2// time: Wed Mar  5 10:54:15 2003
4// version: 3.2.0 (format), 4.2.0 (DX)
7// Begin MDF
8// MODULE DXExport
9// DESCRIPTION Export DX formatted file for JavaDX
10// INPUT object; object; (none);
11// INPUT base_name; string; (none);
12// OUTPUT file_written; string;
13// End MDF
14// workspace: width = 715, height = 252
15// layout: snap = 0, width = 50, height = 50, align = NN
17macro DXExport(
18 object
20) -> (
21 file_written
22) {
23    //
24    // node Input[7]: x = 10, y = 10, inputs = 0, label = Input
25    // parameter: position = 1, name = 'object', value = ' ', descriptive = 0, description = ' ', required = 1, visible = 1
26    //
27DXExport_Input_7_out_1 = object;
28    //
29    // node Input[8]: x = 126, y = 10, inputs = 0, label = Input
30    // parameter: position = 2, name = 'base_name', value = ' ', descriptive = 0, description = ' ', required = 1, visible = 1
31    //
32DXExport_Input_8_out_1 = base_name;
33    //
34    // node Export[1]: x = 19, y = 100, inputs = 3, label = Export
35    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "dx text follows"
36    //
37    Export(
38    DXExport_Input_7_out_1,
39    DXExport_Input_8_out_1,
40    "dx text follows"
41    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
42    //
43    // node Format[8]: x = 106, y = 100, inputs = 3, label = Format
44    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "%s.dx"
45    // input[3]: visible = 0
46    //
47DXExport_Format_8_out_1[cache: 2] =
48    Format(
49    "%s.dx",
50    DXExport_Input_8_out_1,
51    NULL
52    ) [instance: 8, cache: 1];
53    //
54    // node Output[4]: x = 106, y = 190, inputs = 1, label = Output
55    // parameter: position = 1, name = 'file_written', value = ' ', descriptive = 0, description = ' ', required = 0, visible = 1
56    //
57file_written = DXExport_Format_8_out_1;
58    //
59    // decorator Annotate	pos=(244,57) size=471x124 style(Label), value = <NULL>
60    // annotation user_begin: 517
61    // annotation user: When dxui saves a net in JavaDX format (that means the user has clicked on
62    // annotation user: the  'Add  Tools'  button  in  the vpe's 'Edit/Java' menu),  a special version of
63    // annotation user: the  image macro is  written into  the net. The special version uses 3 macros
64    // annotation user: in this directory to help it do its work.
65    // annotation user: <NULL>
66    // annotation user: This  macro has a ""  category  name  because there isn't any reason  why it
67    // annotation user: should ever  appear  in  dxui. There will  never be  areference  to  it  that will
68    // annotation user: enable  the  user  to  use the 'Windows/Open Selected  Macro'  button  on  it.
69    // annotation user_end: <NULL>
70// network: end of macro body
72DXExport_Input_7_out_1 = NULL;
73DXExport_Input_8_out_1 = NULL;
74DXExport_Format_8_out_1 = NULL;