1 /*  Copyright (C) 1988-2005 by Brian Doty and the Institute
2                   of Global Environment and Society (IGES).
4     See file COPYRIGHT for more information.   */
6 #include<stdlib.h>
8 void *galloc(int,char *);
9 void gree();
10 void glook();
12 /* Installation options for the GX package. */
14 /* HBUFSZ is the size of the metafile output buffer in
15    number of short integers.  The metafile buffer should be as
16    large as is convenient for the target system.  Frames larger
17    than the buffer will get bufferred into the meta file on disk,
18    when BUFOPT is 1.  Otherwise multiple buffers of size HBUFSZ
19    will be allocated as needed. */
21 #define HBUFSZ 10000000L
22 #define BUFOPT 0
24 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
25   New projections:    Mollweide Projection (mollweide)
26                       Orthographic Projection (orthogr)
28   Changes in GrADS C source code files:
29                       gxwmap.c
30                       gagx.c
31                       gauser.c
32                       gx.h
33    DKRZ
34      10.08.95   Karin Meier (karin.meier@dkrz.de)
36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
38 #define pi 3.14159265358979
39 static float lomin, lomax, lamin, lamax;
42 /* Default directory containing the stroke and map data sets.
43    User can override this default via setenv GADDIR */
45 static char *datad = "%%DATADIR%%";
47 /* Option flag.  If 0, map data set is only read once into a
48    dynamically allocated memory area.  The memory is held onto
49    for the next call (about 35K).  If 1, the memory is allocated for
50    each call and the map data set is read each time.             */
51 /* Lowres map only */
53 #define MAPOPT 0
55 /* Spacing to use for shading to get a 'solid' fill when drawing
56    lines side by side at lineweight 3.  */
58 #define SDIFF 0.005
60 /* Structure for setting up map projections.  Used to call
61    map projection routines.                                          */
63 struct mapprj {
64   float lnmn,lnmx,ltmn,ltmx;        /* Lat,lon limits for projections */
65   float lnref;                      /* Reference longitude            */
66   float ltref1,ltref2;              /* Reference latitudes            */
67   float xmn,xmx,ymn,ymx;            /* Put map in this page area      */
68   float axmn,axmx,aymn,aymx;        /* Actual page area used by proj. */
69 };
71 /* Structure for holding info on displayed widgets. */
73 struct gobj {
74   int type;                 /* Basic type of object. -1 - end of list;
75                                 0 - none; 1 - btn; 2 - rbb; 3 = popm */
76   int i1,i2,j1,j2;          /* Extent of object */
77   int mb;                   /* Mouse button that invokes object */
78   union tobj {
79     struct gbtn *btn;       /* Pointer to button struct */
80     struct grbb *rbb;       /* Pointer to rubber-band struct */
81     struct gdmu *dmu;       /* Pointer to drop menu struct */
82   } iob;
83 };
85 /* Structure for holding information about GrADS button widgets */
86 /* Also used for popmenus, which display on the screen the same
87    as buttons */
89 struct gbtn {
90   int num;                       /* Button number (-1, unset) */
91   float x,y,w,h;                 /* Button location, size   */
92   int ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi;
93   int fc,bc,oc1,oc2,ftc,btc,otc1,otc2;  /* Colors           */
94   int thk;                       /* Thickness of outline    */
95   int state;                     /* Toggled or not?         */
96   int len;                       /* Length of string        */
97   char *ch;                      /* String content of btn   */
98 };
100 /* Structure holds info on rubber-band regions */
102 struct grbb {
103   int num;                       /* Region number (-1, unset) */
104   int mb;                        /* Mouse button specific   */
105   float xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi;         /* Rubber band region      */
106   int type;                      /* 0 for box, 1 for line   */
107 };
109 /* Structure for info on drop menus */
111 struct gdmu {
112   int num;                       /* Menu number             */
113   int casc;                      /* Anchored?               */
114   float x,y,w,h;                 /* Header button loc,size  */
115   int ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi;
116   int fc,bc,oc1,oc2;             /* Colors of base          */
117   int tfc,tbc,toc1,toc2;         /* Colors of selected base */
118   int bfc,bbc,boc1,boc2;         /* Colors of box           */
119   int soc1,soc2;                 /* Colors of selected item */
120   int thk;                       /* Thickness of outlines   */
121   int len;                       /* Length of string        */
122   char *ch;                      /* String content of menu  */
