1 /*Copyright (C) 2008-2009  Timothy B. Terriberry (tterribe@xiph.org)
2   You can redistribute this library and/or modify it under the terms of the
3    GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
4    Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later
5    version.*/
6 #include <config.h>
7 #include <stdlib.h>
8 #include <limits.h>
9 #include <string.h>
10 #include <time.h>
11 #include "qrcode.h"
12 #include "qrdec.h"
13 #include "bch15_5.h"
14 #include "rs.h"
15 #include "isaac.h"
16 #include "util.h"
17 #include "binarize.h"
18 #include "image.h"
19 #include "error.h"
20 #include "svg.h"
22 typedef int qr_line[3];
24 typedef struct qr_finder_cluster qr_finder_cluster;
25 typedef struct qr_finder_edge_pt  qr_finder_edge_pt;
26 typedef struct qr_finder_center   qr_finder_center;
28 typedef struct qr_aff qr_aff;
29 typedef struct qr_hom qr_hom;
31 typedef struct qr_finder qr_finder;
33 typedef struct qr_hom_cell      qr_hom_cell;
34 typedef struct qr_sampling_grid qr_sampling_grid;
35 typedef struct qr_pack_buf      qr_pack_buf;
37 /*The number of bits in an int.
38   Note the cast to (int): this prevents this value from "promoting" whole
39    expressions to an (unsigned) size_t.*/
40 #define QR_INT_BITS    ((int)sizeof(int)*CHAR_BIT)
43 /*A 14 bit resolution for a homography ensures that the ideal module size for a
44    version 40 code differs from that of a version 39 code by at least 2.*/
45 #define QR_HOM_BITS (14)
47 /*The number of bits of sub-module precision to use when searching for
48    alignment patterns.
49   Two bits allows an alignment pattern to be found even if the modules have
50    been eroded by up to 50% (due to blurring, etc.).
51   This must be at least one, since it affects the dynamic range of the
52    transforms, and we sample at half-module resolution to compute a bounding
53    quadrilateral for the code.*/
54 #define QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC (2)
57 /* collection of finder lines */
58 typedef struct qr_finder_lines {
59     qr_finder_line *lines;
60     int nlines, clines;
61 } qr_finder_lines;
64 struct qr_reader {
65     /*The GF(256) representation used in Reed-Solomon decoding.*/
66     rs_gf256  gf;
67     /*The random number generator used by RANSAC.*/
68     isaac_ctx isaac;
69     /* current finder state, horizontal and vertical lines */
70     qr_finder_lines finder_lines[2];
71 };
74 /*Initializes a client reader handle.*/
qr_reader_init(qr_reader * reader)75 static void qr_reader_init (qr_reader *reader)
76 {
77     /*time_t now;
78       now=time(NULL);
79       isaac_init(&_reader->isaac,&now,sizeof(now));*/
80     isaac_init(&reader->isaac, NULL, 0);
81     rs_gf256_init(&reader->gf, QR_PPOLY);
82 }
84 /*Allocates a client reader handle.*/
_zbar_qr_create(void)85 qr_reader *_zbar_qr_create (void)
86 {
87     qr_reader *reader = (qr_reader*)calloc(1, sizeof(*reader));
88     qr_reader_init(reader);
89     return(reader);
90 }
92 /*Frees a client reader handle.*/
_zbar_qr_destroy(qr_reader * reader)93 void _zbar_qr_destroy (qr_reader *reader)
94 {
95     zprintf(1, "max finder lines = %dx%d\n",
96             reader->finder_lines[0].clines,
97             reader->finder_lines[1].clines);
98     if(reader->finder_lines[0].lines)
99         free(reader->finder_lines[0].lines);
100     if(reader->finder_lines[1].lines)
101         free(reader->finder_lines[1].lines);
102     free(reader);
103 }
105 /* reset finder state between scans */
_zbar_qr_reset(qr_reader * reader)106 void _zbar_qr_reset (qr_reader *reader)
107 {
108     reader->finder_lines[0].nlines = 0;
109     reader->finder_lines[1].nlines = 0;
110 }
113 /*A cluster of lines crossing a finder pattern (all in the same direction).*/
114 struct qr_finder_cluster{
115   /*Pointers to the lines crossing the pattern.*/
116   qr_finder_line **lines;
117   /*The number of lines in the cluster.*/
118   int              nlines;
119 };
122 /*A point on the edge of a finder pattern.
123   These are obtained from the endpoints of the lines crossing this particular
124    pattern.*/
125 struct qr_finder_edge_pt{
126   /*The location of the edge point.*/
127   qr_point pos;
128   /*A label classifying which edge this belongs to:
129     0: negative u edge (left)
130     1: positive u edge (right)
131     2: negative v edge (top)
132     3: positive v edge (bottom)*/
133   int      edge;
134   /*The (signed) perpendicular distance of the edge point from a line parallel
135      to the edge passing through the finder center, in (u,v) coordinates.
136     This is also re-used by RANSAC to store inlier flags.*/
137   int      extent;
138 };
141 /*The center of a finder pattern obtained from the crossing of one or more
142    clusters of horizontal finder lines with one or more clusters of vertical
143    finder lines.*/
144 struct qr_finder_center{
145   /*The estimated location of the finder center.*/
146   qr_point           pos;
147   /*The list of edge points from the crossing lines.*/
148   qr_finder_edge_pt *edge_pts;
149   /*The number of edge points from the crossing lines.*/
150   int                nedge_pts;
151 };
qr_finder_vline_cmp(const void * _a,const void * _b)154 static int qr_finder_vline_cmp(const void *_a,const void *_b){
155   const qr_finder_line *a;
156   const qr_finder_line *b;
157   a=(const qr_finder_line *)_a;
158   b=(const qr_finder_line *)_b;
159   return ((a->pos[0]>b->pos[0])-(a->pos[0]<b->pos[0])<<1)+
160    (a->pos[1]>b->pos[1])-(a->pos[1]<b->pos[1]);
161 }
163 /*Clusters adjacent lines into groups that are large enough to be crossing a
164    finder pattern (relative to their length).
165   _clusters:  The buffer in which to store the clusters found.
166   _neighbors: The buffer used to store the lists of lines in each cluster.
167   _lines:     The list of lines to cluster.
168               Horizontal lines must be sorted in ascending order by Y
169                coordinate, with ties broken by X coordinate.
170               Vertical lines must be sorted in ascending order by X coordinate,
171                with ties broken by Y coordinate.
172   _nlines:    The number of lines in the set of lines to cluster.
173   _v:         0 for horizontal lines, or 1 for vertical lines.
174   Return: The number of clusters.*/
qr_finder_cluster_lines(qr_finder_cluster * _clusters,qr_finder_line ** _neighbors,qr_finder_line * _lines,int _nlines,int _v)175 static int qr_finder_cluster_lines(qr_finder_cluster *_clusters,
176  qr_finder_line **_neighbors,qr_finder_line *_lines,int _nlines,int _v){
177   unsigned char   *mark;
178   qr_finder_line **neighbors;
179   int              nneighbors;
180   int              nclusters;
181   int              i;
182   /*TODO: Kalman filters!*/
183   mark=(unsigned char *)calloc(_nlines,sizeof(*mark));
184   neighbors=_neighbors;
185   nclusters=0;
186   for(i=0;i<_nlines-1;i++)if(!mark[i]){
187     int len;
188     int j;
189     nneighbors=1;
190     neighbors[0]=_lines+i;
191     len=_lines[i].len;
192     for(j=i+1;j<_nlines;j++)if(!mark[j]){
193       const qr_finder_line *a;
194       const qr_finder_line *b;
195       int                   thresh;
196       a=neighbors[nneighbors-1];
197       b=_lines+j;
198       /*The clustering threshold is proportional to the size of the lines,
199          since minor noise in large areas can interrupt patterns more easily
200          at high resolutions.*/
201       thresh=a->len+7>>2;
202       if(abs(a->pos[1-_v]-b->pos[1-_v])>thresh)break;
203       if(abs(a->pos[_v]-b->pos[_v])>thresh)continue;
204       if(abs(a->pos[_v]+a->len-b->pos[_v]-b->len)>thresh)continue;
205       if(a->boffs>0&&b->boffs>0&&
206        abs(a->pos[_v]-a->boffs-b->pos[_v]+b->boffs)>thresh){
207         continue;
208       }
209       if(a->eoffs>0&&b->eoffs>0&&
210        abs(a->pos[_v]+a->len+a->eoffs-b->pos[_v]-b->len-b->eoffs)>thresh){
211         continue;
212       }
213       neighbors[nneighbors++]=_lines+j;
214       len+=b->len;
215     }
216     /*We require at least three lines to form a cluster, which eliminates a
217        large number of false positives, saving considerable decoding time.
218       This should still be sufficient for 1-pixel codes with no noise.*/
219     if(nneighbors<3)continue;
220     /*The expected number of lines crossing a finder pattern is equal to their
221        average length.
222       We accept the cluster if size is at least 1/3 their average length (this
223        is a very small threshold, but was needed for some test images).*/
224     len=((len<<1)+nneighbors)/(nneighbors<<1);
225     if(nneighbors*(5<<QR_FINDER_SUBPREC)>=len){
226       _clusters[nclusters].lines=neighbors;
227       _clusters[nclusters].nlines=nneighbors;
228       for(j=0;j<nneighbors;j++)mark[neighbors[j]-_lines]=1;
229       neighbors+=nneighbors;
230       nclusters++;
231     }
232   }
233   free(mark);
234   return nclusters;
235 }
237 /*Adds the coordinates of the edge points from the lines contained in the
238    given list of clusters to the list of edge points for a finder center.
239   Only the edge point position is initialized.
240   The edge label and extent are set by qr_finder_edge_pts_aff_classify()
241    or qr_finder_edge_pts_hom_classify().
242   _edge_pts:   The buffer in which to store the edge points.
243   _nedge_pts:  The current number of edge points in the buffer.
244   _neighbors:  The list of lines in the cluster.
245   _nneighbors: The number of lines in the list of lines in the cluster.
246   _v:          0 for horizontal lines and 1 for vertical lines.
247   Return: The new total number of edge points.*/
qr_finder_edge_pts_fill(qr_finder_edge_pt * _edge_pts,int _nedge_pts,qr_finder_cluster ** _neighbors,int _nneighbors,int _v)248 static int qr_finder_edge_pts_fill(qr_finder_edge_pt *_edge_pts,int _nedge_pts,
249  qr_finder_cluster **_neighbors,int _nneighbors,int _v){
250   int i;
251   for(i=0;i<_nneighbors;i++){
252     qr_finder_cluster *c;
253     int                j;
254     c=_neighbors[i];
255     for(j=0;j<c->nlines;j++){
256       qr_finder_line *l;
257       l=c->lines[j];
258       if(l->boffs>0){
259         _edge_pts[_nedge_pts].pos[0]=l->pos[0];
260         _edge_pts[_nedge_pts].pos[1]=l->pos[1];
261         _edge_pts[_nedge_pts].pos[_v]-=l->boffs;
262         _nedge_pts++;
263       }
264       if(l->eoffs>0){
265         _edge_pts[_nedge_pts].pos[0]=l->pos[0];
266         _edge_pts[_nedge_pts].pos[1]=l->pos[1];
267         _edge_pts[_nedge_pts].pos[_v]+=l->len+l->eoffs;
268         _nedge_pts++;
269       }
270     }
271   }
272   return _nedge_pts;
273 }
qr_finder_center_cmp(const void * _a,const void * _b)275 static int qr_finder_center_cmp(const void *_a,const void *_b){
276   const qr_finder_center *a;
277   const qr_finder_center *b;
278   a=(const qr_finder_center *)_a;
279   b=(const qr_finder_center *)_b;
280   return ((b->nedge_pts>a->nedge_pts)-(b->nedge_pts<a->nedge_pts)<<2)+
281    ((a->pos[1]>b->pos[1])-(a->pos[1]<b->pos[1])<<1)+
282    (a->pos[0]>b->pos[0])-(a->pos[0]<b->pos[0]);
283 }
285 /*Determine if a horizontal line crosses a vertical line.
286   _hline: The horizontal line.
287   _vline: The vertical line.
288   Return: A non-zero value if the lines cross, or zero if they do not.*/
qr_finder_lines_are_crossing(const qr_finder_line * _hline,const qr_finder_line * _vline)289 static int qr_finder_lines_are_crossing(const qr_finder_line *_hline,
290  const qr_finder_line *_vline){
291   return
292    _hline->pos[0]<=_vline->pos[0]&&_vline->pos[0]<_hline->pos[0]+_hline->len&&
293    _vline->pos[1]<=_hline->pos[1]&&_hline->pos[1]<_vline->pos[1]+_vline->len;
294 }
296 /*Finds horizontal clusters that cross corresponding vertical clusters,
297    presumably corresponding to a finder center.
298   _center:     The buffer in which to store putative finder centers.
299   _edge_pts:   The buffer to use for the edge point lists for each finder
300                 center.
301   _hclusters:  The clusters of horizontal lines crossing finder patterns.
302   _nhclusters: The number of horizontal line clusters.
303   _vclusters:  The clusters of vertical lines crossing finder patterns.
304   _nvclusters: The number of vertical line clusters.
305   Return: The number of putative finder centers.*/
qr_finder_find_crossings(qr_finder_center * _centers,qr_finder_edge_pt * _edge_pts,qr_finder_cluster * _hclusters,int _nhclusters,qr_finder_cluster * _vclusters,int _nvclusters)306 static int qr_finder_find_crossings(qr_finder_center *_centers,
307  qr_finder_edge_pt *_edge_pts,qr_finder_cluster *_hclusters,int _nhclusters,
308  qr_finder_cluster *_vclusters,int _nvclusters){
309   qr_finder_cluster **hneighbors;
310   qr_finder_cluster **vneighbors;
311   unsigned char      *hmark;
312   unsigned char      *vmark;
313   int                 ncenters;
314   int                 i;
315   int                 j;
316   hneighbors=(qr_finder_cluster **)malloc(_nhclusters*sizeof(*hneighbors));
317   vneighbors=(qr_finder_cluster **)malloc(_nvclusters*sizeof(*vneighbors));
318   hmark=(unsigned char *)calloc(_nhclusters,sizeof(*hmark));
319   vmark=(unsigned char *)calloc(_nvclusters,sizeof(*vmark));
320   ncenters=0;
321   /*TODO: This may need some re-working.
322     We should be finding groups of clusters such that _all_ horizontal lines in
323      _all_ horizontal clusters in the group cross _all_ vertical lines in _all_
324      vertical clusters in the group.
325     This is equivalent to finding the maximum bipartite clique in the
326      connectivity graph, which requires linear progamming to solve efficiently.
327     In principle, that is easy to do, but a realistic implementation without
328      floating point is a lot of work (and computationally expensive).
329     Right now we are relying on a sufficient border around the finder patterns
330      to prevent false positives.*/
331   for(i=0;i<_nhclusters;i++)if(!hmark[i]){
332     qr_finder_line *a;
333     qr_finder_line *b;
334     int             nvneighbors;
335     int             nedge_pts;
336     int             y;
337     a=_hclusters[i].lines[_hclusters[i].nlines>>1];
338     y=nvneighbors=0;
339     for(j=0;j<_nvclusters;j++)if(!vmark[j]){
340       b=_vclusters[j].lines[_vclusters[j].nlines>>1];
341       if(qr_finder_lines_are_crossing(a,b)){
342         vmark[j]=1;
343         y+=(b->pos[1]<<1)+b->len;
344         if(b->boffs>0&&b->eoffs>0)y+=b->eoffs-b->boffs;
345         vneighbors[nvneighbors++]=_vclusters+j;
346       }
347     }
348     if(nvneighbors>0){
349       qr_finder_center *c;
350       int               nhneighbors;
351       int               x;
352       x=(a->pos[0]<<1)+a->len;
353       if(a->boffs>0&&a->eoffs>0)x+=a->eoffs-a->boffs;
354       hneighbors[0]=_hclusters+i;
355       nhneighbors=1;
356       j=nvneighbors>>1;
357       b=vneighbors[j]->lines[vneighbors[j]->nlines>>1];
358       for(j=i+1;j<_nhclusters;j++)if(!hmark[j]){
359         a=_hclusters[j].lines[_hclusters[j].nlines>>1];
360         if(qr_finder_lines_are_crossing(a,b)){
361           hmark[j]=1;
362           x+=(a->pos[0]<<1)+a->len;
363           if(a->boffs>0&&a->eoffs>0)x+=a->eoffs-a->boffs;
364           hneighbors[nhneighbors++]=_hclusters+j;
365         }
366       }
367       c=_centers+ncenters++;
368       c->pos[0]=(x+nhneighbors)/(nhneighbors<<1);
369       c->pos[1]=(y+nvneighbors)/(nvneighbors<<1);
370       c->edge_pts=_edge_pts;
371       nedge_pts=qr_finder_edge_pts_fill(_edge_pts,0,
372        hneighbors,nhneighbors,0);
373       nedge_pts=qr_finder_edge_pts_fill(_edge_pts,nedge_pts,
374        vneighbors,nvneighbors,1);
375       c->nedge_pts=nedge_pts;
376       _edge_pts+=nedge_pts;
377     }
378   }
379   free(vmark);
380   free(hmark);
381   free(vneighbors);
382   free(hneighbors);
383   /*Sort the centers by decreasing numbers of edge points.*/
384   qsort(_centers,ncenters,sizeof(*_centers),qr_finder_center_cmp);
385   return ncenters;
386 }
388 /*Locates a set of putative finder centers in the image.
389   First we search for horizontal and vertical lines that have
390    (dark:light:dark:light:dark) runs with size ratios of roughly (1:1:3:1:1).
391   Then we cluster them into groups such that each subsequent pair of endpoints
392    is close to the line before it in the cluster.
393   This will locate many line clusters that don't cross a finder pattern, but
394    qr_finder_find_crossings() will filter most of them out.
395   Where horizontal and vertical clusters cross, a prospective finder center is
396    returned.
397   _centers:  Returns a pointer to a freshly-allocated list of finder centers.
398              This must be freed by the caller.
399   _edge_pts: Returns a pointer to a freshly-allocated list of edge points
400               around those centers.
401              This must be freed by the caller.
402   _img:      The binary image to search.
403   _width:    The width of the image.
404   _height:   The height of the image.
405   Return: The number of putative finder centers located.*/
qr_finder_centers_locate(qr_finder_center ** _centers,qr_finder_edge_pt ** _edge_pts,qr_reader * reader,int _width,int _height)406 static int qr_finder_centers_locate(qr_finder_center **_centers,
407  qr_finder_edge_pt **_edge_pts, qr_reader *reader,
408  int _width,int _height){
409   qr_finder_line     *hlines = reader->finder_lines[0].lines;
410   int                 nhlines = reader->finder_lines[0].nlines;
411   qr_finder_line     *vlines = reader->finder_lines[1].lines;
412   int                 nvlines = reader->finder_lines[1].nlines;
414   qr_finder_line    **hneighbors;
415   qr_finder_cluster  *hclusters;
416   int                 nhclusters;
417   qr_finder_line    **vneighbors;
418   qr_finder_cluster  *vclusters;
419   int                 nvclusters;
420   int                 ncenters;
422   /*Cluster the detected lines.*/
423   hneighbors=(qr_finder_line **)malloc(nhlines*sizeof(*hneighbors));
424   /*We require more than one line per cluster, so there are at most nhlines/2.*/
425   hclusters=(qr_finder_cluster *)malloc((nhlines>>1)*sizeof(*hclusters));
426   nhclusters=qr_finder_cluster_lines(hclusters,hneighbors,hlines,nhlines,0);
427   /*We need vertical lines to be sorted by X coordinate, with ties broken by Y
428      coordinate, for clustering purposes.
429     We scan the image in the opposite order for cache efficiency, so sort the
430      lines we found here.*/
431   qsort(vlines,nvlines,sizeof(*vlines),qr_finder_vline_cmp);
432   vneighbors=(qr_finder_line **)malloc(nvlines*sizeof(*vneighbors));
433   /*We require more than one line per cluster, so there are at most nvlines/2.*/
434   vclusters=(qr_finder_cluster *)malloc((nvlines>>1)*sizeof(*vclusters));
435   nvclusters=qr_finder_cluster_lines(vclusters,vneighbors,vlines,nvlines,1);
436   /*Find line crossings among the clusters.*/
437   if(nhclusters>=3&&nvclusters>=3){
438     qr_finder_edge_pt  *edge_pts;
439     qr_finder_center   *centers;
440     int                 nedge_pts;
441     int                 i;
442     nedge_pts=0;
443     for(i=0;i<nhclusters;i++)nedge_pts+=hclusters[i].nlines;
444     for(i=0;i<nvclusters;i++)nedge_pts+=vclusters[i].nlines;
445     nedge_pts<<=1;
446     edge_pts=(qr_finder_edge_pt *)malloc(nedge_pts*sizeof(*edge_pts));
447     centers=(qr_finder_center *)malloc(
448      QR_MINI(nhclusters,nvclusters)*sizeof(*centers));
449     ncenters=qr_finder_find_crossings(centers,edge_pts,
450      hclusters,nhclusters,vclusters,nvclusters);
451     *_centers=centers;
452     *_edge_pts=edge_pts;
453   }
454   else ncenters=0;
455   free(vclusters);
456   free(vneighbors);
457   free(hclusters);
458   free(hneighbors);
459   return ncenters;
460 }
qr_point_translate(qr_point _point,int _dx,int _dy)464 static void qr_point_translate(qr_point _point,int _dx,int _dy){
465   _point[0]+=_dx;
466   _point[1]+=_dy;
467 }
qr_point_distance2(const qr_point _p1,const qr_point _p2)469 static unsigned qr_point_distance2(const qr_point _p1,const qr_point _p2){
470   return (_p1[0]-_p2[0])*(_p1[0]-_p2[0])+(_p1[1]-_p2[1])*(_p1[1]-_p2[1]);
471 }
473 /*Returns the cross product of the three points, which is positive if they are
474    in CCW order (in a right-handed coordinate system), and 0 if they're
475    colinear.*/
qr_point_ccw(const qr_point _p0,const qr_point _p1,const qr_point _p2)476 static int qr_point_ccw(const qr_point _p0,
477  const qr_point _p1,const qr_point _p2){
478   return (_p1[0]-_p0[0])*(_p2[1]-_p0[1])-(_p1[1]-_p0[1])*(_p2[0]-_p0[0]);
479 }
483 /*Evaluates a line equation at a point.
484   _line: The line to evaluate.
485   _x:    The X coordinate of the point.
486   _y:    The y coordinate of the point.
487   Return: The value of the line equation _line[0]*_x+_line[1]*_y+_line[2].*/
qr_line_eval(qr_line _line,int _x,int _y)488 static int qr_line_eval(qr_line _line,int _x,int _y){
489   return _line[0]*_x+_line[1]*_y+_line[2];
490 }
492 /*Computes a line passing through the given point using the specified second
493    order statistics.
494   Given a line defined by the equation
495     A*x+B*y+C = 0 ,
496    the least squares fit to n points (x_i,y_i) must satisfy the two equations
497     A^2 + (Syy - Sxx)/Sxy*A*B - B^2 = 0 ,
498     C = -(xbar*A+ybar*B) ,
499    where
500     xbar = sum(x_i)/n ,
501     ybar = sum(y_i)/n ,
502     Sxx = sum((x_i-xbar)**2) ,
503     Sxy = sum((x_i-xbar)*(y_i-ybar)) ,
504     Syy = sum((y_i-ybar)**2) .
505   The quadratic can be solved for the ratio (A/B) or (B/A):
506     A/B = (Syy + sqrt((Sxx-Syy)**2 + 4*Sxy**2) - Sxx)/(-2*Sxy) ,
507     B/A = (Sxx + sqrt((Sxx-Syy)**2 + 4*Sxy**2) - Syy)/(-2*Sxy) .
508   We pick the one that leads to the larger ratio to avoid destructive
509    cancellation (and e.g., 0/0 for horizontal or vertical lines).
510   The above solutions correspond to the actual minimum.
511   The other solution of the quadratic corresponds to a saddle point of the
512    least squares objective function.
513   _l:   Returns the fitted line values A, B, and C.
514   _x0:  The X coordinate of the point the line is supposed to pass through.
515   _y0:  The Y coordinate of the point the line is supposed to pass through.
516   _sxx: The sum Sxx.
517   _sxy: The sum Sxy.
518   _syy: The sum Syy.
519   _res: The maximum number of bits occupied by the product of any two of
520          _l[0] or _l[1].
