1 /* $Id: image.c,v 1.37 2010/12/21 10:13:55 htrb Exp $ */
3 #include "fm.h"
4 #include <sys/types.h>
5 #include <sys/stat.h>
6 #include <signal.h>
7 #include <errno.h>
8 #include <unistd.h>
10 #include <sys/wait.h>
11 #endif
13 #ifdef USE_IMAGE
15 static int image_index = 0;
17 /* display image */
19 typedef struct _termialImage {
20     ImageCache *cache;
21     short x;
22     short y;
23     short sx;
24     short sy;
25     short width;
26     short height;
27 } TerminalImage;
29 static TerminalImage *terminal_image = NULL;
30 static int n_terminal_image = 0;
31 static int max_terminal_image = 0;
32 static FILE *Imgdisplay_rf = NULL, *Imgdisplay_wf = NULL;
33 static pid_t Imgdisplay_pid = 0;
34 static int openImgdisplay();
35 static void closeImgdisplay();
36 int getCharSize();
38 void
initImage()39 initImage()
40 {
41     if (activeImage)
42 	return;
43     if (getCharSize())
44 	activeImage = TRUE;
45 }
47 int get_pixel_per_cell(int *ppc, int *ppl);
49 int
getCharSize()50 getCharSize()
51 {
52     FILE *f;
53     Str tmp;
54     int w = 0, h = 0;
56     set_environ("W3M_TTY", ttyname_tty());
58     if (enable_inline_image) {
59 	int ppc, ppl;
61 	if (get_pixel_per_cell(&ppc,&ppl)) {
62 	    pixel_per_char_i = ppc ;
63 	    pixel_per_line_i = ppl ;
64 	    pixel_per_char = (double)ppc;
65 	    pixel_per_line = (double)ppl;
66 	}
67 	else {
68 	    pixel_per_char_i = (int)pixel_per_char;
69 	    pixel_per_line_i = (int)pixel_per_line;
70 	}
72 	return  TRUE;
73     }
75     tmp = Strnew();
76     if (!strchr(Imgdisplay, '/'))
77 	Strcat_m_charp(tmp, w3m_auxbin_dir(), "/", NULL);
78     Strcat_m_charp(tmp, Imgdisplay, " -test 2>/dev/null", NULL);
79     f = popen(tmp->ptr, "r");
80     if (!f)
81 	return FALSE;
82     while (fscanf(f, "%d %d", &w, &h) < 0) {
83 	if (feof(f))
84 	    break;
85     }
86     pclose(f);
88     if (!(w > 0 && h > 0))
89 	return FALSE;
90     if (!set_pixel_per_char)
91 	pixel_per_char = (int)(1.0 * w / COLS + 0.5);
92     if (!set_pixel_per_line)
93 	pixel_per_line = (int)(1.0 * h / LINES + 0.5);
94     return TRUE;
95 }
97 void
termImage()98 termImage()
99 {
100     if (!activeImage)
101 	return;
102     clearImage();
103     if (Imgdisplay_wf) {
104 	fputs("2;\n", Imgdisplay_wf);	/* ClearImage() */
105 	fflush(Imgdisplay_wf);
106     }
107     closeImgdisplay();
108 }
110 static int
openImgdisplay()111 openImgdisplay()
112 {
113     char *cmd;
115     if (!strchr(Imgdisplay, '/'))
116 	cmd = Strnew_m_charp(w3m_auxbin_dir(), "/", Imgdisplay, NULL)->ptr;
117     else
118 	cmd = Imgdisplay;
119     Imgdisplay_pid = open_pipe_rw(&Imgdisplay_rf, &Imgdisplay_wf);
120     if (Imgdisplay_pid < 0)
121 	goto err0;
122     if (Imgdisplay_pid == 0) {
123 	/* child */
124 	setup_child(FALSE, 2, -1);
