1 /* This file is part of Spectacle, the KDE screenshot utility
2  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Martin Graesslin <mgraesslin@kde.org>
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
5  */
7 #include "PlatformKWinWayland.h"
9 #include <QApplication>
10 #include <QDBusInterface>
11 #include <QDBusPendingCall>
12 #include <QDBusUnixFileDescriptor>
13 #include <QFutureWatcher>
14 #include <QGuiApplication>
15 #include <QImage>
16 #include <QPixmap>
17 #include <QScreen>
18 #include <QtConcurrent>
19 #include <qplatformdefs.h>
21 #include <array>
23 /* -- Static Helpers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
readData(int fd,QByteArray & data)25 static bool readData(int fd, QByteArray &data)
26 {
27     fd_set readset;
28     FD_ZERO(&readset);
29     FD_SET(fd, &readset);
30     struct timeval timeout;
31     timeout.tv_sec = 30;
32     timeout.tv_usec = 0;
33     char buf[4096 * 16];
35     while (true) {
36         int ready = select(FD_SETSIZE, &readset, nullptr, nullptr, &timeout);
37         if (ready < 0) {
38             qWarning() << "PlatformKWinWayland readData: select() failed" << strerror(errno);
39             return false;
40         } else if (ready == 0) {
41             qWarning("PlatformKWinWayland readData: timeout reading from pipe");
42             return false;
43         } else {
44             int n = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf);
46             if (n < 0) {
47                 qWarning() << "PlatformKWinWayland readData: read() failed" << strerror(errno);
48                 return false;
49             } else if (n == 0) {
50                 return true;
51             } else {
52                 data.append(buf, n);
53             }
54         }
55     }
58 }
readImage(int thePipeFd)60 static QImage readImage(int thePipeFd)
61 {
62     QByteArray lContent;
63     if (!readData(thePipeFd, lContent)) {
64         close(thePipeFd);
65         return QImage();
66     }
67     close(thePipeFd);
69     QDataStream lDataStream(lContent);
70     QImage lImage;
71     lDataStream >> lImage;
72     return lImage;
73 }
readImages(int thePipeFd)75 static QVector<QImage> readImages(int thePipeFd)
76 {
77     QByteArray lContent;
78     if (!readData(thePipeFd, lContent)) {
79         close(thePipeFd);
80         return QVector<QImage>();
81     }
82     close(thePipeFd);
84     QDataStream lDataStream(lContent);
85     lDataStream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_DefaultCompiledVersion);
87     QImage lImage;
88     QVector<QImage> imgs;
89     while (!lDataStream.atEnd()) {
90         lDataStream >> lImage;
91         if (!lImage.isNull()) {
92             imgs << lImage;
93         }
94     }
96     return imgs;
97 }
99 /* -- General Plumbing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
PlatformKWinWayland(QObject * parent)101 PlatformKWinWayland::PlatformKWinWayland(QObject *parent)
102     : Platform(parent)
103 {
104 }
platformName() const106 QString PlatformKWinWayland::platformName() const
107 {
108     return QStringLiteral("KWinWayland");
109 }
111 static std::array<int, 3> s_plasmaVersion = {-1, -1, -1};
findPlasmaMinorVersion()113 std::array<int, 3> findPlasmaMinorVersion()
114 {
115     if (s_plasmaVersion == std::array<int, 3>{-1, -1, -1}) {
116         auto message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(QStringLiteral("org.kde.plasmashell"),
117                                                       QStringLiteral("/MainApplication"),
118                                                       QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"),
119                                                       QStringLiteral("Get"));
121         message.setArguments({QStringLiteral("org.qtproject.Qt.QCoreApplication"), QStringLiteral("applicationVersion")});
123         const auto resultMessage = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call(message);
124         if (resultMessage.type() != QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage) {
125             qWarning() << "Error querying plasma version" << resultMessage.errorName() << resultMessage.errorMessage();
126             return s_plasmaVersion;
127         }
128         QDBusVariant val = resultMessage.arguments().at(0).value<QDBusVariant>();
