1      linerad = 10px
2      linewid *= 0.5
3      $h = 0.21
4margin = 1cm
5debug_label_color = Red
6color = lightgray
8      circle radius 10%
9OUT:  6.3in right of previous.e  # FIX ME
10IN_X: linerad east of first circle.e
12      # The literal-value line
13      arrow
14LTV:  box "literal-value" fit
15      arrow right even with linerad+2*arrowht east of OUT
16      circle same
18      # The bind-parameter line
19      right
20BNDP: oval "bind-parameter" fit with .w at 1.25*$h below LTV.w
21      arrow right even with OUT; line right linerad then up linerad
22      arrow from first circle.e right linerad then down even with BNDP \
23        then to BNDP.w
25      # The table column reference line
26      right
27SN:   oval "schema-name" fit with .w at 2.0*$h below BNDP.w
28      arrow 2*arrowht
29      oval "." bold fit
30      arrow
31TN:   oval "table-name" fit
32      arrow right 2*arrowht
33      oval "." bold fit
34      arrow
35CN:   oval "column-name" fit
36      arrow right even with OUT; line right linerad then up linerad
37      arrow from (IN_X,SN.n) down even with SN then to SN.w
38TN_Y: 0.375*$h above TN.n
39      arrow from (IN_X,linerad above TN_Y) down linerad \
40         then right even with SN
41      arrow right right even with TN
42      line right even with linerad+arrowht west of CN.w \
43         then down even with CN then right linerad
44      line from (linerad+2*arrowht left of TN.w,TN_Y) right linerad \
45         then down even with TN then right linerad
47      # Unary operators
48      right
49UOP:  oval "unary-operator" fit with .w at 1.25*$h below SN.w
50      arrow right even with OUT; line right linerad then up linerad
51      arrow from (IN_X,UOP.n) down even with UOP then to UOP.w
53      # Binary operators
54      right
55BINY: box "expr" fit with .w at 1.25*$h below UOP.w
56      arrow 2*arrowht
57      oval "binary-operator" fit
58      arrow 2*arrowht
59      box "expr" fit
60      arrow right even with OUT; line right linerad then up linerad
61      arrow from (IN_X,BINY.n) down even with BINY then to BINY.w
63      # Function calls
64      right
65FUNC: oval "function-name" fit with .w at 2.0*$h below BINY.w
66      arrow 1.5*arrowht
67FLP:  oval "(" bold fit
68      arrow
69FDCT: oval "DISTINCT" fit
70      arrow
71FEXP: box "expr" fit
72      arrow 150%
73FRP:  oval ")" bold fit
74      arrow right linerad then down $h then right 2*arrowht
75FFC:  box "filter-clause" fit
76FA1:  arrow right linerad then up even with FUNC then right 2*arrowht
77      arrow right linerad then down $h then right 2*arrowht
78FOC:  box "over-clause" fit
79      arrow right even with OUT; line right linerad then up linerad
80      arrow from (IN_X,FUNC.n) down even with FUNC then to FUNC.w
82             # filter clause bypass
83             arrow from FRP.e right even with FFC
84             line to arrowht left of FA1.end
86             # over clause bypass
87             arrow from FA1.end right even with OUT
88             line right linerad then up linerad
90             # expr loop
91      FCMA:  oval "," bold fit at 1.25*$h above FEXP
92             arrow from FEXP.e right linerad then up even with FCMA \
93               then to FCMA.e
94             line from FCMA.w left even with 2*arrowht west of FEXP.w \
95               then down even with FEXP then right linerad
97             # "*" argument list
98      FSTR:  oval "*" bold fit with .w at 1.25*$h below FDCT.w
99             arrow from FLP.e right linerad then down even with FSTR \
100                then to FSTR.w
101      FA2:   arrow from FSTR.e right even with linerad+2*arrowht west of FRP.w
102             line right linerad then up even with FRP then right linerad
104             # empty argument list
105             arrow from (linerad east of FLP.e,FSTR.n) \
106                down even with $h below FSTR then right even with FDCT.w