521         Smaller numbers give less angular resolution, but allow more overhead
522          room for computations.*/
qr_line_fit(qr_line _l,int _x0,int _y0,int _sxx,int _sxy,int _syy,int _res)523 static void qr_line_fit(qr_line _l,int _x0,int _y0,
524  int _sxx,int _sxy,int _syy,int _res){
525   int dshift;
526   int dround;
527   int u;
528   int v;
529   int w;
530   u=abs(_sxx-_syy);
531   v=-_sxy<<1;
532   w=qr_ihypot(u,v);
533   /*Computations in later stages can easily overflow with moderate sizes, so we
534      compute a shift factor to scale things down into a manageable range.
535     We ensure that the product of any two of _l[0] and _l[1] fits within _res
536      bits, which allows computation of line intersections without overflow.*/
537   dshift=QR_MAXI(0,QR_MAXI(qr_ilog(u),qr_ilog(abs(v)))+1-(_res+1>>1));
538   dround=(1<<dshift)>>1;
539   if(_sxx>_syy){
540     _l[0]=v+dround>>dshift;
541     _l[1]=u+w+dround>>dshift;
542   }
543   else{
544     _l[0]=u+w+dround>>dshift;
545     _l[1]=v+dround>>dshift;
546   }
547   _l[2]=-(_x0*_l[0]+_y0*_l[1]);
548 }
550 /*Perform a least-squares line fit to a list of points.
551   At least two points are required.*/
qr_line_fit_points(qr_line _l,qr_point * _p,int _np,int _res)552 static void qr_line_fit_points(qr_line _l,qr_point *_p,int _np,int _res){
553   int sx;
554   int sy;
555   int xmin;
556   int xmax;
557   int ymin;
558   int ymax;
559   int xbar;
560   int ybar;
561   int dx;
562   int dy;
563   int sxx;
564   int sxy;
565   int syy;
566   int sshift;
567   int sround;
568   int i;
569   sx=sy=0;
570   ymax=xmax=INT_MIN;
571   ymin=xmin=INT_MAX;
572   for(i=0;i<_np;i++){
573     sx+=_p[i][0];
574     xmin=QR_MINI(xmin,_p[i][0]);
575     xmax=QR_MAXI(xmax,_p[i][0]);
576     sy+=_p[i][1];
577     ymin=QR_MINI(ymin,_p[i][1]);
578     ymax=QR_MAXI(ymax,_p[i][1]);
579   }
580   xbar=(sx+(_np>>1))/_np;
581   ybar=(sy+(_np>>1))/_np;
582   sshift=QR_MAXI(0,qr_ilog(_np*QR_MAXI(QR_MAXI(xmax-xbar,xbar-xmin),
583    QR_MAXI(ymax-ybar,ybar-ymin)))-(QR_INT_BITS-1>>1));
584   sround=(1<<sshift)>>1;
585   sxx=sxy=syy=0;
586   for(i=0;i<_np;i++){
587     dx=_p[i][0]-xbar+sround>>sshift;
588     dy=_p[i][1]-ybar+sround>>sshift;
589     sxx+=dx*dx;
590     sxy+=dx*dy;
591     syy+=dy*dy;
592   }
593   qr_line_fit(_l,xbar,ybar,sxx,sxy,syy,_res);
594 }
qr_line_orient(qr_line _l,int _x,int _y)596 static void qr_line_orient(qr_line _l,int _x,int _y){
597   if(qr_line_eval(_l,_x,_y)<0){
598     _l[0]=-_l[0];
599     _l[1]=-_l[1];
600     _l[2]=-_l[2];
601   }
602 }
qr_line_isect(qr_point _p,const qr_line _l0,const qr_line _l1)604 static int qr_line_isect(qr_point _p,const qr_line _l0,const qr_line _l1){
605   int d;
606   int x;
607   int y;
608   d=_l0[0]*_l1[1]-_l0[1]*_l1[0];
609   if(d==0)return -1;
610   x=_l0[1]*_l1[2]-_l1[1]*_l0[2];
611   y=_l1[0]*_l0[2]-_l0[0]*_l1[2];
612   if(d<0){
613     x=-x;
614     y=-y;
615     d=-d;
616   }
617   _p[0]=QR_DIVROUND(x,d);
618   _p[1]=QR_DIVROUND(y,d);
619   return 0;
620 }
624 /*An affine homography.
625   This maps from the image (at subpel resolution) to a square domain with
626    power-of-two sides (of res bits) and back.*/
627 struct qr_aff{
628   int fwd[2][2];
629   int inv[2][2];
630   int x0;
631   int y0;
632   int res;
633   int ires;
634 };
qr_aff_init(qr_aff * _aff,const qr_point _p0,const qr_point _p1,const qr_point _p2,int _res)637 static void qr_aff_init(qr_aff *_aff,
638  const qr_point _p0,const qr_point _p1,const qr_point _p2,int _res){
639   int det;
640   int ires;
641   int dx1;
642   int dy1;
643   int dx2;
644   int dy2;
645   /*det is ensured to be positive by our caller.*/
646   dx1=_p1[0]-_p0[0];
647   dx2=_p2[0]-_p0[0];
648   dy1=_p1[1]-_p0[1];
649   dy2=_p2[1]-_p0[1];
650   det=dx1*dy2-dy1*dx2;
651   ires=QR_MAXI((qr_ilog(abs(det))>>1)-2,0);
652   _aff->fwd[0][0]=dx1;
653   _aff->fwd[0][1]=dx2;
654   _aff->fwd[1][0]=dy1;
655   _aff->fwd[1][1]=dy2;
656   _aff->inv[0][0]=QR_DIVROUND(dy2<<_res,det>>ires);
657   _aff->inv[0][1]=QR_DIVROUND(-dx2<<_res,det>>ires);
658   _aff->inv[1][0]=QR_DIVROUND(-dy1<<_res,det>>ires);
659   _aff->inv[1][1]=QR_DIVROUND(dx1<<_res,det>>ires);
660   _aff->x0=_p0[0];
661   _aff->y0=_p0[1];
662   _aff->res=_res;
663   _aff->ires=ires;
664 }
666 /*Map from the image (at subpel resolution) into the square domain.*/
qr_aff_unproject(qr_point _q,const qr_aff * _aff,int _x,int _y)667 static void qr_aff_unproject(qr_point _q,const qr_aff *_aff,
668  int _x,int _y){
669   _q[0]=_aff->inv[0][0]*(_x-_aff->x0)+_aff->inv[0][1]*(_y-_aff->y0)
670    +(1<<_aff->ires>>1)>>_aff->ires;
671   _q[1]=_aff->inv[1][0]*(_x-_aff->x0)+_aff->inv[1][1]*(_y-_aff->y0)
672    +(1<<_aff->ires>>1)>>_aff->ires;
673 }
675 /*Map from the square domain into the image (at subpel resolution).*/
qr_aff_project(qr_point _p,const qr_aff * _aff,int _u,int _v)676 static void qr_aff_project(qr_point _p,const qr_aff *_aff,
677  int _u,int _v){
678   _p[0]=(_aff->fwd[0][0]*_u+_aff->fwd[0][1]*_v+(1<<_aff->res-1)>>_aff->res)
679    +_aff->x0;
680   _p[1]=(_aff->fwd[1][0]*_u+_aff->fwd[1][1]*_v+(1<<_aff->res-1)>>_aff->res)
681    +_aff->y0;
682 }
686 /*A full homography.
687   Like the affine homography, this maps from the image (at subpel resolution)
688    to a square domain with power-of-two sides (of res bits) and back.*/
689 struct qr_hom{
690   int fwd[3][2];
691   int inv[3][2];
692   int fwd22;
693   int inv22;
694   int x0;
695   int y0;
696   int res;
697 };
qr_hom_init(qr_hom * _hom,int _x0,int _y0,int _x1,int _y1,int _x2,int _y2,int _x3,int _y3,int _res)700 static void qr_hom_init(qr_hom *_hom,int _x0,int _y0,
701  int _x1,int _y1,int _x2,int _y2,int _x3,int _y3,int _res){
702   int dx10;
703   int dx20;
704   int dx30;
705   int dx31;
706   int dx32;
707   int dy10;
708   int dy20;
709   int dy30;
710   int dy31;
711   int dy32;
712   int a20;
713   int a21;
714   int a22;
715   int b0;
716   int b1;
717   int b2;
718   int s1;
719   int s2;
720   int r1;
721   int r2;
722   dx10=_x1-_x0;
723   dx20=_x2-_x0;
724   dx30=_x3-_x0;
725   dx31=_x3-_x1;
726   dx32=_x3-_x2;
727   dy10=_y1-_y0;
728   dy20=_y2-_y0;
729   dy30=_y3-_y0;
730   dy31=_y3-_y1;
731   dy32=_y3-_y2;
732   a20=dx32*dy10-dx10*dy32;
733   a21=dx20*dy31-dx31*dy20;
734   a22=dx32*dy31-dx31*dy32;
735   /*Figure out if we need to downscale anything.*/
736   b0=qr_ilog(QR_MAXI(abs(dx10),abs(dy10)))+qr_ilog(abs(a20+a22));
737   b1=qr_ilog(QR_MAXI(abs(dx20),abs(dy20)))+qr_ilog(abs(a21+a22));
738   b2=qr_ilog(QR_MAXI(QR_MAXI(abs(a20),abs(a21)),abs(a22)));
739   s1=QR_MAXI(0,_res+QR_MAXI(QR_MAXI(b0,b1),b2)-(QR_INT_BITS-2));
740   r1=(1<<s1)>>1;
741   /*Compute the final coefficients of the forward transform.
742     The 32x32->64 bit multiplies are really needed for accuracy with large
743      versions.*/
744   _hom->fwd[0][0]=QR_FIXMUL(dx10,a20+a22,r1,s1);
745   _hom->fwd[0][1]=QR_FIXMUL(dx20,a21+a22,r1,s1);
746   _hom->x0=_x0;
747   _hom->fwd[1][0]=QR_FIXMUL(dy10,a20+a22,r1,s1);
748   _hom->fwd[1][1]=QR_FIXMUL(dy20,a21+a22,r1,s1);
749   _hom->y0=_y0;
750   _hom->fwd[2][0]=a20+r1>>s1;
751   _hom->fwd[2][1]=a21+r1>>s1;
752   _hom->fwd22=s1>_res?a22+(r1>>_res)>>s1-_res:a22<<_res-s1;
753   /*Now compute the inverse transform.*/
754   b0=qr_ilog(QR_MAXI(QR_MAXI(abs(dx10),abs(dx20)),abs(dx30)))+
755    qr_ilog(QR_MAXI(abs(_hom->fwd[0][0]),abs(_hom->fwd[1][0])));
756   b1=qr_ilog(QR_MAXI(QR_MAXI(abs(dy10),abs(dy20)),abs(dy30)))+
757    qr_ilog(QR_MAXI(abs(_hom->fwd[0][1]),abs(_hom->fwd[1][1])));
758   b2=qr_ilog(abs(a22))-s1;
759   s2=QR_MAXI(0,QR_MAXI(b0,b1)+b2-(QR_INT_BITS-3));
760   r2=(1<<s2)>>1;
761   s1+=s2;
762   r1<<=s2;
763   /*The 32x32->64 bit multiplies are really needed for accuracy with large
764      versions.*/
765   _hom->inv[0][0]=QR_FIXMUL(_hom->fwd[1][1],a22,r1,s1);
766   _hom->inv[0][1]=QR_FIXMUL(-_hom->fwd[0][1],a22,r1,s1);
767   _hom->inv[1][0]=QR_FIXMUL(-_hom->fwd[1][0],a22,r1,s1);
768   _hom->inv[1][1]=QR_FIXMUL(_hom->fwd[0][0],a22,r1,s1);
769   _hom->inv[2][0]=QR_FIXMUL(_hom->fwd[1][0],_hom->fwd[2][1],
770    -QR_EXTMUL(_hom->fwd[1][1],_hom->fwd[2][0],r2),s2);
771   _hom->inv[2][1]=QR_FIXMUL(_hom->fwd[0][1],_hom->fwd[2][0],
772    -QR_EXTMUL(_hom->fwd[0][0],_hom->fwd[2][1],r2),s2);
773   _hom->inv22=QR_FIXMUL(_hom->fwd[0][0],_hom->fwd[1][1],
774    -QR_EXTMUL(_hom->fwd[0][1],_hom->fwd[1][0],r2),s2);
775   _hom->res=_res;
776 }
779 /*Map from the image (at subpel resolution) into the square domain.
780   Returns a negative value if the point went to infinity.*/
qr_hom_unproject(qr_point _q,const qr_hom * _hom,int _x,int _y)781 static int qr_hom_unproject(qr_point _q,const qr_hom *_hom,int _x,int _y){
782   int x;
783   int y;
784   int w;
785   _x-=_hom->x0;
786   _y-=_hom->y0;
787   x=_hom->inv[0][0]*_x+_hom->inv[0][1]*_y;
788   y=_hom->inv[1][0]*_x+_hom->inv[1][1]*_y;
789   w=_hom->inv[2][0]*_x+_hom->inv[2][1]*_y
790    +_hom->inv22+(1<<_hom->res-1)>>_hom->res;
791   if(w==0){
792     _q[0]=x<0?INT_MIN:INT_MAX;
793     _q[1]=y<0?INT_MIN:INT_MAX;
794     return -1;
795   }
796   else{
797     if(w<0){
798       x=-x;
799       y=-y;
800       w=-w;
801     }
802     _q[0]=QR_DIVROUND(x,w);
803     _q[1]=QR_DIVROUND(y,w);
804   }
805   return 0;
806 }
808 /*Finish a partial projection, converting from homogeneous coordinates to the
809    normal 2-D representation.
810   In loops, we can avoid many multiplies by computing the homogeneous _x, _y,
811    and _w incrementally, but we cannot avoid the divisions, done here.*/
qr_hom_fproject(qr_point _p,const qr_hom * _hom,int _x,int _y,int _w)812 static void qr_hom_fproject(qr_point _p,const qr_hom *_hom,
813  int _x,int _y,int _w){
814   if(_w==0){
815     _p[0]=_x<0?INT_MIN:INT_MAX;
816     _p[1]=_y<0?INT_MIN:INT_MAX;
817   }
818   else{
819     if(_w<0){
820       _x=-_x;
821       _y=-_y;
822       _w=-_w;
823     }
824     _p[0]=QR_DIVROUND(_x,_w)+_hom->x0;
825     _p[1]=QR_DIVROUND(_y,_w)+_hom->y0;
826   }
827 }
829 #if defined(QR_DEBUG)
830 /*Map from the square domain into the image (at subpel resolution).
831   Currently only used directly by debug code.*/
qr_hom_project(qr_point _p,const qr_hom * _hom,int _u,int _v)832 static void qr_hom_project(qr_point _p,const qr_hom *_hom,
833  int _u,int _v){
834   qr_hom_fproject(_p,_hom,
835    _hom->fwd[0][0]*_u+_hom->fwd[0][1]*_v,
836    _hom->fwd[1][0]*_u+_hom->fwd[1][1]*_v,
837    _hom->fwd[2][0]*_u+_hom->fwd[2][1]*_v+_hom->fwd22);
838 }
839 #endif
843 /*All the information we've collected about a finder pattern in the current
844    configuration.*/
845 struct qr_finder{
846   /*The module size along each axis (in the square domain).*/
847   int                size[2];
848   /*The version estimated from the module size along each axis.*/
849   int                eversion[2];
850   /*The list of classified edge points for each edge.*/
851   qr_finder_edge_pt *edge_pts[4];
852   /*The number of edge points classified as belonging to each edge.*/
853   int                nedge_pts[4];
854   /*The number of inliers found after running RANSAC on each edge.*/
855   int                ninliers[4];
856   /*The center of the finder pattern (in the square domain).*/
857   qr_point           o;
858   /*The finder center information from the original image.*/
859   qr_finder_center  *c;
860 };
qr_cmp_edge_pt(const void * _a,const void * _b)863 static int qr_cmp_edge_pt(const void *_a,const void *_b){
864   const qr_finder_edge_pt *a;
865   const qr_finder_edge_pt *b;
866   a=(const qr_finder_edge_pt *)_a;
867   b=(const qr_finder_edge_pt *)_b;
868   return ((a->edge>b->edge)-(a->edge<b->edge)<<1)+
869    (a->extent>b->extent)-(a->extent<b->extent);
870 }
872 /*Computes the index of the edge each edge point belongs to, and its (signed)
873    distance along the corresponding axis from the center of the finder pattern
874    (in the square domain).
875   The resulting list of edge points is sorted by edge index, with ties broken
876    by extent.*/
qr_finder_edge_pts_aff_classify(qr_finder * _f,const qr_aff * _aff)877 static void qr_finder_edge_pts_aff_classify(qr_finder *_f,const qr_aff *_aff){
878   qr_finder_center *c;
879   int               i;
880   int               e;
881   c=_f->c;
882   for(e=0;e<4;e++)_f->nedge_pts[e]=0;
883   for(i=0;i<c->nedge_pts;i++){
884     qr_point q;
885     int      d;
886     qr_aff_unproject(q,_aff,c->edge_pts[i].pos[0],c->edge_pts[i].pos[1]);
887     qr_point_translate(q,-_f->o[0],-_f->o[1]);
888     d=abs(q[1])>abs(q[0]);
889     e=d<<1|(q[d]>=0);
890     _f->nedge_pts[e]++;
891     c->edge_pts[i].edge=e;
892     c->edge_pts[i].extent=q[d];
893   }
894   qsort(c->edge_pts,c->nedge_pts,sizeof(*c->edge_pts),qr_cmp_edge_pt);
895   _f->edge_pts[0]=c->edge_pts;
896   for(e=1;e<4;e++)_f->edge_pts[e]=_f->edge_pts[e-1]+_f->nedge_pts[e-1];
897 }
899 /*Computes the index of the edge each edge point belongs to, and its (signed)
900    distance along the corresponding axis from the center of the finder pattern
901    (in the square domain).
902   The resulting list of edge points is sorted by edge index, with ties broken
903    by extent.*/
qr_finder_edge_pts_hom_classify(qr_finder * _f,const qr_hom * _hom)904 static void qr_finder_edge_pts_hom_classify(qr_finder *_f,const qr_hom *_hom){
905   qr_finder_center *c;
906   int               i;
907   int               e;
908   c=_f->c;
909   for(e=0;e<4;e++)_f->nedge_pts[e]=0;
910   for(i=0;i<c->nedge_pts;i++){
911     qr_point q;
912     int      d;
913     if(qr_hom_unproject(q,_hom,
914      c->edge_pts[i].pos[0],c->edge_pts[i].pos[1])>=0){
915       qr_point_translate(q,-_f->o[0],-_f->o[1]);
916       d=abs(q[1])>abs(q[0]);
917       e=d<<1|(q[d]>=0);
918       _f->nedge_pts[e]++;
919       c->edge_pts[i].edge=e;
920       c->edge_pts[i].extent=q[d];
921     }
922     else{
923       c->edge_pts[i].edge=4;
924       c->edge_pts[i].extent=q[0];
925     }
926   }
927   qsort(c->edge_pts,c->nedge_pts,sizeof(*c->edge_pts),qr_cmp_edge_pt);
928   _f->edge_pts[0]=c->edge_pts;
929   for(e=1;e<4;e++)_f->edge_pts[e]=_f->edge_pts[e-1]+_f->nedge_pts[e-1];
930 }
932 /*TODO: Perhaps these thresholds should be on the module size instead?
933   Unfortunately, I'd need real-world images of codes with larger versions to
934    see if these thresholds are still effective, but such versions aren't used
935    often.*/
937 /*The amount that the estimated version numbers are allowed to differ from the
938    real version number and still be considered valid.*/
939 #define QR_SMALL_VERSION_SLACK (1)
940 /*Since cell phone cameras can have severe radial distortion, the estimated
941    version for larger versions can be off by larger amounts.*/
942 #define QR_LARGE_VERSION_SLACK (3)
944 /*Estimates the size of a module after classifying the edge points.
945   _width:  The distance between UL and UR in the square domain.
946   _height: The distance between UL and DL in the square domain.*/
qr_finder_estimate_module_size_and_version(qr_finder * _f,int _width,int _height)947 static int qr_finder_estimate_module_size_and_version(qr_finder *_f,
948  int _width,int _height){
949   qr_point offs;
950   int      sums[4];
951   int      nsums[4];
952   int      usize;
953   int      nusize;
954   int      vsize;
955   int      nvsize;
956   int      uversion;
957   int      vversion;
958   int      e;
959   offs[0]=offs[1]=0;
960   for(e=0;e<4;e++)if(_f->nedge_pts[e]>0){
961     qr_finder_edge_pt *edge_pts;
962     int                sum;
963     int                mean;
964     int                n;
965     int                i;
966     /*Average the samples for this edge, dropping the top and bottom 25%.*/
967     edge_pts=_f->edge_pts[e];
968     n=_f->nedge_pts[e];
969     sum=0;
970     for(i=(n>>2);i<n-(n>>2);i++)sum+=edge_pts[i].extent;
971     n=n-((n>>2)<<1);
972     mean=QR_DIVROUND(sum,n);
973     offs[e>>1]+=mean;
974     sums[e]=sum;
975     nsums[e]=n;
976   }
977   else nsums[e]=sums[e]=0;
978   /*If we have samples on both sides of an axis, refine our idea of where the
979      unprojected finder center is located.*/
980   if(_f->nedge_pts[0]>0&&_f->nedge_pts[1]>0){
981     _f->o[0]-=offs[0]>>1;
982     sums[0]-=offs[0]*nsums[0]>>1;
983     sums[1]-=offs[0]*nsums[1]>>1;
984   }
985   if(_f->nedge_pts[2]>0&&_f->nedge_pts[3]>0){
986     _f->o[1]-=offs[1]>>1;
987     sums[2]-=offs[1]*nsums[2]>>1;
988     sums[3]-=offs[1]*nsums[3]>>1;
989   }
990   /*We must have _some_ samples along each axis... if we don't, our transform
991      must be pretty severely distorting the original square (e.g., with
992      coordinates so large as to cause overflow).*/
993   nusize=nsums[0]+nsums[1];
994   if(nusize<=0)return -1;
995   /*The module size is 1/3 the average edge extent.*/
996   nusize*=3;
997   usize=sums[1]-sums[0];
998   usize=((usize<<1)+nusize)/(nusize<<1);
999   if(usize<=0)return -1;
1000   /*Now estimate the version directly from the module size and the distance
1001      between the finder patterns.
1002     This is done independently using the extents along each axis.
1003     If either falls significantly outside the valid range (1 to 40), reject the
1004      configuration.*/
1005   uversion=(_width-8*usize)/(usize<<2);
1006   if(uversion<1||uversion>40+QR_LARGE_VERSION_SLACK)return -1;
1007   /*Now do the same for the other axis.*/
1008   nvsize=nsums[2]+nsums[3];
1009   if(nvsize<=0)return -1;
1010   nvsize*=3;
1011   vsize=sums[3]-sums[2];
1012   vsize=((vsize<<1)+nvsize)/(nvsize<<1);
1013   if(vsize<=0)return -1;
1014   vversion=(_height-8*vsize)/(vsize<<2);
1015   if(vversion<1||vversion>40+QR_LARGE_VERSION_SLACK)return -1;
1016   /*If the estimated version using extents along one axis is significantly
1017      different than the estimated version along the other axis, then the axes
1018      have significantly different scalings (relative to the grid).
1019     This can happen, e.g., when we have multiple adjacent QR codes, and we've
1020      picked two finder patterns from one and the third finder pattern from
1021      another, e.g.:
1022       X---DL UL---X
1023       |....   |....
1024       X....  UR....
1025     Such a configuration might even pass any other geometric checks if we
1026      didn't reject it here.*/
1027   if(abs(uversion-vversion)>QR_LARGE_VERSION_SLACK)return -1;
1028   _f->size[0]=usize;
1029   _f->size[1]=vsize;
1030   /*We intentionally do not compute an average version from the sizes along
1031      both axes.
1032     In the presence of projective distortion, one of them will be much more
1033      accurate than the other.*/
1034   _f->eversion[0]=uversion;
1035   _f->eversion[1]=vversion;
1036   return 0;
1037 }
1039 /*Eliminate outliers from the classified edge points with RANSAC.*/
qr_finder_ransac(qr_finder * _f,const qr_aff * _hom,isaac_ctx * _isaac,int _e)1040 static void qr_finder_ransac(qr_finder *_f,const qr_aff *_hom,
1041  isaac_ctx *_isaac,int _e){
1042   qr_finder_edge_pt *edge_pts;
1043   int                best_ninliers;
1044   int                n;
1045   edge_pts=_f->edge_pts[_e];
1046   n=_f->nedge_pts[_e];
1047   best_ninliers=0;
1048   if(n>1){
1049     int max_iters;
1050     int i;
1051     int j;
1052     /*17 iterations is enough to guarantee an outlier-free sample with more
1053        than 99% probability given as many as 50% outliers.*/
1054     max_iters=17;
1055     for(i=0;i<max_iters;i++){
1056       qr_point  q0;
1057       qr_point  q1;
1058       int       ninliers;
1059       int       thresh;
1060       int       p0i;
1061       int       p1i;
1062       int      *p0;
1063       int      *p1;
1064       int       j;
1065       /*Pick two random points on this edge.*/
1066       p0i=isaac_next_uint(_isaac,n);
1067       p1i=isaac_next_uint(_isaac,n-1);
1068       if(p1i>=p0i)p1i++;
1069       p0=edge_pts[p0i].pos;
1070       p1=edge_pts[p1i].pos;
1071       /*If the corresponding line is not within 45 degrees of the proper
1072          orientation in the square domain, reject it outright.
