1 /*
2  * UFRaw - Unidentified Flying Raw converter for digital camera images
3  *
4  * dcraw_indi.c - DCRaw functions made independent
5  * Copyright 2004-2016 by Udi Fuchs
6  *
7  * based on dcraw by Dave Coffin
8  * http://www.cybercom.net/~dcoffin/
9  *
10  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13  * (at your option) any later version.
14  */
16 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include <math.h>
21 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <string.h>
24 #include <time.h>
25 #include <glib.h>
26 #include <glib/gi18n.h> /*For _(String) definition - NKBJ*/
27 #include "dcraw_api.h"
28 #include "uf_progress.h"
30 #ifdef _OPENMP
31 #include <omp.h>
32 #define uf_omp_get_thread_num() omp_get_thread_num()
33 #define uf_omp_get_num_threads() omp_get_num_threads()
34 #else
35 #define uf_omp_get_thread_num() 0
36 #define uf_omp_get_num_threads() 1
37 #endif
39 #if !defined(ushort)
40 #define ushort unsigned short
41 #endif
43 extern const double xyz_rgb[3][3];
44 extern const float d65_white[3];
46 #define CLASS
48 #define FORC(cnt) for (c=0; c < cnt; c++)
49 #define FORC3 FORC(3)
50 #define FORC4 FORC(4)
51 #define FORCC FORC(colors)
53 #define SQR(x) ((x)*(x))
54 #define LIM(x,min,max) MAX(min,MIN(x,max))
55 #define ULIM(x,y,z) ((y) < (z) ? LIM(x,y,z) : LIM(x,z,y))
56 #define CLIP(x) LIM((int)(x),0,65535)
57 #define SWAP(a,b) { a ^= b; a ^= (b ^= a); }
59 /*
60    In order to inline this calculation, I make the risky
61    assumption that all filter patterns can be described
62    by a repeating pattern of eight rows and two columns
64    Return values are either 0/1/2/3 = G/M/C/Y or 0/1/2/3 = R/G1/B/G2
65  */
66 #define FC(row,col) \
67     (int)(filters >> ((((row) << 1 & 14) + ((col) & 1)) << 1) & 3)
69 #define BAYER(row,col) \
70     image[((row) >> shrink)*iwidth + ((col) >> shrink)][FC(row,col)]
fcol_INDI(const unsigned filters,const int row,const int col,const int top_margin,const int left_margin,char xtrans[6][6])72 int CLASS fcol_INDI(const unsigned filters, const int row, const int col,
73                     const int top_margin, const int left_margin,
74                     /*const*/ char xtrans[6][6])
75 {
76     static const char filter[16][16] = {
77         { 2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 0, 3, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0 },
78         { 0, 3, 0, 2, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 3, 3, 2 },
79         { 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 3 },
80         { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2, 0, 3, 0, 1, 3, 2, 1 },
81         { 3, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 1, 3, 0, 1, 3, 0 },
82         { 2, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 3, 2, 2, 1 },
83         { 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 1 },
84         { 1, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3 },
85         { 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2, 3, 0, 2, 3, 1, 3 },
86         { 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 3, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2 },
87         { 0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 3, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2 },
88         { 2, 3, 2, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 0 },
89         { 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0 },
90         { 0, 2, 0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 1 },
91         { 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2 },
92         { 0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 3, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3 }
93     };
95     if (filters == 1) return filter[(row + top_margin) & 15][(col + left_margin) & 15];
96     if (filters == 9) return xtrans[(row + 6) % 6][(col + 6) % 6];
97     return FC(row, col);
98 }
merror(void * ptr,char * where)100 static void CLASS merror(void *ptr, char *where)
101 {
102     if (ptr) return;
103     g_error("Out of memory in %s\n", where);
104 }
hat_transform(float * temp,float * base,int st,int size,int sc)106 static void CLASS hat_transform(float *temp, float *base, int st, int size, int sc)
107 {
108     int i;
109     for (i = 0; i < sc; i++)
110         temp[i] = 2 * base[st * i] + base[st * (sc - i)] + base[st * (i + sc)];
111     for (; i + sc < size; i++)
112         temp[i] = 2 * base[st * i] + base[st * (i - sc)] + base[st * (i + sc)];
113     for (; i < size; i++)
114         temp[i] = 2 * base[st * i] + base[st * (i - sc)] + base[st * (2 * size - 2 - (i + sc))];
115 }
wavelet_denoise_INDI(ushort (* image)[4],const int black,const int iheight,const int iwidth,const int height,const int width,const int colors,const int shrink,const float pre_mul[4],const float threshold,const unsigned filters)117 void CLASS wavelet_denoise_INDI(ushort(*image)[4], const int black,
118                                 const int iheight, const int iwidth,
119                                 const int height, const int width,
120                                 const int colors, const int shrink,
121                                 const float pre_mul[4], const float threshold,
122                                 const unsigned filters)
123 {
124     float *fimg = 0, thold, mul[2], avg, diff;
125     int size, lev, hpass, lpass, row, col, nc, c, i, wlast;
126     ushort *window[4];
127     static const float noise[] =
128     { 0.8002, 0.2735, 0.1202, 0.0585, 0.0291, 0.0152, 0.0080, 0.0044 };
130 //  dcraw_message (dcraw, DCRAW_VERBOSE,_("Wavelet denoising...\n")); /*UF*/
132     /* Scaling is done somewhere else - NKBJ*/
133     size = iheight * iwidth;
134     float temp[iheight + iwidth];
135     if ((nc = colors) == 3 && filters) nc++;
136     progress(PROGRESS_WAVELET_DENOISE, -nc * 5);
137 #ifdef _OPENMP
138 #if defined(__sun) && !defined(__GNUC__)	/* Fix bug #3205673 - NKBJ */
139     #pragma omp parallel for				\
140     shared(nc,image,size,noise)				\
141     private(c,i,hpass,lev,lpass,row,col,thold,fimg,temp)
142 #else
143     #pragma omp parallel for				\
144     shared(nc,image,size)				\
145     private(c,i,hpass,lev,lpass,row,col,thold,fimg,temp)
146 #endif
147 #endif
148     FORC(nc) {			/* denoise R,G1,B,G3 individually */
149         fimg = (float *) malloc(size * 3 * sizeof * fimg);
150         for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
151             fimg[i] = 256 * sqrt(image[i][c] /*<< scale*/);
152         for (hpass = lev = 0; lev < 5; lev++) {
153             progress(PROGRESS_WAVELET_DENOISE, 1);
154             lpass = size * ((lev & 1) + 1);
155             for (row = 0; row < iheight; row++) {
156                 hat_transform(temp, fimg + hpass + row * iwidth, 1, iwidth, 1 << lev);
157                 for (col = 0; col < iwidth; col++)
158                     fimg[lpass + row * iwidth + col] = temp[col] * 0.25;
159             }
160             for (col = 0; col < iwidth; col++) {
161                 hat_transform(temp, fimg + lpass + col, iwidth, iheight, 1 << lev);
162                 for (row = 0; row < iheight; row++)
163                     fimg[lpass + row * iwidth + col] = temp[row] * 0.25;
164             }
165             thold = threshold * noise[lev];
166             for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
167                 fimg[hpass + i] -= fimg[lpass + i];
168                 if	(fimg[hpass + i] < -thold) fimg[hpass + i] += thold;
169                 else if (fimg[hpass + i] >  thold) fimg[hpass + i] -= thold;
170                 else	 fimg[hpass + i] = 0;
171                 if (hpass) fimg[i] += fimg[hpass + i];
172             }
173             hpass = lpass;
174         }
175         for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
