1 /* $Id$ $Revision$ */
2 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 ts=8: */
4 /**
5  *
6  * Authors:
7  *   Tim Dwyer <tgdwyer@gmail.com>
8  *
9  * Copyright (C) 2005 Authors
10  *
11  * This version is released under the CPL (Common Public License) with
12  * the Graphviz distribution.
13  * A version is also available under the LGPL as part of the Adaptagrams
14  * project: http://sourceforge.net/projects/adaptagrams.
15  * If you make improvements or bug fixes to this code it would be much
16  * appreciated if you could also contribute those changes back to the
17  * Adaptagrams repository.
18  */
20 /**********************************************************
21  *
22  * Solve a quadratic function f(X) = X' e->A X + b X
23  * subject to a set of separation constraints e->cs
24  *
25  * Tim Dwyer, 2006
26  **********************************************************/
28 #include "digcola.h"
29 #ifdef IPSEPCOLA
30 #include <math.h>
31 #include <stdlib.h>
32 #include <time.h>
33 #include <stdio.h>
34 #include <float.h>
35 #include <assert.h>
36 #include "matrix_ops.h"
37 #include "kkutils.h"
38 #include <csolve_VPSC.h>
39 #include "quad_prog_vpsc.h"
40 #include "quad_prog_solver.h"
42 /* #define CONMAJ_LOGGING 1 */
43 #define quad_prog_tol 1e-4
45 /*
46  * Use gradient-projection to solve Variable Placement with Separation Constraints problem.
47  */
48 int
constrained_majorization_vpsc(CMajEnvVPSC * e,float * b,float * place,int max_iterations)49 constrained_majorization_vpsc(CMajEnvVPSC * e, float *b, float *place,
50 			      int max_iterations)
51 {
52     int i, j, counter;
53     float *g, *old_place, *d;
54     /* for laplacian computation need number of real vars and those
55      * dummy vars included in lap
56      */
57     int n = e->nv + e->nldv;
58     boolean converged = FALSE;
60     static int call_no = 0;
61 #endif				/* CONMAJ_LOGGING */
63     if (max_iterations == 0)
64 	return 0;
65     g = e->fArray1;
66     old_place = e->fArray2;
67     d = e->fArray3;
68     /* fprintf(stderr,"Entered: constrained_majorization_vpsc, #constraints=%d\n",e->m); */
69     if (e->m > 0) {
70 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
71 	    setVariableDesiredPos(e->vs[i], place[i]);
72 	}
73 	/* fprintf(stderr,"  calling satisfyVPSC...\n"); */
74 	satisfyVPSC(e->vpsc);
75 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
76 	    place[i] = getVariablePos(e->vs[i]);
77 	    /* fprintf(stderr,"vs[%d]=%f\n",i,place[i]); */
78 	}
79 	/* fprintf(stderr,"    done.\n"); */
80     }
82     float prev_stress = 0;
83     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
84 	prev_stress += 2 * b[i] * place[i];
85 	for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
86 	    prev_stress -= e->A[i][j] * place[j] * place[i];
87 	}
88     }
89     FILE *logfile = fopen("constrained_majorization_log", "a");
91     /* fprintf(logfile,"grad proj %d: stress=%f\n",call_no,prev_stress); */
92 #endif
94     for (counter = 0; counter < max_iterations && !converged; counter++) {
95 	float test = 0;
96 	float alpha, beta;
97 	float numerator = 0, denominator = 0, r;
98 	/* fprintf(stderr,"."); */
99 	converged = TRUE;
100 	/* find steepest descent direction */
101 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
102 	    old_place[i] = place[i];
103 	    g[i] = 2 * b[i];
104 	    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
105 		g[i] -= 2 * e->A[i][j] * place[j];
106 	    }
107 	}
108 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
109 	    numerator += g[i] * g[i];
110 	    r = 0;
111 	    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
112 		r += 2 * e->A[i][j] * g[j];
113 	    }
114 	    denominator -= r * g[i];
115 	}
116 	if (denominator != 0)
117 	    alpha = numerator / denominator;
118 	else
119 	    alpha = 1.0;
120 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
121 	    place[i] -= alpha * g[i];
122 	}
123 	if (e->m > 0) {
124 	    /* project to constraint boundary */
125 	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
126 		setVariableDesiredPos(e->vs[i], place[i]);
127 	    }
128 	    satisfyVPSC(e->vpsc);
129 	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
130 		place[i] = getVariablePos(e->vs[i]);
131 	    }
132 	}
133 	/* set place to the intersection of old_place-g and boundary and
134 	 * compute d, the vector from intersection pnt to projection pnt
135 	 */
136 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
137 	    d[i] = place[i] - old_place[i];
138 	}
139 	/* now compute beta */
140 	numerator = 0, denominator = 0;
141 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
142 	    numerator += g[i] * d[i];
143 	    r = 0;
144 	    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
145 		r += 2 * e->A[i][j] * d[j];
146 	    }
147 	    denominator += r * d[i];
148 	}
149 	if (denominator != 0.0)
150 	    beta = numerator / denominator;
151 	else
152 	    beta = 1.0;
154 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
155 	    /* beta > 1.0 takes us back outside the feasible region
156 	     * beta < 0 clearly not useful and may happen due to numerical imp.
