1With the advent of the modules, an API becomes necessary.  This
2file is the place to document anything along those lines.
4The main parts of pisg operate by passing around a %stats hash.  That
5hash is pretty big:
7Key           Type   Index   Description
9words         hash   <nick>  Number of words typed by given nick.
10wordcounts    hash   <word>  Number of times given word was used.
11wordnicks     hash   <word>  The last nick to use the given word.
12times         hash   <hour>  Number of lines typed in the channel during
13                             the given hour (0..23).
14lines         hash   <nick>  Number of lines typed by the given nick (both
15                             "normal" and action lines).
16line_times    hash   <nick>  $line_times{nick}[index]  index ranges from
17                             0 to 3 and contains a count of the number of
18                             lines typed by that nick in the given time
19                             period.  Each index is a 6-hour block.
20                             (e.g. 3 is from 18:00 to 23:59.)
21monologues    hash   <nick>  Number of times the given nick had a
22                             monologue.
23sayings       hash   <nick>  Random normal line from the given nick.
24questions     hash   <nick>  Number of lines from the given nick that
25                             ended in question marks.
26shouts        hash   <nick>  Number of lines ending in exclamation points.
27allcaps       hash   <nick>  Number of lines in ALL CAPS.
28allcaplines   hash   <nick>  Random line containing ALL CAPS.
29foul          hash   <nick>  Number of lines containing foul words.
30foullines     hash   <nick>  Lines containing foul words.
31smiles        hash   <nick>  Number of lines containing smiling faces.
32frowns        hash   <nick>  Number of lines containing sad faces.
33urlcounts     hash   <url>   Number of times each URL was mentioned.
34urlnicks      hash   <url>   Last nick to mention each URL.
35lengths       hash   <nick>  Total length of all lines from the given
36                             nick.
37actions       hash   <nick>  Number of actions.
38actionlines   hash   <nick>  Random action line.
39violence      hash   <nick>  Number of times the given nick attacked
40                             someone else.
41violencelines hash   <nick>  Random example of the given nick attacking
42                             someone.
43attacked      hash   <nick>  Number of times the given nick was attacked.
44attackedlines hash   <nick>  Ramdom example of the given nick being
45                             attacked.
46gaveops       hash   <nick>  Number of times the given nick granted ops.
47tookops       hash   <nick>  Number of times the given nick removed ops.
48gavevoice     hash   <nick>  Number of times the given nick granted voice.
49tookvoice     hash   <nick>  Number of times the given nick removed voice.
50kicked        hash   <nick>  Number of times the given nick kicked
51                             someone.
52gotkicked     hash   <nick>  Number of times the give nick was kicked.
53kicklines     hash   <nick>  Random example of the given nick being
54                             kicked.
55joins         hash   <nick>  Number of times the given nick joined the
56                             channel.
57topics        array          Each array element is a hash with the
58                             following indices:
59                               topic - The new channel topic.
60                               nick  - The person who set the topic.
61                               hour  - The hour in which the change took
62                                       place.
63                               min   - The minute in which the change took
64                                       place.
65days          scalar         Number of days the reporting period spanned.
66totallines    scalar         Total number of lines seen in file(s).
67parsedlines   scalar         Total number of parseable lines (normal,
68                             action, and third) seen in channel.
69processtime   hash           A hash containing 'hours', 'mins' and 'secs',
70                             describing the time elapsed while processing
71                             this channel.
72nicks         hash           A hash containing all nicks a user had through
73                             a logfile. The keys are the nicks, and the values
74                             is an array with their alternative nicknames.