1import warnings
3import hashlib
4import io
5import json
6import jsonschema
7import pandas as pd
8from toolz.curried import pipe as _pipe
10from .schema import core, channels, mixins, Undefined, SCHEMA_URL
12from .data import data_transformers
13from ... import utils, expr
15from .theme import themes
18# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
19# Data Utilities
20def _dataset_name(values):
21    """Generate a unique hash of the data
23    Parameters
24    ----------
25    values : list or dict
26        A list/dict representation of data values.
28    Returns
29    -------
30    name : string
31        A unique name generated from the hash of the values.
32    """
33    if isinstance(values, core.InlineDataset):
34        values = values.to_dict()
35    values_json = json.dumps(values, sort_keys=True)
36    hsh = hashlib.md5(values_json.encode()).hexdigest()
37    return "data-" + hsh
40def _consolidate_data(data, context):
41    """If data is specified inline, then move it to context['datasets']
43    This function will modify context in-place, and return a new version of data
44    """
45    values = Undefined
46    kwds = {}
48    if isinstance(data, core.InlineData):
49        if data.name is Undefined and data.values is not Undefined:
50            values = data.values
51            kwds = {"format": data.format}
53    elif isinstance(data, dict):
54        if "name" not in data and "values" in data:
55            values = data["values"]
56            kwds = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k != "values"}
58    if values is not Undefined:
59        name = _dataset_name(values)
60        data = core.NamedData(name=name, **kwds)
61        context.setdefault("datasets", {})[name] = values
63    return data
66def _prepare_data(data, context=None):
67    """Convert input data to data for use within schema
69    Parameters
70    ----------
71    data :
72        The input dataset in the form of a DataFrame, dictionary, altair data
73        object, or other type that is recognized by the data transformers.
74    context : dict (optional)
75        The to_dict context in which the data is being prepared. This is used
76        to keep track of information that needs to be passed up and down the
77        recursive serialization routine, such as global named datasets.
78    """
79    if data is Undefined:
80        return data
82    # convert dataframes  or objects with __geo_interface__ to dict
83    if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) or hasattr(data, "__geo_interface__"):
84        data = _pipe(data, data_transformers.get())
86    # convert string input to a URLData
87    if isinstance(data, str):
88        data = core.UrlData(data)
90    # consolidate inline data to top-level datasets
91    if context is not None and data_transformers.consolidate_datasets:
92        data = _consolidate_data(data, context)
94    # if data is still not a recognized type, then return
95    if not isinstance(data, (dict, core.Data)):
96        warnings.warn("data of type {} not recognized".format(type(data)))
98    return data
101# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
102# Aliases & specializations
103Bin = core.BinParams
107class LookupData(core.LookupData):
108    def to_dict(self, *args, **kwargs):
109        """Convert the chart to a dictionary suitable for JSON export"""
110        copy = self.copy(deep=False)
111        copy.data = _prepare_data(copy.data, kwargs.get("context"))
112        return super(LookupData, copy).to_dict(*args, **kwargs)
116class FacetMapping(core.FacetMapping):
117    _class_is_valid_at_instantiation = False
119    def to_dict(self, *args, **kwargs):
120        copy = self.copy(deep=False)
121        context = kwargs.get("context", {})
122        data = context.get("data", None)
123        if isinstance(self.row, str):
124            copy.row = core.FacetFieldDef(**utils.parse_shorthand(self.row, data))
125        if isinstance(self.column, str):
126            copy.column = core.FacetFieldDef(**utils.parse_shorthand(self.column, data))
127        return super(FacetMapping, copy).to_dict(*args, **kwargs)
130# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
131# Encoding will contain channel objects that aren't valid at instantiation
132core.FacetedEncoding._class_is_valid_at_instantiation = False
134# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
135# These are parameters that are valid at the top level, but are not valid
136# for specs that are within a composite chart
137# (layer, hconcat, vconcat, facet, repeat)
138TOPLEVEL_ONLY_KEYS = {"background", "config", "autosize", "padding", "$schema"}
141def _get_channels_mapping():
142    mapping = {}
143    for attr in dir(channels):
144        cls = getattr(channels, attr)
145        if isinstance(cls, type) and issubclass(cls, core.SchemaBase):
146            mapping[cls] = attr.replace("Value", "").lower()
147    return mapping
150# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
151# Tools for working with selections
152class Selection(object):
153    """A Selection object"""
155    _counter = 0
157    @classmethod
158    def _get_name(cls):
159        cls._counter += 1
160        return "selector{:03d}".format(cls._counter)
162    def __init__(self, name, selection):
163        if name is None:
164            name = self._get_name()
165        self.name = name
166        self.selection = selection
168    def __repr__(self):
169        return "Selection({0!r}, {1})".format(self.name, self.selection)
171    def ref(self):
172        return {"selection": self.name}
174    def to_dict(self):
175        return {"selection": self.name}
177    def __invert__(self):
178        return Selection(core.SelectionNot(**{"not": self.name}), self.selection)
180    def __and__(self, other):
181        if isinstance(other, Selection):
182            other = other.name
183        return Selection(
184            core.SelectionAnd(**{"and": [self.name, other]}), self.selection
185        )
187    def __or__(self, other):
188        if isinstance(other, Selection):
189            other = other.name
190        return Selection(core.SelectionOr(**{"or": [self.name, other]}), self.selection)
192    def __getattr__(self, field_name):
193        return expr.core.GetAttrExpression(self.name, field_name)
195    def __getitem__(self, field_name):
196        return expr.core.GetItemExpression(self.name, field_name)
199# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
200# Top-Level Functions
203def value(value, **kwargs):
204    """Specify a value for use in an encoding"""
205    return dict(value=value, **kwargs)
208def selection(name=None, type=Undefined, **kwds):
209    """Create a named selection.
211    Parameters
212    ----------
213    name : string (optional)
214        The name of the selection. If not specified, a unique name will be
215        created.
216    type : string
217        The type of the selection: one of ["interval", "single", or "multi"]
218    **kwds :
219        additional keywords will be used to construct a SelectionDef instance
220        that controls the selection.
222    Returns
223    -------
224    selection: Selection
225        The selection object that can be used in chart creation.
226    """
227    return Selection(name, core.SelectionDef(type=type, **kwds))
231def selection_interval(**kwargs):
232    """Create a selection with type='interval'"""
233    return selection(type="interval", **kwargs)
237def selection_multi(**kwargs):
238    """Create a selection with type='multi'"""
239    return selection(type="multi", **kwargs)
243def selection_single(**kwargs):
244    """Create a selection with type='single'"""
245    return selection(type="single", **kwargs)
249def binding(input, **kwargs):
250    """A generic binding"""
251    return core.Binding(input=input, **kwargs)
255def binding_checkbox(**kwargs):
256    """A checkbox binding"""
257    return core.BindCheckbox(input="checkbox", **kwargs)
261def binding_radio(**kwargs):
262    """A radio button binding"""
263    return core.BindRadioSelect(input="radio", **kwargs)
267def binding_select(**kwargs):
268    """A select binding"""
269    return core.BindRadioSelect(input="select", **kwargs)
273def binding_range(**kwargs):
274    """A range binding"""
275    return core.BindRange(input="range", **kwargs)
278def condition(predicate, if_true, if_false, **kwargs):
279    """A conditional attribute or encoding
281    Parameters
282    ----------
283    predicate: Selection, LogicalOperandPredicate, expr.Expression, dict, or string
284        the selection predicate or test predicate for the condition.
285        if a string is passed, it will be treated as a test operand.
286    if_true:
287        the spec or object to use if the selection predicate is true
288    if_false:
289        the spec or object to use if the selection predicate is false
290    **kwargs:
291        additional keyword args are added to the resulting dict
293    Returns
294    -------
295    spec: dict or VegaLiteSchema
296        the spec that describes the condition
297    """
298    test_predicates = (str, expr.Expression, core.LogicalOperandPredicate)
300    if isinstance(predicate, Selection):
301        condition = {"selection": predicate.name}
302    elif isinstance(predicate, core.SelectionOperand):
303        condition = {"selection": predicate}
304    elif isinstance(predicate, test_predicates):
305        condition = {"test": predicate}
306    elif isinstance(predicate, dict):
307        condition = predicate
308    else:
309        raise NotImplementedError(
310            "condition predicate of type {}" "".format(type(predicate))
311        )
313    if isinstance(if_true, core.SchemaBase):
314        # convert to dict for now; the from_dict call below will wrap this
315        # dict in the appropriate schema
316        if_true = if_true.to_dict()
317    elif isinstance(if_true, str):
318        if_true = {"shorthand": if_true}
319        if_true.update(kwargs)
320    condition.update(if_true)
322    if isinstance(if_false, core.SchemaBase):
323        # For the selection, the channel definitions all allow selections
324        # already. So use this SchemaBase wrapper if possible.
