1 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  *	Copyright (c) 1991-2021 by the GMT Team (https://www.generic-mapping-tools.org/team.html)
4  *	See LICENSE.TXT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
5  *
6  *	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  *	it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8  *	the Free Software Foundation; version 3 or any later version.
9  *
10  *	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  *	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  *	GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  *	Contact info: www.generic-mapping-tools.org
16  *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
17 /*
18  *  Misc statistical and special functions.
19  *
20  * Author:	Walter H. F. Smith, P. Wessel, R. Scharroo
21  * Date:	1-JAN-2010
22  * Version:	5.x
23  *
24  * PUBLIC functions (59):
25  *
26  *	gmt_sig_f :	      : Returns true if reduction in model misfit was significant
27  *	gmt_bei:	      : Kelvin-Bessel function bei(x)
28  *	gmt_ber:	      : Kelvin-Bessel function ber(x)
29  *	gmt_kei:	      : Kelvin-Bessel function kei(x)
30  *	gmt_ker:	      : Kelvin-Bessel function ker(x)
31  *	gmt_plm:	      : Legendre polynomial of degree L order M
32  *	gmt_plm_bar:	      : Normalized Legendre polynomial of degree L order M
33  *	gmt_plm_bar_all       :
34  *	gmt_i0:		      : Modified Bessel function 1st kind order 0
35  *	gmt_i1:		      : Modified Bessel function 1st kind order 1
36  *	gmt_in:		      : Modified Bessel function 1st kind order N
37  *	gmt_k0:		      : Modified Kelvin function 2nd kind order 0
38  *	gmt_k1:		      : Modified Kelvin function 2nd kind order 1
39  *	gmt_kn:		      : Modified Kelvin function 2nd kind order N
40  *	gmt_dilog:	      : The dilog function
41  *	gmt_erfinv:	      : The inverse error function
42  *	gmt_rand:	      : Uniformly distributed random numbers 0 < x < 1
43  *	gmt_nrand:	      : Normally distributed random numbers from N(0,1)
44  *	gmt_lrand:	      : Laplace random number generator
45  *	gmt_corrcoeff:	      : Correlation coefficient.
46  *	gmt_psi:	      : Digamma (psi) function.
47  *	gmt_PvQv:	      : Legendre functions Pv and Qv for imaginary v and real x (-1/+1).
48  *	gmt_factorial:	      : Factorials.
49  *	gmt_sinc              :
50  *	gmt_permutation       :
51  *	gmt_combination       :
52  *	gmt_f_pdf             :
53  *	gmt_f_cdf             :
54  *	gmt_t_pdf             :
55  *	gmt_t_cdf             :
56  *	gmt_weibull_pdf       :
57  *	gmt_weibull_cdf       :
58  *	gmt_weibull_crit      :
59  *	gmt_binom_pdf         :
60  *	gmt_binom_cdf         :
61  *	gmt_vonmises_pdf      :
62  *	gmt_zdist             :
63  *	gmt_zcrit             :
64  *	gmt_tcrit             :
65  *	gmt_chi2_pdf          :
66  *	gmt_chi2crit          :
67  *	gmt_Fcrit             :
68  *	gmt_chi2              :
69  *	gmt_poissonpdf        :
70  *	gmt_poisson_cdf       :
71  *	gmt_mean_and_std      :
72  *	gmt_median            :
73  *	gmt_mean_weighted     :
74  *	gmt_quantile_weighted :
75  *	gmt_median_weighted   :
76  *	gmt_mode_weighted     :
77  *	gmt_mode              :
78  *	gmt_mode_f            :
79  *	gmt_getmad            :
80  *	gmt_getmad_f          :
81  *	gmt_extreme           :
82  *	gmt_chebyshev         :
83  *	gmt_corrcoeff         :
84  *	gmt_corrcoeff_f       :
85  *	gmt_quantile          :
86  *	gmt_quantile_f        :
87  */
89 #include "gmt_dev.h"
90 #include "gmt_internals.h"
92 enum gmtstat_enum_cplx {GMT_RE = 0, GMT_IM = 1};	/* Real and imaginary indices */
94 /* --------- Local functions to this file ------- */
96 #define ITMAX 100
gmtstat_ln_gamma(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double xx)98 GMT_LOCAL double gmtstat_ln_gamma (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double xx) {
99 	/* Routine to compute natural log of Gamma(x)
100 		by Lanczos approximation.  Most accurate
101 		for x > 1; fails for x <= 0.  No error
102 		checking is done here; it is assumed
103 		that this is called by gmtstat_ln_gamma_r()  */
105 	static double cof[6] = {
106 		 76.18009173,
107 		-86.50532033,
108 		 24.01409822,
109 		 -1.231739516,
110 		0.120858003e-2,
111 		-0.536382e-5
112 	};
114 	double x, tmp, ser;
116 	int i;
118 	x = xx - 1.0;
119 	tmp = x + 5.5;
120 	tmp = (x + 0.5) * d_log (GMT,tmp) - tmp;
121 	ser = 1.0;
122 	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
123 		x += 1.0;
124 		ser += (cof[i]/x);
125 	}
126 	return (tmp + d_log (GMT, 2.50662827465*ser) );
127 }
gmtstat_ln_gamma_r(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double x,double * lngam)129 GMT_LOCAL int gmtstat_ln_gamma_r (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double x, double *lngam) {
130 	/* Get natural logarithm of Gamma(x), x > 0.
131 		To maintain full accuracy, this
132 		routine uses Gamma(1 + x) / x when
133 		x < 1.  This routine in turn calls
134 		gmtstat_ln_gamma(x), which computes the
135 		actual function value.  gmtstat_ln_gamma
136 		assumes it is being called in a
137 		smart way, and does not check the
138 		range of x.  */
140 	if (x > 1.0) {
141 		*lngam = gmtstat_ln_gamma (GMT, x);
142 		return (0);
143 	}
144 	if (x > 0.0 && x < 1.0) {
145 		*lngam = gmtstat_ln_gamma (GMT, 1.0 + x) - d_log (GMT,x);
146 		return (0);
147 	}
148 	if (x == 1.0) {
149 		*lngam = 0.0;
150 		return (0);
151 	}
152 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "Ln Gamma:  Bad x (x <= 0).\n");
153 	return (GMT_NOTSET);
154 }
gmtstat_gamma_ser(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double * gamser,double a,double x,double * gln)156 GMT_LOCAL void gmtstat_gamma_ser (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double *gamser, double a, double x, double *gln) {
157 	/* Returns the incomplete gamma function P(a,x) by series rep.
158 	 * Press et al, gser() */
160 	int n;
161 	double sum, del, ap;
163 	if (gmtstat_ln_gamma_r (GMT, a, gln) == GMT_NOTSET) {
164 		*gamser = GMT->session.d_NaN;
165 		return;
166 	}
168 	if (x < 0.0) {
169 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "x < 0 in gmtstat_gamma_ser(x)\n");
170 		*gamser = GMT->session.d_NaN;
171 		return;
172 	}
173 	if (x == 0.0) {
174 		*gamser = 0.0;
175 		return;
176 	}
177 	ap = a;
178 	del = sum = 1.0 / a;
179 	for (n = 1; n <= ITMAX; n++) {
180 	 	ap += 1.0;
181 	 	del *= x / ap;
182 	 	sum += del;
183 	 	if (fabs (del) < fabs (sum) * DBL_EPSILON) {
184 	 		*gamser = sum * exp (-x  + a * log (x) - (*gln));
185 	 		return;
186 	 	}
187 	}
188 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "a too large, ITMAX too small in gmtstat_gamma_ser(x)\n");
189 }
gmtstat_gamma_cf(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double * gammcf,double a,double x,double * gln)191 GMT_LOCAL void gmtstat_gamma_cf (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double *gammcf, double a, double x, double *gln) {
192 	/* Returns the incomplete gamma function P(a,x) by continued fraction.
193 	 * Press et al, gcf() */
194 	int n;
195 	double gold = 0.0, g, fac = 1.0, b1 = 1.0;
196 	double b0 = 0.0, anf, ana, an, a1, a0 = 1.0;
198 	if (gmtstat_ln_gamma_r (GMT, a, gln) == GMT_NOTSET) {
199 		*gln = GMT->session.d_NaN;
200 		return;
201 	}
203 	a1 = x;
204 	for (n = 1; n <= ITMAX; n++) {
205 		an = (double) n;
206 		ana = an - a;
207 		a0 = (a1 + a0 * ana) * fac;
208 		b0 = (b1 + b0 * ana) * fac;
209 		anf = an * fac;
210 		a1 = x * a0 + anf * a1;
211 		b1 = x * b0 + anf * b1;
212 		if (a1 != 0.0) {
213 			fac = 1.0 / a1;
214 			g = b1 * fac;
215 			if (fabs ((g - gold) / g) < DBL_EPSILON) {
216 				*gammcf = exp (-x + a * log (x) - (*gln)) * g;
217 				return;
218 			}
219 			gold = g;
220 		}
221 	}
222 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "a too large, ITMAX too small in gmtstat_gamma_cf(x)\n");
223 }
gmtstat_gammq(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double a,double x)225 GMT_LOCAL double gmtstat_gammq (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double a, double x) {
226 	/* Returns Q(a,x) = 1 - P(a,x) Inc. Gamma function */
228 	double G = 0.0, gln;
230 	if (x < 0.0 || a <= 0.0) {
231 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "Invalid arguments to GMT_gammaq\n");
232 		return (GMT->session.d_NaN);
233 	}
235 	if (x < (a + 1.0)) {
236 		gmtstat_gamma_ser (GMT, &G, a, x, &gln);
237 		return (1.0 - G);
238 	}
239 	gmtstat_gamma_cf (GMT, &G, a, x, &gln);
240 	return (G);
241 }
243 #define BETA_EPS 3.0e-7
gmtstat_cf_beta(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double a,double b,double x)245 GMT_LOCAL double gmtstat_cf_beta (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double a, double b, double x) {
246 	/* Continued fraction method called by gmtstat_inc_beta.  */
247 	double am = 1.0, bm = 1.0, az = 1.0;
248 	double qab, qap, qam, bz, em, tem, d;
249 	double ap, bp, app, bpp, aold;
251 	int m = 0;
253 	qab = a + b;
254 	qap = a + 1.0;
255 	qam = a - 1.0;
256 	bz = 1.0 - qab * x / qap;
258 	do {
259 		m++;
260 		em = (double)m;
261 		tem = em + em;
262 		d = em*(b-m)*x/((qam+tem)*(a+tem));
263 		ap = az+d*am;
264 		bp = bz+d*bm;
265 		d = -(a+m)*(qab+em)*x/((a+tem)*(qap+tem));
266 		app = ap+d*az;
267 		bpp = bp+d*bz;
268 		aold = az;
269 		am = ap/bpp;
270 		bm = bp/bpp;
271 		az = app/bpp;
272 		bz = 1.0;
273 	} while (((fabs (az-aold) ) >= (BETA_EPS * fabs (az))) && (m < ITMAX));
275 	if (m == ITMAX) GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "gmtstat_cf_beta:  A or B too big, or ITMAX too small.\n");
277 	return (az);
278 }
gmtstat_inc_beta(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double a,double b,double x,double * ibeta)280 GMT_LOCAL int gmtstat_inc_beta (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double a, double b, double x, double *ibeta) {
281 	double bt, gama, gamb, gamab;
283 	if (a <= 0.0) {
284 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "gmtstat_inc_beta:  Bad a (a <= 0).\n");
285 		return(GMT_NOTSET);
286 	}
287 	if (b <= 0.0) {
288 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "gmtstat_inc_beta:  Bad b (b <= 0).\n");
289 		return(GMT_NOTSET);
290 	}
291 	if (x > 0.0 && x < 1.0) {
292 		gmtstat_ln_gamma_r(GMT, a, &gama);
293 		gmtstat_ln_gamma_r(GMT, b, &gamb);
294 		gmtstat_ln_gamma_r(GMT, (a+b), &gamab);
295 		bt = exp(gamab - gama - gamb
296 			+ a * d_log (GMT, x) + b * d_log (GMT, 1.0 - x) );
298 		/* Here there is disagreement on the range of x which
299 			converges efficiently.  Abramowitz and Stegun
300 			say to use x < (a - 1) / (a + b - 2).  Editions
301 			of Numerical Recipes through mid 1987 say
302 			x < ( (a + 1) / (a + b + 1), but the code has
303 			x < ( (a + 1) / (a + b + 2).  Editions printed
304 			late 1987 and after say x < ( (a + 1) / (a + b + 2)
305 			in text as well as code.  What to do ? */
307 		if (x < ( (a + 1) / (a + b + 2) ) )
308 			*ibeta = bt * gmtstat_cf_beta (GMT, a, b, x) / a;
309 		else
310 			*ibeta = 1.0 - bt * gmtstat_cf_beta (GMT, b, a, (1.0 - x) ) / b;
311 		return(0);
312 	}
313 	else if (x == 0.0) {
314 		*ibeta = 0.0;
315 		return (0);
316 	}
317 	else if (x == 1.0) {
318 		*ibeta = 1.0;
319 		return (0);
320 	}
321 	else if (x < 0.0) {
322 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "gmtstat_inc_beta:  Bad x (x < 0).\n");
323 		*ibeta = 0.0;
324 	}
325 	else if (x > 1.0) {
326 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "gmtstat_inc_beta:  Bad x (x > 1).\n");
327 		*ibeta = 1.0;
328 	}
329 	return (GMT_NOTSET);
330 }
gmtstat_f_q(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double chisq1,uint64_t nu1,double chisq2,uint64_t nu2,double * prob)332 GMT_LOCAL int gmtstat_f_q (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double chisq1, uint64_t nu1, double chisq2, uint64_t nu2, double *prob) {
333 	/* Routine to compute Q(F, nu1, nu2) = 1 - P(F, nu1, nu2), where nu1
334 		and nu2 are positive integers, chisq1 and chisq2 are random
335 		variables having chi-square distributions with nu1 and nu2
336 		degrees of freedom, respectively (chisq1 and chisq2 >= 0.0),
337 		F = (chisq1/nu1)/(chisq2/nu2) has the F-distribution, and
338 		P(F, nu1, nu2) is the cumulative F-distribution, that is,
339 		the integral from 0 to (chisq1/nu1)/(chisq2/nu2) of the F-
340 		distribution.  Q = 1 - P is small when (chisq1/nu1)/(chisq2/nu2)
341 		is large with respect to 1.  That is, the value returned by
342 		this routine is the likelihood that an F >= (chisq1/nu1)/
343 		(chisq2/nu2) would occur by chance.
345 		Follows Abramowitz and Stegun.
346 		This is different from the method in Numerical Recipes, which
347 		uses the incomplete beta function but makes no use of the fact
348 		that nu1 and nu2 are known to be integers, and thus there is
349 		a finite limit on the sum for their expression.
351 		W H F Smith, August, 1999.
353 		REVISED by W H F Smith, October 27, 2000 after GMT 3.3.6 release.
354 		I found that the A&S methods overflowed for large nu1 and nu2, so
355 		I decided to go back to the gmtstat_inc_beta way of doing things.
357 	*/
359 	/* Check range of arguments:  */
361 	if (nu1 <= 0 || nu2 <= 0 || chisq1 < 0.0 || chisq2 < 0.0) {
362 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "gmtstat_f_q:  Bad argument(s).\n");
363 		return (GMT_NOTSET);
364 	}
366 	/* Extreme cases evaluate immediately:  */
368 	if (chisq1 == 0.0) {
369 		*prob = 1.0;
370 		return (0);
371 	}
372 	if (chisq2 == 0.0) {
373 		*prob = 0.0;
374 		return (0);
375 	}
377 	/* REVISION of Oct 27, 2000:  This inc beta call here returns
378 		the value.  All subsequent code is not used.  */
380 	if (gmtstat_inc_beta (GMT, 0.5*nu2, 0.5*nu1, chisq2/(chisq2+chisq1), prob) ) {
381 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "gmtstat_f_q:  Trouble in gmtstat_inc_beta call.\n");
382 		return (GMT_NOTSET);
383 	}
384 	return (0);
385 }
gmtstat_f_test_new(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double chisq1,uint64_t nu1,double chisq2,uint64_t nu2,double * prob,int iside)387 GMT_LOCAL int gmtstat_f_test_new (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double chisq1, uint64_t nu1, double chisq2, uint64_t nu2, double *prob, int iside) {
388 	/* Given chisq1 and chisq2, random variables distributed as chi-square
389 		with nu1 and nu2 degrees of freedom, respectively, except that
390 		chisq1 is scaled by var1, and chisq2 is scaled by var2, let
391 		the null hypothesis, H0, be that var1 = var2.  This routine
392 		assigns prob, the probability that we can reject H0 in favor
393 		of a new hypothesis, H1, according to iside:
394 			iside=+1 means H1 is that var1 > var2
395 			iside=-1 means H1 is that var1 < var2
396 			iside=0  means H1 is that var1 != var2.
397 		This routine differs from the old gmtstat_f_test() by adding the
398 		argument iside and allowing one to choose the test.  The old
399 		routine in effect always set iside=0.
400 		This routine also differs from gmtstat_f_test() in that the former
401 		used the incomplete beta function and this one uses gmtstat_f_q().
