1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2018 IBM Corporation and others.
3  *
4  * This program and the accompanying materials
5  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
6  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7  * https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/
8  *
9  * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
10  *
11  * Contributors:
12  *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
13  *     Red Hat Inc. - use JavaElementLabelsCore
14  *******************************************************************************/
15 package org.eclipse.jdt.ui;
17 import org.eclipse.osgi.util.TextProcessor;
19 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
20 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
22 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
23 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IStorage;
25 import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StyledString;
26 import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StyledString.Styler;
28 import org.eclipse.ui.model.IWorkbenchAdapter;
30 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ClasspathContainerInitializer;
31 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClassFile;
32 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathContainer;
33 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
34 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IField;
35 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IInitializer;
36 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement;
37 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
38 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ILocalVariable;
39 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMethod;
40 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment;
41 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragmentRoot;
42 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType;
43 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ITypeParameter;
44 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
45 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
47 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.manipulation.JavaElementLabelsCore;
48 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.manipulation.util.BasicElementLabels;
49 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.util.Strings;
51 import org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JavaRuntime;
53 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.packageview.ClassPathContainer;
54 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.viewsupport.JavaElementLabelComposer;
57 /**
58  * <code>JavaElementLabels</code> provides helper methods to render names of Java elements.
59  *
60  * @since 3.1
61  *
62  * @noinstantiate This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients.
63  * @noextend This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
64  */
65 public class JavaElementLabels {
68 	/**
69 	 * Method names contain parameter types.
70 	 * e.g. <code>foo(int)</code>
71 	 */
72 	public final static long M_PARAMETER_TYPES= JavaElementLabelsCore.M_PARAMETER_TYPES;
74 	/**
75 	 * Method names contain parameter names.
76 	 * e.g. <code>foo(index)</code>
77 	 */
78 	public final static long M_PARAMETER_NAMES= JavaElementLabelsCore.M_PARAMETER_NAMES;
80 	/**
81 	 * Method labels contain parameter annotations.
82 	 * E.g. <code>foo(@NonNull int)</code>.
83 	 * This flag is only valid if {@link #M_PARAMETER_NAMES} or {@link #M_PARAMETER_TYPES} is also set.
84 	 * @since 3.8
85 	 */
86 	public final static long M_PARAMETER_ANNOTATIONS= JavaElementLabelsCore.M_PARAMETER_ANNOTATIONS;
88 	/**
89 	 * Method names contain type parameters prepended.
90 	 * e.g. <code>&lt;A&gt; foo(A index)</code>
91 	 */
92 	public final static long M_PRE_TYPE_PARAMETERS= JavaElementLabelsCore.M_PRE_TYPE_PARAMETERS;
94 	/**
95 	 * Method names contain type parameters appended.
96 	 * e.g. <code>foo(A index) &lt;A&gt;</code>
97 	 */
98 	public final static long M_APP_TYPE_PARAMETERS= JavaElementLabelsCore.M_APP_TYPE_PARAMETERS;
100 	/**
101 	 * Method names contain thrown exceptions.
102 	 * e.g. <code>foo throws IOException</code>
103 	 */
104 	public final static long M_EXCEPTIONS= JavaElementLabelsCore.M_EXCEPTIONS;
106 	/**
107 	 * Method names contain return type (appended)
108 	 * e.g. <code>foo : int</code>
109 	 */
110 	public final static long M_APP_RETURNTYPE= JavaElementLabelsCore.M_APP_RETURNTYPE;
112 	/**
113 	 * Method names contain return type (appended)
114 	 * e.g. <code>int foo</code>
115 	 */
116 	public final static long M_PRE_RETURNTYPE= JavaElementLabelsCore.M_PRE_RETURNTYPE;
118 	/**
119 	 * Method names are fully qualified.
120 	 * e.g. <code>java.util.Vector.size</code>
121 	 */
122 	public final static long M_FULLY_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.M_FULLY_QUALIFIED;
124 	/**
125 	 * Method names are post qualified.
126 	 * e.g. <code>size - java.util.Vector</code>
127 	 */
128 	public final static long M_POST_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.M_POST_QUALIFIED;
130 	/**
131 	 * Initializer names are fully qualified.
132 	 * e.g. <code>java.util.Vector.{ ... }</code>
133 	 */
134 	public final static long I_FULLY_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.I_FULLY_QUALIFIED;
136 	/**
137 	 * Type names are post qualified.
