1 /* hf_dialog_options.c - "Pot-pourri" of functions and structures
2  *	for managing the HF dialogs - created from hf_wrapper.c on 2006-01-01
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2006, 2010 Patrice St-Gelais
5  *         patrstg@users.sourceforge.net
6  *         http://geomorph.sourceforge.net
7  *
8  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11  * (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * GNU General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
21  */
23 #include "hf.h"
24 #include "hf_dialog_options.h"
25 #include "hf_wrapper.h"
26 #include "hf_filters_dialog.h"
27 #include "hf_creation_dialog.h"
28 #include "hf_tools_dialog.h"
29 #include "gl_preview.h"
30 #include "render.h"
31 #include "draw_tools_dialog.h"
32 #include "img_process_dialog.h"
34 extern gchar *DEFAULT_TERRAIN;
set_creation_container(hf_options_struct * hfo,GtkWidget * creation_container)36 void set_creation_container (hf_options_struct *hfo, GtkWidget *creation_container) {
37 	gboolean already_set=FALSE;
38 	if (hfo->creation_container)
39 		already_set = TRUE;
40 	if (!(creation_container && hfo))
41 		return;
42 // printf("HFO->CREATION_CONTAINER in SET_CREATION_CONTAINER: %d->%d\n",hfo,creation_container);
43 	if (GTK_WIDGET(creation_container))
44 		if (GTK_IS_CONTAINER(creation_container))
45 			hfo->creation_container = creation_container;
46 		else
47 			printf("SET_CREATION_CONTAINER: %d is not a container\n", creation_container);
48 	else
49 		printf("SET_CREATION_CONTAINER: %d is not a widget\n", creation_container);
50 	if (!already_set)
51 		gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(creation_container), hfo->fd_struct->filter_dialog, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
52 //		gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(creation_container), hfo->fd_struct->filter_dialog);
53 }
hf_dialog_defaults(hf_options_struct * hfo)55 void hf_dialog_defaults (hf_options_struct *hfo) {
56 /*
58 	printf("HFO in DIALOG DEFAULTS: %d\n",hfo);
59 	printf("CREATION_WIDGETS in DIALOG DEFAULTS: %d\n",hfo->creation_widgets);
60 	printf("HF_TYPES_TOOLBAR in DIALOG DEFAULTS: %d\n",hfo->creation_widgets->hf_types_toolbar);
61 */
62 	set_toolbar_button_from_label(hfo->creation_widgets->hf_types_toolbar, DEFAULT_TERRAIN, FALSE);
63 	set_toolbar_button_from_label(hfo->creation_widgets->hf_types_toolbar, DEFAULT_TERRAIN, TRUE);
64 }
hf_options_dialog_new(GtkWidget * window,GtkWidget * creation_container,GtkTooltips * tooltips,gpointer widget_list,gpointer data,stack_struct * stack,gchar * doc_type,gpointer all_docs,GList * (* get_doc_list_from_type)(gpointer all_docs,gchar * doc_type))66 gpointer hf_options_dialog_new(GtkWidget *window,
67 		GtkWidget *creation_container,
68 		GtkTooltips *tooltips,
69 		gpointer widget_list,
70 		gpointer data,
71 		stack_struct *stack,
72 		gchar *doc_type, gpointer all_docs,
73 		GList *(*get_doc_list_from_type) (gpointer all_docs, gchar *doc_type)) {
74 	// Options structure related to the tools dialog,
75 	// initialized once for all the documents
76 	// doc_type, all_docs, get_doc_list_from_type:  required for building a list of other available open documents
77 	gint i;
78 	hf_options_struct *hf_options;
79 	hf_options = (hf_options_struct *) x_malloc(sizeof(hf_options_struct), "hf_options_struct");
80 	hf_options->creation_container = creation_container;
81 	hf_options->tools_window = window;
82 	hf_options->tools_dialog = NULL;
83 	hf_options->hfw_ptr_ptr = data;
84 	hf_options->creation_widgets = (hf_creation_wdg_struct *) widget_list;
85 	hf_options->all_docs = all_docs;
86 	hf_options->doc_type = doc_type;
87 	hf_options->get_doc_list_from_type = get_doc_list_from_type;
88 	hf_options->current_tools = NULL;
89 	hf_options->context = TRANSFORM_CONTEXT;
90 	hf_options->last_creation_action = NULL;
91 	hf_options->tooltips = tooltips;
92 	hf_options->current_callb = NULL;
93 	hf_options->current_calculation = NULL;
94 	hf_options->current_options = NULL;
95 	hf_options->current_dialog = NULL ;
96 	hf_options->subdiv1_dialog = NULL;
97 	hf_options->subdiv2_dialog = NULL;
98 	hf_options->subdiv2_direct_upd = TRUE;
99 	hf_options->waves_dialog = NULL;
100 	hf_options->surfadd_dialog = NULL;
101 	hf_options->uniform_value = (hf_type *) x_malloc(sizeof(hf_type), "hf_type (hf_options->uniform_value)");
102 	(*hf_options->uniform_value) = 32767;
103 	hf_options->uniform_dialog = NULL;
104 	hf_options->subdiv1_options = NULL;
105 	hf_options->subdiv2_options = NULL;
106 	hf_options->surfadd_options = NULL;
107 	hf_options->waves_options = NULL;
108 	hf_options->wide_filter = NULL;
109 	hf_options->medium_filter1 = NULL;
110 	hf_options->medium_filter2 = NULL;
111 	hf_options->sharp_filter = NULL;
112 	hf_options->image_filter = NULL;
113 	hf_options->gauss_filter = NULL;
114 	hf_options->dist_matrix = dist_matrix_new(0);
115 	hf_options->creation_fd_struct = filter_dialog_new(window,tooltips,data);
116 	hf_options->fd_struct = hf_options->creation_fd_struct;
117 	hf_options->doc_list = NULL;
118 //	The default is to add the main filters dialog to the creation container
119 	if (creation_container)
120 		gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(creation_container), hf_options->fd_struct->filter_dialog, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
121 	hf_options->flag_uniform_done = FALSE;
122 	set_filter_defaults(hf_options->fd_struct);
124 	hf_options->draw = NULL;
126 // 	Cursors
127 	hf_options->default_cursor = gdk_cursor_new(GDK_LEFT_PTR);
128 	hf_options->current_cursor = hf_options->default_cursor;
129 	hf_options->pencil_cursor = gdk_cursor_new(GDK_PENCIL);
130 	hf_options->watch_cursor = gdk_cursor_new(GDK_WATCH);
131 	hf_options->fleur_cursor = gdk_cursor_new(GDK_FLEUR);
132 	hf_options->hf_size = 0;	// Initialized by hf_wrapper_new and size_callb
133 	hf_options->img = NULL;
134 	hf_options->need_tmp_buf = FALSE;	// Flag:  if we need temp buffer for brightness / contrast
135 						// useful after an undo...
