1# This is a QuIRC theme file.  It contains most of the code relating to what
2# QuIRC looks like.  If you notice something that isn't in this file but should
3# be, let me know.  The first part of the file is the global style config.  The
4# second part is the event handling code that displays what comes from the
5# server and such.  To load a different theme file, change the theme setting
6# in config.tcl and restart QuIRC.  To get more information about the colors
7# and options you can use, see the Tk man pages.  As a note, activeXXXXXXX is
8# usually for when the mouse is over the item.  Things in this file should
9# not be removed without care, as doing so may cause errors in the execution of
10# the program.
13# Server Lag Checker Colours
14set ::dynamic::theme_lag_foreground green
15set ::dynamic::theme_lag_background black
18# Default settings to use for setting other variables throughout this file.
19# These are not used directly by anything else.
20# These should be defined as numbers between 0 and 15.
21set ::default_foreground 1
22set ::default_background 0
23# These should be defined as normal Tk settings.
24set ::default_font_normal "-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed-*-*-100-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1"
25set ::default_font_bold "-misc-fixed-bold-r-semicondensed-*-*-100-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1"
26#set ::default_font_normal "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1"
27#set ::default_font_bold "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1"
28set ::default_selectbackground grey
29set ::default_selectforeground grey
30set ::default_selectborderwidth 3
31set ::default_entry_foreground black
32set ::default_entry_background white
33set ::default_entry_font $default_font_normal
34set ::default_entry_insertbackground $default_entry_foreground
37# These are used within this particular theme file to display a number of
38# things.  They should be defined as numbers between 0 and 15.  The
39# definitions of what these do is subject to change as more of the C based code
40# is moved here.
41# This one is used in a lot of places.
42set ::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 2
43# This is used in CTCP messages and replies to display the type of CTCP.
44set ::dynamic::theme_default_foreground3 5
45# This is used to display op messages.
46set ::dynamic::theme_default_foreground4 6
47# This is used to display part of the who response.
48set ::dynamic::theme_default_foreground5 12
51# Window List Configuration
52set ::dynamic::theme_windowlist_indent " "
53set ::dynamic::theme_windowlist_background white
54set ::dynamic::theme_windowlist_foreground blue
55set ::dynamic::theme_windowlist_activeforeground red
56set ::dynamic::theme_windowlist_activebackground white
57set ::dynamic::theme_windowlist_specialforeground darkgreen
58set ::dynamic::theme_windowlist_specialbackground white
59set ::dynamic::theme_windowlist_selectforeground black
60set ::dynamic::theme_windowlist_selectbackground cyan
61set ::dynamic::theme_windowlist_font $::default_font_normal
62set ::dynamic::theme_windowlist_width 120
65# The following colour definitions are used to define what the "mIRC colours"
66# 0 through 15 map to in terms of real colour.  They would not normally be
67# modified.  For example, if QuIRC or somebody on IRC sends a <color-code>4,
68# it will use #ff0000 which is red.
