1 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2  * Copyright (c) 2003-2012 by AG-Software 											 *
3  * All Rights Reserved.																 *
4  * Contact information for AG-Software is available at http://www.ag-software.de	 *
5  *																					 *
6  * Licence:																			 *
7  * The agsXMPP SDK is released under a dual licence									 *
8  * agsXMPP can be used under either of two licences									 *
9  * 																					 *
10  * A commercial licence which is probably the most appropriate for commercial 		 *
11  * corporate use and closed source projects. 										 *
12  *																					 *
13  * The GNU Public License (GPL) is probably most appropriate for inclusion in		 *
14  * other open source projects.														 *
15  *																					 *
16  * See README.html for details.														 *
17  *																					 *
18  * For general enquiries visit our website at:										 *
19  * http://www.ag-software.de														 *
20  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
22 using System.Text;
23 #if !CF
24 using System.Security.Cryptography;
25 #endif
27 namespace agsXMPP.Util
28 {
29 	/// <summary>
30 	/// Helper class for hashing.
31 	/// </summary>
32 	public class Hash
33 	{
35 		#region << SHA1 Hash Desktop Framework and Mono >>
36 #if !CF
Sha1Hash(string pass)37 		public static string Sha1Hash(string pass)
38 		{
39 			SHA1 sha = SHA1.Create();
40 			byte[] hash = sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pass));
41 			return HexToString(hash);
42 		}
Sha1HashBytes(string pass)44 		public static byte[] Sha1HashBytes(string pass)
45 		{
46 			SHA1 sha = SHA1.Create();
47 			return sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pass));
48 		}
Sha1HashBytes(byte[] pass)50         public static byte[] Sha1HashBytes(byte[] pass)
51         {
52             using (var sha = new SHA1Managed())
53             {
54                 return sha.ComputeHash(pass);
55             }
56         }
57 #endif
59 		/// <summary>
60 		/// Converts all bytes in the Array to a string representation.
61 		/// </summary>
62 		/// <param name="buf"></param>
63 		/// <returns>string representation</returns>
HexToString(byte[] buf)64 		public static string HexToString(byte[] buf)
65 		{
66 			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
67 			foreach (byte b in buf)
68 			{
69 				sb.Append(b.ToString("x2"));
70 			}
71 			return sb.ToString();
72 		}
74 		#endregion
77 		#region << SHA1 Hash Compact Framework >>
78 #if CF
81 		/// <summary>
82 		/// return a SHA1 Hash on PPC and Smartphone
83 		/// </summary>
84 		/// <param name="pass"></param>
85 		/// <returns></returns>
Sha1Hash(byte[] pass)86 		public static byte[] Sha1Hash(byte[] pass)
87 		{
88 			IntPtr hProv;
89 			bool retVal = WinCeApi.CryptAcquireContext( out hProv, null, null, (int) WinCeApi.SecurityProviderType.RSA_FULL, 0 );
90 			IntPtr hHash;
91 			retVal = WinCeApi.CryptCreateHash( hProv, (int) WinCeApi.SecurityProviderType.CALG_SHA1, IntPtr.Zero, 0, out hHash );
93 			byte [] publicKey = pass;
94 			int publicKeyLen = publicKey.Length;
95 			retVal = WinCeApi.CryptHashData( hHash, publicKey, publicKeyLen, 0 );
96 			int bufferLen = 20; //SHA1 size
97 			byte [] buffer = new byte[bufferLen];
98 			retVal = WinCeApi.CryptGetHashParam( hHash, (int) WinCeApi.SecurityProviderType.HP_HASHVAL, buffer, ref bufferLen, 0 );
99 			retVal = WinCeApi.CryptDestroyHash( hHash );
100 			retVal = WinCeApi.CryptReleaseContext( hProv, 0 );
102 			return buffer;
103 		}
105 		/// <summary>
106 		/// return a SHA1 Hash on PPC and Smartphone
107 		/// </summary>
108 		/// <param name="pass"></param>
109 		/// <returns></returns>
Sha1Hash(string pass)110 		public static string Sha1Hash(string pass)
111 		{
112 			return HexToString(Sha1Hash(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(pass)));
113 		}
115 		/// <summary>
116 		/// return a SHA1 Hash on PPC and Smartphone
117 		/// </summary>
118 		/// <param name="pass"></param>
119 		/// <returns></returns>
Sha1HashBytes(string pass)120 		public static byte[] Sha1HashBytes(string pass)
121 		{
122 			return Sha1Hash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pass));
123 		}
125 		/// <summary>
126 		/// omputes the MD5 hash value for the specified byte array.
127 		/// </summary>
128 		/// <param name="pass">The input for which to compute the hash code.</param>
129 		/// <returns>The computed hash code.</returns>
MD5Hash(byte[] pass)130 		public static byte[] MD5Hash(byte[] pass)
131 		{
132 			IntPtr hProv;
133 			bool retVal = WinCeApi.CryptAcquireContext( out hProv, null, null, (int) WinCeApi.SecurityProviderType.RSA_FULL, 0 );
134 			IntPtr hHash;
135 			retVal = WinCeApi.CryptCreateHash( hProv, (int) WinCeApi.SecurityProviderType.CALG_MD5, IntPtr.Zero, 0, out hHash );
137 			byte [] publicKey = pass;
138 			int publicKeyLen = publicKey.Length;
139 			retVal = WinCeApi.CryptHashData( hHash, publicKey, publicKeyLen, 0 );
140 			int bufferLen = 16; //SHA1 size
141 			byte [] buffer = new byte[bufferLen];
142 			retVal = WinCeApi.CryptGetHashParam( hHash, (int) WinCeApi.SecurityProviderType.HP_HASHVAL, buffer, ref bufferLen, 0 );
143 			retVal = WinCeApi.CryptDestroyHash( hHash );
144 			retVal = WinCeApi.CryptReleaseContext( hProv, 0 );
146 			return buffer;
147 		}
149 		#endif
150 		#endregion
152 #if !(CF || CF_2)
HMAC(byte[] key, byte[] data)153         public static byte[] HMAC(byte[] key, byte[] data)
154         {
155             using (var hmacsha1 = new HMACSHA1(key, true))
156             {
157                 byte[] bytes = hmacsha1.ComputeHash(data);
158                 return bytes;
159             }
160         }
HMAC(string key, byte[] data)162         public static byte[] HMAC(string key, byte[] data)
163         {
164             return HMAC(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key), data);
165         }
HMAC(byte[] key, string data)167         public static byte[] HMAC(byte[] key, string data)
168         {
169             return HMAC(key, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data));
170         }
HMAC(string key, string data)172         public static byte[] HMAC(string key, string data)
173         {
174             return HMAC(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data));
175         }
177 #endif
179     }
180 }