1# coding=utf-8
3Test each of the extensions base classes (if needed) and sometimes provide
4specialised test classes for testers to use.
6import inkex
7from inkex.tester import ComparisonMixin, TestCase
9class TurnGreenEffect(inkex.ColorExtension):
10    """Turn everything the purest green!"""
11    def modify_color(self, name, color):
12        return inkex.Color('green')
13    def modify_opacity(self, name, opacity):
14        if name == 'opacity':
15            return 1.0
16        return opacity
18class ColorEffectTest(ComparisonMixin, TestCase):
19    """Direct tests for color mechanisms"""
20    effect_class = TurnGreenEffect
21    effect_name = 'inkex_extensions_color'
22    compare_file = 'svg/colors.svg'
23    python3_only = True
25    comparisons = [
26        ('--id=r1',), # One shape only
27        ('--id=r2',), # CSS Styles
28        ('--id=r3',), # Element Attributes
29        ('--id=r4',), # Gradient stops
30        ('--id=r1', '--id=r2'), # Two shapes
31        ('--id=color_svg',), # Recursive group/children
32        (), # Process all shapes
33    ]
35class ColorBaseCase(TestCase):
36    """Base class for all color effect extensions"""
37    color_tests = []
38    opacity_tests = []
40    def _test_list(self, tsts):
41        for tst in tsts:
42            inp, outp, args = (list(tst) + [[]])[:3]
43            self.effect.parse_arguments([self.empty_svg] + args)
44            yield inp, outp
46    def test_colors(self):
47        """Run all color tests"""
48        for x, (inp, outp) in enumerate(self._test_list(self.color_tests)):
49            outp = inkex.Color(outp)
50            got = self.effect._modify_color('fill', inkex.Color(inp))
51            self.assertTrue(isinstance(got, inkex.Color),\
52                "Bad output type: {}".format(type(got).__name__))
53            outp, got = str(outp), str(got.to(outp.space))
54            self.assertEqual(outp, got,\
55                "Color mismatch, test:{} {} != {}".format(x, outp, got))
56        for x, (inp, outp) in enumerate(self._test_list(self.opacity_tests)):
57            got = self.effect.modify_opacity('opacity', inp)
58            self.assertTrue(isinstance(got, float))
59            self.assertAlmostEqual(got, outp, delta=0.1)