138 	 * e.g. <code>{ ... } - java.util.Map</code>
139 	 */
140 	public final static long I_POST_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.I_POST_QUALIFIED;
142 	/**
143 	 * Field names contain the declared type (appended)
144 	 * e.g. <code>fHello : int</code>
145 	 */
146 	public final static long F_APP_TYPE_SIGNATURE= JavaElementLabelsCore.F_APP_TYPE_SIGNATURE;
148 	/**
149 	 * Field names contain the declared type (prepended)
150 	 * e.g. <code>int fHello</code>
151 	 */
152 	public final static long F_PRE_TYPE_SIGNATURE= JavaElementLabelsCore.F_PRE_TYPE_SIGNATURE;
154 	/**
155 	 * Fields names are fully qualified.
156 	 * e.g. <code>java.lang.System.out</code>
157 	 */
158 	public final static long F_FULLY_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.F_FULLY_QUALIFIED;
160 	/**
161 	 * Fields names are post qualified.
162 	 * e.g. <code>out - java.lang.System</code>
163 	 */
164 	public final static long F_POST_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.F_POST_QUALIFIED;
166 	/**
167 	 * Type names are fully qualified.
168 	 * e.g. <code>java.util.Map.Entry</code>
169 	 */
170 	public final static long T_FULLY_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.T_FULLY_QUALIFIED;
172 	/**
173 	 * Type names are type container qualified.
174 	 * e.g. <code>Map.Entry</code>
175 	 */
176 	public final static long T_CONTAINER_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.T_CONTAINER_QUALIFIED;
178 	/**
179 	 * Type names are post qualified.
180 	 * e.g. <code>Entry - java.util.Map</code>
181 	 */
182 	public final static long T_POST_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.T_POST_QUALIFIED;
184 	/**
185 	 * Type names contain type parameters.
186 	 * e.g. <code>Map&lt;S, T&gt;</code>
187 	 */
188 	public final static long T_TYPE_PARAMETERS= JavaElementLabelsCore.T_TYPE_PARAMETERS;
190 	/**
191 	 * Type parameters are post qualified.
192 	 * e.g. <code>K - java.util.Map.Entry</code>
193 	 *
194 	 * @since 3.5
195 	 */
196 	public final static long TP_POST_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.TP_POST_QUALIFIED;
198 	/**
199 	 * Declarations (import container / declaration, package declaration) are qualified.
200 	 * e.g. <code>java.util.Vector.class/import container</code>
201 	 */
202 	public final static long D_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.D_QUALIFIED;
204 	/**
205 	 * Declarations (import container / declaration, package declaration) are post qualified.
206 	 * e.g. <code>import container - java.util.Vector.class</code>
207 	 */
208 	public final static long D_POST_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.D_POST_QUALIFIED;
210 	/**
211 	 * Class file names are fully qualified.
212 	 * e.g. <code>java.util.Vector.class</code>
213 	 */
214 	public final static long CF_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.CF_QUALIFIED;
216 	/**
217 	 * Class file names are post qualified.
218 	 * e.g. <code>Vector.class - java.util</code>
219 	 */
220 	public final static long CF_POST_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.CF_POST_QUALIFIED;
222 	/**
223 	 * Compilation unit names are fully qualified.
224 	 * e.g. <code>java.util.Vector.java</code>
225 	 */
226 	public final static long CU_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.CU_QUALIFIED;
228 	/**
229 	 * Compilation unit names are post  qualified.
230 	 * e.g. <code>Vector.java - java.util</code>
231 	 */
232 	public final static long CU_POST_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.CU_POST_QUALIFIED;
234 	/**
235 	 * Package names are qualified.
236 	 * e.g. <code>MyProject/src/java.util</code>
237 	 */
238 	public final static long P_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.P_QUALIFIED;
240 	/**
241 	 * Package names are post qualified.
242 	 * e.g. <code>java.util - MyProject/src</code>
243 	 */
244 	public final static long P_POST_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.P_POST_QUALIFIED;
246 	/**
247 	 * Package names are abbreviated if
248 	 * {@link PreferenceConstants#APPEARANCE_ABBREVIATE_PACKAGE_NAMES} is <code>true</code> and/or
249 	 * compressed if {@link PreferenceConstants#APPEARANCE_COMPRESS_PACKAGE_NAMES} is
250 	 * <code>true</code>.
251 	 */
252 	public final static long P_COMPRESSED= JavaElementLabelsCore.P_COMPRESSED;
254 	/**
255 	 * Package Fragment Roots contain variable name if from a variable.
