2# File:         HtmlDump.pm
4# Description:  Dump information in hex to HTML page
6# Revisions:    12/05/2005 - P. Harvey Created
9package Image::ExifTool::HtmlDump;
11use strict;
12use vars qw($VERSION);
13use Image::ExifTool;    # only for FinishTiffDump()
14use Image::ExifTool::HTML qw(EscapeHTML);
16$VERSION = '1.39';
18sub DumpTable($$$;$$$$$$);
19sub Open($$$;@);
20sub Write($@);
22my ($bkgStart, $bkgEnd, @bkgSpan);
24my $htmlHeader1 = <<_END_PART_1_;
25<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
26 "http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-html40-19980424/loose.dtd">
32# Note: Don't change font-weight style because it can affect line height
33my $htmlHeader2 = <<_END_PART_2_;
35<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
36<style type="text/css">
38/* character style ID's */
39.D { color: #000000 } /* default color */
40.V { color: #ff0000 } /* duplicate block 1 */
41.W { color: #004400 } /* normal block 1 */
42.X { color: #ff4488 } /* duplicate block 2 */
43.Y { color: #448844 } /* normal block 2 */
44.U { color: #cc8844 } /* unused data block */
45.H { color: #0000ff } /* highlighted tag name */
46.F { color: #aa00dd } /* actual offset differs */
47.M { text-decoration: underline } /* maker notes data */
48.tt { /* tooltip text */
49    visibility: hidden;
50    position: absolute;
51    white-space: nowrap;
52    top: 0;
53    left: 0;
54    font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
55    font-size: .7em;
56    padding: 2px 4px;
57    border: 1px solid gray;
58    z-index: 3;
60.tb { /* tooltip background */
61    visibility: hidden;
62    position: absolute;
63    background: #ffffdd;
64    zoom: 1;
65    -moz-opacity: 0.8;
66    -khtml-opacity: 0.8;
67    -ms-filter: 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=80)';
68    filter: alpha(opacity=80);
69    opacity: 0.8;
70    z-index: 2;
72/* table styles */
73table.dump {
74  border-top: 1px solid gray;
75  border-bottom: 1px solid gray;
77table.dump td { padding: .2em .3em }
78td.c2 {
79  border-left: 1px solid gray;
80  border-right: 1px solid gray;
82pre   { margin: 0 }
83table { font-size: .9em }
84body  { color: black; background: white }
87<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
88<!-- Begin
89// tooltip positioning constants
90var TMAR = 4;   // top/left margins
91var BMAR = 16;  // bottom/right margins (scrollbars may overhang inner dimensions)
92var XOFF = 10;  // x offset from cursor
93var YOFF = 40;  // y offset
94var YMIN = 10;  // minimum y offset
95var YTOP = 20;  // y offset when above cursor
96// common variables
97var safari1 = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari/312.6") >= 0;
98var ie6 = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie 6') >= 0;
99var mspan = new Array;
100var clicked = 0;
101var hlist, tt, tb, firstOutEvt, lastInEvt;
103function GetElementsByClass(classname, tagname) {
104  var found = new Array();
105  var list = document.getElementsByTagName(tagname);
106  var len = list.length;
107  for (var i=0, j=0; i<len; ++i) {
108    var classes = list[i].className.split(' ');
109    for (var k=0; k<classes.length; ++k) {
110      if (classes[k] == classname) {
111        found[j++] = list[i];
112        break;
113      }
114    }
115  }
116  return found;
119// click mouse
120function doClick(e)
122  if (!clicked) {
123    firstOutEvt = lastInEvt = undefined;
124    high(e, 2);
125    if (hlist) clicked = 1;
126  } else {
127    clicked = 0;
128    if (firstOutEvt) high(firstOutEvt, 0);
129    if (lastInEvt) high(lastInEvt, 1);
130  }
133// move tooltip
134function move(e)
136  if (!tt) return;
137  if (ie6 && (tt.style.top  == '' || tt.style.top  == 0) &&
138             (tt.style.left == '' || tt.style.left == 0))
139  {
140    tt.style.width  = tt.offsetWidth  + 'px';
141    tt.style.height = tt.offsetHeight + 'px';
142  }
