1 /***********************************************************************/
2 /* Open Visualization Data Explorer                                    */
3 /* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1989,1999                                   */
4 /* ALL RIGHTS RESERVED                                                 */
5 /* This code licensed under the                                        */
6 /*    "IBM PUBLIC LICENSE - Open Visualization Data Explorer"          */
7 /***********************************************************************/
8 /*
9  * eigen.c - routines to calculate eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a
10  *           symmetric matrix
11  */
12 #include <string.h>
13 #include <dx/dx.h>
14 #include <math.h>
15 #include "eigen.h"
17 #include <dxconfig.h>
20 #define CYCLE(a,i,j,k,l) g=a[i][j]; h=a[k][l]; a[i][j]=g-s*(h+g*tau);\
21 					       a[k][l]=h+s*(g-h*tau);
22 Error
_dxfEigen(float ** a,int n,float d[],float ** v)23 _dxfEigen(float **a, int n, float d[], float **v)
24 {
25     float threshold, angle, tau, t, sum, s, h, g, c, *b, *z;
26     int j, Q, P, i, row, col;
28     /* check if matrix symmetric */
29     for (row = 1; row <= n; row++) {
30 	for (col = 1; col <= n; col++) {
31 	    if (a[row][col] != a[col][row]) {
32     		DXSetError (ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "A tensor must be a 3X3 symmetric matrix.");
33     		return ERROR;
34 	    }
35 	}
36     }
38     b = _dxfEigenVector(1, n);
39     z = _dxfEigenVector(1, n);
41     for (P = 1; P <= n; P++) {
42 	for (Q = 1; Q <= n; Q++) v[P][Q]=0.0;
43 	v[P][P] = 1.0;
44     }
46     for (P = 1; P <= n; P++) {
47 	b[P] = d[P]= a[P][P];
48 	z[P] = 0.0;
49     }
51     for (i = 1; i <= 50; i++) {
52 	sum = 0.0;
53 	for (P = 1; P <= n-1; P++) {
54 	    for (Q = P+1; Q<=n; Q++)
55 		sum += fabs(a[P][Q]);
56 	}
57 	if (sum == 0.0) {
58     	    _dxfEigenFreeVector(z,1);
59 	    _dxfEigenFreeVector(b,1);
60 	    return OK;
61 	}
62 	if (i < 4)
63 	    threshold = 0.2 * sum / (n*n);
64 	else
65 	    threshold = 0.0;
66 	for (P = 1; P <= n-1; P++) {
67 	    for (Q = P+1; Q <= n; Q++) {
68 		g=100.0*fabs(a[P][Q]);
69 		if (i > 4 && (float)(fabs(d[P]) + g) == (float)fabs(d[P])
70 	    	    && (float)(fabs(d[Q]) + g) == (float)fabs(d[Q]))
71 	            a[P][Q]=0.0;
72 		else if (fabs(a[P][Q]) > threshold) {
73 		    h = d[Q] - d[P];
74 		    if ((float)(fabs(h) + g) == (float)fabs(h))
75 			t = (a[P][Q]) / h;
76 		    else {
77 			angle = 0.5 * h / (a[P][Q]);
78 			t = 1.0 / (fabs(angle) + sqrt(1.0 + angle*angle));
79 			if (angle < 0.0) t = -t;
80 	    	    }
81 	    	    c = 1.0 / sqrt(1 + t * t);
82 		    s = t * c;
83 		    tau = s / (1.0 + c);
84 		    h = t * a[P][Q];
85 		    z[P] = z[P] - h;
86 		    z[Q] = z[Q] + h;
87 		    d[P] = d[P] - h;
88 		    d[Q] = d[Q] + h;
89 		    a[P][Q] = 0.0;
90 		    for (j = 1; j <= P-1; j++) {
91 			CYCLE(a, j, P, j, Q)
92 		    }
93 		    for (j = P+1; j <= Q-1; j++) {
94 			CYCLE(a, P, j, j, Q)
95 		    }
96 		    for (j = Q+1; j <= n; j++) {
97 			CYCLE(a, P, j, Q, j)
98 		    }
99 	      	    for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
