1 /***********************************************************************/
2 /* Open Visualization Data Explorer                                    */
3 /* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1989,1999                                   */
4 /* ALL RIGHTS RESERVED                                                 */
5 /* This code licensed under the                                        */
6 /*    "IBM PUBLIC LICENSE - Open Visualization Data Explorer"          */
7 /***********************************************************************/
9 #include <dxconfig.h>
12 /*
13  * $Source: /src/master/dx/src/exec/hwrender/hwTmesh.c,v $
14  */
16 #if defined(HAVE_STRING_H)
17 #include <string.h>
18 #endif
20 #if defined(HAVE_STRINGS_H)
21 #include <strings.h>
22 #endif
24 #include <stdio.h>
25 #include "hwDeclarations.h"
26 #include "hwXfield.h"
27 #include "hwTmesh.h"
28 #include "hwMemory.h"
29 #include "hwWindow.h"
31 #include "hwDebug.h"
33 extern dxObject _dxf_QueryObject(HashTable, dxObject);
34 extern void _dxf_InsertObject(HashTable, dxObject, dxObject);
36 typedef struct _Triple
37 {
38   int p[3] ;
39 } Triple ;
42 /* add point i in triangle tri to the strip */
43 #define AddPoint(tri,i) (point[nPtsInStrip++] = triangles[tri].p[i])
46 /*
47  *  Make a "swap marker" in the strip telling where to swap.  The swap
48  *  marker needs to be right before the last vertex we added.
49  *   so ... (5,4,3,2,1,?,...) => (5,4,3,2,-1,1,...)
50  */
51 #define DoSwap()                                                     \
52   {                                                                  \
53   point[nPtsInStrip] = point[nPtsInStrip-1];                         \
54   point[nPtsInStrip-1] = -1;                                         \
55   nPtsInStrip++;                                                     \
56   }                                                                  \
59 /*
60  *  Make a "swap marker" in the strip telling where to swap, and then swap
61  *  the 2 previous numbers.
62  *
63  *   (5,4,3,2,1,?,...) => (5,4,-1,2,3,1,...)
64  *
65  *  This is assuming all the numbers below are numbers added during the
66  *  reverse search...  if they include normal numbers it should be like
67  *  this... (someday)
68  *
69  *   (f1,f2,f3,f4,r2,r1)     f4 f3 f2 -1  r2 f1 r1
70  *     3  4  5  6  2  1   =>  6  5  4  -1  2  3  1
71  *
72  *  ...because r2 and f1 are really going to be adjacent after the
73  *  reversed numbers are switched around.  Someday we should handle the
74  *  cases of rev_pts = 0, 1, or 2.  (see RevTryToSwap())
75  */
76 #define RevDoSwap()                                                  \
77   {                                                                  \
78   point[nPtsInStrip  ] = point[nPtsInStrip-1];                       \
79   point[nPtsInStrip-1] = point[nPtsInStrip-3];                       \
80   point[nPtsInStrip-3] = -1;                                         \
81   nPtsInStrip++;                                                     \
82   }                                                                  \
85 /* return the triangle index that refers to point pt in triangle tri */
86 #define LookUp(tri,pt)                 \
87   (                                    \
88   triangles[tri].p[0] == pt ? 0 :      \
89   triangles[tri].p[1] == pt ? 1 :      \
90   triangles[tri].p[2] == pt ? 2 : -1   \
91   )
94 /*
95  *  Return the index not present of the set [0,1,2] so that
96  *  other_index[0][1] = 2, and other_index[2][1] = 0, etc.
97  */
98 static int other_index[3][3] =
99   { {-1, 2, 1},
100     { 2,-1, 0},
101     { 1, 0,-1} };
104 #if defined(DXD_HW_TMESH_SWAP_OK)
105 /*
106  *  If the hardware allows orientation swapping in strip, we have more
107  *  flexibility in choosing directions to propagate the strip.
108  */
109 #define TryToSwap(try) tri = neighbors[prev_tri].p[prev_i1];
110 /*
111  *  We can't do the swap until we have a few reverse points... else we
112  *  would need to swap the beginning of the forward points, not the end.
113  *  Maybe someday... (see RevDoSwap()).
