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AUTHORSH A D08-Jul-20211.3 KiB2720

COPYINGH A D08-Jul-2021943 2115

ChangeLogH A D08-Jul-202141 21

Makefile.headerH A D08-Jul-20211.3 KiB270

NEWSH A D08-Jul-2021289 75

READMEH A D08-Jul-20212.4 KiB5541

README.binH A D08-Jul-20212.1 KiB5740

README.mdH A D08-Jul-20212.2 KiB6448

README.unixH A D08-Jul-202113.7 KiB267217

configure.acH A D08-Jul-202136.6 KiB1,098938

disp.hH A D08-Jul-20213.5 KiB10334

disp_sdl.cppH A D08-Jul-202115.9 KiB624477

disp_sdl.hH A D08-Jul-20214.3 KiB11756

disp_text.cppH A D08-Jul-20212.4 KiB6619

disp_text.hH A D08-Jul-20212.6 KiB7231

installH A D08-Jul-202152.8 KiB1,7241,305

povray.1H A D08-Jul-202117.6 KiB408385

povray.confH A D03-May-20224.2 KiB9787

prebuild.shH A D08-Jul-202133.7 KiB1,396910

xpovicon.xbmH A D08-Jul-20211.5 KiB2423

xpovmask.xbmH A D08-Jul-20211.5 KiB2423


2POV-Ray 3.7 for UNIX/Linux - README file
4For the generic source distribution for UNIX/Linux
7This is the README file for the generic UNIX/Linux distribution of the
8POV-Ray 3.7 source code.
12Source code package
16| NOTE: If this file does not reside in the root directory of your POV-Ray   |
17| source package, you have received a platform-neutral package. In that case |
18| make sure to run the following command before you proceed:                 |
19|                                                                            |
20|   cd unix/ ; ./prebuild.sh ; cd ../                                        |
23This package contains the complete source code of POV-Ray for UNIX
24as well as its accompanying HTML documentation and supporting files.
25The package substructure is organized as follows:
27  source/     Platform-independent source code (POV-Ray core code).
28  unix/       UNIX-specific source code, including X Window and SVGA support.
29  config/     UNIX-specific configuration and installation scripts.
30  doc/        UNIX-specific and generic HTML documentation, POV-Ray license.
31  icons/      UNIX-specific color icons for the KDE window manager.
32  scripts/    UNIX-specific render scripts (portfolio, stills, animations).
33  include/    Standard POV-Ray include files.
34  ini/        Standard POV-Ray INI files.
35  scenes/     Standard POV-Ray sample scene files.
39Compiling and installing
42Basic and detailed instructions to compile and install the generic POV-Ray
43source code on UNIX-based systems are given in the INSTALL file.
45In a nutshell: the package installation is based on a configure script
46which detects your environment automatically and adapts the compilation
47and installation process accordingly.  Simply run:
49% ./configure COMPILED_BY="your name <email@address>"  # configure the package
50% make                                                 # build the program
51% su                                                   # log as root
52$ make install                                         # install program + data
54See the INSTALL file for more detailed information.


2POV-Ray 3.7 for PC-Linux, binary version (povlinux.tgz) - README file
4For the binary distribution for PC-Linux
7This is the README file for the compiled version of POV-Ray 3.7 for
8PC-Linux.  Platform specific instructions for POV-Ray can be found in
9README.unix and in chapter 1 of the documentation.
11This package contains a statically linked version of POV-Ray 3.7
12compiled for the i586 platform.  The install script can do both
13system wide installation (requires root privileges) as well as user
14level installation.  Installation as root is the recommended method.
17Installation procedure
20  a) Install as root
22     From the directory where this file resides, run:
24       $ su
25       # ./install
27     and follow the instructions.
29  b) Install as non-privileged user
31     From the directory where this file resides, run:
33       $ ./install
35     and select 'U' to start a user level install.  Afterwards
36     follow the instructions of the install script.
39Additional command line options that can be used are:
41  --no-arch-check : skip the architecture compatibility test
42  kde       : only install kde panel icons and file types for current
43              user. In a single user installation this is done
44              automatically after installation.
45  user      : only update the user povray.ini/povray.conf file when
46              required.
47  uninstall : uninstall POV-Ray.  This will remove all installed
48              files.  Any changes made to sample scenes or include
49              files will get lost.  This has to be called by the
50              same user who installed POV-Ray.  Uninstall of older
51              versions of POV-Ray is not supported (and is not
52              required to install POV-Ray 3.6).
53  test      : run a short test render to check if installation was
54              successful.  This should be run as a normal user and
55              not as root.