256 	 * e.g. <code>JRE_LIB - c:\java\lib\rt.jar</code>
257 	 */
258 	public final static long ROOT_VARIABLE= JavaElementLabelsCore.ROOT_VARIABLE;
260 	/**
261 	 * Package Fragment Roots contain the project name if not an archive (prepended).
262 	 * e.g. <code>MyProject/src</code>
263 	 */
264 	public final static long ROOT_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.ROOT_QUALIFIED;
266 	/**
267 	 * Package Fragment Roots contain the project name if not an archive (appended).
268 	 * e.g. <code>src - MyProject</code>
269 	 */
270 	public final static long ROOT_POST_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.ROOT_POST_QUALIFIED;
272 	/**
273 	 * Add root path to all elements except Package Fragment Roots and Java projects.
274 	 * e.g. <code>java.lang.Vector - C:\java\lib\rt.jar</code>
275 	 * Option only applies to getElementLabel
276 	 */
277 	public final static long APPEND_ROOT_PATH= JavaElementLabelsCore.APPEND_ROOT_PATH;
279 	/**
280 	 * Add root path to all elements except Package Fragment Roots and Java projects.
281 	 * e.g. <code>C:\java\lib\rt.jar - java.lang.Vector</code>
282 	 * Option only applies to getElementLabel
283 	 */
284 	public final static long PREPEND_ROOT_PATH= JavaElementLabelsCore.PREPEND_ROOT_PATH;
286 	/**
287 	 * Post qualify referenced package fragment roots. For example
288 	 * <code>jdt.jar - org.eclipse.jdt.ui</code> if the jar is referenced
289 	 * from another project.
290 	 */
293 	/**
294 	 * Specifies to use the resolved information of a IType, IMethod or IField. See {@link IType#isResolved()}.
295 	 * If resolved information is available, types will be rendered with type parameters of the instantiated type.
296 	 * Resolved methods render with the parameter types of the method instance.
297 	 * <code>Vector&lt;String&gt;.get(String)</code>
298 	 */
299 	public final static long USE_RESOLVED= JavaElementLabelsCore.USE_RESOLVED;
301 	/**
302 	 * Specifies to apply color styles to labels. This flag only applies to methods taking or returning a {@link StyledString}.
303 	 *
304 	 * @since 3.4
305 	 */
306 	public final static long COLORIZE= JavaElementLabelsCore.COLORIZE;
308 	/**
309 	 * Prepend first category (if any) to field.
310 	 * @since 3.2
311 	 */
312 	public final static long F_CATEGORY= JavaElementLabelsCore.F_CATEGORY;
313 	/**
314 	 * Prepend first category (if any) to method.
315 	 * @since 3.2
316 	 */
317 	public final static long M_CATEGORY= JavaElementLabelsCore.M_CATEGORY;
318 	/**
319 	 * Prepend first category (if any) to type.
320 	 * @since 3.2
321 	 */
322 	public final static long T_CATEGORY= JavaElementLabelsCore.T_CATEGORY;
324 	/**
325 	 * Show category for all elements.
326 	 * @since 3.2
327 	 */
328 	public final static long ALL_CATEGORY= JavaElementLabelsCore.ALL_CATEGORY;
330 	/**
331 	 * Qualify all elements
332 	 */
333 	public final static long ALL_FULLY_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.ALL_FULLY_QUALIFIED;
335 	/**
336 	 * Post qualify all elements
337 	 */
338 	public final static long ALL_POST_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.ALL_POST_QUALIFIED;
340 	/**
342 	 */
343 	public final static long ALL_DEFAULT= JavaElementLabelsCore.ALL_DEFAULT;
345 	/**
346 	 *  Default qualify options (All except Root and Package)
347 	 */
348 	public final static long DEFAULT_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.DEFAULT_QUALIFIED;
350 	/**
351 	 *  Default post qualify options (All except Root and Package)
352 	 */
353 	public final static long DEFAULT_POST_QUALIFIED= JavaElementLabelsCore.DEFAULT_POST_QUALIFIED;
355 	/**
356 	 * User-readable string for separating post qualified names (e.g. " - ").
357 	 */
358 	public final static String CONCAT_STRING= JavaElementLabelsCore.CONCAT_STRING;
359 	/**
360 	 * User-readable string for separating list items (e.g. ", ").