125 	myExec(cmd);
126 	/* XXX: ifdef __EMX__, use start /f ? */
127     }
128     activeImage = TRUE;
129     return TRUE;
130   err0:
131     Imgdisplay_pid = 0;
132     activeImage = FALSE;
133     return FALSE;
134 }
136 static void
closeImgdisplay()137 closeImgdisplay()
138 {
139     if (Imgdisplay_wf)
140 	fclose(Imgdisplay_wf);
141     if (Imgdisplay_rf) {
142 	/* sync with the child */
143 	getc(Imgdisplay_rf); /* EOF expected */
144 	fclose(Imgdisplay_rf);
145     }
146     if (Imgdisplay_pid)
147 	kill(Imgdisplay_pid, SIGKILL);
148     Imgdisplay_rf = NULL;
149     Imgdisplay_wf = NULL;
150     Imgdisplay_pid = 0;
151 }
153 void
addImage(ImageCache * cache,int x,int y,int sx,int sy,int w,int h)154 addImage(ImageCache * cache, int x, int y, int sx, int sy, int w, int h)
155 {
156     TerminalImage *i;
158     if (!activeImage)
159 	return;
160     if (n_terminal_image >= max_terminal_image) {
161 	max_terminal_image = max_terminal_image ? (2 * max_terminal_image) : 8;
162 	terminal_image = New_Reuse(TerminalImage, terminal_image,
163 				   max_terminal_image);
164     }
165     i = &terminal_image[n_terminal_image];
166     i->cache = cache;
167     i->x = x;
168     i->y = y;
169     i->sx = sx;
170     i->sy = sy;
171     i->width = w;
172     i->height = h;
173     n_terminal_image++;
174 }
176 static void
syncImage(void)177 syncImage(void)
178 {
179     if (enable_inline_image) {
180 	return;
181     }
183     fputs("3;\n", Imgdisplay_wf);	/* XSync() */
184     fputs("4;\n", Imgdisplay_wf);	/* put '\n' */
185     while (fflush(Imgdisplay_wf) != 0) {
186 	if (ferror(Imgdisplay_wf))
187 	    goto err;
188     }
189     if (!fgetc(Imgdisplay_rf))
190 	goto err;
191     return;
192   err:
193     closeImgdisplay();
194     image_index += MAX_IMAGE;
195     n_terminal_image = 0;
196 }
198 void put_image_osc5379(char *url, int x, int y, int w, int h, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh);
199 void put_image_sixel(char *url, int x, int y, int w, int h, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, int n_terminal_image);
200 void put_image_iterm2(char *url, int x, int y, int w, int h);
201 void put_image_kitty(char *url, int x, int y, int w, int h, int sx, int sy, int
202     sw, int sh, int c, int r);
204 void
drawImage()205 drawImage()
206 {
207     static char buf[64];
208     int j, draw = FALSE;
209     TerminalImage *i;
210     struct stat st ;
212     if (!activeImage)
213 	return;
214     if (!n_terminal_image)
215 	return;
216     for (j = 0; j < n_terminal_image; j++) {
217 	i = &terminal_image[j];
219 	if (enable_inline_image) {
220 	    /*
221 	     * So this shouldn't ever happen, but if it does then at least let's
222 	     * not have external programs fetch images from the Internet...