325        selection = if_false.copy()
326        selection.condition = condition
327    elif isinstance(if_false, str):
328        selection = {"condition": condition, "shorthand": if_false}
329        selection.update(kwargs)
330    else:
331        selection = dict(condition=condition, **if_false)
333    return selection
336# --------------------------------------------------------------------
337# Top-level objects
340class TopLevelMixin(mixins.ConfigMethodMixin):
341    """Mixin for top-level chart objects such as Chart, LayeredChart, etc."""
343    _class_is_valid_at_instantiation = False
345    def to_dict(self, *args, **kwargs):
346        """Convert the chart to a dictionary suitable for JSON export"""
347        # We make use of three context markers:
348        # - 'data' points to the data that should be referenced for column type
349        #   inference.
350        # - 'top_level' is a boolean flag that is assumed to be true; if it's
351        #   true then a "$schema" arg is added to the dict.
352        # - 'datasets' is a dict of named datasets that should be inserted
353        #   in the top-level object
355        # note: not a deep copy because we want datasets and data arguments to
356        # be passed by reference
357        context = kwargs.get("context", {}).copy()
358        context.setdefault("datasets", {})
359        is_top_level = context.get("top_level", True)
361        copy = self.copy(deep=False)
362        original_data = getattr(copy, "data", Undefined)
363        copy.data = _prepare_data(original_data, context)
365        if original_data is not Undefined:
366            context["data"] = original_data
368        # remaining to_dict calls are not at top level
369        context["top_level"] = False
370        kwargs["context"] = context
372        try:
373            dct = super(TopLevelMixin, copy).to_dict(*args, **kwargs)
374        except jsonschema.ValidationError:
375            dct = None
377        # If we hit an error, then re-convert with validate='deep' to get
378        # a more useful traceback. We don't do this by default because it's
379        # much slower in the case that there are no errors.
380        if dct is None:
381            kwargs["validate"] = "deep"
382            dct = super(TopLevelMixin, copy).to_dict(*args, **kwargs)
384        # TODO: following entries are added after validation. Should they be validated?
385        if is_top_level:
386            # since this is top-level we add $schema if it's missing
387            if "$schema" not in dct:
388                dct["$schema"] = SCHEMA_URL
390            # apply theme from theme registry
391            the_theme = themes.get()
392            dct = utils.update_nested(the_theme(), dct, copy=True)
394            # update datasets
395            if context["datasets"]:
396                dct.setdefault("datasets", {}).update(context["datasets"])
398        return dct
400    def to_html(
401        self,
402        base_url="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/",
403        output_div="vis",
404        embed_options=None,
405        json_kwds=None,
406        fullhtml=True,
407        requirejs=False,
408    ):
409        return utils.spec_to_html(
410            self.to_dict(),
411            mode="vega-lite",
412            vegalite_version=VEGALITE_VERSION,
413            vegaembed_version=VEGAEMBED_VERSION,
414            vega_version=VEGA_VERSION,
415            base_url=base_url,
416            output_div=output_div,
417            embed_options=embed_options,
418            json_kwds=json_kwds,
419            fullhtml=fullhtml,
420            requirejs=requirejs,
421        )
423    @utils.deprecation.deprecated(
424        "Chart.savechart is deprecated in favor of Chart.save"
425    )
426    def savechart(self, fp, format=None, **kwargs):
427        """Save a chart to file in a variety of formats
429        Supported formats are json, html, png, svg
431        Parameters
432        ----------
433        fp : string filename or file-like object
434            file in which to write the chart.
435        format : string (optional)
436            the format to write: one of ['json', 'html', 'png', 'svg'].
437            If not specified, the format will be determined from the filename.
438        **kwargs :
439            Additional keyword arguments are passed to the output method
440            associated with the specified format.
442        """
443        return self.save(fp, format=None, **kwargs)
445    def save(
446        self,
447        fp,
448        format=None,
449        override_data_transformer=True,
450        scale_factor=1.0,
451        vegalite_version=VEGALITE_VERSION,
452        vega_version=VEGA_VERSION,
453        vegaembed_version=VEGAEMBED_VERSION,
454        **kwargs,
455    ):
456        """Save a chart to file in a variety of formats
458        Supported formats are json, html, png, svg
460        Parameters
461        ----------
462        fp : string filename or file-like object
463            file in which to write the chart.
464        format : string (optional)
465            the format to write: one of ['json', 'html', 'png', 'svg'].
466            If not specified, the format will be determined from the filename.
467        override_data_transformer : boolean (optional)
468            If True (default), then the save action will be done with
469            the MaxRowsError disabled. If False, then do not change the data
470            transformer.
471        scale_factor : float
472            For svg or png formats, scale the image by this factor when saving.
473            This can be used to control the size or resolution of the output.
474            Default is 1.0
475        **kwargs :
476            Additional keyword arguments are passed to the output method
477            associated with the specified format.
479        """
480        from ...utils.save import save
482        kwds = dict(
483            chart=self,
484            fp=fp,
485            format=format,
486            scale_factor=scale_factor,
487            vegalite_version=vegalite_version,
488            vega_version=vega_version,
489            vegaembed_version=vegaembed_version,
490            **kwargs,
491        )
493        # By default we override the data transformer. This makes it so
494        # that save() will succeed even for large datasets that would
495        # normally trigger a MaxRowsError
496        if override_data_transformer:
497            with data_transformers.disable_max_rows():
498                result = save(**kwds)
499        else:
500            result = save(**kwds)
501        return result
503    # Fallback for when rendering fails; the full repr is too long to be
504    # useful in nearly all cases.
505    def __repr__(self):
506        return "alt.{}(...)".format(self.__class__.__name__)
508    # Layering and stacking
509    def __add__(self, other):
510        if not isinstance(other, TopLevelMixin):
511            raise ValueError("Only Chart objects can be layered.")
512        return layer(self, other)
514    def __and__(self, other):
515        if not isinstance(other, TopLevelMixin):
516            raise ValueError("Only Chart objects can be concatenated.")
517        return vconcat(self, other)
519    def __or__(self, other):
520        if not isinstance(other, TopLevelMixin):
521            raise ValueError("Only Chart objects can be concatenated.")
522        return hconcat(self, other)
524    def repeat(
525        self,
526        repeat=Undefined,
527        row=Undefined,
528        column=Undefined,
529        columns=Undefined,
530        **kwargs,
531    ):
532        """Return a RepeatChart built from the chart
534        Fields within the chart can be set to correspond to the row or
535        column using `alt.repeat('row')` and `alt.repeat('column')`.
537        Parameters
538        ----------
539        repeat : list
540            a list of data column names to be repeated. This cannot be
541            used along with the ``row`` or ``column`` argument.
542        row : list
543            a list of data column names to be mapped to the row facet
544        column : list
545            a list of data column names to be mapped to the column facet
546        columns : int
547            the maximum number of columns before wrapping. Only referenced
548            if ``repeat`` is specified.
549        **kwargs :
550            additional keywords passed to RepeatChart.
552        Returns
553        -------
554        chart : RepeatChart
555            a repeated chart.
556        """
557        repeat_specified = repeat is not Undefined
558        rowcol_specified = row is not Undefined or column is not Undefined
560        if repeat_specified and rowcol_specified:
561            raise ValueError(
562                "repeat argument cannot be combined with row/column argument."
563            )
565        if repeat_specified:
566            repeat = repeat
567        else:
568            repeat = core.RepeatMapping(row=row, column=column)
570        return RepeatChart(spec=self, repeat=repeat, columns=columns, **kwargs)
572    def properties(self, **kwargs):
573        """Set top-level properties of the Chart.
575        Argument names and types are the same as class initialization.
576        """
577        copy = self.copy(deep=False)
578        for key, val in kwargs.items():
579            if key == "selection" and isinstance(val, Selection):
580                # For backward compatibility with old selection interface.
581                setattr(copy, key, {val.name: val.selection})
582            else:
583                # Don't validate data, because it hasn't been processed.
584                if key != "data":
585                    self.validate_property(key, val)
586                setattr(copy, key, val)
587        return copy
589    def project(
590        self,
591        type="mercator",
592        center=Undefined,
593        clipAngle=Undefined,
594        clipExtent=Undefined,
595        coefficient=Undefined,
596        distance=Undefined,
597        fraction=Undefined,
598        lobes=Undefined,
599        parallel=Undefined,
600        precision=Undefined,
601        radius=Undefined,
602        ratio=Undefined,
603        reflectX=Undefined,
604        reflectY=Undefined,
605        rotate=Undefined,
606        scale=Undefined,
607        spacing=Undefined,
608        tilt=Undefined,
609        translate=Undefined,
610        **kwds,
611    ):
612        """Add a geographic projection to the chart.
