1 // $Id: jikes.cpp,v 1.98 2004/03/20 04:48:17 jikesadmin Exp $
2 //
3 // This software is subject to the terms of the IBM Jikes Compiler
4 // License Agreement available at the following URL:
5 // http://ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/jikes.
6 // Copyright (C) 1996, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
7 // You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.
8 //
10 #include "platform.h"
11 #include "jikesapi.h"
12 #include "error.h"
15 using namespace Jikes;
16 #endif
main(int argc,char * argv[])18 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
19 {
20     // Here we are creating instance of default API
21     JikesAPI *compiler = new JikesAPI();
23     int return_code;
24     char **files;
26     files = compiler -> parseOptions(argc, argv);
28     if (compiler -> getOptions() -> help)
29     {
30         printf("%s%s", StringConstant::U8S_help_header,
31                StringConstant::U8S_command_format);
32         printf("\n"
33                "\tRegular options:\n"
34                "-bootclasspath path location of system classes [default '']\n"
35                "-classpath path     location of user classes and source files [default .]\n"
36                "-d dir              write class files in directory dir [default .]\n"
37                "-debug              no effect (ignored for compatibility)\n"
38                "-depend | -Xdepend  recompile all used classes\n"
39                "-deprecation        report uses of deprecated features\n"
40 #if defined(HAVE_ENCODING)
41                "-encoding encoding  use specified encoding to read source files\n"
42                "                      [default is system and locale dependent]\n"
43 # if defined(HAVE_LIBICU_UC)
44                "                      this binary requires the ICU library\n"
45 # endif
46 #endif
47                "-extdirs path       location of zip/jar files with platform extensions\n"
48                "                      [default '']\n"
49                "-g | -g:none | -g:{lines,vars,source}\n"
50                "                      control level of debug information in class files\n"
51                "                      [default lines,source]\n"
52                "-J...               no effect (ignored for compatibility)\n"
53                "-nowarn             javac-compatible equivalent of +Z0\n"
54                "-nowrite            do not write any class files, useful with -verbose\n"
55                "-O                  optimize bytecode (presently does nothing)\n"
56                "-source release     interpret source by Java SDK release rules\n"
57                "                      [default to max(target, 1.4)]\n"
58                "-sourcepath path    location of user source files [default '']\n"
59                "-target release     output bytecode for Java SDK release rules\n"
60                "                      [default to source if specified, else 1.4.2]\n"
61                "-verbose            list files read and written\n"
62                "-Werror             javac-compatible equivalent of +Z2\n"
63                "-Xstdout            redirect output listings to stdout\n"
64                "-Xswitchcheck       warn about fallthrough between switch statement cases\n"
65                "\tEnhanced options:\n"
66                "++                  compile in incremental mode\n"
67                "+a                  omit assert statements from class files\n"
68                "+B                  do not invoke bytecode generator\n"
69                "+D                  report errors immediately in emacs-form without buffering\n"
70                "+DR=filename        generate dependence report in filename\n"
71                "+E                  list errors in emacs-form\n"
72                "+F                  do full dependence check except for Zip and Jar files\n"
73                "+Kname=TypeKeyWord  map name to type keyword\n"
74                "+M                  generate makefile dependencies\n"
75                "+OLDCSO             perform original Jikes classpath order for compatibility\n"
76                "+P                  pedantic compilation - issues lots of warnings\n"
77                "                      some warnings can be turned on or off independently:\n");
79         SemanticError::PrintNamedWarnings();
81         printf("+T=n                set value of tab to n spaces, defaults to 8\n"
82                "+U                  do full dependence check including Zip and Jar files\n"
83                "+Z0                 do not issue warning messages\n"
84                "+Z1                 treat cautions as errors\n"
85                "+Z2                 treat both warnings and cautions as errors\n"
86                "+Z                  equivalent to +Z1\n"
87 #ifdef JIKES_DEBUG
88                "\tDebugging options:\n"
89                "+A                  dump AST to standard output\n"
90                "+c                  do not discard comments from lexer output, use with +L\n"
91                "+C                  dump bytecodes to standard output\n"
92                "+L                  dump lexer output (stream of tokens) to file.java.tok\n"
93                "+O numbytes         call no-op op_trap() for bytecodes of the given length\n"
94                "+S                  trace method stack depth to standard output\n"
95                "+u                  unparse AST; produces Java code for the AST\n"
96                "+ud                 unparse AST, with extra debugging information\n"
97 #endif
98                "\tMiscellaneous options:\n"
99                "-help | --help      display this message and exit\n"
100                "-version | --version  display version and contact information, and exit\n");
102         return_code = 0;
103     }
104     else if (compiler -> getOptions() -> version)
105     {
106         printf("%s", StringConstant::U8S_help_header);
107         printf("Originally written by Philippe Charles and David Shields of IBM Research,\n"
108                "Jikes is now maintained and refined by the Jikes Project at:\n"
109                "<http://ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/jikes>\n"
110                "Please consult this URL for more information and for reporting problems.\n");
112         return_code = 0;
113     }
114     else if (files && files[0])
115     {
116         return_code = compiler -> compile(files);
117     }
118     else
119     {
120         printf("%s", StringConstant::U8S_command_format);
121         printf("For more help, try -help or -version.\n");
123         return_code = 2;
124     }
126     delete compiler;
127     return return_code;
128 }