403 		Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
405 		WHF Smith, 12 August 1999.
406 	*/
408 	double q;	/* The probability from gmtstat_f_q(), which is the prob
409 				that H0 should be retained even though
410 				chisq1/nu1 > chisq2/nu2.  */
412 	if (chisq1 <= 0.0 || chisq2 <= 0.0 || nu1 < 1 || nu2 < 1) {
413 		*prob = GMT->session.d_NaN;
414 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "gmtstat_f_test_new: Bad argument(s).\n");
415 		return (GMT_NOTSET);
416 	}
418 	gmtstat_f_q (GMT, chisq1, nu1, chisq2, nu2, &q);
420 	if (iside > 0)
421 		*prob = 1.0 - q;
422 	else if (iside < 0)
423 		*prob = q;
424 	else if ((chisq1/nu1) <= (chisq2/nu2))
425 		*prob = 2.0*q;
426 	else
427 		*prob = 2.0*(1.0 - q);
429 	return (0);
430 }
gmtstat_factln(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,int n)432 GMT_LOCAL double gmtstat_factln (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, int n) {
433 	/* returns log(n!) */
434 	static double a[101];	/* Automatically initialized to zero */
435 	if (n < 0) {
436 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "n < 0 in gmtstat_factln(n)\n");
437 		return (GMT->session.d_NaN);
438 	}
439 	if (n <= 1) return 0.0;
440 	if (n <= 100) return (a[n] ? a[n] : (a[n] = gmtstat_ln_gamma (GMT, n+1.0)));
441 	else return gmtstat_ln_gamma (GMT, n+1.0);
442 }
gmtstat_beta(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double z,double w)444 GMT_LOCAL double gmtstat_beta (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double z, double w) {
445 	double g1 = 0.0, g2 = 0.0, g3 = 0.0;
446 	gmtstat_ln_gamma_r (GMT, z,   &g1);
447 	gmtstat_ln_gamma_r (GMT, w,   &g2);
448 	gmtstat_ln_gamma_r (GMT, z+w, &g3);
449 	return exp (g1 + g2 - g3);
450 }
452 #if 0 /* Legacy code */
453 GMT_LOCAL int gmtstat_f_test (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double chisq1, uint64_t nu1, double chisq2, uint64_t nu2, double *prob) {
454 	/* Routine to compute the probability that
455 		two variances are the same.
456 		chisq1 is distributed as chisq with
457 		nu1 degrees of freedom; ditto for
458 		chisq2 and nu2.  If these are independent
459 		and we form the ratio
460 		F = max(chisq1,chisq2)/min(chisq1,chisq2)
461 		then we can ask what is the probability
462 		that an F greater than this would occur
463 		by chance.  It is this probability that
464 		is returned in prob.  When prob is small,
465 		it is likely that the two chisq represent
466 		two different populations; the confidence
467 		that the two do not represent the same pop
468 		is 1.0 - prob.  This is a two-sided test.
469 	This follows some ideas in Numerical Recipes, CRC Handbook,
470 	and Abramowitz and Stegun.  */
472 	double f, df1, df2, p1, p2;
474 	if (chisq1 <= 0.0) {
475 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "gmtstat_f_test:  Chi-Square One <= 0.0\n");
476 		return(GMT_NOTSET);
477 	}
478 	if (chisq2 <= 0.0) {
479 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "gmtstat_f_test:  Chi-Square Two <= 0.0\n");
480 		return(GMT_NOTSET);
481 	}
482 	if (chisq1 > chisq2) {
483 		f = chisq1/chisq2;
484 		df1 = (double)nu1;
485 		df2 = (double)nu2;
486 	}
487 	else {
488 		f = chisq2/chisq1;
489 		df1 = (double)nu2;
490 		df2 = (double)nu1;
491 	}
492 	if (gmtstat_inc_beta(GMT, 0.5*df2, 0.5*df1, df2/(df2+df1*f), &p1) ) {
493 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "gmtstat_f_test:  Trouble on 1st gmtstat_inc_beta call.\n");
494 		return(GMT_NOTSET);
495 	}
496 	if (gmtstat_inc_beta(GMT, 0.5*df1, 0.5*df2, df1/(df1+df2/f), &p2) ) {
497 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "gmtstat_f_test:  Trouble on 2nd gmtstat_inc_beta call.\n");
498 		return(GMT_NOTSET);
499 	}
500 	*prob = p1 + (1.0 - p2);
501 	return (0);
502 }
503 #endif
gmtstat_student_t_a(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double t,uint64_t n,double * prob)505 GMT_LOCAL int gmtstat_student_t_a (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double t, uint64_t n, double *prob) {
506 	/* Probability integral called A(t,n) by Abramowitz &
507 	Stegun for the student's t distribution with n degrees
508 	of freedom.  Uses expressions A&S 26.7.3 and 26.7.4
510 	If X is distributed N(0,1) and V is distributed chi-
511 	square with n degrees of freedom, then
512 	tau = X / sqrt(V/n) is said to have Student's t-
513 	distribution with n degrees of freedom.  For example,
514 	tau could be the sample mean divided by the sample
515 	standard deviation, for a sample of N points; then
516 	n = N - 1.
518 	This function sets *prob = GMT->session.d_NaN and returns (-1)
519 	if t < 0.  Otherwise it sets *prob = the probability
520 	fabs(tau) <= t and returns (0).
522 	As n -> oo, we can replace this function with
523 	erf (t / M_SQRT2).  However, it isn't clear how large
524 	n has to be to make this a good approximation.  I
525 	consulted six books; one of them suggested this
526 	approximation for n >= 30, but all the others did not
527 	say when to use this approximation (A&S, in particular,
528 	does not say).  I tried some numerical experiments
529 	which suggested that the relative error in this
530 	approximation would be < 0.01 for n > 30, all t, but
531 	I also found that the expression here is stable to
532 	large n and large t, so I decided to leave it as is.
534 	W H F Smith, August 1999.
535 */
537 	double	theta, s, c, csq, term, sum;
538 	int64_t	k, kstop, kt, kb;
540 	if (t < 0.0 || n == 0) {
541 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "gmtstat_student_t_a:  Bad argument(s).\n");
542 		*prob = GMT->session.d_NaN;
543 		return (GMT_NOTSET);
544 	}
546 	if (t == 0.0) {
547 		*prob = 0.0;
548 		return (0);
549 	}
551 	theta = atan (t/sqrt ((double)n));
553 	if (n == 1) {
554 		*prob = 2.0 * theta / M_PI;
555 		return (0);
556 	}
558 	sincos (theta, &s, &c);
560 	csq = c * c;
562 	kstop = n-2;
563 	if (n%2 == 1) {
564 		kt = 0;
565 		kb = 1;
566 		k = 1;
567 		term = c;
568 	}
569 	else {
570 		kt = -1;
571 		kb = 0;
572 		k = 0;
573 		term = 1.0;
574 	}
575 	sum = term;
576 	while (k < kstop) {
577 		k += 2;
578 		kt += 2;
579 		kb += 2;
580 		term *= (kt * csq)/kb;
581 		sum += term;
582 	}
584 	sum *= s;
586 	if (n%2 == 1)
587 		*prob = 2.0 * (theta + sum) / M_PI;
588 	else
589 		*prob = sum;
591 	/* Adjust in case of roundoff:  */
593 	if (*prob < 0.0) *prob = 0.0;
594 	if (*prob > 1.0) *prob = 1.0;
596 	return (0);
597 }
gmtstat_Cmul(double A[],double B[],double C[])599 GMT_LOCAL void gmtstat_Cmul (double A[], double B[], double C[]) {
600 	/* Complex multiplication */
603 }
gmtstat_Cdiv(double A[],double B[],double C[])605 GMT_LOCAL void gmtstat_Cdiv (double A[], double B[], double C[]) {
606 	/* Complex division */
607 	double denom;
608 	denom = B[GMT_RE]*B[GMT_RE] + B[GMT_IM]*B[GMT_IM];
609 	C[GMT_RE] = (A[GMT_RE]*B[GMT_RE] + A[GMT_IM]*B[GMT_IM])/denom;
610 	C[GMT_IM] = (A[GMT_IM]*B[GMT_RE] - A[GMT_RE]*B[GMT_IM])/denom;
611 }
613 #if 0	/* Unused */
614 GMT_LOCAL void gmtstat_Ccot (double Z[], double cotZ[]) {
615 	/* Complex cot(z) */
616 	double sx, cx, e, A[2], B[2];
618 	sincos (2.0*Z[0], &sx, &cx);
619 	e = exp (-2.0*Z[1]);
620 	A[0] = -e * sx;		A[1] = B[0] = e * cx;
621 	A[1] += 1.0;	B[0] -= 1.0;	B[1] = -A[0];
622 	gmtstat_Cdiv (A, B, cotZ);
623 }
624 #endif
gmtstat_Cabs(double A[])626 GMT_LOCAL double gmtstat_Cabs (double A[]) {
627 	return (hypot (A[GMT_RE], A[GMT_IM]));
628 }
gmtstat_F_to_ch1_ch2(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double F,double nu1,double nu2,double * chisq1,double * chisq2)630 GMT_LOCAL void gmtstat_F_to_ch1_ch2 (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double F, double nu1, double nu2, double *chisq1, double *chisq2) {
631 	/* Silly routine to break F up into parts needed for gmtstat_f_q */
632 	gmt_M_unused(GMT);
633 	*chisq2 = 1.0;
634 	*chisq1 = F * nu1 / nu2;
635 }
gmtlib_compare_observation(const void * a,const void * b)637 int gmtlib_compare_observation (const void *a, const void *b) {
638 	const struct GMT_OBSERVATION *obs_1 = a, *obs_2 = b;
640 	/* Sorts observations into ascending order based on obs->value */
641 	if (obs_1->value < obs_2->value)
642 		return -1;
643 	if (obs_1->value > obs_2->value)
644 		return 1;
645 	return 0;
646 }
gmt_sig_f(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double chi1,uint64_t n1,double chi2,uint64_t n2,double level,double * prob)648 int gmt_sig_f (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double chi1, uint64_t n1, double chi2, uint64_t n2, double level, double *prob) {
649 	/* Returns true if chi1/n1 significantly less than chi2/n2
650 		at the level level.  Returns false if:
651 			error occurs in gmtstat_f_test_new();
652 			chi1/n1 not significantly < chi2/n2 at level.
654 			Changed 12 August 1999 to use gmtstat_f_test_new()  */
656 	int trouble;
658 	trouble = gmtstat_f_test_new (GMT, chi1, n1, chi2, n2, prob, -1);
659 	if (trouble) return (0);
660 	return ((*prob) >= level);
661 }
663 /*
664  * Kelvin-Bessel functions, ber, bei, ker, kei.  ber(x) and bei(x) are even;
665  * ker(x) and kei(x) are defined only for x > 0 and x >=0, respectively.
666  * For x <= 8 we use polynomial approximations in Abramowitz & Stegun.
667  * For x > 8 we use asymptotic series of Russell, quoted in Watson (Theory
668  * of Bessel Functions).
669  */
gmt_ber(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double x)671 double gmt_ber (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double x) {
672 	double t, rxsq, alpha, beta;
673 	gmt_M_unused(GMT);
675 	if (x == 0.0) return (1.0);
677 	/* ber is an even function of x:  */
678 	x = fabs (x);
680 	if (x <= 8.0) {
681 		/* Telescoped power series from Abramowitz & Stegun  */
682 		t = x * 0.125;
683 		t *= t;
684 		t *= t;	/* t = pow(x/8, 4)  */
685 		return (1.0 + t*(-64.0 + t*(113.77777774 + t*(-32.36345652 + t*(2.64191397 + t*(-0.08349609 + t*(0.00122552 - 0.00000901 * t)))))));
686 	}
687 	else {
688 		/* Russell's asymptotic approximation, from Watson, p. 204  */
690 		rxsq = 1.0 / (x * x);
691 		t = x / M_SQRT2;
693 		alpha = t;
694 		beta  = t - 0.125 * M_PI;
695 		t *= 0.125 * rxsq;
696 		alpha += t;
697 		beta  -= t;
698 		beta  -= 0.0625*rxsq;
699 		t *= (25.0/48.0)*rxsq;
700 		alpha -= t;
701 		beta  -= t;
702 		alpha -= (13.0/128.0)*(rxsq*rxsq);
704 		return (exp (alpha) * cos (beta) / sqrt (2.0 * M_PI * x) );
705 	}
706 }
gmt_bei(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double x)708 double gmt_bei (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double x) {
709 	double t, rxsq, alpha, beta;
710 	gmt_M_unused(GMT);
712 	if (x == 0.0) return (0.0);
714 	/* bei is an even function of x:  */
715 	x = fabs(x);
717 	if (x <= 8.0) {
718 		/* Telescoped power series from Abramowitz & Stegun  */
719 		t = x * 0.125;
720 		rxsq = t*t;
721 		t = rxsq * rxsq;	/* t = pow(x/8, 4)  */
722 		return (rxsq * (16.0 + t*(-113.77777774 + t*(72.81777742 + t*(-10.56765779 + t*(0.52185615 + t*(-0.01103667 + t*(0.00011346))))))));
723 	}
724 	else {
725 		/* Russell's asymptotic approximation, from Watson, p. 204  */
727 		rxsq = 1.0 / (x * x);
728 		t = x / M_SQRT2;
730 		alpha = t;
731 		beta  = t - 0.125 * M_PI;
732 		t *= 0.125 * rxsq;
733 		alpha += t;
734 		beta  -= t;
735 		beta  -= 0.0625*rxsq;
736 		t *= (25.0/48.0)*rxsq;
737 		alpha -= t;
738 		beta  -= t;
739 		alpha -= (13.0/128.0)*(rxsq*rxsq);
741 		return (exp (alpha) * sin (beta) / sqrt (2.0 * M_PI * x));
742 	}
743 }
gmt_ker(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double x)745 double gmt_ker (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double x) {
746 	double t, rxsq, alpha, beta;
748 	if (x <= 0.0) {
749 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "x <= 0 in gmt_ker(x)\n");
750 		return (GMT->session.d_NaN);
751 	}
753 	if (x <= 8.0) {
754 		/* Telescoped power series from Abramowitz & Stegun  */
755 		t = 0.125 * x;
756 		t *= t;
757 		t *= t;  /* t = pow(x/8, 4)  */
758 		return (-log (0.5 * x) * gmt_ber (GMT, x) + 0.25 * M_PI * gmt_bei (GMT, x) -M_EULER + \
759 			t * (-59.05819744 + t * (171.36272133 + t * (-60.60977451 + t * (5.65539121 + t * (-0.199636347 + t * (0.00309699 + t * (-0.00002458 * t))))))));
760 	}
761 	else {
762 		/* Russell's asymptotic approximation, from Watson, p. 204  */
764 		rxsq = 1.0 / (x * x);
765 		t = -x / M_SQRT2;
767 		alpha = t;
768 		beta  = t - 0.125 * M_PI;
769 		t *= 0.125 * rxsq;
770 		alpha += t;
771 		beta  -= t;
772 		beta  -= 0.0625*rxsq;
773 		t *= (25.0/48.0)*rxsq;
774 		alpha -= t;
775 		beta  -= t;
776 		alpha -= (13.0/128.0)*(rxsq*rxsq);
778 		return (exp (alpha) * cos (beta) / sqrt (2.0 * x / M_PI));
779 	}
780 }
gmt_kei(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double x)782 double gmt_kei (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double x) {
783 	double t, rxsq, alpha, beta;
785 	if (x <= 0.0) {
786 		/* Zero is valid.  If near enough to zero, return kei(0)  */
787 		if (x > -GMT_CONV8_LIMIT) return (-0.25 * M_PI);
789 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "x < 0 in gmt_kei(x)\n");
790 		return (GMT->session.d_NaN);
791 	}
793 	if (x <= 8.0) {
794 		/* Telescoped power series from Abramowitz & Stegun  */
795 		t = x * 0.125;
796 		rxsq = t*t;
797 		t = rxsq * rxsq;	/* t = pow(x/8, 4)  */
798 		return (-log (0.5 * x) * gmt_bei (GMT, x) - 0.25 * M_PI * gmt_ber (GMT, x) +
799 			rxsq * (6.76454936 + t * (-142.91827687 + t * (124.23569650 + t * (-21.30060904 + t * (1.17509064 + t * (-0.02695875 + t * (0.00029532 * t))))))));
800 	}
801 	else {
802 		/* Russell's asymptotic approximation, from Watson, p. 204  */
804 		rxsq = 1.0 / (x * x);
805 		t = -x / M_SQRT2;
807 		alpha = t;
808 		beta  = t - 0.125 * M_PI;
809 		t *= 0.125 * rxsq;
810 		alpha += t;
811 		beta  -= t;
812 		beta  -= 0.0625*rxsq;
813 		t *= (25.0/48.0)*rxsq;
814 		alpha -= t;
815 		beta  -= t;
816 		alpha -= (13.0/128.0)*(rxsq*rxsq);
818 		return (exp (alpha) * sin (beta) / sqrt (2.0 * x / M_PI));
819 	}
820 }
gmt_i0(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double x)822 double gmt_i0 (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double x) {
823 /* Modified from code in Press et al. */
824 	double y, res;
825 	gmt_M_unused(GMT);
827 	if (x < 0.0) x = -x;
829 	if (x < 3.75) {
830 		y = x * x / 14.0625;
831 		res = 1.0 + y * (3.5156229 + y * (3.0899424 + y * (1.2067492 + y * (0.2659732 + y * (0.360768e-1 + y * 0.45813e-2)))));
832 	}
833 	else {
834 		y = 3.75 / x;
835 		res = (exp (x) / sqrt (x)) * (0.39894228 + y * (0.1328592e-1 + y * (0.225319e-2 + y * (-0.157565e-2 + y * (0.916281e-2 + y * (-0.2057706e-1 + y * (0.2635537e-1 + y * (-0.1647633e-1 + y * 0.392377e-2))))))));
836 	}
837 	return (res);
838 }
gmt_i1(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double x)840 double gmt_i1 (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double x) {
841 	/* Modified Bessel function I1(x) */
842 	double y, res;
843 	gmt_M_unused(GMT);
845 	if (x < 0.0) x = -x;
846 	if (x < 3.75) {
847 		y = pow (x / 3.75, 2.0);
848 		res = x * (0.5 + y * (0.87890594 + y * (0.51498869 + y * (0.15084934 + y * (0.02658733 + y * (0.00301532 + y * 0.00032411))))));
849 	}
850 	else {
851 		y = 3.75 / x;
852 		res = (exp (x) / sqrt (x)) * (0.39894228 + y * (-0.03988024 + y * (-0.00362018 + y * (0.00163801+ y * (-0.01031555 + y * (0.02282967 + y * (-0.02895312 + y * (0.01787654 -y * 0.00420059))))))));
853 		if (x < 0.0) res = - res;
854 	}
855 	return (res);
856 }
gmt_in(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,unsigned int n,double x)858 double gmt_in (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, unsigned int n, double x) {
859 	/* Modified Bessel function In(x) */
861 	unsigned int j, m, IACC = 40;
862 	double res, tox, bip, bi, bim;
863 	double BIGNO = 1.0e10, BIGNI = 1.0e-10;
865 	if (n == 0) return (gmt_i0 (GMT, x));
866 	if (n == 1) return (gmt_i1 (GMT, x));