130         const QString rawVersion = val.variant().value<QString>();
131         const QVector<QStringRef> splitted = rawVersion.splitRef(QLatin1Char('.'));
132         if (splitted.size() != 3) {
133             qWarning() << "error parsing plasma version";
134             return s_plasmaVersion;
135         }
136         bool ok;
137         int plasmaMajorVersion = splitted[0].toInt(&ok);
138         if (!ok) {
139             qWarning() << "error parsing plasma major version";
140             return s_plasmaVersion;
141         }
142         int plasmaMinorVersion = splitted[1].toInt(&ok);
143         if (!ok) {
144             qWarning() << "error parsing plasma minor version";
145             return s_plasmaVersion;
146         }
147         int plasmaPatchVersion = splitted[2].toInt(&ok);
148         if (!ok) {
149             qWarning() << "error parsing plasma patch version";
150             return s_plasmaVersion;
151         }
152         s_plasmaVersion = {plasmaMajorVersion, plasmaMinorVersion, plasmaPatchVersion};
153     }
154     return s_plasmaVersion;
155 }
supportedGrabModes() const157 Platform::GrabModes PlatformKWinWayland::supportedGrabModes() const
158 {
159     Platform::GrabModes lSupportedModes({Platform::GrabMode::AllScreens, GrabMode::WindowUnderCursor});
160     QList<QScreen *> screens = QApplication::screens();
162     // TODO remove sometime after Plasma 5.21 is released
163     // We can handle rectangular selection one one screen not scale factor
164     // on Plasma < 5.21
165     if (screenshotScreensAvailable() || (screens.count() == 1 && screens.first()->devicePixelRatio() == 1)) {
166         lSupportedModes |= Platform::GrabMode::PerScreenImageNative;
167     }
169     // TODO remove sometime after Plasma 5.20 is released
170     auto plasmaVersion = findPlasmaMinorVersion();
171     if (plasmaVersion.at(0) != -1 && (plasmaVersion.at(0) != 5 || (plasmaVersion.at(1) >= 20))) {
172         lSupportedModes |= Platform::GrabMode::AllScreensScaled;
173     }
175     if (screens.count() > 1) {
176         lSupportedModes |= Platform::GrabMode::CurrentScreen;
177     }
178     return lSupportedModes;
179 }
screenshotScreensAvailable() const181 bool PlatformKWinWayland::screenshotScreensAvailable() const
182 {
183     // TODO remove sometime after Plasma 5.21 is released
184     auto plasmaVersion = findPlasmaMinorVersion();
185     // Screenshot screenshotScreens dbus interface requires Plasma 5.21
186     if (plasmaVersion.at(0) != -1 && (plasmaVersion.at(0) != 5 || (plasmaVersion.at(1) >= 21 || (plasmaVersion.at(1) == 20 && plasmaVersion.at(2) >= 80)))) {
187         return true;
188     } else {
189         return false;
190     }
191 }
supportedShutterModes() const193 Platform::ShutterModes PlatformKWinWayland::supportedShutterModes() const
194 {
195     // TODO remove sometime after Plasma 5.20 is released
196     auto plasmaVersion = findPlasmaMinorVersion();
197     if (plasmaVersion.at(0) != -1 && (plasmaVersion.at(0) != 5 || (plasmaVersion.at(1) >= 20))) {
198         return {ShutterMode::Immediate};
199     } else {
200         return {ShutterMode::OnClick};
201     }
202 }
doGrab(ShutterMode,GrabMode theGrabMode,bool theIncludePointer,bool theIncludeDecorations)204 void PlatformKWinWayland::doGrab(ShutterMode /* theShutterMode */, GrabMode theGrabMode, bool theIncludePointer, bool theIncludeDecorations)
205 {
206     switch (theGrabMode) {
207     case GrabMode::AllScreens:
208         doGrabHelper(QStringLiteral("screenshotFullscreen"), theIncludePointer, true);
209         return;
210     case GrabMode::AllScreensScaled:
211         doGrabHelper(QStringLiteral("screenshotFullscreen"), theIncludePointer, false);
212         return;
214     case GrabMode::PerScreenImageNative: {
215         const QList<QScreen *> screens = QGuiApplication::screens();
216         QStringList screenNames;
217         screenNames.reserve(screens.count());
218         for (const auto screen : screens) {
219             screenNames << screen->name();
220         }
221         if (screenshotScreensAvailable()) {
222             doGrabImagesHelper(QStringLiteral("screenshotScreens"), screenNames, theIncludePointer, true);
223         } else {
224             // TODO remove sometime after Plasma 5.21 is released
225             // Use the dbus call screenshotFullscreen to get a single screen screenshot and treat it as a list of images