614        This is generally used either with ``mark_geoshape`` or with the
615        ``latitude``/``longitude`` encodings.
617        Available projection types are
618        ['albers', 'albersUsa', 'azimuthalEqualArea', 'azimuthalEquidistant',
619        'conicConformal', 'conicEqualArea', 'conicEquidistant', 'equalEarth', 'equirectangular',
620        'gnomonic', 'identity', 'mercator', 'orthographic', 'stereographic', 'transverseMercator']
622        Attributes
623        ----------
624        type : ProjectionType
625            The cartographic projection to use. This value is case-insensitive, for example
626            `"albers"` and `"Albers"` indicate the same projection type. You can find all valid
627            projection types [in the
628            documentation](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/projection.html#projection-types).
630            **Default value:** `mercator`
631        center : List(float)
632            Sets the projection’s center to the specified center, a two-element array of
633            longitude and latitude in degrees.
635            **Default value:** `[0, 0]`
636        clipAngle : float
637            Sets the projection’s clipping circle radius to the specified angle in degrees. If
638            `null`, switches to [antimeridian](http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3788999) cutting
639            rather than small-circle clipping.
640        clipExtent : List(List(float))
641            Sets the projection’s viewport clip extent to the specified bounds in pixels. The
642            extent bounds are specified as an array `[[x0, y0], [x1, y1]]`, where `x0` is the
643            left-side of the viewport, `y0` is the top, `x1` is the right and `y1` is the
644            bottom. If `null`, no viewport clipping is performed.
645        coefficient : float
647        distance : float
649        fraction : float
651        lobes : float
653        parallel : float
655        precision : Mapping(required=[length])
656            Sets the threshold for the projection’s [adaptive
657            resampling](http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3795544) to the specified value in pixels.
658            This value corresponds to the [Douglas–Peucker
659            distance](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramer%E2%80%93Douglas%E2%80%93Peucker_algorithm).
660             If precision is not specified, returns the projection’s current resampling
661            precision which defaults to `√0.5 ≅ 0.70710…`.
662        radius : float
664        ratio : float
666        reflectX : boolean
668        reflectY : boolean
670        rotate : List(float)
671            Sets the projection’s three-axis rotation to the specified angles, which must be a
672            two- or three-element array of numbers [`lambda`, `phi`, `gamma`] specifying the
673            rotation angles in degrees about each spherical axis. (These correspond to yaw,
674            pitch and roll.)
676            **Default value:** `[0, 0, 0]`
677        scale : float
678            Sets the projection's scale (zoom) value, overriding automatic fitting.
680        spacing : float
682        tilt : float
684        translate : List(float)
685            Sets the projection's translation (pan) value, overriding automatic fitting.
687        """
688        projection = core.Projection(
689            center=center,
690            clipAngle=clipAngle,
691            clipExtent=clipExtent,
692            coefficient=coefficient,
693            distance=distance,
694            fraction=fraction,
695            lobes=lobes,
696            parallel=parallel,
697            precision=precision,
698            radius=radius,
699            ratio=ratio,
700            reflectX=reflectX,
701            reflectY=reflectY,
702            rotate=rotate,
703            scale=scale,
704            spacing=spacing,
705            tilt=tilt,
706            translate=translate,
707            type=type,
708            **kwds,
709        )
710        return self.properties(projection=projection)
712    def _add_transform(self, *transforms):
713        """Copy the chart and add specified transforms to chart.transform"""
714        copy = self.copy(deep=["transform"])
715        if copy.transform is Undefined:
716            copy.transform = []
717        copy.transform.extend(transforms)
718        return copy
720    def transform_aggregate(self, aggregate=Undefined, groupby=Undefined, **kwds):
721        """
722        Add an AggregateTransform to the schema.
724        Parameters
725        ----------
726        aggregate : List(:class:`AggregatedFieldDef`)
727            Array of objects that define fields to aggregate.
728        groupby : List(string)
729            The data fields to group by. If not specified, a single group containing all data
730            objects will be used.
731        **kwds :
732            additional keywords are converted to aggregates using standard
733            shorthand parsing.
735        Returns
736        -------
737        self : Chart object
738            returns chart to allow for chaining
740        Examples
741        --------
742        The aggregate transform allows you to specify transforms directly using
743        the same shorthand syntax as used in encodings:
745        >>> import altair as alt
746        >>> chart1 = alt.Chart().transform_aggregate(
747        ...     mean_acc='mean(Acceleration)',
748        ...     groupby=['Origin']
749        ... )
750        >>> print(chart1.transform[0].to_json())  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
751        {
752          "aggregate": [
753            {
754              "as": "mean_acc",
755              "field": "Acceleration",
756              "op": "mean"
757            }
758          ],
759          "groupby": [
760            "Origin"
761          ]
762        }
764        It also supports including AggregatedFieldDef instances or dicts directly,
765        so you can create the above transform like this:
767        >>> chart2 = alt.Chart().transform_aggregate(
768        ...     [alt.AggregatedFieldDef(field='Acceleration', op='mean',
769        ...                             **{'as': 'mean_acc'})],
770        ...     groupby=['Origin']
771        ... )
772        >>> chart2.transform == chart1.transform
773        True
775        See Also
776        --------
777        alt.AggregateTransform : underlying transform object
779        """
780        if aggregate is Undefined:
781            aggregate = []
782        for key, val in kwds.items():
783            parsed = utils.parse_shorthand(val)
784            dct = {
785                "as": key,
786                "field": parsed.get("field", Undefined),
787                "op": parsed.get("aggregate", Undefined),
788            }
789            aggregate.append(core.AggregatedFieldDef(**dct))
790        return self._add_transform(
791            core.AggregateTransform(aggregate=aggregate, groupby=groupby)
792        )
794    def transform_bin(self, as_=Undefined, field=Undefined, bin=True, **kwargs):
795        """
796        Add a BinTransform to the schema.
798        Parameters
799        ----------
800        as_ : anyOf(string, List(string))
801            The output fields at which to write the start and end bin values.
802        bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`)
803            An object indicating bin properties, or simply ``true`` for using default bin
804            parameters.
805        field : string
806            The data field to bin.
808        Returns
809        -------
810        self : Chart object
811            returns chart to allow for chaining
813        Examples
814        --------
815        >>> import altair as alt
816        >>> chart = alt.Chart().transform_bin("x_binned", "x")
817        >>> chart.transform[0]
818        BinTransform({
819          as: 'x_binned',
820          bin: True,
821          field: 'x'
822        })
824        >>> chart = alt.Chart().transform_bin("x_binned", "x",
825        ...                                   bin=alt.Bin(maxbins=10))
826        >>> chart.transform[0]
827        BinTransform({
828          as: 'x_binned',
829          bin: BinParams({
830            maxbins: 10
831          }),
832          field: 'x'
833        })
835        See Also
836        --------
837        alt.BinTransform : underlying transform object
839        """
840        if as_ is not Undefined:
841            if "as" in kwargs:
842                raise ValueError(
843                    "transform_bin: both 'as_' and 'as' passed as arguments."
844                )
845            kwargs["as"] = as_
846        kwargs["bin"] = bin
847        kwargs["field"] = field
848        return self._add_transform(core.BinTransform(**kwargs))
850    def transform_calculate(self, as_=Undefined, calculate=Undefined, **kwargs):
851        """
852        Add a CalculateTransform to the schema.
854        Parameters
855        ----------
856        as_ : string
857            The field for storing the computed formula value.
858        calculate : string or alt.expr expression
859            A `expression <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/types.html#expression>`__
860            string. Use the variable ``datum`` to refer to the current data object.
861        **kwargs
862            transforms can also be passed by keyword argument; see Examples
864        Returns
865        -------
866        self : Chart object
867            returns chart to allow for chaining
869        Examples
870        --------
871        >>> import altair as alt
872        >>> from altair import datum, expr
874        >>> chart = alt.Chart().transform_calculate(y = 2 * expr.sin(datum.x))
875        >>> chart.transform[0]
876        CalculateTransform({
877          as: 'y',
878          calculate: (2 * sin(datum.x))
879        })
881        It's also possible to pass the ``CalculateTransform`` arguments directly:
883        >>> kwds = {'as': 'y', 'calculate': '2 * sin(datum.x)'}
884        >>> chart = alt.Chart().transform_calculate(**kwds)
885        >>> chart.transform[0]
886        CalculateTransform({
887          as: 'y',
888          calculate: '2 * sin(datum.x)'
889        })
891        As the first form is easier to write and understand, that is the
892        recommended method.