114  */
115 #define RevTryToSwap(try)                                                  \
116   {                                                                        \
117   if (rev_pts >= 3)                        /* had a few reverse points? */ \
118     tri = neighbors[prev_tri].p[prev_i1];  /*   proceed with the swap   */ \
119   else                                     /* very few reverse points?  */ \
120     tri = -1;                              /*   don't let it swap       */ \
121   }
122 #else
123 #define TryToSwap(try) tri = -1;
124 #define RevTryToSwap(try) tri = -1;
125 #endif /* defined(DXD_HW_TMESH_SWAP_OK) */
128 #define UsedTri(n) (usedArray[Byte(n)] & Mask(n))
129 #define ValidTri(ich, n) (ich ? DXIsElementValid(ich, n) : 1)
130 #define GoodTri(n) (n != -1 && !UsedTri(n) && ValidTri(xf->invCntns, n))
133 /* jump to neighbor across from i0 or across from i1 */
134 #define NextTri(tri)                                                         \
135   {                                                                          \
136   /* the "MaxTstripSize-1" is because there might be a swap coming up too */ \
137   if (nPtsInStrip >= MaxTstripSize-1)       /* if strip is too long...    */ \
138     tri = -1;                               /*    ...chop it off          */ \
139   else                                                                       \
140     {                                                                        \
141     prev_tri = tri;                                                          \
142     prev_i0 = i0;                                                            \
143     prev_i1 = i1;                                                            \
144     prev_i2 = i2;                                                            \
145     tri = neighbors[prev_tri].p[prev_i0]; /* jump to adjacent triangle  */   \
146     if (GoodTri(tri))                     /* valid and not used?        */   \
147       {                                   /* adjust indices to new tri  */   \
148       i0 = LookUp(tri,triangles[prev_tri].p[prev_i1]);                       \
149       i1 = LookUp(tri,triangles[prev_tri].p[prev_i2]);                       \
150       i2 = other_index[i0][i1];                                              \
151       }                                                                      \
152     else /* can't jump to next normal triangle... maybe we can swap? */      \
153       {                                                                      \
154       TryToSwap(try); /* jump to adj tri with swap */                        \
155       if (GoodTri(tri))                     /* valid and not used?        */ \
156         {                                                                    \
157         DoSwap(); /*  put mark (-1) in point array to indicate a swap */     \
158         i0 = LookUp(tri,triangles[prev_tri].p[prev_i0]);                     \
159         i1 = LookUp(tri,triangles[prev_tri].p[prev_i2]);                     \
160         i2 = other_index[i0][i1];                                            \
161         }                                                                    \
162       else                                                                   \
163         tri = -1;                           /* dead end...end the strip */   \
164       }                                                                      \
165     }                                                                        \
166   }
169 /*
170  *  If the hardware does not require that the initial triangles in all the
171  *  strips are oriented consistently, then we can try to lengthen the
172  *  strip by working in the opposite direction from the initial triangle.
173  *  The new initial triangle may have a different orientation from the
174  *  original.