107             arrow right even with FA2.end
108             line right linerad then up even with FSTR.n
110      # parenthesized and vector expressions
111      right
112PRN:  oval "(" bold fit with .w at 3.0*$h below FUNC.w
113      arrow
114PEXP: box "expr" fit
115      arrow
116      oval ")" bold fit
117      arrow right even with OUT; line right linerad then up linerad
118      arrow from (IN_X,PRN.n) down even with PRN then to PRN.w
120             # expr loop
121      PCMA:  oval "," bold fit at 1.25*$h above PEXP
122             arrow from PEXP.e right linerad then up even with PCMA \
123               then to PCMA.e
124             line from PCMA.w left even with 2*arrowht left of PEXP.w \
125               then down even with PEXP then right linerad
127      # CAST expression
128      right
129CAST: oval "CAST" fit with .w at 1.25*$h below PRN.w
130      arrow 2*arrowht
131      oval "(" bold fit
132      arrow 2*arrowht
133      box "expr" fit
134      arrow 2*arrowht
135      oval "AS" fit
136      arrow 2*arrowht
137      box "type-name" fit
138      arrow 2*arrowht
139      oval ")" bold fit
140      arrow right even with OUT; line right linerad then up linerad
141      arrow from (IN_X,CAST.n) down even with CAST then to CAST.w
143      # COLLATE expression
144      right
145COLL: box "expr" fit with .w at 1.25*$h below CAST.w
146      arrow 2*arrowht
147      oval "COLLATE" fit
148      arrow 2*arrowht
149      oval "collation-name" fit
150      arrow right even with OUT; line right linerad then up linerad
151      arrow from (IN_X,COLL.n) down even with COLL then to COLL.w
153      # LIKE expressions
154      right
155LIKE: box "expr" fit with .w at 1.25*$h below COLL.w
156      arrow
157LNOT: oval "NOT" fit
158      arrow 150%
159LOP1: oval "LIKE" fit
160LOP2: oval "GLOB" fit with .w at 1.25*$h below LOP1.w
161LOP3: oval "REGEXP" fit with .w at 1.25*$h below LOP2.w
162LOP4: oval "MATCH" fit with .w at 1.25*$h below LOP3.w
163LE2:  box "expr" fit with .w at (4*arrowht+linerad east of LOP3.e,LIKE)
164      arrow from LE2.e right linerad then down $h then right 2*arrowht
165LESC: oval "ESCAPE" fit
166      arrow 2*arrowht
167      box "expr" fit
168LA1:  arrow right linerad then up even with LIKE then right
169      arrow right even with OUT; line right linerad then up linerad
170      arrow from (IN_X,LIKE.n) down even with LIKE then to LIKE.w
172            # NOT bypass
173            line from linerad*2 west of LNOT.w \
174              right linerad then down $h \
175              then right even with arrowht east of LNOT.e \
176              then up even with LNOT then right linerad
178            # Inputs to the operators
179       LX1: 2*arrowht west of LOP1.w
180            arrow from linerad west of LX1 right linerad \
181               then down even with LOP4 then to LOP4.w
182            arrow from (LX1,LOP2.n) down even with LOP2 then to LOP2.w
183            arrow from (LX1,LOP3.n) down even with LOP3 then to LOP3.w
185            # Outputs from the operators
186       LX2: 2*arrowht east of LOP3.e
187            arrow from LOP4.e right even with LX2
188            arrow right linerad then up even with LE2 then to LE2.w
189            arrow from LOP3.e right even with LX2
190            line right linerad then up linerad
191            arrow from LOP2.e right even with LX2
192            line right linerad then up linerad
193            line from LOP1.e to arrowht west of LE2.w
195            # ESCAPE bypass
196            arrow from LE2.e right even with LESC
197            line to arrowht left of LA1.end
199      # ISNULL and NOTNULL operators
200      right
201NNUL: box "expr" fit with .w at 5.0*$h below LIKE.w
202      arrow
203NN1:  oval "ISNULL" fit
204      arrow right even with OUT; line right linerad then up linerad
205      arrow from (IN_X,NNUL.n) down even with NNUL then to NNUL.w
206NN2:  oval "NOTNULL" fit with .w at 1.25*$h below NN1.w