100 			CYCLE(v, j, P, j, Q)
101 		    }
102 		}
103     	    }
104 	}
105 	for (P = 1; P <= n; P++) {
106     	    b[P] = b[P] + z[P];
107 	    d[P] = b[P];
108     	    z[P] = 0.0;
109 	}
110     }
112     /* evidently it shouldn't get here */
113     DXSetError (ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "Error calculating eigenvectors.");
114     return ERROR;
115 }
116 #undef CYCLE
_dxfEigenVector(int start_vector,int end_vector)118 float *_dxfEigenVector(int start_vector, int end_vector)
119 {
120     float *v;
122     /* Allocates a memory for a vector */
124     v=(float *)DXAllocate((unsigned) (end_vector-start_vector+1)*sizeof(float));
125     if (!v)
126 	return NULL;
127     return v-start_vector;
128 }
_dxfEigenMatrix(int start_matrix_row,int end_matrix_row,int start_matrix_col,int end_matrix_col)130 float **_dxfEigenMatrix(int start_matrix_row, int end_matrix_row, int start_matrix_col, int end_matrix_col)
131 {
132     int i;
133     float **m;
135     /* Allocates memory for a matrix */
137     m=(float **) DXAllocate((unsigned) (end_matrix_row-start_matrix_row+1)*sizeof(float*));
138     if (!m)
139 	return NULL;
140     m -= start_matrix_row;
142     for(i=start_matrix_row;i<=end_matrix_row;i++) {
143 	m[i]=(float *) DXAllocate((unsigned) (end_matrix_col-start_matrix_col+1)*sizeof(float));
144 	if (!m[i])
145 	    return NULL;
146 	m[i] -= start_matrix_col;
147     }
148     return m;
149 }
_dxfEigenFreeVector(float * vec,int start_vector)151 void _dxfEigenFreeVector(float *vec, int start_vector)
152 {
153     /* fress memory Allocated by _dxfEigenVector */
154     DXFree((char*) (vec+start_vector));
155 }
_dxfEigenFreeMatrix(float ** m,int start_matrix_row,int end_matrix_row,int start_matrix_col)157 void _dxfEigenFreeMatrix(float **m, int start_matrix_row, int end_matrix_row, int start_matrix_col)
158 {
159     int i;
161     /* frees memory Allocated by _dxfEigenMatrix */
163     for(i=end_matrix_row;i>=start_matrix_row;i--)
164 	DXFree((char*) (m[i]+start_matrix_col));
165     DXFree((char*) (m+start_matrix_row));
166 }
_dxfEigenConvertMatrix(float * a,int start_matrix_row,int end_matrix_row,int start_matrix_col,int end_matrix_col)168 float **_dxfEigenConvertMatrix(float *a, int start_matrix_row, int end_matrix_row, int start_matrix_col, int end_matrix_col)
169 {
170     int i,j,nrow,ncol;
171     float **m;
173     /*
174      * Allocates a float matrix
175      * m[start_matrix_row..end_matrix_row][start_matrix_col..end_matrix_col]
176      *
177      */
179     nrow=end_matrix_row-start_matrix_row+1;
180     ncol=end_matrix_col-start_matrix_col+1;
181     m = (float **) DXAllocate((unsigned) (nrow)*sizeof(float*));
182     if (!m)
183 	return NULL;
184     m -= start_matrix_row;
185     for(i=0,j=start_matrix_row;i<=nrow-1;i++,j++)
186 	m[j]=a+ncol*i-start_matrix_col;
187     return m;
188 }
_dxfEigenFreeConvertMatrix(float ** c,int start_matrix_row)190 void _dxfEigenFreeConvertMatrix(float**c, int start_matrix_row)
191 {
192     /* free the memory Allocated by _dxfEigenConvertMatrix */
193     DXFree((char*) (c+start_matrix_row));
194 }