1 //
2 // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Mikko Mononen memon@inside.org
3 //
4 // This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
5 // warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
6 // arising from the use of this software.
7 // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
8 // including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
9 // freely, subject to the following restrictions:
10 // 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
11 //    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
12 //    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
13 //    appreciated but is not required.
14 // 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
15 //    misrepresented as being the original software.
16 // 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
17 //
22 #include "DetourNavMesh.h"
23 #include "DetourStatus.h"
26 // Define DT_VIRTUAL_QUERYFILTER if you wish to derive a custom filter from dtQueryFilter.
27 // On certain platforms indirect or virtual function call is expensive. The default
28 // setting is to use non-virtual functions, the actual implementations of the functions
29 // are declared as inline for maximum speed.
33 /// Defines polygon filtering and traversal costs for navigation mesh query operations.
34 /// @ingroup detour
35 class dtQueryFilter
36 {
37 	float m_areaCost[DT_MAX_AREAS];		///< Cost per area type. (Used by default implementation.)
38 	unsigned short m_includeFlags;		///< Flags for polygons that can be visited. (Used by default implementation.)
39 	unsigned short m_excludeFlags;		///< Flags for polygons that should not be visted. (Used by default implementation.)
41 public:
42 	dtQueryFilter();
~dtQueryFilter()45 	virtual ~dtQueryFilter() { }
46 #endif
48 	/// Returns true if the polygon can be visited.  (I.e. Is traversable.)
49 	///  @param[in]		ref		The reference id of the polygon test.
50 	///  @param[in]		tile	The tile containing the polygon.
51 	///  @param[in]		poly  The polygon to test.
53 	virtual bool passFilter(const dtPolyRef ref,
54 							const dtMeshTile* tile,
55 							const dtPoly* poly) const;
56 #else
57 	bool passFilter(const dtPolyRef ref,
58 					const dtMeshTile* tile,
59 					const dtPoly* poly) const;
60 #endif
62 	/// Returns cost to move from the beginning to the end of a line segment
63 	/// that is fully contained within a polygon.
64 	///  @param[in]		pa			The start position on the edge of the previous and current polygon. [(x, y, z)]
65 	///  @param[in]		pb			The end position on the edge of the current and next polygon. [(x, y, z)]
66 	///  @param[in]		prevRef		The reference id of the previous polygon. [opt]
67 	///  @param[in]		prevTile	The tile containing the previous polygon. [opt]
68 	///  @param[in]		prevPoly	The previous polygon. [opt]
69 	///  @param[in]		curRef		The reference id of the current polygon.
70 	///  @param[in]		curTile		The tile containing the current polygon.
71 	///  @param[in]		curPoly		The current polygon.
72 	///  @param[in]		nextRef		The refernece id of the next polygon. [opt]
73 	///  @param[in]		nextTile	The tile containing the next polygon. [opt]
74 	///  @param[in]		nextPoly	The next polygon. [opt]
76 	virtual float getCost(const float* pa, const float* pb,
77 						  const dtPolyRef prevRef, const dtMeshTile* prevTile, const dtPoly* prevPoly,
78 						  const dtPolyRef curRef, const dtMeshTile* curTile, const dtPoly* curPoly,
79 						  const dtPolyRef nextRef, const dtMeshTile* nextTile, const dtPoly* nextPoly) const;
80 #else
81 	float getCost(const float* pa, const float* pb,
82 				  const dtPolyRef prevRef, const dtMeshTile* prevTile, const dtPoly* prevPoly,
83 				  const dtPolyRef curRef, const dtMeshTile* curTile, const dtPoly* curPoly,
84 				  const dtPolyRef nextRef, const dtMeshTile* nextTile, const dtPoly* nextPoly) const;
85 #endif
87 	/// @name Getters and setters for the default implementation data.
88 	///@{
90 	/// Returns the traversal cost of the area.
91 	///  @param[in]		i		The id of the area.
92 	/// @returns The traversal cost of the area.
getAreaCost(const int i)93 	inline float getAreaCost(const int i) const { return m_areaCost[i]; }
95 	/// Sets the traversal cost of the area.