207      right
208NN3:  oval "NOT" fit with .w at 1.25*$h below NN2.w
209      arrow 2*arrowht
210NN3B: oval "NULL" fit
211NNA1: arrow 2*arrowht
212      arrow right linerad then up even with NN1 then right
213      arrow from NN2.e right even with NNA1.end
214      line right linerad then up linerad
215      arrow from NNUL.e right linerad then down even with NN3 then to NN3.w
216      arrow from NNUL.e right linerad then down even with NN2 then to NN2.w
218      # The IS operator
219      right
220IS:   box "expr" fit with .w at 3.75*$h below NNUL.w
221      arrow 2*arrowht
222      oval "IS" fit
223      arrow
224ISN:  oval "NOT" fit
225      arrow
226      box "expr" fit
227      arrow right even with OUT; line right linerad then up linerad
228      arrow from (IN_X,IS.n) down even with IS then to IS.w
229      # NOT bypass
230      line from 3*arrowht west of ISN.w right linerad \
231         then down 0.8*$h then right even with arrowht east of ISN.e \
232         then up even with ISN then right linerad
234# Error message deep inside a long script.
235# This error is on line 236
236error "hello"
238      # The BETWEEN operator
239      right
240BTW:  box "expr" fit with .w at 1.5*$h below IS.w
241      arrow
242BTWN: oval "NOT" fit
243      arrow
244      oval "BETWEEN" fit
245      arrow 2*arrowht
246      box "expr" fit
247      arrow 2*arrowht
248      oval "AND" fit
249      arrow 2*arrowht
250      box "expr" fit
251      arrow right even with OUT; line right linerad then up linerad
252      arrow from (IN_X,BTW.n) down even with BTW then to BTW.w
253      # NOT bypass
254      line from 3*arrowht west of BTWN.w right linerad \
255         then down 0.8*$h then right even with arrowht east of BTWN.e \
256         then up even with BTWN then right linerad
258      # The IN operator
259      right
260IN:   box "expr" fit with .w at 1.75*$h below BTW.w
261      arrow
262INNT: oval "NOT" fit
263      arrow
264ININ: oval "IN" fit
265      arrow
266INLP: oval "(" bold fit
267      arrow
268INSS: box "select-stmt" fit
269      arrow
270      oval ")" bold fit
271      arrow right even with OUT; line right linerad then up linerad
272      arrow from (IN_X,IN.n) down even with IN then to IN.w
274             # NOT bypass
275             line from 3*arrowht west of INNT.w right linerad \
276             then down 0.8*$h then right even with arrowht east of INNT.e \
277             then up even with INNT then right linerad
279             # select-stmt bypass
280             line from 3*arrowht west of INSS.w right linerad \
281             then up 0.8*$h then right even with arrowht east of INSS.e \
282             then up even with INSS then right linerad
284             # expr list instead of select-stmt
285       INE1: box "expr" fit at 1.25*$h below INSS
286             arrow from 3*arrowht west of INSS.w right linerad \
287               then down even with INE1 then to INE1.w
288             line from INE1.e right even with arrowht east of INSS.e \
289               then up even with INSS then right linerad
291             # expr loop
292       INC1: oval "," bold fit at 1.25*$h below INE1
293             arrow from INE1.e right linerad then down even with INC1 \
294                then to INC1.e
295             line from INC1.w left even with 2*arrowht west of INE1.w \
296                then up even with INE1 then right linerad
298             # reference-to-table choice as RHS
299       INSN: oval "schema-name" fit with .w at 4.25*$h below INLP.w
300             arrow from INSN.e right 1.5*arrowht
301       INDT: oval "." bold fit
302             arrow 150%
303       INTF: oval "table-function" fit
304             arrow 1.5*arrowht
305       INL2: oval "(" bold fit
306             arrow 125%
307       INE2: box "expr" fit
308             arrow 125%
309       INR2: oval ")" bold fit