123 };
125 /* Structure holds info on dialog */
127 struct gdlg {
128   float x,y,w,h;                 /* Button location, size   */
129   int pc,fc,bc,oc;  		 /* Colors           	    */
130   int th;                        /* Thickness of outline    */
131   int len;                       /* Length of string        */
132   char *ch;                      /* String content of btn   */
133   int nu;                        /* Flag for numeric args   */
134 };
137 /* GrADS event queue. This queue is built as the mouse button
138    is clicked, and is cleared by a GrADS clear event.  Events
139    are removed from the queue via the 'q pos' command.  */
141 struct gevent {
142   struct gevent *forw;   /* Forward pointer */
143   float x, y;            /* X and Y position of cursor */
144   int mbtn;              /* Mouse button pressed */
145   int type;              /* Type of event */
146   int info[10];          /* Integer info about event */
147   float rinfo[4];        /* Floating point info about event */
148 };
150 /* Structure for passing information on map plotting
151    options */
153 struct mapopt {
154   int dcol,dstl,dthk;    /* Default color, style, thickness */
155   int *mcol,*mstl,*mthk;  /* Arrays of map line attributes */
156   float lnmin,lnmax,ltmin,ltmax;  /* Plot bounds */
157   char *mpdset;          /* Map data set name */
158 };
160 /* Structure for passing information on the currently open
161    X Window */
163 struct xinfo {
164   int winid;                 /* Window ID */
165   int winx;                  /* Window X position (upper left) */
166   int winy;                  /* Window Y position (upper left) */
167   unsigned int winw;         /* Window width */
168   unsigned int winh;         /* Window height */
169   unsigned int winb;         /* Window border width */
170 };
172 /* Function prototypes for GX library routines  */
174 /* Functions in gxdev:
175    gxdbgn: Initialize hardware
176    gxdend: Terminate hardware
177    gxdfrm: New frame
178    gxdcol: New color
179    gxadcl: Assign rgb color
180    gxdwid: New line width
181    gxdmov: Move pen
182    gxddrw: Draw
183    gxdrec: Filled rectangle
184    gxdsgl: Set single buffer mode
185    gxddbl: Set doulbe buffer mode
186    gxdswp: Swap buffers
187    gxqfil: Query availability of hardware polygon fill
188    gxdfil: Hardware Polygon fill
189    gxdxsz: Resize X Window (X only)
190    gxdbtn: Get pointer pos at mouse btn press
191    gxgrey: Set grey scale
192    gxdbck: Set hardware background/foreground
193    gxrswd: Reset Widget Structures
194    gxrs1wd: Reset one widget
195    gxcpwd: Copy widgets on swap in double buffer mode
196    gxevbn: Handle button press event
197    gxevrb: Handle rubber-band event
198    gxdptn: Set fill pattern
199    gxmaskrec: Set mask for a rectangle
200    gxmaskclear: Clear (unset) mask array
201                                                            */
203 void gxdbgn (float, float);
204 void gxdbat (void);
205 void gxdend (void);
206 void gxdfrm (int);
207 void gxdcol (int);
208 int gxdacl (int, int, int, int);
209 void gxdwid (int);
210 void gxdmov (float, float);
211 void gxddrw (float, float);
212 void gxdrec (float, float, float, float);
213 void gxdsgl (void);
214 void gxdbl (void);
215 void gxdswp (void);
216 int  gxqfil (void);
217 void gxdfil (float *, int);
218 void gxdfl2 (float *, int);
219 void gxdxsz (int, int);
220 void gxgrey (int);
221 void gxdbck (int);
222 int gxdbkq (void);
223 int gxdeve (int);
224 void gxdbtn (int, float *, float *, int *, int *, int *, float *);
225 void gxdpbn (int, struct gbtn *, int, int, int);
226 void gxdrmu (int, struct gdmu *, int, int);
227 void gxdsfn (void);
228 void gxdtxt (char *, float, float);
229 void gxdcf (void);
230 int gxdfsw (char *, int, int);
231 void gxdrdw (void);
232 void gxrdrw (int);
233 void gxrswd (int);
234 void gxrs1wd (int, int);
235 void gxcpwd (void);
236 void gxevbn (struct gevent *, int);
237 void gxevrb (struct gevent *, int, int, int);
238 int gxevdm (struct gevent *, int, int, int);
239 int gxpopdm(struct gdmu *, int, int, int, int);
240 void gxdrbb (int, int, float, float, float, float,int);
241 char *gxdlg (struct gdlg *);
242 void gxdptn (int, int, int);
243 void gxdssv (int);
244 void gxdssh (int);
245 void gxdsfr (int);
246 int win_data (struct xinfo *);
247 void gxmaskrec (float, float, float, float);
248 void gxmaskclear (void);
250 /* Routines in gxsubs:
251    gxstrt: Initialize graphics output
252    gxend:  Terminate graphics output
253    gxfrme: Start new frame
254    gxcolr: Set color attribute
255    gxacol: Assign new rgb to color number from 16-99
256    gxbckg: Set background color
257    gxqbck: Query background color
258    gxwide: Set line width attribute
259    gxmove: Move to X, Y