361 	 */
362 	public final static String COMMA_STRING= JavaElementLabelsCore.COMMA_STRING;
363 	/**
364 	 * User-readable string for separating the return type (e.g. " : ").
365 	 */
366 	public final static String DECL_STRING= JavaElementLabelsCore.DECL_STRING;
367 	/**
368 	 * User-readable string for concatenating categories (e.g. " ").
369 	 * @since 3.5
370 	 */
371 	public final static String CATEGORY_SEPARATOR_STRING= JavaElementLabelsCore.CATEGORY_SEPARATOR_STRING;
372 	/**
373 	 * User-readable string for ellipsis ("...").
374 	 */
375 	public final static String ELLIPSIS_STRING= JavaElementLabelsCore.ELLIPSIS_STRING;
376 	/**
377 	 * User-readable string for the default package name (e.g. "(default package)").
378 	 */
379 	public final static String DEFAULT_PACKAGE= JavaElementLabelsCore.DEFAULT_PACKAGE;
382 	private static final Styler DECORATIONS_STYLE= StyledString.DECORATIONS_STYLER;
JavaElementLabels()385 	private JavaElementLabels() {
386 	}
388 	/**
389 	 * Returns the label of the given object. The object must be of type {@link IJavaElement} or adapt to {@link IWorkbenchAdapter}.
390 	 * If the element type is not known, the empty string is returned.
391 	 * The returned label is BiDi-processed with {@link TextProcessor#process(String, String)}.
392 	 *
393 	 * @param obj object to get the label for
394 	 * @param flags the rendering flags
395 	 * @return the label or the empty string if the object type is not supported
396 	 */
getTextLabel(Object obj, long flags)397 	public static String getTextLabel(Object obj, long flags) {
398 		if (obj instanceof IJavaElement) {
399 			return getElementLabel((IJavaElement) obj, flags);
401 		} else if (obj instanceof IResource) {
402 			return BasicElementLabels.getResourceName((IResource) obj);
404 		} else if (obj instanceof ClassPathContainer) {
405 			ClassPathContainer container= (ClassPathContainer) obj;
406 			IPath containerPath= container.getClasspathEntry().getPath();
407 			try {
408 				return getContainerEntryLabel(containerPath, container.getJavaProject());
409 			} catch (JavaModelException e) {
410 				return BasicElementLabels.getPathLabel(containerPath, false);
411 			}
413 		} else if (obj instanceof IStorage) {
414 			return BasicElementLabels.getResourceName(((IStorage) obj).getName());
416 		} else if (obj instanceof IAdaptable) {
417 			IWorkbenchAdapter wbadapter= ((IAdaptable)obj).getAdapter(IWorkbenchAdapter.class);
418 			if (wbadapter != null) {
419 				return org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.manipulation.util.Strings.markLTR(wbadapter.getLabel(obj));
420 			}
421 		}
422 		return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
423 	}
425 	/**
426 	 * Returns the styled label of the given object. The object must be of type {@link IJavaElement} or adapt to {@link IWorkbenchAdapter}.
427 	 * If the element type is not known, the empty string is returned.
428 	 * The returned label is BiDi-processed with {@link TextProcessor#process(String, String)}.
429 	 *
430 	 * @param obj object to get the label for
431 	 * @param flags the rendering flags
432 	 * @return the label or the empty string if the object type is not supported
433 	 *
434 	 * @since 3.4
435 	 */
getStyledTextLabel(Object obj, long flags)436 	public static StyledString getStyledTextLabel(Object obj, long flags) {
437 		if (obj instanceof IJavaElement) {
438 			return getStyledElementLabel((IJavaElement) obj, flags);
440 		} else if (obj instanceof IResource) {
441 			return getStyledResourceLabel((IResource) obj);
443 		} else if (obj instanceof ClassPathContainer) {
444 			ClassPathContainer container= (ClassPathContainer) obj;
445 			return getStyledContainerEntryLabel(container.getClasspathEntry().getPath(), container.getJavaProject());
447 		} else if (obj instanceof IStorage) {
448 			return getStyledStorageLabel((IStorage) obj);
450 		} else if (obj instanceof IAdaptable) {
451 			IWorkbenchAdapter wbadapter= ((IAdaptable)obj).getAdapter(IWorkbenchAdapter.class);
452 			if (wbadapter != null) {
453 				return Strings.markLTR(new StyledString(wbadapter.getLabel(obj)));
454 			}
455 		}
456 		return new StyledString();
457 	}
459 	/**
460 	 * Returns the styled string for the given resource.