867 	if (x == 0.0) return (0.0);
869 	tox = 2.0 / fabs (x);
870 	bip = res = 0.0;
871 	bi = 1.0;
872 	m = 2 * (n + urint (sqrt ((double)(IACC * n))));
873 	for (j = m; j >= 1; j--) {
874 		bim = bip + ((double)j) * tox * bi;
875 		bip = bi;
876 		bi = bim;
877 		if (fabs (bi) > BIGNO) {
878 			res *= BIGNI;
879 			bi *= BIGNI;
880 			bip *= BIGNI;
881 		}
882 		if (j == n) res = bip;
883 	}
884 	res *= (gmt_i0 (GMT, x) / bi);
885 	if (x < 0.0 && (n%2)) res = -res;
887 	return (res);
888 }
gmt_k0(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double x)890 double gmt_k0 (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double x) {
891 /* Modified from code in Press et al. */
892 	double y, z, res;
893 	gmt_M_unused(GMT);
895 	if (x < 0.0) x = -x;
897 	if (x <= 2.0) {
898 		y = 0.25 * x * x;
899 		z = x * x / 14.0625;
900 		res = (-log(0.5*x) * (1.0 + z * (3.5156229 + z * (3.0899424 + z * (1.2067492 + z * (0.2659732 + z * (0.360768e-1 + z * 0.45813e-2))))))) + (-M_EULER + y * (0.42278420 + y * (0.23069756 + y * (0.3488590e-1 + y * (0.262698e-2 + y * (0.10750e-3 + y * 0.74e-5))))));
901 	}
902 	else {
903 		y = 2.0 / x;
904 		res = (exp (-x) / sqrt (x)) * (1.25331414 + y * (-0.7832358e-1 + y * (0.2189568e-1 + y * (-0.1062446e-1 + y * (0.587872e-2 + y * (-0.251540e-2 + y * 0.53208e-3))))));
905 	}
906 	return (res);
907 }
gmt_k1(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double x)909 double gmt_k1 (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double x) {
910 	/* Modified Bessel function K1(x) */
912 	double y, res;
914 	if (x < 0.0) x = -x;
915 	if (x <= 2.0) {
916 		y = x * x / 4.0;
917 		res = (log (0.5 * x) * gmt_i1 (GMT, x)) + (1.0 / x) * (1.0 + y * (0.15443144 + y * (-0.67278579 + y * (-0.18156897 + y * (-0.01919402 + y * (-0.00110404 - y * 0.00004686))))));
918 	}
919 	else {
920 		y = 2.0 / x;
921 		res = (exp (-x) / sqrt (x)) * (1.25331414 + y * (0.23498619 + y * (-0.03655620 + y * (0.01504268 + y * (-0.00780353 + y * (0.00325614 - y * 0.00068245))))));
922 	}
923 	return (res);
924 }
gmt_kn(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,unsigned int n,double x)926 double gmt_kn (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, unsigned int n, double x) {
927 	/* Modified Bessel function Kn(x) */
929 	unsigned int j;
930 	double bkm, bk, bkp, tox;
932 	if (n == 0) return (gmt_k0 (GMT, x));
933 	if (n == 1) return (gmt_k1 (GMT, x));
935 	tox = 2.0 / x;
936 	bkm = gmt_k0 (GMT, x);
937 	bk = gmt_k1 (GMT, x);
938 	for (j = 1; j <= (n-1); j++) {
939 		bkp = bkm + j * tox * bk;
940 		bkm = bk;
941 		bk = bkp;
942 	}
944 	return (bk);
945 }
gmt_plm(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,int l,int m,double x)947 double gmt_plm (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, int l, int m, double x) {
948 	/* Unnormalized associated Legendre polynomial of degree l and order m, including
949 	 * Condon-Shortley phase (-1)^m */
950 	double fact, pll = 0, pmm, pmmp1, somx2;
951 	int i, ll;
953 	/* x is cosine of colatitude and must be -1 <= x <= +1 */
954 	if (fabs(x) > 1.0) {
955 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "|x| > 1.0 in gmt_plm\n");
956 		return (GMT->session.d_NaN);
957 	}
959 	if (m < 0 || m > l) {
960 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "gmt_plm requires 0 <= m <= l.\n");
961 		return (GMT->session.d_NaN);
962 	}
964 	pmm = 1.0;
965 	if (m > 0) {
966 		somx2 = d_sqrt ((1.0 - x) * (1.0 + x));
967 		fact = 1.0;
968 		/* This loop used to go to i < m; corrected to i <= m by WHFS  */
969 		for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
970 			pmm *= -fact * somx2;
971 			fact += 2.0;
972 		}
973 	}
974 	if (l == m) return (pmm);
976 	pmmp1 = x * (2*m + 1) * pmm;
977 	if (l == (m + 1)) return (pmmp1);
979 	for (ll = (m+2); ll <= l; ll++) {
980 		pll = (x * (2*ll - 1) * pmmp1 - (ll + m - 1) * pmm) / (ll - m);
981 		pmm = pmmp1;
982 		pmmp1 = pll;
983 	}
984 	return (pll);
985 }
987 #ifndef M_SQRTPI
988 #define M_SQRTPI	1.77245385090551602729
989 #endif
gmt_plm_bar(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,int l,int m,double x,bool ortho)991 double gmt_plm_bar (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, int l, int m, double x, bool ortho) {
992 	/* This function computes the normalized associated Legendre function of x for degree
993 	 * l and order m. x must be in the range [-1;1] and 0 <= |m| <= l.
994 	 * The routine is largely based on the second modified forward column method described in
995 	 * Holmes and Featherstone (2002). It is stable up to very high degree and order
996 	 * (at least 3000). This is achieved by individually computing the sectorials to P_m,m
997 	 * and then iterate up to P_l,m divided by P_m,m and the scale factor 1e280.
998 	 * Eventually, the result is multiplied again with these two terms.
999 	 *
1000 	 * When ortho=false, normalization is according to the geophysical convention.
1001 	 * - The Condon-Shortley phase (-1)^m is NOT included.
1002 	 * - The normalization factor is sqrt(k*(2l+1)*(l-m)!/(l+m)!) with k=2 except for m=0: k=1.
1003 	 * - The integral of Plm**2 over [-1;1] is 2*k.
1004 	 * - The integrals of (Plm*cos(m*lon))**2 and (Plm*sin(m*lon))**2 over a sphere are 4 pi.
1005 	 *
1006 	 * When ortho=true, the results are orthonormalized.
1007 	 * - The Condon-Shortley phase (-1)^m is NOT included.
1008 	 * - The normalization factor is sqrt((2l+1)*(l-m)!/(l+m)!/(4*pi)).
1009 	 * - The integral of Plm**2 over [-1;1] is 1/(2*pi).
1010 	 * - The integral of (Plm*exp(i*m*lon))**2 over a sphere is 1.
1011 	 *
1012 	 * When called with -m, the Condon-Shortley phase will be included.
1013 	 *
1014 	 * Note that the orthonormalized form produces an integral of 1 when using imaginary terms
1015 	 * for longitude. In geophysics, the imaginary components are split into cosine and sine terms
1016 	 * EACH of which have an average power of 1 over the sphere (i.e. an integral of 4 pi).
1017 	 *
1018 	 * This routine could be further expanded to produce an array of P_m,m through P_l,m. This
1019 	 * would be practical if Legendre functions of various degrees are to be computed at the same
1020 	 * latitude. Also, differentials could be added.
1021 	 *
1022 	 * Reference:
1023 	 * S. A. Holmes and W. E. Featherstone. A unified approach to the Clenshaw summation and the
1024 	 * recursive computation of very high degree and order normalised associated Legendre functions.
1025 	 * Journal of Geodesy, 76, 279-299, 2002. doi:10.1007/s00190-002-0216-2.
1026 	 */
1027 	int i;
1028 	bool csphase = false;
1029 	double scalef = 1.0e280, u, r, pmm, pmm0, pmm1, pmm2;
1031 	/* x is cosine of colatitude (sine of latitude) and must be -1 <= x <= +1 */
1033 	if (fabs (x) > 1.0) {
1034 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "|x| > 1.0 in gmt_plm_bar\n");
1035 		return (GMT->session.d_NaN);
1036 	}
1038 	/* If m is negative, include Condon-Shortley phase */
1040 	if (m < 0) {
1041 		csphase = true;
1042 		m = -m;
1043 	}
1045 	if (m > l) {
1046 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "gmt_plm_bar requires 0 <= m <= l.\n");
1047 		return (GMT->session.d_NaN);
1048 	}
1050 	/* u is sine of colatitude (cosine of latitude) so that 0 <= s <= 1 */
1052 	u = d_sqrt ((1.0 - x)*(1.0 + x));
1054 	/* Initialize P_00 = 1 and compute up to P_mm using recurrence relation.
1055 	   The result is a normalisation factor: sqrt((2l+1)(l-m)!/(l+m)!) */
1057 	pmm = 1.0;
1058 	for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) pmm = d_sqrt (1.0 + 0.5/i) * u * pmm;
1060 	/* If orthonormalization is requested: multiply by sqrt(1/4pi)
1061 	   In case of geophysical conversion : multiply by sqrt(2-delta_0m) */
1063 	if (ortho)
1064 		pmm /= (M_SQRT2 * M_SQRTPI);
1065 	else if (m != 0)
1066 		pmm *= M_SQRT2;
1068 	/* If C-S phase is requested, apply it now */
1070 	if ((m & 1) && csphase) pmm = -pmm;
1072 	/* If l==m, we are done */
1074 	if (l == m) return (pmm);
1076 	/* In the next section all P_l,m are divided by (P_m,m * scalef).
1077 	   First compute P_m+1,m / P_m,m */
1079 	pmm0 = 1.0/scalef;
1080 	pmm1 = pmm0 * x * d_sqrt ((double)(2*m + 3));
1082 	/* Use second modified column forward recurrence relation to compute P_m+2,m / P_m,m */
1084 	for (i = m+2; i <= l; i++) {
1085 		r = (2*i+1.0) / (i+m) / (i-m);
1086 		pmm2 = x * pmm1 * d_sqrt(r*(2*i-1)) - pmm0 * d_sqrt(r*(i-m-1)*(i+m-1)/(2*i-3));
1087 		pmm0 = pmm1;
1088 		pmm1 = pmm2;
1089 	}
1091 	/* Return P_l,m */
1093 	pmm1 *= pmm;
1094 	pmm1 *= scalef;
1095 	return (pmm1);
1096 }
gmt_plm_bar_all(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,int lmax,double x,bool ortho,double * plm)1098 void gmt_plm_bar_all (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, int lmax, double x, bool ortho, double *plm) {
1099 	/* This function computes the normalized associated Legendre function of x for all degrees
1100 	 * l <= lmax and all orders m <= l. x must be in the range [-1;1] and 0 <= |m| <= l.
1101 	 * The routine is largely based on the second modified forward column method described in
1102 	 * Holmes and Featherstone (2002). It is stable up to very high degree and order
1103 	 * (at least 3000). This is achieved by individually computing the sectorials to P_m,m
1104 	 * and then iterate up to P_l,m divided by P_m,m and the scale factor 1e280.
1105 	 * Eventually, the result is multiplied again with these two terms.
1106 	 *
1107 	 * When ortho=false, normalization is according to the geophysical convention.
1108 	 * - The Condon-Shortley phase (-1)^m is NOT included.
1109 	 * - The normalization factor is sqrt(k*(2l+1)*(l-m)!/(l+m)!) with k=2 except for m=0: k=1.
1110 	 * - The integral of Plm**2 over [-1;1] is 2*k.
1111 	 * - The integrals of (Plm*cos(m*lon))**2 and (Plm*sin(m*lon))**2 over a sphere are 4 pi.
1112 	 *
1113 	 * When ortho=true, the results are orthonormalized.
1114 	 * - The Condon-Shortley phase (-1)^m is NOT included.
1115 	 * - The normalization factor is sqrt((2l+1)*(l-m)!/(l+m)!/(4*pi)).
1116 	 * - The integral of Plm**2 over [-1;1] is 1/(2*pi).
1117 	 * - The integral of (Plm*exp(i*m*lon))**2 over a sphere is 1.
1118 	 *
1119 	 * When called with -lmax, the Condon-Shortley phase will be included.
1120 	 *
1121 	 * Note that the orthonormalized form produces an integral of 1 when using imaginary terms
1122 	 * for longitude. In geophysics, the imaginary components are split into cosine and sine terms
1123 	 * EACH of which have an average power of 1 over the sphere (i.e. an integral of 4 pi).
1124 	 *
1125 	 * This routine produces an array of all values of P_l,m(x) in the array plm, in the order
1126 	 * P_0,0 P_1,0 P_1,1 P_2,0 P_2,1 P_2,2, etc. That means that plm[j] refers to:
1127 	 * tesserals  P_l,m  when  j = l * (l+1) / 2 + m
1128 	 * zonals     P_l,0  when  j = l * (l+1) / 2
1129 	 * sectorials P_m,m  when  j = m * (m+3) / 2
1130 	 *
1131 	 * Reference:
1132 	 * S. A. Holmes and W. E. Featherstone. A unified approach to the Clenshaw summation and the
1133 	 * recursive computation of very high degree and order normalised associated Legendre functions.
1134 	 * Journal of Geodesy, 76, 279-299, 2002. doi:10.1007/s00190-002-0216-2.
1135 	 */
1136 	int l, m, lm, mm;
1137 	bool csphase = false;
1138 	double scalef = 1.0e280, u, r, pmm, pmms, pmm0, pmm1, pmm2;
1140 	/* x is cosine of colatitude (sine of latitude) and must be -1 <= x <= +1 */
1142 	if (fabs (x) > 1.0) {
1143 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "|x| > 1.0 in gmt_plm_bar_all\n");
1144 		return;
1145 	}
1147 	/* If lmax is negative, include Condon-Shortley phase */
1149 	if (lmax < 0) {
1150 		csphase = true;
1151 		lmax = -lmax;
1152 	}
1154 	/* u is sine of colatitude (cosine of latitude) so that 0 <= s <= 1 */
1156 	u = d_sqrt ((1.0 - x)*(1.0 + x));
1158 	/* Initialize P_00 = 1 */
1159 	mm = 0;
1160 	plm[mm] = pmm = 1.0;
1162 	/* Loop over 0 <= m <= lmax */
1164 	for (m = 0; m <= lmax; m++, mm += m+1) {
1166 		/* Compute up P_mm using recurrence relation.
1167 		The result is a normalisation factor: sqrt((2l+1)(l-m)!/(l+m)!) */
1169 		if (m != 0) pmm *= d_sqrt (1.0 + 0.5/m) * u;
1171 		/* If orthonormalization is requested: multiply by sqrt(1/4pi)
1172 		In case of geophysical conversion : multiply by sqrt(2-delta_0m) */
1174 		if (ortho)
1175 			plm[mm] = pmm / (M_SQRT2 * M_SQRTPI);
1176 		else if (m != 0)
1177 			plm[mm] = pmm * M_SQRT2;
1179 		/* If C-S phase is requested, apply it now */
1181 		if ((m & 1) && csphase) plm[mm] = -plm[mm];
1183 		/* In the next section all P_l,m are divided by (P_m,m * scalef).
1184 		First compute P_m+1,m / P_m,m */
1186 		pmms = plm[mm] * scalef;
1187 		pmm0 = 1.0 / scalef;
1188 		pmm1 = pmm0 * x * d_sqrt ((double)(2*m + 3));
1189 		lm = mm + m + 1;
1190 		plm[lm] = pmm1 * pmms;
1192 		/* Use second modified column forward recurrence relation to compute P_m+2,m / P_m,m */
1194 		for (l = m+2; l <= lmax; l++) {
1195 			r = (2*l+1.0) / (l+m) / (l-m);
1196 			pmm2 = x * pmm1 * d_sqrt(r*(2*l-1)) - pmm0 * d_sqrt(r*(l-m-1)*(l+m-1)/(2*l-3));
1197 			pmm0 = pmm1;
1198 			pmm1 = pmm2;
1199 			lm += l;
1200 			plm[lm] = pmm1 * pmms;
1201 		}
1202 	}
1203 }
1205 /* gmt_sinc (x) calculates the sinc function */
gmt_sinc(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double x)1207 double gmt_sinc (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double x) {
1208 	gmt_M_unused(GMT);
1209 	if (x == 0.0) return (1.0);
1210 	x *= M_PI;
1211 	return (sin (x) / x);
1212 }
1214 /* gmt_factorial (n) calculates the factorial n! */
gmt_factorial(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,int n)1216 double gmt_factorial (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, int n) {
1217 	static int ntop = 10;	/* Initial portion filled in below */
1218 	static double a[33] = {1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 6.0, 24.0, 120.0, 720.0, 5040.0, 40320.0, 362880.0, 3628800.0};
1219 	int i;
1221 	if (n < 0) {
1222 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "n < 0 in gmt_factorial(n)\n");
1223 		return (GMT->session.d_NaN);
1224 		/* This could be set to return 0 without warning, to facilitate
1225 			sums over binomial coefficients, if desired.  -whfs  */
1226 	}
1227 	if (n > 32) return (exp(gmtstat_ln_gamma (GMT, n+1.0)));
1228 	while (ntop < n) {
1229 		i = ntop++;
1230 		a[ntop] = a[i] * ntop;
1231 	}
1232 	return (a[n]);
1233 }
gmt_permutation(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,int n,int r)1235 double gmt_permutation (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, int n, int r) {
1236 	/* Compute Permutations n_P_r */
1237 	if (n < 0 || r < 0 || r > n) {
1238 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "n < 0 or r < 0 or r > n in gmt_permutation(n,r)\n");
1239 		return (GMT->session.d_NaN);
1240 	}
1241 	return (floor (0.5 + exp (gmtstat_factln (GMT, n) - gmtstat_factln (GMT, n-r))));
1242 }
gmt_combination(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,int n,int r)1244 double gmt_combination (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, int n, int r) {
1245 	/* Compute Combinations n_C_r */
1246 	if (n < 0 || r < 0 || r > n) {
1247 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "n < 0 or r < 0 or r > n in gmt_combination(n,r)\n");
1248 		return (GMT->session.d_NaN);
1249 	}
1250 	return (floor (0.5 + exp (gmtstat_factln (GMT, n) - gmtstat_factln (GMT, r) - gmtstat_factln (GMT, n-r))));
1251 }
gmt_dilog(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double x)1253 double gmt_dilog (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double x) {
1254 	/* Compute dilog(x) (defined for x >= 0) by the method of Parker's
1255 	   Appendix A of his Geophysical Inverse Theory.  The function
1256 	   is needed for x in the range 0 <= x <= 1 when solving the
1257 	   spherical spline interpolation in section 2.07 of Parker.
