1Series-based resizing would be faster if implemented directly
2Handle fixed-point overflow in GM fixed
3Small memory leak in giflib
4BMP RLE support
5BMP OS/2 format support
6Fix BMP flipped images
7Some older versions of giflib don't have DGifGetExtensionNext, require minimum version
8Transparent SBS icons get a transparent background with gd_fixed for some reason
9Remove GM code, the filters are wrong and it's not faster anyway
10Display the filename even if passing in raw data (embedded images)
13  Corrupt/invalid files in all formats, triggering longjmp's
14  PNG <8-bit gray
15  JPEG invalid marker, should continue (Michael's image)
17Research/benchmark other image libraries:
18  http://gmic.eu/ (based on http://cimg.eu/)
19  https://www.lrde.epita.fr/wiki/Olena
20  http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk/index.php?title=VIPS
21  http://core.tcl.tk/akupries/crimp/wiki?name=References
22  Image::Imlib2
23  Image::Resize::OpenCV
24  PDL
26Update benchmarks, include memory benchmarks.