1 /*
2  * Based on libgeotrans with the following Source Code Disclaimer:
4 1. The GEOTRANS source code ("the software") is provided free of charge by
5 the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) of the United States
6 Department of Defense. Although NIMA makes no copyright claim under Title 17
7 U.S.C., NIMA claims copyrights in the source code under other legal regimes.
8 NIMA hereby grants to each user of the software a license to use and
9 distribute the software, and develop derivative works.
11 2. Warranty Disclaimer: The software was developed to meet only the internal
12 requirements of the U.S. National Imagery and Mapping Agency. The software
13 is provided "as is," and no warranty, express or implied, including but not
14 limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for
15 particular purpose or arising by statute or otherwise in law or from a
16 course of dealing or usage in trade, is made by NIMA as to the accuracy and
17 functioning of the software.
19 3. NIMA and its personnel are not required to provide technical support or
20 general assistance with respect to the software.
22 4. Neither NIMA nor its personnel will be liable for any claims, losses, or
23 damages arising from or connected with the use of the software. The user
24 agrees to hold harmless the United States National Imagery and Mapping
25 Agency. The user's sole and exclusive remedy is to stop using the software.
27 5. NIMA requests that products developed using the software credit the
28 source of the software with the following statement, "The product was
29 developed using GEOTRANS, a product of the National Imagery and Mapping
30 Agency and U.S. Army Engineering Research and Development Center."
32 6. For any products developed using the software, NIMA requires a disclaimer
33 that use of the software does not indicate endorsement or approval of the
34 product by the Secretary of Defense or the National Imagery and Mapping
35 Agency. Pursuant to the United States Code, 10 U.S.C. Sec. 2797, the name of
36 the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, the initials "NIMA", the seal of
37 the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, or any colorable imitation thereof
38 shall not be used to imply approval, endorsement, or authorization of a
39 product without prior written permission from United States Secretary of
40 Defense.
42 */
44 #include "ellipsoid.h"
45 #include "albersequal.h"
48 #define ONE_MINUS_SQR(x) (1.0 - (x) * (x))
49 #define ALBERS_Q(slat, one_minus_sqr_e_sin, es_sin) \
50 	(_one_minus_es * ((slat) / (one_minus_sqr_e_sin) - \
51 	(1 / (_two_e)) * log((1 - (es_sin)) / (1 + (es_sin)))))
52 #define ALBERS_M(clat, one_minus_sqr_e_sin) \
53 	((clat) / sqrt(one_minus_sqr_e_sin))
AlbersEqual(const Ellipsoid * ellipsoid,double standardParallel1,double standardParallel2,double latitudeOrigin,double longitudeOrigin,double falseEasting,double falseNorthing)56 AlbersEqual::AlbersEqual(const Ellipsoid *ellipsoid, double standardParallel1,
57   double standardParallel2, double latitudeOrigin, double longitudeOrigin,
58   double falseEasting, double falseNorthing)
59 {
60 	double sin_lat, sin_lat1, sin_lat2, cos_lat1, cos_lat2;
61 	double m1, m2, sqr_m1, sqr_m2;
62 	double q0, q1, q2;
63 	double e_sin, e_sin1, e_sin2;
64 	double one_minus_sqr_e_sin1, one_minus_sqr_e_sin2;
65 	double nq0;
66 	double sp1, sp2;
69 	_latitudeOrigin = deg2rad(latitudeOrigin);
70 	_longitudeOrigin = deg2rad(longitudeOrigin);
71 	_falseEasting = falseEasting;
72 	_falseNorthing = falseNorthing;
74 	sp1 = deg2rad(standardParallel1);
75 	sp2 = deg2rad(standardParallel2);
77 	_a2 = ellipsoid->radius() * ellipsoid->radius();
78 	_es = ellipsoid->es();
79 	_e = sqrt(_es);
80 	_one_minus_es = 1 - _es;
81 	_two_e = 2 * _e;
83 	sin_lat = sin(_latitudeOrigin);
84 	e_sin = _e * sin_lat;
85 	q0 = ALBERS_Q(sin_lat, ONE_MINUS_SQR(e_sin), e_sin);
87 	sin_lat1 = sin(sp1);
88 	cos_lat1 = cos(sp1);
89 	e_sin1 = _e * sin_lat1;