143  var w, h;
144  // browser inconsistencies make getting window size more complex than it should be,
145  // and even then we don't know if it is smaller due to scrollbar width
146  if (typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number') {
147    w = window.innerWidth;
148    h = window.innerHeight;
149  } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) {
150    w = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
151    h = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
152  } else {
153    w = document.body.clientWidth;
154    h = document.body.clientHeight;
155  }
156  var x = e.clientX + XOFF;
157  var y = e.clientY + YOFF;
158  if (safari1) { // patch for people still using OS X 10.3.9
159    x -= document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
160    y -= document.body.scrollTop  + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
161  }
162  var mx = w - BMAR - tt.offsetWidth;
163  var my = h - BMAR - tt.offsetHeight;
164  if (y > my + YOFF - YMIN) y = e.clientY - YTOP - tt.offsetHeight;
165  if (x > mx) x = mx;
166  if (y > my) y = my;
167  if (x < TMAR) x = TMAR;
168  if (y < TMAR) y = TMAR;
169  x += document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
170  y += document.body.scrollTop  + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
171  tb.style.width  = tt.offsetWidth  + 'px';
172  tb.style.height = tt.offsetHeight + 'px';
173  tt.style.top  = tb.style.top  = y + 'px';
174  tt.style.left = tb.style.left = x + 'px';
175  tt.style.visibility = tb.style.visibility = 'visible';
178// highlight/unhighlight text
179function high(e,on) {
180  if (on) {
181    lastInEvt = e;
182  } else {
183    if (!firstOutEvt) firstOutEvt = e;
184  }
185  if (clicked) return;
186  var targ;
187  if (e.target) targ = e.target;
188  else if (e.srcElement) targ = e.srcElement;
189  if (targ.nodeType == 3) targ = targ.parentNode; // defeat Safari bug
190  if (!targ.name) targ = targ.parentNode; // go up another level if necessary
191  if (targ.name && document.getElementsByName) {
192    // un-highlight current objects
193    if (hlist) {
194      for (var i=0; i<hlist.length; ++i) {
195        for (var j=0; j<hlist[i].length; ++j) {
196          hlist[i][j].style.background = 'transparent';
197        }
198      }
199      hlist = null;
200    }
201    if (tt) {
202      // hide old tooltip
203      tt.style.visibility = tb.style.visibility = 'hidden';
204      tt = null;
205    }
206    if (on) {
207      if (targ.name.substring(0,1) == 't') {
208        // show our tooltip (ID is different than name to avoid confusing IE)
209        tt = document.getElementById('p' + targ.name.substring(1));
210        if (tt) {
211          tb = document.getElementById('tb');
212          move(e);
213        }
214      }
215      // highlight anchor elements with the same name
216      hlist = new Array;
217      hlist.push(document.getElementsByName(targ.name));
218      // is this an IFD pointer?
219      var pos = targ.className.indexOf('Offset_');
220      if (pos > 0) {
221        // add elements from this IFD to our highlight list
222        hlist.push(document.getElementsByClassName(targ.className.substr(pos+7)));
223      }
224      // use class name to highlight span elements if necessary
225      for (var i=0; i<mspan.length; ++i) {
226        if (mspan[i] != targ.name) continue;
227        // add these span elements to our highlight list
228        hlist.push(GetElementsByClass(targ.name, 'span'));
229        break;
230      }
231      for (var i=0; i<hlist.length; ++i) {
232        for (var j=0; j<hlist[i].length; ++j) {
233          hlist[i][j].style.background = on == 2 ? '#ffbbbb' : '#ffcc99';
234        }
235      }
236    }
237  }
241my $htmlHeader3 = q[
242// End --->
244<body><noscript><b class=V>--&gt;
245Enable JavaScript for active highlighting and information tool tips!
