1import inspect
2import itertools
3import math
4from collections import OrderedDict
5from collections.abc import Iterable
7import numpy as np
8from scipy import ndimage as ndi
10from .._shared.filters import gaussian
11from .._shared.utils import _supported_float_type, deprecate_kwarg, warn
12from .._shared.version_requirements import require
13from ..exposure import histogram
14from ..filters._multiotsu import (_get_multiotsu_thresh_indices,
15                                  _get_multiotsu_thresh_indices_lut)
16from ..transform import integral_image
17from ..util import dtype_limits
18from ._sparse import _correlate_sparse, _validate_window_size
20__all__ = ['try_all_threshold',
21           'threshold_otsu',
22           'threshold_yen',
23           'threshold_isodata',
24           'threshold_li',
25           'threshold_local',
26           'threshold_minimum',
27           'threshold_mean',
28           'threshold_niblack',
29           'threshold_sauvola',
30           'threshold_triangle',
31           'apply_hysteresis_threshold',
32           'threshold_multiotsu']
35def _try_all(image, methods=None, figsize=None, num_cols=2, verbose=True):
36    """Returns a figure comparing the outputs of different methods.
38    Parameters
39    ----------
40    image : (N, M) ndarray
41        Input image.
42    methods : dict, optional
43        Names and associated functions.
44        Functions must take and return an image.
45    figsize : tuple, optional
46        Figure size (in inches).
47    num_cols : int, optional
48        Number of columns.
49    verbose : bool, optional
50        Print function name for each method.
52    Returns
53    -------
54    fig, ax : tuple
55        Matplotlib figure and axes.
56    """
57    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
59    # Compute the image histogram for better performances
60    nbins = 256  # Default in threshold functions
61    hist = histogram(image.ravel(), nbins, source_range='image')
63    # Handle default value
64    methods = methods or {}
66    num_rows = math.ceil((len(methods) + 1.) / num_cols)
67    fig, ax = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=figsize,
68                           sharex=True, sharey=True)
69    ax = ax.ravel()
71    ax[0].imshow(image, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
72    ax[0].set_title('Original')
74    i = 1
75    for name, func in methods.items():
76        # Use precomputed histogram for supporting functions
77        sig = inspect.signature(func)
78        _kwargs = dict(hist=hist) if 'hist' in sig.parameters else {}
80        ax[i].set_title(name)
81        try:
82            ax[i].imshow(func(image, **_kwargs), cmap=plt.cm.gray)
83        except Exception as e:
84            ax[i].text(0.5, 0.5, "%s" % type(e).__name__,
85                       ha="center", va="center", transform=ax[i].transAxes)
86        i += 1
87        if verbose:
88            print(func.__orifunc__)
90    for a in ax:
91        a.axis('off')
93    fig.tight_layout()
94    return fig, ax
97@require("matplotlib", ">=3.0.3")
98def try_all_threshold(image, figsize=(8, 5), verbose=True):
99    """Returns a figure comparing the outputs of different thresholding methods.
101    Parameters
102    ----------
103    image : (N, M) ndarray
104        Input image.
105    figsize : tuple, optional
106        Figure size (in inches).
107    verbose : bool, optional
108        Print function name for each method.
110    Returns
111    -------
112    fig, ax : tuple
113        Matplotlib figure and axes.
115    Notes
116    -----
117    The following algorithms are used:
119    * isodata
120    * li
121    * mean
122    * minimum
123    * otsu
124    * triangle
125    * yen
127    Examples
128    --------
129    >>> from skimage.data import text
130    >>> fig, ax = try_all_threshold(text(), figsize=(10, 6), verbose=False)
131    """
132    def thresh(func):
133        """
134        A wrapper function to return a thresholded image.
135        """
136        def wrapper(im):
137            return im > func(im)
138        try:
139            wrapper.__orifunc__ = func.__orifunc__
140        except AttributeError:
141            wrapper.__orifunc__ = func.__module__ + '.' + func.__name__
142        return wrapper
144    # Global algorithms.
145    methods = OrderedDict({'Isodata': thresh(threshold_isodata),
146                           'Li': thresh(threshold_li),
147                           'Mean': thresh(threshold_mean),
148                           'Minimum': thresh(threshold_minimum),
149                           'Otsu': thresh(threshold_otsu),
150                           'Triangle': thresh(threshold_triangle),
151                           'Yen': thresh(threshold_yen)})
153    return _try_all(image, figsize=figsize,
154                    methods=methods, verbose=verbose)
157def threshold_local(image, block_size=3, method='gaussian', offset=0,
158                    mode='reflect', param=None, cval=0):
159    """Compute a threshold mask image based on local pixel neighborhood.
161    Also known as adaptive or dynamic thresholding. The threshold value is
162    the weighted mean for the local neighborhood of a pixel subtracted by a
163    constant. Alternatively the threshold can be determined dynamically by a
164    given function, using the 'generic' method.
166    Parameters
167    ----------
168    image : (N, M[, ..., P]) ndarray
169        Grayscale input image.
170    block_size : int or sequence of int
171        Odd size of pixel neighborhood which is used to calculate the
172        threshold value (e.g. 3, 5, 7, ..., 21, ...).
173    method : {'generic', 'gaussian', 'mean', 'median'}, optional
174        Method used to determine adaptive threshold for local neighbourhood in
175        weighted mean image.
177        * 'generic': use custom function (see ``param`` parameter)
178        * 'gaussian': apply gaussian filter (see ``param`` parameter for custom\
179                      sigma value)
180        * 'mean': apply arithmetic mean filter
181        * 'median': apply median rank filter
183        By default the 'gaussian' method is used.
184    offset : float, optional
185        Constant subtracted from weighted mean of neighborhood to calculate
186        the local threshold value. Default offset is 0.
187    mode : {'reflect', 'constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'wrap'}, optional
188        The mode parameter determines how the array borders are handled, where
189        cval is the value when mode is equal to 'constant'.
