1 /*
2  * Copyright 2018 Arjen Hiemstra <ahiemstra@heimr.nl>
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
6  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
7  * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version
8  * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved
9  * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy
10  * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.
11  *
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19  */
24 #include <memory>
26 #include <QObject>
28 /**
29  * Encapsulates searching parameters for files on the file system.
30  *
31  *
32  */
33 class ContentQuery : public QObject
34 {
35     Q_OBJECT
36     /**
37      * The type of files to search for.
38      */
39     Q_PROPERTY(Type type READ type WRITE setType NOTIFY typeChanged)
40     /**
41      * A string that should be included in the file's file name.
42      */
43     Q_PROPERTY(QString searchString READ searchString WRITE setSearchString NOTIFY searchStringChanged)
44     /**
45      * A list of directories. Only these directories and their subdirectories will be searched.
46      */
47     Q_PROPERTY(QStringList locations READ locations WRITE setLocations NOTIFY locationsChanged)
48     /**
49      * A list of mime type names to search for.
50      *
51      * Note that if this property has not explicitly been set, the list of mime types
52      * is based on the type property.
53      */
54     Q_PROPERTY(QStringList mimeTypes READ mimeTypes WRITE setMimeTypes NOTIFY mimeTypesChanged)
56 public:
57     /**
58      * The type of files to search for.
59      */
60     enum Type {
61         Any, ///< Do not limit results by any type.
62         Video, ///< Only search for videos.
63         Audio, ///< Only search for audio files.
64         Documents, ///< Only search for documents.
65         Images, ///< Only search for images.
66         Comics, ///< Only search for comic books.
67     };
68     Q_ENUM(Type)
70     /**
71      * Constructor
72      *
73      * @param parent The QObject parent.
74      */
75     explicit ContentQuery(QObject* parent = nullptr);
77     /**
78      * Destructor
79      */
80     ~ContentQuery();
82     /**
83      * Get the type property.
84      */
85     Type type() const;
86     /**
87      * Get the searchString property.
88      */
89     QString searchString() const;
90     /**
91      * Get the locations property.
92      */
93     QStringList locations() const;
94     /**
95      * Get the mimeTypes property.
96      */
97     QStringList mimeTypes() const;
99 public Q_SLOTS:
100     /**
101      * Set the type property.
102      *
103      * \param type The new type.
104      */
105     void setType(Type type);
106     /**
107      * Set the searchString property.
108      *
109      * \param searchString The new search string.
110      */
111     void setSearchString(const QString& searchString);
112     /**
113      * Set the location property.
114      *
115      * \param location The new location.
116      */
117     void setLocations(const QStringList& location);
118     /**
119      * Set the mimeTypes property.
120      *
121      * \param mimeTypes The new list of mime types.
122      */
123     void setMimeTypes(const QStringList& mimeTypes);
126     /**
127      * Emitted whenever the type property changes.
128      */
129     void typeChanged();
130     /**
131      * Emitted whenever the searchString property changes.
132      */
133     void searchStringChanged();
134     /**
135      * Emitted whenever the location property changes.
136      */
137     void locationsChanged();
138     /**
139      * Emitted whenever the mimeTypes property changes.
140      */
141     void mimeTypesChanged();
143 private:
144     class Private;
145     const std::unique_ptr<Private> d;
146 };
148 #endif // CONTENTQUERY_H