247<table class=dump cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>
248<tr><td valign='top'><pre>];
250my $preMouse = q(<pre onmouseover="high(event,1)" onmouseout="high(event,0)" onmousemove="move(event)" onmousedown="doClick(event)">);
253# New - create new HtmlDump object
254# Inputs: 0) reference to HtmlDump object or HtmlDump class name
255sub new
257    local $_;
258    my $that = shift;
259    my $class = ref($that) || $that || 'Image::ExifTool::HtmlDump';
260    return bless { Block => {}, TipNum => 0 }, $class;
264# Add information to dump
265# Inputs: 0) HTML dump hash ref, 1) absolute offset in file, 2) data size,
266#         3) comment string, 4) tool tip (or SAME to use previous tip),
267#         5) bit flags (see below), 6) IFD name
268# Bits: 0x01 - print at start of line
269#       0x02 - print red address
270#       0x04 - maker notes data ('M'-class span)
271#       0x08 - limit block length
272#       0x10 - allow double references
273#       0x100 - (reserved)
274# Notes: Block will be shown in 'unused' color if comment string begins with '['
275sub Add($$$$;$$)
277    my ($self, $start, $size, $msg, $tip, $flag, $ifd) = @_;
278    my $block = $$self{Block};
279    $$block{$start} or $$block{$start} = [ ];
280    my $htip;
281    if ($tip and $tip eq 'SAME') {
282        $htip = '';
283    } else {
284        # use message as first line of tip, and make bold unless in brackets
285        $htip = ($msg =~ /^[[(]/) ? $msg : "<b>$msg</b>";
286        if (defined $tip) {
287            ($tip = EscapeHTML($tip)) =~ s/\n/<br>/g;   # HTML-ize tooltip text
288            $htip .= '<br>' . $tip;
289        }
290        # add size if not already done
291        $htip .= "<br>($size bytes)" unless $htip =~ /<br>Size:/;
292        ++$self->{TipNum};
293    }
294    push @{$$block{$start}}, [ $size, $msg, $htip, $flag, $self->{TipNum}, $ifd ];
298# Print dump information to HTML page
299# Inputs: 0) Dump information hash reference, 1) source file RAF reference,
300#         2) data pointer, 3) data position, 4) output file or scalar reference,
301#         5) limit level (1-3), 6) title
302# Returns: non-zero if useful output was generated,
303#          or -1 on error loading data and "ERROR" is set to offending data name
304# Note: The "Error" member may be set externally to print a specific error
305#       message instead of doing the dump.
306sub Print($$;$$$$$)
308    local $_;
309    my ($self, $raf, $dataPt, $dataPos, $outfile, $level, $title) = @_;
310    my ($i, $buff, $rtnVal, $limit, $err);
311    my $block = $$self{Block};
312    $dataPos = 0 unless $dataPos;
313    $outfile = \*STDOUT unless ref $outfile;
314    $title = 'HtmlDump' unless $title;
315    $level or $level = 0;
316    my $tell = $raf->Tell();
317    my $pos = 0;
318    my $dataEnd = $dataPos + ($dataPt ? length($$dataPt) : 0);
319    # initialize member variables
320    $$self{Open} = [];
321    $$self{Closed} = [];
322    $$self{TipList} = [];
323    $$self{MSpanList} = [];
324    $$self{Cols} = [ '', '', '', '' ];  # text columns
325    # set dump size limits (limits are 4x smaller if bit 0x08 set in flags)
326    if ($level <= 1) {
327        $limit = 1024;
328    } elsif ($level <= 2) {
329        $limit = 16384;
330    } else {
331        $limit = 256 * 1024 * 1024; # never dump bigger than 256 MB
332    }
333    $$self{Limit} = $limit;
334    # pre-initialize open/closed hashes for all columns
335    for ($i=0; $i<4; ++$i) {
336        $self->{Open}->[$i] = { ID => [ ], Element => { } };
337        $self->{Closed}->[$i] = { ID => [ ], Element => { } };
338    }
339    $bkgStart = $bkgEnd = 0;
340    undef @bkgSpan;
341    my $index = 0;  # initialize tooltip index
342    my (@names, $wasUnused, @starts);
343    # only do dump if we didn't have a serious error
344    @starts = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$block unless $$self{Error};
345    for ($i=0; $i<=@starts; ++$i) {
346        my $start = $starts[$i];
347        my $parmList;
348        if (defined $start) {
349            $parmList = $$block{$start};
350        } elsif ($bkgEnd and $pos < $bkgEnd and not defined $wasUnused) {
351            $start = $bkgEnd;   # finish last bkg block
352        } else {
353            last;
354        }
355        my $len = $start - $pos;
356        if ($len > 0 and not $wasUnused) {
357            # we have a unused bytes before this data block
358            --$i;   # dump the data block next time around
359            # split unused data into 2 blocks if it spans end of a bkg block