157 	     */
158 	    if (beta > 0 && beta < 1.0) {
159 		place[i] = old_place[i] + beta * d[i];
160 	    }
161 	    test += fabs(place[i] - old_place[i]);
162 	}
164 	float stress = 0;
165 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
166 	    stress += 2 * b[i] * place[i];
167 	    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
168 		stress -= e->A[i][j] * place[j] * place[i];
169 	    }
170 	}
171 	fprintf(logfile, "%d: stress=%f, test=%f, %s\n", call_no, stress,
172 		test, (stress >= prev_stress) ? "No Improvement" : "");
173 	prev_stress = stress;
174 #endif
175 	if (test > quad_prog_tol) {
176 	    converged = FALSE;
177 	}
178     }
180     call_no++;
181     fclose(logfile);
182 #endif
183     return counter;
184 }
186 /*
187  * Set up environment and global constraints (dir-edge constraints, containment constraints
188  * etc).
189  *
190  * diredges: 0=no dir edge constraints
191  *           1=one separation constraint for each edge (in acyclic subgraph)
192  *           2=DiG-CoLa level constraints
193  */
initCMajVPSC(int n,float * packedMat,vtx_data * graph,ipsep_options * opt,int diredges)194 CMajEnvVPSC *initCMajVPSC(int n, float *packedMat, vtx_data * graph,
195 			  ipsep_options * opt, int diredges)
196 {
197     int i, j;
198     /* nv is the number of real nodes */
199     int nConCs;
200     /* fprintf(stderr,"Entered initCMajVPSC\n"); */
201     CMajEnvVPSC *e = GNEW(CMajEnvVPSC);
202     e->A = NULL;
203     e->packedMat = packedMat;
204     /* if we have clusters then we'll need two constraints for each var in
205      * a cluster */
206     e->nldv = 2 * opt->clusters->nclusters;
207     e->nv = n - e->nldv;
208     e->ndv = 0;
210     e->gcs = NULL;
211     e->vs = N_GNEW(n, Variable *);
212     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
213 	e->vs[i] = newVariable(i, 1.0, 1.0);
214     }
215     e->gm = 0;
216     if (diredges == 1) {
217 	if (Verbose)
218 	    fprintf(stderr, "  generate edge constraints...\n");
219 	for (i = 0; i < e->nv; i++) {
220 	    for (j = 1; j < graph[i].nedges; j++) {
221 		/* fprintf(stderr,"edist=%f\n",graph[i].edists[j]); */
222 		if (graph[i].edists[j] > 0.01) {
223 		    e->gm++;
224 		}
225 	    }
226 	}
227 	e->gcs = newConstraints(e->gm);
228 	e->gm = 0;
229 	for (i = 0; i < e->nv; i++) {
230 	    for (j = 1; j < graph[i].nedges; j++) {
231 		int u = i, v = graph[i].edges[j];
232 		if (graph[i].edists[j] > 0) {
233 		    e->gcs[e->gm++] =
234 			newConstraint(e->vs[u], e->vs[v], opt->edge_gap);
235 		}
236 	    }
237 	}
238     } else if (diredges == 2) {
239 	int *ordering = NULL, *ls = NULL, cvar;
240 	double halfgap;
241 	DigColaLevel *levels;
242 	Variable **vs = e->vs;
243 	/* e->ndv is the number of dummy variables required, one for each boundary */
244 	if (compute_hierarchy(graph, e->nv, 1e-2, 1e-1, NULL, &ordering, &ls,
245 			  &e->ndv)) return NULL;
246 	levels = assign_digcola_levels(ordering, e->nv, ls, e->ndv);
