1 #![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/phf_shared/0.9")]
2 #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
4 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
5 extern crate std as core;
7 use core::fmt;
8 use core::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
9 use core::num::Wrapping;
10 use siphasher::sip128::{Hash128, Hasher128, SipHasher13};
12 #[non_exhaustive]
13 pub struct Hashes {
14     pub g: u32,
15     pub f1: u32,
16     pub f2: u32,
17 }
19 /// A central typedef for hash keys
20 ///
21 /// Makes experimentation easier by only needing to be updated here.
22 pub type HashKey = u64;
24 #[inline]
displace(f1: u32, f2: u32, d1: u32, d2: u32) -> u3225 pub fn displace(f1: u32, f2: u32, d1: u32, d2: u32) -> u32 {
26     (Wrapping(d2) + Wrapping(f1) * Wrapping(d1) + Wrapping(f2)).0
27 }
29 /// `key` is from `phf_generator::HashState`.
30 #[inline]
hash<T: ?Sized + PhfHash>(x: &T, key: &HashKey) -> Hashes31 pub fn hash<T: ?Sized + PhfHash>(x: &T, key: &HashKey) -> Hashes {
32     let mut hasher = SipHasher13::new_with_keys(0, *key);
33     x.phf_hash(&mut hasher);
35     let Hash128 {
36         h1: lower,
37         h2: upper,
38     } = hasher.finish128();
40     Hashes {
41         g: (lower >> 32) as u32,
42         f1: lower as u32,
43         f2: upper as u32,
44     }
45 }
47 /// Return an index into `phf_generator::HashState::map`.
48 ///
49 /// * `hash` is from `hash()` in this crate.
50 /// * `disps` is from `phf_generator::HashState::disps`.
51 /// * `len` is the length of `phf_generator::HashState::map`.
52 #[inline]
get_index(hashes: &Hashes, disps: &[(u32, u32)], len: usize) -> u3253 pub fn get_index(hashes: &Hashes, disps: &[(u32, u32)], len: usize) -> u32 {
54     let (d1, d2) = disps[(hashes.g % (disps.len() as u32)) as usize];
55     displace(hashes.f1, hashes.f2, d1, d2) % (len as u32)
56 }
58 /// A trait implemented by types which can be used in PHF data structures.
59 ///
60 /// This differs from the standard library's `Hash` trait in that `PhfHash`'s
61 /// results must be architecture independent so that hashes will be consistent
62 /// between the host and target when cross compiling.
63 pub trait PhfHash {
64     /// Feeds the value into the state given, updating the hasher as necessary.
phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H)65     fn phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H);
67     /// Feeds a slice of this type into the state provided.
phf_hash_slice<H: Hasher>(data: &[Self], state: &mut H) where Self: Sized,68     fn phf_hash_slice<H: Hasher>(data: &[Self], state: &mut H)
69     where
70         Self: Sized,
71     {
72         for piece in data {
73             piece.phf_hash(state);
74         }
75     }
76 }
78 /// Trait for printing types with `const` constructors, used by `phf_codegen` and `phf_macros`.
79 pub trait FmtConst {
80     /// Print a `const` expression representing this value.
fmt_const(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result81     fn fmt_const(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result;
82 }
84 /// Identical to `std::borrow::Borrow` except omitting blanket impls to facilitate other
85 /// borrowing patterns.
86 ///
87 /// The same semantic requirements apply:
88 ///
89 /// > In particular `Eq`, `Ord` and `Hash` must be equivalent for borrowed and owned values:
90 /// `x.borrow() == y.borrow()` should give the same result as `x == y`.
91 ///
92 /// (This crate's API only requires `Eq` and `PhfHash`, however.)
93 ///
94 /// ### Motivation
95 /// The conventional signature for lookup methods on collections looks something like this:
96 ///
97 /// ```rust,ignore
98 /// impl<K, V> Map<K, V> where K: PhfHash + Eq {
99 ///     fn get<T: ?Sized>(&self, key: &T) -> Option<&V> where T: PhfHash + Eq, K: Borrow<T> {
100 ///         ...
101 ///     }
102 /// }
103 /// ```
104 ///
105 /// This allows the key type used for lookup to be different than the key stored in the map so for
106 /// example you can use `&str` to look up a value in a `Map<String, _>`. However, this runs into
107 /// a problem in the case where `T` and `K` are both a `Foo<_>` type constructor but
108 /// the contained type is different (even being the same type with different lifetimes).
