1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
2 /*
3  * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
4  */
6 #include <gtkmm.h>
8 #include "live_effects/lpe-simplify.h"
10 #include "display/curve.h"
11 #include "helper/geom.h"
12 #include "path/path-util.h"
13 #include "svg/svg.h"
14 #include "ui/icon-names.h"
15 #include "ui/tools/node-tool.h"
17 #include <2geom/svg-path-parser.h>
19 // TODO due to internal breakage in glibmm headers, this must be last:
20 #include <glibmm/i18n.h>
22 namespace Inkscape {
23 namespace LivePathEffect {
LPESimplify(LivePathEffectObject * lpeobject)25 LPESimplify::LPESimplify(LivePathEffectObject *lpeobject)
26     : Effect(lpeobject)
27     , steps(_("Steps:"), _("Change number of simplify steps "), "steps", &wr, this, 1)
28     , threshold(_("Roughly threshold:"), _("Roughly threshold:"), "threshold", &wr, this, 0.002)
29     , smooth_angles(_("Smooth angles:"), _("Max degree difference on handles to perform a smooth"), "smooth_angles",
30                     &wr, this, 0.)
31     , helper_size(_("Helper size:"), _("Helper size"), "helper_size", &wr, this, 5)
32     , simplify_individual_paths(_("Paths separately"), _("Simplifying paths (separately)"), "simplify_individual_paths",
33                                 &wr, this, false, "", INKSCAPE_ICON("on-outline"), INKSCAPE_ICON("off-outline"))
34     , simplify_just_coalesce(_("Just coalesce"), _("Simplify just coalesce"), "simplify_just_coalesce", &wr, this,
35                              false, "", INKSCAPE_ICON("on-outline"), INKSCAPE_ICON("off-outline"))
36 {
37     registerParameter(&steps);
38     registerParameter(&threshold);
39     registerParameter(&smooth_angles);
40     registerParameter(&helper_size);
41     registerParameter(&simplify_individual_paths);
42     registerParameter(&simplify_just_coalesce);
44     threshold.param_set_range(0.0001, Geom::infinity());
45     threshold.param_set_increments(0.0001, 0.0001);
46     threshold.param_set_digits(6);
48     steps.param_set_range(0, 100);
49     steps.param_set_increments(1, 1);
50     steps.param_set_digits(0);
52     smooth_angles.param_set_range(0.0, 360.0);
53     smooth_angles.param_set_increments(10, 10);
54     smooth_angles.param_set_digits(2);
56     helper_size.param_set_range(0.0, 999.0);
57     helper_size.param_set_increments(5, 5);
58     helper_size.param_set_digits(2);
60     radius_helper_nodes = 6.0;
61     apply_to_clippath_and_mask = true;
62 }
64 LPESimplify::~LPESimplify() = default;
66 void
doBeforeEffect(SPLPEItem const * lpeitem)67 LPESimplify::doBeforeEffect (SPLPEItem const* lpeitem)
68 {
69     if(!hp.empty()) {
70         hp.clear();
71     }
72     bbox = SP_ITEM(lpeitem)->visualBounds();
73     radius_helper_nodes = helper_size;
74 }
76 Gtk::Widget *
newWidget()77 LPESimplify::newWidget()
78 {
79     // use manage here, because after deletion of Effect object, others might still be pointing to this widget.