894        See Also
895        --------
896        alt.CalculateTransform : underlying transform object
897        """
898        if as_ is Undefined:
899            as_ = kwargs.pop("as", Undefined)
900        else:
901            if "as" in kwargs:
902                raise ValueError(
903                    "transform_calculate: both 'as_' and 'as' passed as arguments."
904                )
905        if as_ is not Undefined or calculate is not Undefined:
906            dct = {"as": as_, "calculate": calculate}
907            self = self._add_transform(core.CalculateTransform(**dct))
908        for as_, calculate in kwargs.items():
909            dct = {"as": as_, "calculate": calculate}
910            self = self._add_transform(core.CalculateTransform(**dct))
911        return self
913    def transform_impute(
914        self,
915        impute,
916        key,
917        frame=Undefined,
918        groupby=Undefined,
919        keyvals=Undefined,
920        method=Undefined,
921        value=Undefined,
922    ):
923        """
924        Add an ImputeTransform to the schema.
926        Parameters
927        ----------
928        impute : string
929            The data field for which the missing values should be imputed.
930        key : string
931            A key field that uniquely identifies data objects within a group.
932            Missing key values (those occurring in the data but not in the current group) will
933            be imputed.
934        frame : List(anyOf(None, float))
935            A frame specification as a two-element array used to control the window over which
936            the specified method is applied. The array entries should either be a number
937            indicating the offset from the current data object, or null to indicate unbounded
938            rows preceding or following the current data object.  For example, the value ``[-5,
939            5]`` indicates that the window should include five objects preceding and five
940            objects following the current object.
941            **Default value:** :  ``[null, null]`` indicating that the window includes all
942            objects.
943        groupby : List(string)
944            An optional array of fields by which to group the values.
945            Imputation will then be performed on a per-group basis.
946        keyvals : anyOf(List(Mapping(required=[])), :class:`ImputeSequence`)
947            Defines the key values that should be considered for imputation.
948            An array of key values or an object defining a `number sequence
949            <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/impute.html#sequence-def>`__.
950            If provided, this will be used in addition to the key values observed within the
951            input data.  If not provided, the values will be derived from all unique values of
952            the ``key`` field. For ``impute`` in ``encoding``, the key field is the x-field if
953            the y-field is imputed, or vice versa.
954            If there is no impute grouping, this property *must* be specified.
955        method : :class:`ImputeMethod`
956            The imputation method to use for the field value of imputed data objects.
957            One of ``value``, ``mean``, ``median``, ``max`` or ``min``.
958            **Default value:**  ``"value"``
959        value : Mapping(required=[])
960            The field value to use when the imputation ``method`` is ``"value"``.
962        Returns
963        -------
964        self : Chart object
965            returns chart to allow for chaining
967        See Also
968        --------
969        alt.ImputeTransform : underlying transform object
970        """
971        return self._add_transform(
972            core.ImputeTransform(
973                impute=impute,
974                key=key,
975                frame=frame,
976                groupby=groupby,
977                keyvals=keyvals,
978                method=method,
979                value=value,
980            )
981        )
983    def transform_joinaggregate(
984        self, joinaggregate=Undefined, groupby=Undefined, **kwargs
985    ):
986        """
987        Add a JoinAggregateTransform to the schema.
989        Parameters
990        ----------
991        joinaggregate : List(:class:`JoinAggregateFieldDef`)
992            The definition of the fields in the join aggregate, and what calculations to use.
993        groupby : List(string)
994            The data fields for partitioning the data objects into separate groups. If
995            unspecified, all data points will be in a single group.
996        **kwargs
997            joinaggregates can also be passed by keyword argument; see Examples.
999        Returns
1000        -------
1001        self : Chart object
1002            returns chart to allow for chaining
1004        Examples
1005        --------
1006        >>> import altair as alt
1007        >>> chart = alt.Chart().transform_joinaggregate(x='sum(y)')
1008        >>> chart.transform[0]
1009        JoinAggregateTransform({
1010          joinaggregate: [JoinAggregateFieldDef({
1011            as: 'x',
1012            field: 'y',
1013            op: 'sum'
1014          })]
1015        })
1017        See Also
1018        --------
1019        alt.JoinAggregateTransform : underlying transform object
1020        """
1021        if joinaggregate is Undefined:
1022            joinaggregate = []
1023        for key, val in kwargs.items():
1024            parsed = utils.parse_shorthand(val)
1025            dct = {
1026                "as": key,
1027                "field": parsed.get("field", Undefined),
1028                "op": parsed.get("aggregate", Undefined),
1029            }
1030            joinaggregate.append(core.JoinAggregateFieldDef(**dct))
1031        return self._add_transform(
1032            core.JoinAggregateTransform(joinaggregate=joinaggregate, groupby=groupby)
1033        )
1035    def transform_filter(self, filter, **kwargs):
1036        """
1037        Add a FilterTransform to the schema.
1039        Parameters
1040        ----------
1041        filter : a filter expression or :class:`LogicalOperandPredicate`
1042            The `filter` property must be one of the predicate definitions:
1043            (1) a string or alt.expr expression
1044            (2) a range predicate
1045            (3) a selection predicate
1046            (4) a logical operand combining (1)-(3)
1047            (5) a Selection object
1049        Returns
1050        -------
1051        self : Chart object
1052            returns chart to allow for chaining
1054        See Also
1055        --------
1056        alt.FilterTransform : underlying transform object
1058        """
1059        if isinstance(filter, Selection):
1060            filter = {"selection": filter.name}
1061        elif isinstance(filter, core.SelectionOperand):
1062            filter = {"selection": filter}
1063        return self._add_transform(core.FilterTransform(filter=filter, **kwargs))
1065    def transform_flatten(self, flatten, as_=Undefined):
1066        """Add a FlattenTransform to the schema.
1068        Parameters
1069        ----------
1070        flatten : List(string)
1071            An array of one or more data fields containing arrays to flatten.
1072            If multiple fields are specified, their array values should have a parallel
1073            structure, ideally with the same length.
1074            If the lengths of parallel arrays do not match,
1075            the longest array will be used with ``null`` values added for missing entries.
1076        as : List(string)
1077            The output field names for extracted array values.
1078            **Default value:** The field name of the corresponding array field
1080        Returns
1081        -------
1082        self : Chart object
1083            returns chart to allow for chaining
1085        See Also
1086        --------
1087        alt.FlattenTransform : underlying transform object
1088        """
1089        return self._add_transform(
1090            core.FlattenTransform(flatten=flatten, **{"as": as_})
1091        )
1093    def transform_fold(self, fold, as_=Undefined):
1094        """Add a FoldTransform to the schema.
1096        Parameters
1097        ----------
1098        fold : List(string)
1099            An array of data fields indicating the properties to fold.
1100        as : [string, string]
1101            The output field names for the key and value properties produced by the fold
1102            transform. Default: ``["key", "value"]``
1104        Returns
1105        -------
1106        self : Chart object
1107            returns chart to allow for chaining
1109        See Also
1110        --------
1111        alt.FoldTransform : underlying transform object
1112        """
1113        return self._add_transform(core.FoldTransform(fold=fold, **{"as": as_}))
1115    def transform_lookup(
1116        self,
1117        as_=Undefined,
1118        from_=Undefined,
1119        lookup=Undefined,
1120        default=Undefined,
1121        **kwargs,
1122    ):
1123        """Add a LookupTransform to the schema
1125        Attributes
1126        ----------
1127        as_ : anyOf(string, List(string))
1128            The field or fields for storing the computed formula value.
1129            If ``from.fields`` is specified, the transform will use the same names for ``as``.
1130            If ``from.fields`` is not specified, ``as`` has to be a string and we put the whole
1131            object into the data under the specified name.
1132        from_ : :class:`LookupData`
1133            Secondary data reference.
1134        lookup : string
1135            Key in primary data source.
1136        default : string
1137            The default value to use if lookup fails. **Default value:** ``null``
1139        Returns
1140        -------
1141        self : Chart object
1142            returns chart to allow for chaining
1144        See Also
1145        --------
1146        alt.LookupTransform : underlying transform object
1147        """
1148        if as_ is not Undefined:
1149            if "as" in kwargs:
1150                raise ValueError(
1151                    "transform_lookup: both 'as_' and 'as' passed as arguments."
1152                )
1153            kwargs["as"] = as_
1154        if from_ is not Undefined:
1155            if "from" in kwargs:
1156                raise ValueError(
1157                    "transform_lookup: both 'from_' and 'from' passed as arguments."
