1 /*
2 #
3 #  File        : ipl_alt.h
4 #                ( C++ header file - CImg plug-in )
5 #
6 #  Description : CImg plug-in providing the CImg->IPL and IPL->CImg
7 #                conversions for generic image types
8 #                ( IPL = Intel Performance Library )
9 #                This file is a part of the CImg Library project.
10 #                ( http://cimg.eu )
11 #
12 #  Copyright   : newleft (haibo.zheng@gmail.com)
13 #                         newleftist@hotmail.com
14 #
15 #  License     : CeCILL v2.0
16 #                ( http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.html )
17 #
18 #  This software is governed by the CeCILL  license under French law and
19 #  abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
20 #  modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
21 #  license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
22 #  "http://www.cecill.info".
23 #
24 #  As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
25 #  modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
26 #  with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
27 #  economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
28 #  liability.
29 #
30 #  In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
31 #  with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
32 #  software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
33 #  that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
34 #  therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
35 #  professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
36 #  encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
37 #  requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
38 #  data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
39 #  same conditions as regards security.
40 #
41 #  The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
42 #  knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
43 #
44 */
46 #ifndef cimg_plugin_IPL
47 #define cimg_plugin_IPL
49 // Conversion IPL -> CImg (constructor)
CImg(const IplImage * src)50 CImg(const IplImage* src):_width(0),_height(0),_depth(0),_spectrum(0),_is_shared(false),_data(0) {
51   assign(src);
52 }
54 // Conversion IPL -> CImg (in-place constructor)
assign(const IplImage * src)55 CImg<T>& assign(const IplImage* src) {
56   if (!src) return assign();
57   switch (src->depth) {
58   case IPL_DEPTH_1U: { // 1-bit int.
59     IplImage *src1 = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
60     cvConvert(src,src1);
61     CImg<ucharT>((unsigned char*)src1->imageData,src1->nChannels,src1->width,src1->height,1,true).
62       get_permute_axes("yzcx").move_to(*this);
63     cvReleaseImage(&src1);
64   } break;
65   case IPL_DEPTH_8U: // 8-bit unsigned int.
66     CImg<ucharT>((unsigned char*)src->imageData,src->nChannels,src->width,src->height,1,true).
67       get_permute_axes("yzcx").move_to(*this);
68     break;
69   case IPL_DEPTH_8S: // 8-bit signed int.
70     CImg<charT>((char*)src->imageData,src->nChannels,src->width,src->height,1,true).
71       get_permute_axes("yzcx").move_to(*this);
72     break;
73   case IPL_DEPTH_16U: // 16-bit unsigned int.
74     CImg<ushortT>((unsigned short*)src->imageData,src->nChannels,src->width,src->height,1,true).
75       get_permute_axes("yzcx").move_to(*this);
76     break;
77   case IPL_DEPTH_16S: // 16-bit signed int.
78     CImg<shortT>((short*)src->imageData,src->nChannels,src->width,src->height,1,true).
79       get_permute_axes("yzcx").move_to(*this);
80     break;
81   case IPL_DEPTH_32S: // 32-bit signed int.
82     CImg<intT>((int*)src->imageData,src->nChannels,src->width,src->height,1,true).
83       get_permute_axes("yzcx").move_to(*this);
84     break;
85   case IPL_DEPTH_32F: // 32-bit float.
86     CImg<floatT>((float*)src->imageData,src->nChannels,src->width,src->height,1,true).
87       get_permute_axes("yzcx").move_to(*this);
88     break;
89   case IPL_DEPTH_64F: // 64-bit double.
90     CImg<doubleT>((double*)src->imageData,src->nChannels,src->width,src->height,1,true).
91       get_permute_axes("yzcx").move_to(*this);
92     break;
93   default:
94     throw CImgInstanceException("CImg<%s>::assign(const IplImage* img) : IplImage depth is invalid.",
95 				pixel_type());
96     break;
97   }
98   if (!std::strcmp(src->channelSeq,"BGR")) mirror('v');
99   else if (!std::strcmp(src->channelSeq,"BGRA")) get_shared_channels(0,2).mirror('v');
100   return *this;
101 }
103 // Conversion CImg -> IPL
104 IplImage* get_IPL(const unsigned int z=0) const {
105   if (is_empty())
106     throw CImgInstanceException("CImg<%s>::get_IPL() : instance image (%u,%u,%u,%u,%p) is empty.",
107 				pixel_type(),_width,_height,_depth,_spectrum,_data);
108   if (z>=_depth)
109     throw CImgInstanceException("CImg<%s>::get_IPL() : specified slice %u is out of image bounds (%u,%u,%u,%u,%p).",
110 				pixel_type(),z,_width,_height,_depth,_spectrum,_data);
111   const CImg<T>
112     _slice = _depth>1?get_slice(z):CImg<T>(),
113     &slice = _depth>1?_slice:*this;
114   CImg<T> buf(slice);
115   if (_spectrum==3 || _spectrum==4) buf.get_shared_channels(0,2).mirror('v');
116   buf.permute_axes("cxyz");
117   IplImage* const dst = cvCreateImage(cvSize(_width,_height),sizeof(T)*8,_spectrum);
118   std::memcpy(dst->imageData,buf.data(),buf.size()*sizeof(T));
119   return dst;
120 }
122 #endif /* cimg_plugin_IPL */