247 	if (Verbose)
248 	    fprintf(stderr, "Found %d DiG-CoLa boundaries\n", e->ndv);
249 	e->gm =
250 	    get_num_digcola_constraints(levels, e->ndv + 1) + e->ndv - 1;
251 	e->gcs = newConstraints(e->gm);
252 	e->gm = 0;
253 	e->vs = N_GNEW(n + e->ndv, Variable *);
254 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
255 	    e->vs[i] = vs[i];
256 	}
257 	free(vs);
258 	/* create dummy vars */
259 	for (i = 0; i < e->ndv; i++) {
260 	    /* dummy vars should have 0 weight */
261 	    cvar = n + i;
262 	    e->vs[cvar] = newVariable(cvar, 1.0, 0.000001);
263 	}
264 	halfgap = opt->edge_gap;
265 	for (i = 0; i < e->ndv; i++) {
266 	    cvar = n + i;
267 	    /* outgoing constraints for each var in level below boundary */
268 	    for (j = 0; j < levels[i].num_nodes; j++) {
269 		e->gcs[e->gm++] =
270 		    newConstraint(e->vs[levels[i].nodes[j]], e->vs[cvar],
271 				  halfgap);
272 	    }
273 	    /* incoming constraints for each var in level above boundary */
274 	    for (j = 0; j < levels[i + 1].num_nodes; j++) {
275 		e->gcs[e->gm++] =
276 		    newConstraint(e->vs[cvar],
277 				  e->vs[levels[i + 1].nodes[j]], halfgap);
278 	    }
279 	}
280 	/* constraints between adjacent boundary dummy vars */
281 	for (i = 0; i < e->ndv - 1; i++) {
282 	    e->gcs[e->gm++] =
283 		newConstraint(e->vs[n + i], e->vs[n + i + 1], 0);
284 	}
285     }
286     /* fprintf(stderr,"  generate edge constraints... done: n=%d,m=%d\n",e->n,e->gm); */
287     if (opt->clusters->nclusters > 0) {
288 	/* fprintf(stderr,"  generate cluster containment constraints...\n"); */
289 	Constraint **ecs = e->gcs;
290 	nConCs = 2 * opt->clusters->nvars;
291 	e->gcs = newConstraints(e->gm + nConCs);
292 	for (i = 0; i < e->gm; i++) {
293 	    e->gcs[i] = ecs[i];
294 	}
295 	if (ecs != NULL)
296 	    deleteConstraints(0, ecs);
297 	for (i = 0; i < opt->clusters->nclusters; i++) {
298 	    for (j = 0; j < opt->clusters->clustersizes[i]; j++) {
299 		Variable *v = e->vs[opt->clusters->clusters[i][j]];
300 		Variable *cl = e->vs[e->nv + 2 * i];
301 		Variable *cr = e->vs[e->nv + 2 * i + 1];
302 		e->gcs[e->gm++] = newConstraint(cl, v, 0);
303 		e->gcs[e->gm++] = newConstraint(v, cr, 0);
304 	    }
305 	}
306 	/* fprintf(stderr,"  containment constraints... done: \n"); */
307     }
309     e->m = 0;
310     e->cs = NULL;
311     if (e->gm > 0) {
312 	e->vpsc = newIncVPSC(n + e->ndv, e->vs, e->gm, e->gcs);
313 	e->m = e->gm;
314 	e->cs = e->gcs;
315     }
316     if (packedMat != NULL) {
317 	e->A = unpackMatrix(packedMat, n);
318     }
319 #ifdef MOSEK
320     e->mosekEnv = NULL;
321     if (opt->mosek) {
322 	e->mosekEnv =
323 	    mosek_init_sep(e->packedMat, n, e->ndv, e->gcs, e->gm);
324     }
325 #endif
327     e->fArray1 = N_GNEW(n, float);
328     e->fArray2 = N_GNEW(n, float);
329     e->fArray3 = N_GNEW(n, float);
330     if (Verbose)
331 	fprintf(stderr,
