix }
689   dither1 : ^ODITHER_vector;
690   dither2 : ^ODITHER_vector;
691   row_index, col_index : int;   { current indexes into dither matrix }
692   row : int;
693   col : JDIMENSION;
694   width : JDIMENSION;
695 var
696   pad_offset : int;
697 begin
698   cquantize := my_cquantize_ptr (cinfo^.cquantize);
699   colorindex0 := (cquantize^.colorindex)^[0];
700   colorindex1 := (cquantize^.colorindex)^[1];
701   colorindex2 := (cquantize^.colorindex)^[2];
702   width := cinfo^.output_width;
704   { Nomssi: work around negative offset }
705   if my_cquantize_ptr (cinfo^.cquantize)^.is_padded then
706     pad_offset := MAXJSAMPLE
707   else
708     pad_offset := 0;
710   Dec(JSAMPLE_PTR(colorindex0), pad_offset);
711   Dec(JSAMPLE_PTR(colorindex1), pad_offset);
712   Dec(JSAMPLE_PTR(colorindex2), pad_offset);
714   for row := 0 to pred(num_rows) do
715   begin
716     row_index := cquantize^.row_index;
717     input_ptr := JSAMPLE_PTR(input_buf^[row]);
718     output_ptr := JSAMPLE_PTR(output_buf^[row]);
719     dither0 := @(cquantize^.odither[0]^[row_index]);
720     dither1 := @(cquantize^.odither[1]^[row_index]);
721     dither2 := @(cquantize^.odither[2]^[row_index]);
722     col_index := 0;
725     for col := pred(width) downto 0 do
726     begin
727       pixcode := GETJSAMPLE(colorindex0^[GETJSAMPLE(input_ptr^) + pad_offset
728                                          + dither0^[col_index]]);
729       Inc(input_ptr);
730       Inc(pixcode, GETJSAMPLE(colorindex1^[GETJSAMPLE(input_ptr^) + pad_offset
731                                            + dither1^[col_index]]));
732       Inc(input_ptr);
733       Inc(pixcode, GETJSAMPLE(colorindex2^[GETJSAMPLE(input_ptr^) + pad_offset
734                                            + dither2^[col_index]]));
735       Inc(input_ptr);
736       output_ptr^ := JSAMPLE (pixcode);
737       Inc(output_ptr);
738       col_index := (col_index + 1) and ODITHER_MASK;
739     end;
740     row_index := (row_index + 1) and ODITHER_MASK;
741     cquantize^.row_index := row_index;
742   end;
743 end;
747 procedure quantize_fs_dither (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr;
748                               input_buf : JSAMPARRAY;
749                               output_buf : JSAMPARRAY;
750                               num_rows : int); far;
751 { General case, with Floyd-Steinberg dithering }
752 var
753   cquantize : my_cquantize_ptr;
754   cur : LOCFSERROR; {register}  { current error or pixel value }
755   belowerr : LOCFSERROR;        { error for pixel below cur }
756   bpreverr : LOCFSERROR;        { error for below/prev col }
757   bnexterr : LOCFSERROR;        { error for below/next col }
758   delta : LOCFSERROR;
759   prev_errorptr,
760   errorptr : FSERRORPTR; {register} { => fserrors[] at column before current }
761   input_ptr,                {register}
762   output_ptr : JSAMPLE_PTR; {register}
763   colorindex_ci : JSAMPROW;
764   colormap_ci : JSAMPROW;
765   pixcode : int;
766   nc : int;
767   dir : int;                    { 1 for left-to-right, -1 for right-to-left }
768   dirnc : int;                  { dir * nc }
769   ci : int;
770   row : int;
771   col : JDIMENSION;
772   width : JDIMENSION;
773   range_limit : range_limit_table_ptr;
774 begin
775   cquantize := my_cquantize_ptr (cinfo^.cquantize);
776   nc := cinfo^.out_color_components;
777   width := cinfo^.output_width;
778   range_limit := cinfo^.sample_range_limit;
780   for row := 0 to pred(num_rows) do
781   begin
782     { Initialize output values to 0 so can process components separately }
783     jzero_far( (output_buf)^[row],
784                size_t(width * SIZEOF(JSAMPLE)));
785     for ci := 0 to pred(nc) do
786     begin
787       input_ptr := JSAMPLE_PTR(@ input_buf^[row]^[ci]);
788       output_ptr := JSAMPLE_PTR(output_buf^[row]);
789       errorptr := FSERRORPTR(cquantize^.fserrors[ci]); { => entry before first column }
790       if (cquantize^.on_odd_row) then
791       begin
792         { work right to left in this row }
793         Inc(input_ptr, (width-1) * nc); { so point to rightmost pixel }
794         Inc(output_ptr, width-1);
795         dir := -1;
796         dirnc := -nc;
797         Inc(errorptr, (width+1)); { => entry after last column }
798       end
799       else
800       begin
801         { work left to right in this row }
802         dir := 1;
803         dirnc := nc;
804         {errorptr := cquantize^.fserrors[ci];}
805       end;
807       colorindex_ci := cquantize^.colorindex^[ci];
809       colormap_ci := (cquantize^.sv_colormap)^[ci];
810       { Preset error values: no error propagated to first pixel from left }
811       cur := 0;
812       { and no error propagated to row below yet }
813       belowerr := 0;
814       bpreverr := 0;
816       for col := pred(width) downto 0 do
817       begin
818         prev_errorptr := errorptr;
819         Inc(errorptr, dir);  { advance errorptr to current column }
821         { cur holds the error propagated from the previous pixel on the
822           current line.  Add the error propagated from the previous line
823           to form the complete error correction term for this pixel, and
824           round the error term (which is expressed * 16) to an integer.
