1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2011, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8  *
9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
13  * accompanied this code).
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18  *
19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
21  * questions.
22  */
25 package org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.inlining.walker;
27 import static org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.GraalOptions.Intrinsify;
28 import static org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.GraalOptions.MaximumRecursiveInlining;
29 import static org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.GraalOptions.MegamorphicInliningMinMethodProbability;
31 import java.util.ArrayDeque;
32 import java.util.ArrayList;
33 import java.util.BitSet;
34 import java.util.Collection;
35 import java.util.Iterator;
36 import java.util.LinkedList;
37 import java.util.List;
39 import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.EconomicSet;
40 import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.Equivalence;
41 import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ObjectStamp;
42 import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.CounterKey;
43 import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext;
44 import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError;
45 import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Graph;
46 import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node;
47 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.CallTargetNode;
48 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.CallTargetNode.InvokeKind;
49 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.Invoke;
50 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.NodeView;
51 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ParameterNode;
52 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph;
53 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNode;
54 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.AbstractNewObjectNode;
55 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.MethodCallTargetNode;
56 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.virtual.AllocatedObjectNode;
57 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.virtual.VirtualObjectNode;
58 import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues;
59 import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.OptimisticOptimizations;
60 import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.CanonicalizerPhase;
61 import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.inlining.InliningUtil;
62 import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.inlining.info.AssumptionInlineInfo;
63 import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.inlining.info.ExactInlineInfo;
64 import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.inlining.info.InlineInfo;
65 import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.inlining.info.MultiTypeGuardInlineInfo;
66 import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.inlining.info.TypeGuardInlineInfo;
67 import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.inlining.info.elem.Inlineable;
68 import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.inlining.info.elem.InlineableGraph;
69 import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.inlining.policy.InliningPolicy;
70 import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.tiers.HighTierContext;
71 import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.util.Providers;
73 import jdk.vm.ci.code.BailoutException;
74 import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Assumptions.AssumptionResult;
75 import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaTypeProfile;
76 import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod;
77 import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaType;
79 /**
80  * <p>
81  * The space of inlining decisions is explored depth-first with the help of a stack realized by
82  * {@link InliningData}. At any point in time, the topmost element of that stack consists of:
83  * <ul>
84  * <li>the callsite under consideration is tracked as a {@link MethodInvocation}.</li>
85  * <li>one or more {@link CallsiteHolder}s, all of them associated to the callsite above. Why more
86  * than one? Depending on the type-profile for the receiver more than one concrete method may be
87  * feasible target.</li>
88  * </ul>
89  * </p>
90  *
91  * <p>
92  * The bottom element in the stack consists of:
93  * <ul>
94  * <li>a single {@link MethodInvocation} (the
95  * {@link org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.inlining.walker.MethodInvocation#isRoot root} one, ie
96  * the unknown caller of the root graph)</li>
97  * <li>a single {@link CallsiteHolder} (the root one, for the method on which inlining was called)
98  * </li>
99  * </ul>
100  * </p>
101  *
102  * @see #moveForward()
103  */
104 public class InliningData {
106     // Counters
107     private static final CounterKey counterInliningPerformed = DebugContext.counter("InliningPerformed");
108     private static final CounterKey counterInliningRuns = DebugContext.counter("InliningRuns");
109     private static final CounterKey counterInliningConsidered = DebugContext.counter("InliningConsidered");
111     /**
112      * Call hierarchy from outer most call (i.e., compilation unit) to inner most callee.