260    gxdraw: Draw solid line to X, Y using current color and linewidth
261    gxstyl: Set linestyle
262    gxplot: Move or draw using linestyles
263    gxclip: Set clipping region
264    gxchin: Initialize stroke font
265    gxchpl: Draw character(s)
266    gxtitl: Draw centered title
267    gxvpag: Set up virtual page
268    gxvcon: Do virtual page scaling
269    gxscal: Set up level 1 (linear) scaling
270    gxproj: Set up level 2 (projection) scaling
271    gxgrid: Set up level 3 (grid) scaling
272    gxback: Set up level 1 to level 2 back transform
273    gxconv: Convert coordinates to level 0 (hardware)
274    gxxy2w: Convert level 0 to level 2
275    gxcord: Convert array of coordinates to level 0
276    gxrset: Reset projection or grid level scaling
277    gxrecf: Draw filled rectangle
278    gxqclr: Query current color value
279    gxqstl: Query current linestyle value
280    gxmark: Draw marker
281    gxfill: Polygon fill
282    bdterp: Clipping Boundry Interpolation
283    gxgsym: Get env var
284    gxgnam: Get full path name
285    gxptrn: Set fill pattern
286                                                                 */
288 void gxstrt (float, float, int, int);
289 void gxend (void);
290 void gxfrme (int);
291 void gxsfrm (void);
292 void gxcolr (int);
293 int gxacol (int, int, int, int);
294 void gxbckg (int);
295 int gxqbck (void);
296 void gxwide (int);
297 void gxmove (float, float);
298 void gxdraw (float, float);
299 void gxstyl (int);
300 void gxplot (float, float, int);
301 void gxclip (float, float, float, float);
302 void gxtitl (char *, float, float, float, float, float);
303 void gxvpag (float, float, float, float, float, float);
304 void gxvcon (float, float, float *, float *);
305 void gxppvp (float, float, float *, float *);
306 void gxscal (float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float);
307 void gxproj ( void (*) (float, float, float*, float*) );
308 void gxgrid ( void (*) (float, float, float*, float*) );
309 void gxback ( void (*) (float, float, float*, float*) );
310 void gxconv (float, float, float *, float *, int);
311 void gxxy2w (float, float, float *, float *);
312 void gxgrmp (float, float, float *, float *);
313 void gxcord (float *, int, int);
314 void gxpoly (float *, int, int);
315 void gxrset (int);
316 void gxrecf (float, float, float, float);
317 int gxqclr (void);
318 int gxqstl (void);
319 void gxmark (int, float, float, float);
320 void gxfill (float *, int);
321 void bdterp (float, float, float, float, float *, float *);
322 char *gxgsym(char *);
323 char *gxgnam(char *);
324 void gxptrn (int, int, int);
326 /* Gxmeta routines handle graphics buffering and metafile output.
327    Routines in gxmeta:
328    gxhopt: Specify buffering option before open
329    gxhnew: Buffering initialization on startup
330    gxhbgn: Enable hardcopy (metafile) output
331    hout0:  Buffer 0 arg metafile command
332    hout1:  Buffer one arg metafile command
333    hout2:  Buffer two arg metafile command
334    hout4:  Buffer four arg metafile command
335    hout2i: Buffer two arg int metafile command
336    hout3i: Buffer three arg int metafile command
337    hout4i: Buffer four arg int metafile command
338    hfull:  Deal with full metafile memory buffer
339    gxhprt: Handle print command (output to metafile)
340    gxhwri: Write buffer to metafile
341    gxhend: Close output metafile
342    gxhfrm: Handle new frame action
343    gxhdrw: Handle redraw operation
344                                            */
346 void gxhopt (int);
347 void gxhnew (float, float, int);
348 int gxhbgn (char *);
349 void hout0 (int);
350 void hout1 (int, int);
351 void hout2 (int, float, float);
352 void hout4 (int, float, float, float, float);
353 void hout2i (int, int, int);
354 void hout3i (int, int, int, int);
355 void hout4i (int, int, int, int, int);
356 void hfull (void);
357 #ifdef PRINT_EPS
358 void gxhprt (char *);
359 #else
360 void gxhprt (void);
361 #endif
362 int gxhwri (void *, int);
363 void gxhend (void);
364 void gxhfrm (int);
365 void gxhdrw (int);
367 /* Routines in gxchpl:
368    gxchii: Initialize character plotting
369    gxchdf: Set default font
370    gxchpl: Plot character string
371    gxchln: Determine length (in plotting units) of a string
372    gxchgc: Get character info given character and font
373    gxchrd: Read in a font
374                             */
375 void gxchii (void);
376 void gxchdf (int);
377 void gxchpl (char *, int, float, float, float, float, float);
378 int gxchln (char *, int, float, float *);
379 char *gxchgc (int, int, int *);
380 int gxchrd (int);
382 /* Routine in gxcntr:
383    gxclmn: Specify minimum distance between labels
384    gxclev: Plot contour at specified value
385    gxcflw: Follow a contour segment
386    gxcspl: Spline fit a contour segment
387    gxclab: Draw buffered contour labels.