1259 	   I tested this for x in range 0 to 1 by reproducing Figure
1260 	   2.07c of Parker's book.  I also tested that the result was
1261 	   smooth for x out to 25.  I also checked d[dilog(x)]/dx
1262 	   obtained numerically from this routine against an analytic
1263 	   expression, and I found the smallest angular separation
1264 	   between two points on a sphere such that their Gram
1265 	   matrix expression (see Parker) was different from 1; this
1266 	   is smallest epsilon such that dilog(epsilon) - dilog(0)
1267 	   != 0.0.  This turned out to be very much smaller than I
1268 	   would have guessed from the apparent e-15 accuracy of
1269 	   Parker's polynomial.  So I think this is very accurate.
1271 	   If this is called with x < 0, it returns dilog(0) and
1272 	   prints a warning.  It could also be set to return NaN.
1273 	   I did this because in applications it might happen that
1274 	   an x which should be zero is computed to be slightly off,
1275 	   in which case the desired result is for x = 0.
1277 	   23 Oct 1996 WHFS.   */
1279 	double pisqon6, y, ysq, z;
1281 	if (x < -GMT_CONV8_LIMIT) return (GMT->session.d_NaN);	/* Tolerate minor slop before we are outside domain */
1283 	pisqon6 = M_PI * M_PI / 6.0;
1284 	if (x <= 0.0) return (pisqon6);	/* Meaning -GMT_CONV8_LIMIT < x <= 0 */
1286 	if (x < 0.5) {
1287 		y = -log (1.0 - x);
1288 		ysq = y * y;
1289 		z = y * (1.0 + y * (-0.25 + y * (0.027777777777213 + ysq * (-2.7777776990e-04 + ysq * (4.724071696e-06 + ysq * (-9.1764954e-08 + 1.798670e-09 * ysq))))));
1290 		return (pisqon6 - z + y * log (x));
1291 	}
1292 	if (x < 2.0) {
1293 		y = -log (x);
1294 		ysq = y * y;
1295 		z = y * (1.0 + y * (-0.25 + y * (0.027777777777213 + ysq * (-2.7777776990e-04 + ysq * (4.724071696e-06 + ysq * (-9.1764954e-08 + 1.798670e-09 * ysq))))));
1296 		return (z);
1297 	}
1298 	y = log (x);
1299 	ysq = y * y;
1300 	z = y * (1.0 + y * (-0.25 + y * (0.027777777777213 + ysq * (-2.7777776990e-04 + ysq * (4.724071696e-06 + ysq * (-9.1764954e-08 + 1.798670e-09 * ysq))))));
1301 	return (-z - 0.5 * ysq);
1302 }
1304 #ifndef M_2_SQRTPI
1305 #define  M_2_SQRTPI      1.12837916709551257390
1306 #endif
gmt_erfinv(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double y)1308 double gmt_erfinv (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double y) {
1309 	double x = 0.0, fy, z;
1311 	/*  Misc. efficients for expansion */
1313 	static double a[4] = {0.886226899, -1.645349621,  0.914624893, -0.140543331};
1314 	static double b[4] = {-2.118377725, 1.442710462, -0.329097515, 0.012229801};
1315 	static double c[4] = {-1.970840454, -1.624906493, 3.429567803, 1.641345311};
1316 	static double d[2] = {3.543889200, 1.637067800};
1318 	fy = fabs (y);
1320 	if (fy > 1.0) return (GMT->session.d_NaN);	/* Outside domain */
1322 	if (doubleAlmostEqual (fy, 1.0))
1323 		return (copysign (DBL_MAX, y));	/* Close to +- Inf */
1325 	if (y > 0.7) {		/* Near upper range */
1326 		z = sqrt (-log (0.5 * (1.0 - y)));
1327 		x = (((c[3] * z + c[2]) * z + c[1]) * z + c[0]) / ((d[1] * z + d[0]) * z + 1.0);
1328 	}
1329 	else if (y < -0.7) {	/* Near lower range */
1330 		z = sqrt (-log (0.5 * (1.0 + y)));
1331 		x = -(((c[3] * z + c[2]) * z + c[1]) * z + c[0]) / ((d[1] * z + d[0]) * z + 1.0);
1332 	}
1333 	else {			/* Central range */
1334 		z = y * y;
1335 		x = y * (((a[3] * z + a[2]) * z + a[1]) * z + a[0]) / ((((b[3] * z + b[2]) * z + b[1]) * z + b[0]) * z + 1.0);
1336 	}
1338 	/* Apply two steps of Newton-Raphson correction to improve accuracy */
1340 	x -= (erf (x) - y) / (M_2_SQRTPI * exp (-x * x));
1341 	x -= (erf (x) - y) / (M_2_SQRTPI * exp (-x * x));
1343 	return (x);
1344 }
gmt_f_pdf(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double F,uint64_t nu1,uint64_t nu2)1346 double gmt_f_pdf (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double F, uint64_t nu1, uint64_t nu2) {
1347 	/* Probability density distribution for F */
1348 	double y;
1350 	y = (F < GMT_CONV8_LIMIT) ? 0.0 : sqrt (pow (nu1 * F, (double)nu1) * pow ((double)nu2, (double)nu2) / pow (nu1 * F + nu2, (double)(nu1+nu2))) / (F * gmtstat_beta (GMT, 0.5*nu1, 0.5*nu2));
1351 	return (y);
1352 }
gmt_f_cdf(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double F,uint64_t nu1,uint64_t nu2)1354 double gmt_f_cdf (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double F, uint64_t nu1, uint64_t nu2) {
1355 	/* Cumulative probability density distribution for F */
1356 	double y = 0.0;
1358 	if (F < GMT_CONV8_LIMIT) return 0.0;
1359 	gmtstat_inc_beta (GMT, 0.5*nu1, 0.5*nu2, F*nu1/(F*nu1+nu2), &y);
1361 	return (y);
1362 }
gmt_t_pdf(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double t,uint64_t nu)1364 double gmt_t_pdf (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double t, uint64_t nu) {
1365 	/* Probability density distribution for Student t */
1366 	double y, n = nu + 1.0, g1 = 0.0, g2 = 0.0;
1368 	gmtstat_ln_gamma_r (GMT, 0.5*n, &g1);
1369 	gmtstat_ln_gamma_r (GMT, 0.5*nu, &g2);
1370 	y = exp (g1 - g2) * pow (1.0 + t*t/nu, -0.5*n) / sqrt (M_PI * nu);
1371 	return (y);
1372 }
gmt_t_cdf(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double t,uint64_t nu)1374 double gmt_t_cdf (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double t, uint64_t nu) {
1375 	double p;
1376 	/* Cumulative Student t distribution */
1377 	gmt_M_unused(GMT);
1378 	gmtstat_student_t_a (GMT, fabs (t), nu, &p);
1379 	p = 0.5 * p + 0.5;
1380 	if (t < 0.0)
1381 		p = 1.0 - p;
1382 	return (p);
1383 }
gmt_weibull_pdf(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double x,double scale,double shape)1385 double gmt_weibull_pdf (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double x, double scale, double shape) {
1386 	double p, z;
1387 	gmt_M_unused(GMT);
1388 	/* Weibull distribution */
1389 	if (x < 0.0) return 0.0;
1390 	z = x / scale;
1391 	p = (shape/scale) * pow (z, shape-1.0) * exp (-pow(z,shape));
1392 	return (p);
1393 }
gmt_weibull_cdf(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double x,double scale,double shape)1395 double gmt_weibull_cdf (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double x, double scale, double shape) {
1396 	double p, z;
1397 	gmt_M_unused(GMT);
1398 	/* Cumulative Weibull distribution */
1399 	if (x < 0.0) return 0.0;
1400 	z = x / scale;
1401 	p = 1.0 - exp (-pow (z, shape));
1402 	return (p);
1403 }
gmt_weibull_crit(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double p,double scale,double shape)1405 double gmt_weibull_crit (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double p, double scale, double shape) {
1406 	double z;
1407 	gmt_M_unused(GMT);
1408 	/* Critical values for Weibull distribution */
1409 	z = scale * pow (-log (1.0 - p), 1.0/shape);
1410 	return (z);
1411 }
gmt_binom_pdf(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,uint64_t x,uint64_t n,double p)1413 double gmt_binom_pdf (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, uint64_t x, uint64_t n, double p) {
1414 	double c;
1415 	/* Binomial distribution */
1416 	c = gmt_combination (GMT, (int)n, (int)x) * pow (p, (int)x) * pow (1.0-p, (int)(n-x));
1417 	return (c);
1418 }
gmt_binom_cdf(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,uint64_t x,uint64_t n,double p)1420 double gmt_binom_cdf (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, uint64_t x, uint64_t n, double p) {
1421 	/* Cumulative Binomial distribution */
1422 	double c = 0.0;
1423 	if (n > 12)	/* Use Numerical Recipes fast way for larger n */
1424 		gmtstat_inc_beta (GMT, (double)x, (double)(n-x+1), p, &c);
1425 	else {	/* Do the sum instead */
1426 		uint64_t j;
1427 		for (j = 0; j <= x; j++)
1428 			c += gmt_binom_pdf (GMT, j, n, p);
1429 	}
1430 	return (c);
1431 }
gmt_vonmises_pdf(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double x,double mu,double kappa)1433 double gmt_vonmises_pdf (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double x, double mu, double kappa) {
1434 	/* Von Mises 1-D probability density function */
1435 	double p;
1436 	gmt_M_unused(GMT);
1437 	/* Von Mises distribution, expects x and mu in degrees */
1438 	p = exp (kappa * cosd (x - mu)) / (TWO_PI * gmt_i0 (GMT, kappa));
1439 	return (p);
1440 }
gmt_fisher_pdf(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double plon,double plat,double lon,double lat,double kappa)1442 double gmt_fisher_pdf (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double plon, double plat, double lon, double lat, double kappa) {
1443 	/* Fisher 3-D probability density function centered on (plon, plat) evaluated at
1444 	 * another point (lon, lat), given kappa */
1445 	double p, cos_psi;
1446 	cos_psi = gmtlib_great_circle_dist_cos (GMT, plon, plat, lon, lat);
1447 	p = kappa * exp (kappa * cos_psi) / (2.0 * TWO_PI * sinh (kappa));
1448 	return (p);
1449 }
gmt_zdist(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double x)1451 double gmt_zdist (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double x) {
1452 	/* Cumulative Normal (z) distribution */
1453 	gmt_M_unused(GMT);
1454 	return (0.5 * (erf (x / M_SQRT2) + 1.0));
1455 }
gmt_zcrit(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double alpha)1457 double gmt_zcrit (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double alpha) {
1458 	double sign;
1459 	/* Critical values for Normal (z) distribution */
1461 	/* Simple since z_a = M_SQRT2 * erf^-1 (1-a) */
1463 	if (alpha > 0.5) {	/* right tail */
1464 		alpha = (1.0 - alpha) * 2.0;
1465 		sign = 1.0;
1466 	}
1467 	else {			/* left tail */
1468 		alpha *= 2.0;
1469 		sign = -1.0;
1470 	}
1472 	return (sign * M_SQRT2 * gmt_erfinv (GMT, 1.0 - alpha));
1473 }
gmt_tcrit(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double alpha,double nu)1475 double gmt_tcrit (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double alpha, double nu) {
1476 	/* Critical values for Student t-distribution */
1478 	int NU;
1479 	bool done;
1480 	double t_low, t_high, t_mid = 0.0, p_high, p_mid, p, sign;
1482 	if (alpha > 0.5) {	/* right tail */
1483 		p = 1 - (1 - alpha) * 2.0;
1484 		sign = 1.0;
1485 	}
1486 	else {
1487 		p = 1 - alpha * 2.0;
1488 		sign = -1.0;
1489 	}
1490 	t_low = gmt_zcrit (GMT, alpha);
1491 	if (gmt_M_is_dinf (t_low) || gmt_M_is_dnan (t_low)) return (t_low);
1492 	t_high = 5.0;
1493 	NU = irint(nu);
1494 	gmtstat_student_t_a (GMT, t_high, NU, &p_high);
1495 	while (p_high < p) {	/* Must pick higher starting point */
1496 		t_high *= 2.0;
1497 		gmtstat_student_t_a (GMT, t_high, NU, &p_high);
1498 	}
1500 	/* Now, (t_low, p_low) and (t_high, p_high) are bracketing the desired (t,p) */
1502 	done = false;
1503 	while (!done) {
1504 		t_mid = 0.5 * (t_low + t_high);
1505 		gmtstat_student_t_a (GMT, t_mid, NU, &p_mid);
1506 		if (doubleAlmostEqualZero (p_mid, p)) {
1507 			done = true;
1508 		}
1509 		else if (p_mid > p) {	/* Too high */
1510 			t_high = t_mid;
1511 		}
1512 		else { /* p_mid < p */
1513 			t_low = t_mid;
1514 		}
1515 	}
1516 	return (sign * t_mid);
1517 }
gmt_chi2_pdf(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double c,uint64_t nu)1519 double gmt_chi2_pdf (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double c, uint64_t nu) {
1520 	/* Probability density distribution for chi-squared */
1521 	double g = 0.0, y;
1523 	gmtstat_ln_gamma_r (GMT, 0.5*nu, &g);
1524 	y = pow (c, 0.5*nu - 1.0) * exp (-0.5 * c - g) / pow (2.0, 0.5 * nu);
1525 	return (y);
1526 }
gmt_chi2crit(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double alpha,double nu)1528 double gmt_chi2crit (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double alpha, double nu) {
1529 	/* Critical values for Chi^2-distribution */
1531 	bool done;
1532 	double chi2_low, chi2_high, chi2_mid = 0.0, p_high, p_mid, p;
1534 	p = 1.0 - alpha;
1535 	chi2_low = 0.0;
1536 	chi2_high = 5.0;
1537 	gmt_chi2 (GMT, chi2_high, nu, &p_high);
1538 	while (p_high > p) {	/* Must pick higher starting point */
1539 		chi2_high *= 2.0;
1540 		gmt_chi2 (GMT, chi2_high, nu, &p_high);
1541 	}
1543 	/* Now, (chi2_low, p_low) and (chi2_high, p_high) are bracketing the desired (chi2,p) */
1545 	done = false;
1546 	while (!done) {
1547 		chi2_mid = 0.5 * (chi2_low + chi2_high);
1548 		gmt_chi2 (GMT, chi2_mid, nu, &p_mid);
1549 		if (doubleAlmostEqualZero (p_mid, p)) {
1550 			done = true;
1551 		}
1552 		else if (p_mid < p) {	/* Too high */
1553 			chi2_high = chi2_mid;
1554 		}
1555 		else { /* p_mid > p */
1556 			chi2_low = chi2_mid;
1557 		}
1558 	}
1559 	return (chi2_mid);
1560 }
gmt_Fcrit(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double alpha,double nu1,double nu2)1562 double gmt_Fcrit (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double alpha, double nu1, double nu2) {
1563 	/* Critical values for F-distribution */
1565 	int NU1, NU2;
1566 	bool done;
1567 	double F_low, F_high, F_mid = 0.0, p_high, p_mid, p, chisq1, chisq2;
1569 	F_high = 5.0;
1570 	p = 1.0 - alpha;
1571 	F_low = 0.0;
1572 	gmtstat_F_to_ch1_ch2 (GMT, F_high, nu1, nu2, &chisq1, &chisq2);
1573 	NU1 = irint (nu1);
1574 	NU2 = irint (nu2);
1575 	gmtstat_f_q (GMT, chisq1, NU1, chisq2, NU2, &p_high);
1576 	while (p_high > p) {	/* Must pick higher starting point */
1577 		F_high *= 2.0;
1578 		gmtstat_F_to_ch1_ch2 (GMT, F_high, nu1, nu2, &chisq1, &chisq2);
1579 		gmtstat_f_q (GMT, chisq1, NU1, chisq2, NU2, &p_high);
1580 	}
1582 	/* Now, (F_low, p_low) and (F_high, p_high) are bracketing the desired (F,p) */
1584 	done = false;
1585 	while (!done) {
1586 		F_mid = 0.5 * (F_low + F_high);
1587 		gmtstat_F_to_ch1_ch2 (GMT, F_mid, nu1, nu2, &chisq1, &chisq2);
1588 		gmtstat_f_q (GMT, chisq1, NU1, chisq2, NU2, &p_mid);
1589 		if (doubleAlmostEqualZero (p_mid, p)) {
1590 			done = true;
1591 		}
1592 		else if (p_mid < p) {	/* Too high */
1593 			F_high = F_mid;
1594 		}
1595 		else { /* p_mid > p */
1596 			F_low = F_mid;
1597 		}
1598 	}
1599 	return (F_mid);
1600 }
gmtstat_mix64(uint64_t a,uint64_t b,uint64_t c)1602 static inline uint64_t gmtstat_mix64 (uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t c) {
1603 	/* Mix 3 64-bit values, from lookup8.c by Bob Jenkins
1604 	 * (http://burtleburtle.net/bob/index.html) */
1605 	a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c>>43);
1606 	b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a<<9);
1607 	c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b>>8);
1608 	a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c>>38);
1609 	b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a<<23);
1610 	c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b>>5);
1611 	a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c>>35);
1612 	b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a<<49);
1613 	c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b>>11);
1614 	a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c>>12);
1615 	b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a<<18);
1616 	c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b>>22);
1617 	return c;
1618 }
gmt_rand(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT)1620 double gmt_rand (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT) {
1621 	/* Uniform random number generator.  Will return values
1622 	 * x so that 0.0 < x < 1.0 occurs with equal probability. */
1623 	static unsigned seed = 0;
1624 	double random_val;
1626 	while (seed == 0) { /* repeat in case of unsigned overflow */
1627 		/* Initialize random seed, idea from Jonathan
1628 		 * Wright (http://stackoverflow.com/q/322938) */
1629 		seed = (unsigned) gmtstat_mix64 (clock(), time(NULL), getpid());
1630 		srand (seed);
1631 	}
1633 	/* generate random number */
1634 	random_val = rand () / (double) RAND_MAX;
1636 	if (random_val == 0.0 || random_val >= 1.0)
1637 		/* Ensure range (0.0,1.0) */
1638 		return gmt_rand (GMT);
1640 	return random_val;
1641 }
gmt_nrand(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT)1643 double gmt_nrand (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT) {
1644 	/* Gaussian random number generator based on gasdev of
1645 	 * Press et al, Numerical Recipes, 2nd edition.  Will
1646 	 * return values that have zero mean and unit variance.