96 	///  @param[in]		i		The id of the area.
97 	///  @param[in]		cost	The new cost of traversing the area.
setAreaCost(const int i,const float cost)98 	inline void setAreaCost(const int i, const float cost) { m_areaCost[i] = cost; }
100 	/// Returns the include flags for the filter.
101 	/// Any polygons that include one or more of these flags will be
102 	/// included in the operation.
getIncludeFlags()103 	inline unsigned short getIncludeFlags() const { return m_includeFlags; }
105 	/// Sets the include flags for the filter.
106 	/// @param[in]		flags	The new flags.
setIncludeFlags(const unsigned short flags)107 	inline void setIncludeFlags(const unsigned short flags) { m_includeFlags = flags; }
109 	/// Returns the exclude flags for the filter.
110 	/// Any polygons that include one ore more of these flags will be
111 	/// excluded from the operation.
getExcludeFlags()112 	inline unsigned short getExcludeFlags() const { return m_excludeFlags; }
114 	/// Sets the exclude flags for the filter.
115 	/// @param[in]		flags		The new flags.
setExcludeFlags(const unsigned short flags)116 	inline void setExcludeFlags(const unsigned short flags) { m_excludeFlags = flags; }
118 	///@}
120 };
122 /// Provides information about raycast hit
123 /// filled by dtNavMeshQuery::raycast
124 /// @ingroup detour
125 struct dtRaycastHit
126 {
127 	/// The hit parameter. (FLT_MAX if no wall hit.)
128 	float t;
130 	/// hitNormal	The normal of the nearest wall hit. [(x, y, z)]
131 	float hitNormal[3];
133 	/// The index of the edge on the final polygon where the wall was hit.
134 	int hitEdgeIndex;
136 	/// Pointer to an array of reference ids of the visited polygons. [opt]
137 	dtPolyRef* path;
139 	/// The number of visited polygons. [opt]
140 	int pathCount;
142 	/// The maximum number of polygons the @p path array can hold.
143 	int maxPath;
145 	///  The cost of the path until hit.
146 	float pathCost;
147 };
149 /// Provides custom polygon query behavior.
150 /// Used by dtNavMeshQuery::queryPolygons.
151 /// @ingroup detour
152 class dtPolyQuery
153 {
154 public:
~dtPolyQuery()155 	virtual ~dtPolyQuery() { }
157 	/// Called for each batch of unique polygons touched by the search area in dtNavMeshQuery::queryPolygons.
158 	/// This can be called multiple times for a single query.
159 	virtual void process(const dtMeshTile* tile, dtPoly** polys, dtPolyRef* refs, int count) = 0;
160 };
162 /// Provides the ability to perform pathfinding related queries against
163 /// a navigation mesh.
164 /// @ingroup detour
165 class dtNavMeshQuery
166 {
167 public:
168 	dtNavMeshQuery();
169 	~dtNavMeshQuery();
171 	/// Initializes the query object.
172 	///  @param[in]		nav			Pointer to the dtNavMesh object to use for all queries.
173 	///  @param[in]		maxNodes	Maximum number of search nodes. [Limits: 0 < value <= 65535]
174 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
175 	dtStatus init(const dtNavMesh* nav, const int maxNodes);
177 	/// @name Standard Pathfinding Functions
178 	// /@{
180 	/// Finds a path from the start polygon to the end polygon.
181 	///  @param[in]		startRef	The refrence id of the start polygon.
182 	///  @param[in]		endRef		The reference id of the end polygon.
183 	///  @param[in]		startPos	A position within the start polygon. [(x, y, z)]
184 	///  @param[in]		endPos		A position within the end polygon. [(x, y, z)]
185 	///  @param[in]		filter		The polygon filter to apply to the query.
186 	///  @param[out]	path		An ordered list of polygon references representing the path. (Start to end.)
187 	///  							[(polyRef) * @p pathCount]
188 	///  @param[out]	pathCount	The number of polygons returned in the @p path array.
