1 /*
2  * Author:      William Chia-Wei Cheng (bill.cheng@acm.org)
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2001-2009, William Chia-Wei Cheng.
5  *
6  * This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
7  * as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
8  * LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
9  *
17  *
18  * @(#)$Header: /mm2/home/cvs/bc-src/tgif/file.c,v 1.69 2011/05/16 16:21:57 william Exp $
19  */
21 #define _INCLUDE_FROM_FILE_C_
23 #include "tgifdefs.h"
24 #include "expfdefs.h"
25 #include "cmdids.h"
27 #include "align.e"
28 #include "arc.e"
29 #include "attr.e"
30 #include "auxtext.e"
31 #include "box.e"
32 #include "button.e"
33 #include "choice.e"
34 #include "cmd.e"
35 #include "color.e"
36 #include "cutpaste.e"
37 #include "cursor.e"
38 #include "dialog.e"
39 #include "drawing.e"
40 #include "dup.e"
41 #include "edit.e"
42 #include "eps.e"
43 #include "exec.e"
44 #include "file.e"
45 #include "font.e"
46 #include "grid.e"
47 #include "group.e"
48 #include "imgproc.e"
49 #include "import.e"
50 #include "ini.e"
51 #include "mainloop.e"
52 #include "mainmenu.e"
53 #include "mark.e"
54 #include "menu.e"
55 #include "menuinfo.e"
56 #include "miniline.e"
57 #include "move.e"
58 #include "msg.e"
59 #include "names.e"
60 #include "navigate.e"
61 #include "obj.e"
62 #include "oval.e"
63 #include "page.e"
64 #include "pattern.e"
65 #include "poly.e"
66 #include "polygon.e"
67 #include "prtgif.e"
68 #include "ps.e"
69 #include "raster.e"
70 #include "rcbox.e"
71 #include "rect.e"
72 #include "remote.e"
73 #include "ruler.e"
74 #include "scroll.e"
75 #include "select.e"
76 #include "setup.e"
77 #include "shape.e"
78 #include "special.e"
79 #include "spline.e"
80 #include "stk.e"
81 #include "stretch.e"
82 #include "strtbl.e"
83 #include "text.e"
84 #include "util.e"
85 #include "version.e"
86 #include "wb.e"
87 #include "xbitmap.e"
88 #include "xpixmap.e"
89 #include "xprtfltr.e"
92 #define METRIC_PIX_PER_INCH 127
93 #endif /* _METRIC_PIX_PER_INCH */
95 #define CUR_VERSION 37
98 int	prTgifFoundColorInfo=FALSE;
99 char	curFileName[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
100 int	curFileDefined=FALSE;
101 int	fileVersion=INVALID;
102 int	curFileWriteVersion=CUR_VERSION;
103 int	importingFile=FALSE;
104 int	mergingFile=FALSE;
105 int	serializingFile=FALSE;
106 int	deserializingFile=FALSE;
107 int	psDotsPerInch=72;
108 float	printMag=(float)100.0;
109 int	saveTmpOnReturn=TRUE;
110 int	warpToWinCenter=TRUE;
111 float	tiledPageScaling=(float)0.9;
113 char	*psXOffStr[MAXPAGESTYLES] = {"0","0"};
114 float	psXOff[MAXPAGESTYLES] =     { 0,  0 };
115 char	* * psYOffStr=NULL;
116 float	* psYOff=NULL;
117 float	* psPageWidthInInch=NULL;
118 float	* psPageHeightInInch=NULL;
120 char	printCommand[MAXSTRING+1];
121 char	outputDir[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
123 char	* savedComments=NULL;
124 int	savedCommentsLen=0;
125 int	saveCommentsInSaveNew=TRUE;
126 int	usePsAdobeString=FALSE;
127 char	adobeString[80], epsfString[80];
129 int	readingPageNum=0;
130 int	loadedCurPageNum=0;
132 int	writeFileFailed=FALSE;
133 int	foundGoodStateObject=FALSE;
135 int	cmdLineHasPageNum=FALSE;
136 int	cmdLinePageNum=(-1);
137 char	cmdLinePageNumStr[80];
139 int	cmdLineOneFilePerPage=FALSE;
140 int	cmdLineA4=FALSE;
141 int	cmdLineLetter=FALSE;
142 int	cmdLineNoShowPageInEPS=FALSE;
143 int	cmdLineColor=FALSE;
144 int	cmdLineRequestedColor=FALSE;
146 int	cmdLineDumpURL=FALSE;
147 int	cmdLineDumpURLWithHeader=FALSE;
148 int	cmdLineDumpURLHeaderOnly=FALSE;
149 int	cmdLineDumpURLShowStatus=FALSE;
151 int	cmdLineDosEpsFilter=FALSE;
152 int	cmdLinePreviewOnly=FALSE;
154 int	cmdLinePsSetup=FALSE;
156 int	tmpFileMode=PSFILE_MOD;
157 char	cmdLineTmpFileModeStr[MAXSTRING];
159 int	cmdLineOpenDisplay=FALSE;
160 int	cmdLineStdOut=FALSE;
161 int	cmdLineWhereToPrint=INVALID;
162 int	cmdLineTiffEPSI=INVALID;
163 int	cmdLinePdfSetPageDevice=INVALID;
165 char	cmdLineFileToExec[MAXSTRING];
166 char	cmdLineProducedBy[MAXSTRING];
167 char	cmdLineOpenFile[MAXSTRING];
168 char	cmdLineJpegToPpm6Cmd[MAXSTRING];
170 int	cmdLineQuiet=FALSE;
172 char	cmdLineCustomPatternDir[MAXSTRING];
173 char	customPatDir[MAXSTRING];
175 int	generateTiffEPSI=FALSE;
176 int	showPageInEPS=TRUE;
178 int	gnQuit=FALSE;
180 int	myFileBgPixel=INVALID, myFileFgPixel=INVALID;
181 char	*myFileBgColorStr=NULL, *myFileFgColorStr=NULL;
182 XColor	myFileBgColor;
183 int	myFileBgPixmapW=(-1), myFileBgPixmapH=(-1);
184 Pixmap	myFileBgPixmap=None;
185 char	*myFileBgGifURL=NULL;
186 char	gszProducedBy[MAXSTRING];
188 int	dumpOneFilePerPage=FALSE;
190 int	bufferAsFileForWhiteBoard=FALSE;
192 int	flushColormapOnOpen=FALSE;
194 struct BBRec	*gpExportClipBBox=NULL;
196 int		gnNumFilePSFontAliases=0;
197 KeyValInfo	*gaFilePSFontAliases=NULL;
199 SpecifyPagesInfo	gPagesToPrintSpec;
201 GenerateByInfo	gGenerateByInfo;
203 static int	pdfSetPageDevice=INVALID;
205 static int	psRegMarksInTiledPageMode=INVALID;
206 static float	psRegMarksGray=(float)0.95;
208 static int importingPageNum=(-1);
209 static char importingPageName[MAXSTRING+1];
211 static int unsavableFile=FALSE;
213 static char	*gpszPsSetup=NULL;
214 static int	psSetupStatus=INVALID;
215 static int	psDistillerNoImageCompress=INVALID;
217 struct DocFontRec {
218    char name[80];
219    int len;
220    struct DocFontRec *next;
221 };
223 static struct DocFontRec *firstDocFont=NULL;
MkTempFile(buf,buf_sz,psz_dir,psz_prefix)225 char *MkTempFile(buf, buf_sz, psz_dir, psz_prefix)
226    char *buf, *psz_dir, *psz_prefix;
227    int buf_sz;
228 {
229    int mkstemp_succes=FALSE;
231 #ifdef _TGIF_DBG /* debug, do not translate */
232    TgAssert(buf_sz > sizeof(char*),
233          "buf_sz <= sizeof(char*) in MkTempFile()", NULL);
234 #endif /* _TGIF_DBG */
236 #ifndef _DONT_USE_MKTEMP
237    sprintf(buf, "%s%sXXXXXX", psz_dir, psz_prefix);
238    mktemp(buf);
239 #else /* _DONT_USE_MKTEMP */
240    {
241       int fd=(-1);
243       sprintf(buf, "%s%sXXXXXX", psz_dir, psz_prefix);
244       if ((fd=mkstemp(buf)) == (-1)) {
245          /*
246           * UtilStrCpyN(buf, buf_sz, (char*)tempnam(psz_dir, psz_prefix));
247           */
248          sprintf(buf, "%s%sXXXXXX", psz_dir, psz_prefix);
249          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANT_OBTAIN_TMP_FILE_NAME),
250                buf);
251          if (PRTGIF) {
252             fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
253          } else {
254             MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
255          }
256          return NULL;
257       } else {
258          close(fd);
259          mkstemp_succes = TRUE;
260       }
261    }
262 #endif /* ~_DONT_USE_MKTEMP */
264    if (!mkstemp_succes) {
265 #ifdef O_EXCL
266       int fd=open(buf, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);
268       if (fd == -1) {
269          /* barf loudly that someone is trying to hack the box */
270          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_RACE_IN_CREATE_TMP_FILE), buf);
271          if (PRTGIF) {
272             fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
273          } else {
274             MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
275          }
276          return NULL;
277       } else {
278          close(fd);
279       }
280 #endif /* O_EXCL */
281    }
282    unlink(buf);
284    return buf;
285 }
IsFiletUnSavable()287 int IsFiletUnSavable()
288 {
289    return unsavableFile;
290 }
SetUnSavableFile(unsavable)292 void SetUnSavableFile(unsavable)
293    int unsavable;
294 {
295    if (!unsavableFile && unsavable) {
296       Msg(TgLoadString(STID_FILE_IS_MARKED_UNSAVABLE));
297    }
298    unsavableFile = unsavable;
299 }
UpdateDocumentFonts(ps_font_name)301 void UpdateDocumentFonts(ps_font_name)
302    char *ps_font_name;
303 {
304    int len=strlen(ps_font_name);
305    struct DocFontRec *df_ptr;
307    for (df_ptr=firstDocFont; df_ptr != NULL; df_ptr=df_ptr->next) {
308       if (df_ptr->len == len && strcmp(df_ptr->name, ps_font_name) == 0) {
309          return;
310       }
311    }
312    df_ptr = (struct DocFontRec *)malloc(sizeof(struct DocFontRec));
313    if (df_ptr == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
314    memset(df_ptr, 0, sizeof(struct DocFontRec));
315    df_ptr->len = len;
316    UtilStrCpyN(df_ptr->name, sizeof(df_ptr->name), ps_font_name);
317    df_ptr->next = firstDocFont;
318    firstDocFont = df_ptr;
319 }
321 static
DumpDocumentFonts(dump_fp)322 void DumpDocumentFonts(dump_fp)
323    FILE *dump_fp;
324 {
325    struct DocFontRec *next_df=NULL;
327    if (fprintf(dump_fp, "%%%%DocumentFonts: ") == EOF) {
328       writeFileFailed = TRUE;
329    }
330    for ( ; firstDocFont != NULL; firstDocFont=next_df) {
331       next_df = firstDocFont->next;
332       if (fprintf(dump_fp, "%s", firstDocFont->name) == EOF) {
333          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
334       }
335       if (next_df != NULL) {
336          if (fprintf(dump_fp, "\n%%%%+ ") == EOF) {
337             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
338          }
339       }
340       free(firstDocFont);
341    }
342    if (fprintf(dump_fp, "\n") == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
343 }
345 #define LANGUAGELEVEL 0
346 #define EXTENSIONS 1
347 #define DOCUMENTFONTS 2
353 struct tagPropagatedEPSInfoRec {
354    char *name;
355    int status;
356 } gstPropagatedEPSInfo[] = {
357    { "%%LanguageLevel", LANGUAGELEVEL },
358    { "%%Extensions", EXTENSIONS },
359    { "%%DocumentFonts", DOCUMENTFONTS },
360    { "%%DocumentNeededResources", DOCUMENTNEEDEDRESOURCES },
361    { "%%DocumentNeededFonts", DOCUMENTNEEDEDFONTS },
362    { NULL, INVALID }
363 };
365 static KeyValInfo *gPropagatedEPSInfo[MAXPROPAGATEDEPSINFO];
366 static int maxLanguageLevel=0;
368 static
FindPropagatedEPSInfo(buf)369 int FindPropagatedEPSInfo(buf)
370    char *buf;
371 {
372    struct tagPropagatedEPSInfoRec *ppei=gstPropagatedEPSInfo;
374    for (ppei=gstPropagatedEPSInfo; ppei->name != NULL; ppei++) {
375       if (strcmp(buf, ppei->name) == 0) {
376          return ppei->status;
377       }
378    }
379    return INVALID;
380 }
382 static
CleanUpPropagatedEPSInfo()383 void CleanUpPropagatedEPSInfo()
384 {
385    int i=0;
387    maxLanguageLevel = 0;
388    for (i=0; i < MAXPROPAGATEDEPSINFO; i++) {
389       KeyValInfo *pkvi=NULL, *p_next_kvi=NULL;
391       for (pkvi=gPropagatedEPSInfo[i]; pkvi != NULL; pkvi=p_next_kvi) {
392          p_next_kvi = pkvi->next;
393          UtilFree(pkvi->value);
394          free(pkvi);
395       }
396    }
397    memset(gPropagatedEPSInfo, 0, MAXPROPAGATEDEPSINFO*sizeof(KeyValInfo*));
398 }
400 static
DumpPropagatedEPSInfo(dump_fp)401 void DumpPropagatedEPSInfo(dump_fp)
402    FILE *dump_fp;
403 {
404    int i=0;
406    if (maxLanguageLevel > 0) {
407       if (fprintf(dump_fp, "%%%%LanguageLevel: %1d\n", maxLanguageLevel) ==
408             EOF) {
409          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
410       }
411    }
412    for (i=0; i < MAXPROPAGATEDEPSINFO; i++) {
413       if (gPropagatedEPSInfo[i] != NULL) {
414          KeyValInfo *pkvi=NULL, *p_next_kvi=NULL;
416          if (fprintf(dump_fp, "%s: ", gstPropagatedEPSInfo[i].name) == EOF) {
417             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
418          }
419          for (pkvi=gPropagatedEPSInfo[i]; pkvi != NULL; pkvi=p_next_kvi) {
420             p_next_kvi = pkvi->next;
421             if (fprintf(dump_fp, "%s", pkvi->value) == EOF) {
422                writeFileFailed = TRUE;
423             }
424             if (p_next_kvi != NULL) {
425                if (fprintf(dump_fp, "\n%%%%+ ") == EOF) {
426                   writeFileFailed = TRUE;
427                }
428             }
429             UtilFree(pkvi->value);
430             free(pkvi);
431          }
432          if (fprintf(dump_fp, "\n") == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
433          gPropagatedEPSInfo[i] = NULL;
434       }
435    }
436 }
438 static
DoUpdatePropagatedEPSInfo(index,psz_value)439 void DoUpdatePropagatedEPSInfo(index, psz_value)
440    int index;
441    char *psz_value;
442 {
443    int len=strlen(psz_value);
444    KeyValInfo *pkvi=NULL, *p_last_kvi=NULL;
446    for (pkvi=gPropagatedEPSInfo[index]; pkvi != NULL; pkvi=pkvi->next) {
447       if (pkvi->key == ((char*)(long)len) &&
448             strcmp(pkvi->value, psz_value) == 0) {
449          return;
450       }
451       p_last_kvi = pkvi;
452    }
453    pkvi = (KeyValInfo *)malloc(sizeof(KeyValInfo));
454    if (pkvi == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
455    memset(pkvi, 0, sizeof(KeyValInfo));
456    pkvi->key = ((char*)(long)len);
457    pkvi->value = UtilStrDup(psz_value);
458    if (pkvi->value == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
459    if (p_last_kvi == NULL) {
460       gPropagatedEPSInfo[index] = pkvi;
461    } else {
462       p_last_kvi->next = pkvi;
463    }
464 }
UpdatePropagatedEPSInfo(line,pn_status)466 void UpdatePropagatedEPSInfo(line, pn_status)
467    char *line;
468    int *pn_status;
469 {
470    int propagated_eps_status=INVALID, level=0;
471    char *arg=NULL;
473    if (*pn_status == INVALID) {
474       arg = strchr(line, ':');
476       if (arg == NULL) return;
477       *arg++ = '\0';
478       propagated_eps_status = FindPropagatedEPSInfo(line);
479       if (propagated_eps_status == INVALID) return;
480    } else {
481       propagated_eps_status = (*pn_status);
482       arg = (&line[3]);
483    }
484 #ifdef _TGIF_DBG /* debug, do not translate */
485    TgAssert(propagated_eps_status != INVALID,
486          "propagated_eps_status != INVALID in UpdatePropagatedEPSInfo()",
487          NULL);
488 #endif /* _TGIF_DBG */
489    UtilTrimBlanks(arg);
490    if (arg[0] == '(' && UtilStrICmp(arg, "(atend)") == 0) {
491       *pn_status = INVALID;
492       return;
493    }
494    switch (propagated_eps_status) {
495    case LANGUAGELEVEL:
496       if (sscanf(arg, "%d", &level) == 1) {
497          if (level > maxLanguageLevel) {
498             maxLanguageLevel = level;
499          }
500       }
501       break;
502    case EXTENSIONS:
505       DoUpdatePropagatedEPSInfo(propagated_eps_status, arg);
506       break;
507    case DOCUMENTFONTS:
508       UpdateDocumentFonts(arg);
509       break;
510    }
511    *pn_status = propagated_eps_status;
512 }
514 static int dontUseShortHandPS=INVALID;
515 static int dontCondense=INVALID;
516 static int stripSimpleComments=INVALID;
SetCmdLineDontCondense()518 void SetCmdLineDontCondense()
519 {
520    dontUseShortHandPS = TRUE;
521    dontCondense = TRUE;
522    stripSimpleComments = FALSE;
523 }
SetCmdLineCondensedPS()525 void SetCmdLineCondensedPS()
526 {
527    dontUseShortHandPS = FALSE;
528    dontCondense = FALSE;
529    stripSimpleComments = TRUE;
530 }
532 static char gszResidual[80];
533 static int gnResidualLen=0;
535 static
DumpResidual(write_fp)536 void DumpResidual(write_fp)
537    FILE *write_fp;
538 {
539    if (gnResidualLen > 0) {
540       if (fputs(gszResidual, write_fp) == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
541       if (fputs("\n", write_fp) == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
542       *gszResidual = '\0';
543       gnResidualLen = 0;
544    }
545 }
547 static
AddToResidual(write_fp,buf)548 void AddToResidual(write_fp, buf)
549    FILE *write_fp;
550    char *buf;
551 {
552    int len=strlen(buf);
554    if (len <= 0) return;
556    if (len+gnResidualLen >= 77) {
557       DumpResidual(write_fp);
558       if (len >= 77) {
559          if (fputs(buf, write_fp) == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
560          if (fputs("\n", write_fp) == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
561          return;
562       }
563    }
564    if (gnResidualLen == 0) {
565       sprintf(&gszResidual[gnResidualLen], "%s", buf);
566       gnResidualLen += len;
567    } else {
568       sprintf(&gszResidual[gnResidualLen], " %s", buf);
569       gnResidualLen += len+1;
570    }
571 }
573 static
GetPostScriptToken(read_fname,pszStart,ppszEnd)574 char *GetPostScriptToken(read_fname, pszStart, ppszEnd)
575    char *read_fname, *pszStart, **ppszEnd;
576 {
577    char *psz=NULL;
579    *ppszEnd = NULL;
580    while (*pszStart == ' ' || *pszStart == '\t') pszStart++;
581    if (*pszStart == '\0') return NULL;
582    if (*pszStart == '%') return NULL;
583    if (*pszStart == '(') {
584       for (psz=pszStart; *psz != ')' && *psz != '\0'; psz++) {
585          if (*psz == '\\') {
586             psz++;
587             if (*psz >= '0' && *psz <= '7') {
588                psz++;
589                psz++;
590             }
591          }
592       }
593       if (*psz == ')') {
594          *ppszEnd = (&psz[1]);
595       } else {
596          /* no problem - Adobe Illustrator 6.0 does this a lot */
597       }
598    } else {
599       for (psz=pszStart;
600             *psz!='\0' && *psz!=' ' && *psz!='\t' && *psz!='(' && *psz!='%';
601             psz++) {
602       }
603       if (*psz == '%') {
604          *psz = '\0';
605       }
606       if (*psz != '\0') {
607          *ppszEnd = psz;
608       }
609    }
610    return pszStart;
611 }
613 static
CondenseAndCopyPostScriptFile(read_fp,write_fp,read_fname,condense)614 void CondenseAndCopyPostScriptFile(read_fp, write_fp, read_fname, condense)
615    FILE *read_fp, *write_fp;
616    char *read_fname;
617    int condense;
618 {
619    if (condense) {
620       char *buf;
621       int previewing=FALSE, begin_preview_len=strlen("%%BeginPreview:");
623       if (stripSimpleComments == INVALID) stripSimpleComments = FALSE;
624       *gszResidual = '\0';
625       gnResidualLen = 0;
626       while ((buf=UtilGetALine(read_fp)) != NULL) {
627          if (*buf == '%') {
628             if (strncmp(buf, "%%BeginPreview:", begin_preview_len) == 0) {
629                previewing = TRUE;
630             } else if (strncmp(buf, "%%EndPreview", begin_preview_len-3) == 0) {
631                previewing = FALSE;
632             }
633             if (!stripSimpleComments || buf[1] == '%' || buf[1] == '!' ||
634                   previewing) {
635                DumpResidual(write_fp);
636                AddToResidual(write_fp, buf);
637                DumpResidual(write_fp);
638             }
639          } else {
640             char *psz=NULL, *pszStart=buf, *pszEnd=NULL;
642             while ((psz=GetPostScriptToken(read_fname, pszStart, &pszEnd)) !=
643                   NULL) {
644                char saved_ch='\0';
646                if (pszEnd != NULL) {
647                   saved_ch = (*pszEnd);
648                   *pszEnd = '\0';
649                }
650                AddToResidual(write_fp, psz);
651                if (pszEnd == NULL) {
652                   break;
653                }
654                *pszEnd = saved_ch;
655                pszStart = pszEnd;
656                pszEnd = NULL;
657             }
658          }
659          UtilFree(buf);
660       }
661       DumpResidual(write_fp);
662    } else {
663       char tmp_str[MAXSTRING<<1];
665       while (fgets(tmp_str, MAXSTRING, read_fp) != NULL) {
666          if (fputs(tmp_str, write_fp) == EOF) {
667             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
668          }
669       }
670    }
671 }
673 static
CondensePostScriptFile(read_fname,buf_sz)674 int CondensePostScriptFile(read_fname, buf_sz)
675    char *read_fname;
676    int buf_sz;
677 {
678    char write_fname[MAXSTRING+1];
679    FILE *read_fp=NULL, *write_fp=NULL;
681    if (MkTempFile(write_fname, sizeof(write_fname), tmpDir, TOOL_NAME) ==
682          NULL) {
683       return FALSE;
684    }
685    if ((read_fp=fopen(read_fname, "r")) == NULL) {
686       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_READ_PRINT),
687             read_fname);
688       if (PRTGIF) {
689          fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
690       } else {
691          MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
692       }
693       return FALSE;
694    }
695    if ((write_fp=fopen(write_fname, "w")) == NULL) {
696       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_WRITE_PRINT),
697             write_fname);
698       if (PRTGIF) {
699          fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
700       } else {
701          MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
702       }
703       fclose(read_fp);
704       return FALSE;
705    }
706    CondenseAndCopyPostScriptFile(read_fp, write_fp, read_fname, TRUE);
707    fclose(read_fp);
708    fclose(write_fp);
709    unlink(read_fname);
710    UtilStrCpyN(read_fname, buf_sz, write_fname);
712    return TRUE;
713 }
715 static
CopyAFile(file1,file2,condense)716 int CopyAFile(file1, file2, condense)
717    char *file1, *file2;
718    int condense;
719 {
720    char tmp_str[MAXSTRING<<1], *rest;
721    FILE *fp1, *fp2;
723    if ((fp1=fopen(file1, "r")) == NULL) {
724       sprintf(tmp_str, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE_FOR_READING), file1);
725       if (PRTGIF) {
726          fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", tmp_str);
727       } else {
728          MsgBox(tmp_str, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
729       }
730       return FALSE;
731    }
732    if (file2 == NULL) {
733       /* PRTGIF && cmdLineStdOut */
734       fp2 = stdout;
735    } else {
736       int short_name=FALSE;
738       if ((short_name=IsPrefix(bootDir, file2, &rest))) ++rest;
739       if ((fp2=fopen(file2, "w")) == NULL) {
740          if (PRTGIF) {
741             sprintf(tmp_str, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE_FOR_WRITING),
742                   file2);
743             fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", tmp_str);
744          } else {
745             if (short_name) {
746                sprintf(tmp_str, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE_FOR_WRITING),
747                      rest);
748             } else {
749                sprintf(tmp_str, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE_FOR_WRITING),
750                      file2);
751             }
752             MsgBox(tmp_str, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
753          }
754          fclose(fp1);
755          return FALSE;
756       }
757    }
758    writeFileFailed = FALSE;
759    CondenseAndCopyPostScriptFile(fp1, fp2, file1, (condense && !dontCondense));
760    fclose(fp1);
761    if (file2 != NULL) fclose(fp2);
762    if (writeFileFailed) {
763       writeFileFailed = FALSE;
764       if (file2 == NULL) {
765          strcpy(tmp_str, TgLoadString(STID_FAIL_TO_WRITE_TO_STDOUT));
766          if (PRTGIF) {
767             fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", tmp_str);
768          } else {
769             MsgBox(tmp_str, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
770          }
771       } else {
772          FailToWriteFileMessage(file2);
773       }
774       return FALSE;
775    }
776    return TRUE;
777 }
FindProgramInPath(cmd,msg,no_msg)779 int FindProgramInPath(cmd, msg, no_msg)
780    char *cmd, *msg;
781    int no_msg;
782 {
783    char *psz=strchr(cmd, ' '), szPath[MAXPATHLENGTH];
785    if (psz != NULL) *psz = '\0';
786    UtilStrCpyN(szPath, sizeof(szPath), cmd);
787    if (psz != NULL) *psz = ' ';
789    if (*szPath == '\0') {
790       /* no program specified, assume it's okay */
791       return TRUE;
792    } else if (*szPath == DIR_SEP) {
793       if (UtilPathExists(szPath)) return TRUE;
794    } else {
795       char *env=NULL;
797       psz = getenv("PATH");
798       if (psz == NULL) {
799          /* cannot get the PATH environment, assume it's okay */
800          return TRUE;
801       }
802       env = UtilStrDup(psz);
803       if (env == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
804       for (psz=strtok(env, ":"); psz != NULL; psz=strtok(NULL, ":")) {
805          sprintf(gszMsgBox, "%s%c%s", psz, DIR_SEP, szPath);
806          if (UtilPathExists(gszMsgBox)) {
807             UtilFree(env);
808             return TRUE;
809          }
810       }
811       UtilFree(env);
812    }
813    if (no_msg) {
814       return FALSE;
815    }
816    if (msg == NULL || *msg == '\0') {
817       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(*szPath==DIR_SEP ?
819             szPath, cmd);
820    } else {
821       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(*szPath==DIR_SEP ?
823             szPath, msg, cmd);
824    }
825    if (PRTGIF) {
826       fprintf(stderr, "%s [no]\n", gszMsgBox);
827       return FALSE;
828    }
829    return (MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, YNC_MB)==MB_ID_YES);
830 }
ExecuteCmd(cmd,done_msg)832 int ExecuteCmd(cmd, done_msg)
833    char *cmd;
834    int done_msg;
835 {
836    int watch_cursor=watchCursorOnMainWindow;
837    char tmp_str[MAXSTRING+1];
838    FILE *fp=NULL;
840    EndMeasureTooltip(FALSE);
841    if (!FindProgramInPath(cmd, NULL, FALSE)) return FALSE;
842    sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_EXECUTING_GIVEN_PROGRAM), cmd);
843    SetStringStatus(gszMsgBox);
844    if (!PRTGIF) XSync(mainDisplay, False);
845    if ((fp=(FILE*)popen(cmd, "r")) == NULL) return FALSE;
847    if (!watch_cursor) {
848       SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
849       SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
850    }
851    while (fgets(tmp_str, MAXSTRING, fp) != NULL) {
852       if (PRTGIF) {
853          fprintf(stderr, "%s", tmp_str);
854       } else {
855          Msg(tmp_str);
856       }
857    }
858    pclose(fp);
859    if (!watch_cursor) {
860       SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
861       ShowCursor();
862    }
863    if (done_msg) {
864       SetStringStatus(TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_DOTS_DONE));
865    }
866    return TRUE;
867 }
CleanUpComments()869 void CleanUpComments()
870 {
871    if (savedComments != NULL) {
872       free(savedComments);
873       savedComments = NULL;
874       savedCommentsLen = 0;
875    }
876 }
ClearFileInfo(clean_up_comments)878 void ClearFileInfo(clean_up_comments)
879    int clean_up_comments;
880    /*
881     * This function is called everything a new file is initialized.
882     */
883 {
884    *curFileName = '\0';
885    curFileDefined = FALSE;
886    if (!curDirIsLocal) strcpy(curDir, curLocalDir);
887    curDirIsLocal = TRUE;
888    *curLocalDir = '\0';
889    *curSymDir = '\0';
891    if (clean_up_comments) {
892       CleanUpComments();
893    }
894    *gszHhtmlExportTemplate = '\0';
896    SetUnSavableFile(FALSE);
897    memset(&gGenerateByInfo, 0, sizeof(GenerateByInfo));
898 }
OkayToCreateFile(FileName)900 int OkayToCreateFile(FileName)
901    char *FileName;
902 {
903    FILE *fp;
905    if ((fp=fopen(FileName, "r")) == NULL) return TRUE;
906    fclose(fp);
907    sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FILE_EXISTS_OK_OVERWRITE_YNC),
908          FileName);
909    switch (MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, YNC_MB)) {
910    case MB_ID_YES: break;
911    case MB_ID_NO: return FALSE;
912    case MB_ID_CANCEL: return FALSE;
913    }
914    unlink(FileName);
915    return TRUE;
916 }
SaveObj(FP,ObjPtr,Level)918 void SaveObj(FP, ObjPtr, Level)
919    FILE *FP;
920    struct ObjRec *ObjPtr;
921    int Level;
922 {
923    switch (ObjPtr->type) {
924    case OBJ_POLY: SavePolyObj(FP, ObjPtr); break;
925    case OBJ_BOX: SaveBoxObj(FP, ObjPtr); break;
926    case OBJ_OVAL: SaveOvalObj(FP, ObjPtr); break;
927    case OBJ_TEXT: SaveTextObj(FP, ObjPtr); break;
928    case OBJ_POLYGON: SavePolygonObj(FP, ObjPtr); break;
929    case OBJ_ARC: SaveArcObj(FP, ObjPtr); break;
930    case OBJ_RCBOX: SaveRCBoxObj(FP, ObjPtr); break;
931    case OBJ_XBM: SaveXBmObj(FP, ObjPtr); break;
932    case OBJ_XPM: SaveXPmObj(FP, ObjPtr); break;
933    case OBJ_GROUP: SaveGroupObj(FP, ObjPtr, Level); break;
934    case OBJ_SYM: SaveCompObj(FP, ObjPtr, Level); break;
935    case OBJ_ICON: SaveIconObj(FP, ObjPtr, Level); break;
936    case OBJ_PIN: SavePinObj(FP, ObjPtr, Level); break;
937    /* reserved */
938    case OBJ_SS: SaveSimpleStringObj(FP, ObjPtr); break;
939    }
940 }
FileNameHasExtension(file_name,file_type,pn_gzipped,pn_no_name)942 int FileNameHasExtension(file_name, file_type, pn_gzipped, pn_no_name)
943    char *file_name;
944    int file_type, *pn_gzipped, *pn_no_name;
945 {
946    static char stszObjFileExt[20], stszGzObjFileExt[20];
947    static char stszSymFileExt[20];
948    static char stszPinFileExt[20];
949    static int initialized=FALSE;
950    char *psz=NULL;
952    if (!initialized) {
953       sprintf(stszObjFileExt, ".%s", OBJ_FILE_EXT);
954       sprintf(stszGzObjFileExt, ".%s.gz", OBJ_FILE_EXT);
955       sprintf(stszSymFileExt, ".%s", SYM_FILE_EXT);
956       sprintf(stszPinFileExt, ".%s", PIN_FILE_EXT);
957       initialized = TRUE;
958    }
959    if (pn_gzipped != NULL) *pn_gzipped = FALSE;
960    switch (file_type) {
961    case OBJ_FILE_TYPE:
962       if ((psz=strstr(file_name, ".obj")) != NULL &&
963             strcmp(psz, ".obj") == 0) {
964          if (pn_no_name != NULL) *pn_no_name = (psz == file_name);
965          return TRUE;
966       } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, ".obj.gz")) != NULL &&
967             strcmp(psz, ".obj.gz") == 0) {
968          if (pn_no_name != NULL) *pn_no_name = (psz == file_name);
969          if (pn_gzipped != NULL) *pn_gzipped = TRUE;
970          return TRUE;
971       } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, ".tgo")) != NULL &&
972             strcmp(psz, ".tgo") == 0) {
973          if (pn_no_name != NULL) *pn_no_name = (psz == file_name);
974          return TRUE;
975       } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, ".tgo.gz")) != NULL &&
976             strcmp(psz, ".tgo.gz") == 0) {
977          if (pn_no_name != NULL) *pn_no_name = (psz == file_name);
978          if (pn_gzipped != NULL) *pn_gzipped = TRUE;
979          return TRUE;
980       } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, stszObjFileExt)) != NULL &&
981             strcmp(psz, stszObjFileExt) == 0) {
982          if (pn_no_name != NULL) *pn_no_name = (psz == file_name);
983          return TRUE;
984       } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, stszGzObjFileExt)) != NULL &&
985             strcmp(psz, stszGzObjFileExt) == 0) {
986          if (pn_no_name != NULL) *pn_no_name = (psz == file_name);
987          if (pn_gzipped != NULL) *pn_gzipped = TRUE;
988          return TRUE;
989       }
990       break;
991    case SYM_FILE_TYPE:
992       if ((psz=strstr(file_name, ".sym")) != NULL &&
993             strcmp(psz, ".sym") == 0) {
994          if (pn_no_name != NULL) *pn_no_name = (psz == file_name);
995          return TRUE;
996       } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, ".tgs")) != NULL &&
997             strcmp(psz, ".tgs") == 0) {
998          if (pn_no_name != NULL) *pn_no_name = (psz == file_name);
999          return TRUE;
1000       } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, stszSymFileExt)) != NULL &&
1001             strcmp(psz, stszSymFileExt) == 0) {
1002          if (pn_no_name != NULL) *pn_no_name = (psz == file_name);
1003          return TRUE;
1004       }
1005       break;
1006    case PIN_FILE_TYPE:
1007       if ((psz=strstr(file_name, ".pin")) != NULL &&
1008             strcmp(psz, ".pin") == 0) {
1009          if (pn_no_name != NULL) *pn_no_name = (psz == file_name);
1010          return TRUE;
1011       } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, ".tgp")) != NULL &&
1012             strcmp(psz, ".tgp") == 0) {
1013          if (pn_no_name != NULL) *pn_no_name = (psz == file_name);
1014          return TRUE;
1015       } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, stszPinFileExt)) != NULL &&
1016             strcmp(psz, stszPinFileExt) == 0) {
1017          if (pn_no_name != NULL) *pn_no_name = (psz == file_name);
1018          return TRUE;
1019       }
1020       break;
1021    }
1022    if (pn_no_name != NULL) *pn_no_name = (*file_name == '\0');
1024    return FALSE;
1025 }
RemoveFileNameExtension(file_name)1027 void RemoveFileNameExtension(file_name)
1028    char *file_name;
1029 {
1030    static char stszObjFileExt[20], stszGzObjFileExt[20];
1031    static char stszSymFileExt[20];
1032    static char stszPinFileExt[20];
1033    static int initialized=FALSE;
1034    char *psz=NULL;
1035    int len=strlen(file_name);
1037    if (!initialized) {
1038       sprintf(stszObjFileExt, ".%s", OBJ_FILE_EXT);
1039       sprintf(stszGzObjFileExt, ".%s.gz", OBJ_FILE_EXT);
1040       sprintf(stszSymFileExt, ".%s", SYM_FILE_EXT);
1041       sprintf(stszPinFileExt, ".%s", PIN_FILE_EXT);
1042       initialized = TRUE;
1043    }
1044    if ((psz=strstr(file_name, ".obj")) != NULL &&
1045          strcmp(psz, ".obj") == 0) {
1046       file_name[len-strlen(".obj")] = '\0';
1047    } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, ".obj.gz")) != NULL &&
1048          strcmp(psz, ".obj.gz") == 0) {
1049       file_name[len-strlen(".obj.gz")] = '\0';
1050    } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, ".tgo")) != NULL &&
1051          strcmp(psz, ".tgo") == 0) {
1052       file_name[len-strlen(".tgo")] = '\0';
1053    } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, ".tgo.gz")) != NULL &&
1054          strcmp(psz, ".tgo.gz") == 0) {
1055       file_name[len-strlen(".tgo.gz")] = '\0';
1056    } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, stszObjFileExt)) != NULL &&
1057          strcmp(psz, stszObjFileExt) == 0) {
1058       file_name[len-strlen(stszObjFileExt)] = '\0';
1059    } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, stszGzObjFileExt)) != NULL &&
1060          strcmp(psz, stszGzObjFileExt) == 0) {
1061       file_name[len-strlen(stszGzObjFileExt)] = '\0';
1062    } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, ".sym")) != NULL &&
1063          strcmp(psz, ".sym") == 0) {
1064       file_name[len-strlen(".sym")] = '\0';
1065    } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, ".tgs")) != NULL &&
1066          strcmp(psz, ".tgs") == 0) {
1067       file_name[len-strlen(".tgs")] = '\0';
1068    } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, stszSymFileExt)) != NULL &&
1069          strcmp(psz, stszSymFileExt) == 0) {
1070       file_name[len-strlen(stszSymFileExt)] = '\0';
1071    } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, ".pin")) != NULL &&
1072          strcmp(psz, ".pin") == 0) {
1073       file_name[len-strlen(".pin")] = '\0';
1074    } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, ".tgp")) != NULL &&
1075          strcmp(psz, ".tgp") == 0) {
1076       file_name[len-strlen(".tgp")] = '\0';
1077    } else if ((psz=strstr(file_name, stszPinFileExt)) != NULL &&
1078          strcmp(psz, stszPinFileExt) == 0) {
1079       file_name[len-strlen(stszPinFileExt)] = '\0';
1080    }
1081 }
FixDecimalPoint(buf)1083 int FixDecimalPoint(buf)
1084    char *buf;
1085 {
1086    char *psz=strchr(buf, ','), *psz2=NULL;
1088    if (psz == NULL) {
1089       return TRUE;
1090    }
1091    psz2 = strchr(&psz[1], ',');
1092    if (psz2 == NULL) {
1093       *psz = '.';
1094       return TRUE;
1095    }
1096    return FALSE;
1097 }
Save(FP,BotObjPtr,Level,PageNumber)1099 void Save(FP, BotObjPtr, Level, PageNumber)
1100    FILE *FP;
1101    struct ObjRec *BotObjPtr;
1102    int Level, PageNumber;
1103 {
1104    int watch_cursor=watchCursorOnMainWindow;
1105    struct ObjRec *obj_ptr=NULL;
1107    if (BotObjPtr != NULL && !copyInDrawTextMode) {
1108       SetCurChoice(NOTHING);
1110       if (!watch_cursor) {
1111          SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
1112          SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
1113       }
1114    }
1115    if (Level == 0 && PageNumber == 1) {
1116       char font_str[MAXSTRING], print_mag_str[MAXSTRING];
1118       ResetXPmErrorMessage();
1119       GetPSFontStr(curFont, curStyle, font_str);
1120       SetFullVersionString();
1121       /* do not translate -- program constants */
1122       if (fprintf(FP, "%%TGIF %s\n", fullVersionString) == EOF) {
1123          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1124       }
1125       snprintf(print_mag_str, sizeof(print_mag_str), "%.3f", printMag);
1126       if (!FixDecimalPoint(print_mag_str)) {
1127          /* do not translate -- program constants */
1128          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_BAD_GIVEN_LINE_WRITTEN),
1129                "print_mag");
1130          if (PRTGIF) {
1131             fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
1132          } else {
1133             Msg(gszMsgBox);
1134          }
1135          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1136       }
1137       if (fprintf(FP, "state(%1d,%1d,%s,", pageStyle, CUR_VERSION,
1138             print_mag_str) == EOF) {
1139          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1140       }
1141       if (fprintf(FP, "%1d,%1d,%1d,", drawOrigX, drawOrigY, zoomScale) == EOF) {
1142          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1143       }
1144       if (fprintf(FP, "%1d,%1d,%1d,", xyEnglishGrid, snapOn, colorIndex) ==
1145             EOF) {
1146          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1147       }
1148       if (fprintf(FP, "%1d,%1d,%1d,", horiAlign, vertAlign, lineWidth) == EOF) {
1149          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1150       }
1151       if (fprintf(FP, "%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,", curSpline, lineStyle, objFill,
1152             penPat) == EOF) {
1153          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1154       }
1155       if (fprintf(FP, "%1d,'%s',%1d,%1d,", textJust,
1156             /* font_str starts with the '/' character */
1157             &font_str[1], curStyle, GetCurSzUnit()) == EOF) {
1158          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1159       }
1160       if (fprintf(FP, "%1d,%1d,%1d,", 0, curDash, gridSystem) == EOF) {
1161          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1162       }
1163       if (fprintf(FP, "%1d,%1d,%1d,", xyMetricGrid, textVSpace, zoomedIn) ==
1164             EOF) {
1165          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1166       }
1167       if (fprintf(FP, "%1d,%1d,%1d,", gridShown, moveMode, ROTATE0) == EOF) {
1168          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1169       }
1170       if (fprintf(FP, "%1d,%1d,", rcbRadius, useGray) == EOF) {
1171          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1172       }
1173       if (fprintf(FP, "%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d).\n",
1174             pageLayoutMode,
1175             (pageLayoutMode == PAGE_STACK) ? curPageNum : paperCol,
1176             (pageLayoutMode == PAGE_STACK) ? lastPageNum : paperRow,
1177             pageLineShownInTileMode, colorDump,
1178             round(((float)onePageWidth)*printMag/100.0),
1179             round(((float)onePageHeight)*printMag/100.0),
1180             stretchableText, textRotation, rotationIncrement,
1181             transPat) == EOF) {
1182          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1183       }
1184       if ((BotObjPtr != NULL || tgifObj != NULL) && !copyInDrawTextMode &&
1185             !serializingFile) {
1186          char script_frac_str[MAXSTRING];
1188          if (fprintf(FP, "%%\n") == EOF) {
1189             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1190          }
1191          if (fprintf(FP, "%% @%s%s\n", "(#)$H", "eader$") == EOF) {
1192             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1193          }
1194          if (fprintf(FP, "%% %s\n", "%W%") == EOF) {
1195             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1196          }
1197          if (fprintf(FP, "%%\n") == EOF) {
1198             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1199          }
1200          if (savedComments != NULL) {
1201             if (fputs(savedComments, FP) == EOF) {
1202                writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1203             }
1204          }
1205          if (tgifObj->lattr != NULL) {
1206             if (fprintf(FP, "file_attr(") == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1207             SaveAttrs(FP, tgifObj->lattr);
1208             if (fprintf(FP, ").\n") == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1209          }
1210          GetUnitSpec(gszMsgBox);
1211          if (fprintf(FP, "unit(\"") == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1212          SaveString(FP, gszMsgBox);
1213          if (fprintf(FP, "\").\n") == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1214          if (shapeShadowInResource ||
1215                shapeShadowDx != 0 || shapeShadowDy != 0) {
1216             if (fprintf(FP, "shapeshadow(%1d,%1d).\n", shapeShadowDx,
1217                   shapeShadowDy) == EOF) {
1218                writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1219             }
1220          }
1221          SaveColors(FP);
1222          if (slideShowInfoValid) {
1223             if (fprintf(FP, "slideshow_info('%s',%1d,%1d).\n",
1224                   (slideShowBorderColor==NULL ? "" : slideShowBorderColor),
1225                   slideShowXOffset, slideShowYOffset) == EOF) {
1226                writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1227             }
1228          }
1229          UtilStrCpyN(script_frac_str, sizeof(script_frac_str), scriptFractionStr);
1230          if (!FixDecimalPoint(script_frac_str)) {
1231             /* do not translate -- program constants */
1232             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_BAD_GIVEN_LINE_WRITTEN),
1233                   "script_frac");
1234             if (PRTGIF) {
1235                fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
1236             } else {
1237                Msg(gszMsgBox);
1238             }
1239             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1240          }
1241          if (fprintf(FP, "script_frac(\"%s\").\n", script_frac_str) == EOF) {
1242             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1243          }
1244          if (fprintf(FP, "fg_bg_colors('%s','%s').\n",
1245                colorMenuItems[colorIndex], (*defaultBgColorStr=='\0' ?