360            my ($nextBkgEnd, $bkg);
361            if (not defined $wasUnused and $bkgEnd) {
362                foreach $bkg (@bkgSpan) {
363                    next if $pos >= $$bkg{End} + $dataPos or $pos + $len <= $$bkg{End} + $dataPos;
364                    $nextBkgEnd = $$bkg{End} unless $nextBkgEnd and $nextBkgEnd < $$bkg{End};
365                }
366            }
367            if ($nextBkgEnd) {
368                $start = $pos;
369                $len = $nextBkgEnd + $dataPos - $pos;
370                $wasUnused = 0;
371            } else {
372                $start = $pos;  # dump the unused bytes now
373                $wasUnused = 1; # avoid re-dumping unused bytes if we get a read error
374            }
375            my $str = ($len > 1) ? "unused $len bytes" : 'pad byte';
376            $parmList = [ [ $len, "[$str]", undef, 0x108 ] ];
377        } else {
378            undef $wasUnused;
379        }
380        my $parms;
381        foreach $parms (@$parmList) {
382            my ($len, $msg, $tip, $flag, $tipNum, $ifd) = @$parms;
383            next unless $len > 0;
384            $flag = 0 unless defined $flag;
385            # generate same name for all blocks indexed by this tooltip
386            my $name;
387            $name = $names[$tipNum] if defined $tipNum;
388            my $idx = $index;
389            if ($name) {
390                # get index from existing ID
391                $idx = substr($name, 1);
392            } else {
393                $name = "t$index";
394                $names[$tipNum] = $name if defined $tipNum;
395                ++$index;
396            }
397            if ($flag & 0x14) {
398                my $class = $flag & 0x04 ? "$name M" : $name;
399                $class .= " $ifd" if $ifd;
400                my %bkg = (
401                    Class => $class,
402                    Start => $start - $dataPos,
403                    End   => $start - $dataPos + $len,
404                );
405                push @bkgSpan, \%bkg;
406                $bkgStart = $bkg{Start} unless $bkgStart and $bkgStart < $bkg{Start};
407                $bkgEnd = $bkg{End} unless $bkgEnd and $bkgEnd > $bkg{End};
408                push @{$self->{MSpanList}}, $name;
409                next;
410            }
411            # loop until we read the value properly
412            my ($end, $try);
413            for ($try=0; $try<2; ++$try) {
414                $end = $start + $len;
415                # only load as much of the block as we are going to dump
416                # (read 32 more bytes than necessary just in case there
417                # is only one skipped line that we decide to print)
418                my $size = ($len > $limit + 32) ? $limit / 2 + 16 : $len;
419                if ($start >= $dataPos and $end <= $dataEnd) {
420                    $buff = substr($$dataPt, $start-$dataPos, $size);
421                    if ($len != $size) {
422                        $buff .= substr($$dataPt, $start-$dataPos+$len-$size, $size);
423                    }
424                } else {
425                    $buff = '';
426                    if ($raf->Seek($start, 0) and $raf->Read($buff, $size) == $size) {
427                        # read end of block
428                        if ($len != $size) {
429                            my $buf2 = '';
430                            unless ($raf->Seek($start+$len-$size, 0) and
431                                    $raf->Read($buf2, $size) == $size)
432                            {
433                                $err = $msg;
434                                # reset $len to the actual length of available data
435                                $raf->Seek(0, 2);
436                                $len = $raf->Tell() - $start;
437                                $tip .= "<br>Error: Only $len bytes available!" if $tip;
438                                next;
439                            }
440                            $buff .= $buf2;
441                            undef $buf2;
442                        }
443                    } else {
444                        $err = $msg;
445                        $len = length $buff;
446                        $tip .= "<br>Error: Only $len bytes available!" if $tip;
447                    }
448                }
449                last;
450            }
451            $tip and $self->{TipList}->[$idx] = $tip;
452            next unless length $buff;
453            # set flag to continue this line if next block is contiguous
454            if ($i+1 < @starts and $parms eq $$parmList[-1] and