1158                )
1159            kwargs["from"] = from_
1160        kwargs["lookup"] = lookup
1161        kwargs["default"] = default
1162        return self._add_transform(core.LookupTransform(**kwargs))
1164    def transform_sample(self, sample=1000):
1165        """
1166        Add a SampleTransform to the schema.
1168        Parameters
1169        ----------
1170        sample : float
1171            The maximum number of data objects to include in the sample. Default: 1000.
1173        Returns
1174        -------
1175        self : Chart object
1176            returns chart to allow for chaining
1178        See Also
1179        --------
1180        alt.SampleTransform : underlying transform object
1181        """
1182        return self._add_transform(core.SampleTransform(sample))
1184    def transform_stack(self, as_, stack, groupby, offset=Undefined, sort=Undefined):
1185        """
1186        Add a StackTransform to the schema.
1188        Parameters
1189        ----------
1190        as_ : anyOf(string, List(string))
1191            Output field names. This can be either a string or an array of strings with
1192            two elements denoting the name for the fields for stack start and stack end
1193            respectively.
1194            If a single string(eg."val") is provided, the end field will be "val_end".
1195        stack : string
1196            The field which is stacked.
1197        groupby : List(string)
1198            The data fields to group by.
1199        offset : enum('zero', 'center', 'normalize')
1200            Mode for stacking marks. Default: 'zero'.
1201        sort : List(:class:`SortField`)
1202            Field that determines the order of leaves in the stacked charts.
1204        Returns
1205        -------
1206        self : Chart object
1207            returns chart to allow for chaining
1209        See Also
1210        --------
1211        alt.StackTransform : underlying transform object
1212        """
1213        return self._add_transform(
1214            core.StackTransform(
1215                stack=stack, groupby=groupby, offset=offset, sort=sort, **{"as": as_}
1216            )
1217        )
1219    def transform_timeunit(
1220        self, as_=Undefined, field=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined, **kwargs
1221    ):
1222        """
1223        Add a TimeUnitTransform to the schema.
1225        Parameters
1226        ----------
1227        as_ : string
1228            The output field to write the timeUnit value.
1229        field : string
1230            The data field to apply time unit.
1231        timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
1232            The timeUnit.
1233        **kwargs
1234            transforms can also be passed by keyword argument; see Examples
1236        Returns
1237        -------
1238        self : Chart object
1239            returns chart to allow for chaining
1241        Examples
1242        --------
1243        >>> import altair as alt
1244        >>> from altair import datum, expr
1246        >>> chart = alt.Chart().transform_timeunit(month='month(date)')
1247        >>> chart.transform[0]
1248        TimeUnitTransform({
1249          as: 'month',
1250          field: 'date',
1251          timeUnit: 'month'
1252        })
1254        It's also possible to pass the ``TimeUnitTransform`` arguments directly;
1255        this is most useful in cases where the desired field name is not a
1256        valid python identifier:
1258        >>> kwds = {'as': 'month', 'timeUnit': 'month', 'field': 'The Month'}
1259        >>> chart = alt.Chart().transform_timeunit(**kwds)
1260        >>> chart.transform[0]
1261        TimeUnitTransform({
1262          as: 'month',
1263          field: 'The Month',
1264          timeUnit: 'month'
1265        })
1267        As the first form is easier to write and understand, that is the
1268        recommended method.
1270        See Also
1271        --------
1272        alt.TimeUnitTransform : underlying transform object
1274        """
1275        if as_ is Undefined:
1276            as_ = kwargs.pop("as", Undefined)
1277        else:
1278            if "as" in kwargs:
1279                raise ValueError(
1280                    "transform_timeunit: both 'as_' and 'as' passed as arguments."
1281                )
1282        if as_ is not Undefined:
1283            dct = {"as": as_, "timeUnit": timeUnit, "field": field}
1284            self = self._add_transform(core.TimeUnitTransform(**dct))
1285        for as_, shorthand in kwargs.items():
1286            dct = utils.parse_shorthand(
1287                shorthand,
1288                parse_timeunits=True,
1289                parse_aggregates=False,
1290                parse_types=False,
1291            )
1292            dct.pop("type", None)
1293            dct["as"] = as_
1294            if "timeUnit" not in dct:
1295                raise ValueError("'{}' must include a valid timeUnit".format(shorthand))
1296            self = self._add_transform(core.TimeUnitTransform(**dct))
1297        return self
1299    def transform_window(
1300        self,
1301        window=Undefined,
1302        frame=Undefined,
1303        groupby=Undefined,
1304        ignorePeers=Undefined,
1305        sort=Undefined,
1306        **kwargs,
1307    ):
1308        """Add a WindowTransform to the schema
1310        Parameters
1311        ----------
1312        window : List(:class:`WindowFieldDef`)
1313            The definition of the fields in the window, and what calculations to use.
1314        frame : List(anyOf(None, float))
1315            A frame specification as a two-element array indicating how the sliding window
1316            should proceed. The array entries should either be a number indicating the offset
1317            from the current data object, or null to indicate unbounded rows preceding or
1318            following the current data object. The default value is ``[null, 0]``, indicating
1319            that the sliding window includes the current object and all preceding objects. The
1320            value ``[-5, 5]`` indicates that the window should include five objects preceding
1321            and five objects following the current object. Finally, ``[null, null]`` indicates
1322            that the window frame should always include all data objects. The only operators
1323            affected are the aggregation operations and the ``first_value``, ``last_value``, and
1324            ``nth_value`` window operations. The other window operations are not affected by
1325            this.
1327            **Default value:** :  ``[null, 0]`` (includes the current object and all preceding
1328            objects)
1329        groupby : List(string)
1330            The data fields for partitioning the data objects into separate windows. If
1331            unspecified, all data points will be in a single group.
1332        ignorePeers : boolean
1333            Indicates if the sliding window frame should ignore peer values. (Peer values are
1334            those considered identical by the sort criteria). The default is false, causing the
1335            window frame to expand to include all peer values. If set to true, the window frame
1336            will be defined by offset values only. This setting only affects those operations
1337            that depend on the window frame, namely aggregation operations and the first_value,
1338            last_value, and nth_value window operations.
1340            **Default value:** ``false``
1341        sort : List(:class:`SortField`)
1342            A sort field definition for sorting data objects within a window. If two data
1343            objects are considered equal by the comparator, they are considered “peer” values of
1344            equal rank. If sort is not specified, the order is undefined: data objects are
1345            processed in the order they are observed and none are considered peers (the
1346            ignorePeers parameter is ignored and treated as if set to ``true`` ).
1347        **kwargs
1348            transforms can also be passed by keyword argument; see Examples
1350        Examples
1351        --------
1352        A cumulative line chart
1354        >>> import altair as alt
1355        >>> import numpy as np
1356        >>> import pandas as pd
1357        >>> data = pd.DataFrame({'x': np.arange(100),
1358        ...                      'y': np.random.randn(100)})
1359        >>> chart = alt.Chart(data).mark_line().encode(
1360        ...     x='x:Q',
1361        ...     y='ycuml:Q'
1362        ... ).transform_window(
1363        ...     ycuml='sum(y)'
1364        ... )
1365        >>> chart.transform[0]
1366        WindowTransform({
1367          window: [WindowFieldDef({
1368            as: 'ycuml',
1369            field: 'y',
1370            op: 'sum'
1371          })]
1372        })
1374        """
1375        if kwargs:
1376            if window is Undefined:
1377                window = []
1378            for as_, shorthand in kwargs.items():
1379                kwds = {"as": as_}
1380                kwds.update(
1381                    utils.parse_shorthand(
1382                        shorthand,
1383                        parse_aggregates=False,
1384                        parse_window_ops=True,
1385                        parse_timeunits=False,
1386                        parse_types=False,
1387                    )
1388                )
1389                window.append(core.WindowFieldDef(**kwds))
1391        return self._add_transform(
1392            core.WindowTransform(
1393                window=window,
1394                frame=frame,
1395                groupby=groupby,
1396                ignorePeers=ignorePeers,
1397                sort=sort,
1398            )
1399        )
1401    # Display-related methods
1403    def _repr_mimebundle_(self, include=None, exclude=None):
1404        """Return a MIME bundle for display in Jupyter frontends."""
1405        # Catch errors explicitly to get around issues in Jupyter frontend
1406        # see https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/11038
1407        try:
1408            dct = self.to_dict()
1409        except Exception:
1410            utils.display_traceback(in_ipython=True)
1411            return {}
1412        else:
1413            return renderers.get()(dct)
1415    def display(self, renderer=Undefined, theme=Undefined, actions=Undefined, **kwargs):
1416        """Display chart in Jupyter notebook or JupyterLab
1418        Parameters are passed as options to vega-embed within supported frontends.
1419        See https://github.com/vega/vega-embed#options for details.
1421        Parameters
1422        ----------
1423        renderer : string ('canvas' or 'svg')
1424            The renderer to use
1425        theme : string
1426            The Vega theme name to use; see https://github.com/vega/vega-themes
1427        actions : bool or dict
1428            Specify whether action links ("Open In Vega Editor", etc.) are
1429            included in the view.