80     Gtk::Box *vbox = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL));
82     vbox->set_border_width(5);
83     vbox->set_homogeneous(false);
84     vbox->set_spacing(2);
85     std::vector<Parameter *>::iterator it = param_vector.begin();
86     Gtk::Box * buttons = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL,0));
87     while (it != param_vector.end()) {
88         if ((*it)->widget_is_visible) {
89             Parameter * param = *it;
90             Gtk::Widget * widg = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Widget *>(param->param_newWidget());
91             if (param->param_key == "simplify_individual_paths" ||
92                     param->param_key == "simplify_just_coalesce") {
93                 Glib::ustring * tip = param->param_getTooltip();
94                 if (widg) {
95                     buttons->pack_start(*widg, true, true, 2);
96                     if (tip) {
97                         widg->set_tooltip_text(*tip);
98                     } else {
99                         widg->set_tooltip_text("");
100                         widg->set_has_tooltip(false);
101                     }
102                 }
103             } else {
104                 Glib::ustring * tip = param->param_getTooltip();
105                 if (widg) {
106                     Gtk::Box * horizontal_box = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Box *>(widg);
107                     std::vector< Gtk::Widget* > child_list = horizontal_box->get_children();
108                     Gtk::Entry* entry_widg = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Entry *>(child_list[1]);
109                     entry_widg->set_width_chars(8);
110                     vbox->pack_start(*widg, true, true, 2);
111                     if (tip) {
112                         widg->set_tooltip_text(*tip);
113                     } else {
114                         widg->set_tooltip_text("");
115                         widg->set_has_tooltip(false);
116                     }
117                 }
118             }
119         }
121         ++it;
122     }
123     vbox->pack_start(*buttons,true, true, 2);
124     if(Gtk::Widget* widg = defaultParamSet()) {
125         vbox->pack_start(*widg, true, true, 2);
126     }
127     return dynamic_cast<Gtk::Widget *>(vbox);
128 }
130 void
doEffect(SPCurve * curve)131 LPESimplify::doEffect(SPCurve *curve)
132 {
133     Geom::PathVector const original_pathv = pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers(curve->get_pathvector());
134     gdouble size  = Geom::L2(bbox->dimensions());
135     //size /= Geom::Affine(0,0,0,0,0,0).descrim();
136     Path* pathliv = Path_for_pathvector(original_pathv);
137     if(simplify_individual_paths) {
138         size = Geom::L2(Geom::bounds_fast(original_pathv)->dimensions());
139     }
140     size /= sp_lpe_item->i2doc_affine().descrim();
141     for (int unsigned i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
142         if ( simplify_just_coalesce ) {
143             pathliv->Coalesce(threshold * size);
144         } else {
145             pathliv->ConvertEvenLines(threshold * size);
146             pathliv->Simplify(threshold * size);
147         }
148     }
149     Geom::PathVector result = Geom::parse_svg_path(pathliv->svg_dump_path());
150     generateHelperPathAndSmooth(result);
151     curve->set_pathvector(result);
152     update_helperpath();
153 }
155 void
generateHelperPathAndSmooth(Geom::PathVector & result)156 LPESimplify::generateHelperPathAndSmooth(Geom::PathVector &result)
157 {
158     if(steps < 1) {
159         return;
160     }
161     Geom::PathVector tmp_path;
162     Geom::CubicBezier const *cubic = nullptr;
163     for (auto & path_it : result) {
164         if (path_it.empty()) {
165             continue;
166         }
168         Geom::Path::iterator curve_it1 = path_it.begin(); // incoming curve
169         Geom::Path::iterator curve_it2 = ++(path_it.begin());// outgoing curve
170         Geom::Path::iterator curve_endit = path_it.end_default(); // this determines when the loop has to stop
171         SPCurve *nCurve = new SPCurve();
172         if (path_it.closed()) {
173             // if the path is closed, maybe we have to stop a bit earlier because the
174             // closing line segment has zerolength.
175             const Geom::Curve &closingline =
176                 path_it.back_closed(); // the closing line segment is always of type
177             // Geom::LineSegment.
178             if (are_near(closingline.initialPoint(), closingline.finalPoint())) {
179                 // closingline.isDegenerate() did not work, because it only checks for
180                 // *exact* zero length, which goes wrong for relative coordinates and
181                 // rounding errors...
182                 // the closing line segment has zero-length. So stop before that one!