1246                myBgColorStr : defaultBgColorStr)) == EOF) {
1247             /*
1248              * The above should use colorMenuItmes[bgColorIndex]
1249              *       and not myBgColorStr.
1250              */
1251             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1252          }
1253          if (*gszHhtmlExportTemplate != '\0') {
1254             if (fprintf(FP, "html_export_template(\"%s\").\n",
1255                   gszHhtmlExportTemplate) == EOF) {
1256                writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1257             }
1258          }
1259          SaveDontReencode(FP);
1260          SavePSFontAliases(FP);
1261          SaveDoubleByteModBytes(FP);
1262          if (fprintf(FP, "objshadow_info('%s',%1d,%1d).\n",
1263                objShadowColorStr, objShadowXOffset, objShadowYOffset) == EOF) {
1264             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1265          }
1266          if (fprintf(FP, "rotate_pivot(%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d).\n",
1267                autoRotatePivot, rotatePivotAbsXYValid, rotatePivotAbsX,
1268                rotatePivotAbsY) == EOF) {
1269             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1270          }
1271          if (fprintf(FP, "spline_tightness(%1d).\n", tighterStructSplines) ==
1272                EOF) {
1273             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1274          }
1275          if (rightMarginEnabled != INVALID) {
1276             if (fprintf(FP, "right_margin(%1d,%1d).\n", rightMarginEnabled,
1277                   rightMargin) == EOF) {
1278                writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1279             }
1280          }
1281          if (threshFillReplaceEnabled) {
1282             if (fprintf(FP, "threshold_fill_replace(%1d,%1d,%1d).\n",
1283                   fillReplaceRedThresh, fillReplaceGreenThresh,
1284                   fillReplaceBlueThresh) == EOF) {
1285                writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1286             }
1287          }
1288          SavePSCharSubs(FP);
1289          SavePSFontNeedCharSubs(FP);
1290       }
1291    }
1292    if (Level == 0 && BotObjPtr != NULL && !copyInDrawTextMode) {
1293       if (fprintf(FP, "page(%1d,\"", PageNumber) == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1294       SaveString(FP, ((pageLayoutMode==PAGE_TILE || curPage->name==NULL) ? "" :
1295             curPage->name));
1296       if (fprintf(FP, "\",%1d,'%s').\n", curPage->layer_on,
1297             ((pageLayoutMode==PAGE_TILE || curPage->page_file_name==NULL) ? "" :
1298             curPage->page_file_name)) == EOF) {
1299          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1300       }
1301    }
1303    for (obj_ptr=BotObjPtr; obj_ptr != NULL; obj_ptr=obj_ptr->prev) {
1304       SaveObj(FP, obj_ptr, Level);
1305       if (obj_ptr->prev == NULL) {
1306          if (Level == 0) {
1307             if (fprintf(FP, ".\n") == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1308          } else {
1309             if (fprintf(FP, "\n") == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1310          }
1311       } else {
1312          if (Level == 0) {
1313             if (fprintf(FP, ".\n") == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1314          } else {
1315             if (fprintf(FP, ",\n") == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
1316          }
1317       }
1318    }
1319    if (BotObjPtr != NULL && !copyInDrawTextMode) {
1320       if (!watch_cursor) {
1321          SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
1322          ShowCursor();
1323       }
1324    }
1325 }
SaveTmpFile(NewFileName)1327 int SaveTmpFile(NewFileName)
1328    char *NewFileName;
1329    /* return TRUE if file successfully saved */
1330 {
1331    char new_file_name[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], *rest=NULL;
1332    FILE *fp=NULL;
1333    int count=0, file_type=INVALID, short_name, watch_cursor=FALSE;
1334    struct PageRec *saved_cur_page;
1335    struct ObjRec *obj_ptr;
1336    struct ObjRec *obj_ptr1=NULL, *obj_ptr2=NULL;
1337    struct AttrRec *attr_ptr;
1339    UtilStrCpyN(new_file_name, sizeof(new_file_name), NewFileName);
1341    saved_cur_page = curPage;
1342    for (curPage=firstPage; curPage != NULL; curPage=curPage->next) {
1343       for (obj_ptr=curPage->top; obj_ptr != NULL; obj_ptr=obj_ptr->next) {
1344          if (obj_ptr->type == OBJ_SYM) {
1345             if (obj_ptr1 == NULL) {
1346                obj_ptr1 = obj_ptr;
1347             } else if (obj_ptr2 == NULL) {
1348                obj_ptr2 = obj_ptr;
1349             }
1350             count++;
1351          }
1352       }
1353    }
1354    curPage = saved_cur_page;
1356    switch (count) {
1357    case 0:
1358       sprintf(new_file_name, "%s.%s", NewFileName, OBJ_FILE_EXT);
1359       file_type = OBJ_FILE_TYPE;
1360       break;
1361    case 1:
1362       if (lastPageNum != 1) {
1363          MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_ONE_PAGE_SYM_ABORT_SAVE), TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
1364          return INVALID;
1365       }
1366       if ((attr_ptr=FindAttrWithName(obj_ptr1, "type=", NULL)) != NULL &&
1367             strcmp(attr_ptr->attr_value.s, "tgif_pin") == 0) {
1368          sprintf(new_file_name, "%s.%s", NewFileName, PIN_FILE_EXT);
1369          file_type = PIN_FILE_TYPE;
1370       } else {
1371          sprintf(new_file_name, "%s.%s", NewFileName, SYM_FILE_EXT);
1372          file_type = SYM_FILE_TYPE;
1373       }
1374       break;
1375    case 2:
1376       if (lastPageNum != 1) {
1377          MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_ONE_PAGE_PIN_ABORT_SAVE), TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
1378          return INVALID;
1379       }
1380       sprintf(new_file_name, "%s.%s", NewFileName, PIN_FILE_EXT);
1381       file_type = PIN_FILE_TYPE;
1382       break;
1383    default:
1385       return INVALID;
1386    }
1388    unlink(new_file_name);
1390    if ((short_name=IsPrefix(bootDir, new_file_name, &rest))) ++rest;
1391    if ((fp=fopen(new_file_name, "w")) == NULL) {
1392       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANT_OPEN_WRITE_FILE_NOT_SAVE),
1393             (short_name ? rest : new_file_name));
1394       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
1395       return INVALID;
1396    }
1397    sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_SAVE_TMP_FILE_DOTS),
1398          (short_name ? rest : new_file_name));
1399    Msg(gszMsgBox);
1401    watch_cursor = watchCursorOnMainWindow;
1402    if (!watch_cursor) {
1403       SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
1404       SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
1405    }
1406    writeFileFailed = FALSE;
1407    MakeQuiescent();
1408    saved_cur_page = curPage;
1409    for (curPage=firstPage, count=1; curPage != NULL;
1410          curPage=curPage->next, count++) {
1411       topObj = curPage->top;
1412       botObj = curPage->bot;
1413       Save(fp, botObj, 0, count);
1414    }
1415    curPage = saved_cur_page;
1416    topObj = curPage->top;
1417    botObj = curPage->bot;
1418    fclose(fp);
1419    if (!watch_cursor) {
1420       SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
1421       ShowCursor();
1422    }
1423    if (writeFileFailed) {
1424       writeFileFailed = FALSE;
1425       FailToWriteFileMessage(new_file_name);
1426    } else {
1427       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_TMP_FILE_SAVED),
1428             (short_name ? rest : new_file_name));
1429       Msg(gszMsgBox);
1430    }
1432    if (tmpFileMode != 0 && chmod(new_file_name, tmpFileMode)) {
1433       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_CHMOD),
1434             (short_name ? rest : new_file_name), tmpFileMode);
1435       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
1436    }
1437    SetCurChoice(curChoiceBeforeMakeQuiescent);
1439    return file_type;
1440 }
SaveNewFile(SaveSelectedOnly,pszNewFile)1442 void SaveNewFile(SaveSelectedOnly, pszNewFile)
1443    int SaveSelectedOnly;
1444    char *pszNewFile;
1445 {
1446    char new_file_name[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], gzipped_fname[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
1447    char new_full_name[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], tmp_str[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], *rest=NULL;
1448    char saved_cur_dir[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], saved_cur_file_name[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
1449    char obj_ext_str[MAXSTRING+1], gz_obj_ext_str[MAXSTRING+1];
1450    char sym_ext_str[MAXSTRING+1], pin_ext_str[MAXSTRING+1];
1451    int saved_cur_file_defined=FALSE, no_name=FALSE, gzipped=FALSE, file_type=0;
1452    int count=0, len, short_name=FALSE, ok=TRUE, watch_cursor=FALSE;
1453    struct ObjRec *obj_ptr=NULL, *saved_top_obj=NULL, *saved_bot_obj=NULL;
1454    struct ObjRec *obj_ptr1=NULL, *obj_ptr2=NULL;
1455    struct SelRec *top_sel_ptr=NULL, *bot_sel_ptr=NULL;
1456    struct SelRec *sel_ptr=NULL, *next_sel=NULL;
1457    struct PageRec *saved_cur_page=NULL;
1458    struct AttrRec *attr_ptr=NULL;
1459    FILE *fp=NULL;
1461    file_type = OBJ_FILE_TYPE;
1462    *gzipped_fname = '\0';
1464    if (SaveSelectedOnly && pszNewFile == NULL && topSel == NULL) {
1465       MsgBox("No objects selected!\n\nNothing saved!", TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
1466       return;
1467    }
1468    if (SaveSelectedOnly && pszNewFile != NULL) {
1469       UtilStrCpyN(new_file_name, sizeof(new_file_name), pszNewFile);
1470    } else if (pszNewFile != NULL && strcmp(pszNewFile, "-1") != 0) {
1471       UtilStrCpyN(new_file_name, sizeof(new_file_name), pszNewFile);
1472       len = strlen(new_file_name);
1473       if (len > 0 && new_file_name[len-1] == ')') {
1474          new_file_name[len-1] = '\0';
1475       }
1476    } else {
1477       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_WORKING_DIRECTORY_IS),
1478             (curDirIsLocal ? curDir : curLocalDir));
1479       *new_file_name = '\0';
1480       Dialog(TgLoadString(STID_ENTER_NEW_FNAME_ACCEPT_CANCEL), gszMsgBox,
1481             new_file_name);
1482    }
1483    UtilTrimBlanks(new_file_name);
1484    if (*new_file_name == '\0') return;
1485    len = strlen(new_file_name);
1487    if (SaveSelectedOnly) {
1488       for (sel_ptr=topSel; sel_ptr != NULL; sel_ptr=sel_ptr->next) {
1489          if (sel_ptr->obj->type == OBJ_SYM) {
1490             if (obj_ptr1 == NULL) {
1491                obj_ptr1 = sel_ptr->obj;
1492             } else if (obj_ptr2 == NULL) {
1493                obj_ptr2 = sel_ptr->obj;
1494             }
1495             count++;
1496          }
1497       }
1498    } else {
1499       saved_cur_page = curPage;
1500       for (curPage=firstPage; curPage != NULL; curPage=curPage->next) {
1501          for (obj_ptr=curPage->top; obj_ptr != NULL; obj_ptr=obj_ptr->next) {
1502             if (obj_ptr->type == OBJ_SYM) {
1503                if (obj_ptr1 == NULL) {
1504                   obj_ptr1 = obj_ptr;
1505                } else if (obj_ptr2 == NULL) {
1506                   obj_ptr2 = obj_ptr;
1507                }
1508                count++;
1509             }
1510          }
1511       }
1512       curPage = saved_cur_page;
1513    }
1514    sprintf(obj_ext_str, ".%s", OBJ_FILE_EXT);
1515    sprintf(gz_obj_ext_str, ".%s.gz", OBJ_FILE_EXT);
1516    sprintf(sym_ext_str, ".%s", SYM_FILE_EXT);
1517    sprintf(pin_ext_str, ".%s", PIN_FILE_EXT);
1519    if (count > 2) {
1521       return;
1522    }
1523    if (count >= 1 && lastPageNum != 1) {
1524       MsgBox(TgLoadString(count==1 ? STID_ONE_PAGE_SYM_ABORT_SAVE :
1526       return;
1527    }
1528    switch (count) {
1529    case 0:
1530       if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, OBJ_FILE_TYPE, &gzipped,
1531             &no_name)) {
1532          /* don't modify */
1533       } else if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, SYM_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
1534             &no_name)) {
1535          MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_CANT_SAVE_SYM_NO_SYM_FOUND), TOOL_NAME,
1536                INFO_MB);
1537          return;
1538       } else if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, PIN_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
1539             &no_name)) {
1540          MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_CANT_SAVE_PIN_NO_SYM_FOUND), TOOL_NAME,
1541                INFO_MB);
1542          return;
1543       } else {
1544          strcat(new_file_name, obj_ext_str);
1545       }
1546       file_type = OBJ_FILE_TYPE;
1547       break;
1548    case 1:
1549       if ((attr_ptr=FindAttrWithName(obj_ptr1, "type=", NULL)) != NULL &&
1550             strcmp(attr_ptr->attr_value.s, "tgif_pin") == 0) {
1551          if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, OBJ_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
1552                &no_name)) {
1553             MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_CANT_SAVE_OJB_ONE_SYM_FOUND), TOOL_NAME,
1554                   INFO_MB);
1555             return;
1556          } else if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, SYM_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
1557                &no_name)) {
1558             MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_CANT_SAVE_SYM_SAVE_AS_PIN), TOOL_NAME,
1559                   INFO_MB);
1560             return;
1561          } else if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, PIN_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
1562                &no_name)) {
1563             /* don't modify */
1564          } else {
1565             strcat(new_file_name, pin_ext_str);
1566          }
1567          file_type = PIN_FILE_TYPE;
1568       } else {
1569          if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, OBJ_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
1570                &no_name)) {
1571             MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_CANT_SAVE_OJB_ONE_SYM_FOUND), TOOL_NAME,
1572                   INFO_MB);
1573             return;
1574          } else if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, SYM_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
1575                &no_name)) {
1576             /* don't modify */
1577          } else if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, PIN_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
1578                &no_name)) {
1579             MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_CANT_SAVE_PIN_ONE_SYM_FOUND), TOOL_NAME,
1580                   INFO_MB);
1581             return;
1582          } else {
1583             strcat(new_file_name, sym_ext_str);
1584          }
1585          file_type = SYM_FILE_TYPE;
1586       }
1587       break;
1588    case 2:
1589       if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, OBJ_FILE_TYPE, NULL, &no_name)) {
1590          MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_CANT_SAVE_OJB_TWO_SYM_FOUND), TOOL_NAME,
1591                INFO_MB);
1592          return;
1593       } else if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, SYM_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
1594             &no_name)) {
1595          MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_CANT_SAVE_SYM_TWO_SYM_FOUND), TOOL_NAME,
1596                INFO_MB);
1597          return;
1598       } else if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, PIN_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
1599             &no_name)) {
1600          /* don't modify */
1601       } else {
1602          strcat(new_file_name, pin_ext_str);
1603       }
1604       if (obj_ptr2->fattr != NULL) {
1605          obj_ptr = obj_ptr2;
1606          obj_ptr2 = obj_ptr1;
1607          obj_ptr1 = obj_ptr;
1608       }
1609       if ((attr_ptr=FindAttrWithName(obj_ptr1, "type=", NULL)) == NULL) {
1611                INFO_MB);
1612          return;
1613       }
1614       if (strcmp(attr_ptr->attr_value.s, "tgif_pin") != 0) {
1615          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_SYM_TYPE_WRONG_PIN_NOT_SAVED),
1616                "tgif_pin");
1617          MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
1618          return;
1619       }
1620       file_type = PIN_FILE_TYPE;
1621       break;
1622    default: return;
1623    }
1624    if (no_name) {
1626             INFO_MB);
1627       return;
1628    }
1629    if (*new_file_name == DIR_SEP) {
1630       UtilStrCpyN(new_full_name, sizeof(new_full_name), new_file_name);
1631    } else if (curDirIsLocal) {
1632       sprintf(new_full_name, "%s%c%s", curDir, DIR_SEP, new_file_name);
1633    } else {
1634       sprintf(new_full_name, "%s%c%s", curLocalDir, DIR_SEP, new_file_name);
1635    }
1636    if (file_type == OBJ_FILE_TYPE && gzipped) {
1637       char tmp_fname[MAXPATHLENGTH];
1639       if (MkTempFile(tmp_fname, sizeof(tmp_fname), tmpDir, TOOL_NAME) == NULL) {
1640          return;
1641       }
1642       strcpy(gzipped_fname, new_full_name);
1643       strcpy(new_full_name, tmp_fname);
1644    }
1645    if (!OkayToCreateFile((*gzipped_fname=='\0') ? new_full_name :
1646          gzipped_fname)) {
1647       if (*gzipped_fname != '\0') unlink(new_full_name);
1648       return;
1649    }
1650    if (*gzipped_fname == '\0') {
1651       if ((short_name=IsPrefix(bootDir, new_full_name, &rest))) ++rest;
1652    } else {
1653       if ((short_name=IsPrefix(bootDir, gzipped_fname, &rest))) ++rest;
1654    }
1655    if ((fp=fopen(new_full_name, "w")) == NULL) {
1656       if (short_name) {
1657          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANT_OPEN_WRITE_FILE_NOT_SAVE),
1658                rest);
1659       } else {
1660          if (*gzipped_fname == '\0') {
1661             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANT_OPEN_WRITE_FILE_NOT_SAVE),
1662                   new_full_name);
1663          } else {
1664             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANT_OPEN_WRITE_FILE_NOT_SAVE),
1665                   gzipped_fname);
1666          }
1667       }
1668       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
1669       if (*gzipped_fname != '\0') unlink(new_full_name);
1670       return;
1671    }
1672    if (!SaveSelectedOnly) BeforeNavigate();
1674    if (SaveSelectedOnly) {
1675       PushPageInfo();
1676       if (pageLayoutMode == PAGE_STACK) {
1677          paperCol = paperRow = curPageNum = lastPageNum = 1;
1678       }
1679       if (curDirIsLocal) {
1680          strcpy(saved_cur_dir, curDir);
1681       } else {
1682          strcpy(saved_cur_dir, curLocalDir);
1683       }
1684       strcpy(saved_cur_file_name, curFileName);
1685       saved_cur_file_defined = curFileDefined;
1686       saved_top_obj = topObj;
1687       saved_bot_obj = botObj;
1689       if (topSel == NULL) {
1690          topObj = botObj = NULL;
1691       } else {
1692          JustDupSelObj(&top_sel_ptr, &bot_sel_ptr);
1693          topObj = top_sel_ptr->obj;
1694          botObj = bot_sel_ptr->obj;
1695       }
1696       firstPage = lastPage = curPage =
1697             (struct PageRec *)malloc(sizeof(struct PageRec));
1698       if (firstPage == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
1699       memset(firstPage, 0, sizeof(struct PageRec));
1700       firstPage->layer_on = TRUE;
1701       firstPage->top = topObj;
1702       firstPage->bot = botObj;
1703       firstPage->next = firstPage->prev = NULL;
1704       if (pageLayoutMode == PAGE_STACK) {
1705          firstPage->draw_orig_x = drawOrigX;
1706          firstPage->draw_orig_y = drawOrigY;
1707          firstPage->zoom_scale = zoomScale;
1708          firstPage->zoomed_in = zoomedIn;
1709          curPageNum = lastPageNum = 1;
1710       }
1711       for (sel_ptr=topSel, obj_ptr=topObj; obj_ptr!=NULL;
1712             sel_ptr=sel_ptr->next, obj_ptr=obj_ptr->next) {
1713          CopyObjId(sel_ptr->obj, obj_ptr);
1714          CopyObjLocks(sel_ptr->obj, obj_ptr);
1715       }
1716    }
1718    if (curDirIsLocal) {
1719       strcpy(tmp_str, curDir);
1720    } else {
1721       strcpy(tmp_str, curLocalDir);
1722    }
1723    if (*gzipped_fname == '\0') {
1724       SetCurDir(new_full_name);
1725    } else {
1726       SetCurDir(gzipped_fname);
1727    }
1728    curFileDefined = TRUE;
1729    if (cmdLineMerge) {
1730       cmdLineMerge = FALSE;
1731    }
1732    switch (count) {
1733    case 0:
1734       *curSymDir = '\0';
1735       if ((strcmp(tmp_str, (curDirIsLocal ? curDir : curLocalDir)) != 0) ||
1736             (!NameInCurDir(curFileName))) {
1737          UpdateDirInfo();
1738       }
1739       break;
1740    default:
1741       strcpy(curSymDir, (curDirIsLocal ? curDir : curLocalDir));
1742       if (!DirInSymPath(curDirIsLocal ? curDir : curLocalDir)) {
1743          UpdateSymInfo();
1744       }
1745       break;
1746    }
1747    if (short_name) {
1748       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_SAVING_DOTS), rest);
1749    } else {
1750       if (*gzipped_fname == '\0') {
1751          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_SAVING_DOTS), new_full_name);
1752       } else {
1753          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_SAVING_DOTS), gzipped_fname);
1754       }
1755    }
1756    Msg(gszMsgBox);
1758    if (!saveCommentsInSaveNew) CleanUpComments();
1759    watch_cursor = watchCursorOnMainWindow;
1760    if (!watch_cursor) {
1761       SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
1762       SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
1763    }
1764    writeFileFailed = FALSE;
1765    saved_cur_page = curPage;
1766    for (curPage=firstPage, count=1; curPage != NULL;
1767          curPage=curPage->next, count++) {
1768       topObj = curPage->top;
1769       botObj = curPage->bot;
1770       Save(fp, botObj, 0, count);
1771    }
1772    curPage = saved_cur_page;
1773    topObj = curPage->top;
1774    botObj = curPage->bot;
1775    fclose(fp);
1776    if (!watch_cursor) {
1777       SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
1778       ShowCursor();
1779    }
1780    if (writeFileFailed) {
1781       writeFileFailed = FALSE;
1782       FailToWriteFileMessage(new_full_name);
1783       ok = FALSE;
1784    } else {
1785       if (*gzipped_fname != '\0') {
1786          if (!GzipFile(new_full_name, gzipped_fname)) {
1787             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_PROBLEM_ZIPPING_PLEASE_SAVE),
1788                   new_full_name, gzipped_fname, new_full_name);
1789             MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
1790             ok = FALSE;
1791          }
1792          unlink(new_full_name);
1793          strcpy(new_full_name, gzipped_fname);
1794       }
1795       if (ok) {
1796          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FILE_SAVED),
1797                (short_name ? rest : new_full_name));
1798          Msg(gszMsgBox);
1799       } else {
1800          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FILE_NOT_SAVED),
1801                (short_name ? rest : new_full_name));
1802          Msg(gszMsgBox);
1803       }
1804    }
1805    if (SaveSelectedOnly) {
1806       CleanUpPage();
1807       for (sel_ptr=top_sel_ptr; sel_ptr != NULL; sel_ptr=next_sel) {
1808          next_sel = sel_ptr->next;
1809          free(sel_ptr);
1810       }
1812       topObj = saved_top_obj;
1813       botObj = saved_bot_obj;
1814       if (curDirIsLocal) {
1815          strcpy(curDir, saved_cur_dir);
1816       } else {
1817          strcpy(curLocalDir, saved_cur_dir);
1818       }
1819       strcpy(curFileName, saved_cur_file_name);
1820       curFileDefined = saved_cur_file_defined;
1821       PopPageInfo();
1822    } else if (ok) {
1823       SetFileModified(FALSE);
1824       RedrawTitleWindow();
1825       SetUnSavableFile(FALSE);
1826    }
1827    if (!SaveSelectedOnly && !PRTGIF) CommitNavigate();
1828 }
SaveSymInLibrary()1830 void SaveSymInLibrary()
1831 {
1832    char new_file_name[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
1833    char new_full_name[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], dir_name[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
1834    char saved_dir[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], saved_file[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
1835    char saved_sym_dir[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], *rest=NULL;
1836    char sym_ext_str[MAXSTRING+1], pin_ext_str[MAXSTRING+1], *c_ptr;
1837    FILE *fp;
1838    int count=0, short_name, watch_cursor=FALSE;
1839    int saved_cur_file_defined, file_type=INVALID;
1840    struct ObjRec *obj_ptr;
1841    struct PageRec *saved_cur_page;
1842    struct ObjRec *obj_ptr1=NULL, *obj_ptr2=NULL;
1843    struct AttrRec *attr_ptr;
1845    saved_cur_page = curPage;
1846    for (curPage=firstPage; curPage != NULL; curPage=curPage->next) {
1847       for (obj_ptr=curPage->top; obj_ptr != NULL; obj_ptr=obj_ptr->next) {
1848          if (obj_ptr->type == OBJ_SYM) {
1849             if (obj_ptr1 == NULL) {
1850                obj_ptr1 = obj_ptr;
1851             } else if (obj_ptr2 == NULL) {
1852                obj_ptr2 = obj_ptr;
1853             }
1854             count++;
1855          }
1856       }
1857    }
1858    curPage = saved_cur_page;
1860    switch (count) {
1861    case 0:
1863       return;
1864    case 1:
1865       if (lastPageNum != 1) {
1866          MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_ONE_PAGE_SYM_ABORT_SAVE), TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
1867          return;
1868       }
1869       if ((attr_ptr=FindAttrWithName(obj_ptr1, "type=", NULL)) != NULL &&
1870             strcmp(attr_ptr->attr_value.s, "tgif_pin") == 0) {
1871          file_type = PIN_FILE_TYPE;
1872       } else {
1873          file_type = SYM_FILE_TYPE;
1874       }
1875       break;
1876    case 2:
1877       if (lastPageNum != 1) {
1878          MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_ONE_PAGE_PIN_ABORT_SAVE), TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
1879          return;
1880       }
1881       if (obj_ptr2->fattr != NULL) {
1882          obj_ptr = obj_ptr2;
1883          obj_ptr2 = obj_ptr1;
1884          obj_ptr1 = obj_ptr;
1885       }
1886       if ((attr_ptr=FindAttrWithName(obj_ptr1, "type=", NULL)) == NULL) {
1888                INFO_MB);
1889          return;
1890       }
1891       if (strcmp(attr_ptr->attr_value.s, "tgif_pin") != 0) {
1892          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_SYM_TYPE_WRONG_PIN_NOT_SAVED),
1893                "tgif_pin");
1894          MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
1895          return;
1896       }
1897       file_type = PIN_FILE_TYPE;
1898       break;
1899    default:
1901       return;
1902    }
1903    MakeQuiescent();
1905    sprintf(sym_ext_str, ".%s", SYM_FILE_EXT);
1906    sprintf(pin_ext_str, ".%s", PIN_FILE_EXT);
1908    if (*curFileName == '\0') {
1909       int no_name=FALSE;
1911       *new_file_name = '\0';
1912       Dialog(TgLoadString(STID_ENTER_NEW_FILE_NAME),
1913             TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_DLG_ACCEPT_CANCEL), new_file_name);
1914       UtilTrimBlanks(new_file_name);
1915       if (*new_file_name == '\0') return;
1917       if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, SYM_FILE_TYPE, NULL, &no_name)) {
1918          /* do nothing */
1919       } else if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, PIN_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
1920             &no_name)) {
1921          /* do nothing */
1922       } else if (count == 1) {
1923          if (file_type == SYM_FILE_TYPE) {
1924             strcat(new_file_name, sym_ext_str);
1925          } else {
1926             strcat(new_file_name, pin_ext_str);
1927          }
1928       } else {
1929          strcat(new_file_name, pin_ext_str);
1930       }
1931       if (no_name) {
1932          MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_NO_FILE_NAME_FILE_NOT_SAVED), TOOL_NAME,
1933                INFO_MB);
1934          return;
1935       }
1936    } else {
1937       c_ptr = UtilStrRChr(curFileName, DIR_SEP);
1938       strcpy(new_file_name, (c_ptr==NULL) ? curFileName : ++c_ptr);
1939    }
1940    if (SelectSymDir(dir_name) == INVALID) {
1941       Msg("");
1942       return;
1943    }
1944    if (strcmp(dir_name, ".") == 0) {
1945       sprintf(new_full_name, "%s%c%s", (curDirIsLocal ? curDir : curLocalDir),
1946             DIR_SEP, new_file_name);
1947    } else {
1948       sprintf(new_full_name, "%s%c%s", dir_name, DIR_SEP, new_file_name);
1949    }
1951    if (!OkayToCreateFile(new_full_name)) return;
1953    if ((short_name=IsPrefix(bootDir, new_full_name, &rest))) ++rest;
1954    if ((fp=fopen(new_full_name, "w")) == NULL) {
1955       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANT_OPEN_WRITE_FILE_NOT_SAVE),
1956             (short_name ? rest : new_full_name));
1957       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
1958       return;
1959    }
1961    strcpy(saved_dir, (curDirIsLocal ? curDir : curLocalDir));
1962    strcpy(saved_file, curFileName);
1963    strcpy(saved_sym_dir, curSymDir);
1964    saved_cur_file_defined = curFileDefined;
1965    SetCurDir(new_full_name);
1966    curFileDefined = TRUE;
1968    strcpy(curSymDir, (curDirIsLocal ? curDir : curLocalDir));
1969    if (!DirInSymPath(curDirIsLocal ? curDir : curLocalDir)) UpdateSymInfo();
1971    sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_SAVING_DOTS),
1972          (short_name ? rest : new_full_name));
1973    Msg(gszMsgBox);
1975    if (!saveCommentsInSaveNew) CleanUpComments();
1976    watch_cursor = watchCursorOnMainWindow;
1977    if (!watch_cursor) {
1978       SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
1979       SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
1980    }
1981    writeFileFailed = FALSE;
1982    saved_cur_page = curPage;
1983    for (curPage=firstPage, count=1; curPage != NULL;
1984          curPage=curPage->next, count++) {
1985       topObj = curPage->top;
1986       botObj = curPage->bot;
1987       Save(fp, botObj, 0, count);
1988    }
1989    curPage = saved_cur_page;
1990    topObj = curPage->top;
1991    botObj = curPage->bot;
1992    fclose(fp);
1993    if (!watch_cursor) {
1994       SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
1995       ShowCursor();
1996    }
1997    if (writeFileFailed) {
1998       writeFileFailed = FALSE;
1999       FailToWriteFileMessage(new_full_name);
2000    } else {
2001       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FILE_SAVED),
2002             (short_name ? rest : new_full_name));
2003       Msg(gszMsgBox);
2004    }
2006    if (curDirIsLocal) {
2007       strcpy(curDir, saved_dir);
2008    } else {
2009       strcpy(curLocalDir, saved_dir);
2010    }
2011    strcpy(curFileName, saved_file);
2012    strcpy(curSymDir, saved_sym_dir);
2013    curFileDefined = saved_cur_file_defined;
2015    RedrawTitleWindow();
2016    SetCurChoice(curChoiceBeforeMakeQuiescent);
2017 }
SaveFile()2019 void SaveFile()
2020 {
2021    int count=0, short_name, file_type=INVALID, no_name=FALSE;
2022    struct ObjRec *obj_ptr=NULL;
2023    FILE *fp=NULL;
2024    char ext[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], gzipped_fname[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
2025    char full_name[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], *rest=NULL, *psz=NULL;
2026    struct PageRec *saved_cur_page=NULL;
2027    struct ObjRec *obj_ptr1=NULL, *obj_ptr2=NULL;
2028    struct AttrRec *attr_ptr=NULL;
2029    int watch_cursor=FALSE, gzipped=FALSE;
2031    *gzipped_fname = '\0';
2032    if (!curFileDefined || !curDirIsLocal) {
2033       SaveNewFile(FALSE, NULL);
2034       return;
2035    }
2036    if (unsavableFile) {
2037       if (MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_Q_FILE_UNSAVABLE_SAVE_NEW_YNC), TOOL_NAME,
2038             YNC_MB) == MB_ID_YES) {
2039          SaveNewFile(FALSE, NULL);
2040       }
2041       return;
2042    }
2043    if ((psz=UtilStrRChr(curFileName, '.')) == NULL) {
2044       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANT_FIND_DOT_IN_SAVEFILE),
2045             "SaveFile()");
2046       TgAssert(FALSE, gszMsgBox, NULL);
2047       return;
2048    }
2049    if (strcmp(psz, ".gz") == 0) {
2050       char *dot_ptr=psz;
2052       gzipped = TRUE;
2053       *dot_ptr = '\0';
2054       if ((psz=UtilStrRChr(curFileName, '.')) == NULL) {
2055          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANT_FIND_DOT_IN_SAVEFILE),
2056                "SaveFile()");
2057          TgAssert(FALSE, gszMsgBox, NULL);
2058          *dot_ptr = '.';
2059          return;
2060       }
2061       UtilStrCpyN(ext, sizeof(ext), psz);
2062       *dot_ptr = '.';
2063    } else {
2064       UtilStrCpyN(ext, sizeof(ext), psz);
2065    }
2066    saved_cur_page = curPage;
2067    for (curPage=firstPage; curPage != NULL; curPage=curPage->next) {
2068       for (obj_ptr=curPage->top; obj_ptr != NULL; obj_ptr=obj_ptr->next) {
2069          if (obj_ptr->type == OBJ_SYM) {
2070             if (obj_ptr1 == NULL) {
2071                obj_ptr1 = obj_ptr;
2072             } else if (obj_ptr2 == NULL) {
2073                obj_ptr2 = obj_ptr;
2074             }
2075             count++;
2076          }
2077       }
2078    }
2079    curPage = saved_cur_page;
2081    switch (count) {
2082    case 0:
2083       if (FileNameHasExtension(ext, SYM_FILE_TYPE, NULL, &no_name)) {
2084          MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_NO_SYM_FOUND_SYM_NOT_SAVED), TOOL_NAME,
2085                INFO_MB);
2086          return;
2087       } else if (FileNameHasExtension(ext, PIN_FILE_TYPE, NULL, &no_name)) {
2088          MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_NO_SYM_FOUND_PIN_NOT_SAVED), TOOL_NAME,
2089                INFO_MB);
2090          return;
2091       }
2092       file_type = OBJ_FILE_TYPE;
2093       break;
2094    case 1:
2095       if (FileNameHasExtension(ext, OBJ_FILE_TYPE, NULL, &no_name)) {
2096          MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_CANT_SAVE_OJB_ONE_SYM_FOUND), TOOL_NAME,
2097                INFO_MB);
2098          return;
2099       }
2100       if ((attr_ptr=FindAttrWithName(obj_ptr1, "type=", NULL)) != NULL &&
2101             strcmp(attr_ptr->attr_value.s, "tgif_pin") == 0) {
2102          if (FileNameHasExtension(ext, SYM_FILE_TYPE, NULL, &no_name)) {
2103             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_SYM_TYPE_IS_SHOULD_SAVE_PIN),
2104                   "tgif_pin");
2105             MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
2106             return;
2107          }
2108          file_type = PIN_FILE_TYPE;
2109       } else {
2110          if (FileNameHasExtension(ext, PIN_FILE_TYPE, NULL, &no_name)) {
2111             MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_CANT_SAVE_PIN_ONE_SYM_FOUND), TOOL_NAME,
2112                   INFO_MB);
2113             return;
2114          }
2115          file_type = SYM_FILE_TYPE;
2116       }
2117       break;
2118    case 2:
2119       if (FileNameHasExtension(ext, OBJ_FILE_TYPE, NULL, &no_name)) {
2120          MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_CANT_SAVE_OJB_ONE_SYM_FOUND), TOOL_NAME,
2121                INFO_MB);
2122          return;
2123       } else if (FileNameHasExtension(ext, SYM_FILE_TYPE, NULL, &no_name)) {
2124          MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_TOO_MANY_SYM_ABORT_SAVE), TOOL_NAME,
2125                INFO_MB);
2126          return;
2127       }
2128       file_type = PIN_FILE_TYPE;
2129       break;
2130    default:
2132             INFO_MB);
2133       return;
2134    }
2135    if (file_type == SYM_FILE_TYPE || file_type == PIN_FILE_TYPE) {
2136       sprintf(full_name, "%s%c%s", curSymDir, DIR_SEP, curFileName);
2137    } else {
2138       sprintf(full_name, "%s%c%s", curDir, DIR_SEP, curFileName);
2139    }
2140    if (file_type == OBJ_FILE_TYPE && gzipped) {
2141       char tmp_fname[MAXPATHLENGTH];
2143       if (MkTempFile(tmp_fname, sizeof(tmp_fname), tmpDir, TOOL_NAME) == NULL) {
2144          return;
2145       }
2146       strcpy(gzipped_fname, full_name);
2147       strcpy(full_name, tmp_fname);
2148    }
2149    if (*gzipped_fname == '\0') {
2150       if ((short_name=IsPrefix(bootDir, full_name, &rest))) ++rest;
2151    } else {
2152       if ((short_name=IsPrefix(bootDir, gzipped_fname, &rest))) ++rest;
2153    }
2154    if ((fp=fopen(full_name, "w")) == NULL) {
2155       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANT_OPEN_WRITE_FILE_NOT_SAVE),
2156             (short_name ? rest : full_name));
2157       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
2158       if (*gzipped_fname != '\0') unlink(full_name);
2159       return;
2160    }
2161    if (short_name) {
2162       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_SAVING_DOTS), rest);
2163    } else {
2164       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_SAVING_DOTS),
2165             (*gzipped_fname == '\0' ? full_name : gzipped_fname));
2166    }
2167    Msg(gszMsgBox);
2169    watch_cursor = watchCursorOnMainWindow;
2170    if (!watch_cursor) {
2171       SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
2172       SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
2173    }
2174    writeFileFailed = FALSE;
2175    MakeQuiescent();
2176    saved_cur_page = curPage;
2177    for (curPage=firstPage, count=1; curPage != NULL;
2178          curPage=curPage->next, count++) {
2179       topObj = curPage->top;
2180       botObj = curPage->bot;
2181       Save(fp, botObj, 0, count);
2182    }
2183    curPage = saved_cur_page;
2184    topObj = curPage->top;
2185    botObj = curPage->bot;
2187    fclose(fp);
2189    if (!watch_cursor) {
2190       SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
2191       ShowCursor();
2192    }
2193    if (writeFileFailed) {
2194       writeFileFailed = FALSE;
2195       FailToWriteFileMessage(full_name);
2196    } else {
2197       if (*gzipped_fname != '\0') {
2198          if (!GzipFile(full_name, gzipped_fname)) {
2199             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_PROBLEM_ZIPPING_PLEASE_SAVE),
2200                   full_name, gzipped_fname, full_name);
2201             MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
2202             unlink(full_name);
2203             return;
2204          }
2205          unlink(full_name);
2206          strcpy(full_name, gzipped_fname);
2207       }
2208       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FILE_SAVED),
2209             (short_name ? rest : full_name));
2210       Msg(gszMsgBox);
2211       SetFileModified(FALSE);
2212       if (!NameInCurDir(curFileName)) UpdateDirInfo();
2213    }
2214    SetCurChoice(curChoiceBeforeMakeQuiescent);
2215 }
SavePages(pSpecifyPagesInfo)2217 void SavePages(pSpecifyPagesInfo)
2218    SpecifyPagesInfo *pSpecifyPagesInfo;
2219 {
2220    char new_file_name[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], gzipped_fname[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
2221    char new_full_name[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], *rest=NULL;
2222    char obj_ext_str[MAXSTRING+1], gz_obj_ext_str[MAXSTRING+1];
2223    char sym_ext_str[MAXSTRING+1], pin_ext_str[MAXSTRING+1];
2224    int no_name=FALSE, gzipped=FALSE, file_type=0, page_num=0;
2225    int count=0, len, short_name=FALSE, ok=TRUE, watch_cursor=FALSE;
2226    struct ObjRec *obj_ptr=NULL;
2227    struct ObjRec *obj_ptr1=NULL, *obj_ptr2=NULL;
2228    struct PageRec *saved_cur_page=NULL;
2229    struct AttrRec *attr_ptr=NULL;
2230    FILE *fp=NULL;
2232    file_type = OBJ_FILE_TYPE;
2233    *gzipped_fname = '\0';
2235    sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_WORKING_DIRECTORY_IS),
2236          (curDirIsLocal ? curDir : curLocalDir));
2237    *new_file_name = '\0';
2238    Dialog(TgLoadString(STID_ENTER_NEW_FNAME_ACCEPT_CANCEL), gszMsgBox,
2239          new_file_name);
2241    UtilTrimBlanks(new_file_name);
2242    if (*new_file_name == '\0') return;
2243    len = strlen(new_file_name);
2245    saved_cur_page = curPage;
2246    for (page_num=0, curPage=firstPage; curPage != NULL;
2247          curPage=curPage->next, page_num++) {
2248       if (pSpecifyPagesInfo->page_specified[page_num]) {
2249          for (obj_ptr=curPage->top; obj_ptr != NULL; obj_ptr=obj_ptr->next) {
2250             if (obj_ptr->type == OBJ_SYM) {
2251                if (obj_ptr1 == NULL) {
2252                   obj_ptr1 = obj_ptr;
2253                } else if (obj_ptr2 == NULL) {
2254                   obj_ptr2 = obj_ptr;
2255                }
2256                count++;
2257             }
2258          }
2259       }
2260    }
2261    curPage = saved_cur_page;
2263    sprintf(obj_ext_str, ".%s", OBJ_FILE_EXT);
2264    sprintf(gz_obj_ext_str, ".%s.gz", OBJ_FILE_EXT);