1073         This can happen, e.g., when highly skewed orientations cause points to
1074          be misclassified into the wrong edge.
1075         The irony is that using such points might produce a line which _does_
1076          pass the corresponding validity checks.*/
1077       qr_aff_unproject(q0,_hom,p0[0],p0[1]);
1078       qr_aff_unproject(q1,_hom,p1[0],p1[1]);
1079       qr_point_translate(q0,-_f->o[0],-_f->o[1]);
1080       qr_point_translate(q1,-_f->o[0],-_f->o[1]);
1081       if(abs(q0[_e>>1]-q1[_e>>1])>abs(q0[1-(_e>>1)]-q1[1-(_e>>1)]))continue;
1082       /*Identify the other edge points which are inliers.
1083         The squared distance should be distributed as a \Chi^2 distribution
1084          with one degree of freedom, which means for a 95% confidence the
1085          point should lie within a factor 3.8414588 ~= 4 times the expected
1086          variance of the point locations.
1087         We grossly approximate the standard deviation as 1 pixel in one
1088          direction, and 0.5 pixels in the other (because we average two
1089          coordinates).*/
1090       thresh=qr_isqrt(qr_point_distance2(p0,p1)<<2*QR_FINDER_SUBPREC+1);
1091       ninliers=0;
1092       for(j=0;j<n;j++){
1093         if(abs(qr_point_ccw(p0,p1,edge_pts[j].pos))<=thresh){
1094           edge_pts[j].extent|=1;
1095           ninliers++;
1096         }
1097         else edge_pts[j].extent&=~1;
1098       }
1099       if(ninliers>best_ninliers){
1100         for(j=0;j<n;j++)edge_pts[j].extent<<=1;
1101         best_ninliers=ninliers;
1102         /*The actual number of iterations required is
1103             log(1-\alpha)/log(1-r*r),
1104            where \alpha is the required probability of taking a sample with
1105             no outliers (e.g., 0.99) and r is the estimated ratio of inliers
1106             (e.g. ninliers/n).
1107           This is just a rough (but conservative) approximation, but it
1108            should be good enough to stop the iteration early when we find
1109            a good set of inliers.*/
1110         if(ninliers>n>>1)max_iters=(67*n-63*ninliers-1)/(n<<1);
1111       }
1112     }
1113     /*Now collect all the inliers at the beginning of the list.*/
1114     for(i=j=0;j<best_ninliers;i++)if(edge_pts[i].extent&2){
1115       if(j<i){
1116         qr_finder_edge_pt tmp;
1117         *&tmp=*(edge_pts+i);
1118         *(edge_pts+j)=*(edge_pts+i);
1119         *(edge_pts+i)=*&tmp;
1120       }
1121       j++;
1122     }
1123   }
1124   _f->ninliers[_e]=best_ninliers;
1125 }
1127 /*Perform a least-squares line fit to an edge of a finder pattern using the
1128    inliers found by RANSAC.*/
qr_line_fit_finder_edge(qr_line _l,const qr_finder * _f,int _e,int _res)1129 static int qr_line_fit_finder_edge(qr_line _l,
1130  const qr_finder *_f,int _e,int _res){
1131   qr_finder_edge_pt *edge_pts;
1132   qr_point          *pts;
1133   int                npts;
1134   int                i;
1135   npts=_f->ninliers[_e];
1136   if(npts<2)return -1;
1137   /*We could write a custom version of qr_line_fit_points that accesses
1138      edge_pts directly, but this saves on code size and doesn't measurably slow
1139      things down.*/
1140   pts=(qr_point *)malloc(npts*sizeof(*pts));
1141   edge_pts=_f->edge_pts[_e];
1142   for(i=0;i<npts;i++){
1143     pts[i][0]=edge_pts[i].pos[0];
1144     pts[i][1]=edge_pts[i].pos[1];
1145   }
1146   qr_line_fit_points(_l,pts,npts,_res);
1147   /*Make sure the center of the finder pattern lies in the positive halfspace
1148      of the line.*/
1149   qr_line_orient(_l,_f->c->pos[0],_f->c->pos[1]);
1150   free(pts);
1151   return 0;
1152 }
1154 /*Perform a least-squares line fit to a pair of common finder edges using the
1155    inliers found by RANSAC.
1156   Unlike a normal edge fit, we guarantee that this one succeeds by creating at
1157    least one point on each edge using the estimated module size if it has no
1158    inliers.*/
qr_line_fit_finder_pair(qr_line _l,const qr_aff * _aff,const qr_finder * _f0,const qr_finder * _f1,int _e)1159 static void qr_line_fit_finder_pair(qr_line _l,const qr_aff *_aff,
1160  const qr_finder *_f0,const qr_finder *_f1,int _e){
1161   qr_point          *pts;
1162   int                npts;
1163   qr_finder_edge_pt *edge_pts;
1164   qr_point           q;
1165   int                n0;
1166   int                n1;
1167   int                i;
1168   n0=_f0->ninliers[_e];
1169   n1=_f1->ninliers[_e];
1170   /*We could write a custom version of qr_line_fit_points that accesses
1171      edge_pts directly, but this saves on code size and doesn't measurably slow
1172      things down.*/
1173   npts=QR_MAXI(n0,1)+QR_MAXI(n1,1);
1174   pts=(qr_point *)malloc(npts*sizeof(*pts));
1175   if(n0>0){
1176     edge_pts=_f0->edge_pts[_e];
1177     for(i=0;i<n0;i++){
1178       pts[i][0]=edge_pts[i].pos[0];
1179       pts[i][1]=edge_pts[i].pos[1];
1180     }
1181   }
1182   else{
1183     q[0]=_f0->o[0];
1184     q[1]=_f0->o[1];
1185     q[_e>>1]+=_f0->size[_e>>1]*(2*(_e&1)-1);
1186     qr_aff_project(pts[0],_aff,q[0],q[1]);
1187     n0++;
1188   }
1189   if(n1>0){
1190     edge_pts=_f1->edge_pts[_e];
1191     for(i=0;i<n1;i++){
1192       pts[n0+i][0]=edge_pts[i].pos[0];
1193       pts[n0+i][1]=edge_pts[i].pos[1];
1194     }
1195   }
1196   else{
1197     q[0]=_f1->o[0];
1198     q[1]=_f1->o[1];
1199     q[_e>>1]+=_f1->size[_e>>1]*(2*(_e&1)-1);
1200     qr_aff_project(pts[n0],_aff,q[0],q[1]);
1201     n1++;
1202   }
1203   qr_line_fit_points(_l,pts,npts,_aff->res);
1204   /*Make sure at least one finder center lies in the positive halfspace.*/
1205   qr_line_orient(_l,_f0->c->pos[0],_f0->c->pos[1]);
1206   free(pts);
1207 }
qr_finder_quick_crossing_check(const unsigned char * _img,int _width,int _height,int _x0,int _y0,int _x1,int _y1,int _v)1209 static int qr_finder_quick_crossing_check(const unsigned char *_img,
1210  int _width,int _height,int _x0,int _y0,int _x1,int _y1,int _v){
1211   /*The points must be inside the image, and have a !_v:_v:!_v pattern.
1212     We don't scan the whole line initially, but quickly reject if the endpoints
1213      aren't !_v, or the midpoint isn't _v.
1214     If either end point is out of the image, or we don't encounter a _v pixel,
1215      we return a negative value, indicating the region should be considered
1216      empty.
1217     Otherwise, we return a positive value to indicate it is non-empty.*/
1218   if(_x0<0||_x0>=_width||_y0<0||_y0>=_height||
1219    _x1<0||_x1>=_width||_y1<0||_y1>=_height){
1220     return -1;
1221   }
1222   if((!_img[_y0*_width+_x0])!=_v||(!_img[_y1*_width+_x1])!=_v)return 1;
1223   if((!_img[(_y0+_y1>>1)*_width+(_x0+_x1>>1)])==_v)return -1;
1224   return 0;
1225 }
1227 /*Locate the midpoint of a _v segment along a !_v:_v:!_v line from (_x0,_y0) to
1228    (_x1,_y1).
1229   All coordinates, which are NOT in subpel resolution, must lie inside the
1230    image, and the endpoints are already assumed to have the value !_v.
1231   The returned value is in subpel resolution.*/
qr_finder_locate_crossing(const unsigned char * _img,int _width,int _height,int _x0,int _y0,int _x1,int _y1,int _v,qr_point _p)1232 static int qr_finder_locate_crossing(const unsigned char *_img,
1233  int _width,int _height,int _x0,int _y0,int _x1,int _y1,int _v,qr_point _p){
1234   qr_point x0;
1235   qr_point x1;
1236   qr_point dx;
1237   int      step[2];
1238   int      steep;
1239   int      err;
1240   int      derr;
1241   /*Use Bresenham's algorithm to trace along the line and find the exact
1242      transitions from !_v to _v and back.*/
1243   x0[0]=_x0;
1244   x0[1]=_y0;
1245   x1[0]=_x1;
1246   x1[1]=_y1;
1247   dx[0]=abs(_x1-_x0);
1248   dx[1]=abs(_y1-_y0);
1249   steep=dx[1]>dx[0];
1250   err=0;
1251   derr=dx[1-steep];
1252   step[0]=((_x0<_x1)<<1)-1;
1253   step[1]=((_y0<_y1)<<1)-1;
1254   /*Find the first crossing from !_v to _v.*/
1255   for(;;){
1256     /*If we make it all the way to the other side, there's no crossing.*/
1257     if(x0[steep]==x1[steep])return -1;
1258     x0[steep]+=step[steep];
1259     err+=derr;
1260     if(err<<1>dx[steep]){
1261       x0[1-steep]+=step[1-steep];
1262       err-=dx[steep];
1263     }
1264     if((!_img[x0[1]*_width+x0[0]])!=_v)break;
1265   }
1266   /*Find the last crossing from _v to !_v.*/
1267   err=0;
1268   for(;;){
1269     if(x0[steep]==x1[steep])break;
1270     x1[steep]-=step[steep];
1271     err+=derr;
1272     if(err<<1>dx[steep]){
1273       x1[1-steep]-=step[1-steep];
1274       err-=dx[steep];
1275     }
1276     if((!_img[x1[1]*_width+x1[0]])!=_v)break;
1277   }
1278   /*Return the midpoint of the _v segment.*/
1279   _p[0]=(x0[0]+x1[0]+1<<QR_FINDER_SUBPREC)>>1;
1280   _p[1]=(x0[1]+x1[1]+1<<QR_FINDER_SUBPREC)>>1;
1281   return 0;
1282 }
qr_aff_line_step(const qr_aff * _aff,qr_line _l,int _v,int _du,int * _dv)1284 static int qr_aff_line_step(const qr_aff *_aff,qr_line _l,
1285  int _v,int _du,int *_dv){
1286   int shift;
1287   int round;
1288   int dv;
1289   int n;
1290   int d;
1291   n=_aff->fwd[0][_v]*_l[0]+_aff->fwd[1][_v]*_l[1];
1292   d=_aff->fwd[0][1-_v]*_l[0]+_aff->fwd[1][1-_v]*_l[1];
1293   if(d<0){
1294     n=-n;
1295     d=-d;
1296   }
1297   shift=QR_MAXI(0,qr_ilog(_du)+qr_ilog(abs(n))+3-QR_INT_BITS);
1298   round=(1<<shift)>>1;
1299   n=n+round>>shift;
1300   d=d+round>>shift;
1301   /*The line should not be outside 45 degrees of horizontal/vertical.
1302     TODO: We impose this restriction to help ensure the loop below terminates,
1303      but it should not technically be required.
1304     It also, however, ensures we avoid division by zero.*/
1305   if(abs(n)>=d)return -1;
1306   n=-_du*n;
1307   dv=QR_DIVROUND(n,d);
1308   if(abs(dv)>=_du)return -1;
1309   *_dv=dv;
1310   return 0;
1311 }
1313 /*Computes the Hamming distance between two bit patterns (the number of bits
1314    that differ).
1315   May stop counting after _maxdiff differences.*/
qr_hamming_dist(unsigned _y1,unsigned _y2,int _maxdiff)1316 static int qr_hamming_dist(unsigned _y1,unsigned _y2,int _maxdiff){
1317   unsigned y;
1318   int      ret;
1319   y=_y1^_y2;
1320   for(ret=0;ret<_maxdiff&&y;ret++)y&=y-1;
1321   return ret;
1322 }
1324 /*Retrieve a bit (guaranteed to be 0 or 1) from the image, given coordinates in
1325    subpel resolution which have not been bounds checked.*/
qr_img_get_bit(const unsigned char * _img,int _width,int _height,int _x,int _y)1326 static int qr_img_get_bit(const unsigned char *_img,int _width,int _height,
1327  int _x,int _y){
1328   _x>>=QR_FINDER_SUBPREC;
1329   _y>>=QR_FINDER_SUBPREC;
1330   return _img[QR_CLAMPI(0,_y,_height-1)*_width+QR_CLAMPI(0,_x,_width-1)]!=0;
1331 }
1333 #if defined(QR_DEBUG)
1334 #include "image.h"
qr_finder_dump_aff_undistorted(qr_finder * _ul,qr_finder * _ur,qr_finder * _dl,qr_aff * _aff,const unsigned char * _img,int _width,int _height)1336 static void qr_finder_dump_aff_undistorted(qr_finder *_ul,qr_finder *_ur,
1337  qr_finder *_dl,qr_aff *_aff,const unsigned char *_img,int _width,int _height){
1338   unsigned char *gimg;
1339   FILE          *fout;
1340   int            lpsz;
1341   int            pixel_size;
1342   int            dim;
1343   int            min;
1344   int            max;
1345   int            u;
1346   int            y;
1347   int            i;
1348   int            j;
1349   lpsz=qr_ilog(_ur->size[0]+_ur->size[1]+_dl->size[0]+_dl->size[1])-6;
1350   pixel_size=1<<lpsz;
1351   dim=(1<<_aff->res-lpsz)+128;
1352   gimg=(unsigned char *)malloc(dim*dim*sizeof(*gimg));
1353   for(i=0;i<dim;i++)for(j=0;j<dim;j++){
1354     qr_point p;
1355     qr_aff_project(p,_aff,(j-64)<<lpsz,(i-64)<<lpsz);
1356     gimg[i*dim+j]=_img[
1357      QR_CLAMPI(0,p[1]>>QR_FINDER_SUBPREC,_height-1)*_width+
1358      QR_CLAMPI(0,p[0]>>QR_FINDER_SUBPREC,_width-1)];
1359   }
1360   {
1361     min=(_ur->o[0]-7*_ur->size[0]>>lpsz)+64;
1362     if(min<0)min=0;
1363     max=(_ur->o[0]+7*_ur->size[0]>>lpsz)+64;
1364     if(max>dim)max=dim;
1365     for(y=-7;y<=7;y++){
1366       i=(_ur->o[1]+y*_ur->size[1]>>lpsz)+64;
1367       if(i<0||i>=dim)continue;
1368       for(j=min;j<max;j++)gimg[i*dim+j]=0x7F;
1369     }
1370     min=(_ur->o[1]-7*_ur->size[1]>>lpsz)+64;
1371     if(min<0)min=0;
1372     max=(_ur->o[1]+7*_ur->size[1]>>lpsz)+64;
1373     if(max>dim)max=dim;
1374     for(u=-7;u<=7;u++){
1375       j=(_ur->o[0]+u*_ur->size[0]>>lpsz)+64;
1376       if(j<0||j>=dim)continue;
1377       for(i=min;i<max;i++)gimg[i*dim+j]=0x7F;
1378     }
1379   }
1380   {
1381     min=(_dl->o[0]-7*_dl->size[0]>>lpsz)+64;
1382     if(min<0)min=0;
1383     max=(_dl->o[0]+7*_dl->size[0]>>lpsz)+64;
1384     if(max>dim)max=dim;
1385     for(y=-7;y<=7;y++){
1386       i=(_dl->o[1]+y*_dl->size[1]>>lpsz)+64;
1387       if(i<0||i>=dim)continue;
1388       for(j=min;j<max;j++)gimg[i*dim+j]=0x7F;
1389     }
1390     min=(_dl->o[1]-7*_dl->size[1]>>lpsz)+64;
1391     if(min<0)min=0;
1392     max=(_dl->o[1]+7*_dl->size[1]>>lpsz)+64;
1393     if(max>dim)max=dim;
1394     for(u=-7;u<=7;u++){
1395       j=(_dl->o[0]+u*_dl->size[0]>>lpsz)+64;
1396       if(j<0||j>=dim)continue;
1397       for(i=min;i<max;i++)gimg[i*dim+j]=0x7F;
1398     }
1399   }
1400   fout=fopen("undistorted_aff.png","wb");
1401   image_write_png(gimg,dim,dim,fout);
1402   fclose(fout);
1403   free(gimg);
1404 }
qr_finder_dump_hom_undistorted(qr_finder * _ul,qr_finder * _ur,qr_finder * _dl,qr_hom * _hom,const unsigned char * _img,int _width,int _height)1406 static void qr_finder_dump_hom_undistorted(qr_finder *_ul,qr_finder *_ur,
1407  qr_finder *_dl,qr_hom *_hom,const unsigned char *_img,int _width,int _height){
1408   unsigned char *gimg;
1409   FILE          *fout;
1410   int            lpsz;
1411   int            pixel_size;
1412   int            dim;
1413   int            min;
1414   int            max;
1415   int            u;
1416   int            v;
1417   int            i;
1418   int            j;
1419   lpsz=qr_ilog(_ur->size[0]+_ur->size[1]+_dl->size[0]+_dl->size[1])-6;
1420   pixel_size=1<<lpsz;
1421   dim=(1<<_hom->res-lpsz)+256;
1422   gimg=(unsigned char *)malloc(dim*dim*sizeof(*gimg));
1423   for(i=0;i<dim;i++)for(j=0;j<dim;j++){
1424     qr_point p;
1425     qr_hom_project(p,_hom,(j-128)<<lpsz,(i-128)<<lpsz);
1426     gimg[i*dim+j]=_img[
1427      QR_CLAMPI(0,p[1]>>QR_FINDER_SUBPREC,_height-1)*_width+
1428      QR_CLAMPI(0,p[0]>>QR_FINDER_SUBPREC,_width-1)];
1429   }
1430   {
1431     min=(_ur->o[0]-7*_ur->size[0]>>lpsz)+128;
1432     if(min<0)min=0;
1433     max=(_ur->o[0]+7*_ur->size[0]>>lpsz)+128;
1434     if(max>dim)max=dim;
1435     for(v=-7;v<=7;v++){
1436       i=(_ur->o[1]+v*_ur->size[1]>>lpsz)+128;
1437       if(i<0||i>=dim)continue;
1438       for(j=min;j<max;j++)gimg[i*dim+j]=0x7F;
1439     }
1440     min=(_ur->o[1]-7*_ur->size[1]>>lpsz)+128;
1441     if(min<0)min=0;
1442     max=(_ur->o[1]+7*_ur->size[1]>>lpsz)+128;
1443     if(max>dim)max=dim;
1444     for(u=-7;u<=7;u++){
1445       j=(_ur->o[0]+u*_ur->size[0]>>lpsz)+128;
1446       if(j<0||j>=dim)continue;
1447       for(i=min;i<max;i++)gimg[i*dim+j]=0x7F;
1448     }
1449   }
1450   {
1451     min=(_dl->o[0]-7*_dl->size[0]>>lpsz)+128;
1452     if(min<0)min=0;
1453     max=(_dl->o[0]+7*_dl->size[0]>>lpsz)+128;
1454     if(max>dim)max=dim;
1455     for(v=-7;v<=7;v++){
1456       i=(_dl->o[1]+v*_dl->size[1]>>lpsz)+128;
1457       if(i<0||i>=dim)continue;
1458       for(j=min;j<max;j++)gimg[i*dim+j]=0x7F;
1459     }
1460     min=(_dl->o[1]-7*_dl->size[1]>>lpsz)+128;
1461     if(min<0)min=0;
1462     max=(_dl->o[1]+7*_dl->size[1]>>lpsz)+128;
1463     if(max>dim)max=dim;
1464     for(u=-7;u<=7;u++){
1465       j=(_dl->o[0]+u*_dl->size[0]>>lpsz)+128;
1466       if(j<0||j>=dim)continue;
1467       for(i=min;i<max;i++)gimg[i*dim+j]=0x7F;
1468     }
1469   }
1470   fout=fopen("undistorted_hom.png","wb");
1471   image_write_png(gimg,dim,dim,fout);
1472   fclose(fout);
1473   free(gimg);
1474 }
1475 #endif
1479 /*A homography from one region of the grid back to the image.
1480   Unlike a qr_hom, this does not include an inverse transform and maps directly
1481    from the grid points, not a square with power-of-two sides.*/
1482 struct qr_hom_cell{
1483   int fwd[3][3];
1484   int x0;
1485   int y0;
1486   int u0;
1487   int v0;
1488 };
qr_hom_cell_init(qr_hom_cell * _cell,int _u0,int _v0,int _u1,int _v1,int _u2,int _v2,int _u3,int _v3,int _x0,int _y0,int _x1,int _y1,int _x2,int _y2,int _x3,int _y3)1491 static void qr_hom_cell_init(qr_hom_cell *_cell,int _u0,int _v0,
1492  int _u1,int _v1,int _u2,int _v2,int _u3,int _v3,int _x0,int _y0,
1493  int _x1,int _y1,int _x2,int _y2,int _x3,int _y3){
1494   int du10;
1495   int du20;
1496   int du30;
1497   int du31;
1498   int du32;
1499   int dv10;
1500   int dv20;
1501   int dv30;
1502   int dv31;
1503   int dv32;
1504   int dx10;
1505   int dx20;
1506   int dx30;
1507   int dx31;
1508   int dx32;
1509   int dy10;
1510   int dy20;
1511   int dy30;
1512   int dy31;
1513   int dy32;
1514   int a00;
1515   int a01;
1516   int a02;
1517   int a10;
1518   int a11;
1519   int a12;
1520   int a20;
1521   int a21;
1522   int a22;
1523   int i00;
1524   int i01;
1525   int i10;
1526   int i11;
1527   int i20;
1528   int i21;
1529   int i22;
1530   int b0;
1531   int b1;
1532   int b2;
1533   int shift;
1534   int round;
1535   int x;
1536   int y;
1537   int w;
1538   /*First, correct for the arrangement of the source points.
1539     We take advantage of the fact that we know the source points have a very
1540      limited dynamic range (so there will never be overflow) and a small amount
1541      of projective distortion.*/
1542   du10=_u1-_u0;
1543   du20=_u2-_u0;
1544   du30=_u3-_u0;
1545   du31=_u3-_u1;
1546   du32=_u3-_u2;
1547   dv10=_v1-_v0;
1548   dv20=_v2-_v0;
1549   dv30=_v3-_v0;
1550   dv31=_v3-_v1;
1551   dv32=_v3-_v2;
1552   /*Compute the coefficients of the forward transform from the unit square to
1553      the source point configuration.*/
1554   a20=du32*dv10-du10*dv32;
1555   a21=du20*dv31-du31*dv20;
1556   if(a20||a21)a22=du32*dv31-du31*dv32;
1557   /*If the source grid points aren't in a non-affine arrangement, there's no
1558      reason to scale everything by du32*dv31-du31*dv32.
1559     Not doing so allows a much larger dynamic range, and is the only way we can
1560      initialize a base cell that covers the whole grid.*/
1561   else a22=1;
1562   a00=du10*(a20+a22);
1563   a01=du20*(a21+a22);
1564   a10=dv10*(a20+a22);
1565   a11=dv20*(a21+a22);
1566   /*Now compute the inverse transform.*/
1567   i00=a11*a22;
1568   i01=-a01*a22;
1569   i10=-a10*a22;
1570   i11=a00*a22;
1571   i20=a10*a21-a11*a20;
1572   i21=a01*a20-a00*a21;
1573   i22=a00*a11-a01*a10;
1574   /*Invert the coefficients.
1575     Since i22 is the largest, we divide it by all the others.
1576     The quotient is often exact (e.g., when the source points contain no
1577      projective distortion), and is never zero.