176             image[i][c] = CLIP(SQR(fimg[i] + fimg[lpass + i]) / 0x10000);
177         free(fimg);
178     }
179     if (filters && colors == 3) {  /* pull G1 and G3 closer together */
180         for (row = 0; row < 2; row++)
181             mul[row] = 0.125 * pre_mul[FC(row + 1, 0) | 1] / pre_mul[FC(row, 0) | 1];
182         ushort window_mem[4][width];
183         for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
184             window[i] = window_mem[i]; /*(ushort *) fimg + width*i;*/
185         for (wlast = -1, row = 1; row < height - 1; row++) {
186             while (wlast < row + 1) {
187                 for (wlast++, i = 0; i < 4; i++)
188                     window[(i + 3) & 3] = window[i];
189                 for (col = FC(wlast, 1) & 1; col < width; col += 2)
190                     window[2][col] = BAYER(wlast, col);
191             }
192             thold = threshold / 512;
193             for (col = (FC(row, 0) & 1) + 1; col < width - 1; col += 2) {
194                 avg = (window[0][col - 1] + window[0][col + 1] +
195                        window[2][col - 1] + window[2][col + 1] - black * 4)
196                       * mul[row & 1] + (window[1][col] - black) * 0.5 + black;
197                 avg = avg < 0 ? 0 : sqrt(avg);
198                 diff = sqrt(BAYER(row, col)) - avg;
199                 if (diff < -thold) diff += thold;
200                 else if (diff >  thold) diff -= thold;
201                 else diff = 0;
202                 BAYER(row, col) = CLIP(SQR(avg + diff) + 0.5);
203             }
204         }
205     }
206 }
scale_colors_INDI(const int maximum,const int black,const int use_camera_wb,const float cam_mul[4],const int colors,float pre_mul[4],const unsigned filters,ushort white[8][8],const char * ifname_display,void * dcraw)208 void CLASS scale_colors_INDI(const int maximum, const int black,
209                              const int use_camera_wb, const float cam_mul[4], const int colors,
210                              float pre_mul[4], const unsigned filters, /*const*/ ushort white[8][8],
211                              const char *ifname_display, void *dcraw)
212 {
213     unsigned row, col, c, sum[8];
214     int val;
215     double dmin, dmax;
217     if (use_camera_wb && cam_mul[0] != -1) {
218         memset(sum, 0, sizeof sum);
219         for (row = 0; row < 8; row++)
220             for (col = 0; col < 8; col++) {
221                 c = FC(row, col);
222                 if ((val = white[row][col] - black) > 0)
223                     sum[c] += val;
224                 sum[c + 4]++;
225             }
226         if (sum[0] && sum[1] && sum[2] && sum[3])
227             FORC4 pre_mul[c] = (float) sum[c + 4] / sum[c];
228         else if (cam_mul[0] && cam_mul[2])
229             /* 'sizeof pre_mul' does not work because pre_mul is an argument (UF)*/
230             memcpy(pre_mul, cam_mul, 4 * sizeof(float));
231         else
232             dcraw_message(dcraw, DCRAW_NO_CAMERA_WB,
233                           _("%s: Cannot use camera white balance.\n"), ifname_display);
234     } else {
235         dcraw_message(dcraw, DCRAW_NO_CAMERA_WB,
236                       _("%s: Cannot use camera white balance.\n"), ifname_display);
237     }
238     if (pre_mul[1] == 0) pre_mul[1] = 1;
239     if (pre_mul[3] == 0) pre_mul[3] = colors < 4 ? pre_mul[1] : 1;
240     for (dmin = DBL_MAX, dmax = c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
241         if (dmin > pre_mul[c])
242             dmin = pre_mul[c];
243         if (dmax < pre_mul[c])
244             dmax = pre_mul[c];
245     }
246     FORC4 pre_mul[c] /= dmax;
247     dcraw_message(dcraw, DCRAW_VERBOSE,
248                   _("Scaling with darkness %d, saturation %d, and\nmultipliers"),
249                   black, maximum);
250     FORC4 dcraw_message(dcraw, DCRAW_VERBOSE, " %f", pre_mul[c]);
251     dcraw_message(dcraw, DCRAW_VERBOSE, "\n");
253     /* The rest of the scaling is done somewhere else UF*/
254 }
border_interpolate_INDI(const int height,const int width,ushort (* image)[4],const unsigned filters,int colors,int border,dcraw_data * h)256 void CLASS border_interpolate_INDI(const int height, const int width,
257                                    ushort(*image)[4], const unsigned filters, int colors, int border, dcraw_data *h)
258 {
259     int row, col, y, x, f, c, sum[8];
261     for (row = 0; row < height; row++)
262         for (col = 0; col < width; col++) {
263             if (col == border && row >= border && row < height - border)
264                 col = width - border;
265             memset(sum, 0, sizeof sum);
266             for (y = row - 1; y != row + 2; y++)
267                 for (x = col - 1; x != col + 2; x++)
268                     if (y >= 0 && y < height && x >= 0 && x < width) {
269                         f = fcol_INDI(filters, y, x, h->top_margin, h->left_margin, h->xtrans);
270                         sum[f] += image[y * width + x][f];
271                         sum[f + 4]++;
272                     }
273             f = fcol_INDI(filters, row, col, h->top_margin, h->left_margin, h->xtrans);
274             FORCC if (c != f && sum[c + 4])
275                 image[row * width + col][c] = sum[c] / sum[c + 4];
276         }
277 }
lin_interpolate_INDI(ushort (* image)[4],const unsigned filters,const int width,const int height,const int colors,void * dcraw,dcraw_data * h)279 void CLASS lin_interpolate_INDI(ushort(*image)[4], const unsigned filters,
280                                 const int width, const int height, const int colors, void *dcraw, dcraw_data *h) /*UF*/
281 {
282     int code[16][16][32], size = 16, *ip, sum[4];
283     int f, c, i, x, y, row, col, shift, color;
284     ushort *pix;
286     dcraw_message(dcraw, DCRAW_VERBOSE, _("Bilinear interpolation...\n")); /*UF*/
287     if (filters == 9) size = 6;
288     border_interpolate_INDI(height, width, image, filters, colors, 1, h);
289     for (row = 0; row < size; row++) {
290         for (col = 0; col < size; col++) {
291             ip = code[row][col] + 1;
292             f = fcol_INDI(filters, row, col, h->top_margin, h->left_margin, h->xtrans);
293             memset(sum, 0, sizeof sum);
294             for (y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
295                 for (x = -1; x <= 1; x++) {
296                     shift = (y == 0) + (x == 0);
297                     color = fcol_INDI(filters, row + y, col + x, h->top_margin, h->left_margin, h->xtrans);
298                     if (color == f) continue;
299                     *ip++ = (width * y + x) * 4 + color;
300                     *ip++ = shift;
301                     *ip++ = color;
302                     sum[color] += 1 << shift;
303                 }
304             code[row][col][0] = (ip - code[row][col]) / 3;
305             FORCC
306             if (c != f) {
307                 *ip++ = c;
308                 *ip++ = 256 / sum[c];
309             }
310         }
311     }
312 #ifdef _OPENMP
313     #pragma omp parallel for default(shared) private(row,col,pix,ip,sum,i)
314 #endif
315     for (row = 1; row < height - 1; row++) {
316         for (col = 1; col < width - 1; col++) {
317             pix = image[row * width + col];
318             ip = code[row % size][col % size];
319             memset(sum, 0, sizeof sum);
320             for (i = *ip++; i--; ip += 3)
321                 sum[ip[2]] += pix[ip[0]] << ip[1];
322             for (i = colors; --i; ip += 2)
323                 pix[ip[0]] = sum[ip[0]] * ip[1] >> 8;
324         }
325     }
326 }
328 /*
329    This algorithm is officially called:
331    "Interpolation using a Threshold-based variable number of gradients"
333    described in http://scien.stanford.edu/class/psych221/projects/99/tingchen/algodep/vargra.html