223 	     */
224 	    if (!i->cache->touch || stat(i->cache->file,&st))
225 	      return;
227 	    char *url = i->cache->file;
229 	    int x = i->x / pixel_per_char_i;
230 	    int y = i->y / pixel_per_line_i;
232 	    int w = i->cache->a_width > 0 ? (
233 		    (i->cache->width + i->x % pixel_per_char_i + pixel_per_char_i - 1) /
234 		    pixel_per_char_i) : 0;
235 	    int h = i->cache->a_height > 0 ? (
236 		    (i->cache->height + i->y % pixel_per_line_i + pixel_per_line_i - 1) /
237 		    pixel_per_line_i) : 0;
239 	    int sx = i->sx / pixel_per_char_i;
240 	    int sy = i->sy / pixel_per_line_i;
242 	    int sw = (i->width + i->sx % pixel_per_char_i + pixel_per_char_i - 1) /
243 		      pixel_per_char_i;
244 	    int sh = (i->height + i->sy % pixel_per_line_i + pixel_per_line_i - 1) /
245 		      pixel_per_line_i;
247 #if 0
248 	    fprintf(stderr,"file %s x %d y %d w %d h %d sx %d sy %d sw %d sh %d (ppc %d ppl %d)\n",
249 		i->cache->file,
250 		x, y, w, h, sx, sy, sw, sh,
251 		pixel_per_char_i, pixel_per_line_i);
252 #endif
255 	    if (enable_inline_image == INLINE_IMG_SIXEL) {
256 		put_image_sixel(url, x, y, w, h, sx, sy, sw, sh, n_terminal_image);
257 	    } else if (enable_inline_image == INLINE_IMG_OSC5379) {
258 		put_image_osc5379(url, x, y, w, h, sx, sy, sw, sh);
259 	    } else if (enable_inline_image == INLINE_IMG_ITERM2) {
260 		put_image_iterm2(url, x, y, sw, sh);
261 	    } else if (enable_inline_image == INLINE_IMG_KITTY) {
262 		put_image_kitty(url, x, y, i->width, i->height, i->sx, i->sy, sw * pixel_per_char, sh * pixel_per_line_i, sw, sh);
263 	    }
265 	    continue ;
266 	}
268 	if (!(i->cache->loaded & IMG_FLAG_LOADED &&
269 	      i->width > 0 && i->height > 0))
270 	    continue;
271 	if (!(Imgdisplay_rf && Imgdisplay_wf)) {
272 	    if (!openImgdisplay())
273 		return;
274 	}
275 	if (i->cache->index > 0) {
276 	    i->cache->index *= -1;
277 	    fputs("0;", Imgdisplay_wf);	/* DrawImage() */
278 	}
279 	else
280 	    fputs("1;", Imgdisplay_wf);	/* DrawImage(redraw) */
281 	sprintf(buf, "%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;",
282 		(-i->cache->index - 1) % MAX_IMAGE + 1, i->x, i->y,
283 		(i->cache->width > 0) ? i->cache->width : 0,
284 		(i->cache->height > 0) ? i->cache->height : 0,
285 		i->sx, i->sy, i->width, i->height);
286 	fputs(buf, Imgdisplay_wf);
287 	fputs(i->cache->file, Imgdisplay_wf);
288 	fputs("\n", Imgdisplay_wf);
289 	draw = TRUE;
290     }
292     if (!enable_inline_image) {
293 	if (!draw)
294 	    return;
295 	syncImage();
296     }
297     else
298 	n_terminal_image = 0;
300     touch_cursor();
301     refresh();
302 }
304 void
clearImage()305 clearImage()
306 {
307     static char buf[64];
308     int j;
309     TerminalImage *i;
311     if (!activeImage)
312 	return;
313     if (!n_terminal_image)
314 	return;
315     if (!Imgdisplay_wf) {
316 	n_terminal_image = 0;
317 	return;
318     }
319     for (j = 0; j < n_terminal_image; j++) {
320 	i = &terminal_image[j];
321 	if (!(i->cache->loaded & IMG_FLAG_LOADED &&
322 	      i->width > 0 && i->height > 0))
323 	    continue;
324 	sprintf(buf, "6;%d;%d;%d;%d\n", i->x, i->y, i->width, i->height);
325 	fputs(buf, Imgdisplay_wf);
326     }
327     syncImage();