1578     Hence we can use zero to signal "infinity" when the divisor is zero.*/
1579   if(i00)i00=QR_FLIPSIGNI(QR_DIVROUND(i22,abs(i00)),i00);
1580   if(i01)i01=QR_FLIPSIGNI(QR_DIVROUND(i22,abs(i01)),i01);
1581   if(i10)i10=QR_FLIPSIGNI(QR_DIVROUND(i22,abs(i10)),i10);
1582   if(i11)i11=QR_FLIPSIGNI(QR_DIVROUND(i22,abs(i11)),i11);
1583   if(i20)i20=QR_FLIPSIGNI(QR_DIVROUND(i22,abs(i20)),i20);
1584   if(i21)i21=QR_FLIPSIGNI(QR_DIVROUND(i22,abs(i21)),i21);
1585   /*Now compute the map from the unit square into the image.*/
1586   dx10=_x1-_x0;
1587   dx20=_x2-_x0;
1588   dx30=_x3-_x0;
1589   dx31=_x3-_x1;
1590   dx32=_x3-_x2;
1591   dy10=_y1-_y0;
1592   dy20=_y2-_y0;
1593   dy30=_y3-_y0;
1594   dy31=_y3-_y1;
1595   dy32=_y3-_y2;
1596   a20=dx32*dy10-dx10*dy32;
1597   a21=dx20*dy31-dx31*dy20;
1598   a22=dx32*dy31-dx31*dy32;
1599   /*Figure out if we need to downscale anything.*/
1600   b0=qr_ilog(QR_MAXI(abs(dx10),abs(dy10)))+qr_ilog(abs(a20+a22));
1601   b1=qr_ilog(QR_MAXI(abs(dx20),abs(dy20)))+qr_ilog(abs(a21+a22));
1602   b2=qr_ilog(QR_MAXI(QR_MAXI(abs(a20),abs(a21)),abs(a22)));
1603   shift=QR_MAXI(0,QR_MAXI(QR_MAXI(b0,b1),b2)-(QR_INT_BITS-3-QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC));
1604   round=(1<<shift)>>1;
1605   /*Compute the final coefficients of the forward transform.*/
1606   a00=QR_FIXMUL(dx10,a20+a22,round,shift);
1607   a01=QR_FIXMUL(dx20,a21+a22,round,shift);
1608   a10=QR_FIXMUL(dy10,a20+a22,round,shift);
1609   a11=QR_FIXMUL(dy20,a21+a22,round,shift);
1610   /*And compose the two transforms.
1611     Since we inverted the coefficients above, we divide by them here instead
1612      of multiplying.
1613     This lets us take advantage of the full dynamic range.
1614     Note a zero divisor is really "infinity", and thus the quotient should also
1615      be zero.*/
1616   _cell->fwd[0][0]=(i00?QR_DIVROUND(a00,i00):0)+(i10?QR_DIVROUND(a01,i10):0);
1617   _cell->fwd[0][1]=(i01?QR_DIVROUND(a00,i01):0)+(i11?QR_DIVROUND(a01,i11):0);
1618   _cell->fwd[1][0]=(i00?QR_DIVROUND(a10,i00):0)+(i10?QR_DIVROUND(a11,i10):0);
1619   _cell->fwd[1][1]=(i01?QR_DIVROUND(a10,i01):0)+(i11?QR_DIVROUND(a11,i11):0);
1620   _cell->fwd[2][0]=(i00?QR_DIVROUND(a20,i00):0)+(i10?QR_DIVROUND(a21,i10):0)
1621    +(i20?QR_DIVROUND(a22,i20):0)+round>>shift;
1622   _cell->fwd[2][1]=(i01?QR_DIVROUND(a20,i01):0)+(i11?QR_DIVROUND(a21,i11):0)
1623    +(i21?QR_DIVROUND(a22,i21):0)+round>>shift;
1624   _cell->fwd[2][2]=a22+round>>shift;
1625   /*Mathematically, a02 and a12 are exactly zero.
1626     However, that concentrates all of the rounding error in the (_u3,_v3)
1627      corner; we compute offsets which distribute it over the whole range.*/
1628   x=_cell->fwd[0][0]*du10+_cell->fwd[0][1]*dv10;
1629   y=_cell->fwd[1][0]*du10+_cell->fwd[1][1]*dv10;
1630   w=_cell->fwd[2][0]*du10+_cell->fwd[2][1]*dv10+_cell->fwd[2][2];
1631   a02=dx10*w-x;
1632   a12=dy10*w-y;
1633   x=_cell->fwd[0][0]*du20+_cell->fwd[0][1]*dv20;
1634   y=_cell->fwd[1][0]*du20+_cell->fwd[1][1]*dv20;
1635   w=_cell->fwd[2][0]*du20+_cell->fwd[2][1]*dv20+_cell->fwd[2][2];
1636   a02+=dx20*w-x;
1637   a12+=dy20*w-y;
1638   x=_cell->fwd[0][0]*du30+_cell->fwd[0][1]*dv30;
1639   y=_cell->fwd[1][0]*du30+_cell->fwd[1][1]*dv30;
1640   w=_cell->fwd[2][0]*du30+_cell->fwd[2][1]*dv30+_cell->fwd[2][2];
1641   a02+=dx30*w-x;
1642   a12+=dy30*w-y;
1643   _cell->fwd[0][2]=a02+2>>2;
1644   _cell->fwd[1][2]=a12+2>>2;
1645   _cell->x0=_x0;
1646   _cell->y0=_y0;
1647   _cell->u0=_u0;
1648   _cell->v0=_v0;
1649 }
1651 /*Finish a partial projection, converting from homogeneous coordinates to the
1652    normal 2-D representation.
1653   In loops, we can avoid many multiplies by computing the homogeneous _x, _y,
1654    and _w incrementally, but we cannot avoid the divisions, done here.*/
qr_hom_cell_fproject(qr_point _p,const qr_hom_cell * _cell,int _x,int _y,int _w)1655 static void qr_hom_cell_fproject(qr_point _p,const qr_hom_cell *_cell,
1656  int _x,int _y,int _w){
1657   if(_w==0){
1658     _p[0]=_x<0?INT_MIN:INT_MAX;
1659     _p[1]=_y<0?INT_MIN:INT_MAX;
1660   }
1661   else{
1662     if(_w<0){
1663       _x=-_x;
1664       _y=-_y;
1665       _w=-_w;
1666     }
1667     _p[0]=QR_DIVROUND(_x,_w)+_cell->x0;
1668     _p[1]=QR_DIVROUND(_y,_w)+_cell->y0;
1669   }
1670 }
qr_hom_cell_project(qr_point _p,const qr_hom_cell * _cell,int _u,int _v,int _res)1672 static void qr_hom_cell_project(qr_point _p,const qr_hom_cell *_cell,
1673  int _u,int _v,int _res){
1674   _u-=_cell->u0<<_res;
1675   _v-=_cell->v0<<_res;
1676   qr_hom_cell_fproject(_p,_cell,
1677    _cell->fwd[0][0]*_u+_cell->fwd[0][1]*_v+(_cell->fwd[0][2]<<_res),
1678    _cell->fwd[1][0]*_u+_cell->fwd[1][1]*_v+(_cell->fwd[1][2]<<_res),
1679    _cell->fwd[2][0]*_u+_cell->fwd[2][1]*_v+(_cell->fwd[2][2]<<_res));
1680 }
1684 /*Retrieves the bits corresponding to the alignment pattern template centered
1685    at the given location in the original image (at subpel precision).*/
qr_alignment_pattern_fetch(qr_point _p[5][5],int _x0,int _y0,const unsigned char * _img,int _width,int _height)1686 static unsigned qr_alignment_pattern_fetch(qr_point _p[5][5],int _x0,int _y0,
1687  const unsigned char *_img,int _width,int _height){
1688   unsigned v;
1689   int      i;
1690   int      j;
1691   int      k;
1692   int      dx;
1693   int      dy;
1694   dx=_x0-_p[2][2][0];
1695   dy=_y0-_p[2][2][1];
1696   v=0;
1697   for(k=i=0;i<5;i++)for(j=0;j<5;j++,k++){
1698     v|=qr_img_get_bit(_img,_width,_height,_p[i][j][0]+dx,_p[i][j][1]+dy)<<k;
1699   }
1700   return v;
1701 }
1703 /*Searches for an alignment pattern near the given location.*/
qr_alignment_pattern_search(qr_point _p,const qr_hom_cell * _cell,int _u,int _v,int _r,const unsigned char * _img,int _width,int _height)1704 static int qr_alignment_pattern_search(qr_point _p,const qr_hom_cell *_cell,
1705  int _u,int _v,int _r,const unsigned char *_img,int _width,int _height){
1706   qr_point c[4];
1707   int      nc[4];
1708   qr_point p[5][5];
1709   qr_point pc;
1710   unsigned best_match;
1711   int      best_dist;
1712   int      bestx;
1713   int      besty;
1714   unsigned match;
1715   int      dist;
1716   int      u;
1717   int      v;
1718   int      x0;
1719   int      y0;
1720   int      w0;
1721   int      x;
1722   int      y;
1723   int      w;
1724   int      dxdu;
1725   int      dydu;
1726   int      dwdu;
1727   int      dxdv;
1728   int      dydv;
1729   int      dwdv;
1730   int      dx;
1731   int      dy;
1732   int      i;
1733   int      j;
1734   /*Build up a basic template using _cell to control shape and scale.
1735     We project the points in the template back to the image just once, since if
1736      the alignment pattern has moved, we don't really know why.
1737     If it's because of radial distortion, or the code wasn't flat, or something
1738      else, there's no reason to expect that a re-projection around each
1739      subsequent search point would be any closer to the actual shape than our
1740      first projection.
1741     Therefore we simply slide this template around, as is.*/
1742   u=(_u-2)-_cell->u0;
1743   v=(_v-2)-_cell->v0;
1744   x0=_cell->fwd[0][0]*u+_cell->fwd[0][1]*v+_cell->fwd[0][2];
1745   y0=_cell->fwd[1][0]*u+_cell->fwd[1][1]*v+_cell->fwd[1][2];
1746   w0=_cell->fwd[2][0]*u+_cell->fwd[2][1]*v+_cell->fwd[2][2];
1747   dxdu=_cell->fwd[0][0];
1748   dydu=_cell->fwd[1][0];
1749   dwdu=_cell->fwd[2][0];
1750   dxdv=_cell->fwd[0][1];
1751   dydv=_cell->fwd[1][1];
1752   dwdv=_cell->fwd[2][1];
1753   for(i=0;i<5;i++){
1754     x=x0;
1755     y=y0;
1756     w=w0;
1757     for(j=0;j<5;j++){
1758       qr_hom_cell_fproject(p[i][j],_cell,x,y,w);
1759       x+=dxdu;
1760       y+=dydu;
1761       w+=dwdu;
1762     }
1763     x0+=dxdv;
1764     y0+=dydv;
1765     w0+=dwdv;
1766   }
1767   bestx=p[2][2][0];
1768   besty=p[2][2][1];
1769   best_match=qr_alignment_pattern_fetch(p,bestx,besty,_img,_width,_height);
1770   best_dist=qr_hamming_dist(best_match,0x1F8D63F,25);
1771   if(best_dist>0){
1772     u=_u-_cell->u0;
1773     v=_v-_cell->v0;
1774     x=_cell->fwd[0][0]*u+_cell->fwd[0][1]*v+_cell->fwd[0][2]<<QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC;
1775     y=_cell->fwd[1][0]*u+_cell->fwd[1][1]*v+_cell->fwd[1][2]<<QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC;
1776     w=_cell->fwd[2][0]*u+_cell->fwd[2][1]*v+_cell->fwd[2][2]<<QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC;
1777     /*Search an area at most _r modules around the target location, in
1778        concentric squares..*/
1779     for(i=1;i<_r<<QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC;i++){
1780       int side_len;
1781       side_len=(i<<1)-1;
1782       x-=dxdu+dxdv;
1783       y-=dydu+dydv;
1784       w-=dwdu+dwdv;
1785       for(j=0;j<4*side_len;j++){
1786         int      dir;
1787         qr_hom_cell_fproject(pc,_cell,x,y,w);
1788         match=qr_alignment_pattern_fetch(p,pc[0],pc[1],_img,_width,_height);
1789         dist=qr_hamming_dist(match,0x1F8D63F,best_dist+1);
1790         if(dist<best_dist){
1791           best_match=match;
1792           best_dist=dist;
1793           bestx=pc[0];
1794           besty=pc[1];
1795         }
1796         if(j<2*side_len){
1797           dir=j>=side_len;
1798           x+=_cell->fwd[0][dir];
1799           y+=_cell->fwd[1][dir];
1800           w+=_cell->fwd[2][dir];
1801         }
1802         else{
1803           dir=j>=3*side_len;
1804           x-=_cell->fwd[0][dir];
1805           y-=_cell->fwd[1][dir];
1806           w-=_cell->fwd[2][dir];
1807         }
1808         if(!best_dist)break;
1809       }
1810       if(!best_dist)break;
1811     }
1812   }
1813   /*If the best result we got was sufficiently bad, reject the match.
1814     If we're wrong and we include it, we can grossly distort the nearby
1815      region, whereas using the initial starting point should at least be
1816      consistent with the geometry we already have.*/
1817   if(best_dist>6){
1818     _p[0]=p[2][2][0];
1819     _p[1]=p[2][2][1];
1820     return -1;
1821   }
1822   /*Now try to get a more accurate location of the pattern center.*/
1823   dx=bestx-p[2][2][0];
1824   dy=besty-p[2][2][1];
1825   memset(nc,0,sizeof(nc));
1826   memset(c,0,sizeof(c));
1827   /*We consider 8 lines across the finder pattern in turn.
1828     If we actually found a symmetric pattern along that line, search for its
1829      exact center in the image.
1830     There are plenty more lines we could use if these don't work, but if we've
1831      found anything remotely close to an alignment pattern, we should be able
1832      to use most of these.*/
1833   for(i=0;i<8;i++){
1834     static const unsigned MASK_TESTS[8][2]={
1835       {0x1040041,0x1000001},{0x0041040,0x0001000},
1836       {0x0110110,0x0100010},{0x0011100,0x0001000},
1837       {0x0420084,0x0400004},{0x0021080,0x0001000},
1838       {0x0006C00,0x0004400},{0x0003800,0x0001000},
1839     };
1840     static const unsigned char MASK_COORDS[8][2]={
1841       {0,0},{1,1},{4,0},{3,1},{2,0},{2,1},{0,2},{1,2}
1842     };
1843     if((best_match&MASK_TESTS[i][0])==MASK_TESTS[i][1]){
1844       int x0;
1845       int y0;
1846       int x1;
1847       int y1;
1848       x0=p[MASK_COORDS[i][1]][MASK_COORDS[i][0]][0]+dx>>QR_FINDER_SUBPREC;
1849       if(x0<0||x0>=_width)continue;
1850       y0=p[MASK_COORDS[i][1]][MASK_COORDS[i][0]][1]+dy>>QR_FINDER_SUBPREC;
1851       if(y0<0||y0>=_height)continue;
1852       x1=p[4-MASK_COORDS[i][1]][4-MASK_COORDS[i][0]][0]+dx>>QR_FINDER_SUBPREC;
1853       if(x1<0||x1>=_width)continue;
1854       y1=p[4-MASK_COORDS[i][1]][4-MASK_COORDS[i][0]][1]+dy>>QR_FINDER_SUBPREC;
1855       if(y1<0||y1>=_height)continue;
1856       if(!qr_finder_locate_crossing(_img,_width,_height,x0,y0,x1,y1,i&1,pc)){
1857         int w;
1858         int cx;
1859         int cy;
1860         cx=pc[0]-bestx;
1861         cy=pc[1]-besty;
1862         if(i&1){
1863           /*Weight crossings around the center dot more highly, as they are
1864              generally more reliable.*/
1865           w=3;
1866           cx+=cx<<1;
1867           cy+=cy<<1;
1868         }
1869         else w=1;
1870         nc[i>>1]+=w;
1871         c[i>>1][0]+=cx;
1872         c[i>>1][1]+=cy;
1873       }
1874     }
1875   }
1876   /*Sum offsets from lines in orthogonal directions.*/
1877   for(i=0;i<2;i++){
1878     int a;
1879     int b;
1880     a=nc[i<<1];
1881     b=nc[i<<1|1];
1882     if(a&&b){
1883       int w;
1884       w=QR_MAXI(a,b);
1885       c[i<<1][0]=QR_DIVROUND(w*(b*c[i<<1][0]+a*c[i<<1|1][0]),a*b);
1886       c[i<<1][1]=QR_DIVROUND(w*(b*c[i<<1][1]+a*c[i<<1|1][1]),a*b);
1887       nc[i<<1]=w<<1;
1888     }
1889     else{
1890       c[i<<1][0]+=c[i<<1|1][0];
1891       c[i<<1][1]+=c[i<<1|1][1];
1892       nc[i<<1]+=b;
1893     }
1894   }
1895   /*Average offsets from pairs of orthogonal lines.*/
1896   c[0][0]+=c[2][0];
1897   c[0][1]+=c[2][1];
1898   nc[0]+=nc[2];
1899   /*If we actually found any such lines, apply the adjustment.*/
1900   if(nc[0]){
1901     dx=QR_DIVROUND(c[0][0],nc[0]);
1902     dy=QR_DIVROUND(c[0][1],nc[0]);
1903     /*But only if it doesn't make things too much worse.*/
1904     match=qr_alignment_pattern_fetch(p,bestx+dx,besty+dy,_img,_width,_height);
1905     dist=qr_hamming_dist(match,0x1F8D63F,best_dist+1);
1906     if(dist<=best_dist+1){
1907       bestx+=dx;
1908       besty+=dy;
1909     }
1910   }
1911   _p[0]=bestx;
1912   _p[1]=besty;
1913   return 0;
1914 }
qr_hom_fit(qr_hom * _hom,qr_finder * _ul,qr_finder * _ur,qr_finder * _dl,qr_point _p[4],const qr_aff * _aff,isaac_ctx * _isaac,const unsigned char * _img,int _width,int _height)1916 static int qr_hom_fit(qr_hom *_hom,qr_finder *_ul,qr_finder *_ur,
1917  qr_finder *_dl,qr_point _p[4],const qr_aff *_aff,isaac_ctx *_isaac,
1918  const unsigned char *_img,int _width,int _height){
1919   qr_point *b;
1920   int       nb;
1921   int       cb;
1922   qr_point *r;
1923   int       nr;
1924   int       cr;
1925   qr_line   l[4];
1926   qr_point  q;
1927   qr_point  p;
1928   int       ox;
1929   int       oy;
1930   int       ru;
1931   int       rv;
1932   int       dru;
1933   int       drv;
1934   int       bu;
1935   int       bv;
1936   int       dbu;
1937   int       dbv;
1938   int       rx;
1939   int       ry;
1940   int       drxi;
1941   int       dryi;
1942   int       drxj;
1943   int       dryj;
1944   int       rdone;
1945   int       nrempty;
1946   int       rlastfit;
1947   int       bx;
1948   int       by;
1949   int       dbxi;
1950   int       dbyi;
1951   int       dbxj;
1952   int       dbyj;
1953   int       bdone;
1954   int       nbempty;
1955   int       blastfit;
1956   int       shift;
1957   int       round;
1958   int       version4;
1959   int       brx;
1960   int       bry;
1961   int       i;
1962   /*We attempt to correct large-scale perspective distortion by fitting lines
1963      to the edge of the code area.
1964     We could also look for an alignment pattern now, but that wouldn't work for
1965      version 1 codes, which have no alignment pattern.
1966     Even if the code is supposed to have one, there's go guarantee we'd find it
1967      intact.*/
1968   /*Fitting lines is easy for the edges on which we have two finder patterns.
1969     After the fit, UL is guaranteed to be on the proper side, but if either of
1970      the other two finder patterns aren't, something is wrong.*/
1971   qr_finder_ransac(_ul,_aff,_isaac,0);
1972   qr_finder_ransac(_dl,_aff,_isaac,0);
1973   qr_line_fit_finder_pair(l[0],_aff,_ul,_dl,0);
1974   if(qr_line_eval(l[0],_dl->c->pos[0],_dl->c->pos[1])<0||
1975    qr_line_eval(l[0],_ur->c->pos[0],_ur->c->pos[1])<0){
1976     return -1;
1977   }
1978   qr_finder_ransac(_ul,_aff,_isaac,2);
1979   qr_finder_ransac(_ur,_aff,_isaac,2);
1980   qr_line_fit_finder_pair(l[2],_aff,_ul,_ur,2);
1981   if(qr_line_eval(l[2],_dl->c->pos[0],_dl->c->pos[1])<0||
1982    qr_line_eval(l[2],_ur->c->pos[0],_ur->c->pos[1])<0){
1983     return -1;
1984   }
1985   /*The edges which only have one finder pattern are more difficult.
1986     We start by fitting a line to the edge of the one finder pattern we do
1987      have.
1988     This can fail due to an insufficient number of sample points, and even if
1989      it succeeds can be fairly inaccurate, because all of the points are
1990      clustered in one corner of the QR code.
1991     If it fails, we just use an axis-aligned line in the affine coordinate
1992      system.
1993     Then we walk along the edge of the entire code, looking for
1994      light:dark:light patterns perpendicular to the edge.
1995     Wherever we find one, we take the center of the dark portion as an
1996      additional sample point.
1997     At the end, we re-fit the line using all such sample points found.*/
1998   drv=_ur->size[1]>>1;
1999   qr_finder_ransac(_ur,_aff,_isaac,1);
2000   if(qr_line_fit_finder_edge(l[1],_ur,1,_aff->res)>=0){
2001     if(qr_line_eval(l[1],_ul->c->pos[0],_ul->c->pos[1])<0||
2002      qr_line_eval(l[1],_dl->c->pos[0],_dl->c->pos[1])<0){
2003       return -1;
2004     }
2005     /*Figure out the change in ru for a given change in rv when stepping along
2006        the fitted line.*/
2007     if(qr_aff_line_step(_aff,l[1],1,drv,&dru)<0)return -1;
2008   }
2009   else dru=0;
2010   ru=_ur->o[0]+3*_ur->size[0]-2*dru;
2011   rv=_ur->o[1]-2*drv;
2012   dbu=_dl->size[0]>>1;
2013   qr_finder_ransac(_dl,_aff,_isaac,3);
2014   if(qr_line_fit_finder_edge(l[3],_dl,3,_aff->res)>=0){
2015     if(qr_line_eval(l[3],_ul->c->pos[0],_ul->c->pos[1])<0||
2016      qr_line_eval(l[3],_ur->c->pos[0],_ur->c->pos[1])<0){
2017       return -1;
2018     }
2019     /*Figure out the change in bv for a given change in bu when stepping along
2020        the fitted line.*/
2021     if(qr_aff_line_step(_aff,l[3],0,dbu,&dbv)<0)return -1;
2022   }
2023   else dbv=0;
2024   bu=_dl->o[0]-2*dbu;
2025   bv=_dl->o[1]+3*_dl->size[1]-2*dbv;
2026   /*Set up the initial point lists.*/
2027   nr=rlastfit=_ur->ninliers[1];
2028   cr=nr+(_dl->o[1]-rv+drv-1)/drv;
2029   r=(qr_point *)malloc(cr*sizeof(*r));
2030   for(i=0;i<_ur->ninliers[1];i++){
2031     memcpy(r[i],_ur->edge_pts[1][i].pos,sizeof(r[i]));
2032   }
2033   nb=blastfit=_dl->ninliers[3];
2034   cb=nb+(_ur->o[0]-bu+dbu-1)/dbu;
2035   b=(qr_point *)malloc(cb*sizeof(*b));
2036   for(i=0;i<_dl->ninliers[3];i++){
2037     memcpy(b[i],_dl->edge_pts[3][i].pos,sizeof(b[i]));
2038   }
2039   /*Set up the step parameters for the affine projection.*/
2040   ox=(_aff->x0<<_aff->res)+(1<<_aff->res-1);
2041   oy=(_aff->y0<<_aff->res)+(1<<_aff->res-1);
2042   rx=_aff->fwd[0][0]*ru+_aff->fwd[0][1]*rv+ox;
2043   ry=_aff->fwd[1][0]*ru+_aff->fwd[1][1]*rv+oy;
2044   drxi=_aff->fwd[0][0]*dru+_aff->fwd[0][1]*drv;
2045   dryi=_aff->fwd[1][0]*dru+_aff->fwd[1][1]*drv;
2046   drxj=_aff->fwd[0][0]*_ur->size[0];
2047   dryj=_aff->fwd[1][0]*_ur->size[0];
2048   bx=_aff->fwd[0][0]*bu+_aff->fwd[0][1]*bv+ox;
2049   by=_aff->fwd[1][0]*bu+_aff->fwd[1][1]*bv+oy;
2050   dbxi=_aff->fwd[0][0]*dbu+_aff->fwd[0][1]*dbv;
2051   dbyi=_aff->fwd[1][0]*dbu+_aff->fwd[1][1]*dbv;
2052   dbxj=_aff->fwd[0][1]*_dl->size[1];
2053   dbyj=_aff->fwd[1][1]*_dl->size[1];
2054   /*Now step along the lines, looking for new sample points.*/
2055   nrempty=nbempty=0;
2056   for(;;){
2057     int ret;
2058     int x0;
2059     int y0;
2060     int x1;
2061     int y1;
2062     /*If we take too many steps without encountering a non-zero pixel, assume
2063        we have wandered off the edge and stop looking before we hit the other
2064        side of the quiet region.