461 	 * The returned label is BiDi-processed with {@link TextProcessor#process(String, String)}.
462 	 *
463 	 * @param resource the resource
464 	 * @return the styled string
465 	 * @since 3.4
466 	 */
getStyledResourceLabel(IResource resource)467 	private static StyledString getStyledResourceLabel(IResource resource) {
468 		StyledString result= new StyledString(resource.getName());
469 		return Strings.markLTR(result);
470 	}
472 	/**
473 	 * Returns the styled string for the given storage.
474 	 * The returned label is BiDi-processed with {@link TextProcessor#process(String, String)}.
475 	 *
476 	 * @param storage the storage
477 	 * @return the styled string
478 	 * @since 3.4
479 	 */
getStyledStorageLabel(IStorage storage)480 	private static StyledString getStyledStorageLabel(IStorage storage) {
481 		StyledString result= new StyledString(storage.getName());
482 		return Strings.markLTR(result);
483 	}
486 	/**
487 	 * Returns the label for a Java element with the flags as defined by this class.
488 	 *
489 	 * @param element the element to render
490 	 * @param flags the rendering flags
491 	 * @return the label of the Java element
492 	 */
getElementLabel(IJavaElement element, long flags)493 	public static String getElementLabel(IJavaElement element, long flags) {
494 		StringBuffer result= new StringBuffer();
495 		getElementLabel(element, flags, result);
496 		return org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.manipulation.util.Strings.markJavaElementLabelLTR(result.toString());
497 	}
499 	/**
500 	 * Returns the styled label for a Java element with the flags as defined by this class.
501 	 *
502 	 * @param element the element to render
503 	 * @param flags the rendering flags
504 	 * @return the label of the Java element
505 	 *
506 	 * @since 3.4
507 	 */
getStyledElementLabel(IJavaElement element, long flags)508 	public static StyledString getStyledElementLabel(IJavaElement element, long flags) {
509 		StyledString result= new StyledString();
510 		getElementLabel(element, flags, result);
511 		return Strings.markJavaElementLabelLTR(result);
512 	}
514 	/**
515 	 * Returns the label for a Java element with the flags as defined by this class.
516 	 *
517 	 * @param element the element to render
518 	 * @param flags the rendering flags
519 	 * @param buf the buffer to append the resulting label to
520 	 */
getElementLabel(IJavaElement element, long flags, StringBuffer buf)521 	public static void getElementLabel(IJavaElement element, long flags, StringBuffer buf) {
522 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(buf).appendElementLabel(element, flags);
523 	}
525 	/**
526 	 * Returns the styled label for a Java element with the flags as defined by this class.
527 	 *
528 	 * @param element the element to render
529 	 * @param flags the rendering flags
530 	 * @param result the buffer to append the resulting label to
531 	 *
532 	 * @since 3.4
533 	 */
getElementLabel(IJavaElement element, long flags, StyledString result)534 	public static void getElementLabel(IJavaElement element, long flags, StyledString result) {
535 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(result).appendElementLabel(element, flags);
536 	}
540 	/**
541 	 * Appends the label for a method to a {@link StringBuffer}. Considers the M_* flags.
542 	 *
543 	 * @param method the element to render
544 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with 'M_' are considered.
545 	 * @param buf the buffer to append the resulting label to
546 	 */
getMethodLabel(IMethod method, long flags, StringBuffer buf)547 	public static void getMethodLabel(IMethod method, long flags, StringBuffer buf) {
548 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(buf).appendMethodLabel(method, flags);
549 	}
551 	/**
552 	 * Appends the label for a method to a {@link StyledString}. Considers the M_* flags.
553 	 *
554 	 * @param method the element to render
555 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with 'M_' are considered.
556 	 * @param result the buffer to append the resulting label to
557 	 *
558 	 * @since 3.4
559 	 */
getMethodLabel(IMethod method, long flags, StyledString result)560 	public static void getMethodLabel(IMethod method, long flags, StyledString result) {
561 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(result).appendMethodLabel(method, flags);
562 	}
564 	/**
565 	 * Appends the label for a field to a {@link StringBuffer}. Considers the F_* flags.
566 	 *
567 	 * @param field the element to render
568 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with 'F_' are considered.