190        Default is 'reflect'.
191    param : {int, function}, optional
192        Either specify sigma for 'gaussian' method or function object for
193        'generic' method. This functions takes the flat array of local
194        neighbourhood as a single argument and returns the calculated
195        threshold for the centre pixel.
196    cval : float, optional
197        Value to fill past edges of input if mode is 'constant'.
199    Returns
200    -------
201    threshold : (N, M[, ..., P]) ndarray
202        Threshold image. All pixels in the input image higher than the
203        corresponding pixel in the threshold image are considered foreground.
205    References
206    ----------
207    .. [1] Gonzalez, R. C. and Wood, R. E. "Digital Image Processing
208           (2nd Edition)." Prentice-Hall Inc., 2002: 600--612.
209           ISBN: 0-201-18075-8
211    Examples
212    --------
213    >>> from skimage.data import camera
214    >>> image = camera()[:50, :50]
215    >>> binary_image1 = image > threshold_local(image, 15, 'mean')
216    >>> func = lambda arr: arr.mean()
217    >>> binary_image2 = image > threshold_local(image, 15, 'generic',
218    ...                                         param=func)
220    """
222    if np.isscalar(block_size):
223        block_size = (block_size,) * image.ndim
224    elif len(block_size) != image.ndim:
225        raise ValueError("len(block_size) must equal image.ndim.")
226    block_size = tuple(block_size)
227    if any(b % 2 == 0 for b in block_size):
228        raise ValueError(f'block_size must be odd! Given block_size '
229                         f'{block_size} contains even values.')
230    float_dtype = _supported_float_type(image)
231    image = image.astype(float_dtype, copy=False)
232    thresh_image = np.zeros(image.shape, dtype=float_dtype)
233    if method == 'generic':
234        ndi.generic_filter(image, param, block_size,
235                           output=thresh_image, mode=mode, cval=cval)
236    elif method == 'gaussian':
237        if param is None:
238            # automatically determine sigma which covers > 99% of distribution
239            sigma = tuple([(b - 1) / 6.0 for b in block_size])
240        else:
241            sigma = param
242        gaussian(image, sigma, output=thresh_image, mode=mode, cval=cval)
243    elif method == 'mean':
244        ndi.uniform_filter(image, block_size, output=thresh_image, mode=mode,
245                           cval=cval)
246    elif method == 'median':
247        ndi.median_filter(image, block_size, output=thresh_image, mode=mode,
248                          cval=cval)
249    else:
250        raise ValueError("Invalid method specified. Please use `generic`, "
251                         "`gaussian`, `mean`, or `median`.")
253    return thresh_image - offset
256def _validate_image_histogram(image, hist, nbins=None, normalize=False):
257    """Ensure that either image or hist were given, return valid histogram.
259    If hist is given, image is ignored.
261    Parameters
262    ----------
263    image : array or None
264        Grayscale image.
265    hist : array, 2-tuple of array, or None
266        Histogram, either a 1D counts array, or an array of counts together
267        with an array of bin centers.
268    nbins : int, optional
269        The number of bins with which to compute the histogram, if `hist` is
270        None.
271    normalize : bool
272        If hist is not given, it will be computed by this function. This
273        parameter determines whether the computed histogram is normalized
274        (i.e. entries sum up to 1) or not.
276    Returns
277    -------
278    counts : 1D array of float
279        Each element is the number of pixels falling in each intensity bin.
280    bin_centers : 1D array
281        Each element is the value corresponding to the center of each intensity
282        bin.
284    Raises
285    ------
286    ValueError : if image and hist are both None
287    """
288    if image is None and hist is None:
289        raise Exception("Either image or hist must be provided.")
291    if hist is not None:
292        if isinstance(hist, (tuple, list)):
293            counts, bin_centers = hist
294        else:
295            counts = hist
296            bin_centers = np.arange(counts.size)
298        if counts[0] == 0 or counts[-1] == 0:
299            # Trim histogram from both ends by removing starting and
300            # ending zeroes as in histogram(..., source_range="image")
301            cond = counts > 0
302            start = np.argmax(cond)
303            end = cond.size - np.argmax(cond[::-1])
304            counts, bin_centers = counts[start:end], bin_centers[start:end]
305    else:
306        counts, bin_centers = histogram(
307                image.ravel(), nbins, source_range='image', normalize=normalize
308            )
309    return counts.astype(float), bin_centers
312def threshold_otsu(image=None, nbins=256, *, hist=None):
313    """Return threshold value based on Otsu's method.
315    Either image or hist must be provided. If hist is provided, the actual
316    histogram of the image is ignored.
318    Parameters
319    ----------
320    image : (N, M[, ..., P]) ndarray, optional
321        Grayscale input image.
322    nbins : int, optional
323        Number of bins used to calculate histogram. This value is ignored for
324        integer arrays.
325    hist : array, or 2-tuple of arrays, optional
326        Histogram from which to determine the threshold, and optionally a
327        corresponding array of bin center intensities. If no hist provided,
328        this function will compute it from the image.
331    Returns
332    -------
333    threshold : float
334        Upper threshold value. All pixels with an intensity higher than
335        this value are assumed to be foreground.
337    References
338    ----------
339    .. [1] Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otsu's_Method
341    Examples
342    --------
343    >>> from skimage.data import camera
344    >>> image = camera()
345    >>> thresh = threshold_otsu(image)
346    >>> binary = image <= thresh
348    Notes
349    -----
350    The input image must be grayscale.
351    """
352    if image is not None and image.ndim > 2 and image.shape[-1] in (3, 4):
353        warn(f'threshold_otsu is expected to work correctly only for '
354             f'grayscale images; image shape {image.shape} looks like '
355             f'that of an RGB image.')