1Building POV-Ray 3.7 for GNU/Linux and similar systems
4This distribution contains the complete source code of POV-Ray for UNIX
5as well as its accompanying HTML documentation and supporting files. In
6order to build the distribution supplied in the POV-Ray github repo, you
7will need to run a pre-build step. This generates the configure script
8and does a few other things usually performed by our developers prior to
9releasing a source package.
11Should you run into problems, please consult `unix/install.txt` for more
12in-depth installation mojo.
14NB if you have improvements to the below instructions, please add a comment
15to issue #1, or (if you are working in a branch) send us a pull request.
20By default POV-Ray will attempt to build using system-supplied libraries for
21boost, zlib, libpng, libjpeg, libtiff, and openexr. We recommend you have the
22following packages pre-installed:
24    libboost-dev
25    libboost-date-time-dev
26    libboost-thread-dev
27    zlib1g-dev
28    libpng12-dev
29    libjpeg8-dev
30    libtiff5-dev
31    libopenexr-dev
33Generating configure and building the code
36    % cd unix/
37    % ./prebuild.sh
38    % cd ../
39    % ./configure COMPILED_BY="your name <email@address>"
40    % make
42Note that the prebuild step will generate a few warnings as it still looks
43for some files no longer included in v3.7. This is harmless.
48    % make install
50This above installs POV-Ray under system-wide directories and needs root privileges.
51Installing as non-privileged user is also possible. By default (i.e. as root), 'make
52install' installs the following components:
54    povray binary (executable)              in /usr/local/bin
55    data files (e.g. includes, scene files) in /usr/local/share/povray-3.7
56    documentation (text and html)           in /usr/local/share/doc/povray-3.7
57    configuration files (e.g. povray.conf)  in /usr/local/etc/povray/3.7
59The configuration files are also copied under the $HOME/.povray/3.7 directory
60of the user (or root) who is doing the installation.
62Please see [unix/install.txt](install.txt) for more details about available
63configuration options etc.


