1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<package packagerversion="1.9.0RC1" version="2.0" xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0" xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0.xsd http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd">
3 <name>Image_Canvas</name>
4 <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
5 <summary>A package providing a common interface to image drawing, making image source code independent on the library used.</summary>
6 <description>A package providing a common interface to image drawing, making image source code independent on the library used.</description>
7 <lead>
8  <name>Jesper Veggerby</name>
9  <user>nosey</user>
10  <email>pear.nosey@veggerby.dk</email>
11  <active>yes</active>
12 </lead>
13 <date>2009-08-18</date>
14 <time>23:09:55</time>
15 <version>
16  <release>0.3.2</release>
17  <api>0.3.2</api>
18 </version>
19 <stability>
20  <release>alpha</release>
21  <api>alpha</api>
22 </stability>
23 <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
24 <notes>
25QA Release.
26* Fixed Bug #12064 &quot;Updated all @link to official url (thanks to Torsten Roehr)&quot;
27* Fixed Bug #12084 &quot;Set wrong fill color in PDF.php, SVG.php (thanks to Torsten Roehr)&quot;
28* Fixed Bug #12122 &quot;Added new driver for SWF output (thanks to Torsten Roehr)&quot;
29* Fixed Bug #12744 &quot;Used shape poly instead of polygon in ImageMap (Uwe Steinmann)&quot;
30* Fixed Bug #12745 &quot;Make area tag xhtml compliant, added missing &apos;/&apos; (thanks to Christian Weiske)&quot;
31* Fixed Bug #12746 &quot;Make img tag xhtml compliant, added missing &apos;/&apos; (thanks to Christian Weiske)&quot;
32* Fixed Bug #12747 &quot;Added attribute id to map tag (Uwe Steinmann)&quot;
33* Fixed Bug #14199 &quot;Added new driver for PostScript output&quot;
34 </notes>
35 <contents>
36  <dir baseinstalldir="/" name="/">
37   <file baseinstalldir="Image" md5sum="3f47aa4b84321445a0f7b72f77ce99f8" name="docs/ChangeLog" role="doc" />
38   <file baseinstalldir="Image" md5sum="4bbd9303d859da910c6871b9d18a4e8e" name="docs/README" role="doc" />
39   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="d3245a7c9d3dfd9ceac387ccdb968d3a" name="docs/TODO" role="doc" />
40   <file baseinstalldir="Image" md5sum="cbe08048bc9938dad58dc6c966f5724f" name="docs/examples/canvas.php" role="doc" />
41   <file baseinstalldir="Image" md5sum="fa5c8de54f615176ce77221188aef76b" name="docs/examples/pear-icon.png" role="doc" />
42   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="f54b53533ca60150f6718a4ada130bb7" name="Image/Canvas.php" role="php" />
43   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="ec62741acc495fffea27a110d459add4" name="Image/Canvas/Color.php" role="php" />
44   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="25a40c1aa981c774317df2a53df07579" name="Image/Canvas/GD.php" role="php" />
45   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="9bceff808efc805d1013cf7e0f87cb50" name="Image/Canvas/ImageMap.php" role="php" />
46   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="ae2e2b567e2bb3d3029e640f87e479e3" name="Image/Canvas/PDF.php" role="php" />
47   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="d014e362990d393ce3ce2b7deb6f2540" name="Image/Canvas/PS.php" role="php" />
48   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="14515c55d3dbcca2d8a6d55f2783ca65" name="Image/Canvas/SVG.php" role="php" />
49   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="e456da8c9ae792d323088d876fd39892" name="Image/Canvas/SWF.php" role="php" />
50   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="bc762f06001c038a0309a5d75a5aeb97" name="Image/Canvas/Tool.php" role="php" />
51   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="20bd56fb53a7e6a517055e81578e5a2d" name="Image/Canvas/WithMap.php" role="php" />
52   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="2bdeec77724050cdcb59b73483c82246" name="Image/Canvas/Fonts/fontmap.txt" role="data" />
53   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="4dfbb91953e995c0fa63d4ac48d26e32" name="Image/Canvas/Fonts/README" role="data" />
54   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="112d48ee694cc91f810eb9e4bc2c9347" name="Image/Canvas/GD/JPG.php" role="php" />
55   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="d0585775da8a97308e6fe07b47d97744" name="Image/Canvas/GD/PNG.php" role="php" />
56   <file baseinstalldir="Image" md5sum="74f8ea63ef8184fcb555d51e690c0958" name="tests/canvas_body.php" role="test" />
57   <file baseinstalldir="Image" md5sum="e5b2e6359c0361e42cd309abba65f57c" name="tests/gradients.php" role="test" />
58   <file baseinstalldir="Image" md5sum="dbaf301065bf08fc977280f991c56059" name="tests/imagemap.php" role="test" />
59   <file baseinstalldir="Image" md5sum="ded7eb7aa89f75655c79dfd545c6f3ee" name="tests/jpg.php" role="test" />
60   <file baseinstalldir="Image" md5sum="c64e6e8750a66bdfe71b2522cba036b0" name="tests/lineends.php" role="test" />