189 	///  @param[in]		maxPath		The maximum number of polygons the @p path array can hold. [Limit: >= 1]
190 	dtStatus findPath(dtPolyRef startRef, dtPolyRef endRef,
191 					  const float* startPos, const float* endPos,
192 					  const dtQueryFilter* filter,
193 					  dtPolyRef* path, int* pathCount, const int maxPath) const;
195 	/// Finds the straight path from the start to the end position within the polygon corridor.
196 	///  @param[in]		startPos			Path start position. [(x, y, z)]
197 	///  @param[in]		endPos				Path end position. [(x, y, z)]
198 	///  @param[in]		path				An array of polygon references that represent the path corridor.
199 	///  @param[in]		pathSize			The number of polygons in the @p path array.
200 	///  @param[out]	straightPath		Points describing the straight path. [(x, y, z) * @p straightPathCount].
201 	///  @param[out]	straightPathFlags	Flags describing each point. (See: #dtStraightPathFlags) [opt]
202 	///  @param[out]	straightPathRefs	The reference id of the polygon that is being entered at each point. [opt]
203 	///  @param[out]	straightPathCount	The number of points in the straight path.
204 	///  @param[in]		maxStraightPath		The maximum number of points the straight path arrays can hold.  [Limit: > 0]
205 	///  @param[in]		options				Query options. (see: #dtStraightPathOptions)
206 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
207 	dtStatus findStraightPath(const float* startPos, const float* endPos,
208 							  const dtPolyRef* path, const int pathSize,
209 							  float* straightPath, unsigned char* straightPathFlags, dtPolyRef* straightPathRefs,
210 							  int* straightPathCount, const int maxStraightPath, const int options = 0) const;
212 	///@}
213 	/// @name Sliced Pathfinding Functions
214 	/// Common use case:
215 	///	-# Call initSlicedFindPath() to initialize the sliced path query.
216 	///	-# Call updateSlicedFindPath() until it returns complete.
217 	///	-# Call finalizeSlicedFindPath() to get the path.
218 	///@{
220 	/// Intializes a sliced path query.
221 	///  @param[in]		startRef	The refrence id of the start polygon.
222 	///  @param[in]		endRef		The reference id of the end polygon.
223 	///  @param[in]		startPos	A position within the start polygon. [(x, y, z)]
224 	///  @param[in]		endPos		A position within the end polygon. [(x, y, z)]
225 	///  @param[in]		filter		The polygon filter to apply to the query.
226 	///  @param[in]		options		query options (see: #dtFindPathOptions)
227 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
228 	dtStatus initSlicedFindPath(dtPolyRef startRef, dtPolyRef endRef,
229 								const float* startPos, const float* endPos,
230 								const dtQueryFilter* filter, const unsigned int options = 0);
232 	/// Updates an in-progress sliced path query.
233 	///  @param[in]		maxIter		The maximum number of iterations to perform.
234 	///  @param[out]	doneIters	The actual number of iterations completed. [opt]
235 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
236 	dtStatus updateSlicedFindPath(const int maxIter, int* doneIters);
238 	/// Finalizes and returns the results of a sliced path query.
239 	///  @param[out]	path		An ordered list of polygon references representing the path. (Start to end.)
240 	///  							[(polyRef) * @p pathCount]
241 	///  @param[out]	pathCount	The number of polygons returned in the @p path array.
242 	///  @param[in]		maxPath		The max number of polygons the path array can hold. [Limit: >= 1]
243 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
244 	dtStatus finalizeSlicedFindPath(dtPolyRef* path, int* pathCount, const int maxPath);
246 	/// Finalizes and returns the results of an incomplete sliced path query, returning the path to the furthest
247 	/// polygon on the existing path that was visited during the search.
248 	///  @param[in]		existing		An array of polygon references for the existing path.
249 	///  @param[in]		existingSize	The number of polygon in the @p existing array.
250 	///  @param[out]	path			An ordered list of polygon references representing the path. (Start to end.)
251 	///  								[(polyRef) * @p pathCount]
252 	///  @param[out]	pathCount		The number of polygons returned in the @p path array.