335    I've extended the basic idea to work with non-Bayer filter arrays.
336    Gradients are numbered clockwise from NW=0 to W=7.
337  */
vng_interpolate_INDI(ushort (* image)[4],const unsigned filters,const int width,const int height,const int colors,void * dcraw,dcraw_data * h)338 void CLASS vng_interpolate_INDI(ushort(*image)[4], const unsigned filters,
339                                 const int width, const int height, const int colors, void *dcraw, dcraw_data *h) /*UF*/
340 {
341     static const signed char *cp, terms[] = {
342         -2, -2, +0, -1, 0, 0x01, -2, -2, +0, +0, 1, 0x01, -2, -1, -1, +0, 0, 0x01,
343         -2, -1, +0, -1, 0, 0x02, -2, -1, +0, +0, 0, 0x03, -2, -1, +0, +1, 1, 0x01,
344         -2, +0, +0, -1, 0, 0x06, -2, +0, +0, +0, 1, 0x02, -2, +0, +0, +1, 0, 0x03,
345         -2, +1, -1, +0, 0, 0x04, -2, +1, +0, -1, 1, 0x04, -2, +1, +0, +0, 0, 0x06,
346         -2, +1, +0, +1, 0, 0x02, -2, +2, +0, +0, 1, 0x04, -2, +2, +0, +1, 0, 0x04,
347         -1, -2, -1, +0, 0, 0x80, -1, -2, +0, -1, 0, 0x01, -1, -2, +1, -1, 0, 0x01,
348         -1, -2, +1, +0, 1, 0x01, -1, -1, -1, +1, 0, 0x88, -1, -1, +1, -2, 0, 0x40,
349         -1, -1, +1, -1, 0, 0x22, -1, -1, +1, +0, 0, 0x33, -1, -1, +1, +1, 1, 0x11,
350         -1, +0, -1, +2, 0, 0x08, -1, +0, +0, -1, 0, 0x44, -1, +0, +0, +1, 0, 0x11,
351         -1, +0, +1, -2, 1, 0x40, -1, +0, +1, -1, 0, 0x66, -1, +0, +1, +0, 1, 0x22,
352         -1, +0, +1, +1, 0, 0x33, -1, +0, +1, +2, 1, 0x10, -1, +1, +1, -1, 1, 0x44,
353         -1, +1, +1, +0, 0, 0x66, -1, +1, +1, +1, 0, 0x22, -1, +1, +1, +2, 0, 0x10,
354         -1, +2, +0, +1, 0, 0x04, -1, +2, +1, +0, 1, 0x04, -1, +2, +1, +1, 0, 0x04,
355         +0, -2, +0, +0, 1, 0x80, +0, -1, +0, +1, 1, 0x88, +0, -1, +1, -2, 0, 0x40,
356         +0, -1, +1, +0, 0, 0x11, +0, -1, +2, -2, 0, 0x40, +0, -1, +2, -1, 0, 0x20,
357         +0, -1, +2, +0, 0, 0x30, +0, -1, +2, +1, 1, 0x10, +0, +0, +0, +2, 1, 0x08,
358         +0, +0, +2, -2, 1, 0x40, +0, +0, +2, -1, 0, 0x60, +0, +0, +2, +0, 1, 0x20,
359         +0, +0, +2, +1, 0, 0x30, +0, +0, +2, +2, 1, 0x10, +0, +1, +1, +0, 0, 0x44,
360         +0, +1, +1, +2, 0, 0x10, +0, +1, +2, -1, 1, 0x40, +0, +1, +2, +0, 0, 0x60,
361         +0, +1, +2, +1, 0, 0x20, +0, +1, +2, +2, 0, 0x10, +1, -2, +1, +0, 0, 0x80,
362         +1, -1, +1, +1, 0, 0x88, +1, +0, +1, +2, 0, 0x08, +1, +0, +2, -1, 0, 0x40,
363         +1, +0, +2, +1, 0, 0x10
364     }, chood[] = { -1, -1, -1, 0, -1, +1, 0, +1, +1, +1, +1, 0, +1, -1, 0, -1 };
365     ushort(*brow[4])[4], *pix;
366     int prow = 8, pcol = 2, *ip, *code[16][16], gval[8], gmin, gmax, sum[4];
367     int row, col, x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2, t, weight, grads, color, diag;
368     int g, diff, thold, num, c;
369     ushort rowtmp[4][width * 4];
371     lin_interpolate_INDI(image, filters, width, height, colors, dcraw, h); /*UF*/
372     dcraw_message(dcraw, DCRAW_VERBOSE, _("VNG interpolation...\n")); /*UF*/
374     if (filters == 1) prow = pcol = 16;
375     if (filters == 9) prow = pcol =  6;
376     int *ipalloc = ip = (int *) calloc(prow * pcol, 1280);
377     merror(ip, "vng_interpolate()");
378     for (row = 0; row < prow; row++)		/* Precalculate for VNG */
379         for (col = 0; col < pcol; col++) {
380             code[row][col] = ip;
381             for (cp = terms, t = 0; t < 64; t++) {
382                 y1 = *cp++;
383                 x1 = *cp++;
384                 y2 = *cp++;
385                 x2 = *cp++;
386                 weight = *cp++;
387                 grads = *cp++;
388                 color = fcol_INDI(filters, row + y1, col + x1, h->top_margin, h->left_margin, h->xtrans);
389                 if (fcol_INDI(filters, row + y2, col + x2, h->top_margin, h->left_margin, h->xtrans) != color) continue;
390                 diag = (fcol_INDI(filters, row, col + 1, h->top_margin, h->left_margin, h->xtrans) == color && fcol_INDI(filters, row + 1, col, h->top_margin, h->left_margin, h->xtrans) == color) ? 2 : 1;
391                 if (abs(y1 - y2) == diag && abs(x1 - x2) == diag) continue;
392                 *ip++ = (y1 * width + x1) * 4 + color;
393                 *ip++ = (y2 * width + x2) * 4 + color;
394                 *ip++ = weight;
395                 for (g = 0; g < 8; g++)
396                     if (grads & 1 << g) *ip++ = g;
397                 *ip++ = -1;
398             }
399             *ip++ = INT_MAX;
400             for (cp = chood, g = 0; g < 8; g++) {
401                 y = *cp++;
402                 x = *cp++;
403                 *ip++ = (y * width + x) * 4;
404                 color = fcol_INDI(filters, row, col, h->top_margin, h->left_margin, h->xtrans);
405                 if (fcol_INDI(filters, row + y, col + x, h->top_margin, h->left_margin, h->xtrans) != color && fcol_INDI(filters, row + y * 2, col + x * 2, h->top_margin, h->left_margin, h->xtrans) == color)
406                     *ip++ = (y * width + x) * 8 + color;
407                 else
408                     *ip++ = 0;
409             }
410         }
411     progress(PROGRESS_INTERPOLATE, -height);
412 #ifdef _OPENMP
413     #pragma omp parallel				\
414     shared(image,code,prow,pcol,h)			\
415     private(row,col,g,brow,rowtmp,pix,ip,gval,diff,gmin,gmax,thold,sum,color,num,c,t)
416 #endif
417     {
418         int slice = (height - 4) / uf_omp_get_num_threads();
419         int start_row = 2 + slice * uf_omp_get_thread_num();
420         int end_row = MIN(start_row + slice, height - 2);
421         for (row = start_row; row < end_row; row++) { /* Do VNG interpolation */
422             progress(PROGRESS_INTERPOLATE, 1);
423             for (g = 0; g < 4; g++)
424                 brow[g] = &rowtmp[(row + g - 2) % 4];
425             for (col = 2; col < width - 2; col++) {
426                 pix = image[row * width + col];
427                 ip = code[row % prow][col % pcol];
428                 memset(gval, 0, sizeof gval);
429                 while ((g = ip[0]) != INT_MAX) { /* Calculate gradients */
430                     diff = ABS(pix[g] - pix[ip[1]]) << ip[2];
431                     gval[ip[3]] += diff;
432                     ip += 5;
433                     if ((g = ip[-1]) == -1) continue;
434                     gval[g] += diff;
435                     while ((g = *ip++) != -1)
436                         gval[g] += diff;
437                 }
438                 ip++;
439                 gmin = gmax = gval[0]; /* Choose a threshold */
440                 for (g = 1; g < 8; g++) {
441                     if (gmin > gval[g]) gmin = gval[g];
442                     if (gmax < gval[g]) gmax = gval[g];
443                 }
444                 if (gmax == 0) {
445                     memcpy(brow[2][col], pix, sizeof * image);
446                     continue;
447                 }
448                 thold = gmin + (gmax >> 1);
449                 memset(sum, 0, sizeof sum);
450                 color = fcol_INDI(filters, row, col, h->top_margin, h->left_margin, h->xtrans);
451                 for (num = g = 0; g < 8; g++, ip += 2) { /* Average the neighbors */