1                     Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
2                               Version 3.6
3                        UNIX Specific Documentation
6   This file contains generic information for running POV-Ray on UNIX
7   systems.  It briefly describes the UNIX-specific features of POV-Ray
8   from configuration and command-line perspectives.  As such, it is not
9   a replacement for the HTML user documentation located in the doc/html
10   directory (chapter 1 in particular).  This document also does not cover
11   the program installation which is described in either the INSTALL file
12   (for the generic UNIX source distribution) or in the README file (for
13   the PC-Linux binary distribution).
18   Official executables of POV-Ray for UNIX are only provided for the
19   x86 (and compatible) platform running the GNU/Linux operating system.
20   Due to the very large variety of UNIX platforms, the POV-Team cannot
21   provide official binaries for all of them.  However, since POV-Ray
22   is also available as a source package, recompiling the source for
23   your target system shouldn't cause a problem.  Note that if you want
24   to distribute an executable created by yourself, you must comply with
25   the POV-Ray License Agreement (povlegal.doc).
27   The official GNU/Linux (a free UNIX variant) version is available as
28   povlinux-3.6.tgz (or povlinux-3.6.tar.gz).  The generic UNIX source
29   distribution is available as povray-3.6.tgz (or povray-3.6.tar.gz).
30   Both binary and source packages can be found at the following sites:
32     - The POV-Ray website, www.povray.org in the Download section.
33     - The POV-Ray FTP site, ftp.povray.org in /pub/povray/Official/Linux.
34     - There are many sites around the world that mirror the povray.org
35       website.  These are listed in /pub/povray/README.MIRRORS at
36       ftp.povray.org .  You should try to use the closest site for
37       faster downloads.
39   povlinux-3.6.tgz contains a very generic povray executable that should
40   run on most GNU/Linux distributions with a 2.2 kernel or above.  It is
41   a fully static binary that should not depend on any installed library.
42   The povray executable includes support for X Window and SVGA display
43   (see below).  It comes with an install script that installs POV-Ray
44   into the /usr/local prefix or any directory you have write access to.
45   Vendor-specific package formats such as RedHat RPM or Debian DEB are
46   not available at the moment.
49File locations
51   The default location for installing POV-Ray for UNIX is under
52   /usr/local/share/povray-3.6 for all INI, scene, and include files,
53   and /usr/local/bin for the povray binary itself.  The POV-Ray man page
54   is by default installed into /usr/local/man/man1 .  The system-level
55   povray.ini and povray.conf files, which store default settings for
56   POV-Ray, are installed in the /usr/local/etc/povray/3.6 directory.
57   The default installation location can be changed from /usr/local
58   to another directory when installing the PC-Linux binary or when
59   configuring the source package of POV-Ray.  See the relevant install
60   documentation for further details.  When installing POV-Ray (binary
61   and source distributions) the povray.ini and povray.conf files are
62   also placed under the $HOME/.povray/3.6 directory.  Refer to the
63   user documentation for INI and I/O restriction settings.
66INI files
68   POV-Ray allows the use of INI files to store common configuration
69   settings, such as the output format, image size, and library paths.
70   Upon startup, the UNIX version of POV-Ray will use the environment
71   variable POVINI to determine custom configuration information if
72   that environment variable is set.  Otherwise, it will look for the
73   file "povray.ini" in the current directory.  If neither of these works,
74   then POV-Ray will try to read the user "povray.ini" file (located under
75   $HOME/.povray/3.6) or, otherwise, the system-level "povray.ini" (by
76   default in /usr/local/etc/povray/3.6).  If none of these work, for
77   backward compatibility with version 3.5 and earlier, POV-Ray finally
78   searches for INI files as "$HOME/.povrayrc" or otherwise a "povray.ini"
79   file in PREFIX/etc (where PREFIX is /usr/local by default).
81   The other INI files found under the ini/ directory, such as zipfli.ini
82   and tgaflc.ini are of limited use under UNIX but are included as examples
83   of how to automate operations from within POV-Ray.  They can be customized
84   to use whatever programs you have installed.
87CONF files
89   POV-Ray 3.5 has introduced the I/O Restriction feature as an attempt
90   to at least partially protect a machine running the program to perform
91   forbidden file operation and/or run external programs.  I/O Restriction
92   settings are specified in a "povray.conf" configuration file.  There are
93   two configuration levels within POV-Ray for UNIX: a system and a user-
94   level configuration.  The system-level povray.conf file (by default in
95   /usr/local/etc/povray/3.6) is intended for system administrators to
96   setup minimal restrictions for the system on which POV-Ray will run.
97   The user $HOME/.povray/3.6/povray.conf file allows further restrictions
98   to be set.  For obvious security reasons, the user's settings can only
99   be more (or equally) restrictive than the system-level settings.  See
100   chapter 1 of the documentation for details.  In POV-Ray 3.6 the format
101   of the configuration file has changed and is not backward compatible
102   with POV-Ray 3.5.  Note that I/O Restrictions are still subject to the
103   operating system permissions.  Also the feature is not mature enough,
104   especially since it has been completely reworked in the UNIX version
105   of POV-Ray 3.6.
108Display Formats
110   There are two different methods of displaying images as they are
111   rendered with POV-Ray on most UNIX systems, and an additional display
112   method on GNU/Linux systems.  The first way is the text format,
113   which can output a crude 75x24 ASCII version of the image, to give
114   an idea of what POV-Ray is doing.  This doesn't work very well if you
115   are also using the Verbose (+v) status output.  It also isn't very
116   satisfying for the output of a ray tracer, but may be useful in some
117   cases.  The second way requires the X Window System to be installed
118   on your machine, which should be the case on most UNIX systems.  The
119   X Window System allows full-color display of any image size, and at
120   any screen resolution and color depth.  Some limited user interactions
121   with the display are also allowed.  The third way is specific to
122   GNU/Linux systems and allows to display the rendered image directly
123   on the console screen using the SVGA library.  Both X Window and SVGA
124   displays are discussed in more detail below.
127X Window Display
129   Using the X Window display allows you to preview the image using any
130   kind of visual, at any depth, and even remotely if desired.  During
131   rendering, the window will be updated after every scanline has been