310             arrow right even with OUT; line right linerad then up linerad
312             # table reference branch
313             right
314       INTB: oval "table-name" fit with .w at 2*$h above INTF.w
315             arrow right even with OUT; line right linerad then up linerad
316             arrow from linerad+2*arrowht west of INTF.w right linerad \
317                then up even with INTB then to INTB.w
319             # expr-list no table-valued-functions
320       INC2: oval "," bold fit at 1.1*$h above INE2
321             arrow from INE2.e right linerad then up even with INC2 \
322               then to INC2.e
323             line from INC2.w right even with 2*arrowht west of INE2.w \
324               then down even with INE2 then right linerad
326             # expr-list bypass for table-valued functions
327             line from INL2.e right linerad then down .7*$h \
328                then right even with 2*arrowht left of INR2.w \
329                then up even with INR2 then right linerad
331             # links from IN operator to table references
332             arrow from ININ.e right linerad then down even with INSN \
333                then to INSN.w
335             # schema-name bypass
336       INY3: 0.45*$h above INSN.n
337             arrow from (linerad east of ININ.e,linerad above INY3) \
338                down linerad then right even with arrowht right of INSN.e
339             line right even with arrowht east of INDT.e \
340                then down even with INDT then right linerad
342      # NOT? EXISTS? (SELECT) clause
343      right
344NE:   oval "NOT" fit with .w at (IN.w,1.5*$h below INSN)
345      arrow
346NEE:  oval "EXISTS" fit
347      arrow
348NELP: oval "(" bold fit
349      arrow 2*arrowht
350      box "select-stmt" fit
351      arrow 2*arrowht
352      oval ")" bold fit
353      arrow right even with OUT; line right linerad then up linerad
354      arrow from (IN_X,NE.n) down even with NE then to NE.w
355NE_Y: 0.375*$h above NE.n
356      arrow from (IN_X,linerad above NE_Y) down linerad \
357         then right even with NE
358      line right even with linerad+arrowht west of NELP.w \
359         then down even with NELP then right linerad
360      line from (linerad+2*arrowht left of NEE.w,NE_Y) right linerad \
361         then down even with NEE then right linerad
363      # CASE expressions
364      right
365CS:   oval "CASE" fit with .w at 1.25*$h below NE.w
366      arrow
367CSE1: box "expr" fit
368      arrow 150%
369CSW:  oval "WHEN" fit
370      arrow 2*arrowht
371CSE2: box "expr" fit
372      arrow 2*arrowht
373      oval "THEN" fit
374      arrow 2*arrowht
375CSE3: box "expr" fit
376      arrow 200%
377CSEL: oval "ELSE" fit
378      arrow 2*arrowht
379CSE4: box "expr" fit
380      arrow
381      oval "END" fit
382      arrow right even with OUT; line right linerad then up linerad
383      arrow from (IN_X,CS.n) down even with CS then to CS.w
384      # first expr bypass
385CSY:  0.9*$h below CS
386      line from CS.e right linerad then down even with CSY \
387         then right even with arrowht east of CSE1.e then up even with CSE1 \
388         then right linerad
389      # when clause loop
390      arrow from CSE3.e right linerad then down even with CSY \
391         then left even with CSE2
392      line left even with 2*arrowht west of CSW.w \
393         then up even with CSW then right linerad
394      # ELSE clause bypass
395      line from linerad+2*arrowht west of CSEL.w right linerad \
396         then down even with CSY then right even with arrowht east of CSE4.e \
397         then up even with CSE4 then right linerad
399      # The RAISE function
400      right
401RSE:  box "raise-function" fit with .w at 1.9*$h below CS.w
402      arrow right even with OUT;
403      line right linerad then up even with first circle then right linerad
404      arrow from (IN_X,BNDP.n) down even with RSE then to RSE.w