1430        **kwargs :
1431            Additional parameters are also passed to vega-embed as options.
1433        """
1434        from IPython.display import display
1436        if renderer is not Undefined:
1437            kwargs["renderer"] = renderer
1438        if theme is not Undefined:
1439            kwargs["theme"] = theme
1440        if actions is not Undefined:
1441            kwargs["actions"] = actions
1443        if kwargs:
1444            options = renderers.options.copy()
1445            options["embed_options"] = options.get("embed_options", {}).copy()
1446            options["embed_options"].update(kwargs)
1447            with renderers.enable(**options):
1448                display(self)
1449        else:
1450            display(self)
1452    def serve(
1453        self,
1454        ip="",
1455        port=8888,
1456        n_retries=50,
1457        files=None,
1458        jupyter_warning=True,
1459        open_browser=True,
1460        http_server=None,
1461        **kwargs,
1462    ):
1463        """Open a browser window and display a rendering of the chart
1465        Parameters
1466        ----------
1467        html : string
1468            HTML to serve
1469        ip : string (default = '')
1470            ip address at which the HTML will be served.
1471        port : int (default = 8888)
1472            the port at which to serve the HTML
1473        n_retries : int (default = 50)
1474            the number of nearby ports to search if the specified port
1475            is already in use.
1476        files : dictionary (optional)
1477            dictionary of extra content to serve
1478        jupyter_warning : bool (optional)
1479            if True (default), then print a warning if this is used
1480            within the Jupyter notebook
1481        open_browser : bool (optional)
1482            if True (default), then open a web browser to the given HTML
1483        http_server : class (optional)
1484            optionally specify an HTTPServer class to use for showing the
1485            figure. The default is Python's basic HTTPServer.
1486        **kwargs :
1487            additional keyword arguments passed to the save() method
1489        """
1490        from ...utils.server import serve
1492        html = io.StringIO()
1493        self.save(html, format="html", **kwargs)
1494        html.seek(0)
1496        serve(
1497            html.read(),
1498            ip=ip,
1499            port=port,
1500            n_retries=n_retries,
1501            files=files,
1502            jupyter_warning=jupyter_warning,
1503            open_browser=open_browser,
1504            http_server=http_server,
1505        )
1507    @utils.use_signature(core.Resolve)
1508    def _set_resolve(self, **kwargs):
1509        """Copy the chart and update the resolve property with kwargs"""
1510        if not hasattr(self, "resolve"):
1511            raise ValueError(
1512                "{} object has no attribute " "'resolve'".format(self.__class__)
1513            )
1514        copy = self.copy(deep=["resolve"])
1515        if copy.resolve is Undefined:
1516            copy.resolve = core.Resolve()
1517        for key, val in kwargs.items():
1518            copy.resolve[key] = val
1519        return copy
1521    @utils.use_signature(core.AxisResolveMap)
1522    def resolve_axis(self, *args, **kwargs):
1523        return self._set_resolve(axis=core.AxisResolveMap(*args, **kwargs))
1525    @utils.use_signature(core.LegendResolveMap)
1526    def resolve_legend(self, *args, **kwargs):
1527        return self._set_resolve(legend=core.LegendResolveMap(*args, **kwargs))
1529    @utils.use_signature(core.ScaleResolveMap)
1530    def resolve_scale(self, *args, **kwargs):
1531        return self._set_resolve(scale=core.ScaleResolveMap(*args, **kwargs))
1534class _EncodingMixin(object):
1535    @utils.use_signature(core.FacetedEncoding)
1536    def encode(self, *args, **kwargs):
1537        # Convert args to kwargs based on their types.
1538        kwargs = utils.infer_encoding_types(args, kwargs, channels)
1540        # get a copy of the dict representation of the previous encoding
1541        copy = self.copy(deep=["encoding"])
1542        encoding = copy._get("encoding", {})
1543        if isinstance(encoding, core.VegaLiteSchema):
1544            encoding = {k: v for k, v in encoding._kwds.items() if v is not Undefined}
1546        # update with the new encodings, and apply them to the copy
1547        encoding.update(kwargs)
1548        copy.encoding = core.FacetedEncoding(**encoding)
1549        return copy
1551    def facet(
1552        self,
1553        facet=Undefined,
1554        row=Undefined,
1555        column=Undefined,
1556        data=Undefined,
1557        columns=Undefined,
1558        **kwargs,
1559    ):
1560        """Create a facet chart from the current chart.
1562        Faceted charts require data to be specified at the top level; if data
1563        is not specified, the data from the current chart will be used at the
1564        top level.
1566        Parameters
1567        ----------
1568        facet : string or alt.Facet (optional)
1569            The data column to use as an encoding for a wrapped facet.
1570            If specified, then neither row nor column may be specified.
1571        column : string or alt.Column (optional)
1572            The data column to use as an encoding for a column facet.
1573            May be combined with row argument, but not with facet argument.
1574        row : string or alt.Column (optional)
1575            The data column to use as an encoding for a row facet.
1576            May be combined with column argument, but not with facet argument.
1577        data : string or dataframe (optional)
1578            The dataset to use for faceting. If not supplied, then data must
1579            be specified in the top-level chart that calls this method.
1580        columns : integer
1581            the maximum number of columns for a wrapped facet.
1583        Returns
1584        -------
1585        self :
1586            for chaining
1587        """
1588        facet_specified = facet is not Undefined
1589        rowcol_specified = row is not Undefined or column is not Undefined
1591        if facet_specified and rowcol_specified:
1592            raise ValueError(
1593                "facet argument cannot be combined with row/column argument."
1594            )
1596        if data is Undefined:
1597            if self.data is Undefined:
1598                raise ValueError(
1599                    "Facet charts require data to be specified at the top level."
1600                )
1601            self = self.copy(deep=False)
1602            data, self.data = self.data, Undefined
1604        if facet_specified:
1605            if isinstance(facet, str):
1606                facet = channels.Facet(facet)
1607        else:
1608            facet = FacetMapping(row=row, column=column)
1610        return FacetChart(spec=self, facet=facet, data=data, columns=columns, **kwargs)
1613class Chart(
1614    TopLevelMixin, _EncodingMixin, mixins.MarkMethodMixin, core.TopLevelUnitSpec
1616    """Create a basic Altair/Vega-Lite chart.
1618    Although it is possible to set all Chart properties as constructor attributes,
1619    it is more idiomatic to use methods such as ``mark_point()``, ``encode()``,
1620    ``transform_filter()``, ``properties()``, etc. See Altair's documentation
1621    for details and examples: http://altair-viz.github.io/.
1623    Attributes
1624    ----------
1625    data : Data
1626        An object describing the data source
1627    mark : AnyMark
1628        A string describing the mark type (one of `"bar"`, `"circle"`, `"square"`, `"tick"`,
1629         `"line"`, * `"area"`, `"point"`, `"rule"`, `"geoshape"`, and `"text"`) or a
1630         MarkDef object.
1631    encoding : FacetedEncoding
1632        A key-value mapping between encoding channels and definition of fields.
1633    autosize : anyOf(AutosizeType, AutoSizeParams)
1634        Sets how the visualization size should be determined. If a string, should be one of
1635        `"pad"`, `"fit"` or `"none"`. Object values can additionally specify parameters for
1636        content sizing and automatic resizing. `"fit"` is only supported for single and
1637        layered views that don't use `rangeStep`.  __Default value__: `pad`
1638    background : string
1639        CSS color property to use as the background of visualization.
1641        **Default value:** none (transparent)
1642    config : Config
1643        Vega-Lite configuration object.  This property can only be defined at the top-level
1644        of a specification.
1645    description : string
1646        Description of this mark for commenting purpose.
1647    height : float
1648        The height of a visualization.
1649    name : string
1650        Name of the visualization for later reference.
1651    padding : Padding
1652        The default visualization padding, in pixels, from the edge of the visualization
1653        canvas to the data rectangle.  If a number, specifies padding for all sides. If an
1654        object, the value should have the format `{"left": 5, "top": 5, "right": 5,
1655        "bottom": 5}` to specify padding for each side of the visualization.  __Default
1656        value__: `5`
1657    projection : Projection
1658        An object defining properties of geographic projection.  Works with `"geoshape"`
1659        marks and `"point"` or `"line"` marks that have a channel (one or more of `"X"`,
1660        `"X2"`, `"Y"`, `"Y2"`) with type `"latitude"`, or `"longitude"`.
