1 /*
2  * Automatically generated - DO NOT EDIT!
3  */
5 #ifndef __objectClass
6 #define __objectClass
7 /***********************************************************************/
8 /* Open Visualization Data Explorer                                    */
9 /* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1989,1999                                   */
10 /* ALL RIGHTS RESERVED                                                 */
11 /* This code licensed under the                                        */
12 /*    "IBM PUBLIC LICENSE - Open Visualization Data Explorer"          */
13 /***********************************************************************/
15 /*
16 \section{Object class}
18 Every object begins with an object preamble, which contains the class
19 number and a reference count.
20 */
22 #include <dx/dx.h>
24 /* the following make ANSI compilers happier */
25 struct shade;
26 struct buffer;
27 struct tile;
28 struct gather;
29 struct survey;
30 struct count;
32 struct _root {
33     int size;
34     Class class;
35     char *name;
36 };
37 #define CLASS_SIZE(x) (((struct _root *)(x))->size)
38 #define CLASS_CLASS(x) (((struct _root *)(x))->class)
39 #define CLASS_NAME(x) (((struct _root *)(x))->name)
42 extern struct object_class _dxdobject_class;
43 Error _dxfDelete(Object);
44 Error _dxfno_Delete(Object);
45 Error _dxfShade(Object, struct shade *);
46 Error _dxfno_Shade(Object, struct shade *);
47 Object _dxfBoundingBox(Object, Point*, Matrix*, int);
48 Object _dxfno_BoundingBox(Object, Point*, Matrix*, int);
49 Object _dxfPaint(Object, struct buffer *, int, struct tile *);
50 Object _dxfno_Paint(Object, struct buffer *, int, struct tile *);
51 Object _dxfGather(Object, struct gather *, struct tile *);
52 Object _dxfno_Gather(Object, struct gather *, struct tile *);
53 Error _dxfPartition(Object, int*, int, Object*, int);
54 Error _dxfno_Partition(Object, int*, int, Object*, int);
55 Object _dxfGetType(Object, Type*, Category*, int*, int*);
56 Object _dxfno_GetType(Object, Type*, Category*, int*, int*);
57 Object _dxfCopy(Object, enum _dxd_copy);
58 Object _dxfno_Copy(Object, enum _dxd_copy);
59 Error _dxfObject_Delete(Object);
60 Object _dxfObject_BoundingBox(Object, Point*, Matrix*, int);
61 Error _dxfObject_Shade(Object, struct shade *);
63 #define NATTRIBUTES 2			/* number of attributes in object */
65 struct object {				/* object preamble */
66     struct object_class *class;		/* class vector */
67     Class class_id;			/* class id (for debugging only!) */
68     lock_type lock;			/* for Reference and Delete */
69     int count;				/* reference count */
70     int tag;				/* object tag */
71     struct attribute {			/* object attributes */
72 	char *name;			/* attribute name */
73 	Object value;			/* attribue value */
74     } local[NATTRIBUTES], *attributes;	/* the attributes */
75     int nattributes;			/* number of attributes */
76     int attr_alloc;			/* allocated space for attributes */
77 };
79 #if 0 /* was if OPTIMIZED */
80 #define CHECK(obj, cls) { \
81     if (!obj) \
82 	return ERROR; \
83 }
84 #else
85 #define CHECK(obj, cls) { \
86     if (!obj) \
87         return ERROR; \
88     if (DXGetObjectClass((Object)(obj)) != cls) \
89         DXErrorReturn(ERROR_BAD_CLASS, "called with object of wrong class"); \
90 }
91 #endif
92 /**
93 This macro eases the task of checking argument class.  Note: This is not needed
94 when a method implementation is called, because {\tt o} and its class will
95 both have been checked by the method.
96 **/
98 Object _dxf_NewObject(struct object_class *class);
99 /**
100 This internal routine is called only by other {\tt New...} routines to
101 create and initialize the object preamble.
102 **/
104 Object _dxf_CopyObject(Object new, Object old, enum _dxd_copy copy);
105 /**
106 Copies the portion of the data of {\tt old} managed by the {\tt
107 Object} class to {\tt new}.  This is provided for subclasses of {\tt Object}
108 to use in their copy routines.  Copying works something like creating
109 an object.  Every class {\tt X} that implements copying should provide
110 an {\tt \_CopyX} routine that copies relevant data from an old object
111 to a new object, so that subclass copy routines may call this routine
112 to copy the superclass's data.  The {\tt CopyX} routine just creates a
113 new object of the appropriate type and then calls {\tt \_CopyX} to copy
114 the data.
115 **/
116 #endif
117 #ifndef __fieldClass
118 #define __fieldClass
119 /***********************************************************************/
120 /* Open Visualization Data Explorer                                    */
121 /* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1989,1999                                   */
122 /* ALL RIGHTS RESERVED                                                 */
123 /* This code licensed under the                                        */
124 /*    "IBM PUBLIC LICENSE - Open Visualization Data Explorer"          */
125 /***********************************************************************/
127 /*
128 \section{Field class}
129 */
132 extern struct field_class _dxdfield_class;
133 Object _dxfField_Copy(Field, enum _dxd_copy);
134 Object _dxfField_GetType(Field, Type*, Category*, int*, int*);
135 Error _dxfField_Delete(Field);
136 Object _dxfField_BoundingBox(Field, Point*, Matrix*, int);
137 Object _dxfField_Gather(Field, struct gather *, struct tile *);
138 Object _dxfField_Paint(Field, struct buffer *, int, struct tile *);
139 Error _dxfField_Shade(Field, struct shade *);
140 Error _dxfField_Partition(Field, int*, int, Object*, int);
142 #define NCOMPONENTS 8
144 struct field {
146     struct object object;		/* object preamble */
148     /* the component/attribute table */
149     struct component {			/* the components */
150 	char *name;			/* component name */
151 	Object value;			/* component value */
152     } local[NCOMPONENTS], *components;	/* the components */
153     int ncomponents;			/* number of components */
154     int comp_alloc;			/* allocated space for components */
156     /* helper stuff */
157     int cell;				/* whether we'r in a cell or not */
158     PointId *pts;			/* the points in current face */
159     int npts;				/* number of pts in current face */
160     int pts_alloc;			/* allocated size of pts array */
161     struct hash {			/* hash table to eliminate dup faces */
162 	Triangle tri;			/* the triangle */
163 	int count;			/* multiplicity */
164     } *hash;
165     int nsurface, ninner;		/* counts in hash table */
166     int hash_alloc;			/* allocate size of hash table */
167 };
171 #endif
173 struct object_class {
174     struct _root root;
175     Class class;
176     char *name;
177     Error (*Delete)();
178     Error (*Shade)();
179     Object (*BoundingBox)();
180     Object (*Paint)();
181     Object (*Gather)();
182     Error (*Partition)();
183     Object (*GetType)();
184     Object (*Copy)();
185 };
187 struct field_class {
188     struct object_class super;
189     Class class;
190     char *name;
191 };
193 struct field_class _dxdfield_class = {
194     sizeof(struct field),
195     CLASS_FIELD,
196     "field",
197     CLASS_FIELD,
198     "field",
199     _dxfField_Delete,
200     _dxfField_Shade,
201     _dxfField_BoundingBox,
202     _dxfField_Paint,
203     _dxfField_Gather,
204     _dxfField_Partition,
205     _dxfField_GetType,
206     _dxfField_Copy,
207     CLASS_FIELD,
208     "field",
209 };
DXGetFieldClass(Field o)211 Class DXGetFieldClass(Field o) {
212     return o? (*(struct field_class **)o)->class: CLASS_MIN;
213 }