253 	///  @param[in]		maxPath			The max number of polygons the @p path array can hold. [Limit: >= 1]
254 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
255 	dtStatus finalizeSlicedFindPathPartial(const dtPolyRef* existing, const int existingSize,
256 										   dtPolyRef* path, int* pathCount, const int maxPath);
258 	///@}
259 	/// @name Dijkstra Search Functions
260 	/// @{
262 	/// Finds the polygons along the navigation graph that touch the specified circle.
263 	///  @param[in]		startRef		The reference id of the polygon where the search starts.
264 	///  @param[in]		centerPos		The center of the search circle. [(x, y, z)]
265 	///  @param[in]		radius			The radius of the search circle.
266 	///  @param[in]		filter			The polygon filter to apply to the query.
267 	///  @param[out]	resultRef		The reference ids of the polygons touched by the circle. [opt]
268 	///  @param[out]	resultParent	The reference ids of the parent polygons for each result.
269 	///  								Zero if a result polygon has no parent. [opt]
270 	///  @param[out]	resultCost		The search cost from @p centerPos to the polygon. [opt]
271 	///  @param[out]	resultCount		The number of polygons found. [opt]
272 	///  @param[in]		maxResult		The maximum number of polygons the result arrays can hold.
273 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
274 	dtStatus findPolysAroundCircle(dtPolyRef startRef, const float* centerPos, const float radius,
275 								   const dtQueryFilter* filter,
276 								   dtPolyRef* resultRef, dtPolyRef* resultParent, float* resultCost,
277 								   int* resultCount, const int maxResult) const;
279 	/// Finds the polygons along the naviation graph that touch the specified convex polygon.
280 	///  @param[in]		startRef		The reference id of the polygon where the search starts.
281 	///  @param[in]		verts			The vertices describing the convex polygon. (CCW)
282 	///  								[(x, y, z) * @p nverts]
283 	///  @param[in]		nverts			The number of vertices in the polygon.
284 	///  @param[in]		filter			The polygon filter to apply to the query.
285 	///  @param[out]	resultRef		The reference ids of the polygons touched by the search polygon. [opt]
286 	///  @param[out]	resultParent	The reference ids of the parent polygons for each result. Zero if a
287 	///  								result polygon has no parent. [opt]
288 	///  @param[out]	resultCost		The search cost from the centroid point to the polygon. [opt]
289 	///  @param[out]	resultCount		The number of polygons found.
290 	///  @param[in]		maxResult		The maximum number of polygons the result arrays can hold.
291 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
292 	dtStatus findPolysAroundShape(dtPolyRef startRef, const float* verts, const int nverts,
293 								  const dtQueryFilter* filter,
294 								  dtPolyRef* resultRef, dtPolyRef* resultParent, float* resultCost,
295 								  int* resultCount, const int maxResult) const;
297 	/// Gets a path from the explored nodes in the previous search.
298 	///  @param[in]		endRef		The reference id of the end polygon.
299 	///  @param[out]	path		An ordered list of polygon references representing the path. (Start to end.)
300 	///  							[(polyRef) * @p pathCount]
301 	///  @param[out]	pathCount	The number of polygons returned in the @p path array.
302 	///  @param[in]		maxPath		The maximum number of polygons the @p path array can hold. [Limit: >= 0]
303 	///  @returns		The status flags. Returns DT_FAILURE | DT_INVALID_PARAM if any parameter is wrong, or if
304 	///  				@p endRef was not explored in the previous search. Returns DT_SUCCESS | DT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
305 	///  				if @p path cannot contain the entire path. In this case it is filled to capacity with a partial path.
306 	///  				Otherwise returns DT_SUCCESS.
307 	///  @remarks		The result of this function depends on the state of the query object. For that reason it should only
308 	///  				be used immediately after one of the two Dijkstra searches, findPolysAroundCircle or findPolysAroundShape.
309 	dtStatus getPathFromDijkstraSearch(dtPolyRef endRef, dtPolyRef* path, int* pathCount, int maxPath) const;
311 	/// @}
312 	/// @name Local Query Functions
313 	///@{
315 	/// Finds the polygon nearest to the specified center point.
316 	/// [opt] means the specified parameter can be a null pointer, in that case the output parameter will not be set.