132   rendered, or sooner if the rendering is taking a long time.  To
133   update it sooner you can click any mouse button in the window or
134   press (almost) any key.  Pressing <CTRL-R> or <CTRL-L> during
135   rendering will refresh the whole screen.  If you have the Exit_Enable
136   or +X flag set, pressing 'q' or 'Q' at any time during the rendering
137   will stop POV-Ray rendering and exit.  The rendering will pause when
138   complete if the Pause_When_Done (or +P) flag is set.  To exit at
139   this point, press the 'q' or 'Q' key or click any mouse button in
140   the window.
142   Depending on your window manager (e.g. KDE, Gnome, fvwm), POV-Ray may
143   use a color icon for the window (in the title bar) and its corresponding
144   button in the task bar.  The use of a color icon also depends on whether
145   the POV-Ray executable has been linked with the Xpm library.  The latter
146   is usually shipped with the X Window System.  In case the Xpm library
147   cannot be used, a built-in monochrome icon is used instead.  Some
148   window managers also need to be configured in order to use the color
149   icon.  The "xpovicon.xpm" file can be used in this case, but the exact
150   procedure depends on the window manager.  The following shows how to
151   make the fvwm window manager use this icon.  First, copy the icon file
152   to one of the directories listed by PixmapPath (or ImagePath) in your
153   $HOME/.fvwmrc configuration file.  Second, edit the latter to add the
154   following line:
156     Style "Povray" Icon xpovicon.xpm
158   Third, restart the X server (e.g. by typing 'startx' on the console).
159   Restarting fvwm alone will not be enough.
161   In POV-Ray 3.6 the X Window display comes with a gray/white checkered
162   background by default, instead of the black color implemented in the
163   earlier versions.  The new default background is particularly useful
164   when rendering images using the alpha channel (+UA option).  In case
165   you don't feel comfortable with this default background, you can make
166   POV-Ray for UNIX use a custom background image instead.  The user-
167   supplied background image must be placed under the $HOME/.povray/3.6
168   directory as "background.ext" (where "ext" is either "jpg", "jpeg",
169   "png", "ppm", "tga" or "gif"); for instance "background.png".  The
170   filename must be all lowercase.  POV-Ray will detect the image format
171   depending on the filename extension (so this is different from the
172   other image-related features in the POV-Ray scene description language).
173   In case you place several background.* files under $HOME/.povray/3.6
174   the first file matching the list of extensions given above will be used.
175   For instance, POV-Ray will use "background.jpg" if both "background.jpg"
176   and "background.tga" are present.  Note there is not support for the
177   TIFF format at the moment, since TIFF support is still an experimental
178   feature in POV-Ray 3.6.  Also the background image is NOT output to
179   the rendered image file, so you cannot use it as e.g. an image map.
180   IMPORTANT NOTE: the user-supplied background image is an EXPERIMENTAL
181   feature and is specific to the X Window display of POV-Ray for UNIX.
182   No provision is made that this new feature will be available in future
183   releases of POV-Ray.
185   When POV-Ray is compiled with support for the X Window display, the
186   program also understands the standard X Window command-line options
187   in addition to those given in the generic POV-Ray documentation.  See
188   the X(1) man page for further explanation of these options.
190   -display <display name>           Preview on the specified display
191   -geometry <WIDTHxHEIGHT+XXX+YYY>  Start with the given size/position
192   -visual <visual type>             Use specified visual if available
193   -title <title>                    Use the given title for the window
194   -icon                             Start iconified
195   -owncmap                          Force POV-Ray to use a private colormap
196   -borderwidth <width>              Use a border of the given width
197   -help                             Output these X Window specific options
200SVGAlib display
202   For GNU/Linux systems that don't have the X Window System installed,
203   it is possible to use the SVGA library (SVGAlib) to display directly
204   to the screen.  The POV-Ray binary using SVGAlib must be installed as
205   a setuid root executable to be able to run properly.  If it doesn't
206   work (usually complaining about being unable to get I/O permissions)
207   first try (as root):
209     chown root.root povray
210     chmod 4755 povray
212   IMPORTANT NOTE: doing this may have serious security implications.
213   Running POV-Ray as root or through 'sudo' might be a better idea.
215   If it still doesn't work then make sure SVGAlib is installed on your
216   machine and works properly ('sdoom' is a good way of doing this :-).
217   Anything that can at least use the 320x200x256 mode (ie regular VGA)
218   should be fine, although modes up to 1280x1024x16M are possible.  If
219   you do not have root priviledges or can't have your system admin
220   install POV-Ray for you, then you should rather use the X Window or
221   text-only display, which do not require any special system priviledges
222   to run.  If you are using a display resolution that is lower than what
223   you are rendering, the display will be scaled to fit as much of the
224   viewing window as possible.
227Interrupting POV-Ray
229   To interrupt a rendering in progress, you can use CTRL-C (SIGINT),
230   which will allow POV-Ray to finish writing out any rendered data
231   before it quits.  When using a rendering display, you can also press
232   the 'q' or 'Q' keys in the rendering preview window to interrupt the
233   trace if the Test_Abort (or +X) flag is set.
236Post-processing Images
238   For UNIX systems, the PBM utilities (PBMPLUS, NetPBM) and ImageMagick
239   are an excellent choice for post-processing tools, especially if you
240   only have a command-line interface to UNIX:
241     http://www.acme.com/software/pbmplus
242     http://netpbm.sourceforge.net
243     http://www.imagemagick.org
245   POV-Ray can also pipe its output directly into a post-processor.
246   For example:
248     povray +iscene.pov -fp +o- | cjpeg > scene.jpg
250   will create a JPEG output file, since specifing the '-' output filename
251   (+o option) tells POV-Ray to send the output image data to stdout, which
252   is piped through cjpeg in this example.
255Questions and problems with POV-Ray for UNIX should be posted on the
256news.povray.org news server under the povray.unix newsgroup.  This news
257server also has a web interface at http://news.povray.org/groups/ .
258Please make sure you have consulted with a local UNIX person first if
259you think the problem is likely to be on your end.  If you are installing
260POV-Ray in a publicly accessible location, you must read and comply with
261the 'Online or Remote Execution' conditions in povlegal.doc .
263Mark Gordon
264Internet:   mtgordon@povray.org
266Revised for POV-Ray 3.6 by Nicolas Calimet <pov4grasp@free.fr>