452                     if (gval[g] <= thold) {
453                         FORCC
454                         if (c == color && ip[1])
455                             sum[c] += (pix[c] + pix[ip[1]]) >> 1;
456                         else
457                             sum[c] += pix[ip[0] + c];
458                         num++;
459                     }
460                 }
461                 FORCC {				/* Save to buffer */
462                     t = pix[color];
463                     if (c != color)
464                         t += (sum[c] - sum[color]) / num;
465                     brow[2][col][c] = CLIP(t);
466                 }
467             }
468             /* Write buffer to image */
469             if ((row > start_row + 1) || (row == height - 2))
470                 memcpy(image[(row - 2)*width + 2], brow[0] + 2, (width - 4)*sizeof * image);
471             if (row == height - 2) {
472                 memcpy(image[(row - 1)*width + 2], brow[1] + 2, (width - 4)*sizeof * image);
473                 break;
474             }
475         }
476     }
477     free(ipalloc);
478 }
480 /*
481    Patterned Pixel Grouping Interpolation by Alain Desbiolles
482 */
ppg_interpolate_INDI(ushort (* image)[4],const unsigned filters,const int width,const int height,const int colors,void * dcraw,dcraw_data * h)483 void CLASS ppg_interpolate_INDI(ushort(*image)[4], const unsigned filters,
484                                 const int width, const int height,
485                                 const int colors, void *dcraw, dcraw_data *h)
486 {
487     int dir[5] = { 1, width, -1, -width, 1 };
488     int row, col, diff[2] = { 0, 0 }, guess[2], c, d, i;
489     ushort(*pix)[4];
491     border_interpolate_INDI(height, width, image, filters, colors, 3, h);
492     dcraw_message(dcraw, DCRAW_VERBOSE, _("PPG interpolation...\n")); /*UF*/
494 #ifdef _OPENMP
495     #pragma omp parallel				\
496     shared(image,dir,diff)				\
497     private(row,col,i,d,c,pix,guess)
498 #endif
499     {
500         /*  Fill in the green layer with gradients and pattern recognition: */
501 #ifdef _OPENMP
502         #pragma omp for
503 #endif
504         for (row = 3; row < height - 3; row++) {
505             for (col = 3 + (FC(row, 3) & 1), c = FC(row, col); col < width - 3; col += 2) {
506                 pix = image + row * width + col;
507                 for (i = 0; (d = dir[i]) > 0; i++) {
508                     guess[i] = (pix[-d][1] + pix[0][c] + pix[d][1]) * 2
509                                - pix[-2 * d][c] - pix[2 * d][c];
510                     diff[i] = (ABS(pix[-2 * d][c] - pix[ 0][c]) +
511                                ABS(pix[ 2 * d][c] - pix[ 0][c]) +
512                                ABS(pix[  -d][1] - pix[ d][1])) * 3 +
513                               (ABS(pix[ 3 * d][1] - pix[ d][1]) +
514                                ABS(pix[-3 * d][1] - pix[-d][1])) * 2;
515                 }
516                 d = dir[i = diff[0] > diff[1]];
517                 pix[0][1] = ULIM(guess[i] >> 2, pix[d][1], pix[-d][1]);
518             }
519         }
520         /*  Calculate red and blue for each green pixel: */
521 #ifdef _OPENMP
522         #pragma omp for
523 #endif
524         for (row = 1; row < height - 1; row++) {
525             for (col = 1 + (FC(row, 2) & 1), c = FC(row, col + 1); col < width - 1; col += 2) {
526                 pix = image + row * width + col;
527                 for (i = 0; (d = dir[i]) > 0; c = 2 - c, i++)
528                     pix[0][c] = CLIP((pix[-d][c] + pix[d][c] + 2 * pix[0][1]
529                                       - pix[-d][1] - pix[d][1]) >> 1);
530             }
531         }
532         /*  Calculate blue for red pixels and vice versa: */
533 #ifdef _OPENMP
534         #pragma omp for
535 #endif
536         for (row = 1; row < height - 1; row++) {
537             for (col = 1 + (FC(row, 1) & 1), c = 2 - FC(row, col); col < width - 1; col += 2) {
538                 pix = image + row * width + col;
539                 for (i = 0; (d = dir[i] + dir[i + 1]) > 0; i++) {
540                     diff[i] = ABS(pix[-d][c] - pix[d][c]) +
541                               ABS(pix[-d][1] - pix[0][1]) +
542                               ABS(pix[ d][1] - pix[0][1]);
543                     guess[i] = pix[-d][c] + pix[d][c] + 2 * pix[0][1]
544                                - pix[-d][1] - pix[d][1];
545                 }
546                 if (diff[0] != diff[1])
547                     pix[0][c] = CLIP(guess[diff[0] > diff[1]] >> 1);
548                 else
549                     pix[0][c] = CLIP((guess[0] + guess[1]) >> 2);
550             }
551         }
552     }
553 }
cielab_INDI(ushort rgb[3],short lab[3],const int colors,const float rgb_cam[3][4])555 void CLASS cielab_INDI(ushort rgb[3], short lab[3], const int colors,
556                        const float rgb_cam[3][4])
557 {
558     int c, i, j, k;
559     float r, xyz[3];
560     static float cbrt[0x10000], xyz_cam[3][4];
562     if (!rgb) {
563         for (i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++) {
564             r = i / 65535.0;
565             cbrt[i] = r > 0.008856 ? pow(r, (float)(1 / 3.0)) : 7.787 * r + 16 / 116.0;
566         }
567         for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
568             for (j = 0; j < colors; j++)
569                 for (xyz_cam[i][j] = k = 0; k < 3; k++)
570                     xyz_cam[i][j] += xyz_rgb[i][k] * rgb_cam[k][j] / d65_white[i];
571         return;
572     }
573     xyz[0] = xyz[1] = xyz[2] = 0.5;
574     FORCC {
575         xyz[0] += xyz_cam[0][c] * rgb[c];
576         xyz[1] += xyz_cam[1][c] * rgb[c];
577         xyz[2] += xyz_cam[2][c] * rgb[c];
578     }
579     xyz[0] = cbrt[CLIP((int) xyz[0])];
580     xyz[1] = cbrt[CLIP((int) xyz[1])];
581     xyz[2] = cbrt[CLIP((int) xyz[2])];
582     lab[0] = 64 * (116 * xyz[1] - 16);
583     lab[1] = 64 * 500 * (xyz[0] - xyz[1]);
584     lab[2] = 64 * 200 * (xyz[1] - xyz[2]);
585 }
587 #define TS 512		/* Tile Size */
588 /*
589    Frank Markesteijn's algorithm for Fuji X-Trans sensors
590  */
xtrans_interpolate_INDI(ushort (* image)[4],const unsigned filters,const int width,const int height,const int colors,const float rgb_cam[3][4],void * dcraw,dcraw_data * hh,const int passes)591 void CLASS xtrans_interpolate_INDI(ushort(*image)[4], const unsigned filters,
592                                    const int width, const int height,
593                                    const int colors, const float rgb_cam[3][4],
594                                    void *dcraw, dcraw_data *hh, const int passes)
595 {
596     int c, d, f, g, h, i, v, ng, row, col, top, left, mrow, mcol;
597     int val, ndir, pass, hm[8], avg[4], color[3][8];
598     static const short orth[12] = { 1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 1 },
599     patt[2][16] = { { 0, 1, 0, -1, 2, 0, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
600         { 0, 1, 0, -2, 1, 0, -2, 0, 1, 1, -2, -2, 1, -1, -1, 1 }
601     },
602     dir[4] = { 1, TS, TS + 1, TS - 1 };
603     short allhex[3][3][2][8], *hex;
604     ushort min, max, sgrow = 0, sgcol = 0;