175  */
176 #define RevNextTri(tri)                                                      \
177   {                                                                          \
178   /* the "MaxTstripSize-1" is because there might be a swap coming up too */ \
179   if (nPtsInStrip >= MaxTstripSize-1)       /* if strip is too long...    */ \
180     tri = -1;                               /*    ...chop it off          */ \
181   else                                                                       \
182     {                                                                        \
183     prev_tri = tri;                                                          \
184     prev_i0 = i0;                                                            \
185     prev_i1 = i1;                                                            \
186     prev_i2 = i2;                                                            \
187     tri = neighbors[prev_tri].p[prev_i2]; /* jump BACK to PREV triangle  */  \
188     if (GoodTri(tri))                     /* valid and not used?        */   \
189       {                                   /* adjust indices to new tri  */   \
190       i2 = LookUp(tri,triangles[prev_tri].p[prev_i1]);                       \
191       i1 = LookUp(tri,triangles[prev_tri].p[prev_i0]);                       \
192       i0 = other_index[i1][i2];                                              \
193       }                                                                      \
194     else /* can't jump to next normal triangle... maybe we can swap? */      \
195       {                                                                      \
196       RevTryToSwap(try); /* jump to adj tri with swap */                     \
197       if (GoodTri(tri))                     /* valid and not used?        */ \
198         {                                                                    \
199         RevDoSwap(); /* put mark (-1) in point array to indicate a swap */   \
200         i2 = LookUp(tri,triangles[prev_tri].p[prev_i2]);                     \
201         i1 = LookUp(tri,triangles[prev_tri].p[prev_i0]);                     \
202         i0 = other_index[i1][i2];                                            \
203         }                                                                    \
204       else                                                                   \
205         tri = -1;                           /* dead end...end the strip */   \
206       }                                                                      \
207     }                                                                        \
208   }
211 #define Bytes(ntri) (int)(ntri/8+1)
212 #define Byte(tri) (int)(tri/8)
213 #define Mask(tri) (unsigned char)(1<<(tri%8))
214 #define MarkTri(tri) usedArray[Byte(tri)] |= Mask(tri)
217 /*
218  *  Choose the indices for the 1st triangle in a strip.  Look ahead 2
219  *  triangles (the 1st 3 if's) to try to force a 3-triangle strip.  If
220  *  this fails, then try to get at least a 2-triangle strip (the next 2
221  *  if's).
222  *
223  *  This macro was revised in version to always produce a
224  *  clockwise orientation of vertices for the initial triangle, since this
225  *  was required by the Sun XGL graphics programming interface.  This
226  *  seems to be desirable for all architectures since it allows hardware
227  *  to compute consistent normals when producing flat shading from fields
228  *  with position-dependent normals.
229  *
230  *  With the demise of the "flat shade" rendering approximation it may be
231  *  more efficient to add an architecture dependency to this macro, since
232  *  that would allow for more flexibility in choosing the initial triangle
233  *  indices that will produce the longest strip.
234  */
235 #define InitFirstTri(i0,i1,i2)                                                \
236 {                                                                             \
237   if (GoodTri(          neighbors[tri].p[2]      ) &&                         \
238       GoodTri(neighbors[neighbors[tri].p[2]].p[LookUp(neighbors[tri].p[2],    \
239 						      triangles[tri].p[0])])) \
240     {i0 = 2; i1 = 0; i2 = 1;}                                                 \
241   else                                                                        \
242   if (GoodTri(          neighbors[tri].p[1]      ) &&                         \
243       GoodTri(neighbors[neighbors[tri].p[1]].p[LookUp(neighbors[tri].p[1],    \
244 						      triangles[tri].p[2])])) \
245     {i0 = 1; i1 = 2; i2 = 0;}                                                 \
246   else                                                                        \
247   if (GoodTri(          neighbors[tri].p[0]      ) &&                         \
248       GoodTri(neighbors[neighbors[tri].p[0]].p[LookUp(neighbors[tri].p[0],    \
249 						      triangles[tri].p[1])])) \
250     {i0 = 0; i1 = 1; i2 = 2;}                                                 \
251   else                                                                        \
252   if (GoodTri(neighbors[tri].p[2]))                                           \
253     {i0 = 2; i1 = 0; i2 = 1;}                                                 \
254   else                                                                        \
255   if (GoodTri(neighbors[tri].p[1]))                                           \
256     {i0 = 1; i1 = 2; i2 = 0;}                                                 \
257   else                                                                        \
258     {i0 = 0; i1 = 1; i2 = 2;}                                                 \
259 }
262 /************************************************************
263             prev_i0      prev_i2
264                            i1                      triangles = 0 1 6, 5 6 1,...
265                6-----------5-----------4           strip = 0,6,1,5,2...
266               / \ prev_tri/ \         / \
267              /   \       /   \       /   \
268             /     \     /     \     /     \
269            /       \   /  tri  \   /       \
270           /         \ /         \ /         \
271          0-----------1-----------2-----------3
272                      i0          i2
273                    prev_i1
274 *************************************************************/
277 static Triple
getNeighbors(xfieldT * xf)278 *getNeighbors (xfieldT *xf)
279 {
280   /*
281    *  Gets an array giving all the neighbors of a given triangle.
282    *  neighbor[tri].p[n] is the triangle adjacent to triangle tri, across
283    *  from triangle tri's nth point.  A -1 indicates no triangle is
284    *  adjacent across from the nth point.