317 	///
318 	///  @param[in]		center		The center of the search box. [(x, y, z)]
319 	///  @param[in]		halfExtents	The search distance along each axis. [(x, y, z)]
320 	///  @param[in]		filter		The polygon filter to apply to the query.
321 	///  @param[out]	nearestRef	The reference id of the nearest polygon. Will be set to 0 if no polygon is found.
322 	///  @param[out]	nearestPt	The nearest point on the polygon. Unchanged if no polygon is found. [opt] [(x, y, z)]
323 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
324 	dtStatus findNearestPoly(const float* center, const float* halfExtents,
325 							 const dtQueryFilter* filter,
326 							 dtPolyRef* nearestRef, float* nearestPt) const;
328 	/// Finds the polygon nearest to the specified center point.
329 	/// [opt] means the specified parameter can be a null pointer, in that case the output parameter will not be set.
330 	///
331 	///  @param[in]		center		The center of the search box. [(x, y, z)]
332 	///  @param[in]		halfExtents	The search distance along each axis. [(x, y, z)]
333 	///  @param[in]		filter		The polygon filter to apply to the query.
334 	///  @param[out]	nearestRef	The reference id of the nearest polygon. Will be set to 0 if no polygon is found.
335 	///  @param[out]	nearestPt	The nearest point on the polygon. Unchanged if no polygon is found. [opt] [(x, y, z)]
336 	///  @param[out]	isOverPoly 	Set to true if the point's X/Z coordinate lies inside the polygon, false otherwise. Unchanged if no polygon is found. [opt]
337 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
338 	dtStatus findNearestPoly(const float* center, const float* halfExtents,
339 							 const dtQueryFilter* filter,
340 							 dtPolyRef* nearestRef, float* nearestPt, bool* isOverPoly) const;
342 	/// Finds polygons that overlap the search box.
343 	///  @param[in]		center		The center of the search box. [(x, y, z)]
344 	///  @param[in]		halfExtents		The search distance along each axis. [(x, y, z)]
345 	///  @param[in]		filter		The polygon filter to apply to the query.
346 	///  @param[out]	polys		The reference ids of the polygons that overlap the query box.
347 	///  @param[out]	polyCount	The number of polygons in the search result.
348 	///  @param[in]		maxPolys	The maximum number of polygons the search result can hold.
349 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
350 	dtStatus queryPolygons(const float* center, const float* halfExtents,
351 						   const dtQueryFilter* filter,
352 						   dtPolyRef* polys, int* polyCount, const int maxPolys) const;
354 	/// Finds polygons that overlap the search box.
355 	///  @param[in]		center		The center of the search box. [(x, y, z)]
356 	///  @param[in]		halfExtents		The search distance along each axis. [(x, y, z)]
357 	///  @param[in]		filter		The polygon filter to apply to the query.
358 	///  @param[in]		query		The query. Polygons found will be batched together and passed to this query.
359 	dtStatus queryPolygons(const float* center, const float* halfExtents,
360 						   const dtQueryFilter* filter, dtPolyQuery* query) const;
362 	/// Finds the non-overlapping navigation polygons in the local neighbourhood around the center position.
363 	///  @param[in]		startRef		The reference id of the polygon where the search starts.
364 	///  @param[in]		centerPos		The center of the query circle. [(x, y, z)]
365 	///  @param[in]		radius			The radius of the query circle.
366 	///  @param[in]		filter			The polygon filter to apply to the query.
367 	///  @param[out]	resultRef		The reference ids of the polygons touched by the circle.
368 	///  @param[out]	resultParent	The reference ids of the parent polygons for each result.
369 	///  								Zero if a result polygon has no parent. [opt]
370 	///  @param[out]	resultCount		The number of polygons found.
371 	///  @param[in]		maxResult		The maximum number of polygons the result arrays can hold.
372 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
373 	dtStatus findLocalNeighbourhood(dtPolyRef startRef, const float* centerPos, const float radius,
374 									const dtQueryFilter* filter,
375 									dtPolyRef* resultRef, dtPolyRef* resultParent,
376 									int* resultCount, const int maxResult) const;
378 	/// Moves from the start to the end position constrained to the navigation mesh.