1647 	 */
1649 	static int iset = 0;
1650 	static double gset;
1651 	double fac, r, v1, v2;
1653 	if (iset == 0) {	/* We don't have an extra deviate handy, so */
1654 		do {
1655 			v1 = 2.0 * gmt_rand (GMT) - 1.0;	/* Pick two uniform numbers in the -1/1/-1/1 square */
1656 			v2 = 2.0 * gmt_rand (GMT) - 1.0;
1657 			r = v1 * v1 + v2 * v2;
1658 		} while (r >= 1.0 || r == 0.0);	/* Keep trying until v1,v2 is inside unit circle */
1660 		fac = sqrt (-2.0 * log (r) / r);
1662 		/* Now make Box-Muller transformation to get two normal deviates.  Return
1663 		 * one and save the other for the next time gmt_nrand is called */
1665 		gset = v1 * fac;
1666 		iset = 1;	/* Set flag for next time */
1667 		return (v2 * fac);
1668 	}
1669 	else {
1670 		iset = 0;	/* Take old value, reset flag */
1671 		return (gset);
1672 	}
1673 }
gmt_lrand(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT)1675 double gmt_lrand (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT) {
1676 	/* Laplace random number generator.  As nrand, it will
1677 	 * return values that have zero mean and unit variance.
1678 	 */
1680 	double rand_0_to_1;
1682 	rand_0_to_1 = gmt_rand (GMT);	/* Gives uniformly distributed random values in 0-1 range */
1683 	return (((rand_0_to_1 <= 0.5) ? log (2.0 * rand_0_to_1) : -log (2.0 * (1.0 - rand_0_to_1))) / M_SQRT2);
1684 }
gmt_chi2(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double chi2,double nu,double * prob)1686 void gmt_chi2 (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double chi2, double nu, double *prob) {
1687 	/* Evaluate probability that chi2 will exceed the
1688 	 * theoretical chi2 by chance. */
1690 	*prob = gmtstat_gammq (GMT, 0.5 * nu, 0.5 * chi2);
1691 }
gmt_poissonpdf(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double k,double lambda)1693 double gmt_poissonpdf (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double k, double lambda) {
1694 	/* Evaluate PDF for Poisson Distribution */
1695 	return pow (lambda, k) * exp (-lambda) / gmt_factorial (GMT, irint (k));
1696 }
gmt_poisson_cdf(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double k,double mu,double * prob)1698 void gmt_poisson_cdf (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double k, double mu, double *prob) {
1699 	/* evaluate Cumulative Poisson Distribution */
1701 	*prob = (k == 0.0) ? exp (-mu) : gmtstat_gammq (GMT, k+1.0, mu);
1702 }
gmt_mean_and_std(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double * x,uint64_t n,double * std)1704 double gmt_mean_and_std (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double *x, uint64_t n, double *std) {
1705 	/* Return the standard deviation of the non-NaN values in x */
1706 	uint64_t k, m = 0;
1707 	double dx, mean = 0.0, sum2 = 0.0;
1708 	for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {	/* Use Welford (1962) algorithm to compute mean and corrected sum of squares */
1709 		if (gmt_M_is_dnan (x[k])) continue;
1710 		m++;
1711 		dx = x[k] - mean;
1712 		mean += dx / m;
1713 		sum2 += dx * (x[k] - mean);
1714 	}
1715 	*std = (m > 1) ? sqrt (sum2 / (m-1.0)) : GMT->session.d_NaN;
1716 	return ((m) ? mean : GMT->session.d_NaN);
1717 }
gmt_std_weighted(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double * x,double * w,double wmean,uint64_t n)1719 double gmt_std_weighted (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double *x, double *w, double wmean, uint64_t n) {
1720 	/* Return the weighted standard deviation of the non-NaN values in x.
1721 	 * If w == NULL then a regular std is computed. */
1722 	uint64_t k, m = 0;
1723 	double dx, sumw = 0.0, sum2 = 0.0, wk = 1.0;
1724 	for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
1725 		if (gmt_M_is_dnan (x[k])) continue;
1726 		if (w) {
1727 			if (gmt_M_is_dnan (w[k])) continue;
1728 			if (gmt_M_is_zero (w[k])) continue;
1729 			wk = w[k];
1730 		}
1731 		dx = x[k] - wmean;
1732 		sum2 += wk * dx * dx;
1733 		sumw += wk;
1734 		m++;	/* Number of points with nonzero weights */
1735 	}
1736 	return (m > 1) ? sqrt (sum2 / (((m-1.0) * sumw) / m)) : GMT->session.d_NaN;
1737 }
gmt_median(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double * x,uint64_t n,double xmin,double xmax,double m_initial,double * med)1739 int gmt_median (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double *x, uint64_t n, double xmin, double xmax, double m_initial, double *med) {
1740 	double lower_bound, upper_bound, m_guess, t_0, t_1, t_middle;
1741 	double lub, glb, xx, temp;
1742 	uint64_t i;
1743 	int64_t n_above, n_below, n_equal, n_lub, n_glb, one;	/* These must be signed integers (PW: Why? -> (unsigned)x - (unsigned)y will never become negative) */
1744 	int iteration = 0;
1745 	bool finished = false;
1747 	if (n == 0) {	/* No data, so no defined median */
1748 		*med = GMT->session.d_NaN;
1749 		return (1);
1750 	}
1751 	if (n == 1) {
1752 		*med = x[0];
1753 		return (1);
1754 	}
1755 	if (n == 2) {
1756 		*med = 0.5 * (x[0] + x[1]);
1757 		return (1);
1758 	}
1760 	m_guess = m_initial;
1761 	lower_bound = xmin;
1762 	upper_bound = xmax;
1763 	one = 1;
1764 	t_0 = 0.0;
1765 	t_1 = (double)(n - one);
1766 	t_middle = 0.5 * t_1;
1768 	do {
1770 		n_above = n_below = n_equal = n_lub = n_glb = 0;
1771 		lub = xmax;
1772 		glb = xmin;
1774 		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1776 			xx = x[i];
1777 			if (xx == m_guess)
1778 				n_equal++;
1779 			else if (xx > m_guess) {
1780 				n_above++;
1781 				if (xx < lub) {
1782 					lub = xx;
1783 					n_lub = one;
1784 				}
1785 				else if (xx == lub)
1786 					n_lub++;
1787 			}
1788 			else {
1789 				n_below++;
1790 				if (xx > glb) {
1791 					glb = xx;
1792 					n_glb = one;
1793 				}
1794 				else if (xx == glb)
1795 					n_glb++;
1796 			}
1797 		}
1799 		iteration++;
1801 		/* Now test counts, watch multiple roots, think even/odd:  */
1803 		if ((int64_abs (n_above - n_below)) <= n_equal) {
1804 			*med = (n_equal) ? m_guess : 0.5 * (lub + glb);
1805 			finished = true;
1806 		}
1807 		else if ((int64_abs ((n_above - n_lub) - (n_below + n_equal))) < n_lub) {
1808 			*med = lub;
1809 			finished = true;
1810 		}
1811 		else if ((int64_abs ((n_below - n_glb) - (n_above + n_equal))) < n_glb) {
1812 			*med = glb;
1813 			finished = true;
1814 		}
1815 		/* Those cases found the median; the next two will forecast a new guess:  */
1817 		else if (n_above > (n_below + n_equal)) {  /* Guess is too low  */
1818 			lower_bound = m_guess;
1819 			t_0 = (double)(n_below + n_equal - one);
1820 			temp = lower_bound + (upper_bound - lower_bound) * (t_middle - t_0) / (t_1 - t_0);
1821 			m_guess = (temp > lub) ? temp : lub;	/* Move guess at least to lub  */
1822 		}
1823 		else if (n_below > (n_above + n_equal)) {  /* Guess is too high  */
1824 			upper_bound = m_guess;
1825 			t_1 = (double)(n_below + n_equal - one);
1826 			temp = lower_bound + (upper_bound - lower_bound) * (t_middle - t_0) / (t_1 - t_0);
1827 			m_guess = (temp < glb) ? temp : glb;	/* Move guess at least to glb  */
1828 		}
1829 		else {	/* If we get here, I made a mistake!  */
1830 			GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Internal goof in gmt_median; please report to developers!\n");
1831 			*med = GMT->session.d_NaN;
1832 			return GMT_NOTSET;
1833 		}
1835 	} while (!finished);
1837 	/* That's all, folks!  */
1838 	return (iteration);
1839 }
gmt_mean_weighted(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double * x,double * w,uint64_t n)1841 double gmt_mean_weighted (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double *x, double *w, uint64_t n) {
1842 	/* Return the weighted mean of x given weights w */
1843 	uint64_t k;
1844 	double sum_xw = 0.0, sum_w = 0.0;
1846 	if (n == 0) return (GMT->session.d_NaN);	/* No data, so no defined mean */
1847 	for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
1848 		sum_w  += w[k];
1849 		sum_xw += x[k] * w[k];
1850 	}
1851 	if (sum_w == 0.0) return (GMT->session.d_NaN);	/* No weights, so no defined mean */
1852 	return (sum_xw / sum_w);
1853 }
gmt_quantile_weighted(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_OBSERVATION * data,uint64_t n,double quantile)1855 double gmt_quantile_weighted (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_OBSERVATION *data, uint64_t n, double quantile) {
1856 	uint64_t k;
1857 	double weight_half = 0.0, weight_count;
1859 	if (n == 0) return (GMT->session.d_NaN);	/* No data, so no defined mode */
1861 	/* First sort data on z */
1863 	qsort (data, n, sizeof (struct GMT_OBSERVATION), gmtlib_compare_observation);
1865 	/* Find weight sum, then get half-value */
1867 	for (k = 0; k < n; k++) weight_half += data[k].weight;
1868 	weight_half *= quantile;	/* Normally quantile = 0.5 hence the name "half" */
1870 	/* Determine the point where we hit the desired quantile */
1872 	k = 0;	weight_count = data[k].weight;
1873 	while (weight_count < weight_half) weight_count += data[++k].weight;	/* Wind up until weight_count hits the mark */
1875 	return ((double)((weight_count == weight_half) ? 0.5 * (data[k].value + data[k+1].value) : data[k].value));
1876 }
gmt_median_weighted(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_OBSERVATION * data,uint64_t n)1878 double gmt_median_weighted (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_OBSERVATION *data, uint64_t n) {
1879 	/* Just hardwire quantile to 0.5 */
1880 	return gmt_quantile_weighted (GMT, data, n, 0.5);
1881 }
gmt_mode_weighted(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_OBSERVATION * data,uint64_t n)1883 double gmt_mode_weighted (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_OBSERVATION *data, uint64_t n) {
1884 	/* Looks for the "shortest 50%". This means that when the cumulative weight
1885 	   (y) is plotted against the value (x) then the line between (xi,yi) and
1886 	   (xj,yj) should be the steepest for any combination where (yj-yi) is 50%
1887 	   of the total sum of weights */
1889 	double top, bottom, wsum, p, p_max, mode;
1890 	uint64_t i, j;
1892 	if (n == 0) return (GMT->session.d_NaN);	/* No data, so no defined mode */
1894 	/* First sort data on z */
1895 	qsort (data, n, sizeof (struct GMT_OBSERVATION), gmtlib_compare_observation);
1897 	/* Compute the total weight */
1898 	for (wsum = 0.0, i = 0; i < n; i++) wsum += data[i].weight;
1900 	/* Do some initializations */
1901 	wsum = 0.5 * wsum;	/* Sets the 50% range */
1903 	/* First check if any single point has 50% or more of the total weights; if so we are done */
1904 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (data[i].weight >= wsum) return data[i].value;
1906 	/* Some more initializations */
1907 	top = p_max = 0.0;
1908 	mode = 0.5 * (data[0].value + data[n-1].value);
1910 	for (i = j = 0; j < n; j++) {
1911 		top += data[j].weight;
1912 		if (top < wsum) continue;
1913 		while (top > wsum && i < j) top -= data[i++].weight;
1914 		bottom = data[j].value - data[i].value;
1916 		/* If all is comprised in one point or if a lot of values are the same,
1917 		   then we have a spike. Maybe another logic is needed to handle
1918 		   multiple spikes in the data */
1919 		if (bottom == 0.0) return (data[i].value);
1921 		p = top / bottom;
1922 		if (p > p_max) {
1923 			p_max = p;
1924 			mode = 0.5 * (data[i].value + data[j].value);
1925 		}
1926 	}
1927 	return (mode);
1928 }
gmt_mode(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double * x,uint64_t n,uint64_t j,bool sort,int mode_selection,unsigned int * n_multiples,double * mode_est)1930 int gmt_mode (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double *x, uint64_t n, uint64_t j, bool sort, int mode_selection, unsigned int *n_multiples, double *mode_est) {
1931 	uint64_t i, istop;
1932 	unsigned int multiplicity;
1933 	double mid_point_sum = 0.0, length, short_length = DBL_MAX, this_mode;
1935 	if (n == 0) {	/* No data, so no defined mode */
1936 		*mode_est = GMT->session.d_NaN;
1937 		return (0);
1938 	}
1939 	if (n == 1) {
1940 		*mode_est = x[0];
1941 		return (0);
1942 	}
1944 	if (sort) gmt_sort_array (GMT, x, n, GMT_DOUBLE);
1945 	while (n && gmt_M_is_dnan (x[n-1])) n--;	/* Skip any NaNs at end of sorted array */
1946 	istop = n - j;
1947 	multiplicity = 0;
1949 	for (i = 0; i < istop; i++) {
1950 		length = x[i + j] - x[i];
1951 		if (length < 0.0) {
1952 			GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "gmt_mode: Array not sorted in non-decreasing order.\n");
1953 			return (GMT_NOTSET);
1954 		}
1955 		else if (length == short_length) {	/* Possibly multiple mode */
1956 			switch (mode_selection) {
1957 				case -1:	/* Always pick lowest mode */
1958 					this_mode = 0.5 * (x[i + j] + x[i]);
1959 					if (this_mode < mid_point_sum) mid_point_sum = this_mode;
1960 					break;
1961 				case 0:		/* Return average of all modes */
1962 					multiplicity++;
1963 					mid_point_sum += (0.5 * (x[i + j] + x[i]));
1964 					break;
1965 				case +1:	/* Always pick highest mode */
1966 					this_mode = 0.5 * (x[i + j] + x[i]);
1967 					if (this_mode > mid_point_sum) mid_point_sum = this_mode;
1968 					break;
1969 			}
1970 		}
1971 		else if (length < short_length) {	/* Update current best mode estimate */
1972 			multiplicity = 1;
1973 			mid_point_sum = (0.5 * (x[i + j] + x[i]));
1974 			short_length = length;
1975 		}
1976 	}
1978 	if (multiplicity > 1) {	/* Found more than 1 mode; return mean of them all */
1979 		mid_point_sum /= multiplicity;
1980 		(*n_multiples) += multiplicity;
1981 	}
1983 	*mode_est = mid_point_sum;
1984 	return (0);
1985 }
gmt_mode_f(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,gmt_grdfloat * x,uint64_t n,uint64_t j,bool sort,int mode_selection,unsigned int * n_multiples,double * mode_est)1987 int gmt_mode_f (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, gmt_grdfloat *x, uint64_t n, uint64_t j, bool sort, int mode_selection, unsigned int *n_multiples, double *mode_est) {
1988 	uint64_t i, istop;
1989 	unsigned int multiplicity;
1990 	double mid_point_sum = 0.0, length, short_length = FLT_MAX, this_mode;
1992 	if (n == 0) {	/* No data, so no defined mode */
1993 		*mode_est = GMT->session.d_NaN;
1994 		return (0);
1995 	}
1996 	if (n == 1) {
1997 		*mode_est = x[0];
1998 		return (0);
1999 	}
2000 	if (sort) gmt_sort_array (GMT, x, n, GMT_FLOAT);
2002 	istop = n - j;
2003 	multiplicity = 0;
2005 	for (i = 0; i < istop; i++) {
2006 		length = x[i + j] - x[i];
2007 		if (length < 0.0) {
2008 			GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "gmt_mode_f: Array not sorted in non-decreasing order.\n");
2009 			return (GMT_NOTSET);
2010 		}
2011 		else if (length == short_length) {	/* Possibly multiple mode */
2012 			switch (mode_selection) {
2013 				case -1:	/* Always pick lowest mode */
2014 					this_mode = 0.5 * (x[i + j] + x[i]);
2015 					if (this_mode < mid_point_sum) mid_point_sum = this_mode;
2016 					break;
2017 				case 0:		/* Return average of all modes */
2018 					multiplicity++;
2019 					mid_point_sum += (0.5 * (x[i + j] + x[i]));
2020 					break;
2021 				case +1:	/* Always pick highest mode */
2022 					this_mode = 0.5 * (x[i + j] + x[i]);
2023 					if (this_mode > mid_point_sum) mid_point_sum = this_mode;
2024 					break;
2025 			}
2026 		}
2027 		else if (length < short_length) {
2028 			multiplicity = 1;
2029 			mid_point_sum = (0.5 * (x[i + j] + x[i]));
2030 			short_length = length;
2031 		}
2032 	}
2034 	if (multiplicity > 1) {	/* Found more than 1 mode; return mean of them all */
2035 		mid_point_sum /= multiplicity;
2036 		(*n_multiples) += multiplicity;
2037 	}
2039 	*mode_est = mid_point_sum;
2040 	return (0);
2041 }
2043 /* Replacement slower functions until we figure out the problem with the algorithm */
gmt_getmad(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double * x,uint64_t n,double location,double * scale)2045 void gmt_getmad (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double *x, uint64_t n, double location, double *scale) {
2046 	uint64_t i;
2047 	double med, *dev = NULL;
2049 	if (n == 0) {	/* No data, so cannot define MAD */
2050 		*scale = GMT->session.d_NaN;
2051 		return;
2052 	}
2053 	else if (n == 1) {	/* Single point has no deviation */
2054 		*scale = 0.0;
2055 		return;
2056 	}
2058 	dev = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n, double);
2059 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) dev[i] = fabs (x[i] - location);
2060 	gmt_sort_array (GMT, dev, n, GMT_DOUBLE);
2061 	/* Eliminate any NaNs which would have congregated at the end of the array */
2062 	for (i = n; i > 0 && gmt_M_is_dnan (dev[i-1]); i--);
2063 	if (i)
2064 		med = (i%2) ? dev[i/2] : 0.5 * (dev[(i-1)/2] + dev[i/2]);
2065 	else
2066 		med = GMT->session.d_NaN;
2067 	gmt_M_free (GMT, dev);
2068 	*scale = MAD_NORMALIZE * med;
2069 }
gmt_getmad_f(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,gmt_grdfloat * x,uint64_t n,double location,double * scale)2071 void gmt_getmad_f (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, gmt_grdfloat *x, uint64_t n, double location, double *scale) {
2072 	uint64_t i;
2073 	gmt_grdfloat *dev = NULL;
2074 	double med;
2076 	if (n == 0) {	/* No data, so cannot define MAD */
2077 		*scale = GMT->session.d_NaN;
2078 		return;
2079 	}
2080 	else if (n == 1) {	/* Single point has no deviation */
2081 		*scale = 0.0;
2082 		return;
2083 	}
2084 	dev = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n, double);
2085 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) dev[i] = (gmt_grdfloat) fabs (x[i] - location);
2086 	gmt_sort_array (GMT, dev, n, GMT_FLOAT);
2087 	for (i = n; i > 0 && gmt_M_is_fnan (dev[i-1]); i--);
2088 	if (i)
2089 		med = (i%2) ? dev[i/2] : 0.5 * (dev[(i-1)/2] + dev[i/2]);
2090 	else
2091 		med = GMT->session.d_NaN;
2092 	gmt_M_free (GMT, dev);
2093 	*scale = MAD_NORMALIZE * med;
2094 }
gmt_extreme(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double x[],uint64_t n,double x_default,int kind,int way)2096 double gmt_extreme (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double x[], uint64_t n, double x_default, int kind, int way) {
2097 	/* Returns the extreme value in the x array according to:
2098 	*  kind: -1 means only consider negative values, including zero.