332 		"  initCMajVPSC done: %d global constraints generated.\n",
333 		e->m);
334     return e;
335 }
deleteCMajEnvVPSC(CMajEnvVPSC * e)337 void deleteCMajEnvVPSC(CMajEnvVPSC * e)
338 {
339     int i;
340     if (e->A != NULL) {
341 	free(e->A[0]);
342 	free(e->A);
343     }
344     if (e->m > 0) {
345 	deleteVPSC(e->vpsc);
346 	if (e->cs != e->gcs && e->gcs != NULL)
347 	    deleteConstraints(0, e->gcs);
348 	deleteConstraints(e->m, e->cs);
349 	for (i = 0; i < e->nv + e->nldv + e->ndv; i++) {
350 	    deleteVariable(e->vs[i]);
351 	}
352 	free(e->vs);
353     }
354     free(e->fArray1);
355     free(e->fArray2);
356     free(e->fArray3);
357 #ifdef MOSEK
358     if (e->mosekEnv) {
359 	mosek_delete(e->mosekEnv);
360     }
361 #endif				/* MOSEK */
362     free(e);
363 }
365 /* generate non-overlap constraints inside each cluster, including dummy
366  * nodes at bounds of cluster
367  * generate constraints again for top level nodes and clusters treating
368  * clusters as rectangles of dim (l,r,b,t)
369  * for each cluster map in-constraints to l out-constraints to r
370  *
371  * For now, we'll keep the global containment constraints already
372  * generated for each cluster, and simply generate non-overlap constraints
373  * for all nodes and then an additional set of non-overlap constraints for
374  * clusters that we'll map back to the dummy vars as above.
375  */
generateNonoverlapConstraints(CMajEnvVPSC * e,float nsizeScale,float ** coords,int k,boolean transitiveClosure,ipsep_options * opt)376 void generateNonoverlapConstraints(CMajEnvVPSC * e,
377 				   float nsizeScale,
378 				   float **coords,
379 				   int k,
380 				   boolean transitiveClosure,
381 				   ipsep_options * opt)
382 {
383     Constraint **csol, **csolptr;
384     int i, j, mol = 0;
385     int n = e->nv + e->nldv;
386 #ifdef _WIN32
387     boxf* bb = N_GNEW (n, boxf);
388 #else
389     boxf bb[n];
390 #endif
391     boolean genclusters = opt->clusters->nclusters > 0;
392     if (genclusters) {
393 	/* n is the number of real variables, not dummy cluster vars */
394 	n -= 2 * opt->clusters->nclusters;
395     }
396     if (k == 0) {
397 	/* grow a bit in the x dimension, so that if overlap is resolved
398 	 * horizontally then it won't be considered overlapping vertically
399 	 */
400 	nsizeScale *= 1.0001;
401     }
402     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
403 	bb[i].LL.x =
404 	    coords[0][i] - nsizeScale * opt->nsize[i].x / 2.0 -
405 	    opt->gap.x / 2.0;
406 	bb[i].UR.x =
407 	    coords[0][i] + nsizeScale * opt->nsize[i].x / 2.0 +
408 	    opt->gap.x / 2.0;
409 	bb[i].LL.y =
410 	    coords[1][i] - nsizeScale * opt->nsize[i].y / 2.0 -
411 	    opt->gap.y / 2.0;
412 	bb[i].UR.y =
413 	    coords[1][i] + nsizeScale * opt->nsize[i].y / 2.0 +
414 	    opt->gap.y / 2.0;
415     }
416     if (genclusters) {
417 #ifdef _WIN32
418 	Constraint ***cscl = N_GNEW(opt->clusters->nclusters + 1, Constraint**);