1661    selection : Mapping(required=[])
1662        A key-value mapping between selection names and definitions.
1663    title : anyOf(string, TitleParams)
1664        Title for the plot.
1665    transform : List(Transform)
1666        An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation.
1667    width : float
1668        The width of a visualization.
1669    """
1671    def __init__(
1672        self,
1673        data=Undefined,
1674        encoding=Undefined,
1675        mark=Undefined,
1676        width=Undefined,
1677        height=Undefined,
1678        **kwargs,
1679    ):
1680        super(Chart, self).__init__(
1681            data=data,
1682            encoding=encoding,
1683            mark=mark,
1684            width=width,
1685            height=height,
1686            **kwargs,
1687        )
1689    @classmethod
1690    def from_dict(cls, dct, validate=True):
1691        """Construct class from a dictionary representation
1693        Parameters
1694        ----------
1695        dct : dictionary
1696            The dict from which to construct the class
1697        validate : boolean
1698            If True (default), then validate the input against the schema.
1700        Returns
1701        -------
1702        obj : Chart object
1703            The wrapped schema
1705        Raises
1706        ------
1707        jsonschema.ValidationError :
1708            if validate=True and dct does not conform to the schema
1709        """
1710        for class_ in TopLevelMixin.__subclasses__():
1711            if class_ is Chart:
1712                class_ = super(Chart, cls)
1713            try:
1714                return class_.from_dict(dct, validate=validate)
1715            except jsonschema.ValidationError:
1716                pass
1718        # As a last resort, try using the Root vegalite object
1719        return core.Root.from_dict(dct, validate)
1721    def add_selection(self, *selections):
1722        """Add one or more selections to the chart."""
1723        if not selections:
1724            return self
1725        copy = self.copy(deep=["selection"])
1726        if copy.selection is Undefined:
1727            copy.selection = {}
1729        for s in selections:
1730            copy.selection[s.name] = s.selection
1731        return copy
1733    def interactive(self, name=None, bind_x=True, bind_y=True):
1734        """Make chart axes scales interactive
1736        Parameters
1737        ----------
1738        name : string
1739            The selection name to use for the axes scales. This name should be
1740            unique among all selections within the chart.
1741        bind_x : boolean, default True
1742            If true, then bind the interactive scales to the x-axis
1743        bind_y : boolean, default True
1744            If true, then bind the interactive scales to the y-axis
1746        Returns
1747        -------
1748        chart :
1749            copy of self, with interactive axes added
1751        """
1752        encodings = []
1753        if bind_x:
1754            encodings.append("x")
1755        if bind_y:
1756            encodings.append("y")
1757        return self.add_selection(
1758            selection_interval(bind="scales", encodings=encodings)
1759        )
1762def _check_if_valid_subspec(spec, classname):
1763    """Check if the spec is a valid sub-spec.
1765    If it is not, then raise a ValueError
1766    """
1767    err = (
1768        'Objects with "{0}" attribute cannot be used within {1}. '
1769        "Consider defining the {0} attribute in the {1} object instead."
1770    )
1772    if not isinstance(spec, (core.SchemaBase, dict)):
1773        raise ValueError("Only chart objects can be used in {0}.".format(classname))
1774    for attr in TOPLEVEL_ONLY_KEYS:
1775        if isinstance(spec, core.SchemaBase):
1776            val = getattr(spec, attr, Undefined)
1777        else:
1778            val = spec.get(attr, Undefined)
1779        if val is not Undefined:
1780            raise ValueError(err.format(attr, classname))
1783def _check_if_can_be_layered(spec):
1784    """Check if the spec can be layered."""
1786    def _get(spec, attr):
1787        if isinstance(spec, core.SchemaBase):
1788            return spec._get(attr)
1789        else:
1790            return spec.get(attr, Undefined)
1792    encoding = _get(spec, "encoding")
1793    if encoding is not Undefined:
1794        for channel in ["row", "column", "facet"]:
1795            if _get(encoding, channel) is not Undefined:
1796                raise ValueError("Faceted charts cannot be layered.")
1797    if isinstance(spec, (Chart, LayerChart)):
1798        return
1800    if not isinstance(spec, (core.SchemaBase, dict)):
1801        raise ValueError("Only chart objects can be layered.")
1802    if _get(spec, "facet") is not Undefined:
1803        raise ValueError("Faceted charts cannot be layered.")
1804    if isinstance(spec, FacetChart) or _get(spec, "facet") is not Undefined:
1805        raise ValueError("Faceted charts cannot be layered.")
1806    if isinstance(spec, RepeatChart) or _get(spec, "repeat") is not Undefined:
1807        raise ValueError("Repeat charts cannot be layered.")
1808    if isinstance(spec, ConcatChart) or _get(spec, "concat") is not Undefined:
1809        raise ValueError("Concatenated charts cannot be layered.")
1810    if isinstance(spec, HConcatChart) or _get(spec, "hconcat") is not Undefined:
1811        raise ValueError("Concatenated charts cannot be layered.")
1812    if isinstance(spec, VConcatChart) or _get(spec, "vconcat") is not Undefined:
1813        raise ValueError("Concatenated charts cannot be layered.")
1817class RepeatChart(TopLevelMixin, core.TopLevelRepeatSpec):
1818    """A chart repeated across rows and columns with small changes"""
1820    def __init__(self, data=Undefined, spec=Undefined, repeat=Undefined, **kwargs):
1821        _check_if_valid_subspec(spec, "RepeatChart")
1822        super(RepeatChart, self).__init__(data=data, spec=spec, repeat=repeat, **kwargs)
1824    def interactive(self, name=None, bind_x=True, bind_y=True):
1825        """Make chart axes scales interactive
1827        Parameters
1828        ----------
1829        name : string
1830            The selection name to use for the axes scales. This name should be
1831            unique among all selections within the chart.
1832        bind_x : boolean, default True
1833            If true, then bind the interactive scales to the x-axis
1834        bind_y : boolean, default True
1835            If true, then bind the interactive scales to the y-axis
1837        Returns
1838        -------
1839        chart :
1840            copy of self, with interactive axes added
1842        """
1843        copy = self.copy(deep=False)
1844        copy.spec = copy.spec.interactive(name=name, bind_x=bind_x, bind_y=bind_y)
1845        return copy
1847    def add_selection(self, *selections):
1848        """Add one or more selections to the chart."""
1849        if not selections or self.spec is Undefined:
1850            return self
1851        copy = self.copy()
1852        copy.spec = copy.spec.add_selection(*selections)
1853        return copy
1856def repeat(repeater="repeat"):
1857    """Tie a channel to the row or column within a repeated chart
1859    The output of this should be passed to the ``field`` attribute of
1860    a channel.
1862    Parameters
1863    ----------
1864    repeater : {'row'|'column'|'repeat'}
1865        The repeater to tie the field to. Default is 'repeat'.
1867    Returns
1868    -------
1869    repeat : RepeatRef object
1870    """
1871    if repeater not in ["row", "column", "repeat"]:
1872        raise ValueError("repeater must be one of ['row', 'column', 'repeat']")
1873    return core.RepeatRef(repeat=repeater)
1877class ConcatChart(TopLevelMixin, core.TopLevelConcatSpec):
1878    """A chart with horizontally-concatenated facets"""
1880    def __init__(self, data=Undefined, concat=(), columns=Undefined, **kwargs):
1881        # TODO: move common data to top level?
1882        for spec in concat:
1883            _check_if_valid_subspec(spec, "ConcatChart")
1884        super(ConcatChart, self).__init__(
1885            data=data, concat=list(concat), columns=columns, **kwargs
1886        )
1887        self.data, self.concat = _combine_subchart_data(self.data, self.concat)
1889    def __ior__(self, other):
1890        _check_if_valid_subspec(other, "ConcatChart")
1891        self.concat.append(other)
1892        self.data, self.concat = _combine_subchart_data(self.data, self.concat)
1893        return self
1895    def __or__(self, other):
1896        copy = self.copy(deep=["concat"])
1897        copy |= other
1898        return copy
1900    def add_selection(self, *selections):
1901        """Add one or more selections to all subcharts."""
1902        if not selections or not self.concat:
1903            return self
1904        copy = self.copy()
1905        copy.concat = [chart.add_selection(*selections) for chart in copy.concat]
1906        return copy
1909def concat(*charts, **kwargs):
1910    """Concatenate charts horizontally"""
1911    return ConcatChart(concat=charts, **kwargs)
1915class HConcatChart(TopLevelMixin, core.TopLevelHConcatSpec):
1916    """A chart with horizontally-concatenated facets"""
1918    def __init__(self, data=Undefined, hconcat=(), **kwargs):
1919        # TODO: move common data to top level?