825           RIGHT_SHIFT rounds towards minus infinity, so adding 8 is correct
826           for either sign of the error value.
827           Note: errorptr points to *previous* column's array entry. }
829         cur := (cur + errorptr^ + 8) div 16;
831         { Form pixel value + error, and range-limit to 0..MAXJSAMPLE.
832           The maximum error is +- MAXJSAMPLE; this sets the required size
833           of the range_limit array. }
835         Inc( cur, GETJSAMPLE(input_ptr^));
836         cur := GETJSAMPLE(range_limit^[cur]);
837         { Select output value, accumulate into output code for this pixel }
838         pixcode := GETJSAMPLE(colorindex_ci^[cur]);
839         Inc(output_ptr^, JSAMPLE (pixcode));
840         { Compute actual representation error at this pixel }
841         { Note: we can do this even though we don't have the final }
842         { pixel code, because the colormap is orthogonal. }
843         Dec(cur, GETJSAMPLE(colormap_ci^[pixcode]));
844         { Compute error fractions to be propagated to adjacent pixels.
845           Add these into the running sums, and simultaneously shift the
846           next-line error sums left by 1 column. }
848         bnexterr := cur;
849         delta := cur * 2;
850         Inc(cur, delta);        { form error * 3 }
851         prev_errorptr^ := FSERROR (bpreverr + cur);
852         Inc(cur, delta);        { form error * 5 }
853         bpreverr := belowerr + cur;
854         belowerr := bnexterr;
855         Inc(cur, delta);        { form error * 7 }
856         { At this point cur contains the 7/16 error value to be propagated
857           to the next pixel on the current line, and all the errors for the
858           next line have been shifted over. We are therefore ready to move on. }
860         Inc(input_ptr, dirnc);  { advance input ptr to next column }
861         Inc(output_ptr, dir);   { advance output ptr to next column }
863       end;
864       { Post-loop cleanup: we must unload the final error value into the
865         final fserrors[] entry.  Note we need not unload belowerr because
866         it is for the dummy column before or after the actual array. }
868       errorptr^ := FSERROR (bpreverr); { unload prev err into array }
869       { Nomssi : ?? }
870     end;
871     cquantize^.on_odd_row := not cquantize^.on_odd_row;
872   end;
873 end;
876 { Allocate workspace for Floyd-Steinberg errors. }
878 {LOCAL}
879 procedure alloc_fs_workspace (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr);
880 var
881   cquantize : my_cquantize_ptr;
882   arraysize : size_t;
883   i : int;
884 begin
885   cquantize := my_cquantize_ptr (cinfo^.cquantize);
886   arraysize := size_t ((cinfo^.output_width + 2) * SIZEOF(FSERROR));
887   for i := 0 to pred(cinfo^.out_color_components) do
888   begin
889     cquantize^.fserrors[i] := FS_ERROR_FIELD_PTR(
890       cinfo^.mem^.alloc_large(j_common_ptr(cinfo), JPOOL_IMAGE, arraysize));
891   end;
892 end;
895 { Initialize for one-pass color quantization. }
898 procedure start_pass_1_quant (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr;
899                               is_pre_scan : boolean); far;
900 var
901   cquantize : my_cquantize_ptr;
902   arraysize : size_t;
903   i : int;
904 begin
905   cquantize := my_cquantize_ptr (cinfo^.cquantize);
906   { Install my colormap. }
907   cinfo^.colormap := cquantize^.sv_colormap;
908   cinfo^.actual_number_of_colors := cquantize^.sv_actual;
910   { Initialize for desired dithering mode. }
911   case (cinfo^.dither_mode) of
913     if (cinfo^.out_color_components = 3) then
914       cquantize^.pub.color_quantize := color_quantize3
915     else
916       cquantize^.pub.color_quantize := color_quantize;
918     begin
919       if (cinfo^.out_color_components = 3) then
920         cquantize^.pub.color_quantize := quantize3_ord_dither
921       else
922         cquantize^.pub.color_quantize := quantize_ord_dither;
923       cquantize^.row_index := 0;    { initialize state for ordered dither }
924       { If user changed to ordered dither from another mode,
925         we must recreate the color index table with padding.