61   <file baseinstalldir="Image" md5sum="06ef6313d44bca11953b11ce0420dcf5" name="tests/pdf.php" role="test" />
62   <file baseinstalldir="Image" md5sum="fa5c8de54f615176ce77221188aef76b" name="tests/pear-icon.png" role="test" />
63   <file baseinstalldir="Image" md5sum="04848d9c77fa7be673c18f9f8ec913f2" name="tests/png.php" role="test" />
64   <file baseinstalldir="Image" md5sum="d8d489231d4bafd14413f280727eb3b0" name="tests/ps.php" role="test" />
65   <file baseinstalldir="Image" md5sum="e57ee6ce6b53281052862e6906f123d6" name="tests/README" role="test" />
66   <file baseinstalldir="Image" md5sum="48315a6cec73adce49605492fdfb5fad" name="tests/svg.php" role="test" />
67   <file baseinstalldir="Image" md5sum="e08a6cd31e050392a7b6bb1930bf8e0d" name="tests/text.php" role="test" />
68  </dir>
69 </contents>
70 <dependencies>
71  <required>
72   <php>
73    <min>4.3.0</min>
74   </php>
75   <pearinstaller>
76    <min>1.8.1</min>
77   </pearinstaller>
78   <package>
79    <name>Image_Color</name>
80    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
81    <min>1.0.0</min>
82   </package>
83   <extension>
84    <name>gd</name>
85   </extension>
86  </required>
87 </dependencies>
88 <phprelease />
89 <changelog>
90  <release>
91   <version>
92    <release>0.1.0</release>
93    <api>0.1.0</api>
94   </version>
95   <stability>
96    <release>devel</release>
97    <api>devel</api>
98   </stability>
99   <date>2005-03-21</date>
100   <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
101   <notes>
102First PEPr release
103   </notes>
104  </release>
105  <release>
106   <version>
107    <release>0.1.1</release>
108    <api>0.1.1</api>
109   </version>
110   <stability>
111    <release>devel</release>
112    <api>devel</api>
113   </stability>
114   <date>2005-03-21</date>
115   <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
116   <notes>
117First PEPr release
118   </notes>
119  </release>
120  <release>
121   <version>
122    <release>0.1.2</release>
123    <api>0.1.2</api>
124   </version>
125   <stability>
126    <release>devel</release>
127    <api>devel</api>
128   </stability>
129   <date>2005-07-21</date>
130   <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
131   <notes>
132* Changed write() to addText()
133* Split done() into show() and save()
134* Changed all methods with more than 1 parameter to use hashed array as parameters
135   </notes>
136  </release>
137  <release>
138   <version>
139    <release>0.2.0</release>
140    <api>0.2.0</api>
141   </version>
142   <stability>
143    <release>alpha</release>
144    <api>alpha</api>
145   </stability>
146   <date>2005-08-01</date>
147   <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
148   <notes>
149First released package in PEAR
151Changes since last PEPr release:
152* Added support for image maps - a separate canvas (Image_Canvas_ImageMap) has been created to accomplish this
153* Added support for antialiasing images when using GD (both using native GD method and Image_Graph own implementation)
154* Added support for multi line texts
155* Added a toHtml() method for to easy facilitate including canvas in HTML (this includes the associated image map, if any)
156* Added line ends - only supported in GD canvases currently and not on polygons (yet!)
157   </notes>
158  </release>
159  <release>
160   <version>
161    <release>0.2.1</release>
162    <api>0.2.1</api>
163   </version>
164   <stability>
165    <release>alpha</release>
166    <api>alpha</api>
167   </stability>
168   <date>2005-08-08</date>
169   <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
170   <notes>
171* Added Request #4997 &quot;HTML attributes and JS actions in imagemaps&quot; - using &apos;htmltags&apos; entry
172* Fixed bug with fonts, now it&apos;s not required for the font to have a name
173* Changed examples to use require_once instead of include/require
174   </notes>
175  </release>
176  <release>
177   <version>
178    <release>0.2.2</release>
179    <api>0.2.2</api>
180   </version>
181   <stability>
182    <release>alpha</release>
183    <api>alpha</api>
184   </stability>
185   <date>2005-09-30</date>
186   <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
187   <notes>
188* Added &apos;border&apos; and &apos;cssclass&apos; option to Image_Canvas_GD::toHtml()
189* Added image support when using SVG (using embedded base64 encoding)
190* Added link (&quot;imagemap&quot;) support with SVG
191* Made image loading in GD canvas use getimagesize() to determine type instead of relying on extension
192* Fixed bug where &apos;htmltags&apos; were not transferred to image mapping of polygon vertices
193* Fixed bug in SVG where pie slices with some specific angles curled the wrong way
194* Fixed bug in Image_Canvas_ImageMap::show() and Image_Canvas_ImageMap::save() calling non-existing method _toHtml()
195* Fixed bug in Image_Canvas_SVG::polygon() not showing polygon if last point was a spline - addSpline()