2099 	*  kind:  0 means consider all values.
2100 	*  kind: +1 means only consider positive values, including zero.
2101 	*  way:  -1 means look for minimum.
2102 	*  way:  +1 means look for maximum.
2103 	* If kind is non-zero we assign x_default is no values are found.
2104 	* If kind == 0 we expect x_default to be set so that x[0] will reset x_select.
2105 	*/
2107 	uint64_t i, k;
2108 	double x_select = GMT->session.d_NaN;
2110 	if (n == 0) return (x_select);	/* No data, so no defined extreme value */
2111 	for (i = k = 0; i < n; i++) {
2112 		if (kind == -1 && x[i] > 0.0) continue;
2113 		if (kind == +1 && x[i] < 0.0) continue;
2114 		if (k == 0) x_select = x[i];
2115 		if (way == -1 && x[i] < x_select) x_select = x[i];
2116 		if (way == +1 && x[i] > x_select) x_select = x[i];
2117 		k++;
2118 	}
2120 	return ((k) ? x_select : x_default);
2121 }
gmt_chebyshev(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double x,int n,double * t)2123 int gmt_chebyshev (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double x, int n, double *t) {
2124 	/* Calculates the n'th Chebyshev polynomial at x */
2126 	double x2, a, b;
2128 	if (n < 0) gmt_M_err_pass (GMT, GMT_CHEBYSHEV_NEG_ORDER, "");
2129 	if (fabs (x) > 1.0) gmt_M_err_pass (GMT, GMT_CHEBYSHEV_BAD_DOMAIN, "");
2131 	switch (n) {	/* Testing the order of the polynomial */
2132 		case 0:
2133 			*t = 1.0;
2134 			break;
2135 		case 1:
2136 			*t = x;
2137 			break;
2138 		case 2:
2139 			*t = 2.0 * x * x - 1.0;
2140 			break;
2141 		case 3:
2142 			*t = x * (4.0 * x * x - 3.0);
2143 			break;
2144 		case 4:
2145 			x2 = x * x;
2146 			*t = 8.0 * x2 * (x2 - 1.0) + 1.0;
2147 			break;
2148 		default:	/* For higher degrees we do the recursion */
2149 			gmt_chebyshev (GMT, x, n-1, &a);
2150 			gmt_chebyshev (GMT, x, n-2, &b);
2151 			*t = 2.0 * x * a - b;
2152 			break;
2153 	}
2155 	return (GMT_NOERROR);
2156 }
gmt_corrcoeff(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double * x,double * y,uint64_t n,unsigned int mode)2158 double gmt_corrcoeff (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double *x, double *y, uint64_t n, unsigned int mode) {
2159 	/* Returns plain correlation coefficient, r.
2160 	 * If mode = 1 we assume mean(x) = mean(y) = 0.
2161 	 */
2163 	uint64_t i, n_use;
2164 	double xmean = 0.0, ymean = 0.0, dx, dy, vx, vy, vxy, r;
2166 	if (n == 0) return (GMT->session.d_NaN);	/* No data, so no defined correlation */
2167 	if (mode == 0) {
2168 		for (i = n_use = 0; i < n; i++) {
2169 			if (gmt_M_is_dnan (x[i]) || gmt_M_is_dnan (y[i])) continue;
2170 			xmean += x[i];
2171 			ymean += y[i];
2172 			n_use++;
2173 		}
2174 		if (n_use == 0) return (GMT->session.d_NaN);
2175 		xmean /= (double)n_use;
2176 		ymean /= (double)n_use;
2177 	}
2179 	vx = vy = vxy = 0.0;
2180 	for (i = n_use = 0; i < n; i++) {
2181 		if (gmt_M_is_dnan (x[i]) || gmt_M_is_dnan (y[i])) continue;
2182 		dx = x[i] - xmean;
2183 		dy = y[i] - ymean;
2184 		vx += dx * dx;
2185 		vy += dy * dy;
2186 		vxy += dx * dy;
2187 	}
2189 	r = vxy / sqrt (vx * vy);
2190 	return (r);
2191 }
gmt_corrcoeff_f(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,gmt_grdfloat * x,gmt_grdfloat * y,uint64_t n,unsigned int mode)2193 double gmt_corrcoeff_f (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, gmt_grdfloat *x, gmt_grdfloat *y, uint64_t n, unsigned int mode) {
2194 	/* Returns plain correlation coefficient, r.
2195 	 * If mode = 1 we assume mean(x) = mean(y) = 0.
2196 	 */
2198 	uint64_t i, n_use;
2199 	double xmean = 0.0, ymean = 0.0, dx, dy, vx, vy, vxy, r;
2201 	if (n == 0) return (GMT->session.d_NaN);	/* No data, so no defined correlation */
2202 	if (mode == 0) {
2203 		for (i = n_use = 0; i < n; i++) {
2204 			if (gmt_M_is_fnan (x[i]) || gmt_M_is_fnan (y[i])) continue;
2205 			xmean += (double)x[i];
2206 			ymean += (double)y[i];
2207 			n_use++;
2208 		}
2209 		if (n_use == 0) return (GMT->session.d_NaN);
2210 		xmean /= (double)n_use;
2211 		ymean /= (double)n_use;
2212 	}
2214 	vx = vy = vxy = 0.0;
2215 	for (i = n_use = 0; i < n; i++) {
2216 		if (gmt_M_is_fnan (x[i]) || gmt_M_is_fnan (y[i])) continue;
2217 		dx = (double)x[i] - xmean;
2218 		dy = (double)y[i] - ymean;
2219 		vx += dx * dx;
2220 		vy += dy * dy;
2221 		vxy += dx * dy;
2222 	}
2224 	r = vxy / sqrt (vx * vy);
2225 	return (r);
2226 }
gmt_quantile(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double * x,double q,uint64_t n)2228 double gmt_quantile (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double *x, double q, uint64_t n) {
2229 	/* Returns the q'th (q in percent) quantile of x (assumed sorted).
2230 	 * q is expected to be 0 < q < 100 */
2232 	uint64_t i_f;
2233 	double p, f, df;
2235 	if (n == 0) return (GMT->session.d_NaN);	/* No data, so no defined quantile */
2236 	if (q == 0.0) return (x[0]);			/* 0% quantile == min(x) */
2237 	while (n > 1 && gmt_M_is_dnan (x[n-1])) n--;	/* Skip any NaNs at the end of x */
2238 	if (q == 100.0) return (x[n-1]);		/* 100% quantile == max(x) */
2239 	f = (n - 1) * q / 100.0;
2240 	i_f = (uint64_t)floor (f);
2241 	if ((df = (f - (double)i_f)) > 0.0)		/* Must interpolate between the two neighbors */
2242 		p = x[i_f+1] * df + x[i_f] * (1.0 - df);
2243 	else						/* Exactly on a node */
2244 		p = x[i_f];
2246 	return (p);
2247 }
gmt_quantile_f(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,gmt_grdfloat * x,double q,uint64_t n)2249 double gmt_quantile_f (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, gmt_grdfloat *x, double q, uint64_t n) {
2250 	/* Returns the q'th (q in percent) quantile of x (assumed sorted).
2251 	 * q is expected to be 0 < q < 100 */
2253 	uint64_t i_f;
2254 	double p, f, df;
2256 	if (n == 0) return (GMT->session.d_NaN);	/* No data, so no defined quantile */
2257 	if (q == 0.0) return ((double)x[0]);		/* 0% quantile == min(x) */
2258 	while (n > 1 && gmt_M_is_fnan (x[n-1])) n--;	/* Skip any NaNs at the end of x */
2259 	if (q == 100.0) return ((double)x[n-1]);	/* 100% quantile == max(x) */
2260 	f = (n - 1) * q / 100.0;
2261 	i_f = (uint64_t)floor (f);
2262 	if ((df = (f - (double)i_f)) > 0.0)		/* Must interpolate between the two neighbors */
2263 		p = (double)(x[i_f+1] * df + x[i_f] * (1.0 - df));
2264 	else						/* Exactly on a node */
2265 		p = (double)x[i_f];
2267 	return (p);
2268 }
gmt_psi(struct GMT_CTRL * P,double zz[],double p[])2270 double gmt_psi (struct GMT_CTRL *P, double zz[], double p[]) {
2271 /* Psi     Psi (or Digamma) function for complex arguments z.
2272 *
2273 *                 d
2274 *        Psi(z) = --log(Gamma(z))
2275 *                 dz
2276 *
2277 * zz[GMT_RE] is real and zz[GMT_IM] is imaginary component; same for p on output (only if p != NULL).
2278 * We also return the real component as function result.
2279 */
2280 	static double c[15] = { 0.99999999999999709182, 57.156235665862923517, -59.597960355475491248,
2281 			14.136097974741747174, -0.49191381609762019978, 0.33994649984811888699e-4,
2282 			0.46523628927048575665e-4, -0.98374475304879564677e-4, 0.15808870322491248884e-3,
2283 			-0.21026444172410488319e-3, 0.21743961811521264320e-3, -0.16431810653676389022e-3,
2284 			0.84418223983852743293e-4, -0.26190838401581408670e-4, 0.36899182659531622704e-5};
2285 	double z[2], g[2], dx[2], dd[2], d[2], n[2], gg[2], f[2], x0, A[2], B[2], C[2], sx, cx, e;
2286 	int k;
2288 	if (zz[GMT_IM] == 0.0 && rint(zz[GMT_RE]) == zz[GMT_RE] && zz[GMT_RE] <= 0.0) {
2289 		if (p) { p[GMT_RE] = P->session.d_NaN; p[GMT_IM] = 0.0;}
2290 		return (P->session.d_NaN);	/* Singular points */
2291 	}
2293 	z[GMT_RE] = zz[GMT_RE];	z[GMT_IM] = zz[GMT_IM];
2294 	if ((x0 = z[GMT_RE]) < 0.5) {	/* reflection point */
2295 		z[GMT_RE] = 1.0 - z[GMT_RE];
2296 		z[GMT_IM] = -z[GMT_IM];
2297 	}
2299 	/* Lanczos approximation */
2301 	g[GMT_RE] = 607.0/128.0;	g[GMT_IM] = 0.0; /* best results when 4<=g<=5 */
2302 	n[GMT_RE] = d[GMT_RE] = n[GMT_IM] = d[GMT_IM] = 0.0;
2303 	for (k = 14; k > 0; k--) {
2304 		A[GMT_RE] = 1.0;	A[GMT_IM] = 0.0;
2305 		B[GMT_RE] = z[GMT_RE] + k - 1.0;	B[GMT_IM] = z[GMT_IM];
2306 		gmtstat_Cdiv (A, B, dx);
2307 		dd[GMT_RE] = c[k] * dx[GMT_RE];	dd[GMT_IM] = c[k] * dx[GMT_IM];
2308 		d[GMT_RE] += dd[GMT_RE];	d[GMT_IM] += dd[GMT_IM];
2309 		gmtstat_Cmul (dd, dx, B);
2310 		n[GMT_RE] -= B[GMT_RE];	n[GMT_IM] -= B[GMT_IM];
2311 	}
2312 	d[GMT_RE] += c[GMT_RE];
2313 	gg[GMT_RE] = z[GMT_RE] + g[GMT_RE] - 0.5;	gg[GMT_IM] = z[GMT_IM];
2314 	gmtstat_Cdiv (n, d, A);
2315 	gmtstat_Cdiv (g, gg, B);
2316 	f[GMT_RE] = log (hypot(gg[GMT_RE], gg[GMT_IM])) + A[GMT_RE] - B[GMT_RE];
2317 	f[GMT_IM] = atan2 (gg[GMT_IM], gg[GMT_RE])  + A[GMT_IM] - B[GMT_IM];
2318 	if (x0 < 0.5) {
2319 		C[GMT_RE] = M_PI * zz[GMT_RE];	C[GMT_IM] = M_PI * zz[GMT_IM];
2320 		e = exp (-2*C[GMT_IM]);	sx = sin (2*C[GMT_RE]);	cx = cos (2*C[GMT_RE]);
2321 		A[GMT_RE] = -e * sx;	A[GMT_IM] = e * cx + 1.0;
2322 		B[GMT_RE] = e * cx - 1.0;	B[GMT_IM] = e * sx;
2323 		gmtstat_Cdiv (A, B, C);
2324 		f[GMT_RE] -= M_PI * C[GMT_RE];	f[GMT_IM] -= M_PI * C[GMT_IM];
2325 	}
2326 	if (p) {
2327 		p[GMT_RE] = f[GMT_RE];
2328 		p[GMT_IM] = f[GMT_IM];
2329 	}
2330 	return (f[GMT_RE]);
2331 }
2333 #ifndef M_SQRT_PI
2334 #define M_SQRT_PI 1.772453850905516
2335 #endif
2337 #define PV_RE 0
2338 #define PV_IM 1
2339 #define QV_RE 2
2340 #define QV_IM 3
gmt_PvQv(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double x,double v_ri[],double pq[],unsigned int * iter)2342 void gmt_PvQv (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double x, double v_ri[], double pq[], unsigned int *iter) {
2343 	/* Here, -1 <= x <= +1, v_ri is an imaginary number [r,i], and we return
2344 	 * the real amd imaginary parts of Pv(x) and Qv(x) in the pq array.