455                ($end == $starts[$i+1] or ($end < $starts[$i+1] and $end >= $pos)))
456            {
457                my $nextFlag = $block->{$starts[$i+1]}->[0]->[3] || 0;
458                $flag |= 0x100 unless $flag & 0x01 or $nextFlag & 0x01;
459            }
460            $self->DumpTable($start-$dataPos, \$buff, $msg, $name,
461                             $flag, $len, $pos-$dataPos, $ifd);
462            undef $buff;
463            $pos = $end if $pos < $end;
464        }
465    }
466    $self->Open('','');     # close all open elements
467    $raf->Seek($tell,0);
469    # write output HTML file
470    Write($outfile, $htmlHeader1, $title);
471    if ($self->{Cols}->[0]) {
472        Write($outfile, $htmlHeader2);
473        my $mspan = \@{$$self{MSpanList}};
474        for ($i=0; $i<@$mspan; ++$i) {
475            Write($outfile, qq(mspan[$i] = "$$mspan[$i]";\n));
476        }
477        Write($outfile, $htmlHeader3, $self->{Cols}->[0]);
478        Write($outfile, '</pre></td><td valign="top">',
479                        $preMouse, $self->{Cols}->[1]);
480        Write($outfile, '</pre></td><td class=c2 valign="top">',
481                        $preMouse, $self->{Cols}->[2]);
482        Write($outfile, '</pre></td><td valign="top">',
483                        $preMouse, $self->{Cols}->[3]);
484        Write($outfile, "</pre></td></tr></table>\n<div id=tb class=tb> </div>\n");
485        my $tips = \@{$$self{TipList}};
486        for ($i=0; $i<@$tips; ++$i) {
487            my $tip = $$tips[$i];
488            Write($outfile, "<div id=p$i class=tt>$tip</div>\n") if defined $tip;
489        }
490        delete $$self{TipList};
491        $rtnVal = 1;
492    } else {
493        my $err = $$self{Error} || 'No EXIF or TIFF information found in image';
494        Write($outfile, "$title</title></head><body>\n$err\n");
495        $rtnVal = 0;
496    }
497    Write($outfile, "</body></html>\n");
498    for ($i=0; $i<4; ++$i) {
499        $self->{Cols}->[$i] = '';   # free memory
500    }
501    if ($err) {
502        $err =~ tr/()//d;
503        $$self{ERROR} = $err;
504        return -1;
505    }
506    return $rtnVal;
510# Open or close a specified html element
511# Inputs: 0) HtmlDump object ref, 1) element id, 2) element string,
512#         3-N) list of column numbers (empty for all columns)
513# - element id may be '' to close all elements
514# - element string may be '' to close element by ID (or 0 to close without reopening)
515# - element id and string may both be 1 to reopen temporarily closed elements
516sub Open($$$;@)
518    my ($self, $id, $element, @colNums) = @_;
520    # loop through specified columns
521    @colNums or @colNums = (0 .. $#{$self->{Open}});
522    my $col;
523    foreach $col (@colNums) {
524        # get information about open elements in this column
525        my $opHash = $self->{Open}->[$col];
526        my $opElem = $$opHash{Element};
527        if ($element) {
528            # next if already open
529            next if $$opElem{$id} and $$opElem{$id} eq $element;
530        } elsif ($id and not $$opElem{$id}) {
531            # next if already closed and nothing to reopen
532            next unless $element eq '' and @{$self->{Closed}->[$col]->{ID}};
533        }
534        my $opID = $$opHash{ID};
535        my $clHash = $self->{Closed}->[$col];
536        my $clID = $$clHash{ID};
537        my $clElem = $$clHash{Element};
538        # get reference to output column list (use temp list if available)
539        my $cols = $$self{TmpCols} || $$self{Cols};
540        # close everything down to this element if necessary
541        if ($$opElem{$id} or not $id) {
542            while (@$opID) {
543                my $tid = pop @$opID;
544                my $e = $$opElem{$tid};
545                $e =~ s/^<(\S+).*/<\/$1>/s;
546                $$cols[$col] .= $e;
547                if ($id eq $tid or not $id) {
548                    delete $$opElem{$tid};
549                    last if $id;
550                    next;
551                }
552                # add this to the temporarily closed list
553                # (because we really didn't want to close it)
554                push @$clID, $tid;
555                $$clElem{$tid} = $$opElem{$tid};
556                delete $$opElem{$tid};
557            }
558            unless ($id) {
559                # forget all temporarily closed elements
560                $clID = $$clHash{ID} = [ ];
561                $clElem = $$clHash{Element} = { };
562            }
563        } elsif ($$clElem{$id}) {
