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FindLibraryWithDebug.cmakeH A D24-Aug-20213.2 KiB11480

KDE4Defaults.cmakeH A D24-Aug-20211.4 KiB3630

KDEUIMacros.cmakeH A D24-Aug-202112.9 KiB305258

MacroAddCompileFlags.cmakeH A D24-Aug-2021582 2014

MacroAddLinkFlags.cmakeH A D24-Aug-2021566 1914

MacroAppendIf.cmakeH A D24-Aug-2021742 2320

MacroBoolTo01.cmakeH A D24-Aug-2021652 2117

MacroEnsureOutOfSourceBuild.cmakeH A D24-Aug-2021910 2116

MacroKAuth.cmakeH A D24-Aug-2021173 41

MacroOptionalDependPackage.cmakeH A D24-Aug-2021970 2318

MacroPushRequiredVars.cmakeH A D24-Aug-20211.9 KiB4836

MacroWriteBasicCMakeVersionFile.cmakeH A D24-Aug-20211.1 KiB2319

READMEH A D24-Aug-2021566 129

kde4_cmake_uninstall.cmake.inH A D24-Aug-2021845 2321

kde4_exec_via_sh.cmakeH A D24-Aug-2021769 3221

kde4init_dummy.cpp.inH A D24-Aug-2021194 43

kde4init_win32lib_dummy.cpp.inH A D24-Aug-2021212 63

kde4uic.cmakeH A D24-Aug-20211.1 KiB3022


1Copy of the KDE4 macros.
3We "should" for some totally vague and unfathomable reason port our cmake code
4the new and "better" way of doing stuff, using extra-cmake-modules. The
5documentation for that porting step is completely incomplete and doesn't even
6make any sort of case on why we should waste time that's better spent on
7developing great application on futzing with build systems instead. So, skip
8this bit of make-work churn.