1 /**********************************************************************
2  *
3  * GEOS - Geometry Engine Open Source
4  * http://geos.osgeo.org
5  *
6  * Copyright (C) 2020 Paul Ramsey <pramsey@cleverelephant.ca>
7  *
8  * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
9  * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published
10  * by the Free Software Foundation.
11  * See the COPYING file for more information.
12  *
13  **********************************************************************/
15 #include <geos/operation/overlayng/PolygonBuilder.h>
17 #include <geos/operation/overlayng/OverlayLabel.h>
18 #include <geos/geom/GeometryFactory.h>
19 #include <geos/util/Assert.h>
20 #include <geos/util/TopologyException.h>
24 namespace geos {      // geos
25 namespace operation { // geos.operation
26 namespace overlayng { // geos.operation.overlayng
29 /*public*/
30 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Polygon>>
getPolygons()31 PolygonBuilder::getPolygons()
32 {
33     return computePolygons(shellList);
34 }
36 /*public*/
37 std::vector<OverlayEdgeRing*>
getShellRings()38 PolygonBuilder::getShellRings()
39 {
40     return shellList;
41 }
43 /*private*/
44 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Polygon>>
computePolygons(std::vector<OverlayEdgeRing * > shells)45 PolygonBuilder::computePolygons(std::vector<OverlayEdgeRing*> shells)
46 {
47     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Polygon>> resultPolyList;
48     // add Polygons for all shells
49     for (OverlayEdgeRing* er : shells) {
50         std::unique_ptr<Polygon> poly = er->toPolygon(geometryFactory);
51         resultPolyList.push_back(std::move(poly));
52     }
53     return resultPolyList;
54 }
56 /*private*/
57 void
buildRings(std::vector<OverlayEdge * > & resultAreaEdges)58 PolygonBuilder::buildRings(std::vector<OverlayEdge*>& resultAreaEdges)
59 {
60     linkResultAreaEdgesMax(resultAreaEdges);
61     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MaximalEdgeRing>> maxRings = buildMaximalRings(resultAreaEdges);
62     buildMinimalRings(maxRings);
63     placeFreeHoles(shellList, freeHoleList);
64 }
66 /*private*/
67 void
linkResultAreaEdgesMax(std::vector<OverlayEdge * > & resultEdges)68 PolygonBuilder::linkResultAreaEdgesMax(std::vector<OverlayEdge*>& resultEdges)
69 {
70     for (OverlayEdge* edge : resultEdges) {
71         // TODO: find some way to skip nodes which are already linked
72         MaximalEdgeRing::linkResultAreaMaxRingAtNode(edge);
73     }
74 }
76 /*private*/
77 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MaximalEdgeRing>>
buildMaximalRings(std::vector<OverlayEdge * > & edges)78 PolygonBuilder::buildMaximalRings(std::vector<OverlayEdge*>& edges)
79 {
80     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MaximalEdgeRing>> edgeRings;
81     for (OverlayEdge* e : edges) {
82         if (e->isInResultArea() && e->getLabel()->isBoundaryEither()) {
83             // if this edge has not yet been processed
84             if (e->getEdgeRingMax() == nullptr) {
85                 // Add a MaximalEdgeRing to the vector
86                 edgeRings.emplace_back(new MaximalEdgeRing(e));
87             }
88         }
89     }
90     return edgeRings;
91 }
93 /*private*/
94 std::vector<OverlayEdgeRing*>
storeMinimalRings(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OverlayEdgeRing>> & minRings)95 PolygonBuilder::storeMinimalRings(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OverlayEdgeRing>>& minRings)
96 {
97     std::vector<OverlayEdgeRing*> minRingPtrs;
98     for (auto& mr: minRings) {
99         minRingPtrs.push_back(mr.get());
100         vecOER.push_back(std::move(mr));
101     }
102     return minRingPtrs;
103 }
105 /*private*/
106 void
buildMinimalRings(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MaximalEdgeRing>> & maxRings)107 PolygonBuilder::buildMinimalRings(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MaximalEdgeRing>>& maxRings)
108 {
109     for (auto& erMax : maxRings) {
110         auto minRings = erMax->buildMinimalRings(geometryFactory);
111         std::vector<OverlayEdgeRing*> minRingPtrs = storeMinimalRings(minRings);
112         assignShellsAndHoles(minRingPtrs);
113     }
114 }
116 /*private*/
117 void
assignShellsAndHoles(std::vector<OverlayEdgeRing * > & minRings)118 PolygonBuilder::assignShellsAndHoles(std::vector<OverlayEdgeRing*>& minRings)
119 {
120     /**
121     * Two situations may occur:
122     * - the rings are a shell and some holes
123     * - rings are a set of holes
124     * This code identifies the situation
125     * and places the rings appropriately
126     */
127     OverlayEdgeRing* shell = findSingleShell(minRings);
128     if (shell != nullptr) {
129         assignHoles(shell, minRings);
130         shellList.push_back(shell);
131     }
132     else {
133         // all rings are holes; their shells will be found later
134         freeHoleList.insert(freeHoleList.end(), minRings.begin(), minRings.end());
135     }
136 }
138 /*private*/
139 OverlayEdgeRing*
findSingleShell(std::vector<OverlayEdgeRing * > & edgeRings) const140 PolygonBuilder::findSingleShell(std::vector<OverlayEdgeRing*>& edgeRings) const
141 {
142     std::size_t shellCount = 0;
143     OverlayEdgeRing* shell = nullptr;
144     for (auto er : edgeRings) {
145         if (! er->isHole()) {
146             shell = er;
147             shellCount++;
148         }
149     }
150     util::Assert::isTrue(shellCount <= 1, "found two shells in EdgeRing list");
151     return shell;
152 }
154 /*private*/
155 void
assignHoles(OverlayEdgeRing * shell,std::vector<OverlayEdgeRing * > & edgeRings)156 PolygonBuilder::assignHoles(OverlayEdgeRing* shell, std::vector<OverlayEdgeRing*>& edgeRings)
157 {
158     for (auto er : edgeRings) {
159         if (er->isHole()) {
160             er->setShell(shell);
161         }
162     }
163 }
165 /*private*/
166 void
placeFreeHoles(std::vector<OverlayEdgeRing * > shells,std::vector<OverlayEdgeRing * > freeHoles)167 PolygonBuilder::placeFreeHoles(std::vector<OverlayEdgeRing*> shells, std::vector<OverlayEdgeRing*> freeHoles)
168 {
169     // TODO: use a spatial index to improve performance
170     for (OverlayEdgeRing* hole : freeHoles) {
171         // only place this hole if it doesn't yet have a shell
172         if (hole->getShell() == nullptr) {
173             OverlayEdgeRing* shell = hole->findEdgeRingContaining(shells);
174             // only when building a polygon-valid result
175             if (isEnforcePolygonal && shell == nullptr) {
176                 throw util::TopologyException("unable to assign free hole to a shell", hole->getCoordinate());
177             }
178             hole->setShell(shell);
179         }
180     }
181 }
186 } // namespace geos.operation.overlayng
187 } // namespace geos.operation
188 } // namespace geos