569 	 * @param buf the buffer to append the resulting label to
570 	 */
getFieldLabel(IField field, long flags, StringBuffer buf)571 	public static void getFieldLabel(IField field, long flags, StringBuffer buf) {
572 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(buf).appendFieldLabel(field, flags);
573 	}
575 	/**
576 	 * Appends the style label for a field to a {@link StyledString}. Considers the F_* flags.
577 	 *
578 	 * @param field the element to render
579 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with 'F_' are considered.
580 	 * @param result the buffer to append the resulting label to
581 	 *
582 	 * @since 3.4
583 	 */
getFieldLabel(IField field, long flags, StyledString result)584 	public static void getFieldLabel(IField field, long flags, StyledString result) {
585 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(result).appendFieldLabel(field, flags);
586 	}
588 	/**
589 	 * Appends the label for a local variable to a {@link StringBuffer}.
590 	 *
591 	 * @param localVariable the element to render
592 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with 'F_' are considered.
593 	 * @param buf the buffer to append the resulting label to
594 	 */
getLocalVariableLabel(ILocalVariable localVariable, long flags, StringBuffer buf)595 	public static void getLocalVariableLabel(ILocalVariable localVariable, long flags, StringBuffer buf) {
596 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(buf).appendLocalVariableLabel(localVariable, flags);
597 	}
599 	/**
600 	 * Appends the styled label for a local variable to a {@link StyledString}.
601 	 *
602 	 * @param localVariable the element to render
603 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with 'F_' are considered.
604 	 * @param result the buffer to append the resulting label to
605 	 *
606 	 * @since 3.4
607 	 */
getLocalVariableLabel(ILocalVariable localVariable, long flags, StyledString result)608 	public static void getLocalVariableLabel(ILocalVariable localVariable, long flags, StyledString result) {
609 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(result).appendLocalVariableLabel(localVariable, flags);
610 	}
613 	/**
614 	 * Appends the label for a initializer to a {@link StringBuffer}. Considers the I_* flags.
615 	 *
616 	 * @param initializer the element to render
617 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with 'I_' are considered.
618 	 * @param buf the buffer to append the resulting label to
619 	 */
getInitializerLabel(IInitializer initializer, long flags, StringBuffer buf)620 	public static void getInitializerLabel(IInitializer initializer, long flags, StringBuffer buf) {
621 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(buf).appendInitializerLabel(initializer, flags);
622 	}
624 	/**
625 	 * Appends the label for a initializer to a {@link StyledString}. Considers the I_* flags.
626 	 *
627 	 * @param initializer the element to render
628 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with 'I_' are considered.
629 	 * @param result the buffer to append the resulting label to
630 	 *
631 	 * @since 3.4
632 	 */
getInitializerLabel(IInitializer initializer, long flags, StyledString result)633 	public static void getInitializerLabel(IInitializer initializer, long flags, StyledString result) {
634 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(result).appendInitializerLabel(initializer, flags);
635 	}
637 	/**
638 	 * Appends the label for a type to a {@link StringBuffer}. Considers the T_* flags.
639 	 *
640 	 * @param type the element to render
641 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with 'T_' are considered.
642 	 * @param buf the buffer to append the resulting label to
643 	 */
getTypeLabel(IType type, long flags, StringBuffer buf)644 	public static void getTypeLabel(IType type, long flags, StringBuffer buf) {
645 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(buf).appendTypeLabel(type, flags);
646 	}
648 	/**
649 	 * Appends the label for a type to a {@link StyledString}. Considers the T_* flags.
650 	 *
651 	 * @param type the element to render
652 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with 'T_' are considered.
653 	 * @param result the buffer to append the resulting label to
654 	 *
655 	 * @since 3.4
656 	 */
getTypeLabel(IType type, long flags, StyledString result)657 	public static void getTypeLabel(IType type, long flags, StyledString result) {
658 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(result).appendTypeLabel(type, flags);
659 	}
662 	/**
663 	 * Appends the label for a type parameter to a {@link StringBuffer}. Considers the TP_* flags.
664 	 *
665 	 * @param typeParameter the element to render
666 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with 'TP_' are considered.
667 	 * @param buf the buffer to append the resulting label to
668 	 *
669 	 * @since 3.5
670 	 */
getTypeParameterLabel(ITypeParameter typeParameter, long flags, StringBuffer buf)671 	public static void getTypeParameterLabel(ITypeParameter typeParameter, long flags, StringBuffer buf) {
672 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(buf).appendTypeParameterLabel(typeParameter, flags);
673 	}
675 	/**
676 	 * Appends the label for a type parameter to a {@link StyledString}. Considers the TP_* flags.
