1 #ifndef __gl3ext_h_
2 #define __gl3ext_h_
4 /* $Revision: 17809 $ on $Date:: 2012-05-14 08:03:36 -0700 #$ */
6 /*
7  * This document is licensed under the SGI Free Software B License Version
8  * 2.0. For details, see http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB/ .
9  */
11 /* OpenGL ES 3 Extensions
12  *
13  * After an OES extension's interactions with OpenGl ES 3.0 have been documented,
14  * its tokens and function definitions should be added to this file in a manner
15  * that does not conflict with gl2ext.h or gl3.h.
16  *
17  * Tokens and function definitions for extensions that have become standard
18  * features in OpenGL ES 3.0 will not be added to this file.
19  *
20  * Applications using OpenGL-ES-2-only extensions should include gl2ext.h
21  */
23 #ifndef GL_APIENTRYP
25 #endif
27 /* GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 */
28 #ifndef GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888
29 #define GL_BGRA_EXT                                             0x80E1
30 #define GL_BGRA8_EXT                                            0x93A1
31 #endif
33 /* GL_EXT_debug_label */
34 #ifndef GL_EXT_debug_label
35 #define GL_PROGRAM_PIPELINE_OBJECT_EXT                          0x8A4F
36 #define GL_PROGRAM_OBJECT_EXT                                   0x8B40
37 #define GL_SHADER_OBJECT_EXT                                    0x8B48
38 #define GL_BUFFER_OBJECT_EXT                                    0x9151
39 #define GL_QUERY_OBJECT_EXT                                     0x9153
40 #define GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_OBJECT_EXT                              0x9154
41 #endif
43 /* GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects */
44 #ifndef GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects
45 #define GL_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT_EXT                                0x00000001
46 #define GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT_EXT                              0x00000002
47 #define GL_ALL_SHADER_BITS_EXT                                  0xFFFFFFFF
48 #define GL_PROGRAM_SEPARABLE_EXT                                0x8258
49 #define GL_ACTIVE_PROGRAM_EXT                                   0x8259
50 #define GL_PROGRAM_PIPELINE_BINDING_EXT                         0x825A
51 #endif
53 /* GL_EXT_debug_label */
54 #ifndef GL_EXT_debug_label
55 #define GL_EXT_debug_label 1
57 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glLabelObjectEXT (GLenum type, GLuint object, GLsizei length, const GLchar *label);
58 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glGetObjectLabelEXT (GLenum type, GLuint object, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *label);
59 #endif
60 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLLABELOBJECTEXTPROC) (GLenum type, GLuint object, GLsizei length, const GLchar *label);
61 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLGETOBJECTLABELEXTPROC) (GLenum type, GLuint object, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *label);
62 #endif
64 /* GL_EXT_debug_marker */
65 #ifndef GL_EXT_debug_marker
66 #define GL_EXT_debug_marker 1
68 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glInsertEventMarkerEXT (GLsizei length, const GLchar *marker);
69 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glPushGroupMarkerEXT (GLsizei length, const GLchar *marker);
70 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glPopGroupMarkerEXT (void);
71 #endif
72 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLINSERTEVENTMARKEREXTPROC) (GLsizei length, const GLchar *marker);
73 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPUSHGROUPMARKEREXTPROC) (GLsizei length, const GLchar *marker);
75 #endif
77 /* GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects */
78 #ifndef GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects
79 #define GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects 1
81 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glUseProgramStagesEXT (GLuint pipeline, GLbitfield stages, GLuint program);
82 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glActiveShaderProgramEXT (GLuint pipeline, GLuint program);
83 GL_APICALL GLuint GL_APIENTRY glCreateShaderProgramvEXT (GLenum type, GLsizei count, const GLchar **strings);
84 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glBindProgramPipelineEXT (GLuint pipeline);
85 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glDeleteProgramPipelinesEXT (GLsizei n, const GLuint *pipelines);
86 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glGenProgramPipelinesEXT (GLsizei n, GLuint *pipelines);
87 GL_APICALL GLboolean GL_APIENTRY glIsProgramPipelineEXT (GLuint pipeline);
88 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramParameteriEXT (GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint value);
89 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glGetProgramPipelineivEXT (GLuint pipeline, GLenum pname, GLint *params);
90 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniform1iEXT (GLuint program, GLint location, GLint x);
91 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniform2iEXT (GLuint program, GLint location, GLint x, GLint y);
92 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniform3iEXT (GLuint program, GLint location, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z);
93 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniform4iEXT (GLuint program, GLint location, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w);
94 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniform1fEXT (GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat x);
95 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniform2fEXT (GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y);
96 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniform3fEXT (GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z);
97 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniform4fEXT (GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w);
98 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniform1ivEXT (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value);
99 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniform2ivEXT (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value);
100 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniform3ivEXT (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value);
101 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniform4ivEXT (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value);
102 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniform1fvEXT (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value);
103 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniform2fvEXT (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value);
104 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniform3fvEXT (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value);
105 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniform4fvEXT (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value);
106 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniformMatrix2fvEXT (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value);
107 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniformMatrix3fvEXT (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value);
108 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniformMatrix4fvEXT (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value);
109 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fvEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value);
110 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fvEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value);
111 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fvEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value);
112 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fvEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value);
113 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fvEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value);
114 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fvEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value);
115 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glValidateProgramPipelineEXT (GLuint pipeline);
116 GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glGetProgramPipelineInfoLogEXT (GLuint pipeline, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *infoLog);
117 #endif
118 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLUSEPROGRAMSTAGESEXTPROC) (GLuint pipeline, GLbitfield stages, GLuint program);
119 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLACTIVESHADERPROGRAMEXTPROC) (GLuint pipeline, GLuint program);
120 typedef GLuint (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLCREATESHADERPROGRAMVEXTPROC) (GLenum type, GLsizei count, const GLchar **strings);
122 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLDELETEPROGRAMPIPELINESEXTPROC) (GLsizei n, const GLuint *pipelines);
123 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLGENPROGRAMPIPELINESEXTPROC) (GLsizei n, GLuint *pipelines);
125 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMPARAMETERIEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint value);
126 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLGETPROGRAMPIPELINEIVEXTPROC) (GLuint pipeline, GLenum pname, GLint *params);
127 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORM1IEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLint x);
128 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORM2IEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLint x, GLint y);
129 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORM3IEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z);
130 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORM4IEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w);
131 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORM1FEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat x);
132 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORM2FEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y);
133 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORM3FEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z);
134 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORM4FEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w);
135 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORM1IVEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value);
136 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORM2IVEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value);
137 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORM3IVEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value);
138 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORM4IVEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value);
139 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORM1FVEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value);
140 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORM2FVEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value);
141 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORM3FVEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value);
142 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORM4FVEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value);
143 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORMMATRIX2FVEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value);
144 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORMMATRIX3FVEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value);
145 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORMMATRIX4FVEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value);
146 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORMMATRIX2X3FVEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value);
147 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORMMATRIX3X2FVEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value);
148 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORMMATRIX2X4FVEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value);
149 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORMMATRIX4X2FVEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value);
150 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORMMATRIX3X4FVEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value);
151 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLPROGRAMUNIFORMMATRIX4X3FVEXTPROC) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value);
153 typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLGETPROGRAMPIPELINEINFOLOGEXTPROC) (GLuint pipeline, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *infoLog);
154 #endif
156 #endif /* __gl3ext_h_ */