2265    sprintf(sym_ext_str, ".%s", SYM_FILE_EXT);
2266    sprintf(pin_ext_str, ".%s", PIN_FILE_EXT);
2268    if (count > 2) {
2270       return;
2271    }
2272    if (count >= 1 && pSpecifyPagesInfo->num_pages_specified != 1) {
2273       MsgBox(TgLoadString(count==1 ? STID_ONE_PAGE_SYM_ABORT_SAVE :
2275       return;
2276    }
2277    switch (count) {
2278    case 0:
2279       if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, OBJ_FILE_TYPE, &gzipped,
2280             &no_name)) {
2281          /* don't modify */
2282       } else if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, SYM_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
2283             &no_name)) {
2284          MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_CANT_SAVE_SYM_NO_SYM_FOUND), TOOL_NAME,
2285                INFO_MB);
2286          return;
2287       } else if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, PIN_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
2288             &no_name)) {
2289          MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_CANT_SAVE_PIN_NO_SYM_FOUND), TOOL_NAME,
2290                INFO_MB);
2291          return;
2292       } else {
2293          strcat(new_file_name, obj_ext_str);
2294       }
2295       file_type = OBJ_FILE_TYPE;
2296       break;
2297    case 1:
2298       if ((attr_ptr=FindAttrWithName(obj_ptr1, "type=", NULL)) != NULL &&
2299             strcmp(attr_ptr->attr_value.s, "tgif_pin") == 0) {
2300          if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, OBJ_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
2301                &no_name)) {
2302             MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_CANT_SAVE_OJB_ONE_SYM_FOUND), TOOL_NAME,
2303                   INFO_MB);
2304             return;
2305          } else if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, SYM_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
2306                &no_name)) {
2307             MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_CANT_SAVE_SYM_SAVE_AS_PIN), TOOL_NAME,
2308                   INFO_MB);
2309             return;
2310          } else if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, PIN_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
2311                &no_name)) {
2312             /* don't modify */
2313          } else {
2314             strcat(new_file_name, pin_ext_str);
2315          }
2316          file_type = PIN_FILE_TYPE;
2317       } else {
2318          if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, OBJ_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
2319                &no_name)) {
2320             MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_CANT_SAVE_OJB_ONE_SYM_FOUND), TOOL_NAME,
2321                   INFO_MB);
2322             return;
2323          } else if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, SYM_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
2324                &no_name)) {
2325             /* don't modify */
2326          } else if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, PIN_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
2327                &no_name)) {
2328             MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_CANT_SAVE_PIN_ONE_SYM_FOUND), TOOL_NAME,
2329                   INFO_MB);
2330             return;
2331          } else {
2332             strcat(new_file_name, sym_ext_str);
2333          }
2334          file_type = SYM_FILE_TYPE;
2335       }
2336       break;
2337    case 2:
2338       if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, OBJ_FILE_TYPE, NULL, &no_name)) {
2339          MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_CANT_SAVE_OJB_TWO_SYM_FOUND), TOOL_NAME,
2340                INFO_MB);
2341          return;
2342       } else if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, SYM_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
2343             &no_name)) {
2344          MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_CANT_SAVE_SYM_TWO_SYM_FOUND), TOOL_NAME,
2345                INFO_MB);
2346          return;
2347       } else if (FileNameHasExtension(new_file_name, PIN_FILE_TYPE, NULL,
2348             &no_name)) {
2349          /* don't modify */
2350       } else {
2351          strcat(new_file_name, pin_ext_str);
2352       }
2353       if (obj_ptr2->fattr != NULL) {
2354          obj_ptr = obj_ptr2;
2355          obj_ptr2 = obj_ptr1;
2356          obj_ptr1 = obj_ptr;
2357       }
2358       if ((attr_ptr=FindAttrWithName(obj_ptr1, "type=", NULL)) == NULL) {
2360                INFO_MB);
2361          return;
2362       }
2363       if (strcmp(attr_ptr->attr_value.s, "tgif_pin") != 0) {
2364          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_SYM_TYPE_WRONG_PIN_NOT_SAVED),
2365                "tgif_pin");
2366          MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
2367          return;
2368       }
2369       file_type = PIN_FILE_TYPE;
2370       break;
2371    default: return;
2372    }
2373    if (no_name) {
2375             INFO_MB);
2376       return;
2377    }
2378    if (*new_file_name == DIR_SEP) {
2379       strcpy(new_full_name, new_file_name);
2380    } else if (curDirIsLocal) {
2381       sprintf(new_full_name, "%s%c%s", curDir, DIR_SEP, new_file_name);
2382    } else {
2383       sprintf(new_full_name, "%s%c%s", curLocalDir, DIR_SEP, new_file_name);
2384    }
2385    if (file_type == OBJ_FILE_TYPE && gzipped) {
2386       char tmp_fname[MAXPATHLENGTH];
2388       if (MkTempFile(tmp_fname, sizeof(tmp_fname), tmpDir, TOOL_NAME) == NULL) {
2389          return;
2390       }
2391       strcpy(gzipped_fname, new_full_name);
2392       strcpy(new_full_name, tmp_fname);
2393    }
2394    if (!OkayToCreateFile((*gzipped_fname=='\0') ? new_full_name :
2395          gzipped_fname)) {
2396       if (*gzipped_fname != '\0') unlink(new_full_name);
2397       return;
2398    }
2399    if (*gzipped_fname == '\0') {
2400       if ((short_name=IsPrefix(bootDir, new_full_name, &rest))) ++rest;
2401    } else {
2402       if ((short_name=IsPrefix(bootDir, gzipped_fname, &rest))) ++rest;
2403    }
2404    if ((fp=fopen(new_full_name, "w")) == NULL) {
2405       if (short_name) {
2406          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANT_OPEN_WRITE_FILE_NOT_SAVE),
2407                rest);
2408       } else {
2409          if (*gzipped_fname == '\0') {
2410             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANT_OPEN_WRITE_FILE_NOT_SAVE),
2411                   new_full_name);
2412          } else {
2413             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANT_OPEN_WRITE_FILE_NOT_SAVE),
2414                   gzipped_fname);
2415          }
2416       }
2417       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
2418       if (*gzipped_fname != '\0') unlink(new_full_name);
2419       return;
2420    }
2421    if (short_name) {
2422       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_SAVING_DOTS), rest);
2423    } else {
2424       if (*gzipped_fname == '\0') {
2425          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_SAVING_DOTS), new_full_name);
2426       } else {
2427          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_SAVING_DOTS), gzipped_fname);
2428       }
2429    }
2430    Msg(gszMsgBox);
2432    if (!saveCommentsInSaveNew) CleanUpComments();
2433    watch_cursor = watchCursorOnMainWindow;
2434    if (!watch_cursor) {
2435       SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
2436       SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
2437    }
2438    writeFileFailed = FALSE;
2439    saved_cur_page = curPage;
2440    for (page_num=0, curPage=firstPage, count=1; curPage != NULL;
2441          curPage=curPage->next, page_num++) {
2442       if (pSpecifyPagesInfo->page_specified[page_num]) {
2443          int saved_cur_page_num=curPageNum, saved_last_page_num=lastPageNum;
2444          int need_to_restore_page_nums=FALSE;
2446          topObj = curPage->top;
2447          botObj = curPage->bot;
2448          if (count == 1) {
2449             curPageNum = 1;
2450             lastPageNum = pSpecifyPagesInfo->num_pages_specified;
2451             need_to_restore_page_nums = TRUE;
2452          }
2453          Save(fp, botObj, 0, count++);
2454          if (need_to_restore_page_nums) {
2455             curPageNum = saved_cur_page_num;
2456             lastPageNum = saved_last_page_num;
2457          }
2458       }
2459    }
2460    curPage = saved_cur_page;
2461    topObj = curPage->top;
2462    botObj = curPage->bot;
2463    fclose(fp);
2464    if (!watch_cursor) {
2465       SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
2466       ShowCursor();
2467    }
2468    if (writeFileFailed) {
2469       writeFileFailed = FALSE;
2470       FailToWriteFileMessage(new_full_name);
2471       ok = FALSE;
2472    } else {
2473       if (*gzipped_fname != '\0') {
2474          if (!GzipFile(new_full_name, gzipped_fname)) {
2475             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_PROBLEM_ZIPPING_PLEASE_SAVE),
2476                   new_full_name, gzipped_fname, new_full_name);
2477             MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
2478             ok = FALSE;
2479          }
2480          unlink(new_full_name);
2481          strcpy(new_full_name, gzipped_fname);
2482       }
2483       if (ok) {
2484          if (pSpecifyPagesInfo->num_pages_specified > 1) {
2485             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_MANY_PAGES_SAVED_INTO_GIVEN),
2486                   pSpecifyPagesInfo->num_pages_specified,
2487                   (short_name ? rest : new_full_name));
2488          } else {
2489             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_ONE_PAGE_SAVED_INTO_GIVEN),
2490                   (short_name ? rest : new_full_name));
2491          }
2492          Msg(gszMsgBox);
2493       } else {
2494          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FILE_NOT_SAVED),
2495                (short_name ? rest : new_full_name));
2496          Msg(gszMsgBox);
2497       }
2498    }
2499 }
ParseStr(Str,C,Left,LeftSz)2501 char *ParseStr(Str, C, Left, LeftSz)
2502    char *Str, *Left;
2503    int C, LeftSz;
2504 {
2505    register char *s=Str, *l=Left;
2506    register int len=0;
2507    int max_len=LeftSz-1;
2508    char the_char=(char)C;
2510    while (*s != '\0' && *s != the_char) {
2511       if (len < max_len) {
2512          *l++ = *s++;
2513          len++;
2514       } else {
2515          break;
2516       }
2517    }
2519    if (*s == the_char) s++;
2520    *l = '\0';
2522    while (len >= 2 && *Left == '\'' && *(--l) == '\'') {
2523       char *c_ptr, *c_ptr1;
2525       *l-- = '\0';
2526       len -= 2;
2527       c_ptr = &Left[1];
2528       c_ptr1 = Left;
2529       while (*c_ptr != '\0') *c_ptr1++ = *c_ptr++;
2530       *c_ptr1 = '\0';
2531    }
2532    return s;
2533 }
FindChar(C,Str)2535 char *FindChar(C, Str)
2536    int C;
2537    char *Str;
2538    /* returns the address of the character right after C of the string Str */
2539 {
2540    register char *s=Str, the_char=(char)C;
2542    while (*s != '\0' && *s != the_char) s++;
2544    if (*s == the_char) s++;
2545    return s;
2546 }
SaveCreatorID(FP,obj_ptr,psz_prefix)2548 void SaveCreatorID(FP, obj_ptr, psz_prefix)
2549    FILE *FP;
2550    struct ObjRec *obj_ptr;
2551    char *psz_prefix;
2552 {
2553    char buf[MAXSTRING];
2555    if (obj_ptr->creator_full_id == NULL) {
2556       sprintf(buf, "%1d/%s", obj_ptr->id, gszLocalPID);
2557    } else {
2558       strcpy(buf, obj_ptr->creator_full_id);
2559    }
2560    if (fprintf(FP, "\n%s\"", psz_prefix) == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
2561    SaveString(FP, buf);
2562    if (fprintf(FP, "\",") == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
2563 }
ReadCreatorID(FP,ObjPtr)2565 int ReadCreatorID(FP, ObjPtr)
2566    FILE *FP;
2567    struct ObjRec **ObjPtr;
2568 {
2569    int ok=TRUE;
2570    char *c_ptr=NULL, *line=NULL, full_id[MAXSTRING];
2572    if ((line=UtilGetALine(FP)) == NULL) {
2573       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_UNEXPECTED_EOF_IN_ABORT_READ),
2574             scanFileName, scanLineNum, "ReadCreatorID()");
2575       if (PRTGIF) {
2576          fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
2577       } else {
2578          MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
2579       }
2580       return FALSE;
2581    }
2582    scanLineNum++;
2583    c_ptr = FindChar((int)'"', line);
2584    c_ptr = ParseStr(c_ptr, (int)'"', full_id, sizeof(full_id));
2585    if (c_ptr == NULL) {
2586       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_BAD_FIELD_IN_FUNC_ABORT_READ),
2587             scanFileName, scanLineNum, "creator_full_id", "ReadCreatorID()");
2588       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
2589       ok = FALSE;
2590    }
2591    (*ObjPtr)->creator_full_id = UtilStrDup(full_id);
2592    if ((*ObjPtr)->creator_full_id == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
2593    free(line);
2594    return ok;
2595 }
2597 static
NumFieldsToFontStr(buf)2598 int NumFieldsToFontStr(buf)
2599    char *buf;
2600    /* 300.000,0,0,0,16,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,'...' */
2601 {
2602    char *psz=NULL, *psz_single_quote=strchr(buf, '\'');
2603    int count=0;
2605    if (psz_single_quote == NULL) {
2606       return (-1);
2607    }
2608    *psz_single_quote = '\0';
2609    for (psz=strchr(buf, ','); psz != NULL; psz=strchr(&psz[1], ',')) {
2610       count++;
2611    }
2612    *psz_single_quote = '\'';
2614    return count;
2615 }
2617 static int gnCannotFindColorMsg=FALSE;
2619 static
ReadState(Inbuf)2620 int ReadState(Inbuf)
2621    char *Inbuf;
2622 {
2623    char *s, font_str[MAXSTRING], sb_font_str[MAXSTRING];
2624    int page_style, forced_use_gray=FALSE, compat_dpi, font_sz=0, sz_unit=0;
2625    int page_arg1=0, page_arg2=0, rotate=ROTATE0;
2626    int one_page_width=0, one_page_height=0;
2628    *font_str = *sb_font_str = '\0';
2629    s = FindChar((int)'(', Inbuf);
2630    if (sscanf(s, "%d", &page_style) != 1) return FALSE;
2631    s = FindChar((int)',', s);
2632    if (*s == '\0') {
2633       fileVersion = INVALID;
2634    } else if (sscanf(s, "%d", &fileVersion) != 1) {
2635       return FALSE;
2636    }
2638    if (fileVersion > CUR_VERSION) return FALSE;
2640    gnCannotFindColorMsg = FALSE;
2642    if (!importingFile && !mergingFile) {
2643       if (fileVersion <= 13) {
2644          switch (page_style) {
2645          case PORTRAIT: printMag = (float)100.0; break;
2646          case LANDSCAPE: printMag = (float)100.0; break;
2647          case HIGHPORT: printMag = (float)50.0; page_style = PORTRAIT; break;
2648          case HIGHLAND: printMag = (float)50.0; page_style = LANDSCAPE; break;
2649          case SLIDEPORT: printMag = (float)200.0; page_style = PORTRAIT; break;
2650          case SLIDELAND: printMag = (float)200.0; page_style = LANDSCAPE; break;
2651          default:
2652             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_UNRECOG_PAGE_STYLE),
2653                   page_style);
2654             TwoLineMsg(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_PORTRAIT_STYLE_ASSUMED));
2655             page_style = PORTRAIT;
2656             printMag = (float)100.0;
2657             break;
2658          }
2659       } else {
2660          int num_fields_to_font_str=0;
2662          if (page_style != PORTRAIT && page_style != LANDSCAPE) {
2663             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_UNRECOG_PAGE_STYLE),
2664                   page_style);
2665             TwoLineMsg(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_PORTRAIT_STYLE_ASSUMED));
2666             page_style = PORTRAIT;
2667          }
2668          s = FindChar((int)',', s);
2669          /* begin locale bug fix kluge */
2670          num_fields_to_font_str = NumFieldsToFontStr(s);
2671          if (num_fields_to_font_str == (-1)) {
2672              /* cannot find single quote */
2673          } else if (num_fields_to_font_str == 15) {
2674              /* normal case */
2675          } else if (num_fields_to_font_str == 16) {
2676              /* extra one, must be the locale bug, fix it! */
2677              char *psz_comma=strchr(s, ',');
2679              *psz_comma = '.';
2680          } else {
2681              /* don't know what happened */
2682          }
2683          /* end locale bug fix kluge */
2684          sscanf(s, "%f", &printMag);
2685       }
2686       pageStyle = page_style;
2687    }
2689    if (PRTGIF && useGray) forced_use_gray = TRUE;
2690    if (importingFile || mergingFile) return TRUE;
2692    page_arg1 = page_arg2 = 1;
2693    one_page_width = onePageWidth;
2694    one_page_height = onePageHeight;
2696    if (fileVersion >= 2) {
2697       compat_dpi = FONT_DPI_75;
2698       curDash = 0;
2699       gridSystem = ENGLISH_GRID;
2700       xyMetricGrid = DEFAULT_METRIC_GRID;
2701       textVSpace = 0;
2702       zoomedIn = FALSE;
2703       rcbRadius = DEF_RCB_RADIUS;
2704       pageLayoutMode = PAGE_STACK;
2705       paperCol = paperRow = 1;
2706       curPageNum = lastPageNum = 1;
2707       pageLineShownInTileMode = TRUE;
2709       if (usePaperSizeStoredInFile) ResetOnePageSize();
2711       s = FindChar((int)',', s);
2713       InitScan(s, "\t\n, ");
2715       if (fileVersion <= 3) {
2716          GETINT("state", drawOrigX,     "X Draw Origin");
2717          GETINT("state", drawOrigY,     "Y Draw Origin");
2718          GETINT("state", zoomScale,     "Zoom scale");
2719          GETINT("state", xyEnglishGrid, "English Grid");
2720          GETINT("state", snapOn,        "Grid");
2721          GETINT("state", colorIndex,    "Color");
2722          GETINT("state", horiAlign,     "Horizontal Align");
2723          GETINT("state", vertAlign,     "Vertical Align");
2724          GETINT("state", lineWidth,     "Line Width");
2725          GETINT("state", lineStyle,     "Line Style");
2726          GETINT("state", objFill,       "Fill Pattern");
2727          GETINT("state", penPat,        "Pen Pattern");
2728          GETINT("state", textJust,      "Text Justify");
2729          GETINT("state", curFont,       "Font Name");
2730          GETINT("state", curStyle,      "Font Style");
2731          GETINT("state", font_sz,       "Font Size");
2733          if (lineWidth == LINE_CURVED) {
2734             lineWidth = 0;
2735             curSpline = LT_SPLINE;
2736          } else {
2737             curSpline = LT_STRAIGHT;
2738          }
2739       } else if (fileVersion <= 7) {
2740          GETINT("state", drawOrigX,     "X Draw Origin");
2741          GETINT("state", drawOrigY,     "Y Draw Origin");
2742          GETINT("state", zoomScale,     "Zoom scale");
2743          GETINT("state", xyEnglishGrid, "English Grid");
2744          GETINT("state", snapOn,        "Grid");
2745          GETINT("state", colorIndex,    "Color");
2746          GETINT("state", horiAlign,     "Horizontal Align");
2747          GETINT("state", vertAlign,     "Vertical Align");
2748          GETINT("state", lineWidth,     "Line Width");
2749          GETINT("state", curSpline,     "Spline");
2750          GETINT("state", lineStyle,     "Line Style");
2751          GETINT("state", objFill,       "Fill Pattern");
2752          GETINT("state", penPat,        "Pen Pattern");
2753          GETINT("state", textJust,      "Text Justify");
2754          GETINT("state", curFont,       "Font Name");
2755          GETINT("state", curStyle,      "Font Style");
2756          GETINT("state", font_sz,       "Font Size");
2757       } else if (fileVersion <= 8) {
2758          GETINT("state", drawOrigX,     "X Draw Origin");
2759          GETINT("state", drawOrigY,     "Y Draw Origin");
2760          GETINT("state", zoomScale,     "Zoom scale");
2761          GETINT("state", xyEnglishGrid, "English Grid");
2762          GETINT("state", snapOn,        "Grid");
2763          GETINT("state", colorIndex,    "Color");
2764          GETINT("state", horiAlign,     "Horizontal Align");
2765          GETINT("state", vertAlign,     "Vertical Align");
2766          GETINT("state", lineWidth,     "Line Width");
2767          GETINT("state", curSpline,     "Spline");
2768          GETINT("state", lineStyle,     "Line Style");
2769          GETINT("state", objFill,       "Fill Pattern");
2770          GETINT("state", penPat,        "Pen Pattern");
2771          GETINT("state", textJust,      "Text Justify");
2772          GETINT("state", curFont,       "Font Name");
2773          GETINT("state", curStyle,      "Font Style");
2774          GETINT("state", font_sz,       "Font Size");
2775          GETINT("state", compat_dpi,    "Font DPI");
2776       } else if (fileVersion <= 11) {
2777          GETINT("state", drawOrigX,     "X Draw Origin");
2778          GETINT("state", drawOrigY,     "Y Draw Origin");
2779          GETINT("state", zoomScale,     "Zoom scale");
2780          GETINT("state", xyEnglishGrid, "English Grid");
2781          GETINT("state", snapOn,        "Grid");
2782          GETINT("state", colorIndex,    "Color");
2783          GETINT("state", horiAlign,     "Horizontal Align");
2784          GETINT("state", vertAlign,     "Vertical Align");
2785          GETINT("state", lineWidth,     "Line Width");
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2949          /* Matsuda's Version */
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3191          GETINT("state", one_page_width, "One Page Width");
3192          GETINT("state", one_page_height,"One Page Height");
3193          GETINT("state", stretchableText,"Stretchable Text");
3194          GETINT("state", textRotation,   "Text Rotation");
3195          GETINT("state", rotationIncrement,"Rotation Increment");
3196          GETINT("state", transPat,       "Pattern Transparency");
3197       } else {
3198          GETINT("state", drawOrigX,      "X Draw Origin");
3199          GETINT("state", drawOrigY,      "Y Draw Origin");
3200          GETINT("state", zoomScale,      "Zoom scale");
3201          GETINT("state", xyEnglishGrid,  "English Grid");
3202          GETINT("state", snapOn,         "Grid");
3203          GETINT("state", colorIndex,     "Color");
3204          GETINT("state", horiAlign,      "Horizontal Align");
3205          GETINT("state", vertAlign,      "Vertical Align");
3206          GETINT("state", lineWidth,      "Line Width");
3207          GETINT("state", curSpline,      "Spline");
3208          GETINT("state", lineStyle,      "Line Style");
3209          GETINT("state", objFill,        "Fill Pattern");
3210          GETINT("state", penPat,         "Pen Pattern");
3211          GETINT("state", textJust,       "Text Justify");
3212          GETSTR("state", font_str,       "Font Name String");
3213          GETINT("state", curStyle,       "Font Style");
3214          GETINT("state", sz_unit,        "Font Size Unit");
3215          GETINT("state", compat_dpi,     "Font DPI");
3216          GETINT("state", curDash,        "Dash Style");
3217          GETINT("state", gridSystem,     "Grid System");
3218          GETINT("state", xyMetricGrid,   "Metric Grid");
3219          GETINT("state", textVSpace,     "Text Vertical Spacing");
3220          GETINT("state", zoomedIn,       "Zoomed In");
3221          GETINT("state", gridShown,      "Grid Shown");
3222          GETINT("state", moveMode,       "Move Mode");
3223          GETINT("state", rotate,         "Text Rotation");
3224          GETINT("state", rcbRadius,      "RCBox Radius");
3225          GETINT("state", useGray,        "Use Gray Scale");
3226          GETINT("state", pageLayoutMode, "Page Layout Mode");
3227          GETINT("state", page_arg1,      "Page Layout Subarg 1");
3228          GETINT("state", page_arg2,      "Page Layout Subarg 2");
3229          GETINT("state", pageLineShownInTileMode,"Page Lines Shown");
3230          GETINT("state", colorDump,      "Print In Color");
3231          GETINT("state", one_page_width, "One Page Width");
3232          GETINT("state", one_page_height,"One Page Height");
3233          GETINT("state", stretchableText,"Stretchable Text");
3234          GETINT("state", textRotation,   "Text Rotation");
3235          GETINT("state", rotationIncrement,"Rotation Increment");
3236          GETINT("state", transPat,       "Pattern Transparency");
3237       }
3238       if (fileVersion <= 28) readingPageNum++;
3239       if (fileVersion <= 29) {
3240          VerifyCompatibleFontIndex(&curFont);
3241          font_sz = GetCompatibleSize(compat_dpi, font_sz);
3242          curSzUnit = FontSizeToSzUnit(font_sz);
3243          if (PRTGIF) {
3244             PrTgifInitBaseFonts();
3245          }
3246       } else {
3247          char *psz=NULL;
3248          int len=strlen(font_str);
3250          if (fileVersion <= 35) {
3251             curSzUnit = FontSizeToSzUnit(font_sz);
3252          } else {
3253             curSzUnit = sz_unit;
3254          }
3255          if (len > 1 && *font_str == '\'' && font_str[len-1] == '\'') {
3256             char *psz1=(&font_str[1]);
3258             font_str[len-1] = '\0';
3259             psz = font_str;
3260             while (*psz1 != '\0') *psz++ = *psz1++;
3261             *psz = '\0';
3262          }
3263          if ((psz=strchr(font_str, '%')) != NULL) {
3264             *psz++ = '\0';
3265             /* Ex., ignore last '%' if font_str eq "Courier%". */
3266             if (*psz != '\0') {
3267                strcpy(sb_font_str, font_str);
3268                strcpy(font_str, psz);
3269             }
3270          }
3271          curFont = GetFontIndex(font_str, curStyle, TRUE);
3272          if (curFont == INVALID && (!PRTGIF || cmdLineOpenDisplay)) {
3273             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_FIND_FONT_USE_ALT),
3274                   font_str, "Times");
3275             MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
3276             curFont = FONT_TIM;
3277          }
3278       }
3279       switch (pageLayoutMode) {
3280       case PAGE_STACK:
3281          curPageNum = page_arg1;
3282          lastPageNum = page_arg2;
3283          paperCol = paperRow = 1;
3284          pageLineShownInTileMode = TRUE;
3285          break;
3286       case PAGE_TILE:
3287          paperCol = page_arg1;
3288          paperRow = page_arg2;
3289          curPageNum = lastPageNum = 1;
3290          break;
3291       }
3292       loadedCurPageNum = curPageNum;
3293       InitPage();
3294       curPageNum = loadedCurPageNum;
3296       if (fileVersion <= 13) {
3297          switch (gridSystem) {
3298          case ENGLISH_GRID:
3299             drawOrigX += HALF_INCH;
3300             drawOrigY += HALF_INCH;
3301             break;
3302          case METRIC_GRID:
3303             drawOrigX += 2.5*ONE_CM;
3304             drawOrigY += 2.5*ONE_CM;
3305             break;
3306          }
3307       }
3308       if ((usePaperSizeStoredInFile || PRTGIF) && fileVersion >= 32) {
3309          if (pageStyle == LANDSCAPE) {
3310             onePageWidth = one_page_height;
3311             onePageHeight = one_page_width;
3312          } else {
3313             onePageWidth = one_page_width;
3314             onePageHeight = one_page_height;
3315          }
3316          SetPSPageWidthHeight();
3317          if (PRTGIF) {
3318             UpdPageStyle(pageStyle);
3319          }
3320       }
3321       if (PRTGIF && !cmdLineOpenDisplay) {
3322          if (forced_use_gray) useGray = TRUE;
3323          return TRUE;
3324       }
3325       if (rotate != 0) {
3326          switch (rotate) {
3327          case ROTATE0: textRotation = 0; break;
3328          case ROTATE90: textRotation = (90<<6); break;
3329          case ROTATE180: textRotation = (180<<6); break;
3330          case ROTATE270: textRotation = (270<<6); break;
3331          }
3332          rotationIncrement = (90<<6);
3333          rotate = ROTATE0;
3334       }
3335       if (colorIndex >= maxColors) {
3336          fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_CANT_FIND_COLOR_NUM_USE_CUR),
3337                colorIndex, colorMenuItems[defaultColorIndex]);
3338          fprintf(stderr, "\n");
3339          colorIndex = defaultColorIndex;
3340          gnCannotFindColorMsg = TRUE;
3341       }
3342       SetCanvasFont();
3343 /*
3344  *    if (!PRTGIF && SzUnitToFontSize(curSzUnit) != canvasFontSize) {
3345  *       curFont = actualCurFont;
3346  *       curSzUnit = actualCurSzUnit;
3347  *       SetFileModified(TRUE);
3348  *    }
3349  */
3350    }
3351    /*
3352     * Move from below.  Hope this won't change anything!
3353     */
3354    UpdDrawWinWH();
3355    UpdPageStyle(pageStyle);
3356    if (PRTGIF && !cmdLineOpenDisplay) return TRUE;
3358    if (lineWidth >= maxLineWidths) {
3359       fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_LINEWIDTH_IDX_RANGE_SET_TO_0),
3360             lineWidth);
3361       fprintf(stderr, "\n");
3362       lineWidth = 0;
3363    }
3365    RedrawScrollBars();
3366    ShowPage();
3367    ShowPageLayout();
3368    UpdDrawWinBBox();
3370    SetDefaultDrawWinClipRecs();
3372    DrawPaperBoundary(drawWindow);
3373    RedrawGridLines(drawWindow);
3374    RedrawPageLines(drawWindow);
3375    RedrawRulers();
3376    RedrawChoiceWindow();
3378    return TRUE;
3379 }
3381 static
ReadObjAttrs(MinFileVersion,FP,ObjPtr)3382 void ReadObjAttrs(MinFileVersion, FP, ObjPtr)
3383    int MinFileVersion;
3384    FILE *FP;
3385    struct ObjRec **ObjPtr;
3386 {
3387    struct AttrRec *top_attr=NULL, *bot_attr=NULL, *attr_ptr;
3389    if (fileVersion <= MinFileVersion) return;
3391    while (ReadAttr(FP, &attr_ptr)) {
3392       attr_ptr->owner = *ObjPtr;
3393       attr_ptr->prev = NULL;
3394       attr_ptr->next = top_attr;
3395       if (top_attr == NULL) {
3396          bot_attr = attr_ptr;
3397       } else {
3398          top_attr->prev = attr_ptr;
3399       }
3400       top_attr = attr_ptr;
3401    }
3402    if (bot_attr != NULL) bot_attr->next = NULL;
3403    if (*ObjPtr == NULL) {
3404       DelAllAttrs(top_attr);
3405    } else {
3406       (*ObjPtr)->fattr = top_attr;
3407       (*ObjPtr)->lattr = bot_attr;
3408    }
3409 }
3411 static
ReadPageObj(Inbuf,ppsz_page_name)3412 int ReadPageObj(Inbuf, ppsz_page_name)
3413    char *Inbuf, **ppsz_page_name;
3414 {
3415    int page_num=0, reading_page_num=0;
3416    char *s=NULL, *c_ptr=NULL;
3418    if (ppsz_page_name != NULL) *ppsz_page_name = NULL;
3419    s = FindChar((int)'(', Inbuf);
3420    if (sscanf(s, "%d", &page_num) != 1) {
3421       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_BAD_FIELD_IN_OBJ_ABORT_READ),
3422             scanFileName, scanLineNum, "page_num", "page");
3423       if (PRTGIF) {
3424          fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
3425       } else {
3426          MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
3427       }
3428       return FALSE;
3429    }
3430    reading_page_num = page_num;
3431    if (!importingFile) {
3432       char saved_ch='\0';
3434       for (curPage=firstPage; page_num != 1 && curPage != NULL;
3435             curPage=curPage->next, page_num--) {
3436       }
3437       if (curPage == NULL) {
3438          if (!mergingFile) {
3439             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_BAD_INPUT_WHILE_READ_PAGE),
3440                   page_num);
3441             if (PRTGIF) {
3442                fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
3443             } else {
3444                MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
3445             }
3446             return FALSE;
3447          }
3448          AddPageAfter();
3449       }
3450       s = FindChar((int)',', s);
3451       c_ptr = FindChar((int)'"', s);
3452       s = ReadString(c_ptr);
3453       saved_ch = *(--s);
3454       *s = '\0';
3455       if (*c_ptr != '\0') {
3456          curPage->name = UtilStrDup(c_ptr);
3457          if (curPage->name == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
3458       }
3459       *s++ = saved_ch;
3460       InitScan(s, "\t\n, )");
3462       topObj = curPage->top;
3463       botObj = curPage->bot;
3465       curPage->layer_on = TRUE;
3466       if (fileVersion <= 32) {
3467       } else {
3468          int layer_on=TRUE;
3469          char page_file_name[MAXSTRING];
3471          if (GETINT("page", layer_on, "color layer on") == INVALID) {
3472             return FALSE;
3473          }
3474          curPage->layer_on = layer_on;
3475          /*
3476           * This is a hack!  If the file version becomes >= 38, this code
3477           *       must be removed!
3478           */
3479          if (GETSTR("page", page_file_name, "page_file_name") == INVALID) {
3480             /* should not get here because we should have read in: "." */
3481             return FALSE;
3482          } else if (strcmp(page_file_name, ".") == 0) {
3483             *page_file_name = '\0';
3484          } else if (*page_file_name == '\'') {
3485             UtilRemoveQuotes(page_file_name);
3486          }
3487          if (*page_file_name != '\0') {
3488             char *psz=strchr(page_file_name, ' ');
3490             if (psz != NULL) {
3491                char truncated_name[MAXSTRING];
3493                *psz = *truncated_name = '\0';
3494                UtilStrCpyN(truncated_name, sizeof(truncated_name),
3495                      page_file_name);
3496                *psz = ' ';
3497                sprintf(gszMsgBox,
3498                      TgLoadString(STID_BAD_PAGE_FILE_NAME_TRUNC_TO),
3499                      page_file_name, truncated_name);
3500                if (PRTGIF) {
3501                   fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
3502                } else {
3503                   MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
3504                }
3505                strcpy(page_file_name, truncated_name);
3506             }
3507             curPage->page_file_name = UtilStrDup(page_file_name);
3508             if (curPage->page_file_name == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
3509          }
3510       }
3511    } else {
3512       s = FindChar((int)',', s);
3513       c_ptr = FindChar((int)'"', s);
3514       s = ReadString(c_ptr);
3515       *(--s) = '\0';
3516       if (*c_ptr != '\0' && ppsz_page_name != NULL) {
3517          *ppsz_page_name = UtilStrDup(c_ptr);
3518          if (*ppsz_page_name == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
3519       }
3520    }
3521    readingPageNum++;
3522    if (readingPageNum < reading_page_num) {
3523       readingPageNum = reading_page_num;
3524    }
3525    return TRUE;
3526 }
3528 static
ReadUnitObj(Inbuf)3529 int ReadUnitObj(Inbuf)
3530    char *Inbuf;
3531 {
3532    if (!importingFile) {
3533       char *s=FindChar((int)'(', Inbuf), *c_ptr;
3535       c_ptr = FindChar((int)'"', s);
3536       s = ReadString(c_ptr);
3537       *(--s) = '\0';
3538       if (SetUnit(c_ptr)) {
3539          return TRUE;
3540       } else {
3541          return FALSE;
3542       }
3543    }
3544    return TRUE;
3545 }
3547 static
ReadGeneratedBy(Inbuf)3548 int ReadGeneratedBy(Inbuf)
3549    char *Inbuf;
3550 {
3551    int ok=TRUE;
3552    char *s=FindChar((int)'(', Inbuf);
3554    memset(&gGenerateByInfo, 0, sizeof(GenerateByInfo));
3556    if (s == NULL) {
3557       ok = FALSE;
3558    } else {
3559       GenerateByInfo *pgbi=(&gGenerateByInfo);
3561       InitScan(s, "\t\n, ");
3563       if (GETSTR("generated_by", pgbi->name,        "name") == INVALID ||
3564           GETINT("generated_by", pgbi->version,     "version") == INVALID ||
3565           GETSTR("generated_by", pgbi->version_str, "version_str") == INVALID) {
3566          ok = FALSE;
3567          memset(&gGenerateByInfo, 0, sizeof(GenerateByInfo));
3568       } else {
3569          UtilRemoveQuotes(pgbi->name);
3570          UtilRemoveQuotes(pgbi->version_str);
3571       }
3572    }
3573    if (!ok) {
3574       fprintf(stderr, TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_MALFORMED_LINE_NUM_IN_FILE),
3575             scanLineNum, scanFileName);
3576       fprintf(stderr, "\n");
3577    }
3578    return TRUE;
3579 }
3581 static
ReadScriptFracObj(Inbuf)3582 int ReadScriptFracObj(Inbuf)
3583    char *Inbuf;
3584 {
3585    if (!importingFile) {
3586       char *s=FindChar((int)'(', Inbuf), *c_ptr=NULL;
3588       c_ptr = FindChar((int)'"', s);
3589       s = ReadString(c_ptr);
3590       *(--s) = '\0';
3591       if (!FixDecimalPoint(c_ptr)) {
3592 #ifdef _TGIF_DBG /* debug, do not translate */
3593          fprintf(stderr, "FixDecimalPoint() failed in ReadScriptFracObj().\n");
3594 #endif /* _TGIF_DBG */
3595       }
3596       if (SetScriptFractionValue(c_ptr)) {
3597          return TRUE;
3598       } else {
3599          return FALSE;
3600       }
3601    }
3602    return TRUE;
3603 }
3605 static
ReadRightMarginObj(Inbuf)3606 int ReadRightMarginObj(Inbuf)
3607    char *Inbuf;
3608 {
3609    if (!importingFile) {
3610       int right_margin_enabled=FALSE, right_margin=0;
3611       char *s=FindChar((int)'(', Inbuf);
3613       InitScan(s, "\t\n, )");
3614       GETINT("right_margin", right_margin_enabled, "Right Margin Enabled");
3615       GETINT("right_margin", right_margin,         "Right Margin");
3617       rightMarginEnabled = right_margin_enabled;
3618       rightMargin = right_margin;
3619       rightMarginActive = rightMarginEnabled;
3621       if (!PRTGIF) RedrawHRulerWindow();
3622    }
3623    return TRUE;
3624 }
3626 static
ReadThreshFillReplaceObj(Inbuf)3627 int ReadThreshFillReplaceObj(Inbuf)
3628    char *Inbuf;
3629 {
3630    if (!importingFile) {
3631       int do_msg=FALSE;
3632       int saved_thresh_fill_replace_enabled=threshFillReplaceEnabled;
3633       int saved_r=fillReplaceRedThresh, r=0;
3634       int saved_g=fillReplaceGreenThresh, g=0;
3635       int saved_b=fillReplaceBlueThresh, b=0;
3636       char *s=FindChar((int)'(', Inbuf);
3638       InitScan(s, "\t\n, )");
3639       GETINT("threshold_fill_replace", r, "Red Threshold");
3640       GETINT("threshold_fill_replace", g, "Green Threshold");
3641       GETINT("threshold_fill_replace", b, "Blue Threshold");
3643       do_msg = (saved_thresh_fill_replace_enabled && (saved_r != r ||
3644             saved_g != g || saved_b != b));
3646       threshFillReplaceEnabled = TRUE;
3647       fillReplaceRedThresh = r;
3648       fillReplaceGreenThresh = g;
3649       fillReplaceBlueThresh = b;
3651       if (!PRTGIF && do_msg) {
3652          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FLOOD_REPLACE_ENABLED),
3653                fillReplaceRedThresh, fillReplaceGreenThresh,
3654                fillReplaceBlueThresh);
3655          Msg(gszMsgBox);
3656       }
3657    }
3658    return TRUE;
3659 }
3661 #define GETSSVALUE(val,name) ScanValue("%d", &(val), name, "shapeshadow")
3663 static
ReadShapeShadowObj(Inbuf)3664 int ReadShapeShadowObj(Inbuf)
3665    char *Inbuf;
3666 {
3667    if (!importingFile) {
3668       char *s=FindChar((int)'(', Inbuf);
3669       int dx=0, dy=0;
3671       InitScan(s, "\t\n, ");
3673       if (GETSSVALUE(dx, "dx") == INVALID ||
3674           GETSSVALUE(dy, "dy") == INVALID) {
3675          return FALSE;
3676       }
3677       shapeShadowDx = dx;
3678       shapeShadowDy = dy;
3679    }
3680    return TRUE;
3681 }
3683 static
ReadFgBgColors(Inbuf)3684 int ReadFgBgColors(Inbuf)
3685    char *Inbuf;
3686 {
3687    if (!importingFile && !PRTGIF) {
3688       int new_alloc=FALSE, bg_color_index=INVALID;
3689       char *s=FindChar((int)'(', Inbuf), fg_color_str[40], bg_color_str[40];
3691       s = ParseStr(s, (int)',', fg_color_str, sizeof(fg_color_str));
3692       s = ParseStr(s, (int)')', bg_color_str, sizeof(bg_color_str));
3693       UtilTrimBlanks(fg_color_str);
3694       UtilTrimBlanks(bg_color_str);
3695       allocColorFailed = FALSE;
3696       colorIndex = QuickFindColorIndex(NULL, fg_color_str, &new_alloc,
3697             TRUE);
3698       if (gnCannotFindColorMsg && !allocColorFailed) {
3699          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CUR_COLOR_CORRECTED_TO_BE),
3700                colorMenuItems[colorIndex]);
3701          fprintf(stderr, "    %s\n", gszMsgBox);
3702       }
3703       bg_color_index = QuickFindColorIndex(NULL, bg_color_str, &new_alloc,
3704             FALSE);
3705       if (bg_color_index == INVALID) {
3706          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FAIL_ALLOC_BGCOLOR_USE_DEF),
3707                bg_color_str, defaultBgColorStr);
3708          fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
3709       } else {
3710          strcpy(defaultBgColorStr, bg_color_str);
3711          defaultBgColorIndex = bg_color_index;
3712       }
3713    }
3714    return TRUE;
3715 }
3717 static
FreeBufAndReturn(buf,rc)3718 int FreeBufAndReturn(buf, rc)
3719    char *buf;
3720    int rc;
3721 {
3722    if (buf != NULL) free(buf);
3723    return rc;
3724 }
ReadObj(FP,ObjPtr)3726 int ReadObj(FP, ObjPtr)
3727    FILE *FP;
3728    struct ObjRec **ObjPtr;
3729 {
3730    char *line, obj_name[80];
3731    int read_state_ok;
3733    *ObjPtr = NULL;
3734    while ((line=UtilGetALine(FP)) != NULL) {
3735       scanLineNum++;
