1 /* Authored by Don Hooper */
2 /*
3  * Include ./configure's header file
4  */
5 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
6 #include <config.h>
7 #endif
9 #if USESDF == 1
10 #define Success		1
11 #define Failure		0
13 /* Functions related to Self-Describing File (SDF) access.  -hoop, 95/07/10 */
14 #include <stdlib.h>
15 #include <unistd.h>
16 #include <stdio.h>
17 #include <string.h>
18 #include <math.h>
19 #include "grads.h"
22 /* expose Mike Fiorino's global struct to these for 365 day calendars */
23 extern struct gamfcmn mfcmn ;
25 /* expose descriptor global from gaddes.c here so can share w/routines there */
26 extern FILE *descr ;
28 /* kk 020624 ---s */
29 char *gxgnam(char *) ; /* This is also in gx.h */
30 /* kk 020624 ---e */
31 static char pout[512];    /* Build error msgs here */
33 /* Read the metadata from a Self-Describing File and fill in the information */
34 /* into a gafile structure.  The gafile structure should be allocated and */
35 /* must be initialized by getpfi.  If this routine returns an error, release */
36 /* the pfi structure and allocated storage via frepfi.  */
38 #define XINDEX 0
39 #define YINDEX 1
40 #define ZINDEX 2
41 #define TINDEX 3
44 int utISinit = 0 ;
46 /* For STNDALN, routines included are gadxdf and three others contained therein
47    These are used for parsing the descriptors just to see if GrADS will open them */
48 #ifndef STNDALN
50 int
gadsdf(char * name,struct gafile * pfi,char * template,int ntsteps,GASDFPARMS parms)51 gadsdf(char *name, struct gafile *pfi, char *template, int ntsteps, GASDFPARMS parms) {
52   struct gavar *pvar;
53   struct dt tdef, tdefi, dt1, dt2;
54   struct gaindx *pindx;
55   float *vals;
56   int size, rc, len, swpflg, cnt, boole, boole2 ;
57   char *ch, *dn, *pos;
58   char *utname;
59   int flgs[8], cflg, i, j, err, hdrb, trlb, mflflg;
60   int mcnt, maxlv, maxct, inx, xedni;
61   int levs, acum, fpos, recacm, indx, numdvars ;
62   int iyr, imo, idy, ihr, imn, isec, ispress, idim, isDatavar ;
63   int xdimension_id, ydimension_id, zdimension_id, tdimension_id ;
64   short *tempsarry ;
65   float temp, v1, v2, *tempfarry, *tempfarry2 ;
66   FILE *mfile;
67   utUnit timeunit ;
68   long start[1] = {0}, count[1] = {1}, tdimsiz ;
69   double *time1ptr, *time2ptr, time1, time2, dsec, incrfactor, *tempdarry ;
70   VAR_INFO *Xcoord=NULL, *Ycoord=NULL, *Zcoord=NULL, *Tcoord=NULL ;
71   VAR_INFO *lclvar, *DataVar=NULL, *SaveDvar=NULL ;
72   struct attrib_list *positive_attr, *globttl_attr, *missval_attr ;
73   struct attrib_list *deltat_attr, *title_vattr, *timeunits_attr ;
74   struct attrib_list *calendar_attr ;
75   struct attrib_list *find_att(struct attrib_list *first_att, char *attname) ;
76   int read_io_std(char *path, IO_STD *sdf_ptr) ; /* grab metadata */
77   int isdvar(VAR_INFO *var, VAR_INFO *Xcoord, VAR_INFO *Ycoord,
78 	     VAR_INFO *Zcoord, VAR_INFO *Tcoord, int xdimension_id,
79 	     int ydimension_id, int zdimension_id, int tdimension_id) ;
80   void free_io_std(IO_STD **sdf_ptr) ;
81   int close_netcdf(int ncid) ;
82   /* these routines try to find the right var struct in the */
83   /* linked list in the IO_STD structure */
84   int findX(IO_STD *sdf_ptr, VAR_INFO **coord) ;
85   int findY(IO_STD *sdf_ptr, VAR_INFO **coord) ;
86   int findZ(IO_STD *sdf_ptr, VAR_INFO **coord, int *ispressptr) ;
87   int findT(IO_STD *sdf_ptr, VAR_INFO **coord) ;
88   int sdfdeflev(struct gafile *pfi, VAR_INFO *coord, int GrADSdimnum, int revflag) ;
89   int trydeflin(struct gafile *pfi, VAR_INFO *coord, int GrADSdimnum, int isX, int revflag) ;
90   int convtype(void *srcptr, nc_type srctype, void *desptr, nc_type destype,
91 	       int srcindex, int desindex) ;
92   int decode_ud_time(utUnit *unit, double time_val, int *yr, int *mo,
93 		     int *da, int *hr, int *min, double *sec) ;
94   int decode_standard_time(double time_val, int *year, int *month, int *day,
95 			   int *hour, int *minn, double *sec) ;
96   int find_dim(IO_STD *std_ptr, char *name) ;
97   int find_dimix(int dimids[], int ndims, int dim) ;
98   VAR_INFO *find_var(IO_STD *std_ptr, char *name) ;
99   int findmatch(char *var_name, char **varnamelist, int namecount, int *inxptr) ;
100   int copy_io_std(IO_STD **std_ptr2, IO_STD *std_ptr1) ;
102   /* Enable griping, disable aborting, from within NetCDF library */
103   ncopts = NC_VERBOSE ;
104   if (!utISinit) {
105     utname = gxgnam("udunits.dat") ;
106     if (utname != NULL) {
107       if (utInit(utname)) {
108 	gaprnt(0, "UDUNITS package initialization failure.\n") ;
109 	return(1) ;
110       }
111     }
112     utISinit = 1 ;
113   }
115   /* Grab the metadata */
116   if (!read_io_std(name, pfi->sdf_ptr)) {
117     gaprnt(0, "\nCouldn't ingest SDF metadata.\n") ;
118 #if USEHDF == 0
119     gaprnt(0, "If this was an HDF-SDS file, try gradshdf.\n") ;
120 #endif
121     return(1) ;
122   }
124   if (!parms.isxdf) {
125     pfi->calendar = 0 ;  /* 365 day kind not available under COARDS */
126     /* But we're going to fake something anyway.  -Hoop, 2001/05/31 */
127     /* The code will be in the time coordinate setup section.  */
128   }
129   if (parms.xsrch) {
130     if (!findX(pfi->sdf_ptr, &Xcoord)) {
131       gaprnt(0, "SDF file has no discernable X coordinate.\n") ;
132       return(1) ;
133     }
134   } else if (parms.xsetup) {
135     Xcoord = find_var(pfi->sdf_ptr, parms.xdimname) ;
136     if (!Xcoord) {
137       gaprnt(0, "XDF file has no coordinate variable for X dimension.\n") ;
138       return(1) ;
139     }
140   }
141   if (parms.ysrch) {
142     if (!findY(pfi->sdf_ptr, &Ycoord)) {
143       gaprnt(0, "SDF file has no discernable Y coordinate.\n") ;
144       return(1) ;
145     }
146   } else if (parms.ysetup) {
147     Ycoord = find_var(pfi->sdf_ptr, parms.ydimname) ;
148     if (!Ycoord) {
149       gaprnt(0, "XDF file has no coordinate variable for Y dimension.\n") ;
150       return(1) ;
151     }
152   }
153   if (parms.tsrch) {
154     if (!findT(pfi->sdf_ptr, &Tcoord)) {
155       gaprnt(0, "SDF file has no discernable time coordinate.\n") ;
156     }
157   } else if (parms.tsetup) {
158     if (!parms.tdimname) {
159       gaprnt(0, "XDF file has no time dimension, but TDEF is incomplete.\n") ;
160       gaprnt(0, "Failure parsing XDF-style data descriptor file (DDF).\n") ;
161       return(1) ;
162     }
163     Tcoord = find_var(pfi->sdf_ptr, parms.tdimname) ;
164     if (!Tcoord) {
165       gaprnt(0, "XDF file has no coordinate variable for T dimension.\n") ;
166       return(1) ;
167     }
168   }
169   if (parms.zsrch) {
170     (void) findZ(pfi->sdf_ptr, &Zcoord, &ispress) ;
172   } else if (parms.zsetup) {
173     Zcoord = find_var(pfi->sdf_ptr, parms.zdimname) ;
174     if (!Zcoord) {
175       gaprnt(0, "XDF file has no coordinate variable for Z dimension.\n") ;
176       return(1) ;
177     }
178   }
179 #ifdef TESTING
180   if (Xcoord) fprintf(stderr, "Using %s as X variable.\n", Xcoord->varnam) ;
181   if (Ycoord) fprintf(stderr, "Using %s as Y variable.\n", Ycoord->varnam) ;
182   if (Tcoord) fprintf(stderr, "Using %s as T variable.\n", Tcoord->varnam) ;
183   if (Zcoord)
184     fprintf(stderr, "Using %s as Z variable.\n", Zcoord->varnam) ;
185   else
186     fprintf(stderr, "Didn't find a Z variable.\n") ;
188 #endif
189   if (parms.isxdf && (!parms.tsrch)) {
190     if (!(parms.tdimname)) {
191       tdimension_id = -1 ;
192     } else {
193       tdimension_id = find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, parms.tdimname) ;
194     }
195   } else {
196     if (Tcoord) {
197       tdimension_id = find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, Tcoord->varnam) ;
198     } else {
199       tdimension_id = -1 ;
200     }
201   }
202   if (parms.isxdf && (!parms.zsrch)) {
203     zdimension_id = find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, parms.zdimname) ;
204   } else {
205     if (Zcoord) {
206       zdimension_id = find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, Zcoord->varnam) ;
207     } else {
208       zdimension_id = -1 ;
209     }
210   }
211   if (parms.isxdf && (!parms.ysrch)) {
212     ydimension_id = find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, parms.ydimname) ;
213   } else {
214     if (Ycoord) {
215       ydimension_id = find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, Ycoord->varnam) ;
216     } else {
217       ydimension_id = -1 ;
218     }
219   }
220   if (parms.isxdf && (!parms.xsrch)) {
221     xdimension_id = find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, parms.xdimname) ;
222   } else {
223     if (Xcoord) {
224       xdimension_id = find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, Xcoord->varnam) ;
225     } else {
226       xdimension_id = -1 ;
227     }
228   }
229   if (parms.dvsrch) {
230     numdvars = 0 ;
231     SaveDvar = pfi->sdf_ptr->var ;
232     for (DataVar = pfi->sdf_ptr->var ;  DataVar ;  DataVar = DataVar->next) {
233       isDatavar = 0 ;
234       isDatavar = isdvar(DataVar, Xcoord, Ycoord, Zcoord, Tcoord,
235 			 xdimension_id, ydimension_id, zdimension_id,
236 			 tdimension_id) ;
237       if (isDatavar) {
238 	++numdvars ;
239 	if (numdvars == 1) /* Use first Dvar found as master */ {
240 	  SaveDvar = DataVar ;
241 	}
242       }
243     } /* for each data variable */
244     if (numdvars == 0) /* oh dear... */ {
245       gaprnt(0,"SDF file doesn't appear to have any non-coordinate variables. Yikes!\n") ;
246       return(1) ;
247     } else {
248       parms.dvcount = numdvars ;
249     }
250   } else {
251     numdvars = parms.dvcount ;
252     for (DataVar = pfi->sdf_ptr->var ;  DataVar ;  DataVar = DataVar->next) {
253       if (!strcmp(parms.dvncnames[0], DataVar->varnam)) { /* Use first Dvar as master */
254 	SaveDvar = DataVar ;
255 	break ;
256       }
257     }
258     if (!SaveDvar) {
259       sprintf(pout,"Couldn't find \"master\" data variable %s in SDF file.\n", parms.dvncnames[0]);
260       gaprnt(0,pout);
261       return(1);
262     }
263   }
264   if (!parms.isxdf) {
265     getwrd(pfi->dnam, name, 4095) ;
266   }
267   getwrd(pfi->name, name, 4095) ;  /* Is this template or first nc name? */
268   /* I dunno about the next 5 lines... -hoop */
269   hdrb = 0;
270   trlb = 0;
271   mflflg = 0;           /* no map file to open */
272   pfi->mfile = NULL;
273   mcnt = -1;
275   if (parms.xsetup) {
276     pfi->dnum[XINDEX] = pfi->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[Xcoord->vardimid[0]] ;
277     if (!read_one_dimension(pfi->sdf_ptr, Xcoord, Xcoord->vardimid[0])) {
278       gaprnt(0, "Failure checking X coordinate of SDF file.\n") ;
279       return(1) ;
280     }
281     rc = trydeflin(pfi, Xcoord, XINDEX, 1, 0) ;
282     if (rc < 0) {
283       gaprnt(0, "Error evaluating X coordinate of SDF file.\n") ;
284       return(1) ;
285     }
286     if (rc == 0) /* not linear; define levels */ {
287       if (sdfdeflev(pfi, Xcoord, XINDEX, 0)) {
288 	gaprnt(0, "Failure defining X levels for SDF file.\n") ;
289 	return(1) ;
290       }
291 #ifdef TESTING2
292     } else {
293       fprintf(stderr, "Using Linear X dim. on SDF file.\n") ;
294 #endif
295     }
296   } /* if doing X setup */
297   if (parms.ysetup) {
298     pfi->dnum[YINDEX] = pfi->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[Ycoord->vardimid[0]] ;
299     if ((!read_one_dimension(pfi->sdf_ptr, Ycoord, Ycoord->vardimid[0])) ||
300 	(!(Ycoord->data))) {
301       gaprnt(0, "Failure checking Y coordinate of SDF file.\n") ;
302       return(1) ;
303     }
304     /* Next few lines of code only for Y; not analogous for X, tho' should be */
305     tempfarry = (float *) malloc(2 * sizeof(float)) ;
306     if (!convtype(Ycoord->data, Ycoord->vartype, tempfarry, NC_FLOAT, 0, 0)) {
307       gaprnt(0, "Failure interpreting first Y coordinate value of SDF file.\n") ;
308       return(1) ;
309     }
310     if ( (pfi->dnum[YINDEX]) > 1) {
311       if (!convtype(Ycoord->data, Ycoord->vartype, tempfarry, NC_FLOAT, 1, 1)) {
312 	gaprnt(0, "Failure interpreting second Y coordinate value of SDF file.\n") ;
313 	return(1) ;
314       }
315       if (tempfarry[1] < tempfarry[0]) {
316 	pfi->yrflg = 1 ;
317       } else {
318 	pfi->yrflg = 0 ;
319       }
320     } else {
321       pfi->yrflg = 0 ;
322     }
323     /* End Y-only code */
324     rc = trydeflin(pfi, Ycoord, YINDEX, 0, pfi->yrflg) ;
325     if (rc < 0) {
326       gaprnt(0, "Error evaluating Y coordinate of SDF file.\n") ;
327       return(1) ;
328     }
329     if (rc == 0) /* not linear; define levels */ {
330       if (sdfdeflev(pfi, Ycoord, YINDEX, pfi->yrflg)) {
331 	gaprnt(0, "Failure defining levels for Y coordinate for SDF file.\n") ;
332 	return(1) ;
333       }
334 #ifdef TESTING2
335     } else {
336       fprintf(stderr, "Using Linear Y dim. on SDF file.\n") ;
337 #endif
338     }
339   } /* if doing y setup */
340   if (parms.zsetup) {
341     if (Zcoord) {
342       pfi->zrflg = 0 ;
343     }
344   } /* if doing z setup */
345   if (parms.needtitle) {
346     globttl_attr = find_att(pfi->sdf_ptr->first_gattr, "title") ;
347     if (globttl_attr) {
348       if ((globttl_attr->len) > 510) {
349 	getstr(pfi->title, (char *)(globttl_attr->data), 511) ;
350       } else {
351 	getstr(pfi->title, (char *)(globttl_attr->data), globttl_attr->len) ;
352       }
353     }
354   }
355   if (parms.needundef) {
356     /* the following is a kludge because, by COARDS conventions, missing_value is */
357     /* a per-variable attribute, while GrADS expects it to be global to the data */
358     /* file.  So, the first non-coordinate variable is used to set a pseudo- */
359     /* global "undefined" value */
360     missval_attr = find_att(SaveDvar->first_vattr, "missing_value") ;
361     if (!missval_attr) {
362       missval_attr = find_att(SaveDvar->first_vattr, "_FillValue") ;
363     }
364     if (!missval_attr) {
365       pfi->undef = FILL_FLOAT ;  /* default _FillValue */
366     } else {
367       if (missval_attr->type == NC_SHORT) /* KLUDGE! */ {
368 	pfi->undef = (-1.0) * FILL_FLOAT ;  /* CDC default w/packed data */
369       } else /* must be NC_FLOAT or NC_DOUBLE, right?  I hope so... */ {
370 	if (missval_attr->type == NC_DOUBLE) {
371 	  tempdarry = (double *) missval_attr->data ;
372 	  pfi->undef = (float) tempdarry[0] ;
373 	} else {
374 	  tempfarry = (float *) missval_attr->data ;
375 	  pfi->undef = tempfarry[0] ;
376 	}
377       }
378     } /* there was a missing value of some name */
379   } /* if undef needs to be set */ /* next if MAY need to be moved before this line */
380   if (SETMISS) {
381     /* Gads...  Will these statements work OK when pfi->undef is -infinity? */
382     pfi->ulow = fabs(pfi->undef/EPSILON);
383     pfi->uhi = pfi->undef + pfi->ulow;
384     pfi->ulow = pfi->undef - pfi->ulow;
385   }
387   if (parms.zsetup) {
388     if (!Zcoord) {
389       pfi->dnum[ZINDEX] = 1 ;
390       /* These lines adapted from deflin routine */
391       tempfarry = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 6) ;
392       if (!tempfarry) {
393 	gaprnt(0, "Error evaluating fixed Z coordinate in SDF file.\n") ;
394 	return(1) ;
395       }
396       tempfarry[0] = 0.0 ;
397       tempfarry[1] = 0.0 ; /* can do better if interp. level_desc attr. */
398       tempfarry[2] = -999.9 ;
399       tempfarry[3] = 1.0 ;
400       tempfarry[4] = 1.0 ;
401       tempfarry[5] = -999.9 ;
402       pfi->grvals[ZINDEX] = tempfarry ;
403       pfi->abvals[ZINDEX] = tempfarry + 3 ;
404       pfi->ab2gr[ZINDEX] = liconv ;
405       pfi->gr2ab[ZINDEX] = liconv ;
406       pfi->linear[ZINDEX] = 1 ;
407       /* end of lines adapted from deflin routine */
408     } else /* not a dummy; an actual Z coordinate variable */ {
409       pfi->dnum[ZINDEX] = pfi->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[Zcoord->vardimid[0]] ;
410       if (!read_one_dimension(pfi->sdf_ptr, Zcoord, Zcoord->vardimid[0])) {
411 	gaprnt(0, "Failure checking Z coordinate of SDF file.\n") ;
412 	return(1) ;
413       }
414       tempfarry = (float *) malloc(2 * sizeof(float)) ;
415       if (!convtype(Zcoord->data, Zcoord->vartype, tempfarry, NC_FLOAT, 0, 0)) {
416 	gaprnt(0, "Failure interpreting first Z coordinate value of SDF file.\n") ;
417 	return(1) ;
418       }
419       if (pfi->dnum[ZINDEX] > 1) {
420 	if (!convtype(Zcoord->data, Zcoord->vartype, tempfarry,
421 		      NC_FLOAT, 1, 1)) {
422 	  gaprnt(0, "Failure interpreting second Z coordinate value of SDF file.\n") ;
423 	  return(1) ;
424 	}
425 	positive_attr = find_att(Zcoord->first_vattr, "positive") ;
426 	if (positive_attr) {
427 	  if (!strncmp("down", (char *) (positive_attr->data), 4)) {
428 	    /* positive:down */
429 	    if (tempfarry[1] > tempfarry[0]) /* ascending Z values */ {
430 	      pfi->zrflg = 1 ;
431 	    } else {
432 	      pfi->zrflg = 0 ;
433 	    }
434 	  } else /* positive:up */ {
435 	    if (tempfarry[1] > tempfarry[0]) /* ascending Z values */ {
436 	      pfi->zrflg = 0 ;
437 	    } else {
438 	      pfi->zrflg = 1 ;
439 	    }
440 	  }
441 	}
442 	if (sdfdeflev(pfi, Zcoord, ZINDEX, pfi->zrflg)) {
443 #ifdef TESTING
444 	  fprintf(stderr, "sdfdeflev failed on Zcoord.\n") ;
445 #endif
446 	  gaprnt(0, "Couldn't define Z-axis usinng LEVELS method.\n") ;
447 	  return(1) ;
448 	} /* sdfdeflev */
449       } else /* 1 Z value, so it linearly */ {
450 	/* These lines adapted from deflin routine */
451 	tempfarry2 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 6) ;
452 	if (!tempfarry2) {
453 	  gaprnt(0, "Error evaluating solo Z coordinate in SDF file.\n") ;
454 	  return(1) ;
455 	}
456 	tempfarry2[0] = 1.0 ;
457 	tempfarry2[1] = tempfarry[0] - 1.0 ;
458 	tempfarry2[2] = -999.9 ;
459 	tempfarry2[3] = 1.0 ;
460 	tempfarry2[4] = 1.0 - tempfarry[0] ;
461 	tempfarry2[5] = -999.9 ;
462 	pfi->grvals[ZINDEX] = tempfarry2 ;
463 	pfi->abvals[ZINDEX] = tempfarry2 + 3 ;
464 	pfi->ab2gr[ZINDEX] = liconv ;
465 	pfi->gr2ab[ZINDEX] = liconv ;
466 	pfi->linear[ZINDEX] = 1 ;
467 	/* end of lines adapted from deflin routine */
468       } /* one Z coord. value */
469     } /* setting up actual Z coordinate variable */
470   } /* if parms say setup Z coordinate */
471   if (parms.tsetup) {
472     /* Initial setting only; could be updated if templating */
473     if (!Tcoord) /* fake the time coord */ {
474       pfi->dnum[TINDEX] = 1 ;
475       tempfarry = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 8) ;
476       if (!tempfarry) {
477 	gaprnt(0, "Error finding storage to define time coordinate in SDF file.\n") ;
478 	return(1) ;
479       }
480       tempfarry[7] = -999.9 ;
481       pfi->grvals[TINDEX] = tempfarry ;
482       pfi->abvals[TINDEX] = tempfarry ;
483       pfi->linear[TINDEX] = 1 ;
484       tempfarry[0] = 1.0 ;
485       tempfarry[1] = 1.0 ;
486       tempfarry[2] = 1.0 ;
487       tempfarry[3] = 0.0 ; /* initial hours */
488       tempfarry[4] = 0.0 ;
489       tempfarry[5] = 0.0 ; /* step in months */
490       tempfarry[6] = 1.0 ; /* step in minutes */
491     } else {
492       calendar_attr = find_att(Tcoord->first_vattr, CALENDAR) ;
493       if (calendar_attr) {
494 	if (!strcasecmp(CAL365, (char *) (calendar_attr->data))) {
495 	  mfcmn.cal365 = pfi->calendar = 1;
496 	}
497 	if (!strcasecmp(ALTCAL365, (char *) (calendar_attr->data))) {
498 	  mfcmn.cal365 = pfi->calendar = 1;
499 	}
500       }
501       pfi->dnum[TINDEX] = pfi->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[Tcoord->vardimid[0]] ;
502       timeunits_attr = find_att(Tcoord->first_vattr, "units") ;
503       if (!timeunits_attr) {
504 	gaprnt(0, "Couldn't find units attribute for Time coordinate of SDF file.\n") ;
505 	return(1) ;
506       }
507 #if USEHDF == 1
508       if (!read_variable_data(pfi->sdf_ptr->cdfid, Tcoord, start, count)) {
509 	gaprnt(0, "Error reading initial time value in SDF file.\n") ;
510 	return(1) ;
511       }
512       time1ptr = &time1 ;
513       if (!convtype(Tcoord->data, Tcoord->vartype, time1ptr, NC_DOUBLE, 0, 0)) {
514 	gaprnt(0, "Error interpreting initial time value in SDF file.\n") ;
515 	return(1) ;
516       }
517       if (pfi->dnum[TINDEX] > 1) /* deduce increment */ {
518 	(start[0])++ ; /* set up to read second time value */
519 	if (!read_variable_data(pfi->sdf_ptr->cdfid, Tcoord, start, count)) {
520 	  gaprnt(0, "Error reading second time value in SDF file.\n") ;
521 	  return(1) ;
522 	}
523 	(start[0])-- ; /* reset it in case we need it again */
524 	time2ptr = &time2 ;
525 	if (!convtype(Tcoord->data, Tcoord->vartype, time2ptr, NC_DOUBLE, 0, 0)) {
526 	  gaprnt(0, "Error interpreting second time value in SDF file.\n") ;
527 	  return(1) ;
528 	}
529       } else {
530 	time2 = time1 + 1 ; /* fake for single timestep files */
531       }
532 #else
533       if (pfi->dnum[TINDEX] > 1) /* deduce increment */ {
534 	count[0] = 2 ; /* read both time vals at once for DODS bug */
535 	if (!read_variable_data(pfi->sdf_ptr->cdfid, Tcoord, start, count)) {
536 	  gaprnt(0, "Error reading initial two time values in SDF file.\n") ;
537 	  return(1) ;
538 	}
539 	count[0] = 1 ; /* restore for other calls, if any */
540 	time1ptr = &time1 ;
541 	if (!convtype(Tcoord->data, Tcoord->vartype, time1ptr, NC_DOUBLE, 0, 0)) {
542 	  gaprnt(0, "Error interpreting initial time value in SDF file.\n") ;
543 	  return(1) ;
544 	}
545 	time2ptr = &time2 ;
546 	if (!convtype(Tcoord->data, Tcoord->vartype, time2ptr, NC_DOUBLE, 1, 0)) {
547 	  gaprnt(0, "Error interpreting second time value in SDF file.\n") ;
548 	  return(1) ;
549 	}
550       } else /* fake it when only 1 timestep exists */ {
551 	if (!read_variable_data(pfi->sdf_ptr->cdfid, Tcoord, start, count)) {
552 	  gaprnt(0, "Error reading initial time value in SDF file.\n") ;
553 	  return(1) ;
554 	}
555 	time1ptr = &time1 ;
556 	if (!convtype(Tcoord->data, Tcoord->vartype, time1ptr, NC_DOUBLE, 0, 0)) {
557 	  gaprnt(0, "Error interpreting initial time value in SDF file.\n") ;
558 	  return(1) ;
559 	}
560 	time2 = time1 + 1 ; /* a kludge, of course */
561       }
562 #endif
563       tempfarry = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 8) ;
564       if (!tempfarry) {
565 	gaprnt(0,
566 	       "Error finding storage to define time coordinate in SDF file.\n") ;
567 	return(1) ;
568       }
569       tempfarry[7] = -999.9 ;
570       pfi->grvals[TINDEX] = tempfarry ;
571       pfi->abvals[TINDEX] = tempfarry ;
572       pfi->linear[TINDEX] = 1 ;
573       if ((timeunits_attr->len < 10) &&
574 	  (!strncmp((char *)timeunits_attr->data, "YYMMDDHH", 8))) /*GSFC time */{
575 	tempfarry[0] = (float) (((int) time1) / 1000000) ;
576 	tempfarry[1] = (float) ((((int) time1) / 10000) % 100) ;
577 	tempfarry[2] = (float) ((((int) time1) / 100) % 100) ;
578 	tempfarry[3] = (float) (((int) time1) % 100) ;
579 	tempfarry[4] =  0.0 ;
580 	if (pfi->dnum[TINDEX] > 1) /* deduce increment */ {
581 	  dt2.yr = (((int) time2) / 1000000) - (((int) time1) / 1000000) ;
582 	  dt2.mo = ((((int) time2) / 10000) % 100) -
583 	    ((((int) time1) / 10000) % 100) ;
584 	  dt2.dy = ((((int) time2) / 100) % 100) -
585 	    ((((int) time1) / 100) % 100) ;
586 	  dt2.hr = (((int) time2) % 100) - (((int) time1) % 100) ;
587 	  dt2.mn = 0 ;
588 	  if ((dt2.yr > 0) || (dt2.mo > 0)) {
589 	    tempfarry[5] = (dt2.yr * 12.0) + dt2.mo ;
590 	    tempfarry[6] = 0.0 ;
591 	  } else {
592 	    tempfarry[5] = 0.0 ;
593 	    tempfarry[6] = (dt2.dy * 1440.0) + (dt2.hr * 60.0) + dt2.mn ;
594 	    if (tempfarry[6] < 1.0) {
595 	      gaprnt(0, "Time unit in SDF file has too small an increment (min. 1 minute).\n") ;
596 	      return(1) ;
597 	    }
598 	  }
599 	} else /* one time step exists */ {
600 	  tempfarry[5] = 0.0 ;
601 	  tempfarry[6] = 1.0 ; /* KLUDGE for one time-step files */
602 	}
603       } else if (pfi->sdf_ptr->time_type == CDC) /* handle YYYYMMDDHHMMSS time */ {
604 	if (!decode_standard_time(time1, &iyr, &imo, &idy, &ihr, &imn, &dsec)) {
605 	  gaprnt(0, "Error deciphering initial time value in SDF file.\n") ;
606 	  return(1) ;
607 	}
608 	if (iyr <= 0) iyr = 1 ;
609 	if (imo <= 0) imo = 1 ;
610 	if (idy <= 0) idy = 1 ;
611 	tempfarry[0] = (float) iyr ;
612 	tempfarry[1] = (float) imo ;
613 	tempfarry[2] = (float) idy ;
614 	tempfarry[3] = (float) ihr ;
615 	tempfarry[4] = (float) imn ;
616 	/* will cop out here and assume delta_t attribute exists, as divining the */
617 	/* increment from the first two values is too messy to contemplate */
618 	if (pfi->dnum[TINDEX] > 1) {
619 	  deltat_attr = find_att(Tcoord->first_vattr, "delta_t") ;
620 	  if (!deltat_attr) {
621 	    gaprnt(0, "Error in determining time increment in SDF file.\n") ;
622 	    return(1) ;
623 	  }
624 	  ch = (char *) deltat_attr->data ;
625 	  if (!decode_delta_t(ch, &dt2.yr, &dt2.mo, &dt2.dy, &dt2.hr, &dt2.mn, &isec)) {
626 	    gaprnt(0, "Error deciphering time increment in SDF file.\n") ;
627 	    return(1) ;
628 	  }
629 	  if ((dt2.yr > 0) || (dt2.mo > 0)) {
630 	    tempfarry[5] = (dt2.yr * 12.0) + dt2.mo ;
631 	    tempfarry[6] = 0.0 ;
632 	  } else {
633 	    tempfarry[5] = 0.0 ;
634 	    tempfarry[6] = (dt2.dy * 1440.0) + (dt2.hr * 60.0) + dt2.mn ;
635 	    if (tempfarry[6] < 1.0) {
636 	      gaprnt(0, "Time unit in SDF file has too small an increment (min. 1 minute).\n") ;
637 	      return(1) ;
638 	    }
639 	  }
640 	  /* Yet Another Kludge:  any seconds value in SDF file is ignored as minute */
641 	  /* is the finest resolution in GrADS */
642 	} else {
643 	  tempfarry[5] = 0.0 ;
644 	  tempfarry[6] = 1.0 ; /* KLUDGE for one time-step files */
645 	}
646       } else /* assume udunits time */ {
647 	char *time_units = (char *) 0 ;
648 	int len_time_units ;
649 #define DFLTORIGIN " since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
651 	if (!strncmp((char *) timeunits_attr->data, "common_year", 11)) {
652 	  mfcmn.cal365 = pfi->calendar = 1;
653 	} /* that's the first step.  Now, have add new matches */
654 	if (!strstr((char *) timeunits_attr->data, " since ")) /* no origin */ {
655 	  len_time_units = (int) strlen((char *) timeunits_attr->data)
656 	    + (int) strlen(DFLTORIGIN) + 1 ;
657 	  time_units = (char *) malloc((size_t) len_time_units) ;
658 	  if (!time_units) {
659 	    gaprnt(0, "Malloc error generating time_units for SDF file.\n") ;
660 	    return(1) ;
661 	  }
662 	  strcpy(time_units, (char *) timeunits_attr->data) ;
663 	  strcat(time_units, DFLTORIGIN) ;
664 	}
665 	if (time_units) /* use units with default origin */ {
666 	  if (utScan(time_units, &timeunit)) {
667 	    gaprnt(0, "Error parsing time_units for SDF file.\n") ;
668 	    return(1) ;
669 	  }
670 	} else {
671 	  if (!get_ud_time_unit(Tcoord, &timeunit)) {
672 	    gaprnt(0, "Error parsing UDUNITS time units in SDF file.\n") ;
673 	    return(1) ;
674 	  }
675 	  time_units = (char *) timeunits_attr->data ;
676 	} /* using file's time units */
677 	if (!decode_ud_time(&timeunit, time1, &iyr, &imo, &idy, &ihr, &imn,
678 			    &dsec)) {
679 	  gaprnt(0,
680 		 "Error decoding initial udunits time value in SDF file.\n") ;
681 	  return(1) ;
682 	}
683 	if (imo == 0) imo = 1 ;
684 	if (idy == 0) idy = 1 ;
685 	tempfarry[0] = (float) iyr ;
686 	tempfarry[1] = (float) imo ;
687 	tempfarry[2] = (float) idy ;
688 	tempfarry[3] = (float) ihr ;
689 	tempfarry[4] = (float) imn ;
690 	if (pfi->dnum[TINDEX] > 1) /* deduce increment */ {
691 	  int compare_units(char *test_units, char *trunc_units) ;
692 	  char *trunc_units, *temp_str ;
693 	  int trunc_point ;
695 	  temp_str = strstr(time_units, " since ") ;
696 	  /* the above guaranteed to succeed since default origin added if need be */
697 	  if (!temp_str) /* just in case, though */ {
698 	    trunc_point = strlen(time_units) ;
699 	  } else {
700 	    trunc_point = (int) (temp_str - time_units) ;
701 	  }
702 	  trunc_units = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (size_t) (trunc_point+1)) ;
703 	  strncpy(trunc_units, time_units, trunc_point) ;
704 	  trunc_units[trunc_point] = '\0' ;
705 	  start[0] = 1 ;
706 	  incrfactor = time2 - time1 ;
707 	  if (compare_units("year", trunc_units)) /* match is 1 */ {
708 	    tempfarry[5] = 12.0 * ((float) incrfactor) ;
709 	    if (tempfarry[5] < 1.0) {
710 	      gaprnt(0, "Time unit in SDF file has too small an increment (min. 1 minute).\n") ;
711 	      return(1) ;
712 	    }
713 	    tempfarry[6] = 0.0 ;
714 	  } else {
715 	    /* COARDS conventions say only year, day, hour, and minute are OK, not month */
716 	    /* But I've accepted Camiel's patch for "months since ..."  -Hoop 2K/07/25 */
717 	    tempfarry[5] = 0.0 ;
718 	    /* CAS: Added month support */
719 	    if ((!strncmp(time_units, "month", 5)) ||
720 		(!strncmp(time_units, "common_year/12", 14)) ||
721 		(!strncmp(time_units, "common_years/12", 15))) {
722 	      /*                        if (compare_units("month", trunc_units)) { */
723 	      /* I doubt udunits will help us with units of "month" */
724 	      tempfarry[5] = ((float) incrfactor) ;
725 	      tempfarry[6] = 0.0 ;