328     n_terminal_image = 0;
329 }
331 /* load image */
333 #ifndef MAX_LOAD_IMAGE
334 #define MAX_LOAD_IMAGE 8
335 #endif
336 static int n_load_image = 0;
337 static Hash_sv *image_hash = NULL;
338 static Hash_sv *image_file = NULL;
339 static GeneralList *image_list = NULL;
340 static ImageCache **image_cache = NULL;
341 static Buffer *image_buffer = NULL;
343 void
deleteImage(Buffer * buf)344 deleteImage(Buffer *buf)
345 {
346     AnchorList *al;
347     Anchor *a;
348     int i;
350     if (!buf)
351 	return;
352     al = buf->img;
353     if (!al)
354 	return;
355     for (i = 0, a = al->anchors; i < al->nanchor; i++, a++) {
356 	if (a->image && a->image->cache &&
357 	    a->image->cache->loaded != IMG_FLAG_UNLOADED &&
358 	    !(a->image->cache->loaded & IMG_FLAG_DONT_REMOVE) &&
359 	    a->image->cache->index < 0)
360 	    unlink(a->image->cache->file);
361     }
362     loadImage(NULL, IMG_FLAG_STOP);
363 }
365 void
getAllImage(Buffer * buf)366 getAllImage(Buffer *buf)
367 {
368     AnchorList *al;
369     Anchor *a;
370     ParsedURL *current;
371     int i;
373     image_buffer = buf;
374     if (!buf)
375 	return;
376     buf->image_loaded = TRUE;
377     al = buf->img;
378     if (!al)
379 	return;
380     current = baseURL(buf);
381     for (i = 0, a = al->anchors; i < al->nanchor; i++, a++) {
382 	if (a->image) {
383 	    a->image->cache = getImage(a->image, current, buf->image_flag);
384 	    if (a->image->cache &&
385 		a->image->cache->loaded == IMG_FLAG_UNLOADED)
386 		buf->image_loaded = FALSE;
387 	}
388     }
389 }
391 void
showImageProgress(Buffer * buf)392 showImageProgress(Buffer *buf)
393 {
394     AnchorList *al;
395     Anchor *a;
396     int i, l, n;
398     if (!buf)
399 	return;
400     al = buf->img;
401     if (!al)
402 	return;
403     for (i = 0, l = 0, n = 0, a = al->anchors; i < al->nanchor; i++, a++) {
404 	if (a->image && a->hseq >= 0) {
405 	    n++;
406 	    if (a->image->cache && a->image->cache->loaded & IMG_FLAG_LOADED)
407 		l++;
408 	}
409     }
410     if (n) {
411         if (enable_inline_image && n == l)
412 	    drawImage();
413 	message(Sprintf("%d/%d images loaded", l, n)->ptr,
414 		buf->cursorX + buf->rootX, buf->cursorY + buf->rootY);
415 	refresh();
416     }
417 }
419 void
loadImage(Buffer * buf,int flag)420 loadImage(Buffer *buf, int flag)
421 {
422     ImageCache *cache;
423     struct stat st;
424     int i, draw = FALSE;
425     /* int wait_st; */
427     char *loadargs[7];
428 #endif
430     if (maxLoadImage > MAX_LOAD_IMAGE)
431 	maxLoadImage = MAX_LOAD_IMAGE;
432     else if (maxLoadImage < 1)
433 	maxLoadImage = 1;
434     if (n_load_image == 0)
435 	n_load_image = maxLoadImage;
436     if (!image_cache) {
437 	image_cache = New_N(ImageCache *, MAX_LOAD_IMAGE);
438 	bzero(image_cache, sizeof(ImageCache *) * MAX_LOAD_IMAGE);
439     }
440     for (i = 0; i < n_load_image; i++) {
441 	cache = image_cache[i];
442 	if (!cache || !cache->touch)
443 	    continue;
444 	if (lstat(cache->touch, &st))
445 	    continue;
446 	if (cache->pid) {
447 	    kill(cache->pid, SIGKILL);
448 	    /*
449 	     * #ifdef HAVE_WAITPID
450 	     * waitpid(cache->pid, &wait_st, 0);
451 	     * #else
452 	     * wait(&wait_st);
453 	     * #endif
454 	     */
