1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2003, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8  *
9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
13  * accompanied this code).
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18  *
19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
21  * questions.
22  *
23  */
25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
26 #include "classfile/altHashing.hpp"
27 #include "classfile/dictionary.hpp"
28 #include "classfile/javaClasses.inline.hpp"
29 #include "classfile/moduleEntry.hpp"
30 #include "classfile/packageEntry.hpp"
31 #include "classfile/placeholders.hpp"
32 #include "classfile/protectionDomainCache.hpp"
33 #include "classfile/stringTable.hpp"
34 #include "code/nmethod.hpp"
35 #include "logging/log.hpp"
36 #include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
37 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
38 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
39 #include "oops/weakHandle.inline.hpp"
40 #include "runtime/safepoint.hpp"
41 #include "utilities/dtrace.hpp"
42 #include "utilities/hashtable.hpp"
43 #include "utilities/hashtable.inline.hpp"
44 #include "utilities/numberSeq.hpp"
47 // This hashtable is implemented as an open hash table with a fixed number of buckets.
new_entry_free_list()49 template <MEMFLAGS F> BasicHashtableEntry<F>* BasicHashtable<F>::new_entry_free_list() {
50   BasicHashtableEntry<F>* entry = NULL;
51   if (_free_list != NULL) {
52     entry = _free_list;
53     _free_list = _free_list->next();
54   }
55   return entry;
56 }
58 // HashtableEntrys are allocated in blocks to reduce the space overhead.
new_entry(unsigned int hashValue)59 template <MEMFLAGS F> BasicHashtableEntry<F>* BasicHashtable<F>::new_entry(unsigned int hashValue) {
60   BasicHashtableEntry<F>* entry = new_entry_free_list();
62   if (entry == NULL) {
63     if (_first_free_entry + _entry_size >= _end_block) {
64       int block_size = MIN2(512, MAX2((int)_table_size / 2, (int)_number_of_entries));
65       int len = _entry_size * block_size;
66       len = 1 << log2_int(len); // round down to power of 2
67       assert(len >= _entry_size, "");
68       _first_free_entry = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY2(char, len, F, CURRENT_PC);
69       _entry_blocks->append(_first_free_entry);
70       _end_block = _first_free_entry + len;
71     }
72     entry = (BasicHashtableEntry<F>*)_first_free_entry;
73     _first_free_entry += _entry_size;
74   }
76   assert(_entry_size % HeapWordSize == 0, "");
77   entry->set_hash(hashValue);
78   return entry;
79 }
new_entry(unsigned int hashValue,T obj)82 template <class T, MEMFLAGS F> HashtableEntry<T, F>* Hashtable<T, F>::new_entry(unsigned int hashValue, T obj) {
83   HashtableEntry<T, F>* entry;
85   entry = (HashtableEntry<T, F>*)BasicHashtable<F>::new_entry(hashValue);
86   entry->set_literal(obj);
87   return entry;
88 }
90 // Version of hashtable entry allocation that allocates in the C heap directly.
91 // The block allocator in BasicHashtable has less fragmentation, but the memory is not freed until
92 // the whole table is freed. Use allocate_new_entry() if you want to individually free the memory
93 // used by each entry
allocate_new_entry(unsigned int hashValue,T obj)94 template <class T, MEMFLAGS F> HashtableEntry<T, F>* Hashtable<T, F>::allocate_new_entry(unsigned int hashValue, T obj) {
95   HashtableEntry<T, F>* entry = (HashtableEntry<T, F>*) NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, this->entry_size(), F);
97   entry->set_hash(hashValue);
98   entry->set_literal(obj);
99   entry->set_next(NULL);
100   return entry;
101 }
free_buckets()103 template <MEMFLAGS F> void BasicHashtable<F>::free_buckets() {
104   if (NULL != _buckets) {
105     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(HashtableBucket, _buckets);
106     _buckets = NULL;
107   }
108 }
110 // For oops and Strings the size of the literal is interesting. For other types, nobody cares.
literal_size(ConstantPool *)111 static int literal_size(ConstantPool*) { return 0; }
literal_size(Klass *)112 static int literal_size(Klass*)        { return 0; }
literal_size(nmethod *)113 static int literal_size(nmethod*)      { return 0; }
literal_size(Symbol * symbol)115 static int literal_size(Symbol *symbol) {
116   return symbol->size() * HeapWordSize;
117 }
literal_size(oop obj)119 static int literal_size(oop obj) {
120   // NOTE: this would over-count if (pre-JDK8) java_lang_Class::has_offset_field() is true,
121   // and the String.value array is shared by several Strings. However, starting from JDK8,
122   // the String.value array is not shared anymore.