357    # Check if the image has more than one intensity value; if not, return that
358    # value
359    if image is not None:
360        first_pixel = image.ravel()[0]
361        if np.all(image == first_pixel):
362            return first_pixel
364    counts, bin_centers = _validate_image_histogram(image, hist, nbins)
366    # class probabilities for all possible thresholds
367    weight1 = np.cumsum(counts)
368    weight2 = np.cumsum(counts[::-1])[::-1]
369    # class means for all possible thresholds
370    mean1 = np.cumsum(counts * bin_centers) / weight1
371    mean2 = (np.cumsum((counts * bin_centers)[::-1]) / weight2[::-1])[::-1]
373    # Clip ends to align class 1 and class 2 variables:
374    # The last value of ``weight1``/``mean1`` should pair with zero values in
375    # ``weight2``/``mean2``, which do not exist.
376    variance12 = weight1[:-1] * weight2[1:] * (mean1[:-1] - mean2[1:]) ** 2
378    idx = np.argmax(variance12)
379    threshold = bin_centers[idx]
381    return threshold
384def threshold_yen(image=None, nbins=256, *, hist=None):
385    """Return threshold value based on Yen's method.
386    Either image or hist must be provided. In case hist is given, the actual
387    histogram of the image is ignored.
389    Parameters
390    ----------
391    image : (N, M[, ..., P]) ndarray
392        Grayscale input image.
393    nbins : int, optional
394        Number of bins used to calculate histogram. This value is ignored for
395        integer arrays.
396    hist : array, or 2-tuple of arrays, optional
397        Histogram from which to determine the threshold, and optionally a
398        corresponding array of bin center intensities.
399        An alternative use of this function is to pass it only hist.
401    Returns
402    -------
403    threshold : float
404        Upper threshold value. All pixels with an intensity higher than
405        this value are assumed to be foreground.
407    References
408    ----------
409    .. [1] Yen J.C., Chang F.J., and Chang S. (1995) "A New Criterion
410           for Automatic Multilevel Thresholding" IEEE Trans. on Image
411           Processing, 4(3): 370-378. :DOI:`10.1109/83.366472`
412    .. [2] Sezgin M. and Sankur B. (2004) "Survey over Image Thresholding
413           Techniques and Quantitative Performance Evaluation" Journal of
414           Electronic Imaging, 13(1): 146-165, :DOI:`10.1117/1.1631315`
415           http://www.busim.ee.boun.edu.tr/~sankur/SankurFolder/Threshold_survey.pdf
416    .. [3] ImageJ AutoThresholder code, http://fiji.sc/wiki/index.php/Auto_Threshold
418    Examples
419    --------
420    >>> from skimage.data import camera
421    >>> image = camera()
422    >>> thresh = threshold_yen(image)
423    >>> binary = image <= thresh
424    """
425    counts, bin_centers = _validate_image_histogram(image, hist, nbins)
427    # On blank images (e.g. filled with 0) with int dtype, `histogram()`
428    # returns ``bin_centers`` containing only one value. Speed up with it.
429    if bin_centers.size == 1:
430        return bin_centers[0]
432    # Calculate probability mass function
433    pmf = counts.astype(np.float32) / counts.sum()
434    P1 = np.cumsum(pmf)  # Cumulative normalized histogram
435    P1_sq = np.cumsum(pmf ** 2)
436    # Get cumsum calculated from end of squared array:
437    P2_sq = np.cumsum(pmf[::-1] ** 2)[::-1]
438    # P2_sq indexes is shifted +1. I assume, with P1[:-1] it's help avoid
439    # '-inf' in crit. ImageJ Yen implementation replaces those values by zero.
440    crit = np.log(((P1_sq[:-1] * P2_sq[1:]) ** -1) *
441                  (P1[:-1] * (1.0 - P1[:-1])) ** 2)
442    return bin_centers[crit.argmax()]
445def threshold_isodata(image=None, nbins=256, return_all=False, *, hist=None):
446    """Return threshold value(s) based on ISODATA method.
448    Histogram-based threshold, known as Ridler-Calvard method or inter-means.
449    Threshold values returned satisfy the following equality::
451        threshold = (image[image <= threshold].mean() +
452                     image[image > threshold].mean()) / 2.0
454    That is, returned thresholds are intensities that separate the image into
455    two groups of pixels, where the threshold intensity is midway between the
456    mean intensities of these groups.
458    For integer images, the above equality holds to within one; for floating-
459    point images, the equality holds to within the histogram bin-width.
461    Either image or hist must be provided. In case hist is given, the actual
462    histogram of the image is ignored.
464    Parameters
465    ----------
466    image : (N, M[, ..., P]) ndarray
467        Grayscale input image.
468    nbins : int, optional
469        Number of bins used to calculate histogram. This value is ignored for
470        integer arrays.
471    return_all : bool, optional
472        If False (default), return only the lowest threshold that satisfies
473        the above equality. If True, return all valid thresholds.
474    hist : array, or 2-tuple of arrays, optional
475        Histogram to determine the threshold from and a corresponding array
476        of bin center intensities. Alternatively, only the histogram can be
477        passed.
479    Returns
480    -------
481    threshold : float or int or array
482        Threshold value(s).
484    References
485    ----------
486    .. [1] Ridler, TW & Calvard, S (1978), "Picture thresholding using an
487           iterative selection method"
488           IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 8: 630-632,
489           :DOI:`10.1109/TSMC.1978.4310039`
490    .. [2] Sezgin M. and Sankur B. (2004) "Survey over Image Thresholding
491           Techniques and Quantitative Performance Evaluation" Journal of
492           Electronic Imaging, 13(1): 146-165,
493           http://www.busim.ee.boun.edu.tr/~sankur/SankurFolder/Threshold_survey.pdf
494           :DOI:`10.1117/1.1631315`
495    .. [3] ImageJ AutoThresholder code,
496           http://fiji.sc/wiki/index.php/Auto_Threshold
498    Examples
499    --------
500    >>> from skimage.data import coins
501    >>> image = coins()
502    >>> thresh = threshold_isodata(image)
503    >>> binary = image > thresh
504    """
505    counts, bin_centers = _validate_image_histogram(image, hist, nbins)
507    # image only contains one unique value
508    if len(bin_centers) == 1:
509        if return_all:
510            return bin_centers
511        else:
512            return bin_centers[0]
514    counts = counts.astype(np.float32)
516    # csuml and csumh contain the count of pixels in that bin or lower, and
517    # in all bins strictly higher than that bin, respectively
518    csuml = np.cumsum(counts)
519    csumh = csuml[-1] - csuml
521    # intensity_sum contains the total pixel intensity from each bin
522    intensity_sum = counts * bin_centers
524    # l and h contain average value of all pixels in that bin or lower, and
525    # in all bins strictly higher than that bin, respectively.