605     ushort(*rgb)[TS][TS][3], (*rix)[3], (*pix)[4];
606     short(*lab)    [TS][3], (*lix)[3];
607     float(*drv)[TS][TS], diff[6], tr;
608     char(*homo)[TS][TS], *buffer;
610     dcraw_message(dcraw, DCRAW_VERBOSE, _("%d-pass X-Trans interpolation...\n"), passes); /*NKBJ*/
612     cielab_INDI(0, 0, colors, rgb_cam);
613     ndir = 4 << (passes > 1);
615     /* Map a green hexagon around each non-green pixel and vice versa:      */
616     for (row = 0; row < 3; row++)
617         for (col = 0; col < 3; col++)
618             for (ng = d = 0; d < 10; d += 2) {
619                 g = fcol_INDI(filters, row, col, hh->top_margin, hh->left_margin, hh->xtrans) == 1;
620                 if (fcol_INDI(filters, row + orth[d], col + orth[d + 2], hh->top_margin, hh->left_margin, hh->xtrans) == 1) ng = 0;
621                 else ng++;
622                 if (ng == 4) {
623                     sgrow = row;
624                     sgcol = col;
625                 }
626                 if (ng == g + 1) FORC(8) {
627                     v = orth[d  ] * patt[g][c * 2] + orth[d + 1] * patt[g][c * 2 + 1];
628                     h = orth[d + 2] * patt[g][c * 2] + orth[d + 3] * patt[g][c * 2 + 1];
629                     allhex[row][col][0][c ^ (g * 2 & d)] = h + v * width;
630                     allhex[row][col][1][c ^ (g * 2 & d)] = h + v * TS;
631                 }
632             }
634     /* Set green1 and green3 to the minimum and maximum allowed values:     */
635     for (row = 2; row < height - 2; row++)
636         for (min = ~(max = 0), col = 2; col < width - 2; col++) {
637             if (fcol_INDI(filters, row, col, hh->top_margin, hh->left_margin, hh->xtrans) == 1 && (min = ~(max = 0))) continue;
638             pix = image + row * width + col;
639             hex = allhex[row % 3][col % 3][0];
640             if (!max) FORC(6) {
641                 val = pix[hex[c]][1];
642                 if (min > val) min = val;
643                 if (max < val) max = val;
644             }
645             pix[0][1] = min;
646             pix[0][3] = max;
647             switch ((row - sgrow) % 3) {
648                 case 1:
649                     if (row < height - 3) {
650                         row++;
651                         col--;
652                     }
653                     break;
654                 case 2:
655                     if ((min = ~(max = 0)) && (col += 2) < width - 3 && row > 2) row--;
656             }
657         }
660 #ifdef _OPENMP
661     #pragma omp parallel				\
662     default(shared)					\
663     private(top, left, row, col, pix, mrow, mcol, hex, color, c, pass, rix, val, d, f, g, h, i, diff, lix, tr, avg, v, buffer, rgb, lab, drv, homo, hm, max)
664 #endif
665     {
666         buffer = (char *) malloc(TS * TS * (ndir * 11 + 6));
667         merror(buffer, "xtrans_interpolate()");
668         rgb  = (ushort(*)[TS][TS][3]) buffer;
669         lab  = (short(*)    [TS][3])(buffer + TS * TS * (ndir * 6));
670         drv  = (float(*)[TS][TS])(buffer + TS * TS * (ndir * 6 + 6));
671         homo = (char(*)[TS][TS])(buffer + TS * TS * (ndir * 10 + 6));
673         progress(PROGRESS_INTERPOLATE, -height);
675 #ifdef _OPENMP
676         #pragma omp for
677 #endif
679         for (top = 3; top < height - 19; top += TS - 16) {
680             progress(PROGRESS_INTERPOLATE, TS - 16);
681             for (left = 3; left < width - 19; left += TS - 16) {
682                 mrow = MIN(top + TS, height - 3);
683                 mcol = MIN(left + TS, width - 3);
684                 for (row = top; row < mrow; row++)
685                     for (col = left; col < mcol; col++)
686                         memcpy(rgb[0][row - top][col - left], image[row * width + col], 6);
687                 FORC3 memcpy(rgb[c + 1], rgb[0], sizeof * rgb);
689                 /* Interpolate green horizontally, vertically, and along both diagonals: */
690                 for (row = top; row < mrow; row++)
691                     for (col = left; col < mcol; col++) {
692                         if ((f = fcol_INDI(filters, row, col, hh->top_margin, hh->left_margin, hh->xtrans)) == 1) continue;
693                         pix = image + row * width + col;
694                         hex = allhex[row % 3][col % 3][0];
695                         color[1][0] = 174 * (pix[  hex[1]][1] + pix[  hex[0]][1]) -
696                                       46 * (pix[2 * hex[1]][1] + pix[2 * hex[0]][1]);
697                         color[1][1] = 223 *  pix[  hex[3]][1] + pix[  hex[2]][1] * 33 +
698                                       92 * (pix[      0 ][f] - pix[ -hex[2]][f]);
699                         FORC(2) color[1][2 + c] =
700                             164 * pix[hex[4 + c]][1] + 92 * pix[-2 * hex[4 + c]][1] + 33 *
701                             (2 * pix[0][f] - pix[3 * hex[4 + c]][f] - pix[-3 * hex[4 + c]][f]);
702                         FORC4 rgb[c ^ !((row - sgrow) % 3)][row - top][col - left][1] =
703                             LIM(color[1][c] >> 8, pix[0][1], pix[0][3]);
704                     }
706                 for (pass = 0; pass < passes; pass++) {
707                     if (pass == 1)
708                         memcpy(rgb += 4, buffer, 4 * sizeof * rgb);
710                     /* Recalculate green from interpolated values of closer pixels: */
711                     if (pass) {
712                         for (row = top + 2; row < mrow - 2; row++)
713                             for (col = left + 2; col < mcol - 2; col++) {
714                                 if ((f = fcol_INDI(filters, row, col, hh->top_margin, hh->left_margin, hh->xtrans)) == 1) continue;
715                                 pix = image + row * width + col;
716                                 hex = allhex[row % 3][col % 3][1];
717                                 for (d = 3; d < 6; d++) {
718                                     rix = &rgb[(d - 2) ^ !((row - sgrow) % 3)][row - top][col - left];
719                                     val = rix[-2 * hex[d]][1] + 2 * rix[hex[d]][1]
720                                           - rix[-2 * hex[d]][f] - 2 * rix[hex[d]][f] + 3 * rix[0][f];
721                                     rix[0][1] = LIM(val / 3, pix[0][1], pix[0][3]);
722                                 }
723                             }
724                     }
726                     /* Interpolate red and blue values for solitary green pixels:   */
727                     for (row = (top - sgrow + 4) / 3 * 3 + sgrow; row < mrow - 2; row += 3)
728                         for (col = (left - sgcol + 4) / 3 * 3 + sgcol; col < mcol - 2; col += 3) {
729                             rix = &rgb[0][row - top][col - left];
730                             h = fcol_INDI(filters, row, col + 1, hh->top_margin, hh->left_margin, hh->xtrans);
731                             memset(diff, 0, sizeof diff);
732                             for (i = 1, d = 0; d < 6; d++, i ^= TS ^ 1, h ^= 2) {
733                                 for (c = 0; c < 2; c++, h ^= 2) {
734                                     g = 2 * rix[0][1] - rix[i << c][1] - rix[-i << c][1];