726 	      if (tempfarry[5] < 1.0) {
727 		gaprnt(0, "SDF:  Fractional months are ill-defined and not supported by GrADS\n") ;
728 		return(1) ;
729 	      }
730 	      /* CAS: End of month support */
731 	    } else if (compare_units("day", trunc_units)) {
732 	      if (incrfactor < 28.0) {
733 		tempfarry[6] = ((float) incrfactor) * 24.0 * 60.0 ;
734 		if (tempfarry[6] < 1.0) {
735 		  gaprnt(0, "SDF:  Time unit has too small an increment (min. 1 minute).\n") ;
736 		  return(1) ;
737 		}
738 	      } else if (incrfactor < 360.0) /* assume really months */ {
739 		/* This dirty trick should get the right number of months for monthly, */
740 		/* bi-monthly, and seasonal data.  If there's anything between that and */
741 		/* annual data (which should have units of "year(s) since"), we're broken */
742 		tempfarry[5] = (float)(((int) (incrfactor + 0.5)) / 28) ;
743 		tempfarry[6] = 0.0 ;
744 		if (tempfarry[5] < 1.0) {
745 		  gaprnt(0, "SDF:  Time unit has too small an increment (min. 1 minute).\n") ;
746 		  return(1) ;
747 		}
748 	      } else /* annual or multi-annual w/"days since" */{
749 		/* also a dirty trick to figure out how many years & mult. by 12 */
750 		tempfarry[5] =
751 		  12.0 * ((float)(((int) (incrfactor + 0.5))/360)) ;
752 		tempfarry[6] = 0.0 ;
753 	      }
754 	    } else if (compare_units("hour", trunc_units)) {
755 	      if (incrfactor < (28.0 * 24.0)) {
756 		tempfarry[6] = ((float) incrfactor) * 60.0 ;
757 		if (tempfarry[6] < 1.0) {
758 		  gaprnt(0, "SDF:  Time unit has too small an increment (min. 1 minute).\n") ;
759 		  return(1) ;
760 		}
761 	      } else  {
762 		if (incrfactor >= (360 * 24)) /* try years? */{
763 		  tempfarry[5] = 12.0 * ((float) ((int)
764 						  (((int)(incrfactor + 0.5)) / (360.0 * 24.0)))) ;
765 		  tempfarry[6] = 0.0 ;
766 		} else /* assume really months */ {
767 		  tempfarry[5] = (float) (((int) (incrfactor + 0.5))/
768 					  (28 * 24)) ;
769 		  tempfarry[6] = 0.0 ;
770 		}
771 		if (tempfarry[5] < 1.0) {
772 		  gaprnt(0, "SDF:  Time unit has too small an increment (min. 1 minute).\n") ;
773 		  return(1) ;
774 		}
775 	      }
776 	    } else if (compare_units("minute", trunc_units)) {
777 	      if (incrfactor < (60.0 * 24.0 * 28.0)) {
778 		tempfarry[5] = 0.0 ;
779 		tempfarry[6] = (float) incrfactor ;
780 		if (tempfarry[6] < 1.0) {
781 		  gaprnt(0, "SDF:  Time unit has too small an increment (min. 1 minute).\n") ;
782 		  return(1) ;
783 		}
784 	      } else /* monthly or greater */ {
785 		if (tempfarry[6] < (60.0 * 24.0 * 360.0)) {
786 		  tempfarry[5] =
787 		    (float) (((int) ((incrfactor / (60.0 * 24.0)) + 0.5)) / 28) ;
788 		  tempfarry[6] = 0.0 ;
789 		} else {
790 		  gaprnt(0,"SDF:  Attempt at >monthly increment with 'minutes since' time units attribute value.\n") ;
791 		  return(1) ;
792 		}
793 	      }
794 	    } else if (compare_units("seconds", trunc_units)) {
795 	      if (incrfactor < 60.0) {
796 		gaprnt(0,"SDF:  Time unit has too small an increment (min. 1 minute).\n") ;
797 		return(1) ;
798 	      } else {
799 		if (incrfactor < (60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0 * 28.0)) {
800 		  /* less than monthly, so use tempfarry[6] */
801 		  tempfarry[6] = incrfactor / 60.0 ;
802 		} else /* monthly or greater */ {
803 		  if (incrfactor < (60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0 * 360)) {
804 		    /* assume monthly */
805 		    tempfarry[5] =
806 		      (float) (((int) ((incrfactor/(60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0)) + 0.5)) / 28) ;
807 		    tempfarry[6] = 0.0 ;
808 		  } else {
809 		    gaprnt(0,"SDF:  Attempt at > monthly interval with 'seconds since' time units attribute.\n") ;
810 		    return(1) ;
811 		  }
812 		}
813 	      }
814 	    } else {
815 	      gaprnt(0, "Error parsing time units in SDF file.\n") ;
816 	      return(1) ;
817 	    }
818 	  } /* finer than years resolution */
819 	  if (trunc_units) free(trunc_units) ;
820 	} else {
821 	  tempfarry[5] = 0.0 ;
822 	  tempfarry[6] = 1.0 ; /* KLUDGE for one time-step files */
823 	} /* end deduce increment */
824 #ifdef TESTING
825 	fprintf(stderr, "time1=%lf, time2=%lf, incrfactor=%lf.\n", time1, time2,
826 		incrfactor) ;
827 	fprintf(stderr, "tempfarry={%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f}.\n", tempfarry[0],
828 		tempfarry[1], tempfarry[2], tempfarry[3], tempfarry[4],
829 		tempfarry[5], tempfarry[6]) ;
830 	fprintf(stderr, "diminq return=%d, time dimsize=%ld.\n",
831 		ncdiminq(pfi->sdf_ptr->cdfid,3,(char *)0,&tdimsiz), tdimsiz) ;
832 #endif
833       } /* end if udunits time */
834     } /* has a T coordinate */
835   } /* doing T setup */
836   if (parms.dvsrch) {
837     pfi->vnum =  numdvars ;
838     parms.dvcount = pfi->vnum ;
839     pfi->ivnum = pfi->lvnum = 0 ;
840     size = numdvars * sizeof(struct gavar) ;
841     pvar = (struct gavar *) malloc(size);
842     pfi->pvar1 = pvar;
843     parms.dvcount = numdvars ;
844     parms.dvsetup = (int *) malloc(numdvars * sizeof(int)) ;
845     for (xedni = 0 ;  xedni < pfi->vnum ;  ++xedni) {
846       parms.dvsetup[xedni] = 1 ;
847     }
848   } else {
849     pvar = pfi->pvar1 ;
850   }
851   if (parms.isxdf) {
852     int xdfopenerr ;
854     xdfopenerr = 0 ;
855     if (!parms.tsrch) {
856       if (parms.tdimname) {
857 	if (find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, parms.tdimname) == -1) {
858 	  gaprnt(0,"Alleged time dimension (from TDEF) is not an SDF dimension.  Cannot continue.\n") ;
859 	  gaprnt(0,"Time dimension name is:\n") ;
860 	  gaprnt(0,parms.tdimname) ;
861 	  gaprnt(0,"\n.\n") ;
862 	  xdfopenerr = 1 ;
863 	}
864       }
865     }
866     if ((!parms.zsrch) && (find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, parms.zdimname) == -1)) {
867       gaprnt(0,"Alleged level dimension (from ZDEF) is not an SDF dimension.  Cannot continue.\n") ;
868       gaprnt(0,"Level dimension name is:\n") ;
869       gaprnt(0,parms.zdimname) ;
870       gaprnt(0,"\n.\n") ;
871       xdfopenerr = 2 ;
872     }
873     if ((!parms.ysrch) && (find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, parms.ydimname) == -1)) {
874       gaprnt(0,"Alleged lon dimension (from YDEF) is not an SDF dimension.  Cannot continue.\n") ;
875       gaprnt(0,"Lon dimension name is:\n") ;
876       gaprnt(0,parms.ydimname) ;
877       gaprnt(0,"\n.\n") ;
878       xdfopenerr = 3 ;
879     }
880     if ((!parms.xsrch) && (find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, parms.xdimname) == -1)) {
881       gaprnt(0,"Alleged lat dimension (from XDEF) is not an SDF dimension.  Cannot continue.\n") ;
882       gaprnt(0,"Lat dimension name is:\n") ;
883       gaprnt(0,parms.xdimname) ;
884       gaprnt(0,"\n.\n") ;
885       xdfopenerr = 4 ;
886     }
887     if (xdfopenerr) {
888       return(1) ;
889     }
890   } /* if it's from xdfopen */
891   if (parms.isxdf && (!parms.tsrch)) {
892     if (!parms.tdimname) {
893       tdimension_id = -1 ;
894     } else {
895       tdimension_id = find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, parms.tdimname) ;
896     }
897   } else {
898     if (Tcoord) {
899       tdimension_id = find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, Tcoord->varnam) ;
900     } else {
901       tdimension_id = -1 ;
902     }
903   }
904   if (parms.isxdf && (!parms.zsrch)) {
905     zdimension_id = find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, parms.zdimname) ;
906   } else {
907     if (Zcoord) {
908       zdimension_id = find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, Zcoord->varnam) ;
909     } else {
910       zdimension_id = -1 ;
911     }
912   }
913   if (parms.isxdf && (!parms.ysrch)) {
914     ydimension_id = find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, parms.ydimname) ;
915   } else {
916     if (Ycoord) {
917       ydimension_id = find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, Ycoord->varnam) ;
918     } else {
919       ydimension_id = -1 ;
920     }
921   }
922   if (parms.isxdf && (!parms.xsrch)) {
923     xdimension_id = find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, parms.xdimname) ;
924   } else {
925     if (Xcoord) {
926       xdimension_id = find_dim(pfi->sdf_ptr, Xcoord->varnam) ;
927     } else {
928       xdimension_id = -1 ;
929     }
930   }
931   for (lclvar = pfi->sdf_ptr->var ;  lclvar ;  lclvar = lclvar->next) {
932     if (parms.isxdf && (!parms.dvsrch)) {
933       boole = findmatch(lclvar->varnam, parms.dvncnames, parms.dvcount,
934 			&inx) ;
935       if (boole) {
936 	while (strcmp(pvar->abbrv, parms.dvganames[inx])) {
937 	  pvar++ ;
938 	} /* so we mess with right pvar from gadxdf */
939       }
940     } else {
941       boole = isdvar(lclvar, Xcoord, Ycoord, Zcoord, Tcoord,
942 		     xdimension_id, ydimension_id, zdimension_id,
943 		     tdimension_id) ;
944     }
945     if (boole) {
946       if (parms.isxdf && (!parms.tsrch)) {
947 	if (!(parms.tdimname)) /* tdim-less support */ {
948 	  lclvar->dimidmap[0] = -1 ;
949 	  lclvar->dimmap[0] = -1 ;
950 	} else {
951 	  lclvar->dimidmap[0] = tdimension_id ;
952 	  lclvar->dimmap[0] =
953 	    find_dimix(lclvar->vardimid, lclvar->nvardims,
954 		       lclvar->dimidmap[0]) ;
955 	}
956       } else {
957 	if (Tcoord) {
958 	  lclvar->dimidmap[0] = tdimension_id ;
959 	  lclvar->dimmap[0] = find_dimix(lclvar->vardimid,
960 					 lclvar->nvardims, lclvar->dimidmap[0]) ;
961 	} /* leave -1 otherwise and if not in this dvar */
962       }
963       if (parms.isxdf  && (!parms.zsrch)) {
964 	lclvar->dimidmap[1] = zdimension_id ;
965 	lclvar->dimmap[1] =
966 	  find_dimix(lclvar->vardimid, lclvar->nvardims,
967 		     lclvar->dimidmap[1]) ;
968       } else {
969 	if (Zcoord) {
970 	  lclvar->dimidmap[1] = zdimension_id ;
971 	  lclvar->dimmap[1] =
972 	    find_dimix(lclvar->vardimid, lclvar->nvardims,
973 		       lclvar->dimidmap[1]) ;
974 	} /* leave -1 otherwise and if not in this dvar */
975       }
976       if (parms.isxdf && (!parms.ysrch)) {
977 	lclvar->dimidmap[2] = ydimension_id ;
978       } else {
979 	lclvar->dimidmap[2] = ydimension_id ;
980       }
981       lclvar->dimmap[2] = find_dimix(lclvar->vardimid, lclvar->nvardims,
982 				     lclvar->dimidmap[2]) ;
983       if (parms.isxdf && (!parms.xsrch)) {
984 	lclvar->dimidmap[3] = xdimension_id ;
985       } else {
986 	lclvar->dimidmap[3] = xdimension_id ;
987       }
988       lclvar->dimmap[3] = find_dimix(lclvar->vardimid, lclvar->nvardims,
989 				     lclvar->dimidmap[3]) ;
990       boole2 = 0 ;
991       if (!(parms.isxdf)) {
992 	boole2 = 1 ;
993       } else {
994 	if (parms.dvsrch) {
995 	  boole2 = 1 ;
996 	} else {
997 	  if ((parms.dvcount > inx) && (parms.dvsetup[inx])) {
998 	    boole2 = 1 ;
999 	  } else {
1000 	    boole2 = 0 ;
1001 	  }
1002 	}
1003       }
1004       if (boole2) {
1005 	if ((!(parms.isxdf)) || (parms.dvsrch)) {
1006 	  /* if we got the data variables by searching in this routine */
1007 	  strncpy(pvar->abbrv, lclvar->varnam, 15) ;
1008 	  pvar->abbrv[15] = '\0' ;
1009 	  lowcas(pvar->abbrv) ;
1010 	}
1011 	strcpy(lclvar->gradsabbr, pvar->abbrv) ;
1012 	if (lclvar->dimmap[1] != -1) {
1013 	  pvar->levels = pfi->dnum[ZINDEX] ;  /* by def'n in SDF file */
1014 	  ++(pfi->lvnum) ;
1015 	} else {
1016 	  pvar->levels = 0 ;  /* I hope that's right... */
1017 	  ++(pfi->ivnum) ;
1018 	}
1019 	for (j = 0 ;  j < 4 ;  j++) pvar->units[j] = -999;
1020 	if (!(title_vattr = find_att(lclvar->first_vattr, "long_name"))) {
1021 	  /* gad, I hope it's an old CDC standard file */
1022 	  if (!(title_vattr = find_att(lclvar->first_vattr, "title"))) {
1023 	    /* give up */
1024 	    pvar->varnm[0] = '\0' ;
1025 	  }
1026 	}
1027 	if (title_vattr) {
1028 	  if (title_vattr->len > 79) {
1029 	    strncpy(pvar->varnm, (char *)(title_vattr->data), 79) ;
1030 	    pvar->varnm[79] = '\0' ;
1031 	  } else {
1032 	    strncpy(pvar->varnm, (char *)(title_vattr->data),
1033 		    title_vattr->len) ;
1034 	    pvar->varnm[title_vattr->len] = '\0' ;
1035 	  }
1036 	}
1037 	pvar->offset = 0 ;
1038 	pvar->recoff = 0 ;
1039 	pvar->dfrm = 0 ;
1040 	pvar->var_t = 0 ;
1041 	pvar->var_z = 0 ;
1042 	pvar->y_x = 0 ;
1043       } else {
1044 	strcpy(lclvar->gradsabbr, pvar->abbrv) ;
1045       }
1046       if (lclvar->vartype == NC_DOUBLE) {
1047 	sprintf(pout,"SDF:  The double precision values of the variable %s\n", pvar->abbrv) ;
1048 	strcat(pout,"will be automatically converted to single precision.\n") ;
1049 	gaprnt(0, pout) ;
1050       }
1051       if (parms.needundef) /* need to divine it now */ {
1052 	/* get missing_value attribute value, and stuff it into lclvar->missing_value */
1053 	missval_attr = find_att(lclvar->first_vattr, "missing_value") ;
1054 	if (!missval_attr) {
1055 	  missval_attr = find_att(lclvar->first_vattr, "_FillValue") ;
1056 	}
1057 	/* if the type of the data variable and that of the missing_value attribute */
1058 	/* don't match, use the default, as we do if we have no attribute */
1059 	if ((!missval_attr) || (missval_attr->type != lclvar->vartype)) {
1060 	  switch (lclvar->vartype) {
1061 	  case NC_BYTE:
1062 	    lclvar->missing_value.bval = FILL_BYTE ;
1063 	    break ;
1064 	  case NC_SHORT:
1065 	    lclvar->missing_value.sval = FILL_SHORT ;
1066 	    break ;
1067 	  case NC_LONG:
1068 	    lclvar->missing_value.lval = FILL_LONG ;
1069 	    break ;
1070 	  case NC_FLOAT:
1071 	    lclvar->missing_value.fval = FILL_FLOAT ;
1072 	    break ;
1073 	  case NC_DOUBLE:
1074 	    lclvar->missing_value.dval = FILL_DOUBLE ;
1075 	    break ;
1076 	  } /* end switch */
1077 	} else /* have an attribute value and types match */ {
1078 	  switch (lclvar->vartype) {
1079 	  case NC_BYTE:
1080 	    lclvar->missing_value.bval = *((signed char *)missval_attr->data) ;
1081 	    break ;
1082 	  case NC_SHORT:
1083 	    lclvar->missing_value.sval = *((short *)missval_attr->data) ;
1084 	    break ;
1085 	  case NC_LONG:
1086 	    lclvar->missing_value.lval = *((long *)missval_attr->data) ;
1087 	    break ;
1088 	  case NC_FLOAT:
1089 	    lclvar->missing_value.fval = *((float *)missval_attr->data) ;
1090 	    break ;
1091 	  case NC_DOUBLE:
1092 	    lclvar->missing_value.dval = *((double *)missval_attr->data) ;
1093 	    break ;
1094 	  } /* end switch */
1095 	} /* else is have attribute and types match */
1096       } else /* use value from UNDEF statement in DDF */ {
1097 	lclvar->missing_value.fval = pfi->undef ; /* always float */
1098 	if (parms.hasDDFundef) {
1099 	  pfi->sdf_ptr->hasDDFundef = 1 ;
1100 	}
1101       } /* end if need to get missing_value attribute value */
1102       if (parms.isxdf && (!parms.dvsrch)) {
1103 	pvar = pfi->pvar1 ; /* reset for searching out next one */
1104       } else {
1105 	pvar++;
1106       }
1107     }
1108   } /* end for each var in SDF file or descriptor file varlist */
1109   /* Figure out locations of variables within a time group ( N.A. ) */
1111   /* Allocate an I/O buffer the size of one grid */
1113   maxlv = pfi->dnum[ZINDEX] ;
1114   if (pfi->type > 1) {
1115     size = maxlv * sizeof(float);
1116   } else {
1117     size = pfi->dnum[XINDEX] * pfi->dnum[YINDEX] * sizeof(float);
1118   }
1120   /* If the file name is a time series template, figure out
1121      which times go with which files, so we don't waste a lot
1122      of time later opening and closing files unnecessarily. */
1124   if ((!(parms.isxdf)) && (pfi->tmplat)) {
1125     pfi->dnum[TINDEX] = ntsteps ;
1126     strcpy(pfi->name, template) ;
1127     pfi->fnums = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * pfi->dnum[TINDEX]) ;
1128     if (pfi->fnums == NULL) {
1129       gaprnt(0, "SDFOPEN error:  Memory allocation error.\n") ;
1130       /* what could I do if close_netcdf did bomb? */
1131       (void) close_netcdf(pfi->sdf_ptr->cdfid) ;
1132       if ((pfi->sdf_ptr) == (pfi->first_sdf_ptr)) {
1133 	pfi->first_sdf_ptr = (IO_STD *) 0 ;
1134       }
1135       free_io_std(&(pfi->sdf_ptr)) ;
1136       return(1) ;
1137     }
1138     j = 1 ;
1139     gr2t(pfi->grvals[TINDEX], 1.0, &tdefi) ;
1140     ch = gafndt(pfi->name, &tdefi, &tdefi, pfi->abvals[TINDEX], NULL, 1) ;
1141     if (ch == NULL) {
1142       gaprnt(0, "SDFOPEN error:  Memory allocation error.\n") ;
1143       (void) close_netcdf(pfi->sdf_ptr->cdfid) ;
1144       if ((pfi->sdf_ptr) == (pfi->first_sdf_ptr)) {
1145 	pfi->first_sdf_ptr = (IO_STD *) 0 ;
1146       }
1147       free_io_std(&(pfi->sdf_ptr)) ;
1148       return(1) ;
1149     }
1150     pfi->fnums[0] = j ;
1151     for (i = 2 ;  i <= pfi->dnum[TINDEX] ;  ++i) {
1152       gr2t(pfi->grvals[TINDEX], (float) i, &tdef) ;
1153       pos = gafndt(pfi->name, &tdef, &tdefi, pfi->abvals[TINDEX], NULL, 1) ;
1154       if (pos == NULL) {
1155         gaprnt(0, "SDFOPEN error:  Memory allocation error.\n") ;
1156         (void) close_netcdf(pfi->sdf_ptr->cdfid) ;
1157 	free_io_std(&(pfi->sdf_ptr)) ;
1158 	return(1) ;
1159       }
1160       if (strcmp(ch, pos) != 0) {
1161         j = i ;
1162 	if (ch) {
1163 	  free(ch) ;
1164         }
1165         ch = pos ;
1166       }
1167       pfi->fnums[i - 1] = j ;
1168     }
1169     if (ch) {
1170       free(ch) ;
1171     }
1172     pfi->fnumc = 0 ;
1173   } /* if templating in use and not XDF */  else if (pfi->tmplat) {
1174     strcpy(pfi->name, template) ;
1175   }
1176   if (copy_io_std(&(pfi->first_sdf_ptr), pfi->sdf_ptr) == Success) {
1177     return(0);
1178   } else {
1179     gaprnt(0, "SDF operational error (copy_io_std failed making current first)\n") ;
1180     return(1) ;
1181   }
1182 }
1184 int
compare_units(char * test_unit,char * trunc_unit)1185 compare_units(char *test_unit, char *trunc_unit) {
1186   utUnit testing_unit, truncated_unit ;
1187   int dequal(double op1, double op2, double threshold) ;
1188   int return_value ;
1189   double slope, intercept ;
1191   return_value = utScan(test_unit, &testing_unit) ;
1192   if (return_value != 0) /* probably shouldn't bitch about an err, but strange */ {
1193     return(0) ;
1194   }
1195   return_value = utScan(trunc_unit, &truncated_unit) ;
1196   if (return_value != 0) /* see above comment */ {
1197     return(0) ;
1198   }
1199   return_value = utConvert(&truncated_unit, &testing_unit, &slope, &intercept) ;
1200   if (return_value != 0) {
1201     return(0) ;
1202   }
1203   if (dequal(slope, 1.0, 0.000001) && dequal(intercept, 0.0, 0.000001)) {
1204     return(1) ; /* hopefully, this will catch all combos from common_year */
1205   } else {
1206     return(0) ;
1207   }
1208   /*NOTREACHED*/
1209 }
1211 int
findmatch(char * var_name,char ** varnamelist,int namecount,int * inxptr)1212 findmatch(char *var_name, char **varnamelist, int namecount, int *inxptr) {
1213   int inx ;
1215   for (inx = 0 ;  inx < namecount ;  ++inx) {
1216     if (!strcmp(var_name, varnamelist[inx])) {
1217       *inxptr = inx ;
1218       return(1) ;
1219     }
1220   }
1221   *inxptr = -1 ;
1222   return(0) ;
1223 }
1226 void
doparms4sdf(GASDFPARMS * parms)1227 doparms4sdf(GASDFPARMS *parms) {
1229   /* set values in parm struct as appropos for sdfopen (not xdfopen) */
1231   parms->xsrch = parms->ysrch = parms->zsrch = parms->tsrch = 1 ;
1232   parms->dvsrch = 1 ;
1233   parms->isxdf = 0 ;
1234   parms->xsetup = parms->ysetup = parms->zsetup = parms->tsetup = 1 ;
1235   parms->needtitle = parms->needundef = 1 ;
1236   parms->xdimname = parms->ydimname = parms->zdimname = parms->tdimname = (char *) 0 ;
1237   parms->dvcount = -1 ;
1238   parms->dvncnames = parms->dvganames = (char **) 0 ;
1239   parms->dvsetup = (int *) 0 ;
1240   parms->hasDDFundef = 0 ;
1241   return ;
1242 }
1244 int
isdvar(VAR_INFO * var,VAR_INFO * X,VAR_INFO * Y,VAR_INFO * Z,VAR_INFO * T,int xdimid,int ydimid,int zdimid,int tdimid)1245 isdvar(VAR_INFO *var, VAR_INFO *X, VAR_INFO *Y, VAR_INFO *Z, VAR_INFO *T,
1246        int xdimid, int ydimid, int zdimid, int tdimid) {
1247   int idim, hasX, hasY, hasT ;
1249   if ((var->nvardims) < 2) {
1250     return(0) ;
1251   }
1252   hasX = hasY = hasT = 0 ;
1253   for (idim = 0 ;  idim < var->nvardims ;  ++idim) {
1254     if (var->vardimid[idim] == xdimid) {
1255       hasX = 1 ;
1256     }
1257     if (var->vardimid[idim] == ydimid) {
1258       hasY = 1 ;
1259     }
1260     if (tdimid > -1) {
1261       if (var->vardimid[idim] == tdimid) {
1262 	hasT = 1 ;
1263       }
1264     }
1265   }
1266   if ((X && (var == X)) || (Y && (var == Y)) || (Z && (var == Z)) ||
1267       (T && (var == T)) ) {
1268     return(0) ;
1269   }
1270   return(hasX || hasY) ;
1271 }
1273 int
sdfdeflev(struct gafile * pfi,VAR_INFO * coord,int GrADSdimnum,int revflag)1274 sdfdeflev(struct gafile *pfi, VAR_INFO *coord, int GrADSdimnum, int revflag) {
1275   float *tempfarry, *tempfarry2 ;
1276   int indx ;
1277   int convtype(void *srcptr, nc_type srctype, void *desptr, nc_type destype,
1278 	       int srcindex, int desindex) ;
1280 #ifdef TESTING2
1281   fprintf(stderr, "sdfdeflev(%s, %s, %d, %d);\n", pfi->name, coord->varnam,
1282 	  GrADSdimnum, revflag);
1283 #endif
1284   /* the following adapted from deflev routine */
1285   tempfarry2 =
1286     (float *) malloc((pfi->dnum[GrADSdimnum] + 5) * sizeof(float)) ;
1287   if (!tempfarry2) {
1288     gaprnt(0, "Failure setting up coordinate levels in SDF file.\n") ;
1289     return(1) ;
1290   }
1291   tempfarry2[0] = pfi->dnum[GrADSdimnum] ;
1292   for (indx = 1 ;  indx <= (pfi->dnum[GrADSdimnum]) ;  ++indx) {
1293     if (!revflag) {
1294       if (!convtype(coord->data, coord->vartype, tempfarry2, NC_FLOAT,
1295 		    indx - 1, indx)) {
1296 	gaprnt(0, "SDF:  Error interpreting coordinate value.\n") ;
1297 	return(1) ;
1298       }
1299     } else {
1300       if (!convtype(coord->data, coord->vartype, tempfarry2, NC_FLOAT,
1301 		    pfi->dnum[GrADSdimnum] - indx, indx)) {
1302 	gaprnt(0, "SDF:  Error interpreting coordinate value.\n") ;
1303 	return(1) ;
1304       }
1305     }
1306   }
1307   tempfarry2[(pfi->dnum[GrADSdimnum]) + 1] = -999.9 ;
1308   pfi->abvals[GrADSdimnum] = tempfarry2 ;
1309   pfi->grvals[GrADSdimnum] = tempfarry2 ;
1310   pfi->ab2gr[GrADSdimnum] = lev2gr ;
1311   pfi->gr2ab[GrADSdimnum] = gr2lev ;
1312   pfi->linear[GrADSdimnum] = 0 ;
1313   /* end of stuff adapted from deflev routine */
1314   return(0) ;
1315 }
1318 int
findX(IO_STD * sdf_ptr,VAR_INFO ** Xcoordptr)1319 findX(IO_STD *sdf_ptr, VAR_INFO **Xcoordptr) {
1320   /* check for coordinate variable whose units are degrees_east, degree_east */
1321   /* degrees_E, or degree_E */
1322   struct attrib_list *units_vattr ;
1323   struct attrib_list *find_att(struct attrib_list *first_attr, char *attname) ;
1324   VAR_INFO *lclvar ;
1325   int iscoordvar, i ;
1326   char *ch ;
1328   *Xcoordptr = NULL ;
1329   for (lclvar = sdf_ptr->var ;  lclvar ;  lclvar = lclvar->next) {
1330     iscoordvar = 0 ;
1331     if (lclvar->nvardims == 1) {
1332       for (i = 0 ;  i < sdf_ptr->ndims ;  ++i) {
1333 	if (lclvar->vardimid[0] == sdf_ptr->dimids[i]) {
1334 	  if (!strcmp(sdf_ptr->dimnam[i], lclvar->varnam)) {
1335 	    iscoordvar = 1 ;
1336 	  }
1337 	}
1338       } /* end for */
1339     }
1340     if (iscoordvar) /* it's a coordinate variable */ {
1341       if (!(units_vattr = find_att(lclvar->first_vattr, "units"))) {
1342 	/* return(0) ; */  continue ;
1343       }
1344       ch = (char *) malloc(units_vattr->len + 1) ;
1345       strncpy(ch, (char *) units_vattr->data, units_vattr->len) ;
1346       ch[units_vattr->len] = '\0' ;
1347       /* Use strncmp to make up for ncgen's annoying lack of NULL terminators */
1348       if (strncmp(ch, "degrees_east", 12)) {
1349 	if (strncmp(ch, "degree_east", 11)) {
1350 	  if (strncmp(ch, "degrees_E", 9)) {
1351 	    if (strncmp(ch, "degree_E", 8)) {
1352 	      if (ch) {
1353 		free(ch) ;
1354 	      }
1355 	      continue ;
1356 	    }
1357 	  }
1358 	}
1359       }
1360       if (ch) {
1361 	free(ch) ;
1362       }
1363       *Xcoordptr = lclvar ;
1364       return(1) ;  /* got a match on one of them */
1365     }
1366   } /* end for each variable */
1367   return(0) ;
1368 }
1370 int
findY(IO_STD * sdf_ptr,VAR_INFO ** Ycoordptr)1371 findY(IO_STD *sdf_ptr, VAR_INFO **Ycoordptr) {
1372   /* check for coordinate variable whose units are degrees_north, degree_north */
1373   /* degrees_N, or degree_N */
1374   struct attrib_list *units_vattr ;
1375   struct attrib_list *find_att(struct attrib_list *first_attr, char *attname) ;
1376   VAR_INFO *lclvar ;
1377   int iscoordvar, i ;
1378   char *ch ;
1380   *Ycoordptr = NULL ;
1381   for (lclvar = sdf_ptr->var ;  lclvar ;  lclvar = lclvar->next) {
1382     iscoordvar = 0 ;
1383     if (lclvar->nvardims == 1) {
1384       for (i = 0 ;  i < sdf_ptr->ndims ;  ++i) {
1385 	if (lclvar->vardimid[0] == sdf_ptr->dimids[i]) {
1386 	  if (!strcmp(sdf_ptr->dimnam[i], lclvar->varnam)) {
1387 	    iscoordvar = 1 ;
1388 	  }
1389 	}
1390       } /* end for */
1391     }
1392     if (iscoordvar) /* it's a coordinate variable */ {
1393       if (!(units_vattr = find_att(lclvar->first_vattr, "units"))) {
1394 	continue ;  /* try next variable */
1395       }
1396       ch = (char *) malloc(units_vattr->len + 1) ;
1397       strncpy(ch, (char *) units_vattr->data, units_vattr->len) ;
1398       ch[units_vattr->len] = '\0' ;
1399       /* Use strncmp to make up for ncgen's annoying lack of NULL terminators */
1400       if (strncmp(ch, "degrees_north", 13)) {
1401 	if (strncmp(ch, "degree_north", 12)) {
1402 	  if (strncmp(ch, "degrees_N", 9)) {
1403 	    if (strncmp(ch, "degree_N", 8)) {
1404 	      if (ch) {
1405 		free(ch) ;
1406 	      }
1407 	      continue ;
1408 	    }
1409 	  }
1410 	}
1411       }
1412       if (ch) {
1413 	free(ch) ;
1414       }
1415       *Ycoordptr = lclvar ;
1416       return(1) ;  /* got a match on one of them */
1417     }
1418   } /* end for each variable */
1419   return(0) ;
1420 }
1422 int
findZ(IO_STD * sdf_ptr,VAR_INFO ** Zcoordptr,int * ispressptr)1423 findZ(IO_STD *sdf_ptr, VAR_INFO **Zcoordptr, int *ispressptr) {
1424   /* check for coordinate variable whose units are that of pressure, */
1425   /* or another unit approved by COARDS conventions */
1426   /* initially, the pressure units are "millibars" or "pascals" (caseless) */
1427   /* should probably allow for prefixes through udunits package */
1428   /* Will allow exact match on "mb" as a kludge for misbegotten NMC data */
1429   struct attrib_list *units_vattr, *positive_vattr ;
1430   struct attrib_list *find_att(struct attrib_list *first_attr, char *attname) ;
1431   VAR_INFO *lclvar ;
1432   int iscoordvar, i ;
1433   char *ch, *lwrunits ;
1434   struct utUnit feet, thisguy, pascals, kelvins ;
1435   double slope, intcept ;
1437   *Zcoordptr = NULL ;
1438   if (utScan("feet", &feet) != 0) /* bloody hell... */ {
1439     gaprnt(0, "The udunits library doesn't know feet; giving up...\n") ;
1440     return(9999) ;
1441   }
1442   if (utScan("pascals", &pascals) != 0) /* bloody hell... */ {
1443     gaprnt(0, "The udunits library doesn't know pascals; giving up...\n") ;
1444     return(9999) ;
1445   }
1446   if (utScan("kelvins", &kelvins) != 0) /* bloody hell... */ {
1447     gaprnt(0, "The udunits library doesn't know kelvins; giving up...\n") ;
1448     return(9999) ;
1449   }
1450   for (lclvar = sdf_ptr->var ;  lclvar ;  lclvar = lclvar->next) {
1451     iscoordvar = 0 ;
1452     if (lclvar->nvardims == 1) {
1453       for (i = 0 ;  i < sdf_ptr->ndims ;  ++i) {
1454 	if (lclvar->vardimid[0] == sdf_ptr->dimids[i]) {
1455 	  if (!strcmp(sdf_ptr->dimnam[i], lclvar->varnam)) {
1456 	    iscoordvar = 1 ;
1457 	  }
1458 	}
1459       } /* end for */
1460     }
1461     if (iscoordvar) /* it's a coordinate variable */ {
1462       if (!(units_vattr = find_att(lclvar->first_vattr, "units"))) {
1463 	continue ;
1464       }
1465       ch = (char *) units_vattr->data ;
1466       lwrunits = (char *) malloc(units_vattr->len + 1) ;
1467       strncpy(lwrunits, ch, units_vattr->len) ;
1468       lwrunits[units_vattr->len] = '\0' ;
1469       lowcas(lwrunits) ;
1470       if (!strcmp(lwrunits, "mb")) {
1471 	*Zcoordptr = lclvar ;
1472 	*ispressptr = 1 ;
1473 	if (lwrunits) {
1474 	  free(lwrunits) ;
1475 	}
1476 	return(1) ;
1477       }
1478       /* depth, isothermic, sigma_level, & hybrid_sigma_pressure are the only others */
1479       if ((!strcmp(lwrunits, "sigma_level")) || (!strcmp(lwrunits, "degreesk")) ||
1480 	  (!strcmp(lwrunits, "degrees_k")) || (!strcmp(lwrunits, "level")) ||
1481 	  (!strcmp(lwrunits, "layer")) || (!strcmp(lwrunits, "layers"))) {
1482 	*Zcoordptr = lclvar ;
1483 	*ispressptr = 0 ;
1484 	if (lwrunits) {
1485 	  free(lwrunits) ;
1486 	}
1487 	return(1) ;
1488       }
1489       if (!strcmp(lwrunits, "hybrid_sigma_pressure")) { /* CSM - NCAR */
1490 	*Zcoordptr = lclvar ;
1491 	*ispressptr = 1 ;
1492 	if (lwrunits) {
1493 	  free(lwrunits) ;
1494 	}
1495 	return(1) ;
1496       }
1497       /* if we can convert the units to feet, then it could be depth */
1498       if (utScan(ch, &thisguy) == 0) {