419 	int* cm = N_GNEW(opt->clusters->nclusters + 1, int);
420 #else
421 	Constraint **cscl[opt->clusters->nclusters + 1];
422 	int cm[opt->clusters->nclusters + 1];
423 #endif
424 	for (i = 0; i < opt->clusters->nclusters; i++) {
425 	    int cn = opt->clusters->clustersizes[i];
426 #ifdef _WIN32
427 	    Variable** cvs = N_GNEW(cn + 2, Variable*);
428 	    boxf* cbb = N_GNEW(cn + 2, boxf);
429 #else
430 	    Variable *cvs[cn + 2];
431 	    boxf cbb[cn + 2];
432 #endif
433 	    /* compute cluster bounding bb */
434 	    boxf container;
435 	    container.LL.x = container.LL.y = DBL_MAX;
436 	    container.UR.x = container.UR.y = -DBL_MAX;
437 	    for (j = 0; j < cn; j++) {
438 		int iv = opt->clusters->clusters[i][j];
439 		cvs[j] = e->vs[iv];
440 		B2BF(bb[iv], cbb[j]);
441 		EXPANDBB(container, bb[iv]);
442 	    }
443 	    B2BF(container, opt->clusters->bb[i]);
444 	    cvs[cn] = e->vs[n + 2 * i];
445 	    cvs[cn + 1] = e->vs[n + 2 * i + 1];
446 	    B2BF(container, cbb[cn]);
447 	    B2BF(container, cbb[cn + 1]);
448 	    if (k == 0) {
449 		cbb[cn].UR.x = container.LL.x + 0.0001;
450 		cbb[cn + 1].LL.x = container.UR.x - 0.0001;
451 		cm[i] =
452 		    genXConstraints(cn + 2, cbb, cvs, &cscl[i],
453 				    transitiveClosure);
454 	    } else {
455 		cbb[cn].UR.y = container.LL.y + 0.0001;
456 		cbb[cn + 1].LL.y = container.UR.y - 0.0001;
457 		cm[i] = genYConstraints(cn + 2, cbb, cvs, &cscl[i]);
458 	    }
459 	    mol += cm[i];
460 #ifdef _WIN32
461 	    free (cvs);
462 	    free (cbb);
463 #endif
464 	}
465 	/* generate top level constraints */
466 	{
467 	    int cn = opt->clusters->ntoplevel + opt->clusters->nclusters;
468 #ifdef _WIN32
469 	    Variable** cvs = N_GNEW(cn,Variable*);
470 	    boxf* cbb = N_GNEW(cn, boxf);
471 #else
472 	    Variable *cvs[cn];
473 	    boxf cbb[cn];
474 #endif
475 	    for (i = 0; i < opt->clusters->ntoplevel; i++) {
476 		int iv = opt->clusters->toplevel[i];
477 		cvs[i] = e->vs[iv];
478 		B2BF(bb[iv], cbb[i]);
479 	    }
480 	    /* make dummy variables for clusters */
481 	    for (i = opt->clusters->ntoplevel; i < cn; i++) {
482 		cvs[i] = newVariable(123 + i, 1, 1);
483 		j = i - opt->clusters->ntoplevel;
484 		B2BF(opt->clusters->bb[j], cbb[i]);
485 	    }
486 	    i = opt->clusters->nclusters;
487 	    if (k == 0) {
488 		cm[i] =
489 		    genXConstraints(cn, cbb, cvs, &cscl[i],
490 				    transitiveClosure);
491 	    } else {
492 		cm[i] = genYConstraints(cn, cbb, cvs, &cscl[i]);
493 	    }
494 	    /* remap constraints from tmp dummy vars to cluster l and r vars */
495 	    for (i = opt->clusters->ntoplevel; i < cn; i++) {
496 		double dgap;
497 		j = i - opt->clusters->ntoplevel;
498 		/* dgap is the change in required constraint gap.
499 		 * since we are going from a source rectangle the size
500 		 * of the cluster bounding box to a zero width (in x dim,
501 		 * zero height in y dim) rectangle, the change will be
502 		 * half the bb width.