3736       if (*line == ']') return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3738       if (*line == '%') {
3739          if (!importingFile && line[1]=='%') {
3740             int line_len=strlen(line);
3742             if (savedComments == NULL) {
3743                if ((savedComments=(char*)malloc((line_len+2)*sizeof(char)))
3744                      == NULL) {
3745                   FailAllocMessage();
3746                }
3747                *savedComments = '\0';
3748             } else {
3749                if ((savedComments=(char*)realloc(savedComments,
3750                      savedCommentsLen+line_len+2)) == NULL) {
3751                   FailAllocMessage();
3752                }
3753                savedComments[savedCommentsLen] = '\0';
3754             }
3755             strcat(savedComments, line);
3756             savedCommentsLen += line_len;
3757             savedComments[savedCommentsLen++] = '\n';
3758             savedComments[savedCommentsLen] = '\0';
3759          }
3760          /* do not translate -- program constants */
3761          if (strncmp(line, "%TGWB end - ", strlen("%TGWB end - ")) == 0) {
3762             return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3763          }
3764          free(line);
3765          continue;
3766       }
3767       /* do not translate -- program constants */
3768       if (ParseStr(line, (int)'(', obj_name, sizeof(obj_name)) == NULL) {
3769       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "poly") == 0) {
3770          ReadPolyObj(FP, line, ObjPtr);
3771          if (*ObjPtr == NULL) return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3772          if (deserializingFile) ReadCreatorID(FP, ObjPtr);
3773          ReadObjAttrs(INVALID, FP, ObjPtr);
3774          if (RetractedArrowAttr(*ObjPtr) ||
3775                AutoRetractedArrowAttr(*ObjPtr, TRUE)) {
3776             /* fake the undoingOrRedoing so that no */
3777             /*          actual auto-adjusting is done */
3778             undoingOrRedoing = TRUE;
3779             AdjObjSplineVs(*ObjPtr);
3780             undoingOrRedoing = FALSE;
3781          }
3782          AdjObjBBox(*ObjPtr);
3783          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, TRUE);
3784       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "box") == 0) {
3785          ReadBoxObj(FP, line, ObjPtr);
3786          if (*ObjPtr == NULL) return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3787          if (deserializingFile) ReadCreatorID(FP, ObjPtr);
3788          ReadObjAttrs(START_HAVING_ATTRS-1, FP, ObjPtr);
3789          AdjObjBBox(*ObjPtr);
3790          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, TRUE);
3791       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "oval") == 0) {
3792          ReadOvalObj(FP, line, ObjPtr);
3793          if (*ObjPtr == NULL) return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3794          if (deserializingFile) ReadCreatorID(FP, ObjPtr);
3795          ReadObjAttrs(START_HAVING_ATTRS-1, FP, ObjPtr);
3796          AdjObjBBox(*ObjPtr);
3797          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, TRUE);
3798       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "text") == 0) {
3799          ReadTextObj(FP, line, ObjPtr);
3800          if (*ObjPtr == NULL) return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3801          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, TRUE);
3802       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "polygon") == 0) {
3803          ReadPolygonObj(FP, line, ObjPtr);
3804          if (*ObjPtr == NULL) return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3805          if (deserializingFile) ReadCreatorID(FP, ObjPtr);
3806          ReadObjAttrs(START_HAVING_ATTRS-1, FP, ObjPtr);
3807          AdjObjBBox(*ObjPtr);
3808          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, TRUE);
3809       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "arc") == 0) {
3810          ReadArcObj(FP, line, ObjPtr);
3811          if (*ObjPtr == NULL) return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3812          if (deserializingFile) ReadCreatorID(FP, ObjPtr);
3813          ReadObjAttrs(START_HAVING_ATTRS-1, FP, ObjPtr);
3814          AdjObjBBox(*ObjPtr);
3815          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, TRUE);
3816       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "rcbox") == 0) {
3817          ReadRCBoxObj(FP, line, ObjPtr);
3818          if (*ObjPtr == NULL) return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3819          if (deserializingFile) ReadCreatorID(FP, ObjPtr);
3820          ReadObjAttrs(START_HAVING_ATTRS-1, FP, ObjPtr);
3821          AdjObjBBox(*ObjPtr);
3822          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, TRUE);
3823       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "xbm") == 0) {
3824          ReadXBmObj(FP, line, ObjPtr);
3825          if (*ObjPtr == NULL) return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3826          if (deserializingFile) ReadCreatorID(FP, ObjPtr);
3827          ReadObjAttrs(START_HAVING_ATTRS-1, FP, ObjPtr);
3828          AdjObjBBox(*ObjPtr);
3829          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, TRUE);
3830       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "xpm") == 0) {
3831          ReadXPmObj(FP, line, ObjPtr);
3832          if (*ObjPtr == NULL) return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3833          if (deserializingFile) ReadCreatorID(FP, ObjPtr);
3834          ReadObjAttrs(START_HAVING_ATTRS-1, FP, ObjPtr);
3835          AdjObjBBox(*ObjPtr);
3836          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, TRUE);
3837       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "jpeg") == 0) {
3838          ReadJpegObj(FP, line, ObjPtr);
3839          if (*ObjPtr == NULL) return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3840          if (deserializingFile) ReadCreatorID(FP, ObjPtr);
3841          ReadObjAttrs(START_HAVING_ATTRS-1, FP, ObjPtr);
3842          AdjObjBBox(*ObjPtr);
3843          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, TRUE);
3844       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "ppm_true") == 0) {
3845          ReadPpmTrueObj(FP, line, ObjPtr);
3846          if (*ObjPtr == NULL) return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3847          if (deserializingFile) ReadCreatorID(FP, ObjPtr);
3848          ReadObjAttrs(START_HAVING_ATTRS-1, FP, ObjPtr);
3849          AdjObjBBox(*ObjPtr);
3850          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, TRUE);
3851       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "group") == 0) {
3852          ReadGroupObj(FP, OBJ_GROUP, ObjPtr);
3853          if (*ObjPtr == NULL) return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3854          if (deserializingFile) ReadCreatorID(FP, ObjPtr);
3855          ReadObjAttrs(INVALID, FP, ObjPtr);
3856          AdjObjBBox(*ObjPtr);
3857          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, TRUE);
3858       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "sym") == 0) {
3859          ReadGroupObj(FP, OBJ_SYM, ObjPtr);
3860          if (*ObjPtr == NULL) return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3861          if (deserializingFile) ReadCreatorID(FP, ObjPtr);
3862          ReadObjAttrs(INVALID, FP, ObjPtr);
3863          AdjObjBBox(*ObjPtr);
3864          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, TRUE);
3865       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "icon") == 0) {
3866          ReadGroupObj(FP, OBJ_ICON, ObjPtr);
3867          if (*ObjPtr == NULL) return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3868          if (deserializingFile) ReadCreatorID(FP, ObjPtr);
3869          ReadObjAttrs(INVALID, FP, ObjPtr);
3870          AdjObjBBox(*ObjPtr);
3871          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, TRUE);
3872       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "pin") == 0) {
3873          ReadGroupObj(FP, OBJ_PIN, ObjPtr);
3874          if (*ObjPtr == NULL) return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3875          if (deserializingFile) ReadCreatorID(FP, ObjPtr);
3876          ReadObjAttrs(INVALID, FP, ObjPtr);
3877          AdjObjBBox(*ObjPtr);
3878          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, TRUE);
3879       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "simple_string") == 0) {
3880          /* reserved */
3881          ReadSimpleStringObj(FP, line, ObjPtr);
3882          if (*ObjPtr == NULL) return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3883          if (deserializingFile) ReadCreatorID(FP, ObjPtr);
3884          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, TRUE);
3885       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "page") == 0) {
3886          int ok;
3887          char *page_name=NULL;
3889          *ObjPtr = NULL;
3890          if (importingFile && !importingIconFile) {
3891             if (importingPageNum == (-1) && *importingPageName == '\0') {
3892                if (readingPageNum == 1) {
3893                   /* as if read to the end of file */
3894                   if (!PRTGIF && !pastingFile) {
3895                      MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_ONLY_PAGE_1_IMPORTED), TOOL_NAME,
3896                            INFO_MB);
3897                   }
3898                   return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3899                }
3900             } else {
3901                if (readingPageNum == importingPageNum) {
3902                   /* as if read to the end of file */
3903                   if (!PRTGIF && !pastingFile) {
3904                      sprintf(gszMsgBox,
3905                            TgLoadString(STID_ONLY_GIVEN_PAGE_IMPORTED),
3906                            importingPageNum);
3907                      MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
3908                   }
3909                   return FreeBufAndReturn(line, FALSE);
3910                }
3911             }
3912          }
3913          ok = ReadPageObj(line, &page_name);
3914          if (importingFile && !importingIconFile &&
3915                importingPageNum == (-1) && *importingPageName != '\0' &&
3916                page_name != NULL && strcmp(page_name,importingPageName)==0) {
3917             *importingPageName = '\0';
3918             importingPageNum = readingPageNum;
3919          }
3920          if (page_name != NULL) free(page_name);
3921          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
3922       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "state") == 0) {
3923          if ((read_state_ok=ReadState(line)) == TRUE) {
3924             foundGoodStateObject = TRUE;
3925          }
3926          *ObjPtr = NULL;
3927          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, (read_state_ok) ? TRUE : INVALID);
3928       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "file_attr") == 0) {
3929          if (mergingFile) {
3930             struct AttrRec *saved_first_attr=NULL, *saved_last_attr=NULL;
3932             saved_first_attr = tgifObj->fattr;
3933             saved_last_attr = tgifObj->lattr;
3934             tgifObj->fattr = NULL;
3935             tgifObj->lattr = NULL;
3937             ReadObjAttrs(START_HAVING_ATTRS-1, FP, &tgifObj);
3939             if (tgifObj->fattr == NULL) {
3940                /* this file has no file attribute -- which should not happen */
3941                tgifObj->fattr = saved_first_attr;
3942                tgifObj->lattr = saved_last_attr;
3943             } else if (saved_last_attr == NULL) {
3944                /* this is this first file that has file attributes, keep it */
3945             } else {
3946                tgifObj->fattr->prev = saved_last_attr;
3947                saved_last_attr->next = tgifObj->fattr;
3948                tgifObj->fattr = saved_first_attr;
3949             }
3950          } else if (importingFile && !importingIconFile) {
3951             struct AttrRec *saved_first_attr=NULL, *saved_last_attr=NULL;
3953             saved_first_attr = tgifObj->fattr;
3954             saved_last_attr = tgifObj->lattr;
3955             tgifObj->fattr = NULL;
3956             tgifObj->lattr = NULL;
3958             ReadObjAttrs(START_HAVING_ATTRS-1, FP, &tgifObj);
3959             DelAllAttrs(tgifObj->fattr);
3961             tgifObj->fattr = saved_first_attr;
3962             tgifObj->lattr = saved_last_attr;
3963          } else {
3964             ReadObjAttrs(START_HAVING_ATTRS-1, FP, &tgifObj);
3965          }
3966          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, TRUE);
3967       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "unit") == 0) {
3968          int ok=ReadUnitObj(line);
3970          *ObjPtr = NULL;
3971          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
3972       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "generated_by") == 0) {
3973          int ok=ReadGeneratedBy(line);
3975          *ObjPtr = NULL;
3976          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
3977       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "shapeshadow") == 0) {
3978          int ok=ReadShapeShadowObj(line);
3980          *ObjPtr = NULL;
3981          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
3982       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "color_info") == 0) {
3983          int ok=ReadColors(FP, line);
3985          *ObjPtr = NULL;
3986          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
3987       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "cmdx") == 0) {
3988          int ok=ReadExtendedCmd(FP, line);
3990          *ObjPtr = NULL;
3991          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
3992       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "cmdxinfo") == 0) {
3993          int ok=ReadExtendedCmdInfo(FP, line);
3995          *ObjPtr = NULL;
3996          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
3997       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "cmd") == 0) {
3998          int ok=ReadCmd(FP, line);
4000          *ObjPtr = NULL;
4001          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
4002       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "before_image") == 0) {
4003          int ok=ReadBeforeImage(FP, line);
4005          *ObjPtr = NULL;
4006          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
4007       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "after_positions") == 0) {
4008          int ok=ReadAfterPositions(FP, line);
4010          *ObjPtr = NULL;
4011          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
4012       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "after_image") == 0) {
4013          int ok=ReadAfterImage(FP, line);
4015          *ObjPtr = NULL;
4016          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
4017       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "slideshow_info") == 0) {
4018          int ok=ReadSlideShowInfo(line);
4020          *ObjPtr = NULL;
4021          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
4022       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "script_frac") == 0) {
4023          int ok=ReadScriptFracObj(line);
4025          *ObjPtr = NULL;
4026          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
4027       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "fg_bg_colors") == 0) {
4028          int ok=ReadFgBgColors(line);
4030          *ObjPtr = NULL;
4031          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
4032       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "html_export_template") == 0) {
4033          int ok=ReadHtmlExportTemplate(line);
4035          *ObjPtr = NULL;
4036          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
4037       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "objshadow_info") == 0) {
4038          int ok=ReadObjectShadowInfo(line);
4040          *ObjPtr = NULL;
4041          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
4042       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "rotate_pivot") == 0) {
4043          int ok=ReadRotatePivotInfo(line);
4045          *ObjPtr = NULL;
4046          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
4047       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "spline_tightness") == 0) {
4048          int ok=ReadSplineTightness(line);
4050          *ObjPtr = NULL;
4051          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
4052       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "right_margin") == 0) {
4053          int ok=ReadRightMarginObj(line);
4055          *ObjPtr = NULL;
4056          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
4057       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "threshold_fill_replace") == 0) {
4058          int ok=ReadThreshFillReplaceObj(line);
4060          *ObjPtr = NULL;
4061          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
4062       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "dont_reencode") == 0) {
4063          int ok=ReadDontReencode(line);
4065          *ObjPtr = NULL;
4066          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
4067       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "ps_font_aliases") == 0) {
4068          int ok=ReadPSFontAliases(FP, line);
4070          *ObjPtr = NULL;
4071          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
4072       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "ps_char_subs") == 0) {
4073          int ok=ReadPSCharSubs(FP, line);
4075          *ObjPtr = NULL;
4076          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
4077       } else if (strcmp(obj_name, "ps_font_need_char_subs") == 0) {
4078          int ok=ReadPSFontNeedCharSubs(FP, line);
4080          *ObjPtr = NULL;
4081          return FreeBufAndReturn(line, ok);
4082       }
4083       free(line);
4084    }
4085    return FALSE;
4086 }
AdjForOldVersion(obj_ptr)4088 void AdjForOldVersion(obj_ptr)
4089    struct ObjRec *obj_ptr;
4090 {
4091    if (fileVersion <= 13) {
4092       switch (gridSystem) {
4093       case ENGLISH_GRID:
4094          MoveObj(obj_ptr, (int)(HALF_INCH), (int)(HALF_INCH));
4095          break;
4096       case METRIC_GRID:
4097          MoveObj(obj_ptr, (int)(2.5*ONE_CM), (int)(2.5*ONE_CM));
4098          break;
4099       }
4100    }
4101 }
DownloadRemoteFile(file_name,ppsz_content_type,ppsz_page_spec,pn_is_html,return_tmp_fname,psz_final_url,cb_final_url)4103 int DownloadRemoteFile(file_name, ppsz_content_type, ppsz_page_spec,
4104       pn_is_html, return_tmp_fname, psz_final_url, cb_final_url)
4105    char *file_name, **ppsz_content_type, **ppsz_page_spec, *return_tmp_fname,
4106          *psz_final_url;
4107    int *pn_is_html, cb_final_url;
4108    /* file_name is assumed to be remote */
4109 {
4110    int ok=TRUE;
4111    char remote_fname[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], *tmp_remote_fname=NULL;
4113    if (!FileIsRemote(file_name)) return FALSE;
4115    *remote_fname = '\0';
4116    if (ppsz_page_spec != NULL) *ppsz_page_spec = NULL;
4117    if (pn_is_html != NULL) *pn_is_html = FALSE;
4118    if (!FormNewFileName(curDir, file_name, NULL, remote_fname,
4119          ppsz_page_spec)) {
4120       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_INVALID_REMOTE_FNAME), file_name);
4121       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
4122       ok = FALSE;
4123    } else {
4124       int remote_buf_sz=0;
4125       char *remote_buf=NULL;
4127       SaveStatusStrings();
4128       ok = LoadRemoteFileInMem(remote_fname, &remote_buf, ppsz_content_type,
4129             &remote_buf_sz, pn_is_html, navigateRefresh, psz_final_url,
4130             cb_final_url);
4131       RestoreStatusStrings();
4132       if (ok && remote_buf != NULL) {
4133          if ((tmp_remote_fname=WriteRemoteFileIntoTemp(remote_buf,
4134                remote_buf_sz, NULL)) == NULL) {
4135             ok = FALSE;
4136          }
4137       }
4138       if (remote_buf != NULL) FreeRemoteBuf(remote_buf);
4139    }
4140    if (tmp_remote_fname != NULL) {
4141       strcpy(return_tmp_fname, tmp_remote_fname);
4142       FreeRemoteBuf(tmp_remote_fname);
4143    }
4144    return ok;
4145 }
ImportGivenFile(file_name,group_and_lock,highlight)4147 int ImportGivenFile(file_name, group_and_lock, highlight)
4148    char *file_name;
4149    int group_and_lock, highlight;
4150    /* returns TRUE if ok */
4151    /* returns FALSE if file_name looks ok, only have temporary problems */
4152    /* returns BAD if file_name is bad */
4153 {
4154    struct ObjRec *obj_ptr, *saved_top_obj, *saved_bot_obj;
4155    char *rest, remote_fname[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], *remote_buf=NULL;
4156    char gzipped_fname[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], *tmp_remote_fname=NULL, *page_spec=NULL;
4157    char tmp_filename[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], tmp_filefullpath[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
4158    int short_name=FALSE, read_status=0, remote_buf_sz=0;
4159    int tmp_linenum, file_is_remote=FALSE, interrupted;
4160    FILE *fp=NULL;
4161    XEvent ev;
4163    *gzipped_fname = '\0';
4164    if (FileIsRemote(file_name)) {
4165       int rc=TRUE;
4167       if (!FormNewFileName(curDir, file_name, NULL, remote_fname, &page_spec)) {
4168          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_INVALID_REMOTE_FNAME), file_name);
4169          MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
4170          rc = BAD;
4171       } else {
4172          int is_html=FALSE;;
4174          SaveStatusStrings();
4175          rc = LoadRemoteFileInMem(remote_fname, &remote_buf, NULL,
4176                &remote_buf_sz, &is_html, TRUE, NULL, 0);
4177          RestoreStatusStrings();
4178          if (rc && remote_buf != NULL) {
4179             if ((tmp_remote_fname=WriteRemoteFileIntoTemp(remote_buf,
4180                   remote_buf_sz, NULL)) != NULL) {
4181                file_is_remote = TRUE;
4182             } else {
4183                rc = FALSE;
4184             }
4185          }
4186       }
4187       if (!file_is_remote) {
4188          if (remote_buf != NULL) FreeRemoteBuf(remote_buf);
4189          return rc;
4190       }
4191    } else {
4192       int gzipped=FALSE;
4194       if (FileNameHasExtension(file_name, OBJ_FILE_TYPE, &gzipped, NULL) &&
4195             gzipped) {
4196          char *tmp_fname=NULL;
4198          if ((tmp_fname=GunzipFileIntoTemp(file_name)) == NULL) {
4199             return BAD;
4200          } else {
4201             strcpy(gzipped_fname, file_name);
4202             strcpy(file_name, tmp_fname);
4203             free(tmp_fname);
4204          }
4205       }
4206    }
4207    XSync(mainDisplay, False);
4208    if (XCheckMaskEvent(mainDisplay, ExposureMask, &ev)) {
4209       ExposeEventHandler(&ev, TRUE);
4210    }
4211    if (file_is_remote) {
4212       if ((fp=fopen(tmp_remote_fname, "r")) == NULL) {
4213          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_READ_TMP_FILE),
4214                tmp_remote_fname);
4215          MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
4216          unlink(tmp_remote_fname);
4217          FreeRemoteBuf(remote_buf);
4218          FreeRemoteBuf(tmp_remote_fname);
4219          /* temporary problem */
4220          return FALSE;
4221       }
4222    } else {
4223       if (*gzipped_fname == '\0') {
4224          if ((short_name=IsPrefix(bootDir, file_name, &rest))) ++rest;
4225       } else {
4226          if ((short_name=IsPrefix(bootDir, gzipped_fname, &rest))) ++rest;
4227       }
4228       if ((fp=fopen(file_name, "r")) == NULL) {
4229          if (short_name) {
4230             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_IMPORT_FILE), rest);
4231          } else {
4232             if (*gzipped_fname == '\0') {
4233                sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_IMPORT_FILE),
4234                      file_name);
4235             } else {
4236                sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_IMPORT_FILE),
4237                      gzipped_fname);
4238             }
4239          }
4240          MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
4241          if (*gzipped_fname != '\0') unlink(file_name);
4242          /* temporary problem -- may be the file does not exist yet */
4243          return FALSE;
4244       }
4245    }
4246    strcpy(tmp_filefullpath, scanFileFullPath);
4247    strcpy(tmp_filename, scanFileName);
4248    tmp_linenum = scanLineNum;
4249    UtilStrCpyN(scanFileFullPath, sizeof(scanFileFullPath), file_name);
4250    if (file_is_remote) {
4251       strcpy(scanFileName, tmp_remote_fname);
4252    } else {
4253       strcpy(scanFileName, (short_name ? rest : file_name));
4254    }
4255    scanLineNum = 0;
4257    saved_top_obj = topObj;
4258    saved_bot_obj = botObj;
4259    curPage->top = curPage->bot = topObj = botObj = NULL;
4261    if (file_is_remote) {
4262       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_IMPORTING_FILE),
4263             remote_fname);
4264    } else {
4265       if (short_name) {
4266          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_IMPORTING_FILE), rest);
4267       } else {
4268          if (*gzipped_fname == '\0') {
4269             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_IMPORTING_FILE),
4270                   file_name);
4271          } else {
4272             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_IMPORTING_FILE),
4273                   gzipped_fname);
4274          }
4275       }
4276    }
4277    Msg(gszMsgBox);
4279    SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
4280    SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
4282    numRedrawBBox = 0;
4283    readingPageNum = loadedCurPageNum = 0;
4284    foundGoodStateObject = FALSE;
4285    ShowInterrupt(1);
4286    interrupted = FALSE;
4287    importingPageNum = (-1);
4288    *importingPageName = '\0';
4289    if (page_spec != NULL) {
4290       if (*page_spec == '#') {
4291          importingPageNum = atoi(&page_spec[1]);
4292          if (importingPageNum < 1) {
4293             importingPageNum = (-1);
4294             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_INVALID_PAGE_NUM), page_spec);
4295             MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
4296          }
4297       } else {
4298          strcpy(importingPageName, page_spec);
4299       }
4300    }
4301    if (importingPageNum == (-1) && *importingPageName == '\0') {
4302       while (!interrupted && (read_status=ReadObj(fp, &obj_ptr)) == TRUE) {
4303          if (obj_ptr != NULL) {
4304             obj_ptr->tmp_parent = NULL;
4305             AdjForOldVersion(obj_ptr);
4306             UnlockAnObj(obj_ptr);
4307             AddObj(NULL, topObj, obj_ptr);
4308             if (!interrupted &&
4309                   (PointInBBox(obj_ptr->x, obj_ptr->y, drawWinBBox) ||
4310                   BBoxIntersect(obj_ptr->bbox, drawWinBBox))) {
4311                if (!DrawObj(drawWindow, obj_ptr)) interrupted = TRUE;
4312                if (CheckInterrupt(TRUE)) interrupted = TRUE;
4313             }
4314          }
4315       }
4316    } else if (importingPageNum == (-1)) {
4317       while (!interrupted && (read_status=ReadObj(fp, &obj_ptr)) == TRUE) {
4318          if (obj_ptr != NULL) {
4319             obj_ptr->tmp_parent = NULL;
4320             if (importingPageNum == (-1)) {
4321                FreeObj(obj_ptr);
4322                if (!interrupted && CheckInterrupt(TRUE)) interrupted = TRUE;
4323             } else {
4324                AdjForOldVersion(obj_ptr);
4325                UnlockAnObj(obj_ptr);
4326                AddObj(NULL, topObj, obj_ptr);
4327                if (!interrupted &&
4328                      (PointInBBox(obj_ptr->x, obj_ptr->y, drawWinBBox) ||
4329                      BBoxIntersect(obj_ptr->bbox, drawWinBBox))) {
4330                   if (!DrawObj(drawWindow, obj_ptr)) interrupted = TRUE;
4331                   if (CheckInterrupt(TRUE)) interrupted = TRUE;
4332                }
4333             }
4334          }
4335       }
4336    } else {
4337       while (!interrupted && (read_status=ReadObj(fp, &obj_ptr)) == TRUE) {
4338          if (obj_ptr != NULL) {
4339             obj_ptr->tmp_parent = NULL;
4340             if (importingPageNum != readingPageNum) {
4341                FreeObj(obj_ptr);
4342                if (!interrupted && CheckInterrupt(TRUE)) interrupted = TRUE;
4343             } else {
4344                AdjForOldVersion(obj_ptr);
4345                UnlockAnObj(obj_ptr);
4346                AddObj(NULL, topObj, obj_ptr);
4347                if (!interrupted &&
4348                      (PointInBBox(obj_ptr->x, obj_ptr->y, drawWinBBox) ||
4349                      BBoxIntersect(obj_ptr->bbox, drawWinBBox))) {
4350                   if (!DrawObj(drawWindow, obj_ptr)) interrupted = TRUE;
4351                   if (CheckInterrupt(TRUE)) interrupted = TRUE;
4352                }
4353             }
4354          }
4355       }
4356    }
4357    if (!PRTGIF && colorLayers && needToRedrawColorWindow) {
4358       RedrawColorWindow();
4359    }
4360    if (interrupted) {
4362    }
4363    HideInterrupt();
4365    if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp);
4366    if (*gzipped_fname != '\0') {
4367       unlink(file_name);
4368       strcpy(file_name, gzipped_fname);
4369    }
4370    strcpy(scanFileFullPath, tmp_filefullpath);
4371    strcpy(scanFileName, tmp_filename);
4372    scanLineNum = tmp_linenum;
4374    if (read_status == INVALID) {
4375       if (fileVersion > CUR_VERSION) {
4376          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FILE_VER_ABORT_IMPORT),
4377                fileVersion, TOOL_NAME, homePageURL);
4378       } else {
4379          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FILE_CORRUPTED_ABORT_IMPORT));
4380       }
4381       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
4382       SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
4383       ShowCursor();
4384       if (file_is_remote) {
4385          unlink(tmp_remote_fname);
4386          FreeRemoteBuf(remote_buf);
4387          FreeRemoteBuf(tmp_remote_fname);
4388       }
4389       /* temporary problem -- may be the file will be fixed later */
4390       return FALSE;
4391    }
4392    if (file_is_remote) {
4393       if (!foundGoodStateObject) PasteString(remote_buf, TRUE, TRUE);
4395       unlink(tmp_remote_fname);
4396       FreeRemoteBuf(remote_buf);
4397       FreeRemoteBuf(tmp_remote_fname);
4398    }
4400    if (topObj != NULL) SetFileModified(TRUE);
4401    justDupped = FALSE;
4403    if (group_and_lock && topObj != NULL) {
4404       if (topObj != botObj || topObj->type==OBJ_POLY ||
4405             topObj->type==OBJ_POLYGON) {
4406          struct ObjRec *top_obj=topObj, *bot_obj=botObj;
4408          SelAllObj(FALSE, FALSE);
4409          curPage->top = curPage->bot = topObj = botObj = NULL;
4410          CreateGroupObj(top_obj, bot_obj);
4411          RemoveAllSel();
4412       }
4413       topObj->locked = TRUE;
4414    }
4415    SelAllObj(FALSE, FALSE);
4417    if (botObj != NULL) {
4418       botObj->next = saved_top_obj;
4419    } else {
4420       topObj = saved_top_obj;
4421    }
4422    if (saved_top_obj != NULL) {
4423       saved_top_obj->prev = botObj;
4424       botObj = saved_bot_obj;
4425    }
4426    curPage->top = topObj;
4427    curPage->bot = botObj;
4429    if (!(file_is_remote && !foundGoodStateObject) && topSel != NULL) {
4430       PrepareToRecord(CMD_NEW, NULL, NULL, 0);
4431       RecordCmd(CMD_NEW, NULL, topSel, botSel, numObjSelected);
4432    }
4433    if (highlight) HighLightForward();
4435    if (!importFromLibrary && !file_is_remote && !importingFromExec) {
4436       SetCurImportDir(file_name);
4437    }
4438    if (file_is_remote) {
4439       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FILE_IMPORTED), remote_fname);
4440    } else {
4441       if (short_name) {
4442          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FILE_IMPORTED), rest);
4443       } else {
4444          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FILE_IMPORTED), file_name);
4445       }
4446    }
4447    Msg(gszMsgBox);
4448    SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
4449    ShowCursor();
4450    if (page_spec != NULL) free(page_spec);
4451    return TRUE;
4452 }
ImportFile()4454 void ImportFile()
4455 {
4456    char file_name[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
4458    MakeQuiescent();
4460    importingFile = TRUE;
4461    if (importFromLibrary) {
4462       char name[MAXSTRING+1], path[MAXSTRING+1];
4464       if (SelectFromLibrary(TgLoadString(STID_SEL_AN_OBJ_FILE_TO_IMPORT),
4465             OBJ_FILE_EXT, name, path) == INVALID) {
4466          importingFile = FALSE;
4467          return;
4468       }
4469       sprintf(file_name, "%s%c%s", path, DIR_SEP, name);
4470    } else if (SelectFileNameToImport(
4471          TgLoadString(STID_SEL_AN_OBJ_FILE_TO_IMPORT),
4472          OBJ_FILE_EXT, file_name) == INVALID) {
4473       importingFile = FALSE;
4474       return;
4475    }
4476    ImportGivenFile(file_name, FALSE, TRUE);
4477    importingFile = FALSE;
4478    SetCurChoice(curChoiceBeforeMakeQuiescent);
4479 }
ClearBgColorInfo(nRedraw)4481 int ClearBgColorInfo(nRedraw)
4482    int nRedraw;
4483 {
4484    myFileBgPixel = myFileFgPixel = INVALID;
4485    if (myFileFgColorStr != NULL) {
4486       free(myFileFgColorStr);
4487       myFileFgColorStr = NULL;
4488    }
4489    if (myFileBgColorStr != NULL) {
4490       free(myFileBgColorStr);
4491       myFileBgColorStr = NULL;
4492       XSetWindowBackground(mainDisplay, drawWindow, myBgPixel);
4493       if (nRedraw) {
4494          ClearAndRedrawDrawWindow();
4495       }
4496       RecalcXorPixels();
4497       return TRUE;
4498    }
4499    return FALSE;
4500 }
ClearBgPixmapInfo(nRedraw)4502 int ClearBgPixmapInfo(nRedraw)
4503    int nRedraw;
4504 {
4505    int changed=FALSE;
4507    if (myFileBgGifURL != NULL) {
4508       free(myFileBgGifURL);
4509       myFileBgGifURL = NULL;
4510       changed = TRUE;
4511    }
4512    myFileBgPixmapW = myFileBgPixmapH = (-1);
4513    if (myFileBgPixmap != None) {
4514       XFreePixmap(mainDisplay, myFileBgPixmap);
4515       myFileBgPixmap = None;
4516       XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(mainDisplay, drawWindow, None);
4517       changed = TRUE;
4518    }
4519    if (changed && nRedraw) {
4520       ClearAndRedrawDrawWindow();
4521    }
4522    return changed;
4523 }
SetFileBgColor()4525 int SetFileBgColor()
4526    /* assumes myFileBgColorStr is set */
4527 {
4528    int new_alloc=FALSE;
4529    int index=QuickFindColorIndex(NULL, myFileBgColorStr, &new_alloc, TRUE);
4531    if (index != INVALID) {
4532       myFileBgPixel = colorPixels[index];
4533       myFileBgColor.pixel = colorPixels[index];
4534       myFileBgColor.red = tgifColors[index].red;
4535       myFileBgColor.green = tgifColors[index].green;
4536       myFileBgColor.blue = tgifColors[index].blue;
4537       XSetWindowBackground(mainDisplay, drawWindow, colorPixels[index]);
4538       RecalcXorPixels();
4539       return TRUE;
4540    }
4541    sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_ALLOC_BGCOLOR_USE_DEF),
4542          myFileBgColorStr);
4543    Msg(gszMsgBox);
4544    return FALSE;
4545 }
SetFileFgColor()4547 int SetFileFgColor()
4548    /* assumes myFileFgColorStr is set */
4549 {
4550    int new_alloc=FALSE;
4551    int index=QuickFindColorIndex(NULL, myFileFgColorStr, &new_alloc, TRUE);
4553    if (index != INVALID) {
4554       myFileFgPixel = colorPixels[index];
4555       return TRUE;
4556    }
4557    sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_ALLOC_FGCOLOR_USE_DEF),
4558          myFileFgColorStr);
4559    Msg(gszMsgBox);
4560    return FALSE;
4561 }
SetFileBgPixmap()4563 int SetFileBgPixmap()
4564 {
4565    int ok=TRUE;
4566    char tmp_xpm_fname[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
4568    if (myFileBgGifURL == NULL) return FALSE;
4570    *tmp_xpm_fname = '\0';
4571    if (FileIsRemote(myFileBgGifURL)) {
4572       char tmp_gif_fname[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], *content_type=NULL, *page_spec=NULL;
4573       int is_html=FALSE;
4575       *tmp_gif_fname = '\0';
4576       if (DownloadRemoteFile(myFileBgGifURL, &content_type, &page_spec,
4577             &is_html, tmp_gif_fname, NULL, 0)) {
4578          if (page_spec != NULL || is_html) {
4579             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_INVALID_REMOTE_FNAME),
4580                   myFileBgGifURL);
4581             MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
4582             ok = FALSE;
4583          } else {
4584             SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
4585             SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
4586             SaveStatusStrings();
4587             ok = ConvertGifToXpm(tmp_gif_fname, tmp_xpm_fname,
4588                   sizeof(tmp_xpm_fname));
4589             RestoreStatusStrings();
4590             SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
4591             ShowCursor();
4592          }
4593       } else {
4594          ok = FALSE;
4595       }
4596       if (content_type != NULL) FreeRemoteBuf(content_type);
4597       if (page_spec != NULL) UtilFree(page_spec);
4598       if (*tmp_gif_fname != '\0') unlink(tmp_gif_fname);
4599    } else {
4600       SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
4601       SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
4602       SaveStatusStrings();
4603       ok = ConvertGifToXpm(myFileBgGifURL, tmp_xpm_fname,
4604             sizeof(tmp_xpm_fname));
4605       RestoreStatusStrings();
4606       SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
4607       ShowCursor();
4608    }
4609    if (ok) {
4610       int image_w, image_h, w, h, ncolors=0;
4611       int chars_per_pixel=0, first_pixel_is_bg=FALSE, *pixels=NULL;
4612       char *color_char=NULL, **color_str=NULL, *xpm_data=NULL;
4613       Pixmap pixmap=None, bitmap=None;
4614       XImage *image=NULL, *bitmap_image=NULL;
4616       SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
4617       SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
4618       if (!MyReadPixmapFile(tmp_xpm_fname, &image_w, &image_h, &w, &h, &pixmap,
4619             &image, &bitmap, &bitmap_image, &ncolors, &chars_per_pixel,
4620             &first_pixel_is_bg, &color_char, &color_str, &pixels,
4621             &xpm_data) == BitmapSuccess) {
4622          ok = FALSE;
4623       }
4624       SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
4625       ShowCursor();
4626       unlink(tmp_xpm_fname);
4627       if (bitmap != None) XFreePixmap(mainDisplay, bitmap);
4628       if (image != NULL) XDestroyImage(image);
4629       if (bitmap_image != NULL) XDestroyImage(bitmap_image);
4630       if (color_char != NULL) free(color_char);
4631       if (color_str != NULL) {
4632          int i;
4634          for (i=0; i < ncolors; i++) free(color_str[i]);
4635          free(color_str);
4636       }
4637       if (ok) {
4638          myFileBgPixmapW = image_w;
4639          myFileBgPixmapH = image_h;
4640          myFileBgPixmap = pixmap;
4641          XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(mainDisplay, drawWindow, myFileBgPixmap);
4642       }
4643    }
4644    if (!ok) {
4645       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_SET_BGXPM_TO),
4646             myFileBgGifURL);
4647       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
4648    }
4649    return ok;
4650 }
CheckFileAttrsInLoad()4652 void CheckFileAttrsInLoad()
4653 {
4654    struct AttrRec *attr_ptr;
4655    int changed=FALSE;
4657    if ((attr_ptr=FindFileAttrWithName("bg_color=")) != NULL) {
4658       struct AttrRec *fg_attr_ptr;
4659       int ok=TRUE;
4661       if ((fg_attr_ptr=FindFileAttrWithName("fg_color=")) != NULL) {
4662          if (myFileFgColorStr == NULL ||
4663                strcmp(fg_attr_ptr->attr_value.s, myFileFgColorStr) != 0) {
4664             myFileFgColorStr = UtilStrDup(fg_attr_ptr->attr_value.s);
4665             if (myFileFgColorStr == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
4666             if (!SetFileFgColor()) {
4667                ClearBgColorInfo(TRUE);
4668                ok = FALSE;
4669             }
4670          }
4671       }
4672       if (ok && (myFileBgColorStr == NULL ||
4673             strcmp(attr_ptr->attr_value.s, myFileBgColorStr) != 0)) {
4674          myFileBgColorStr = UtilStrDup(attr_ptr->attr_value.s);
4675          if (myFileBgColorStr == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
4676          if (SetFileBgColor()) {
4677             ClearAndRedrawDrawWindow();
4678          } else {
4679             ClearBgColorInfo(TRUE);
4680          }
4681       }
4682       return;
4683    } else {
4684       changed = ClearBgColorInfo(FALSE);
4685    }
4686    /*
4687     * Can't really get this to work because of scrolling and zooming.