69set ::dynamic::theme_color(0) "#FFFFFF"
70set ::dynamic::theme_color(1) "#000000"
71set ::dynamic::theme_color(2) "#00007F"
72set ::dynamic::theme_color(3) "#007F00"
73set ::dynamic::theme_color(4) "#FF0000"
74set ::dynamic::theme_color(5) "#7F0000"
75set ::dynamic::theme_color(6) "#7F007F"
76set ::dynamic::theme_color(7) "#FF7F00"
77set ::dynamic::theme_color(8) "#FFFF00"
78set ::dynamic::theme_color(9) "#00FF00"
79set ::dynamic::theme_color(10) "#007F7F"
80set ::dynamic::theme_color(11) "#00FFFF"
81set ::dynamic::theme_color(12) "#0000FF"
82set ::dynamic::theme_color(13) "#FF00FF"
83set ::dynamic::theme_color(14) "#7F7F7F"
84set ::dynamic::theme_color(15) "#CFCFCF"
87# Button Bar Config
89# The background to the menubar
90set ::dynamic::theme_buttonbar_background black
92# Forground and background of Connect/Disconnect button
93set ::dynamic::theme_button_condis_foreground white
94set ::dynamic::theme_button_condis_background #00008b
95set ::dynamic::theme_button_condis_activeforeground white
96set ::dynamic::theme_button_condis_activebackground blue
98# Forground and background of close button
99set ::dynamic::theme_button_close_foreground white
100set ::dynamic::theme_button_close_background #00008b
101set ::dynamic::theme_button_close_activeforeground white
102set ::dynamic::theme_button_close_activebackground blue
104# Forground and background of menu button
105set ::dynamic::theme_button_menu_foreground white
106set ::dynamic::theme_button_menu_background #00008b
107set ::dynamic::theme_button_menu_activeforeground white
108set ::dynamic::theme_button_menu_activebackground blue
111# These are the nicklist settings
112set ::dynamic::theme_nicklist_foreground white
113set ::dynamic::theme_nicklist_background black
114set ::dynamic::theme_nicklist_font $default_font_normal
115set ::dynamic::theme_nicklist_width 15
118# These are the banlist settings
119set ::dynamic::theme_banlist_font $default_font_normal
120set ::dynamic::theme_banlist_foreground lightblue
121set ::dynamic::theme_banlist_background black
122set ::dynamic::theme_banlist_title_foreground yellow
123set ::dynamic::theme_banlist_title_background $::dynamic::theme_banlist_background
124set ::dynamic::theme_banlist_entry_foreground white
125set ::dynamic::theme_banlist_entry_background $::dynamic::theme_banlist_background
126set ::dynamic::theme_banlist_entry_insertbackground $::dynamic::theme_banlist_entry_foreground
129# DCC Files Listbox settings
130set ::dynamic::theme_filelist_foreground white
131set ::dynamic::theme_filelist_background black
132set ::dynamic::theme_filelist_font $default_font_normal
135# Status window text color and font settings
136set ::dynamic::theme_status_foreground $default_foreground
137set ::dynamic::theme_status_background $default_background
138set ::dynamic::theme_status_selectbackground $default_selectbackground
139set ::dynamic::theme_status_selectforeground $default_selectforeground
140set ::dynamic::theme_status_selectborderwidth $default_selectborderwidth
141set ::dynamic::theme_status_font_normal $default_font_normal
142set ::dynamic::theme_status_font_bold $default_font_bold
144# Status entrybox settings
145set ::dynamic::theme_status_entry_foreground $default_entry_foreground
146set ::dynamic::theme_status_entry_background $default_entry_background
147set ::dynamic::theme_status_entry_font $default_entry_font
148set ::dynamic::theme_status_entry_insertbackground $default_entry_insertbackground
150# Chat window text color and font settings
151set ::dynamic::theme_chat_foreground $default_foreground
152set ::dynamic::theme_chat_background $default_background
153set ::dynamic::theme_chat_selectbackground $default_selectbackground
154set ::dynamic::theme_chat_selectforeground $default_selectforeground
155set ::dynamic::theme_chat_selectborderwidth $default_selectborderwidth
156set ::dynamic::theme_chat_font_normal $default_font_normal
157set ::dynamic::theme_chat_font_bold $default_font_bold
159# Chat entrybox settings
160set ::dynamic::theme_chat_entry_foreground $default_entry_foreground
161set ::dynamic::theme_chat_entry_background $default_entry_background
162set ::dynamic::theme_chat_entry_font $default_entry_font
163set ::dynamic::theme_chat_entry_insertbackground $default_entry_insertbackground
165# File window text color and font settings
166set ::dynamic::theme_files_foreground $default_foreground
167set ::dynamic::theme_files_background $default_background
168set ::dynamic::theme_files_selectbackground $default_selectbackground
169set ::dynamic::theme_files_selectforeground $default_selectforeground
170set ::dynamic::theme_files_selectborderwidth $default_selectborderwidth