526    # Note that since exp.histogram does not include empty bins at the low or
527    # high end of the range, csuml and csumh are strictly > 0, except in the
528    # last bin of csumh, which is zero by construction.
529    # So no worries about division by zero in the following lines, except
530    # for the last bin, but we can ignore that because no valid threshold
531    # can be in the top bin.
532    # To avoid the division by zero, we simply skip over the last element in
533    # all future computation.
534    csum_intensity = np.cumsum(intensity_sum)
535    lower = csum_intensity[:-1] / csuml[:-1]
536    higher = (csum_intensity[-1] - csum_intensity[:-1]) / csumh[:-1]
538    # isodata finds threshold values that meet the criterion t = (l + m)/2
539    # where l is the mean of all pixels <= t and h is the mean of all pixels
540    # > t, as calculated above. So we are looking for places where
541    # (l + m) / 2 equals the intensity value for which those l and m figures
542    # were calculated -- which is, of course, the histogram bin centers.
543    # We only require this equality to be within the precision of the bin
544    # width, of course.
545    all_mean = (lower + higher) / 2.0
546    bin_width = bin_centers[1] - bin_centers[0]
548    # Look only at thresholds that are below the actual all_mean value,
549    # for consistency with the threshold being included in the lower pixel
550    # group. Otherwise can get thresholds that are not actually fixed-points
551    # of the isodata algorithm. For float images, this matters less, since
552    # there really can't be any guarantees anymore anyway.
553    distances = all_mean - bin_centers[:-1]
554    thresholds = bin_centers[:-1][(distances >= 0) & (distances < bin_width)]
556    if return_all:
557        return thresholds
558    else:
559        return thresholds[0]
562# Computing a histogram using np.histogram on a uint8 image with bins=256
563# doesn't work and results in aliasing problems. We use a fully specified set
564# of bins to ensure that each uint8 value false into its own bin.
565_DEFAULT_ENTROPY_BINS = tuple(np.arange(-0.5, 255.51, 1))
568def _cross_entropy(image, threshold, bins=_DEFAULT_ENTROPY_BINS):
569    """Compute cross-entropy between distributions above and below a threshold.
571    Parameters
572    ----------
573    image : array
574        The input array of values.
575    threshold : float
576        The value dividing the foreground and background in ``image``.
577    bins : int or array of float, optional
578        The number of bins or the bin edges. (Any valid value to the ``bins``
579        argument of ``np.histogram`` will work here.) For an exact calculation,
580        each unique value should have its own bin. The default value for bins
581        ensures exact handling of uint8 images: ``bins=256`` results in
582        aliasing problems due to bin width not being equal to 1.
584    Returns
585    -------
586    nu : float
587        The cross-entropy target value as defined in [1]_.
589    Notes
590    -----
591    See Li and Lee, 1993 [1]_; this is the objective function ``threshold_li``
592    minimizes. This function can be improved but this implementation most
593    closely matches equation 8 in [1]_ and equations 1-3 in [2]_.
595    References
596    ----------
597    .. [1] Li C.H. and Lee C.K. (1993) "Minimum Cross Entropy Thresholding"
598           Pattern Recognition, 26(4): 617-625
599           :DOI:`10.1016/0031-3203(93)90115-D`
600    .. [2] Li C.H. and Tam P.K.S. (1998) "An Iterative Algorithm for Minimum
601           Cross Entropy Thresholding" Pattern Recognition Letters, 18(8): 771-776
602           :DOI:`10.1016/S0167-8655(98)00057-9`
603    """
604    histogram, bin_edges = np.histogram(image, bins=bins, density=True)
605    bin_centers = np.convolve(bin_edges, [0.5, 0.5], mode='valid')
606    t = np.flatnonzero(bin_centers > threshold)[0]
607    m0a = np.sum(histogram[:t])  # 0th moment, background
608    m0b = np.sum(histogram[t:])
609    m1a = np.sum(histogram[:t] * bin_centers[:t])  # 1st moment, background
610    m1b = np.sum(histogram[t:] * bin_centers[t:])
611    mua = m1a / m0a  # mean value, background
612    mub = m1b / m0b
613    nu = -m1a * np.log(mua) - m1b * np.log(mub)
614    return nu
617def threshold_li(image, *, tolerance=None, initial_guess=None,
618                 iter_callback=None):
619    """Compute threshold value by Li's iterative Minimum Cross Entropy method.
621    Parameters
622    ----------
623    image : (N, M[, ..., P]) ndarray
624        Grayscale input image.
626    tolerance : float, optional
627        Finish the computation when the change in the threshold in an iteration
628        is less than this value. By default, this is half the smallest
629        difference between intensity values in ``image``.
631    initial_guess : float or Callable[[array[float]], float], optional
632        Li's iterative method uses gradient descent to find the optimal
633        threshold. If the image intensity histogram contains more than two
634        modes (peaks), the gradient descent could get stuck in a local optimum.
635        An initial guess for the iteration can help the algorithm find the
636        globally-optimal threshold. A float value defines a specific start
637        point, while a callable should take in an array of image intensities
638        and return a float value. Example valid callables include
639        ``numpy.mean`` (default), ``lambda arr: numpy.quantile(arr, 0.95)``,
640        or even :func:`skimage.filters.threshold_otsu`.
642    iter_callback : Callable[[float], Any], optional
643        A function that will be called on the threshold at every iteration of
644        the algorithm.
646    Returns
647    -------
648    threshold : float
649        Upper threshold value. All pixels with an intensity higher than
650        this value are assumed to be foreground.