379 	///  @param[in]		startRef		The reference id of the start polygon.
380 	///  @param[in]		startPos		A position of the mover within the start polygon. [(x, y, x)]
381 	///  @param[in]		endPos			The desired end position of the mover. [(x, y, z)]
382 	///  @param[in]		filter			The polygon filter to apply to the query.
383 	///  @param[out]	resultPos		The result position of the mover. [(x, y, z)]
384 	///  @param[out]	visited			The reference ids of the polygons visited during the move.
385 	///  @param[out]	visitedCount	The number of polygons visited during the move.
386 	///  @param[in]		maxVisitedSize	The maximum number of polygons the @p visited array can hold.
387 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
388 	dtStatus moveAlongSurface(dtPolyRef startRef, const float* startPos, const float* endPos,
389 							  const dtQueryFilter* filter,
390 							  float* resultPos, dtPolyRef* visited, int* visitedCount, const int maxVisitedSize) const;
392 	/// Casts a 'walkability' ray along the surface of the navigation mesh from
393 	/// the start position toward the end position.
394 	/// @note A wrapper around raycast(..., RaycastHit*). Retained for backward compatibility.
395 	///  @param[in]		startRef	The reference id of the start polygon.
396 	///  @param[in]		startPos	A position within the start polygon representing
397 	///  							the start of the ray. [(x, y, z)]
398 	///  @param[in]		endPos		The position to cast the ray toward. [(x, y, z)]
399 	///  @param[out]	t			The hit parameter. (FLT_MAX if no wall hit.)
400 	///  @param[out]	hitNormal	The normal of the nearest wall hit. [(x, y, z)]
401 	///  @param[in]		filter		The polygon filter to apply to the query.
402 	///  @param[out]	path		The reference ids of the visited polygons. [opt]
403 	///  @param[out]	pathCount	The number of visited polygons. [opt]
404 	///  @param[in]		maxPath		The maximum number of polygons the @p path array can hold.
405 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
406 	dtStatus raycast(dtPolyRef startRef, const float* startPos, const float* endPos,
407 					 const dtQueryFilter* filter,
408 					 float* t, float* hitNormal, dtPolyRef* path, int* pathCount, const int maxPath) const;
410 	/// Casts a 'walkability' ray along the surface of the navigation mesh from
411 	/// the start position toward the end position.
412 	///  @param[in]		startRef	The reference id of the start polygon.
413 	///  @param[in]		startPos	A position within the start polygon representing
414 	///  							the start of the ray. [(x, y, z)]
415 	///  @param[in]		endPos		The position to cast the ray toward. [(x, y, z)]
416 	///  @param[in]		filter		The polygon filter to apply to the query.
417 	///  @param[in]		flags		govern how the raycast behaves. See dtRaycastOptions
418 	///  @param[out]	hit			Pointer to a raycast hit structure which will be filled by the results.
419 	///  @param[in]		prevRef		parent of start ref. Used during for cost calculation [opt]
420 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
421 	dtStatus raycast(dtPolyRef startRef, const float* startPos, const float* endPos,
422 					 const dtQueryFilter* filter, const unsigned int options,
423 					 dtRaycastHit* hit, dtPolyRef prevRef = 0) const;
426 	/// Finds the distance from the specified position to the nearest polygon wall.
427 	///  @param[in]		startRef		The reference id of the polygon containing @p centerPos.
428 	///  @param[in]		centerPos		The center of the search circle. [(x, y, z)]
429 	///  @param[in]		maxRadius		The radius of the search circle.
430 	///  @param[in]		filter			The polygon filter to apply to the query.
431 	///  @param[out]	hitDist			The distance to the nearest wall from @p centerPos.
432 	///  @param[out]	hitPos			The nearest position on the wall that was hit. [(x, y, z)]
433 	///  @param[out]	hitNormal		The normalized ray formed from the wall point to the
434 	///  								source point. [(x, y, z)]
435 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
436 	dtStatus findDistanceToWall(dtPolyRef startRef, const float* centerPos, const float maxRadius,
437 								const dtQueryFilter* filter,
438 								float* hitDist, float* hitPos, float* hitNormal) const;
440 	/// Returns the segments for the specified polygon, optionally including portals.