455 	    cache->pid = 0;
456 	}
457 	if (!stat(cache->file, &st)) {
458 	    cache->loaded = IMG_FLAG_LOADED;
459 	    if (getImageSize(cache)) {
460 		if (image_buffer)
461 		    image_buffer->need_reshape = TRUE;
462 	    }
463 	    draw = TRUE;
464 	}
465 	else
466 	    cache->loaded = IMG_FLAG_ERROR;
467 	unlink(cache->touch);
468 	image_cache[i] = NULL;
469     }
471     for (i = (buf != image_buffer) ? 0 : maxLoadImage; i < n_load_image; i++) {
472 	cache = image_cache[i];
473 	if (!cache || !cache->touch)
474 	    continue;
475 	if (cache->pid) {
476 	    kill(cache->pid, SIGKILL);
477 	    /*
478 	     * #ifdef HAVE_WAITPID
479 	     * waitpid(cache->pid, &wait_st, 0);
480 	     * #else
481 	     * wait(&wait_st);
482 	     * #endif
483 	     */
484 	    cache->pid = 0;
485 	}
486 	/*TODO make sure removing this didn't break anything
487 	unlink(cache->touch);
488 	*/
489 	image_cache[i] = NULL;
490     }
492     if (flag == IMG_FLAG_STOP) {
493 	image_list = NULL;
494 	image_file = NULL;
495 	n_load_image = maxLoadImage;
496 	image_buffer = NULL;
497 	return;
498     }
500     if (draw && image_buffer) {
501         if (!enable_inline_image)
502 	    drawImage();
503 	showImageProgress(image_buffer);
504     }
506     image_buffer = buf;
508     if (!image_list)
509 	return;
510     for (i = 0; i < n_load_image; i++) {
511 	if (image_cache[i])
512 	    continue;
513 	while (1) {
514 	    cache = (ImageCache *) popValue(image_list);
515 	    if (!cache) {
516 		for (i = 0; i < n_load_image; i++) {
517 		    if (image_cache[i])
518 			return;
519 		}
520 		image_list = NULL;
521 		image_file = NULL;
522 		if (image_buffer)
523 		    displayBuffer(image_buffer, B_NORMAL);
524 		return;
525 	    }
526 	    if (cache->loaded == IMG_FLAG_UNLOADED)
527 		break;
528 	}
529 	image_cache[i] = cache;
530 	if (!cache->touch) {
531 	    continue;
532 	}
534 	flush_tty();
536 	loadargs[0] = MyProgramName;
537 	loadargs[1] = "-$$getimage";
538 	loadargs[2] = conv_to_system(cache->url);
539 	loadargs[3] = conv_to_system(parsedURL2Str(cache->current)->ptr);
540 	loadargs[4] = cache->file;
541 	loadargs[5] = cache->touch;
542 	loadargs[6] = NULL;
543 	if ((cache->pid = fork()) == 0) {
544 	    setup_child(FALSE, 0, -1);
545 	    execvp(MyProgramName, loadargs);
546 	    exit(1);
547 	}
548 	else if (cache->pid < 0) {
549 	    cache->pid = 0;
550 	    return;
551 	}
552 #else /* !DONT_CALL_GC_AFTER_FORK */
553 	if ((cache->pid = fork()) == 0) {
554 	    Buffer *b;
555 	    /*
556 	     * setup_child(TRUE, 0, -1);
557 	     */
558 	    setup_child(FALSE, 0, -1);
559 	    image_source = cache->file;
560 	    b = loadGeneralFile(cache->url, cache->current, NULL, 0, NULL);
561 	    /* TODO make sure removing this didn't break anything
562 	    if (!b || !b->real_type || strncasecmp(b->real_type, "image/", 6))
563 		unlink(cache->file);
564 	    */
565 #if defined(HAVE_SYMLINK) && defined(HAVE_LSTAT)
566 	    symlink(cache->file, cache->touch);
567 #else
568 	    {
569 		FILE *f = fopen(cache->touch, "w");
570 		if (f)
571 		    fclose(f);
572 	    }
573 #endif
574 	    exit(0);
575 	}
576 	else if (cache->pid < 0) {
577 	    cache->pid = 0;
578 	    return;
579 	}
580 #endif /* !DONT_CALL_GC_AFTER_FORK */