4688     */
4689 /*
4690    if ((attr_ptr=FindFileAttrWithName("bg_gif=")) != NULL) {
4691       if (myFileBgGifURL == NULL ||
4692             strcmp(attr_ptr->attr_value.s, myFileBgGifURL) != 0) {
4693          if (myFileBgPixmap != None) XFreePixmap(mainDisplay, myFileBgPixmap);
4694          myFileBgPixmap = None;
4695          myFileBgPixmapW = myFileBgPixmapH = (-1);
4696          if (myFileBgGifURL != NULL) free(myFileBgGifURL);
4697          myFileBgGifURL = UtilStrDup(attr_ptr->attr_value.s);
4698          if (myFileBgGifURL == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
4699          if (SetFileBgPixmap()) {
4700             ClearAndRedrawDrawWindow();
4701          } else {
4702             ClearBgPixmapInfo(TRUE);
4703          }
4704       }
4705       return;
4706    } else {
4707       if (!changed) {
4708          changed = ClearBgPixmapInfo(FALSE);
4709       } else {
4710          ClearBgPixmapInfo(FALSE);
4711       }
4712    }
4713  */
4714    if (changed) {
4715       if (myFileBgPixmap == None) {
4716          XSetWindowBackground(mainDisplay, drawWindow, myBgPixel);
4717       }
4718       ClearAndRedrawDrawWindow();
4719    }
4720 }
LoadFile(FullName,ObjFile,GzippedObjFile)4722 int LoadFile(FullName, ObjFile, GzippedObjFile)
4723    char *FullName;
4724    int ObjFile; /* equals TRUE if the file is an OBJ file */
4725                 /* equals FALSE if the file is a SYM or PIN file */
4726                 /* equals -1 if the file is an temporary OBJ file */
4727 {
4728    struct ObjRec *obj_ptr=NULL;
4729    char tmp_filename[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], tmp_filefullpath[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
4730    char file_name[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], saved_cur_dir[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], *rest=NULL;
4731    char gzipped_fname[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
4732    int read_status=0, short_name=FALSE, tmp_linenum=0, interrupted=FALSE;
4733    int done_clear_all_wb=FALSE;
4734    FILE *fp=NULL;
4735    XEvent ev;
4737    *gzipped_fname = '\0';
4738    if (ObjFile != FALSE) {
4739       strcpy(saved_cur_dir, curDir);
4740    } else {
4741       strcpy(saved_cur_dir, curSymDir);
4742    }
4743    if (GzippedObjFile) {
4744       char *tmp_fname=NULL;
4746       if ((tmp_fname=GunzipFileIntoTemp(FullName)) == NULL) {
4747          return FALSE;
4748       } else {
4749          strcpy(gzipped_fname, FullName);
4750          strcpy(file_name, tmp_fname);
4751          free(tmp_fname);
4752       }
4753    } else {
4754       strcpy(file_name, FullName);
4755    }
4756    if (*gzipped_fname == '\0') {
4757       if ((short_name=IsPrefix(bootDir, file_name, &rest))) ++rest;
4758    } else {
4759       if ((short_name=IsPrefix(bootDir, gzipped_fname, &rest))) ++rest;
4760    }
4761    if ((fp=fopen(file_name, "r")) == NULL) {
4762       if (short_name) {
4763          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE_FOR_READING),
4764                rest);
4765       } else {
4766          if (*gzipped_fname == '\0') {
4767             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE_FOR_READING),
4768                   file_name);
4769          } else {
4770             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE_FOR_READING),
4771                   gzipped_fname);
4772          }
4773       }
4774       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
4775       if (*gzipped_fname != '\0') unlink(file_name);
4776       return FALSE;
4777    }
4778    if (!navigatingBackAndForth) BeforeNavigate();
4780    ClearFileInfo(TRUE);
4781    if (usePaperSizeStoredInFile) ResetOnePageSize();
4783    strcpy(tmp_filefullpath, scanFileFullPath);
4784    strcpy(tmp_filename, scanFileName);
4785    tmp_linenum = scanLineNum;
4786    UtilStrCpyN(scanFileFullPath, sizeof(scanFileFullPath), FullName);
4787    strcpy(scanFileName, (short_name ? rest : file_name));
4788    scanLineNum = 0;
4790    TieLooseEnds();
4791    CleanUpDrawingWindow();
4792    SetFileModified(FALSE);
4794    XSync(mainDisplay, False);
4795    while (XCheckWindowEvent(mainDisplay, drawWindow, ExposureMask, &ev)) ;
4797    SaveStatusStrings();
4799    if (short_name) {
4800       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_LOADING_FILE), rest);
4801    } else {
4802       if (*gzipped_fname == '\0') {
4803          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_LOADING_FILE), file_name);
4804       } else {
4805          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_LOADING_FILE),
4806                gzipped_fname);
4807       }
4808    }
4809    SetStringStatus(gszMsgBox);
4810    SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
4811    SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
4813    if (flushColormapOnOpen) {
4814       if (FlushColormap()) {
4815          Msg(TgLoadString(STID_COLORMAP_FLUSHED));
4816       }
4817    }
4818    XClearWindow(mainDisplay, drawWindow);
4819    somethingHighLighted = FALSE;
4821    numRedrawBBox = 0;
4822    ShowInterrupt(1);
4823    interrupted = FALSE;
4824    readingPageNum = loadedCurPageNum = 0;
4825    foundGoodStateObject = FALSE;
4826    while ((read_status=ReadObj(fp, &obj_ptr)) == TRUE) {
4827       if (foundGoodStateObject && !done_clear_all_wb) {
4828          done_clear_all_wb = TRUE;
4829          if (gstWBInfo.do_whiteboard) {
4830             RecordWBClearAll();
4831          }
4832       }
4833       if (obj_ptr != NULL) {
4834          obj_ptr->tmp_parent = NULL;
4835          AdjForOldVersion(obj_ptr);
4836          AddObj(NULL, topObj, obj_ptr);
4837          if (!interrupted && readingPageNum == loadedCurPageNum &&
4838                (PointInBBox(obj_ptr->x, obj_ptr->y, drawWinBBox) ||
4839                BBoxIntersect(obj_ptr->bbox, drawWinBBox))) {
4840             if (!DrawObj(drawWindow, obj_ptr)) interrupted = TRUE;
4841             if (CheckInterrupt(TRUE)) interrupted = TRUE;
4842          }
4843       }
4844    }
4845    fclose(fp);
4846    if (*gzipped_fname != '\0') unlink(file_name);
4848    if (!PRTGIF && colorLayers && needToRedrawColorWindow) {
4849       RedrawColorWindow();
4850    }
4851    if (interrupted) {
4853    }
4854    HideInterrupt();
4856    strcpy(scanFileFullPath, tmp_filefullpath);
4857    strcpy(scanFileName, tmp_filename);
4858    scanLineNum = tmp_linenum;
4860    if (read_status == INVALID) {
4861       if (fileVersion > CUR_VERSION) {
4862          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FILE_VER_ABORT_OPEN),
4863                fileVersion, TOOL_NAME, homePageURL);
4864       } else {
4865          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FILE_CORRUPTED_ABORT_OPEN));
4866       }
4867       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
4868       DrawPaperBoundary(drawWindow);
4869       RedrawGridLines(drawWindow);
4870       SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
4871       ShowCursor();
4873       RestoreStatusStrings();
4875       return FALSE;
4876    }
4877    if (ObjFile == TRUE) {
4878       if (*gzipped_fname == '\0') {
4879          SetCurDir(file_name);
4880       } else {
4881          SetCurDir(gzipped_fname);
4882       }
4883       *curSymDir = '\0';
4884    } else if (ObjFile == FALSE) {
4885       SetCurSymDir(file_name);
4886    }
4887    curFileDefined = TRUE;
4889    if (loadedCurPageNum > 0 && curPage != NULL) {
4890       GotoPageNum(loadedCurPageNum);
4891    }
4892    CheckFileAttrsInLoad();
4894    if (loadedCurPageNum <= 0 || curPage == NULL) {
4895       DelAllPages();
4896       loadedCurPageNum = curPageNum = lastPageNum = 1;
4897       InitPage();
4898       DrawPaperBoundary(drawWindow);
4899       RedrawGridLines(drawWindow);
4900       RedrawPageLines(drawWindow);
4901       RedrawChoiceWindow();
4902    }
4904    if (ObjFile != FALSE) {
4905       if (strcmp(saved_cur_dir, curDir) != 0 && DirInSymPath(".")) {
4906          UpdateSymInfo();
4907       }
4908    } else {
4909       if (strcmp(saved_cur_dir, curSymDir) != 0 && DirInSymPath(".")) {
4910          UpdateSymInfo();
4911       }
4912    }
4914    if (short_name) {
4915       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_CUR_FILE_IS), rest);
4916    } else {
4917       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_CUR_FILE_IS),
4918             (*gzipped_fname == '\0' ? file_name : gzipped_fname));
4919    }
4920    Msg(gszMsgBox);
4921    RestoreStatusStrings();
4923    RedrawTitleWindow();
4924    justDupped = FALSE;
4925    SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
4926    RedrawHRulerWindow();
4927    ShowCursor();
4929    if (!gstWBInfo.do_whiteboard) {
4930       CleanUpCmds();
4931    }
4932    UpdateAllPinnedMenus();
4934    if (!navigatingBackAndForth && !PRTGIF) CommitNavigate();
4935    return foundGoodStateObject;
4936 }
DumpPatFill(FP,Fill,BBox,Indent,EndOfLine)4938 void DumpPatFill(FP, Fill, BBox, Indent, EndOfLine)
4939    FILE *FP;
4940    int Fill, Indent, EndOfLine;
4941    struct BBRec BBox;
4942 {
4943    int ltx=0, lty=0, rbx=0, rby=0, cellw=0, cellh=0;
4944    struct BBRec bbox;
4946    GetPatternCellsize(Fill, &cellw, &cellh);
4947    if ((cellw&0x7) != 0) {
4948       sprintf(gszMsgBox, "cellw = %1d in DumpPatFill()\n", cellw);
4949       TgAssert(FALSE, gszMsgBox, NULL);
4950    }
4951    /* if ((cellw % 8) != 0) cellw += (8-(cellw%8)); */
4953    bbox.ltx = BBox.ltx-1; bbox.lty = BBox.lty-1;
4954    bbox.rbx = BBox.rbx+1; bbox.rby = BBox.rby+1;
4956    ltx = ((bbox.ltx % cellw) == 0) ? bbox.ltx :
4957          ((bbox.ltx > 0) ? ((int)(bbox.ltx / cellw))*cellw :
4958          ((int)(bbox.ltx / cellw)-1)*cellw);
4959    lty = ((bbox.lty % cellh) == 0) ? bbox.lty :
4960          ((bbox.lty > 0) ? ((int)(bbox.lty / cellh))*cellh :
4961          ((int)(bbox.lty / cellh)-1)*cellh);
4962    rbx = ((bbox.rbx % cellw) == 0) ? bbox.rbx :
4963          ((bbox.rbx > 0) ? ((int)(bbox.rbx / cellw)+1)*cellw :
4964          ((int)(bbox.rbx / cellw))*cellw);
4965    rby = ((bbox.rby % cellh) == 0) ? bbox.rby :
4966          ((bbox.rby > 0) ? ((int)(bbox.rby / cellh)+1)*cellh :
4967          ((int)(bbox.rby / cellh))*cellh);
4969    if (fprintf(FP, "%spat%1d %1d %1d %1d %1d %1d %1d TGPF%s",
4970          GetIndentString(Indent), Fill, cellw, cellh,
4971          ltx, lty, rbx-ltx, rby-lty, (EndOfLine?"\n":"")) == EOF) {
4972       writeFileFailed = TRUE;
4973    }
4974 }
DumpSymOutline(FP,ObjPtr)4976 void DumpSymOutline(FP, ObjPtr)
4977    FILE *FP;
4978    register struct ObjRec *ObjPtr;
4979 {
4980    int ltx, lty, rbx, rby;
4982    ltx = ObjPtr->obbox.ltx - QUARTER_INCH + 1;
4983    lty = ObjPtr->obbox.lty - QUARTER_INCH + 1;
4984    rbx = ObjPtr->obbox.rbx + QUARTER_INCH - 1;
4985    rby = ObjPtr->obbox.rby + QUARTER_INCH - 1;
4987    fprintf(FP, "%s\n", gPsCmd[PS_GSAVE]);
4988    fprintf(FP, "   0 %s\n", gPsCmd[PS_SETGRAY]);
4989    fprintf(FP, "   [4 4] 0 %s\n", gPsCmd[PS_SETDASH]);
4990    fprintf(FP, "   %s\n   %1d %1d %s ",
4991          gPsCmd[PS_NEWPATH], ltx, lty, gPsCmd[PS_MOVETO]);
4992    fprintf(FP, "%1d %1d %s ", rbx, lty, gPsCmd[PS_LINETO]);
4993    fprintf(FP, "%1d %1d %s ", rbx, rby, gPsCmd[PS_LINETO]);
4994    fprintf(FP, "%1d %1d %s\n", ltx, rby, gPsCmd[PS_LINETO]);
4995    fprintf(FP, "   %s %s\n", gPsCmd[PS_CLOSEPATH], gPsCmd[PS_STROKE]);
4996    fprintf(FP, "%s\n", gPsCmd[PS_GRESTORE]);
4997 }
4999 static int	printingFirstPageNum=1;
5000 static int	printingPageNum=1, printingPageRow=1, printingPageCol=1;
5001 static int	printingLastPageNum=0;
5002 static int	dumpOnePageInTileMode=FALSE;
5003 static int	dumpOnePageInStackMode=FALSE;
5004 static int	dumpPages=FALSE;
5005 static int	dumpPageNum=0;
5007 static FILE	*dumpFP=NULL;
5008 static char	tmpFile[MAXSTRING+1];
5009 static int	llxTotal=0, llyTotal=0, urxTotal=0, uryTotal=0;
5010 static int	totalBBoxValid=FALSE;
5012 static int	msgAboutTiledPageScalingSeen=FALSE;
5014 static
DumpAttrs(FP,AttrPtr)5015 void DumpAttrs(FP, AttrPtr)
5016    FILE *FP;
5017    register struct AttrRec *AttrPtr;
5018 {
5019    for ( ; AttrPtr != NULL; AttrPtr=AttrPtr->prev) {
5020       if (!AttrPtr->shown) {
5021          continue;
5022       }
5023       /* do not translate -- program constants */
5024       if (!AttrPtr->nameshown && *AttrPtr->attr_name.s == '!' &&
5025             strcmp(AttrPtr->attr_name.s, "!PAGE_NUM=") == 0) {
5026          if (pageLayoutMode == PAGE_STACK) {
5027             MiniLineInfo *pMiniLine=AttrPtr->obj->detail.t->minilines.first;
5028             char *c_ptr;
5030             if (pMiniLine != NULL &&
5031                   pMiniLine->first_block == pMiniLine->last_block &&
5032                   (strstr(pMiniLine->first_block->seg->dyn_str.s,
5033                   "!(STACKED_PAGE_NUM)") != NULL ||
5034                   strstr(pMiniLine->first_block->seg->dyn_str.s,
5035                   "!(STACKED_NUM_PAGES)") != NULL)) {
5036                char *psz_saved=NULL, *c_ptr1=NULL;
5037                int page_num_str_len=strlen("!(STACKED_PAGE_NUM)");
5038                int num_pages_str_len=strlen("!(STACKED_NUM_PAGES)");
5040                psz_saved = UtilStrDup(pMiniLine->first_block->seg->dyn_str.s);
5041                if (psz_saved == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
5042                while ((c_ptr=strstr(pMiniLine->first_block->seg->dyn_str.s,
5043                      "!(STACKED_PAGE_NUM)")) != NULL) {
5044                   c_ptr1 = &c_ptr[page_num_str_len];
5045                   sprintf(c_ptr, "%1d", printingPageNum);
5046                   c_ptr = &c_ptr[strlen(c_ptr)];
5047                   while (*c_ptr1 != '\0') *c_ptr++ = *c_ptr1++;
5048                   *c_ptr = '\0';
5049                }
5050                while ((c_ptr=strstr(pMiniLine->first_block->seg->dyn_str.s,
5051                      "!(STACKED_NUM_PAGES)")) != NULL) {
5052                   c_ptr1 = &c_ptr[num_pages_str_len];
5053                   sprintf(c_ptr, "%1d", lastPageNum);
5054                   c_ptr = &c_ptr[strlen(c_ptr)];
5055                   while (*c_ptr1 != '\0') *c_ptr++ = *c_ptr1++;
5056                   *c_ptr = '\0';
5057                }
5058                DumpTextObj(FP, AttrPtr->obj);
5059                DynStrSet(&pMiniLine->first_block->seg->dyn_str, psz_saved);
5060                UtilFree(psz_saved);
5061             } else {
5062                DumpTextObj(FP, AttrPtr->obj);
5063             }
5064          } else {
5065             /* pageLayoutMode == PAGE_TILE */
5066             MiniLineInfo *pMiniLine=AttrPtr->obj->detail.t->minilines.first;
5067             char *c_ptr=NULL;
5069             if (pMiniLine != NULL) {
5070                char *psz_saved=NULL, *c_ptr1=NULL, *c_ptr2=NULL;
5072                psz_saved = UtilStrDup(pMiniLine->first_block->seg->dyn_str.s);
5073                if (psz_saved == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
5074                for (c_ptr=pMiniLine->first_block->seg->dyn_str.s;
5075                      *c_ptr != '\0'; c_ptr++) {
5076                   int len=strlen("!(TILED_PAGE_ROW)");
5078                   if (*c_ptr == '!' &&
5079                         (strncmp(c_ptr, "!(TILED_PAGE_ROW)", len) == 0 ||
5080                         strncmp(c_ptr, "!(TILED_PAGE_COL)", len) == 0)) {
5081                      if (strncmp(c_ptr, "!(TILED_PAGE_ROW)", len) == 0) {
5082                         sprintf(c_ptr, "%1d", printingPageRow);
5083                      } else {
5084                         sprintf(c_ptr, "%1d", printingPageCol);
5085                      }
5086                      c_ptr1 = &c_ptr[len];
5087                      c_ptr = c_ptr2 = &c_ptr[strlen(c_ptr)];
5088                      while (*c_ptr1 != '\0') *c_ptr2++ = *c_ptr1++;
5089                      *c_ptr2 = '\0';
5090                      c_ptr--;
5091                   }
5092                }
5093                DumpTextObj(FP, AttrPtr->obj);
5094                DynStrSet(&pMiniLine->first_block->seg->dyn_str, psz_saved);
5095                UtilFree(psz_saved);
5096             } else {
5097                DumpTextObj(FP, AttrPtr->obj);
5098             }
5099          }
5100       } else {
5101          DumpTextObj(FP, AttrPtr->obj);
5102       }
5103    }
5104 }
5106 static
DumpAnObj(FP,ObjPtr)5107 void DumpAnObj(FP, ObjPtr)
5108    FILE *FP;
5109    register struct ObjRec *ObjPtr;
5110 {
5111    switch (ObjPtr->type) {
5112    case OBJ_POLY:
5113       if (!colorLayers ||
5114             ObjPtr->tmp_parent!=NULL || ObjInVisibleLayer(ObjPtr)) {
5115          DumpPolyObj(FP, ObjPtr);
5116          DumpAttrs(FP, ObjPtr->lattr);
5117       }
5118       break;
5119    case OBJ_BOX:
5120       if (!colorLayers ||
5121             ObjPtr->tmp_parent!=NULL || ObjInVisibleLayer(ObjPtr)) {
5122          DumpBoxObj(FP, ObjPtr);
5123          DumpAttrs(FP, ObjPtr->lattr);
5124       }
5125       break;
5126    case OBJ_OVAL:
5127       if (!colorLayers ||
5128             ObjPtr->tmp_parent!=NULL || ObjInVisibleLayer(ObjPtr)) {
5129          DumpOvalObj(FP, ObjPtr);
5130          DumpAttrs(FP, ObjPtr->lattr);
5131       }
5132       break;
5133    case OBJ_TEXT:
5134       if (!colorLayers ||
5135             ObjPtr->tmp_parent!=NULL || ObjInVisibleLayer(ObjPtr)) {
5136          DumpTextObj(FP, ObjPtr);
5137       }
5138       break;
5139    case OBJ_POLYGON:
5140       if (!colorLayers ||
5141             ObjPtr->tmp_parent!=NULL || ObjInVisibleLayer(ObjPtr)) {
5142          DumpPolygonObj(FP, ObjPtr);
5143          DumpAttrs(FP, ObjPtr->lattr);
5144       }
5145       break;
5146    case OBJ_ARC:
5147       if (!colorLayers ||
5148             ObjPtr->tmp_parent!=NULL || ObjInVisibleLayer(ObjPtr)) {
5149          DumpArcObj(FP, ObjPtr);
5150          DumpAttrs(FP, ObjPtr->lattr);
5151       }
5152       break;
5153    case OBJ_RCBOX:
5154       if (!colorLayers ||
5155             ObjPtr->tmp_parent!=NULL || ObjInVisibleLayer(ObjPtr)) {
5156          DumpRCBoxObj(FP, ObjPtr);
5157          DumpAttrs(FP, ObjPtr->lattr);
5158       }
5159       break;
5160    case OBJ_XBM:
5161       if (!colorLayers ||
5162             ObjPtr->tmp_parent!=NULL || ObjInVisibleLayer(ObjPtr)) {
5163          DumpXBmObj(FP, ObjPtr);
5164          DumpAttrs(FP, ObjPtr->lattr);
5165       }
5166       break;
5167    case OBJ_XPM:
5168       if (!colorLayers ||
5169             ObjPtr->tmp_parent!=NULL || ObjInVisibleLayer(ObjPtr)) {
5170          DumpXPmObj(FP, ObjPtr);
5171          DumpAttrs(FP, ObjPtr->lattr);
5172       }
5173       break;
5174    case OBJ_SYM:
5175    case OBJ_ICON:
5176    case OBJ_GROUP:
5177       if (!colorLayers ||
5178             ObjPtr->tmp_parent!=NULL || ObjInVisibleLayer(ObjPtr)) {
5179          struct ObjRec *obj_ptr=ObjPtr->detail.r->last;
5181          for ( ; obj_ptr != NULL; obj_ptr = obj_ptr->prev) {
5182             obj_ptr->tmp_parent = ObjPtr;
5183             DumpAnObj(FP, obj_ptr);
5184          }
5185          DumpAttrs(FP, ObjPtr->lattr);
5186          if (ObjPtr->type == OBJ_SYM) DumpSymOutline(FP, ObjPtr);
5187       }
5188       break;
5189    case OBJ_PIN:
5190       if (!colorLayers ||
5191             ObjPtr->tmp_parent!=NULL || ObjInVisibleLayer(ObjPtr)) {
5192          struct ObjRec *obj_ptr=GetPinObj(ObjPtr);
5194          obj_ptr->tmp_parent = ObjPtr;
5195          DumpAnObj(FP, obj_ptr);
5197          DumpAttrs(FP, ObjPtr->lattr);
5198       }
5199       break;
5200    }
5201 }
5203 static int	llxPage=0, llyPage=0, urxPage=0, uryPage=0;
5204 static int	minimalEPS=INVALID;
5206 #define ALL_BBOX 0
5207 #define PAGE_BBOX 1
DumpBBox(fp,page_only,page_bbox)5209 int DumpBBox(fp, page_only, page_bbox)
5210    FILE *fp;
5211    int page_only;
5212    struct BBRec *page_bbox;
5213 {
5214    struct ObjRec *obj_ptr=NULL;
5215    int ltx=0, lty=0, rbx=0, rby=0, rc=TRUE;
5216    double llx1=0, lly1=0, urx1=0, ury1=0;
5218    if ((obj_ptr = topObj) == NULL) {
5219       ltx = lty = rbx = rby = 0;
5220       if (!(pageLayoutMode == PAGE_STACK &&
5221             printingFirstPageNum != printingLastPageNum)) {
5222          strcpy(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_WARN_PS_BBOX_EMPTY));
5223          if (PRTGIF) {
5224             fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
5225          } else {
5226             Msg(gszMsgBox);
5227          }
5228       }
5229       rc = FALSE;
5230    } else if (pageLayoutMode == PAGE_STACK || page_bbox == NULL) {
5231       ltx = obj_ptr->bbox.ltx; lty = obj_ptr->bbox.lty;
5232       rbx = obj_ptr->bbox.rbx; rby = obj_ptr->bbox.rby;
5234       for (obj_ptr=topObj->next; obj_ptr != NULL; obj_ptr=obj_ptr->next) {
5235          if (obj_ptr->bbox.ltx < ltx) ltx = obj_ptr->bbox.ltx;
5236          if (obj_ptr->bbox.lty < lty) lty = obj_ptr->bbox.lty;
5237          if (obj_ptr->bbox.rbx > rbx) rbx = obj_ptr->bbox.rbx;
5238          if (obj_ptr->bbox.rby > rby) rby = obj_ptr->bbox.rby;
5239       }
5240    } else {
5241       int found=FALSE;
5243       for (obj_ptr=botObj; obj_ptr != NULL; obj_ptr=obj_ptr->prev) {
5244          if (Inside(obj_ptr->bbox, *page_bbox) ||
5245                BBoxIntersect(obj_ptr->bbox, *page_bbox)) {
5246             if (found) {
5247                if (obj_ptr->bbox.ltx < ltx) ltx = obj_ptr->bbox.ltx;
5248                if (obj_ptr->bbox.lty < lty) lty = obj_ptr->bbox.lty;
5249                if (obj_ptr->bbox.rbx > rbx) rbx = obj_ptr->bbox.rbx;
5250                if (obj_ptr->bbox.rby > rby) rby = obj_ptr->bbox.rby;
5251             } else {
5252                found = TRUE;
5253                ltx = obj_ptr->bbox.ltx; lty = obj_ptr->bbox.lty;
5254                rbx = obj_ptr->bbox.rbx; rby = obj_ptr->bbox.rby;
5255             }
5256          }
5257       }
5258       if (!found) {
5259          rc = FALSE;
5260          ltx = lty = rbx = rby = 0;
5261       } else if (page_bbox != NULL) {
5262          struct BBRec bbox, bbox1;
5264          bbox.ltx = ltx; bbox.lty = lty; bbox.rbx = rbx; bbox.rby = rby;
5265          if (IntersectRect(bbox, *page_bbox, &bbox1)) {
5266             ltx = bbox1.ltx-page_bbox->ltx; lty = bbox1.lty-page_bbox->lty;
5267             rbx = bbox1.rbx-page_bbox->ltx; rby = bbox1.rby-page_bbox->lty;
5268          }
5269       }
5270    }
5271    switch (pageStyle) {
5272    case PORTRAIT:
5273       llx1 = (double)(1.0*ltx*psDotsPerInch/PIX_PER_INCH*printMag/100 +
5274             psXOff[pageStyle]*psDotsPerInch);
5275       lly1 = (double)(-1.0*rby*psDotsPerInch/PIX_PER_INCH*printMag/100 +
5276             psYOff[pageStyle]*psDotsPerInch);
5277       urx1 = (double)(1.0*rbx*psDotsPerInch/PIX_PER_INCH*printMag/100 +
5278             psXOff[pageStyle]*psDotsPerInch);
5279       ury1 = (double)(-1.0*lty*psDotsPerInch/PIX_PER_INCH*printMag/100 +
5280             psYOff[pageStyle]*psDotsPerInch);
5281       break;
5282    case LANDSCAPE:
5283       llx1 = (double)(1.0*lty*psDotsPerInch/PIX_PER_INCH*printMag/100 -
5284             psYOff[pageStyle]*psDotsPerInch);
5285       lly1 = (double)(1.0*ltx*psDotsPerInch/PIX_PER_INCH*printMag/100 +
5286             psXOff[pageStyle]*psDotsPerInch);
5287       urx1 = (double)(1.0*rby*psDotsPerInch/PIX_PER_INCH*printMag/100 -
5288             psYOff[pageStyle]*psDotsPerInch);
5289       ury1 = (double)(1.0*rbx*psDotsPerInch/PIX_PER_INCH*printMag/100 +
5290             psXOff[pageStyle]*psDotsPerInch);
5291       break;
5292    default:
5293       fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_UNRECOG_PAGE_STYLE), pageStyle);
5294       fprintf(stderr, "\n");
5295       break;
5296    }
5298    if (rc) {
5299       llxPage = (llx1 >= 0.0) ? ((int)llx1)-1 : (-((int)(-llx1)))-1;
5300       llyPage = (lly1 >= 0.0) ? ((int)lly1)-1 : (-((int)(-lly1)))-1;
5301       urxPage = (urx1 >= 0.0) ? ((int)urx1)+1 : (-((int)(0.999-urx1)))+1;
5302       uryPage = (ury1 >= 0.0) ? ((int)ury1)+1 : (-((int)(0.999-ury1)))+1;
5303    } else {
5304       llxPage = llyPage = urxPage = uryPage = 0;
5305    }
5306    if (!page_only || !minimalEPS) {
5307       fprintf(fp,"%%%%%sBoundingBox: %1d %1d %1d %1d\n",
5308             (page_only ? "Page" : ""), llxPage, llyPage, urxPage, uryPage);
5309    }
5310    return rc;
5311 }
ModifyOutputFileName(FileName)5313 void ModifyOutputFileName(FileName)
5314    char *FileName;
5315 {
5316    char *psz=NULL, s[MAXPATHLENGTH<<1];
5318    if (*outputDir == '\0') return;
5320    strcpy(s, FileName);
5321    psz = UtilStrRChr(s, DIR_SEP);
5322    if (psz != NULL) {
5323       sprintf(FileName, "%s%c%s", outputDir, DIR_SEP, ++psz);
5324    } else {
5325       sprintf(FileName, "%s%c%s", outputDir, DIR_SEP, s);
5326    }
5327 }
5329 static
DumpTextObjInAscii(FP,ObjPtr)5330 void DumpTextObjInAscii(FP, ObjPtr)
5331    FILE *FP;
5332    register struct ObjRec *ObjPtr;
5333 {
5334    struct TextRec *text_ptr=ObjPtr->detail.t;
5335    MiniLinesInfo *minilines=(&text_ptr->minilines);
5337    if (text_ptr->pen == NONEPAT) return;
5338    DumpMiniLinesInAscii(FP, minilines, &totalBBoxValid);
5339    if (fprintf(FP, "\n") == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
5340 }
5342 static
DumpAttrsInAscii(FP,AttrPtr)5343 void DumpAttrsInAscii(FP, AttrPtr)
5344    FILE *FP;
5345    register struct AttrRec *AttrPtr;
5346 {
5347    for ( ; AttrPtr != NULL; AttrPtr=AttrPtr->prev) {
5348       if (!AttrPtr->shown) {
5349          continue;
5350       }
5351       /* do not translate -- program constants */
5352       if (!AttrPtr->nameshown && *AttrPtr->attr_name.s == '!' &&
5353             strcmp(AttrPtr->attr_name.s, "!PAGE_NUM=") == 0) {
5354          if (pageLayoutMode == PAGE_STACK) {
5355             MiniLineInfo *pMiniLine=AttrPtr->obj->detail.t->minilines.first;
5356             char *c_ptr;
5358             if (pMiniLine != NULL &&
5359                   pMiniLine->first_block == pMiniLine->last_block &&
5360                   (strstr(pMiniLine->first_block->seg->dyn_str.s,
5361                   "!(STACKED_PAGE_NUM)") != NULL ||
5362                   strstr(pMiniLine->first_block->seg->dyn_str.s,
5363                   "!(STACKED_NUM_PAGES)") != NULL)) {
5364                char *psz_saved=NULL, *c_ptr1;
5365                int page_num_str_len=strlen("!(STACKED_PAGE_NUM)");
5366                int num_pages_str_len=strlen("!(STACKED_NUM_PAGES)");
5368                psz_saved = UtilStrDup(pMiniLine->first_block->seg->dyn_str.s);
5369                if (psz_saved == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
5370                while ((c_ptr=strstr(pMiniLine->first_block->seg->dyn_str.s,
5371                      "!(STACKED_PAGE_NUM)")) != NULL) {
5372                   c_ptr1 = &c_ptr[page_num_str_len];
5373                   sprintf(c_ptr, "%1d", printingPageNum);
5374                   c_ptr = &c_ptr[strlen(c_ptr)];
5375                   while (*c_ptr1 != '\0') *c_ptr++ = *c_ptr1++;
5376                   *c_ptr = '\0';
5377                }
5378                while ((c_ptr=strstr(pMiniLine->first_block->seg->dyn_str.s,
5379                      "!(STACKED_NUM_PAGES)")) != NULL) {
5380                   c_ptr1 = &c_ptr[num_pages_str_len];
5381                   sprintf(c_ptr, "%1d", lastPageNum);
5382                   c_ptr = &c_ptr[strlen(c_ptr)];
5383                   while (*c_ptr1 != '\0') *c_ptr++ = *c_ptr1++;
5384                   *c_ptr = '\0';
5385                }
5386                DumpTextObjInAscii(FP, AttrPtr->obj);
5387                DynStrSet(&pMiniLine->first_block->seg->dyn_str, psz_saved);
5388                UtilFree(psz_saved);
5389             } else {
5390                DumpTextObjInAscii(FP, AttrPtr->obj);
5391             }
5392          } else {
5393             MiniLineInfo *pMiniLine=AttrPtr->obj->detail.t->minilines.first;
5394             char *c_ptr;
5396             if (pMiniLine != NULL) {
5397                char *psz_saved, *c_ptr1, *c_ptr2;
5399                psz_saved = UtilStrDup(pMiniLine->first_block->seg->dyn_str.s);
5400                if (psz_saved == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
5401                for (c_ptr=pMiniLine->first_block->seg->dyn_str.s;
5402                      *c_ptr != '\0'; c_ptr++) {
5403                   int len=strlen("!(TILED_PAGE_ROW)");
5405                   if (*c_ptr == '!' &&
5406                         (strncmp(c_ptr, "!(TILED_PAGE_ROW)", len) == 0 ||
5407                         strncmp(c_ptr, "!(TILED_PAGE_COL)", len) == 0)) {
5408                      if (strncmp(c_ptr, "!(TILED_PAGE_ROW)", len) == 0) {
5409                         sprintf(c_ptr, "%1d", printingPageRow);
5410                      } else {
5411                         sprintf(c_ptr, "%1d", printingPageCol);
5412                      }
5413                      c_ptr1 = &c_ptr[len];
5414                      c_ptr = c_ptr2 = &c_ptr[strlen(c_ptr)];
5415                      while (*c_ptr1 != '\0') *c_ptr2++ = *c_ptr1++;
5416                      *c_ptr2 = '\0';
5417                      c_ptr--;
5418                   }
5419                }
5420                DumpTextObjInAscii(FP, AttrPtr->obj);
5421                DynStrSet(&pMiniLine->first_block->seg->dyn_str, psz_saved);
5422                UtilFree(psz_saved);
5423             } else {
5424                DumpTextObjInAscii(FP, AttrPtr->obj);
5425             }
5426          }
5427       } else {
5428          DumpTextObjInAscii(FP, AttrPtr->obj);
5429       }
5430    }
5431 }
5433 static
DumpAnObjInAscii(FP,ObjPtr)5434 void DumpAnObjInAscii(FP, ObjPtr)
5435    FILE *FP;
5436    register struct ObjRec *ObjPtr;
5437 {
5438    switch (ObjPtr->type) {
5439    case OBJ_POLY:
5440    case OBJ_BOX:
5441    case OBJ_OVAL:
5442    case OBJ_POLYGON:
5443    case OBJ_ARC:
5444    case OBJ_RCBOX:
5445    case OBJ_XBM:
5446    case OBJ_XPM:
5447       if (!colorLayers ||
5448             ObjPtr->tmp_parent!=NULL || ObjInVisibleLayer(ObjPtr)) {
5449          DumpAttrsInAscii(FP, ObjPtr->lattr);
5450       }
5451       break;
5452    case OBJ_TEXT:
5453       if (!colorLayers ||
5454             ObjPtr->tmp_parent!=NULL || ObjInVisibleLayer(ObjPtr)) {
5455          DumpTextObjInAscii(FP, ObjPtr);
5456       }
5457       break;
5458    case OBJ_SYM:
5459    case OBJ_ICON:
5460    case OBJ_GROUP:
5461       if (!colorLayers ||
5462             ObjPtr->tmp_parent!=NULL || ObjInVisibleLayer(ObjPtr)) {
5463          struct ObjRec *obj_ptr=ObjPtr->detail.r->last;
5465          for ( ; obj_ptr != NULL; obj_ptr = obj_ptr->prev) {
5466             obj_ptr->tmp_parent = ObjPtr;
5467             DumpAnObjInAscii(FP, obj_ptr);
5468          }
5469          DumpAttrsInAscii(FP, ObjPtr->lattr);
5470       }
5471       break;
5472    case OBJ_PIN:
5473       if (!colorLayers ||
5474             ObjPtr->tmp_parent!=NULL || ObjInVisibleLayer(ObjPtr)) {
5475          struct ObjRec *obj_ptr=GetPinObj(ObjPtr);
5477          obj_ptr->tmp_parent = ObjPtr;
5478          DumpAnObjInAscii(FP, obj_ptr);
5480          DumpAttrsInAscii(FP, ObjPtr->lattr);
5481       }
5482       break;
5483    }
5484 }
5486 static
SetPortName(name,buf,buf_sz,pn_buf_index)5487 int SetPortName(name, buf, buf_sz, pn_buf_index)
5488    char *name, *buf;
5489    int buf_sz, *pn_buf_index;
5490 {
5491    int len=strlen(name)+1, index=(*pn_buf_index);
5493    if (index+len+1 > buf_sz) {
5494       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_PORTNAME_TOO_LONG_SKIPPED),
5495             buf);
5496       if (PRTGIF) {
5497          fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
5498       } else {
5499          Msg(gszMsgBox);
5500       }
5501       return FALSE;
5502    }
5503    buf[index] = '!';
5504    strcpy(&buf[index+1], name);
5505    (*pn_buf_index) = index+len;
5506    buf[(*pn_buf_index)] = '\0';
5508    return TRUE;
5509 }
5511 static
DumpNetlListLine(FP,port_name,pMiniLine)5512 void DumpNetlListLine(FP, port_name, pMiniLine)
5513    FILE *FP;
5514    char *port_name;
5515    MiniLineInfo *pMiniLine;
5516 {
5517    int need_to_free_tmp_buf=FALSE;
5518    char *tmp_buf=ConvertMiniLineToString(pMiniLine, &need_to_free_tmp_buf);
5519    char *c_ptr=strchr(tmp_buf, '=');
5521    if (fprintf(FP, "\"%s\",\t\"%s\"\n", port_name, ++c_ptr) == EOF) {
5522       writeFileFailed = TRUE;
5523    }
5524    if (need_to_free_tmp_buf) UtilFree(tmp_buf);
5525 }
5527 static
DumpNetListForAPort(FP,ObjPtr,buf,buf_sz,pn_buf_index)5528 void DumpNetListForAPort(FP, ObjPtr, buf, buf_sz, pn_buf_index)
5529    FILE *FP;
5530    struct ObjRec *ObjPtr;
5531    char *buf;
5532    int buf_sz, *pn_buf_index;
5533 {
5534    struct AttrRec *attr_ptr=FindObjAttrWithName(ObjPtr, "name=");
5535    int ok=TRUE;
5537    if (attr_ptr != NULL) {
5538       if (BlankStr(attr_ptr->attr_value.s)) {
5539          /* do not translate -- program constants */
5540          ok = SetPortName("(unknown)", buf, buf_sz, pn_buf_index);
5541       } else {
5542          ok = SetPortName(attr_ptr->attr_value.s, buf, buf_sz,
5543                pn_buf_index);
5544       }
5545    }
5546    if (ok) {
5547       attr_ptr = FindAttrWithName(ObjPtr, "signal_name=", NULL);
5548       DumpNetlListLine(FP, buf, attr_ptr->obj->detail.t->minilines.first);
5549    }
5550 }
5552 static
DoDumpNetListForAnObj(FP,ObjPtr)5553 void DoDumpNetListForAnObj(FP, ObjPtr)
5554    FILE *FP;
5555    struct ObjRec *ObjPtr;
5556 {
5557    struct ObjRec *obj_ptr=NULL;
5558    struct AttrRec *attr_ptr=NULL;
5559    char port_name[MAXSTRING];
5561    switch (ObjPtr->type) {
5562    case OBJ_SYM:
5563    case OBJ_ICON:
5564       if ((attr_ptr=FindObjAttrWithName(ObjPtr, "name=")) != NULL) {
5565          int index=0, ok=TRUE;
5567          if (BlankStr(attr_ptr->attr_value.s)) {
5568             /* do not translate -- program constants */
5569             ok = SetPortName("(unknown)", port_name, sizeof(port_name), &index);
5570          } else {
5571             ok = SetPortName(attr_ptr->attr_value.s, port_name,
5572                   sizeof(port_name), &index);
5573          }
5574          if (ok) {
5575             if (ObjIsAPort(ObjPtr)) {
5576                attr_ptr = FindAttrWithName(ObjPtr, "signal_name=", NULL);
5577                DumpNetlListLine(FP, port_name,
5578                      attr_ptr->obj->detail.t->minilines.first);
5579             } else {
5580                for (obj_ptr=ObjPtr->detail.r->last; obj_ptr != NULL;
5581                      obj_ptr=obj_ptr->prev) {
5582                   obj_ptr->tmp_parent = ObjPtr;
5583                   if (obj_ptr->type != OBJ_TEXT && ObjIsAPort(obj_ptr)) {
5584                      int saved_index=index;
5586                      port_name[saved_index] = '\0';
5587                      DumpNetListForAPort(FP, obj_ptr, port_name,
5588                            sizeof(port_name), &index);
5589                      index = saved_index;
5590                   }
5591                }
5592             }
5593          }
5594       }
5595       break;
5596    case OBJ_GROUP:
5597       for (obj_ptr=ObjPtr->detail.r->last; obj_ptr != NULL;
5598             obj_ptr=obj_ptr->prev) {
5599          obj_ptr->tmp_parent = ObjPtr;
5600          DoDumpNetListForAnObj(FP, obj_ptr);
5601       }
5602       break;
5603    case OBJ_PIN:
5604       obj_ptr = GetPinObj(ObjPtr);
5605       if ((attr_ptr=FindObjAttrWithName(obj_ptr, "name=")) != NULL) {
5606          int index=0, ok=TRUE;
5608          if (BlankStr(attr_ptr->attr_value.s)) {
5609             /* do not translate -- program constants */
5610             ok = SetPortName("(unknown)", port_name, sizeof(port_name), &index);
5611          } else {
5612             ok = SetPortName(attr_ptr->attr_value.s, port_name,
5613                   sizeof(port_name), &index);
5614          }
5615          if (ok) {
5616             if (ObjIsAPort(obj_ptr)) {
5617                attr_ptr = FindAttrWithName(obj_ptr, "signal_name=", NULL);
5618                DumpNetlListLine(FP, port_name,
5619                      attr_ptr->obj->detail.t->minilines.first);
5620             }
5621          }
5622       }
5623       break;
5624    }
5625 }
5627 static
DumpComponentAttrs(FP,ObjPtr)5628 void DumpComponentAttrs(FP, ObjPtr)
5629    FILE *FP;
5630    struct ObjRec *ObjPtr;
5631 {
5632    struct AttrRec *attr_ptr=NULL;
5634    for (attr_ptr=ObjPtr->fattr; attr_ptr != NULL; attr_ptr=attr_ptr->next) {
5635       if (strcmp(attr_ptr->attr_name.s, "name=") != 0 &&
5636             strcmp(attr_ptr->attr_name.s, "type=") != 0) {
5637          int need_to_free_tmp_buf=FALSE;
5638          char *tmp_buf;
5640          tmp_buf = ConvertAttrNameFirstMiniLineToString(attr_ptr,
5641                &need_to_free_tmp_buf);
5642          if (fprintf(FP, "\t%s\n", tmp_buf) == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
5643          if (need_to_free_tmp_buf) UtilFree(tmp_buf);
5644       }
5645    }
5646 }
5648 static
DoDumpComponentForAnObj(FP,ObjPtr)5649 void DoDumpComponentForAnObj(FP, ObjPtr)
5650    FILE *FP;
5651    struct ObjRec *ObjPtr;
5652 {
5653    struct ObjRec *obj_ptr=NULL;
5654    struct AttrRec *attr_ptr=NULL;
5656    switch (ObjPtr->type) {
5657    case OBJ_SYM:
5658    case OBJ_ICON:
5659       if ((attr_ptr=FindObjAttrWithName(ObjPtr, "name=")) != NULL) {
5660          char *comp_name=NULL;
5662          if (BlankStr(attr_ptr->attr_value.s)) {
5663             /* do not translate -- program constants */
5664             comp_name = "(unknown)";
5665          } else {
5666             comp_name = attr_ptr->attr_value.s;
5667          }
5668          attr_ptr = FindAttrWithName(ObjPtr, "type=", NULL);
5669          if (attr_ptr != NULL) {
5670             char *comp_type=attr_ptr->attr_value.s;
5672             if (fprintf(FP, "%s: %s\n", comp_name, comp_type) == EOF) {
5673                writeFileFailed = TRUE;
5674             }
5675             DumpComponentAttrs(FP, ObjPtr);
5676          }
5677       }
5678       break;
5679    case OBJ_GROUP:
5680       for (obj_ptr=ObjPtr->detail.r->last; obj_ptr != NULL;
5681             obj_ptr=obj_ptr->prev) {
5682          obj_ptr->tmp_parent = ObjPtr;
5683          DoDumpComponentForAnObj(FP, obj_ptr);
5684       }
5685       break;
5686    case OBJ_PIN:
5687       obj_ptr = GetPinObj(ObjPtr);
5688       if ((attr_ptr=FindObjAttrWithName(obj_ptr, "name=")) != NULL) {
5689          char *comp_name=NULL;
5691          if (BlankStr(attr_ptr->attr_value.s)) {
5692             /* do not translate -- program constants */
5693             comp_name = "(unknown)";
5694          } else {
5695             comp_name = attr_ptr->attr_value.s;
5696          }
5697          attr_ptr = FindAttrWithName(obj_ptr, "type=", NULL);
5698          if (attr_ptr != NULL) {
5699             char *comp_type=attr_ptr->attr_value.s;
5701             if (fprintf(FP, "%s: %s\n", comp_name, comp_type) == EOF) {
5702                writeFileFailed = TRUE;
5703             }
5704             DumpComponentAttrs(FP, ObjPtr);
5705          }
5706       }
5707       break;
5708    }
5709 }
5711 static
DumpNetListForAnObj(FP,ObjPtr)5712 void DumpNetListForAnObj(FP, ObjPtr)
5713    FILE *FP;
5714    struct ObjRec *ObjPtr;
5715 {
5716    connectingPortsFromInternalCommand = FALSE;
5717    if (preDumpSetup) {
5718       /* dumping components */
5719       DoDumpComponentForAnObj(FP, ObjPtr);
5720    } else {
5721       /* dumping netlist */
5722       DoDumpNetListForAnObj(FP, ObjPtr);
5723    }
5724    connectingPortsFromInternalCommand = TRUE;
5725 }
5727 #define WRITEBYTE(fp,byte) fputc((byte),(fp))
5729 static
WriteWord(fp,word)5730 void WriteWord(fp, word)
5731    FILE *fp;
5732    unsigned short word;
5733 {
5734    WRITEBYTE(fp, word&0xff);
5735    WRITEBYTE(fp, ((unsigned short)(word&0xff00))>>8);
5736 }
5738 static
WriteDoubleWord(fp,dword)5739 void WriteDoubleWord(fp, dword)
5740    FILE *fp;
5741    unsigned long dword;
5742 {
5743    WRITEBYTE(fp, dword&0xff);
5744    WRITEBYTE(fp, (dword&0xff00)>>8);
5745    WRITEBYTE(fp, (dword&0xff0000)>>16);
5746    WRITEBYTE(fp, (dword&0xff000000)>>24);
5747 }
5749 static char	psBopHook[MAXSTRING], psEopHook[MAXSTRING];
5750 static int	psBopHookStatus=INVALID, psEopHookStatus=INVALID;
5751 static int	noOrientationIfPdfSetPageDevice=INVALID;
5752 static int	colorBgInPrintingColorPS=INVALID;
5753 static char	xbmToTiffCmd[MAXSTRING+1];
5754 static char	psToPdfCmd[MAXSTRING+1];
5755 static char	epsToTmpSvgCmd[(MAXSTRING<<1)+1];
5756 static char	tmpSvgToSvgCmd[(MAXSTRING<<1)+1];
5757 static char	epsiExportExtension[MAXSTRING];
5758 static int	overrideEPSIExportExtension=INVALID;
5759 static char	pdfExportExtension[MAXSTRING];
5760 static char	tmpSvgExportExtension[MAXSTRING];
5761 static int	numberFileInPrintOnePage=INVALID;
5763 static char defXbmToTiffCmd[]="xbmtopbm %s | pnmtotiff -none > %s";
5764 static char defPsToPdfCmd[]="ps2pdf \"%s\" \"%s\"";
5765 static char defEpsToTmpSvgCmd[]="pstoedit -dt -f sk \"%s\" \"%s\"";
5766 static char defTmpSvgToSvgCmd[]="uniconvertor \"%s\" \"%s\"";
5768 /*
5769  * 1)  pstoedit -dt -f sk FILE.eps FILE.sk
5770  *     skconvert FILE.sk FILE.svg
5771  *
5772  * 2)  pstoedit -dt -f sk FILE.eps FILE.sk
5773  *     uniconvertor FILE.sk FILE.svg
5774  *
5775  * 3)  pstoedit -dt -f ps2ai FILE.eps FILE.ai
5776  *     uniconvertor FILE.ai FILE.svg
5777  */
SetPsSetup(buf)5779 void SetPsSetup(buf)
5780    char *buf;
5781 {
5782    gpszPsSetup = UtilStrDup(buf);
5783    if (gpszPsSetup == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
5784    psSetupStatus = TRUE;
5785 }
SetBopHook(buf)5787 void SetBopHook(buf)
5788    char *buf;
5789 {
5790    UtilStrCpyN(psBopHook, sizeof(psBopHook), buf);
5791    psBopHookStatus = TRUE;
5792 }
SetEopHook(buf)5794 void SetEopHook(buf)
5795    char *buf;
5796 {
5797    UtilStrCpyN(psEopHook, sizeof(psEopHook), buf);
5798    psEopHookStatus = TRUE;
5799 }
5801 static
CleanUpDumpInitDefaults()5802 void CleanUpDumpInitDefaults()
5803 {
5804    *psBopHook = *psEopHook = '\0';
5805    psBopHookStatus = psEopHookStatus = INVALID;
5806    minimalEPS = INVALID;
5807    noOrientationIfPdfSetPageDevice = INVALID;
5808    colorBgInPrintingColorPS = INVALID;
5809    *xbmToTiffCmd = '\0';
5810    *psToPdfCmd = '\0';
5811    *epsToTmpSvgCmd = '\0';
5812    *tmpSvgToSvgCmd = '\0';
5813    *epsiExportExtension = '\0';
5814    *pdfExportExtension = '\0';
5815    *tmpSvgExportExtension = '\0';
5816    overrideEPSIExportExtension = INVALID;
5817    numberFileInPrintOnePage = INVALID;
5818 }
GetCmdUsingDefAndXDef(buf,buf_sz,def_cmd,option,verify_count,msg_box_if_error)5820 int GetCmdUsingDefAndXDef(buf, buf_sz, def_cmd, option, verify_count,
5821       msg_box_if_error)
5822    char *buf, *def_cmd, *option;
5823    int buf_sz, verify_count, msg_box_if_error;
5824 {
5825    char *c_ptr=NULL;
5827    UtilStrCpyN(buf, buf_sz, def_cmd);
5828    if (!PRTGIF || cmdLineOpenDisplay) {
5829       if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay,TOOL_NAME,option)) != NULL) {
5830          UtilStrCpyN(buf, buf_sz, c_ptr);
5831          if (verify_count > 0) {
5832             int count=0;
5834             for (c_ptr=strstr(buf,"%s"); c_ptr!=NULL;
5835                   c_ptr=strstr(++c_ptr,"%s")) {
5836                count++;
5837             }
5838             if (count != verify_count) {
5839                sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_INVALID_XDEF_USE_ALT_STR),
5840                      TOOL_NAME, option, buf, def_cmd);
5841                fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
5842                if (!PRTGIF && msg_box_if_error) {
5843                   MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
5844                }