1499 	if (utConvert(&thisguy, &feet, &slope, &intcept) == 0) {
1500 	  *Zcoordptr = lclvar ;
1501 	  *ispressptr = 0 ;
1502 	  if (lwrunits) {
1503 	    free(lwrunits) ;
1504 	  }
1505 	  return(1) ;
1506 	}
1507 	/* if we can convert the units to pascals, then it could be pressure */
1508 	if (utConvert(&thisguy, &pascals, &slope, &intcept) == 0) {
1509 	  *Zcoordptr = lclvar ;
1510 	  *ispressptr = 1 ;
1511 	  if (lwrunits) {
1512 	    free(lwrunits) ;
1513 	  }
1514 	  return(1) ;
1515 	}
1516 	/* if we can convert the units to kelvins, then it could be isothermic */
1517 	if (utConvert(&thisguy, &kelvins, &slope, &intcept) == 0) {
1518 	  *Zcoordptr = lclvar ;
1519 	  if (lwrunits) {
1520 	    free(lwrunits) ;
1521 	  }
1522 	  *ispressptr = 0 ;
1523 	  return(1) ;
1524 	}
1525       } /* if utScan-able */
1526       if (lwrunits) {
1527 	free(lwrunits) ;
1528       }
1529     } /* if a coord. var. */
1530   } /* for each variable in SDF */
1531   return(0) ;
1532 }
1534 int
findT(IO_STD * sdf_ptr,VAR_INFO ** Tcoordptr)1535 findT(IO_STD *sdf_ptr, VAR_INFO **Tcoordptr) {
1536   /* find a coordinate variable whose units mark it as one sort of time or
1537      another. */
1538   struct attrib_list *units_vattr ;
1539   struct attrib_list *find_att(struct attrib_list *first_attr, char *attname) ;
1540   VAR_INFO *lclvar ;
1541   int iscoordvar, i ;
1542   char *ch ;
1543   utUnit timeunit ;
1545   *Tcoordptr = NULL ;
1546   for (lclvar = sdf_ptr->var ;  lclvar ;  lclvar = lclvar->next) {
1547     iscoordvar = 0 ;
1548     if (lclvar->nvardims == 1) {
1549       for (i = 0 ;  i < sdf_ptr->ndims ;  ++i) {
1550 	if (lclvar->vardimid[0] == sdf_ptr->dimids[i]) {
1551 	  if (!strcmp(sdf_ptr->dimnam[i], lclvar->varnam)) {
1552 	    iscoordvar = 1 ;
1553 	  }
1554 	}
1555       } /* end for */
1556     }
1557     if (!iscoordvar) continue ;
1558     units_vattr = find_att(lclvar->first_vattr, "units") ;
1559     if (!units_vattr) continue ;
1560     ch = (char *) malloc(units_vattr->len + 1) ;
1561     strncpy(ch, (char *) units_vattr->data, units_vattr->len) ;
1562     ch[units_vattr->len] = '\0' ;
1563     if (!strcasecmp(ch, "yyyymmddhhmmss")) /* old-style CDC */ {
1564       if (ch) {
1565 	free(ch) ;
1566       }
1567       *Tcoordptr = lclvar ;
1568       return(1) ;
1569     }
1570     if (!strcasecmp(ch, "yymmddhh")) /* "DAO format" */ {
1571       if (ch) {
1572 	free(ch) ;
1573       }
1574       *Tcoordptr = lclvar ;
1575       return(1) ;
1576     }
1577     if (utScan(ch, &timeunit)) {
1578       if (ch) {
1579 	free(ch) ;
1580       }
1581       continue ;
1582     }
1583     if (ch) {
1584       free(ch) ;
1585     }
1586     if (utIsTime(&timeunit)) /* will now supply default unit */ {
1587       *Tcoordptr = lclvar ;
1588       return(1) ;
1589     }
1590   } /* foreach var. */
1591   return(0) ;
1592 }
1594 /* Open a data set by reading the self-describing file for that
1595    data set, and create a gafile structure.  Chain the gafile
1596    structure on to the list anchored in the gastat.                   */
1598 int
gasdfopen(char * args,struct gacmn * pcm)1599 gasdfopen (char *args, struct gacmn *pcm) {
1600   struct gafile *pfi, *pfio;
1601   int size, rc, ntsteps, ichpos, idummy ,i, len;
1602   char pathname[4096], *optargs, template[4096], *cntsteps, *fnpart, *aux , *ch;
1603   GASDFPARMS parms ;
1604   int init_io_std(IO_STD **ptr) ;
1605   int gadsdf(char *name, struct gafile *pfi, char *template, int ntsteps,
1606 	     GASDFPARMS parms) ;
1607   void doparms4sdf(GASDFPARMS *parms) ;
1609   doparms4sdf(&parms) ; /* set up for sdfopen calling gadsdf */
1610   getwrd(pathname, args, 4095) ;
1611   optargs = nxtwrd(args) ;
1612   gaprnt (2, "Scanning self-describing file:  ");
1613   gaprnt (2, pathname);
1614   gaprnt (2, "\n");
1615 #ifdef TESTING3
1616   if (optargs && (*optargs != '\0')) {
1617     gaprnt (2, "Optional args to SDFOPEN command are:  ") ;
1618     gaprnt (2, optargs) ;
1619     gaprnt (2, "\n") ;
1620   }
1621 #endif
1622   pfi = getpfi();
1623   if (pfi == NULL) {
1624     gaprnt (0,"Memory Allocation Error:  Prior to SDF File Open\n");
1625     return (1);
1626   }
1627   pfi->is_a_SDF = 1 ;
1628   pfi->ncflg = 3;       /* set a flag for detecting sdf files that is not #ifdef'd */
1629   if (!init_io_std(&(pfi->sdf_ptr))) {
1630     gaprnt(0, "Memory Allocation Error:  On SDF File Open\n") ;
1631     return(1) ;
1632   }
1633   pfi->tmplat = 0 ; /* assume no templating, unless get two more good args */
1634   if (!optargs || (*optargs == '\0')) {
1635     template[0] = '\0' ;
1636     ntsteps = -999 ;
1637   } else {
1638     /* get the template string */
1639     ch = optargs;
1640     len = 0;
1641     while (*(ch+len)!=' ' && *(ch+len)!='\n' && *(ch+len)!='\t') len++;
1642     for (i=0; i<len; i++) *(template+i) = *(ch+i);
1643     *(template+len) = '\0';
1644     /* get the number of time steps  */
1645     if ( (ch=nxtwrd(ch))==NULL ) {
1646       template[0] = '\0' ;
1647       ntsteps = -999 ;
1648       gaprnt(1,"Warning: Missing ntsteps arg to SDFOPEN command, ignoring templating info.\n");
1649     } else {
1650       if (!intprs(ch, &ntsteps) || ntsteps < 1) {
1651 	template[0] = '\0' ;
1652 	ntsteps = -999 ;
1653 	gaprnt(1,"Warning: Bad ntsteps arg to SDFOPEN command, ignoring templating info.\n") ;
1654       }
1655       else {
1656 	/* everything parsed ok, set templating flag */
1657 	pfi->tmplat = 1;
1658       }
1659     }
1660 #ifdef TESTING3
1661     sprintf(pout,"  template=%s\n  ntsteps=%d\n", template,ntsteps);
1662     gaprnt(2,pout);
1663 #endif
1664   } /* if no optargs */
1666   rc = gadsdf(pathname, pfi, template, ntsteps, parms);
1667 #ifdef TESTING
1668   fprintf(stderr, "Return code from gadsdf=%d.\n", rc) ;
1669   fprintf(stderr, "Calling xdumpfile after gadsdf.\n") ;
1670   xdumpfile(pfi) ;
1671   if (pfi->pvar1) {
1672     fprintf(stderr, "Calling xdumpvar on first var after gadsdf.\n") ;
1673     xdumpvar(pfi->pvar1) ;
1674   }
1675 #endif
1676   if (rc) {
1677     frepfi (pfi, 0) ;
1678     return (rc) ;
1679   }
1680   if (pcm->pfi1==NULL) {
1681     pcm->pfi1 = pfi;
1682   } else {
1683     pfio = pcm->pfi1;
1684     while (pfio->pforw!=NULL) pfio = pfio->pforw;
1685     pfio->pforw = pfi;
1686   }
1687   pfi->pforw = NULL;
1688   pcm->fnum++;
1690   if (pcm->fnum==1) {pcm->pfid = pcm->pfi1; pcm->dfnum = 1;}
1691   sprintf (pout,"SDF file %s is open as file %i\n",pfi->name,pcm->fnum);
1692   gaprnt (2,pout);
1694   /* If first file open, set up some default dimension
1695      ranges for the user */
1697   if (pcm->fnum==1) {
1698     if (pfi->type==2 || pfi->wrap) gacmd ("set lon 0 360",pcm,0);
1699     else {
1700       sprintf (pout,"set x 1 %i",pfi->dnum[0]);
1701       gacmd (pout,pcm,0);
1702     }
1703     if (pfi->type==2) {
1704       gacmd ("set lat -90 90",pcm,0);
1705       gacmd ("set lev 500",pcm,0);
1706     } else {
1707       sprintf (pout,"set y 1 %i",pfi->dnum[1]);
1708       gacmd (pout,pcm,0);
1709       gacmd ("set z 1",pcm,0);
1710     }
1711     gacmd ("set t 1",pcm,0);
1712   }
1714   if (pfi->ppflag) {
1715     sprintf (pout,"Notice: Implied interpolation for SDF file %s\n",pathname);
1716     gaprnt (1,pout);
1717     gaprnt (1," Interpolation will be performed on any data ");
1718     gaprnt (1,"displayed from this file\n");
1719   }
1721   return (0);
1722 }
1724 /* Routine to open appropriate file when using file templates */
1725 /* Warning -- changes time value to time with respect to this file */
gaopsdf(int t,struct gagrid * gridptr,VAR_INFO ** data_var_ptr)1727 int gaopsdf(int t, struct gagrid *gridptr, VAR_INFO **data_var_ptr) {
1728   int i, abbrvlen, neednewfile, abbrlen, idim ;
1729   struct dt dtim, dtimi ;
1730   struct gafile *pfi ;
1731   struct attrib_list *missval_attr ;
1732   struct attrib_list *find_att(struct attrib_list *first_att, char *attname) ;
1733   char *fn ;
1734   IO_STD *oldsdf_ptr ;
1735   VAR_INFO *oldlclvar, *newlclvar ;
1736   void free_io_std(IO_STD **sdf_ptr) ;
1737   int close_netcdf(int ncid) ;
1738   int init_io_std(IO_STD **sdf_ptr) ;
1739   int read_io_std(char *path, IO_STD *sdf_ptr) ;
1740   int copy_io_std(IO_STD **sdf_ptr2, IO_STD *std_ptr1) ;
1742   neednewfile = 0 ;
1743   pfi = gridptr->pfile ;
1744   if ((t < 1) || (t > gridptr->pfile->dnum[TINDEX]) ) return(-99999) ;
1745   i = *(gridptr->pfile->fnums + t - 1) ;
1746   if (i != gridptr->pfile->fnumc) /* different file needed */ {
1747 #ifdef TESTING3
1748     fprintf(stderr, "Going to new SDF file for index %d.\n", i) ;
1749 #endif
1750     neednewfile = 1 ;
1751     if ((gridptr->pfile->tempname) && (gridptr->pfile->tempname != NULL)) {
1752       if (gridptr->pfile->tempname) {
1753 	free(gridptr->pfile->tempname) ;
1754       }
1755     }
1756     oldsdf_ptr = (IO_STD *) NULL ;
1757     if (copy_io_std(&oldsdf_ptr, gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr) == Failure) {
1758       gaprnt(1, "SDF templating:  Error copying SDF info from default.\n") ;
1759       return(-88888) ;
1760     }
1761     if (oldsdf_ptr == (IO_STD *) 0) {
1762       if (copy_io_std(&oldsdf_ptr, gridptr->pfile->first_sdf_ptr) == Failure) {
1763 	gaprnt(1, "SDF templating:  Error copying SDF info from first.\n") ;
1764 	return(-88888) ;
1765       }
1766     }
1767     gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr = (IO_STD *) 0 ;
1768     gr2t(gridptr->pfile->grvals[TINDEX], (float) t, &dtim) ;
1769     gr2t(gridptr->pfile->grvals[TINDEX], 1.0, &dtimi) ;
1770     fn = gafndt(gridptr->pfile->name, &dtim, &dtimi, gridptr->pfile->abvals[TINDEX], NULL, 1) ;
1771 #ifdef TESTING3
1772     fprintf(stderr, "dtimi=(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d), dtim=(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n",
1773 	    dtimi.yr, dtimi.mo, dtimi.dy, dtimi.hr, dtimi.mn, dtim.yr, dtim.mo, dtim.dy,
1774 	    dtim.hr, dtim.mn) ;
1775     fprintf(stderr, "New SDF filename=%s.\n", fn) ;
1776 #endif
1777     if (fn == NULL) {
1778       /* what could I do if close_netcdf did bomb? */
1779       (void) close_netcdf(oldsdf_ptr->cdfid) ;
1780       if (oldsdf_ptr != gridptr->pfile->first_sdf_ptr) {
1781 	free_io_std(&(oldsdf_ptr)) ;
1782       } /* gotta keep that first one for the varlookups later */
1783       /* restore on failure */
1784       if (copy_io_std(&(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr),
1785 		      gridptr->pfile->first_sdf_ptr) == Failure) {
1786 	/* SIGH.  Two screwups at once! */
1787 	gaprnt(1, "SDF templating:  Error copying SDF info from first to current.\n") ;
1788 	return(-99999) ;  /* should be -88888, but... */
1789       }
1790       gaprnt(1, "SDF templating:  Error getting new filename.\n") ;
1791       return(-99999) ;
1792     }
1793     if (!init_io_std(&(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr))) {
1794       gaprnt(0, "SDF templating:  Allocation error opening new SDF file.\n") ;
1795       gridptr->pfile->fnumc = 0 ;
1796       /* what could I do if close_netcdf did bomb? */
1797       (void) close_netcdf(oldsdf_ptr->cdfid) ;
1798       if (oldsdf_ptr != gridptr->pfile->first_sdf_ptr) {
1799 	free_io_std(&(oldsdf_ptr)) ;
1800       } /* gotta keep that first one for the varlookups later */
1801       /* restore on failure */
1802       gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr = (IO_STD *) NULL ;
1803       if (copy_io_std(&(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr),
1804 		      gridptr->pfile->first_sdf_ptr) == Failure) {
1805 	gaprnt(1, "SDF templating:  Error copying first to current in switch.\n") ;
1806 	return(-88888) ;
1807       }
1808       gaprnt(1, "SDF templating:  Error moving to new file.\n") ;
1809       return(-88888) ;
1810     }
1811     if (!read_io_std(fn, gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr)) {
1812       gaprnt(0, "SDF templating:  Open of new SDF file failed.\n  Filename is ") ;
1813       gaprnt(0, fn) ;
1814       gaprnt(0, ".\n") ;
1815 #if USEHDF == 0
1816       gaprnt(0, "If this was an HDF-SDS file, try gradshdf.\n") ;
1817 #endif
1818       gridptr->pfile->fnumc = 0 ;
1819       /* what could I do if close_netcdf did bomb? */
1820       (void) close_netcdf(oldsdf_ptr->cdfid) ;
1821       /* restore on failure */
1822       gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr = oldsdf_ptr ;
1823       gaprnt(1, "SDF templating:  New open failed.\n") ;
1824       return(-88888) ;
1825     }
1826     /* copy over the gradsabbr values into new file's structs */
1827     for (oldlclvar = oldsdf_ptr->var ;  oldlclvar ;
1828 	 oldlclvar = oldlclvar->next) {
1829       /* find same netCDF var in new file */
1830       for (newlclvar = gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->var ;  newlclvar ;
1831 	   newlclvar = newlclvar->next) {
1832 	if (!strcmp(oldlclvar->varnam, newlclvar->varnam)) {
1833 	  /* match */
1834 	  if (oldlclvar->gradsabbr) {
1835 	    strcpy(newlclvar->gradsabbr, oldlclvar->gradsabbr) ;
1836 	  }
1837 	  for (idim = 0 ;  idim < 4 ;  ++idim) /* copy dim. maps */ {
1838 	    newlclvar->dimmap[idim] = oldlclvar->dimmap[idim] ;
1839 	    newlclvar->dimidmap[idim] = oldlclvar->dimidmap[idim] ;
1840 	  }
1841 	  /* Here's the rub:  if this is an XDFopen-ed file, and that DDF had an UNDEF */
1842 	  /* statement, we don't want to look for it in an attribute value.  However, */
1843 	  /* I don't know how to tell this origin info at this point; it was in the */
1844 	  /* parms structure during data discovery phase, (isxdf and needundef */
1845 	  /* components), but I don't see any way to access that here.  Hoop, 2002/03/13  */
1846 	  /* Figured out a way to communicate it from DDF parsing code, first via parms */
1847 	  /* struct to data discovery fcn (first in this file), then via IO_STD struct to */
1848 	  /* here.  hasDDFundef is new structure element in both cases. -Hoop, 2002/03/28 */
1849 	  /* */
1850 	  /* get missing_value attribute value, & stuff it into newlclvar->missing_value */
1851 	  /* Added here from the data_var discovery code in gadsdf(), 2001/04/15 -Hoop */
1852 	  if (gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->hasDDFundef) /* always float */ {
1853 	    newlclvar->missing_value.fval = gridptr->pfile->undef ;
1854 	  } else {
1855 	    missval_attr = find_att(newlclvar->first_vattr, "missing_value") ;
1856 	    if (!missval_attr) {
1857 	      missval_attr = find_att(newlclvar->first_vattr, "_FillValue") ;
1858 	    }
1859 	    /* if the type of the data variable and that of the missing_value attribute */
1860 	    /* don't match, use the default, as we do if we have no attribute */
1861 	    if ((!missval_attr) ||
1862 		(missval_attr->type != newlclvar->vartype)) {
1863 	      switch (newlclvar->vartype) {
1864 	      case NC_BYTE:
1865 		newlclvar->missing_value.bval = FILL_BYTE ;
1866 		break ;
1867 	      case NC_SHORT:
1868 		newlclvar->missing_value.sval = FILL_SHORT ;
1869 		break ;
1870 	      case NC_LONG:
1871 		newlclvar->missing_value.lval = FILL_LONG ;
1872 		break ;
1873 	      case NC_FLOAT:
1874 		newlclvar->missing_value.fval = FILL_FLOAT ;
1875 		break ;
1876 	      case NC_DOUBLE:
1877 		newlclvar->missing_value.dval = FILL_DOUBLE ;
1878 		break ;
1879 	      } /* end switch */
1880 	    } else /* have an attribute value and types match */ {
1881 	      switch (newlclvar->vartype) {
1882 	      case NC_BYTE:
1883 		newlclvar->missing_value.bval =
1884 		  *((signed char *)missval_attr->data) ;
1885 		break ;
1886 	      case NC_SHORT:
1887 		newlclvar->missing_value.sval =
1888 		  *((short *)missval_attr->data) ;
1889 		break ;
1890 	      case NC_LONG:
1891 		newlclvar->missing_value.lval =
1892 		  *((long *)missval_attr->data) ;
1893 		break ;
1894 	      case NC_FLOAT:
1895 		newlclvar->missing_value.fval =
1896 		  *((float *)missval_attr->data) ;
1897 		break ;
1898 	      case NC_DOUBLE:
1899 		newlclvar->missing_value.dval =
1900 		  *((double *)missval_attr->data) ;
1901 		break ;
1902 	      } /* end switch */
1903 	    } /* else is have attribute and types match */
1904 	  }
1905 	  break ; /* found this oldlclvar amid new ones, go for next */
1906 	} /* end if match found */
1907       } /* end for each new var */
1908     } /* end for each old var */
1909     /* what could I do if close_netcdf did bomb? */
1910     (void) close_netcdf(oldsdf_ptr->cdfid) ;
1911     /* must redetermine data_var */
1912     abbrvlen = (int) strlen(gridptr->pvar->abbrv) ;
1913     for ((*data_var_ptr) = gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->var ;  (*data_var_ptr) ;
1914          (*data_var_ptr) = (*data_var_ptr)->next) {
1915       if ((*data_var_ptr)->gradsabbr[0] != '\0') {
1916 	if (!strcasecmp(gridptr->pvar->abbrv, (*data_var_ptr)->gradsabbr)) {
1917 	  break ;
1918 	}
1919       }
1920     }
1921     if (!(*data_var_ptr)) {
1922       sprintf(pout, "SDF templating:  Couldn't find variable %s in SDF file.\n", gridptr->pvar->abbrv) ;
1923       gaprnt(0, pout) ;
1924       (void) close_netcdf(oldsdf_ptr->cdfid) ;
1925       gridptr->pfile->fnumc = 0 ;
1926       /* restore on failure */
1927       if (copy_io_std(&(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr),
1928 		      gridptr->pfile->first_sdf_ptr) == Failure) {
1929 	gaprnt(1, "SDF templating:  Error copying current to first after failure finding variable.\n") ;
1930 	return(-88888) ;
1931       }
1932       return(-88888) ;
1933     }
1934     gridptr->pfile->fnumc = i ;
1935     gridptr->pfile->tempname = fn ;
1936   } /* if i != gridptr->pfile->fnumc */
1937   t = 1 + t - gridptr->pfile->fnumc ;
1938   return(t) ;
1939 }
1941 #endif
1942 int
gadxdf(char * name,struct gafile * pfi,char ** template,int * ntsteps,char ** sdfname,GASDFPARMS * parms)1943 gadxdf(char *name, struct gafile *pfi, char **template, int *ntsteps,
1944        char **sdfname, GASDFPARMS *parms) {
1945   struct gavar *pvar;
1946   struct dt tdef,tdefi,dt1,dt2;
1947   struct gaindx *pindx;
1948   float *vals;
1949   int size,rc,len,swpflg,cnt, idum, diag=0, ichar;
1950   char rec[512], mrec[512], *ch, *dn, *pos, *sname, *misc ; /*mf mf*/
1951   int flgs[1],cflg,i,j,err,hdrb,trlb,mflflg,crayflg=0;
1952   int mcnt,maxlv,maxct, mflag = 0 ;
1953   int levs,acum,acumvz,fpos,recacm;
1954   float temp,v1,v2, fdum;
1955   FILE *mfile = (FILE *) 0 ;
1956   static char *errs[1] = {"DSET"} ;
1957   int nzstride=0,first=1;
1958   int levsua=0,acumstride=0;
1960 #if GRADS_CDUNIF == 1
1961   mfcmn.fullyear=1;  /*mf --- define here vice grads.c for cdunif.c mf*/
1962 #endif
1964   char *putncdnm(char *ch, char **dimname) ;
1965   void dupstrval(char *src, char **dest) ;
1967   hdrb = 0;
1968   trlb = 0;
1969   mflflg = 0;			/* map file not open */
1970   pfi->mfile = NULL;
1971   mcnt = -1;
1973   /* Initialize variables */
1974   parms->xsrch = parms->ysrch = parms->zsrch = parms->tsrch = 1 ;
1975   parms->dvsrch = 1 ;  parms->isxdf = 1 ;
1976   parms->xsetup = parms->ysetup = parms->zsetup = parms->tsetup = 1 ;
1977   parms->needtitle = parms->needundef = 1 ;
1978   parms->dvcount = -1 ;
1979   parms->xdimname = parms->ydimname = parms->zdimname = parms->tdimname = (char *) 0 ;
1980   parms->dvncnames = parms->dvganames = (char **) 0 ;
1981   parms->dvsetup = (int *) 0 ;
1982   parms->hasDDFundef = 0 ;
1983   sname=NULL;
1985   /* Open descriptor file */
1986   descr = fopen (name, "r");
1987   if (descr == NULL) {
1988     /* Add default suffix of .ctl */
1989     sname = (char *)malloc(strlen(name)+5);
1990     if(sname == NULL) {
1991       gaprnt(0,"XDFopen:  malloc error in creating data descriptor file name\n");
1992       return(1);
1993     }
1994     for(i=0;i<=strlen(name);i++) *(sname+i)=*(name+i);
1995     strcat(sname,".ctl");
1996     descr = fopen (sname, "r");
1997   }
1999   if (descr == NULL) {
2000     gaprnt (0,"XDFOpen Error:  Can't open description file\n");
2001     if (sname) {
2002       free(sname);
2003     }
2004     return(1);
2005   }
2007   /* Copy descriptor file name into gafile structure */
2008   if(sname != NULL) {
2009     getwrd (pfi->dnam,sname,255);
2010     if (sname) {
2011       free(sname);
2012     }
2013   } else {
2014     getwrd (pfi->dnam,name,255);
2015   }
2017   /* initialize error flags */
2018   for (i=0;i<1;i++) flgs[i] = 1;
2020   /*mf initialize the calendar to standard and cray_ieee to 0 mf*/
2021   /*  pfi->calendar=0; */ /* Mike stopped doing it here in gaddes.c, so me too */
2022   pfi->cray_ieee=0;
2024   /* Parse the descriptor file */
2025   pfi->vnum = 0 ;
2026   while (fgets(rec,512,descr)!=NULL) {
2027     for (ichar = 0 ;  ichar < strlen(rec) ;  ++ichar) {
2028       if (rec[ichar] == '\n') {
2029 	rec[ichar] = '\0' ;
2030       }
2031     }
2032     strcpy (mrec,rec);
2033     lowcas(rec);
2035     pfi->fhdr = 0;
2036     pfi->xyhdr = 0;
2037     pfi->thdr = 0;
2039     if ( (cmpwrd("*", rec) || cmpwrd("#", rec)) || !isalnum(rec[0]) ) {
2040       cflg = 1;
2041       /* Parse comment if it contains attribute metadata */
2042       if (strncmp("*:attr",mrec,6)==0) {
2043 	if ((ddfattr(mrec,pfi)) == -1) goto retrn;
2044       }
2046     } else if (cmpwrd("options",rec)) {
2047       if ( (ch=nxtwrd(rec))==NULL ) {
2048         gaprnt (1,"XDFopen:  Description file warning: Missing options keyword\n");
2049       } else {
2050         while (ch != NULL) {
2051           if (cmpwrd("yrev",ch)) pfi->yrflg = 1;
2052           else if (cmpwrd("zrev",ch)) pfi->zrflg = 1;
2053           else if (cmpwrd("template",ch)) pfi->tmplat = 1;
2054 	  else if (cmpwrd("365_day_calendar",ch)) {
2055 	    pfi->calendar = 1 ;
2056 	    mfcmn.cal365 = pfi->calendar ;
2057 	  } else {
2058 	    gaprnt (0,"XDFopen Error:  Data file option invalid\n");
2059 	    goto err9;
2060           }
2061           ch = nxtwrd(ch);
2062         }
2063       }
2065     } else if (cmpwrd("title",rec)) {
2066       parms->needtitle = 0 ;
2067       if ( (ch=nxtwrd(mrec))==NULL ) {
2068         gaprnt (1,"XDFopen:  Description file warning: Missing title string\n");
2069 	pfi->title[0] = '\0' ;
2070       } else {
2071         getstr (pfi->title,ch,511);
2072       }
2074     } else if (cmpwrd("dset",rec)) {
2075       ch = nxtwrd(mrec);
2076       if (ch==NULL) {
2077         gaprnt (0,"XDFOpen Error:  Data file name is missing\n");
2078         goto err9;
2079       }
2080       if (*ch=='^' || *ch=='$') {
2081         fnmexp (pfi->name,ch,name);
2082       } else {
2083         getwrd (pfi->name,ch,511);
2084       }
2085       flgs[0] = 0;
2087     }  else if (cmpwrd("undef",rec)) {
2088       ch = nxtwrd(rec);
2089       if (ch==NULL) {
2090         gaprnt (0,"XDFOpen Error:  Missing undef value\n");
2091         goto err9;
2092       }
2093       pos = valprs(ch,&(pfi->undef));
2094       if (pos==NULL) {
2095         gaprnt (0,"XDFOpen Error:  Invalid undef value\n");
2096         goto err9;
2097       }
2098       if (SETMISS) {
2099         pfi->ulow = fabs(pfi->undef/EPSILON);
2100         pfi->uhi = pfi->undef + pfi->ulow;
2101         pfi->ulow = pfi->undef - pfi->ulow;
2102       }
2103       parms->needundef = 0 ;
2104       parms->hasDDFundef = 1 ;
2106     }  else if (cmpwrd("xdef",rec)) {
2107       if (pfi->type == 2) continue;
2108       if ( (ch = nxtwrd(mrec)) == NULL) goto err0;   /* xdimname must be mixed case version*/
2109       parms->xsrch = 0 ;
2110       ch = putncdnm(ch, &(parms->xdimname)) ;        /* mallocs and strcpys */
2111       ch = nxtwrd(rec) ;                             /* skip over xdef in lowcase version */
2112       if ((ch = nxtwrd(ch)) == NULL) {
2113         parms->xsetup = 1 ;
2114       } else {
2115         if ( (pos = intprs(ch,&(pfi->dnum[0])))==NULL) {
2116 	  goto err1 ;
2117         }
2118         if (*pos != ' ') goto err1;
2119         if ( (ch = nxtwrd(ch))==NULL) goto err2;
2120         if (cmpwrd("linear",ch)) {
2121 	  rc = deflin(ch, pfi, 0, 0);
2122 	  if (rc==-1) goto err8;
2123 	  if (rc) goto err9;
2124 	  v2 = *(pfi->grvals[0]);
2125 	  v1 = *(pfi->grvals[0]+1) + v2;
2126 	  temp = v1+((float)(pfi->dnum[0]))*v2;
2127 	  temp=temp-360.0;
2128 	  if (fabs(temp-v1)<0.01) pfi->wrap = 1;
2129         } else if (cmpwrd("levels",ch)) {
2130 	  if (pfi->dnum[0]<1) goto err7;
2131 	  rc = deflev (ch, rec, pfi, 0);
2132 	  if (rc==-1) goto err8;
2133 	  if (rc) goto err9;
2134         } else goto err2;
2135         parms->xsetup = 0 ;
2136       }
2138     } else if (cmpwrd("ydef",rec)) {
2139       if (pfi->type == 2) continue;
2140       if ( (ch = nxtwrd(mrec)) == NULL) goto err0;   /* ydimname must be mixed case version*/
2141       parms->ysrch = 0 ;
2142       ch = putncdnm(ch, &(parms->ydimname)) ;        /* mallocs and strcpys */
2143       ch = nxtwrd(rec) ;                             /* skip over ydef in lowcase version*/
2144       if ((ch = nxtwrd(ch))  == NULL) { ;
2145       parms->ysetup = 1 ;
2146       } else {
2147         if ( (pos = intprs(ch,&(pfi->dnum[1])))==NULL) {
2148 	  goto err1 ;
2149         }
2150         if (*pos!=' ') goto err1;
2151         if ( (ch = nxtwrd(ch))==NULL) goto err2;
2152         if (cmpwrd("linear",ch)) {
2153 	  rc = deflin(ch, pfi, 1, 0);
2154 	  if (rc==-1) goto err8;
2155 	  if (rc) goto err9;
2156         } else if (cmpwrd("levels",ch)) {
2157 	  if (pfi->dnum[1]<1) goto err7;
2158 	  rc = deflev (ch, rec, pfi, 1);
2159 	  if (rc==-1) goto err8;
2160 	  if (rc) goto err9;
2161         } else if (cmpwrd("gausr40",ch)) {
2162 	  if ( (ch = nxtwrd(ch))==NULL) goto err3;
2163 	  if ( (pos = intprs(ch,&i))==NULL) goto err3;
2164 	  pfi->grvals[1] = gagaus(i,pfi->dnum[1]);
2165 	  if (pfi->grvals[1]==NULL) goto err9;
2166 	  pfi->abvals[1] = pfi->grvals[1];
2167 	  pfi->ab2gr[1] = lev2gr;
2168 	  pfi->gr2ab[1] = gr2lev;
2169 	  pfi->linear[1] = 0;
2170         } else if (cmpwrd("mom32",ch)) {
2171 	  if ( (ch = nxtwrd(ch))==NULL) goto err3;
2172 	  if ( (pos = intprs(ch,&i))==NULL) goto err3;
2173 	  pfi->grvals[1] = gamo32(i,pfi->dnum[1]);
2174 	  if (pfi->grvals[1]==NULL) goto err9;
2175 	  pfi->abvals[1] = pfi->grvals[1];
2176 	  pfi->ab2gr[1] = lev2gr;
2177 	  pfi->gr2ab[1] = gr2lev;
2178 	  pfi->linear[1] = 0;
2179         } else if (cmpwrd("gausr30",ch)) {
2180 	  if ( (ch = nxtwrd(ch))==NULL) goto err3;
2181 	  if ( (pos = intprs(ch,&i))==NULL) goto err3;
2182 	  pfi->grvals[1] = gags30(i,pfi->dnum[1]);
2183 	  if (pfi->grvals[1]==NULL) goto err9;
2184 	  pfi->abvals[1] = pfi->grvals[1];
2185 	  pfi->ab2gr[1] = lev2gr;
2186 	  pfi->gr2ab[1] = gr2lev;
2187 	  pfi->linear[1] = 0;
2188         } else if (cmpwrd("gausr20",ch)) {
2189 	  if ( (ch = nxtwrd(ch))==NULL) goto err3;
2190 	  if ( (pos = intprs(ch,&i))==NULL) goto err3;
2191 	  pfi->grvals[1] = gags20(i,pfi->dnum[1]);
2192 	  if (pfi->grvals[1]==NULL) goto err9;
2193 	  pfi->abvals[1] = pfi->grvals[1];
2194 	  pfi->ab2gr[1] = lev2gr;
2195 	  pfi->gr2ab[1] = gr2lev;
2196 	  pfi->linear[1] = 0;
2197         } else if (cmpwrd("gausr15",ch)) {
2198 	  if ( (ch = nxtwrd(ch))==NULL) goto err3;
2199 	  if ( (pos = intprs(ch,&i))==NULL) goto err3;
2200 	  pfi->grvals[1] = gags15(i,pfi->dnum[1]);
2201 	  if (pfi->grvals[1]==NULL) goto err9;
2202 	  pfi->abvals[1] = pfi->grvals[1];
2203 	  pfi->ab2gr[1] = lev2gr;
2204 	  pfi->gr2ab[1] = gr2lev;
2205 	  pfi->linear[1] = 0;
2206         } else goto err2;
2207         parms->ysetup = 0 ;
2208       }
2210     } else if (cmpwrd("zdef",rec)) {
2211       if (pfi->type == 2) continue;
2212       if ( (ch = nxtwrd(mrec)) == NULL) goto err0; /* get mixed case version */
2213       parms->zsrch = 0 ;
2214       ch = putncdnm(ch, &(parms->zdimname)) ;
2215       ch = nxtwrd(rec) ;                           /* point past zdef in lowcased version */
2216       if ((ch = nxtwrd(ch))  == NULL) {
2217         parms->zsetup = 1 ;
2218       } else {
2219         if ( (pos = intprs(ch,&(pfi->dnum[2])))==NULL) {
2220 	  goto err1 ;
2221         }
2222         if (*pos!=' ') goto err1;
2223         if ( (ch = nxtwrd(ch))==NULL) goto err2;
2224         if (cmpwrd("linear",ch)) {
2225 	  rc = deflin(ch, pfi, 2, 0);
2226 	  if (rc==-1) goto err8;
2227 	  if (rc) goto err9;
2228         } else if (cmpwrd("levels",ch)) {
2229 	  if (pfi->dnum[2]<1) goto err7;
2230 	  rc = deflev (ch, rec, pfi, 2);
2231 	  if (rc==-1) goto err8;
2232 	  if (rc) goto err9;
2233         } else goto err2;
2234         parms->zsetup = 0 ;
2235       }
2237     } else if (cmpwrd("tdef",rec)) {
2238       if ( (ch = nxtwrd(mrec)) == NULL) goto err0; /* get mixed case version */
2239       parms->tsrch = 0 ;
2240       if (!strncasecmp(ch, "%nodim%", 7)) {
2241         parms->tdimname = (char *) 0 ;             /* we won't be using any tdimname */
2242 	pfi->dnum[TINDEX] = 1 ;                    /* 1 time step ; be sure not to map any tdim */
2243       } else {
2244         ch = putncdnm(ch, &(parms->tdimname)) ;
2245       }
2246       ch = nxtwrd(rec) ;                           /* skip over tdef in lowcased version */
2247       if ((ch = nxtwrd(ch)) == NULL) {