2065       Otherwise, stop when the lines cross (if they do so inside the affine
2066        region) or come close to crossing (outside the affine region).
2067       TODO: We don't have any way of detecting when we've wandered into the
2068        code interior; we could stop if the outside sample ever shows up dark,
2069        but this could happen because of noise in the quiet region, too.*/
2070     rdone=rv>=QR_MINI(bv,_dl->o[1]+bv>>1)||nrempty>14;
2071     bdone=bu>=QR_MINI(ru,_ur->o[0]+ru>>1)||nbempty>14;
2072     if(!rdone&&(bdone||rv<bu)){
2073       x0=rx+drxj>>_aff->res+QR_FINDER_SUBPREC;
2074       y0=ry+dryj>>_aff->res+QR_FINDER_SUBPREC;
2075       x1=rx-drxj>>_aff->res+QR_FINDER_SUBPREC;
2076       y1=ry-dryj>>_aff->res+QR_FINDER_SUBPREC;
2077       if(nr>=cr){
2078         cr=cr<<1|1;
2079         r=(qr_point *)realloc(r,cr*sizeof(*r));
2080       }
2081       ret=qr_finder_quick_crossing_check(_img,_width,_height,x0,y0,x1,y1,1);
2082       if(!ret){
2083         ret=qr_finder_locate_crossing(_img,_width,_height,x0,y0,x1,y1,1,r[nr]);
2084       }
2085       if(ret>=0){
2086         if(!ret){
2087           qr_aff_unproject(q,_aff,r[nr][0],r[nr][1]);
2088           /*Move the current point halfway towards the crossing.
2089             We don't move the whole way to give us some robustness to noise.*/
2090           ru=ru+q[0]>>1;
2091           /*But ensure that rv monotonically increases.*/
2092           if(q[1]+drv>rv)rv=rv+q[1]>>1;
2093           rx=_aff->fwd[0][0]*ru+_aff->fwd[0][1]*rv+ox;
2094           ry=_aff->fwd[1][0]*ru+_aff->fwd[1][1]*rv+oy;
2095           nr++;
2096           /*Re-fit the line to update the step direction periodically.*/
2097           if(nr>QR_MAXI(1,rlastfit+(rlastfit>>2))){
2098             qr_line_fit_points(l[1],r,nr,_aff->res);
2099             if(qr_aff_line_step(_aff,l[1],1,drv,&dru)>=0){
2100               drxi=_aff->fwd[0][0]*dru+_aff->fwd[0][1]*drv;
2101               dryi=_aff->fwd[1][0]*dru+_aff->fwd[1][1]*drv;
2102             }
2103             rlastfit=nr;
2104           }
2105         }
2106         nrempty=0;
2107       }
2108       else nrempty++;
2109       ru+=dru;
2110       /*Our final defense: if we overflow, stop.*/
2111       if(rv+drv>rv)rv+=drv;
2112       else nrempty=INT_MAX;
2113       rx+=drxi;
2114       ry+=dryi;
2115     }
2116     else if(!bdone){
2117       x0=bx+dbxj>>_aff->res+QR_FINDER_SUBPREC;
2118       y0=by+dbyj>>_aff->res+QR_FINDER_SUBPREC;
2119       x1=bx-dbxj>>_aff->res+QR_FINDER_SUBPREC;
2120       y1=by-dbyj>>_aff->res+QR_FINDER_SUBPREC;
2121       if(nb>=cb){
2122         cb=cb<<1|1;
2123         b=(qr_point *)realloc(b,cb*sizeof(*b));
2124       }
2125       ret=qr_finder_quick_crossing_check(_img,_width,_height,x0,y0,x1,y1,1);
2126       if(!ret){
2127         ret=qr_finder_locate_crossing(_img,_width,_height,x0,y0,x1,y1,1,b[nb]);
2128       }
2129       if(ret>=0){
2130         if(!ret){
2131           qr_aff_unproject(q,_aff,b[nb][0],b[nb][1]);
2132           /*Move the current point halfway towards the crossing.
2133             We don't move the whole way to give us some robustness to noise.*/
2134           /*But ensure that bu monotonically increases.*/
2135           if(q[0]+dbu>bu)bu=bu+q[0]>>1;
2136           bv=bv+q[1]>>1;
2137           bx=_aff->fwd[0][0]*bu+_aff->fwd[0][1]*bv+ox;
2138           by=_aff->fwd[1][0]*bu+_aff->fwd[1][1]*bv+oy;
2139           nb++;
2140           /*Re-fit the line to update the step direction periodically.*/
2141           if(nb>QR_MAXI(1,blastfit+(blastfit>>2))){
2142             qr_line_fit_points(l[3],b,nb,_aff->res);
2143             if(qr_aff_line_step(_aff,l[3],0,dbu,&dbv)>=0){
2144               dbxi=_aff->fwd[0][0]*dbu+_aff->fwd[0][1]*dbv;
2145               dbyi=_aff->fwd[1][0]*dbu+_aff->fwd[1][1]*dbv;
2146             }
2147             blastfit=nb;
2148           }
2149         }
2150         nbempty=0;
2151       }
2152       else nbempty++;
2153       /*Our final defense: if we overflow, stop.*/
2154       if(bu+dbu>bu)bu+=dbu;
2155       else nbempty=INT_MAX;
2156       bv+=dbv;
2157       bx+=dbxi;
2158       by+=dbyi;
2159     }
2160     else break;
2161   }
2162   /*Fit the new lines.
2163     If we _still_ don't have enough sample points, then just use an
2164      axis-aligned line from the affine coordinate system (e.g., one parallel
2165      to the opposite edge in the image).*/
2166   if(nr>1)qr_line_fit_points(l[1],r,nr,_aff->res);
2167   else{
2168     qr_aff_project(p,_aff,_ur->o[0]+3*_ur->size[0],_ur->o[1]);
2169     shift=QR_MAXI(0,
2170      qr_ilog(QR_MAXI(abs(_aff->fwd[0][1]),abs(_aff->fwd[1][1])))
2171      -(_aff->res+1>>1));
2172     round=(1<<shift)>>1;
2173     l[1][0]=_aff->fwd[1][1]+round>>shift;
2174     l[1][1]=-_aff->fwd[0][1]+round>>shift;
2175     l[1][2]=-(l[1][0]*p[0]+l[1][1]*p[1]);
2176   }
2177   free(r);
2178   if(nb>1)qr_line_fit_points(l[3],b,nb,_aff->res);
2179   else{
2180     qr_aff_project(p,_aff,_dl->o[0],_dl->o[1]+3*_dl->size[1]);
2181     shift=QR_MAXI(0,
2182      qr_ilog(QR_MAXI(abs(_aff->fwd[0][1]),abs(_aff->fwd[1][1])))
2183      -(_aff->res+1>>1));
2184     round=(1<<shift)>>1;
2185     l[3][0]=_aff->fwd[1][0]+round>>shift;
2186     l[3][1]=-_aff->fwd[0][0]+round>>shift;
2187     l[3][2]=-(l[1][0]*p[0]+l[1][1]*p[1]);
2188   }
2189   free(b);
2190   for(i=0;i<4;i++){
2191     if(qr_line_isect(_p[i],l[i&1],l[2+(i>>1)])<0)return -1;
2192     /*It's plausible for points to be somewhat outside the image, but too far
2193        and too much of the pattern will be gone for it to be decodable.*/
2194     if(_p[i][0]<-_width<<QR_FINDER_SUBPREC||
2195      _p[i][0]>=_width<<QR_FINDER_SUBPREC+1||
2196      _p[i][1]<-_height<<QR_FINDER_SUBPREC||
2197      _p[i][1]>=_height<<QR_FINDER_SUBPREC+1){
2198       return -1;
2199     }
2200   }
2201   /*By default, use the edge intersection point for the bottom-right corner.*/
2202   brx=_p[3][0];
2203   bry=_p[3][1];
2204   /*However, if our average version estimate is greater than 1, NOW we try to
2205      search for an alignment pattern.
2206     We get a much better success rate by doing this after our initial attempt
2207      to promote the transform to a homography than before.
2208     You might also think it would be more reliable to use the interior finder
2209      pattern edges, since the outer ones may be obscured or damaged, and it
2210      would save us a reprojection below, since they would form a nice square
2211      with the location of the alignment pattern, but this turns out to be a bad
2212      idea.
2213     Non-linear distortion is usually maximal on the outside edge, and thus
2214      estimating the grid position from points on the interior means we might
2215      get mis-aligned by the time we reach the edge.*/
2216   version4=_ul->eversion[0]+_ul->eversion[1]+_ur->eversion[0]+_dl->eversion[1];
2217   if(version4>4){
2218     qr_hom_cell cell;
2219     qr_point    p3;
2220     int         dim;
2221     dim=17+version4;
2222     qr_hom_cell_init(&cell,0,0,dim-1,0,0,dim-1,dim-1,dim-1,
2223      _p[0][0],_p[0][1],_p[1][0],_p[1][1],
2224      _p[2][0],_p[2][1],_p[3][0],_p[3][1]);
2225     if(qr_alignment_pattern_search(p3,&cell,dim-7,dim-7,4,
2226      _img,_width,_height)>=0){
2227       long long w;
2228       long long mask;
2229       int       c21;
2230       int       dx21;
2231       int       dy21;
2232       /*There's no real need to update the bounding box corner, and in fact we
2233          actively perform worse if we do.
2234         Clearly it was good enough for us to find this alignment pattern, so
2235          it should be good enough to use for grid initialization.
2236         The point of doing the search was to get more accurate version
2237          estimates and a better chance of decoding the version and format info.
2238         This is particularly important for small versions that have no encoded
2239          version info, since any mismatch in version renders the code
2240          undecodable.*/
2241       /*We do, however, need four points in a square to initialize our
2242          homography, so project the point from the alignment center to the
2243          corner of the code area.*/
2244       c21=_p[2][0]*_p[1][1]-_p[2][1]*_p[1][0];
2245       dx21=_p[2][0]-_p[1][0];
2246       dy21=_p[2][1]-_p[1][1];
2247       w=QR_EXTMUL(dim-7,c21,
2248        QR_EXTMUL(dim-13,_p[0][0]*dy21-_p[0][1]*dx21,
2249        QR_EXTMUL(6,p3[0]*dy21-p3[1]*dx21,0)));
2250       /*The projection failed: invalid geometry.*/
2251       if(w==0)return -1;
2252       mask=QR_SIGNMASK(w);
2253       w=w+mask^mask;
2254       brx=(int)QR_DIVROUND(QR_EXTMUL((dim-7)*_p[0][0],p3[0]*dy21,
2255        QR_EXTMUL((dim-13)*p3[0],c21-_p[0][1]*dx21,
2256        QR_EXTMUL(6*_p[0][0],c21-p3[1]*dx21,0)))+mask^mask,w);
2257       bry=(int)QR_DIVROUND(QR_EXTMUL((dim-7)*_p[0][1],-p3[1]*dx21,
2258        QR_EXTMUL((dim-13)*p3[1],c21+_p[0][0]*dy21,
2259        QR_EXTMUL(6*_p[0][1],c21+p3[0]*dy21,0)))+mask^mask,w);
2260     }
2261   }
2262   /*Now we have four points that map to a square: initialize the projection.*/
2263   qr_hom_init(_hom,_p[0][0],_p[0][1],_p[1][0],_p[1][1],
2264    _p[2][0],_p[2][1],brx,bry,QR_HOM_BITS);
2265   return 0;
2266 }
2270 /*The BCH(18,6,3) codes are only used for version information, which must lie
2271    between 7 and 40 (inclusive).*/
2272 static const unsigned BCH18_6_CODES[34]={
2273                                                           0x07C94,
2274   0x085BC,0x09A99,0x0A4D3,0x0BBF6,0x0C762,0x0D847,0x0E60D,0x0F928,
2275   0x10B78,0x1145D,0x12A17,0x13532,0x149A6,0x15683,0x168C9,0x177EC,
2276   0x18EC4,0x191E1,0x1AFAB,0x1B08E,0x1CC1A,0x1D33F,0x1ED75,0x1F250,
2277   0x209D5,0x216F0,0x228BA,0x2379F,0x24B0B,0x2542E,0x26A64,0x27541,
2278   0x28C69
2279 };
2281 /*Corrects a BCH(18,6,3) code word.
2282   _y: Contains the code word to be checked on input, and the corrected value on
2283        output.
2284   Return: The number of errors.
2285           If more than 3 errors are detected, returns a negative value and
2286            performs no correction.*/
bch18_6_correct(unsigned * _y)2287 static int bch18_6_correct(unsigned *_y){
2288   unsigned x;
2289   unsigned y;
2290   int      nerrs;
2291   y=*_y;
2292   /*Check the easy case first: see if the data bits were uncorrupted.*/
2293   x=y>>12;
2294   if(x>=7&&x<=40){
2295     nerrs=qr_hamming_dist(y,BCH18_6_CODES[x-7],4);
2296     if(nerrs<4){
2297       *_y=BCH18_6_CODES[x-7];
2298       return nerrs;
2299     }
2300   }
2301   /*Exhaustive search is faster than field operations in GF(19).*/
2302   for(x=0;x<34;x++)if(x+7!=y>>12){
2303     nerrs=qr_hamming_dist(y,BCH18_6_CODES[x],4);
2304     if(nerrs<4){
2305       *_y=BCH18_6_CODES[x];
2306       return nerrs;
2307     }
2308   }
2309   return -1;
2310 }
2312 #if 0
2313 static unsigned bch18_6_encode(unsigned _x){
2314   return (-(_x&1)&0x01F25)^(-(_x>>1&1)&0x0216F)^(-(_x>>2&1)&0x042DE)^
2315    (-(_x>>3&1)&0x085BC)^(-(_x>>4&1)&0x10B78)^(-(_x>>5&1)&0x209D5);
2316 }
2317 #endif
2319 /*Reads the version bits near a finder module and decodes the version number.*/
qr_finder_version_decode(qr_finder * _f,const qr_hom * _hom,const unsigned char * _img,int _width,int _height,int _dir)2320 static int qr_finder_version_decode(qr_finder *_f,const qr_hom *_hom,
2321  const unsigned char *_img,int _width,int _height,int _dir){
2322   qr_point q;
2323   unsigned v;
2324   int      x0;
2325   int      y0;
2326   int      w0;
2327   int      dxi;
2328   int      dyi;
2329   int      dwi;
2330   int      dxj;
2331   int      dyj;
2332   int      dwj;
2333   int      ret;
2334   int      i;
2335   int      j;
2336   int      k;
2337   v=0;
2338   q[_dir]=_f->o[_dir]-7*_f->size[_dir];
2339   q[1-_dir]=_f->o[1-_dir]-3*_f->size[1-_dir];
2340   x0=_hom->fwd[0][0]*q[0]+_hom->fwd[0][1]*q[1];
2341   y0=_hom->fwd[1][0]*q[0]+_hom->fwd[1][1]*q[1];
2342   w0=_hom->fwd[2][0]*q[0]+_hom->fwd[2][1]*q[1]+_hom->fwd22;
2343   dxi=_hom->fwd[0][1-_dir]*_f->size[1-_dir];
2344   dyi=_hom->fwd[1][1-_dir]*_f->size[1-_dir];
2345   dwi=_hom->fwd[2][1-_dir]*_f->size[1-_dir];
2346   dxj=_hom->fwd[0][_dir]*_f->size[_dir];
2347   dyj=_hom->fwd[1][_dir]*_f->size[_dir];
2348   dwj=_hom->fwd[2][_dir]*_f->size[_dir];
2349   for(k=i=0;i<6;i++){
2350     int x;
2351     int y;
2352     int w;
2353     x=x0;
2354     y=y0;
2355     w=w0;
2356     for(j=0;j<3;j++,k++){
2357       qr_point p;
2358       qr_hom_fproject(p,_hom,x,y,w);
2359       v|=qr_img_get_bit(_img,_width,_height,p[0],p[1])<<k;
2360       x+=dxj;
2361       y+=dyj;
2362       w+=dwj;
2363     }
2364     x0+=dxi;
2365     y0+=dyi;
2366     w0+=dwi;
2367   }
2368   ret=bch18_6_correct(&v);
2369   /*TODO: I seem to have an image with the version bits in a different order
2370      (the transpose of the standard order).
2371     Even if I change the order here so I can parse the version on this image,
2372      I can't decode the rest of the code.
2373     If this is really needed, we should just re-order the bits.*/
2374 #if 0
2375   if(ret<0){
2376     /*17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
2377        0  3  6  9 12 15  1  4  7 10 13 16  2  5  8 11 14 17
2378       17 13  9  5  1 -3 10  6  2 -2 -6-10  3 -1 -5 -9-13-17*/
2379     v=0;
2380     for(k=i=0;i<3;i++){
2381       p[_dir]=_f->o[_dir]+_f->size[_dir]*(-5-i);
2382       for(j=0;j<6;j++,k++){
2383         qr_point q;
2384         p[1-_dir]=_f->o[1-_dir]+_f->size[1-_dir]*(2-j);
2385         qr_hom_project(q,_hom,p[0],p[1]);
2386         v|=qr_img_get_bit(_img,_width,_height,q[0],q[1])<<k;
2387       }
2388     }
2389     ret=bch18_6_correct(&v);
2390   }
2391 #endif
2392   return ret>=0?(int)(v>>12):ret;
2393 }
2395 /*Reads the format info bits near the finder modules and decodes them.*/
qr_finder_fmt_info_decode(qr_finder * _ul,qr_finder * _ur,qr_finder * _dl,const qr_hom * _hom,const unsigned char * _img,int _width,int _height)2396 static int qr_finder_fmt_info_decode(qr_finder *_ul,qr_finder *_ur,
2397  qr_finder *_dl,const qr_hom *_hom,
2398  const unsigned char *_img,int _width,int _height){
2399   qr_point p;
2400   unsigned lo[2];
2401   unsigned hi[2];
2402   int      u;
2403   int      v;
2404   int      x;
2405   int      y;
2406   int      w;
2407   int      dx;
2408   int      dy;
2409   int      dw;
2410   int      fmt_info[4];
2411   int      count[4];
2412   int      nerrs[4];
2413   int      nfmt_info;
2414   int      besti;
2415   int      imax;
2416   int      di;
2417   int      i;
2418   int      k;
2419   /*Read the bits around the UL corner.*/
2420   lo[0]=0;
2421   u=_ul->o[0]+5*_ul->size[0];
2422   v=_ul->o[1]-3*_ul->size[1];
2423   x=_hom->fwd[0][0]*u+_hom->fwd[0][1]*v;
2424   y=_hom->fwd[1][0]*u+_hom->fwd[1][1]*v;
2425   w=_hom->fwd[2][0]*u+_hom->fwd[2][1]*v+_hom->fwd22;
2426   dx=_hom->fwd[0][1]*_ul->size[1];
2427   dy=_hom->fwd[1][1]*_ul->size[1];
2428   dw=_hom->fwd[2][1]*_ul->size[1];
2429   for(k=i=0;;i++){
2430     /*Skip the timing pattern row.*/
2431     if(i!=6){
2432       qr_hom_fproject(p,_hom,x,y,w);
2433       lo[0]|=qr_img_get_bit(_img,_width,_height,p[0],p[1])<<k++;
2434       /*Don't advance q in the last iteration... we'll start the next loop from
2435          the current position.*/
2436       if(i>=8)break;
2437     }
2438     x+=dx;
2439     y+=dy;
2440     w+=dw;
2441   }
2442   hi[0]=0;
2443   dx=-_hom->fwd[0][0]*_ul->size[0];
2444   dy=-_hom->fwd[1][0]*_ul->size[0];
2445   dw=-_hom->fwd[2][0]*_ul->size[0];
2446   while(i-->0){
2447     x+=dx;
2448     y+=dy;
2449     w+=dw;
2450     /*Skip the timing pattern column.*/
2451     if(i!=6){
2452       qr_hom_fproject(p,_hom,x,y,w);
2453       hi[0]|=qr_img_get_bit(_img,_width,_height,p[0],p[1])<<k++;
2454     }
2455   }
2456   /*Read the bits next to the UR corner.*/
2457   lo[1]=0;
2458   u=_ur->o[0]+3*_ur->size[0];
2459   v=_ur->o[1]+5*_ur->size[1];
2460   x=_hom->fwd[0][0]*u+_hom->fwd[0][1]*v;
2461   y=_hom->fwd[1][0]*u+_hom->fwd[1][1]*v;
2462   w=_hom->fwd[2][0]*u+_hom->fwd[2][1]*v+_hom->fwd22;
2463   dx=-_hom->fwd[0][0]*_ur->size[0];
2464   dy=-_hom->fwd[1][0]*_ur->size[0];
2465   dw=-_hom->fwd[2][0]*_ur->size[0];
2466   for(k=0;k<8;k++){
2467     qr_hom_fproject(p,_hom,x,y,w);
2468     lo[1]|=qr_img_get_bit(_img,_width,_height,p[0],p[1])<<k;
2469     x+=dx;
2470     y+=dy;
2471     w+=dw;
2472   }
2473   /*Read the bits next to the DL corner.*/
2474   hi[1]=0;
2475   u=_dl->o[0]+5*_dl->size[0];
2476   v=_dl->o[1]-3*_dl->size[1];
2477   x=_hom->fwd[0][0]*u+_hom->fwd[0][1]*v;
2478   y=_hom->fwd[1][0]*u+_hom->fwd[1][1]*v;
2479   w=_hom->fwd[2][0]*u+_hom->fwd[2][1]*v+_hom->fwd22;
2480   dx=_hom->fwd[0][1]*_dl->size[1];
2481   dy=_hom->fwd[1][1]*_dl->size[1];
2482   dw=_hom->fwd[2][1]*_dl->size[1];
2483   for(k=8;k<15;k++){
2484     qr_hom_fproject(p,_hom,x,y,w);
2485     hi[1]|=qr_img_get_bit(_img,_width,_height,p[0],p[1])<<k;
2486     x+=dx;
2487     y+=dy;
2488     w+=dw;
2489   }
2490   /*For each group of bits we have two samples... try them in all combinations
2491      and pick the most popular valid code, breaking ties using the number of
2492      bit errors.*/
2493   imax=2<<(hi[0]!=hi[1]);
2494   di=1+(lo[0]==lo[1]);
2495   nfmt_info=0;
2496   for(i=0;i<imax;i+=di){
2497     unsigned v;
2498     int      ret;
2499     int      j;
2500     v=(lo[i&1]|hi[i>>1])^0x5412;
2501     ret=bch15_5_correct(&v);
2502     v>>=10;
2503     if(ret<0)ret=4;
2504     for(j=0;;j++){
2505       if(j>=nfmt_info){
2506         fmt_info[j]=v;
2507         count[j]=1;
2508         nerrs[j]=ret;
2509         nfmt_info++;
2510         break;
2511       }
2512       if(fmt_info[j]==(int)v){
2513         count[j]++;
2514         if(ret<nerrs[j])nerrs[j]=ret;
2515         break;
2516       }
2517     }
2518   }
2519   besti=0;
2520   for(i=1;i<nfmt_info;i++){
2521     if(nerrs[besti]>3&&nerrs[i]<=3||
2522      count[i]>count[besti]||count[i]==count[besti]&&nerrs[i]<nerrs[besti]){
2523       besti=i;
2524     }
2525   }
2526   return nerrs[besti]<4?fmt_info[besti]:-1;
2527 }
2531 /*The grid used to sample the image bits.
2532   The grid is divided into separate cells bounded by finder patterns and/or
2533    alignment patterns, and a separate map back to the original image is
2534    constructed for each cell.