123   if (obj == NULL) {
124     return 0;
125   } else if (obj->klass() == SystemDictionary::String_klass()) {
126     return (obj->size() + java_lang_String::value(obj)->size()) * HeapWordSize;
127   } else {
128     return obj->size();
129   }
130 }
literal_size(ClassLoaderWeakHandle v)132 static int literal_size(ClassLoaderWeakHandle v) {
133   return literal_size(v.peek());
134 }
resize(int new_size)136 template <MEMFLAGS F> bool BasicHashtable<F>::resize(int new_size) {
137   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");
139   // Allocate new buckets
140   HashtableBucket<F>* buckets_new = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY2_RETURN_NULL(HashtableBucket<F>, new_size, F, CURRENT_PC);
141   if (buckets_new == NULL) {
142     return false;
143   }
145   // Clear the new buckets
146   for (int i = 0; i < new_size; i++) {
147     buckets_new[i].clear();
148   }
150   int table_size_old = _table_size;
151   // hash_to_index() uses _table_size, so switch the sizes now
152   _table_size = new_size;
154   // Move entries from the old table to a new table
155   for (int index_old = 0; index_old < table_size_old; index_old++) {
156     for (BasicHashtableEntry<F>* p = _buckets[index_old].get_entry(); p != NULL; ) {
157       BasicHashtableEntry<F>* next = p->next();
158       bool keep_shared = p->is_shared();
159       int index_new = hash_to_index(p->hash());
161       p->set_next(buckets_new[index_new].get_entry());
162       buckets_new[index_new].set_entry(p);
164       if (keep_shared) {
165         p->set_shared();
166       }
167       p = next;
168     }
169   }
171   // The old backets now can be released
172   BasicHashtable<F>::free_buckets();
174   // Switch to the new storage
175   _buckets = buckets_new;
177   return true;
178 }
maybe_grow(int max_size,int load_factor)180 template <MEMFLAGS F> bool BasicHashtable<F>::maybe_grow(int max_size, int load_factor) {
181   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");
183   if (table_size() >= max_size) {
184     return false;
185   }
186   if (number_of_entries() / table_size() > load_factor) {
187     resize(MIN2<int>(table_size() * 2, max_size));
188     return true;
189   } else {
190     return false;
191   }
192 }
194 // Dump footprint and bucket length statistics
195 //
196 // Note: if you create a new subclass of Hashtable<MyNewType, F>, you will need to
197 // add a new function static int literal_size(MyNewType lit)
198 // because I can't get template <class T> int literal_size(T) to pick the specializations for Symbol and oop.
199 //
200 // The StringTable and SymbolTable dumping print how much footprint is used by the String and Symbol
201 // literals.
print_table_statistics(outputStream * st,const char * table_name,T (* literal_load_barrier)(HashtableEntry<T,F> *))203 template <class T, MEMFLAGS F> void Hashtable<T, F>::print_table_statistics(outputStream* st,
204                                                                             const char *table_name,
205                                                                             T (*literal_load_barrier)(HashtableEntry<T, F>*)) {
206   NumberSeq summary;
207   int literal_bytes = 0;
208   for (int i = 0; i < this->table_size(); ++i) {
209     int count = 0;
210     for (HashtableEntry<T, F>* e = this->bucket(i);
211          e != NULL; e = e->next()) {
212       count++;
213       T l = (literal_load_barrier != NULL) ? literal_load_barrier(e) : e->literal();
214       literal_bytes += literal_size(l);
215     }
216     summary.add((double)count);
217   }
218   double num_buckets = summary.num();
219   double num_entries = summary.sum();
221   int bucket_bytes = (int)num_buckets * sizeof(HashtableBucket<F>);
222   int entry_bytes  = (int)num_entries * sizeof(HashtableEntry<T, F>);
223   int total_bytes = literal_bytes +  bucket_bytes + entry_bytes;
225   int bucket_size  = (num_buckets <= 0) ? 0 : (bucket_bytes  / num_buckets);
226   int entry_size   = (num_entries <= 0) ? 0 : (entry_bytes   / num_entries);
228   st->print_cr("%s statistics:", table_name);
229   st->print_cr("Number of buckets       : %9d = %9d bytes, each %d", (int)num_buckets, bucket_bytes,  bucket_size);
230   st->print_cr("Number of entries       : %9d = %9d bytes, each %d", (int)num_entries, entry_bytes,   entry_size);
231   if (literal_bytes != 0) {
232     double literal_avg = (num_entries <= 0) ? 0 : (literal_bytes / num_entries);