735                                     color[h][d] = g + rix[i << c][h] + rix[-i << c][h];
736                                     if (d > 1)
737                                         diff[d] += SQR(rix[i << c][1] - rix[-i << c][1]
738                                                        - rix[i << c][h] + rix[-i << c][h]) + SQR(g);
739                                 }
740                                 if (d > 1 && (d & 1))
741                                     if (diff[d - 1] < diff[d])
742                                         FORC(2) color[c * 2][d] = color[c * 2][d - 1];
743                                 if (d < 2 || (d & 1)) {
744                                     FORC(2) rix[0][c * 2] = CLIP(color[c * 2][d] / 2);
745                                     rix += TS * TS;
746                                 }
747                             }
748                         }
750                     /* Interpolate red for blue pixels and vice versa:              */
751                     for (row = top + 3; row < mrow - 3; row++)
752                         for (col = left + 3; col < mcol - 3; col++) {
753                             if ((f = 2 - fcol_INDI(filters, row, col, hh->top_margin, hh->left_margin, hh->xtrans)) == 1) continue;
754                             rix = &rgb[0][row - top][col - left];
755                             c = (row - sgrow) % 3 ? TS : 1;
756                             h = 3 * (c ^ TS ^ 1);
757                             for (d = 0; d < 4; d++, rix += TS * TS) {
758                                 i = d > 1 || ((d ^ c) & 1) ||
759                                     ((ABS(rix[0][1] - rix[c][1]) + ABS(rix[0][1] - rix[-c][1])) <
760                                      2 * (ABS(rix[0][1] - rix[h][1]) + ABS(rix[0][1] - rix[-h][1]))) ? c : h;
761                                 rix[0][f] = CLIP((rix[i][f] + rix[-i][f] +
762                                                   2 * rix[0][1] - rix[i][1] - rix[-i][1]) / 2);
763                             }
764                         }
766                     /* Fill in red and blue for 2x2 blocks of green:                */
767                     for (row = top + 2; row < mrow - 2; row++) if ((row - sgrow) % 3)
768                             for (col = left + 2; col < mcol - 2; col++) if ((col - sgcol) % 3) {
769                                     rix = &rgb[0][row - top][col - left];
770                                     hex = allhex[row % 3][col % 3][1];
771                                     for (d = 0; d < ndir; d += 2, rix += TS * TS)
772                                         if (hex[d] + hex[d + 1]) {
773                                             g = 3 * rix[0][1] - 2 * rix[hex[d]][1] - rix[hex[d + 1]][1];
774                                             for (c = 0; c < 4; c += 2) rix[0][c] =
775                                                     CLIP((g + 2 * rix[hex[d]][c] + rix[hex[d + 1]][c]) / 3);
776                                         } else {
777                                             g = 2 * rix[0][1] - rix[hex[d]][1] - rix[hex[d + 1]][1];
778                                             for (c = 0; c < 4; c += 2) rix[0][c] =
779                                                     CLIP((g + rix[hex[d]][c] + rix[hex[d + 1]][c]) / 2);
780                                         }
781                                 }
782                 }
783                 rgb = (ushort(*)[TS][TS][3]) buffer;
784                 mrow -= top;
785                 mcol -= left;
787                 /* Convert to CIELab and differentiate in all directions:       */
788                 for (d = 0; d < ndir; d++) {
789                     for (row = 2; row < mrow - 2; row++)
790                         for (col = 2; col < mcol - 2; col++)
791                             cielab_INDI(rgb[d][row][col], lab[row][col], colors, rgb_cam);
792                     for (f = dir[d & 3], row = 3; row < mrow - 3; row++)
793                         for (col = 3; col < mcol - 3; col++) {
794                             lix = &lab[row][col];
795                             g = 2 * lix[0][0] - lix[f][0] - lix[-f][0];
796                             drv[d][row][col] = SQR(g)
797                                                + SQR((2 * lix[0][1] - lix[f][1] - lix[-f][1] + g * 500 / 232))
798                                                + SQR((2 * lix[0][2] - lix[f][2] - lix[-f][2] - g * 500 / 580));
799                         }
800                 }
802                 /* Build homogeneity maps from the derivatives:                 */
803                 memset(homo, 0, ndir * TS * TS);
804                 for (row = 4; row < mrow - 4; row++)
805                     for (col = 4; col < mcol - 4; col++) {
806                         for (tr = FLT_MAX, d = 0; d < ndir; d++)
807                             if (tr > drv[d][row][col])
808                                 tr = drv[d][row][col];
809                         tr *= 8;
810                         for (d = 0; d < ndir; d++)
811                             for (v = -1; v <= 1; v++)
812                                 for (h = -1; h <= 1; h++)
813                                     if (drv[d][row + v][col + h] <= tr)
814                                         homo[d][row][col]++;
815                     }
817                 /* Average the most homogenous pixels for the final result:     */
818                 if (height - top < TS + 4) mrow = height - top + 2;
819                 if (width - left < TS + 4) mcol = width - left + 2;
820                 for (row = MIN(top, 8); row < mrow - 8; row++)
821                     for (col = MIN(left, 8); col < mcol - 8; col++) {
822                         for (d = 0; d < ndir; d++)
823                             for (hm[d] = 0, v = -2; v <= 2; v++)
824                                 for (h = -2; h <= 2; h++)
825                                     hm[d] += homo[d][row + v][col + h];
826                         for (d = 0; d < ndir - 4; d++)
827                             if (hm[d] < hm[d + 4]) hm[d  ] = 0;
828                             else if (hm[d] > hm[d + 4]) hm[d + 4] = 0;
829                         for (max = hm[0], d = 1; d < ndir; d++)
830                             if (max < hm[d]) max = hm[d];
831                         max -= max >> 3;
832                         memset(avg, 0, sizeof avg);
833                         for (d = 0; d < ndir; d++)
834                             if (hm[d] >= max) {
835                                 FORC3 avg[c] += rgb[d][row][col][c];
836                                 avg[3]++;
837                             }
838                         FORC3 image[(row + top)*width + col + left][c] = avg[c] / avg[3];
839                     }
840             }
841         }
842         free(buffer);
843     } /* _OPENMP */
844     border_interpolate_INDI(height, width, image, filters, colors, 8, hh);
845 }
847 /*
848    Adaptive Homogeneity-Directed interpolation is based on
849    the work of Keigo Hirakawa, Thomas Parks, and Paul Lee.