2535   All of these structural elements, as well as the timing patterns, version
2536    info, and format info, are marked in fpmask so they can easily be skipped
2537    during decode.*/
2538 struct qr_sampling_grid{
2539   qr_hom_cell    *cells[6];
2540   unsigned       *fpmask;
2541   int             cell_limits[6];
2542   int             ncells;
2543 };
2546 /*Mark a given region as belonging to the function pattern.*/
qr_sampling_grid_fp_mask_rect(qr_sampling_grid * _grid,int _dim,int _u,int _v,int _w,int _h)2547 static void qr_sampling_grid_fp_mask_rect(qr_sampling_grid *_grid,int _dim,
2548  int _u,int _v,int _w,int _h){
2549   int i;
2550   int j;
2551   int stride;
2552   stride=_dim+QR_INT_BITS-1>>QR_INT_LOGBITS;
2553   /*Note that we store bits column-wise, since that's how they're read out of
2554      the grid.*/
2555   for(j=_u;j<_u+_w;j++)for(i=_v;i<_v+_h;i++){
2556     _grid->fpmask[j*stride+(i>>QR_INT_LOGBITS)]|=1<<(i&QR_INT_BITS-1);
2557   }
2558 }
2560 /*Determine if a given grid location is inside the function pattern.*/
qr_sampling_grid_is_in_fp(const qr_sampling_grid * _grid,int _dim,int _u,int _v)2561 static int qr_sampling_grid_is_in_fp(const qr_sampling_grid *_grid,int _dim,
2562  int _u,int _v){
2563   return _grid->fpmask[_u*(_dim+QR_INT_BITS-1>>QR_INT_LOGBITS)
2564    +(_v>>QR_INT_LOGBITS)]>>(_v&QR_INT_BITS-1)&1;
2565 }
2567 /*The spacing between alignment patterns after the second for versions >= 7.
2568   We could compact this more, but the code to access it would eliminate the
2569    gains.*/
2570 static const unsigned char QR_ALIGNMENT_SPACING[34]={
2571   16,18,20,22,24,26,28,
2572   20,22,24,24,26,28,28,
2573   22,24,24,26,26,28,28,
2574   24,24,26,26,26,28,28,
2575   24,26,26,26,28,28
2576 };
qr_svg_points(const char * cls,qr_point * p,int n)2578 static inline void qr_svg_points(const char *cls,
2579                                  qr_point *p,
2580                                  int n)
2581 {
2582     int i;
2583     svg_path_start(cls, 1, 0, 0);
2584     for(i = 0; i < n; i++, p++)
2585         svg_path_moveto(SVG_ABS, p[0][0], p[0][1]);
2586     svg_path_end();
2587 }
2589 /*Initialize the sampling grid for each region of the code.
2590   _version:  The (decoded) version number.
2591   _ul_pos:   The location of the UL finder pattern.
2592   _ur_pos:   The location of the UR finder pattern.
2593   _dl_pos:   The location of the DL finder pattern.
2594   _p:        On input, contains estimated positions of the four corner modules.
2595              On output, contains a bounding quadrilateral for the code.
2596   _img:      The binary input image.
2597   _width:    The width of the input image.
2598   _height:   The height of the input image.
2599   Return: 0 on success, or a negative value on error.*/
qr_sampling_grid_init(qr_sampling_grid * _grid,int _version,const qr_point _ul_pos,const qr_point _ur_pos,const qr_point _dl_pos,qr_point _p[4],const unsigned char * _img,int _width,int _height)2600 static void qr_sampling_grid_init(qr_sampling_grid *_grid,int _version,
2601  const qr_point _ul_pos,const qr_point _ur_pos,const qr_point _dl_pos,
2602  qr_point _p[4],const unsigned char *_img,int _width,int _height){
2603   qr_hom_cell          base_cell;
2604   int                  align_pos[7];
2605   int                  dim;
2606   int                  nalign;
2607   int                  i;
2608   dim=17+(_version<<2);
2609   nalign=(_version/7)+2;
2610   /*Create a base cell to bootstrap the alignment pattern search.*/
2611   qr_hom_cell_init(&base_cell,0,0,dim-1,0,0,dim-1,dim-1,dim-1,
2612    _p[0][0],_p[0][1],_p[1][0],_p[1][1],_p[2][0],_p[2][1],_p[3][0],_p[3][1]);
2613   /*Allocate the array of cells.*/
2614   _grid->ncells=nalign-1;
2615   _grid->cells[0]=(qr_hom_cell *)malloc(
2616    (nalign-1)*(nalign-1)*sizeof(*_grid->cells[0]));
2617   for(i=1;i<_grid->ncells;i++)_grid->cells[i]=_grid->cells[i-1]+_grid->ncells;
2618   /*Initialize the function pattern mask.*/
2619   _grid->fpmask=(unsigned *)calloc(dim,
2620    (dim+QR_INT_BITS-1>>QR_INT_LOGBITS)*sizeof(*_grid->fpmask));
2621   /*Mask out the finder patterns (and separators and format info bits).*/
2622   qr_sampling_grid_fp_mask_rect(_grid,dim,0,0,9,9);
2623   qr_sampling_grid_fp_mask_rect(_grid,dim,0,dim-8,9,8);
2624   qr_sampling_grid_fp_mask_rect(_grid,dim,dim-8,0,8,9);
2625   /*Mask out the version number bits.*/
2626   if(_version>6){
2627     qr_sampling_grid_fp_mask_rect(_grid,dim,0,dim-11,6,3);
2628     qr_sampling_grid_fp_mask_rect(_grid,dim,dim-11,0,3,6);
2629   }
2630   /*Mask out the timing patterns.*/
2631   qr_sampling_grid_fp_mask_rect(_grid,dim,9,6,dim-17,1);
2632   qr_sampling_grid_fp_mask_rect(_grid,dim,6,9,1,dim-17);
2633   /*If we have no alignment patterns (e.g., this is a version 1 code), just use
2634      the base cell and hope it's good enough.*/
2635   if(_version<2)memcpy(_grid->cells[0],&base_cell,sizeof(base_cell));
2636   else{
2637     qr_point *q;
2638     qr_point *p;
2639     int       j;
2640     int       k;
2641     q=(qr_point *)malloc(nalign*nalign*sizeof(*q));
2642     p=(qr_point *)malloc(nalign*nalign*sizeof(*p));
2643     /*Initialize the alignment pattern position list.*/
2644     align_pos[0]=6;
2645     align_pos[nalign-1]=dim-7;
2646     if(_version>6){
2647       int d;
2648       d=QR_ALIGNMENT_SPACING[_version-7];
2649       for(i=nalign-1;i-->1;)align_pos[i]=align_pos[i+1]-d;
2650     }
2651     /*Three of the corners use a finder pattern instead of a separate
2652        alignment pattern.*/
2653     q[0][0]=3;
2654     q[0][1]=3;
2655     p[0][0]=_ul_pos[0];
2656     p[0][1]=_ul_pos[1];
2657     q[nalign-1][0]=dim-4;
2658     q[nalign-1][1]=3;
2659     p[nalign-1][0]=_ur_pos[0];
2660     p[nalign-1][1]=_ur_pos[1];
2661     q[(nalign-1)*nalign][0]=3;
2662     q[(nalign-1)*nalign][1]=dim-4;
2663     p[(nalign-1)*nalign][0]=_dl_pos[0];
2664     p[(nalign-1)*nalign][1]=_dl_pos[1];
2665     /*Scan for alignment patterns using a diagonal sweep.*/
2666     for(k=1;k<2*nalign-1;k++){
2667       int jmin;
2668       int jmax;
2669       jmax=QR_MINI(k,nalign-1)-(k==nalign-1);
2670       jmin=QR_MAXI(0,k-(nalign-1))+(k==nalign-1);
2671       for(j=jmin;j<=jmax;j++){
2672         qr_hom_cell *cell;
2673         int          u;
2674         int          v;
2675         int          k;
2676         i=jmax-(j-jmin);
2677         k=i*nalign+j;
2678         u=align_pos[j];
2679         v=align_pos[i];
2680         q[k][0]=u;
2681         q[k][1]=v;
2682         /*Mask out the alignment pattern.*/
2683         qr_sampling_grid_fp_mask_rect(_grid,dim,u-2,v-2,5,5);
2684         /*Pick a cell to use to govern the alignment pattern search.*/
2685         if(i>1&&j>1){
2686           qr_point p0;
2687           qr_point p1;
2688           qr_point p2;
2689           /*Each predictor is basically a straight-line extrapolation from two
2690              neighboring alignment patterns (except possibly near the opposing
2691              finder patterns).*/
2692           qr_hom_cell_project(p0,_grid->cells[i-2]+j-1,u,v,0);
2693           qr_hom_cell_project(p1,_grid->cells[i-2]+j-2,u,v,0);
2694           qr_hom_cell_project(p2,_grid->cells[i-1]+j-2,u,v,0);
2695           /*Take the median of the predictions as the search center.*/
2696           QR_SORT2I(p0[0],p1[0]);
2697           QR_SORT2I(p0[1],p1[1]);
2698           QR_SORT2I(p1[0],p2[0]);
2699           QR_SORT2I(p1[1],p2[1]);
2700           QR_SORT2I(p0[0],p1[0]);
2701           QR_SORT2I(p0[1],p1[1]);
2702           /*We need a cell that has the target point at a known (u,v) location.
2703             Since our cells don't have inverses, just construct one from our
2704              neighboring points.*/
2705           cell=_grid->cells[i-1]+j-1;
2706           qr_hom_cell_init(cell,
2707            q[k-nalign-1][0],q[k-nalign-1][1],q[k-nalign][0],q[k-nalign][1],
2708            q[k-1][0],q[k-1][1],q[k][0],q[k][1],
2709            p[k-nalign-1][0],p[k-nalign-1][1],p[k-nalign][0],p[k-nalign][1],
2710            p[k-1][0],p[k-1][1],p1[0],p1[1]);
2711         }
2712         else if(i>1&&j>0)cell=_grid->cells[i-2]+j-1;
2713         else if(i>0&&j>1)cell=_grid->cells[i-1]+j-2;
2714         else cell=&base_cell;
2715         /*Use a very small search radius.
2716           A large displacement here usually means a false positive (e.g., when
2717            the real alignment pattern is damaged or missing), which can
2718            severely distort the projection.*/
2719         qr_alignment_pattern_search(p[k],cell,u,v,2,_img,_width,_height);
2720         if(i>0&&j>0){
2721           qr_hom_cell_init(_grid->cells[i-1]+j-1,
2722            q[k-nalign-1][0],q[k-nalign-1][1],q[k-nalign][0],q[k-nalign][1],
2723            q[k-1][0],q[k-1][1],q[k][0],q[k][1],
2724            p[k-nalign-1][0],p[k-nalign-1][1],p[k-nalign][0],p[k-nalign][1],
2725            p[k-1][0],p[k-1][1],p[k][0],p[k][1]);
2726         }
2727       }
2728     }
2729     qr_svg_points("align", p, nalign * nalign);
2730     free(q);
2731     free(p);
2732   }
2733   /*Set the limits over which each cell is used.*/
2734   memcpy(_grid->cell_limits,align_pos+1,
2735    (_grid->ncells-1)*sizeof(*_grid->cell_limits));
2736   _grid->cell_limits[_grid->ncells-1]=dim;
2737   /*Produce a bounding square for the code (to mark finder centers with).
2738     Because of non-linear distortion, this might not actually bound the code,
2739      but it should be good enough.
2740     I don't think it's worth computing a convex hull or anything silly like
2741      that.*/
2742   qr_hom_cell_project(_p[0],_grid->cells[0]+0,-1,-1,1);
2743   qr_hom_cell_project(_p[1],_grid->cells[0]+_grid->ncells-1,(dim<<1)-1,-1,1);
2744   qr_hom_cell_project(_p[2],_grid->cells[_grid->ncells-1]+0,-1,(dim<<1)-1,1);
2745   qr_hom_cell_project(_p[3],_grid->cells[_grid->ncells-1]+_grid->ncells-1,
2746    (dim<<1)-1,(dim<<1)-1,1);
2747   /*Clamp the points somewhere near the image (this is really just in case a
2748      corner is near the plane at infinity).*/
2749   for(i=0;i<4;i++){
2750     _p[i][0]=QR_CLAMPI(-_width<<QR_FINDER_SUBPREC,_p[i][0],
2751      _width<<QR_FINDER_SUBPREC+1);
2752     _p[i][1]=QR_CLAMPI(-_height<<QR_FINDER_SUBPREC,_p[i][1],
2753      _height<<QR_FINDER_SUBPREC+1);
2754   }
2755   /*TODO: Make fine adjustments using the timing patterns.
2756     Possible strategy: scan the timing pattern at QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC (or finer)
2757      resolution, use dynamic programming to match midpoints between
2758      transitions to the ideal grid locations.*/
2759 }
qr_sampling_grid_clear(qr_sampling_grid * _grid)2761 static void qr_sampling_grid_clear(qr_sampling_grid *_grid){
2762   free(_grid->fpmask);
2763   free(_grid->cells[0]);
2764 }
2768 #if defined(QR_DEBUG)
qr_sampling_grid_dump(qr_sampling_grid * _grid,int _version,const unsigned char * _img,int _width,int _height)2769 static void qr_sampling_grid_dump(qr_sampling_grid *_grid,int _version,
2770  const unsigned char *_img,int _width,int _height){
2771   unsigned char *gimg;
2772   FILE          *fout;
2773   int            dim;
2774   int            u;
2775   int            v;
2776   int            x;
2777   int            y;
2778   int            w;
2779   int            i;
2780   int            j;
2781   int            r;
2782   int            s;
2783   dim=17+(_version<<2)+8<<QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC;
2784   gimg=(unsigned char *)malloc(dim*dim*sizeof(*gimg));
2785   for(i=0;i<dim;i++)for(j=0;j<dim;j++){
2786     qr_hom_cell *cell;
2787     if(i>=(4<<QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC)&&i<=dim-(5<<QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC)&&
2788      j>=(4<<QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC)&&j<=dim-(5<<QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC)&&
2789      ((!(i&(1<<QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC)-1))^(!(j&(1<<QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC)-1)))){
2790       gimg[i*dim+j]=0x7F;
2791     }
2792     else{
2793       qr_point p;
2794       u=(j>>QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC)-4;
2795       v=(i>>QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC)-4;
2796       for(r=0;r<_grid->ncells-1;r++)if(u<_grid->cell_limits[r])break;
2797       for(s=0;s<_grid->ncells-1;s++)if(v<_grid->cell_limits[s])break;
2798       cell=_grid->cells[s]+r;
2799       u=j-(cell->u0+4<<QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC);
2800       v=i-(cell->v0+4<<QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC);
2801       x=cell->fwd[0][0]*u+cell->fwd[0][1]*v+(cell->fwd[0][2]<<QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC);
2802       y=cell->fwd[1][0]*u+cell->fwd[1][1]*v+(cell->fwd[1][2]<<QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC);
2803       w=cell->fwd[2][0]*u+cell->fwd[2][1]*v+(cell->fwd[2][2]<<QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC);
2804       qr_hom_cell_fproject(p,cell,x,y,w);
2805       gimg[i*dim+j]=_img[
2806        QR_CLAMPI(0,p[1]>>QR_FINDER_SUBPREC,_height-1)*_width+
2807        QR_CLAMPI(0,p[0]>>QR_FINDER_SUBPREC,_width-1)];
2808     }
2809   }
2810   for(v=0;v<17+(_version<<2);v++)for(u=0;u<17+(_version<<2);u++){
2811     if(qr_sampling_grid_is_in_fp(_grid,17+(_version<<2),u,v)){
2812       j=u+4<<QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC;
2813       i=v+4<<QR_ALIGN_SUBPREC;
2814       gimg[(i-1)*dim+j-1]=0x7F;
2815       gimg[(i-1)*dim+j]=0x7F;
2816       gimg[(i-1)*dim+j+1]=0x7F;
2817       gimg[i*dim+j-1]=0x7F;
2818       gimg[i*dim+j+1]=0x7F;
2819       gimg[(i+1)*dim+j-1]=0x7F;
2820       gimg[(i+1)*dim+j]=0x7F;
2821       gimg[(i+1)*dim+j+1]=0x7F;
2822     }
2823   }
2824   fout=fopen("grid.png","wb");
2825   image_write_png(gimg,dim,dim,fout);
2826   fclose(fout);
2827   free(gimg);
2828 }
2829 #endif
2831 /*Generate the data mask corresponding to the given mask pattern.*/
qr_data_mask_fill(unsigned * _mask,int _dim,int _pattern)2832 static void qr_data_mask_fill(unsigned *_mask,int _dim,int _pattern){
2833   int stride;
2834   int i;
2835   int j;
2836   stride=_dim+QR_INT_BITS-1>>QR_INT_LOGBITS;
2837   /*Note that we store bits column-wise, since that's how they're read out of
2838      the grid.*/
2839   switch(_pattern){
2840     /*10101010 i+j+1&1
2841       01010101
2842       10101010
2843       01010101*/
2844     case 0:{
2845       int m;
2846       m=0x55;
2847       for(j=0;j<_dim;j++){
2848         memset(_mask+j*stride,m,stride*sizeof(*_mask));
2849         m^=0xFF;
2850       }
2851     }break;
2852     /*11111111 i+1&1
2853       00000000
2854       11111111
2855       00000000*/
2856     case 1:memset(_mask,0x55,_dim*stride*sizeof(*_mask));break;
2857     /*10010010 (j+1)%3&1
2858       10010010
2859       10010010
2860       10010010*/
2861     case 2:{
2862       unsigned m;
2863       m=0xFF;
2864       for(j=0;j<_dim;j++){
2865         memset(_mask+j*stride,m&0xFF,stride*sizeof(*_mask));
2866         m=m<<8|m>>16;
2867       }
2868     }break;
2869     /*10010010 (i+j+1)%3&1
2870       00100100
2871       01001001
2872       10010010*/
2873     case 3:{
2874       unsigned mi;
2875       unsigned mj;
2876       mj=0;
2877       for(i=0;i<(QR_INT_BITS+2)/3;i++)mj|=1<<3*i;
2878       for(j=0;j<_dim;j++){
2879         mi=mj;
2880         for(i=0;i<stride;i++){
2881           _mask[j*stride+i]=mi;
2882           mi=mi>>QR_INT_BITS%3|mi<<3-QR_INT_BITS%3;
2883         }
2884         mj=mj>>1|mj<<2;
2885       }
2886     }break;
2887     /*11100011 (i>>1)+(j/3)+1&1
2888       11100011
2889       00011100
2890       00011100*/
2891     case 4:{
2892       unsigned m;
2893       m=7;
2894       for(j=0;j<_dim;j++){
2895         memset(_mask+j*stride,(0xCC^-(m&1))&0xFF,stride*sizeof(*_mask));
2896         m=m>>1|m<<5;
2897       }
2898     }break;
2899     /*11111111 !((i*j)%6)
2900       10000010
2901       10010010
2902       10101010*/
2903     case 5:{
2904       for(j=0;j<_dim;j++){
2905         unsigned m;
2906         m=0;
2907         for(i=0;i<6;i++)m|=!((i*j)%6)<<i;
2908         for(i=6;i<QR_INT_BITS;i<<=1)m|=m<<i;
2909         for(i=0;i<stride;i++){
2910           _mask[j*stride+i]=m;
2911           m=m>>QR_INT_BITS%6|m<<6-QR_INT_BITS%6;
2912         }
2913       }
2914     }break;
2915     /*11111111 (i*j)%3+i*j+1&1
2916       11100011
2917       11011011
2918       10101010*/
2919     case 6:{
2920       for(j=0;j<_dim;j++){
2921         unsigned m;
2922         m=0;
2923         for(i=0;i<6;i++)m|=((i*j)%3+i*j+1&1)<<i;
2924         for(i=6;i<QR_INT_BITS;i<<=1)m|=m<<i;
2925         for(i=0;i<stride;i++){
2926           _mask[j*stride+i]=m;
2927           m=m>>QR_INT_BITS%6|m<<6-QR_INT_BITS%6;
2928         }
2929       }
2930     }break;
2931     /*10101010 (i*j)%3+i+j+1&1
2932       00011100
2933       10001110
2934       01010101*/
2935     default:{
2936       for(j=0;j<_dim;j++){
2937         unsigned m;
2938         m=0;
2939         for(i=0;i<6;i++)m|=((i*j)%3+i+j+1&1)<<i;
2940         for(i=6;i<QR_INT_BITS;i<<=1)m|=m<<i;
2941         for(i=0;i<stride;i++){
2942           _mask[j*stride+i]=m;
2943           m=m>>QR_INT_BITS%6|m<<6-QR_INT_BITS%6;
2944         }
2945       }
2946     }break;
2947   }
2948 }
qr_sampling_grid_sample(const qr_sampling_grid * _grid,unsigned * _data_bits,int _dim,int _fmt_info,const unsigned char * _img,int _width,int _height)2950 static void qr_sampling_grid_sample(const qr_sampling_grid *_grid,
2951  unsigned *_data_bits,int _dim,int _fmt_info,
2952  const unsigned char *_img,int _width,int _height){
2953   int stride;
2954   int u0;
2955   int u1;
2956   int j;
2957   /*We initialize the buffer with the data mask and XOR bits into it as we read
2958      them out of the image instead of unmasking in a separate step.*/
2959   qr_data_mask_fill(_data_bits,_dim,_fmt_info&7);
2960   stride=_dim+QR_INT_BITS-1>>QR_INT_LOGBITS;
2961   u0=0;
2962   svg_path_start("sampling-grid", 1, 0, 0);
2963   /*We read data cell-by-cell to avoid having to constantly change which
2964      projection we're using as we read each bit.
2965     This (and the position-dependent data mask) is the reason we buffer the
2966      bits we read instead of converting them directly to codewords here.
2967     Note that bits are stored column-wise, since that's how we'll scan them.*/
2968   for(j=0;j<_grid->ncells;j++){
2969     int i;
2970     int v0;
2971     int v1;
2972     u1=_grid->cell_limits[j];
2973     v0=0;
2974     for(i=0;i<_grid->ncells;i++){
2975       qr_hom_cell *cell;
2976       int          x0;
2977       int          y0;
2978       int          w0;
2979       int          u;
2980       int          du;
2981       int          dv;
2982       v1=_grid->cell_limits[i];
2983       cell=_grid->cells[i]+j;
2984       du=u0-cell->u0;
2985       dv=v0-cell->v0;
2986       x0=cell->fwd[0][0]*du+cell->fwd[0][1]*dv+cell->fwd[0][2];
2987       y0=cell->fwd[1][0]*du+cell->fwd[1][1]*dv+cell->fwd[1][2];
2988       w0=cell->fwd[2][0]*du+cell->fwd[2][1]*dv+cell->fwd[2][2];
2989       for(u=u0;u<u1;u++){
2990         int x;
2991         int y;
2992         int w;
2993         int v;
2994         x=x0;
2995         y=y0;
2996         w=w0;
2997         for(v=v0;v<v1;v++){
2998           /*Skip doing all the divisions and bounds checks if the bit is in the
2999              function pattern.*/
3000           if(!qr_sampling_grid_is_in_fp(_grid,_dim,u,v)){
3001             qr_point p;
3002             qr_hom_cell_fproject(p,cell,x,y,w);
3003             _data_bits[u*stride+(v>>QR_INT_LOGBITS)]^=
3004              qr_img_get_bit(_img,_width,_height,p[0],p[1])<<(v&QR_INT_BITS-1);
3005             svg_path_moveto(SVG_ABS, p[0], p[1]);
3006           }
3007           x+=cell->fwd[0][1];
3008           y+=cell->fwd[1][1];
3009           w+=cell->fwd[2][1];
3010         }
3011         x0+=cell->fwd[0][0];
3012         y0+=cell->fwd[1][0];
3013         w0+=cell->fwd[2][0];
3014       }
3015       v0=v1;
3016     }
3017     u0=u1;
3018   }
3019   svg_path_end();
3020 }
3022 /*Arranges the sample bits read by qr_sampling_grid_sample() into bytes and
3023    groups those bytes into Reed-Solomon blocks.