2248         if (!(parms->tdimname)) {
2249 	  vals = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*8);
2250 	  if (vals==NULL) goto err8;
2251 	  vals[7] = -999.9 ;
2252 	  pfi->grvals[TINDEX] = vals ;
2253 	  pfi->abvals[TINDEX] = vals ;
2254 	  pfi->linear[TINDEX] = 1 ;
2255 	  vals[0] = 1.0 ;
2256 	  vals[1] = 1.0 ;
2257 	  vals[2] = 1.0 ;
2258 	  vals[3] = 0.0 ; /* initial hours */
2259 	  vals[4] = 0.0 ;
2260 	  vals[5] = 0.0 ; /* step in months */
2261 	  vals[6] = 1.0 ; /* step in minutes */
2262 	  parms->tsetup = 0 ;
2263         } else {
2264 	  parms->tsetup = 1 ;
2265         }
2266       } else {
2267         if ( (pos = intprs(ch,&(pfi->dnum[3])))==NULL) {
2268 	  goto err1 ;
2269         }
2270 	if (!(parms->tdimname)) {
2271 	  if ((pfi->tmplat) == 0) {
2272 	    /* non-templating, %nodim% case can only have 1 timestep */
2273 	    if (pfi->dnum[3] != 1) {
2274 	      gaprnt(0, "TDEF with %nodim% has timestep count != 1; resetting to 1.\n") ;
2275 	      pfi->dnum[3] = 1 ;
2276 	    }
2277 	  }
2278 	}
2279         if (*pos!=' ') goto err1;
2280         if ( (ch = nxtwrd(ch))==NULL) goto err2;
2281         if (cmpwrd("linear",ch)) {
2282 	  if ( (ch = nxtwrd(ch))==NULL) goto err3;
2283 	  tdef.yr = -1000;
2284 	  tdef.mo = -1000;
2285 	  tdef.dy = -1000;
2286 	  if ( (pos = adtprs(ch,&tdef,&dt1))==NULL) goto err3;
2287 	  if (*pos!=' ' || dt1.yr == -1000 || dt1.mo == -1000.0 ||
2288 	      dt1.dy == -1000) goto err3;
2289 	  if ( (ch = nxtwrd(ch))==NULL) goto err4;
2290 	  if ( (pos = rdtprs(ch,&dt2))==NULL) goto err4;
2291 	  v1 = (dt2.yr * 12) + dt2.mo;
2292 	  v2 = (dt2.dy * 1440) + (dt2.hr * 60) + dt2.mn;
2293 	  /*mf --- check if 0 dt ---mf*/
2294 	  if ((v1 == 0) && (v2 == 0)) goto err4a ;
2295 	  vals = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*8);
2296 	  if (vals==NULL) goto err8;
2297 	  *(vals) = dt1.yr;
2298 	  *(vals+1) = dt1.mo;
2299 	  *(vals+2) = dt1.dy;
2300 	  *(vals+3) = dt1.hr;
2301 	  *(vals+4) = dt1.mn;
2302 	  *(vals+5) = v1;
2303 	  *(vals+6) = v2;
2304 	  *(vals+7) = -999.9;
2305 	  pfi->grvals[3] = vals;
2306 	  pfi->abvals[3] = vals;
2307 	  pfi->linear[3] = 1;
2308         } else goto err2;
2309         parms->tsetup = 0 ;
2310       }
2312     } else if (cmpwrd("vars",rec)) {
2313       if ( (ch = nxtwrd(rec)) == NULL) goto err5;
2314       if ( (pos = intprs(ch,&(pfi->vnum)))==NULL) goto err5;
2315       parms->dvsrch = 0 ;
2316       parms->dvcount = pfi->vnum ;
2317       size = pfi->vnum * sizeof(struct gavar) ;
2318       pvar = (struct gavar *)malloc(size);
2319       pfi->pvar1 = pvar;
2320       parms->dvncnames = (char **) malloc(pfi->vnum * sizeof(char *)) ;
2321       parms->dvganames = (char **) malloc(pfi->vnum * sizeof(char *)) ;
2322       parms->dvsetup = (int *) malloc(pfi->vnum * sizeof(int)) ;
2323       i = 0;
2324       while (i<pfi->vnum) {
2325         if (fgets(rec,512,descr)==NULL) {
2326           gaprnt (0,"XDFOpen Error:  Unexpected EOF reading variables\n");
2327           sprintf (pout, "Was expecting %i records.  Found %i.\n", pfi->vnum, i);
2328           gaprnt (2,pout);
2329           goto retrn;
2330         }
2331 	/* replace newline with null at end of record */
2332         for (ichar = strlen(rec) - 1 ;  ichar >= 0 ;  --ichar) {
2333 	  if (rec[ichar] == '\n') {
2334 	    rec[ichar] = '\0' ;
2335 	    break ;
2336 	  }
2337         }
2338 	/* Allow comments between VARS and ENDVARS */
2339         strcpy (mrec,rec);
2340         lowcas(rec);
2341 	if ( (strncmp(mrec,"*",1)==0) || (strncmp(mrec,"#",1)==0) || !isalnum(*(mrec)) ) {
2342 	  /* Parse comment if it contains attribute metadata  */
2343 	  if (strncmp("*:attr",mrec,6)==0) {
2344 	    rc = ddfattr (mrec, pfi);
2345 	    if (rc == -1) goto retrn;
2346 	    else continue;
2347 	  }
2348   	  else continue;
2349 	}
2350         if (cmpwrd("endvars",rec)) {
2351           gaprnt (0,"XDFOpen Error:  Unexpected ENDVARS record\n");
2352           sprintf (pout, "Was expecting %i records.  Found %i.\n", pfi->vnum, i);
2353           gaprnt (2,pout);
2354           goto err9;
2355         }
2357 	/* Get the compound variable name (ncname=>ganame). */
2358         pvar->longnm = NULL;
2359         if ((getvnm(pvar, mrec))!=0) goto err6;
2361 	/* copy abbrv to ganame  */
2362         parms->dvganames[i] = (char *) malloc( strlen(pvar->abbrv)*sizeof(char)) ;
2363 	strcpy(parms->dvganames[i],pvar->abbrv);
2365 	/* copy longnm to ncname if it exists, otherwise copy abbrv */
2366         if (pvar->longnm) {
2367 	  parms->dvncnames[i] = (char *) malloc( strlen(pvar->longnm)*sizeof(char)) ;
2368 	  strcpy(parms->dvncnames[i],pvar->longnm);
2369 	} else {
2370 	  parms->dvncnames[i] = (char *) malloc( strlen(pvar->abbrv)*sizeof(char)) ;
2371 	  strcpy(parms->dvncnames[i],pvar->abbrv);
2372 	}
2374         if ( (ch=nxtwrd(rec))==NULL) goto err6;  /* advance pointer to levels field */
2376         if ((ch == NULL) || (*ch == '\0')) {
2377 	  parms->dvsetup[i] = 1 ; /* will figure out lvls, etc., in gadsdf */
2378         } else {
2379 	  parms->dvsetup[i] = 0 ;
2380 	  /* get the number of vertical levels */
2381 	  if ( (pos=intprs(ch,&(pvar->levels)))==NULL ) goto err6;
2382 	  if ( (ch=nxtwrd(ch))==NULL) goto err6;
2383 	  /* parse the units field */
2384 	  for (j=0;j<4;j++) pvar->units[j] = -999;
2385 	  j = 0;
2386 	  while (1) {
2387 	    if ( (ch=intprs(ch,&(pvar->units[j])))==NULL ) goto err6;
2388 	    while ((*ch==' ') || (*ch=='\t')) ch++;
2389 	    if (*ch=='\0' || *ch=='\n') goto err6;
2390 	    if (*ch!=',') break;
2391 	    ch++;
2392 	    while ((*ch==' ') || (*ch=='\t')) ch++;
2393 	    if (*ch=='\0' || *ch=='\n') goto err6;
2394 	    j++;
2395 	    if (j>3) goto err6;
2396 	  }
2397 	  /* points into mixcase version where we left off in lowcased version */
2398 	  ch = mrec + (ch - rec) ;
2399 	  getstr (pvar->varnm,ch,127);
2401 	  /* initialize the var_z counter for NASA GLA format */
2402 	  pvar->var_z = 1;
2403 	  if(pvar->units[0] == -1 && pvar->units[1] == 10 ) {
2404 	    nzstride++;
2405 	  }
2407 	  /* var_t is for DRS var-t transforms */
2408 	  pvar->var_t = 0;
2409 	  if(pvar->units[0] == -1 && pvar->units[1] == 20 ) pvar->var_t = 1;
2411 	  /* x-y transpose for lat/lon vice lon/lat data VERY INEFFICIENT!!! */
2412  	  pvar->y_x = 0;
2413 	  if(pvar->units[0] == -1 && pvar->units[1] == 30) pvar->y_x = 1;
2415 	  /* Non-float data types */
2416 	  pvar->dfrm = 0;
2417 	  if ((pvar->units[0] == -1 && pvar->units[1] == 40) &&
2418 	      (pvar->units[2] >=  1 && pvar->units[2] <=  4)) {
2419 	    pvar->dfrm= pvar->units[2];
2420 	    if ( pvar->units[2] == 2 ) pvar->dfrm=2;
2421 	    if ( pvar->units[2] == 2 && pvar->units[3] == -1) pvar->dfrm=-2;
2422 	  }
2424 #if GRADS_CRAY == 1
2425 	  /* 32-bit big endian ieee to cray float */
2426 	  if( (pvar->units[0]==-1 && pvar->units[1]==50) || crayflg ) pvar->dfrm=8;
2427 #endif
2429 	}
2430         i++; pvar++;
2431       }
2432       if (fgets(rec,512,descr)==NULL) {
2433         gaprnt (0,"XDFOpen Error:  Missing ENDVARS statement.\n");
2434         goto retrn;
2435       }
2437       /* See if record is an attribute comment, otherwise send error message */
2438       strcpy (mrec,rec);
2439       lowcas(rec);
2440       while (!cmpwrd("endvars",rec)) {
2441 	if (strncmp("*:attr",mrec,6)==0) {
2442 	  if ((ddfattr(mrec,pfi)) == -1) goto retrn;
2443 	}
2444         else {
2445 	  sprintf(pout,"Open Error:  Looking for \"endvars\", found \"%s\" instead.\n",rec);
2446 	  gaprnt (0,pout);
2447 	  goto err9;
2448 	}
2449   	if (fgets(rec,256,descr)==NULL) {
2450 	  gaprnt (0,"Open Error:  Missing ENDVARS statement.\n");
2451 	  goto retrn;
2452 	}
2453       }
2455     } else {
2456       /* Parse error of descriptor file */
2457       gaprnt (0,"XDFOpen Error:  Unknown keyword in description file\n");
2458       goto err9;
2459     }
2461   }
2463   err=0;
2464   for (i=0; i<1; i++) {
2465     if (flgs[i]) {
2466       sprintf (pout,"XDFOpen Error:  missing %s record \n", errs[i]);
2467       gaprnt (0,pout);
2468       err=1;
2469     }
2470   }
2472   if (err) goto retrn;
2474   if (pfi->type>1 && mflag) {
2475     if (mcnt==-1) {
2476       gaprnt (0,"XDFOpen Error: missing STNMAP record\n");
2477       err=1;
2478     } else if (mcnt != pfi->dnum[3]) {
2479       gaprnt (0,"XDFOpen Error: Inconsistent time count\n");
2480       sprintf (pout,"  Count in station map file = %li\n",mcnt);
2481       gaprnt (0,pout);
2482       sprintf (pout,"  Count in descriptor file = %i\n",pfi->dnum[3]);
2483       gaprnt (0,pout);
2484       err=1;
2485     }
2486   }
2488   if (err) goto retrn;
2490   /* Figure out locations of variables within a time group */
2491   if (pfi->vnum > 0) {
2492     pvar = pfi->pvar1;
2493   }
2494   /* Grid data  */
2495   if (pfi->type==1) {
2496     if (((!(parms->xsrch)) && (!(parms->xsetup))) &&
2497 	((!(parms->ysrch)) && (!(parms->ysetup)))   ) {
2498       pfi->gsiz = pfi->dnum[0] * pfi->dnum[1];
2499     }
2501     /*mf
2502       add a constant xy header
2503       mf*/
2504     if (pfi->xyhdr) {
2505       pfi->gsiz = pfi->gsiz + pfi->xyhdr;
2506     }
2508     if (pfi->seqflg) {
2509       pfi->gsiz+=2;
2510       if (hdrb>0) hdrb+=2;
2511       pvar->offset = 1+hdrb;
2512       acum = 1+hdrb;
2513     } else {
2514       if (pfi->vnum > 0) {
2515 	pvar->offset = hdrb;
2516       }
2517       acum = hdrb;
2518     }
2519     if (pfi->vnum > 0) {
2520       levs = pvar->levels;
2521       if (levs==0) levs=1;
2522       pvar->recoff = 0;
2523       recacm = 0;
2524       pvar++;
2525     }
2527     acumvz=acum;
2529     for (i=1; i<pfi->vnum; i++) {
2531       /* NASA GLA FORMAT CHECKS */
2532       /* upper air fields which var and z are transposed*/
2534       if( (pvar->units[0]==-1) &&
2535 	  (pvar->units[1]==10) &&
2536 	  (pvar->units[2]==1) ) {
2538 	levsua = pvar->levels;
2539 	acum = acum + pfi->gsiz;
2540 	pvar->var_z = nzstride;
2542 	/* diagnstotic fields AFTER  upper air fields which are in GrADS normal order */
2544       } else if( (pvar->units[0]==-1) &&
2545 		 (pvar->units[1]==10) &&
2546 		 (pvar->units[2]==2) ) {
2547 	if(first) {
2548 	  acumstride = acumstride + nzstride*levsua*pfi->gsiz;
2549 	  acum = acumstride + (pvar->levels*pfi->gsiz) ;
2550 	  first = 0 ;
2551 	} else {
2552 	  acum = acum + (levs*pfi->gsiz);
2553 	}
2555       } else if(pvar->var_t) {   /* DRS transposition of var and t */
2557 	if(pfi->tmplat) {   /* time template, read the third unit param
2558 			       for the size of each chunk in a file */
2560 	  if(pvar->units[2] != -999) {
2561 	    acum = acum + levs*(pfi->gsiz)*(pvar->units[1]);
2562 	  } else {
2563 	    gaprnt (0,"Using time templat and 4-D variables, # times / file not specified\n");
2564 	    gaprnt (0,"Defaulting to the number of times in the .ctl file\n");
2565 	    acum = acum + levs*(pfi->gsiz)*(pfi->dnum[3]);
2566 	  }
2567 	} else {
2568 	  acum = acum + levs*(pfi->gsiz)*(pfi->dnum[3]);
2569 	}
2571       } else  {                                 /* simple GrADS */
2573 	acum = acum + (levs*pfi->gsiz);
2574 	acumstride = acum ;
2576       }
2578       recacm += levs;
2579       pvar->offset = acum;
2580       pvar->recoff = recacm;
2581       levs = pvar->levels;
2582       if (levs==0) levs=1;
2583       pvar++;
2585     }
2587     recacm += levs;
2589     /*mf 960514 correct for case where the last variable is a NASA UA */
2591     if (pfi->vnum > 0) {
2592       pvar--;
2593       if( (pvar->units[0]==-1) &&
2594 	  (pvar->units[1]==10) &&
2595 	  (pvar->units[2]==1) ) {
2596 	acum = acumvz + recacm*pfi->gsiz;
2597       }else {
2598 	acum = acum + (levs*pfi->gsiz);
2599       }
2600     }
2601     /*mf --------------mf*/
2602     /*
2603       time chunk header; the default is 0
2604     */
2605     if(pfi->seqflg && pfi->thdr>0) {
2606       pfi->thdr+=2;
2607     }
2608     pfi->tsiz = acum + pfi->thdr;
2610     /*mf --------------mf*/
2612     pfi->trecs = recacm;
2613     if (pfi->seqflg) pfi->tsiz-=1;
2614     pfi->tsiz += trlb;
2616     /*------------------- non grid data???? -------- */
2618   } else {
2619     if (!(parms->dvsrch)) {
2620       pfi->ivnum = pfi->lvnum = 0 ;
2621       for (i=0; i<pfi->vnum; i++) {
2622 	if (!(parms->dvsetup[i])) /* catch rest in gadsdf */ {
2623 	  if (pvar->levels!=0) {
2624 	    ++(pfi->ivnum) ;
2625 	  } else {
2626 	    ++(pfi->lvnum) ;
2627 	  }
2628 	}
2629 	pvar->offset = 0;
2630 	pvar++;
2631       } /* for */
2632     } /* if we found dvars here */
2633   }
2635   /*mf---
2637   961204
2639   set the global calendar and check if we are trying to change with a new file...
2640   we do this here to set the calandar for templating
2642   ----mf*/
2644   if(mfcmn.cal365<0) {
2645     mfcmn.cal365=pfi->calendar;
2646   } else {
2647     if(pfi->calendar != mfcmn.cal365) {
2648       gaprnt(0,"Attempt to change the global calendar...\n");
2649       if(mfcmn.cal365) {
2650 	gaprnt(0,
2651 	       "The calendar is NOW 365 DAYS and you attempted to open a standard calendar file\n");
2652       } else {
2653 	gaprnt(0,
2654 	       "The calendar is NOW STANDARD and you attempted to open a 365-day calendar file\n");
2655       }
2656       goto retrn;
2657     }
2658   }
2661   /* if time series templating was specified, & the TDEF line was incomplete, */
2662   /* ERROR! */
2663   if (pfi->tmplat && parms->tsetup) {
2664     goto err1 ;
2665   }
2666   /* If the file name is a time series template, figure out
2667      which times go with which files, so we don't waste a lot
2668      of time later opening and closing files unnecessarily. */
2670   if (pfi->tmplat) {
2671     *ntsteps = pfi->dnum[3] ;
2672     dupstrval(pfi->name, template) ;
2673     pfi->fnums = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*pfi->dnum[3]);
2674     if (pfi->fnums==NULL) goto err8;
2675     j = 1;
2676     gr2t(pfi->grvals[3],1.0,&tdefi);
2677     ch = gafndt(pfi->name,&tdefi,&tdefi,pfi->abvals[3],NULL,1);
2678     if (ch==NULL) goto err8;
2679     dupstrval(ch, sdfname) ;
2680     *(pfi->fnums) = j;
2681     for (i=2; i<=pfi->dnum[3]; i++) {
2682       gr2t(pfi->grvals[3],(float)i,&tdef);
2683       pos = gafndt(pfi->name,&tdef,&tdefi,pfi->abvals[3],NULL,1);
2684       if (pos==NULL) goto err8;
2685       if (strcmp(ch,pos)!=0) {
2686 	j = i;
2687 	if (ch) {
2688 	  free(ch);
2689 	}
2690 	ch = pos;
2691       }
2692       *(pfi->fnums+i-1) = j;
2693     }
2694     if (ch) {
2695       free(ch);
2696     }
2697     pfi->fnumc = 0;
2698   } else {
2699     dupstrval(pfi->name, sdfname) ;
2700   }
2702   fclose (descr);
2703   return(0);
2705  errm:
2706   gaprnt(0,"XDFopen Error: Invalid pdef record.\n");
2707   pfi->ppflag = 0;
2708   goto err9;
2710  err0:
2711   gaprnt(0, "XDFopen Error:  Missing or invalid dimension name.\n") ;
2712   goto err9;
2714  err1:
2715   gaprnt (0,"XDFopen Error:  Missing or invalid dimension size.\n");
2716   goto err9;
2718  err2:
2719   gaprnt (0,"XDFopen Error:  Missing or invalid dimension");
2720   gaprnt (0," scaling type\n");
2721   goto err9;
2723  err3:
2724   gaprnt (0,"XDFopen Error:  Missing or invalid dimension");
2725   gaprnt (0," starting value\n");
2726   goto err9;
2728  err4:
2729   gaprnt (0,"XDFopen Error:  Missing or invalid dimension");
2730   gaprnt (0," increment value\n");
2731   goto err9;
2733  err4a:
2734   gaprnt (0,"XDFopen Error:  0 time increment in tdef\n");
2735   gaprnt (0," use 1 for single time data\n");
2736   goto err9;
2738  err5:
2739   gaprnt (0,"XDFopen Error:  Missing or invalid variable");
2740   gaprnt (0," count\n");
2741   goto err9;
2743  err6:
2744   gaprnt (0,"XDFOpen Error:  Invalid variable record\n");
2745   goto err9;
2747  err7:
2748   gaprnt (0,"XDFopen Error:  Invalid number of levels\n");
2749   goto err9;
2751  err8:
2752   gaprnt (0,"XDFopen Error:  Memory allocation Error\n");
2753   goto retrn;
2755  err9:
2756   gaprnt (0,"  --> The invalid description file record is: \n");
2757   gaprnt (0,"  --> ");
2758   gaprnt (0,rec);
2759   gaprnt (0,"\n");
2761  retrn:
2762   gaprnt (0,"  The data file was not opened. \n");
2763   fclose (descr);
2764   if (mflflg) fclose(mfile);
2765   return(1);
2767 }
2770 char *
putncdnm(char * ch,char ** dimname)2771 putncdnm(char *ch, char **dimname) {
2772   int lenstr, lendimname ;
2774   lenstr = strlen(ch) ;
2775   for (lendimname = 0 ;  (lendimname < lenstr) && (ch[lendimname] != ' ') ;
2776        ++lendimname) ;
2777   if (!(*dimname = (char *) malloc((lendimname + 1) * sizeof(char)))) {
2778     gaprnt(0, "Malloc err!\n") ;
2779     exit(13) ;
2780   }
2781   strncpy(*dimname, ch, lendimname) ;
2782   (*dimname)[lendimname] = '\0' ;
2783   for (ch += lendimname ;  (*ch == ' ') || (*ch == '\t') ;  ++ch) ;
2784   return(ch) ;
2785 }
2787 void
dupstrval(char * src,char ** dest)2788 dupstrval(char *src, char **dest) {
2789   int lenstr ;
2791   lenstr = strlen(src) ;
2792   if (!(*dest = (char *) malloc((lenstr + 1) * sizeof(char)))) {
2793     gaprnt(0, "Malloc err!\n") ;
2794     exit(13) ;
2795   }
2796   strcpy(*dest, src) ;
2797   return ;
2798 }
2800 #ifndef STNDALN
2802 /* Open an XDF data set by parsing the descriptor and reading the
2803    self-describing file for that data set and help to fill-in a gafile
2804    structure as need be.  Chain the gafile structure on to the list anchored
2805    in the gastat.                 */
2807 int
gaxdfopen(char * args,struct gacmn * pcm)2808 gaxdfopen (char *args, struct gacmn *pcm) {
2809   struct gafile *pfi, *pfio;
2810   int size, rc, ntsteps, ichpos ;
2811   char pathname[256], *optargs, *template, *cntsteps, *fnpart, *aux, *faux ;
2812   char *sdfpath ;
2813   int i, idummy ;
2814   int gadxdf(char *path, struct gafile *pfi, char **template, int *ntsteps,
2815 	     char **sdfpath, GASDFPARMS *parmsptr) ;
2816   int gadsdf(char *name, struct gafile *pfi, char *template, int ntsteps,
2817 	     GASDFPARMS parms) ;
2818   GASDFPARMS parms ;
2819   int init_io_std(IO_STD **ptr) ;
2821   getwrd(pathname, args, 255) ;
2822   optargs = nxtwrd(args) ;
2823   gaprnt (2, "Scanning Descriptor File:  ");
2824   gaprnt (2, pathname);
2825   gaprnt (2, "\n");
2826 #ifdef TESTING3
2827   if (optargs && (*optargs != '\0')) {
2828     gaprnt (2, "Optional args to XDFopen command are:  ") ;
2829     gaprnt (2, optargs) ;
2830     gaprnt (2, "\n") ;
2831   }
2832 #endif
2833   pfi = getpfi();
2834   if (pfi == NULL) {
2835     gaprnt (0,"Memory Allocation Error:  On File Open\n");
2836     return (1);
2837   }
2838   pfi->is_a_SDF = 1 ;
2839   pfi->ncflg = 3;       /* set a flag for detecting xdf files that is not #ifdef'd */
2840   if (!init_io_std(&(pfi->sdf_ptr))) {
2841     gaprnt(0, "Memory Allocation Error:  On XDF File Open\n") ;
2842     return(1) ;
2843   }
2844   pfi->tmplat = 0 ; /* assume no templating, unless get indication on OPTIONS */
2845   rc = gadxdf(pathname, pfi, &template, &ntsteps, &sdfpath, &parms) ;
2847 #ifdef TESTING
2848   fprintf(stderr, "Return code from gadxdf=%d.\n", rc) ;
2849   fprintf(stderr, "Calling xdumpfile after gadxdf.\n") ;
2850   xdumpfile(pfi) ;
2851   if (pfi->pvar1) {
2852     fprintf(stderr, "Calling xdumpvar on first var after gadxdf.\n") ;
2853     xdumpvar(pfi->pvar1) ;
2854   }
2855 #endif
2856   if (rc) {
2857     frepfi (pfi, 0) ;
2858     return (rc) ;
2859   }
2860   if (pcm->pfi1==NULL) {
2861     pcm->pfi1 = pfi;
2862   } else {
2863     pfio = pcm->pfi1;
2864     while (pfio->pforw!=NULL) pfio = pfio->pforw;
2865     pfio->pforw = pfi;
2866   }
2867   pfi->pforw = NULL;
2868   pcm->fnum++;
2869   if (pcm->fnum==1) {pcm->pfid = pcm->pfi1; pcm->dfnum = 1;}
2870   rc = gadsdf(sdfpath, pfi, template, ntsteps, parms) ;
2871   if (rc) {
2872     sprintf(pout, "SDF file %s was not successfully opened & parsed.\n", sdfpath) ;
2873     gaprnt(0, pout) ;
2874     frepfi (pfi, 0) ;
2875     if (pcm->fnum <= 1) {
2876       pcm->pfid = pcm->pfi1 = (struct gafile *) 0 ;
2877       pcm->fnum  = 0 ;
2878       pcm->dfnum = 0 ;
2879     } else {
2880       pcm->fnum-- ;
2881       for (idummy = 1, pfi = pcm->pfi1 ; (idummy < pcm->fnum) && pfi ; ++idummy) {
2882 	pfi = pfi->pforw ;
2883       }
2884       if (pfi) {
2885 	pfi->pforw = (struct gafile *) 0 ;
2886       }
2887     }
2888     pfi = (struct gafile *) 0 ;
2889     return(rc) ;
2890   } else {
2891     sprintf(pout, "SDF file %s is open as file %i\n", pfi->name, pcm->fnum);
2892     gaprnt(2, pout);
2893   }
2894   /* If first file open, set up some default dimension
2895      ranges for the user */
2897   if (pcm->fnum==1) {
2898     if (pfi->type==2 || pfi->wrap) gacmd ("set lon 0 360",pcm,0);
2899     else {
2900       sprintf (pout,"set x 1 %i",pfi->dnum[0]);
2901       gacmd (pout,pcm,0);
2902     }
2903     if (pfi->type==2) {
2904       gacmd ("set lat -90 90",pcm,0);
2905       gacmd ("set lev 500",pcm,0);
2906     } else {
2907       sprintf (pout,"set y 1 %i",pfi->dnum[1]);
2908       gacmd (pout,pcm,0);
2909       gacmd ("set z 1",pcm,0);
2910     }
2911     gacmd ("set t 1",pcm,0);
2912   }
2914   if (pfi->ppflag) {
2915     sprintf (pout,"Notice: Implied interpolation for file %s\n",pathname);
2916     gaprnt (1,pout);
2917     gaprnt (1," Interpolation will be performed on any data ");
2918     gaprnt (1,"displayed from this file\n");
2919   }
2921   return (0);
2922 }
2924 /* This function takes a grid request struct, fills it from an SDF file, */
2925 /* and returns the fgrid array with floating point values, unpacking the */
2926 /* SDF values if need be */
2928 #define SDFTINDEX 0
2929 #define GXINDEX 0
2930 #define GYINDEX 1
2931 #define GZINDEX 2
2932 #define GTINDEX 3
2933 #define AONAME "add_offset"
2934 #define SFNAME "scale_factor"
2935 #define AONAME2 "intercept"
2936 #define SFNAME2 "slope"
2937 #define MVNAME "missing_value"
2939 int
gagsdf(struct gagrid * gridptr,float fgrid[])2940 gagsdf(struct gagrid *gridptr, float fgrid[]) {
2941   /* This is a wrapper that determines the part of the request that is within */
2942   /* the bounds of the file, and makes a fake request to gafgsdf for that part */
2943   /* It first fills in the entire request with UNDEF values.  After gafgsdf */
2944   /* returns, the "good" area is copied into the real grid, and the real grid */
2945   /* request structure is updated for sdf_ptr (might've opened a new file if */
2946   /* templating) and for pfile->fnumc (same reason) */
2947   int gafgsdf(struct gagrid *fakegrdptr, float fakegrd[], int Xinvolved) ;
2948   int rgxstart, rgxstop, rgxsize, rgystart, rgystop, rgysize ;
2949   int rgzstart, rgzstop, rgzsize, rgtstart, rgtstop, rgtsize ;
2950   int gxinx, gyinx, gzinx, gtinx, ginx, indx, retcode, yxsize, iindx, jindx ;
2951   int lxinx, lyinx, lzinx, ltinx, gxsize, gysize, gzsize, gtsize, zyxsize ;
2952   int rzyxsize, ryxsize, gridsize, istart, istop, jstart, jstop, ioff, joff ;
2953   int *iinxptr, *jinxptr, Xinvolved, abbrvlen ;
2954   int dim0size, dim1size, dim2size, dim3size, dim2_3size, dim1_2_3size ;
2955   int *dim0inx, *dim1inx, *dim2inx, *dim3inx, iisx, jisx ;
2956   VAR_INFO *data_var ;
2957   float *fakefgrid, missval ;
2958   struct gagrid *fakegridptr ;
2959 #define MIn(a, b) ((a < b)?a:b)
2960 #define MAx(a, b) ((a > b)?a:b)
2962   for (data_var = gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->var ;  data_var ;
2963        data_var = data_var->next) {
2964     if (!strcasecmp(gridptr->pvar->abbrv, data_var->gradsabbr)) {
2965       break ;
2966     }
2967   }
2968   if (!data_var) {
2969     if (gridptr->pvar->longnm) {
2970       sprintf(pout, "Couldn't find variable %s (aliased to %s) in SDF file.\n",
2971 	      gridptr->pvar->longnm, gridptr->pvar->abbrv) ;
2972       gaprnt(0, pout) ;
2973       return(2) ;
2974     } else {
2975       sprintf(pout, "Couldn't find variable %s in SDF file.\n", gridptr->pvar->abbrv) ;
2976       gaprnt(0, pout) ;
2977       return(2) ;
2978     }
2979   }
2980   switch (data_var->vartype) {
2981   case NC_BYTE:
2982     gridptr->undef = (float) data_var->missing_value.bval ;
2983     break ;
2984   case NC_SHORT:
2985     gridptr->undef = (float) data_var->missing_value.sval ;
2986     break ;
2987   case NC_LONG:
2988     gridptr->undef = (float) data_var->missing_value.lval ;
2989     break ;
2990   case NC_FLOAT:
2991     gridptr->undef = (float) data_var->missing_value.fval ;
2992     break ;
2993   case NC_DOUBLE:
2994     gridptr->undef = (float) data_var->missing_value.dval ;
2995     break ;
2996   } /* end switch */
2997   if (gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->hasDDFundef) {
2998     gridptr->undef = gridptr->pfile->undef ;
2999   } /* UNDEF stmt in DDF overrides NetCDF metadata, if any */
3000   Xinvolved = (gridptr->idim == GXINDEX) || (gridptr->jdim == GXINDEX) ;
3001   if ((gridptr->idim) >= 0) {
3002     if ((gridptr->jdim) >= 0) {
3003       gridsize = gridptr->isiz * gridptr->jsiz ;
3004     } else {
3005       gridsize = gridptr->isiz ;
3006     }
3007   } else {
3008     if ((gridptr->jdim) >= 0) {
3009       gridsize = gridptr->jsiz ;
3010     } else /* both invalid => 1 grid locs */ {
3011       gridsize = 1 ;
3012     }
3013   }
3014   gxsize = gridptr->dimmax[GXINDEX] - gridptr->dimmin[GXINDEX] + 1 ;
3015   gysize = gridptr->dimmax[GYINDEX] - gridptr->dimmin[GYINDEX] + 1 ;
3016   gzsize = gridptr->dimmax[GZINDEX] - gridptr->dimmin[GZINDEX] + 1 ;
3017   gtsize = gridptr->dimmax[GTINDEX] - gridptr->dimmin[GTINDEX] + 1 ;
3018   yxsize = gysize * gxsize ;
3019   zyxsize = gzsize * yxsize ;
3020   for (indx = 0 ;  indx < gridsize ;  ++indx) {
3021     fgrid[indx] = gridptr->undef ;
3022   } /* assume all missing initially; this covers out-of-bounds requests */
3023   if ((gridptr->idim != GXINDEX) && (gridptr->jdim != GXINDEX)) {
3024     rgxstart = rgxstop = MAx(gridptr->dimmin[GXINDEX], 1) ;
3025     /* X-dim. not involved this request */
3026   } else {
3027     if (gridptr->pfile->wrap && Xinvolved) {
3028       /* if longitudes wrap, there are no "outside" x locations */
3029       rgxstart = gridptr->dimmin[GXINDEX] ;
3030       rgxstop  = gridptr->dimmax[GXINDEX] ;
3031     } else {
3032       if ((gridptr->dimmin[GXINDEX] > gridptr->pfile->dnum[GXINDEX]) ||
3033 	  (gridptr->dimmax[GXINDEX] < 1)) {
3034 	return(0) /* all points are out of bounds */ ;
3035       }
3036       rgxstart = MAx(gridptr->dimmin[GXINDEX], 1) ;
3037       rgxstart = MIn(rgxstart, gridptr->pfile->dnum[GXINDEX]) ;
3038       rgxstop =  MIn(gridptr->dimmax[GXINDEX], gridptr->pfile->dnum[GXINDEX]) ;
3039       rgxstop =  MAx(rgxstop, 1) ;
3040     }
3041   }
3042   rgxsize = rgxstop - rgxstart + 1 ;
3043   if ((gridptr->idim != GYINDEX) && (gridptr->jdim != GYINDEX)) {
3044     rgystart = rgystop = MAx(gridptr->dimmin[GYINDEX], 1) ;
3045     /* Y-dim. not involved this request */
3046   } else {
3047     if ((gridptr->dimmin[GYINDEX] > gridptr->pfile->dnum[GYINDEX]) ||
3048 	(gridptr->dimmax[GYINDEX] < 1)) {
3049       return(0) /* all points are out of bounds */ ;
3050     }
3051     rgystart = MAx(gridptr->dimmin[GYINDEX], 1) ;
3052     rgystart = MIn(rgystart, gridptr->pfile->dnum[GYINDEX]) ;
3053     rgystop =  MIn(gridptr->dimmax[GYINDEX], gridptr->pfile->dnum[GYINDEX]) ;
3054     rgystop =  MAx(rgystop, 1) ;
3055   }
3056   rgysize = rgystop - rgystart + 1 ;
3057   if ((gridptr->idim != GZINDEX) && (gridptr->jdim != GZINDEX)) {
3058     if (gridptr->pvar->levels > 0) {
3059       rgzstart = rgzstop = MAx(gridptr->dimmin[GZINDEX], 1) ;
3060     } else {
3061       rgzstart = rgzstop = 1 ;
3062     }
3063     /* Z-dim. not involved this request */
3064   } else {
3065     if ((gridptr->dimmin[GZINDEX] > gridptr->pfile->dnum[GZINDEX]) ||
3066 	(gridptr->dimmax[GZINDEX] < 1)) {
3067       return(0) /* all points are out of bounds */ ;
3068     }
3069     rgzstart = MAx(gridptr->dimmin[GZINDEX], 1) ;
3070     rgzstart = MIn(rgzstart, gridptr->pfile->dnum[GZINDEX]) ;
3071     rgzstop =  MIn(gridptr->dimmax[GZINDEX], gridptr->pfile->dnum[GZINDEX]) ;
3072     rgzstop =  MAx(rgzstop, 1) ;
3073   }
3074   rgzsize = rgzstop - rgzstart + 1 ;
3075   if ((gridptr->idim != GTINDEX) && (gridptr->jdim != GTINDEX)) {
3076     rgtstart = rgtstop = MAx(gridptr->dimmin[GTINDEX], 1) ;
3077     /* T-dim. not involved in this request */
3078   } else {
3079     if ((gridptr->dimmin[GTINDEX] > gridptr->pfile->dnum[GTINDEX]) ||
3080 	(gridptr->dimmax[GTINDEX] < 1)) {
3081       return(0) /* all points are out of bounds */ ;
3082     }
3083     rgtstart = MAx(gridptr->dimmin[GTINDEX], 1) ;
3084     rgtstart = MIn(rgtstart, gridptr->pfile->dnum[GTINDEX]) ;
3085     rgtstop =  MIn(gridptr->dimmax[GTINDEX], gridptr->pfile->dnum[GTINDEX]) ;
3086     rgtstop =  MAx(rgtstop, 1) ;
3087   }
3088   rgtsize = rgtstop - rgtstart + 1 ;
3089   switch (gridptr->idim) {
3090   case GXINDEX:
3091     istart = rgxstart ;
3092     istop = rgxstop ;
3093     /* actually, istop should be restrict. by SDF max., but it works, so no change */