137 //	OpenGL preview
138 	hf_options->gl_defaults = gl_defaults_init ( );
140 	for (i=0; i<GAUSS_LIST_LENGTH; i++)
141 		hf_options->gauss_list[i] = NULL;
143 	// Context management functions and data
144 	// The pointer field is inherited from app.h
145 	hf_options->stack = stack;
147 	hf_options->primit_surf = NULL;
148 	hf_options->fourier = fourier_dialog_new();
149 	hf_options->render_str = render_struct_new();
151 	set_stack_specific_fn (hf_options->stack, (gpointer) hf_specific_commit_or_reset);
153 	return (gpointer) hf_options;
154 }
hf_options_dialog_free(gpointer hf_opt_ptr)156 void hf_options_dialog_free (gpointer hf_opt_ptr) {
157 	gint i;
158 	hf_options_struct *hf_opt = (hf_options_struct *) hf_opt_ptr;
159 	if (!hf_opt) return;
160 // printf("HF_OPTIONS_DIALOG_FREE-1\n");
161 	if (hf_opt->creation_widgets)
162 		x_free(hf_opt->creation_widgets);
163 	if (hf_opt->uniform_value)
164 		x_free(hf_opt->uniform_value);
165 	if (hf_opt->subdiv1_options)
166 		x_free(hf_opt->subdiv1_options);
167 	if (hf_opt->subdiv2_options)
168 		x_free(hf_opt->subdiv2_options);
169 	if (hf_opt->surfadd_options)
170 		x_free(hf_opt->surfadd_options);
171 	if (hf_opt->waves_options)
172 		x_free(hf_opt->waves_options);
173 	if (hf_opt->wide_filter)
174 		filter_free(hf_opt->wide_filter);
175 	if (hf_opt->medium_filter1)
176 		filter_free(hf_opt->medium_filter1);
177 	if (hf_opt->medium_filter2)
178 		filter_free(hf_opt->medium_filter2);
179 	if (hf_opt->sharp_filter)
180 		filter_free(hf_opt->sharp_filter);
181 	if (hf_opt->gauss_filter)
182 		filter_free(hf_opt->gauss_filter);
183 	for (i=0; i<GAUSS_LIST_LENGTH; i++)
184 		if (hf_opt->gauss_list[i])
185 			x_free(hf_opt->gauss_list[i]);
186 	if (hf_opt->img)
187 		img_dialog_free(hf_opt->img);
188 	if (hf_opt->draw)
189 		draw_tools_free(hf_opt->draw);
190 	if (hf_opt->fourier)
191 		fourier_dialog_free(hf_opt->fourier);
192 	if (hf_opt->render_str)
193 		x_free(hf_opt->render_str);
194 	x_free(hf_opt);
195 // printf("HF_OPTIONS_DIALOG_FREE-4\n");
196 }
hf_specific_commit_or_reset(stack_struct * stack)198 void hf_specific_commit_or_reset (stack_struct *stack) {
199 	hf_wrapper_struct *hfw;
200 //	printf("HF_SPECIFIC_COMMIT_OR_RESET 1 on %p\n", stack->commit_data);
201 	if (stack->commit_data) {
202 		hfw = (hf_wrapper_struct *) stack->commit_data;
203 //		printf("HF_SPECIFIC_COMMIT_OR_RESET 2 on %p: hf_buf= %p\n",hfw,hfw->hf_struct->hf_buf);
204 		if (hfw->hf_options->img && hfw->hf_options->img->set_fn)
205 			(*hfw->hf_options->img->set_fn) (hfw->hf_options->img);
206 		set_render_buffer (hfw->hf_options->render_str, hfw->hf_struct->hf_buf, hfw->hf_struct->max_x,hfw->hf_struct->max_y);
207 		hf_backup (hfw->hf_struct);
208 	}
209 }
211 // Transitional function (for backward compatibility) - 2010.12.05
hf_commit_or_reset(hf_options_struct * hfo)212 void hf_commit_or_reset (hf_options_struct *hfo) {
213 	if (hfo && hfo->stack)
214 		commit_or_reset (hfo->stack);
215 }