2345 	 * Based on recipe in An Atlas of Functions */
2347 	bool p_set, q_set;
2348 	double M, L, K, Xn, x2, k, k1, ep, em, sx, cx, fact;
2349 	double a[2], v[2], vp1[2], G[2], g[2], u[2], t[2], f[2];
2350 	double R[2], r[2], z[2], s[2], c[2], w[2], tmp[2], X[2], A[2], B[2];
2352 	*iter = 0;
2353 	pq[PV_RE] = pq[QV_RE] = pq[PV_IM] = pq[QV_IM] = 0.0;	/* Initialize all answers to zero first */
2354 	p_set = q_set = false;
2355 	if (x == -1 && v_ri[GMT_IM] == 0.0) {	/* Check special values for real nu when x = -1 */
2356 			/* Special Pv(-1) values */
2357 		if ((v_ri[GMT_RE] > 0.0 && fmod (v_ri[GMT_RE], 2.0) == 1.0) || (v_ri[GMT_RE] < 0.0 && fmod (v_ri[GMT_RE], 2.0) == 0.0)) {	/* v = 1,3,5,.. or -2, -4, -6 */
2358 			pq[PV_RE] = -1.0; p_set = true;
2359 		}
2360 		else if ((v_ri[GMT_RE] >= 0.0 && fmod (v_ri[GMT_RE], 2.0) == 0.0) || (v_ri[GMT_RE] < 0.0 && fmod (v_ri[GMT_RE]+1.0, 2.0) == 0.0)) {	/* v = 0,2,4,6 or -1,-3,-5,-7 */
2361 			pq[PV_RE] = 1.0; p_set = true;
2362 		}
2363 		else if (v_ri[GMT_RE] > 0.0 && ((fact = v_ri[GMT_RE]-2.0*floor(v_ri[GMT_RE]/2.0)) < 1.0 && fact > 0.0)) { /* 0 < v < 1, 2 < v < 3, 4 < v < 5, ... */
2364 			pq[PV_RE] = GMT->session.d_NaN; p_set = true;	/* -inf */
2365 		}
2366 		else if (v_ri[GMT_RE] < 1.0 && ((fact = v_ri[GMT_RE]-2.0*floor(v_ri[GMT_RE]/2.0)) < 1.0 && fact > 0.0)) {	/* -2 < v < -1, -4 < v < -3, -6 < v < -5 */
2367 			pq[PV_RE] = GMT->session.d_NaN; p_set = true;	/* -inf */
2368 		}
2369 		else if (v_ri[GMT_RE] > 1.0 && (v_ri[GMT_RE]-2.0*floor(v_ri[GMT_RE]/2.0)) > 1.0) {	/* 1 < v < 2, 3 < v < 4, 5 < v < 6, .. */
2370 			pq[PV_RE] = GMT->session.d_NaN; p_set = true;	/* +inf */
2371 		}
2372 		else if (v_ri[GMT_RE] < 2.0 && ( v_ri[GMT_RE]-2.0*floor(v_ri[GMT_RE]/2.0)) > 1.0) {	/* -3 < v < -2, -5 < v < -4, -7 < v < -6, .. */
2373 			pq[PV_RE] = GMT->session.d_NaN; p_set = true;	/* +inf */
2374 		}
2375 		/* Special Qv(-1) values */
2376 		if (v_ri[GMT_RE] > 0.0 && fmod (2.0 * v_ri[GMT_RE] - 1.0, 4.0) == 0.0) {	/* v = 1/2, 5/2, 9/2, ... */
2377 			pq[QV_RE] = -M_PI_2; q_set = true;
2378 		}
2379 		else if (v_ri[GMT_RE] > -1.0 && fmod (2.0 * v_ri[GMT_RE] + 1.0, 4.0) == 0.0) {	/* v = -1/2, 3/2, 7/2, ... */
2380 			pq[QV_RE] = M_PI_2; q_set = true;
2381 		}
2382 		else if (v_ri[GMT_RE] < -1.0 && fmod (2.0 * v_ri[GMT_RE] - 1.0, 4.0) == 0.0) {	/* v = -3/2, -7/2, -11/2, ... */
2383 			pq[QV_RE] = -M_PI_2; q_set = true;
2384 		}
2385 		else if (v_ri[GMT_RE] < -2.0 && fmod (2.0 * v_ri[GMT_RE] + 1.0, 4.0) == 0.0) {	/* v = -5/2, -9/2, -13/2, ... */
2386 			pq[QV_RE] = M_PI_2; q_set = true;
2387 		}
2388 		else {	/* Either -inf or +inf */
2389 			pq[QV_RE] = GMT->session.d_NaN; q_set = true;
2390 		}
2391 	}
2392 	else if (x == +1 && v_ri[GMT_IM] == 0.0) {	/* Check special values for real nu when x = +1 */
2393 		pq[PV_RE] = 1.0; p_set = true;
2394 		pq[QV_RE] = GMT->session.d_NaN; q_set = true;
2395 	}
2396 	if (p_set && q_set) return;
2398 	/* General case of |x| < 1 */
2400 	a[0] = a[1] = R[GMT_RE] = 1.0;	R[GMT_IM] = 0.0;
2401 	v[GMT_RE] = v_ri[GMT_RE];	v[GMT_IM] = v_ri[GMT_IM];
2402 	gmtstat_Cmul (v, v, z);
2403 	z[GMT_RE] = v[GMT_RE] - z[GMT_RE];	z[GMT_IM] = v[GMT_IM] - z[GMT_IM];
2404 	K = 4.0 * sqrt (gmtstat_Cabs(z));
2405 	vp1[GMT_RE] = v[GMT_RE] + 1.0;	vp1[GMT_IM] = v[GMT_IM];
2406 	if ((gmtstat_Cabs(vp1) + floor(vp1[GMT_RE])) == 0.0) {
2407 		a[0] = GMT->session.d_NaN;
2408 		a[1] = 0.0;
2409 		v[GMT_RE] = -1 - v[GMT_RE];
2410 		v[GMT_IM] = -v[GMT_IM];
2411 	}
2412 	z[GMT_RE] = 0.5 * M_PI * v[GMT_RE];	z[GMT_IM] = 0.5 * M_PI * v[GMT_IM];
2413 	ep = exp (z[GMT_IM]);	em = exp (-z[GMT_IM]);
2414 	sincos (z[GMT_RE], &sx, &cx);
2415 	s[GMT_RE] = 0.5 * sx * (em + ep);
2416 	s[GMT_IM] = -0.5 * cx * (em - ep);
2417 	c[GMT_RE] = 0.5 * cx * (em + ep);
2418 	c[GMT_IM] = 0.5 * sx * (em - ep);
2419 	tmp[GMT_RE] = 0.5 + v[GMT_RE];	tmp[GMT_IM] = v[GMT_IM];
2420 	gmtstat_Cmul (tmp, tmp, w);
2421 	z[GMT_IM] = v[GMT_IM];
2422 	while (v[GMT_RE] <= 6.0) {
2423 		v[GMT_RE] = v[GMT_RE] + 2.0;
2424 		z[GMT_RE] = v[GMT_RE] - 1.0;
2425 		gmtstat_Cdiv (z, v, tmp);
2426 		gmtstat_Cmul (R,tmp,r);
2427 		R[GMT_RE] = r[GMT_RE];	R[GMT_IM] = r[GMT_IM];
2428 	}
2429 	z[GMT_RE] = v[GMT_RE] + 1.0;
2430 	tmp[GMT_RE] = 0.25;	tmp[GMT_IM] = 0.0;
2431 	gmtstat_Cdiv (tmp, z, X);
2432 	tmp[GMT_RE] = 0.35 + 6.1 * X[GMT_RE];	tmp[GMT_IM] = 6.1*X[GMT_IM];
2433 	gmtstat_Cmul (X, tmp, z);
2434 	z[GMT_RE] = 1.0 - 3.0*z[GMT_RE];	z[GMT_IM] = -3.0*z[GMT_IM];
2435 	gmtstat_Cmul (X, z, tmp);
2436 	G[GMT_RE] = 1.0 + 5.0 * tmp[GMT_RE];	G[GMT_IM] = 5.0 * tmp[GMT_IM];
2437 	z[GMT_RE] = 8.0 * X[GMT_RE];	z[GMT_IM] = 8.0 * X[GMT_IM];
2438 	M = sqrt(hypot(z[GMT_RE], z[GMT_IM]));
2439 	L = 0.5 * atan2 (z[GMT_IM], z[GMT_RE]);
2440 	tmp[GMT_RE] = M * cos(L);	tmp[GMT_IM] = M * sin(L);
2441 	gmtstat_Cmul (G, X, z);
2442 	z[GMT_RE] = 1.0 - 0.5*z[GMT_RE];	z[GMT_IM] = -0.5*z[GMT_IM];
2443 	gmtstat_Cmul (X, z, r);
2444 	r[GMT_RE] = 1.0 - r[GMT_RE];	r[GMT_IM] = -r[GMT_IM];
2445 	gmtstat_Cmul (R, r, z);
2446 	gmtstat_Cdiv (z, tmp, R);
2447 	u[GMT_RE] = g[GMT_RE] = 2.0 * x;	u[GMT_IM] = g[GMT_IM] = f[GMT_IM] = t[GMT_IM] = 0.0;
2448 	f[GMT_RE] = t[GMT_RE] = 1.0;
2449 	k = 0.5;
2450 	x2 = x * x;
2451 	Xn = 1.0 + (1e8/(1 - x2));
2452 	k1 = k + 1.0;
2453 	fact = x2 / (k1*k1 - 0.25);
2454 	t[GMT_RE] = (k*k - w[GMT_RE]) * fact;	t[GMT_IM] = -w[GMT_IM] * fact;
2455 	k += 1.0;
2456 	f[GMT_RE] += t[GMT_RE];	f[GMT_IM] += t[GMT_IM];
2457 	k1 = k + 1.0;
2458 	fact = u[GMT_RE] * x2 / (k1*k1 - 0.25);
2459 	u[GMT_RE] = (k*k - w[GMT_RE]) * fact;	u[GMT_IM] = -w[GMT_IM] * fact;
2460 	k += 1;
2461 	g[GMT_RE] += u[GMT_RE];	g[GMT_IM] += u[GMT_IM];
2462 	tmp[GMT_RE] = Xn * t[GMT_RE];	tmp[GMT_IM] = Xn * t[GMT_IM];
2463 	while (k < K || gmtstat_Cabs (tmp) > gmtstat_Cabs(f)) {
2464 		(*iter)++;
2465 		k1 = k + 1.0;
2466 		tmp[GMT_RE] = k*k - w[GMT_RE];	tmp[GMT_IM] = -w[GMT_IM];	fact = x2 / (k1*k1 - 0.25);
2467 		gmtstat_Cmul (t, tmp, A);
2468 		t[GMT_RE] = A[GMT_RE] * fact;	t[GMT_IM] = A[GMT_IM] * fact;
2469 		k += 1.0;
2470 		k1 = k + 1.0;
2471 		f[GMT_RE] += t[GMT_RE];	f[GMT_IM] += t[GMT_IM];
2472 		tmp[GMT_RE] = k*k - w[GMT_RE];	tmp[GMT_IM] = -w[GMT_IM];	fact = x2 / (k1*k1 - 0.25);
2473 		gmtstat_Cmul (u, tmp, B);
2474 		u[GMT_RE] = B[GMT_RE] * fact;	u[GMT_IM] = B[GMT_IM] * fact;
2475 		k += 1.0;
2476 		g[GMT_RE] += u[GMT_RE];	g[GMT_IM] += u[GMT_IM];
2477 		tmp[GMT_RE] = Xn * t[GMT_RE];	tmp[GMT_IM] = Xn * t[GMT_IM];
2478 	}
2479 	fact = x2 / (1.0 - x2);
2480 	f[GMT_RE] += t[GMT_RE] * fact;	f[GMT_IM] += t[GMT_IM] * fact;
2481 	g[GMT_RE] += u[GMT_RE] * fact;	g[GMT_IM] += u[GMT_IM] * fact;
2482 	if (!p_set) {
2483 		gmtstat_Cmul(s,R,z);
2484 		gmtstat_Cdiv(c,R,tmp);
2485 		gmtstat_Cmul (g, z, A);	gmtstat_Cmul (f, tmp, B);
2486 		pq[PV_RE] = (A[GMT_RE] + B[GMT_RE])/M_SQRT_PI;
2487 		pq[PV_IM] = (A[GMT_IM] + B[GMT_IM])/M_SQRT_PI;
2488 	}
2489 	if (!q_set) {
2490 		gmtstat_Cmul(c,R,z);
2491 		gmtstat_Cdiv(s,R,tmp);
2492 		gmtstat_Cmul (g, z, A);	gmtstat_Cmul (f, tmp, B);
2493 		pq[QV_RE] = a[0]*M_SQRT_PI*(A[GMT_RE] - B[GMT_RE])/2.0;
2494 		pq[QV_IM] = a[1]*M_SQRT_PI*(A[GMT_IM] - B[GMT_IM])/2.0;
2495 	}
2496 }
gmt_grd_mean(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_GRID * G,struct GMT_GRID * W)2498 double gmt_grd_mean (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_GRID *G, struct GMT_GRID *W) {
2499 	/* Compute the [weighted] mean of a grid.  Handle geographic grids with spherical weights W [NULL for cartesian] */
2500 	uint64_t node, n = 0;
2501 	unsigned int row, col;
2502 	double sum_zw = 0.0, sum_w = 0.0;
2503 	if (W) {	/* Weights provided */
2504 		gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, G, row, col, node) {
2505 			if (gmt_M_is_fnan (G->data[node]) || gmt_M_is_dnan (W->data[node])) continue;
2506 			sum_zw += G->data[node] * W->data[node];
2507 			sum_w  += W->data[node];
2508 			n++;
2509 		}
2510 	}
2511 	else {	/* Plain average */
2512 		gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, G, row, col, node) {
2513 			if (gmt_M_is_fnan (G->data[node])) continue;
2514 			sum_zw += G->data[node];
2515 			n++;
2516 		}
2517 		sum_w = (double)n;
2518 	}
2519 	return (n == 0 || sum_w == 0.0) ? GMT->session.d_NaN : sum_zw / sum_w;
2520 }
gmt_grd_std(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_GRID * G,struct GMT_GRID * W)2522 double gmt_grd_std (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_GRID *G, struct GMT_GRID *W) {
2523 	/* Compute the [weighted] std of a grid.  Handle geographic grids with spherical weights W [NULL for cartesian] */
2524 	uint64_t node, n = 0;
2525 	unsigned int row, col;
2526 	double std, mean = 0.0, delta, sumw = 0.0;
2527 	if (W) {	/* Weights provided */
2528 		double temp, R, M2 = 0.0;
2529 		gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, G, row, col, node) {
2530 			if (gmt_M_is_fnan (G->data[node]) || gmt_M_is_dnan (W->data[node])) continue;
2531 			temp  = W->data[node] + sumw;
2532 			delta = G->data[node] - mean;
2533 			R = delta * W->data[node] / temp;
2534 			mean += R;
2535 			M2 += sumw * delta * R;
2536 			sumw = temp;
2537 			n++;
2538 		}
2539 		std = (n <= 1 || sumw == 0.0) ? GMT->session.d_NaN : sqrt ((n * M2) / (sumw * (n - 1.0)));
2540 	}
2541 	else {	/* Plain average */
2542 		gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, G, row, col, node) {
2543 			if (gmt_M_is_fnan (G->data[node])) continue;
2544 			n++;
2545 			delta = G->data[node] - mean;
2546 			mean += delta / n;
2547 			sumw += delta * (G->data[node] - mean);
2548 		}
2549 		std = (n > 1) ? sqrt (sumw / (n - 1.0)) : GMT->session.d_NaN;
2550 	}
2551 	return (std);
2552 }
gmt_grd_rms(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_GRID * G,struct GMT_GRID * W)2554 double gmt_grd_rms (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_GRID *G, struct GMT_GRID *W) {
2555 	/* Compute the [weighted] rms of a grid.  Handle geographic grids with spherical weights W [NULL for cartesian] */
2556 	uint64_t node, n = 0;
2557 	unsigned int row, col;
2558 	double rms, sum_z2w = 0.0, sum_w = 0.0;
2559 	if (W) {	/* Weights provided */
2560 		gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, G, row, col, node) {
2561 			if (gmt_M_is_fnan (G->data[node]) || gmt_M_is_dnan (W->data[node])) continue;
2562 			sum_z2w += W->data[node] * (G->data[node] * G->data[node]);
2563 			sum_w   += W->data[node];
2564 		}
2565 	}
2566 	else {	/* Plain average */
2567 		gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, G, row, col, node) {
2568 			if (gmt_M_is_fnan (G->data[node])) continue;
2569 			n++;
2570 			sum_z2w += (G->data[node] * G->data[node]);
2571 		}
2572 		sum_w = (double)n;
2573 	}
2574 	rms = (sum_w > 0) ? sqrt (sum_z2w / sum_w) : GMT->session.d_NaN;
2575 	return (rms);
2576 }
gmt_grd_median(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_GRID * G,struct GMT_GRID * W,bool overwrite)2578 double gmt_grd_median (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_GRID *G, struct GMT_GRID *W, bool overwrite) {
2579 	/* Compute the weighted median of a grid.  Handle geographic grids with spherical weights W */
2580 	/* Non-destructive: Original grid left as is unless overwrite = true */
2581 	uint64_t node, n = 0;
2582 	double wmed;
2584 	if (W) {	/* Weights provided */
2585 		unsigned int row, col;
2586 		struct GMT_OBSERVATION *pair = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, G->header->nm, struct GMT_OBSERVATION);
2587 		/* 1. Create array of value,weight pairs, skipping NaNs */
2588 		gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, G, row, col, node) {
2589 			if (gmt_M_is_fnan (G->data[node]) || gmt_M_is_dnan (W->data[node]))
2590 				continue;
2591 			pair[n].value    = G->data[node];
2592 			pair[n++].weight = W->data[node];
2593 		}
2594 		/* 2. Find the weighted median */
2595 		wmed = gmt_median_weighted (GMT, pair, n);
2596 		gmt_M_free (GMT, pair);
2597 	}
2598 	else {	/* Plain median */
2599 		struct GMT_GRID *Z = (overwrite) ? G : gmt_duplicate_grid (GMT, G, GMT_DUPLICATE_DATA);
2600 		gmt_grd_pad_off (GMT, Z);	/* Undo pad if one existed so we can sort */
2601 		gmt_sort_array (GMT, Z->data, Z->header->nm, GMT_FLOAT);
2602 		for (n = Z->header->nm; n > 1 && gmt_M_is_fnan (Z->data[n-1]); n--);
2603 		if (n)
2604 			wmed = (n%2) ? Z->data[n/2] : 0.5f * (Z->data[(n-1)/2] + Z->data[n/2]);
2605 		else
2606 			wmed = GMT->session.f_NaN;
2607 		if (!overwrite) gmt_free_grid (GMT, &Z, true);
2608 	}
2609 	return wmed;
2610 }
gmt_grd_mad(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_GRID * G,struct GMT_GRID * W,double * median,bool overwrite)2612 double gmt_grd_mad (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_GRID *G, struct GMT_GRID *W, double *median, bool overwrite) {
2613 	/* Compute the [weighted] MAD of a grid.  Handle geographic grids with spherical weights W [NULL for cartesian].