3094     iinxptr = &gxinx ;
3095     break ;
3096   case GYINDEX:
3097     istart = rgystart ;
3098     istop = rgystop ;
3099     iinxptr = &gyinx ;
3100     break ;
3101   case GZINDEX:
3102     istart = rgzstart ;
3103     istop = rgzstop ;
3104     iinxptr = &gzinx ;
3105     break ;
3106   case GTINDEX:
3107     istart = rgtstart ;
3108     istop = rgtstop ;
3109     iinxptr = &gtinx ;
3110     break ;
3111   default:
3112     istart = istop = 0 ; iinxptr = NULL ;
3113     break ;
3114   }
3115   if (gridptr->dimmin[gridptr->idim] < 1) {
3116     ioff = 1 - gridptr->dimmin[gridptr->idim] ;
3117   } else {
3118     ioff = 0 ;
3119   }
3120   if (gridptr->pfile->wrap && (gridptr->idim == GXINDEX)) /* wrap case */ {
3121     ioff = 0 ; /* would otherwise be miss-set, in normal case to 1 */
3122   }
3123   switch (gridptr->jdim) {
3124   case GXINDEX:
3125     jstart = rgxstart ;
3126     jstop = rgxstop ;
3127     jinxptr = &gxinx ;
3128     break ;
3129   case GYINDEX:
3130     jstart = rgystart ;
3131     jstop = rgystop ;
3132     jinxptr = &gyinx ;
3133     break ;
3134   case GZINDEX:
3135     jstart = rgzstart ;
3136     jstop = rgzstop ;
3137     jinxptr = &gzinx ;
3138     break ;
3139   case GTINDEX:
3140     jstart = rgtstart ;
3141     jstop = rgtstop ;
3142     jinxptr = &gtinx ;
3143     break ;
3144   default:
3145     jstart = jstop = 0 ; jinxptr = NULL ;
3146     break ;
3147   }
3148   if (gridptr->dimmin[gridptr->jdim] < 1) {
3149     joff = 1 - gridptr->dimmin[gridptr->jdim] ;
3150   } else {
3151     joff = 0 ;
3152   }
3153   if (gridptr->pfile->wrap && (gridptr->jdim == GXINDEX)) /* wrap case */ {
3154     joff = 0 ; /* would otherwise be miss-set, in normal case to 1 */
3155   }
3156   ryxsize = rgysize * rgxsize ;
3157   rzyxsize = rgzsize * ryxsize ;
3158   if (gridsize > 0) {
3159     fakefgrid = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*gridsize) ;
3160     if (!fakefgrid) {
3161       gaprnt(0, "Memory allocation error handling SDF grid request(1).\n") ;
3162       return(13) ;
3163     }
3164     fakegridptr = (struct gagrid *) malloc(sizeof(struct gagrid)) ;
3165     if (!fakegridptr) {
3166       gaprnt(0, "Memory allocation error handling SDF grid request(2).\n") ;
3167       if (fakefgrid) {
3168 	free(fakefgrid) ;
3169       }
3170       return(14) ;
3171     }
3172   } else /* didn't we return on gridsize == 0 already? */ {
3173     return(0) ;
3174   }
3175   /* no doubt, some C compiler on some platform will blow structure assignment, */
3176   /* so this is done the hard way, rather than "*fakegridptr = *gridptr ;" */
3177   fakegridptr->grid = gridptr->grid ;
3178   fakegridptr->pfile = gridptr->pfile ;
3179   fakegridptr->undef = gridptr->undef ;
3180   fakegridptr->rmin = gridptr->rmin ;
3181   fakegridptr->rmax = gridptr->rmax ;
3182   fakegridptr->isiz = gridptr->isiz ;
3183   if ((gridptr->idim) < 0) fakegridptr->isiz = 1 ;
3184   fakegridptr->jsiz = gridptr->jsiz ;
3185   if ((gridptr->jdim) < 0) fakegridptr->jsiz = 1 ;
3186   fakegridptr->idim = gridptr->idim ;
3187   fakegridptr->jdim = gridptr->jdim ;
3188   /* only two (at most!) of these should really vary now */
3189   fakegridptr->dimmin[GXINDEX] = rgxstart ;
3190   fakegridptr->dimmax[GXINDEX] = rgxstop ;
3191   fakegridptr->dimmin[GYINDEX] = rgystart ;
3192   fakegridptr->dimmax[GYINDEX] = rgystop ;
3193   fakegridptr->dimmin[GZINDEX] = rgzstart ;
3194   fakegridptr->dimmax[GZINDEX] = rgzstop ;
3195   fakegridptr->dimmin[GTINDEX] = rgtstart ;
3196   fakegridptr->dimmax[GTINDEX] = rgtstop ;
3197   fakegridptr->pvar = gridptr->pvar ;
3198   fakegridptr->exprsn = gridptr->exprsn ;
3199   fakegridptr->alocf = gridptr->alocf ;
3200   fakegridptr->igrab = gridptr->igrab ;
3201   fakegridptr->jgrab = gridptr->jgrab ;
3202   fakegridptr->iabgr = gridptr->iabgr ;
3203   fakegridptr->jabgr = gridptr->jabgr ;
3204   fakegridptr->ivals = gridptr->ivals ;
3205   fakegridptr->jvals = gridptr->jvals ;
3206   fakegridptr->ilinr = gridptr->ilinr ;
3207   fakegridptr->jlinr = gridptr->jlinr ;
3208   retcode = gafgsdf(fakegridptr, fakefgrid, Xinvolved) ;
3209   if (retcode == 0) {
3210     for (gxinx = rgxstart, lxinx = 0 ;  gxinx <= rgxstop ;
3211 	 ++gxinx, ++lxinx) {
3212       for (gyinx = rgystart, lyinx = 0 ;  gyinx <= rgystop ;
3213 	   ++gyinx, ++lyinx) {
3214 	for (gzinx = rgzstart, lzinx = 0 ;  gzinx <= rgzstop ;
3215 	     ++gzinx, ++lzinx) {
3216 	  for (gtinx = rgtstart, ltinx = 0 ;  gtinx <= rgtstop ;
3217 	       ++gtinx, ++ltinx) {
3218 	    if (!jinxptr) {
3219 	      if (!iinxptr) {
3220 		ginx = 0 ;
3221 	      } else {
3222 		ginx = (*iinxptr) - istart + ioff ;
3223 	      }
3224 	    } else /* jinxptr is good */ {
3225 	      if (!iinxptr) {
3226 		ginx = (*jinxptr) - jstart + joff ;
3227 	      } else /* both are good */ {
3228 	      }
3229 	    }
3230 	    ginx = (gtinx - gridptr->dimmin[GTINDEX]) * zyxsize +
3231 	      (gzinx - gridptr->dimmin[GZINDEX]) * yxsize +
3232 	      (gyinx - gridptr->dimmin[GYINDEX]) * gxsize +
3233 	      (gxinx - gridptr->dimmin[GXINDEX]) ;
3234 	    /* doesn't this calculation make the t-z-y-x assumption? */
3235 	    indx = ltinx * rzyxsize + lzinx * ryxsize +
3236 	      lyinx * rgxsize + lxinx ;
3237 	    fgrid[ginx] = fakefgrid[indx] ;
3238 	  } /* time */
3239 	} /* z */
3240       } /* y */
3241     } /* x */
3242   } /* if there's any point in copying over the results */
3243   if (fakefgrid) {
3244     free(fakefgrid) ;
3245   }
3246   if (fakegridptr) {
3247     free(fakegridptr) ;
3248   }
3249   return(retcode) ;
3250 }
3252 /* This is the fake grid request handler for SDF files.  It is wrapped by */
3253 /* gagsdf, which passes a fake grid request to this that is within the */
3254 /* file's bounds */
3255 int
gafgsdf(struct gagrid * gridptr,float fgrid[],int Xinvolved)3256 gafgsdf(struct gagrid *gridptr, float fgrid[], int Xinvolved) {
3257   long *start, *count, gridcnt ;
3258   int is4d, ispacked, abbrvlen, /* whichdim[4], */ gridinx ;
3259   int xstart, ystart, zstart, tstart, xstop, ystop, zstop, tstop ;
3260   int xincr, yincr, zincr, tincr, xinx, yinx, zinx, tinx ;
3261   int gxinx, gyinx, gzinx, gtinx, ztsize, yztsize ;
3262   int gxstart, gxstop, gxincr, gtstart, gtstop, gtincr, grinx, inx ;
3263   int gystart, gystop, gyincr, gzstart, gzstop, gzincr ;
3264   int xindex, yindex, zindex, tindex, yxsize, zyxsize, mininx, maxinx ;
3265   int timeindex, tcnt, zcnt, ycnt, xcnt ;
3266   int xdimindx, ydimindx, zdimindx, tdimindx, tcount, starttime, newtime ;
3267   int willwrap, littlex, bigx, sdfxcount, usingFV=0, wasmiss ;
3268   int fillwithmiss, alltimesinthisfile, alltimesin1file ;
3269   float *fdata, fmiss, myao, mysf, fFillValue ;
3270   short *sdata, smiss, sFillValue ;
3271   double *ddata, dFillValue, dmiss ;
3273   struct attrib_list *aoattr, *sfattr, *missvalattr, *FVattr ;
3274   VAR_INFO *data_var ;
3275   union att_val ao, sf, junk ;
3276   nc_type unpktype, pktype ;
3277   struct attrib_list *find_att(struct attrib_list *first_att, char *attname) ;
3278   int are_data_packed(VAR_INFO *in_var, union att_val *scale,
3279 		      union att_val *offset, nc_type *unpktype,
3280 		      nc_type *pktype) ;
3281   int sdfwrap(VAR_INFO **dvar_ptr, struct attrib_list *missvalattr, int ispacked,
3282 	      int is4d, float ao, float sf, int tdimindx, int tindex,
3283 	      int zdimindx, int zindex, int ydimindx, int yindex, int xdimindx,
3284 	      int xindex, struct gagrid *gridptr, float *fgrid,
3285 	      nc_type pktype, nc_type unpktype, int sdfxcount, int usingFV) ;
3286   int gaopsdf(int timeindex, struct gagrid *gridptr, VAR_INFO **data_var_ptr) ;
3287   void init_start_count(long **start, long **count, int ndims) ;
3288   int fequal(float op1, float op2, float delta) ;
3289   int dequal(double op1, double op2, double delta) ;
3291   /* Search for data_var based on max. 15 char match on gridptr->pvar->abbrv */
3292   /* Fill start and count based on gridptr->dimmin and gridptr->dimmax and is4d */
3293   /* Call read_variable_data(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->cdfid, data_var, start, */
3294   /*                                                                   count) */
3295   /* Check data_var->vartype:  NC_SHORT => ispacked=1, NC_FLOAT => ispacked=0 */
3296   /* If ispacked, unpack into grid; else copy into grid. */
3297   /* Addenda to above: if (ispacked || (pktype != FLOAT)), treat as packed */
3299   /*    abbrvlen = (int) strlen(gridptr->pvar->abbrv) ; */
3300   /* netCDF name may be longer */
3301   fillwithmiss = 0 ;
3302   for (data_var = gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->var ;  data_var ;
3303        data_var = data_var->next) {
3304     if (!strcasecmp(gridptr->pvar->abbrv, data_var->gradsabbr)) {
3305       break ;
3306     }
3307   }
3308   if (!data_var) {
3309     sprintf(pout, "Couldn't find variable %s in SDF file.\n", gridptr->pvar->abbrv) ;
3310     gaprnt(0, pout) ;
3311     return(2) ;
3312   }
3313   init_start_count(&start, &count, data_var->nvardims) ;
3314   /* Here's the rub:  if this is an XDFopen-ed file, and that DDF had an UNDEF */
3315   /* statement, we don't want to look for it in an attribute value.  However, */
3316   /* I don't know how to tell this origin info at this point; it was in the */
3317   /* parms structure during data discovery phase, (isxdf and needundef */
3318   /* components), but I don't see any way to access that here.  Hoop, 2002/03/13  */
3319   missvalattr = (struct attrib_list *) 0 ;
3320   if (gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->hasDDFundef) {
3321     fmiss = gridptr->pfile->undef ;
3322   } else {
3323     missvalattr = find_att(data_var->first_vattr, MVNAME) ; /* ok if not found? */
3324     if (!missvalattr) {
3325       missvalattr = find_att(data_var->first_vattr, "_FillValue") ;
3326       usingFV = 1 ; /* don't need to make two checks if using this one */
3327     }
3328   }
3329   ispacked = are_data_packed(data_var, &sf, &ao, &unpktype, &pktype) ;
3330   if (pktype == NC_FLOAT) {
3331     if (!(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->hasDDFundef)) {
3332       if (missvalattr) {
3333 	fdata = (float *) missvalattr->data ;
3334 	fmiss = *fdata ;
3335       } else {
3336 	fmiss = FILL_FLOAT ;
3337       }
3338     }
3339   } else if (pktype == NC_DOUBLE) {
3340     if (!(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->hasDDFundef)) {
3341       if (missvalattr) {
3342 	ddata = (double *) missvalattr->data ;
3343 	dmiss = *ddata ;
3344       } else {
3345 	dmiss = FILL_DOUBLE ;
3346       }
3347     }
3348   }
3349   if ((pktype != NC_FLOAT) &&(pktype != NC_DOUBLE)) ispacked = 1 ;
3350   if (ispacked && (pktype != NC_SHORT)) /* bail for now */ {
3351     gaprnt(0, "SDF data variable has unsupported packed data type.\n") ;
3352     return(6) ;
3353   }
3354   if (ispacked && (pktype == unpktype)) {
3355     /* trouble is, this call doesn't happen in are_data_packed if pktype=unpktype */
3356     /* Another trouble is that we don't want to do this if sf or ao are present */
3357     if (!(sfattr = find_att(data_var->first_vattr, SFNAME))) {
3358       if (!(sfattr = find_att(data_var->first_vattr, SFNAME2))) {
3359 	set_default_scale_offset(unpktype, &sf, &junk) ;
3360       }
3361     }
3362     if (!(aoattr = find_att(data_var->first_vattr, AONAME))) {
3363       if (!(aoattr = find_att(data_var->first_vattr, AONAME2))) {
3364 	set_default_scale_offset(unpktype, &junk, &ao) ;
3365       }
3366     }
3367   }
3368   if (ispacked) /* figure myao, mysf */ {
3369     switch (unpktype) {
3370     case NC_SHORT:
3371       myao = (float) ao.sval ;
3372       mysf = (float) sf.sval ;
3373       break ;
3374     case NC_LONG:
3375       myao = (float) ao.lval ;
3376       mysf = (float) sf.lval ;
3377       break ;
3378     case NC_FLOAT:
3379       myao = ao.fval ;
3380       mysf = sf.fval ;
3381       break ;
3382     case NC_DOUBLE:
3383       myao = (float) ao.dval ;
3384       mysf = (float) sf.dval ;
3385       break ;
3386     default:
3387       gaprnt(0, "SDF data variable has unsupported unpacked data type.\n") ;
3388       break ;
3389     } /* end switch */
3390   }
3391   tdimindx = data_var->dimidmap[0] ;
3392   tindex = data_var->dimmap[0] ;
3393   zdimindx = data_var->dimidmap[1] ;
3394   zindex = data_var->dimmap[1] ;
3395   ydimindx = data_var->dimidmap[2] ;
3396   yindex = data_var->dimmap[2] ;
3397   xdimindx = data_var->dimidmap[3] ;
3398   xindex = data_var->dimmap[3] ;
3399   is4d = (zindex != -1) ? 1 : 0 ;
3400   if (Xinvolved) {
3401     willwrap = 1 ;
3402     littlex = gridptr->dimmin[GXINDEX] ;
3403     bigx = gridptr->dimmax[GXINDEX] ;
3404     sdfxcount = gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[xdimindx] ;
3405     if ((littlex <= sdfxcount) && (bigx <= sdfxcount)) {
3406       if ((littlex > 0) && (bigx > 0)) {
3407 	willwrap = 0 ;
3408       }
3409     }
3410   } else {
3411     willwrap = 0 ;
3412   }
3413   if ((gridptr->pfile->wrap && Xinvolved) && (willwrap)) {
3414     return(sdfwrap(&data_var, missvalattr, ispacked, is4d, myao, mysf,
3415 		   tdimindx, tindex, zdimindx, zindex, ydimindx, yindex,
3416 		   xdimindx, xindex, gridptr, fgrid, pktype, unpktype,
3417 		   sdfxcount, usingFV)) ;
3418   } else {
3419     if (!ispacked) /* just copy */ {
3420       if ((!usingFV) && (!(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->hasDDFundef))) {
3421 	/* need to check for _FillValue as well as missing_value */
3422 	FVattr = find_att(data_var->first_vattr, "_FillValue") ;
3423 	if (pktype == NC_FLOAT) {
3424 	  if (FVattr) {
3425 	    fdata = (float *) FVattr->data ;
3426 	    fFillValue = *fdata ;
3427 	  } else {
3428 	    fFillValue = FILL_FLOAT ;
3429 	  }
3430 	} else /* must be double, right? */ {
3431 	  if (FVattr) {
3432 	    ddata = (double *) FVattr-> data ;
3433 	    dFillValue = *ddata ;
3434 	  } else {
3435 	    dFillValue = FILL_DOUBLE ;
3436 	  }
3437 	} /* is double, I guess */
3438       } /* !usingFV */
3439     } else /* must unpack */ {
3440       if ((!missvalattr) && (pktype != unpktype)) {
3441 	smiss = (int) (((gridptr->undef - myao) / mysf) + 0.5) ;
3442       } else {
3443 	if ((pktype == unpktype) && (!missvalattr)) {
3444 	  smiss = FILL_SHORT ;
3445 	} else {
3446 	  sdata = (short *) missvalattr->data ;
3447 	  smiss = *sdata ;
3448 	}
3449       }
3450       if ((!usingFV) && (!(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->hasDDFundef))) {
3451 	FVattr = find_att(data_var->first_vattr, "_FillValue") ;
3452 	if (FVattr) {
3453 	  sdata = (short *) FVattr->data ;
3454 	  sFillValue = *sdata ;
3455 	} else {
3456 	  sFillValue = FILL_SHORT ;
3457 	}
3458       } /* !using FV */
3459     } /* is it packed? */
3460     start[xindex] = gridptr->dimmin[GXINDEX] - 1 ;  /* dimmin be 1-based */
3461     if (gridptr->pfile->yrflg) {
3462       maxinx = gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[ydimindx]
3463 	- gridptr->dimmin[GYINDEX] ;
3464       mininx = gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[ydimindx]
3465 	- gridptr->dimmax[GYINDEX] ;
3466       start[yindex] = mininx ;
3467     } else {
3468       start[yindex] = gridptr->dimmin[GYINDEX] - 1 ;
3469     }
3470     count[yindex] = gridptr->dimmax[GYINDEX] - gridptr->dimmin[GYINDEX] + 1 ;
3471     if (count[yindex] > gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[ydimindx]) {
3472       count[yindex] = gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[ydimindx] ;
3473     }
3474     count[xindex] = gridptr->dimmax[GXINDEX] - gridptr->dimmin[GXINDEX] + 1 ;
3475     if (count[xindex] > gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[xdimindx]) {
3476       count[xindex] = gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[xdimindx] ;
3477     }
3478     gxstart = xstart = 0 ;
3479     gxstop = xstop = count[xindex] ;
3480     gxincr = xincr = 1 ;
3481     gystart = 0 ;
3482     gystop = count[yindex] ;
3483     gyincr = 1 ;
3484     if (gridptr->pfile->yrflg) {
3485       ystart = gystop - 1 ;
3486       ystop = gystart - 1 ;
3487       yincr = -1 ;
3488     } else {
3489       ystart = gystart ;
3490       ystop = gystop ;
3491       yincr = 1 ;
3492     }
3493     gridcnt = count[xindex] * count[yindex] ;
3494     if (is4d) {
3495       if (gridptr->pfile->zrflg) {
3496 	/* Should determine z dim index empirically */
3497 	maxinx = gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[zdimindx]
3498 	  - gridptr->dimmin[GZINDEX] ;
3499 	mininx = gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[zdimindx]
3500 	  - gridptr->dimmax[GZINDEX] ;
3501 	start[zindex] = mininx ;
3502       } else {
3503 	start[zindex] = gridptr->dimmin[GZINDEX] - 1 ;
3504       }
3505       count[zindex] = gridptr->dimmax[GZINDEX] - gridptr->dimmin[GZINDEX]
3506 	+ 1 ;
3507       if (count[zindex] > gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[zdimindx]) {
3508 	count[zindex] = gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[zdimindx] ;
3509       }
3510       gridcnt *= count[zindex] ;
3511       gzstart = 0 ;
3512       gzstop = count[zindex] ;
3513       gzincr = 1 ;
3514       if (gridptr->pfile->zrflg) {
3515 	zstart = gzstop - 1 ;
3516 	zstop = gzstart - 1 ;
3517 	zincr = -1 ;
3518       } else {
3519 	zstart = gzstart ;
3520 	zstop = gzstop ;
3521 	zincr = 1 ;
3522       }
3523     } else {
3524       gzstart = zstart = 0 ;
3525       gzstop = zstop = 1 ;
3526       gzincr = zincr = 1 ;
3527     }
3528     starttime = gridptr->dimmin[GTINDEX]  ;
3529     tcount = gridptr->dimmax[GTINDEX] - starttime + 1 ;
3530     if (tindex != -1) {
3531       count[tindex] = 1 ; /* read each time step separately for templating */
3532     }
3533     gtstart = tstart = 0 ;
3534     gtstop = tstop = tcount ;
3535     gtincr = tincr = 1 ;
3536     yxsize = count[yindex] * count[xindex] ;
3537     zyxsize = (gzstop - gzstart) * yxsize ;
3538     gridcnt *= tcount ; /*???*/
3539 #ifdef TESTING
3540     fprintf(stderr, "Xloop runs from %d to %d step %d (%d to %d step %d).\n",
3541 	    gxstart, gxstop, gxincr, xstart, xstop, xincr) ;
3542     fprintf(stderr, "Yloop runs from %d to %d step %d (%d to %d step %d).\n",
3543 	    gystart, gystop, gyincr, ystart, ystop, yincr) ;
3544     fprintf(stderr, "Zloop runs from %d to %d step %d (%d to %d step %d).\n",
3545 	    gzstart, gzstop, gzincr, zstart, zstop, zincr) ;
3546     fprintf(stderr, "Tloop runs from %d to %d step %d (%d to %d step %d).\n",
3547 	    gtstart, gtstop, gtincr, tstart, tstop, tincr) ;
3548 #endif
3549     /* experiment to increase performance when not templating Hoop 2K/11/22 */
3550     alltimesinthisfile = 0 ;
3551     alltimesin1file = 0 ;
3552     if (gridptr->pfile->tmplat) {
3553       if ((*(gridptr->pfile->fnums + starttime - 1)) == gridptr->pfile->fnumc) {
3554 	/* this time slice starts in the current file, so let's see if */
3555 	/* it ends in the same file */
3556 	if ((*(gridptr->pfile->fnums + starttime - 1 + tstop - tstart - 1)) ==
3557 	    gridptr->pfile->fnumc) /* ends in same file */ {
3558 	  alltimesinthisfile = 1 ;
3559 	  alltimesin1file = 1 ;
3560 	}
3561       } else /* first time not in current file */ {
3562 	if ((*(gridptr->pfile->fnums + starttime - 1)) ==
3563 	    (*(gridptr->pfile->fnums + starttime - 1 + tstop - tstart - 1))) {
3564 	  alltimesin1file = 1 ;
3565 	}
3566       } /* is first time in current file */
3567     } /* if templating */
3568     if ((!(gridptr->pfile->tmplat)) || alltimesinthisfile) {
3569       if (tindex != -1) {
3570 	start[tindex] = starttime - 1 ;
3571 	count[tindex] = tstop - tstart ;
3572       } /* if we have a valid tindex => we have a time dim. */
3573       if (gridptr->pfile->tmplat) {
3574 	if ((gridptr->pfile->fnums[0]) != (gridptr->pfile->fnumc)) {
3575 	  /* if we are not on the first file, we still need to call gaopsdf to */
3576 	  /* adulterate the starttime to be one relative to the current file */
3577 	  /* -Hoop, 2001/04/14 */
3578 	  newtime = gaopsdf(starttime, gridptr, &data_var) ;
3579 	  if (newtime == -99999) /* bad surprise */ {
3580 	    gaprnt(0, "Bad time index in SDF file.\n") ;
3581 	    return(1) ; /* bad time index */
3582 	  } /* bad surprise */
3583 	  if (newtime == -88888) /* bad file, bad surprise */ {
3584 	    for (grinx = 0 ;  grinx < gridcnt ;  ++grinx) {
3585 	      fgrid[grinx] = gridptr->undef ;
3586 	    }
3587 	    return(0) ;
3588 	  } /* bad file, bad surprise */
3589 	  if (tindex != -1) {
3590 	    start[tindex] = newtime - 1 ;
3591 	  }
3592 	} /* if not 1st file, thus need new starttime */
3593       } /* if templating */
3594       if (!read_variable_data(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->cdfid,
3595 			      data_var, start, count)) {
3596 	gaprnt(0, "Failure reading SDF data.  #1\n") ;
3597 	return(3) ;
3598       }
3599     } /* end if not templating, read all times at once */ else {
3600       if (alltimesin1file) {
3601 	if (tindex != -1) {
3602 	  start[tindex] = starttime - 1 ;
3603 	  count[tindex] = tstop - tstart ;
3604 	} /* if tindex is valid => we have a time dim. */
3605 	newtime = gaopsdf(starttime, gridptr, &data_var) ;
3606 	if (newtime == -99999) {
3607 	  gaprnt(0, "Bad time index in SDF file.\n") ;
3608 	  return(1) ; /* bad time index */
3609 	}
3610 	if (newtime == -88888) /* bad file */ {
3611 	  for (grinx = 0 ;  grinx < gridcnt ;  ++grinx) {
3612 	    fgrid[grinx] = gridptr->undef ;
3613 	  }
3614 	  return(0) ;
3615 	}  /* if bad file */
3616 	if (tindex != -1) {
3617 	  start[tindex] = newtime - 1 ;
3618 	}
3619 	if (!read_variable_data(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->cdfid,
3620 				data_var, start, count)) {
3621 	  gaprnt(0, "Failure reading SDF data.  #2\n") ;
3622 	  return(3) ;
3623 	}
3624       } /* still do all in one read, but after gaopsdf */
3625     } /* templating, not all in this file */
3626     for (timeindex = starttime, gtinx = gtstart, tinx = tstart ;
3627 	 (gtinx < gtstop) && (tinx < tstop) ;
3628 	 gtinx += gtincr, tinx += tincr, timeindex += tincr) {
3629       newtime = timeindex ;
3630       if (gridptr->pfile->tmplat) {
3631 	if ((!alltimesinthisfile) && (!alltimesin1file)) {
3632 	  newtime = gaopsdf(timeindex, gridptr, &data_var) ;
3633 	  if (newtime == -99999) {
3634 	    gaprnt(0, "Bad time index in SDF file.\n") ;
3635 	    return(1) ; /* bad time index */
3636 	  }
3637 	  if (newtime == -88888) /* bad file */ {
3638 	    for (grinx = 0 ;  grinx < gridcnt ;  ++grinx) {
3639 	      fgrid[grinx] = gridptr->undef ;
3640 	    }
3641 	    return(0) ;
3642 	  }  /* if bad file */
3643 	} /* if not alltimesinthisfile */
3644 	if (tindex != -1) {
3645 	  start[tindex] = newtime - 1 ;
3646 	}
3647       } /* if templating in use */
3648 #ifdef TESTING
3649       fprintf(stderr,
3650 	      "read_variable_data(%d, %s, [%d, %d, %d, %d], [%d, %d, %d, %d])\n",
3651 	      gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->cdfid, data_var->varnam, start[0], start[1],
3652 	      start[2], start[3], count[0], count[1], count[2], count[3]) ;
3653 #endif
3654       /* experiment to increase performance when not templating Hoop 2K/11/22 */
3655       if (gridptr->pfile->tmplat && (!alltimesinthisfile) &&
3656 	  (!alltimesin1file)) {
3657 	/* no need to read per timestep if not templating (or all times in one file); */
3658 	/* all read above */
3659 	if (!read_variable_data(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->cdfid, data_var,
3660 				start, count)) {
3661 	  gaprnt(0, "Failure reading SDF data.  #3\n") ;
3662 	  return(3) ;
3663 	}
3664       } /* end if templating and not all in one file */
3665       if (!ispacked) /* just copy */ {
3666 	if (pktype == NC_DOUBLE) {
3667 	  ddata = (double *) data_var->data ;
3668 	} else {
3669 	  fdata = (float *) data_var->data ;
3670 	}
3671       } else /* must unpack */ {
3672 	sdata = (short *) data_var->data ;
3673       } /* if unpacking needed */
3674       for (gzinx = gzstart, zinx = zstart ;
3675 	   (gzinx < gzstop) && ((zincr > 0)?(zinx < zstop):(zinx > zstop)) ;
3676 	   gzinx += gzincr, zinx += zincr) {
3677 	for (gyinx = gystart, yinx = ystart ;
3678 	     (gyinx < gystop) && ((yincr > 0)?(yinx < ystop):(yinx > ystop)) ;
3679 	     gyinx += gyincr, yinx += yincr) {
3680 	  for (gxinx = gxstart, xinx = xstart ;
3681 	       (gxinx < gxstop) && (xinx < xstop) ;
3682 	       gxinx += gxincr, xinx += xincr) {
3683 	    grinx = (gtinx * zyxsize) + (gzinx * yxsize) +
3684 	      (gyinx * count[xindex]) + gxinx ;
3685 	    xcnt = xinx - xstart ;
3686 	    if (gridptr->pfile->yrflg) {
3687 	      ycnt = yinx - ystop - 1 ;
3688 	    } else {
3689 	      ycnt = yinx - ystart ;
3690 	    }
3691 	    if (is4d) {
3692 	      if (gridptr->pfile->zrflg) {
3693 		zcnt = zinx - zstop - 1 ;
3694 	      } else {
3695 		zcnt = zinx - zstart ;
3696 	      }
3697 	    } else {
3698 	      zcnt = 1 ;
3699 	    }
3700 	    tcnt = tinx - tstart ;
3701 	    if (is4d) {
3702 	      inx = (zcnt * yxsize) + (ycnt * count[xindex]) + xcnt ;
3703 	    } else {
3704 	      inx = (ycnt * count[xindex]) + xcnt ;
3705 	    }
3706 	    /* experiment to increase performance when not templating Hoop 2K/11/22 */
3707 	    if ((!(gridptr->pfile->tmplat)) || alltimesinthisfile
3708 		|| alltimesin1file) {
3709 	      inx += (tinx * zyxsize) ;
3710 	    }
3711 	    if (ispacked) {
3712 	      /* handle missing */
3713 	      wasmiss = 0 ;
3714 	      if (sdata[inx] == smiss) {
3715 		wasmiss = 1 ;
3716 	      } else if ((!usingFV)&&(!(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->hasDDFundef))) {
3717 		/* check FV too */
3718 		if (sdata[inx] == sFillValue) {
3719 		  wasmiss = 1 ;
3720 		}
3721 	      }
3722 	      if (!wasmiss) {
3723 		fgrid[grinx] = (mysf * ((float) sdata[inx]))
3724 		  + myao ;
3725 	      } else {
3726 		fgrid[grinx] = gridptr->undef ;
3727 	      }
3728 	    } else {
3729 	      /* May want to swap missing values */
3730 	      /* Do want to.  -Hoop, 2K/07/25 */
3731 	      if (pktype == NC_DOUBLE) {
3732 		wasmiss = 0 ;
3733 		if (dequal(ddata[inx], dmiss, (double)1.0e-5)) {
3734 		  wasmiss = 1 ;
3735 		}
3736 		if ((!usingFV) && (!(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->hasDDFundef))) {
3737 		  if (dequal(ddata[inx], dFillValue, (double)1.0e-5)) {
3738 		    wasmiss = 1 ;
3739 		  }
3740 		}
3741 		if (!wasmiss) {
3742 		  fgrid[grinx] = (float) ddata[inx] ;
3743 		} else {
3744 		  fgrid[grinx] = gridptr->undef ;
3745 		}
3746 	      } else {
3747 		wasmiss = 0 ;
3748 		if (fequal(fdata[inx], fmiss, 1.0e-5)) {
3749 		  wasmiss = 1 ;
3750 		}
3751 		if ((!usingFV)&&(!(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->hasDDFundef))) {
3752 		  if (fequal(fdata[inx], fFillValue, 1.0e-5)) {
3753 		    wasmiss = 1 ;
3754 		  }
3755 		}
3756 		if (!wasmiss) {
3757 		  fgrid[grinx] = fdata[inx] ;
3758 		} else {
3759 		  fgrid[grinx] = gridptr->undef ;
3760 		}
3761 	      }
3762 	    } /* end if packed */
3763 	  } /* end for x indexing */
3764 	} /* end for y indexing */
3765       } /* end for z indexing */
3766     } /* end for time indexing */
3767     return(0) ;
3768   } /* end if not wrapped data */
3769 }
3771 /* below changed 1998/04/20 to buffer in all longitudes of a grid and pick */
3772 /* through the buffering to achieve wrapping effect  -Hoop */
3773 int
sdfwrap(VAR_INFO ** data_var_ptr,struct attrib_list * missvalattr,int ispacked,int is4d,float ao,float sf,int tdimindx,int tindex,int zdimindx,int zindex,int ydimindx,int yindex,int xdimindx,int xindex,struct gagrid * gridptr,float * fgrid,nc_type pktype,nc_type unpktype,int sdfxcount,int usingFV)3774 sdfwrap(VAR_INFO **data_var_ptr, struct attrib_list *missvalattr, int ispacked,
3775         int is4d, float ao, float sf, int tdimindx, int tindex,
3776 	int zdimindx, int zindex, int ydimindx, int yindex, int xdimindx,
3777 	int xindex, struct gagrid *gridptr, float *fgrid, nc_type pktype,
3778 	nc_type unpktype, int sdfxcount, int usingFV) {
3779   long start[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}, count[4] = {1, 1, 1, 1}, gridcnt, yxsize ;
3780   long zyxsize, xsize ;
3781   float *fdata, fmiss, *ftemp, fFillValue ;
3782   short *sdata, smiss, *stemp, sFillValue ;
3783   double *ddata, dmiss, *dtemp, dFillValue ;
3784   struct attrib_list *FVattr ;
3785   VAR_INFO *data_var = *data_var_ptr ;
3786   int gridinx, xstart, ystart, zstart, tstart, xstop, ystop, zstop, tstop ;
3787   int xincr, yincr, zincr, tincr, xinx, yinx, zinx, tinx, gxinx, gyinx ;
3788   int gzinx, gtinx, ztsize, yztsize, gxstart, gxstop, gxincr, gystart ;
3789   int gystop, gyincr, gzstart, gzstop, gzincr, mininx, maxinx, xact ;
3790   int xreqmin, xreqmax, xreq, xcount, xpos, gtstart, gtstop, gtincr ;
3791   int inx, grinx, starttime, newtime, tcount, timeindex, gyxsize, gzyxsize ;
3792   int tcnt, zcnt, ycnt, xcnt, wasmiss ;
3793   int fillwithmiss ; /* under orders from gaopsdf */
3794   int alltimesinthisfile, alltimesin1file ;