564            # delete from the list of temporarily closed elements
565            delete $$clElem{$id};
566            @$clID = grep !/^$id$/, @$clID;
567        }
568        next if $element eq '0'; # 0 = don't reopen temporarily closed elements
570        # re-open temporarily closed elements
571        while (@$clID) {
572            my $tid = pop @$clID;
573            $$cols[$col] .= $$clElem{$tid};
574            push @$opID, $tid;
575            $$opElem{$tid} = $$clElem{$tid};
576            delete $$clElem{$tid};
577        }
578        # open specified element
579        if ($element and $element ne '1') {
580            $$cols[$col] .= $element;
581            push @$opID, $id;
582            $$opElem{$id} = $element;
583        }
584    }
588# Dump a block of data in HTML table form
589# Inputs: 0) HtmlDump object ref, 1) data position, 2) block pointer,
590#         3) message, 4) object name, 5) flag, 6) full block length (actual
591#         data may be shorter), 7) data end position, 8) IFD name
592sub DumpTable($$$;$$$$$$)
594    my ($self, $pos, $blockPt, $msg, $name, $flag, $len, $endPos, $ifd) = @_;
595    $len = length $$blockPt unless defined $len;
596    $endPos = 0 unless $endPos;
597    my ($f0, $dblRef, $id);
598    my $skipped = 0;
599    if (($endPos and $pos < $endPos) or $flag & 0x02) {
600        # display double-reference addresses in red
601        $f0 = "<span class=V>";
602        $dblRef = 1 if $endPos and $pos < $endPos;
603    } else {
604        $f0 = '';
605    }
606    my @c = ('','','','');
607    $$self{TmpCols} = \@c;
608    if ($name) {
609        if ($msg and $msg =~ /^\[/) {
610            $id = 'U';
611        } else {
612            if ($$self{A}) {
613                $id = 'X';
614                $$self{A} = 0;
615            } else {
616                $id = 'V';
617                $$self{A} = 1;
618            }
619            ++$id unless $dblRef;
620        }
621        my $class = $ifd ? "'$id $ifd'" : $id;
622        $name = "<a name=$name class=$class>";
623        $msg and $msg = "$name$msg</a>";
624    } else {
625        $name = '';
626    }
627    # use base-relative offsets from now on
628    my $cols = 0;
629    my $p = $pos;
630    if ($$self{Cont}) {
631        $cols = $pos & 0x0f;
632        $c[1] .= ($cols == 8) ? '  ' : ' ';
633    } else {
634        my $addr = $pos < 0 ? sprintf("-%.4x",-$pos) : sprintf("%5.4x",$pos);
635        $self->Open('fgd', $f0, 0);
636        $self->Open('fgd', '', 3);
637        $c[0] .= "$addr";
638        $p -= $pos & 0x0f unless $flag & 0x01;
639        if ($p < $pos) {
640            $self->Open('bkg', '', 1, 2); # don't underline white space
641            $cols = $pos - $p;
642            my $n = 3 * $cols;
643            ++$n if $cols > 7;
644            $c[1] .= ' ' x $n;
645            $c[2] .= ' ' x $cols;
646            $p = $pos;
647        }
648    }
649    # loop through each column of hex numbers
650    for (;;) {
651        my (@spanClass, @spanCont, $spanClose, $bkg);
652        if ($p >= $bkgStart and $p < $bkgEnd) {
653            foreach $bkg (@bkgSpan) {
654                next unless $p >= $$bkg{Start} and $p < $$bkg{End};
655                push @spanClass, $$bkg{Class};
656                if ($p + 1 == $$bkg{End}) {
657                    $spanClose = 1;
658                } else {
659                    push @spanCont, $$bkg{Class};   # this span continues
660                }
661            }
662            $self->Open('bkg', @spanClass ? "<span class='@spanClass'>" : '', 1, 2);
663        } else {
664            $self->Open('bkg', '', 1, 2);
665        }
666        $self->Open('a', $name, 1, 2);
667        my $ch = substr($$blockPt,$p-$pos-$skipped,1);
668        $c[1] .= sprintf("%.2x", ord($ch));
669        # make the character HTML-friendly
670        $ch =~ tr/\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff/./;
671        $ch =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
672        $ch =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
673        $ch =~ s/</&lt;/g;
674        $c[2] .= $ch;
675        ++$p;
676        ++$cols;
677        # close necessary elements
678        if ($spanClose) {
679            my $spanCont = @spanCont ? "<span class='@spanCont'>" : '';
680            # close without reopening if closing anchor later
681            my $arg = ($p - $pos >= $len) ? 0 : $spanCont;
682            $self->Open('bkg', $arg, 1, 2);
683        }
684        if ($dblRef and $p >= $endPos) {
685            $dblRef = 0;
686            ++$id;