652    References
653    ----------
654    .. [1] Li C.H. and Lee C.K. (1993) "Minimum Cross Entropy Thresholding"
655           Pattern Recognition, 26(4): 617-625
656           :DOI:`10.1016/0031-3203(93)90115-D`
657    .. [2] Li C.H. and Tam P.K.S. (1998) "An Iterative Algorithm for Minimum
658           Cross Entropy Thresholding" Pattern Recognition Letters, 18(8): 771-776
659           :DOI:`10.1016/S0167-8655(98)00057-9`
660    .. [3] Sezgin M. and Sankur B. (2004) "Survey over Image Thresholding
661           Techniques and Quantitative Performance Evaluation" Journal of
662           Electronic Imaging, 13(1): 146-165
663           :DOI:`10.1117/1.1631315`
664    .. [4] ImageJ AutoThresholder code, http://fiji.sc/wiki/index.php/Auto_Threshold
666    Examples
667    --------
668    >>> from skimage.data import camera
669    >>> image = camera()
670    >>> thresh = threshold_li(image)
671    >>> binary = image > thresh
672    """
673    # Remove nan:
674    image = image[~np.isnan(image)]
675    if image.size == 0:
676        return np.nan
678    # Make sure image has more than one value; otherwise, return that value
679    # This works even for np.inf
680    if np.all(image == image.flat[0]):
681        return image.flat[0]
683    # At this point, the image only contains np.inf, -np.inf, or valid numbers
684    image = image[np.isfinite(image)]
685    # if there are no finite values in the image, return 0. This is because
686    # at this point we *know* that there are *both* inf and -inf values,
687    # because inf == inf evaluates to True. We might as well separate them.
688    if image.size == 0:
689        return 0.
691    # Li's algorithm requires positive image (because of log(mean))
692    image_min = np.min(image)
693    image -= image_min
694    if image.dtype.kind in 'iu':
695        tolerance = tolerance or 0.5
696    else:
697        tolerance = tolerance or np.min(np.diff(np.unique(image))) / 2
699    # Initial estimate for iteration. See "initial_guess" in the parameter list
700    if initial_guess is None:
701        t_next = np.mean(image)
702    elif callable(initial_guess):
703        t_next = initial_guess(image)
704    elif np.isscalar(initial_guess):  # convert to new, positive image range
705        t_next = initial_guess - image_min
706        image_max = np.max(image) + image_min
707        if not 0 < t_next < np.max(image):
708            msg = (f'The initial guess for threshold_li must be within the '
709                   f'range of the image. Got {initial_guess} for image min '
710                   f'{image_min} and max {image_max}.')
711            raise ValueError(msg)
712    else:
713        raise TypeError('Incorrect type for `initial_guess`; should be '
714                        'a floating point value, or a function mapping an '
715                        'array to a floating point value.')
717    # initial value for t_curr must be different from t_next by at
718    # least the tolerance. Since the image is positive, we ensure this
719    # by setting to a large-enough negative number
720    t_curr = -2 * tolerance
722    # Callback on initial iterations
723    if iter_callback is not None:
724        iter_callback(t_next + image_min)
726    # Stop the iterations when the difference between the
727    # new and old threshold values is less than the tolerance
729    if image.dtype.kind in 'iu':
730        hist, bin_centers = histogram(image.reshape(-1),
731                                      source_range='image')
732        hist = hist.astype(float)
733        while abs(t_next - t_curr) > tolerance:
734            t_curr = t_next
735            foreground = bin_centers > t_curr
736            background = ~foreground
738            mean_fore = np.average(bin_centers[foreground],
739                                   weights=hist[foreground])
740            mean_back = np.average(bin_centers[background],
741                                   weights=hist[background])
743            t_next = ((mean_back - mean_fore)
744                      / (np.log(mean_back) - np.log(mean_fore)))
746            if iter_callback is not None:
747                iter_callback(t_next + image_min)
749    else:
750        while abs(t_next - t_curr) > tolerance:
751            t_curr = t_next
752            foreground = (image > t_curr)
753            mean_fore = np.mean(image[foreground])
754            mean_back = np.mean(image[~foreground])
756            t_next = ((mean_back - mean_fore)
757                      / (np.log(mean_back) - np.log(mean_fore)))
759            if iter_callback is not None:
760                iter_callback(t_next + image_min)
762    threshold = t_next + image_min
763    return threshold
766@deprecate_kwarg({'max_iter': 'max_num_iter'}, removed_version="1.0",
767                 deprecated_version="0.19")
768def threshold_minimum(image=None, nbins=256, max_num_iter=10000, *, hist=None):
769    """Return threshold value based on minimum method.
771    The histogram of the input ``image`` is computed if not provided and
772    smoothed until there are only two maxima. Then the minimum in between is
773    the threshold value.
775    Either image or hist must be provided. In case hist is given, the actual
776    histogram of the image is ignored.
778    Parameters
779    ----------
780    image : (N, M[, ..., P]) ndarray, optional
781        Grayscale input image.
782    nbins : int, optional
783        Number of bins used to calculate histogram. This value is ignored for
784        integer arrays.
785    max_num_iter : int, optional
786        Maximum number of iterations to smooth the histogram.
787    hist : array, or 2-tuple of arrays, optional
788        Histogram to determine the threshold from and a corresponding array
789        of bin center intensities. Alternatively, only the histogram can be
790        passed.
792    Returns
793    -------
794    threshold : float
795        Upper threshold value. All pixels with an intensity higher than
796        this value are assumed to be foreground.
798    Raises
799    ------
800    RuntimeError
801        If unable to find two local maxima in the histogram or if the
802        smoothing takes more than 1e4 iterations.
804    References
805    ----------
806    .. [1] C. A. Glasbey, "An analysis of histogram-based thresholding
807           algorithms," CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing,
808           vol. 55, pp. 532-537, 1993.