3795   int gaopsdf(int timeindex, struct gagrid *gridptr, VAR_INFO **data_var_ptr) ;
3796   struct attrib_list *find_att(struct attrib_list *first_att, char *attname) ;
3797   int fequal(float op1, float op2, float delta) ;
3798   int dequal(double op1, double op2, double delta) ;
3800   fillwithmiss = 0 ;
3801   xcount = gridptr->pfile->dnum[GXINDEX] ;
3802   xreqmin = gridptr->dimmin[GXINDEX] ;
3803   xreqmax = gridptr->dimmax[GXINDEX] ;
3804   if (gridptr->pfile->yrflg) {
3805     maxinx = gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[ydimindx]
3806       - gridptr->dimmin[GYINDEX] ;
3807     mininx = gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[ydimindx]
3808       - gridptr->dimmax[GYINDEX] ;
3809     start[yindex] = mininx ;
3810   } else {
3811     start[yindex] = gridptr->dimmin[GYINDEX] - 1 ;
3812   }
3813   count[yindex] = gridptr->dimmax[GYINDEX] - gridptr->dimmin[GYINDEX] + 1 ;
3814   if (count[yindex] > gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[ydimindx]) {
3815     count[yindex] = gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[ydimindx] ;
3816   }
3817   start[xindex] = 0 ;
3818   count[xindex] = sdfxcount ;
3819   xsize = gridptr->dimmax[GXINDEX] - gridptr->dimmin[GXINDEX] + 1 ;
3820   gystart = 0 ;
3821   gystop = count[yindex] ;
3822   gyincr = 1 ;
3823   if (gridptr->pfile->yrflg) {
3824     ystart = gystop - 1 ;
3825     ystop = gystart - 1 ;
3826     yincr = -1 ;
3827   } else {
3828     ystart = gystart ;
3829     ystop = gystop ;
3830     yincr = 1 ;
3831   }
3832   gridcnt = count[xindex] * count[yindex] ;
3833   if (is4d) {
3834     if (gridptr->pfile->zrflg) {
3835       /* Should determine z dim index empirically */
3836       maxinx = gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[zdimindx]
3837 	- gridptr->dimmin[GZINDEX] ;
3838       mininx = gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[zdimindx]
3839 	- gridptr->dimmax[GZINDEX] ;
3840       start[zindex] = mininx ;
3841     } else {
3842       start[zindex] = gridptr->dimmin[GZINDEX] - 1 ;
3843     }
3844     count[zindex] = gridptr->dimmax[GZINDEX] - gridptr->dimmin[GZINDEX] + 1 ;
3845     if (count[zindex] > gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[zdimindx]) {
3846       count[zindex] = gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->dimsiz[zdimindx] ;
3847     }
3848     gridcnt *= count[zindex] ;
3849     gzstart = 0 ;
3850     gzstop = count[zindex] ;
3851     gzincr = 1 ;
3852     if (gridptr->pfile->zrflg) {
3853       zstart = gzstop - 1 ;
3854       zstop = gzstart - 1 ;
3855       zincr = -1 ;
3856     } else {
3857       zstart = gzstart ;
3858       zstop = gzstop ;
3859       zincr = 1 ;
3860     }
3861   } else {
3862     gzstart = zstart = 0 ;
3863     gzstop = zstop = 1 ;
3864     gzincr = zincr = 1 ;
3865   }
3866   starttime = gridptr->dimmin[GTINDEX] ;
3867   tcount = gridptr->dimmax[GTINDEX] - starttime + 1 ;
3868   if (tindex != -1) {
3869     count[tindex] = 1 ; /* read each time step separately for templating */
3870   }
3871   gtstart = tstart = 0 ;
3872   gtstop = tstop = tcount ;
3873   gtincr = tincr = 1 ;
3874   yxsize = count[yindex] * count[xindex] ;
3875   gyxsize = count[yindex] * xsize ; /*output array has full xdim */
3876   zyxsize = (gzstop - gzstart) * yxsize ;
3877   gzyxsize = (gzstop - gzstart) * gyxsize ;
3878   gridcnt *= tcount ; /*???*/
3879   if ((!usingFV) && (!(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->hasDDFundef))) {
3880     /* need to check for _FillValue as well as missing_value */
3881     FVattr = find_att((*data_var_ptr)->first_vattr, "_FillValue") ;
3882   }
3883   if (!ispacked) {
3884     if (pktype == NC_FLOAT) {
3885       if (missvalattr) {
3886 	fdata = (float *) missvalattr->data ;
3887 	fmiss = *fdata ;
3888       } else {
3889 	fmiss = FILL_FLOAT ;
3890       }
3891       if ((!usingFV) && (!(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->hasDDFundef))) {
3892 	if (FVattr) {
3893 	  fdata = (float *) FVattr->data ;
3894 	  fFillValue = *fdata ;
3895 	} else {
3896 	  fFillValue = FILL_FLOAT ;
3897 	}
3898       } /* !usingFV */
3899     } else if (pktype == NC_DOUBLE) {
3900       if (missvalattr) {
3901 	ddata = (double *) missvalattr->data ;
3902 	dmiss = *ddata ;
3903       } else {
3904 	dmiss = FILL_DOUBLE ;
3905       }
3906       if ((!usingFV) && (!(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->hasDDFundef))) {
3907 	if (FVattr) {
3908 	  ddata = (double *) FVattr->data ;
3909 	  dFillValue = *ddata ;
3910 	} else {
3911 	  dFillValue = FILL_DOUBLE ;
3912 	}
3913       } /* !usingFV */
3914       /* else not yet a supported unpacked type */
3915     }
3916   } else {
3917     if ((!missvalattr) && (pktype != unpktype)) {
3918       smiss = (int) (((gridptr->undef - ao) / sf) + 0.5) ;
3919     } else {
3920       if ((!missvalattr) && (pktype == unpktype)) {
3921 	smiss = FILL_SHORT ;
3922       } else {
3923 	sdata = (short *) missvalattr->data ;
3924 	smiss = *sdata ;
3925       }
3926     }
3927     if ((!usingFV) && (!(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->hasDDFundef))) {
3928       if (FVattr) {
3929 	sdata = (short *) FVattr->data ;
3930 	sFillValue = *sdata ;
3931       } else {
3932 	sFillValue = FILL_SHORT ;
3933       }
3934     } /* !usingFV */
3935   } /* ispacked */
3936   alltimesinthisfile = 0 ;
3937   alltimesin1file = 0 ;
3938   if (gridptr->pfile->tmplat) {
3939     if ((*(gridptr->pfile->fnums + starttime - 1)) == gridptr->pfile->fnumc) {
3940       /* this time slice starts in the current file, so let's see if */
3941       /* it ends in the same file */
3942       if ((*(gridptr->pfile->fnums + starttime - 1 + tstop - tstart - 1)) ==
3943 	  gridptr->pfile->fnumc) /* ends in same file */ {
3944 	alltimesinthisfile = 1 ;
3945 	alltimesin1file = 1 ;
3946       }
3947     } else /* first time not in current file */ {
3948       if ((*(gridptr->pfile->fnums + starttime - 1)) ==
3949 	  (*(gridptr->pfile->fnums + starttime - 1 + tstop - tstart - 1))) {
3950 	alltimesin1file = 1 ;
3951       }
3952     } /* is first time in current file */
3953   } /* if templating */
3954   if ((!(gridptr->pfile->tmplat)) || alltimesinthisfile) {
3955     if (tindex != -1) {
3956       start[tindex] = starttime - 1 ;
3957       count[tindex] = tstop - tstart ;
3958     } /* if tindex is valid => we have a time dim. */
3959     if (gridptr->pfile->tmplat) {
3960       if ((gridptr->pfile->fnums[0]) != (gridptr->pfile->fnumc)) {
3961 	/* if we are not on the first file, we still need to call gaopsdf to */
3962 	/* adulterate the starttime to be one relative to the current file */
3963 	/* -Hoop, 2001/04/14 */
3964 	newtime = gaopsdf(starttime, gridptr, data_var_ptr) ;
3965 	if (newtime == -99999) /* bad surprise */ {
3966 	  gaprnt(0, "Bad time index in SDF file.\n") ;
3967 	  return(1) ; /* bad time index */
3968 	} /* bad surprise */
3969 	if (newtime == -88888) /* bad file, bad surprise */ {
3970 	  for (grinx = 0 ;  grinx < gridcnt ;  ++grinx) {
3971 	    fgrid[grinx] = gridptr->undef ;
3972 	  }
3973 	  return(0) ;
3974 	} /* bad file, bad surprise */
3975 	if (tindex != -1) {
3976 	  start[tindex] = newtime - 1 ;
3977 	}
3978       } /* if not 1st file, thus need new starttime */
3979     } /* if templating */
3980     if (!read_variable_data(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->cdfid,
3981 			    (*data_var_ptr), start, count)) {
3982       gaprnt(0, "Failure reading SDF data.  #4\n") ;
3983       return(3) ;
3984     }
3985   } /* end if not templating or allin1, read all times at once */ else {
3986     if (alltimesin1file) {
3987       if (tindex != -1) {
3988 	start[tindex] = starttime - 1 ;
3989 	count[tindex] = tstop - tstart ;
3990       } /* if tindex is valid => we have a time dim. */
3991       newtime = gaopsdf(starttime, gridptr, data_var_ptr) ;
3992       if (newtime == -99999) {
3993 	gaprnt(0, "Bad time index in SDF file.\n") ;
3994 	return(1) ; /* bad time index */
3995       }
3996       if (newtime == -88888) /* bad file */ {
3997 	for (grinx = 0 ;  grinx < gridcnt ;  ++grinx) {
3998 	  fgrid[grinx] = gridptr->undef ;
3999 	}
4000 	return(0) ;
4001       }  /* if bad file */
4002       data_var = *data_var_ptr ;
4003       if (tindex != -1) {
4004 	start[tindex] = newtime - 1 ;
4005       }
4006       if (!read_variable_data(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->cdfid,
4007 			      (*data_var_ptr), start, count)) {
4008 	gaprnt(0, "Failure reading SDF data.  #5\n") ;
4009 	return(3) ;
4010       }
4011     } /* still do all in one read, but after gaopsdf */
4012   } /* templating, not all in this file */
4013   for (timeindex = starttime, gtinx = gtstart, tinx = tstart ;
4014        (gtinx < gtstop) && (tinx < tstop) ;
4015        gtinx += gtincr, tinx += tincr, timeindex += tincr) {
4016     newtime = timeindex ;
4017     if (gridptr->pfile->tmplat) {
4018       if ((!alltimesinthisfile) && (!alltimesin1file)) {
4019 	newtime = gaopsdf(timeindex, gridptr, data_var_ptr) ;
4020 	if (newtime == -99999) {
4021 	  gaprnt(0, "Bad time index in SDF file.\n") ;
4022 	  return(1) ;  /* bad time index */
4023 	}
4024 	if (newtime == -88888) /* bad file */ {
4025 	  fillwithmiss = 1 ;
4026 	} /* if bad file */
4027 	data_var = *data_var_ptr ;
4028       }
4029     } /* if templating in use */
4030     if (!fillwithmiss) {
4031       if (tindex != -1) {
4032 	start[tindex] = newtime - 1 ;
4033       }
4034     }
4035 #ifdef TESTING
4036     fprintf(stderr,
4037 	    "read_variable_data(%d, %s, [%ld, %ld, %ld, %ld], [%ld, %ld, %ld, %ld])\n",
4038 	    gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->cdfid, (*data_var_ptr)->varnam, start[0], start[1],
4039 	    start[2], start[3], count[0], count[1], count[2], count[3]) ;
4040 #endif
4041     if (!fillwithmiss) {
4042       /* experiment to increase performance when not templating Hoop 2K/11/22 */
4043       if (gridptr->pfile->tmplat && (!alltimesinthisfile) &&
4044 	  (!alltimesin1file)) {
4045 	/* no need to read per time step if not templating or all times in one file; */
4046 	/* all read above */
4047 	if (!read_variable_data(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->cdfid,
4048 	                        (*data_var_ptr), start, count)) {
4049 	  gaprnt(0, "Failure reading SDF data.  #6\n") ;
4050 	  return(3) ;
4051 	}
4052       } /* end if templating and not all in one file */
4053       if (!ispacked) {
4054 	if (pktype == NC_DOUBLE) {
4055 	  ddata = (double *) (*data_var_ptr)->data ;
4056 	} else {
4057 	  fdata = (float *) (*data_var_ptr)->data ;
4058 	}
4059       } else /* must unpack */ {
4060 	sdata = (short *) (*data_var_ptr)->data ;
4061       } /* is it packed? */
4062     } /* only do above if not fillwithmiss */
4063     for (gzinx = gzstart, zinx = zstart ;
4064 	 (gzinx < gzstop) && ((zincr > 0)?(zinx < zstop):(zinx > zstop)) ;
4065 	 gzinx += gzincr, zinx += zincr) {
4066       for (gyinx = gystart, yinx = ystart ;
4067 	   (gyinx < gystop) && ((yincr > 0)?(yinx < ystop):(yinx > ystop)) ;
4068 	   gyinx += gyincr, yinx += yincr) {
4069 	for (xreq = xreqmin, xpos = 0 ;  xreq <= xreqmax ;  ++xreq, ++xpos) {
4070 	  xact = xreq ;
4071 	  while (xact < 1) { xact += xcount ; }
4072 	  while (xact > xcount) { xact -= xcount ; }
4073 	  grinx = (gtinx * gzyxsize) + (gzinx * gyxsize) +
4074 	    (gyinx * xsize) + xpos ;
4075 	  if (gridptr->pfile->yrflg) {
4076 	    ycnt = yinx - ystop - 1 ;
4077 	  } else {
4078 	    ycnt = yinx - ystart ;
4079 	  }
4080 	  if (is4d) {
4081 	    if (gridptr->pfile->zrflg) {
4082 	      zcnt = zinx - zstop - 1 ;
4083 	    } else {
4084 	      zcnt = zinx - zstart ;
4085 	    }
4086 	  } else {
4087 	    zcnt = 1 ;
4088 	  }
4089 	  tcnt = tinx - tstart ;
4090 	  if (is4d) {
4091 	    inx = (zcnt * yxsize) + (ycnt * sdfxcount) + xact - 1 ;
4092 	  } else {
4093 	    inx = (ycnt * sdfxcount) + xact - 1 ;
4094 	  }
4095 	  /* experiment to increase performance when not templating Hoop 2K/11/22 */
4096 	  if ((!(gridptr->pfile->tmplat)) || alltimesinthisfile
4097 	      || alltimesin1file) {
4098 	    inx += (tinx * zyxsize) ;
4099 	  }
4100 #ifdef TESTING2
4101 	  fprintf(stderr, "grinx=%d, inx=%d.\n", grinx, inx) ;
4102 #endif
4103 	  if (fillwithmiss) {
4104 	    fgrid[grinx] = gridptr->undef ;
4105 	  } else {
4106 	    if (ispacked) {
4107 	      /* handle missing */
4108 	      wasmiss = 0 ;
4109 	      if (sdata[inx] == smiss) {
4110 		wasmiss = 1 ;
4111 	      } else if ((!usingFV) && (!(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->hasDDFundef))){
4112 		if (sdata[inx] == sFillValue) {
4113 		  wasmiss = 1 ;
4114 		}
4115 	      }
4116 	      if (!wasmiss) {
4117 		fgrid[grinx] = (sf * ((float) sdata[inx])) + ao ;
4118 	      } else {
4119 		fgrid[grinx] = gridptr->undef ;
4120 	      }
4121 	    } else {
4122 	      /* may wish to swap missing values */
4123 	      /* Do want to.  -Hoop, 2K/07/25 */
4124 	      if (pktype == NC_DOUBLE) {
4125 		wasmiss = 0 ;
4126 		if (dequal(ddata[inx], dmiss, (double)1.0e-5)) {
4127 		  wasmiss = 1 ;
4128 		} else if ((!usingFV) && (!(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->hasDDFundef))){
4129 		  if (dequal(ddata[inx], dFillValue, (double)1.0e-5)) {
4130 		    wasmiss = 1 ;
4131 		  }
4132 		}
4133 		if (!wasmiss) {
4134 		  fgrid[grinx] = (float) ddata[inx] ;
4135 		} else {
4136 		  fgrid[grinx] = gridptr->undef ;
4137 		}
4138 	      } else if (pktype == NC_FLOAT) {
4139 		wasmiss = 0 ;
4140 		if (fequal(fdata[inx], fmiss, 1.0e-5)) {
4141 		  wasmiss = 1 ;
4142 		} else if ((!usingFV) && (!(gridptr->pfile->sdf_ptr->hasDDFundef))){
4143 		  if(fequal(fdata[inx], fFillValue, 1.0e-5)) {
4144 		    wasmiss = 1 ;
4145 		  }
4146 		}
4147 		if (!wasmiss) {
4148 		  fgrid[grinx] = fdata[inx] ;
4149 		} else {
4150 		  fgrid[grinx] = gridptr->undef ;
4151 		}
4152 		/* else using unsupported (not)packed type */
4153 	      }
4154 	    } /* end if packed */
4155 	  } /* end if fillwithmiss */
4156 	} /* for x if wrapped */
4157       } /* end for y indexing */
4158     } /* end for z indexing */
4159   } /* end for time indexing */
4160   return(0) ;
4161 }
4163 int
convtype(void * srcptr,nc_type srctype,void * desptr,nc_type destype,int srcindex,int desindex)4164 convtype(void *srcptr, nc_type srctype, void *desptr, nc_type destype,
4165          int srcindex, int desindex) {
4166   short *ssrcptr, *sdesptr ;
4167   long *lsrcptr, *ldesptr ;
4168   float *fsrcptr, *fdesptr ;
4169   double *dsrcptr, *ddesptr ;
4171   switch (srctype) {
4172   case NC_SHORT:
4173     ssrcptr = (short *) srcptr ;
4174     switch (destype) {
4175     case NC_SHORT:  /* stupid, but... */
4176       sdesptr = (short *) desptr ;
4177       sdesptr[desindex] = (short) (ssrcptr[srcindex]) ;
4178       break ;
4179     case NC_LONG:
4180       ldesptr = (long *) desptr ;
4181       ldesptr[desindex] = (long) (ssrcptr[srcindex]) ;
4182       break ;
4183     case NC_FLOAT:
4184       fdesptr = (float *) desptr ;
4185       fdesptr[desindex] = (float) (ssrcptr[srcindex]) ;
4186       break ;
4187     case NC_DOUBLE:
4188       ddesptr = (double *) desptr ;
4189       ddesptr[desindex] = (double) (ssrcptr[srcindex]) ;
4190       break ;
4191     default:
4192       return(0) ;  /* inappropriate type for conversion */
4193       break ;
4194     } /* end destype switch */
4195     break ;
4196   case NC_LONG:
4197     lsrcptr = (long *) srcptr ;
4198     switch (destype) {
4199     case NC_SHORT:
4200       sdesptr = (short *) desptr ;
4201       sdesptr[desindex] = (short) (lsrcptr[srcindex]) ;
4202       break ;
4203     case NC_LONG:  /* stupid, but... */
4204       ldesptr = (long *) desptr ;
4205       ldesptr[desindex] = (long) (lsrcptr[srcindex]) ;
4206       break ;
4207     case NC_FLOAT:
4208       fdesptr = (float *) desptr ;
4209       fdesptr[desindex] = (float) (lsrcptr[srcindex]) ;
4210       break ;
4211     case NC_DOUBLE:
4212       ddesptr = (double *) desptr ;
4213       ddesptr[desindex] = (double) (lsrcptr[srcindex]) ;
4214       break ;
4215     default:
4216       return(0) ; /* inappropriate type for conversion */
4217       break ;
4218     } /* end destype switch */
4219     break ;
4220   case NC_FLOAT:
4221     fsrcptr = (float *) srcptr ;
4222     switch (destype) {
4223     case NC_SHORT:
4224       sdesptr = (short *) desptr ;
4225       sdesptr[desindex] = (short) (fsrcptr[srcindex]) ;
4226       break ;
4227     case NC_LONG:
4228       ldesptr = (long *) desptr ;
4229       ldesptr[desindex] = (long) (fsrcptr[srcindex]) ;
4230       break ;
4231     case NC_FLOAT:  /* stupid, but... */
4232       fdesptr = (float *) desptr ;
4233       fdesptr[desindex] = (float) (fsrcptr[srcindex]) ;
4234       break ;
4235     case NC_DOUBLE:
4236       ddesptr = (double *) desptr ;
4237       ddesptr[desindex] = (double) (fsrcptr[srcindex]) ;
4238       break ;
4239     default:
4240       return(0) ; /* inappropriate type for conversion */
4241       break ;
4242     } /* end destype switch */
4243     break ;
4244   case NC_DOUBLE:
4245     dsrcptr = (double *) srcptr ;
4246     switch (destype) {
4247     case NC_SHORT:
4248       sdesptr = (short *) desptr ;
4249       sdesptr[desindex] = (short) (dsrcptr[srcindex]) ;
4250       break ;
4251     case NC_LONG:
4252       ldesptr = (long *) desptr ;
4253       ldesptr[desindex] = (long) (dsrcptr[srcindex]) ;
4254       break ;
4255     case NC_FLOAT:
4256       fdesptr = (float *) desptr ;
4257       fdesptr[desindex] = (float) (dsrcptr[srcindex]) ;
4258       break ;
4259     case NC_DOUBLE:  /* stupid, but... */
4260       ddesptr = (double *) desptr ;
4261       ddesptr[desindex] = (double) (dsrcptr[srcindex]) ;
4262       break ;
4263     default:
4264       return(0) ; /* inappropriate type for conversion */
4265       break ;
4266     } /* end destype switch */
4267     break ;
4268   default:
4269     return(0) ; /* inappropriate type for conversion */
4270     break ;
4271   } /* end srctype switch */
4272   return(1) ; /* conversion successful */
4273   /* NOTREACHED */
4274 }
4276 #include "gasdf_std_time.h"
4277 /* Old RCS ID: ReadNetCDF.c,v 1.1 1995/05/02 20:23:12 jac Exp jac $ */
4278 /* Revision 1.1  1995/05/02  20:23:12  jac (Julia Collins) */
4279 /* Initial revision */
4281 /* open and read a netcdf file */
4282 /* print variable and dimension information to standard output */
4284 #define True		1
4285 #define False		0
4287 int
print_dim_info(std_ptr,dim,all)4288 print_dim_info (std_ptr, dim, all)
4289      IO_STD *std_ptr;
4290      int dim;
4291      int all;		/* whether to print all values. If False, */
4292 			/* only the first and last values are shown */
4293 {
4294   VAR_INFO *var = NULL;
4295   union att_val dim_val;
4296   int i;
4297   int is_time = False;
4298   char tstring[128];
4299   utUnit unit;
4301   int  decode_time ();
4302   void set_data_to_type ();
4303   void adjust_data_type ();
4304   VAR_INFO *find_var ();
4306   /* print dim info if it exists */
4307   if (dim >= 0)
4308     {
4309       if ((var = find_var (std_ptr, std_ptr->dimnam[dim])) == NULL)
4310 	return Failure;
4311       if (read_one_dimension (std_ptr, var, dim) != Success)
4312 	return Failure;
4314       /* print the dimension name */
4315       printf ("%s\n", var->varnam);
4317       if (!strcmp (var->varnam, dims[TIME_IX]))
4318 	{
4319 	  is_time = True;
4320 	  if (std_ptr->time_type == COOP)
4321 	    get_ud_time_unit (var, &unit);
4322 	}
4324       /* print the data values */
4325       if (all)
4326 	{
4327 	  for (i = 0; i < std_ptr->dimsiz[dim]; i++)
4328 	    {
4329 	      set_data_to_type (var->vartype, i, var->data, &dim_val);
4330 	      if (is_time)
4331 		{
4332 		  decode_time (dim_val.dval, std_ptr->time_type, var, tstring, &unit);
4333 		  printf ("%s\n", tstring);
4334 		}
4335 	      else
4336 		{
4337 		  adjust_data_type (var->vartype, NC_FLOAT, &dim_val);
4338 		  printf ("%.2f\n", dim_val.fval);
4339 		}
4340 	    }
4341 	}
4342       else
4343 	{
4344 	  /* print first value */
4345 	  set_data_to_type (var->vartype, 0, var->data, &dim_val);
4346 	  if (is_time)
4347 	    {
4348 	      decode_time (dim_val.dval, std_ptr->time_type, var, tstring, &unit);
4349 	      printf ("%s\n", tstring);
4350 	    }
4351 	  else
4352 	    {
4353 	      adjust_data_type (var->vartype, NC_FLOAT, &dim_val);
4354 	      printf ("%.2f\n", dim_val.fval);
4355 	    }
4357 	  /* print last value */
4358 	  set_data_to_type (var->vartype, std_ptr->dimsiz[dim] - 1,
4359 			    var->data, &dim_val);
4360 	  if (is_time)
4361 	    {
4362 	      decode_time (dim_val.dval, std_ptr->time_type, var, tstring, &unit);
4363 	      printf ("%s\n", tstring);
4364 	    }
4365 	  else
4366 	    {
4367 	      adjust_data_type (var->vartype, NC_FLOAT, &dim_val);
4368 	      printf ("%.2f\n", dim_val.fval);
4369 	    }
4370 	}
4371       printf ("END\n");
4372     }
4374   return Success;
4375 }
4377 int
decode_time(tval,time_type,var,tstring,unit)4378 decode_time (tval, time_type, var, tstring, unit)
4379      double 	  tval;		/* value to decode */
4380      int 	  time_type;	/* whether time is formatted according to "old" CDC */
4381      /* standards or according to udunits		    */
4382      VAR_INFO *var;
4383      char 	 *tstring;
4384      utUnit   *unit;
4385 {
4386   int yr, mo, da, hr, min;
4387   double sec;
4388   struct attrib_list *delta;
4389   int pix;
4390   char delta_t_str[128];
4392   struct attrib_list *find_att ();
4393   int decode_ud_time() ;
4394   int decode_standard_time() ;
4395   void        set_default_time_components ();
4397   /* get delta_t */
4398   delta = find_att (var->first_vattr, time_atts[DELTA_T_IX]);
4399   ((char *) delta->data)[delta->len] = '\0';
4401   /* get delta_t values */
4402   if (decode_delta_t ((char *) delta->data, &yr, &mo, &da, &hr,
4403 		      &min, &sec) != Success)
4404     pix = -1;
4405   else if (get_period (yr, mo, da, hr, &pix) != Success)
4406     pix = -1;
4408   if (time_type == CDC)
4409     {
4410       if (decode_standard_time (tval, &yr, &mo, &da,
4411 				&hr, &min, &sec) != Success)
4412 	return Failure;
4413     }
4414   else
4415     {
4416       if (decode_ud_time (unit, tval, &yr, &mo, &da, &hr, &min, &sec) != Success)
4417 	return Failure;
4418     }
4420   /* now format the string */
4421   set_default_time_components (pix, &yr, &mo, &da, &hr, &min, &sec);
4422   encode_time (yr, mo, da, hr, min, (int) sec, tstring);
4424   return Success;
4425 }
4427 int
get_period(year,month,day,hour,pix)4428 get_period (year, month, day, hour, pix)
4429      int         year;
4430      int         month;
4431      int         day;
4432      int         hour;
4433      int        *pix;
4434 {
4435   if ((year != MISSING) && (year > 0))
4436     *pix = PYEARS;
4437   else if ((month != MISSING) && (month > 0))
4438     {
4439       /* this can be months or seasons */
4440       if (month % MONTHS_PER_SEASON)
4441 	/* month is multiple of size of season, so assume seasonal file */
4442 	*pix = PMONTHS;
4443       else
4444 	*pix = PSEASONS;
4445     }
4446   else if ((day != MISSING) && (day > 0))
4447     {
4448       /* This can be days or pentads */
4449       if (day % DAYS_PER_PENTAD)
4450 	*pix = PDAYS;
4451       else
4452 	*pix = PPENTADS;
4453     }
4454   else if ((hour != MISSING) && (hour > 0))
4455     *pix = PHOURS;
4456   else
4457     {
4458       *pix = MISSING;
4459       return Failure;
4460     }
4462   return Success;
4463 }
4465 /* set any missing components to a default beginning value */
4466 void
set_default_time_components(pix,yr,mo,day,hour,min,sec)4467 set_default_time_components (pix, yr, mo, day, hour, min, sec)
4468      int         pix;
4469      int        *yr;
4470      int        *mo;
4471      int        *day;
4472      int        *hour;
4473      int        *min;
4474      double     *sec;
4475 {
4476   if (pix < 0)
4477     return;
4479   switch (pix)
4480     {
4481     case PMONTHS:
4482     case PSEASONS:
4483       if (*mo < 0)
4484 	*mo = 1;
4485       *day = MISSING;
4486       *hour = MISSING;
4487       *min = MISSING;
4488       *sec = (double) MISSING;
4489       break;
4491     case PDAYS:
4492     case PPENTADS:
4493       if (*day < 0)
4494 	*day = 1;
4495       *hour = MISSING;
4496       *min = MISSING;
4497       *sec = (double) MISSING;
4498       break;
4500     case PHOURS:
4501       if (*hour < 0)
4502 	*hour = 0;
4503       *min = MISSING;
4504       *sec = (double) MISSING;
4505       break;
4507     default:
4508       break;
4509     }
4510   return;
4511 }
4513 int
encode_time(yr,mo,da,hr,min,sec,tstring)4514 encode_time (yr, mo, da, hr, min, sec, tstring)
4515      int 	yr;
4516      int 	mo;
4517      int 	da;
4518      int 	hr;
4519      int 	min;
4520      int 	sec;
4521      char   *tstring;
4522 {
4523   static char *month[13] = {" ", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr",
4524 			    "May", "June", "July", "Aug",
4525 			    "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
4526   char tstr[32];
4528   strcpy (tstring, " ");
4529   if (mo != MISSING)
4530     {
4531       sprintf (tstring, "%s ", month[mo]);
4532     }
4533   if (da != MISSING)
4534     {
4535       sprintf (tstr, "%d ", da);
4536       strcat (tstring, tstr);
4537     }
4538   if (hr != MISSING)
4539     {
4540       sprintf (tstr, "%.2d", hr);
4541       strcat (tstring, tstr);
4542       if (min != MISSING)
4543 	{
4544 	  sprintf (tstr, ":%.2d", min);
4545 	  strcat (tstring, tstr);
4546 	  if (sec != MISSING)
4547 	    {
4548 	      sprintf (tstr, "%.2d ", sec);
4549 	      strcat (tstring, tstr);
4550 	    }
4551 	}
4552     }
4553   if (yr != MISSING)
4554     {
4555       sprintf (tstr, "%d", yr);
4556       strcat (tstring, tstr);
4557     }
4559   return Success;
4560 }
4562 /* get the udunit structure for time */
get_ud_time_unit(time,unit)4563 get_ud_time_unit (time, unit)
4564      VAR_INFO   *time;		/* time variable information */
4565      utUnit 	   *unit;
4566 {
4567   struct attrib_list *units_str;
4568   struct attrib_list *find_att ();
4570   /* get units string */
4571   if ((units_str = find_att (time->first_vattr,
4572 			     time_atts[T_UNITS_IX])) == NULL)
4573     return Failure;
4575   /* scan the units */
4576   if (utScan ((char *) units_str->data, unit))
4577     return Failure;
4579   return Success;
4580 }
4582 /* use the udunits library to decode a time value */
4583 int
decode_ud_time(unit,time_val,yr,mo,da,hr,min,sec)4584 decode_ud_time (unit, time_val, yr, mo, da, hr, min, sec)
4585      utUnit     *unit;		/* time unit information */
4586      double      time_val;		/* input time value */
4587      int        *yr;			/* (returned) decoded year */
4588      int        *mo;			/* (returned) decoded month */
4589      int        *da;			/* (returned) decoded day */
4590      int        *hr;			/* (returned) decoded hour */
4591      int        *min;		/* (returned) decoded minute */
4592      double     *sec;		/* (returned) decoded second */
4593 {
4595   /* convert the time to integer components */
4596   if (utCalendar (time_val, unit, yr, mo, da, hr, min, (float *) sec))
4597     return Failure;
4599   return Success;
4600 }
4602 /* Strip the given number of characters from the string and return the
4603    new length.  If the number of characters to strip is less than
4604    or equal to zero, or if the strip length is greater than the
4605    string length, return Failure.  Otherwise, return Success. */
4606 int
strip_char(strip_num,str1,int_len)4607 strip_char (strip_num, str1, int_len)
4608      int         strip_num;		/* Number of characters to strip. */
4609      char       *str1;		/* (input and output) String */
4610      int        *int_len;		/* (input and output) String length */
4611 {
4612   int         slen;
4614   slen = strlen (str1);
4615   if (strip_num <= 0)
4616     return Failure;
4617   slen -= strip_num;
4618   if (slen < 0)
4619     return Failure;
4620   *int_len = slen;
4621   str1[slen] = '\0';
4623   return Success;
4624 }
4626 /* Decode standard time.  Return Success if OK, Failure if error. */
4627 int
decode_standard_time(time_val,year,month,day,hour,minn,sec)4628 decode_standard_time (time_val, year, month, day, hour, minn, sec)
4629      double      time_val;		/* Time value to be decoded. */
4630      int        *year;		/* (returned) year */
4631      int        *month;		/* (returned) month */
4632      int        *day;		/* (returned) day */
4633      int        *hour;		/* (returned) hour */
4634      int        *minn;		/* (returned) minute */
4635      double     *sec;		/* (returned) second */
4636 {
4637   char        str1[20];
4638   int         i,
4639     slen,
4640     int_len;
4642   /* Make time value into character string. */
4643   sprintf (str1, "%f", time_val);
4645   /* Find decimal point. */
4646   slen = strlen (str1);
4647   for (i = 0; i < slen; i++)
4648     {
4649       if (str1[i] == '.')