677 	 *
678 	 * @param typeParameter the element to render
679 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with 'TP_' are considered.
680 	 * @param result the buffer to append the resulting label to
681 	 *
682 	 * @since 3.5
683 	 */
getTypeParameterLabel(ITypeParameter typeParameter, long flags, StyledString result)684 	public static void getTypeParameterLabel(ITypeParameter typeParameter, long flags, StyledString result) {
685 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(result).appendTypeParameterLabel(typeParameter, flags);
686 	}
689 	/**
690 	 * Appends the label for a import container, import or package declaration to a {@link StringBuffer}. Considers the D_* flags.
691 	 *
692 	 * @param declaration the element to render
693 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with 'D_' are considered.
694 	 * @param buf the buffer to append the resulting label to
695 	 */
getDeclarationLabel(IJavaElement declaration, long flags, StringBuffer buf)696 	public static void getDeclarationLabel(IJavaElement declaration, long flags, StringBuffer buf) {
697 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(buf).appendDeclarationLabel(declaration, flags);
698 	}
700 	/**
701 	 * Appends the label for a import container, import or package declaration to a {@link StyledString}. Considers the D_* flags.
702 	 *
703 	 * @param declaration the element to render
704 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with 'D_' are considered.
705 	 * @param result the buffer to append the resulting label to
706 	 *
707 	 * @since 3.4
708 	 */
getDeclarationLabel(IJavaElement declaration, long flags, StyledString result)709 	public static void getDeclarationLabel(IJavaElement declaration, long flags, StyledString result) {
710 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(result).appendDeclarationLabel(declaration, flags);
711 	}
713 	/**
714 	 * Appends the label for a class file to a {@link StringBuffer}. Considers the CF_* flags.
715 	 *
716 	 * @param classFile the element to render
717 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with 'CF_' are considered.
718 	 * @param buf the buffer to append the resulting label to
719 	 */
getClassFileLabel(IClassFile classFile, long flags, StringBuffer buf)720 	public static void getClassFileLabel(IClassFile classFile, long flags, StringBuffer buf) {
721 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(buf).appendClassFileLabel(classFile, flags);
722 	}
724 	/**
725 	 * Appends the label for a class file to a {@link StyledString}. Considers the CF_* flags.
726 	 *
727 	 * @param classFile the element to render
728 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with 'CF_' are considered.
729 	 * @param result the buffer to append the resulting label to
730 	 *
731 	 * @since 3.4
732 	 */
getClassFileLabel(IClassFile classFile, long flags, StyledString result)733 	public static void getClassFileLabel(IClassFile classFile, long flags, StyledString result) {
734 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(result).appendClassFileLabel(classFile, flags);
735 	}
737 	/**
738 	 * Appends the label for a compilation unit to a {@link StringBuffer}. Considers the CU_* flags.
739 	 *
740 	 * @param cu the element to render
741 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with 'CU_' are considered.
742 	 * @param buf the buffer to append the resulting label to
743 	 */
getCompilationUnitLabel(ICompilationUnit cu, long flags, StringBuffer buf)744 	public static void getCompilationUnitLabel(ICompilationUnit cu, long flags, StringBuffer buf) {
745 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(buf).appendCompilationUnitLabel(cu, flags);
746 	}
748 	/**
749 	 * Appends the label for a compilation unit to a {@link StyledString}. Considers the CU_* flags.
750 	 *
751 	 * @param cu the element to render
752 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with 'CU_' are considered.
753 	 * @param result the buffer to append the resulting label to
754 	 *
755 	 * @since 3.4
756 	 */
getCompilationUnitLabel(ICompilationUnit cu, long flags, StyledString result)757 	public static void getCompilationUnitLabel(ICompilationUnit cu, long flags, StyledString result) {
758 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(result).appendCompilationUnitLabel(cu, flags);
759 	}
761 	/**
762 	 * Appends the label for a package fragment to a {@link StringBuffer}. Considers the P_* flags.
763 	 *
764 	 * @param pack the element to render
765 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with P_' are considered.
766 	 * @param buf the buffer to append the resulting label to
767 	 */
getPackageFragmentLabel(IPackageFragment pack, long flags, StringBuffer buf)768 	public static void getPackageFragmentLabel(IPackageFragment pack, long flags, StringBuffer buf) {
769 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(buf).appendPackageFragmentLabel(pack, flags);
770 	}
772 	/**
773 	 * Appends the label for a package fragment to a {@link StyledString}. Considers the P_* flags.