3024   The individual block pointers are destroyed by this routine.*/
qr_samples_unpack(unsigned char ** _blocks,int _nblocks,int _nshort_data,int _nshort_blocks,const unsigned * _data_bits,const unsigned * _fp_mask,int _dim)3025 static void qr_samples_unpack(unsigned char **_blocks,int _nblocks,
3026  int _nshort_data,int _nshort_blocks,const unsigned *_data_bits,
3027  const unsigned *_fp_mask,int _dim){
3028   unsigned bits;
3029   int      biti;
3030   int      stride;
3031   int      blocki;
3032   int      blockj;
3033   int      i;
3034   int      j;
3035   stride=_dim+QR_INT_BITS-1>>QR_INT_LOGBITS;
3036   /*If _all_ the blocks are short, don't skip anything (see below).*/
3037   if(_nshort_blocks>=_nblocks)_nshort_blocks=0;
3038   /*Scan columns in pairs from right to left.*/
3039   bits=0;
3040   for(blocki=blockj=biti=0,j=_dim-1;j>0;j-=2){
3041     unsigned data1;
3042     unsigned data2;
3043     unsigned fp_mask1;
3044     unsigned fp_mask2;
3045     int      nbits;
3046     int      l;
3047     /*Scan up a pair of columns.*/
3048     nbits=(_dim-1&QR_INT_BITS-1)+1;
3049     l=j*stride;
3050     for(i=stride;i-->0;){
3051       data1=_data_bits[l+i];
3052       fp_mask1=_fp_mask[l+i];
3053       data2=_data_bits[l+i-stride];
3054       fp_mask2=_fp_mask[l+i-stride];
3055       while(nbits-->0){
3056         /*Pull a bit from the right column.*/
3057         if(!(fp_mask1>>nbits&1)){
3058           bits=bits<<1|data1>>nbits&1;
3059           biti++;
3060         }
3061         /*Pull a bit from the left column.*/
3062         if(!(fp_mask2>>nbits&1)){
3063           bits=bits<<1|data2>>nbits&1;
3064           biti++;
3065         }
3066         /*If we finished a byte, drop it in a block.*/
3067         if(biti>=8){
3068           biti-=8;
3069           *_blocks[blocki++]++=(unsigned char)(bits>>biti);
3070           /*For whatever reason, the long blocks are at the _end_ of the list,
3071              instead of the beginning.
3072             Even worse, the extra bytes they get come at the end of the data
3073              bytes, before the parity bytes.
3074             Hence the logic here: when we've filled up the data portion of the
3075              short blocks, skip directly to the long blocks for the next byte.
3076             It's also the reason we increment _blocks[blocki] on each store,
3077              instead of just indexing with blockj (after this iteration the
3078              number of bytes in each block differs).*/
3079           if(blocki>=_nblocks)blocki=++blockj==_nshort_data?_nshort_blocks:0;
3080         }
3081       }
3082       nbits=QR_INT_BITS;
3083     }
3084     j-=2;
3085     /*Skip the column with the vertical timing pattern.*/
3086     if(j==6)j--;
3087     /*Scan down a pair of columns.*/
3088     l=j*stride;
3089     for(i=0;i<stride;i++){
3090       data1=_data_bits[l+i];
3091       fp_mask1=_fp_mask[l+i];
3092       data2=_data_bits[l+i-stride];
3093       fp_mask2=_fp_mask[l+i-stride];
3094       nbits=QR_MINI(_dim-(i<<QR_INT_LOGBITS),QR_INT_BITS);
3095       while(nbits-->0){
3096         /*Pull a bit from the right column.*/
3097         if(!(fp_mask1&1)){
3098           bits=bits<<1|data1&1;
3099           biti++;
3100         }
3101         data1>>=1;
3102         fp_mask1>>=1;
3103         /*Pull a bit from the left column.*/
3104         if(!(fp_mask2&1)){
3105           bits=bits<<1|data2&1;
3106           biti++;
3107         }
3108         data2>>=1;
3109         fp_mask2>>=1;
3110         /*If we finished a byte, drop it in a block.*/
3111         if(biti>=8){
3112           biti-=8;
3113           *_blocks[blocki++]++=(unsigned char)(bits>>biti);
3114           /*See comments on the "up" loop for the reason behind this mess.*/
3115           if(blocki>=_nblocks)blocki=++blockj==_nshort_data?_nshort_blocks:0;
3116         }
3117       }
3118     }
3119   }
3120 }
3123 /*Bit reading code blatantly stolen^W^Wadapted from libogg/libtheora (because
3124    I've already debugged it and I know it works).
3125   Portions (C) Xiph.Org Foundation 1994-2008, BSD-style license.*/
3126 struct qr_pack_buf{
3127   const unsigned char *buf;
3128   int                  endbyte;
3129   int                  endbit;
3130   int                  storage;
3131 };
qr_pack_buf_init(qr_pack_buf * _b,const unsigned char * _data,int _ndata)3134 static void qr_pack_buf_init(qr_pack_buf *_b,
3135  const unsigned char *_data,int _ndata){
3136   _b->buf=_data;
3137   _b->storage=_ndata;
3138   _b->endbyte=_b->endbit=0;
3139 }
3141 /*Assumes 0<=_bits<=16.*/
qr_pack_buf_read(qr_pack_buf * _b,int _bits)3142 static int qr_pack_buf_read(qr_pack_buf *_b,int _bits){
3143   const unsigned char *p;
3144   unsigned             ret;
3145   int                  m;
3146   int                  d;
3147   m=16-_bits;
3148   _bits+=_b->endbit;
3149   d=_b->storage-_b->endbyte;
3150   if(d<=2){
3151     /*Not the main path.*/
3152     if(d*8<_bits){
3153       _b->endbyte+=_bits>>3;
3154       _b->endbit=_bits&7;
3155       return -1;
3156     }
3157     /*Special case to avoid reading p[0] below, which might be past the end of
3158        the buffer; also skips some useless accounting.*/
3159     else if(!_bits)return 0;
3160   }
3161   p=_b->buf+_b->endbyte;
3162   ret=p[0]<<8+_b->endbit;
3163   if(_bits>8){
3164     ret|=p[1]<<_b->endbit;
3165     if(_bits>16)ret|=p[2]>>8-_b->endbit;
3166   }
3167   _b->endbyte+=_bits>>3;
3168   _b->endbit=_bits&7;
3169   return (ret&0xFFFF)>>m;
3170 }
qr_pack_buf_avail(const qr_pack_buf * _b)3172 static int qr_pack_buf_avail(const qr_pack_buf *_b){
3173   return (_b->storage-_b->endbyte<<3)-_b->endbit;
3174 }
3177 /*The characters available in QR_MODE_ALNUM.*/
3178 static const unsigned char QR_ALNUM_TABLE[45]={
3179   '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9',
3180   'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J',
3181   'K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T',
3182   'U','V','W','X','Y','Z',' ','$','%','*',
3183   '+','-','.','/',':'
3184 };
qr_code_data_parse(qr_code_data * _qrdata,int _version,const unsigned char * _data,int _ndata)3186 static int qr_code_data_parse(qr_code_data *_qrdata,int _version,
3187  const unsigned char *_data,int _ndata){
3188   qr_pack_buf qpb;
3189   unsigned    self_parity;
3190   int         centries;
3191   int         len_bits_idx;
3192   /*Entries are stored directly in the struct during parsing.
3193     Caller cleans up any allocated data on failure.*/
3194   _qrdata->entries=NULL;
3195   _qrdata->nentries=0;
3196   _qrdata->sa_size=0;
3197   self_parity=0;
3198   centries=0;
3199   /*The versions are divided into 3 ranges that each use a different number of
3200      bits for length fields.*/
3201   len_bits_idx=(_version>9)+(_version>26);
3202   qr_pack_buf_init(&qpb,_data,_ndata);
3203   /*While we have enough bits to read a mode...*/
3204   while(qr_pack_buf_avail(&qpb)>=4){
3205     qr_code_data_entry *entry;
3206     int                 mode;
3207     mode=qr_pack_buf_read(&qpb,4);
3208     /*Mode 0 is a terminator.*/
3209     if(!mode)break;
3210     if(_qrdata->nentries>=centries){
3211       centries=centries<<1|1;
3212       _qrdata->entries=(qr_code_data_entry *)realloc(_qrdata->entries,
3213        centries*sizeof(*_qrdata->entries));
3214     }
3215     entry=_qrdata->entries+_qrdata->nentries++;
3216     entry->mode=mode;
3217     /*Set the buffer to NULL, because if parsing fails, we might try to free it
3218        on clean-up.*/
3219     entry->payload.data.buf=NULL;
3220     switch(mode){
3221       /*The number of bits used to encode the character count for each version
3222          range and each data mode.*/
3223       static const unsigned char LEN_BITS[3][4]={
3224         {10, 9, 8, 8},
3225         {12,11,16,10},
3226         {14,13,16,12}
3227       };
3228       case QR_MODE_NUM:{
3229         unsigned char *buf;
3230         unsigned       bits;
3231         unsigned       c;
3232         int            len;
3233         int            count;
3234         int            rem;
3235         len=qr_pack_buf_read(&qpb,LEN_BITS[len_bits_idx][0]);
3236         if(len<0)return -1;
3237         /*Check to see if there are enough bits left now, so we don't have to
3238            in the decode loop.*/
3239         count=len/3;
3240         rem=len%3;
3241         if(qr_pack_buf_avail(&qpb)<10*count+7*(rem>>1&1)+4*(rem&1))return -1;
3242         entry->payload.data.buf=buf=(unsigned char *)malloc(len*sizeof(*buf));
3243         entry->payload.data.len=len;
3244         /*Read groups of 3 digits encoded in 10 bits.*/
3245         while(count-->0){
3246           bits=qr_pack_buf_read(&qpb,10);
3247           if(bits>=1000)return -1;
3248           c='0'+bits/100;
3249           self_parity^=c;
3250           *buf++=(unsigned char)c;
3251           bits%=100;
3252           c='0'+bits/10;
3253           self_parity^=c;
3254           *buf++=(unsigned char)c;
3255           c='0'+bits%10;
3256           self_parity^=c;
3257           *buf++=(unsigned char)c;
3258         }
3259         /*Read the last two digits encoded in 7 bits.*/
3260         if(rem>1){
3261           bits=qr_pack_buf_read(&qpb,7);
3262           if(bits>=100)return -1;
3263           c='0'+bits/10;
3264           self_parity^=c;
3265           *buf++=(unsigned char)c;
3266           c='0'+bits%10;
3267           self_parity^=c;
3268           *buf++=(unsigned char)c;
3269         }
3270         /*Or the last one digit encoded in 4 bits.*/
3271         else if(rem){
3272           bits=qr_pack_buf_read(&qpb,4);
3273           if(bits>=10)return -1;
3274           c='0'+bits;
3275           self_parity^=c;
3276           *buf++=(unsigned char)c;
3277         }
3278       }break;
3279       case QR_MODE_ALNUM:{
3280         unsigned char *buf;
3281         unsigned       bits;
3282         unsigned       c;
3283         int            len;
3284         int            count;
3285         int            rem;
3286         len=qr_pack_buf_read(&qpb,LEN_BITS[len_bits_idx][1]);
3287         if(len<0)return -1;
3288         /*Check to see if there are enough bits left now, so we don't have to
3289            in the decode loop.*/
3290         count=len>>1;
3291         rem=len&1;
3292         if(qr_pack_buf_avail(&qpb)<11*count+6*rem)return -1;
3293         entry->payload.data.buf=buf=(unsigned char *)malloc(len*sizeof(*buf));
3294         entry->payload.data.len=len;
3295         /*Read groups of two characters encoded in 11 bits.*/
3296         while(count-->0){
3297           bits=qr_pack_buf_read(&qpb,11);
3298           if(bits>=2025)return -1;
3299           c=QR_ALNUM_TABLE[bits/45];
3300           self_parity^=c;
3301           *buf++=(unsigned char)c;
3302           c=QR_ALNUM_TABLE[bits%45];
3303           self_parity^=c;
3304           *buf++=(unsigned char)c;
3305           len-=2;
3306         }
3307         /*Read the last character encoded in 6 bits.*/
3308         if(rem){
3309           bits=qr_pack_buf_read(&qpb,6);
3310           if(bits>=45)return -1;
3311           c=QR_ALNUM_TABLE[bits];
3312           self_parity^=c;
3313           *buf++=(unsigned char)c;
3314         }
3315       }break;
3316       /*Structured-append header.*/
3317       case QR_MODE_STRUCT:{
3318         int bits;
3319         bits=qr_pack_buf_read(&qpb,16);
3320         if(bits<0)return -1;
3321         /*We save a copy of the data in _qrdata for easy reference when
3322            grouping structured-append codes.
3323           If for some reason the code has multiple S-A headers, first one wins,
3324            since it is supposed to come before everything else (TODO: should we
3325            return an error instead?).*/
3326         if(_qrdata->sa_size==0){
3327           _qrdata->sa_index=entry->payload.sa.sa_index=
3328            (unsigned char)(bits>>12&0xF);
3329           _qrdata->sa_size=entry->payload.sa.sa_size=
3330            (unsigned char)((bits>>8&0xF)+1);
3331           _qrdata->sa_parity=entry->payload.sa.sa_parity=
3332            (unsigned char)(bits&0xFF);
3333         }
3334       }break;
3335       case QR_MODE_BYTE:{
3336         unsigned char *buf;
3337         unsigned       c;
3338         int            len;
3339         len=qr_pack_buf_read(&qpb,LEN_BITS[len_bits_idx][2]);
3340         if(len<0)return -1;
3341         /*Check to see if there are enough bits left now, so we don't have to
3342            in the decode loop.*/
3343         if(qr_pack_buf_avail(&qpb)<len<<3)return -1;
3344         entry->payload.data.buf=buf=(unsigned char *)malloc(len*sizeof(*buf));
3345         entry->payload.data.len=len;
3346         while(len-->0){
3347           c=qr_pack_buf_read(&qpb,8);
3348           self_parity^=c;
3349           *buf++=(unsigned char)c;
3350         }
3351       }break;
3352       /*FNC1 first position marker.*/
3353       case QR_MODE_FNC1_1ST:break;
3354       /*Extended Channel Interpretation data.*/
3355       case QR_MODE_ECI:{
3356         unsigned val;
3357         int      bits;
3358         /*ECI uses a variable-width encoding similar to UTF-8*/
3359         bits=qr_pack_buf_read(&qpb,8);
3360         if(bits<0)return -1;
3361         /*One byte:*/
3362         if(!(bits&0x80))val=bits;
3363         /*Two bytes:*/
3364         else if(!(bits&0x40)){
3365           val=bits&0x3F<<8;
3366           bits=qr_pack_buf_read(&qpb,8);
3367           if(bits<0)return -1;
3368           val|=bits;
3369         }
3370         /*Three bytes:*/
3371         else if(!(bits&0x20)){
3372           val=bits&0x1F<<16;
3373           bits=qr_pack_buf_read(&qpb,16);
3374           if(bits<0)return -1;
3375           val|=bits;
3376           /*Valid ECI values are 0...999999.*/
3377           if(val>=1000000)return -1;
3378         }
3379         /*Invalid lead byte.*/
3380         else return -1;
3381         entry->payload.eci=val;
3382       }break;
3383       case QR_MODE_KANJI:{
3384         unsigned char *buf;
3385         unsigned       bits;
3386         int            len;
3387         len=qr_pack_buf_read(&qpb,LEN_BITS[len_bits_idx][3]);
3388         if(len<0)return -1;
3389         /*Check to see if there are enough bits left now, so we don't have to
3390            in the decode loop.*/
3391         if(qr_pack_buf_avail(&qpb)<13*len)return -1;
3392         entry->payload.data.buf=buf=(unsigned char *)malloc(2*len*sizeof(*buf));
3393         entry->payload.data.len=2*len;
3394         /*Decode 2-byte SJIS characters encoded in 13 bits.*/
3395         while(len-->0){
3396           bits=qr_pack_buf_read(&qpb,13);
3397           bits=(bits/0xC0<<8|bits%0xC0)+0x8140;
3398           if(bits>=0xA000)bits+=0x4000;
3399           /*TODO: Are values 0xXX7F, 0xXXFD...0xXXFF always invalid?
3400             Should we reject them here?*/
3401           self_parity^=bits;
3402           *buf++=(unsigned char)(bits>>8);
3403           *buf++=(unsigned char)(bits&0xFF);
3404         }
3405       }break;
3406       /*FNC1 second position marker.*/
3407       case QR_MODE_FNC1_2ND:{
3408         int bits;
3409         /*FNC1 in the 2nd position encodes an Application Indicator in one
3410            byte, which is either a letter (A...Z or a...z) or a 2-digit number.
3411           The letters are encoded with their ASCII value plus 100, the numbers
3412            are encoded directly with their numeric value.
3413           Values 100...164, 191...196, and 223...255 are invalid, so we reject
3414            them here.*/
3415         bits=qr_pack_buf_read(&qpb,8);
3416         if(!(bits>=0&&bits<100||bits>=165&&bits<191||bits>=197&&bits<223)){
3417           return -1;
3418         }
3419         entry->payload.ai=bits;
3420       }break;
3421       /*Unknown mode number:*/
3422       default:{
3423         /*Unfortunately, because we have to understand the format of a mode to
3424            know how many bits it occupies, we can't skip unknown modes.
3425           Therefore we have to fail.*/
3426         return -1;
3427       }break;
3428     }
3429   }
3430   /*Store the parity of the data from this code, for S-A.
3431     The final parity is the 8-bit XOR of all the decoded bytes of literal data.
3432     We don't combine the 2-byte kanji codes into one byte in the loops above,
3433      because we can just do it here instead.*/
3434   _qrdata->self_parity=((self_parity>>8)^self_parity)&0xFF;
3435   /*Success.*/
3436   _qrdata->entries=(qr_code_data_entry *)realloc(_qrdata->entries,
3437    _qrdata->nentries*sizeof(*_qrdata->entries));
3438   return 0;
3439 }
qr_code_data_clear(qr_code_data * _qrdata)3441 static void qr_code_data_clear(qr_code_data *_qrdata){
3442   int i;
3443   for(i=0;i<_qrdata->nentries;i++){
3444     if(QR_MODE_HAS_DATA(_qrdata->entries[i].mode)){
3445       free(_qrdata->entries[i].payload.data.buf);
3446     }
3447   }
3448   free(_qrdata->entries);
3449 }
qr_code_data_list_init(qr_code_data_list * _qrlist)3452 void qr_code_data_list_init(qr_code_data_list *_qrlist){
3453   _qrlist->qrdata=NULL;
3454   _qrlist->nqrdata=_qrlist->cqrdata=0;
3455 }
qr_code_data_list_clear(qr_code_data_list * _qrlist)3457 void qr_code_data_list_clear(qr_code_data_list *_qrlist){
3458   int i;
3459   for(i=0;i<_qrlist->nqrdata;i++)qr_code_data_clear(_qrlist->qrdata+i);
3460   free(_qrlist->qrdata);
3461   qr_code_data_list_init(_qrlist);
3462 }
qr_code_data_list_add(qr_code_data_list * _qrlist,qr_code_data * _qrdata)3464 static void qr_code_data_list_add(qr_code_data_list *_qrlist,
3465  qr_code_data *_qrdata){
3466   if(_qrlist->nqrdata>=_qrlist->cqrdata){
3467     _qrlist->cqrdata=_qrlist->cqrdata<<1|1;
3468     _qrlist->qrdata=(qr_code_data *)realloc(_qrlist->qrdata,
3469      _qrlist->cqrdata*sizeof(*_qrlist->qrdata));
3470   }
3471   memcpy(_qrlist->qrdata+_qrlist->nqrdata++,_qrdata,sizeof(*_qrdata));
3472 }
3474 #if 0
3475 static const unsigned short QR_NCODEWORDS[40]={
3476     26,  44,  70, 100, 134, 172, 196, 242, 292, 346,
3477    404, 466, 532, 581, 655, 733, 815, 901, 991,1085,
3478   1156,1258,1364,1474,1588,1706,1828,1921,2051,2185,
3479   2323,2465,2611,2761,2876,3034,3196,3362,3532,3706
3480 };
3481 #endif
3483 /*The total number of codewords in a QR code.*/
qr_code_ncodewords(unsigned _version)3484 static int qr_code_ncodewords(unsigned _version){
3485   unsigned nalign;
3486   /*This is 24-27 instructions on ARM in thumb mode, or a 26-32 byte savings
3487      over just using a table (not counting the instructions that would be
3488      needed to do the table lookup).*/
3489   if(_version==1)return 26;
3490   nalign=(_version/7)+2;
3491   return (_version<<4)*(_version+8)
3492    -(5*nalign)*(5*nalign-2)+36*(_version<7)+83>>3;
3493 }
3495 #if 0
3496 /*The number of parity bytes per Reed-Solomon block for each version and error
3497    correction level.*/
3498 static const unsigned char QR_RS_NPAR[40][4]={
3499   { 7,10,13,17},{10,16,22,28},{15,26,18,22},{20,18,26,16},
3500   {26,24,18,22},{18,16,24,28},{20,18,18,26},{24,22,22,26},
3501   {30,22,20,24},{18,26,24,28},{20,30,28,24},{24,22,26,28},
3502   {26,22,24,22},{30,24,20,24},{22,24,30,24},{24,28,24,30},
3503   {28,28,28,28},{30,26,28,28},{28,26,26,26},{28,26,30,28},
3504   {28,26,28,30},{28,28,30,24},{30,28,30,30},{30,28,30,30},
3505   {26,28,30,30},{28,28,28,30},{30,28,30,30},{30,28,30,30},
3506   {30,28,30,30},{30,28,30,30},{30,28,30,30},{30,28,30,30},
3507   {30,28,30,30},{30,28,30,30},{30,28,30,30},{30,28,30,30},
3508   {30,28,30,30},{30,28,30,30},{30,28,30,30},{30,28,30,30}
3509 };
3510 #endif
3512 /*Bulk data for the number of parity bytes per Reed-Solomon block.*/
3513 static const unsigned char QR_RS_NPAR_VALS[71]={
3514   /*[ 0]*/ 7,10,13,17,
3515   /*[ 4]*/10,16,22, 28,26,26, 26,22, 24,22,22, 26,24,18,22,
3516   /*[19]*/15,26,18, 22,24, 30,24,20,24,
3517   /*[28]*/18,16,24, 28, 28, 28,28,30,24,
3518   /*[37]*/20,18, 18,26, 24,28,24, 30,26,28, 28, 26,28,30, 30,22,20,24,
3519   /*[55]*/20,18,26,16,
3520   /*[59]*/20,30,28, 24,22,26, 28,26, 30,28,30,30
3521 };
3523 /*An offset into QR_RS_NPAR_DATA for each version that gives the number of
3524    parity bytes per Reed-Solomon block for each error correction level.*/
3525 static const unsigned char QR_RS_NPAR_OFFS[40]={
3526    0, 4,19,55,15,28,37,12,51,39,
3527   59,62,10,24,22,41,31,44, 7,65,
3528   47,33,67,67,48,32,67,67,67,67,
3529   67,67,67,67,67,67,67,67,67,67
3530 };
3532 /*The number of Reed-Solomon blocks for each version and error correction
3533    level.*/
3534 static const unsigned char QR_RS_NBLOCKS[40][4]={
3535   { 1, 1, 1, 1},{ 1, 1, 1, 1},{ 1, 1, 2, 2},{ 1, 2, 2, 4},
3536   { 1, 2, 4, 4},{ 2, 4, 4, 4},{ 2, 4, 6, 5},{ 2, 4, 6, 6},
3537   { 2, 5, 8, 8},{ 4, 5, 8, 8},{ 4, 5, 8,11},{ 4, 8,10,11},
3538   { 4, 9,12,16},{ 4, 9,16,16},{ 6,10,12,18},{ 6,10,17,16},
3539   { 6,11,16,19},{ 6,13,18,21},{ 7,14,21,25},{ 8,16,20,25},
3540   { 8,17,23,25},{ 9,17,23,34},{ 9,18,25,30},{10,20,27,32},
3541   {12,21,29,35},{12,23,34,37},{12,25,34,40},{13,26,35,42},
3542   {14,28,38,45},{15,29,40,48},{16,31,43,51},{17,33,45,54},
3543   {18,35,48,57},{19,37,51,60},{19,38,53,63},{20,40,56,66},
3544   {21,43,59,70},{22,45,62,74},{24,47,65,77},{25,49,68,81}
3545 };
3547 /*Attempts to fully decode a QR code.
3548   _qrdata:   Returns the parsed code data.
3549   _gf:       Used for Reed-Solomon error correction.
3550   _ul_pos:   The location of the UL finder pattern.
3551   _ur_pos:   The location of the UR finder pattern.
3552   _dl_pos:   The location of the DL finder pattern.
3553   _version:  The (decoded) version number.
3554   _fmt_info: The decoded format info.
3555   _img:      The binary input image.
3556   _width:    The width of the input image.
3557   _height:   The height of the input image.
