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READMEH A D04-May-19921.2 KiB2921

aliastorle.cH A D22-Mar-201715.9 KiB663409

cubitorle.cH A D22-Mar-20174.3 KiB178128

giftorle.cH A D22-Mar-201711.4 KiB504402

graytorle.cH A D22-Mar-20174 KiB15087

iristorle.cH A D30-Apr-19923.3 KiB13389

makefile.srcH A D11-Dec-19954.5 KiB18051

painttorle.cH A D22-Mar-20174.9 KiB203131

pgmtorle.cH A D22-Mar-20175.7 KiB207126

ppmtorle.cH A D22-Mar-20176 KiB215136

rastorle.cH A D22-Mar-201711.1 KiB402306

rawtorle.cH A D22-Mar-201710 KiB350236

rla_header.hH A D29-Jan-19921.2 KiB4931

rlatorle.cH A D22-Mar-201714 KiB456331

rlb_header.hH A D29-Jan-19921.4 KiB6042

rletoabA60.cH A D22-Mar-20177.2 KiB279177

rletoalias.cH A D22-Mar-201712.1 KiB471292

rletoascii.cH A D22-Mar-20173.6 KiB14576

rletocgm.cH A D22-Mar-201714.1 KiB524343

rletogray.cH A D22-Mar-20174.4 KiB16792

rletoiris.cH A D22-Mar-20172.8 KiB11670

rletopaint.cH A D22-Mar-20178.5 KiB349210

rletoppm.cH A D04-Mar-19927.9 KiB269188

rletops.cH A D22-Mar-20176.7 KiB244159

rletorast.cH A D22-Mar-20176.2 KiB265189

rletoraw.cH A D22-Mar-20178.5 KiB319208

rletorla.cH A D22-Mar-201715 KiB509363

rletotarga.cH A D22-Mar-20175.2 KiB182106

rletotiff.cH A D22-Mar-20176.5 KiB215176

rletovcr.cH A D22-Mar-20178.1 KiB280177

targatorle.cH A D22-Mar-201713.5 KiB502343

tifftorle.cH A D22-Mar-20178.2 KiB306270

vcrtorle.cH A D22-Mar-201710.6 KiB344209

wasatchrle.cH A D22-Mar-20174.8 KiB192121

xbmtorle.cH A D22-Mar-20178.5 KiB334245


1-*- Text -*-
2This directory contains sources for programs to convert to and from
3other display file formats.  Since most sites will not use all the
4different file formats, or we may not have written a conversion
5program for your favorite format, this file contains a few words on
6customizing the directory and rolling your own.
8If you do write a conversion program for a file format that is not
9supported in this distribution, please send it to us, so we can add
10it to the distribution, and others will not have to duplicate your
11hard work.  Similarly, if you are thinking of writing a conversion
12program, you might send us a note and see if anyone else has already
13done one.
15Some specific notes on building the programs:
17rletotiff/tifftorle -- These require the "libtiff" distribution from
18Sam Leffler, available via anonymous FTP from sgi.com in
19/pub/tiff/v3.0.tar.Z (for version 3.0, which these programs have been
20tested with).
22rletorast/rasttorle -- You must be on a Sun to compile these, or at
23least have access to the include file <pixrect/pixrect_hs.h>.  They do
24not understand Sun's run-length encoded format.  To read files stored
25in this form, use /usr/lib/rasfilters/convert.2 as a preprocess step.