388    pathln: Find shortest col path through grid box
389    gxcrel: Release storage used by the contouring system
390                                                         */
391 void gxclmn (float);
392 void gxclev (float *, int, int, int, int, int, int,
393                                     float, float, char *, int, int);
394 void gxcflw (int, int, int, int);
395 void gxcspl (void);
396 void gxclab (float,int,int);
397 int pathln (float, float, float, float);
398 void gxcrel (void);
400 /* Routines in gxshad -- color filled contour routine:
402    gxshad -- do color filled contours
403    gxsflw -- Follow shade area boundries
404    spathl -- Calculate col path lengths
405    undcol -- Determine undefined-grid-side col characteristics
406    putxy  -- Buffer current coordinate
407    shdcmp -- Compress contour line
408    shdmax -- Determine max or min interior
409                                                                   */
410 void gxshad ( float *, int, int, float *, int *, int, float);
411 int gxsflw (int, int, int);
412 int spathl (float, float, float, float);
413 int undcol (int, int);
414 int putxy (float, float);
415 void shdcmp (void);
416 int shdmax (void);
418 /* routines in gxstrm:  gxstrm (do streamlines) */
420 void gxstrm (float *, float *, float *, int, int, float, float, float,
421    int, float *, int *, int, int);
422 void strmar (float, float, float, float);
423 int gxshdc (float *, int *, int, float);
425 /* Routines in gxwmap:
426    gxwmap: Draw world map
427    gxnmap: Draw medium res n.am. map
428    gxmout: Output section of world map
429    gxnste: Set up projection scaling for north polar stereographic
430    gxnpst: Scaling routine for north polar stereographic projection
431    gxaarw: Direction adjustment for map projection
432    gxgmap: Medium and hi res map drawer
433    gxhqpt: Plot quadrant of medium or hi res map
434    gxmpoly: Interpolate polygon sides for drawing in non-linear map space
435                                                                   */
437 void gxdmap (struct mapopt *);
438 void gxwmap (float, float, float, float);
439 void gxnmap (float, float, float, float);
440 void gxmout (int, float, float, float, float, float);
441 int  gxltln (struct mapprj *);
442 int  gxscld (struct mapprj *, int, int);
443 int  gxnste (struct mapprj *);
444 void gxnpst (float, float, float *, float *);
445 void gxnrev (float, float, float *, float *);
446 int  gxsste (struct mapprj *);
447 void gxspst (float, float, float *, float *);
448 void gxsrev (float, float, float *, float *);
449 float gxaarw (float, float);
450 void gxgmap (int, int, float, float, float, float);
451 void gxhqpt (int, int, int, float, float, float, float, float);
452 int  gxrobi (struct mapprj *);
453 void gxrobp (float, float, float *, float *);
454 void gxrobb (float, float, float *, float *);
455 /*---- DKRZ: appending new projections ---  10.08.95 Karin Meier
457     gxmoll: Setup scaling Mollweide projection
458     gxortg: Setup scaling Orthographic projection
460 ---- DKRZ: end of new projections ---  karin.meier@dkrz.de ----*/
462 /*---- Mollweide Projection ----*/
464 int  gxmoll (struct mapprj *);
465 void gxmollp (float, float, float *, float *);
466 void gxmollb (float, float, float *, float *);
468 /*---- Orthographic Projection ----*/
470 int  gxortg (struct mapprj *);
471 void gxortgp (float, float, float *, float *);
472 void gxortgb (float, float, float *, float *);
474 /*------- DKRZ appendingd end ------*/
476 /*---- Lambert Conformal Projection ----*/
478 int  gxlamc (struct mapprj *);
479 void gxlamcp (float, float, float *, float *);
480 void gxlamcb (float, float, float *, float *);
482 /*------- DKRZ appendingd end ------*/
483 float *gxmpoly(float *xy, int cnt, float llinc, int *newcnt);