90 	one_minus_sqr_e_sin1 = ONE_MINUS_SQR(e_sin1);
91 	m1 = ALBERS_M(cos_lat1, one_minus_sqr_e_sin1);
92 	q1 = ALBERS_Q(sin_lat1, one_minus_sqr_e_sin1, e_sin1);
94 	sqr_m1 = m1 * m1;
95 	if (fabs(sp1 - sp2) > 1.0e-10) {
96 		sin_lat2 = sin(sp2);
97 		cos_lat2 = cos(sp2);
98 		e_sin2 = _e * sin_lat2;
99 		one_minus_sqr_e_sin2 = ONE_MINUS_SQR(e_sin2);
100 		m2 = ALBERS_M(cos_lat2, one_minus_sqr_e_sin2);
101 		q2 = ALBERS_Q(sin_lat2, one_minus_sqr_e_sin2, e_sin2);
102 		sqr_m2 = m2 * m2;
103 		_n = (sqr_m1 - sqr_m2) / (q2 - q1);
104 	} else
105 		_n = sin_lat1;
107 	_c = sqr_m1 + _n * q1;
108 	_a_over_n = ellipsoid->radius() / _n;
109 	nq0 = _n * q0;
110 	_rho0 = (_c < nq0) ? 0 : _a_over_n * sqrt(_c - nq0);
111 }
ll2xy(const Coordinates & c) const113 PointD AlbersEqual::ll2xy(const Coordinates &c) const
114 {
115 	double dlam;
116 	double sin_lat;
117 	double e_sin;
118 	double q;
119 	double rho;
120 	double theta;
121 	double nq;
124 	dlam = deg2rad(c.lon()) - _longitudeOrigin;
125 	if (dlam > M_PI)
126 		dlam -= 2 * M_PI;
127 	if (dlam < -M_PI)
128 		dlam += 2 * M_PI;
130 	sin_lat = sin(deg2rad(c.lat()));
131 	e_sin = _e * sin_lat;
132 	q = ALBERS_Q(sin_lat, ONE_MINUS_SQR(e_sin), e_sin);
133 	nq = _n * q;
134 	rho = (_c < nq) ? 0 : _a_over_n * sqrt(_c - nq);
135 	theta = _n * dlam;
137 	return PointD(rho * sin(theta) + _falseEasting,
138 	  _rho0 - rho * cos(theta) + _falseNorthing);
139 }
xy2ll(const PointD & p) const141 Coordinates AlbersEqual::xy2ll(const PointD &p) const
142 {
143 	double dy, dx;
144 	double rho0_minus_dy;
145 	double q, qc, q_over_2;
146 	double rho, rho_n;
147 	double phi, delta_phi = 1.0;
148 	double sin_phi;
149 	double e_sin, one_minus_sqr_e_sin;
150 	double theta = 0.0;
151 	int count = 30;
152 	double tolerance = 4.85e-10;
153 	double lat, lon;
156 	dy = p.y() - _falseNorthing;
157 	dx = p.x() - _falseEasting;
159 	rho0_minus_dy = _rho0 - dy;
160 	rho = sqrt(dx * dx + rho0_minus_dy * rho0_minus_dy);
162 	if (_n < 0) {
163 		rho *= -1.0;
164 		dx *= -1.0;
165 		rho0_minus_dy *= -1.0;
166 	}
168 	if (rho != 0.0)
169 		theta = atan2(dx, rho0_minus_dy);
170 	rho_n = rho * _n;
171 	q = (_c - (rho_n * rho_n) / _a2) / _n;
172 	qc = 1 - ((_one_minus_es) / (_two_e)) * log((1.0 - _e) / (1.0 + _e));
173 	if (fabs(fabs(qc) - fabs(q)) > 1.0e-6) {
174 		q_over_2 = q / 2.0;
175 		if (q_over_2 > 1.0)
176 			lat = M_PI_2;
177 		else if (q_over_2 < -1.0)
178 			lat = -M_PI_2;
179 		else {
180 			phi = asin(q_over_2);
181 			if (_e < 1.0e-10)
182 				lat = phi;
183 			else  {
184 				while ((fabs(delta_phi) > tolerance) && count) {
185 					sin_phi = sin(phi);
186 					e_sin = _e * sin_phi;
187 					one_minus_sqr_e_sin = ONE_MINUS_SQR(e_sin);
188 					delta_phi = (one_minus_sqr_e_sin * one_minus_sqr_e_sin)
189 					  / (2.0 * cos(phi)) * (q / (_one_minus_es) - sin_phi
190 					  / one_minus_sqr_e_sin + (log((1.0 - e_sin)
191 					  / (1.0 + e_sin)) / (_two_e)));
192 					phi += delta_phi;
193 					count --;
194 				}
196 				lat = phi;
197 			}
199 			if (lat > M_PI_2)
200 				lat = M_PI_2;
201 			else if (lat < -M_PI_2)
202 				lat = -M_PI_2;
203 		}
204 	} else {
205 		if (q >= 0.0)
206 			lat = M_PI_2;
207 		else
208 			lat = -M_PI_2;
209 	}
211 	lon = _longitudeOrigin + theta / _n;
213 	if (lon > M_PI)
214 		lon -= 2 * M_PI;
215 	if (lon < -M_PI)
216 		lon += 2 * M_PI;
218 	if (lon > M_PI)
219 		lon = M_PI;
220 	else if (lon < -M_PI)
221 		lon = -M_PI;
223 	return Coordinates(rad2deg(lon), rad2deg(lat));
224 }
operator ==(const CT & ct) const226 bool AlbersEqual::operator==(const CT &ct) const
227 {
228 	const AlbersEqual *other = dynamic_cast<const AlbersEqual*>(&ct);
229 	return (other != 0 && _latitudeOrigin == other->_latitudeOrigin
230 	  && _longitudeOrigin == other->_longitudeOrigin
231 	  && _falseEasting == other->_falseEasting
232 	  && _falseNorthing == other->_falseNorthing && _a2 == other->_a2
233 	  && _es == other->_es && _rho0 == other->_rho0 && _c == other->_c
234 	  && _n == other->_n);
235 }