109 ///
110 /// The main issue for this crate's API is that, with this method signature, you cannot perform a
111 /// lookup on a `Map<UniCase<&'static str>, _>` with a `UniCase<&'a str>` where `'a` is not
112 /// `'static`; there is no impl of `Borrow` that resolves to
113 /// `impl Borrow<UniCase<'a>> for UniCase<&'static str>` and one cannot be added either because of
114 /// all the blanket impls.
115 ///
116 /// Instead, this trait is implemented conservatively, without blanket impls, so that impls like
117 /// this may be added. This is feasible since the set of types that implement `PhfHash` is
118 /// intentionally small.
119 ///
120 /// This likely won't be fixable with specialization alone but will require full support for lattice
121 /// impls since we technically want to add overlapping blanket impls.
122 pub trait PhfBorrow<B: ?Sized> {
123     /// Convert a reference to `self` to a reference to the borrowed type.
borrow(&self) -> &B124     fn borrow(&self) -> &B;
125 }
127 /// Create an impl of `FmtConst` delegating to `fmt::Debug` for types that can deal with it.
128 ///
129 /// Ideally with specialization this could be just one default impl and then specialized where
130 /// it doesn't apply.
131 macro_rules! delegate_debug (
132     ($ty:ty) => {
133         impl FmtConst for $ty {
134             fn fmt_const(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
135                 write!(f, "{:?}", self)
136             }
137         }
138     }
139 );
141 delegate_debug!(str);
142 delegate_debug!(char);
143 delegate_debug!(u8);
144 delegate_debug!(i8);
145 delegate_debug!(u16);
146 delegate_debug!(i16);
147 delegate_debug!(u32);
148 delegate_debug!(i32);
149 delegate_debug!(u64);
150 delegate_debug!(i64);
151 delegate_debug!(u128);
152 delegate_debug!(i128);
153 delegate_debug!(bool);
155 /// `impl PhfBorrow<T> for T`
156 macro_rules! impl_reflexive(
157     ($($t:ty),*) => (
158         $(impl PhfBorrow<$t> for $t {
159             fn borrow(&self) -> &$t {
160                 self
161             }
162         })*
163     )
164 );
166 impl_reflexive!(
167     str,
168     char,
169     u8,
170     i8,
171     u16,
172     i16,
173     u32,
174     i32,
175     u64,
176     i64,
177     u128,
178     i128,
179     bool,
180     [u8]
181 );
183 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
184 impl PhfBorrow<str> for String {
borrow(&self) -> &str185     fn borrow(&self) -> &str {
186         self
187     }
188 }
190 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
191 impl PhfBorrow<[u8]> for Vec<u8> {
borrow(&self) -> &[u8]192     fn borrow(&self) -> &[u8] {
193         self
194     }
195 }
197 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
198 delegate_debug!(String);
200 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
201 impl PhfHash for String {
202     #[inline]
phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H)203     fn phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
204         (**self).phf_hash(state)
205     }
206 }
208 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
209 impl PhfHash for Vec<u8> {
210     #[inline]
phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H)211     fn phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
212         (**self).phf_hash(state)
213     }
214 }
216 impl<'a, T: 'a + PhfHash + ?Sized> PhfHash for &'a T {
phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H)217     fn phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
218         (*self).phf_hash(state)
219     }
220 }
222 impl<'a, T: 'a + FmtConst + ?Sized> FmtConst for &'a T {
fmt_const(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result223     fn fmt_const(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
224         (*self).fmt_const(f)
225     }
226 }
228 impl<'a> PhfBorrow<str> for &'a str {
borrow(&self) -> &str229     fn borrow(&self) -> &str {
230         self
231     }
232 }
234 impl<'a> PhfBorrow<[u8]> for &'a [u8] {
borrow(&self) -> &[u8]235     fn borrow(&self) -> &[u8] {
236         self
237     }
238 }
240 impl PhfHash for str {
241     #[inline]
phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H)242     fn phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
243         self.as_bytes().phf_hash(state)
244     }
245 }
247 impl PhfHash for [u8] {
248     #[inline]
phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H)249     fn phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
250         state.write(self);
251     }
252 }
254 impl FmtConst for [u8] {
255     #[inline]
fmt_const(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result256     fn fmt_const(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
257         // slices need a leading reference
258         write!(f, "&{:?}", self)
259     }
260 }
262 #[cfg(feature = "unicase")]
263 impl<S> PhfHash for unicase::UniCase<S>
264 where
265     unicase::UniCase<S>: Hash,
266 {
267     #[inline]
phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H)268     fn phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
269         self.hash(state)
270     }
271 }
273 #[cfg(feature = "unicase")]
274 impl<S> FmtConst for unicase::UniCase<S>
275 where
276     S: AsRef<str>,
277 {
fmt_const(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result278     fn fmt_const(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
279         if self.is_ascii() {
280             f.write_str("UniCase::ascii(")?;
281         } else {
282             f.write_str("UniCase::unicode(")?;
283         }
285         self.as_ref().fmt_const(f)?;
286         f.write_str(")")
287     }
288 }
290 #[cfg(feature = "unicase")]
291 impl<'b, 'a: 'b, S: ?Sized + 'a> PhfBorrow<unicase::UniCase<&'b S>> for unicase::UniCase<&'a S> {
borrow(&self) -> &unicase::UniCase<&'b S>292     fn borrow(&self) -> &unicase::UniCase<&'b S> {
293         self
294     }
295 }
297 #[cfg(feature = "uncased")]
298 impl PhfHash for uncased::UncasedStr {
299     #[inline]
phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H)300     fn phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
301         self.hash(state)
302     }
303 }
305 #[cfg(feature = "uncased")]
306 impl FmtConst for uncased::UncasedStr {
fmt_const(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result307     fn fmt_const(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
308         // transmute is not stable in const fns (rust-lang/rust#53605), so
309         // `UncasedStr::new` can't be a const fn itself, but we can inline the
310         // call to transmute here in the meantime.