5845                UtilStrCpyN(buf, buf_sz, def_cmd);
5846                return FALSE;
5847             }
5848          }
5849       }
5850    }
5851    return TRUE;
5852 }
5854 static
GenDumpInitDefaults()5855 void GenDumpInitDefaults()
5856 {
5857    static int init_other_xdefs=FALSE;
5858    char *c_ptr;
5860    if (minimalEPS == INVALID) {
5861       minimalEPS = !usePsAdobeString;
5862 #ifdef _MINIMAL_EPS
5863       minimalEPS = (_MINIMAL_EPS != 0);
5864 #endif /* _MINIMAL_EPS */
5865       if (!PRTGIF || cmdLineOpenDisplay) {
5866          if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay,TOOL_NAME,"MinimalEPS")) != NULL) {
5867             minimalEPS = (UtilStrICmp(c_ptr, "true") == 0);
5868          }
5869       }
5870    }
5871    if (noOrientationIfPdfSetPageDevice == INVALID) {
5872       noOrientationIfPdfSetPageDevice = FALSE;
5873       if (!PRTGIF) {
5874          if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay, TOOL_NAME,
5875                "NoOrientationIfPdfSetPageDevice")) != NULL &&
5876                UtilStrICmp(c_ptr, "true") == 0) {
5877             noOrientationIfPdfSetPageDevice = TRUE;
5878          }
5879       }
5880    }
5881    if (colorBgInPrintingColorPS == INVALID) {
5882       colorBgInPrintingColorPS = FALSE;
5883       if (!PRTGIF) {
5884          if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay, TOOL_NAME,
5885                "ColorBgInPrintingColorPS")) != NULL &&
5886                UtilStrICmp(c_ptr, "true") == 0) {
5887             colorBgInPrintingColorPS = TRUE;
5888          }
5889       }
5890    }
5891    if (psBopHookStatus == INVALID) {
5892       *psBopHook = '\0';
5893       if (!PRTGIF) {
5894          if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay,TOOL_NAME,"PSBopHook")) != NULL) {
5895             UtilStrCpyN(psBopHook, sizeof(psBopHook), c_ptr);
5896             psBopHookStatus = TRUE;
5897          } else {
5898             psBopHookStatus = FALSE;
5899          }
5900       }
5901    }
5902    if (psEopHookStatus == INVALID) {
5903       *psEopHook = '\0';
5904       if (!PRTGIF) {
5905          if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay,TOOL_NAME,"PSEopHook")) != NULL) {
5906             UtilStrCpyN(psEopHook, sizeof(psEopHook), c_ptr);
5907             psEopHookStatus = TRUE;
5908          } else {
5909             psEopHookStatus = FALSE;
5910          }
5911       }
5912    }
5913    if (psSetupStatus == INVALID) {
5914       psSetupStatus = TRUE;
5915       if (gpszPsSetup == NULL && (!PRTGIF || cmdLineOpenDisplay) &&
5916             (c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay, TOOL_NAME, "AdditionalPSSetup")) !=
5917             NULL) {
5918          SetPsSetup(c_ptr);
5919       }
5920    }
5921    if (psDistillerNoImageCompress == INVALID) {
5922       psDistillerNoImageCompress = FALSE;
5923       if (!PRTGIF || cmdLineOpenDisplay) {
5924          if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay, TOOL_NAME,
5925                "PSDistillerNoImageCompress")) !=
5926                NULL && UtilStrICmp(c_ptr, "true") == 0) {
5927             psDistillerNoImageCompress = TRUE;
5928          }
5929       }
5930    }
5931    if (!init_other_xdefs) {
5932       init_other_xdefs = TRUE;
5934       if (PRTGIF) {
5935          generateTiffEPSI = cmdLineTiffEPSI;
5936          strcpy(xbmToTiffCmd, defXbmToTiffCmd);
5937       } else {
5938          if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay, TOOL_NAME, "TiffEPSI")) != NULL) {
5939             if (UtilStrICmp(c_ptr, "true") == 0) {
5940                fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_TIFFEPSI_DIRECTLY_SUPPORTED),
5941                      TOOL_NAME, "TiffEPSI", TOOL_NAME);
5942                fprintf(stderr, "\n");
5943             }
5944          }
5945          if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay, TOOL_NAME, "XbmToTiff")) != NULL) {
5946             int count=0;
5948             UtilStrCpyN(xbmToTiffCmd, sizeof(xbmToTiffCmd), c_ptr);
5949             for (c_ptr=strstr(xbmToTiffCmd,"%s"); c_ptr!=NULL;
5950                   c_ptr=strstr(++c_ptr,"%s")) {
5951                count++;
5952             }
5953             if (count != 1 && count != 2) {
5954                sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_INVALID_XDEF_USE_ALT_STR),
5955                      TOOL_NAME, "XbmToTiff", xbmToTiffCmd, defXbmToTiffCmd);
5956                MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
5957                strcpy(xbmToTiffCmd, defXbmToTiffCmd);
5958             }
5959          } else {
5960             strcpy(xbmToTiffCmd, defXbmToTiffCmd);
5961          }
5962       }
5963       strcpy(pdfExportExtension, "pdf");
5964       if (!PRTGIF || cmdLineOpenDisplay) {
5965          if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay,TOOL_NAME,"PdfFileExtension")) !=
5966                NULL) {
5967             UtilStrCpyN(pdfExportExtension, sizeof(pdfExportExtension), c_ptr);
5968             UtilTrimBlanks(pdfExportExtension);
5969             if (*pdfExportExtension == '\0') {
5970                fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_INVALID_XDEF_USE_ALT_STR),
5971                      TOOL_NAME, "PdfFileExtension", pdfExportExtension, "pdf");
5972                fprintf(stderr, "\n");
5973                strcpy(pdfExportExtension, "pdf");
5974             }
5975          }
5976       }
5977       strcpy(tmpSvgExportExtension, "sk");
5978       if (!PRTGIF || cmdLineOpenDisplay) {
5979          if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay,TOOL_NAME,"TmpSvgFileExtension")) !=
5980                NULL) {
5981             UtilStrCpyN(tmpSvgExportExtension, sizeof(tmpSvgExportExtension),
5982                   c_ptr);
5983             UtilTrimBlanks(tmpSvgExportExtension);
5984             if (*tmpSvgExportExtension == '\0') {
5985                fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_INVALID_XDEF_USE_ALT_STR),
5986                      TOOL_NAME, "TmpSvgFileExtension", tmpSvgExportExtension,
5987                      "sk");
5988                fprintf(stderr, "\n");
5989                strcpy(tmpSvgExportExtension, "sk");
5990             }
5991          }
5992       }
5993       if (!GetCmdUsingDefAndXDef(psToPdfCmd, sizeof(psToPdfCmd), defPsToPdfCmd,
5994             "PsToPdf", 2, TRUE)) {
5995       }
5996       if (!GetCmdUsingDefAndXDef(epsToTmpSvgCmd, sizeof(epsToTmpSvgCmd),
5997             defEpsToTmpSvgCmd, "EpsToTmpSvg", 2, TRUE)) {
5998       }
5999       if (!GetCmdUsingDefAndXDef(tmpSvgToSvgCmd, sizeof(tmpSvgToSvgCmd),
6000             defTmpSvgToSvgCmd, "TmpSvgToSvg", 2, TRUE)) {
6001       }
6002       strcpy(gszProducedBy, TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_PARANED_UNKNOWN));
6003       if (!PRTGIF || cmdLineOpenDisplay) {
6004          if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay,TOOL_NAME,"ProducedBy")) != NULL) {
6005             UtilStrCpyN(gszProducedBy, sizeof(gszProducedBy), c_ptr);
6006          }
6007       } else if (*cmdLineProducedBy != '\0') {
6008          UtilStrCpyN(gszProducedBy, sizeof(gszProducedBy), cmdLineProducedBy);
6009       }
6010       pdfSetPageDevice = INVALID;
6011       if (!PRTGIF || cmdLineOpenDisplay) {
6012          if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay,TOOL_NAME, "PdfSetPageDevice")) !=
6013                NULL) {
6014             if (UtilStrICmp(c_ptr, "true") == 0) {
6015                pdfSetPageDevice = TRUE;
6016             } else if (UtilStrICmp(c_ptr, "false") == 0) {
6017                pdfSetPageDevice = FALSE;
6018             } else {
6019                fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_INVALID_XDEF_IGNORED),
6020                      TOOL_NAME, "PdfSetPageDevice", c_ptr);
6021                fprintf(stderr, "\n");
6022             }
6023          } else if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay,TOOL_NAME,
6024                "LandscapePdfSetPageDevice")) != NULL) {
6025             if (UtilStrICmp(c_ptr, "true") == 0) {
6026                fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_OBSOLETE_XDEF_REPLACED),
6027                      TOOL_NAME, "LandscapePdfSetPageDevice",
6028                      TOOL_NAME, "PdfSetPageDevice", "true");
6029                fprintf(stderr, "\n");
6030                pdfSetPageDevice = TRUE;
6031             } else if (UtilStrICmp(c_ptr, "false") == 0) {
6032                fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_OBSOLETE_XDEF_REPLACED),
6033                      TOOL_NAME, "LandscapePdfSetPageDevice",
6034                      TOOL_NAME, "PdfSetPageDevice", "false");
6035                fprintf(stderr, "\n");
6036                pdfSetPageDevice = FALSE;
6037             } else {
6038                fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_INVALID_XDEF_IGNORED),
6039                      TOOL_NAME, "LandscapePdfSetPageDevice");
6040                fprintf(stderr, "\n");
6041             }
6042          }
6043       }
6044    }
6045    if (overrideEPSIExportExtension == INVALID) {
6046       *epsiExportExtension = '\0';
6047       overrideEPSIExportExtension = FALSE;
6048       if (!PRTGIF) {
6049          if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay,TOOL_NAME,"EPSIExportExtension")) !=
6050                NULL) {
6051             UtilStrCpyN(epsiExportExtension, sizeof(epsiExportExtension),
6052                   c_ptr);
6053             if (strchr(epsiExportExtension, '.') != NULL ||
6054                   strchr(epsiExportExtension, ' ') != NULL) {
6055                fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_INVALID_XDEF),
6056                      TOOL_NAME, "EPSIExportExtension", epsiExportExtension);
6057                fprintf(stderr, "\n");
6058                *epsiExportExtension = '\0';
6059             }
6060          }
6061       }
6062    }
6063    if (numberFileInPrintOnePage == INVALID) {
6064       numberFileInPrintOnePage = FALSE;
6065       if (PRTGIF) {
6066          if (cmdLineOneFilePerPage) numberFileInPrintOnePage = TRUE;
6067       } else {
6068          if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay, TOOL_NAME,
6069                "NumberFileInPrintOnePage")) != NULL &&
6070                UtilStrICmp(c_ptr, "true") == 0) {
6071             numberFileInPrintOnePage = TRUE;
6072          }
6073       }
6074    }
6075    if (dontUseShortHandPS == INVALID) {
6076       dontUseShortHandPS = FALSE;
6077       if (!PRTGIF || cmdLineOpenDisplay) {
6078          if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay,TOOL_NAME,"DontUseShortHandPS")) !=
6079                NULL && UtilStrICmp(c_ptr, "true") == 0) {
6080             dontUseShortHandPS = TRUE;
6081          }
6082       }
6083    }
6084    if (dontCondense == INVALID) {
6085       dontCondense = TRUE;
6086       if (!PRTGIF || cmdLineOpenDisplay) {
6087          if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay,TOOL_NAME,"DontCondensePSFile")) !=
6088                NULL && UtilStrICmp(c_ptr, "false") == 0) {
6089             dontCondense = FALSE;
6090          }
6091       }
6092    }
6093    if (stripSimpleComments == INVALID) {
6094       stripSimpleComments = FALSE;
6095       if (!PRTGIF || cmdLineOpenDisplay) {
6096          if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay, TOOL_NAME,
6097                "StripCondensedPSComments")) != NULL &&
6098                UtilStrICmp(c_ptr, "false") != 0) {
6099             static int shown_once=FALSE;
6101             if (!shown_once) {
6102                sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_NAMED_XDEF_IS_OBSOLETE),
6103                      TOOL_NAME, "StripCondensedPSComments");
6104                MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
6105                shown_once = TRUE;
6106             }
6107          }
6108       }
6109    }
6110    if (psRegMarksInTiledPageMode == INVALID) {
6111       psRegMarksInTiledPageMode = FALSE;
6112       psRegMarksGray = 0.95;
6113       if (!PRTGIF || cmdLineOpenDisplay) {
6114          if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay,TOOL_NAME,
6115                "PsRegMarksInTiledPageMode")) != NULL &&
6116                UtilStrICmp(c_ptr, "true") == 0) {
6117             psRegMarksInTiledPageMode = TRUE;
6118          }
6119          if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay,TOOL_NAME,"PsRegMarksGray")) !=
6120                NULL) {
6121             psRegMarksGray = (float)atof(c_ptr);
6122             if (psRegMarksGray < 0.0 || psRegMarksGray > 1.0) {
6123                fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_INVALID_XDEF_USE_ALT_STR),
6124                      TOOL_NAME, "PsRegMarksGray", c_ptr, "0.95");
6125                psRegMarksGray = 0.95;
6126             }
6127          }
6128       }
6129    }
6130 }
6132 static
GenTiffFile(tmp_fname,epsi_fname,condense,condensed_already)6133 void GenTiffFile(tmp_fname, epsi_fname, condense, condensed_already)
6134    char *tmp_fname, *epsi_fname;
6135    int condense, condensed_already;
6136 {
6137    register int i;
6138    char tiff_fname[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], xbm_fname[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
6139    char cmd[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], buf[1024], *c_ptr=NULL;
6140    int bytes_read=0, count=0, tiff_fd=(-1), epsi_fd=(-1);
6141    FILE *tmp_fp=NULL, *epsi_fp=NULL, *pfp=NULL;
6142    long tmp_bytes=0L, tiff_bytes=0L;
6143    struct stat stat_buf;
6145    strcpy(buf, curFileName);
6146    GetRealBaseName(buf);
6147    sprintf(xbm_fname, "%s%c%s", curDir, DIR_SEP, buf);
6148    i = strlen(xbm_fname);
6149    sprintf(&xbm_fname[i], ".%s", XBM_FILE_EXT);
6150    ModifyOutputFileName(xbm_fname);
6152    sprintf(tiff_fname, "%s%c%s", curDir, DIR_SEP, buf);
6153    i = strlen(tiff_fname);
6154    sprintf(&tiff_fname[i], ".tif");
6155    ModifyOutputFileName(tiff_fname);
6157    count = 0;
6158    for (c_ptr=strstr(xbmToTiffCmd,"%s"); c_ptr!=NULL;
6159          c_ptr=strstr(++c_ptr,"%s")) {
6160       count++;
6161    }
6162    if (count == 1) {
6163       sprintf(cmd, xbmToTiffCmd, xbm_fname);
6164    } else {
6165       sprintf(cmd, xbmToTiffCmd, xbm_fname, tiff_fname);
6166    }
6167    unlink(tiff_fname);
6168    if (!FindProgramInPath(cmd, NULL, FALSE)) {
6169       return;
6170    }
6171    sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_EXECUTING_GIVEN_PROGRAM), cmd);
6172    SetStringStatus(gszMsgBox);
6173    XSync(mainDisplay, False);
6174    if ((pfp=(FILE*)popen(cmd, "r")) == NULL) {
6175       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FAIL_EXEC_PROG_EPSI_NOT_GEN), cmd);
6176       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
6177       return;
6178    }
6179    while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), pfp) != NULL) {
6180       Msg(buf);
6181    }
6182    pclose(pfp);
6183    SetStringStatus(TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_DOTS_DONE));
6185    if (stat(tmp_fname, &stat_buf) != 0) {
6186       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FAIL_GET_FINFO_EPSI_NOT_GEN),
6187             tmp_fname);
6188       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
6189       return;
6190    }
6191    tmp_bytes = (long)stat_buf.st_size;
6192    if (stat(tiff_fname, &stat_buf) != 0) {
6193       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FAIL_GET_FINFO_EPSI_NOT_GEN),
6194             tiff_fname);
6195       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
6196       return;
6197    }
6198    tiff_bytes = (long)stat_buf.st_size;
6200    if ((tmp_fp=fopen(tmp_fname, "r")) == NULL) {
6201       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE_FOR_READING),
6202             tmp_fname);
6203       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
6204       return;
6205    }
6206    if ((tiff_fd=open(tiff_fname, O_RDONLY)) == (-1)) {
6207       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE_FOR_READING),
6208             tiff_fname);
6209       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
6210       fclose(tmp_fp);
6211       return;
6212    }
6213    if (PRTGIF && cmdLineStdOut) {
6214       epsi_fp = stdout;
6215    } else if ((epsi_fp=fopen(epsi_fname, "w")) == NULL) {
6216       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE_FOR_WRITING),
6217             tiff_fname);
6218       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
6219       fclose(tmp_fp);
6220       close(tiff_fd);
6221       unlink(tiff_fname);
6222       return;
6223    }
6224    WRITEBYTE(epsi_fp, 0xc5);
6225    WRITEBYTE(epsi_fp, 0xd0);
6226    WRITEBYTE(epsi_fp, 0xd3);
6227    WRITEBYTE(epsi_fp, 0xc6);
6228    WriteDoubleWord(epsi_fp, 0x0000001e);
6229    WriteDoubleWord(epsi_fp, tmp_bytes);
6230    WriteDoubleWord(epsi_fp, 0L);
6231    WriteDoubleWord(epsi_fp, 0L);
6232    WriteDoubleWord(epsi_fp, tmp_bytes+0x1e);
6233    WriteDoubleWord(epsi_fp, tiff_bytes);
6234    WriteWord(epsi_fp, 0xffff);
6236    if (!writeFileFailed) {
6237       CondenseAndCopyPostScriptFile(tmp_fp, epsi_fp, tmp_fname,
6238             (!condensed_already && condense && !dontCondense));
6239    }
6240    fclose(tmp_fp);
6241    if (!(PRTGIF && cmdLineStdOut)) fclose(epsi_fp);
6242    if (writeFileFailed) {
6243       writeFileFailed = FALSE;
6244       if (PRTGIF && cmdLineStdOut) {
6245          fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", TgLoadString(STID_FAIL_TO_WRITE_TO_STDOUT));
6246       } else {
6247          FailToWriteFileMessage(epsi_fname);
6248       }
6249       close(tiff_fd);
6250       unlink(tiff_fname);
6251       return;
6252    }
6253    if (PRTGIF && cmdLineStdOut) {
6254       epsi_fd = 1;
6255    } else if ((epsi_fd=open(epsi_fname, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR)) ==
6256          (-1)) {
6257       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE_FOR_APPEND),
6258             epsi_fname);
6259       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
6260       close(tiff_fd);
6261       unlink(tiff_fname);
6262       return;
6263    }
6264    while ((bytes_read=read(tiff_fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) {
6265       if (write(epsi_fd, buf, bytes_read) <= 0) {
6266          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6267          break;
6268       }
6269    }
6270    if (writeFileFailed) {
6271       writeFileFailed = FALSE;
6272       FailToWriteFileMessage(epsi_fname);
6273    }
6274    if (!(PRTGIF && cmdLineStdOut)) close(epsi_fd);
6275    close(tiff_fd);
6276    unlink(tiff_fname);
6277 }
6279 static int psA4PaperSize=FALSE;
6281 static
InitNeedA4()6282 void InitNeedA4()
6283 {
6284    static int nInitialized=FALSE;
6286    if (nInitialized) return;
6287    nInitialized = TRUE;
6288    if (cmdLineA4) {
6289       psA4PaperSize = TRUE;
6290    } else if (!PRTGIF) {
6291       char *c_ptr;
6293       if ((c_ptr=XGetDefault(mainDisplay,TOOL_NAME,"PSA4PaperSize")) != NULL &&
6294             UtilStrICmp(c_ptr, "true") == 0) {
6295          psA4PaperSize = TRUE;
6296       }
6297    }
6298 }
6300 static
NeedA4()6301 int NeedA4()
6302 {
6303    int width_to_match, height_to_match;
6305    InitNeedA4();
6306    if (!psA4PaperSize) return FALSE;
6307    width_to_match = (int)(825.0*PIX_PER_INCH/printMag);
6308    height_to_match = (int)(117.0*PIX_PER_INCH*10.0/printMag);
6309    if (onePageWidth == width_to_match && onePageHeight == height_to_match) {
6310       return TRUE;
6311    }
6312    width_to_match = (int)(21000.0*PIX_PER_MM/printMag);
6313    height_to_match = (int)(29700.0*PIX_PER_MM/printMag);
6314    return (onePageWidth == width_to_match && onePageHeight == height_to_match);
6315 }
SetOutputFileName(ps_file,file_ext,pn_short_name,ppsz_rest)6317 void SetOutputFileName(ps_file, file_ext, pn_short_name, ppsz_rest)
6318    char *ps_file, *file_ext, **ppsz_rest;
6319    int *pn_short_name;
6320 {
6321    if (PRTGIF) {
6322       char *psz_file=(*ppsz_rest);
6324       if (cmdLineOneFilePerPage) {
6325          if (curPage != NULL && curPage->page_file_name != NULL &&
6326                *curPage->page_file_name != '\0') {
6327             sprintf(ps_file, "%s.%s", curPage->page_file_name, file_ext);
6328          } else {
6329             sprintf(ps_file, "%s-%1d.%s", psz_file, cmdLinePageNum, file_ext);
6330          }
6331       } else {
6332          sprintf(ps_file, "%s.%s", psz_file, file_ext);
6333       }
6334    } else {
6335       int len=0, use_page_num=FALSE;
6336       char *psz=NULL;
6338       if (dumpOneFilePerPage ||
6339             (dumpOnePageInStackMode && numberFileInPrintOnePage)) {
6340          if (curPage != NULL && curPage->page_file_name != NULL &&
6341                *curPage->page_file_name != '\0') {
6342             sprintf(ps_file, "%s%c%s.", curDir, DIR_SEP,
6343                   curPage->page_file_name);
6344          } else {
6345             sprintf(ps_file, "%s%c%s", curDir, DIR_SEP, curFileName);
6346             use_page_num = TRUE;
6347          }
6348       } else {
6349          sprintf(ps_file, "%s%c%s", curDir, DIR_SEP, curFileName);
6350       }
6351       len = strlen(ps_file);
6352       if (len > 3 && strcmp(&ps_file[len-3], ".gz") == 0) {
6353          ps_file[len-3] = '\0';
6354          len -= 3;
6355       }
6356       if ((psz=UtilStrRChr(ps_file, '.')) == NULL) {
6357          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANT_FIND_DOT_IN_SAVEFILE),
6358                "SetOutputFileName()");
6359          TgAssert(FALSE, gszMsgBox, NULL);
6360       }
6361       if (use_page_num) {
6362          sprintf(psz, "-%1d.%s", curPageNum, file_ext);
6363       } else {
6364          sprintf(psz, ".%s", file_ext);
6365       }
6366    }
6367    ModifyOutputFileName(ps_file);
6369    if (!PRTGIF && pn_short_name != NULL && ppsz_rest != NULL) {
6370       if (((*pn_short_name)=IsPrefix(bootDir, ps_file, ppsz_rest))) {
6371          *ppsz_rest = (&(*ppsz_rest)[1]);
6372       }
6373    }
6374 }
6376 static
DumpRegMark(fp,pstem)6377 void DumpRegMark(fp, pstem)
6378    FILE *fp;
6379    float *pstem;
6380 {
6381    float fval=(*pstem);
6383    fprintf(dumpFP, "   %s ", gPsCmd[PS_GSAVE]);
6384    fprintf(dumpFP, "%.3f 0 %s ", -fval, gPsCmd[PS_RMOVETO]);
6385    fprintf(dumpFP, "2 %.3f %s 0 %s ", fval, gPsCmd[PS_MUL], gPsCmd[PS_RLINETO]);
6386    fprintf(dumpFP, "%s %s\n", gPsCmd[PS_STROKE], gPsCmd[PS_GRESTORE]);
6387    fprintf(dumpFP, "   %s ", gPsCmd[PS_GSAVE]);
6388    fprintf(dumpFP, "0 %.3f %s ", -fval, gPsCmd[PS_RMOVETO]);
6389    fprintf(dumpFP, "0 2 %.3f %s %s ", fval, gPsCmd[PS_MUL], gPsCmd[PS_RLINETO]);
6390    fprintf(dumpFP, "%s %s\n", gPsCmd[PS_STROKE], gPsCmd[PS_GRESTORE]);
6391 }
6393 static
FixUpSVGLine(out_fp,dup_buf)6394 int FixUpSVGLine(out_fp, dup_buf)
6395    FILE *out_fp;
6396    char *dup_buf;
6397 {
6398    char *psz=NULL, *psz_start=&dup_buf[5];
6399    int found_xmlns=FALSE;
6401    while (psz_start != NULL) {
6402       char saved_ch='\0', key[MAXSTRING];
6404       /* skip all the blank characters */
6405       while (*psz_start == ' ' || *psz_start == '\t') psz_start++;
6407       *key = '\0';
6408       for (psz=psz_start; *psz != '>'; psz++) {
6409          /* looking for key */
6410          saved_ch = '\0';
6411          if (*psz == ' ' || *psz == '\t' || *psz ==  '=' || *psz == '>') {
6412             saved_ch = *psz;
6413             *psz = '\0';
6414             UtilStrCpyN(key, sizeof(key), psz_start);
6415             *psz = saved_ch;
6416             break;
6417          }
6418       }
6419       if (*key == '\0') {
6420          /* no key, this should not happen, may be malformed, give up */
6421          break;
6422       } else if (saved_ch != '=') {
6423          /* saved_ch is either '\0' or a blank character, key with no value */
6424          psz_start = ++psz;
6425       } else {
6426          int find_double_quote=FALSE;
6427          char value[MAXSTRING];
6429          *value = '\0';
6430          /* looking for value */
6431          psz_start = ++psz;
6432          if (*psz_start == '"') {
6433             find_double_quote = TRUE;
6434             psz_start++;
6435          }
6436          if (find_double_quote) {
6437             for (psz=psz_start; *psz != '"' && *psz != '>'; psz++) ;
6439             if (*psz == '>') {
6440                /* may be malformed, give up */
6441                break;
6442             } else if (*psz == '"') {
6443                saved_ch = *psz;
6444                *psz = '\0';
6445                UtilStrCpyN(value, sizeof(value), psz_start);
6446                *psz = saved_ch;
6447             }
6448          } else {
6449             for (psz=psz_start; *psz != '>'; psz++) {
6450                saved_ch = '\0';
6451                if (*psz == ' ' || *psz == '\t' || *psz == '>') {
6452                   saved_ch = *psz;
6453                   *psz = '\0';
6454                   UtilStrCpyN(value, sizeof(value), psz_start);
6455                   *psz = saved_ch;
6456                   break;
6457                }
6458             }
6459             if (*key == '\0') {
6460                /* no value, this should not happen, may be malformed, give up */
6461                break;
6462             }
6463          }
6464          /* found both key and value */
6465          if (UtilStrICmp(key, "xmlns") == 0) {
6466             found_xmlns = TRUE;
6467             break;
6468          }
6469          psz_start = ++psz;
6470       }
6471    }
6472    if (found_xmlns) {
6473       fprintf(out_fp, "%s\n", dup_buf);
6474    } else {
6475       int len=strlen(dup_buf);
6477       dup_buf[len-1] = '\0';
6478       fprintf(out_fp, "%s xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\">\n", dup_buf);
6479       dup_buf[len-1] = '>';
6480    }
6481    return TRUE;
6482 }
6484 static
FixUpSVGFile(tmpsvg_fname,svg_fname)6485 int FixUpSVGFile(tmpsvg_fname, svg_fname)
6486    char *tmpsvg_fname, *svg_fname;
6487 {
6488    FILE *in_fp=fopen(tmpsvg_fname, "r"), *out_fp=NULL;
6489    char *buf=NULL;
6490    int line_num=0, fixed=FALSE;
6492    if (in_fp == NULL) {
6493       return FailToOpenMessage(tmpsvg_fname, "r", NULL);
6494    }
6495    out_fp = fopen(svg_fname, "w");
6496    if (out_fp == NULL) {
6497       return FailToOpenMessage(tmpsvg_fname, "w", NULL);
6498    }
6499    while ((buf=UtilGetALine(in_fp)) != NULL) {
6500       line_num++;
6501       if (!fixed && buf[0] == '<') {
6502          if (UtilStrNCaseCmp(buf, "<svg ", 5) == 0) {
6503             int len=0;
6505             UtilTrimBlanks(buf);
6506             len = strlen(buf);
6507             if (len > 0 && buf[len-1] == '>') {
6508                char *dup_buf=UtilStrDup(buf);
6510                if (dup_buf == NULL) {
6511                   FailAllocMessage();
6512                   UtilFree(buf);
6513                   fclose(in_fp);
6514                   fclose(out_fp);
6515                   return FALSE;
6516                }
6517                if (FixUpSVGLine(out_fp, dup_buf)) {
6518                   fixed = TRUE;
6519                } else {
6520                   fprintf(out_fp, "%s\n", buf);
6521                }
6522                UtilFree(dup_buf);
6523             } else {
6524                fprintf(out_fp, "%s\n", buf);
6525             }
6526          } else {
6527             fprintf(out_fp, "%s\n", buf);
6528          }
6529       } else {
6530          fprintf(out_fp, "%s\n", buf);
6531       }
6532       UtilFree(buf);
6533    }
6534    fclose(in_fp);
6535    fclose(out_fp);
6537    return TRUE;
6538 }
6540 static
DoGenDump(FileName)6541 int DoGenDump(FileName)
6542    char *FileName;
6543 {
6544    static char loc_time[MAXSTRING+1];
6546    struct ObjRec *obj_ptr=NULL;
6547    char cmd[(MAXSTRING<<1)+1], tmp_str[MAXSTRING+1], ps_file[MAXSTRING+1];
6548    char *rest=NULL, *file_ext=NULL, *output_type=NULL;
6549    int i, len, short_name=FALSE, export_cap=0;
6550    time_t tloc;
6552    if (!curDirIsLocal) {
6554       return FALSE;
6555    }
6556    GenDumpInitDefaults();
6558    if (botObj==NULL && ((pageLayoutMode==PAGE_STACK &&
6559          dumpOnePageInStackMode) || pageLayoutMode==PAGE_TILE)) {
6560       int rc=FALSE;
6562       if (PRTGIF && cmdLineOneFilePerPage) {
6563          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_NO_OBJ_TO_PRINT_ON_PAGE),
6564                cmdLinePageNum);
6565          rc = TRUE;
6566       } else if (!PRTGIF && dumpOneFilePerPage) {
6567          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_NO_OBJ_TO_PRINT_ON_PAGE),
6568                curPageNum);
6569          rc = TRUE;
6570       }
6571       if (preDumpSetup && rc) {
6572          return rc;
6573       }
6574       if (rc) {
6575          if (PRTGIF) {
6576             fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
6577          } else {
6578             Msg(gszMsgBox);
6579          }
6580       } else {
6581          strcpy(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_NO_OBJ_TO_PRINT));
6582          if (PRTGIF) {
6583             fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
6584          } else {
6585             MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
6586          }
6587       }
6588       return rc;
6589    }
6590    if (whereToPrint != PRINTER) {
6591       if (!PRTGIF && !curFileDefined) {
6592          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_NO_CUR_FILE_CANNOT_GEN_FORMAT),
6593                GetExportName(whereToPrint, EXPORT_THIS));
6594          if (PRTGIF) {
6595             fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
6596          } else {
6597             MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
6598          }
6599          return FALSE;
6600       }
6601    }
6602    if (!PRTGIF && printingPageNum==printingFirstPageNum && !preDumpSetup) {
6603       Msg(TgLoadString(STID_GENERATING_PRINT_FILE_DOTS));
6604    }
6605    if (whereToPrint >= MAXDEFWHERETOPRINT) {
6606       export_cap = GetExportFilterCapability(whereToPrint);
6607    }
6608    if (whereToPrint == XBM_FILE || whereToPrint == GIF_FILE ||
6609          whereToPrint == HTML_FILE || whereToPrint == PNG_FILE ||
6610          whereToPrint == JPEG_FILE || whereToPrint == PPM_FILE) {
6611       if (topObj == NULL) {
6612          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_NO_OBJ_TO_EXPORT));
6613          if (PRTGIF) {
6614             fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
6615          } else {
6616             MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
6617          }
6618       } else {
6619          int saved_colordump=colorDump, watch_cursor=watchCursorOnMainWindow;
6620          int dump_ppm_preferred=FALSE;
6622          if (!watch_cursor) {
6623             SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
6624             SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
6625          }
6626          if (whereToPrint == GIF_FILE || whereToPrint == HTML_FILE ||
6627                whereToPrint == PNG_FILE || whereToPrint == JPEG_FILE) {
6628             colorDump = TRUE;
6629          }
6630          dump_ppm_preferred = colorDump && fullTrueColorMode &&
6631                (whereToPrint==GIF_FILE || whereToPrint==HTML_FILE ||
6632                whereToPrint==PNG_FILE || whereToPrint==JPEG_FILE ||
6633                whereToPrint==PPM_FILE || whereToPrint==XBM_FILE);
6635          DumpXBitmapFile(FALSE, dump_ppm_preferred, dumpOneFilePerPage ||
6636                (dumpOnePageInStackMode && numberFileInPrintOnePage));
6637          colorDump = saved_colordump;
6638          if (!watch_cursor) {
6639             SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
6640             ShowCursor();
6641          }
6642       }
6643       return TRUE;
6644    }
6645    /*
6646     * At this point, whereToPrint can only be PostScript, ASCII Text, NetList,
6647     *      or external export type (if whereToPrint >= MAXDEFWHERETOPRINT).
6648     */
6649    if (printingPageNum == printingFirstPageNum) {
6650       if (MkTempFile(tmpFile, sizeof(tmpFile), tmpDir, TOOL_NAME) == NULL) {
6651          return FALSE;
6652       }
6653       if ((dumpFP=fopen(tmpFile, "w")) == NULL) {
6654          sprintf(tmp_str, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_WRITE_PRINT),
6655                tmpFile);
6656          if (PRTGIF) {
6657             fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", tmp_str);
6658          } else {
6659             MsgBox(tmp_str, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
6660          }
6661          return FALSE;
6662       }
6663       if (PRTGIF && !cmdLineStdOut) {
6664          if (!cmdLineQuiet) {
6665             fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_WRITING_TO_DOTS), tmpFile);
6666             fprintf(stderr, "\n");
6667          }
6668       }
6669       writeFileFailed = FALSE;
6670       ResetGrayDetection();
6671    }
6672    if (whereToPrint < MAXDEFWHERETOPRINT &&
6673          printingPageNum == printingFirstPageNum &&
6674          whereToPrint != TEXT_FILE && whereToPrint != NETLIST_FILE) {
6675       PSUseShortHand();
6676       if (dontUseShortHandPS) {
6677          PSDontUseShortHand();
6678       }
6679       if (usePsAdobeString) {
6680          switch (whereToPrint) {
6681          case PRINTER:
6682          case PS_FILE:
6683          case PDF_FILE:
6684             if (*adobeString == '\0') {
6685                if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%!PS-Adobe-2.0\n") == EOF) {
6686                   writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6687                }
6688             } else if (fprintf(dumpFP,"%%!PS-Adobe-%s\n",adobeString) == EOF) {
6689                writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6690             }
6691             break;
6692          case LATEX_FIG:
6693          case EPSI_FILE:
6694          case SVG_FILE:
6695             if (*adobeString == '\0') {
6696                if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2\n") == EOF) {
6697                   writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6698                }
6699             } else if (*epsfString == '\0') {
6700                if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%!PS-Adobe-%s\n", adobeString) == EOF) {
6701                   writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6702                }
6703             } else {
6704                if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%!PS-Adobe-%s EPSF-%s\n",
6705                      adobeString, epsfString) == EOF) {
6706                   writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6707                }
6708             }
6709             break;
6710          }
6711       } else {
6712          if (preDumpSetup) PSUsePSAdobe();
6713          if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%!\n") == EOF) {
6714             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6715          }
6716       }
6717       if (pageLayoutMode == PAGE_STACK &&
6718             printingFirstPageNum == printingLastPageNum) {
6719          DumpBBox(dumpFP, ALL_BBOX, NULL);
6720       } else if (fprintf(dumpFP,"%%%%BoundingBox: (atend)\n") == EOF) {
6721          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6722       }
6723       if (PRTGIF && !cmdLineOpenDisplay) {
6724          if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%Title: %s\n", FileName) == EOF) {
6725             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6726          }
6727       } else if (curFileDefined) {
6728          int gzipped=FALSE;
6730          strcpy(tmp_str, curFileName);
6731          if (FileNameHasExtension(tmp_str, OBJ_FILE_TYPE, &gzipped, NULL) &&
6732                gzipped) {
6733             char *psz=UtilStrRChr(tmp_str, '.');
6735             if (psz != NULL) *psz = '\0';
6736          }
6737          len = strlen(tmp_str);
6738          for (i=len-1; tmp_str[i] != '.'; i--) ;
6739          tmp_str[i] = '\0';
6740          if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%Title: %s\n", tmp_str) == EOF) {
6741             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6742          }
6743       } else if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%Title: [Unnamed]\n") == EOF) {
6744          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6745       }
6746       time(&tloc);
6747       strcpy(loc_time, ctime(&tloc));
6748       loc_time[24] = '\0';
6749       if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%CreationDate: %s\n", loc_time) == EOF) {
6750          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6751       }
6752       SetFullVersionString();
6753       if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%Creator: %s written by %s\n", fullToolName,
6754             "William Chia-Wei Cheng (bill.cheng@acm.org)") == EOF) {
6755          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6756       }
6757       if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%ProducedBy: %s\n", gszProducedBy) == EOF) {
6758          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6759       }
6760       if (whereToPrint != LATEX_FIG && whereToPrint != EPSI_FILE &&
6761             whereToPrint != SVG_FILE) {
6762          if (!(pdfSetPageDevice && noOrientationIfPdfSetPageDevice)) {
6763             if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%Orientation: %s\n",
6764                   (pageStyle==PORTRAIT ? "Portrait" : "Landscape")) == EOF) {
6765                writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6766             }
6767          }
6768       }
6769       if ((whereToPrint != LATEX_FIG && whereToPrint != EPSI_FILE &&
6770             whereToPrint != SVG_FILE) || !minimalEPS) {
6771          int total_pages=0;
6773          if (dumpOnePageInStackMode || dumpOnePageInTileMode ||
6774                whereToPrint == LATEX_FIG || whereToPrint == EPSI_FILE ||
6775                whereToPrint == SVG_FILE) {
6776             total_pages = 1;
6777          } else if (pageLayoutMode == PAGE_STACK) {
6778             total_pages = (dumpPages ? gPagesToPrintSpec.num_pages_specified :
6779                   lastPageNum);
6780          } else {
6781             total_pages = paperCol * paperRow;
6782          }
6783          if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%Pages: %1d\n", total_pages) == EOF) {
6784             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6785          }
6786          if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%DocumentFonts: (atend)\n") == EOF) {
6787             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6788          }
6789          if (NeedA4()) {
6790             if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%DocumentPaperSizes: a4\n") == EOF) {
6791                writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6792             }
6793          }
6794          if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%EndComments\n") == EOF) {
6795             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6796          }
6797       }
6798       if (whereToPrint == EPSI_FILE && !generateTiffEPSI) {
6799          SaveStatusStrings();
6800          SetStringStatus(TgLoadString(STID_GENERATING_PREVIEW_BITMAP));
6801          GenPreviewBitmap(dumpFP, llxPage, llyPage, urxPage, uryPage);
6802          RestoreStatusStrings();
6803       }
6805       if ((whereToPrint != LATEX_FIG && whereToPrint != EPSI_FILE &&
6806             whereToPrint != SVG_FILE) || !minimalEPS) {
6807          if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%BeginProlog\n") == EOF) {
6808             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6809          }
6810       }
6812       DumpPSMacro(dumpFP);
6814       PrepareEightBitFontInfo();
6815       DumpEightBitFontInfo(dumpFP);
6817       if (fprintf(dumpFP, "end\n\n") == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6818       if ((whereToPrint != LATEX_FIG && whereToPrint != EPSI_FILE &&
6819             whereToPrint != SVG_FILE) || !minimalEPS) {
6820          int need_a4=NeedA4(), need_page_size=FALSE, need_setup=FALSE;
6823          if (whereToPrint == PDF_FILE) {
6824             need_page_size = TRUE;
6825          }
6827          if (whereToPrint != LATEX_FIG && whereToPrint != EPSI_FILE &&
6828                whereToPrint != SVG_FILE) {
6829             if (pdfSetPageDevice == INVALID) {
6830                if (cmdLinePdfSetPageDevice == INVALID) {
6831                   /* do nothing */
6832                } else if (cmdLinePdfSetPageDevice) {
6833                   need_page_size = TRUE;
6834                } else {
6835                   need_page_size = FALSE;
6836                }
6837             } else if (pdfSetPageDevice) {
6838                if (cmdLinePdfSetPageDevice == FALSE) {
6839                   need_page_size = FALSE;
6840                } else {
6841                   need_page_size = TRUE;
6842                }
6843             } else {
6844                if (cmdLinePdfSetPageDevice == TRUE) {
6845                   need_page_size = TRUE;
6846                } else {
6847                   need_page_size = FALSE;
6848                }
6849             }
6850          }
6851          if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%EndProlog\n") == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6852          need_setup = (psDistillerNoImageCompress == TRUE ||
6853                gpszPsSetup != NULL || need_a4 || need_page_size);
6854          if (need_setup) {
6855             if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%BeginSetup\n") == EOF) {
6856                writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6857             }
6858          }
6859          if (need_a4) {
6860             if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%PaperSize: a4\n") == EOF ||
6861                   fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%BeginPaperSize: a4\n") == EOF ||
6862                   fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%EndPaperSize\n") == EOF) {
6863                writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6864             }
6865          }
6866          if (need_page_size) {
6867             double scale=((double)printMag)*((double)72.0)/((double)100.0);
6868             double w=((double)onePageWidth)/((double)PIX_PER_INCH)*scale;
6869             double h=((double)onePageHeight)/((double)PIX_PER_INCH)*scale;
6871             if (pageStyle == LANDSCAPE) {
6872                fprintf(dumpFP, "<< /PageSize [%1d %1d] ", round(h), round(w));
6873                fprintf(dumpFP,
6874                      "/ImagingBBox null /Orientation 3 >> setpagedevice\n");
6875             } else {
6876                fprintf(dumpFP, "<< /PageSize [%1d %1d] ", round(w), round(h));
6877                fprintf(dumpFP,
6878                      "/ImagingBBox null /Orientation 0 >> setpagedevice\n");
6879             }
6880          }
6881          if (psDistillerNoImageCompress == TRUE) {
6882             fprintf(dumpFP, "%s\n", "systemdict /setdistillerparams known");
6883             fprintf(dumpFP, " { << %s %s\n",
6884                   "/AutoFilterGrayImages false",
6885                   "/AutoFilterColorImages false");
6886             fprintf(dumpFP, "   %s %s\n",
6887                   "/ColorImageFilter /FlateEncode",
6888                   "/GrayImageFilter /FlateEncode >>");
