2 * Copyright (C) 2018 Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier<griffinvalley@gmail.com>
3 *
4 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any
8 * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its
9 * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall
10 * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
18 * License along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 *
20 */
22import QtQuick 2.12
23import QtQuick.Layouts 1.4
24import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 as QtControls
25import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3
27import org.kde.kirigami 2.13 as Kirigami
29 * Page that holds an image to edit the frames on.
30 */
31import QtQuick 2.0
33Kirigami.ScrollablePage {
34    id: root;
35    title: i18nc("title text for the page meta information editor sheet", "Edit Page Information");
36    property QtObject page;
37    property string colorname: "#ffffff";
38    signal save();
40    actions {
41        main: saveAndCloseAction;
42    }
43    Kirigami.Action {
44        id: saveAndCloseAction;
45        text: i18nc("Saves the remaining unsaved edited fields and closes the metainfo editor", "Close Editor");
46        iconName: "dialog-ok";
47        shortcut: "Esc";
48        onTriggered: {
49            root.page.setTitle(defaultTitle.text, "")
50            root.save();
51            pageStack.pop();
52        }
53    }
55    Kirigami.FormLayout {
56        Layout.fillWidth: true
57        QtControls.TextField {
58            id: defaultTitle;
59            Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc("label text for the edit field for the page title", "Title");
60            placeholderText: i18nc("placeholder text for default page text-input", "Write to add default title");
61            text: root.page.title("");
62            onEditingFinished: root.page.setTitle(text, "");
63        }
64        QtControls.ComboBox {
65            id: transition;
66            Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc("label text for the edit field for the page transition type", "Transition");
67            model: root.page.availableTransitions();
68            currentIndex: root.page.transition!==""?
69                              root.page.availableTransitions().indexOf(root.page.transition):
70                              root.page.availableTransitions().indexOf("none");
71            onActivated: root.page.transition = currentText;
72        }
73        Row {
74            Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc("label text for the edit field for the page background color", "Background Color");
75            height: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.medium;
76            Rectangle {
77                id: pageBackgroundColor;
78                height: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.medium;
79                width: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.huge;
80                radius: 3;
81                border.color: Kirigami.Theme.disabledTextColor;
82                border.width: 1;
83                color: root.page.bgcolor !== ""? root.page.bgcolor: root.colorname;
84                MouseArea {
85                    anchors.fill: parent;
86                    onClicked: {
87                        backgroundColorDialog.open();
89                    }
90                    hoverEnabled: true;
91                    onEntered: parent.border.color = Kirigami.Theme.buttonHoverColor;
92                    onExited: parent.border.color = Kirigami.Theme.disabledTextColor;
93                }
94                ColorDialog {
95                    id: backgroundColorDialog
96                    title: i18nc("@title color choosing dialog","Choose the background color for page");
97                    color: root.page.bgcolor !== ""? root.page.bgcolor: root.colorname;
98                    onAccepted: root.page.bgcolor = color;
99                }
100            }
101        }
103        Kirigami.Separator {
104            Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc("label text for the edit field for the page frames", "Frames");
105            Kirigami.FormData.isSection: true
106        }
108        Repeater {
109            model: page.framePointStrings
110            delegate: RowLayout {
111                Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc("Comic book panel frame name.", "Frame %1", index+1);
112                Layout.fillWidth: true;
113                ColumnLayout {
114                    QtControls.Switch {
115                        text: i18nc("A switch which lets the user change the background colour of the page when this frame is focused", "Change page background color");
117                    }
118                    RowLayout {
119                        QtControls.Label {
120                            height: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.medium;
121                            text: i18nc("Label from frame background color.", "Background Color:");
122                        }
123                        Rectangle {
124                            height: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.medium;
125                            width: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.huge;
126                            radius: 3;
127                            border.color: Kirigami.Theme.disabledTextColor;
128                            border.width: 1;