226             doGrabImagesHelper(QStringLiteral("screenshotFullscreen"), theIncludePointer, true);
227         }
228         return;
229     }
230     case GrabMode::CurrentScreen: {
231         doGrabHelper(QStringLiteral("screenshotScreen"), theIncludePointer);
232         return;
233     }
234     case GrabMode::WindowUnderCursor: {
235         int lOpMask = theIncludeDecorations ? 1 : 0;
236         if (theIncludePointer) {
237             lOpMask |= 1 << 1;
238         }
239         doGrabHelper(QStringLiteral("interactive"), lOpMask);
240         return;
241     }
242     case GrabMode::InvalidChoice:
243     case GrabMode::ActiveWindow:
244     case GrabMode::TransientWithParent:
245         Q_EMIT newScreenshotFailed();
246         return;
247     }
248 }
250 /* -- Grab Helpers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
startReadImage(int theReadPipe)252 void PlatformKWinWayland::startReadImage(int theReadPipe)
253 {
254     auto lWatcher = new QFutureWatcher<QImage>(this);
255     QObject::connect(lWatcher, &QFutureWatcher<QImage>::finished, this, [lWatcher, this]() {
256         lWatcher->deleteLater();
257         const QImage lImage = lWatcher->result();
258         if (lImage.isNull()) {
259             Q_EMIT newScreenshotFailed();
260         } else {
261             Q_EMIT newScreenshotTaken(QPixmap::fromImage(lImage));
262         }
263     });
264     lWatcher->setFuture(QtConcurrent::run(readImage, theReadPipe));
265 }
startReadImages(int theReadPipe)267 void PlatformKWinWayland::startReadImages(int theReadPipe)
268 {
269     auto lWatcher = new QFutureWatcher<QVector<QImage>>(this);
270     QObject::connect(lWatcher, &QFutureWatcher<QVector<QImage>>::finished, this, [lWatcher, this]() {
271         lWatcher->deleteLater();
272         auto result = lWatcher->result();
273         if (result.isEmpty()) {
274             Q_EMIT newScreenshotFailed();
275         } else {
276             Q_EMIT newScreensScreenshotTaken(result);
277         }
278     });
279     lWatcher->setFuture(QtConcurrent::run(readImages, theReadPipe));
280 }
282 template<typename... ArgType>
callDBus(const QString & theGrabMethod,int theWriteFile,ArgType...arguments)283 void PlatformKWinWayland::callDBus(const QString &theGrabMethod, int theWriteFile, ArgType... arguments)
284 {
285     QDBusInterface lInterface(QStringLiteral("org.kde.KWin"), QStringLiteral("/Screenshot"), QStringLiteral("org.kde.kwin.Screenshot"));
286     QDBusPendingCall pcall = lInterface.asyncCall(theGrabMethod, QVariant::fromValue(QDBusUnixFileDescriptor(theWriteFile)), arguments...);
287     checkDbusPendingCall(pcall);
288 }
checkDbusPendingCall(const QDBusPendingCall & pcall)290 void PlatformKWinWayland::checkDbusPendingCall(const QDBusPendingCall &pcall)
291 {
292     QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(pcall, this);
293     QObject::connect(watcher, &QDBusPendingCallWatcher::finished, this, [this](QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher) {
294         if (watcher->isError()) {
295             const auto error = watcher->error();
296             qWarning() << "Error calling KWin DBus interface:" << error.name() << error.message();
297             Q_EMIT newScreenshotFailed();
298         }
299         watcher->deleteLater();
300     });
301 }
303 template<typename... ArgType>
doGrabHelper(const QString & theGrabMethod,ArgType...arguments)304 void PlatformKWinWayland::doGrabHelper(const QString &theGrabMethod, ArgType... arguments)
305 {
306     int lPipeFds[2];
307     if (pipe2(lPipeFds, O_CLOEXEC | O_NONBLOCK) != 0) {
308         Q_EMIT newScreenshotFailed();
309         return;
310     }
312     callDBus(theGrabMethod, lPipeFds[1], arguments...);
313     startReadImage(lPipeFds[0]);
315     close(lPipeFds[1]);
316 }
318 template<typename... ArgType>
doGrabImagesHelper(const QString & theGrabMethod,ArgType...arguments)319 void PlatformKWinWayland::doGrabImagesHelper(const QString &theGrabMethod, ArgType... arguments)
320 {
321     int lPipeFds[2];
322     if (pipe2(lPipeFds, O_CLOEXEC | O_NONBLOCK) != 0) {
323         Q_EMIT newScreenshotFailed();
324         return;
325     }
327     callDBus(theGrabMethod, lPipeFds[1], arguments...);
328     startReadImages(lPipeFds[0]);
330     close(lPipeFds[1]);
331 }