285    */
287   ENTRY(("getNeighbors(0x%x)", xf));
289   if (!xf->neighbors_array)
290     {
291       EXIT(("couldn't get neighbors from field"));
292       DXErrorReturn (ERROR_INTERNAL, "#13870") ;
293     }
295   if (!DXTypeCheck (xf->neighbors_array, TYPE_INT, CATEGORY_REAL, 1, 3))
296     {
297       EXIT(("neighbors array has bad type"));
298       DXErrorReturn (ERROR_INTERNAL, "#13870") ;
299     }
301   EXIT((""));
302   return (Triple *) DXGetArrayData(xf->neighbors_array) ;
303 }
306 #define FreeTempStrips()						     \
307 {									     \
308   for (i = 0 ; i < nStrips ; i++)					     \
309       if (stripArray[i].point)						     \
310 	  tdmFree((Pointer) stripArray[i].point) ;			     \
311 									     \
312   tdmFree((Pointer) stripArray) ;					     \
313 }
315 typedef struct
316 {
317    int *meshes;
318    int nmeshes;
319    int *connections;
320    int nconnections;
321    Array meshArray;
322    Array connectionArray;
323 } TMeshS, *TMesh;
325 static Error
_deleteTMesh(void * p)326 _deleteTMesh(void *p)
327 {
328     TMesh t = (TMesh)p;
329     if (t->connectionArray)
330 	DXDelete((dxObject)t->connectionArray);
331     if (t->meshArray)
332 	DXDelete((dxObject)t->meshArray);
334     DXFree(p);
336     return OK;
337 }
339 static Error
_newTMesh(int nStrips,int nStrippedPts,TMesh * mesh,dxObject * o)340 _newTMesh(int nStrips, int nStrippedPts, TMesh *mesh, dxObject *o)
341 {
342     Private priv = NULL;
343     TMesh tmp = NULL;
345     *mesh = NULL;
346     *o = NULL;
348     tmp = (TMesh)DXAllocateZero(sizeof(TMeshS));
349     if (! tmp)
350         return ERROR;
352     tmp->meshArray = DXNewArray(TYPE_INT, CATEGORY_REAL, 1, 2);
353     if (! tmp->meshArray)
354 	goto error;
356     DXReference((dxObject)tmp->meshArray);
358     if ( !DXAllocateArray (tmp->meshArray, nStrips))
359 	goto error;
361     tmp->connectionArray = DXNewArray(TYPE_INT, CATEGORY_REAL, 0);
362     if (! tmp->connectionArray)
363 	goto error;
365     DXReference((dxObject)tmp->connectionArray);
367     if ( !DXAllocateArray (tmp->connectionArray, nStrippedPts))
368 	goto error;
370     tmp->meshes       = (int *)DXGetArrayData(tmp->meshArray);
371     tmp->connections  = (int *)DXGetArrayData(tmp->connectionArray);
372     tmp->nmeshes      = nStrips;
373     tmp->nconnections = nStrippedPts;
375     priv = (Private)DXNewPrivate((Pointer)tmp, _deleteTMesh);
376     if (! priv)
377        goto error;
379     *mesh = tmp;
380     *o = (dxObject)priv;
382     return OK;
384 error:
385     if (tmp)
386     {
387 	if (tmp->connectionArray)
388 	    DXDelete((dxObject)tmp->connectionArray);
389 	if (tmp->meshArray)
390 	    DXDelete((dxObject)tmp->meshArray);
392 	DXFree((Pointer)tmp);
393     }
395     return ERROR;
396 }
398 static void
_installTMeshInfo(xfieldT * xf,TMesh tmesh)399 _installTMeshInfo(xfieldT *xf, TMesh tmesh)
400 {
401     if (xf->connections)
402         DXFreeArrayHandle(xf->connections);
404     if (xf->connections_array)
405 	DXDelete((dxObject)xf->connections_array);
407     xf->connections       = NULL;
408     xf->connections_array = (Array)DXReference((dxObject)tmesh->connectionArray);
409     xf->nconnections 	  = tmesh->nconnections;
410     xf->meshes 		  = (Array)DXReference((dxObject)tmesh->meshArray);
411     xf->nmeshes 	  = tmesh->nmeshes;
412     xf->posPerConn 	  = 1;
413     xf->connectionType 	  = ct_tmesh;
414 }
417 Error
_dxf_trisToTmesh(xfieldT * xf,tdmChildGlobalP globals)418 _dxf_trisToTmesh (xfieldT *xf, tdmChildGlobalP globals)
419 {
420   DEFGLOBALDATA(globals) ;