171set ::dynamic::theme_files_font_normal $default_font_normal
172set ::dynamic::theme_files_font_bold $default_font_bold
174# File entrybox settings
175set ::dynamic::theme_files_entry_foreground $default_entry_foreground
176set ::dynamic::theme_files_entry_background $default_entry_background
177set ::dynamic::theme_files_entry_font $default_entry_font
178set ::dynamic::theme_files_entry_insertbackground $default_entry_insertbackground
180# Main window text color and font settings
181set ::dynamic::theme_main_foreground $default_foreground
182set ::dynamic::theme_main_background $default_background
183set ::dynamic::theme_main_selectbackground $default_selectbackground
184set ::dynamic::theme_main_selectforeground $default_selectforeground
185set ::dynamic::theme_main_selectborderwidth $default_selectborderwidth
186set ::dynamic::theme_main_font_normal $default_font_normal
187set ::dynamic::theme_main_font_bold $default_font_bold
189# Main entrybox settings
190set ::dynamic::theme_main_entry_foreground $default_entry_foreground
191set ::dynamic::theme_main_entry_background $default_entry_background
192set ::dynamic::theme_main_entry_font $default_entry_font
193set ::dynamic::theme_main_entry_insertbackground $default_entry_insertbackground
195# Channel window text color and font settings
196set ::dynamic::theme_channel_foreground $default_foreground
197set ::dynamic::theme_channel_background $default_background
198set ::dynamic::theme_channel_selectbackground $default_selectbackground
199set ::dynamic::theme_channel_selectforeground $default_selectforeground
200set ::dynamic::theme_channel_selectborderwidth $default_selectborderwidth
201set ::dynamic::theme_channel_font_normal $default_font_normal
202set ::dynamic::theme_channel_font_bold $default_font_bold
204# Channel entrybox settings
205set ::dynamic::theme_channel_entry_foreground $default_entry_foreground
206set ::dynamic::theme_channel_entry_background $default_entry_background
207set ::dynamic::theme_channel_entry_font $default_entry_font
208set ::dynamic::theme_channel_entry_insertbackground $default_entry_insertbackground
210# Query window text color and font settings
211set ::dynamic::theme_query_foreground $default_foreground
212set ::dynamic::theme_query_background $default_background
213set ::dynamic::theme_query_selectbackground $default_selectbackground
214set ::dynamic::theme_query_selectforeground $default_selectforeground
215set ::dynamic::theme_query_selectborderwidth $default_selectborderwidth
216set ::dynamic::theme_query_font_normal $default_font_normal
217set ::dynamic::theme_query_font_bold $default_font_bold
219# Query entrybox settings
220set ::dynamic::theme_query_entry_foreground $default_entry_foreground
221set ::dynamic::theme_query_entry_background $default_entry_background
222set ::dynamic::theme_query_entry_font $default_entry_font
223set ::dynamic::theme_query_entry_insertbackground $default_entry_insertbackground
226# Global Formats
228fset DNS_ERROR " \0030,6 ERROR \003 %0"
229fset DNS_FOR " \0030,14 DNS \003 Info for %0:" [flocation current]
230fset DNS_HOSTNAME " \0030,14 DNS \003 Host name: %0" [flocation current]
231fset DNS_IP " \0030,14 DNS \003 IP Address: %0" [flocation current]
232fset ERROR_INFO " \0030,4 ERROR \003 Info:\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground3\n%0"
233fset ERROR_CODE " \0030,4 ERROR \003 Code: %0"
234fset ERROR_ADDITIONAL " \0030,4 ERROR \003 Additional Info: %0"
235fset SET_APPENDED " \0030,6 SET \003\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %0 \003appended to be\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %1" [flocation current]
236fset SET_CHANGED " \0030,6 SET \003\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %0 \003set to\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %1" [flocation current]
237fset SET_CLEARED " \0030,6 SET \003\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %0 \003cleared." [flocation current]
238fset SET_DISPLAY " \0030,6 SET \003\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %0 \003is set to\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %1" [flocation current]
239fset THEME_CHANGED " \0030,12 THEME \003 Theme variable set.  All variables and aliases stored.  Please restart QuIRC to activate your new theme." [flocation current]
240fset THEME_SAVED " \0030,12 THEME \003 Current theme variable settings stored to custom.tcl." [flocation current]
242# Server Specific Formats
244# For IRC_*, prefix is %0, args are %1-
245# %1 is the same as [mynick] (except for in a few buggy situations)
246# IRC_* events are generated whenever the server sends a message.  The *
247# corresponds to the uppercase command name from the server.