183                 curve_endit = path_it.end_open();
184             }
185         }
186         if(helper_size > 0) {
187             drawNode(curve_it1->initialPoint());
188         }
189         nCurve->moveto(curve_it1->initialPoint());
190         Geom::Point start = Geom::Point(0,0);
191         while (curve_it1 != curve_endit) {
192             cubic = dynamic_cast<Geom::CubicBezier const *>(&*curve_it1);
193             Geom::Point point_at1 = curve_it1->initialPoint();
194             Geom::Point point_at2 = curve_it1->finalPoint();
195             Geom::Point point_at3 = curve_it1->finalPoint();
196             Geom::Point point_at4 = curve_it1->finalPoint();
198             if(start == Geom::Point(0,0)) {
199                 start = point_at1;
200             }
202             if (cubic) {
203                 point_at1 = (*cubic)[1];
204                 point_at2 = (*cubic)[2];
205             }
207             if(path_it.closed() && curve_it2 == curve_endit) {
208                 point_at4 = start;
209             }
210             if(curve_it2 != curve_endit) {
211                 cubic = dynamic_cast<Geom::CubicBezier const *>(&*curve_it2);
212                 if (cubic) {
213                     point_at4 = (*cubic)[1];
214                 }
215             }
216             Geom::Ray ray1(point_at2, point_at3);
217             Geom::Ray ray2(point_at3, point_at4);
218             double angle1 = Geom::deg_from_rad(ray1.angle());
219             double angle2 = Geom::deg_from_rad(ray2.angle());
220             if((smooth_angles  >= std::abs(angle2 - angle1)) && !are_near(point_at4,point_at3) && !are_near(point_at2,point_at3)) {
221                 double dist = Geom::distance(point_at2,point_at3);
222                 Geom::Angle angleFixed = ray2.angle();
223                 angleFixed -= Geom::Angle::from_degrees(180.0);
224                 point_at2 =  Geom::Point::polar(angleFixed, dist) + point_at3;
225             }
226             nCurve->curveto(point_at1, point_at2, curve_it1->finalPoint());
227             cubic = dynamic_cast<Geom::CubicBezier const *>(nCurve->last_segment());
228             if (cubic) {
229                 point_at1 = (*cubic)[1];
230                 point_at2 = (*cubic)[2];
231                 if(helper_size > 0) {
232                     if(!are_near((*cubic)[0],(*cubic)[1])) {
233                         drawHandle((*cubic)[1]);
234                         drawHandleLine((*cubic)[0],(*cubic)[1]);
235                     }
236                     if(!are_near((*cubic)[3],(*cubic)[2])) {
237                         drawHandle((*cubic)[2]);
238                         drawHandleLine((*cubic)[3],(*cubic)[2]);
239                     }
240                 }
241             }
242             if(helper_size > 0) {
243                 drawNode(curve_it1->finalPoint());
244             }
245             ++curve_it1;
246             ++curve_it2;
247         }
248         if (path_it.closed()) {
249             nCurve->closepath_current();
250         }
251         tmp_path.push_back(nCurve->get_pathvector()[0]);
252         nCurve->reset();
253         delete nCurve;
254     }
255     result = tmp_path;
256 }
258 void
drawNode(Geom::Point p)259 LPESimplify::drawNode(Geom::Point p)
260 {
261     double r = radius_helper_nodes;
262     char const * svgd;
263     svgd = "M 0.55,0.5 A 0.05,0.05 0 0 1 0.5,0.55 0.05,0.05 0 0 1 0.45,0.5 0.05,0.05 0 0 1 0.5,0.45 0.05,0.05 0 0 1 0.55,0.5 Z M 0,0 1,0 1,1 0,1 Z";
264     Geom::PathVector pathv = sp_svg_read_pathv(svgd);
265     pathv *= Geom::Scale(r) * Geom::Translate(p - Geom::Point(0.5*r,0.5*r));
266     hp.push_back(pathv[0]);
267     hp.push_back(pathv[1]);
268 }
270 void
drawHandle(Geom::Point p)271 LPESimplify::drawHandle(Geom::Point p)
272 {
273     double r = radius_helper_nodes;
274     char const * svgd;
275     svgd = "M 0.7,0.35 A 0.35,0.35 0 0 1 0.35,0.7 0.35,0.35 0 0 1 0,0.35 0.35,0.35 0 0 1 0.35,0 0.35,0.35 0 0 1 0.7,0.35 Z";
276     Geom::PathVector pathv = sp_svg_read_pathv(svgd);
277     pathv *= Geom::Scale(r) * Geom::Translate(p - Geom::Point(0.35*r,0.35*r));
278     hp.push_back(pathv[0]);
279 }
282 void
drawHandleLine(Geom::Point p,Geom::Point p2)283 LPESimplify::drawHandleLine(Geom::Point p,Geom::Point p2)
284 {
285     Geom::Path path;
286     path.start( p );
287     double diameter = radius_helper_nodes;
288     if(helper_size > 0 && Geom::distance(p,p2) > (diameter * 0.35)) {
289         Geom::Ray ray2(p, p2);
290         p2 =  p2 - Geom::Point::polar(ray2.angle(),(diameter * 0.35));
291     }
292     path.appendNew<Geom::LineSegment>( p2 );
293     hp.push_back(path);
294 }
296 void
addCanvasIndicators(SPLPEItem const *,std::vector<Geom::PathVector> & hp_vec)297 LPESimplify::addCanvasIndicators(SPLPEItem const */*lpeitem*/, std::vector<Geom::PathVector> &hp_vec)
298 {
299     hp_vec.push_back(hp);
300 }
303 }; //namespace LivePathEffect
304 }; /* namespace Inkscape */
306 /*
307   Local Variables:
308   mode:c++
309   c-file-style:"stroustrup"
310   c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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314 */
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