687            my $class = $ifd ? "'$id $ifd'" : $id;
688            $name =~ s/class=\w\b/class=$class/;
689            $f0 = '';
690            $self->Open('fgd', $f0, 0);
691        }
692        if ($p - $pos >= $len) {
693            $self->Open('a', '', 1, 2);     # close our anchor
694            last;
695        }
696        if ($cols < 16) {
697            $c[1] .= ($cols == 8 ? '  ' : ' ');
698            next;
699        } elsif ($flag & 0x01 and $cols < $len) {
700            $c[1] .= ' ';
701            next;   # put it all on one line
702        }
703        unless ($$self{Msg}) {
704            $c[3] .= $msg;
705            $msg = '';
706        }
707        $_ .= "\n" foreach @c;  # add CR to all lines
708        $$self{Msg} = 0;
709        # limit data length if specified
710        if ($$self{Limit}) {
711            my $div = ($flag & 0x08) ? 4 : 1;
712            my $lim = $$self{Limit} / (2 * $div) - 16;
713            if ($p - $pos > $lim and $len - $p + $pos > $lim) {
714                my $n = ($len - $p + $pos - $lim) & ~0x0f;
715                if ($n > 16) { # (no use just cutting out one line)
716                    $self->Open('bkg', '', 1, 2); # no underline
717                    my $note = sprintf "[snip %d lines]", $n / 16;
718                    $note = (' ' x (24-length($note)/2)) . $note;
719                    $c[0] .= "  ...\n";
720                    $c[1] .= $note . (' ' x (48-length($note))) . "\n";
721                    $c[2] .= "     [snip]     \n";
722                    $c[3] .= "\n";
723                    $p += $n;
724                    $skipped += $len - length $$blockPt;
725                }
726            }
727        }
728        $c[0] .= ($p < 0 ? sprintf("-%.4x",-$p) : sprintf("%5.4x",$p));
729        $cols = 0;
730    }
731    if ($msg) {
732        $msg = " $msg" if $$self{Msg};
733        $c[3] .= $msg;
734    }
735    if ($flag & 0x100 and $cols < 16) {    # continue on same line?
736        $$self{Cont} = 1;
737        $$self{Msg} = 1 if $msg;
738    } else {
739        $_ .= "\n" foreach @c;
740        $$self{Msg} = 0;
741        $$self{Cont} = 0;
742    }
743    # add temporary column data to our real columns
744    my $i;
745    for ($i=0; $i<4; ++$i) {
746        $self->{Cols}->[$i] .= $c[$i];
747    }
748    delete $$self{TmpCols};
752# Finish dumping of TIFF image data
753# Inputs: 0) HtmlDump object ref, 1) ExifTool object ref, 2) length of file
754# (this really belongs in Image::ExifTool::Exif, but is placed here so it
755#  is only compiled when needed)
756sub FinishTiffDump($$$)
758    my ($self, $et, $size) = @_;
759    my ($tag, $key, $start, $blockInfo, $i);
761    # list of all indirectly referenced TIFF data tags
762    my %offsetPair = (
763        StripOffsets      => 'StripByteCounts',
764        TileOffsets       => 'TileByteCounts',
765        FreeOffsets       => 'FreeByteCounts',
766        ThumbnailOffset   => 'ThumbnailLength',
767        PreviewImageStart => 'PreviewImageLength',
768        JpgFromRawStart   => 'JpgFromRawLength',
769        OtherImageStart   => 'OtherImageLength',
770        ImageOffset       => 'ImageByteCount',
771        AlphaOffset       => 'AlphaByteCount',
772        MPImageStart      => 'MPImageLength',
773        IDCPreviewStart   => 'IDCPreviewLength',
774        SamsungRawPointersOffset => 'SamsungRawPointersLength',
775    );
777    # add TIFF data to html dump
778    foreach $tag (keys %offsetPair) {
779        my $info = $et->GetInfo($tag);
780        next unless %$info;
781        # Panasonic hack: StripOffsets is not valid for Panasonic RW2 files,
782        # and StripRowBytes is not valid for some RAW images
783        if ($tag eq 'StripOffsets' and $$et{TAG_INFO}{$tag}{PanasonicHack}) {
784            # use RawDataOffset instead if available since it is valid in RW2
785            my $info2 = $et->GetInfo('RawDataOffset');
786            $info2 = $info unless %$info2;
787            my @keys = keys %$info2;
788            my $offset = $$info2{$keys[0]};
789            my $raf = $$et{RAF};
790            # ignore StripByteCounts and assume raw data runs to the end of file
791            if (@keys == 1 and $offset =~ /^\d+$/ and $raf) {
792                my $pos = $raf->Tell();
793                $raf->Seek(0, 2);   # seek to end
794                my $len = $raf->Tell() - $offset;
795                $raf->Seek($pos, 0);
796                if ($len > 0) {
797                    $self->Add($offset, $len, "(Panasonic raw data)", "Size: $len bytes", 0x08);
798                    next;