249# Where the whois replies go.
250# set whoislocation [flocation currentorstatus]
251set whoislocation [flocation status]
253fset IRC_TOPIC " \0030,7 TOPIC \003 \\\"%2\\\" by %0" [flocation onchannel 1]
254fset IRC_WALLOPS " \0030,3 WALLOPS \003\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %0\003: %1" [flocation status]
256# Away response
257fset IRC_301 " \0030,10 AWAY \003 %2 (%3-)" [flocation status]
258# ISON list
259fset IRC_303 " \0030,10 ISON-LIST \003 %2 " [flocation status]
260# "You are no longer marked as being away"
261fset IRC_305 " \0030,10 BACK \003 %2" [flocation status]
262# "You have been marked as being away"
263fset IRC_306 " \0030,10 AWAY \003 %2" [flocation status]
264# WHOIS Idenfitied to NickServ (Dalnet)
265fset IRC_307 " \0030,10 WHOIS \003 nickserv  : %2-" $whoislocation
266# WHOIS help-op reply
267fset IRC_310 " \0030,10 WHOIS \003 help      : %2-" $whoislocation
268# WHOIS server reply
269fset IRC_312 " \0030,10 WHOIS \003 server    : %3 (%4-)" $whoislocation
270# WHOIS operator reply
271fset IRC_313 " \0030,10 WHOIS \003 operator  : %2-" $whoislocation
272# End of WHO reply
273fset IRC_315 " \0030,10 WHO-LIST \003\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 End of WHO list for %2" [flocation status]
274# End of WHOIS response
275fset IRC_318 "" [flocation none]
276# WHOIS channels response
277fset IRC_319 " \0030,10 WHOIS \003 channels  : %3-" $whoislocation
278# Current MODE of channel
279fset IRC_324 " \0030,12 MODE \003 \\\"%3-\\\"" [flocation channelorstatus 2]
280# Channel creation date
281fset IRC_329 " \0030,10 CREATED \003 \[clock format %3]" [flocation channelorstatus 2]
282# Reply to TOPIC query
283fset IRC_332 " \0030,7 TOPIC \003 \\\"%3\\\"" [flocation onchannel 2]
284# Date and nick reply to TOPIC query
285fset IRC_333 " \0030,7 TOPIC \003 Set by %3 on \[clock format %4]" [flocation onchannel 2]
286# Succesful reply to INVITE
287fset IRC_341 " \0030,7 INVITE \003 %2 to %3" [flocation status]
288# WHO reply.
289fset IRC_352 " \0030,10 WHO-LIST \003\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %2 \0031,08%7\003\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground5 %6\003!\003[ic $::dynamic::theme_default_foreground5 status]%3@%4 \003(\003[ic $::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 status]\[join \[lrange \[split %8 \" \"] 1 end]]\003) %5\\\[\[lindex \[split %8 \" \"] 0]]" [flocation status]
290# MOTD Body
291fset IRC_372 " \0030,7 MOTD \003 %2" [flocation status]
292# MOTD Start
293fset IRC_375 " \0030,7 MOTD \003 %2" [flocation status]
294# MOTD End
295fset IRC_376 " \0030,7 MOTD \003 %2" [flocation status]
296# No such nick error
297fset IRC_401 " \0030,6 OOPS \003 %3: %2" [flocation status]
298# No such channel error (/mode #nonexistant to test.)
299fset IRC_403 " \0030,6 OOPS \003 %3: %2" [flocation status]
300# Invalid command error
301fset IRC_421 " \0030,6 OOPS \003 %3: %2" [flocation status]
302# User is not on channel (/mode #existant +o not_in_channel_existant to test.)
303fset IRC_441 " \0030,6 OOPS \003 %2 %3 %4" [flocation status]
305# Error or Quit occured.  Usually diconnects after sending error message.
306fset IRC_ERROR " \0030,13 ERROR \003 %1-" [flocation serverall] 0
307# Invite
308fset IRC_INVITE " \0030,7 INVITE \003 %2 from %0" [flocation status]
309# Displayed when somebody joins a channel.