3558   Return: 0 on success, or a negative value on error.*/
qr_code_decode(qr_code_data * _qrdata,const rs_gf256 * _gf,const qr_point _ul_pos,const qr_point _ur_pos,const qr_point _dl_pos,int _version,int _fmt_info,const unsigned char * _img,int _width,int _height)3559 static int qr_code_decode(qr_code_data *_qrdata,const rs_gf256 *_gf,
3560  const qr_point _ul_pos,const qr_point _ur_pos,const qr_point _dl_pos,
3561  int _version,int _fmt_info,
3562  const unsigned char *_img,int _width,int _height){
3563   qr_sampling_grid   grid;
3564   unsigned          *data_bits;
3565   unsigned char    **blocks;
3566   unsigned char     *block_data;
3567   int                nblocks;
3568   int                nshort_blocks;
3569   int                ncodewords;
3570   int                block_sz;
3571   int                ecc_level;
3572   int                ndata;
3573   int                npar;
3574   int                dim;
3575   int                ret;
3576   int                i;
3577   /*Read the bits out of the image.*/
3578   qr_sampling_grid_init(&grid,_version,_ul_pos,_ur_pos,_dl_pos,_qrdata->bbox,
3579    _img,_width,_height);
3580 #if defined(QR_DEBUG)
3581   qr_sampling_grid_dump(&grid,_version,_img,_width,_height);
3582 #endif
3583   dim=17+(_version<<2);
3584   data_bits=(unsigned *)malloc(
3585    dim*(dim+QR_INT_BITS-1>>QR_INT_LOGBITS)*sizeof(*data_bits));
3586   qr_sampling_grid_sample(&grid,data_bits,dim,_fmt_info,_img,_width,_height);
3587   /*Group those bits into Reed-Solomon codewords.*/
3588   ecc_level=(_fmt_info>>3)^1;
3589   nblocks=QR_RS_NBLOCKS[_version-1][ecc_level];
3590   npar=*(QR_RS_NPAR_VALS+QR_RS_NPAR_OFFS[_version-1]+ecc_level);
3591   ncodewords=qr_code_ncodewords(_version);
3592   block_sz=ncodewords/nblocks;
3593   nshort_blocks=nblocks-(ncodewords%nblocks);
3594   blocks=(unsigned char **)malloc(nblocks*sizeof(*blocks));
3595   block_data=(unsigned char *)malloc(ncodewords*sizeof(*block_data));
3596   blocks[0]=block_data;
3597   for(i=1;i<nblocks;i++)blocks[i]=blocks[i-1]+block_sz+(i>nshort_blocks);
3598   qr_samples_unpack(blocks,nblocks,block_sz-npar,nshort_blocks,
3599    data_bits,grid.fpmask,dim);
3600   qr_sampling_grid_clear(&grid);
3601   free(blocks);
3602   free(data_bits);
3603   /*Perform the error correction.*/
3604   ndata=0;
3605   ncodewords=0;
3606   ret=0;
3607   for(i=0;i<nblocks;i++){
3608     int block_szi;
3609     int ndatai;
3610     block_szi=block_sz+(i>=nshort_blocks);
3611     ret=rs_correct(_gf,QR_M0,block_data+ncodewords,block_szi,npar,NULL,0);
3612     zprintf(1, "Number of errors corrected: %i%s\n", ret, ret < 0 ? " (data irrecoverable)": "");
3613     /*For version 1 symbols and version 2-L and 3-L symbols, we aren't allowed
3614        to use all the parity bytes for correction.
3615       They are instead used to improve detection.
3616       Version 1-L reserves 3 parity bytes for detection.
3617       Versions 1-M and 2-L reserve 2 parity bytes for detection.
3618       Versions 1-Q, 1-H, and 3-L reserve 1 parity byte for detection.
3619       We can ignore the version 3-L restriction because it has an odd number of
3620        parity bytes, and we don't support erasure detection.*/
3621     if(ret<0||_version==1&&ret>ecc_level+1<<1||
3622      _version==2&&ecc_level==0&&ret>4){
3623       ret=-1;
3624       break;
3625     }
3626     ndatai=block_szi-npar;
3627     memmove(block_data+ndata,block_data+ncodewords,ndatai*sizeof(*block_data));
3628     ncodewords+=block_szi;
3629     ndata+=ndatai;
3630   }
3631   /*Parse the corrected bitstream.*/
3632   if(ret>=0){
3633     ret=qr_code_data_parse(_qrdata,_version,block_data,ndata);
3634     /*We could return any partially decoded data, but then we'd have to have
3635        API support for that; a mode ignoring ECC errors might also be useful.*/
3636     if(ret<0)qr_code_data_clear(_qrdata);
3637     _qrdata->version=_version;
3638     _qrdata->ecc_level=ecc_level;
3639   }
3640   free(block_data);
3641   return ret;
3642 }
3644 /*Searches for an arrangement of these three finder centers that yields a valid
3645    configuration.
3646   _c: On input, the three finder centers to consider in any order.
3647   Return: The detected version number, or a negative value on error.*/
qr_reader_try_configuration(qr_reader * _reader,qr_code_data * _qrdata,const unsigned char * _img,int _width,int _height,qr_finder_center * _c[3])3648 static int qr_reader_try_configuration(qr_reader *_reader,
3649  qr_code_data *_qrdata,const unsigned char *_img,int _width,int _height,
3650  qr_finder_center *_c[3]){
3651   int      ci[7];
3652   unsigned maxd;
3653   int      ccw;
3654   int      i0;
3655   int      i;
3656   /*Sort the points in counter-clockwise order.*/
3657   ccw=qr_point_ccw(_c[0]->pos,_c[1]->pos,_c[2]->pos);
3658   /*Colinear points can't be the corners of a quadrilateral.*/
3659   if(!ccw)return -1;
3660   /*Include a few extra copies of the cyclical list to avoid mods.*/
3661   ci[6]=ci[3]=ci[0]=0;
3662   ci[4]=ci[1]=1+(ccw<0);
3663   ci[5]=ci[2]=2-(ccw<0);
3664   /*Assume the points farthest from each other are the opposite corners, and
3665      find the top-left point.*/
3666   maxd=qr_point_distance2(_c[1]->pos,_c[2]->pos);
3667   i0=0;
3668   for(i=1;i<3;i++){
3669     unsigned d;
3670     d=qr_point_distance2(_c[ci[i+1]]->pos,_c[ci[i+2]]->pos);
3671     if(d>maxd){
3672       i0=i;
3673       maxd=d;
3674     }
3675   }
3676   /*However, try all three possible orderings, just to be sure (a severely
3677      skewed projection could move opposite corners closer than adjacent).*/
3678   for(i=i0;i<i0+3;i++){
3679     qr_aff    aff;
3680     qr_hom    hom;
3681     qr_finder ul;
3682     qr_finder ur;
3683     qr_finder dl;
3684     qr_point  bbox[4];
3685     int       res;
3686     int       ur_version;
3687     int       dl_version;
3688     int       fmt_info;
3689     ul.c=_c[ci[i]];
3690     ur.c=_c[ci[i+1]];
3691     dl.c=_c[ci[i+2]];
3692     /*Estimate the module size and version number from the two opposite corners.
3693       The module size is not constant in the image, so we compute an affine
3694        projection from the three points we have to a square domain, and
3695        estimate it there.
3696       Although it should be the same along both axes, we keep separate
3697        estimates to account for any remaining projective distortion.*/
3698     res=QR_INT_BITS-2-QR_FINDER_SUBPREC-qr_ilog(QR_MAXI(_width,_height)-1);
3699     qr_aff_init(&aff,ul.c->pos,ur.c->pos,dl.c->pos,res);
3700     qr_aff_unproject(ur.o,&aff,ur.c->pos[0],ur.c->pos[1]);
3701     qr_finder_edge_pts_aff_classify(&ur,&aff);
3702     if(qr_finder_estimate_module_size_and_version(&ur,1<<res,1<<res)<0)continue;
3703     qr_aff_unproject(dl.o,&aff,dl.c->pos[0],dl.c->pos[1]);
3704     qr_finder_edge_pts_aff_classify(&dl,&aff);
3705     if(qr_finder_estimate_module_size_and_version(&dl,1<<res,1<<res)<0)continue;
3706     /*If the estimated versions are significantly different, reject the
3707        configuration.*/
3708     if(abs(ur.eversion[1]-dl.eversion[0])>QR_LARGE_VERSION_SLACK)continue;
3709     qr_aff_unproject(ul.o,&aff,ul.c->pos[0],ul.c->pos[1]);
3710     qr_finder_edge_pts_aff_classify(&ul,&aff);
3711     if(qr_finder_estimate_module_size_and_version(&ul,1<<res,1<<res)<0||
3712      abs(ul.eversion[1]-ur.eversion[1])>QR_LARGE_VERSION_SLACK||
3713      abs(ul.eversion[0]-dl.eversion[0])>QR_LARGE_VERSION_SLACK){
3714       continue;
3715     }
3716 #if defined(QR_DEBUG)
3717     qr_finder_dump_aff_undistorted(&ul,&ur,&dl,&aff,_img,_width,_height);
3718 #endif
3719     /*If we made it this far, upgrade the affine homography to a full
3720        homography.*/
3721     if(qr_hom_fit(&hom,&ul,&ur,&dl,bbox,&aff,
3722      &_reader->isaac,_img,_width,_height)<0){
3723       continue;
3724     }
3725     memcpy(_qrdata->bbox,bbox,sizeof(bbox));
3726     qr_hom_unproject(ul.o,&hom,ul.c->pos[0],ul.c->pos[1]);
3727     qr_hom_unproject(ur.o,&hom,ur.c->pos[0],ur.c->pos[1]);
3728     qr_hom_unproject(dl.o,&hom,dl.c->pos[0],dl.c->pos[1]);
3729     qr_finder_edge_pts_hom_classify(&ur,&hom);
3730     if(qr_finder_estimate_module_size_and_version(&ur,
3731      ur.o[0]-ul.o[0],ur.o[0]-ul.o[0])<0){
3732       continue;
3733     }
3734     qr_finder_edge_pts_hom_classify(&dl,&hom);
3735     if(qr_finder_estimate_module_size_and_version(&dl,
3736      dl.o[1]-ul.o[1],dl.o[1]-ul.o[1])<0){
3737       continue;
3738     }
3739 #if defined(QR_DEBUG)
3740     qr_finder_dump_hom_undistorted(&ul,&ur,&dl,&hom,_img,_width,_height);
3741 #endif
3742     /*If we have a small version (less than 7), there's no encoded version
3743        information.
3744       If the estimated version on the two corners matches and is sufficiently
3745        small, we assume this is the case.*/
3746     if(ur.eversion[1]==dl.eversion[0]&&ur.eversion[1]<7){
3747       /*We used to do a whole bunch of extra geometric checks for small
3748          versions, because with just an affine correction, it was fairly easy
3749          to estimate two consistent module sizes given a random configuration.
3750         However, now that we're estimating a full homography, these appear to
3751          be unnecessary.*/
3752 #if 0
3753       static const signed char LINE_TESTS[12][6]={
3754         /*DL left, UL > 0, UR > 0*/
3755         {2,0,0, 1,1, 1},
3756         /*DL right, UL > 0, UR < 0*/
3757         {2,1,0, 1,1,-1},
3758         /*UR top, UL > 0, DL > 0*/
3759         {1,2,0, 1,2, 1},
3760         /*UR bottom, UL > 0, DL < 0*/
3761         {1,3,0, 1,2,-1},
3762         /*UR left, DL < 0, UL < 0*/
3763         {1,0,2,-1,0,-1},
3764         /*UR right, DL > 0, UL > 0*/
3765         {1,1,2, 1,0, 1},
3766         /*DL top, UR < 0, UL < 0*/
3767         {2,2,1,-1,0,-1},
3768         /*DL bottom, UR > 0, UL > 0*/
3769         {2,3,1, 1,0, 1},
3770         /*UL left, DL > 0, UR > 0*/
3771         {0,0,2, 1,1, 1},
3772         /*UL right, DL > 0, UR < 0*/
3773         {0,1,2, 1,1,-1},
3774         /*UL top, UR > 0, DL > 0*/
3775         {0,2,1, 1,2, 1},
3776         /*UL bottom, UR > 0, DL < 0*/
3777         {0,3,1, 1,2,-1}
3778       };
3779       qr_finder *f[3];
3780       int        j;
3781       /*Start by decoding the format information.
3782         This is cheap, but unlikely to reject invalid configurations.
3783         56.25% of all bitstrings are valid, and we mix and match several pieces
3784          until we find a valid combination, so our real chances of finding a
3785          valid codeword in random bits are even higher.*/
3786       fmt_info=qr_finder_fmt_info_decode(&ul,&ur,&dl,&aff,_img,_width,_height);
3787       if(fmt_info<0)continue;
3788       /*Now we fit lines to the edges of each finder pattern and check to make
3789          sure the centers of the other finder patterns lie on the proper side.*/
3790       f[0]=&ul;
3791       f[1]=&ur;
3792       f[2]=&dl;
3793       for(j=0;j<12;j++){
3794         const signed char *t;
3795         qr_line            l0;
3796         int               *p;
3797         t=LINE_TESTS[j];
3798         qr_finder_ransac(f[t[0]],&aff,&_reader->isaac,t[1]);
3799         /*We may not have enough points to fit a line accurately here.
3800           If not, we just skip the test.*/
3801         if(qr_line_fit_finder_edge(l0,f[t[0]],t[1],res)<0)continue;
3802         p=f[t[2]]->c->pos;
3803         if(qr_line_eval(l0,p[0],p[1])*t[3]<0)break;
3804         p=f[t[4]]->c->pos;
3805         if(qr_line_eval(l0,p[0],p[1])*t[5]<0)break;
3806       }
3807       if(j<12)continue;
3808       /*All tests passed.*/
3809 #endif
3810       ur_version=ur.eversion[1];
3811     }
3812     else{
3813       /*If the estimated versions are significantly different, reject the
3814          configuration.*/
3815       if(abs(ur.eversion[1]-dl.eversion[0])>QR_LARGE_VERSION_SLACK)continue;
3816       /*Otherwise we try to read the actual version data from the image.
3817         If the real version is not sufficiently close to our estimated version,
3818          then we assume there was an unrecoverable decoding error (so many bit
3819          errors we were within 3 errors of another valid code), and throw that
3820          value away.
3821         If no decoded version could be sufficiently close, we don't even try.*/
3822       if(ur.eversion[1]>=7-QR_LARGE_VERSION_SLACK){
3823         ur_version=qr_finder_version_decode(&ur,&hom,_img,_width,_height,0);
3824         if(abs(ur_version-ur.eversion[1])>QR_LARGE_VERSION_SLACK)ur_version=-1;
3825       }
3826       else ur_version=-1;
3827       if(dl.eversion[0]>=7-QR_LARGE_VERSION_SLACK){
3828         dl_version=qr_finder_version_decode(&dl,&hom,_img,_width,_height,1);
3829         if(abs(dl_version-dl.eversion[0])>QR_LARGE_VERSION_SLACK)dl_version=-1;
3830       }
3831       else dl_version=-1;
3832       /*If we got at least one valid version, or we got two and they match,
3833          then we found a valid configuration.*/
3834       if(ur_version>=0){
3835         if(dl_version>=0&&dl_version!=ur_version)continue;
3836       }
3837       else if(dl_version<0)continue;
3838       else ur_version=dl_version;
3839     }
3840     qr_finder_edge_pts_hom_classify(&ul,&hom);
3841     if(qr_finder_estimate_module_size_and_version(&ul,
3842      ur.o[0]-dl.o[0],dl.o[1]-ul.o[1])<0||
3843      abs(ul.eversion[1]-ur.eversion[1])>QR_SMALL_VERSION_SLACK||
3844      abs(ul.eversion[0]-dl.eversion[0])>QR_SMALL_VERSION_SLACK){
3845       continue;
3846     }
3847     fmt_info=qr_finder_fmt_info_decode(&ul,&ur,&dl,&hom,_img,_width,_height);
3848     if(fmt_info<0||
3849      qr_code_decode(_qrdata,&_reader->gf,ul.c->pos,ur.c->pos,dl.c->pos,
3850      ur_version,fmt_info,_img,_width,_height)<0){
3851       /*The code may be flipped.
3852         Try again, swapping the UR and DL centers.
3853         We should get a valid version either way, so it's relatively cheap to
3854          check this, as we've already filtered out a lot of invalid
3855          configurations.*/
3856       QR_SWAP2I(hom.inv[0][0],hom.inv[1][0]);
3857       QR_SWAP2I(hom.inv[0][1],hom.inv[1][1]);
3858       QR_SWAP2I(hom.fwd[0][0],hom.fwd[0][1]);
3859       QR_SWAP2I(hom.fwd[1][0],hom.fwd[1][1]);
3860       QR_SWAP2I(hom.fwd[2][0],hom.fwd[2][1]);
3861       QR_SWAP2I(ul.o[0],ul.o[1]);
3862       QR_SWAP2I(ul.size[0],ul.size[1]);
3863       QR_SWAP2I(ur.o[0],ur.o[1]);
3864       QR_SWAP2I(ur.size[0],ur.size[1]);
3865       QR_SWAP2I(dl.o[0],dl.o[1]);
3866       QR_SWAP2I(dl.size[0],dl.size[1]);
3867 #if defined(QR_DEBUG)
3868       qr_finder_dump_hom_undistorted(&ul,&dl,&ur,&hom,_img,_width,_height);
3869 #endif
3870       fmt_info=qr_finder_fmt_info_decode(&ul,&dl,&ur,&hom,_img,_width,_height);
3871       if(fmt_info<0)continue;
3872       QR_SWAP2I(bbox[1][0],bbox[2][0]);
3873       QR_SWAP2I(bbox[1][1],bbox[2][1]);
3874       memcpy(_qrdata->bbox,bbox,sizeof(bbox));
3875       if(qr_code_decode(_qrdata,&_reader->gf,ul.c->pos,dl.c->pos,ur.c->pos,
3876        ur_version,fmt_info,_img,_width,_height)<0){
3877         continue;
3878       }
3879     }
3880     return ur_version;
3881   }
3882   return -1;
3883 }
qr_reader_match_centers(qr_reader * _reader,qr_code_data_list * _qrlist,qr_finder_center * _centers,int _ncenters,const unsigned char * _img,int _width,int _height)3885 void qr_reader_match_centers(qr_reader *_reader,qr_code_data_list *_qrlist,
3886  qr_finder_center *_centers,int _ncenters,
3887  const unsigned char *_img,int _width,int _height){
3888   /*The number of centers should be small, so an O(n^3) exhaustive search of
3889      which ones go together should be reasonable.*/
3890   unsigned char *mark;
3891   int            nfailures_max;
3892   int            nfailures;
3893   int            i;
3894   int            j;
3895   int            k;
3896   mark=(unsigned char *)calloc(_ncenters,sizeof(*mark));
3897   nfailures_max=QR_MAXI(8192,_width*_height>>9);
3898   nfailures=0;
3899   for(i=0;i<_ncenters;i++){
3900     /*TODO: We might be able to accelerate this step significantly by
3901        considering the remaining finder centers in a more intelligent order,
3902        based on the first finder center we just chose.*/
3903     for(j=i+1;!mark[i]&&j<_ncenters;j++){
3904       for(k=j+1;!mark[j]&&k<_ncenters;k++)if(!mark[k]){
3905         qr_finder_center *c[3];
3906         qr_code_data      qrdata;
3907         int               version;
3908         c[0]=_centers+i;
3909         c[1]=_centers+j;
3910         c[2]=_centers+k;
3911         version=qr_reader_try_configuration(_reader,&qrdata,
3912          _img,_width,_height,c);
3913         if(version>=0){
3914           int ninside;
3915           int l;
3916           /*Add the data to the list.*/
3917           qr_code_data_list_add(_qrlist,&qrdata);
3918           /*Convert the bounding box we're returning to the user to normal
3919              image coordinates.*/
3920           for(l=0;l<4;l++){
3921             _qrlist->qrdata[_qrlist->nqrdata-1].bbox[l][0]>>=QR_FINDER_SUBPREC;
3922             _qrlist->qrdata[_qrlist->nqrdata-1].bbox[l][1]>>=QR_FINDER_SUBPREC;
3923           }
3924           /*Mark these centers as used.*/
3925           mark[i]=mark[j]=mark[k]=1;
3926           /*Find any other finder centers located inside this code.*/
3927           for(l=ninside=0;l<_ncenters;l++)if(!mark[l]){
3928             if(qr_point_ccw(qrdata.bbox[0],qrdata.bbox[1],_centers[l].pos)>=0&&
3929              qr_point_ccw(qrdata.bbox[1],qrdata.bbox[3],_centers[l].pos)>=0&&
3930              qr_point_ccw(qrdata.bbox[3],qrdata.bbox[2],_centers[l].pos)>=0&&
3931              qr_point_ccw(qrdata.bbox[2],qrdata.bbox[0],_centers[l].pos)>=0){
3932               mark[l]=2;
3933               ninside++;
3934             }
3935           }
3936           if(ninside>=3){
3937             /*We might have a "Double QR": a code inside a code.
3938               Copy the relevant centers to a new array and do a search confined
3939                to that subset.*/
3940             qr_finder_center *inside;
3941             inside=(qr_finder_center *)malloc(ninside*sizeof(*inside));
3942             for(l=ninside=0;l<_ncenters;l++){
3943               if(mark[l]==2)*&inside[ninside++]=*&_centers[l];
3944             }
3945             qr_reader_match_centers(_reader,_qrlist,inside,ninside,
3946              _img,_width,_height);
3947             free(inside);
3948           }
3949           /*Mark _all_ such centers used: codes cannot partially overlap.*/
3950           for(l=0;l<_ncenters;l++)if(mark[l]==2)mark[l]=1;
3951           nfailures=0;
3952         }
3953         else if(++nfailures>nfailures_max){
3954           /*Give up.
3955             We're unlikely to find a valid code in all this clutter, and we
3956              could spent quite a lot of time trying.*/
3957           i=j=k=_ncenters;
3958         }
3959       }
3960     }
3961   }
3962   free(mark);
3963 }
_zbar_qr_found_line(qr_reader * reader,int dir,const qr_finder_line * line)3965 int _zbar_qr_found_line (qr_reader *reader,
3966                          int dir,
3967                          const qr_finder_line *line)
3968 {
3969     /* minimally intrusive brute force version */
3970     qr_finder_lines *lines = &reader->finder_lines[dir];
3972     if(lines->nlines >= lines->clines) {
3973         lines->clines *= 2;
3974         lines->lines = realloc(lines->lines,
3975                                ++lines->clines * sizeof(*lines->lines));
3976     }
3978     memcpy(lines->lines + lines->nlines++, line, sizeof(*line));
3980     return(0);
3981 }
qr_svg_centers(const qr_finder_center * centers,int ncenters)3983 static inline void qr_svg_centers (const qr_finder_center *centers,
3984                                    int ncenters)
3985 {
3986     int i, j;
3987     svg_path_start("centers", 1, 0, 0);
3988     for(i = 0; i < ncenters; i++)
3989         svg_path_moveto(SVG_ABS, centers[i].pos[0], centers[i].pos[1]);
3990     svg_path_end();
3992     svg_path_start("edge-pts", 1, 0, 0);
3993     for(i = 0; i < ncenters; i++) {
3994         const qr_finder_center *cen = centers + i;
3995         for(j = 0; j < cen->nedge_pts; j++)
3996             svg_path_moveto(SVG_ABS,
3997                             cen->edge_pts[j].pos[0], cen->edge_pts[j].pos[1]);
3998     }
3999     svg_path_end();
4000 }
_zbar_qr_decode(qr_reader * reader,zbar_image_scanner_t * iscn,zbar_image_t * img)4002 int _zbar_qr_decode (qr_reader *reader,
4003                      zbar_image_scanner_t *iscn,
4004                      zbar_image_t *img)
4005 {
4006     int nqrdata = 0, ncenters;
4007     qr_finder_edge_pt *edge_pts = NULL;
4008     qr_finder_center *centers = NULL;
4010     if(reader->finder_lines[0].nlines < 9 ||
4011        reader->finder_lines[1].nlines < 9)
4012         return(0);
4014     svg_group_start("finder", 0, 1. / (1 << QR_FINDER_SUBPREC), 0, 0, 0);
4016     ncenters = qr_finder_centers_locate(&centers, &edge_pts, reader, 0, 0);
4018     zprintf(14, "%dx%d finders, %d centers:\n",
4019             reader->finder_lines[0].nlines,
4020             reader->finder_lines[1].nlines,
4021             ncenters);
4022     qr_svg_centers(centers, ncenters);
4024     if(ncenters >= 3) {
4025         void *bin = qr_binarize(img->data, img->width, img->height);
4027         qr_code_data_list qrlist;
4028         qr_code_data_list_init(&qrlist);
4030         qr_reader_match_centers(reader, &qrlist, centers, ncenters,
4031                                 bin, img->width, img->height);
4033         if(qrlist.nqrdata > 0)
4034             nqrdata = qr_code_data_list_extract_text(&qrlist, iscn, img);
4036         qr_code_data_list_clear(&qrlist);
4037         free(bin);
4038     }
4039     svg_group_end();
4041     if(centers)
4042         free(centers);
4043     if(edge_pts)
4044         free(edge_pts);
4045     return(nqrdata);
4046 }