6889             fprintf(dumpFP, "   %s\n", "setdistillerparams");
6890             fprintf(dumpFP, " %s\n", "} if");
6891          }
6892          if (gpszPsSetup != NULL) {
6893             if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%s\n", gpszPsSetup) == EOF) {
6894                writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6895             }
6896          }
6897          if (need_setup) {
6898             if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%EndSetup\n") == EOF) {
6899                writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6900             }
6901          }
6902       }
6903    }
6904    if (whereToPrint == NETLIST_FILE && !preDumpSetup &&
6905          printingPageNum == printingFirstPageNum) {
6906       if (fprintf(dumpFP, "PORTNAME\tSIGNALNAME\n") == EOF) {
6907          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
6908       }
6909    }
6910    if (pageLayoutMode == PAGE_STACK || (pageLayoutMode == PAGE_TILE &&
6911          ((paperCol == 1 && paperRow == 1) ||
6912          ((whereToPrint == LATEX_FIG || whereToPrint == EPSI_FILE ||
6913          whereToPrint == SVG_FILE) &&
6914          !dumpOnePageInTileMode)))) {
6915       printingPageRow = printingPageCol = 1;
6916       if (whereToPrint >= MAXDEFWHERETOPRINT) {
6917           if (!ExportVectorFile(dumpFP, dumpOneFilePerPage ||
6918                 (dumpOnePageInStackMode && numberFileInPrintOnePage),
6919                 printingPageNum, printingFirstPageNum, printingPageRow,
6920                 printingPageCol)) {
6921              return FALSE;
6922           }
6923       } else if (whereToPrint == TEXT_FILE) {
6924          if (printingPageNum != printingFirstPageNum) {
6925             fprintf(dumpFP, "\014\n");
6926          }
6927          for (obj_ptr = botObj; obj_ptr != NULL; obj_ptr = obj_ptr->prev) {
6928             obj_ptr->tmp_parent = NULL;
6929             DumpAnObjInAscii(dumpFP, obj_ptr);
6930          }
6931       } else if (whereToPrint == NETLIST_FILE) {
6932          for (obj_ptr=botObj; obj_ptr != NULL; obj_ptr=obj_ptr->prev) {
6933             obj_ptr->tmp_parent = NULL;
6934             DumpNetListForAnObj(dumpFP, obj_ptr);
6935          }
6936       } else {
6937          if ((whereToPrint != LATEX_FIG && whereToPrint != EPSI_FILE &&
6938                whereToPrint != SVG_FILE) || !minimalEPS) {
6939             if (dumpPages) {
6940                fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%Page: %1d %1d\n\n",
6941                      printingPageNum, dumpPageNum);
6942             } else {
6943                fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%Page: %1d %1d\n\n",
6944                      printingPageNum-printingFirstPageNum+1,
6945                      printingPageNum-printingFirstPageNum+1);
6946             }
6947          }
6948          if (!minimalEPS) {
6949             DumpBBox(dumpFP, PAGE_BBOX, NULL);
6950          }
6951          if (totalBBoxValid) {
6952             if (topObj != NULL) {
6953                if (llxPage < llxTotal) llxTotal = llxPage;
6954                if (llyPage < llyTotal) llyTotal = llyPage;
6955                if (urxPage > urxTotal) urxTotal = urxPage;
6956                if (uryPage > uryTotal) uryTotal = uryPage;
6957             }
6958          } else if (topObj != NULL) {
6959             totalBBoxValid = TRUE;
6960             llxTotal = llxPage; llyTotal = llyPage;
6961             urxTotal = urxPage; uryTotal = uryPage;
6962          }
6963          if (psBopHookStatus == TRUE && (whereToPrint == PRINTER ||
6964                whereToPrint == PS_FILE || whereToPrint == PDF_FILE)) {
6965             fprintf(dumpFP, "userdict /%s known { %s } if\n\n",
6966                   psBopHook, psBopHook);
6967          }
6968          fprintf(dumpFP, "tgifdict begin\n");
6969          fprintf(dumpFP, "/tgifsavedpage save def\n\n");
6971          fprintf(dumpFP, "1 %s\n", gPsCmd[PS_SETMITERLIMIT]);
6972          fprintf(dumpFP, "1 %s\n\n", gPsCmd[PS_SETLINEWIDTH]);
6973          fprintf(dumpFP, "0 %s\n\n", gPsCmd[PS_SETGRAY]);
6975          if (pageStyle == LANDSCAPE) {
6976             fprintf(dumpFP, "90 %s\n", gPsCmd[PS_ROTATE]);
6977          }
6978          fprintf(dumpFP, "%1d %s %s %1d %s %s %s\n", psDotsPerInch,
6979                psXOffStr[pageStyle], gPsCmd[PS_MUL], psDotsPerInch,
6980                psYOffStr[pageStyle], gPsCmd[PS_MUL], gPsCmd[PS_TRANSLATE]);
6982 #ifndef METRIC_PIX_PER_INCH
6983          fprintf(dumpFP, "%1d %1d %s %.3f %s 100 %s %s %s %s\n\n",
6984                psDotsPerInch, PIX_PER_INCH, gPsCmd[PS_DIV], printMag,
6985                gPsCmd[PS_MUL], gPsCmd[PS_DIV], gPsCmd[PS_DUP],
6986                gPsCmd[PS_NEG], gPsCmd[PS_SCALE]);
6987 #else /* METRIC_PIX_PER_INCH */
6988          fprintf(dumpFP, "%1d %1d %s %.3f %s 100 %s %s %s %s\n\n",
6989                psDotsPerInch, (gridSystem==ENGLISH_GRID ? PIX_PER_INCH :
6990                METRIC_PIX_PER_INCH), gPsCmd[PS_DIV], printMag,
6991                gPsCmd[PS_MUL], gPsCmd[PS_DIV], gPsCmd[PS_DUP],
6992                gPsCmd[PS_NEG], gPsCmd[PS_SCALE]);
6993 #endif /* ~METRIC_PIX_PER_INCH */
6995          fprintf(dumpFP, "%s\n\n", gPsCmd[PS_GSAVE]);
6997          if (needsTgifOrigCTM) {
6998             fprintf(dumpFP, "/tgiforigctm matrix currentmatrix def\n\n");
6999          }
7000          if (colorDump && colorBgInPrintingColorPS &&
7001                (whereToPrint == PS_FILE || whereToPrint == PDF_FILE ||
7002                whereToPrint == PRINTER)) {
7003             fprintf(dumpFP, "%% Background\n");
7004             if (myBgColor.red==0 && myBgColor.green==0 && myBgColor.blue==0) {
7005                fprintf(dumpFP, "0 %s\n", gPsCmd[PS_SETGRAY]);
7006             } else if (myBgColor.red==maxRGB && myBgColor.green==maxRGB &&
7007                   myBgColor.blue==maxRGB) {
7008                fprintf(dumpFP, "1 %s\n", gPsCmd[PS_SETGRAY]);
7009             } else {
7010                fprintf(dumpFP, "%.3f %.3f %.3f %s\n",
7011                      ((float)myBgColor.red/maxRGB),
7012                      ((float)myBgColor.green/maxRGB),
7013                      ((float)myBgColor.blue/maxRGB), gPsCmd[PS_SETRGBCOLOR]);
7014             }
7015             fprintf(dumpFP, "%s\n", gPsCmd[PS_NEWPATH]);
7016             fprintf(dumpFP,
7017                   "   0 0 %s 0 %d %s %d %d %s %d 0 %s\n",
7018                   gPsCmd[PS_MOVETO], onePageHeight, gPsCmd[PS_LINETO],
7019                   onePageWidth, onePageHeight, gPsCmd[PS_LINETO],
7020                   onePageWidth, gPsCmd[PS_LINETO]);
7021             fprintf(dumpFP, "%s %s\n\n", gPsCmd[PS_CLOSEPATH], gPsCmd[PS_FILL]);
7022          }
7024          for (obj_ptr = botObj; obj_ptr != NULL; obj_ptr = obj_ptr->prev) {
7025             obj_ptr->tmp_parent = NULL;
7026             DumpAnObj(dumpFP, obj_ptr);
7027          }
7028          fprintf(dumpFP, "%s\n", gPsCmd[PS_GRESTORE]);
7029          fprintf(dumpFP, "tgifsavedpage restore\n");
7030          fprintf(dumpFP, "end\n");
7032          switch (whereToPrint) {
7033          case PRINTER:
7034          case PS_FILE:
7035          case PDF_FILE:
7036             if (psEopHookStatus == TRUE) {
7037                fprintf(dumpFP, "userdict /%s known { %s } if\n",
7038                      psEopHook, psEopHook);
7039             }
7040             fprintf(dumpFP, "showpage\n\n");
7041             break;
7042          case EPSI_FILE:
7043          case LATEX_FIG:
7044          case SVG_FILE:
7045             if (showPageInEPS) {
7046                fprintf(dumpFP, "showpage\n");
7047             }
7048             fprintf(dumpFP, "\n");
7049             break;
7050          }
7051       }
7052    } else if (whereToPrint >= MAXDEFWHERETOPRINT) {
7053        if (!ExportVectorFile(dumpFP, dumpOneFilePerPage ||
7054              (dumpOnePageInStackMode && numberFileInPrintOnePage),
7055              printingPageNum, printingFirstPageNum, printingPageRow,
7056              printingPageCol)) {
7057           return FALSE;
7058        }
7059    } else if (whereToPrint == TEXT_FILE) {
7060       for (obj_ptr = botObj; obj_ptr != NULL; obj_ptr = obj_ptr->prev) {
7061          obj_ptr->tmp_parent = NULL;
7062          DumpAnObjInAscii(dumpFP, obj_ptr);
7063       }
7064    } else if (whereToPrint == NETLIST_FILE) {
7065       for (obj_ptr=botObj; obj_ptr != NULL; obj_ptr=obj_ptr->prev) {
7066          obj_ptr->tmp_parent = NULL;
7067          DumpNetListForAnObj(dumpFP, obj_ptr);
7068       }
7069    } else {
7070       int row, col;
7071       float one=(float)atof("1.0"), f_rbx, f_rby, x_dist, y_dist;
7073       if (tiledPageScaling == one && !msgAboutTiledPageScalingSeen) {
7074          char msg1[MAXSTRING+1];
7076          msgAboutTiledPageScalingSeen = TRUE;
7077          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_OUTPUT_TRUNC_IN_PRINT_TILED),
7078                TOOL_NAME, "TiledPageScaling");
7079          sprintf(msg1, "    %s", TgLoadString(STID_RECOMMEND_REDUCING_SETTING));
7080          if (PRTGIF) {
7081             fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
7082             fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg1);
7083          } else {
7084             TwoLineMsg(gszMsgBox, msg1);
7085          }
7086       }
7087       f_rbx = (float)(((float)PIX_PER_INCH) * 100.0 / printMag *
7088             psPageWidthInInch[pageStyle]);
7089       f_rby = (float)(((float)PIX_PER_INCH) * 100.0 / printMag *
7090             psPageHeightInInch[pageStyle]);
7091       x_dist = (float)(((float)PIX_PER_INCH) * psPageWidthInInch[pageStyle] *
7092             (1.0-tiledPageScaling) * 50.0 / printMag);
7093       y_dist = (float)(((float)PIX_PER_INCH) * psPageHeightInInch[pageStyle] *
7094             (1.0-tiledPageScaling) * 50.0 / printMag);
7096       for (row = 0; row < paperRow; row++) {
7097          printingPageRow = row+1;
7098          for (col = 0; col < paperCol; col++) {
7099             struct BBRec page_bbox;
7100             float real_ltx, real_lty;
7102             if (dumpOnePageInTileMode &&
7103                   row*paperCol+col+1 != printingPageNum) {
7104                continue;
7105             }
7106             printingPageCol = col+1;
7107             page_bbox.ltx = col * onePageWidth;
7108             page_bbox.lty = row * onePageHeight;
7109             page_bbox.rbx = page_bbox.ltx + onePageWidth;
7110             page_bbox.rby = page_bbox.lty + onePageHeight;
7112             if ((whereToPrint != LATEX_FIG && whereToPrint != EPSI_FILE &&
7113                   whereToPrint != SVG_FILE) || !minimalEPS) {
7114                if (dumpOnePageInTileMode) {
7115                   fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%Page: 1 1\n\n");
7116                } else {
7117                   fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%Page: %1d %1d\n\n",
7118                         col+1+row*paperCol, col+1+row*paperCol);
7119                }
7120             }
7121             if (DumpBBox(dumpFP, PAGE_BBOX, &page_bbox)) {
7122                if (totalBBoxValid) {
7123                   if (topObj != NULL) {
7124                      if (llxPage < llxTotal) llxTotal = llxPage;
7125                      if (llyPage < llyTotal) llyTotal = llyPage;
7126                      if (urxPage > urxTotal) urxTotal = urxPage;
7127                      if (uryPage > uryTotal) uryTotal = uryPage;
7128                   }
7129                } else if (topObj != NULL) {
7130                   totalBBoxValid = TRUE;
7131                   llxTotal = llxPage; llyTotal = llyPage;
7132                   urxTotal = urxPage; uryTotal = uryPage;
7133                }
7134             }
7135             if (psBopHookStatus == TRUE && (whereToPrint == PRINTER ||
7136                   whereToPrint == PS_FILE || whereToPrint == PDF_FILE)) {
7137                fprintf(dumpFP, "userdict /%s known { %s } if\n\n",
7138                      psBopHook, psBopHook);
7139             }
7140             fprintf(dumpFP, "tgifdict begin\n");
7141             fprintf(dumpFP, "/tgifsavedpage save def\n\n");
7142             fprintf(dumpFP, "1 %s\n", gPsCmd[PS_SETMITERLIMIT]);
7143             fprintf(dumpFP, "1 %s\n\n", gPsCmd[PS_SETLINEWIDTH]);
7144             fprintf(dumpFP, "0 %s\n\n", gPsCmd[PS_SETGRAY]);
7146             if (pageStyle == LANDSCAPE) {
7147                fprintf(dumpFP, "90 %s\n", gPsCmd[PS_ROTATE]);
7148             }
7149             fprintf(dumpFP, "%1d %s %s %1d %s %s %s\n",
7150                   psDotsPerInch, psXOffStr[pageStyle], gPsCmd[PS_MUL],
7151                   psDotsPerInch, psYOffStr[pageStyle], gPsCmd[PS_MUL],
7152                   gPsCmd[PS_TRANSLATE]);
7154 #ifndef METRIC_PIX_PER_INCH
7155             fprintf(dumpFP, "%1d %1d %s %.3f %s 100 %s %s %s %s\n\n",
7156                   psDotsPerInch, PIX_PER_INCH, gPsCmd[PS_DIV], printMag,
7157                   gPsCmd[PS_MUL], gPsCmd[PS_DIV], gPsCmd[PS_DUP],
7158                   gPsCmd[PS_NEG], gPsCmd[PS_SCALE]);
7159 #else /* METRIC_PIX_PER_INCH */
7160             fprintf(dumpFP, "%1d %1d %s %.3f %s 100 %s %s %s %s\n\n",
7161                   psDotsPerInch, (gridSystem==ENGLISH_GRID ? PIX_PER_INCH :
7162                   METRIC_PIX_PER_INCH), gPsCmd[PS_DIV], printMag,
7163                   gPsCmd[PS_MUL], gPsCmd[PS_DIV], gPsCmd[PS_DUP],
7164                   gPsCmd[PS_NEG], gPsCmd[PS_SCALE]);
7165 #endif /* ~METRIC_PIX_PER_INCH */
7167             fprintf(dumpFP, "%s\n\n", gPsCmd[PS_GSAVE]);
7169             fprintf(dumpFP, "%% SETUP CLIP FOR PAGE\n\n");
7170             fprintf(dumpFP, "%.3f %.3f %s\n", x_dist, y_dist,
7171                   gPsCmd[PS_TRANSLATE]);
7172             fprintf(dumpFP, "%.3f %.3f %s\n", tiledPageScaling,
7173                   tiledPageScaling, gPsCmd[PS_SCALE]);
7175             fprintf(dumpFP, "-%1d -%1d %s\n", page_bbox.ltx,
7176                   page_bbox.lty, gPsCmd[PS_TRANSLATE]);
7177             real_ltx = (float)(((float)col) *
7178                   ((float)psPageWidthInInch[pageStyle]) *
7179                   ((float)PIX_PER_INCH) * 100.0 / printMag);
7180             real_lty = (float)(((float)row) *
7181                   ((float)psPageHeightInInch[pageStyle]) *
7182                   ((float)PIX_PER_INCH) * 100.0 / printMag);
7183             if (psRegMarksInTiledPageMode && tiledPageScaling < (float)1.0) {
7184                float stem=((float)(min(x_dist,y_dist)))*((float)0.5);
7186                fprintf(dumpFP, "%s\n", gPsCmd[PS_GSAVE]);
7187                fprintf(dumpFP, "   0.1 %s %.3f %s\n", gPsCmd[PS_SETLINEWIDTH],
7188                      psRegMarksGray, gPsCmd[PS_SETGRAY]);
7190                fprintf(dumpFP, "   %s %.3f %.3f %s\n", gPsCmd[PS_NEWPATH],
7191                      real_ltx, real_lty, gPsCmd[PS_MOVETO]);
7192                DumpRegMark(dumpFP, &stem);
7193                fprintf(dumpFP, "   %.3f 0 %s\n", f_rbx, gPsCmd[PS_RMOVETO]);
7194                DumpRegMark(dumpFP, &stem);
7195                fprintf(dumpFP, "   0 %.3f %s\n", f_rby, gPsCmd[PS_RMOVETO]);
7196                DumpRegMark(dumpFP, &stem);
7197                fprintf(dumpFP, "   -%.3f 0 %s\n", f_rbx, gPsCmd[PS_RMOVETO]);
7198                DumpRegMark(dumpFP, &stem);
7200                fprintf(dumpFP, "%s\n", gPsCmd[PS_GRESTORE]);
7201             }
7202             fprintf(dumpFP, "%s\n", gPsCmd[PS_NEWPATH]);
7203             fprintf(dumpFP, "   %.3f %.3f %s\n", real_ltx, real_lty,
7204                   gPsCmd[PS_MOVETO]);
7205             fprintf(dumpFP, "   %.3f 0 %s\n", f_rbx, gPsCmd[PS_RLINETO]);
7206             fprintf(dumpFP, "   0 %.3f %s\n", f_rby, gPsCmd[PS_RLINETO]);
7207             fprintf(dumpFP, "   -%.3f 0 %s\n", f_rbx, gPsCmd[PS_RLINETO]);
7208             fprintf(dumpFP, "%s %s %s\n\n", gPsCmd[PS_CLOSEPATH],
7209                   gPsCmd[PS_CLIP], gPsCmd[PS_NEWPATH]);
7211             if (needsTgifOrigCTM) {
7212                fprintf(dumpFP, "/tgiforigctm matrix currentmatrix def\n\n");
7213             }
7214             if (colorDump && colorBgInPrintingColorPS &&
7215                   (whereToPrint == PS_FILE || whereToPrint == PDF_FILE ||
7216                   whereToPrint == PRINTER)) {
7217                fprintf(dumpFP, "%% Background\n");
7218                if (myBgColor.red==0 && myBgColor.green==0 &&
7219                      myBgColor.blue==0) {
7220                   fprintf(dumpFP, "0 %s\n", gPsCmd[PS_SETGRAY]);
7221                } else if (myBgColor.red==maxRGB && myBgColor.green==maxRGB &&
7222                      myBgColor.blue==maxRGB) {
7223                   fprintf(dumpFP, "1 %s\n", gPsCmd[PS_SETGRAY]);
7224                } else {
7225                   fprintf(dumpFP, "%.3f %.3f %.3f %s\n",
7226                         ((float)myBgColor.red/maxRGB),
7227                         ((float)myBgColor.green/maxRGB),
7228                         ((float)myBgColor.blue/maxRGB), gPsCmd[PS_SETRGBCOLOR]);
7229                }
7230                fprintf(dumpFP, "%s\n", gPsCmd[PS_NEWPATH]);
7231                fprintf(dumpFP, "   %.3f %.3f %s\n", real_ltx, real_lty,
7232                      gPsCmd[PS_MOVETO]);
7233                fprintf(dumpFP, "   %.3f 0 %s\n", f_rbx, gPsCmd[PS_LINETO]);
7234                fprintf(dumpFP, "   0 %.3f %s\n", f_rby, gPsCmd[PS_LINETO]);
7235                fprintf(dumpFP, "   -%.3f 0 %s\n", f_rbx, gPsCmd[PS_LINETO]);
7236                fprintf(dumpFP, "%s %s %s\n\n", gPsCmd[PS_CLOSEPATH],
7237                      gPsCmd[PS_FILL], gPsCmd[PS_NEWPATH]);
7238             }
7239             for (obj_ptr = botObj; obj_ptr != NULL; obj_ptr = obj_ptr->prev) {
7240                if (Inside(obj_ptr->bbox, page_bbox) ||
7241                      BBoxIntersect(obj_ptr->bbox, page_bbox)) {
7242                   obj_ptr->tmp_parent = NULL;
7243                   DumpAnObj(dumpFP, obj_ptr);
7244                }
7245             }
7246             fprintf(dumpFP, "%s\n", gPsCmd[PS_GRESTORE]);
7247             fprintf(dumpFP, "tgifsavedpage restore\n");
7248             fprintf(dumpFP, "end\n");
7250             switch (whereToPrint) {
7251             case PRINTER:
7252             case PS_FILE:
7253             case PDF_FILE:
7254                if (psEopHookStatus == TRUE) {
7255                   fprintf(dumpFP, "userdict /%s known { %s } if\n",
7256                         psEopHook, psEopHook);
7257                }
7258                fprintf(dumpFP, "showpage\n\n");
7259                break;
7260             case EPSI_FILE:
7261             case LATEX_FIG:
7262             case SVG_FILE:
7263                if (showPageInEPS) {
7264                   fprintf(dumpFP, "showpage\n");
7265                }
7266                fprintf(dumpFP, "\n");
7267                break;
7268             }
7269          }
7270       }
7271    }
7272    if (dumpPages) {
7273       if (dumpPageNum != gPagesToPrintSpec.num_pages_specified) {
7274          return TRUE;
7275       }
7276    } else if (printingPageNum != printingLastPageNum) {
7277       return TRUE;
7278    }
7279    if (whereToPrint < MAXDEFWHERETOPRINT && whereToPrint != TEXT_FILE &&
7280          whereToPrint != NETLIST_FILE) {
7281       if ((whereToPrint != LATEX_FIG && whereToPrint != EPSI_FILE &&
7282             whereToPrint != SVG_FILE) || !minimalEPS) {
7283          if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%Trailer\n") == EOF) {
7284             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
7285          }
7286       }
7287       if (pageLayoutMode!=PAGE_STACK ||
7288             printingFirstPageNum!=printingLastPageNum) {
7289          if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%BoundingBox: %1d %1d %1d %1d\n",
7290                llxTotal, llyTotal, urxTotal, uryTotal) == EOF) {
7291             writeFileFailed = TRUE;
7292          }
7293       }
7294       if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%MatchingCreationDate: %s\n", loc_time) == EOF) {
7295          writeFileFailed = TRUE;
7296       }
7297       if ((whereToPrint != LATEX_FIG && whereToPrint != EPSI_FILE &&
7298             whereToPrint != SVG_FILE) || !minimalEPS) {
7299          DumpDocumentFonts(dumpFP);
7300          DumpPropagatedEPSInfo(dumpFP);
7301          if (fprintf(dumpFP, "%%%%EOF\n") == EOF) writeFileFailed = TRUE;
7302       }
7303    }
7304    fclose(dumpFP);
7305    dumpFP = NULL;
7307    EndGrayDetection();
7309    if (whereToPrint < MAXDEFWHERETOPRINT && whereToPrint != TEXT_FILE &&
7310          whereToPrint != NETLIST_FILE && !totalBBoxValid) {
7311       strcpy(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_NO_OBJ_TO_PRINT));
7312       if (PRTGIF) {
7313          fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
7314       } else {
7315          MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
7316       }
7317       return FALSE;
7318    }
7319    if (writeFileFailed) {
7320       writeFileFailed = FALSE;
7321       FailToWriteFileMessage(tmpFile);
7322 #ifdef KEEP_WHEN_PRINT
7323       if (whereToPrint != PRINTER) unlink(tmpFile);
7324 #else
7325       unlink(tmpFile);
7326 #endif
7327       return FALSE;
7328    }
7329    if (preDumpSetup && whereToPrint != NETLIST_FILE) {
7330       unlink(tmpFile);
7331       return TRUE;
7332    }
7333    switch (whereToPrint) {
7334    case PRINTER:
7335 #ifdef VMS
7336 #define PRINT_TRAILER ""
7337 #else
7338 #define PRINT_TRAILER " 2>&1"
7339 #endif
7340       if (PRTGIF) {
7341          /* do not translate -- program constants */
7342          if (strstr(printCommand, "%s") == NULL) {
7343             if (lastFile) {
7344                sprintf(cmd, "%s %s", printCommand, tmpFile);
7345             } else {
7346                sprintf(cmd, "%s -h %s", printCommand, tmpFile);
7347             }
7348          } else {
7349             sprintf(cmd, printCommand, tmpFile);
7350          }
7351          if (strcmp(printCommand, "cat") != 0) {
7352             strcat(cmd, PRINT_TRAILER);
7353          }
7354          fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", cmd);
7355       } else {
7356          if (strstr(printCommand, "%s") == NULL) {
7357             sprintf(cmd, "%s %s", printCommand, tmpFile);
7358          } else {
7359             sprintf(cmd, printCommand, tmpFile);
7360          }
7361          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_PRINTING_WITH_GIVEN_CMD),
7362                printCommand);
7363          if (strcmp(printCommand, "cat") != 0) {
7364             strcat(cmd, PRINT_TRAILER);
7365          }
7366          Msg(gszMsgBox);
7367       }
7368       if (strcmp(printCommand, "cat") == 0) {
7369          /*
7370           * Well, you can't really "cat" to a printer (without piping to
7371           *       anything else), so you must mean "catting" to stdout!
7372           */
7373          FILE *pfp=NULL;
7375          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_EXECUTING_GIVEN_PROGRAM),
7376                cmd);
7377          SetStringStatus(gszMsgBox);
7378          if (!PRTGIF) XSync(mainDisplay, False);
7379          if ((pfp=(FILE*)popen(cmd, "r")) == NULL) return FALSE;
7381          while (fgets(gszMsgBox, sizeof(gszMsgBox)-1, pfp) != NULL) {
7382             printf("%s", gszMsgBox);
7383          }
7384          pclose(pfp);
7385          SetStringStatus(TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_DOTS_DONE));
7386       } else if (!ExecuteCmd(cmd, FALSE)) {
7387          if (PRTGIF) {
7388             fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_EXEC_ABORT_PRINT), cmd);
7389             fprintf(stderr, "\n");
7390          } else {
7391             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_EXEC_ABORT_PRINT), cmd);
7392             MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
7393          }
7394          unlink(tmpFile);
7395          return FALSE;
7396       }
7397       if (PRTGIF) {
7398          fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_NAMED_FILE_PRINTED), tmpFile);
7399          fprintf(stderr, "\n");
7400       } else {
7401          Msg(TgLoadString(STID_PRINT_COMPLETED));
7402       }
7403       break;
7404    case EPSI_FILE:
7405    case LATEX_FIG:
7406    case SVG_FILE:
7407    case PS_FILE:
7408    case PDF_FILE:
7409       switch (whereToPrint) {
7410       case EPSI_FILE:
7411          if (*epsiExportExtension == '\0') {
7412             file_ext = EPSF_FILE_EXT;
7413          } else {
7414             file_ext = epsiExportExtension;
7415          }
7416          output_type = "EPSI";
7417          break;
7418       case LATEX_FIG:
7419          file_ext = EPSF_FILE_EXT;
7420          output_type = "EPS";
7421          break;
7422       case SVG_FILE:
7423          file_ext = EPSF_FILE_EXT;
7424          output_type = "SVG";
7425          break;
7426       case PS_FILE:
7427          file_ext = PS_FILE_EXT;
7428          output_type = "PostScript";
7429          break;
7430       case PDF_FILE:
7431          file_ext = "p~f";
7432          output_type = "PDF";
7433          break;
7434       }
7435       if (PRTGIF) {
7436          SetOutputFileName(ps_file, file_ext, NULL, &FileName);
7437       } else {
7438          if (!curFileDefined) {
7439             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_NO_CUR_FILE_CANNOT_GEN_FORMAT),
7440                   output_type);
7441             MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
7442             unlink(tmpFile);
7443             return FALSE;
7444          }
7445          SetOutputFileName(ps_file, file_ext, &short_name, &rest);
7446          if (short_name && *outputDir=='\0') {
7447             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_PRINTING_INTO_NAMED_FILE),
7448                   rest);
7449          } else {
7450             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_PRINTING_INTO_NAMED_FILE),
7451                   ps_file);
7452          }
7453          Msg(gszMsgBox);
7454       }
7455       if (whereToPrint == EPSI_FILE && generateTiffEPSI) {
7456          int saved_colordump=colorDump, consensed_already=FALSE, ok=TRUE;
7458          SaveStatusStrings();
7459          SetStringStatus(TgLoadString(STID_GENERATING_TIFF_PREVIEW_BMP));
7461          colorDump = FALSE;
7462          DumpXBitmapFile(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
7463          colorDump = saved_colordump;
7465          if (psUseShortHand && !dontCondense) {
7466             if (CondensePostScriptFile(tmpFile, sizeof(tmpFile))) {
7467                consensed_already = TRUE;
7468             } else {
7469                ok = FALSE;
7470             }
7471          }
7472          if (ok) {
7473             GenTiffFile(tmpFile, ps_file, psUseShortHand, consensed_already);
7474          }
7475          RestoreStatusStrings();
7476          unlink(tmpFile);
7477       } else if (whereToPrint == PDF_FILE) {
7478          char real_ps_file[MAXSTRING+1];
7480          if (!CopyAFile(tmpFile, (PRTGIF && cmdLineStdOut) ? NULL : ps_file,
7481                psUseShortHand)) {
7482             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FORMAT_FILE_NOT_GENERATED),
7483                   output_type);
7484             if (PRTGIF) {
7485                fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
7486             } else {
7487                Msg(gszMsgBox);
7488             }
7489             unlink(tmpFile);
7490             return FALSE;
7491          }
7492          UtilStrCpyN(real_ps_file, sizeof(real_ps_file), ps_file);
7493          if (PRTGIF) {
7494             SetOutputFileName(ps_file, pdfExportExtension, NULL, &FileName);
7495          } else {
7496             SetOutputFileName(ps_file, pdfExportExtension, &short_name,
7497                   &rest);
7498             if (short_name && *outputDir=='\0') {
7499                sprintf(gszMsgBox,
7500                      TgLoadString(STID_CONVERTING_INTO_NAMED_FILE), rest);
7501             } else {
7502                sprintf(gszMsgBox,
7503                      TgLoadString(STID_CONVERTING_INTO_NAMED_FILE), ps_file);
7504             }
7505             Msg(gszMsgBox);
7506          }
7507          /* actually, ps_file contains the full path to the PDF file */
7508          sprintf(cmd, psToPdfCmd, real_ps_file, ps_file);
7509          if (!ExecuteCmd(cmd, FALSE)) {
7510             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_EXEC_FORMAT_NOT_GEN),
7511                   cmd, output_type);
7512             if (PRTGIF) {
7513                fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
7514             } else {
7515                Msg(gszMsgBox);
7516             }
7517             unlink(real_ps_file);
7518             unlink(tmpFile);
7519             return FALSE;
7520          }
7521          unlink(real_ps_file);
7522       } else if (whereToPrint == SVG_FILE) {
7523          char sk_fname[MAXPATHLENGTH], svg_fname[MAXPATHLENGTH];
7524          char eps_fname[MAXPATHLENGTH];
7526          /* ps_file contains the full path to an EPS file */
7527          *sk_fname = *svg_fname = *eps_fname = '\0';
7528          snprintf(sk_fname, sizeof(sk_fname), "%s.sk", tmpFile);
7529          snprintf(svg_fname, sizeof(svg_fname), "%s.svg", tmpFile);
7530          snprintf(eps_fname, sizeof(eps_fname), "%s.eps", tmpFile);
7531          unlink(sk_fname);
7532          unlink(svg_fname);
7533          unlink(eps_fname);
7535          if (!CopyAFile(tmpFile, (PRTGIF && cmdLineStdOut) ? NULL : eps_fname,
7536                psUseShortHand)) {
7537             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FORMAT_FILE_NOT_GENERATED),
7538                   output_type);
7539             if (PRTGIF) {
7540                fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
7541             } else {
7542                Msg(gszMsgBox);
7543             }
7544             unlink(tmpFile);
7545             return FALSE;
7546          }
7547          if (PRTGIF) {
7548             SetOutputFileName(ps_file, "svg", NULL, &FileName);
7549          } else {
7550             SetOutputFileName(ps_file, "svg", &short_name, &rest);
7551             if (short_name && *outputDir=='\0') {
7552                sprintf(gszMsgBox,
7553                      TgLoadString(STID_CONVERTING_INTO_NAMED_FILE), rest);
7554             } else {
7555                sprintf(gszMsgBox,
7556                      TgLoadString(STID_CONVERTING_INTO_NAMED_FILE), ps_file);
7557             }
7558             Msg(gszMsgBox);
7559          }
7560          sprintf(cmd, epsToTmpSvgCmd, eps_fname, sk_fname);
7561          if (!ExecuteCmd(cmd, FALSE)) {
7562             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_EXEC_FORMAT_NOT_GEN),
7563                   cmd, output_type);
7564             if (PRTGIF) {
7565                fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
7566             } else {
7567                Msg(gszMsgBox);
7568             }
7569             unlink(eps_fname);
7570             unlink(tmpFile);
7571             return FALSE;
7572          }
7573          unlink(eps_fname);
7575          sprintf(cmd, tmpSvgToSvgCmd, sk_fname, svg_fname);
7576          if (!ExecuteCmd(cmd, FALSE)) {
7577             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_EXEC_FORMAT_NOT_GEN),
7578                   cmd, output_type);
7579             if (PRTGIF) {
7580                fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
7581             } else {
7582                Msg(gszMsgBox);
7583             }
7584             unlink(sk_fname);
7585             unlink(tmpFile);
7586             return FALSE;
7587          }
7588          unlink(sk_fname);
7590          if (!FixUpSVGFile(svg_fname, ps_file)) {
7591             unlink(svg_fname);
7592             unlink(tmpFile);
7593             return FALSE;
7594          }
7595          unlink(svg_fname);
7596          /* at this point, ps_file contains the full path to the SVG file */
7597       } else {
7598          if (!CopyAFile(tmpFile, (PRTGIF && cmdLineStdOut) ? NULL : ps_file,
7599                psUseShortHand)) {
7600             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FORMAT_FILE_NOT_GENERATED),
7601                   output_type);
7602             if (PRTGIF) {
7603                fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
7604             } else {
7605                Msg(gszMsgBox);
7606             }
7607             unlink(tmpFile);
7608             return FALSE;
7609          }
7610       }
7611       if (tmpFileMode != 0 && chmod(ps_file, tmpFileMode)) {
7612          if (PRTGIF) {
7613             fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_CHMOD), ps_file,
7614                   tmpFileMode);
7615             fprintf(stderr, "\n");
7616          } else {
7617             if (short_name && *outputDir=='\0') {
7618                sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_CHMOD), rest,
7619                      tmpFileMode);
7620             } else {
7621                sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_CHMOD), ps_file,
7622                      tmpFileMode);
7623             }
7624             MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
7625          }
7626       }
7627       if (PRTGIF) {
7628          if (!cmdLineStdOut && !cmdLineQuiet) {
7629             fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_FORMAT_FILE_PRINTED_INTO),
7630                   output_type, ps_file);
7631             fprintf(stderr, "\n");
7632          }
7633       } else {
7634          if (short_name && *outputDir=='\0') {
7635             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FORMAT_FILE_PRINTED_INTO),
7636                   output_type, rest);
7637          } else {
7638             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FORMAT_FILE_PRINTED_INTO),
7639                   output_type, ps_file);
7640          }
7641          Msg(gszMsgBox);
7642       }
7643       break;
7644    case TEXT_FILE:
7645       if (PRTGIF) {
7646          SetOutputFileName(ps_file, TEXT_FILE_EXT, NULL, &FileName);
7647       } else {
7648          if (!curFileDefined) {
7649             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_NO_CUR_FILE_CANNOT_GEN_TEXT));
7650             MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
7651             unlink(tmpFile);
7652             return FALSE;
7653          }
7654          SetOutputFileName(ps_file, TEXT_FILE_EXT, &short_name, &rest);
7655          if (short_name && *outputDir=='\0') {
7656             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_PRINTING_INTO_NAMED_FILE),
7657                   rest);
7658          } else {
7659             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_PRINTING_INTO_NAMED_FILE),
7660                   ps_file);
7661          }
7662          Msg(gszMsgBox);
7663       }
7664       if (!CopyAFile(tmpFile, (PRTGIF && cmdLineStdOut) ? NULL : ps_file,
7665             FALSE)) {
7666          if (PRTGIF) {
7667             fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", TgLoadString(STID_TEXT_OUTPUT_NOT_GEN));
7668          } else {
7669             Msg(TgLoadString(STID_TEXT_OUTPUT_NOT_GEN));
7670          }
7671          unlink(tmpFile);
7672          return FALSE;
7673       }
7674       if (tmpFileMode != 0 && chmod(ps_file, tmpFileMode)) {
7675          if (PRTGIF) {
7676             fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_CHMOD), ps_file,
7677                   tmpFileMode);
7678          } else {
7679             if (short_name && *outputDir=='\0') {
7680                sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_CHMOD), rest,
7681                      tmpFileMode);
7682             } else {
7683                sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_CHMOD), ps_file,
7684                      tmpFileMode);
7685             }
7686             MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
7687          }
7688       }
7689       if (PRTGIF) {
7690          if (!cmdLineStdOut && !cmdLineQuiet) {
7691             fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_TEXT_PRINTED_INTO_NAMED_FILE),
7692                   ps_file);
7693             fprintf(stderr, "\n");
7694          }
7695       } else {
7696          if (short_name && *outputDir=='\0') {
7697             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_TEXT_PRINTED_INTO_NAMED_FILE),
7698                   rest);
7699          } else {
7700             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_TEXT_PRINTED_INTO_NAMED_FILE),
7701                   ps_file);
7702          }
7703          Msg(gszMsgBox);
7704       }
7705       break;
7706    default:
7707       /*
7708        * whereToPrint >= MAXDEFWHERETOPRINT or whereToPrint == NETLIST_FILE
7709        */
7710       if (PRTGIF) {
7711          SetOutputFileName(ps_file, GetExportExt(whereToPrint), NULL,
7712                &FileName);
7713       } else {
7714          if (!curFileDefined) {
7715             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_NO_CUR_FILE_CANNOT_GEN_FORMAT),
7716                   GetExportName(whereToPrint, EXPORT_THIS));
7717             MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
7718             unlink(tmpFile);
7719             return FALSE;
7720          }
7721          SetOutputFileName(ps_file, GetExportExt(whereToPrint), &short_name,
7722                &rest);
7723          if (short_name && *outputDir=='\0') {
7724             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_PRINTING_INTO_NAMED_FILE),
7725                   rest);
7726          } else {
7727             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_PRINTING_INTO_NAMED_FILE),
7728                   ps_file);
7729          }
7730          Msg(gszMsgBox);
7731       }
7732       if (!CopyAFile(tmpFile, (PRTGIF && cmdLineStdOut) ? NULL : ps_file,
7733             FALSE)) {
7734          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FORMAT_FILE_NOT_GENERATED),
7735                GetExportName(whereToPrint, EXPORT_THIS));
7736          if (PRTGIF) {
7737             fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
7738          } else {
7739             Msg(gszMsgBox);
7740          }
7741          unlink(tmpFile);
7742          return FALSE;
7743       }
7744       if (tmpFileMode != 0 && chmod(ps_file, tmpFileMode)) {
7745          if (PRTGIF) {
7746             fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_CHMOD), ps_file,
7747                   tmpFileMode);
7748          } else {
7749             if (short_name && *outputDir=='\0') {
7750                sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_CHMOD), rest,
7751                      tmpFileMode);
7752             } else {
7753                sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_CHMOD), ps_file,
7754                      tmpFileMode);
7755             }
7756             MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
7757          }
7758       }
7759       if (PRTGIF) {
7760          if (!cmdLineStdOut && !cmdLineQuiet) {
7761             fprintf(stderr, TgLoadString(STID_FORMAT_FILE_PRINTED_INTO),
7762                   GetExportName(whereToPrint, EXPORT_THIS), ps_file);
7763             fprintf(stderr, "\n");
7764          }
7765       } else {
7766          if (short_name && *outputDir=='\0') {
7767             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FORMAT_FILE_PRINTED_INTO),
7768                   GetExportName(whereToPrint, EXPORT_THIS), rest);
7769          } else {
7770             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_FORMAT_FILE_PRINTED_INTO),
7771                   GetExportName(whereToPrint, EXPORT_THIS), ps_file);
7772          }
7773          Msg(gszMsgBox);
7774       }
7775       break;
7776    }
7777 #ifdef KEEP_WHEN_PRINT
7778    if (whereToPrint != PRINTER) {
7779       unlink(tmpFile);
7780    }
7781 #else
7782    unlink(tmpFile);
7783 #endif
7784    return TRUE;
7785 }
7787 static
GenDump(FileName)7788 int GenDump(FileName)
7789    char *FileName;
7790 {
7791    int rc=INVALID, saved_where_to_print=whereToPrint;
7792    static int saved_dont_condense=INVALID;
7794    if (preDumpSetup) {
7795       CleanUpPropagatedEPSInfo();
7796       saved_dont_condense = dontCondense;
7797       hasReadHexString = FALSE;
7798    }
7799    xpmHasTooManyColorsForPrinting = FALSE;
7800    if (whereToPrint == TIFFEPSI_FILE) {
7801       whereToPrint = EPSI_FILE;
7802       generateTiffEPSI = TRUE;
7803    }
7804    SaveStatusStrings();
7805    rc = DoGenDump(FileName);
7806    RestoreStatusStrings();
7807    if (saved_where_to_print == TIFFEPSI_FILE) {
7808       whereToPrint = TIFFEPSI_FILE;
7809       generateTiffEPSI = FALSE;
7810    }
7811    if (preDumpSetup && hasReadHexString) {
7812       if (!dontCondense) {
7813          strcpy(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_WONT_CONDENSE_READHEXSTRING));
7814          if (PRTGIF) {
7815             fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
7816          } else {
7817             Msg(gszMsgBox);
7818          }
7819       }
7820       dontCondense = TRUE;
7821    }
7822    if (!preDumpSetup && xpmHasTooManyColorsForPrinting) {
7824             INFO_MB);
7825    }
7826    if (!preDumpSetup) {
7827       if (hasReadHexString) {
7828          dontCondense = saved_dont_condense;
7829          hasReadHexString = FALSE;
7830       }
7831       CleanUpPropagatedEPSInfo();
7832    }
7833    return rc;
7834 }
Dump(FileName)7836 void Dump(FileName)
7837    char *FileName;
7838 {
7839    int ok=TRUE;
7840    struct PageRec *saved_cur_page;
7842    if ((whereToPrint == LATEX_FIG || whereToPrint == EPSI_FILE ||
7843          whereToPrint == TIFFEPSI_FILE || whereToPrint == SVG_FILE) &&
7844          pageLayoutMode == PAGE_TILE && (paperCol != 1 || paperRow != 1)) {
7845       strcpy(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_PRINT_EPS_TILED_PAGE));
7846       if (PRTGIF) {
7847          fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", gszMsgBox);
7848       } else {
7850                INFO_MB);
7851       }
7852       return;
7853    }
7854    if (PRTGIF) {
7855       RemoveFileNameExtension(FileName);
7856       if (cmdLineOneFilePerPage ||
7857             (cmdLineHasPageNum && pageLayoutMode==PAGE_STACK &&
7858             (whereToPrint==PS_FILE || whereToPrint==PDF_FILE ||
7859             whereToPrint==PRINTER))) {
7860          totalBBoxValid = FALSE;
7861          printingFirstPageNum = printingPageNum = printingLastPageNum =
7862                curPageNum;
7863          dumpOnePageInStackMode = TRUE;
7864       }
7865    } else {
7866       HighLightReverse();
7867       SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
7868       SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
7869    }
7870    totalBBoxValid = FALSE;
7871    if (whereToPrint == PRINTER || whereToPrint == PS_FILE ||
7872          whereToPrint == PDF_FILE || whereToPrint == TEXT_FILE ||
7873          whereToPrint == NETLIST_FILE || (whereToPrint >= MAXDEFWHERETOPRINT &&
7874          (GetExportFilterCapability(whereToPrint) & TGEF_CAP_MULTI_PAGE) !=
7875          0)) {
7876       if (PRTGIF && (cmdLineOneFilePerPage || (cmdLineHasPageNum &&
7877             pageLayoutMode==PAGE_STACK && (whereToPrint==PS_FILE ||
7878             whereToPrint==PDF_FILE || whereToPrint==PRINTER)))) {
7879          if (whereToPrint==PRINTER || whereToPrint==LATEX_FIG ||
7880                whereToPrint==PS_FILE || whereToPrint==PDF_FILE ||