310fset IRC_JOIN " \0030,3 JOIN \003 %0" [flocation onchannel 1]
311# Pong
312fset IRC_PONG " \0030,6 PONG \003 %1-" [flocation status]
313# Kill
314fset IRC_KILL " \0030,4 KILL \003\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %1\003 by\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %0\003 (\003[ic $::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 status]%2-\003)" [flocation status]
316# For UNPARSED*, %0 is prefix, %1 is command, %2- is args.
318# Numerics not parsed by any script commands or within QuIRC's internals
319fset UNPARSED_NUMERIC " \0030,1 %1 \003 %3-" [flocation status]
320# Anything not parsed by previous script, or within QuIRC's internals
321fset UNPARSED " \0034,1 %1 \003 (%0) %2-" [flocation status]
324# QuIRC Main Title for the various window types.
325# 0 is channel, 1 is topic.
326fset TITLE_CHANNEL "QuIRC - %0 (%1)"
327# 0 is channel
330# Channel URL (328)
331# 0 is channel, 1 is url.
332fset URL_CHANNEL " \0030,10 URL \003 %1" [flocation channelorstatus 0]
333# Not Tested
334fset URL " \0030,10 URL \003 %0: %1" [flocation status]
336# WHOIS NickHost/Name (311)
337# 0 is nick, 1 is user, 2 is host, 3 is country description.
338fset WHOIS_NICKHOST " \0030,10 WHOIS \003 nick,host : \002%0\002 \00314\002(\003\002%1@%2\00314\002)\002\003 (%3)" $whoislocation
339# 0 is the user's IRC name.
340fset WHOIS_NAME " \0030,10 WHOIS \003 ircname   : %0" $whoislocation
341# WHOIS Idle (317)
342# 0 is a text description of idle time, 1 is a text description of signon time.
343fset WHOIS_IDLE " \0030,10 WHOIS \003 idle      : %0. Signon: %1" $whoislocation
344fset WHOIS_IDLE_NOSIGNON " \0030,10 WHOIS \003 idle      : %0" $whoislocation
346# QUIT (0 is prefix, 1 is reason)
347fset QUIT " \0030,5 QUIT \003 %0 (%1)"
349# These are used by notify.tcl to display notification messages when nicks join
350# or leave IRC.
351fset NOTIFY_OFF " \0030,7 NOTIFY \003 %0 signed off." [flocation status]
352fset NOTIFY_ON " \0030,7 NOTIFY \003 %0 signed on." [flocation status]
354# This is displayed when starting a connection.
355# 0 is the numeric ip of the server being connected to.
356fset CONNECT_ATTEMPT " \0030,14 STATUS \003 Attempting connection to %0" [flocation serverall] 0
358# This is called when an error occurs in a DCC Chat session.
359# 0 is the pathname to the DCC window, 1 is what the error occured in, 2 is
360# information about the error.
361fset DCC_ERROR " \0030,5 ERROR \003 %1: %2" [flocation pathname 0]
362# This is called when an error occurs in a DCC File transfer.
363# 0 is the file index number, 1 is what the error occured in, and 2 is
364# information about the error.
365fset DCC_FILE_ERROR " \\\[%0] \0030,5 ERROR \003 %1: %2 " [flocation files]
367# This is displayed when a script is loaded.  0 is the script's filename, 1 is
368# the name of the namespace it is being loaded into.
369fset SCRIPT_LOAD " \0030,4 SCRIPT \003 Loading\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %0\003 into namespace\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %1" [flocation status]
371# This is displayed if a mode is missing a required parameter.
372# 0 is a - or + and 1 is the mode letter.
373fset NO_MODE_PARAMETER " \0030,5 ERROR \003 No parameter given for mode change %0%1.  This is likely due to a bug in the IRCd.  If you don't believe it to be the IRCd's fault, please contact quirc@patearl.net with an explaination.  Sending a channel mode request to ensure correct modes." [flocation status]
375# This is displayed if a 324 mode numeric is missing a required parameter when
376# we are on the channel.
377# 0 is a - or + and 1 is the mode letter.