503 		 */
504 		if (k == 0) {
505 		    dgap = -(cbb[i].UR.x - cbb[i].LL.x) / 2.0;
506 		} else {
507 		    dgap = -(cbb[i].UR.y - cbb[i].LL.y) / 2.0;
508 		}
509 		remapInConstraints(cvs[i], e->vs[n + 2 * j], dgap);
510 		remapOutConstraints(cvs[i], e->vs[n + 2 * j + 1], dgap);
511 		/* there may be problems with cycles between
512 		 * cluster non-overlap and diredge constraints,
513 		 * to resolve:
514 		 *
515 		 * for each constraint c:v->cvs[i]:
516 		 *   if exists diredge constraint u->v where u in c:
517 		 *     remap v->cl to cr->v (gap = height(v)/2)
518 		 *
519 		 * in = getInConstraints(cvs[i])
520 		 * for(c : in) {
521 		 *   assert(c.right==cvs[i]);
522 		 *   vin = getOutConstraints(v=c.left)
523 		 *   for(d : vin) {
524 		 *     if(d.left.cluster==i):
525 		 *       tmp = d.left
526 		 *       d.left = d.right
527 		 *       d.right = tmp
528 		 *       d.gap = height(d.right)/2
529 		 *   }
530 		 * }
531 		 *
532 		 */
533 		deleteVariable(cvs[i]);
534 	    }
535 	    mol += cm[opt->clusters->nclusters];
536 #ifdef _WIN32
537 	    free (cvs);
538 	    free (cbb);
539 #endif
540 	}
541 	csolptr = csol = newConstraints(mol);
542 	for (i = 0; i < opt->clusters->nclusters + 1; i++) {
543 	    /* copy constraints into csol */
544 	    for (j = 0; j < cm[i]; j++) {
545 		*csolptr++ = cscl[i][j];
546 	    }
547 	    deleteConstraints(0, cscl[i]);
548 	}
549 #ifdef _WIN32
550 	free (cscl);
551 	free (cm);
552 #endif
553     } else {
554 	if (k == 0) {
555 	    mol = genXConstraints(n, bb, e->vs, &csol, transitiveClosure);
556 	} else {
557 	    mol = genYConstraints(n, bb, e->vs, &csol);
558 	}
559     }
560     /* remove constraints from previous iteration */
561     if (e->m > 0) {
562 	/* can't reuse instance of VPSC when constraints change! */
563 	deleteVPSC(e->vpsc);
564 	for (i = e->gm == 0 ? 0 : e->gm; i < e->m; i++) {
565 	    /* delete previous overlap constraints */
566 	    deleteConstraint(e->cs[i]);
567 	}
568 	/* just delete the array, not the elements */
569 	if (e->cs != e->gcs)
570 	    deleteConstraints(0, e->cs);
571     }
572     /* if we have no global constraints then the overlap constraints
573      * are all we have to worry about.
574      * Otherwise, we have to copy the global and overlap constraints
575      * into the one array
576      */
577     if (e->gm == 0) {
578 	e->m = mol;
579 	e->cs = csol;
580     } else {
581 	e->m = mol + e->gm;
582 	e->cs = newConstraints(e->m);
583 	for (i = 0; i < e->m; i++) {
584 	    if (i < e->gm) {
585 		e->cs[i] = e->gcs[i];
586 	    } else {
587 		e->cs[i] = csol[i - e->gm];
588 	    }
589 	}
590 	/* just delete the array, not the elements */
591 	deleteConstraints(0, csol);
592     }
593     if (Verbose)
594 	fprintf(stderr, "  generated %d constraints\n", e->m);
595     e->vpsc = newIncVPSC(e->nv + e->nldv + e->ndv, e->vs, e->m, e->cs);
596 #ifdef MOSEK
597     if (opt->mosek) {
598 	if (e->mosekEnv != NULL) {
599 	    mosek_delete(e->mosekEnv);
600 	}
601 	e->mosekEnv =
602 	    mosek_init_sep(e->packedMat, e->nv + e->nldv, e->ndv, e->cs,
603 			   e->m);
604     }
605 #endif
606 #ifdef _WIN32
607     free (bb);
608 #endif
609 }
611 /*
612  * Statically remove overlaps, that is remove all overlaps by moving each node as
613  * little as possible.