441 	///  @param[in]		ref				The reference id of the polygon.
442 	///  @param[in]		filter			The polygon filter to apply to the query.
443 	///  @param[out]	segmentVerts	The segments. [(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz) * segmentCount]
444 	///  @param[out]	segmentRefs		The reference ids of each segment's neighbor polygon.
445 	///  								Or zero if the segment is a wall. [opt] [(parentRef) * @p segmentCount]
446 	///  @param[out]	segmentCount	The number of segments returned.
447 	///  @param[in]		maxSegments		The maximum number of segments the result arrays can hold.
448 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
449 	dtStatus getPolyWallSegments(dtPolyRef ref, const dtQueryFilter* filter,
450 								 float* segmentVerts, dtPolyRef* segmentRefs, int* segmentCount,
451 								 const int maxSegments) const;
453 	/// Returns random location on navmesh.
454 	/// Polygons are chosen weighted by area. The search runs in linear related to number of polygon.
455 	///  @param[in]		filter			The polygon filter to apply to the query.
456 	///  @param[in]		frand			Function returning a random number [0..1).
457 	///  @param[out]	randomRef		The reference id of the random location.
458 	///  @param[out]	randomPt		The random location.
459 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
460 	dtStatus findRandomPoint(const dtQueryFilter* filter, float (*frand)(),
461 							 dtPolyRef* randomRef, float* randomPt) const;
463 	/// Returns random location on navmesh within the reach of specified location.
464 	/// Polygons are chosen weighted by area. The search runs in linear related to number of polygon.
465 	/// The location is not exactly constrained by the circle, but it limits the visited polygons.
466 	///  @param[in]		startRef		The reference id of the polygon where the search starts.
467 	///  @param[in]		centerPos		The center of the search circle. [(x, y, z)]
468 	///  @param[in]		filter			The polygon filter to apply to the query.
469 	///  @param[in]		frand			Function returning a random number [0..1).
470 	///  @param[out]	randomRef		The reference id of the random location.
471 	///  @param[out]	randomPt		The random location. [(x, y, z)]
472 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
473 	dtStatus findRandomPointAroundCircle(dtPolyRef startRef, const float* centerPos, const float maxRadius,
474 										 const dtQueryFilter* filter, float (*frand)(),
475 										 dtPolyRef* randomRef, float* randomPt) const;
477 	/// Finds the closest point on the specified polygon.
478 	///  @param[in]		ref			The reference id of the polygon.
479 	///  @param[in]		pos			The position to check. [(x, y, z)]
480 	///  @param[out]	closest		The closest point on the polygon. [(x, y, z)]
481 	///  @param[out]	posOverPoly	True of the position is over the polygon.
482 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
483 	dtStatus closestPointOnPoly(dtPolyRef ref, const float* pos, float* closest, bool* posOverPoly) const;
485 	/// Returns a point on the boundary closest to the source point if the source point is outside the
486 	/// polygon's xz-bounds.
487 	///  @param[in]		ref			The reference id to the polygon.
488 	///  @param[in]		pos			The position to check. [(x, y, z)]
489 	///  @param[out]	closest		The closest point. [(x, y, z)]
490 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
491 	dtStatus closestPointOnPolyBoundary(dtPolyRef ref, const float* pos, float* closest) const;
493 	/// Gets the height of the polygon at the provided position using the height detail. (Most accurate.)
494 	///  @param[in]		ref			The reference id of the polygon.
495 	///  @param[in]		pos			A position within the xz-bounds of the polygon. [(x, y, z)]
496 	///  @param[out]	height		The height at the surface of the polygon.
497 	/// @returns The status flags for the query.
498 	dtStatus getPolyHeight(dtPolyRef ref, const float* pos, float* height) const;
500 	/// @}
501 	/// @name Miscellaneous Functions
502 	/// @{
504 	/// Returns true if the polygon reference is valid and passes the filter restrictions.
505 	///  @param[in]		ref			The polygon reference to check.
506 	///  @param[in]		filter		The filter to apply.