581     }
582 }
584 ImageCache *
getImage(Image * image,ParsedURL * current,int flag)585 getImage(Image * image, ParsedURL *current, int flag)
586 {
587     Str key = NULL;
588     ImageCache *cache;
590     if (!activeImage)
591 	return NULL;
592     if (!image_hash)
593 	image_hash = newHash_sv(100);
594     if (image->cache)
595 	cache = image->cache;
596     else {
597 	key = Sprintf("%d;%d;%s", image->width, image->height, image->url);
598 	cache = (ImageCache *) getHash_sv(image_hash, key->ptr, NULL);
599     }
600     if (cache && cache->index && abs(cache->index) <= image_index - MAX_IMAGE) {
601 	struct stat st;
602 	if (stat(cache->file, &st))
603 	    cache->loaded = IMG_FLAG_UNLOADED;
604 	cache->index = 0;
605     }
607     if (!cache) {
608 	if (flag == IMG_FLAG_SKIP)
609 	    return NULL;
611 	cache = New(ImageCache);
612 	cache->url = image->url;
613 	cache->current = current;
614 	cache->file = tmpfname(TMPF_DFL, image->ext)->ptr;
615 	cache->pid = 0;
616 	cache->index = 0;
617 	cache->loaded = IMG_FLAG_UNLOADED;
618 	if (enable_inline_image == INLINE_IMG_OSC5379) {
619 	    if (image->width > 0 && image->width % pixel_per_char_i > 0)
620 		image->width += (pixel_per_char_i - image->width % pixel_per_char_i);
622 	    if (image->height > 0 && image->height % pixel_per_line_i > 0)
623 		image->height += (pixel_per_line_i - image->height % pixel_per_line_i);
624 	    if (image->height > 0 && image->width > 0) {
625 		cache->loaded = IMG_FLAG_LOADED;
626 	    }
627 	}
628 	if (cache->loaded == IMG_FLAG_UNLOADED) {
629 	    cache->touch = tmpfname(TMPF_DFL, NULL)->ptr;
630 	}
631 	else {
632 	    cache->touch = NULL;
633 	}
635 	cache->width = image->width ;
636 	cache->height = image->height ;
637 	cache->a_width = image->width;
638 	cache->a_height = image->height;
639 	putHash_sv(image_hash, key->ptr, (void *)cache);
640     }
641     if (flag != IMG_FLAG_SKIP) {
642 	if (cache->loaded == IMG_FLAG_UNLOADED) {
643 	    if (!image_file)
644 		image_file = newHash_sv(100);
645 	    if (!getHash_sv(image_file, cache->file, NULL)) {
646 		putHash_sv(image_file, cache->file, (void *)cache);
647 		if (!image_list)
648 		    image_list = newGeneralList();
649 		pushValue(image_list, (void *)cache);
650 	    }
651 	}
652 	if (!cache->index)
653 	    cache->index = ++image_index;
654     }
655     if (cache->loaded & IMG_FLAG_LOADED)
656 	getImageSize(cache);
657     return cache;
658 }
660 static int
parseImageHeader(char * path,u_int * width,u_int * height)661 parseImageHeader(char *path, u_int *width, u_int *height)
662 {
663     FILE *fp;
664     u_char buf[8];
666     if (!(fp = fopen(path, "r"))) return FALSE;
668     if (fread(buf, 1, 2, fp) != 2) goto error;
670     if (memcmp(buf, "\xff\xd8", 2) == 0) {
671         /* JPEG */
672 	if (fseek(fp, 2, SEEK_CUR) < 0)	goto error;   /* 0xffe0 */
673 	while (fread(buf, 1, 2, fp) == 2) {
674 	    size_t len = ((buf[0] << 8) | buf[1]) - 2;
675 	    if (fseek(fp, len, SEEK_CUR) < 0) goto error;
676 	    if (fread(buf, 1, 2, fp) == 2 &&
677 	        /* SOF0 or SOF2 */
678 	        (memcmp(buf, "\xff\xc0", 2) == 0 || memcmp(buf, "\xff\xc2", 2) == 0)) {
679 		fseek(fp, 3, SEEK_CUR);
680 		if (fread(buf, 1, 2, fp) == 2) {