2614 	 * Non-destructive: Original grid left as is unless overwrite = true.
2615 	 * If median == NULL then we must first compute the median, else we already have it */
2616 	uint64_t node, n = 0;
2617 	double wmed, wmad;
2618 	if (W) {	/* Weights provided */
2619 		unsigned int row, col;
2620 		struct GMT_OBSERVATION *pair = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, G->header->nm, struct GMT_OBSERVATION);
2621 		if (median) {	/* Already have the median */
2622 			wmed = *median;
2623 			/* 3. Compute the absolute deviations from this median */
2624 			gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, G, row, col, node) {
2625 				if (gmt_M_is_fnan (G->data[node]) || gmt_M_is_dnan (W->data[node]))
2626 					continue;
2627 				pair[n].value    = (gmt_grdfloat)fabs (G->data[node] - wmed);
2628 				pair[n++].weight = W->data[node];
2629 			}
2630 		}
2631 		else {	/* Must first compute median */
2632 			/* 1. Create array of value,weight pairs, skipping NaNs */
2633 			gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, G, row, col, node) {
2634 				if (gmt_M_is_fnan (G->data[node]) || gmt_M_is_dnan (W->data[node]))
2635 					continue;
2636 				pair[n].value    = G->data[node];
2637 				pair[n++].weight = W->data[node];
2638 			}
2639 			/* 2. Find the weighted median */
2640 			wmed = gmt_median_weighted (GMT, pair, n);
2641 			/* 3. Compute the absolute deviations from this median */
2642 			for (node = 0; node < n; node++) pair[node].value = (gmt_grdfloat)fabs (pair[node].value - wmed);
2643 		}
2644 		/* 4. Find the weighted median absolute deviation */
2645 		wmad = MAD_NORMALIZE * gmt_median_weighted (GMT, pair, n);
2646 		gmt_M_free (GMT, pair);
2647 	}
2648 	else {	/* Plain MAD */
2649 		struct GMT_GRID *Z = (overwrite) ? G : gmt_duplicate_grid (GMT, G, GMT_DUPLICATE_DATA);
2650 		gmt_grd_pad_off (GMT, Z);	/* Undo pad if one existed so we can sort */
2651 		if (median) {	/* Already have the median */
2652 			wmed = *median;
2653 			n = Z->header->nm;
2654 		}
2655 		else {	/* Must first compute the median */
2656 			gmt_sort_array (GMT, Z->data, Z->header->nm, GMT_FLOAT);
2657 			for (n = Z->header->nm; n > 1 && gmt_M_is_fnan (Z->data[n-1]); n--);
2658 			if (n)
2659 				wmed = (n%2) ? Z->data[n/2] : 0.5 * (Z->data[(n-1)/2] + Z->data[n/2]);
2660 			else
2661 				wmed = GMT->session.d_NaN;
2662 		}
2663 		gmt_getmad_f (GMT, Z->data, n, wmed, &wmad);
2664 		if (!overwrite) gmt_free_grid (GMT, &Z, true);
2665 	}
2666 	return wmad;
2667 }
gmt_grd_mode(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_GRID * G,struct GMT_GRID * W,bool overwrite)2669 double gmt_grd_mode (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_GRID *G, struct GMT_GRID *W, bool overwrite) {
2670 	/* Compute the weighted mode (lms) of a grid.  Handle geographic grids with spherical weights W */
2671 	/* Non-destructive: Original grid left as is unless overwrite = true */
2672 	uint64_t node, n = 0;
2673 	double wmode;
2675 	if (W) {	/* Weights provided */
2676 		unsigned int row, col;
2677 		struct GMT_OBSERVATION *pair = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, G->header->nm, struct GMT_OBSERVATION);
2678 		/* 1. Create array of value,weight pairs, skipping NaNs */
2679 		gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, G, row, col, node) {
2680 			if (gmt_M_is_fnan (G->data[node]) || gmt_M_is_dnan (W->data[node]))
2681 				continue;
2682 			pair[n].value    = G->data[node];
2683 			pair[n++].weight = W->data[node];
2684 		}
2685 		/* 2. Find the weighted lms mode */
2686 		wmode = (gmt_grdfloat)gmt_mode_weighted (GMT, pair, n);
2687 		gmt_M_free (GMT, pair);
2688 	}
2689 	else {	/* Plain median */
2690 		unsigned int gmt_mode_selection = 0, GMT_n_multiples = 0;
2691 		struct GMT_GRID *Z = (overwrite) ? G : gmt_duplicate_grid (GMT, G, GMT_DUPLICATE_DATA);
2692 		gmt_grd_pad_off (GMT, Z);	/* Undo pad if one existed so we can sort */
2693 		gmt_sort_array (GMT, Z->data, Z->header->nm, GMT_FLOAT);
2694 		for (n = Z->header->nm; n > 1 && gmt_M_is_fnan (Z->data[n-1]); n--);
2695 		if (n)
2696 			gmt_mode_f (GMT, Z->data, n, n/2, 0, gmt_mode_selection, &GMT_n_multiples, &wmode);
2697 		else
2698 			wmode = GMT->session.d_NaN;
2699 		if (!overwrite) gmt_free_grid (GMT, &Z, true);
2700 		if (GMT_n_multiples > 0) GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "%d Multiple modes found in the grid\n", GMT_n_multiples);
2701 	}
2702 	return wmode;
2703 }
gmt_grd_lmsscl(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_GRID * G,struct GMT_GRID * W,double * mode,bool overwrite)2705 double gmt_grd_lmsscl (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_GRID *G, struct GMT_GRID *W, double *mode, bool overwrite) {
2706 	/* Compute the [weighted] LMSSCL of a grid.  Handle geographic grids with spherical weights W [NULL for cartesian]
2707 	 * Non-destructive: Original grid left as is unless overwrite = true.
2708 	 * If mode == NULL then we must first compute the mode, else use this mode */
2709 	uint64_t node, n = 0;
2710 	double wmode, lmsscl;
2711 	if (W) {	/* Weights provided */
2712 		unsigned int row, col;
2713 		struct GMT_OBSERVATION *pair = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, G->header->nm, struct GMT_OBSERVATION);
2714 		if (mode) {	/* Already got the mode */
2715 			wmode = *mode;
2716 			/* 3. Compute the absolute deviations from this mode */
2717 			gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, G, row, col, node) {
2718 				if (gmt_M_is_fnan (G->data[node]) || gmt_M_is_dnan (W->data[node]))
2719 					continue;
2720 				pair[n].value    = (gmt_grdfloat)fabs (G->data[node] - wmode);
2721 				pair[n++].weight = W->data[node];
2722 			}
2723 		}
2724 		else {	/* Must first find the mode */
2725 			/* 1. Create array of value,weight pairs, skipping NaNs */
2726 			gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, G, row, col, node) {
2727 				if (gmt_M_is_fnan (G->data[node]) || gmt_M_is_dnan (W->data[node]))
2728 					continue;
2729 				pair[n].value    = G->data[node];
2730 				pair[n++].weight = W->data[node];
2731 			}
2732 			/* 2. Find the weighted median */
2733 			wmode = (gmt_grdfloat)gmt_mode_weighted (GMT, pair, n);
2734 			/* 3. Compute the absolute deviations from this mode */
2735 			for (node = 0; node < n; node++) pair[node].value = (gmt_grdfloat)fabs (pair[node].value - wmode);
2736 		}
2737 		/* 4. Find the weighted median absolute deviation and scale it */
2738 		lmsscl = MAD_NORMALIZE * gmt_median_weighted (GMT, pair, n);
2739 		gmt_M_free (GMT, pair);
2740 	}
2741 	else {	/* Plain LMSSCL */
2742 		unsigned int gmt_mode_selection = 0, GMT_n_multiples = 0;
2743 		struct GMT_GRID *Z = (overwrite) ? G : gmt_duplicate_grid (GMT, G, GMT_DUPLICATE_DATA);
2744 		gmt_grd_pad_off (GMT, Z);	/* Undo pad if one existed so we can sort */
2745 		if (mode) {	/* Already got the mode */
2746 			wmode = *mode;
2747 			n = Z->header->nm;
2748 		}
2749 		else {/* First compute the mode */
2750 			gmt_sort_array (GMT, Z->data, Z->header->nm, GMT_FLOAT);
2751 			for (n = Z->header->nm; n > 1 && gmt_M_is_fnan (Z->data[n-1]); n--);
2752 			if (n)
2753 				gmt_mode_f (GMT, Z->data, n, n/2, 0, gmt_mode_selection, &GMT_n_multiples, &wmode);
2754 			else
2755 				wmode = GMT->session.d_NaN;
2756 		}
2757 		gmt_getmad_f (GMT, Z->data, n, wmode, &lmsscl);
2758 		if (!overwrite) gmt_free_grid (GMT, &Z, true);
2759 		if (GMT_n_multiples > 0) GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "%d Multiple modes found in the grid\n", GMT_n_multiples);
2760 	}
2761 	return lmsscl;
2762 }
gmtstat_get_geo_cellarea(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_GRID * G)2764 GMT_LOCAL void gmtstat_get_geo_cellarea (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_GRID *G) {
2765 	/* Calculate geographic SPHERICAL area in km^2 and place in grid G.
2766 	 * Integrating the area between two parallels +/- yinc/2 to either side of latitude y on a sphere
2767 	 * and partition it amount all cells in longitude yields the exact area (angles in radians)
2768 	 *     A(y) = 2 * R^2 * xinc * sin (0.5 * yinc) * cos(y)
2769 	 * except at the points at the pole (gridline registration) or near the pole (pixel reg).
2770 	 * There, the integration yields
2771 	 *     A(pole) = R^2 * xinc * (1.0 - cos (f * yinc))
2772 	 * where f = 0.5 for gridline-registered and f = 1 for pixel-registered grids.
2773 	 * P.Wessel, July 2016.
2774 	 */
2775 	uint64_t node;
2776 	unsigned int row, col, j, first_row = 0, last_row = G->header->n_rows - 1, last_col = G->header->n_columns - 1, ltype;
2777 	double lat, area, f, row_weight, col_weight = 1.0, R2 = pow (0.001 * GMT->current.proj.mean_radius, 2.0);	/* squared mean radius in km */
2778 	char *aux[6] = {"geodetic", "authalic", "conformal", "meridional", "geocentric", "parametric"};
2779 	char *rad[5] = {"mean (R_1)", "authalic (R_2)", "volumetric (R_3)", "meridional", "quadratic"};
2781 	ltype = (GMT->current.setting.proj_aux_latitude == GMT_LATSWAP_NONE) ? 0 : 1+GMT->current.setting.proj_aux_latitude/2;
2782 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Compute spherical gridnode areas using %s radius [R = %.12g km] and %s latitudes\n",
2783 		rad[GMT->current.setting.proj_mean_radius], GMT->current.proj.mean_radius, aux[ltype]);
2784 	/* May need special treatment of pole points */
2785 	f = (G->header->registration == GMT_GRID_NODE_REG) ? 0.5 : 1.0;	/* Half pizza-slice for gridline regs with node at pole, full slice for grids */
2786 	area = R2 * (G->header->inc[GMT_X] * D2R);
2787 	if (doubleAlmostEqualZero (G->header->wesn[YHI], 90.0)) {	/* North pole row */
2788 		row_weight = 1.0 - cosd (f * G->header->inc[GMT_Y]);
2789 		gmt_M_col_loop (GMT, G, first_row, col, node) {
2790 			if (G->header->registration == GMT_GRID_NODE_REG) col_weight = (col == 0 || col == last_col) ? 0.5 : 1.0;
2791 			G->data[node] = (gmt_grdfloat)(row_weight * col_weight * area);
2792 		}
2793 		first_row++;
2794 	}
2795 	if (doubleAlmostEqualZero (G->header->wesn[YLO], -90.0)) {	/* South pole row */
2796 		row_weight = 1.0 - cosd (f * G->header->inc[GMT_Y]);
2797 		gmt_M_col_loop (GMT, G, last_row, col, node) {
2798 			if (G->header->registration == GMT_GRID_NODE_REG) col_weight = (col == 0 || col == last_col) ? 0.5 : 1.0;
2799 			G->data[node] = (gmt_grdfloat)(row_weight * col_weight * area);
2800 		}
2801 		last_row--;
2802 	}
2803 	/* Below we just use the standard graticule equation  */
2804 	area *= 2.0 * sind (0.5 * G->header->inc[GMT_Y]);	/* Since no longer any special cases with poles below */
2805 	for (row = first_row, j = first_row + G->header->pad[YHI]; row <= last_row; row++, j++) {
2806 		lat = gmt_M_grd_row_to_y (GMT, row, G->header);
2807 		lat = gmt_lat_swap (GMT, lat, GMT->current.setting.proj_aux_latitude);	/* Convert to selected auxiliary latitude */
2808 		row_weight = cosd (lat);
2809 		gmt_M_col_loop (GMT, G, row, col, node) {	/* Loop over cols; always save the next left before we update the array at that col */
2810 			if (G->header->registration == GMT_GRID_NODE_REG) col_weight = (col == 0 || col == last_col) ? 0.5 : 1.0;
2811 			G->data[node] = (gmt_grdfloat)(row_weight * col_weight * area);
2812 		}
2813 	}
2814 }
gmtstat_get_cart_cellarea(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_GRID * G)2816 GMT_LOCAL void gmtstat_get_cart_cellarea (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_GRID *G) {
2817 	/* Calculate Cartesian cell areas in user units */
2818 	uint64_t node;
2819 	unsigned int row, col, last_row = G->header->n_rows - 1, last_col = G->header->n_columns - 1;
2820 	double row_weight = 1.0, col_weight = 1.0, area = G->header->inc[GMT_X] * G->header->inc[GMT_Y];	/* All whole cells have same area */
2821 	gmt_M_unused(GMT);
2822 	gmt_M_row_loop (GMT, G, row) {	/* Loop over the rows */
2823 		if (G->header->registration == GMT_GRID_NODE_REG) row_weight = (row == 0 || row == last_row) ? 0.5 : 1.0;	/* half-cells in y */
2824 		gmt_M_col_loop (GMT, G, row, col, node) {	/* Now loop over the columns */
2825 			if (G->header->registration == GMT_GRID_NODE_REG) col_weight = (col == 0 || col == last_col) ? 0.5 : 1.0;	/* half-cells in x */
2826 			G->data[node] = (gmt_grdfloat)(row_weight * col_weight * area);
2827 		}
2828 	}
2829 }
gmt_get_cellarea(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_GRID * G)2831 void gmt_get_cellarea (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_GRID *G) {
2832 	/* Calculate geographic spherical in km^2 or plain Cartesian area in user_unit^2 and place in grid G. */
2833 	if (gmt_M_is_geographic (GMT, GMT_IN))
2834 		gmtstat_get_geo_cellarea (GMT, G);
2835 	else
2836 		gmtstat_get_cart_cellarea (GMT, G);
2837 }
gmt_von_mises_mu_and_kappa(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double * data,double * w,uint64_t n,double * kappa)2839 double gmt_von_mises_mu_and_kappa (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double *data, double *w, uint64_t n, double *kappa) {
2840 	/* Return the mean and kappa for a von Mises fit to (possibly weighted) data.
2841 	 * It is assumed that data have been scaled to 0-360. Weights w is possibly NULL for no weights */
2842 	uint64_t k;
2843 	double mean = 0.0, x_r = 0.0, y_r = 0.0, s_w = 0.0, ww = 1.0;
2844 	double lo, hi, midval, range2, delta_R, s, c, R_bar;
2846 	for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
2847 		if (gmt_M_is_dnan (data[k])) continue;
2848 		if (w) ww = w[k];	/* Otherwise it is a constant 1 */
2849 		sincosd (data[k], &s, &c);
2850 		x_r += c * ww;	y_r += s * ww;
2851 		s_w += ww;
2852 	}
2853 	if (s_w > 0.0) {	/* Can compute the statistics */
2854 		x_r /= s_w;	y_r /= s_w;
2855 		mean = atan2d (y_r, x_r);
2856 	}
2857 	else {	/* No data, basically */
2858 		*kappa = GMT->session.d_NaN;
2859 		return (GMT->session.d_NaN);
2860 	}
2861 	/* Here we have actual values */
2862 	R_bar = hypot (x_r, y_r);
2863 	if (R_bar >= 0.999) {	/* Just return a big kappa for R almost = 1 */
2864 		*kappa = 500.0;	/* kappa = 500 gives R_bar = 0.998999916722 so close enough */
2865 		return (mean);
2866 	}
2867 	/* Compute kappa by a dumb bisection search */
2868 	lo = 0.0;	hi = 500.0;
2869 	while (fabs (hi - lo) > GMT_CONV8_LIMIT) {
2870 		midval = 0.5 * (hi + lo);
2871 		range2 = 0.5 * (hi - lo);
2872 		delta_R = (gmt_i1 (GMT, midval) / gmt_i0 (GMT, midval)) - R_bar;
2873 		if (delta_R > GMT_CONV8_LIMIT)	/* Need a smaller R next time */
2874 			hi -= range2;
2875 		else if (delta_R < -GMT_CONV8_LIMIT)	/* Need a larger R next time */
2876 			lo += range2;
2877 		else 	/* Got it, set lo = hi to exit loop */
2878 			lo = hi;
2879 	}
2880 	*kappa = midval;
2882 	return (mean);
2883 }