113      */
114     private final ArrayDeque<CallsiteHolder> graphQueue = new ArrayDeque<>();
115     private final ArrayDeque<MethodInvocation> invocationQueue = new ArrayDeque<>();
117     private final HighTierContext context;
118     private final int maxMethodPerInlining;
119     private final CanonicalizerPhase canonicalizer;
120     private final InliningPolicy inliningPolicy;
121     private final StructuredGraph rootGraph;
122     private final DebugContext debug;
124     private int maxGraphs;
InliningData(StructuredGraph rootGraph, HighTierContext context, int maxMethodPerInlining, CanonicalizerPhase canonicalizer, InliningPolicy inliningPolicy, LinkedList<Invoke> rootInvokes)126     public InliningData(StructuredGraph rootGraph, HighTierContext context, int maxMethodPerInlining, CanonicalizerPhase canonicalizer, InliningPolicy inliningPolicy, LinkedList<Invoke> rootInvokes) {
127         assert rootGraph != null;
128         this.context = context;
129         this.maxMethodPerInlining = maxMethodPerInlining;
130         this.canonicalizer = canonicalizer;
131         this.inliningPolicy = inliningPolicy;
132         this.maxGraphs = 1;
133         this.rootGraph = rootGraph;
134         this.debug = rootGraph.getDebug();
136         invocationQueue.push(new MethodInvocation(null, 1.0, 1.0, null));
137         graphQueue.push(new CallsiteHolderExplorable(rootGraph, 1.0, 1.0, null, rootInvokes));
138     }
isFreshInstantiation(ValueNode arg)140     public static boolean isFreshInstantiation(ValueNode arg) {
141         return (arg instanceof AbstractNewObjectNode) || (arg instanceof AllocatedObjectNode) || (arg instanceof VirtualObjectNode);
142     }
checkTargetConditionsHelper(ResolvedJavaMethod method, int invokeBci)144     private String checkTargetConditionsHelper(ResolvedJavaMethod method, int invokeBci) {
145         OptionValues options = rootGraph.getOptions();
146         if (method == null) {
147             return "the method is not resolved";
148         } else if (method.isNative() && (!Intrinsify.getValue(options) || !context.getReplacements().hasSubstitution(method, invokeBci))) {
149             return "it is a non-intrinsic native method";
150         } else if (method.isAbstract()) {
151             return "it is an abstract method";
152         } else if (!method.getDeclaringClass().isInitialized()) {
153             return "the method's class is not initialized";
154         } else if (!method.canBeInlined()) {
155             return "it is marked non-inlinable";
156         } else if (countRecursiveInlining(method) > MaximumRecursiveInlining.getValue(options)) {
157             return "it exceeds the maximum recursive inlining depth";
158         } else if (!method.hasBytecodes()) {
159             return "it has no bytecodes to inline";
160         } else {
161             if (new OptimisticOptimizations(rootGraph.getProfilingInfo(method), options).lessOptimisticThan(context.getOptimisticOptimizations())) {
162                 return "the callee uses less optimistic optimizations than caller";
163             } else {
164                 return null;
165             }
166         }
167     }
checkTargetConditions(Invoke invoke, ResolvedJavaMethod method)169     private boolean checkTargetConditions(Invoke invoke, ResolvedJavaMethod method) {
170         final String failureMessage = checkTargetConditionsHelper(method, invoke.bci());
171         if (failureMessage == null) {
172             return true;
173         } else {
174             InliningUtil.traceNotInlinedMethod(invoke, inliningDepth(), method, failureMessage);
175             invoke.asNode().graph().getInliningLog().addDecision(invoke, false, "InliningPhase", null, null, failureMessage);
176             return false;
177         }
178     }
180     /**
181      * Determines if inlining is possible at the given invoke node.
182      *
183      * @param invoke the invoke that should be inlined
184      * @return an instance of InlineInfo, or null if no inlining is possible at the given invoke
185      */
getInlineInfo(Invoke invoke)186     private InlineInfo getInlineInfo(Invoke invoke) {
187         final String failureMessage = InliningUtil.checkInvokeConditions(invoke);
188         if (failureMessage != null) {
189             InliningUtil.logNotInlinedMethod(invoke, failureMessage);
190             return null;
191         }
192         MethodCallTargetNode callTarget = (MethodCallTargetNode) invoke.callTarget();
193         ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod = callTarget.targetMethod();
195         InvokeKind invokeKind = callTarget.invokeKind();
196         if (invokeKind == CallTargetNode.InvokeKind.Special || invokeKind == CallTargetNode.InvokeKind.Static || targetMethod.canBeStaticallyBound()) {
197             return getExactInlineInfo(invoke, targetMethod);
198         }
200         assert invokeKind.isIndirect();
202         ResolvedJavaType holder = targetMethod.getDeclaringClass();
203         if (!(callTarget.receiver().stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT) instanceof ObjectStamp)) {
204             return null;
205         }
206         ObjectStamp receiverStamp = (ObjectStamp) callTarget.receiver().stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT);
207         if (receiverStamp.alwaysNull()) {
208             // Don't inline if receiver is known to be null
209             return null;
210         }
211         ResolvedJavaType contextType = invoke.getContextType();
212         if (receiverStamp.type() != null) {
213             // the invoke target might be more specific than the holder (happens after inlining:
214             // parameters lose their declared type...)