421   Triple *neighbors ;          /* neighbors array gives a tri's neighbors   */
422   Tstrip *stripArray = 0 ;     /* temp array of strips                      */
423   int point[MaxTstripSize] ;   /* temp array in which to build point list   */
424   char *usedArray = 0 ;        /* temp array to mark triangles already used */
425   int nStrips = 0 ;            /* number of strips generated                */
426   int nStrippedPts = 0 ;       /* number of points stripped                 */
427   int nPtsInStrip ;            /* number of points in current strip         */
428   int start_tri ;              /* first triangle of the strip               */
429   int tri ;                    /* the current triangle                      */
430   int i0, i1, i2 ;             /* the 3 indexes into triangles[tri].p[?]    */
431   int init_tri, init_i0,       /* initial triangle and index configuration  */
432       init_i1, init_i2 ;
433   int prev_tri, prev_i0,       /* used to determine the same current info   */
434       prev_i1, prev_i2 ;
435   int rev_start ;              /* index of first of the reversed point list */
436   int rev_pts ;                /* keeps count of how many rev points        */
437                                /* we've collected to avoid swapping         */
438                                /* reverse stage... see RevDoSwap()          */
439   Triple *triangles ;          /* array of original triangle connections    */
440   int ntriangles ;             /* number of original triangle connections   */
441   int i, j, k, p, tp ;         /* misc. loop indices */
442   TMesh tmesh = NULL;
443   dxObject tmesho = NULL;
444   char * tmesh_or_sens;
445   int orsens = 0;
447   ENTRY(("_dxf_trisToTmesh(0x%x)", xf));
448   tmesh_or_sens = (char *)getenv("DX_HW_TMESH_ORIENT_SENSITIVE");
449   if(tmesh_or_sens) {
450       sscanf(tmesh_or_sens, "%d", &orsens);
451   }
453   tmesho = (dxObject)_dxf_QueryObject(MESHHASH, (dxObject)xf->field);
454   if (tmesho)
455   {
456       xf->meshObject = DXReference(tmesho);
457       tmesh = (TMesh)DXGetPrivateData((Private)tmesho);
458       _installTMeshInfo(xf, tmesh);
460       return OK;
461   }
463   if (xf->connectionType != ct_triangles)
464     {
465       EXIT(("xf->connectionType not ct_triangles"));
466       return OK ;
467     }
469 PRINT(("invalid connections: %d",
470        xf->invCntns? DXGetInvalidCount(xf->invCntns): 0));
472   /* get triangle connection info */
473   triangles  = DXGetArrayData(xf->connections_array) ;
474   ntriangles = xf->nconnections ;
475   /*npoints    = xf->npositions ;*/
477   xf->origNConnections = ntriangles;
478   xf->origConnections_array = xf->connections_array;
479   xf->connections_array = NULL;
481   /* get array containing connection neighbors */
482   if (!(neighbors = getNeighbors(xf)))
483     {
484       PRINT(("could not obtain mesh neighbors"));
485       DXErrorGoto (ERROR_INTERNAL, "#13870") ;
486     }
488   /* allocate temporary data structures of maximum possible size */
489   if (!(usedArray = tdmAllocateZero(sizeof(char)*Bytes(ntriangles))) ||
490       !(stripArray = (Tstrip *) tdmAllocate(sizeof(Tstrip)*ntriangles)))
491     {
492       PRINT(("out of memory"));
493       DXErrorGoto(ERROR_NO_MEMORY, "#13000") ;
494     }
496   /* strip the field, placing strip info into temporary arrays */
497   for (start_tri = 0 ; start_tri < ntriangles ; start_tri++)
498     {
499       if (GoodTri(start_tri))
500 	{
501 	  nPtsInStrip = 0;
502 	  tri = start_tri;
503 	  InitFirstTri(i0,i1,i2);  /* pick initial vertices for 1st triangle  */
