1 /***********************************************************************/
2 /* Open Visualization Data Explorer                                    */
3 /* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1989,1999                                   */
4 /* ALL RIGHTS RESERVED                                                 */
5 /* This code licensed under the                                        */
6 /*    "IBM PUBLIC LICENSE - Open Visualization Data Explorer"          */
7 /***********************************************************************/
9 #include <dxconfig.h>
10 #include "../base/defines.h"
15 #ifndef _NoUndoEditorCommand_h
16 #define _NoUndoEditorCommand_h
19 #include "NoUndoCommand.h"
21 typedef long EditorCommandType;
22 typedef long EditorUndoType;
24 //
25 // Class name definition:
26 //
27 #define ClassNoUndoEditorCommand	"NoUndoEditorCommand"
29 class   EditorWindow;
31 //
32 // NoUndoEditorCommand class definition:
33 //
34 class NoUndoEditorCommand : public NoUndoCommand
35 {
37   protected:
38     //
39     // Protected member data:
40     //
41     EditorWindow 	*editor;
42     EditorCommandType 	commandType;
43     EditorUndoType	undoType;
45     virtual boolean doIt(CommandInterface *ci);
47   public:
48     //
49     // Constructor:
50     //
51     NoUndoEditorCommand(const char*   name,
52                    CommandScope  *scope,
53                    boolean       active,
54 		   EditorWindow  *editor,
55 		   EditorCommandType comType,
56 		   EditorUndoType undoType=AffectsUndo);
58     //
59     // Destructor:
60     //
~NoUndoEditorCommand()61     ~NoUndoEditorCommand(){}
63     //
64     // Each command has a potential impact on EditorWindow's undo stack.
65     // There are really 2 bits in this mask with 3 possible values.
66     // Inside the doit(), we'll call on EditorWindow to (maybe) rollback
67     // its undo stack.
68     //
69     enum {
70 	Ignore = 0,		// example: print
71 	CanBeUndone = 1,	// example: move a standIn
72 	AffectsUndo = 2,	// example: delete a node or remove a tab
73     };
75     //
76     // These are the various operations that the NoUndoEditorCommand can
77     // implement on behalf of an editor .
78     //
79     enum {
80 	ShowConfiguration,		// Open configuration dialog box...
81 	SelectAll,			// Select all nodes...
82 	DeselectAll,			// Deselect all nodes...
83 	AddInputTab,    		// Add repeatable tabs to a node
84 	RemoveInputTab,    		// Remove repeatable tabs from a node
85 	AddOutputTab,    		// Add repeatable tabs to a node
86 	RemoveOutputTab,    		// Remove repeatable tabs from a node
87 	SelectDownward,			// Select all down stream nodes
88 	SelectUpward,			// Select all up stream nodes
89 	SelectConnected,		// Select all connected nodes
90 	SelectUnconnected,		// Select all unconnected nodes
91 	SelectUnselected,		// Select all unselected nodes
92 	NewControlPanel,		// Open a new control panel.
93 	EditComment,			// Edit the network comment
94 	EditMacroName,			// Edit the network name
95 	Macroify,			// Make the selected nodes into a macro
96         OpenFindTool,			// Open the find tool dialog
97         HideAllTabs,			// Hide hideable tabs
98         RevealAllTabs,			// Reveal hidden tabs
99         OpenGrid,			// Open the grid dialog
100 	OpenControlPanel,   		// Open selected interactor nodes.
101 	SetPanelGroup,   		// Open the dialog to set panel group.
102 	SetCPAccess,   			// Open the dialog to set panel Access.
103 	CreateProcessGroup,		// Open Process Group creating dialog.
104     	OpenSelectedColormaps,		// Open the Selected Colormaps
105     	OpenSelectedMacros,		// Open the Selected Macros
106     	OpenSelectedImageWindows,	// Open the Selected Images
107 	AssignProcessGroup,		// Open Process Group assignment dialog.
108 	PrintProgram,			// Print the program in postscript
109         SetOutputsNotCached,	// All outputs of selected nodes to uncached
110         SetOutputsFullyCached,	// All outputs of selected nodes to cached
111         SetOutputsCacheOnce,  	// All outputs of selected nodes to cache last
112         ShowOutputsNotCached,	// Show nodes that are not cached.
113         ShowOutputsFullyCached,	// Show nodes that are cached.
114         ShowOutputsCacheOnce,  	// Show nodes that are cached once.
115         OptimizeOutputCacheability, // Set cachability optimally.
116         InsertNetwork,  	// merge a new network into vpe
117         ShowExecutedNodes,  	// Change the label color of executed standins
118 #ifndef FORGET_GETSET
119 	ToGlobal,		// Convert Get/Set modules to Local or Global
120 	ToLocal,
121 	SelectedToGlobal,
122 	SelectedToLocal,
123 	PostGetSet,
124 #endif
125         CutNode,	  	// Edit/Cut
126         CopyNode,	  	// Edit/Copy
127         PasteNode,	  	// Edit/Paste
128         AddAnnotation,  	// Edit/Add Annotation
130         Pagify,		  	// Create a new vpe page
131         PagifySelected,	  	// Create a new vpe page including selected tools
132 	AutoChopSelected,	// Separate selected using Transmitters/Receivers
133 	AutoFuseSelected,	// Replace matching Transmitters/Receivers with arcs
134         DeletePage,	  	// Delete a vpe page
135 	ConfigurePage,		// Change the name,postscript,position
136 	MoveSelected,		// Move selected tools to a new page
137 #endif
138 	JavifyNetwork,
139 	UnjavifyNetwork,
140 	HitDetection,		// change a resource in in the Workspace widget
141 	ReflowGraph,		// Layout the entire graph automatically
142 	Undo,			// undo movements in the canvas
143         SaveAsCCode
144     };
145     //
146     // Returns a pointer to the class name.
147     //
getClassName()148     const char* getClassName()
149     {
150 	return ClassNoUndoEditorCommand;
151     }
152 };
155 #endif // _NoUndoEditorCommand_h