378fset NO_324_MODE_PARAMETER " \0030,5 ERROR \003 No parameter given for mode change %0%1 resulting from a 324 numeric.  This is likely due to a bug in the IRCd.  If you don't believe it to be the IRCd's fault, please contact quirc@patearl.net with an explaination.  The channel modes as stored by QuIRC may not be correct any longer." [flocation status]
380# This is used by /me to display outgoing actions.
381# 0 is the pathname of the action, 1 is the message.
382fset OUTGOING_ACTION "\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2* \[mynick] %1" [flocation pathname 0]
384# Used when there is a /msg sent to somebody that does not have an open query.
385# 0 is the nick, 1 is the message.
386fset OUTGOING_MSG "\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2*%0*>\003 %1" [flocation currentorstatus]
388# Used to display outgoing /notice messages.
389# 0 is the nick, 1 is the message.
390fset OUTGOING_NOTICE "\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2-%0\\->\003 %1" [flocation current]
392# Used to display /ops messages.
393# 0 is the channel, 1 is the message.
394fset OUTGOING_OPS "\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground4-@%0\\->\003 %1" [flocation channelorstatus 0]
396# This is used to display text as eminated from yourself.
397# 0 is the destination pathname, 1 is the message.
398fset OUTGOING_TEXT "\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2<\[mynick]>\003 %1" [flocation pathname 0]
400# This is displayed when the connection to the server succeeds.
401fset CONNECTED " \0030,14 STATUS \003 Connected." [flocation serverall] 0
403# DCC Chat connection success.
404# 0 is the pathname of the chat window.
405fset DCC_CONNECTED " \0030,14 DCC \003 Connected." [flocation pathname 0]
407# DCC File connection success.
408# 0 is the dcc index of the file connection being established.
409fset DCC_FILE_CONNECTED " \\\[%0] \0030,14 DCC \003 Connected." [flocation files]
411# This is displayed in the DCC Files listbox before receiving an ack.
412# 0 is the dcc index of the file connection being established.
413fset DCC_FILE_WAITING " \\\[%0] Connected... Waiting for transfer."
415# This is displayed in the text box when starting a DCC send.
416# 0 is the file index, 1 is the full path of the file being sent, 2 is the
417# filename it is being sent as, 3 is the size of the file in bytes.
418fset DCC_FILE_TRANSFERING " \\\[%0] Transfering\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %1\003 as\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %2\003 (\003[ic $::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 files]%3\003 bytes)" [flocation files]
420# This is displayed in the text box when starting a DCC receive.
421# 0 is the file index, 1 is the filename of the file being received, 2 is the
422# full path of where the file is being placed, 3 is the size of the file in
423# bytes.
424fset DCC_FILE_RECEIVING " \\\[%0] Receiving\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %1\003 to\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %2\003 (\003[ic $::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 files]%3\003 bytes)" [flocation files]
426# This is displayed in the DCC file list during the reception of a file.
427# 0 is the file index, 1 is the filename, 2 is the nick, 3 is the number of
428# bytes written, 4 is the size of the file.
429fset DCC_FILE_GETSTATUS " \\\[%0] Getting \\\"%1\\\" from %2.  \[expr int(%3/(%4+0.0)*100)]% (%3)"
431# This is displayed in the DCC file list during the reception of a file where
432# no size has been specified.
433# 0 is the file index, 1 is the filename, 2 is the nick, 3 is the number of
434# bytes written.
435fset DCC_FILE_GETSTATUS_NOSIZE " \\\[%0] Getting \\\"%1\\\" from %2.  ???% (%3)"
437# This is displayed in the DCC file list during the transmission of a file.
438# 0 is the file index, 1 is the filename, 2 is the nick, 3 is the number of
439# bytes acknowledged, 4 is the size of the file.
440fset DCC_FILE_SENDSTATUS " \\\[%0] Sending \\\"%1\\\" to %2.  \[expr int(%3/(%4+0.0)*100)]% (%3)"
442# These are used to display DCC chat messages or actions.
443# 0 is the nick, 1 is the message.
444fset DCC_CHAT_ACTION "\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2* %0 %1" [flocation chat 0]
445fset DCC_CHAT_TEXT "\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2<%0>\003 %1" [flocation chat 0]
447# This is displayed when disconnected from a server.