233     st->print_cr("Number of literals      : %9d = %9d bytes, avg %7.3f", (int)num_entries, literal_bytes, literal_avg);
234   }
235   st->print_cr("Total footprint         : %9s = %9d bytes", "", total_bytes);
236   st->print_cr("Average bucket size     : %9.3f", summary.avg());
237   st->print_cr("Variance of bucket size : %9.3f", summary.variance());
238   st->print_cr("Std. dev. of bucket size: %9.3f", summary.sd());
239   st->print_cr("Maximum bucket size     : %9d", (int)summary.maximum());
240 }
242 #ifndef PRODUCT
print_literal(T l)243 template <class T> void print_literal(T l) {
244   l->print();
245 }
print_literal(ClassLoaderWeakHandle l)247 static void print_literal(ClassLoaderWeakHandle l) {
248   l.print();
249 }
print()251 template <class T, MEMFLAGS F> void Hashtable<T, F>::print() {
252   ResourceMark rm;
254   for (int i = 0; i < BasicHashtable<F>::table_size(); i++) {
255     HashtableEntry<T, F>* entry = bucket(i);
256     while(entry != NULL) {
257       tty->print("%d : ", i);
258       print_literal(entry->literal());
259       tty->cr();
260       entry = entry->next();
261     }
262   }
263 }
265 template <MEMFLAGS F>
verify_table(const char * table_name)266 template <class T> void BasicHashtable<F>::verify_table(const char* table_name) {
267   int element_count = 0;
268   int max_bucket_count = 0;
269   int max_bucket_number = 0;
270   for (int index = 0; index < table_size(); index++) {
271     int bucket_count = 0;
272     for (T* probe = (T*)bucket(index); probe != NULL; probe = probe->next()) {
273       probe->verify();
274       bucket_count++;
275     }
276     element_count += bucket_count;
277     if (bucket_count > max_bucket_count) {
278       max_bucket_count = bucket_count;
279       max_bucket_number = index;
280     }
281   }
282   guarantee(number_of_entries() == element_count,
283             "Verify of %s failed", table_name);
285   // Log some statistics about the hashtable
286   log_info(hashtables)("%s max bucket size %d bucket %d element count %d table size %d", table_name,
287                        max_bucket_count, max_bucket_number, _number_of_entries, _table_size);
288   if (_number_of_entries > 0 && log_is_enabled(Debug, hashtables)) {
289     for (int index = 0; index < table_size(); index++) {
290       int bucket_count = 0;
291       for (T* probe = (T*)bucket(index); probe != NULL; probe = probe->next()) {
292         log_debug(hashtables)("bucket %d hash " INTPTR_FORMAT, index, (intptr_t)probe->hash());
293         bucket_count++;
294       }
295       if (bucket_count > 0) {
296         log_debug(hashtables)("bucket %d count %d", index, bucket_count);
297       }
298     }
299   }
300 }
301 #endif // PRODUCT
303 // Explicitly instantiate these types
304 template class Hashtable<nmethod*, mtGC>;
305 template class HashtableEntry<nmethod*, mtGC>;
306 template class BasicHashtable<mtGC>;
307 template class Hashtable<ConstantPool*, mtClass>;
308 template class Hashtable<Symbol*, mtSymbol>;
309 template class Hashtable<Klass*, mtClass>;
310 template class Hashtable<InstanceKlass*, mtClass>;
311 template class Hashtable<ClassLoaderWeakHandle, mtClass>;
312 template class Hashtable<Symbol*, mtModule>;
313 template class Hashtable<oop, mtSymbol>;
314 template class Hashtable<ClassLoaderWeakHandle, mtSymbol>;
315 template class Hashtable<Symbol*, mtClass>;
316 template class HashtableEntry<Symbol*, mtSymbol>;
317 template class HashtableEntry<Symbol*, mtClass>;
318 template class HashtableEntry<oop, mtSymbol>;
319 template class HashtableEntry<ClassLoaderWeakHandle, mtSymbol>;
320 template class HashtableBucket<mtClass>;
321 template class BasicHashtableEntry<mtSymbol>;
322 template class BasicHashtableEntry<mtCode>;
323 template class BasicHashtable<mtClass>;
324 template class BasicHashtable<mtClassShared>;
325 template class BasicHashtable<mtSymbol>;
326 template class BasicHashtable<mtCode>;
327 template class BasicHashtable<mtInternal>;
328 template class BasicHashtable<mtModule>;
329 template class BasicHashtable<mtCompiler>;
331 template void BasicHashtable<mtClass>::verify_table<DictionaryEntry>(char const*);
332 template void BasicHashtable<mtModule>::verify_table<ModuleEntry>(char const*);
333 template void BasicHashtable<mtModule>::verify_table<PackageEntry>(char const*);
334 template void BasicHashtable<mtClass>::verify_table<ProtectionDomainCacheEntry>(char const*);
335 template void BasicHashtable<mtClass>::verify_table<PlaceholderEntry>(char const*);