799                }
800            }
801        }
802        # loop through all offsets tags
803        foreach $key (keys %$info) {
804            my $name = Image::ExifTool::GetTagName($key);
805            my $grp1 = $et->GetGroup($key, 1);
806            my $info2 = $et->GetInfo($offsetPair{$tag}, { Group1 => $grp1 });
807            my $key2 = $offsetPair{$tag};
808            $key2 .= $1 if $key =~ /( .*)/; # use same instance number as $tag
809            next unless $$info2{$key2};
810            my $offsets = $$info{$key};
811            my $byteCounts = $$info2{$key2};
812            # ignore primary MPImage (this is the whole JPEG)
813            next if $tag eq 'MPImageStart' and $offsets eq '0';
814            # (long lists may be SCALAR references)
815            my @offsets = split ' ', (ref $offsets ? $$offsets : $offsets);
816            my @byteCounts = split ' ', (ref $byteCounts ? $$byteCounts : $byteCounts);
817            my $num = scalar @offsets;
818            my $li = 0;
819            my $padBytes = 0;
820            for ($i=0; @offsets and @byteCounts; ++$i) {
821                my $offset = shift @offsets;
822                my $byteCount = shift @byteCounts;
823                my $end = $offset + $byteCount;
824                if (@offsets and @byteCounts) {
825                    # show data as contiguous if only normal pad bytes between blocks
826                    if ($end & 0x01 and $end + 1 == $offsets[0]) {
827                        $end += 1;
828                        ++$padBytes;    # count them
829                    }
830                    if ($end == $offsets[0]) {
831                        # combine these two blocks
832                        $byteCounts[0] += $offsets[0] - $offset;
833                        $offsets[0] = $offset;
834                        next;
835                    }
836                }
837                my $msg = $et->GetGroup($key, 1) . ':' . $tag;
838                $msg =~ s/(Offsets?|Start)$/ /;
839                if ($num > 1) {
840                    $msg .= "$li-" if $li != $i;
841                    $msg .= "$i ";
842                    $li = $i + 1;
843                }
844                $msg .= "data";
845                my $tip = "Size: $byteCount bytes";
846                $tip .= ", incl. $padBytes pad bytes" if $padBytes;
847                $self->Add($offset, $byteCount, "($msg)", $tip, 0x08);
848            }
849        }
850    }
851    # find offset of last dumped information, and dump any unknown trailer
852    my $last = 0;
853    my $block = $$self{Block};
854    foreach $start (keys %$block) {
855        foreach $blockInfo (@{$$block{$start}}) {
856            my $end = $start + $$blockInfo[0];
857            $last = $end if $last < $end;
858        }
859    }
860    my $diff = $size - $last;
861    if ($diff > 0 and ($last or $et->Options('Unknown'))) {
862        if ($diff > 1 or $size & 0x01) {
863            $self->Add($last, $diff, "[unknown data]", "Size: $diff bytes", 0x08);
864        } else {
865            $self->Add($last, $diff, "[trailing pad byte]", undef, 0x08);
866        }
867    }
871# utility routine to write to file or memory
872# Inputs: 0) file or scalar reference, 1-N) list of stuff to write
873# Returns: true on success
874sub Write($@)
876    my $outfile = shift;
877    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($outfile,'GLOB')) {
878        return print $outfile @_;
879    } elsif (ref $outfile eq 'SCALAR') {
880        $$outfile .= join('', @_);
881        return 1;
882    }
883    return 0;
8861;  # end
890=head1 NAME
892Image::ExifTool::HtmlDump - Dump information in hex to HTML page
894=head1 SYNOPSIS
896    use Image::ExifTool::HtmlDump;
897    my $dump = new Image::ExifTool::HtmlDump;
898    $dump->Add($start, $size, $comment);
899    $dump->Print($dumpInfo, $raf, $dataPt, $dataPos, $outfile);
903This module contains code used to generate an HTML-based hex dump of
904information for debugging purposes.  This is code is called when the
905ExifTool 'HtmlDump' option is used.
907Currently, only EXIF/TIFF and JPEG information is dumped.
909=head1 BUGS
911Due to a memory allocation bug in ActivePerl 5.8.x for Windows, this code
912may run extremely slowly when processing large files with this version of
915An HTML 4 compliant browser is needed to properly display the generated HTML
918=head1 AUTHOR
920Copyright 2003-2021, Phil Harvey (philharvey66 at gmail.com)
922This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
923under the same terms as Perl itself.
925=head1 SEE ALSO