129                            color: page.frame(index).bgcolor !== ""? page.frame(index).bgcolor: pageBackgroundColor.color;
130                            MouseArea {
131                                anchors.fill: parent;
132                                onClicked: {
133                                    frameBackgroundColorDialog.open();
134                                }
135                                hoverEnabled: true;
136                                onEntered: parent.border.color = Kirigami.Theme.buttonHoverColor;
137                                onExited: parent.border.color = Kirigami.Theme.disabledTextColor;
138                            }
139                            ColorDialog {
140                                id: frameBackgroundColorDialog
141                                title: i18nc("@title color choosing dialog","Choose background color for this frame");
142                                color: page.frame(index).bgcolor !== ""? page.frame(index).bgcolor: pageBackgroundColor.color;
143                                onAccepted: page.frame(index).bgcolor = color;
144                            }
145                        }
146                    }
147                }
148                Item { height: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.medium; Layout.fillWidth: true; }
149                QtControls.ToolButton {
150                    QtControls.ToolTip.delay: Kirigami.Units.toolTipDelay; QtControls.ToolTip.timeout: 5000; QtControls.ToolTip.visible: parent.visible && (Kirigami.Settings.tabletMode ? pressed : hovered) && QtControls.ToolTip.text.length > 0
151                    QtControls.ToolTip.text: i18nc("swap the position of this frame with the previous one", "Move Up");
152                    icon.name: "go-up"
153                    display: QtControls.AbstractButton.IconOnly
154                    onClicked: { page.swapFrames(index, index - 1); }
155                    enabled: index > 0;
156                    visible: enabled;
157                }
158                QtControls.ToolButton {
159                    QtControls.ToolTip.delay: Kirigami.Units.toolTipDelay; QtControls.ToolTip.timeout: 5000; QtControls.ToolTip.visible: parent.visible && (Kirigami.Settings.tabletMode ? pressed : hovered) && QtControls.ToolTip.text.length > 0
160                    QtControls.ToolTip.text: i18nc("swap the position of this frame with the next one", "Move Down");
161                    icon.name: "go-down"
162                    display: QtControls.AbstractButton.IconOnly
163                    onClicked: { page.swapFrames(index, index + 1); }
164                    enabled: index < page.framePointStrings.length - 1;
165                    visible: enabled;
166                }
167                QtControls.ToolButton {
168                    QtControls.ToolTip.delay: Kirigami.Units.toolTipDelay; QtControls.ToolTip.timeout: 5000; QtControls.ToolTip.visible: parent.visible && (Kirigami.Settings.tabletMode ? pressed : hovered) && QtControls.ToolTip.text.length > 0
169                    QtControls.ToolTip.text: i18nc("remove the frame from the page", "Delete Frame");
170                    icon.name: "list-remove"
171                    display: QtControls.AbstractButton.IconOnly
172                    onClicked: page.removeFrame(index);
173                }
174            }
175        }
176        Kirigami.Separator {
177            Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc("label text for the edit field for the page textareas", "Text Areas");
178            Kirigami.FormData.isSection: true;
179        }
180        Row {
181            spacing: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing;
182            Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc("Label from textlayer background color.", "Background Color:");
183            Rectangle {
184                height: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.medium;
185                width: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.huge;
186                id: textLayerBgColor;
187                radius: 3;
188                border.color: Kirigami.Theme.disabledTextColor;
189                border.width: 1;
190                color: page.textLayer("").bgcolor !== ""? page.textLayer("").bgcolor: pageBackgroundColor.color;
191                MouseArea {
192                    anchors.fill: parent;
193                    onClicked: {
194                        textLayerBackgroundColorDialog.open();
196                    }
197                    hoverEnabled: true;
198                    onEntered: parent.border.color = Kirigami.Theme.buttonHoverColor;
199                    onExited: parent.border.color = Kirigami.Theme.disabledTextColor;
200                }
201                ColorDialog {
202                    id: textLayerBackgroundColorDialog
203                    title: i18nc("@title color choosing dialog","Choose the background color for all text areas on this page");
204                    color: page.textLayer("").bgcolor !== ""? page.textLayer("").bgcolor: pageBackgroundColor.color;
205                    onAccepted: page.textLayer("").bgcolor = color;
206                }
207            }
208        }
209        Repeater {
210            model: page.textLayer("").textareaPointStrings;
211            delegate: Kirigami.SwipeListItem {
212                Layout.fillWidth: true
213                height: childrenRect.height
214                supportsMouseEvents: true;
215                actions: [