507 	bool isValidPolyRef(dtPolyRef ref, const dtQueryFilter* filter) const;
509 	/// Returns true if the polygon reference is in the closed list.
510 	///  @param[in]		ref		The reference id of the polygon to check.
511 	/// @returns True if the polygon is in closed list.
512 	bool isInClosedList(dtPolyRef ref) const;
514 	/// Gets the node pool.
515 	/// @returns The node pool.
getNodePool()516 	class dtNodePool* getNodePool() const { return m_nodePool; }
518 	/// Gets the navigation mesh the query object is using.
519 	/// @return The navigation mesh the query object is using.
getAttachedNavMesh()520 	const dtNavMesh* getAttachedNavMesh() const { return m_nav; }
522 	/// @}
524 private:
525 	// Explicitly disabled copy constructor and copy assignment operator
526 	dtNavMeshQuery(const dtNavMeshQuery&);
527 	dtNavMeshQuery& operator=(const dtNavMeshQuery&);
529 	/// Queries polygons within a tile.
530 	void queryPolygonsInTile(const dtMeshTile* tile, const float* qmin, const float* qmax,
531 							 const dtQueryFilter* filter, dtPolyQuery* query) const;
533 	/// Returns portal points between two polygons.
534 	dtStatus getPortalPoints(dtPolyRef from, dtPolyRef to, float* left, float* right,
535 							 unsigned char& fromType, unsigned char& toType) const;
536 	dtStatus getPortalPoints(dtPolyRef from, const dtPoly* fromPoly, const dtMeshTile* fromTile,
537 							 dtPolyRef to, const dtPoly* toPoly, const dtMeshTile* toTile,
538 							 float* left, float* right) const;
540 	/// Returns edge mid point between two polygons.
541 	dtStatus getEdgeMidPoint(dtPolyRef from, dtPolyRef to, float* mid) const;
542 	dtStatus getEdgeMidPoint(dtPolyRef from, const dtPoly* fromPoly, const dtMeshTile* fromTile,
543 							 dtPolyRef to, const dtPoly* toPoly, const dtMeshTile* toTile,
544 							 float* mid) const;
546 	// Appends vertex to a straight path
547 	dtStatus appendVertex(const float* pos, const unsigned char flags, const dtPolyRef ref,
548 						  float* straightPath, unsigned char* straightPathFlags, dtPolyRef* straightPathRefs,
549 						  int* straightPathCount, const int maxStraightPath) const;
551 	// Appends intermediate portal points to a straight path.
552 	dtStatus appendPortals(const int startIdx, const int endIdx, const float* endPos, const dtPolyRef* path,
553 						   float* straightPath, unsigned char* straightPathFlags, dtPolyRef* straightPathRefs,
554 						   int* straightPathCount, const int maxStraightPath, const int options) const;
556 	// Gets the path leading to the specified end node.
557 	dtStatus getPathToNode(struct dtNode* endNode, dtPolyRef* path, int* pathCount, int maxPath) const;
559 	const dtNavMesh* m_nav;				///< Pointer to navmesh data.
561 	struct dtQueryData
562 	{
563 		dtStatus status;
564 		struct dtNode* lastBestNode;
565 		float lastBestNodeCost;
566 		dtPolyRef startRef, endRef;
567 		float startPos[3], endPos[3];
568 		const dtQueryFilter* filter;
569 		unsigned int options;
570 		float raycastLimitSqr;
571 	};
572 	dtQueryData m_query;				///< Sliced query state.
574 	class dtNodePool* m_tinyNodePool;	///< Pointer to small node pool.
575 	class dtNodePool* m_nodePool;		///< Pointer to node pool.
576 	class dtNodeQueue* m_openList;		///< Pointer to open list queue.
577 };
579 /// Allocates a query object using the Detour allocator.
580 /// @return An allocated query object, or null on failure.
581 /// @ingroup detour
582 dtNavMeshQuery* dtAllocNavMeshQuery();
584 /// Frees the specified query object using the Detour allocator.
585 ///  @param[in]		query		A query object allocated using #dtAllocNavMeshQuery
586 /// @ingroup detour
587 void dtFreeNavMeshQuery(dtNavMeshQuery* query);