926         This will cost extra space, but probably isn't very likely. }
928       if (not cquantize^.is_padded) then
929         create_colorindex(cinfo);
930       { Create ordered-dither tables if we didn't already. }
931       if (cquantize^.odither[0] = NIL) then
932         create_odither_tables(cinfo);
933     end;
935     begin
936       cquantize^.pub.color_quantize := quantize_fs_dither;
937       cquantize^.on_odd_row := FALSE; { initialize state for F-S dither }
938       { Allocate Floyd-Steinberg workspace if didn't already. }
939       if (cquantize^.fserrors[0] = NIL) then
940         alloc_fs_workspace(cinfo);
941       { Initialize the propagated errors to zero. }
942       arraysize := size_t ((cinfo^.output_width + 2) * SIZEOF(FSERROR));
943       for i := 0 to pred(cinfo^.out_color_components) do
944         jzero_far({far} pointer( cquantize^.fserrors[i] ), arraysize);
945     end;
946   else
947     ERREXIT(j_common_ptr(cinfo), JERR_NOT_COMPILED);
948   end;
949 end;
952 { Finish up at the end of the pass. }
955 procedure finish_pass_1_quant (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr); far;
956 begin
957   { no work in 1-pass case }
958 end;
961 { Switch to a new external colormap between output passes.
962   Shouldn't get to this module! }
965 procedure new_color_map_1_quant (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr); far;
966 begin
967   ERREXIT(j_common_ptr(cinfo), JERR_MODE_CHANGE);
968 end;
971 { Module initialization routine for 1-pass color quantization. }
973 {GLOBAL}
974 procedure jinit_1pass_quantizer (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr);
975 var
976   cquantize : my_cquantize_ptr;
977 begin
978   cquantize := my_cquantize_ptr(
979      cinfo^.mem^.alloc_small (j_common_ptr(cinfo), JPOOL_IMAGE,
980                                 SIZEOF(my_cquantizer)));
981   cinfo^.cquantize := jpeg_color_quantizer_ptr(cquantize);
982   cquantize^.pub.start_pass := start_pass_1_quant;
983   cquantize^.pub.finish_pass := finish_pass_1_quant;
984   cquantize^.pub.new_color_map := new_color_map_1_quant;
985   cquantize^.fserrors[0] := NIL; { Flag FS workspace not allocated }
986   cquantize^.odither[0] := NIL; { Also flag odither arrays not allocated }
988   { Make sure my internal arrays won't overflow }
989   if (cinfo^.out_color_components > MAX_Q_COMPS) then
990     ERREXIT1(j_common_ptr(cinfo), JERR_QUANT_COMPONENTS, MAX_Q_COMPS);
991   { Make sure colormap indexes can be represented by JSAMPLEs }
992   if (cinfo^.desired_number_of_colors > (MAXJSAMPLE+1)) then
993     ERREXIT1(j_common_ptr(cinfo), JERR_QUANT_MANY_COLORS, MAXJSAMPLE+1);
995   { Create the colormap and color index table. }
996   create_colormap(cinfo);
997   create_colorindex(cinfo);
999   { Allocate Floyd-Steinberg workspace now if requested.
1000     We do this now since it is FAR storage and may affect the memory
1001     manager's space calculations.  If the user changes to FS dither
1002     mode in a later pass, we will allocate the space then, and will
1003     possibly overrun the max_memory_to_use setting. }
1005   if (cinfo^.dither_mode = JDITHER_FS) then
1006     alloc_fs_workspace(cinfo);
1007 end;
1010 end.