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READMEH A D01-Jan-19702 KiB3328

freetype.phpH A D03-May-20222.7 KiB7025

gd.phpH A D03-May-20222.9 KiB7527


2               These tests are not unit or regression tests.
5This is because it is not possible to compare output from Image_Graph with an
6expected "value" (i.e. is this graph equal to this graph). The problem is similar
7to testing user interfaces.
9The provided test "cases" are visual test suites that renders Image_Graph output,
10the output should then be viewed and checked for inconsistencies on a visual base,
11fx. this line chart does not show as _expected_, this gradient fill does not fill
12to the edges of the area, the text does not align properly, etc.
14The expected results can be seen on http://pear.veggerby.dk/test/
16The categories within the tests/ folder are:
18/           These tests are basic tests, simply testing if the core requirements
19            are met, for example testing if GD support is in place, if Freetype
20            is installed and working, etc.
21/axis       Tests the capabilities of the Image_Graph_Axis class (and sub-
22            classes hereof)
23/plot       Tests individual plots (do they plot the way one would expect?).
24/driver     Tests the driver functionality - a basic assumption is made in this
25            case: if all the primitives of a driver is tested to yield the expected
26            output (not necessarily succesfully, but not erroneous - since some
27            formats does not support everything, i.e. PDF does not support alpha-
28            blending) the driver is assumed working. When/if all drivers pass
29            this, we assume all driversare working consistently, and all other
30            test cases are performed upon a single driver (normally 'png') and all
31            other drivers are assumed to behave accordingly (or consistently!),
32            meaning it does not necessarily output the same, but it outputs what
33            can be expected taking the limitations of the driver into account.