809    .. [2] Prewitt, JMS & Mendelsohn, ML (1966), "The analysis of cell
810           images", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 128: 1035-1053
811           :DOI:`10.1111/j.1749-6632.1965.tb11715.x`
813    Examples
814    --------
815    >>> from skimage.data import camera
816    >>> image = camera()
817    >>> thresh = threshold_minimum(image)
818    >>> binary = image > thresh
819    """
821    def find_local_maxima_idx(hist):
822        # We can't use scipy.signal.argrelmax
823        # as it fails on plateaus
824        maximum_idxs = list()
825        direction = 1
827        for i in range(hist.shape[0] - 1):
828            if direction > 0:
829                if hist[i + 1] < hist[i]:
830                    direction = -1
831                    maximum_idxs.append(i)
832            else:
833                if hist[i + 1] > hist[i]:
834                    direction = 1
836        return maximum_idxs
838    counts, bin_centers = _validate_image_histogram(image, hist, nbins)
840    smooth_hist = counts.astype(np.float64, copy=False)
842    for counter in range(max_num_iter):
843        smooth_hist = ndi.uniform_filter1d(smooth_hist, 3)
844        maximum_idxs = find_local_maxima_idx(smooth_hist)
845        if len(maximum_idxs) < 3:
846            break
848    if len(maximum_idxs) != 2:
849        raise RuntimeError('Unable to find two maxima in histogram')
850    elif counter == max_num_iter - 1:
851        raise RuntimeError('Maximum iteration reached for histogram'
852                           'smoothing')
854    # Find lowest point between the maxima
855    threshold_idx = np.argmin(smooth_hist[maximum_idxs[0]:maximum_idxs[1] + 1])
857    return bin_centers[maximum_idxs[0] + threshold_idx]
860def threshold_mean(image):
861    """Return threshold value based on the mean of grayscale values.
863    Parameters
864    ----------
865    image : (N, M[, ..., P]) ndarray
866        Grayscale input image.
868    Returns
869    -------
870    threshold : float
871        Upper threshold value. All pixels with an intensity higher than
872        this value are assumed to be foreground.
874    References
875    ----------
876    .. [1] C. A. Glasbey, "An analysis of histogram-based thresholding
877        algorithms," CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing,
878        vol. 55, pp. 532-537, 1993.
879        :DOI:`10.1006/cgip.1993.1040`
881    Examples
882    --------
883    >>> from skimage.data import camera
884    >>> image = camera()
885    >>> thresh = threshold_mean(image)
886    >>> binary = image > thresh
887    """
888    return np.mean(image)
891def threshold_triangle(image, nbins=256):
892    """Return threshold value based on the triangle algorithm.
894    Parameters
895    ----------
896    image : (N, M[, ..., P]) ndarray
897        Grayscale input image.
898    nbins : int, optional
899        Number of bins used to calculate histogram. This value is ignored for
900        integer arrays.
902    Returns
903    -------
904    threshold : float
905        Upper threshold value. All pixels with an intensity higher than
906        this value are assumed to be foreground.
908    References
909    ----------
910    .. [1] Zack, G. W., Rogers, W. E. and Latt, S. A., 1977,
911       Automatic Measurement of Sister Chromatid Exchange Frequency,
912       Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 25 (7), pp. 741-753
913       :DOI:`10.1177/25.7.70454`
914    .. [2] ImageJ AutoThresholder code,
915       http://fiji.sc/wiki/index.php/Auto_Threshold
917    Examples
918    --------
919    >>> from skimage.data import camera
920    >>> image = camera()
921    >>> thresh = threshold_triangle(image)
922    >>> binary = image > thresh
923    """
924    # nbins is ignored for integer arrays
925    # so, we recalculate the effective nbins.
926    hist, bin_centers = histogram(image.ravel(), nbins, source_range='image')
927    nbins = len(hist)
929    # Find peak, lowest and highest gray levels.
930    arg_peak_height = np.argmax(hist)
931    peak_height = hist[arg_peak_height]
932    arg_low_level, arg_high_level = np.where(hist > 0)[0][[0, -1]]
934    # Flip is True if left tail is shorter.
935    flip = arg_peak_height - arg_low_level < arg_high_level - arg_peak_height
936    if flip:
937        hist = hist[::-1]
938        arg_low_level = nbins - arg_high_level - 1
939        arg_peak_height = nbins - arg_peak_height - 1
941    # If flip == True, arg_high_level becomes incorrect
942    # but we don't need it anymore.
943    del(arg_high_level)
945    # Set up the coordinate system.
946    width = arg_peak_height - arg_low_level
947    x1 = np.arange(width)
948    y1 = hist[x1 + arg_low_level]
950    # Normalize.
951    norm = np.sqrt(peak_height**2 + width**2)
952    peak_height /= norm
953    width /= norm
955    # Maximize the length.
956    # The ImageJ implementation includes an additional constant when calculating
957    # the length, but here we omit it as it does not affect the location of the
958    # minimum.
959    length = peak_height * x1 - width * y1
960    arg_level = np.argmax(length) + arg_low_level
962    if flip:
963        arg_level = nbins - arg_level - 1
965    return bin_centers[arg_level]
968def _mean_std(image, w):
969    """Return local mean and standard deviation of each pixel using a
970    neighborhood defined by a rectangular window size ``w``.
971    The algorithm uses integral images to speedup computation. This is
972    used by :func:`threshold_niblack` and :func:`threshold_sauvola`.
974    Parameters
975    ----------
976    image : (N, M[, ..., P]) ndarray
977        Grayscale input image.
978    w : int, or iterable of int
979        Window size specified as a single odd integer (3, 5, 7, …),
980        or an iterable of length ``image.ndim`` containing only odd
981        integers (e.g. ``(1, 5, 5)``).