311         f.write_str("unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute::<&'static str, &'static UncasedStr>(")?;
312         self.as_str().fmt_const(f)?;
313         f.write_str(") }")
314     }
315 }
317 #[cfg(feature = "uncased")]
318 impl PhfBorrow<uncased::UncasedStr> for &uncased::UncasedStr {
borrow(&self) -> &uncased::UncasedStr319     fn borrow(&self) -> &uncased::UncasedStr {
320         self
321     }
322 }
324 macro_rules! sip_impl (
325     (le $t:ty) => (
326         impl PhfHash for $t {
327             #[inline]
328             fn phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
329                 self.to_le().hash(state);
330             }
331         }
332     );
333     ($t:ty) => (
334         impl PhfHash for $t {
335             #[inline]
336             fn phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
337                 self.hash(state);
338             }
339         }
340     )
341 );
343 sip_impl!(u8);
344 sip_impl!(i8);
345 sip_impl!(le u16);
346 sip_impl!(le i16);
347 sip_impl!(le u32);
348 sip_impl!(le i32);
349 sip_impl!(le u64);
350 sip_impl!(le i64);
351 sip_impl!(le u128);
352 sip_impl!(le i128);
353 sip_impl!(bool);
355 impl PhfHash for char {
356     #[inline]
phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H)357     fn phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
358         (*self as u32).phf_hash(state)
359     }
360 }
362 // minimize duplicated code since formatting drags in quite a bit
fmt_array(array: &[u8], f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result363 fn fmt_array(array: &[u8], f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
364     write!(f, "{:?}", array)
365 }
367 macro_rules! array_impl (
368     ($t:ty, $n:expr) => (
369         impl PhfHash for [$t; $n] {
370             #[inline]
371             fn phf_hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
372                 state.write(self);
373             }
374         }
376         impl FmtConst for [$t; $n] {
377             fn fmt_const(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
378                 fmt_array(self, f)
379             }
380         }
382         impl PhfBorrow<[$t]> for [$t; $n] {
383             fn borrow(&self) -> &[$t] {
384                 self
385             }
386         }
387     )
388 );
390 array_impl!(u8, 1);
391 array_impl!(u8, 2);
392 array_impl!(u8, 3);
393 array_impl!(u8, 4);
394 array_impl!(u8, 5);
395 array_impl!(u8, 6);
396 array_impl!(u8, 7);
397 array_impl!(u8, 8);
398 array_impl!(u8, 9);
399 array_impl!(u8, 10);
400 array_impl!(u8, 11);
401 array_impl!(u8, 12);
402 array_impl!(u8, 13);
403 array_impl!(u8, 14);
404 array_impl!(u8, 15);
405 array_impl!(u8, 16);
406 array_impl!(u8, 17);
407 array_impl!(u8, 18);
408 array_impl!(u8, 19);
409 array_impl!(u8, 20);
410 array_impl!(u8, 21);
411 array_impl!(u8, 22);
412 array_impl!(u8, 23);
413 array_impl!(u8, 24);
414 array_impl!(u8, 25);
415 array_impl!(u8, 26);
416 array_impl!(u8, 27);
417 array_impl!(u8, 28);
418 array_impl!(u8, 29);
419 array_impl!(u8, 30);
420 array_impl!(u8, 31);
421 array_impl!(u8, 32);