681 		    *height = (buf[0] << 8) | buf[1];
682 		    if (fread(buf, 1, 2, fp) == 2) {
683 			*width = (buf[0] << 8) | buf[1];
684 			goto success;
685 		    }
686 		}
687 		break;
688 	    }
689 	}
690 	goto error;
691     }
693     if (fread(buf + 2, 1, 1, fp) != 1) goto error;
695     if (memcmp(buf, "GIF", 3) == 0) {
696         /* GIF */
697 	if (fseek(fp, 3, SEEK_CUR) < 0) goto error;
698 	if (fread(buf, 1, 2, fp) == 2) {
699 	    *width = (buf[1] << 8) | buf[0];
700 	    if (fread(buf, 1, 2, fp) == 2) {
701 		*height = (buf[1] << 8) | buf[0];
702 		goto success;
703 	    }
704 	}
705 	goto error;
706     }
708     if (fread(buf + 3, 1, 5, fp) != 5) goto error;
710     if (memcmp(buf, "\x89\x50\x4e\x47\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a", 8) == 0) {
711 	/* PNG */
712 	if (fseek(fp, 8, SEEK_CUR) < 0) goto error;
713 	if (fread(buf, 1, 4, fp) == 4) {
714 	    *width = (buf[0] << 24) | (buf[1] << 16) | (buf[2] << 8) | buf[3];
715 	    if (fread(buf, 1, 4, fp) == 4) {
716 		*height = (buf[0] << 24) | (buf[1] << 16) | (buf[2] << 8) | buf[3];
717 		goto success;
718 	    }
719 	}
720 	goto error;
721     }
723 error:
724     fclose(fp);
725     return FALSE;
727 success:
728     fclose(fp);
729     return TRUE;
730 }
732 int
getImageSize(ImageCache * cache)733 getImageSize(ImageCache * cache)
734 {
735     Str tmp;
736     FILE *f;
737     int w = 0, h = 0;
739     if (!activeImage)
740 	return FALSE;
741     if (!cache || !(cache->loaded & IMG_FLAG_LOADED) ||
742 	(cache->width > 0 && cache->height > 0))
743 	return FALSE;
745     if (parseImageHeader(cache->file, &w, &h))
746 	goto got_image_size;
748     tmp = Strnew();
749     if (!strchr(Imgdisplay, '/'))
750 	Strcat_m_charp(tmp, w3m_auxbin_dir(), "/", NULL);
751     Strcat_m_charp(tmp, Imgdisplay, " -size ", shell_quote(cache->file), NULL);
752     f = popen(tmp->ptr, "r");
753     if (!f)
754 	return FALSE;
755     while (fscanf(f, "%d %d", &w, &h) < 0) {
756 	if (feof(f))
757 	    break;
758     }
759     pclose(f);
761     if (!(w > 0 && h > 0))
762 	return FALSE;
764 got_image_size:
765     w = (int)(w * image_scale / 100 + 0.5);
766     if (w == 0)
767 	w = 1;
768     h = (int)(h * image_scale / 100 + 0.5);
769     if (h == 0)
770 	h = 1;
771     if (cache->width < 0 && cache->height < 0) {
772 	cache->width = (w > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE) ? MAX_IMAGE_SIZE : w;
773 	cache->height = (h > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE) ? MAX_IMAGE_SIZE : h;
774     }
775     else if (cache->width < 0) {
776 	int tmp = (int)((double)cache->height * w / h + 0.5);
777 	cache->a_width = cache->width = (tmp > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE) ? MAX_IMAGE_SIZE : tmp;
778     }
779     else if (cache->height < 0) {
780 	int tmp = (int)((double)cache->width * h / w + 0.5);
781 	cache->a_height = cache->height = (tmp > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE) ? MAX_IMAGE_SIZE : tmp;
782     }
783     if (cache->width == 0)
784 	cache->width = 1;
785     if (cache->height == 0)
786 	cache->height = 1;
787     tmp = Sprintf("%d;%d;%s", cache->width, cache->height, cache->url);
788     putHash_sv(image_hash, tmp->ptr, (void *)cache);
789     return TRUE;
790 }
791 #endif