850  */
ahd_interpolate_INDI(ushort (* image)[4],const unsigned filters,const int width,const int height,const int colors,const float rgb_cam[3][4],void * dcraw,dcraw_data * h)851 void CLASS ahd_interpolate_INDI(ushort(*image)[4], const unsigned filters,
852                                 const int width, const int height,
853                                 const int colors, const float rgb_cam[3][4],
854                                 void *dcraw, dcraw_data *h)
855 {
856     int i, j, top, left, row, col, tr, tc, c, d, val, hm[2];
857     static const int dir[4] = { -1, 1, -TS, TS };
858     unsigned ldiff[2][4], abdiff[2][4], leps, abeps;
859     ushort(*rgb)[TS][TS][3], (*rix)[3], (*pix)[4];
860     short(*lab)[TS][TS][3], (*lix)[3];
861     char(*homo)[TS][TS], *buffer;
863     dcraw_message(dcraw, DCRAW_VERBOSE, _("AHD interpolation...\n")); /*UF*/
865 #ifdef _OPENMP
866     #pragma omp parallel				\
867     default(shared)					\
868     private(top, left, row, col, pix, rix, lix, c, val, d, tc, tr, i, j, ldiff, abdiff, leps, abeps, hm, buffer, rgb, lab, homo)
869 #endif
870     {
871         cielab_INDI(0, 0, colors, rgb_cam);
872         border_interpolate_INDI(height, width, image, filters, colors, 5, h);
873         buffer = (char *) malloc(26 * TS * TS);
874         merror(buffer, "ahd_interpolate()");
875         rgb  = (ushort(*)[TS][TS][3]) buffer;
876         lab  = (short(*)[TS][TS][3])(buffer + 12 * TS * TS);
877         homo = (char(*)[TS][TS])(buffer + 24 * TS * TS);
879         progress(PROGRESS_INTERPOLATE, -height);
880 #ifdef _OPENMP
881         #pragma omp for
882 #endif
883         for (top = 2; top < height - 5; top += TS - 6) {
884             progress(PROGRESS_INTERPOLATE, TS - 6);
885             for (left = 2; left < width - 5; left += TS - 6) {
887                 /*  Interpolate green horizontally and vertically: */
888                 for (row = top; row < top + TS && row < height - 2; row++) {
889                     col = left + (FC(row, left) & 1);
890                     for (c = FC(row, col); col < left + TS && col < width - 2; col += 2) {
891                         pix = image + row * width + col;
892                         val = ((pix[-1][1] + pix[0][c] + pix[1][1]) * 2
893                                - pix[-2][c] - pix[2][c]) >> 2;
894                         rgb[0][row - top][col - left][1] = ULIM(val, pix[-1][1], pix[1][1]);
895                         val = ((pix[-width][1] + pix[0][c] + pix[width][1]) * 2
896                                - pix[-2 * width][c] - pix[2 * width][c]) >> 2;
897                         rgb[1][row - top][col - left][1] = ULIM(val, pix[-width][1], pix[width][1]);
898                     }
899                 }
900                 /*  Interpolate red and blue, and convert to CIELab: */
901                 for (d = 0; d < 2; d++)
902                     for (row = top + 1; row < top + TS - 1 && row < height - 3; row++)
903                         for (col = left + 1; col < left + TS - 1 && col < width - 3; col++) {
904                             pix = image + row * width + col;
905                             rix = &rgb[d][row - top][col - left];
906                             lix = &lab[d][row - top][col - left];
907                             if ((c = 2 - FC(row, col)) == 1) {
908                                 c = FC(row + 1, col);
909                                 val = pix[0][1] + ((pix[-1][2 - c] + pix[1][2 - c]
910                                                     - rix[-1][1] - rix[1][1]) >> 1);
911                                 rix[0][2 - c] = CLIP(val);
912                                 val = pix[0][1] + ((pix[-width][c] + pix[width][c]
913                                                     - rix[-TS][1] - rix[TS][1]) >> 1);
914                             } else
915                                 val = rix[0][1] + ((pix[-width - 1][c] + pix[-width + 1][c]
916                                                     + pix[+width - 1][c] + pix[+width + 1][c]
917                                                     - rix[-TS - 1][1] - rix[-TS + 1][1]
918                                                     - rix[+TS - 1][1] - rix[+TS + 1][1] + 1) >> 2);
919                             rix[0][c] = CLIP(val);
920                             c = FC(row, col);
921                             rix[0][c] = pix[0][c];
922                             cielab_INDI(rix[0], lix[0], colors, rgb_cam);
923                         }
924                 /*  Build homogeneity maps from the CIELab images: */
925                 memset(homo, 0, 2 * TS * TS);
926                 for (row = top + 2; row < top + TS - 2 && row < height - 4; row++) {
927                     tr = row - top;
928                     for (col = left + 2; col < left + TS - 2 && col < width - 4; col++) {
929                         tc = col - left;
930                         for (d = 0; d < 2; d++) {
931                             lix = &lab[d][tr][tc];
932                             for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
933                                 ldiff[d][i] = ABS(lix[0][0] - lix[dir[i]][0]);
934                                 abdiff[d][i] = SQR(lix[0][1] - lix[dir[i]][1])
935                                                + SQR(lix[0][2] - lix[dir[i]][2]);
936                             }
937                         }
938                         leps = MIN(MAX(ldiff[0][0], ldiff[0][1]),
939                                    MAX(ldiff[1][2], ldiff[1][3]));
940                         abeps = MIN(MAX(abdiff[0][0], abdiff[0][1]),
941                                     MAX(abdiff[1][2], abdiff[1][3]));
942                         for (d = 0; d < 2; d++)
943                             for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
944                                 if (ldiff[d][i] <= leps && abdiff[d][i] <= abeps)
945                                     homo[d][tr][tc]++;
946                     }
947                 }
948                 /*  Combine the most homogenous pixels for the final result: */
949                 for (row = top + 3; row < top + TS - 3 && row < height - 5; row++) {
950                     tr = row - top;
951                     for (col = left + 3; col < left + TS - 3 && col < width - 5; col++) {
952                         tc = col - left;
953                         for (d = 0; d < 2; d++)
954                             for (hm[d] = 0, i = tr - 1; i <= tr + 1; i++)
955                                 for (j = tc - 1; j <= tc + 1; j++)
956                                     hm[d] += homo[d][i][j];
957                         if (hm[0] != hm[1])
958                             FORC3 image[row * width + col][c] = rgb[hm[1] > hm[0]][tr][tc][c];
959                         else
960                             FORC3 image[row * width + col][c] =
961                                 (rgb[0][tr][tc][c] + rgb[1][tr][tc][c]) >> 1;
962                     }
963                 }
964             }
965         }
966         free(buffer);
967     } /* _OPENMP */
968 }
969 #undef TS
972 #define DTOP(x) ((x>65535) ? (unsigned short)65535 : (x<0) ? (unsigned short)0 : (unsigned short) x)
974 /*
975  * MG - This comment applies to the 3x3 optimized median function
976  *
977  * The following routines have been built from knowledge gathered
978  * around the Web. I am not aware of any copyright problem with
979  * them, so use it as you want.