774 	 *
775 	 * @param pack the element to render
776 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with P_' are considered.
777 	 * @param result the buffer to append the resulting label to
778 	 *
779 	 * @since 3.4
780 	 */
getPackageFragmentLabel(IPackageFragment pack, long flags, StyledString result)781 	public static void getPackageFragmentLabel(IPackageFragment pack, long flags, StyledString result) {
782 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(result).appendPackageFragmentLabel(pack, flags);
783 	}
785 	/**
786 	 * Appends the label for a package fragment root to a {@link StringBuffer}. Considers the ROOT_* flags.
787 	 *
788 	 * @param root the element to render
789 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with ROOT_' are considered.
790 	 * @param buf the buffer to append the resulting label to
791 	 */
getPackageFragmentRootLabel(IPackageFragmentRoot root, long flags, StringBuffer buf)792 	public static void getPackageFragmentRootLabel(IPackageFragmentRoot root, long flags, StringBuffer buf) {
793 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(buf).appendPackageFragmentRootLabel(root, flags);
794 	}
796 	/**
797 	 * Appends the label for a package fragment root to a {@link StyledString}. Considers the ROOT_* flags.
798 	 *
799 	 * @param root the element to render
800 	 * @param flags the rendering flags. Flags with names starting with ROOT_' are considered.
801 	 * @param result the buffer to append the resulting label to
802 	 *
803 	 * @since 3.4
804 	 */
getPackageFragmentRootLabel(IPackageFragmentRoot root, long flags, StyledString result)805 	public static void getPackageFragmentRootLabel(IPackageFragmentRoot root, long flags, StyledString result) {
806 		new JavaElementLabelComposer(result).appendPackageFragmentRootLabel(root, flags);
807 	}
809 	/**
810 	 * Returns the label of a classpath container.
811 	 * The returned label is BiDi-processed with {@link TextProcessor#process(String, String)}.
812 	 *
813 	 * @param containerPath the path of the container
814 	 * @param project the project the container is resolved in
815 	 * @return the label of the classpath container
816 	 * @throws JavaModelException when resolving of the container failed
817 	 */
getContainerEntryLabel(IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project)818 	public static String getContainerEntryLabel(IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project) throws JavaModelException {
819 		IClasspathContainer container= JavaCore.getClasspathContainer(containerPath, project);
820 		if (container != null) {
821 			return org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.manipulation.util.Strings.markLTR(container.getDescription());
822 		}
823 		ClasspathContainerInitializer initializer= JavaCore.getClasspathContainerInitializer(containerPath.segment(0));
824 		if (initializer != null) {
825 			return org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.manipulation.util.Strings.markLTR(initializer.getDescription(containerPath, project));
826 		}
827 		return BasicElementLabels.getPathLabel(containerPath, false);
828 	}
830 	/**
831 	 * Returns the styled label of a classpath container.
832 	 * The returned label is BiDi-processed with {@link TextProcessor#process(String, String)}.
833 	 *
834 	 * @param containerPath the path of the container
835 	 * @param project the project the container is resolved in
836 	 * @return the label of the classpath container
837 	 *
838 	 * @since 3.4
839 	 */
getStyledContainerEntryLabel(IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project)840 	public static StyledString getStyledContainerEntryLabel(IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project) {
841 		try {
842 			IClasspathContainer container= JavaCore.getClasspathContainer(containerPath, project);
843 			String description= null;
844 			if (container != null) {
845 				description= container.getDescription();
846 			}
847 			if (description == null) {
848 				ClasspathContainerInitializer initializer= JavaCore.getClasspathContainerInitializer(containerPath.segment(0));
849 				if (initializer != null) {
850 					description= initializer.getDescription(containerPath, project);
851 				}
852 			}
853 			if (description != null) {
854 				StyledString str= new StyledString(description);
855 				if (containerPath.segmentCount() > 0 && JavaRuntime.JRE_CONTAINER.equals(containerPath.segment(0))) {
856 					int index= description.indexOf('[');
857 					if (index != -1) {
858 						str.setStyle(index, description.length() - index, DECORATIONS_STYLE);
859 					}
860 				}
861 				return Strings.markLTR(str);
862 			}
863 		} catch (JavaModelException e) {
864 			// ignore
865 		}
866 		return new StyledString(BasicElementLabels.getPathLabel(containerPath, false));
867 	}
869 }