448fset DISCONNECTED " \0030,14 STATUS \003 Disconnected." [flocation serverall] 0
450# Displayed when somebody is kicked from a channel.
451# 0 is the kickee, 1 is the kicker, and 2 is the reason.
452fset KICK " \0030,13 KICK \003 %0 by %1 (%2)"
454# Channel and personal mode change display.
455# 0 is the mode change, 1 is the prefix.
456fset MODE_CHANNEL " \0030,12 MODE \003 \\\"%0\\\" by %1"
457# 0 is the mode change.
458fset MODE " \0030,12 MODE \003 \\\"%0\\\""
460# Nick change.
461# 0 is source nick, 1 is destination nick.
462fset NICK " \0030,10 NICK \003 %0 is now known as %1"
464# Part, 0 is prefix, 1 is channel 2 is reason.
465fset PART_REASON " \0030,4 PART \003 %0 (%2)"
466fset PART " \0030,4 PART \003 %0"
468# The server lag meter display.  0 is the lag time in seconds.
469fset SERVER_LAG "Server Lag: \[format %%5.2f %0]"
471# Displayed when there's channel or query text.
472# 0 is nick, 1 is message.
473fset TEXT "\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2<%0>\003 %1"
474# Displayed when there's channel or query op messages.
475# 0 is nick, 1 is message.
476fset OP_TEXT "\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground4<%0>\003 %1"
478# Displayed when there's an action.
479# 0 is nick, 1 is message.
480fset ACTION "\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2* %0 %1"
481# Displayed when there's an op action.
482# 0 is nick, 1 is message.
483fset OP_ACTION "\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground4* %0 %1"
486# CTCP's
487# 0 is type, 1 is nick.
488fset CTCP " \0030,10 CTCP \003\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground3 %0\003 from\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %1"
489# CTCP to @#channel.
490fset OP_CTCP " \0030,6 CTCP \003\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground3 %0\003 from\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %1"
492# CTCP's with a data argument.
493# 0 is type, 1 is nick, 2 is argument.
494fset CTCP_DATA " \0030,10 CTCP \003\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground3 %0\003 from\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %1\003: %2"
495# CTCP to @#channel.
496fset OP_CTCP_DATA " \0030,6 CTCP \003\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground3 %0\003 from\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %1\003: %2"
498# CTCP PING Reply.  0 is nick, 1 is time.
499fset CTCP_REPLY_PING " \0030,10 CTCP-REPLY \003\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground3 PING\003 from\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %0\003: \[format \"%.3f\" %1]\003 seconds" [flocation status]
501# CTCP Reply with data.
502# 0 is type, 1 is nick, 2 is argument.
503fset CTCP_REPLY_DATA " \0030,10 CTCP-REPLY \003\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground3 %0\003 from\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %1\003: %2" [flocation status]
504# CTCP Reply without data.
505# 0 is the type, 1 is the nick.
506fset CTCP_REPLY " \0030,10 CTCP-REPLY \003\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground3 %0\003 from\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2 %1" [flocation status]
508# Server notice
509# 0 is prefix, 1 is text.
510fset SERVER_NOTICE "\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2-%0\\-\003 %1" [flocation status]
512# Regular notice
513# 0 is nick, 1 is text.
514fset NOTICE "\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2-%0\\-\003 %1" [flocation currentorstatus]
516# Op notice
517# 0 is channel, 1 is nick, 2 is text.
518fset OP_NOTICE "\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground4-%1\\-\003 %2" [flocation onchannel 0]
520# Channel targetted notice
521# 0 is channel, 1 is nick, 2 is text.
522fset CHANNEL_NOTICE "\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2-(%0)-%1\\-\003 %2" [flocation onchannel 0]
524# ChanServ/MemoServ/NickServ notice
525# 0 is service, 1 is text.
526fset SERVICES_NOTICE "\003$::dynamic::theme_default_foreground2-%0\\-\003 %1" [flocation currentorstatus]
528# Temporary DCC completion echo text.
529fset DCC_COMPLETE_FILE "%0"
530fset DCC_COMPLETE_DIR "%0%1"