216                    Kirigami.Action {
217                        text: i18nc("swap the position of this text area with the previous one", "Move Up");
218                        iconName: "go-up"
219                        onTriggered: { page.textLayer("").swapTextareas(index, index - 1); }
220                        enabled: index > 0;
221                        visible: enabled;
222                    },
223                    Kirigami.Action {
224                        text: i18nc("swap the position of this text area with the next one", "Move Down");
225                        iconName: "go-down"
226                        onTriggered: { page.textLayer("").swapTextareas(index, index + 1); }
227                        enabled: index < page.textLayer("").textareaPointStrings.length - 1;
228                        visible: enabled;
229                    },
230                    Kirigami.Action {
231                        text: i18nc("remove the text area from the page", "Delete Text Area");
232                        iconName: "list-remove"
233                        onTriggered: page.textLayer("").removeTextarea(index);
234                    }
235                ]
236                Item {
237                    Layout.fillWidth: true;
238                    Layout.fillHeight: true;
239                    QtControls.Label {
240                        id: textareaLabel;
241                        text: i18nc("Comic book panel textarea name.", "Text Area %1", index+1);
242                    }
243                    QtControls.TextArea {
244                        anchors {
245                            top: textareaLabel.bottom;
246                            topMargin: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing;
247                        }
248                        width:parent.width-Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.huge;
249                        text: page.textLayer("").textarea(index).paragraphs.join("\n\n");
250                        onEditingFinished: page.textLayer("").textarea(index).paragraphs = text.split("\n\n");
251                    }
252                }
253            }
254        }
255        Kirigami.Separator {
256            Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc("label text for the edit field for the page jumps", "Jumps");
257            Kirigami.FormData.isSection: true;
258        }
259        Repeater {
260            id: jumpsRepeater;
261            model: page.jumps
262            delegate: Kirigami.SwipeListItem {
263                Layout.fillWidth: true
264                height: childrenRect.height
265                supportsMouseEvents: true;
266                actions: [
267                    Kirigami.Action {
268                        text: i18nc("swap the position of this jump with the previous one", "Move Up");
269                        iconName: "go-up"
270                        onTriggered: { page.swapJumps(index, index - 1); }
271                        enabled: index > 0;
272                        visible: enabled;
273                    },
274                    Kirigami.Action {
275                        text: i18nc("swap the position of this jump with the next one", "Move Down");
276                        iconName: "go-down"
277                        onTriggered: { page.swapJumps(index, index + 1); }
278                        enabled: index < jumpsRepeater.count - 1;
279                        visible: enabled;
280                    },
281                    Kirigami.Action {
282                        text: i18nc("remove the jump from the page", "Delete Jump");
283                        iconName: "list-remove"
284                        onTriggered: page.removeJump(index);
285                    }
286                ]
287                Item {
288                    Layout.fillWidth: true;
289                    Layout.fillHeight: true;
290                    QtControls.Label {
291                        id: jumpLabel;
292                        text: i18nc("Comic book panel jump name.", "Jump %1", index+1);
293                    }
294                    QtControls.Label {
295                        id: pageIndexLabel;
296                        anchors {
297                            top: jumpLabel.bottom;
298                            topMargin: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing;
299                        }
300                        height: jumpIndexSpin.height;
301                        text: i18nc("Label from jump page index.", "Page Index:");
302                    }
304                    QtControls.SpinBox {
305                        anchors {
306                            top: jumpLabel.bottom;
307                            topMargin: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing;
308                            left: pageIndexLabel.right;
309                            leftMargin: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing;
310                        }
311                        from: 0;
312                        to: 99;
313                        id: jumpIndexSpin;
314                        value: modelData.pageIndex;
315                        onValueChanged: {
316                            if (modelData.pageIndex !== value) {
317                                modelData.pageIndex = value;
318                            }
319                        }
320                    }
321                }
322            }
323        }
324    }