215             ResolvedJavaType receiverType = receiverStamp.type();
216             if (receiverType != null && holder.isAssignableFrom(receiverType)) {
217                 holder = receiverType;
218                 if (receiverStamp.isExactType()) {
219                     assert targetMethod.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(holder) : holder + " subtype of " + targetMethod.getDeclaringClass() + " for " + targetMethod;
220                     ResolvedJavaMethod resolvedMethod = holder.resolveConcreteMethod(targetMethod, contextType);
221                     if (resolvedMethod != null) {
222                         return getExactInlineInfo(invoke, resolvedMethod);
223                     }
224                 }
225             }
226         }
228         if (holder.isArray()) {
229             // arrays can be treated as Objects
230             ResolvedJavaMethod resolvedMethod = holder.resolveConcreteMethod(targetMethod, contextType);
231             if (resolvedMethod != null) {
232                 return getExactInlineInfo(invoke, resolvedMethod);
233             }
234         }
236         if (invokeKind != InvokeKind.Interface) {
237             AssumptionResult<ResolvedJavaType> leafConcreteSubtype = holder.findLeafConcreteSubtype();
238             if (leafConcreteSubtype != null) {
239                 ResolvedJavaMethod resolvedMethod = leafConcreteSubtype.getResult().resolveConcreteMethod(targetMethod, contextType);
240                 if (resolvedMethod != null && leafConcreteSubtype.canRecordTo(callTarget.graph().getAssumptions())) {
241                     return getAssumptionInlineInfo(invoke, resolvedMethod, leafConcreteSubtype);
242                 }
243             }
245             AssumptionResult<ResolvedJavaMethod> concrete = holder.findUniqueConcreteMethod(targetMethod);
246             if (concrete != null && concrete.canRecordTo(callTarget.graph().getAssumptions())) {
247                 return getAssumptionInlineInfo(invoke, concrete.getResult(), concrete);
248             }
249         }
251         // type check based inlining
252         return getTypeCheckedInlineInfo(invoke, targetMethod);
253     }
getTypeCheckedInlineInfo(Invoke invoke, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod)255     private InlineInfo getTypeCheckedInlineInfo(Invoke invoke, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod) {
256         JavaTypeProfile typeProfile = ((MethodCallTargetNode) invoke.callTarget()).getProfile();
257         if (typeProfile == null) {
258             InliningUtil.traceNotInlinedMethod(invoke, inliningDepth(), targetMethod, "no type profile exists");
259             invoke.asNode().graph().getInliningLog().addDecision(invoke, false, "InliningPhase", null, null, "no type profile exists");
260             return null;
261         }
263         JavaTypeProfile.ProfiledType[] ptypes = typeProfile.getTypes();
264         if (ptypes == null || ptypes.length <= 0) {
265             InliningUtil.traceNotInlinedMethod(invoke, inliningDepth(), targetMethod, "no types in profile");
266             invoke.asNode().graph().getInliningLog().addDecision(invoke, false, "InliningPhase", null, null, "no types in profile");
267             return null;
268         }
269         ResolvedJavaType contextType = invoke.getContextType();
270         double notRecordedTypeProbability = typeProfile.getNotRecordedProbability();
271         final OptimisticOptimizations optimisticOpts = context.getOptimisticOptimizations();
272         OptionValues options = invoke.asNode().getOptions();
273         if (ptypes.length == 1 && notRecordedTypeProbability == 0) {
274             if (!optimisticOpts.inlineMonomorphicCalls(options)) {
275                 InliningUtil.traceNotInlinedMethod(invoke, inliningDepth(), targetMethod, "inlining monomorphic calls is disabled");
276                 invoke.asNode().graph().getInliningLog().addDecision(invoke, false, "InliningPhase", null, null, "inlining monomorphic calls is disabled");
277                 return null;
278             }
280             ResolvedJavaType type = ptypes[0].getType();
281             assert type.isArray() || type.isConcrete();
282             ResolvedJavaMethod concrete = type.resolveConcreteMethod(targetMethod, contextType);
283             if (!checkTargetConditions(invoke, concrete)) {
284                 return null;
285             }
286             return new TypeGuardInlineInfo(invoke, concrete, type);
287         } else {
288             invoke.setPolymorphic(true);
290             if (!optimisticOpts.inlinePolymorphicCalls(options) && notRecordedTypeProbability == 0) {
291                 InliningUtil.traceNotInlinedMethod(invoke, inliningDepth(), targetMethod, "inlining polymorphic calls is disabled (%d types)", ptypes.length);
292                 invoke.asNode().graph().getInliningLog().addDecision(invoke, false, "InliningPhase", null, null, "inlining polymorphic calls is disabled (%d types)", ptypes.length);
293                 return null;
294             }
295             if (!optimisticOpts.inlineMegamorphicCalls(options) && notRecordedTypeProbability > 0) {
296                 // due to filtering impossible types, notRecordedTypeProbability can be > 0 although
297                 // the number of types is lower than what can be recorded in a type profile
298                 InliningUtil.traceNotInlinedMethod(invoke, inliningDepth(), targetMethod, "inlining megamorphic calls is disabled (%d types, %f %% not recorded types)", ptypes.length,
299                                 notRecordedTypeProbability * 100);
300                 invoke.asNode().graph().getInliningLog().addDecision(invoke, false, "InliningPhase", null, null,
301                                 "inlining megamorphic calls is disabled (%d types, %f %% not recorded types)", ptypes.length, notRecordedTypeProbability);
302                 return null;
303             }
305             // Find unique methods and their probabilities.