504 	  init_tri = tri;          /* remember where we started               */
505 	  init_i0 = i0; init_i1 = i1; init_i2 = i2;
506 	  AddPoint(tri,i0);        /* add the 1st two...                      */
507 	  AddPoint(tri,i1);        /* ...points to the mesh                   */
508 	  while (tri >= 0)         /* while there's a valid triangle to add...*/
509 	    {
510 	      AddPoint(tri,i2);    /*      add another triangle to the strip  */
511 	      MarkTri(tri);        /*      mark it as used                    */
512 	      NextTri(tri);        /*      move on to next triangle           */
513 	    }
515 	  /* now go the other way out of the initial triangle... */
516 	  tri = init_tri;          /* go back to initial triangle             */
517 	  i0 = init_i0; i1 = init_i1; i2 = init_i2;
518 	  rev_start = nPtsInStrip ;
519 	  rev_pts = 0;             /* keep track of pts we collect backwards  */
520           if(orsens)
521               tri = -1;
522           else
523 	  {
524               RevNextTri(tri);         /* move BACK to PREV triangle          */
525           }
527 	  while (tri >= 0)         /* while there's a valid triangle to add...*/
528 	    {
529 	      AddPoint(tri,i0);    /*      add another triangle to the strip  */
530 	      rev_pts++;           /*      another backward point             */
531 	      MarkTri(tri);        /*      mark it as used                    */
532               if(orsens)
533                   tri = -1;
534               else {
535 	          RevNextTri(tri);     /*      move BACK to PREV triangle    */
536               }
537 	    }
539 	  /* allocate temporary points of appropriate size */
540 	  if (!(stripArray[nStrips].point =
541 		(int*) tdmAllocate(nPtsInStrip * sizeof(int))))
542 	    {
543 	      PRINT(("out of memory"));
544 	      DXErrorGoto(ERROR_NO_MEMORY, "#13000") ;
545 	    }
547 	  /* copy and reverse reversed points from "point" to "tstrip->point" */
548 	  for (tp=nPtsInStrip-1, p=0 ; tp>=rev_start ; tp--, p++)
549 	      stripArray[nStrips].point[p] = point[tp] ;
551 	  /* copy forward points from "point" to "tstrip->point" */
552 	  bcopy (point, &(stripArray[nStrips].point[p]),
553 		 (nPtsInStrip-p) * sizeof(int)) ;
555 	  /* record tstrip info */
556 	  stripArray[nStrips].points = nPtsInStrip ;
557 	  nStrips++ ;
558 	  nStrippedPts += nPtsInStrip ;
559 	}
560     }
562   PRINT(("stripped %d triangles", nStrippedPts - 2*nStrips));
563   PRINT(("generated %d strips", nStrips));
564   PRINT(("average number of triangles per strip: %f",
565 	   nStrips? (nStrippedPts - 2*nStrips)/(float)nStrips: 0));
567   if (! _newTMesh(nStrips, nStrippedPts, &tmesh, &tmesho))
568       goto error;
570   for (i=j=k=0 ; i<nStrips ; i++)
571     {
572       /* record start index and number of points in strip */
574       tmesh->meshes[j++] = k;
575       tmesh->meshes[j++] = stripArray[i].points ;
576       memcpy(tmesh->connections+k, stripArray[i].point, stripArray[i].points*sizeof(int));
577       k += stripArray[i].points;
578     }
580   _dxf_InsertObject(MESHHASH, (dxObject)xf->field, (dxObject)tmesho);
581   xf->meshObject = DXReference(tmesho);
582   _installTMeshInfo(xf, tmesh);
584   /* free temporary arrays */
585   tdmFree((Pointer)usedArray) ;
586   FreeTempStrips() ;
588   EXIT(("OK"));
589   return OK ;
591 error:
592   if (tmesho)
593       DXDelete(tmesho);
594   if (usedArray)
595       tdmFree((Pointer)usedArray);
596   if (stripArray)
597       FreeTempStrips() ;
599   EXIT(("ERROR"));
600   return 0 ;
601 }