983    Returns
984    -------
985    m : ndarray of float, same shape as ``image``
986        Local mean of the image.
987    s : ndarray of float, same shape as ``image``
988        Local standard deviation of the image.
990    References
991    ----------
992    .. [1] F. Shafait, D. Keysers, and T. M. Breuel, "Efficient
993           implementation of local adaptive thresholding techniques
994           using integral images." in Document Recognition and
995           Retrieval XV, (San Jose, USA), Jan. 2008.
996           :DOI:`10.1117/12.767755`
997    """
999    if not isinstance(w, Iterable):
1000        w = (w,) * image.ndim
1001    _validate_window_size(w)
1003    float_dtype = _supported_float_type(image.dtype)
1004    pad_width = tuple((k // 2 + 1, k // 2) for k in w)
1005    padded = np.pad(image.astype(float_dtype, copy=False), pad_width,
1006                    mode='reflect')
1008    # Note: keep float64 integral images for accuracy. Outputs of
1009    # _correlate_sparse can later be safely cast to float_dtype
1010    integral = integral_image(padded, dtype=np.float64)
1011    padded *= padded
1012    integral_sq = integral_image(padded, dtype=np.float64)
1015    # Create lists of non-zero kernel indices and values
1016    kernel_indices = list(itertools.product(*tuple([(0, _w) for _w in w])))
1017    kernel_values = [(-1) ** (image.ndim % 2 != np.sum(indices) % 2)
1018                     for indices in kernel_indices]
1020    total_window_size = np.prod(w)
1021    kernel_shape = tuple(_w + 1 for _w in w)
1022    m = _correlate_sparse(integral, kernel_shape, kernel_indices,
1023                          kernel_values)
1024    m = m.astype(float_dtype, copy=False)
1025    m /= total_window_size
1026    g2 = _correlate_sparse(integral_sq, kernel_shape, kernel_indices,
1027                           kernel_values)
1028    g2 = g2.astype(float_dtype, copy=False)
1029    g2 /= total_window_size
1030    # Note: we use np.clip because g2 is not guaranteed to be greater than
1031    # m*m when floating point error is considered
1032    s = np.sqrt(np.clip(g2 - m * m, 0, None))
1033    return m, s
1036def threshold_niblack(image, window_size=15, k=0.2):
1037    """Applies Niblack local threshold to an array.
1039    A threshold T is calculated for every pixel in the image using the
1040    following formula::
1042        T = m(x,y) - k * s(x,y)
1044    where m(x,y) and s(x,y) are the mean and standard deviation of
1045    pixel (x,y) neighborhood defined by a rectangular window with size w
1046    times w centered around the pixel. k is a configurable parameter
1047    that weights the effect of standard deviation.
1049    Parameters
1050    ----------
1051    image : (N, M[, ..., P]) ndarray
1052        Grayscale input image.
1053    window_size : int, or iterable of int, optional
1054        Window size specified as a single odd integer (3, 5, 7, …),
1055        or an iterable of length ``image.ndim`` containing only odd
1056        integers (e.g. ``(1, 5, 5)``).
1057    k : float, optional
1058        Value of parameter k in threshold formula.
1060    Returns
1061    -------
1062    threshold : (N, M) ndarray
1063        Threshold mask. All pixels with an intensity higher than
1064        this value are assumed to be foreground.
1066    Notes
1067    -----
1068    This algorithm is originally designed for text recognition.
1070    The Bradley threshold is a particular case of the Niblack
1071    one, being equivalent to
1073    >>> from skimage import data
1074    >>> image = data.page()
1075    >>> q = 1
1076    >>> threshold_image = threshold_niblack(image, k=0) * q
1078    for some value ``q``. By default, Bradley and Roth use ``q=1``.
1081    References
1082    ----------
1083    .. [1] W. Niblack, An introduction to Digital Image Processing,
1084           Prentice-Hall, 1986.
1085    .. [2] D. Bradley and G. Roth, "Adaptive thresholding using Integral
1086           Image", Journal of Graphics Tools 12(2), pp. 13-21, 2007.
1087           :DOI:`10.1080/2151237X.2007.10129236`
1089    Examples
1090    --------
1091    >>> from skimage import data
1092    >>> image = data.page()
1093    >>> threshold_image = threshold_niblack(image, window_size=7, k=0.1)
1094    """
1095    m, s = _mean_std(image, window_size)
1096    return m - k * s
1099def threshold_sauvola(image, window_size=15, k=0.2, r=None):
1100    """Applies Sauvola local threshold to an array. Sauvola is a
1101    modification of Niblack technique.
1103    In the original method a threshold T is calculated for every pixel
1104    in the image using the following formula::
1106        T = m(x,y) * (1 + k * ((s(x,y) / R) - 1))
1108    where m(x,y) and s(x,y) are the mean and standard deviation of
1109    pixel (x,y) neighborhood defined by a rectangular window with size w
1110    times w centered around the pixel. k is a configurable parameter
1111    that weights the effect of standard deviation.
1112    R is the maximum standard deviation of a grayscale image.
1114    Parameters
1115    ----------
1116    image : (N, M[, ..., P]) ndarray
1117        Grayscale input image.
1118    window_size : int, or iterable of int, optional
1119        Window size specified as a single odd integer (3, 5, 7, …),
1120        or an iterable of length ``image.ndim`` containing only odd
1121        integers (e.g. ``(1, 5, 5)``).
1122    k : float, optional
1123        Value of the positive parameter k.
1124    r : float, optional
1125        Value of R, the dynamic range of standard deviation.
1126        If None, set to the half of the image dtype range.
1128    Returns
1129    -------
1130    threshold : (N, M) ndarray
1131        Threshold mask. All pixels with an intensity higher than
1132        this value are assumed to be foreground.
1134    Notes
1135    -----
1136    This algorithm is originally designed for text recognition.
1138    References
1139    ----------
1140    .. [1] J. Sauvola and M. Pietikainen, "Adaptive document image
1141           binarization," Pattern Recognition 33(2),
1142           pp. 225-236, 2000.
1143           :DOI:`10.1016/S0031-3203(99)00055-2`
1145    Examples
1146    --------
1147    >>> from skimage import data
1148    >>> image = data.page()
1149    >>> t_sauvola = threshold_sauvola(image, window_size=15, k=0.2)
1150    >>> binary_image = image > t_sauvola
1151    """
1152    if r is None:
1153        imin, imax = dtype_limits(image, clip_negative=False)
1154        r = 0.5 * (imax - imin)
1155    m, s = _mean_std(image, window_size)
1156    return m * (1 + k * ((s / r) - 1))
1159def apply_hysteresis_threshold(image, low, high):
1160    """Apply hysteresis thresholding to ``image``.
