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11 /*
12 ** IconLabel.h - IconLabel Widget   Display a Pixmap with or without a label
13 **
14 ** Author: Anthony Thyssen
15 **         Griffith University
16 **         anthony@cit.gu.edu.au
17 **
18 ** Date:   March 30, 1996
19 **
20 ** This Widget was created due to problems with using the original X
21 ** Consortium Label Widget for displaying Bitmap and Pixmap in my
22 ** XbmBrowser program.  I designed this widget to basically display a
23 ** pixmap and optionally a title or filename centered underneath this
24 ** image.
25 **
27 **    1/  Pixmap displayed correctly (a flag indicates to treat it as a bitmap)
28 **    2/  Shaped Windows using the bitmap mask given
29 **    3/  Optional Label centered either above or below the image
30 **    4/  Numerous inter-dimension controls for good user control
31 **
32 */
34 #ifndef _IconLabel_h
35 #define _IconLabel_h
37 #include <X11/Xaw/Simple.h>
39 /* Resources   *  -- new to this widget (subclass of Core,Simple)
41    Name                Class              RepType         Default Value
42    ----                -----              -------         -------------
43    background          Background         Pixel           XtDefaultBackground
44    border              BorderColor        Pixel           XtDefaultForeground
45    borderWidth         BorderWidth        Dimension       1
46    cursor              Cursor             Cursor          None
47    cursorName          Cursor             String          NULL
48    destroyCallback     Callback           Pointer         NULL
49  * infoPtr             InfoPtr            XtPointer       NULL
50  * font                Font               XFontStruct*    XtDefaultFont
51  * foreground          Foreground         Pixel           XtDefaultForeground
52    height              Height             Dimension       0
53    insensitiveBorder   Insensitive        Pixmap          Gray
54  * internalHeight      Height             Dimension       1
55  * internalWidth       Width              Dimension       2
56  * isBitmap            IsBitmap           Boolean         False
57  * label               Label              String          NULL
58  * labelGap            Height             Dimension       1
59  * labelTop            LabelTop           Boolean         False
60    mappedWhenManaged   MappedWhenManaged  Boolean         True
61  * mask                Mask               Bitmap          None
62  * pixmap              Pixmap             Pixmap          None
63    pointerColor        Foreground         Pixel           XtDefaultForeground
64    pointerColorBackground Background      Pixel           XtDefaultBackground
65  * resize              Resize             Boolean         True
66    sensitive           Sensitive          Boolean         True
67  * shape               Shape              Boolean         True
68    width               Width              Dimension       0
69    x                   Position           Position        0
70    y                   Position           Position        0
73 Resource Explaination
75    font              the font to draw the text label in.
77    foreground        the colors to use for the window background and to
78    background        use to display bitmaps and the text label with.
80    pixmap            The pixmap/bitmap to be displayed in the widget.
81    mask              The mask should be the same size (not checked) and is
82                      currently only used to shape the widget.
84    isBitmap          The Pixmap given is really a bitmap and is to be
85                      drawn as such. Setting this on basically makes this
86                      widget act just like the Xaw Label widget and like
87                      that widget could draw pixmaps incorrectly on some`
88                      monocrome displays.
90    label             String to display as a label to the pixmap if NULL
91                      no label will be displayed
93    labelTop          Put the label above the pixmap?
94                      It is placed under the pixmap (centered) by default.
96    internalWidth     Sets the amount of space around the text label
97    internalHeight    and the pixmap and between the two items. This space
98                      is allways provided around the label while the
99                      pixmap is normally centered in whatever area is left.
101    labelGap          Extra space between the pixmap and the label on top of
102                      the usual internalHeight space provided.
104    shape             Use the Shape extension and mask on the pixmap. If the
105                      label is turned on a extra box (padded by internalWidth
106                      and Height) is added for it.
108    resize            if true only the user modifing the widget can resize
109                      the window.
111    infoPtr           A pointer to a user structure containing information.
112                      This allows a program to lookup the information a
113                      particular widget represents, when selected, due to
114                      some action by the user.
115                      See the GetInfoPtr() and SetInfoPtr() functions below.
117 */
119 /* specific to this widget */
120 #define XtNmask     "mask"
121 #define XtCMask     "Mask"
122 #define XtNisBitmap "isBitmap"
123 #define XtCIsBitmap "IsBitmap"
124 #define XtNlabelTop "labelTop"
125 #define XtCLabelTop "LabelTop"
126 #define XtNshape    "shape"
127 #define XtCShape    "Shape"
128 #define XtNlabelGap "labelGap"
129 #define XtNinfoPtr  "infoPtr"
130 #define XtCInfoPtr  "InfoPtr"
133 /* in case XtStringsDef.h is not included */
134 #ifndef _XtStringDefs_h_
135 #define XtNforeground "foreground"
136 #define XtNlabel "label"
137 #define XtNfont "font"
138 #define XtNinternalWidth "internalWidth"
139 #define XtNinternalHeight "internalHeight"
140 #define XtNresize "resize"
141 #define XtCResize "Resize"
142 #define XtNpixmap "pixmap"
143 #define XtCPixmap "Pixmap"
144 #endif
146 /* Class record constants */
147 extern WidgetClass iconLabelWidgetClass;
149 typedef struct _IconLabelClassRec *IconLabelWidgetClass;
150 typedef struct _IconLabelRec      *IconLabelWidget;
153 /* Public Functions */
155 /*      Function Name: SetInfoPtr
156  *      Description: Set the pointer to extra information (for fast lookup)
157  *      Arguments: IconLabelWidget, and the pointer to store
158  *      Returns: none.
159  */
160 extern void SetInfoPtr(
161 #if NeedFunctionPrototypes
162     Widget     /* ilw */,
163     XtPointer  /* info_ptr */
164 #endif
165 );
167 /*      Function Name: GetInfoPtr
168  *      Description: Set the pointer to extra information (for fast lookup)
169  *      Arguments: IconLabelWidget with the information to be retrieved
170  *      Returns: the current pointer to information
171  */
172 extern XPointer GetInfoPtr(
173 #if NeedFunctionPrototypes
174     Widget     /* ilw */
175 #endif
176 );
178 #endif /* _IconLabel_h */