4650 	{
4651 	  int_len = i;
4652 	  break;
4653 	}
4654     }
4655   if (int_len == 0)
4656     {
4657       return Failure;
4658     }
4660   /* Get second. */
4661   if (int_len <= 2)
4662     {
4663       sscanf (str1, "%lf", sec);
4664       int_len = 0;
4665     }
4666   else
4667     {
4668       sscanf (&str1[int_len - 2], "%lf", sec);
4669       str1[int_len] = '\0';
4670       (void) strip_char (2, str1, &int_len);
4671     }
4673   /* Get minute. */
4674   *minn = MISSING;
4675   if (int_len > 0)
4676     {
4677       if (int_len <= 2)
4678 	{
4679 	  sscanf (str1, "%d", minn);
4680 	  int_len = 0;
4681 	}
4682       else
4683 	{
4684 	  sscanf (&str1[int_len - 2], "%d", minn);
4685 	  str1[int_len] = '\0';
4686 	  (void) strip_char (2, str1, &int_len);
4687 	}
4688     }
4690   /* Get hour. */
4691   *hour = MISSING;
4692   if (int_len > 0)
4693     {
4694       if (int_len <= 2)
4695 	{
4696 	  sscanf (str1, "%d", hour);
4697 	  int_len = 0;
4698 	}
4699       else
4700 	{
4701 	  sscanf (&str1[int_len - 2], "%d", hour);
4702 	  str1[int_len] = '\0';
4703 	  (void) strip_char (2, str1, &int_len);
4704 	}
4705     }
4707   /* Get day. */
4708   *day = MISSING;
4709   if (int_len > 0)
4710     {
4711       if (int_len <= 2)
4712 	{
4713 	  sscanf (str1, "%d", day);
4714 	  int_len = 0;
4715 	}
4716       else
4717 	{
4718 	  sscanf (&str1[int_len - 2], "%d", day);
4719 	  str1[int_len] = '\0';
4720 	  (void) strip_char (2, str1, &int_len);
4721 	}
4722     }
4724   /* Get month. */
4725   *month = MISSING;
4726   if (int_len > 0)
4727     {
4728       if (int_len <= 2)
4729 	{
4730 	  sscanf (str1, "%d", month);
4731 	  int_len = 0;
4732 	}
4733       else
4734 	{
4735 	  sscanf (&str1[int_len - 2], "%d", month);
4736 	  str1[int_len] = '\0';
4737 	  (void) strip_char (2, str1, &int_len);
4738 	}
4739     }
4741   /* Get year.  A year of 0000 or 9999 defaults to missing. */
4742   *year = MISSING;
4743   if (int_len > 0)
4744     sscanf (str1, "%d", year);
4745   if ((*year == 0) || (*year == 9999))
4746     *year = MISSING;
4748   /* All OK. */
4749   return Success;
4750 }
4753 void
adjust_data_type(old_type,new_type,val)4754 adjust_data_type (old_type, new_type, val)
4755      nc_type     old_type;		/* current data type */
4756      nc_type     new_type;		/* type to cast data TO */
4757      union att_val *val;		/* current values, updated and returned */
4759 {
4760   union att_val save_val;
4762   switch (new_type)
4763     {
4764     case NC_BYTE:
4765       switch (old_type)
4766 	{
4767 	case NC_SHORT:
4768 	  save_val.sval = val->sval;
4769 	  if (val->sval == SMISS)
4770 	    val->bval = BMISS;
4771 	  else if (val->sval == SFILL)
4772 	    val->bval = BFILL;
4773 	  else
4774 	    val->bval = (char) save_val.sval;
4775 	  break;
4776 	case NC_LONG:
4777 	  save_val.lval = val->lval;
4778 	  if (val->lval == LMISS)
4779 	    val->bval = BMISS;
4780 	  else if (val->lval == LFILL)
4781 	    val->bval = BFILL;
4782 	  else
4783 	    val->bval = (char) save_val.lval;
4784 	  break;
4785 	case NC_FLOAT:
4786 	  save_val.fval = val->fval;
4787 	  if (dbl_equal (val->fval, FMISS))
4788 	    val->bval = BMISS;
4789 	  else if (dbl_equal (val->fval, FFILL))
4790 	    val->bval = BFILL;
4791 	  else
4792 	    val->bval = (char) save_val.fval;
4793 	  break;
4794 	case NC_DOUBLE:
4795 	  save_val.dval = val->dval;
4796 	  if (dbl_equal (val->dval, DMISS))
4797 	    val->bval = BMISS;
4798 	  else if (dbl_equal (val->dval, DFILL))
4799 	    val->bval = BFILL;
4800 	  else
4801 	    val->bval = (char) save_val.dval;
4802 	  break;
4803 	default:
4804 	  break;
4805 	}
4806       break;
4807     case NC_SHORT:
4808       switch (old_type)
4809 	{
4810 	case NC_BYTE:
4811 	  save_val.bval = val->bval;
4812 	  if (val->bval == BMISS)
4813 	    val->sval = SMISS;
4814 	  else if (val->bval == BFILL)
4815 	    val->sval = SFILL;
4816 	  else
4817 	    val->sval = (short) save_val.bval;
4818 	  break;
4819 	case NC_LONG:
4820 	  save_val.lval = val->lval;
4821 	  if (val->lval == LMISS)
4822 	    val->sval = SMISS;
4823 	  else if (val->lval == LFILL)
4824 	    val->sval = SFILL;
4825 	  else
4826 	    val->sval = (short) save_val.lval;
4827 	  break;
4828 	case NC_FLOAT:
4829 	  save_val.fval = val->fval;
4830 	  if (dbl_equal (val->fval, FMISS))
4831 	    val->sval = SMISS;
4832 	  else if (dbl_equal (val->fval, FFILL))
4833 	    val->sval = SFILL;
4834 	  else
4835 	    val->sval = (short) save_val.fval;
4836 	  break;
4837 	case NC_DOUBLE:
4838 	  save_val.dval = val->dval;
4839 	  if (dbl_equal (val->dval, DMISS))
4840 	    val->sval = SMISS;
4841 	  else if (dbl_equal (val->dval, DFILL))
4842 	    val->sval = SFILL;
4843 	  else
4844 	    val->sval = (short) save_val.dval;
4845 	  break;
4846 	default:
4847 	  break;
4848 	}
4849       break;
4850     case NC_LONG:
4851       switch (old_type)
4852 	{
4853 	case NC_SHORT:
4854 	  save_val.sval = val->sval;
4855 	  if (val->sval == SMISS)
4856 	    val->lval = LMISS;
4857 	  else if (val->sval == SFILL)
4858 	    val->lval = LFILL;
4859 	  else
4860 	    val->lval = (long) save_val.sval;
4861 	  break;
4862 	case NC_BYTE:
4863 	  save_val.bval = val->bval;
4864 	  if (val->bval == BMISS)
4865 	    val->lval = LMISS;
4866 	  else if (val->bval == BFILL)
4867 	    val->lval = LFILL;
4868 	  else
4869 	    val->lval = (long) save_val.bval;
4870 	  break;
4871 	case NC_FLOAT:
4872 	  save_val.fval = val->fval;
4873 	  if (dbl_equal (val->fval, FMISS))
4874 	    val->lval = LMISS;
4875 	  else if (dbl_equal (val->fval, FFILL))
4876 	    val->lval = LFILL;
4877 	  else
4878 	    val->lval = (long) save_val.fval;
4879 	  break;
4880 	case NC_DOUBLE:
4881 	  save_val.dval = val->dval;
4882 	  if (dbl_equal (val->dval, DMISS))
4883 	    val->lval = LMISS;
4884 	  else if (dbl_equal (val->dval, DFILL))
4885 	    val->lval = LFILL;
4886 	  else
4887 	    val->lval = (long) save_val.dval;
4888 	  break;
4889 	default:
4890 	  break;
4891 	}
4892       break;
4893     case NC_FLOAT:
4894       switch (old_type)
4895 	{
4896 	case NC_SHORT:
4897 	  save_val.sval = val->sval;
4898 	  if (val->sval == SMISS)
4899 	    val->fval = FMISS;
4900 	  else if (val->sval == SFILL)
4901 	    val->fval = FFILL;
4902 	  else
4903 	    val->fval = (float) save_val.sval;
4904 	  break;
4905 	case NC_LONG:
4906 	  save_val.lval = val->lval;
4907 	  if (val->lval == LMISS)
4908 	    val->fval = FMISS;
4909 	  else if (val->lval == LFILL)
4910 	    val->fval = FFILL;
4911 	  else
4912 	    val->fval = (float) save_val.lval;
4913 	  break;
4914 	case NC_BYTE:
4915 	  save_val.bval = val->bval;
4916 	  if (val->bval == BMISS)
4917 	    val->fval = FMISS;
4918 	  else if (val->bval == BFILL)
4919 	    val->fval = FFILL;
4920 	  else
4921 	    val->fval = (float) save_val.bval;
4922 	  break;
4923 	case NC_DOUBLE:
4924 	  save_val.dval = val->dval;
4925 	  if (dbl_equal (val->dval, DMISS))
4926 	    val->fval = FMISS;
4927 	  else if (dbl_equal (val->dval, DFILL))
4928 	    val->fval = FFILL;
4929 	  else
4930 	    val->fval = (float) save_val.dval;
4931 	  break;
4932 	default:
4933 	  break;
4934 	}
4935       break;
4936     case NC_DOUBLE:
4937       switch (old_type)
4938 	{
4939 	case NC_SHORT:
4940 	  save_val.sval = val->sval;
4941 	  if (val->sval == SMISS)
4942 	    val->dval = DMISS;
4943 	  else if (val->sval == SFILL)
4944 	    val->dval = DFILL;
4945 	  else
4946 	    val->dval = (double) save_val.sval;
4947 	  break;
4948 	case NC_LONG:
4949 	  save_val.lval = val->lval;
4950 	  if (val->lval == LMISS)
4951 	    val->dval = DMISS;
4952 	  else if (val->lval == LFILL)
4953 	    val->dval = DFILL;
4954 	  else
4955 	    val->dval = (double) save_val.lval;
4956 	  break;
4957 	case NC_FLOAT:
4958 	  save_val.fval = val->fval;
4959 	  if (dbl_equal (val->fval, FMISS))
4960 	    val->dval = DMISS;
4961 	  else if (dbl_equal (val->fval, FFILL))
4962 	    val->dval = DFILL;
4963 	  else
4964 	    val->dval = (double) save_val.fval;
4965 	  break;
4966 	case NC_BYTE:
4967 	  save_val.bval = val->bval;
4968 	  if (val->bval == BMISS)
4969 	    val->dval = DMISS;
4970 	  else if (val->bval == BFILL)
4971 	    val->dval = DFILL;
4972 	  else
4973 	    val->dval = (double) save_val.bval;
4974 	  break;
4975 	default:
4976 	  break;
4977 	}
4978       break;
4979     default:
4980       break;
4981     }
4983   return;
4984 }
4986 /* cast void data to correct type */
4987 void
set_data_to_type(type,ix,in_data,out_data)4988 set_data_to_type (type, ix, in_data, out_data)
4989      nc_type     type;		/* data type */
4990      int         ix;			/* if data is greater than one item long,
4991 					 * index into data array 	 */
4992      void       *in_data;		/* data to be cast */
4993      union att_val *out_data;	/* output data (returned) */
4995 {
4997   switch (type)
4998     {
4999     case NC_BYTE:
5000       out_data->bval = ((char *) in_data)[ix];
5001       break;
5002     case NC_SHORT:
5003       out_data->sval = ((short *) in_data)[ix];
5004       break;
5005     case NC_LONG:
5006       out_data->lval = ((long *) in_data)[ix];
5007       break;
5008     case NC_FLOAT:
5009       out_data->fval = ((float *) in_data)[ix];
5010       break;
5011     case NC_DOUBLE:
5012       out_data->dval = ((double *) in_data)[ix];
5013       break;
5014     default:
5015       break;
5016     }
5018   return;
5019 }
5021 /* initialize a netCDF standard file structure */
5022 int
init_io_std(std_ptr)5023 init_io_std (std_ptr)
5024      IO_STD    **std_ptr;		/* pointer to netCDF data structure */
5025 {
5026   int         init_dim_info ();
5027   void        free_io_std ();
5029   if ((*std_ptr) != NULL)
5030     free_io_std (std_ptr);
5032   if (((*std_ptr) = (IO_STD *) malloc (sizeof (IO_STD))) == NULL) {
5033 #if USEHDF == 1
5034     printf ("Could not allocate memory for netCDF/HDF-SDS structure.\n");
5035 #else
5036     printf ("Could not allocate memory for netCDF structure.\n") ;
5037 #endif
5038     return Failure;
5039   }
5041   /* initialize contents of structure */
5042   (*std_ptr)->cdfid = -1;
5043   (*std_ptr)->ndims = 0;
5044   (*std_ptr)->nvars = 0;
5045   (*std_ptr)->ngatts = 0;
5046   (*std_ptr)->recdim = -1;
5047   (*std_ptr)->time_type = CDC;
5048   (*std_ptr)->hasDDFundef = 0 ;
5050   (*std_ptr)->first_gattr = NULL;
5052   /* don't create variable list quite yet */
5053   (*std_ptr)->var = NULL;
5055   /* intialize dimension information */
5056   if (init_dim_info ((*std_ptr)->dimids, (*std_ptr)->dimnam,
5057 		     (*std_ptr)->dimsiz) != Success)
5058     return Failure;
5060   return Success;
5061 }
5063 /* copy a netCDF standard file structure */
5064 int
copy_io_std(IO_STD ** std_ptr2,IO_STD * std_ptr1)5065 copy_io_std (IO_STD **std_ptr2, IO_STD *std_ptr1)
5066      /* pointers to netCDF data structure */
5067 {
5068   int indx ;
5069   int         init_dim_info ();
5070   int         copy_attr_list() ;
5071   int         copy_var_list() ;
5072   void        free_io_std ();
5074   if ((*std_ptr2) != NULL)
5075     free_io_std (std_ptr2);
5077   if (((*std_ptr2) = (IO_STD *) malloc (sizeof (IO_STD))) == NULL) {
5078 #if USEHDF == 1
5079     printf ("Could not allocate memory for netCDF/HDF-SDS structure.\n");
5080 #else
5081     printf ("Could not allocate memory for netCDF structure.\n") ;
5082 #endif
5083     return Failure;
5084   }
5086   /* initialize contents of structure */
5087   (*std_ptr2)->cdfid = std_ptr1->cdfid ;
5088   (*std_ptr2)->ndims = std_ptr1->ndims ;
5089   (*std_ptr2)->nvars = std_ptr1->nvars ;
5090   (*std_ptr2)->ngatts = std_ptr1->ngatts ;
5091   (*std_ptr2)->recdim = std_ptr1->recdim ;
5092   (*std_ptr2)->time_type = std_ptr1->time_type ;
5093   if (copy_attr_list(&((*std_ptr2)->first_gattr), std_ptr1->first_gattr) ==
5094       Failure) {
5095     return Failure ;
5096   }
5097   /* don't create variable list quite yet */
5098   (*std_ptr2)->var = NULL; /* copy the linked list.... */
5100   /* initialize dimension information */
5101   for (indx = 0 ;  indx < MAX_NC_DIMS ;  ++indx) {
5102     (*std_ptr2)->dimids[indx] = std_ptr1->dimids[indx] ; /* cp the list.... */
5103     strcpy((*std_ptr2)->dimnam[indx], std_ptr1->dimnam[indx]) ;
5104     (*std_ptr2)->dimsiz[indx] = std_ptr1->dimsiz[indx] ;
5105   } /* end for all dims */
5107   if (copy_var_list(&((*std_ptr2)->var), std_ptr1->var) == Failure) {
5108     return Failure ;
5109   }
5111   return Success;
5112 }
5114 int
copy_var_list(VAR_INFO ** newvarlistptr,VAR_INFO * oldvarlist)5115 copy_var_list(VAR_INFO **newvarlistptr, VAR_INFO *oldvarlist) {
5116   int indx ;
5117   char *charptr1, *charptr2 ;
5118   short *shortptr1, *shortptr2 ;
5119   long *longptr1, *longptr2 ;
5120   float *floatptr1, *floatptr2 ;
5121   double *dblptr1, *dblptr2 ;
5122   VAR_INFO **lclnewvarlistptr ;
5123   int copy_attr_list() ;
5125   if (oldvarlist == (VAR_INFO *) NULL) {
5126     return Failure ;
5127   }
5128   lclnewvarlistptr = newvarlistptr ;
5129   while (oldvarlist != (VAR_INFO *) NULL) {
5130     if (((*lclnewvarlistptr) = (VAR_INFO *)malloc(sizeof(VAR_INFO))) ==
5131 	(VAR_INFO *) NULL) {
5132       return Failure ;
5133     }
5134     (*lclnewvarlistptr)->varid = oldvarlist->varid ;
5135     strcpy((*lclnewvarlistptr)->varnam, oldvarlist->varnam) ;
5136     strcpy((*lclnewvarlistptr)->gradsabbr, oldvarlist->gradsabbr) ;
5137     (*lclnewvarlistptr)->vartype = oldvarlist->vartype ;
5138     (*lclnewvarlistptr)->nvardims = oldvarlist->nvardims ;
5139     for (indx = 0 ;  indx < oldvarlist->nvardims ;  ++indx) {
5140       (*lclnewvarlistptr)->vardimid[indx] = oldvarlist->vardimid[indx] ;
5141     }
5142     for (indx = 0 ; indx < 4 ;  ++indx) {
5143       (*lclnewvarlistptr)->dimmap[indx] = oldvarlist->dimmap[indx] ;
5144       (*lclnewvarlistptr)->dimidmap[indx] = oldvarlist->dimidmap[indx] ;
5145     }
5146     (*lclnewvarlistptr)->nvatts = oldvarlist->nvatts ;
5147     if (oldvarlist->nvatts > 0) {
5148       if (copy_attr_list(&((*lclnewvarlistptr)->first_vattr),
5149 			 oldvarlist->first_vattr) == Failure) {
5150 	return Failure ;
5151       }
5152     } else {
5153       (*lclnewvarlistptr)->first_vattr = (struct attrib_list *) NULL ;
5154     }
5155     /* forget about messing with data member of struct */
5156     oldvarlist = oldvarlist->next ;
5157     if (oldvarlist != (VAR_INFO *) NULL) {
5158       lclnewvarlistptr = &((*lclnewvarlistptr)->next) ;
5159     }
5160     /* following added by jma to fix redhat linux problem */
5161     else sprintf(pout, " ") ;
5162   } /* end while there's still a list cell to copy */
5163   return Success ;
5164 }
5166 int
copy_attr_list(struct attrib_list ** first_list1,struct attrib_list * first_list2)5167 copy_attr_list(struct attrib_list **first_list1,
5168                struct attrib_list *first_list2) {
5169   struct attrib_list *this_struct_ptr, *new_struct_ptr ;
5170   int indx ;
5171   char *charptr1, *charptr2 ;
5172   short *shortptr1, *shortptr2 ;
5173   long *longptr1, *longptr2 ;
5174   float *floatptr1, *floatptr2 ;
5175   double *dblptr1, *dblptr2 ;
5177   if (first_list2 == (struct attrib_list*)NULL) {
5178     /*        return Failure ; */
5179     *first_list1 == (struct attrib_list*)NULL;
5180     return Success ;
5181   }
5182   if ((*first_list1 =
5183        (struct attrib_list *) malloc(sizeof(struct attrib_list))) ==
5184       (struct attrib_list *) NULL) {
5185     return Failure ;
5186   }
5187   for(this_struct_ptr = first_list2, new_struct_ptr =  *first_list1;
5188       this_struct_ptr != (struct attrib_list *)NULL ;
5189       this_struct_ptr = this_struct_ptr->next) {
5190     new_struct_ptr->next = this_struct_ptr->next ;
5191     new_struct_ptr->name = strdup(this_struct_ptr->name) ;
5192     new_struct_ptr->type = this_struct_ptr->type ;
5193     new_struct_ptr->len = this_struct_ptr->len ;
5194     if ((new_struct_ptr->data =
5195 	 (void *) malloc((size_t)(new_struct_ptr->len *
5196 				  nctypelen(new_struct_ptr->type))))
5197 	== (void *) NULL) {
5198       return Failure ;
5199     }
5200     switch (new_struct_ptr->type) {
5201     case NC_BYTE:
5202     case NC_CHAR:
5203       charptr1 = (char *) new_struct_ptr->data ;
5204       charptr2 = (char *) this_struct_ptr->data ;
5205       break ;
5206     case NC_SHORT:
5207       shortptr1 = (short *) new_struct_ptr->data ;
5208       shortptr2 = (short *) this_struct_ptr->data ;
5209       break ;
5210     case NC_LONG:
5211       longptr1 = (long *) new_struct_ptr->data ;
5212       longptr2 = (long *) this_struct_ptr->data ;
5213       break ;
5214     case NC_FLOAT:
5215       floatptr1 = (float *) new_struct_ptr->data ;
5216       floatptr2 = (float *) this_struct_ptr->data ;
5217       break ;
5218     case NC_DOUBLE:
5219       dblptr1 = (double *) new_struct_ptr->data ;
5220       dblptr2 = (double *) this_struct_ptr->data ;
5221       break ;
5222     } /* esac */
5223     for (indx = 0 ;  indx < new_struct_ptr->len ;  ++indx) {
5224       switch (new_struct_ptr->type) {
5225       case NC_BYTE:
5226       case NC_CHAR:
5227 	charptr1[indx] = charptr2[indx] ;
5228 	break ;
5229       case NC_SHORT:
5230 	shortptr1[indx] = shortptr2[indx] ;
5231 	break ;
5232       case NC_LONG:
5233 	longptr1[indx] = longptr2[indx] ;
5234 	break ;
5235       case NC_FLOAT:
5236 	floatptr1[indx] = floatptr2[indx] ;
5237 	break ;
5238       case NC_DOUBLE:
5239 	dblptr1[indx] = dblptr2[indx] ;
5240 	break ;
5241       } /* esac */
5242     } /* end for */
5243     if (this_struct_ptr->next != (struct attrib_list *)NULL) {
5244       if ((new_struct_ptr->next =
5245 	   (struct attrib_list *) malloc(sizeof(struct attrib_list)))
5246 	  == (struct attrib_list *)NULL) {
5247 	return Failure ;
5248       } /* if malloc failure */
5249     } /* if there's more list to do, malloc next cell */
5250   } /* while linked list isn't over */
5251   return Success ;
5252 }
5255 /* initialize dimension information */
5256 int
init_dim_info(dimids,dimnam,dimsiz)5257 init_dim_info (dimids, dimnam, dimsiz)
5258      int        *dimids;		/* array of dimension IDs   */
5259      char        dimnam[MAX_NC_DIMS][MAX_NC_NAME + 1];	/* array of dimension
5260 							 * names */
5261      long       *dimsiz;		/* array of dimension sizes */
5262 {
5263   int         i;
5265   /* set all dimension information to bogus values */
5266   for (i = 0; i < MAX_NC_DIMS; i++)
5267     {
5268       dimids[i] = -1;
5269       dimnam[i][0] = '\0';
5270       dimsiz[i] = -1;
5271     }
5273   return Success;
5274 }
5276 /* initialize a variable structure */
5277 int
init_var_info(var)5278 init_var_info (var)
5279      VAR_INFO  **var;		/* variable data structure */
5280 {
5281   int         i;
5283   void        free_var_info ();
5285   if (*var != NULL)
5286     free_var_info (var);
5288   /* get memory */
5289   if ((*var = (VAR_INFO *) malloc (sizeof (VAR_INFO))) == NULL)
5290     {
5291       printf ("Could not allocate memory for variable information.\n");
5292       return Failure;
5293     }
5295   /* initialize contents to bogus values */
5296   (*var)->next = NULL;
5297   (*var)->varid = -1;
5298   (*var)->varnam[0] = '\0';
5299   (*var)->gradsabbr[0] = '\0' ;
5300   (*var)->vartype = -1;
5301   (*var)->nvardims = 0;
5302   (*var)->nvatts = 0;
5304   for (i = 0; i < MAX_VAR_DIMS; i++)
5305     (*var)->vardimid[i] = -1;
5306   for (i = 0 ;  i < 4 ;  ++i) {
5307     (*var)->dimmap[i] = -1 ;
5308     (*var)->dimidmap[i] = -1 ;
5309   }
5311   (*var)->first_vattr = NULL;
5312   (*var)->data = NULL;
5313   (*var)->dimmap[0] = (*var)->dimmap[1] = (*var)->dimmap[2] =
5314     (*var)->dimmap[3] = -1 ;
5315   (*var)->dimidmap[0] = (*var)->dimidmap[1] = (*var)->dimidmap[2] =
5316     (*var)->dimidmap[3] = -1 ;
5317   return Success;
5318 }
5320 /* free a netCDF standard file structure */
5321 void
free_io_std(std_ptr)5322 free_io_std (std_ptr)
5323      IO_STD    **std_ptr;
5324 {
5325   void        free_var_info ();
5326   int         free_netcdf_att_list ();
5328   if (*std_ptr != NULL)
5329     {
5330       /* if the variable list exists, free it */
5331       if ((*std_ptr)->var != NULL)
5332 	free_var_info (&((*std_ptr)->var));
5334       /* free the global attributes if they have been allocated */
5335       if (((*std_ptr)->first_gattr != NULL) && ((*std_ptr)->ngatts > 0)) {
5336 	free_netcdf_att_list (&((*std_ptr)->first_gattr));
5337       }
5339       /* now free the IO_STD structure itself */
5340       if (*std_ptr) {
5341         free (*std_ptr);
5342       }
5343       *std_ptr = NULL;
5344     }
5346   return;
5347 }
5349 /* free a variable structure */
5350 void
free_var_info(var)5351 free_var_info (var)
5352      VAR_INFO  **var;
5353 {
5354   void        free_var_info ();
5355   int	      free_netcdf_att_list ();
5357   /* go through list to the end and free all variable structures */
5358   if ((*var)->next != NULL)
5359     free_var_info (&((*var)->next));
5361   if (((*var)->first_vattr != NULL) && ((*var)->nvatts > 0)) {
5362     free_netcdf_att_list (&((*var)->first_vattr));
5363   }
5365   /* if data space has been allocated, free it */
5366   if ((*var)->data != NULL) {
5367     free ((*var)->data);
5368   }
5370   /* now free the variable structure itself */
5371   if (*var) {
5372     free (*var);
5373   }
5374   *var = NULL;
5376   return;
5377 }
5379 /* Free a netCDF attribute list. */
5380 int
free_netcdf_att_list(first_attr)5381 free_netcdf_att_list (first_attr)
5382      struct attrib_list **first_attr;	/* First attribute in list. */
5383 {
5384   struct attrib_list *temp_attr,
5385     *save_attr;
5387   temp_attr = *first_attr;
5388   while (temp_attr != NULL) {
5389     save_attr = temp_attr->next;
5390     if (temp_attr->data != NULL) {
5391       free (temp_attr->data);
5392     }
5393     free (temp_attr);
5394     temp_attr = save_attr;
5395   }
5396   *first_attr = NULL;
5397   return Success;
5398 }
5400 /* open and read the contents of a netCDF file 		*/
5401 /* std_ptr should already be initialized by init_io_std */
5402 int
read_io_std(path,std_ptr)5403 read_io_std (path, std_ptr)
5404      char       *path;		/* file pathname 		 */
5405      IO_STD     *std_ptr;		/* data structure to be filled  */
5406 {
5407   int         inq_netcdf (),
5408     open_netcdf (),
5409     close_netcdf (),
5410     read_atts (),
5411     read_dims (),
5412     read_vars ();
5413   void        handle_error ();
5414   int         set_time_type ();
5416   if ((path == NULL) || (strlen (path) == 0))
5417     return Failure;
5419   if (open_netcdf (path, 0, &(std_ptr->cdfid)) != Success)
5420     {
5421 #if USEHDF == 1
5422       printf ("%s does not exist or is not a netCDF/HDF-SDS file.\n", path);
5423 #else
5424       printf ("%s does not exist or is not a netCDF file.\n", path) ;
5425 #endif
5426       return Failure;
5427     }
5429   /* Get general information.  If error, return. */
5430   if (inq_netcdf (std_ptr->cdfid, &(std_ptr->ndims), &(std_ptr->nvars),
5431 		  &(std_ptr->ngatts), &(std_ptr->recdim)) != Success)
5432     {
5433       (void) close_netcdf (std_ptr->cdfid);
5434       return Failure;
5435     }
5436   if (std_ptr->ndims > MAX_NC_DIMS) {
5437     std_ptr->ndims = MAX_NC_DIMS ;
5438     fprintf(stderr, "Only first %d dimensions processed; library limit.\n",
5439             MAX_NC_DIMS) ;
5440   }
5441   /* Create the global attribute list. */
5442   if (read_atts (std_ptr->cdfid, NC_GLOBAL, std_ptr->ngatts,
5443 		 &(std_ptr->first_gattr)) != Success)
5444     {
5445       (void) close_netcdf (std_ptr->cdfid);
5446       return Failure;
5447     }
5449   /* get dimension information */
5450   if (read_dims (std_ptr) != Success)
5451     {
5452       (void) close_netcdf (std_ptr->cdfid);
5453       return Failure;
5454     }
5456   /* inquire about variable(s) */
5457   if (read_vars (std_ptr->cdfid, std_ptr->nvars, &(std_ptr->var)) != Success)
5458     {
5459       (void) close_netcdf (std_ptr->cdfid);
5460       return Failure;
5461     }
5463   /* determine if new or old units are being used */
5464   if (set_time_type (std_ptr) != Success)
5465     ;
5466   /*    return Failure; */
5468   /* set up standard tables according to time unit being used */
5469   if (init_standard_arrays (std_ptr->time_type) != Success)
5470     ;
5471   /*    return Failure; */
5473   return Success;
5474 }
5476 int
init_standard_arrays(time_type)5477 init_standard_arrays (time_type)
5478      int         time_type;
5479 {
5480   if (time_type == CDC)
5481     {
5482       dims = cdc_dims;
5483       vars = cdc_vars;
5484       var_type = cdc_var_type;
5485       var_atts = cdc_var_atts;
5486       var_atts_type = cdc_var_atts_type;
5487       var_atts_val = cdc_var_atts_val;
5488       obs_atts_val = cdc_obs_atts_val;
5489       vatts_abbrev = cdc_vatts_abbrev;
5490       time_atts = cdc_time_atts;
5491       time_atts_val = cdc_time_atts_val;
5492       latlon_atts = cdc_latlon_atts;
5493       num_reqd_vatts = NUM_REQD_VATTS;
5494       num_reqd_vars = NUM_REQD_VARS;
5495       num_reqd_dims = NUM_REQD_DIMS;
5496     }
5497   else
5498     {
5499       dims = coop_dims;
5500       vars = coop_vars;
5501       var_type = coop_var_type;
5502       var_atts = coop_var_atts;
5503       var_atts_type = coop_var_atts_type;
5504       var_atts_val = coop_var_atts_val;
5505       obs_atts_val = coop_obs_atts_val;
5506       vatts_abbrev = coop_vatts_abbrev;
5507       time_atts = coop_time_atts;
5508       time_atts_val = coop_time_atts_val;
5509       latlon_atts = coop_latlon_atts;
5510       num_reqd_vatts = NUM_REQD_COOP_VATTS;
5511       num_reqd_vars = NUM_REQD_COOP_VARS;
5512       num_reqd_dims = NUM_REQD_COOP_DIMS;
5513     }
5515   return Success;
5516 }
5518 int
set_time_type(in_ptr)5519 set_time_type (in_ptr)
5520      IO_STD     *in_ptr;
5521 {
5522   VAR_INFO *time = NULL, *lclvar;
5523   char *ch ;
5524   utUnit timeunit ;
5525   struct attrib_list *units;
5526   struct attrib_list *find_att ();
5527   VAR_INFO *find_var ();
5529   /* the name of the time variable and its units attribute is the same */
5530   /*for both the cdc and cooperative standards.  Since the "vars" and  */
5531   /* "time_atts" arrays are not yet initialized, use the cdc variable  */
5532   /* and attributes definitions */
5533   time = find_var (in_ptr, cdc_vars[TIME_IX]);
5534   if (!time) {
5535     /* Apply COARDSian heuristics on units to find a time-type coordvar */
5536     /* If that fails, complain and return failure */
5537     for (lclvar = in_ptr->var ;  lclvar ;  lclvar = lclvar->next) {
5538       if ((lclvar->nvardims) != 1) continue ;
5539       units = find_att(lclvar->first_vattr, cdc_time_atts[T_UNITS_IX]) ;
5540       if (!units) continue ;
5541       ch = (char *) malloc(units->len + 1) ;
5542       strncpy(ch, (char *) units->data, units->len) ;
5543       ch[units->len] = '\0' ;
5544       if (utScan(ch, &timeunit)) {
5545 	if (ch) {
5546 	  free(ch) ;
5547 	}
5548 	continue ;
5549       }
5550       if (ch) {
5551 	free(ch) ;
5552       }
5553       if (utIsTime(&timeunit)) {
5554 	time = lclvar ;
5555 	break ;
5556       }
5557     } /* end for */
5558   } /* end if !time */
5559   if (!time) /* still no time; give up */ {
5560     return Failure ;
5561   }
5562   if ((units = find_att (time->first_vattr, cdc_time_atts[T_UNITS_IX]))
5563       == NULL)
5564     return Failure;
5566   if (!strncasecmp ("yyyy", (char *) units->data, 4))
5567     /* it's the old style */
5568     in_ptr->time_type = CDC;
5569   else
5570     in_ptr->time_type = COOP;
5572   return Success;
5573 }
5575 /* return an attribute structure, given the name of the attribute */
5576 struct attrib_list *
find_att(first_att,attname)5577 find_att (first_att, attname)
5578      struct attrib_list *first_att;	/* attribute list to search */
5579      char       *attname;		/* attribute to find */
5580 {
5581   static struct attrib_list *temp = NULL;
5583   temp = first_att;
5584   while (temp != NULL) {
5585     if (!strcmp (attname, temp->name)) break;
5586     temp = temp->next;
5587   }
5588   return (struct attrib_list *) temp;
5589 }
5591 /* Open the netCDF pathname for input or output. Return <0 if error;
5592    else return 0. */
5593 int
open_netcdf(pathname,cflag,cdfid)5594 open_netcdf (pathname, cflag, cdfid)
5595      char       *pathname;		/* file to open */
5596      int         cflag;		/* for output, clobber flag (NC_CLOBBER,NC_NOCLOBBER) */
5597      int        *cdfid;		/* (returned) netCDF id */
5598 {
5599 #if USEHDF ==1
5600   int oldncopts ;      /* to save and restore */
5601   oldncopts = ncopts ;
5602   ncopts = 0;   /* Turn off automatic error handling. */
5603   /* Open input file */
5604   *cdfid = ncopen (pathname, NC_NOWRITE);
5605   if (*cdfid == -1) {
5606     ncopts = oldncopts ;
5607     return Failure;
5608   }
5609   ncopts = oldncopts ;
5610 #else
5611   int error_code ; /* version 3 NetCDF API error handling */
5612   error_code = NC_NOERR ;
5613   /* Open input file */
5614   error_code = nc_open(pathname, NC_NOWRITE, cdfid) ;
5615   if (error_code != NC_NOERR) {
5616     fprintf(stderr, "nc_open failure:\n%s\n", nc_strerror(error_code)) ;
5617     return(Failure) ;
5618   }
5619 #endif
5621   return Success;
5622 }
5625 /* Close the netCDF file.  Return <0 if error; else return 0. */
5626 int
close_netcdf(cdfid)5627 close_netcdf (cdfid)
5628      int         cdfid;		/* netCDF id */
5629 {
5630   int oldncopts ;     /* to save and restore */
5632   oldncopts = ncopts ;
5633   /* Turn off automatic error handling. */
5634   ncopts = 0;
5636   if (ncclose (cdfid) == -1) {
5637     ncopts = oldncopts ;
5638     return Failure;
5639   }
5641   ncopts = oldncopts ;
5642   return Success;
5643 }
5646 /* Inquire about the netCDF file.  Return <0 if error; else return 0. */
5647 int
inq_netcdf(cdfid,ndims,nvars,ngatts,recdim)5648 inq_netcdf (cdfid, ndims, nvars, ngatts, recdim)
5649      int         cdfid;		/* netCDF id */
5650      int        *ndims;		/* (returned) number of dimensions */
5651      int        *nvars;		/* (returned) number of variables */
5652      int        *ngatts;		/* (returned) number of global attributes */
5653      int        *recdim;		/* (returned) record dimension, if any */
5654 {
5655   int oldncopts ; /* to save and restore */
5657   oldncopts = ncopts ;
5658   /* Turn off automatic error handling. */
5659   ncopts = 0;
5661   if (ncinquire (cdfid, ndims, nvars, ngatts, recdim) == -1) {
5662     /* Possible errors include NC_EBADID (invalid netCDF id), which could
5663      * mean the netCDF id is bad or the file is closed. */
5664     ncopts = oldncopts ;
5665     return Failure;
5666   }
5668   ncopts = oldncopts ;
5669   return Success;
5670 }
5672 /* Inquire about a netCDF variable.  Return <0 if error; else return 0. */
5673 int
inq_netcdf_var(cdfid,varid,varname,vartype,nvardims,vardims,natts)5674 inq_netcdf_var (cdfid, varid, varname, vartype, nvardims, vardims, natts)
5675      int         cdfid;		/* netCDF id */
5676      int         varid;		/* variable id */
5677      char       *varname;		/* (returned) variable name */
5678      nc_type    *vartype;
5680      /* (returned) variable data type */
5681      int        *nvardims;		/* (returned) number of dimensions */
5682      int        *vardims;		/* (returned) array of dimension numbers */
5683      int        *natts;		/* (returned) number of attributes */
5684 {
5685   int oldncopts ; /* to save and restore */
5687   oldncopts = ncopts ;
5688   /* Turn off automatic error handling. */
5689   ncopts = 0;
5691   /* Inquire about the variable. */
5692   if (ncvarinq (cdfid, varid, varname, vartype, nvardims,
5693 		vardims, natts) == -1) {
5694     ncopts = oldncopts ;
5695     return Failure;
5696   }
5698   ncopts = oldncopts ;
5699   return Success;
5700 }
5702 void
init_att(new_att,msg)5703 init_att (new_att, msg)
5704      struct attrib_list **new_att;	/* attribute to create and initialize */
5705      char       *msg;		/* error message string */
5706 {
5707   if ((*new_att = (struct attrib_list *) malloc (sizeof (struct attrib_list)))
5708       == NULL)
5709     return;
5711   /* initialize all attribute components */
5712   (*new_att)->next = NULL;
5713   (*new_att)->name = NULL;
5714   (*new_att)->type = NC_UNSPECIFIED;
5715   (*new_att)->len = 0;
5716   (*new_att)->data = NULL;
5718   return;
5719 }
5721 /* read attribute information for a file or variable */
5722 int
read_atts(cdfid,varid,natts,first_attr)5723 read_atts (cdfid, varid, natts, first_attr)
5724      int         cdfid;		/* netCDF file ID */
5725      int         varid;		/* variable ID or NC_GLOBAL for global
5726 				 * attribute read 			 */
5727      int         natts;		/* number of attributes to retrieve */
5728      struct attrib_list **first_attr;/* first attribute in linked list */
5729 {
5730   int         i;
5731   struct attrib_list *curr,
5732     *prev;
5733   char        name[MAX_NC_NAME + 1];
5735   int         get_netcdf_attname (),
5736     get_netcdf_att_info ();
5737   int         free_netcdf_att_list ();
5738   void        init_att ();
5740   curr = prev = NULL;
5742   /* first make sure nothing is already in the list */
5743   if (*first_attr != NULL)
5744     free_netcdf_att_list (first_attr);
5746   /* loop on all attributes */
5747   for (i = 0; i < natts; i++) {
5748     /* allocate and initialize attribute space */
5749     init_att (&curr, "read_atts");
5751     /* update pointers */
5752     if (*first_attr == NULL)
5753       *first_attr = curr;
5754     else
5755       prev->next = curr;
5757     curr->next = NULL;
5758     prev = curr;
5760     /* get attribute name */
5761     if (get_netcdf_attname (cdfid, varid, i, name) != Success)
5762       return Failure;
5763     copy_char_str (&(curr->name), name);
5765     /* now get attribute information */
5766     if (get_netcdf_att_info (cdfid, varid, curr->name,
5767 			     &(curr->type), &(curr->len), &(curr->data))
5768 	!= Success)
5769       return Failure;
5770   }
5771   return Success;
5772 }
5774 /* Get attribute name.  Return <0 if error; else return 0. */
5775 int
get_netcdf_attname(cdfid,varid,attnum,name)5776 get_netcdf_attname (cdfid, varid, attnum, name)
5777      int         cdfid;		/* netcdf id */
5778      int         varid;		/* variable id */
5779      int         attnum;		/* attribute number */
5780      char       *name;		/* (returned) attribute name */
5781 {