1162    This algorithm finds regions where ``image`` is greater than ``high``
1163    OR ``image`` is greater than ``low`` *and* that region is connected to
1164    a region greater than ``high``.
1166    Parameters
1167    ----------
1168    image : array, shape (M,[ N, ..., P])
1169        Grayscale input image.
1170    low : float, or array of same shape as ``image``
1171        Lower threshold.
1172    high : float, or array of same shape as ``image``
1173        Higher threshold.
1175    Returns
1176    -------
1177    thresholded : array of bool, same shape as ``image``
1178        Array in which ``True`` indicates the locations where ``image``
1179        was above the hysteresis threshold.
1181    Examples
1182    --------
1183    >>> image = np.array([1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2])
1184    >>> apply_hysteresis_threshold(image, 1.5, 2.5).astype(int)
1185    array([0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1])
1187    References
1188    ----------
1189    .. [1] J. Canny. A computational approach to edge detection.
1190           IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
1191           1986; vol. 8, pp.679-698.
1192           :DOI:`10.1109/TPAMI.1986.4767851`
1193    """
1194    low = np.clip(low, a_min=None, a_max=high)  # ensure low always below high
1195    mask_low = image > low
1196    mask_high = image > high
1197    # Connected components of mask_low
1198    labels_low, num_labels = ndi.label(mask_low)
1199    # Check which connected components contain pixels from mask_high
1200    sums = ndi.sum(mask_high, labels_low, np.arange(num_labels + 1))
1201    connected_to_high = sums > 0
1202    thresholded = connected_to_high[labels_low]
1203    return thresholded
1206def threshold_multiotsu(image=None, classes=3, nbins=256, *, hist=None):
1207    r"""Generate `classes`-1 threshold values to divide gray levels in `image`,
1208    following Otsu's method for multiple classes.
1210    The threshold values are chosen to maximize the total sum of pairwise
1211    variances between the thresholded graylevel classes. See Notes and [1]_
1212    for more details.
1214    Either image or hist must be provided. If hist is provided, the actual
1215    histogram of the image is ignored.
1217    Parameters
1218    ----------
1219    image : (N, M[, ..., P]) ndarray, optional
1220        Grayscale input image.
1221    classes : int, optional
1222        Number of classes to be thresholded, i.e. the number of resulting
1223        regions.
1224    nbins : int, optional
1225        Number of bins used to calculate the histogram. This value is ignored
1226        for integer arrays.
1227    hist : array, or 2-tuple of arrays, optional
1228        Histogram from which to determine the threshold, and optionally a
1229        corresponding array of bin center intensities. If no hist provided,
1230        this function will compute it from the image (see notes).
1232    Returns
1233    -------
1234    thresh : array
1235        Array containing the threshold values for the desired classes.
1237    Raises
1238    ------
1239    ValueError
1240         If ``image`` contains less grayscale value then the desired
1241         number of classes.
1243    Notes
1244    -----
1245    This implementation relies on a Cython function whose complexity
1246    is :math:`O\left(\frac{Ch^{C-1}}{(C-1)!}\right)`, where :math:`h`
1247    is the number of histogram bins and :math:`C` is the number of
1248    classes desired.
1250    If no hist is given, this function will make use of
1251    `skimage.exposure.histogram`, which behaves differently than
1252    `np.histogram`. While both allowed, use the former for consistent
1253    behaviour.
1255    The input image must be grayscale.
1257    References
1258    ----------
1259    .. [1] Liao, P-S., Chen, T-S. and Chung, P-C., "A fast algorithm for
1260           multilevel thresholding", Journal of Information Science and
1261           Engineering 17 (5): 713-727, 2001. Available at:
1262           <https://ftp.iis.sinica.edu.tw/JISE/2001/200109_01.pdf>
1263           :DOI:`10.6688/JISE.2001.17.5.1`
1264    .. [2] Tosa, Y., "Multi-Otsu Threshold", a java plugin for ImageJ.
1265           Available at:
1266           <http://imagej.net/plugins/download/Multi_OtsuThreshold.java>
1268    Examples
1269    --------
1270    >>> from skimage.color import label2rgb
1271    >>> from skimage import data
1272    >>> image = data.camera()
1273    >>> thresholds = threshold_multiotsu(image)
1274    >>> regions = np.digitize(image, bins=thresholds)
1275    >>> regions_colorized = label2rgb(regions)
1276    """
1277    if image is not None and image.ndim > 2 and image.shape[-1] in (3, 4):
1278        warn(f'threshold_multiotsu is expected to work correctly only for '
1279             f'grayscale images; image shape {image.shape} looks like '
1280             f'that of an RGB image.')
1282    # calculating the histogram and the probability of each gray level.
1283    prob, bin_centers = _validate_image_histogram(image, hist, nbins,
1284                                                  normalize=True)
1285    prob = prob.astype('float32')
1287    nvalues = np.count_nonzero(prob)
1288    if nvalues < classes:
1289        msg = (f'The input image has only {nvalues} different values. '
1290               f'It cannot be thresholded in {classes} classes.')
1291        raise ValueError(msg)
1292    elif nvalues == classes:
1293        thresh_idx = np.where(prob > 0)[0][:-1]
1294    else:
1295        # Get threshold indices
1296        try:
1297            thresh_idx = _get_multiotsu_thresh_indices_lut(prob, classes - 1)
1298        except MemoryError:
1299            # Don't use LUT if the number of bins is too large (if the
1300            # image is uint16 for example): in this case, the
1301            # allocated memory is too large.
1302            thresh_idx = _get_multiotsu_thresh_indices(prob, classes - 1)
1304    thresh = bin_centers[thresh_idx]
1306    return thresh