1920        for spec in hconcat:
1921            _check_if_valid_subspec(spec, "HConcatChart")
1922        super(HConcatChart, self).__init__(data=data, hconcat=list(hconcat), **kwargs)
1923        self.data, self.hconcat = _combine_subchart_data(self.data, self.hconcat)
1925    def __ior__(self, other):
1926        _check_if_valid_subspec(other, "HConcatChart")
1927        self.hconcat.append(other)
1928        self.data, self.hconcat = _combine_subchart_data(self.data, self.hconcat)
1929        return self
1931    def __or__(self, other):
1932        copy = self.copy(deep=["hconcat"])
1933        copy |= other
1934        return copy
1936    def add_selection(self, *selections):
1937        """Add one or more selections to all subcharts."""
1938        if not selections or not self.hconcat:
1939            return self
1940        copy = self.copy()
1941        copy.hconcat = [chart.add_selection(*selections) for chart in copy.hconcat]
1942        return copy
1945def hconcat(*charts, **kwargs):
1946    """Concatenate charts horizontally"""
1947    return HConcatChart(hconcat=charts, **kwargs)
1951class VConcatChart(TopLevelMixin, core.TopLevelVConcatSpec):
1952    """A chart with vertically-concatenated facets"""
1954    def __init__(self, data=Undefined, vconcat=(), **kwargs):
1955        # TODO: move common data to top level?
1956        for spec in vconcat:
1957            _check_if_valid_subspec(spec, "VConcatChart")
1958        super(VConcatChart, self).__init__(data=data, vconcat=list(vconcat), **kwargs)
1959        self.data, self.vconcat = _combine_subchart_data(self.data, self.vconcat)
1961    def __iand__(self, other):
1962        _check_if_valid_subspec(other, "VConcatChart")
1963        self.vconcat.append(other)
1964        self.data, self.vconcat = _combine_subchart_data(self.data, self.vconcat)
1965        return self
1967    def __and__(self, other):
1968        copy = self.copy(deep=["vconcat"])
1969        copy &= other
1970        return copy
1972    def add_selection(self, *selections):
1973        """Add one or more selections to all subcharts."""
1974        if not selections or not self.vconcat:
1975            return self
1976        copy = self.copy()
1977        copy.vconcat = [chart.add_selection(*selections) for chart in copy.vconcat]
1978        return copy
1981def vconcat(*charts, **kwargs):
1982    """Concatenate charts vertically"""
1983    return VConcatChart(vconcat=charts, **kwargs)
1987class LayerChart(TopLevelMixin, _EncodingMixin, core.TopLevelLayerSpec):
1988    """A Chart with layers within a single panel"""
1990    def __init__(self, data=Undefined, layer=(), **kwargs):
1991        # TODO: move common data to top level?
1992        # TODO: check for conflicting interaction
1993        for spec in layer:
1994            _check_if_valid_subspec(spec, "LayerChart")
1995            _check_if_can_be_layered(spec)
1996        super(LayerChart, self).__init__(data=data, layer=list(layer), **kwargs)
1997        self.data, self.layer = _combine_subchart_data(self.data, self.layer)
1999    def __iadd__(self, other):
2000        _check_if_valid_subspec(other, "LayerChart")
2001        _check_if_can_be_layered(other)
2002        self.layer.append(other)
2003        self.data, self.layer = _combine_subchart_data(self.data, self.layer)
2004        return self
2006    def __add__(self, other):
2007        copy = self.copy(deep=["layer"])
2008        copy += other
2009        return copy
2011    def add_layers(self, *layers):
2012        copy = self.copy(deep=["layer"])
2013        for layer in layers:
2014            copy += layer
2015        return copy
2017    def interactive(self, name=None, bind_x=True, bind_y=True):
2018        """Make chart axes scales interactive
2020        Parameters
2021        ----------
2022        name : string
2023            The selection name to use for the axes scales. This name should be
2024            unique among all selections within the chart.
2025        bind_x : boolean, default True
2026            If true, then bind the interactive scales to the x-axis
2027        bind_y : boolean, default True
2028            If true, then bind the interactive scales to the y-axis
2030        Returns
2031        -------
2032        chart :
2033            copy of self, with interactive axes added
2035        """
2036        if not self.layer:
2037            raise ValueError(
2038                "LayerChart: cannot call interactive() until a " "layer is defined"
2039            )
2040        copy = self.copy(deep=["layer"])
2041        copy.layer[0] = copy.layer[0].interactive(
2042            name=name, bind_x=bind_x, bind_y=bind_y
2043        )
2044        return copy
2046    def add_selection(self, *selections):
2047        """Add one or more selections to all subcharts."""
2048        if not selections or not self.layer:
2049            return self
2050        copy = self.copy()
2051        copy.layer[0] = copy.layer[0].add_selection(*selections)
2052        return copy
2055def layer(*charts, **kwargs):
2056    """layer multiple charts"""
2057    return LayerChart(layer=charts, **kwargs)
2061class FacetChart(TopLevelMixin, core.TopLevelFacetSpec):
2062    """A Chart with layers within a single panel"""
2064    def __init__(self, data=Undefined, spec=Undefined, facet=Undefined, **kwargs):
2065        _check_if_valid_subspec(spec, "FacetChart")
2066        super(FacetChart, self).__init__(data=data, spec=spec, facet=facet, **kwargs)
2068    def interactive(self, name=None, bind_x=True, bind_y=True):
2069        """Make chart axes scales interactive
2071        Parameters
2072        ----------
2073        name : string
2074            The selection name to use for the axes scales. This name should be
2075            unique among all selections within the chart.
2076        bind_x : boolean, default True
2077            If true, then bind the interactive scales to the x-axis
2078        bind_y : boolean, default True
2079            If true, then bind the interactive scales to the y-axis
2081        Returns
2082        -------
2083        chart :
2084            copy of self, with interactive axes added
2086        """
2087        copy = self.copy(deep=False)
2088        copy.spec = copy.spec.interactive(name=name, bind_x=bind_x, bind_y=bind_y)
2089        return copy
2091    def add_selection(self, *selections):
2092        """Add one or more selections to the chart."""
2093        if not selections or self.spec is Undefined:
2094            return self
2095        copy = self.copy()
2096        copy.spec = copy.spec.add_selection(*selections)
2097        return copy
2100def topo_feature(url, feature, **kwargs):
2101    """A convenience function for extracting features from a topojson url
2103    Parameters
2104    ----------
2105    url : string
2106        An URL from which to load the data set.
2108    feature : string
2109        The name of the TopoJSON object set to convert to a GeoJSON feature collection. For
2110        example, in a map of the world, there may be an object set named `"countries"`.
2111        Using the feature property, we can extract this set and generate a GeoJSON feature
2112        object for each country.
2114    **kwargs :
2115        additional keywords passed to TopoDataFormat
2116    """
2117    return core.UrlData(
2118        url=url, format=core.TopoDataFormat(type="topojson", feature=feature, **kwargs)
2119    )
2122def _combine_subchart_data(data, subcharts):
2123    def remove_data(subchart):
2124        if subchart.data is not Undefined:
2125            subchart = subchart.copy()
2126            subchart.data = Undefined
2127        return subchart
2129    if not subcharts:
2130        # No subcharts = nothing to do.
2131        pass
2132    elif data is Undefined:
2133        # Top level has no data; all subchart data must
2134        # be identical to proceed.
2135        subdata = subcharts[0].data
2136        if subdata is not Undefined and all(c.data is subdata for c in subcharts):
2137            data = subdata
2138            subcharts = [remove_data(c) for c in subcharts]
2139    else:
2140        # Top level has data; subchart data must be either
2141        # undefined or identical to proceed.
2142        if all(c.data is Undefined or c.data is data for c in subcharts):
2143            subcharts = [remove_data(c) for c in subcharts]
2145    return data, subcharts
2149def sequence(start, stop=None, step=Undefined, as_=Undefined, **kwds):
2150    """Sequence generator."""
2151    if stop is None:
2152        start, stop = 0, start
2153    params = core.SequenceParams(start=start, stop=stop, step=step, **{"as": as_})
2154    return core.SequenceGenerator(sequence=params, **kwds)
2158def graticule(**kwds):
2159    """Graticule generator."""
2160    if not kwds:
2161        # graticule: True indicates default parameters
2162        graticule = True
2163    else:
2164        graticule = core.GraticuleParams(**kwds)
2165    return core.GraticuleGenerator(graticule=graticule)
2168def sphere():
2169    """Sphere generator."""
2170    return core.SphereGenerator(sphere=True)