7881                whereToPrint==EPSI_FILE || whereToPrint==TIFFEPSI_FILE ||
7882                whereToPrint==NETLIST_FILE || whereToPrint==SVG_FILE) {
7883             ResetPSInfo();
7884             CacheColorsForPrinting();
7886             ok = GenDump(FileName);
7888             DoneResetPSInfo();
7889          }
7890          if (ok) GenDump(FileName);
7891          CleanUpCachedColorsForPrinting();
7892       } else {
7893          XColor *saved_tgif_colors=tgifColors;
7895          if (printUsingRequestedColor) tgifColors = tgifRequestedColors;
7897          if (whereToPrint==PRINTER || whereToPrint==LATEX_FIG ||
7898                whereToPrint==PS_FILE || whereToPrint==PDF_FILE ||
7899                whereToPrint==EPSI_FILE || whereToPrint==TIFFEPSI_FILE ||
7900                whereToPrint==NETLIST_FILE || whereToPrint==SVG_FILE) {
7901             ResetPSInfo();
7902             CacheColorsForPrinting();
7904             printingFirstPageNum = 1;
7905             printingPageNum = 1;
7906             printingLastPageNum = lastPageNum;
7907             saved_cur_page = curPage;
7908             SaveStatusStrings();
7909             for (curPage=firstPage; ok && curPage != NULL;
7910                   curPage=curPage->next, printingPageNum++) {
7911                topObj = curPage->top;
7912                botObj = curPage->bot;
7913                sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_PREPROCESS_PAGE_OF),
7914                      printingPageNum, lastPageNum);
7915                SetStringStatus(gszMsgBox);
7916                ok = GenDump(FileName);
7917             }
7918             RestoreStatusStrings();
7919             curPage = saved_cur_page;
7920             topObj = curPage->top;
7921             botObj = curPage->bot;
7923             DoneResetPSInfo();
7924          }
7925          printingFirstPageNum = 1;
7926          printingPageNum = 1;
7927          printingLastPageNum = lastPageNum;
7928          saved_cur_page = curPage;
7929          SaveStatusStrings();
7930          for (curPage=firstPage; ok && curPage != NULL;
7931                curPage=curPage->next, printingPageNum++) {
7932             topObj = curPage->top;
7933             botObj = curPage->bot;
7934             sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_GENERATING_PAGE_OF),
7935                   printingPageNum, lastPageNum);
7936             SetStringStatus(gszMsgBox);
7937             ok = GenDump(FileName);
7938          }
7939          CleanUpCachedColorsForPrinting();
7940          RestoreStatusStrings();
7941          curPage = saved_cur_page;
7942          topObj = curPage->top;
7943          botObj = curPage->bot;
7945          if (printUsingRequestedColor) tgifColors = saved_tgif_colors;
7946       }
7947    } else {
7948       XColor *saved_tgif_colors=tgifColors;
7950       if (printUsingRequestedColor) tgifColors = tgifRequestedColors;
7952       if (whereToPrint==PRINTER || whereToPrint==LATEX_FIG ||
7953             whereToPrint==PS_FILE || whereToPrint==PDF_FILE ||
7954             whereToPrint==EPSI_FILE || whereToPrint==TIFFEPSI_FILE ||
7955             whereToPrint==SVG_FILE) {
7956          ResetPSInfo();
7957          CacheColorsForPrinting();
7959          printingFirstPageNum = 1;
7960          printingPageNum = 1;
7961          printingLastPageNum = 1;
7962          ok = GenDump(FileName);
7964          DoneResetPSInfo();
7965       }
7966       printingFirstPageNum = 1;
7967       printingPageNum = 1;
7968       printingLastPageNum = 1;
7969       if (ok) GenDump(FileName);
7970       CleanUpCachedColorsForPrinting();
7972       if (printUsingRequestedColor) tgifColors = saved_tgif_colors;
7973    }
7974    if (PRTGIF) {
7975       if (cmdLineOneFilePerPage || (cmdLineHasPageNum &&
7976             pageLayoutMode==PAGE_STACK && (whereToPrint==PS_FILE ||
7977             whereToPrint==PDF_FILE || whereToPrint==PRINTER))) {
7978          dumpOnePageInStackMode = FALSE;
7979       }
7980    } else {
7981       SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
7982       ShowCursor();
7983       HighLightForward();
7984    }
7985 }
DumpPages()7987 void DumpPages()
7988 {
7989    struct PageRec *saved_cur_page=NULL;
7990    int ok=TRUE;
7991    XColor *saved_tgif_colors=tgifColors;
7993    if (printUsingRequestedColor) tgifColors = tgifRequestedColors;
7995    SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
7996    SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
7998    ResetPSInfo();
7999    CacheColorsForPrinting();
8001    printingFirstPageNum = INVALID;
8002    printingPageNum = 1;
8003    printingLastPageNum = lastPageNum;
8004    saved_cur_page = curPage;
8005    totalBBoxValid = FALSE;
8006    SaveStatusStrings();
8007    for (curPage=firstPage; ok && curPage != NULL; curPage=curPage->next,
8008          printingPageNum++) {
8009       if (gPagesToPrintSpec.page_specified[printingPageNum-1]) {
8010          if (printingFirstPageNum == INVALID) {
8011             printingFirstPageNum = printingPageNum;
8012          }
8013          topObj = curPage->top;
8014          botObj = curPage->bot;
8015          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_PREPROCESS_PAGE_OF),
8016                printingPageNum, lastPageNum);
8017          SetStringStatus(gszMsgBox);
8018          ok = GenDump("");
8019       }
8020    }
8021    RestoreStatusStrings();
8022    curPage = saved_cur_page;
8023    topObj = curPage->top;
8024    botObj = curPage->bot;
8026    DoneResetPSInfo();
8028    dumpPages = TRUE;
8029    dumpPageNum = 0;
8030    printingFirstPageNum = INVALID;
8031    printingPageNum = 1;
8032    printingLastPageNum = lastPageNum;
8033    saved_cur_page = curPage;
8034    totalBBoxValid = FALSE;
8035    SaveStatusStrings();
8036    for (curPage=firstPage; ok && curPage != NULL; curPage=curPage->next,
8037          printingPageNum++) {
8038       if (gPagesToPrintSpec.page_specified[printingPageNum-1]) {
8039          if (printingFirstPageNum == INVALID) {
8040             printingFirstPageNum = printingPageNum;
8041          }
8042          dumpPageNum++;
8043          topObj = curPage->top;
8044          botObj = curPage->bot;
8045          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_GENERATING_PAGE_OF),
8046                printingPageNum, lastPageNum);
8047          SetStringStatus(gszMsgBox);
8048          ok = GenDump("");
8049       }
8050    }
8051    CleanUpCachedColorsForPrinting();
8052    RestoreStatusStrings();
8053    curPage = saved_cur_page;
8054    topObj = curPage->top;
8055    botObj = curPage->bot;
8057    dumpPages = FALSE;
8058    dumpPageNum = INVALID;
8060    SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
8061    ShowCursor();
8063    if (printUsingRequestedColor) tgifColors = saved_tgif_colors;
8064 }
DumpOnePageInTileMode(row,col)8066 void DumpOnePageInTileMode(row, col)
8067    int row, col;
8068 {
8069    int ok=TRUE;
8070    XColor *saved_tgif_colors=tgifColors;
8072    if (printUsingRequestedColor) tgifColors = tgifRequestedColors;
8074    SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
8075    SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
8077    totalBBoxValid = FALSE;
8078    printingFirstPageNum = printingPageNum = printingLastPageNum =
8079          row*paperCol+col+1;
8080    dumpOnePageInTileMode = TRUE;
8081    if (whereToPrint==PRINTER || whereToPrint==LATEX_FIG ||
8082          whereToPrint==PS_FILE || whereToPrint==PDF_FILE ||
8083          whereToPrint==EPSI_FILE || whereToPrint==TIFFEPSI_FILE ||
8084          whereToPrint==SVG_FILE) {
8085       ResetPSInfo();
8086       CacheColorsForPrinting();
8087       ok = GenDump("");
8088       DoneResetPSInfo();
8089    }
8090    if (ok) GenDump("");
8091    CleanUpCachedColorsForPrinting();
8092    dumpOnePageInTileMode = FALSE;
8094    SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
8095    ShowCursor();
8097    if (printUsingRequestedColor) tgifColors = saved_tgif_colors;
8098 }
DumpOnePageInStackMode()8100 void DumpOnePageInStackMode()
8101 {
8102    int ok=TRUE;
8103    XColor *saved_tgif_colors=tgifColors;
8105    if (printUsingRequestedColor) tgifColors = tgifRequestedColors;
8107    SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
8108    SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
8110    totalBBoxValid = FALSE;
8111    printingFirstPageNum = printingPageNum = printingLastPageNum = curPageNum;
8112    dumpOnePageInStackMode = TRUE;
8113    if (whereToPrint==PRINTER || whereToPrint==LATEX_FIG ||
8114          whereToPrint==PS_FILE || whereToPrint==PDF_FILE ||
8115          whereToPrint==EPSI_FILE || whereToPrint==TIFFEPSI_FILE ||
8116          whereToPrint==SVG_FILE) {
8117       ResetPSInfo();
8118       CacheColorsForPrinting();
8119       ok = GenDump("");
8120       DoneResetPSInfo();
8121    }
8122    if (ok) GenDump("");
8123    CleanUpCachedColorsForPrinting();
8124    dumpOnePageInStackMode = FALSE;
8126    SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
8127    ShowCursor();
8129    if (printUsingRequestedColor) tgifColors = saved_tgif_colors;
8130 }
DumpOneFilePerPage()8132 void DumpOneFilePerPage()
8133 {
8134    int ok=TRUE, saved_cur_page_num=curPageNum;
8135    XColor *saved_tgif_colors=tgifColors;
8137    if (printUsingRequestedColor) tgifColors = tgifRequestedColors;
8139    SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
8140    SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
8142    dumpOneFilePerPage = TRUE;
8143    dumpOnePageInStackMode = TRUE;
8144    for (curPageNum=1; ok && curPageNum <= lastPageNum; curPageNum++) {
8145       totalBBoxValid = FALSE;
8146       GotoPageNum(curPageNum);
8147       ShowPage();
8148       XSync(mainDisplay, False);
8150       printingFirstPageNum = printingPageNum = printingLastPageNum = curPageNum;
8151       if (gPagesToPrintSpec.page_specified[curPageNum-1]) {
8152          if (whereToPrint==LATEX_FIG || whereToPrint==PS_FILE ||
8153                whereToPrint==PDF_FILE || whereToPrint==EPSI_FILE ||
8154                whereToPrint==TIFFEPSI_FILE || whereToPrint==SVG_FILE) {
8155             ResetPSInfo();
8156             CacheColorsForPrinting();
8157             ok = GenDump("");
8158             DoneResetPSInfo();
8159             if (ok) ok = GenDump("");
8160             CleanUpCachedColorsForPrinting();
8161          } else {
8162             ok = GenDump("");
8163          }
8164       }
8165    }
8166    dumpOnePageInStackMode = FALSE;
8167    dumpOneFilePerPage = FALSE;
8169    SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
8170    ShowCursor();
8172    if (printUsingRequestedColor) tgifColors = saved_tgif_colors;
8174    if (!ok && curPageNum <= lastPageNum) {
8175       if (curPageNum == lastPageNum) {
8176          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_GIVEN_PAGE_NOT_GENERATED),
8177                lastPageNum);
8178       } else {
8179          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_PAGE_RANGE_NOT_GENERATED),
8180                curPageNum, lastPageNum);
8181       }
8182       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
8183    }
8184    if (saved_cur_page_num != curPageNum) {
8185       GotoPageNum(saved_cur_page_num);
8186       ClearAndRedrawDrawWindow();
8187       ShowPage();
8188    }
8189 }
PrintWithCommand(FileName)8191 void PrintWithCommand(FileName)
8192    char *FileName;
8193 {
8194    struct PageRec *saved_cur_page=NULL;
8195    int ok=TRUE;
8196    XColor *saved_tgif_colors=tgifColors;
8198    if (whereToPrint != PRINTER) {
8200       return;
8201    }
8202    Dialog(TgLoadString(STID_ENTER_PRINT_CMD_NAME),
8203          TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_DLG_ACCEPT_CANCEL), printCommand);
8204    if (*printCommand == '\0') return;
8206    if (printUsingRequestedColor) tgifColors = tgifRequestedColors;
8208    SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
8209    SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
8211    if (whereToPrint==PRINTER || whereToPrint==LATEX_FIG ||
8212          whereToPrint==PS_FILE || whereToPrint==PDF_FILE ||
8213          whereToPrint==EPSI_FILE || whereToPrint==TIFFEPSI_FILE ||
8214          whereToPrint==SVG_FILE) {
8215       ResetPSInfo();
8216       CacheColorsForPrinting();
8218       printingPageNum = 1;
8219       printingLastPageNum = lastPageNum;
8220       saved_cur_page = curPage;
8221       totalBBoxValid = FALSE;
8222       SaveStatusStrings();
8223       for (curPage=firstPage; ok && curPage != NULL; curPage=curPage->next,
8224             printingPageNum++) {
8225          topObj = curPage->top;
8226          botObj = curPage->bot;
8227          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_PREPROCESS_PAGE_OF),
8228                printingPageNum, lastPageNum);
8229          SetStringStatus(gszMsgBox);
8230          ok = GenDump(FileName);
8231       }
8232       RestoreStatusStrings();
8233       curPage = saved_cur_page;
8234       topObj = curPage->top;
8235       botObj = curPage->bot;
8237       DoneResetPSInfo();
8238    }
8239    printingPageNum = 1;
8240    printingLastPageNum = lastPageNum;
8241    saved_cur_page = curPage;
8242    totalBBoxValid = FALSE;
8243    SaveStatusStrings();
8244    for (curPage=firstPage; ok && curPage != NULL; curPage=curPage->next,
8245          printingPageNum++) {
8246       topObj = curPage->top;
8247       botObj = curPage->bot;
8248       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_GENERATING_PAGE_OF), printingPageNum,
8249             lastPageNum);
8250       SetStringStatus(gszMsgBox);
8251       ok = GenDump(FileName);
8252    }
8253    CleanUpCachedColorsForPrinting();
8254    RestoreStatusStrings();
8255    curPage = saved_cur_page;
8256    topObj = curPage->top;
8257    botObj = curPage->bot;
8259    SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
8260    ShowCursor();
8262    if (printUsingRequestedColor) tgifColors = saved_tgif_colors;
8263 }
PrintSelectedObjs()8265 void PrintSelectedObjs()
8266 {
8267    struct SelRec *top_sel_ptr, *bot_sel_ptr, *sel_ptr, *next_sel;
8268    struct ObjRec *saved_top_obj, *saved_bot_obj, *obj_ptr;
8270    if (topSel == NULL) {
8272             INFO_MB);
8273       return;
8274    }
8275    HighLightReverse();
8276    PushPageInfo();
8277    saved_top_obj = topObj;
8278    saved_bot_obj = botObj;
8280    JustDupSelObj(&top_sel_ptr, &bot_sel_ptr);
8281    curPage->top = topObj = top_sel_ptr->obj;
8282    curPage->bot = botObj = bot_sel_ptr->obj;
8283    for (sel_ptr=topSel, obj_ptr=topObj; obj_ptr!=NULL;
8284          sel_ptr=sel_ptr->next, obj_ptr=obj_ptr->next) {
8285       CopyObjId(sel_ptr->obj, obj_ptr);
8286       CopyObjLocks(sel_ptr->obj, obj_ptr);
8287    }
8289    if (pageLayoutMode == PAGE_STACK) {
8290       DumpOnePageInStackMode();
8291    } else {
8292       int ok=TRUE;
8293       XColor *saved_tgif_colors=tgifColors;
8295       if (printUsingRequestedColor) tgifColors = tgifRequestedColors;
8297       printingFirstPageNum = 1;
8298       printingPageNum = 1;
8299       printingLastPageNum = 1;
8300       totalBBoxValid = FALSE;
8301       if (whereToPrint==PRINTER || whereToPrint==LATEX_FIG ||
8302             whereToPrint==PS_FILE || whereToPrint==PDF_FILE ||
8303             whereToPrint==EPSI_FILE || whereToPrint==TIFFEPSI_FILE ||
8304             whereToPrint==SVG_FILE) {
8305          ResetPSInfo();
8306          CacheColorsForPrinting();
8307          ok = GenDump("");
8308          DoneResetPSInfo();
8309       }
8310       if (ok) GenDump("");
8311       CleanUpCachedColorsForPrinting();
8313       if (printUsingRequestedColor) tgifColors = saved_tgif_colors;
8314    }
8315    DelAllObj();
8316    for (sel_ptr = top_sel_ptr; sel_ptr != NULL; sel_ptr = next_sel) {
8317       next_sel = sel_ptr->next;
8318       free(sel_ptr);
8319    }
8320    PopPageInfo();
8321    curPage->top = topObj = saved_top_obj;
8322    curPage->bot = botObj = saved_bot_obj;
8323    RedrawAnArea(botObj, selLtX-GRID_ABS_SIZE(1), selLtY-GRID_ABS_SIZE(1),
8324          selRbX+GRID_ABS_SIZE(1), selRbY+GRID_ABS_SIZE(1));
8325    HighLightForward();
8326 }
SetPrintReduction()8328 void SetPrintReduction()
8329 {
8330    float fval=(float)0;
8331    double right_margin=(double)0;
8332    char buf[MAXSTRING+1];
8334    *buf = '\0';
8336          TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_DLG_ACCEPT_CANCEL), buf);
8337    if (*buf == '\0') return;
8339    if (sscanf(buf, "%f", &fval) != 1) {
8340       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_INVALID_REDUCTION), buf);
8341       MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
8342       return;
8343    }
8344    if (rightMarginEnabled == TRUE) {
8345       right_margin = rightMargin * ((double)printMag) / ((double)100);
8346    }
8347    printMag = fval;
8348    if (UpdPageStyle(pageStyle)) {
8349       UpdDrawWinBBox();
8350       AdjSplineVs();
8351       ClearAndRedrawDrawWindow();
8352    }
8353    if (rightMarginEnabled == TRUE) {
8354       rightMargin = right_margin * ((double)100) / ((double)printMag);
8355    }
8356    RedrawScrollBars();
8357    RedrawRulers();
8358    RedrawTitleWindow();
8359    SetFileModified(TRUE);
8361    FormatFloat(&printMag, buf);
8362    if (printMag <= 100.0) {
8363       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_NEW_REDUCTION_IS_PERCENT), buf);
8364    } else {
8365       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_NEW_ENLARGEMENT_IS_PERCENT), buf);
8366    }
8367    Msg(gszMsgBox);
8368 }
8370 static
DoNewProc(clear_all_wb)8371 void DoNewProc(clear_all_wb)
8372    int clear_all_wb;
8373 {
8374    if (!gstWBInfo.do_whiteboard) {
8375       CleanUpCmds();
8376    }
8377    CleanUpDrawingWindow();
8378    ClearFileInfo(TRUE);
8379    ClearAndRedrawDrawWindow();
8381    CheckFileAttrsInLoad();
8383    Msg(TgLoadString(STID_EDITING_NO_FILE));
8384    if (gstWBInfo.do_whiteboard) {
8385       if (clear_all_wb) {
8386          RecordWBClearAll();
8387       }
8388    } else {
8389       objId = 0;
8390    }
8391    RedrawTitleWindow();
8392    DelAllPages();
8393    lastPageNum = 1;
8394    InitPage();
8395    ShowPage();
8397    rightMargin = defRightMargin;
8398    rightMarginEnabled = defRightMarginEnabled;
8399    rightMarginActive = (rightMarginEnabled == TRUE);
8400    RedrawHRulerWindow();
8401 }
NewProc()8403 void NewProc()
8404 {
8405    if (gstWBInfo.do_whiteboard) {
8406       XBell(mainDisplay, 0);
8407       if (MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_OK_TO_CLEAR_WHITEBOARD), TOOL_NAME,
8408             YNC_MB) != MB_ID_YES) {
8409          return;
8410       }
8411       TieLooseEnds();
8412       SetFileModified(FALSE);
8413    } else {
8414       while (!DirIsRemote(curDir) && fileModified && !IsFiletUnSavable()) {
8415          XBell(mainDisplay, 0);
8416          switch (MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_FILE_MOD_SAVE_BEFORE_CLEAR),
8417                TOOL_NAME, YNC_MB)) {
8418          case MB_ID_YES: SaveFile(); break;
8419          case MB_ID_NO: TieLooseEnds(); SetFileModified(FALSE); break;
8420          case MB_ID_CANCEL: return;
8421          }
8422       }
8423       if (!DirIsRemote(curDir) && fileModified && IsFiletUnSavable()) {
8424          TieLooseEnds();
8425          SetFileModified(FALSE);
8426       }
8427    }
8428    if (inHyperSpace && !inSlideShow) ToggleHyperSpace(FALSE);
8430    DoNewProc(TRUE);
8431 }
BeforeOpenURL(pn_do_not_save)8433 int BeforeOpenURL(pn_do_not_save)
8434    int *pn_do_not_save;
8435 {
8436    int do_not_save=FALSE;
8438    if (inSlideShow) {
8439       XBell(mainDisplay, 0);
8441       return FALSE;
8442    } else if (gstWBInfo.do_whiteboard) {
8443       XBell(mainDisplay, 0);
8444       if (MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_OK_TO_CLEAR_WHITEBOARD), TOOL_NAME,
8445             YNC_MB) != MB_ID_YES) {
8446          return FALSE;
8447       }
8448    } else {
8449       while (!DirIsRemote(curDir) && fileModified && !IsFiletUnSavable()) {
8450          XBell(mainDisplay, 0);
8451          switch (MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_FILE_MOD_SAVE_BEFORE_OPEN), TOOL_NAME,
8452                YNC_MB)) {
8453          case MB_ID_YES: SaveFile(); break;
8454          case MB_ID_NO: do_not_save = TRUE; SetFileModified(FALSE); break;
8455          case MB_ID_CANCEL: return FALSE;
8456          }
8457       }
8458       if (!DirIsRemote(curDir) && fileModified && IsFiletUnSavable()) {
8459          do_not_save = TRUE;
8460          SetFileModified(FALSE);
8461       }
8462    }
8463    if (pn_do_not_save != NULL) *pn_do_not_save = do_not_save;
8465    return TRUE;
8466 }
OpenURL(file_name,do_not_save,pn_need_to_check_auto_exec)8468 void OpenURL(file_name, do_not_save, pn_need_to_check_auto_exec)
8469    char *file_name;
8470    int do_not_save, *pn_need_to_check_auto_exec;
8471 {
8472    int need_to_check_auto_exec=FALSE;
8474    if (gstWBInfo.do_whiteboard) {
8475       DoNewProc(FALSE);
8476    }
8477    SetWatchCursor(drawWindow);
8478    SetWatchCursor(mainWindow);
8480    if (FileIsRemote(file_name)) {
8481       char remote_fname[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
8482       char *page_spec=NULL;
8484       if (!FormNewFileName(curDir, file_name, NULL, remote_fname,
8485             &page_spec)) {
8486          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_INVALID_REMOTE_FNAME),
8487                file_name);
8488          MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
8489          if (do_not_save) SetFileModified(TRUE);
8490       } else {
8491          char *buf=NULL, *content_type=NULL, final_url[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
8492          int rc, buf_sz=0, is_html=FALSE;
8494          *final_url = '\0';
8495          SaveStatusStrings();
8496          rc = LoadRemoteFileInMem(remote_fname, &buf, &content_type,
8497                &buf_sz, &is_html, TRUE, final_url, sizeof(final_url));
8498          RestoreStatusStrings();
8499          if (rc && buf != NULL) {
8500             if (*final_url != '\0') {
8501                UtilStrCpyN(remote_fname, sizeof(remote_fname), final_url);
8502             }
8503             if (LoadRemoteFileFromMem(remote_fname, buf, content_type,
8504                   buf_sz, is_html)) {
8505                need_to_check_auto_exec = TRUE;
8506             }
8507          } else if (do_not_save) {
8508             SetFileModified(TRUE);
8509          }
8510          if (content_type != NULL) FreeRemoteBuf(content_type);
8511          if (buf != NULL) FreeRemoteBuf(buf);
8512          if (page_spec != NULL) {
8513             int new_page_num=(-1);
8515             need_to_check_auto_exec = FALSE;
8516             if (!GetPageNumFromPageSpec(page_spec, &new_page_num)) {
8517                sprintf(gszMsgBox,
8518                      TgLoadString(STID_INVALID_PAGE_SPECIFIED_FOR),
8519                      file_name);
8520                MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
8521             } else if (new_page_num != curPageNum) {
8522                BeforeNavigate();
8523                GotoPageNum(new_page_num);
8524                ShowPage();
8525                ClearAndRedrawDrawWindow();
8526                RedrawTitleWindow();
8527                RedrawRulers();
8528                RedrawScrollBars();
8529                justDupped = FALSE;
8530             }
8531          }
8532       }
8533       if (page_spec != NULL) free(page_spec);
8534    } else {
8535       int gzipped=FALSE, obj_file=FALSE;
8537       obj_file = FileNameHasExtension(file_name, OBJ_FILE_TYPE, &gzipped,
8538             NULL);
8539       if (!LoadFile(file_name, obj_file, obj_file && gzipped)) {
8540          if (do_not_save) {
8541             SetFileModified(TRUE);
8542          }
8543       } else {
8544          need_to_check_auto_exec = TRUE;
8545       }
8546    }
8547    SetDefaultCursor(mainWindow);
8548    ShowCursor();
8549    if (gstWBInfo.do_whiteboard && (topObj != NULL || tgifObj->fattr != NULL)) {
8550 #ifdef _TGIF_WB2_NO_DELAY_BUG
8551       sleep(1);
8552 #endif /* ~_TGIF_WB2_NO_DELAY_BUG */
8553       /*
8554        * In slideshow mode, SelAllObj() will *not* select anything!
8555        * Since we really want the objects to be selected (because
8556        *         we want to record them), we must set ignore_slideshow
8557        *         to TRUE when we call SelAllObj().
8558        */
8559       if (tgifObj->fattr != NULL) {
8560          StartCompositeCmd();
8561       }
8562       if (topObj != NULL) {
8563          SelAllObj(FALSE, TRUE);
8564          PrepareToRecord(CMD_NEW, NULL, NULL, 0);
8565          RecordCmd(CMD_NEW, NULL, topSel, botSel, numObjSelected);
8566          RemoveAllSel();
8567       }
8568       if (tgifObj->fattr != NULL) {
8569          struct AttrRec *saved_fattr=tgifObj->fattr;
8570          struct AttrRec *saved_lattr=tgifObj->lattr;
8572          tgifObj->fattr = tgifObj->lattr = NULL;
8574          AddObj(NULL, topObj, tgifObj);
8575          AddNewSelObj(topObj);
8576          PrepareToReplaceAnObj(tgifObj);
8578          tgifObj->fattr = saved_fattr;
8579          tgifObj->lattr = saved_lattr;
8581          recordCmdIncludeTgifObj = TRUE;
8582          RecordReplaceAnObj(tgifObj);
8583          recordCmdIncludeTgifObj = FALSE;
8585          UnlinkObj(topObj);
8586          FreeTopSel();
8588          EndCompositeCmd();
8589       }
8590    }
8591    if (pn_need_to_check_auto_exec != NULL) {
8592       *pn_need_to_check_auto_exec = need_to_check_auto_exec;
8593    }
8594 }
AfterOpenURL(need_to_check_auto_exec)8596 void AfterOpenURL(need_to_check_auto_exec)
8597    int need_to_check_auto_exec;
8598 {
8599    if (need_to_check_auto_exec) {
8600       struct AttrRec *exec_attr=FindFileAttrWithName("auto_exec=");
8602       if (exec_attr != NULL) {
8603          DoExecLoop(NULL, exec_attr);
8604       }
8605    }
8606 }
OpenProc(psz_fname_spec)8608 void OpenProc(psz_fname_spec)
8609    char *psz_fname_spec;
8610 {
8611    char file_name[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
8612    int do_not_save=FALSE, need_to_check_auto_exec=FALSE;
8614    if (!BeforeOpenURL(&do_not_save)) {
8615       return;
8616    }
8617    if (psz_fname_spec != NULL && strcmp(psz_fname_spec, "-1") != 0) {
8618       int len=strlen(psz_fname_spec);
8619       char new_full_name[MAXPATHLENGTH<<2];
8621       if (len > 0 && psz_fname_spec[len-1] == ')') {
8622          psz_fname_spec[len-1] = '\0';
8623          UtilStrCpyN(file_name, sizeof(file_name), psz_fname_spec);
8624          psz_fname_spec[len-1] = ')';
8625       } else {
8626          UtilStrCpyN(file_name, sizeof(file_name), psz_fname_spec);
8627       }
8628       if (FileIsRemote(file_name)) {
8629          OpenURL(file_name, do_not_save, &need_to_check_auto_exec);
8630       } else {
8631          if (*file_name == DIR_SEP) {
8632             strcpy(new_full_name, file_name);
8633          } else if (curDirIsLocal) {
8634             sprintf(new_full_name, "%s%c%s", curDir, DIR_SEP, file_name);
8635          } else {
8636             sprintf(new_full_name, "%s%c%s", curLocalDir, DIR_SEP, file_name);
8637          }
8638          OpenURL(new_full_name, do_not_save, &need_to_check_auto_exec);
8639       }
8640    } else {
8641       if (SelectFileName(TgLoadString(STID_SELECT_A_FILE_TO_OPEN), file_name) !=
8642             INVALID) {
8643          OpenURL(file_name, do_not_save, &need_to_check_auto_exec);
8644       } else if (do_not_save) {
8645          SetFileModified(TRUE);
8646       }
8647    }
8648    AfterOpenURL(need_to_check_auto_exec);
8649 }
SetTemplate()8651 void SetTemplate()
8652 {
8653    char file_name[MAXPATHLENGTH+1], *rest=NULL;
8654    int short_name, rc;
8655    FILE *fp=NULL;
8656    struct AttrRec *attr_ptr=NULL;
8657    struct SelRec *saved_top_sel=NULL, *saved_bot_sel=NULL;
8659    if (gstWBInfo.do_whiteboard) {
8660       /*
8661        * Now it's allowed.
8662        *
8663        * MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_SETTEMPLATE_IN_WB), TOOL_NAME, INFO_MB);
8664        * return;
8665        */
8666    }
8667    MakeQuiescent();
8669    if (importFromLibrary) {
8670       char name[MAXSTRING+1], path[MAXSTRING+1];
8672       if (SelectFromLibrary(TgLoadString(STID_SEL_AN_OBJ_FILE_TO_IMPORT),
8673             OBJ_FILE_EXT, name, path) == INVALID) {
8674          return;
8675       }
8676       sprintf(file_name, "%s%c%s", path, DIR_SEP, name);
8677    } else {
8678       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_SELECT_FILE_AS_TEMPLATE));
8679       if (SelectFileNameToImport(gszMsgBox, OBJ_FILE_EXT, file_name) ==
8680             INVALID) {
8681          return;
8682       } else if (FileIsRemote(file_name)) {
8684                INFO_MB);
8685          return;
8686       }
8687    }
8688    if (FileIsRemote(file_name)) {
8690             INFO_MB);
8691       return;
8692    }
8693    if ((short_name=IsPrefix(bootDir, file_name, &rest))) ++rest;
8694    if ((fp=fopen(file_name, "r")) == NULL) {
8695       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_CANNOT_OPEN_STILL_TEMPLATE),
8696             (short_name ? rest : file_name));
8697       if (MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, YNC_MB) != MB_ID_YES) {
8698          return;
8699       }
8700    } else {
8701       fclose(fp);
8702    }
8703    StartCompositeCmd();
8704    importingFile = TRUE;
8705    rc = ImportGivenFile(file_name, TRUE, TRUE);
8706    importingFile = FALSE;
8707    if (rc == BAD) {
8708       EndCompositeCmd();
8709       return;
8710    } else if (rc == FALSE) {
8711       sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_STILL_USE_AS_TEMPLATE),
8712             (short_name ? rest : file_name));
8713       if (MsgBox(gszMsgBox, TOOL_NAME, YNC_MB) != MB_ID_YES) {
8714          EndCompositeCmd();
8715          return;
8716       }
8717    }
8718    HighLightReverse();
8719    saved_top_sel = topSel;
8720    saved_bot_sel = botSel;
8721    topSel = botSel = NULL;
8722    UpdSelBBox();
8724    if ((attr_ptr=FindAttrWithName(tgifObj, "template=", NULL)) != NULL) {
8725       ReplaceAttrFirstValue(tgifObj, attr_ptr, short_name ? rest : file_name);
8726    } else {
8727       int x=tgifObj->obbox.ltx, y=tgifObj->obbox.rby;
8729       AddObj(NULL, topObj, tgifObj);
8730       UpdSelBBox();
8732       PrepareToReplaceAnObj(tgifObj);
8733       attr_ptr = AddAttrByNameAndValue(tgifObj, "template=",
8734             short_name ? rest : file_name);
8735       attr_ptr->shown = TRUE;
8736       attr_ptr->obj->color = colorIndex;
8737       if (mainDisplay != NULL) {
8738          UtilStrCpyN(attr_ptr->obj->color_str, sizeof(attr_ptr->obj->color_str),
8739                colorMenuItems[colorIndex]);
8740       }
8741       MoveObj(attr_ptr->obj, x-attr_ptr->obj->x, y-attr_ptr->obj->y);
8742       UpdTextBBox(attr_ptr->obj);
8743       AdjObjBBox(tgifObj);
8745       recordCmdIncludeTgifObj = TRUE;
8746       RecordReplaceAnObj(tgifObj);
8747       recordCmdIncludeTgifObj = FALSE;
8749       RemoveAllSel();
8750       UnlinkObj(topObj);
8751       UpdSelBBox();
8753       SetFileModified(TRUE);
8754       justDupped = FALSE;
8755    }
8756    EndCompositeCmd();
8757    sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadString(STID_TEMPLATE_SET_TO),
8758          (short_name ? rest : file_name));
8759    Msg(gszMsgBox);
8760    topSel = saved_top_sel;
8761    botSel = saved_bot_sel;
8762    UpdSelBBox();
8763    HighLightForward();
8764    SetCurChoice(curChoiceBeforeMakeQuiescent);
8765 }
8767 /* do not translate -- program constants */
8768 char * fileMenuStr[] =
8769       { "New             ^n",
8770         "Open            ^o",
8771         "Save            ^s",
8772         "SaveNew        ^#s",
8773         "Import          #p",
8774         "ImportXBitmap  ^#.",
8775         "ImportXPixmap  ^#,",
8776         "ImportEPSFile   #(",
8777         "ImportGIFFile     ",
8778         "ImportOtherFile   ",
8779         "EmbedEPSFile      ",
8780         "BrowseXBitmap     ",
8781         "BrowseXPixmap     ",
8782         "BrowseOther       ",
8783         "ChangeDomain    ^c",
8784         "Print           ^p",
8785         "PrintWithCmd    ^-",
8786         "PrintSelectedObjs ",
8787         "PrintOnePage      ",
8788         "SetExportPixelTrim",
8789         "InputPolyPts      ",
8790         "InputPolygonPts   ",
8791         "SetTemplate       ",
8792         "Solve           #s",
8793         "Simulate        #y",
8794         "Probe           #b",
8795         "Animate         ^z",
8796         "Escape          #x",
8797         "SaveSelectedAs  #~",
8798         "SaveSymInLibrary  ",
8799         "Quit            ^q",
8800         NULL
8801       };
QuitProc()8803 int QuitProc()
8804 {
8805    int do_not_save=FALSE;
8807    while (!DirIsRemote(curDir) && fileModified && !IsFiletUnSavable()) {
8808       XBell(mainDisplay, 0);
8809       switch (MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_FILE_MOD_SAVE_BEFORE_QUIT), TOOL_NAME,
8810             YNC_MB)) {
8811       case MB_ID_YES: SaveFile(); break;
8812       case MB_ID_NO: do_not_save = TRUE; SetFileModified(FALSE); break;
8813       case MB_ID_CANCEL: return INVALID;
8814       }
8815    }
8816    if (!DirIsRemote(curDir) && fileModified && IsFiletUnSavable()) {
8817       do_not_save = TRUE;
8818       SetFileModified(FALSE);
8819    }
8820    if (AncesterModified()) {
8821       switch (MsgBox(TgLoadString(STID_ANCESTER_MOD_STILL_QUIT), TOOL_NAME,
8822             YNC_MB)) {
8823       case MB_ID_YES: return FILE_QUIT;
8824       case MB_ID_NO:
8825          if (do_not_save) SetFileModified(TRUE);
8826          return INVALID;
8827       case MB_ID_CANCEL:
8828          if (do_not_save) SetFileModified(TRUE);
8829          return INVALID;
8830       }
8831    }
8832    gnQuit = TRUE;
8833    return FILE_QUIT;
8834 }
SolveProc()8836 int SolveProc()
8837 {
8838    if (!saveTmpOnReturn) return FILE_SOLVE;
8840    switch (SaveTmpFile("tmpmodel")) {
8841    case OBJ_FILE_TYPE: return FILE_SOLVE;
8842    case SYM_FILE_TYPE: return INVALID;
8843    case PIN_FILE_TYPE: return INVALID;
8844    case INVALID: return INVALID;
8845    }
8846    return INVALID;
8847 }
SimulateProc()8849 int SimulateProc()
8850 {
8851    if (!saveTmpOnReturn) return FILE_SIMULATE;
8853    switch (SaveTmpFile("tmpmodel")) {
8854    case OBJ_FILE_TYPE: return FILE_SIMULATE;
8855    case SYM_FILE_TYPE: return INVALID;
8856    case PIN_FILE_TYPE: return INVALID;
8857    case INVALID: return INVALID;
8858    }
8859    return INVALID;
8860 }
ProbeProc()8862 int ProbeProc()
8863 {
8864    if (!saveTmpOnReturn) return FILE_PROBE;
8866    switch (SaveTmpFile("tmpmodel")) {
8867    case OBJ_FILE_TYPE: return FILE_PROBE;
8868    case SYM_FILE_TYPE: return INVALID;
8869    case PIN_FILE_TYPE: return INVALID;
8870    case INVALID: return INVALID;
8871    }
8872    return INVALID;
8873 }
AnimateProc()8875 int AnimateProc()
8876 {
8877    if (!saveTmpOnReturn) return FILE_ANIMATE;
8879    switch (SaveTmpFile("tmpmodel")) {
8880    case OBJ_FILE_TYPE: return FILE_ANIMATE;
8881    case SYM_FILE_TYPE: return INVALID;
8882    case PIN_FILE_TYPE: return INVALID;
8883    case INVALID: return INVALID;
8884    }
8885    return INVALID;
8886 }
EscapeProc()8888 int EscapeProc()
8889 {
8890    return FILE_ESCAPE;
8891 }
RefreshFileMenu(menu)8893 int RefreshFileMenu(menu)
8894    TgMenu *menu;
8895 {
8896    int ok=TRUE, allow_print_pages=TRUE;
8898    /* Print/Export In Color */
8899    ok &= TgSetMenuItemCheckById(menu, CMDID_TOGGLEBWCOLORPS, colorDump);
8901    /* Print With Cmd */
8902    ok &= TgEnableMenuItemById(menu, CMDID_PRINTWITHCMD,
8903          (whereToPrint==PRINTER));
8905    /*
8906     * Print Pages - only allows PRINTER, PS_FILE, PDF_FILE, or user supplied
8907     *       export filters
8908     */
8909    if (pageLayoutMode == PAGE_TILE) {
8910       allow_print_pages = FALSE;
8911    } else {
8912       switch (whereToPrint) {
8913       case LATEX_FIG:
8914       case XBM_FILE:
8915       case TEXT_FILE:
8916       case NETLIST_FILE:
8917       case EPSI_FILE:
8918       case GIF_FILE:
8919       case HTML_FILE:
8920       case TIFFEPSI_FILE:
8921       case PNG_FILE:
8922       case JPEG_FILE:
8923       case PPM_FILE:
8924       case SVG_FILE:
8925          allow_print_pages = FALSE;
8926          break;
8927       default: break;
8928       }
8929    }
8930    ok &= TgEnableMenuItemById(menu, CMDID_PRINTPAGES, allow_print_pages);
8932    /* Print One File Per Page */
8933    ok &= TgEnableMenuItemById(menu, CMDID_PRINTONEFILEPERPAGE,
8934          (pageLayoutMode == PAGE_STACK && whereToPrint != PRINTER));
8936    return ok;
8937 }
CreateFileMenu(parent_menu,x,y,menu_info,status_str_xlated)8939 TgMenu *CreateFileMenu(parent_menu, x, y, menu_info, status_str_xlated)
8940    TgMenu *parent_menu;
8941    int x, y;
8942    TgMenuInfo *menu_info;
8943    int status_str_xlated; /* ignored, always 0 */
8944 {
8945    TgMenu *menu=TgCreateMenuFromMenuInfo(parent_menu, x, y, menu_info, FALSE);
8947    if (menu != NULL) {
8948       if (!RefreshFileMenu(menu)) {
8949          return TgDestroyMenu(menu, TRUE);
8950       }
8951       menu->refresh_proc = ((RefreshMenuFunc*)RefreshFileMenu);
8952    }
8953    return menu;
8954 }
FileMenu(X,Y,TrackMenubar)8956 int FileMenu(X, Y, TrackMenubar)
8957    int X, Y, TrackMenubar;
8958 {
8959    int rc=INVALID;
8960    TgMenu *menu=(fileMenuInfo.create_proc)(NULL, X, Y, &fileMenuInfo, INVALID);
8962    activeMenu = MENU_FILE;
8963    if (menu != NULL) {
8964       menu->track_menubar = TrackMenubar;
8966       rc = TgMenuLoop(menu);
8967       TgDestroyMenu(menu, TRUE);
8968    }
8969    return rc;
8970 }
CreateRecentFilesMenu(parent_menu,x,y,menu_info,status_str_xlated)8972 TgMenu *CreateRecentFilesMenu(parent_menu, x, y, menu_info, status_str_xlated)
8973    TgMenu *parent_menu;
8974    int x, y;
8975    TgMenuInfo *menu_info;
8976    int status_str_xlated; /* ignored, always 0 */
8977 {
8978    int i=0, count=0;
8979    TgMenu *menu=NULL;
8980    TgMenuInfo stMenuInfo;
8981    TgMenuItemInfo *item_info=NULL;
8982    KeyValInfo *pkvi=NULL;
8984    memcpy(&stMenuInfo, menu_info, sizeof(TgMenuInfo));
8985    pkvi = RecentFilesListing(&count);
8987    if (pkvi == NULL || count == 0) {
8988       count = 0;
8989       stMenuInfo.items = (TgMenuItemInfo*)malloc((1+1)*sizeof(TgMenuItemInfo));
8990       if (stMenuInfo.items == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
8991       memset(stMenuInfo.items, 0, (1+1)*sizeof(TgMenuItemInfo));
8993       item_info = stMenuInfo.items;
8994       item_info->menu_str = UtilStrDup(TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_PARANED_EMPTY));
8995       if (item_info->menu_str == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
8996       item_info->shortcut_str = NULL;
8997       item_info->status_str = UtilStrDup("");
8998       if (item_info->status_str == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
8999       item_info->submenu_info = NULL;
9000       item_info->cmdid = CMDID_RECENTLYUSEDFILES;
9001       stMenuInfo.items[1].cmdid = INVALID;
9002    } else {
9003       stMenuInfo.items = (TgMenuItemInfo*)malloc(
9004             (count+1)*sizeof(TgMenuItemInfo));
9005       if (stMenuInfo.items == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
9006       memset(stMenuInfo.items, 0, (count+1)*sizeof(TgMenuItemInfo));
9008       for (item_info=stMenuInfo.items, i=0; i < count; item_info++, i++) {
9009          sprintf(gszMsgBox, "%2d.  %s", i+1, pkvi[i].key);
9010          item_info->menu_str = UtilStrDup(gszMsgBox);
9011          if (item_info->menu_str == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
9012          item_info->shortcut_str = NULL;
9013          sprintf(gszMsgBox, TgLoadCachedString(CSTID_OPEN_FILE),
9014                pkvi[i].value);
9015          item_info->status_str = UtilStrDup(gszMsgBox);
9016          if (item_info->status_str == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
9017          item_info->submenu_info = NULL;
9018          item_info->cmdid = CMDID_RECENTLYUSEDFILES;
9019       }
9020       stMenuInfo.items[count].cmdid = INVALID;
9021    }
9022    /* the status_str has actual file names, no tralslation needed */
9023    menu = TgCreateMenuFromMenuInfo(parent_menu, x, y, &stMenuInfo, TRUE);
9024    if (count == 0) {
9025       UtilFree(stMenuInfo.items->status_str);
9026       memset(stMenuInfo.items, 0, (1+1)*sizeof(TgMenuItemInfo));
9027    } else {
9028       for (item_info=stMenuInfo.items, i=0; i < count; item_info++, i++) {
9029          UtilFree(item_info->status_str);
9030       }
9031       memset(stMenuInfo.items, 0, (count+1)*sizeof(TgMenuItemInfo));
9032    }
9033    free(stMenuInfo.items);
9034    stMenuInfo.items = NULL;
9035    if (menu != NULL) {
9036       if (count == 0) {
9037          TgEnableMenuItemByIndex(menu, 0, FALSE);
9038          menu->menuitems[0].menu_str_allocated = TRUE;
9039       } else {
9040          for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
9041             menu->menuitems[i].menu_str_allocated = TRUE;
9042          }
9043       }
9044    }
9045    FreeRecentFilesListing(pkvi, count);
9047    return menu;
9048 }
ReadFileIntoBuf(fname,pn_buf_sz)9050 char *ReadFileIntoBuf(fname, pn_buf_sz)
9051    char *fname;
9052    unsigned int *pn_buf_sz;
9053 {
9054    struct stat stat_buf;
9056    if (stat(fname, &stat_buf) == 0) {
9057       char *psz=NULL, buf[0x10000], *psz_return=NULL;
9058       FILE *fp=NULL;
9059       unsigned int bytes_to_read=0, file_size=0, bytes_read=0, total_read=0;
9061       if ((fp=fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) {
9062          FailToOpenMessage(fname, "r", NULL);
9063          return NULL;
9064       }
9065       file_size = (unsigned int)(stat_buf.st_size);
9066       psz = psz_return = (char*)malloc(file_size);
9067       if (psz_return == NULL) FailAllocMessage();
9069       bytes_to_read = min(file_size, sizeof(buf));
9070       while ((bytes_read=fread(psz, sizeof(char), bytes_to_read, fp)) > 0) {
9071          total_read += bytes_read;
9072          psz += bytes_read;
9073          file_size -= bytes_read;
9074          bytes_to_read = min(file_size, sizeof(buf));
9075          if (bytes_to_read == 0) break;
9076       }
9077       fclose(fp);
9078       if (total_read == (unsigned int)(stat_buf.st_size)) {
9079          if (pn_buf_sz != NULL) *pn_buf_sz = total_read;
9080       }
9081       return psz_return;
9082    }
9083    return NULL;
9084 }
WriteBufIntoTmpFile(buf,buf_sz,tmp_fname,tmp_fname_sz)9086 int WriteBufIntoTmpFile(buf, buf_sz, tmp_fname, tmp_fname_sz)
9087    char *buf, *tmp_fname;
9088    int buf_sz, tmp_fname_sz;
9089 {
9090    FILE *fp=NULL;
9092    if (MkTempFile(tmp_fname, tmp_fname_sz, tmpDir, TOOL_NAME) == NULL) {
9093       return FALSE;
9094    }
9095    if ((fp=fopen(tmp_fname, "w")) == NULL) {
9096       return FailToOpenMessage(tmp_fname, "w", NULL);
9097    }
9098    if ((int)fwrite(buf, sizeof(char), buf_sz, fp) != buf_sz) {
9099       fclose(fp);
9100       return FailToWriteFileMessage(tmp_fname);
9101    }
9102    fclose(fp);
9104    return TRUE;
9105 }
CleanUpFiles()9107 void CleanUpFiles()
9108 {
9109    UtilFree(gpszPsSetup);
9110    gpszPsSetup = NULL;
9112    ClearBgColorInfo(FALSE);
9113    ClearBgPixmapInfo(FALSE);
9115    CleanUpDumpInitDefaults();
9116    ClearFileInfo(TRUE);
9117    if (usePaperSizeStoredInFile) ResetOnePageSize();
9118    fileModified = FALSE;
9119 }