2# BUFR Table 0
5# Notes
6# -----
8# * This table comes from GRIB Code Table 0 (Identification of center)
10# * A value of 1 in the first column indicates a center that uses minor
11#   version numbers with local tables.  Since minor local table version
12#   numbers are stored in Section 1, Octet 18, the value in the first
13#   column must not be set if a center uses Section 1, Octet 18 for other
14#   purposes (i.e., ECMWF).
20#01-09: WMCs
210	1	Melbourne
220	2	Melbourne
230	3	Melbourne
240	4	Moscow
250	5	Moscow
260	6	Moscow
270	7	"US National Weather Service, National Centres for Environmental Prediction(NCEP)"
280	8	US National Weather Service TelecommunicationsGateway (NWSTG)
290	9	US National Weather Service - Other
30#10-25: Centres in Region I
310	10	Cairo (RSMC/RAFC)
320	11	Cairo (RSMC/RAFC)
330	12	Dakar (RSMC/RAFC)
340	13	Dakar (RSMC/RAFC)
350	14	Nairobi (RSMC/RAFC)
360	15	Nairobi (RSMC/RAFC)
370	18	Tunis Casablanca (RSMC)
380	19	Tunis Casablanca (RSMC)
390	20	Las Palmas (RAFC)
400	21	Algiers (RSMC)
410	24	Pretoria (RSMC)
420	25	La R�union (RSMC)
43#26-40: Centres in Region II
440	26	Khabarovsk (RSMC)
450	27	Khabarovsk (RSMC)
460	28	New Delhi (RSMC/RAFC)
470	29	New Delhi (RSMC/RAFC)
480	30	Novosibirsk (RSMC)
490	31	Novosibirsk (RSMC)
500	32	Tashkent (RSMC)
510	33	Jeddah (RSMC)
520	34	"Tokyo (RSMC), Japan Meteorological Agency"
530	35	"Tokyo (RSMC), Japan Meteorological Agency"
540	36	Bangkok
550	37	Ulan Bator
560	38	Beijing (RSMC)
570	39	Beijing (RSMC)
580	40	Seoul
59#41-50: Centres in Region III
600	41	Buenos Aires (RSMC/RAFC)
610	42	Buenos Aires (RSMC/RAFC)
620	43	Brasilia (RSMC/RAFC)
630	44	Brasilia (RSMC/RAFC)
640	45	Santiago
650	46	Brazilian Space Agency � INPE
66#51-63: Centres in Region IV
670	51	Miami (RSMC/RAFC)
680	52	"Miami RSMC, National Hurricane Center"
690	53	Montreal (RSMC)
700	54	Montreal (RSMC)
710	55	San Francisco
720	57	U.S. Air Force Air Force Global Weather Central
730	58	"Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center, Monterey, CA"
740	59	"The NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory, Boulder, CO, USA"
750	60	United States National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
760	61	Service ARGOS - Landover
77#64-73: Centres in Region V
780	64	Honolulu
790	65	Darwin (RSMC)
800	66	Darwin (RSMC)
810	67	Melbourne (RSMC)
820	69	Wellington (RSMC/RAFC)
830	70	Wellington (RSMC/RAFC)
840	71	Nadi (RSMC)
85#74-99: Centres in Region VI
860	74	UK Meteorological Office � Bracknell (RSMC)
870	75	UK Meteorological Office � Bracknell (RSMC)
880	76	Moscow (RSMC/RAFC)
890	78	Offenbach (RSMC)
900	79	Offenbach (RSMC)
910	80	Rome (RSMC)
920	81	Rome (RSMC)
930	82	Norrk�ping
940	83	Norrk�ping
950	84	Toulouse (RSMC)
960	85	Toulouse (RSMC)
970	86	Helsinki
980	87	Belgrade
990	88	Oslo
1000	89	Prague
1010	90	Episkopi
1020	91	Ankara
1030	92	Frankfurt/Main (RAFC)
1040	93	London (WAFC)
1050	94	Copenhagen
1060	95	Rota
1070	96	Athens
1080	97	European Space Agency (ESA)
1090	98	"ECMWF, RSMC"
1100	99	De Bilt
1110	110	Hong-Kong
1130	210	Frascati (ESA/ESRIN)
1140	211	Lanion
1150	212	Lisboa
1160	213	Reykjavik
1170	214	Reykjavik
1180	215	Madrid
1190	216	Z�rich
1200	254	EUMETSAT Operation Centre
1210	255	Missing value