980  * N. Devillard - 1998
981  */
983 #define PIX_SORT(a,b) { if ((a)>(b)) PIX_SWAP((a),(b)); }
984 #define PIX_SWAP(a,b) { int temp=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=temp; }
median9(int * p)986 static inline int median9(int *p)
987 {
988     PIX_SORT(p[1], p[2]) ;
989     PIX_SORT(p[4], p[5]) ;
990     PIX_SORT(p[7], p[8]) ;
991     PIX_SORT(p[0], p[1]) ;
992     PIX_SORT(p[3], p[4]) ;
993     PIX_SORT(p[6], p[7]) ;
994     PIX_SORT(p[1], p[2]) ;
995     PIX_SORT(p[4], p[5]) ;
996     PIX_SORT(p[7], p[8]) ;
997     PIX_SORT(p[0], p[3]) ;
998     PIX_SORT(p[5], p[8]) ;
999     PIX_SORT(p[4], p[7]) ;
1000     PIX_SORT(p[3], p[6]) ;
1001     PIX_SORT(p[1], p[4]) ;
1002     PIX_SORT(p[2], p[5]) ;
1003     PIX_SORT(p[4], p[7]) ;
1004     PIX_SORT(p[4], p[2]) ;
1005     PIX_SORT(p[6], p[4]) ;
1006     PIX_SORT(p[4], p[2]) ;
1007     return (p[4]) ;
1008 }
1010 #undef PIX_SWAP
1011 #undef PIX_SORT
1013 // Just making this function inline speeds up ahd_interpolate_INDI() up to 15%
eahd_median(int row,int col,int color,ushort (* image)[4],const int width)1014 static inline ushort eahd_median(int row, int col, int color,
1015                                  ushort(*image)[4], const int width)
1016 {
1017     //declare the pixel array
1018     int pArray[9];
1019     int result;
1021     //perform the median filter (this only works for red or blue)
1022     //  result = median(R-G)+G or median(B-G)+G
1023     //
1024     // to perform the filter on green, it needs to be the average
1025     //  results = (median(G-R)+median(G-B)+R+B)/2
1027     //no checks are done here to speed up the inlining
1028     pArray[0] = image[width * (row) + col + 1][color] - image[width * (row) + col + 1][1];
1029     pArray[1] = image[width * (row - 1) + col + 1][color] - image[width * (row - 1) + col + 1][1];
1030     pArray[2] = image[width * (row - 1) + col  ][color] - image[width * (row - 1) + col  ][1];
1031     pArray[3] = image[width * (row - 1) + col - 1][color] - image[width * (row - 1) + col - 1][1];
1032     pArray[4] = image[width * (row) + col - 1][color] - image[width * (row) + col - 1][1];
1033     pArray[5] = image[width * (row + 1) + col - 1][color] - image[width * (row + 1) + col - 1][1];
1034     pArray[6] = image[width * (row + 1) + col  ][color] - image[width * (row + 1) + col  ][1];
1035     pArray[7] = image[width * (row + 1) + col + 1][color] - image[width * (row + 1) + col + 1][1];
1036     pArray[8] = image[width * (row) + col  ][color] - image[width * (row) + col  ][1];
1038     median9(pArray);
1039     result = pArray[4] + image[width * (row) + col  ][1];
1040     return DTOP(result);
1042 }
1044 // Add the color smoothing from Kimmel as suggested in the AHD paper
1045 // Algorithm updated by Michael Goertz
color_smooth(ushort (* image)[4],const int width,const int height,const int passes)1046 void CLASS color_smooth(ushort(*image)[4], const int width, const int height,
1047                         const int passes)
1048 {
1049     int row, col;
1050     int row_start = 2;
1051     int row_stop  = height - 2;
1052     int col_start = 2;
1053     int col_stop  = width - 2;
1054     //interate through all the colors
1055     int count;
1057     ushort *mpix;
1059     for (count = 0; count < passes; count++) {
1060         //perform 3 iterations - seems to be a commonly settled upon number of iterations
1061 #ifdef _OPENMP
1062         #pragma omp parallel for default(shared) private(row,col,mpix)
1063 #endif
1064         for (row = row_start; row < row_stop; row++) {
1065             for (col = col_start; col < col_stop; col++) {
1066                 //calculate the median only over the red and blue
1067                 //calculating over green seems to offer very little additional quality
1068                 mpix = image[row * width + col];
1069                 mpix[0] = eahd_median(row, col, 0, image, width);
1070                 mpix[2] = eahd_median(row, col, 2, image, width);
1071             }
1072         }
1073     }
1074 }
fuji_rotate_INDI(ushort (** image_p)[4],int * height_p,int * width_p,int * fuji_width_p,const int colors,const double step,void * dcraw)1076 void CLASS fuji_rotate_INDI(ushort(**image_p)[4], int *height_p,
1077                             int *width_p, int *fuji_width_p, const int colors,
1078                             const double step, void *dcraw)
1079 {
1080     int height = *height_p, width = *width_p, fuji_width = *fuji_width_p; /*UF*/
1081     ushort(*image)[4] = *image_p;  /*UF*/
1082     int i, row, col;
1083     float r, c, fr, fc;
1084     int ur, uc;
1085     ushort wide, high, (*img)[4], (*pix)[4];
1087     if (!fuji_width) return;
1088     dcraw_message(dcraw, DCRAW_VERBOSE, _("Rotating image 45 degrees...\n"));
1089     fuji_width = (fuji_width - 1/* + shrink*/)/* >> shrink*/;
1090     wide = fuji_width / step;
1091     high = (height - fuji_width) / step;
1092     img = (ushort(*)[4]) calloc(wide * high, sizeof * img);
1093     merror(img, "fuji_rotate()");
1095 #ifdef _OPENMP
1096     #pragma omp parallel for default(shared) private(row,col,ur,uc,r,c,fr,fc,pix,i)
1097 #endif
1098     for (row = 0; row < high; row++) {
1099         for (col = 0; col < wide; col++) {
1100             ur = r = fuji_width + (row - col) * step;
1101             uc = c = (row + col) * step;
1102             if (ur > height - 2 || uc > width - 2) continue;
1103             fr = r - ur;
1104             fc = c - uc;
1105             pix = image + ur * width + uc;
1106             for (i = 0; i < colors; i++)
1107                 img[row * wide + col][i] =
1108                     (pix[    0][i] * (1 - fc) + pix[      1][i] * fc) * (1 - fr) +
1109                     (pix[width][i] * (1 - fc) + pix[width + 1][i] * fc) * fr;
1110         }
1111     }
1112     free(image);
1113     width  = wide;
1114     height = high;
1115     image  = img;
1116     fuji_width = 0;
1117     *height_p = height; /* INDI - UF*/
1118     *width_p = width;
1119     *fuji_width_p = fuji_width;
1120     *image_p = image;
1121 }
flip_image_INDI(ushort (* image)[4],int * height_p,int * width_p,int flip)1123 void CLASS flip_image_INDI(ushort(*image)[4], int *height_p, int *width_p,
1124                            /*const*/ int flip) /*UF*/
1125 {
1126     unsigned *flag;
1127     int size, base, dest, next, row, col;
1128     gint64 *img, hold;
1129     int height = *height_p, width = *width_p;/* INDI - UF*/
1131 //  Message is suppressed because error handling is not enabled here.
1132 //  dcraw_message (dcraw, DCRAW_VERBOSE,_("Flipping image %c:%c:%c...\n"),
1133 //      flip & 1 ? 'H':'0', flip & 2 ? 'V':'0', flip & 4 ? 'T':'0'); /*UF*/
1135     img = (gint64 *) image;
1136     size = height * width;
1137     flag = calloc((size + 31) >> 5, sizeof * flag);
1138     merror(flag, "flip_image()");
1139     for (base = 0; base < size; base++) {
1140         if (flag[base >> 5] & (1 << (base & 31)))
1141             continue;
1142         dest = base;
1143         hold = img[base];
1144         while (1) {
1145             if (flip & 4) {
1146                 row = dest % height;
1147                 col = dest / height;
1148             } else {
1149                 row = dest / width;
1150                 col = dest % width;
1151             }
1152             if (flip & 2)
1153                 row = height - 1 - row;
1154             if (flip & 1)
1155                 col = width - 1 - col;
1156             next = row * width + col;
1157             if (next == base) break;
1158             flag[next >> 5] |= 1 << (next & 31);
1159             img[dest] = img[next];
1160             dest = next;
1161         }
1162         img[dest] = hold;
1163     }
1164     free(flag);
1165     if (flip & 4) SWAP(height, width);
1166     *height_p = height; /* INDI - UF*/
1167     *width_p = width;
1168 }