614  */
removeoverlaps(int n,float ** coords,ipsep_options * opt)615 void removeoverlaps(int n, float **coords, ipsep_options * opt)
616 {
617     int i;
618     CMajEnvVPSC *e = initCMajVPSC(n, NULL, NULL, opt, 0);
619     generateNonoverlapConstraints(e, 1.0, coords, 0, TRUE, opt);
620     solveVPSC(e->vpsc);
621     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
622 	coords[0][i] = getVariablePos(e->vs[i]);
623     }
624     generateNonoverlapConstraints(e, 1.0, coords, 1, FALSE, opt);
625     solveVPSC(e->vpsc);
626     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
627 	coords[1][i] = getVariablePos(e->vs[i]);
628     }
629     deleteCMajEnvVPSC(e);
630 }
632 /*
633  unpack the "ordering" array into an array of DigColaLevel
634 */
assign_digcola_levels(int * ordering,int n,int * level_inds,int num_divisions)635 DigColaLevel *assign_digcola_levels(int *ordering, int n, int *level_inds,
636 				    int num_divisions)
637 {
638     int i, j;
639     DigColaLevel *l = N_GNEW(num_divisions + 1, DigColaLevel);
640     /* first level */
641     l[0].num_nodes = level_inds[0];
642     l[0].nodes = N_GNEW(l[0].num_nodes, int);
643     for (i = 0; i < l[0].num_nodes; i++) {
644 	l[0].nodes[i] = ordering[i];
645     }
646     /* second through second last level */
647     for (i = 1; i < num_divisions; i++) {
648 	l[i].num_nodes = level_inds[i] - level_inds[i - 1];
649 	l[i].nodes = N_GNEW(l[i].num_nodes, int);
650 	for (j = 0; j < l[i].num_nodes; j++) {
651 	    l[i].nodes[j] = ordering[level_inds[i - 1] + j];
652 	}
653     }
654     /* last level */
655     if (num_divisions > 0) {
656 	l[num_divisions].num_nodes = n - level_inds[num_divisions - 1];
657 	l[num_divisions].nodes = N_GNEW(l[num_divisions].num_nodes, int);
658 	for (i = 0; i < l[num_divisions].num_nodes; i++) {
659 	    l[num_divisions].nodes[i] =
660 		ordering[level_inds[num_divisions - 1] + i];
661 	}
662     }
663     return l;
664 }
delete_digcola_levels(DigColaLevel * l,int num_levels)665 void delete_digcola_levels(DigColaLevel * l, int num_levels)
666 {
667     int i;
668     for (i = 0; i < num_levels; i++) {
669 	free(l[i].nodes);
670     }
671     free(l);
672 }
print_digcola_levels(FILE * logfile,DigColaLevel * levels,int num_levels)673 void print_digcola_levels(FILE * logfile, DigColaLevel * levels,
674 			  int num_levels)
675 {
676     int i, j;
677     fprintf(logfile, "levels:\n");
678     for (i = 0; i < num_levels; i++) {
679 	fprintf(logfile, "  l[%d]:", i);
680 	for (j = 0; j < levels[i].num_nodes; j++) {
681 	    fprintf(logfile, "%d ", levels[i].nodes[j]);
682 	}
683 	fprintf(logfile, "\n");
684     }
685 }
687 /*********************
688 get number of separation constraints based on the number of nodes in each level
689 ie, num_sep_constraints = sum_i^{num_levels-1} (|L[i]|+|L[i+1]|)
690 **********************/
get_num_digcola_constraints(DigColaLevel * levels,int num_levels)691 int get_num_digcola_constraints(DigColaLevel * levels, int num_levels)
692 {
693     int i, nc = 0;
694     for (i = 1; i < num_levels; i++) {
695 	nc += levels[i].num_nodes + levels[i - 1].num_nodes;
696     }
697     nc += levels[0].num_nodes + levels[num_levels - 1].num_nodes;
698     return nc;
699 }
701 #endif				/* IPSEPCOLA */