5782   int oldncopts ; /* to save and restore */
5784   oldncopts = ncopts ;
5785   /* Turn off automatic error handling. */
5786   ncopts = 0;
5788   if (ncattname (cdfid, varid, attnum, name) == -1) {
5789     ncopts = oldncopts ;
5790     return Failure;
5791   }
5793   /* All OK. */
5794   ncopts = oldncopts ;
5795   return Success;
5796 }
5799 /* Get attribute information.  If error, return <0; else, return 0. */
5800 int
get_netcdf_att_info(cdfid,varid,aname,atype,alen,adata)5801 get_netcdf_att_info (cdfid, varid, aname, atype, alen, adata)
5802      int         cdfid;		/* netcdf id */
5803      int         varid;		/* variable id */
5804      char       *aname;		/* attribute name */
5805      nc_type    *atype;		/* (returned) attribute type */
5806      int        *alen;		/* (returned) attribute length */
5807      void      **adata;		/* (returned) attribute data */
5808 {
5809   int oldncopts ; /* to save and restore */
5810   char       *char_ptr;
5812   oldncopts = ncopts ;
5813   /* Turn off automatic error handling. */
5814   ncopts = 0;
5816   if (ncattinq (cdfid, varid, aname, atype, alen) == -1) {
5817     ncopts = oldncopts ;
5818     return Failure;
5819   }
5821   /* Allocate space for values. */
5822   if ((*atype == NC_BYTE) || (*atype == NC_CHAR))  {
5823     *adata = (char *) malloc (sizeof (char) * (*alen + 1));
5824   }  else if (*atype == NC_SHORT)  {
5825     *adata = (short *) malloc (sizeof (short) * *alen);
5826   }  else if (*atype == NC_LONG)  {
5827     *adata = (long *) malloc (sizeof (long) * *alen);
5828   }  else if (*atype == NC_FLOAT)   {
5829     *adata = (float *) malloc (sizeof (float) * *alen);
5830   }  else if (*atype == NC_DOUBLE) {
5831     *adata = (double *) malloc (sizeof (double) * *alen);
5832   }  else {
5833     ncopts = oldncopts ;
5834     return Failure;
5835   }
5837   if (*adata == NULL) {
5838     ncopts = oldncopts ;
5839     return Failure;
5840   }
5842   /* Retrieve values. */
5843   if (ncattget (cdfid, varid, aname, (void *) (*adata)) == -1) {
5844     ncopts = oldncopts ;
5845     return Failure;
5846   }
5848   /* If character, set last byte to null. */
5849   if (*atype == NC_CHAR)  {
5850     char_ptr = (char *) *adata;
5851     char_ptr[*alen] = '\0';
5852   }
5854   /* All OK. */
5855   ncopts = oldncopts ;
5856   return Success;
5857 }
5859 /* read all dimensions in a file */
5860 int
read_dims(std_ptr)5861 read_dims (std_ptr)
5862      IO_STD     *std_ptr;		/* pointer to netCDF data structure */
5863 {
5864   int         i;
5865   int         inq_netcdf_dim ();
5866   int oldncopts ; /* to save and restore */
5868   oldncopts = ncopts ;
5869   for (i = 0; i < std_ptr->ndims; i++) {
5870     std_ptr->dimids[i] = i;
5871     if (inq_netcdf_dim (std_ptr->cdfid, std_ptr->dimids[i],
5872 			std_ptr->dimnam[i], &(std_ptr->dimsiz[i])) != Success) {
5873       ncopts = oldncopts ;
5874       return Failure;
5875     }
5876   }
5878   ncopts = oldncopts ;
5879   return Success;
5880 }
5882 /* Inquire about a netCDF variable.  Return <0 if error; else return 0. */
5883 int
inq_netcdf_dim(cdfid,dimid,dimname,dimsize)5884 inq_netcdf_dim (cdfid, dimid, dimname, dimsize)
5885      int         cdfid;		/* netCDF id */
5886      int         dimid;		/* dimension id */
5887      char       *dimname;		/* (returned) dimension name */
5888      long       *dimsize;		/* (returned) dimension size */
5889 {
5890   int oldncopts ; /* to save and restore */
5892   oldncopts = ncopts ;
5893   /* Turn off automatic error handling. */
5894   ncopts = 0;
5896   /* Inquire about the dimension. */
5897   if (ncdiminq (cdfid, dimid, dimname, (long *) dimsize) == -1) {
5898     /* Possible errors include NC_EBADID (invalid netCDF id), which could
5899      * mean the netCDF id is bad or the file is closed. */
5900     ncopts = oldncopts ;
5901     return Failure;
5902   }
5904   ncopts = oldncopts ;
5905   return Success;
5906 }
5908 /* inquire about variable(s).  Note that the actual data aren't	 */
5909 /* read here, but is read via a call to read_variable_data	 */
5910 int
read_vars(cdfid,nvars,var)5911 read_vars (cdfid, nvars, var)
5912      int         cdfid;		/* netCDF file ID 			 */
5913      int         nvars;		/* number of variables in the file 	 */
5914      VAR_INFO  **var;		/* pointer to first variable (not
5915 				 * initialized, will be filled and returned)	 */
5916 {
5917   int         i;
5918   int oldncopts ; /* to save and restore */
5919   VAR_INFO   *curr_var = NULL,
5920     *prev_var = NULL;
5922   int         init_var_info (),
5923     inq_netcdf_var (),
5924     read_atts ();
5925   void        handle_error ();
5927   prev_var = NULL;
5928   oldncopts = ncopts ;
5930   /* loop through all variables and get the information for each */
5931   for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++)  {
5933     /* initialize the variable pointer */
5934     curr_var = NULL;
5935     if (init_var_info (&curr_var) != Success) {
5936       ncopts = oldncopts ;
5937       return Failure;
5938     }
5940     /* update pointers */
5941     if (*var == NULL)    {
5942       *var = curr_var;
5943       prev_var = curr_var;
5944     }    else    {
5945       prev_var->next = curr_var;
5946       prev_var = prev_var->next;
5947     }
5949     curr_var->next = NULL;
5950     curr_var->varid = i;
5952     /* inquire about the variable information */
5953     if (inq_netcdf_var (cdfid, i, curr_var->varnam, &(curr_var->vartype),
5954 			&(curr_var->nvardims), curr_var->vardimid, &(curr_var->nvatts))
5955 	!= Success) {
5956       ncopts = oldncopts ;
5957       return Failure;
5958     }
5960     /* get variable attribute information */
5961     if (read_atts (cdfid, curr_var->varid, curr_var->nvatts,
5962 		   &(curr_var->first_vattr)) != Success) {
5963       if (close_netcdf (cdfid) != Success) {
5964         ncopts = oldncopts ;
5965         return Failure;
5966       }
5967     }
5969   }
5971   ncopts = oldncopts ;
5972   return Success;
5974 }
5976 int
get_additional_dimension_ix(ndims,dimids,timedim,latdim,londim)5977 get_additional_dimension_ix (ndims, dimids, timedim, latdim, londim)
5978      int         ndims;
5979      int        *dimids;
5980      int         timedim;
5981      int         latdim;
5982      int         londim;
5983 {
5984   int         dim_ix = -1;
5985   int         i;
5987   for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++)  {
5988     if ((dimids[i] != timedim) &&
5989 	(dimids[i] != latdim) &&
5990 	(dimids[i] != londim))    {
5991       dim_ix = i;
5992       break;
5993     }
5994   }
5996   return dim_ix;
5997 }
5999 /* find a dimension id, given the dimension name */
6000 int
find_dim(std_ptr,name)6001 find_dim (std_ptr, name)
6002      IO_STD     *std_ptr;		/* pointer to netCDF file information */
6003      char       *name;		/* name of dimension to find.	      */
6004 {
6005   int         dim = -1;
6006   int         i;
6008   for (i = 0; i < std_ptr->ndims; i++)
6009     {
6010       if (!strcmp (std_ptr->dimnam[i], name))
6011 	{
6012 	  dim = std_ptr->dimids[i];
6013 	  break;
6014 	}
6015     }
6017   return dim;
6018 }
6020 /* find the index in the dimension id array, given the dimension id */
6021 int
find_dimix(dimids,ndims,dim)6022 find_dimix (dimids, ndims, dim)
6023      int         dimids[];		/* array of dimension ids to search */
6024      int         ndims;		/* number of dimensions in list */
6025      int         dim;		/* dimension id to find */
6026 {
6027   int         dimix = -1;
6028   int         i;
6030   for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++)
6031     {
6032       if (dimids[i] == dim)
6033 	{
6034 	  dimix = i;
6035 	  break;
6036 	}
6037     }
6039   return dimix;
6040 }
6042 int
read_one_dimension(in_ptr,var,dimid)6043 read_one_dimension (in_ptr, var, dimid)
6044      IO_STD     *in_ptr;
6045      VAR_INFO   *var;
6046      int         dimid;		/* dimension to read */
6047 {
6048   long        *start ;
6049   long        *count ;
6051   void        init_start_count ();
6053   /* set start and count to read coordinate variable values */
6054   init_start_count (&start, &count, var->nvardims) ;
6055   count[0] = in_ptr->dimsiz[dimid] ; /* traditional unidata coord. var. defn. */
6057   if (read_variable_data (in_ptr->cdfid, var, start, count) != Success)
6058     return Failure;
6060   return Success;
6061 }
6063 /* initialize start and count arrays */
6064 void
init_start_count(start,count,ndims)6065 init_start_count (start, count, ndims)
6066      long       **start;
6067      long       **count;
6068      int        ndims ;
6070 {
6071   int         i ;
6073   if (!((*start) = (long *) malloc(sizeof(long) * ndims))) {
6074     fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation error!\n") ;
6075     exit(13) ;
6076   }
6077   if (!((*count) = (long *) malloc(sizeof(long) * ndims))) {
6078     fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation error!\n") ;
6079     exit(13) ;
6080   }
6081   for (i = 0 ;  i < ndims ;  i++) {
6082     (*start)[i] = 0 ;
6083     (*count)[i] = 1 ;
6084   }
6086   return ;
6087 }
6089 /* read variable data */
6090 int
read_variable_data(cdfid,var,start,count)6091 read_variable_data (cdfid, var, start, count)
6092      int         cdfid;		/* netCDF ID */
6093      VAR_INFO   *var;		/* pointer to variable structure */
6094      long       *start;		/* array of start indices */
6095      long       *count;		/* array of frame counts for each variable
6096 				 * dimension */
6097 {
6099   int         read_netcdf_data ();
6100   int         alloc_variable_data ();
6102   if (alloc_variable_data (var, count) != Success)
6103     return Failure;
6105   if (read_netcdf_data (cdfid, var->varid, start, count, var->data)
6106       != Success)
6107     return Failure;
6109   return Success;
6110 }
6112 /* return size of hyperslab */
6113 int
get_hyperslab_size(count,ndims)6114 get_hyperslab_size (count, ndims)
6115      long       *count;		/* array of hyperslab edge counts */
6116      int         ndims;
6118 {
6119   int         size;
6120   int         i;
6122   size = 1;
6123   for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++)
6124     size *= count[i];
6126   return size;
6127 }
6129 int
alloc_variable_data(var,count)6130 alloc_variable_data (var, count)
6131      VAR_INFO   *var;		/* variable structure which needs memory */
6132      long       *count;		/* array of frame counts for each var
6133 				 * dimension */
6134 {
6135   int         malloc_len;
6136   int         alloc_data_array ();
6138   /* get rid of any old memory */
6139   if (var->data != NULL)
6140     free (var->data);
6142   /* figure out how much space we need */
6143   malloc_len = get_hyperslab_size (count, var->nvardims);
6145   /* now allocate the data array */
6146   if (alloc_data_array (malloc_len, var->vartype, &(var->data)) != Success)
6147     return Failure;
6149   return Success;
6150 }
6152 /* Read data from a variable in a netCDF input file.  Return <0 if error;
6153    else return 0. */
6154 int
read_netcdf_data(cdfid,varid,start,count,data_array)6155 read_netcdf_data (cdfid, varid, start, count, data_array)
6156      int         cdfid;		/* netCDF id */
6157      int         varid;		/* variable id */
6158      long       *start;		/* hyperslab corner */
6159      long       *count;		/* hyperslab edges */
6160      void       *data_array;		/* (returned) hyperslab of data values */
6161 {
6162   int         rcode;
6163   int oldncopts ; /* to save and restore */
6165   oldncopts = ncopts ;
6166   /* Turn off automatic error handling. */
6167   ncopts = 0;
6169   /* Read the data. */
6171   if (ncvarget (cdfid, varid, (long *) start, (long *) count, data_array) == -1) {
6172     ncopts = oldncopts ;
6173     return Failure;
6174   }
6176   ncopts = oldncopts ;
6177   return Success;
6178 }
6180 /* Allocate one data array.  If OK, return Success.  If error, return Failure.*/
6181 int
alloc_data_array(malloc_len,datatype,data_array)6182 alloc_data_array (malloc_len, datatype, data_array)
6183      int         malloc_len;		/* data array length */
6184      nc_type     datatype;		/* data type */
6185      void      **data_array;		/* (returned) data array pointer */
6187 {
6188   char        str[256];
6190   /* Allocate data array. */
6191   switch (datatype)
6192     {
6193     case (NC_BYTE):
6194       *data_array = (void *) malloc (sizeof (char) * malloc_len);
6195       break;
6196     case (NC_SHORT):
6197       *data_array = (void *) malloc (sizeof (short) * malloc_len);
6198       break;
6199     case (NC_LONG):
6200       *data_array = (void *) malloc (sizeof (long) * malloc_len);
6201       break;
6202     case (NC_FLOAT):
6203       *data_array = (void *) malloc (sizeof (float) * malloc_len);
6204       break;
6205     case (NC_DOUBLE):
6206       *data_array = (void *) malloc (sizeof (double) * malloc_len);
6207       break;
6208     default:
6209       return Failure;
6210     };
6212   if (*data_array == NULL)
6213     return Failure;
6215   /* All OK. */
6216   return Success;
6217 }
6219 /* find a variable pointer, given the variable name */
6220 VAR_INFO   *
find_var(std_ptr,var_name)6221 find_var (std_ptr, var_name)
6222      IO_STD     *std_ptr;
6223      char       *var_name;
6224 {
6225   int         i;
6226   static VAR_INFO *found = NULL;
6227   VAR_INFO   *curr_var;
6229   found = NULL;
6230   curr_var = std_ptr->var;
6232   for (i = 0; i < std_ptr->nvars; i++)
6233     {
6234       if (curr_var == NULL)
6235 	break;
6237       if (!strcmp (var_name, curr_var->varnam))
6238 	{
6239 	  found = curr_var;
6240 	  break;
6241 	}
6242       curr_var = curr_var->next;
6243     }
6245   return (VAR_INFO *) found;
6246 }
6248 /* Check if two single precision values are equal.  If they are within */
6249 /* 1/10000000 of each other they are considered equal and 1 is */
6250 /* returned.  Else 0 is returned. */
6251 int
flt_equal(f1,f2)6252 flt_equal(f1, f2)
6253      float f1, f2;
6254 {
6255   float ftemp, ftarg1 = -0.0000001, ftarg2 = 0.0000001, flarge, af1, af2;
6256   double      dtemp;
6257   int         iscale, i;
6259   /* First check if the two numbers are exactly equal. */
6260   if (f1 == f2) {
6261     return 1;
6262   }
6263   /* Next, check if their significant digits are within the specified range. */
6264   af1 = f1;
6265   af2 = f2;
6266   if (af1 < 0) {
6267     af1 *= -1.0 ;
6268   }
6269   if (af2 < 0) {
6270     af2 *= -1.0 ;
6271   }
6272   if (af1 >= af2) {
6273     flarge = af1;
6274   } else {
6275     flarge = af2;
6276   }
6277   /* If the larger number is less than zero, return. */
6278   if (flarge < 1) {
6279     return 0;
6280   }
6281   /* Otherwise, check for significant digits. */
6282   iscale = 1;
6283   for (i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {
6284     dtemp = pow(10.0, (double) i);
6285     if (flarge < (float) dtemp) {
6286       break;
6287     } else {
6288       iscale *= 10;
6289     }
6290   }
6291   ftarg1 *= (float) iscale;
6292   ftarg2 *= (float) iscale;
6293   ftemp = f1 - f2;
6294   if ((ftemp >= ftarg1) && (ftemp <= ftarg2)) {
6295     return 1;
6296   } else {
6297     return 0;
6298   }
6299 }
6301 /* Check if two double precision values are equal.  If they are within
6302    1/10000000 of each other they are considered equal and
6303    True is returned.  Otherwise False is returned. */
6304 int
dbl_equal(d1,d2)6305 dbl_equal (d1, d2)
6306      double      d1,
6307   d2;
6308 {
6309   double      dtemp,
6310     dtarg1 = -0.0000001,
6311     dtarg2 = 0.0000001;
6313   /* First check if the two numbers are exactly equal. */
6314   if (d1 == d2)
6315     return Failure;
6317   /* Next, check if they are within the specified range. */
6318   dtemp = d1 - d2;
6319   if ((dtemp >= dtarg1) && (dtemp <= dtarg2))
6320     return Failure;
6321   else
6322     return Success;
6323 }
6325 int
decode_delta_t(delta_t_str,year,month,day,hour,minn,sec)6326 decode_delta_t (delta_t_str, year, month, day, hour, minn, sec)
6327      char       *delta_t_str;
6328      int        *year;
6329      int        *month;
6330      int        *day;
6331      int        *hour;
6332      int        *minn;
6333      int        *sec;
6334 {
6335   int         year_mark = 4,
6336     month_mark = 7,
6337     day_mark = 10,
6338     hour_mark = 13,
6339     minute_mark = 16,
6340     second_mark = 19;
6341   int         delta_t_len;
6342   char        temp_str[100];
6344   *year = *month = *day = *hour = *minn = *sec = MISSING;
6346   delta_t_len = strlen (delta_t_str);
6347   if ((delta_t_len > day_mark) && (delta_t_str[day_mark] != ' '))
6348     return Failure;
6349   if ((delta_t_len > hour_mark) && (delta_t_str[hour_mark] != ':'))
6350     return Failure;
6351   if ((delta_t_len > minute_mark) && (delta_t_str[minute_mark] != ':'))
6352     {
6353       return Failure;
6354     }
6356   /* Get year. */
6357   strcpy (temp_str, delta_t_str);
6358   temp_str[year_mark] = '\0';
6359   sscanf (temp_str, "%d", year);
6361   /* Get month. */
6362   strcpy (temp_str, &delta_t_str[year_mark + 1]);
6363   temp_str[month_mark - year_mark - 1] = '\0';
6364   sscanf (temp_str, "%d", month);
6366   /* Get day. */
6367   strcpy (temp_str, &delta_t_str[month_mark + 1]);
6368   temp_str[day_mark - month_mark - 1] = '\0';
6369   sscanf (temp_str, "%d", day);
6371   /* Get other fields if present. */
6372   if (delta_t_len > day_mark)
6373     {
6375       /* Get hour. */
6376       strcpy (temp_str, &delta_t_str[day_mark + 1]);
6377       temp_str[hour_mark - day_mark - 1] = '\0';
6378       sscanf (temp_str, "%d", hour);
6380       /* Get minute. */
6381       strcpy (temp_str, &delta_t_str[hour_mark + 1]);
6382       temp_str[minute_mark - hour_mark - 1] = '\0';
6383       sscanf (temp_str, "%d", minn);
6385       /* Get second. */
6386       strcpy (temp_str, &delta_t_str[minute_mark + 1]);
6387       temp_str[second_mark - minute_mark - 1] = '\0';
6388       sscanf (temp_str, "%d", sec);
6390     }
6391   else
6392     *hour = *minn = *sec = MISSING;
6394   return Success;
6395 }
6397 /* Copy character strings in read structure. */
copy_char_str(dest,source)6398 copy_char_str (dest, source)
6399      char      **dest;
6400      char       *source;
6401 {
6402   int         malloc_len;
6404   /* Free existing string. */
6405   if (*dest != NULL)
6406     free (*dest);
6407   *dest = NULL;
6409   /* If source string exists, allocate corresponding dest string and copy
6410    * source. */
6411   if (source != NULL) {
6412     malloc_len = strlen (source) + 1;
6413     *dest = (char *) malloc (sizeof (char) * malloc_len);
6414     if (*dest == NULL)
6415       return Failure;
6416     strcpy (*dest, source);
6417   }
6418   return Success;
6419 }
6421 /* see if variable data are packed. */
6422 /* Hoop, 2000/02/01 short-circuit to "not-packed" if sf&ao are default valued */
6423 int
are_data_packed(in_var,scale,offset,converted_type,input_type)6424 are_data_packed (in_var, scale, offset, converted_type, input_type)
6425      VAR_INFO   *in_var;		        /* input variable structure      */
6426      union att_val *scale;		/* scale value, cast to type     */
6427      union att_val *offset;		/* offset value, cast to type    */
6428      nc_type    *converted_type;	        /* unpacked data type (returned) */
6429      nc_type    *input_type;		/* packed data type (returned)   */
6431 {
6432   int         convert = 0, dfltsf_ao = 0 ;
6433   struct attrib_list *scale_att, *offset_att;
6434   union att_val junk;
6435   void        set_data_to_type();
6437   /* initialize types */
6438   *input_type = in_var->vartype;
6439   *converted_type = NC_UNSPECIFIED;
6441   /* get scale and offset attributes */
6442   scale_att = find_att(in_var->first_vattr, SFNAME) ;
6443   if (!scale_att) {
6444     scale_att = find_att(in_var->first_vattr, SFNAME2) ;
6445   }
6446   offset_att = find_att(in_var->first_vattr, AONAME) ;
6447   if (!offset_att) {
6448     offset_att = find_att(in_var->first_vattr, AONAME2) ;
6449   }
6451   if (scale_att == NULL && offset_att == NULL) {
6452     /* scale and offset do not exist; assume data are unpacked */
6453     *converted_type = *input_type;
6454     convert = 0;
6455   } else {
6456     if (scale_att != NULL) {
6457       *converted_type = scale_att->type;
6458       set_data_to_type(scale_att->type, 0, scale_att->data, scale);
6459     }
6460     if (offset_att != NULL) {
6461       *converted_type = offset_att->type;
6462       set_data_to_type(offset_att->type, 0, offset_att->data, offset);
6463     }
6465     if (scale_att == NULL) {
6466       set_default_scale_offset(*converted_type, scale, &junk);
6467     }
6468     if (offset_att == NULL) {
6469       set_default_scale_offset(*converted_type, &junk, offset);
6470     }
6471     switch (*converted_type) {
6472     case NC_BYTE:
6473       if (scale->bval != B_SCALE || offset->bval != B_OFFSET) {
6474 	convert = 1;
6475       } else {
6476 	dfltsf_ao = 1 ;
6477       }
6478       break;
6479     case NC_SHORT:
6480       if (scale->sval != S_SCALE || offset->sval != S_OFFSET) {
6481 	convert = 1;
6482       } else {
6483 	dfltsf_ao = 1 ;
6484       }
6485       break;
6486     case NC_LONG:
6487       if (scale->lval != L_SCALE || offset->lval != L_OFFSET) {
6488 	convert = 1;
6489       } else {
6490 	dfltsf_ao = 1 ;
6491       }
6492       break;
6493     case NC_FLOAT:
6494       if (!flt_equal(scale->fval, F_SCALE) ||
6495 	  !flt_equal(offset->fval, F_OFFSET)) {
6496 	convert = 1;
6497       } else {
6498 	dfltsf_ao = 1 ;
6499       }
6500       break;
6501     case NC_DOUBLE:
6502       if (!dbl_equal(scale->dval, D_SCALE) ||
6503 	  !dbl_equal(offset->dval, D_OFFSET)) {
6504 	convert = 1;
6505       } else {
6506 	dfltsf_ao = 1 ;
6507       }
6508       break;
6509     default:
6510       break;
6511     } /* end switch */
6513     /* also check to see if type conversion is necessary */
6514     if (*converted_type != *input_type) {
6515       if (dfltsf_ao == 1) {
6516 	convert = 0 ;
6517       } else {
6518 	convert = 1;
6519       }
6520     }
6521   } /* end else (either scale or offset or both exist in else ) */
6523   return(convert) ;
6524 }
6526 int
set_default_scale_offset(type,scale,offset)6527 set_default_scale_offset (type, scale, offset)
6528      nc_type     type;		/* scale and offset data type */
6529      union att_val *scale;		/* pointer to scale data */
6530      union att_val *offset;		/* pointer to offset data */
6532 {
6533   switch (type)
6534     {
6535     case NC_BYTE:
6536       scale->bval = B_SCALE;
6537       offset->bval = B_OFFSET;
6538       break;
6539     case NC_SHORT:
6540       scale->sval = S_SCALE;
6541       offset->sval = S_OFFSET;
6542       break;
6543     case NC_LONG:
6544       scale->lval = L_SCALE;
6545       offset->lval = L_OFFSET;
6546       break;
6547     case NC_FLOAT:
6548       scale->fval = F_SCALE;
6549       offset->fval = F_OFFSET;
6550       break;
6551     case NC_DOUBLE:
6552       scale->dval = D_SCALE;
6553       offset->dval = D_OFFSET;
6554       break;
6555     default:
6556       break;
6557     }
6558   return Success;
6559 }
6561 #ifdef TESTING
6562 void
xdumpreq(struct gagrid * gridptr)6563 xdumpreq(struct gagrid *gridptr) {
6564   void xdumpfile(struct gafile *fileptr) ;
6565   void xdumpvar(struct gavar *varptr) ;
6567   fprintf(stderr, "grid request address=0x%X;\n", gridptr) ;
6568   fprintf(stderr, "grid=0x%X; undef=%E; rmin=%E; rmax=%E;\n",
6569 	  gridptr->grid, gridptr->undef, gridptr->rmin, gridptr->rmax) ;
6570   fprintf(stderr, "isiz=%d; jsiz=%d; idim=%d; jdim=%d;\n",
6571 	  gridptr->isiz, gridptr->jsiz, gridptr->idim, gridptr->jdim) ;
6572   fprintf(stderr, "dimmin: %d; %d; %d; %d;\n", gridptr->dimmin[0],
6573 	  gridptr->dimmin[1], gridptr->dimmin[2], gridptr->dimmin[3]) ;
6574   fprintf(stderr, "dimmax: %d; %d; %d; %d;\n", gridptr->dimmax[0],
6575 	  gridptr->dimmax[1], gridptr->dimmax[2], gridptr->dimmax[3]) ;
6576   if (gridptr->exprsn) {
6577     fprintf(stderr, "exprsn=%s;\n", gridptr->exprsn) ;
6578   } else {
6579     fprintf(stderr, "exprsn is null;\n") ;
6580   }
6581   fprintf(stderr, "alocf=%d;\n", gridptr->alocf) ;
6582   fprintf(stderr, "igrab=0x%X; jgrab=0x%X; iabgr=0x%X; jabgr=0x%X;\n",
6583 	  gridptr->igrab, gridptr->jgrab, gridptr->iabgr, gridptr->jabgr) ;
6584   fprintf(stderr, "ivals=0x%X; jvals=0x%X; iavals=0x%X; javals=0x%X;\n",
6585 	  gridptr->ivals, gridptr->jvals, gridptr->iavals, gridptr->javals) ;
6586   fprintf(stderr, "ilinr=%d; jlinr=%d;\n", gridptr->ilinr, gridptr->jlinr) ;
6587   fprintf(stderr, "Calling xdumpfile from xdumpreq.\n") ;
6588   xdumpfile(gridptr->pfile) ;
6589   fprintf(stderr, "Calling xdumpvar from xdumpreq.\n") ;
6590   xdumpvar(gridptr->pvar) ;
6591 }
6593 void
xdumpfile(struct gafile * fileptr)6594 xdumpfile(struct gafile *fileptr) {
6595   int varinx ;
6597   fprintf(stderr, "======== start of gafile structure info dump ============\n");
6598   fprintf(stderr, "file address=0x%X;\n", fileptr) ;
6599   fprintf(stderr, "pforw=0x%X; infile=0x%X; type=%d; undef=%E;\n",
6600 	  fileptr->pforw, fileptr->infile, fileptr->type, fileptr->undef) ;
6601   if (fileptr->name) {
6602     fprintf(stderr, "name=%s;\n", fileptr->name) ;
6603   } else {
6604     fprintf(stderr, "name is null.\n") ;
6605   }
6606   if (fileptr->dnam) {
6607     fprintf(stderr, "dnam=%s;\n", fileptr->dnam) ;
6608   } else {
6609     fprintf(stderr, "dnam is null.\n") ;
6610   }
6611   if (fileptr->mnam) {
6612     fprintf(stderr, "mnam=%s;\n", fileptr->mnam) ;
6613   } else {
6614     fprintf(stderr, "mnam is null.\n") ;
6615   }
6616   if (fileptr->title) {
6617     fprintf(stderr, "title=%s;\n", fileptr->title) ;
6618   } else {
6619     fprintf(stderr, "title is null.\n") ;
6620   }
6621   fprintf(stderr, "ulow=%E; uhi=%E;\n", fileptr->ulow, fileptr->uhi) ;
6622   fprintf(stderr, "rbuf=0x%X; pbuf=0x%X; bbuf=0x%X;\n", fileptr->rbuf,
6623 	  fileptr->pbuf, fileptr->bbuf) ;
6624   fprintf(stderr, "bswap=%d; mtype=%d; tstrt=0x%X; tcnt=0x%X;\n",
6625 	  fileptr->bswap, fileptr->mtype, fileptr->tstrt, fileptr->tcnt) ;
6626   fprintf(stderr, "stcnt=%d; stpos=%d; mfile=0x%X;\n", fileptr->stcnt,
6627 	  fileptr->stpos, fileptr->mfile) ;
6628   fprintf(stderr, "dnum: %d; %d; %d; %d;\n", fileptr->dnum[0],
6629 	  fileptr->dnum[1], fileptr->dnum[2], fileptr->dnum[3]) ;
6630   fprintf(stderr, "tlpflg=%d; tlpst=%d; vnum=%d; ivnum=%d; lvnum=%d;\n",
6631 	  fileptr->tlpflg, fileptr->vnum, fileptr->ivnum, fileptr->lvnum) ;
6632   for (varinx = 0 ;  varinx < fileptr->vnum ;  ++varinx) {
6633     fprintf(stderr, "var #%d=0x%X;\n", varinx, &(fileptr->pvar1[varinx])) ;
6634   }
6635   fprintf(stderr, "gsiz=%d; tsiz=%d; trecs=%d; fhdr=%d;\n",
6636 	  fileptr->gsiz, fileptr->tsiz, fileptr->trecs, fileptr->fhdr) ;
6637   fprintf(stderr, "wrap=%d; seqflg=%d; yrflg=%d; zrflg=%d;\n",
6638 	  fileptr->wrap, fileptr->seqflg, fileptr->yrflg, fileptr->zrflg) ;
6639   fprintf(stderr, "ppflag=%d; ppwrot=%d; ppisiz=%d; ppjsiz=%d;\n",
6640 	  fileptr->ppflag, fileptr->ppwrot, fileptr->ppisiz, fileptr->ppjsiz) ;
6641   fprintf(stderr, "ppi=0x%X; ppf[0]=0x%X; ppf[1]=0x%X;\n", fileptr->ppi,
6642 	  fileptr->ppf[0], fileptr->ppf[1]) ;
6643   fprintf(stderr, "gr2ab[0]=0x%X; ab2gr[0]=0x%X; grvals[0]=0x%X; abvals[0]=0x%X;\n",
6644 	  fileptr->gr2ab[0], fileptr->ab2gr[0], fileptr->grvals[0], fileptr->abvals[0]) ;
6645   fprintf(stderr, "linear: %d; %d; %d; %d;\n", fileptr->linear[0],
6646 	  fileptr->linear[1], fileptr->linear[2], fileptr->linear[3]) ;
6647   fprintf(stderr, "dimoff: %d; %d; %d; %d;\n", fileptr->dimoff[0],
6648 	  fileptr->dimoff[1], fileptr->dimoff[2], fileptr->dimoff[3]) ;
6649   fprintf(stderr, "climo=%d; cysiz=%d; idxflg=%d, grbgrd=%d;\n",
6650 	  fileptr->climo, fileptr->cysiz, fileptr->idxflg, fileptr->grbgrd) ;
6651   fprintf(stderr, "pindx=0x%X; tmplat=%d; fnums=0x%X; fnumc=%d;\n",
6652 	  fileptr->pindx, fileptr->tmplat, fileptr->fnums, fileptr->fnumc) ;
6653   fprintf(stderr, "errcnt=%d; errflg=%d;\n", fileptr->errcnt, fileptr->errflg) ;
6654   fprintf(stderr, "======== end of gafile structure info dump ============\n");
6655 }
6657 void
xdumpvar(struct gavar * varptr)6658 xdumpvar(struct gavar *varptr) {
6660   fprintf(stderr, "var. address=0x%X;\n", varptr) ;
6661   if (varptr->varnm) {
6662     fprintf(stderr, "varnm=%s;\n", varptr->varnm) ;
6663   } else {
6664     fprintf(stderr, "varnm is null.\n") ;
6665   }
6666   if (varptr->abbrv) {
6667     fprintf(stderr, "abbrv=%s;\n", varptr->abbrv) ;
6668   } else {
6669     fprintf(stderr, "abbrv is null.\n") ;
6670   }
6671   fprintf(stderr, "units: %d; %d; %d; %d;\n", varptr->units[0],
6672 	  varptr->units[1], varptr->units[2], varptr->units[3]) ;
6673   fprintf(stderr, "offset=%d; recoff=%d; levels=%d;\n", varptr->offset,
6674 	  varptr->recoff, varptr->levels) ;
6675 }
6676 #endif
6678 /* function to attempt a linear definition of a dimension.  Returns 1 */
6679 /* if successful, 0 if not linearizable, and <0 if an error occurs */
6681 int
trydeflin(struct gafile * pfi,VAR_INFO * coord,int GrADSdimnum,int isX,int revflag)6682 trydeflin(struct gafile *pfi, VAR_INFO *coord, int GrADSdimnum, int isX,
6683           int revflag) {
6684   float *deltas, coordvals[2], *vals, firstcoordval ;
6685   int islin, deltaidx ;
6686   int fequal(float op1, float op2, float tolerance) ;
6687   int convtype(void *srcptr, nc_type srctype, void *desptr, nc_type destype,
6688 	       int srcindex, int desindex) ;
6690   if (pfi->dnum[GrADSdimnum] < 2) {
6691     /* WRONG!        return(0) ; *//* Use levels */ /* gaddes code doesn't do that */
6692     if (!convtype(coord->data, coord->vartype, (void *) &(coordvals[0]),
6693 		  NC_FLOAT, 0, 0)) {
6694       gaprnt(0, "Couldn't convert coordinate value to float.\n") ;
6695       return(-1) ;
6696     }
6697     firstcoordval = coordvals[0] ;
6698     /* Ok, now we emulate deflin code */
6699     if (!(vals = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 6))) {
6700       gaprnt(0, "Memory allocation error eval. lin. coord. for SDF.\n") ;
6701       return(-1) ;
6702     }
6703     vals[0] = 1.0 ;
6704     vals[1] = 0.0 ;
6705     vals[2] = -999.9 ;
6706     vals[3] = 1.0 ;
6707     vals[4] = 0.0 ;
6708     vals[5] = -999.9 ;
6709     pfi->grvals[GrADSdimnum] = vals ;
6710     pfi->abvals[GrADSdimnum] = vals + 3 ;
6711     pfi->ab2gr[GrADSdimnum] = liconv ;
6712     pfi->gr2ab[GrADSdimnum] = liconv ;
6713     pfi->linear[GrADSdimnum] = 1 ;
6714     if (isX) /* a coordinate of extent one CANNOT wrap the globe */ {
6715       pfi->wrap = 0 ;
6716     }
6717     return(1) ;
6718   }
6719   deltas = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*(pfi->dnum[GrADSdimnum] - 1)) ;
6720   if (!deltas) {
6721     gaprnt(0, "Memory allocation error in trydeflin.\n") ;
6722     return(-1) ;
6723   }
6724   if (!revflag) {
6725     if (!convtype(coord->data, coord->vartype, (void *) &(coordvals[0]),
6726 		  NC_FLOAT, 0, 0)) {
6727       gaprnt(0, "Couldn't convert coordinate value to float.\n") ;
6728       return(-1) ;
6729     }
6730   } else {
6731     if (!convtype(coord->data, coord->vartype, (void *) &(coordvals[0]),
6732 		  NC_FLOAT, pfi->dnum[GrADSdimnum] - 1, 0)) {
6733       gaprnt(0, "Couldn't convert coordinate value to float.\n") ;
6734       return(-1) ;
6735     }
6736   }
6737   firstcoordval = coordvals[0] ;
6738   for (deltaidx = 1 ;  deltaidx < pfi->dnum[GrADSdimnum] ;  ++deltaidx) {
6739     if (!revflag) {
6740       if (!convtype(coord->data, coord->vartype, (void *) &(coordvals[0]),
6741 		    NC_FLOAT, deltaidx, 1)) {
6742 	gaprnt(0, "Couldn't convert coordinate value to float.\n") ;
6743 	return(-1) ;
6744       }
6745     } else {
6746       if (!convtype(coord->data, coord->vartype, (void *) &(coordvals[0]),
6747 		    NC_FLOAT, (pfi->dnum[GrADSdimnum] - 1) - deltaidx,
6748 		    1)) {
6749 	gaprnt(0, "Couldn't convert coordinate value to float.\n") ;
6750 	return(-1) ;
6751       }
6752     }
6753     deltas[deltaidx - 1] = coordvals[1] - coordvals[0] ;
6754     if (isX) {
6755       if (coordvals[1] < coordvals[0]) {
6756 	deltas[deltaidx - 1] = (360.0 + coordvals[1]) - coordvals[0] ;
6757       }
6758     } /* longitudes can wrap around Greenwich and yet be linear */
6759     coordvals[0] = coordvals[1] ;
6760   } /* end for */
6761   islin = 1 ;  /* assume coordinate is linear for now */
6762   for (deltaidx = 1 ;  deltaidx < (pfi->dnum[GrADSdimnum] - 1) ;  ++deltaidx) {
6763     if (!fequal(deltas[deltaidx - 1], deltas[deltaidx],
6764 		((float)fabs(deltas[deltaidx])) / 1000.0)) {
6765       islin = 0 ;
6766       break ;
6767     }
6768   } /* end for */
6769   if (!islin) {
6770     return(0) ; /* use levels */
6771   }
6772   /* Ok, now we emulate deflin code */
6773   if (!(vals = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 6))) {
6774     gaprnt(0, "Memory allocation error eval. lin. coord. for SDF.\n") ;
6775     return(-1) ;
6776   }
6777   vals[0] = deltas[0] ;
6778   vals[1] = firstcoordval - deltas[0] ;
6779   vals[2] = -999.9 ;
6780   vals[3] = 1.0 / deltas[0] ;
6781   vals[4] = -1.0 * ((firstcoordval - deltas[0]) / deltas[0]) ;
6782   vals[5] = -999.9 ;
6783   pfi->grvals[GrADSdimnum] = vals ;
6784   pfi->abvals[GrADSdimnum] = vals + 3 ;
6785   pfi->ab2gr[GrADSdimnum] = liconv ;
6786   pfi->gr2ab[GrADSdimnum] = liconv ;
6787   pfi->linear[GrADSdimnum] = 1 ;
6788   if (isX) /* does it wrap the globe? */ {
6789     /* fabs & fmod take and return doubles, hence the casts */
6790     if (fequal((float) fabs(fmod((double)(coordvals[1] + deltas[0] - firstcoordval ),
6791 				 (double) 360.0)),
6792 	       (double) 0.0, ((float) fabs((double) deltas[0])) / 2.0)) {
6793       pfi->wrap = 1 ;
6794     } else {
6795       pfi->wrap = 0 ;
6796     }
6797   }
6798   return(1) ;
6799 }
6801 int
fequal(float op1,float op2,float tolerance)6802 fequal(float op1, float op2, float tolerance) {
6803   /*mf ---- added casts to be consistent with ANSI --- */
6804   if (fabs((double)op1 - (double)op2) <= (double)tolerance) {
6805     return(1) ;
6806   } else {
6807     return(0) ;
6808   }
6809 }
6811 int
dequal(double op1,double op2,double tolerance)6812 dequal(double op1, double op2, double tolerance) {
6813   if (fabs(op1 - op2) <= tolerance) {
6814     return(1) ;
6815   } else {
6816     return(0) ;
6817   }
6818 }
6820 #endif
6822 #endif