196* Fixed bug causing line ends not to show if color not exlicitly defined
197* Fixed Bug #5066 &quot;Reference Notices&quot; (from Image_Graph)
198* Fixed bug #5175 &quot;Unable to define IMAGE_GRAPH_SYSTEM_FONT_PATH outside of Config.php&quot;
199* Fixed Bug #5325 &quot;Image/Color.php compatibility with old PHP versions&quot;
200   </notes>
201  </release>
202  <release>
203   <version>
204    <release>0.2.3</release>
205    <api>0.2.3</api>
206   </version>
207   <stability>
208    <release>alpha</release>
209    <api>alpha</api>
210   </stability>
211   <date>2005-10-28</date>
212   <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
213   <notes>
214Fixed Bug #5786 &quot;Error in producing SVG&quot;
215* Fixed Bug #5805 &quot;Canvas\Fonts\fontmap.txt is missing&quot;
216   </notes>
217  </release>
218  <release>
219   <version>
220    <release>0.2.4</release>
221    <api>0.2.4</api>
222   </version>
223   <stability>
224    <release>alpha</release>
225    <api>alpha</api>
226   </stability>
227   <date>2005-11-08</date>
228   <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
229   <notes>
230* Fixed a bug causing in Image_Canvas_SVG causing grouping to give a &quot;Missing argument...&quot; error (this rendered Image_Graph using SVG broken)
231* Fixed a bug causing rectangles not being displayed, if points were given in the wrong order
232   </notes>
233  </release>
234  <release>
235   <version>
236    <release>0.3.0</release>
237    <api>0.3.0</api>
238   </version>
239   <stability>
240    <release>alpha</release>
241    <api>alpha</api>
242   </stability>
243   <date>2006-03-02</date>
244   <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
245   <notes>
246* Added clipping (GD uses Image_Canvas method involving ImageCopy(), until native support is available throught existing GD functions gdImageSetClip())
247* Fixed the way SVG rotates text to now use transform
248* Added public reset() method to Image_Canvas
249* Fixed Bug #6406 &quot;method _mapFont missing&quot;
250* Fixed Request #6632 &quot;Style element assigned with = instead of :&quot;
251* Fixed Bug #6769 &quot;ImageMap.php does not check for boolean false with strpos&quot;
252   </notes>
253  </release>
254  <release>
255   <version>
256    <release>0.3.1</release>
257    <api>0.3.1</api>
258   </version>
259   <stability>
260    <release>alpha</release>
261    <api>alpha</api>
262   </stability>
263   <date>2007-06-22</date>
264   <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
265   <notes>
266* Modified GD canvas addText() method with TTF fonts - (x, y) parameters now specify the absolute lower-left corner of the text (if angle is 0) instead of the baseline of the first letter, making texts appear incorrectly. This however require fonts to have a steady baseline, like fx. Arial, Verdana, etc. unlike Comic
267* Fixed Image_Canvas_PDF to display correctly
268* Fixed Request #7285 &quot;UTF-8 in SVGs&quot;
269* Fixed Bug #7454 &quot;Vertical axis title is shifted 180 degrees between SVG and PNG output&quot;
270* Fixed Bug #8488 &quot;wrong variable name&quot; (thanks to troehr at php dot net)
271* Fixed Bug #8556 &quot;SVG.php contains typo&quot; (thanks to troehr at php dot net)
272* Fixed Bug #8776 &quot;Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imageantialias()&quot;
273* Fixed Bug #9070 &quot;factory method causes PHP error if no GD&quot; (thanks to troehr at php dot net)
274* Fixed Bug #9176 &quot;UTF-8 in SVGs does not work (patch included)&quot; (thanks to troehr at php dot net)
275* Fixed Bug #10236 &quot;Pie Chart Shading Error when datapoint has 0 value&quot; (thanks to peter_wake at hotmail dot com)
276* Fixed Request #11402 &quot;Implement Image_Canvas_SVG::getData()&quot; (thanks to troehr at php dot net)
277   </notes>
278  </release>
279  <release>
280   <version>
281    <release>0.3.2</release>
282    <api>0.3.2</api>
283   </version>
284   <stability>
285    <release>alpha</release>
286    <api>alpha</api>
287   </stability>
288   <date>2009-08-18</date>
289   <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
290   <notes>
291QA Release.
292* Fixed Bug #12064 &quot;Updated all @link to official url (thanks to Torsten Roehr)&quot;
293* Fixed Bug #12084 &quot;Set wrong fill color in PDF.php, SVG.php (thanks to Torsten Roehr)&quot;
294* Fixed Bug #12122 &quot;Added new driver for SWF output (thanks to Torsten Roehr)&quot;
295* Fixed Bug #12744 &quot;Used shape poly instead of polygon in ImageMap (Uwe Steinmann)&quot;
296* Fixed Bug #12745 &quot;Make area tag xhtml compliant, added missing &apos;/&apos; (thanks to Christian Weiske)&quot;
297* Fixed Bug #12746 &quot;Make img tag xhtml compliant, added missing &apos;/&apos; (thanks to Christian Weiske)&quot;
298* Fixed Bug #12747 &quot;Added attribute id to map tag (Uwe Steinmann)&quot;
299* Fixed Bug #14199 &quot;Added new driver for PostScript output&quot;
300   </notes>
301  </release>
302 </changelog>