1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
2 /** @file
3  * TODO: insert short description here
4  *//*
5  * Authors:
6  * see git history
7  * Fred
8  *
9  * Copyright (C) 2018 Authors
10  * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
11  */
13 #ifndef my_alpha_ligne
14 #define my_alpha_ligne
16 #include "LivarotDefs.h"
18 /*
19  * pixel coverage of a line, libart style: each pixel coverage is obtained from the coverage of the previous one by
20  * adding a delta given by a step. the goal is to have only a limited number of positions where the delta != 0, so that
21  * you only have to store a limited number of steps.
22  */
24 // a step
25 struct alpha_step {
26 	int           x;     // position
27 	float         delta; // increase or decrease in pixel coverage with respect to the coverage of the previous pixel
28 };
31 class AlphaLigne {
32 public:
33   // bounds of the line
34   // necessary since the visible portion of the canvas is bounded, and you need to compute
35   // the value of the pixel "just before the visible portion of the line"
36 	int          min,max;
37 	int          length;
39   // before is the step containing the delta relative to a pixel infinitely far on the left of the line
40   // thus the initial pixel coverage is before.delta
41 	alpha_step   before,after;
42   // array of steps
43 	int          nbStep,maxStep;
44 	alpha_step*  steps;
46   // bounds of the portion of the line that has received some coverage
47 	int          curMin,curMax;
49   // iMin and iMax are the bounds of the visible portion of the line
50 	AlphaLigne(int iMin,int iMax);
51     virtual ~AlphaLigne();
53   // empties the line
54 	void             Reset();
56   // add some coverage.
57   // pente is (eval-sval)/(epos-spos), because you can compute it once per edge, and thus spare the
58   // CPU some potentially costly divisions
59 	int              AddBord(float spos,float sval,float epos,float eval,float iPente);
60   // version where you don't have the pente parameter
61 	int              AddBord(float spos,float sval,float epos,float eval);
63   // sorts the steps in increasing order. needed before you raster the line
64 	void             Flatten();
66   // debug dump of the steps
67 	void						 Affiche();
69   // private
70 	void             AddRun(int st,float pente);
72   // raster the line in the buffer given in "dest", with the rasterization primitive worker
73   // worker() is given the color parameter each time it is called. the type of the function is
74   // defined in LivarotDefs.h
75 	void             Raster(raster_info &dest,void* color,RasterInRunFunc worker);
77   // also private. that's the comparison function given to qsort()
CmpStep(const void * p1,const void * p2)78 	static int       CmpStep(const void * p1, const void * p2) {
79 		alpha_step* d1=(alpha_step*)p1;
80 		alpha_step* d2=(alpha_step*)p2;
81 		return  d1->x - d2->x ;
82 	};
83 };
86 #endif