306             ArrayList<ResolvedJavaMethod> concreteMethods = new ArrayList<>();
307             ArrayList<Double> concreteMethodsProbabilities = new ArrayList<>();
308             for (int i = 0; i < ptypes.length; i++) {
309                 ResolvedJavaMethod concrete = ptypes[i].getType().resolveConcreteMethod(targetMethod, contextType);
310                 if (concrete == null) {
311                     InliningUtil.traceNotInlinedMethod(invoke, inliningDepth(), targetMethod, "could not resolve method");
312                     invoke.asNode().graph().getInliningLog().addDecision(invoke, false, "InliningPhase", null, null, "could not resolve method");
313                     return null;
314                 }
315                 int index = concreteMethods.indexOf(concrete);
316                 double curProbability = ptypes[i].getProbability();
317                 if (index < 0) {
318                     index = concreteMethods.size();
319                     concreteMethods.add(concrete);
320                     concreteMethodsProbabilities.add(curProbability);
321                 } else {
322                     concreteMethodsProbabilities.set(index, concreteMethodsProbabilities.get(index) + curProbability);
323                 }
324             }
326             // Clear methods that fall below the threshold.
327             if (notRecordedTypeProbability > 0) {
328                 ArrayList<ResolvedJavaMethod> newConcreteMethods = new ArrayList<>();
329                 ArrayList<Double> newConcreteMethodsProbabilities = new ArrayList<>();
330                 for (int i = 0; i < concreteMethods.size(); ++i) {
331                     if (concreteMethodsProbabilities.get(i) >= MegamorphicInliningMinMethodProbability.getValue(options)) {
332                         newConcreteMethods.add(concreteMethods.get(i));
333                         newConcreteMethodsProbabilities.add(concreteMethodsProbabilities.get(i));
334                     }
335                 }
337                 if (newConcreteMethods.isEmpty()) {
338                     // No method left that is worth inlining.
339                     InliningUtil.traceNotInlinedMethod(invoke, inliningDepth(), targetMethod, "no methods remaining after filtering less frequent methods (%d methods previously)",
340                                     concreteMethods.size());
341                     invoke.asNode().graph().getInliningLog().addDecision(invoke, false, "InliningPhase", null, null,
342                                     "no methods remaining after filtering less frequent methods (%d methods previously)", concreteMethods.size());
343                     return null;
344                 }
346                 concreteMethods = newConcreteMethods;
347                 concreteMethodsProbabilities = newConcreteMethodsProbabilities;
348             }
350             if (concreteMethods.size() > maxMethodPerInlining) {
351                 InliningUtil.traceNotInlinedMethod(invoke, inliningDepth(), targetMethod, "polymorphic call with more than %d target methods", maxMethodPerInlining);
352                 invoke.asNode().graph().getInliningLog().addDecision(invoke, false, "InliningPhase", null, null, "polymorphic call with more than %d target methods", maxMethodPerInlining);
353                 return null;
354             }
356             // Clean out types whose methods are no longer available.
357             ArrayList<JavaTypeProfile.ProfiledType> usedTypes = new ArrayList<>();
358             ArrayList<Integer> typesToConcretes = new ArrayList<>();
359             for (JavaTypeProfile.ProfiledType type : ptypes) {
360                 ResolvedJavaMethod concrete = type.getType().resolveConcreteMethod(targetMethod, contextType);
361                 int index = concreteMethods.indexOf(concrete);
362                 if (index == -1) {
363                     notRecordedTypeProbability += type.getProbability();
364                 } else {
365                     assert type.getType().isArray() || !type.getType().isAbstract() : type + " " + concrete;
366                     usedTypes.add(type);
367                     typesToConcretes.add(index);
368                 }
369             }
371             if (usedTypes.isEmpty()) {
372                 // No type left that is worth checking for.
373                 InliningUtil.traceNotInlinedMethod(invoke, inliningDepth(), targetMethod, "no types remaining after filtering less frequent types (%d types previously)", ptypes.length);
374                 invoke.asNode().graph().getInliningLog().addDecision(invoke, false, "InliningPhase", null, null, "no types remaining after filtering less frequent types (%d types previously)",
375                                 ptypes.length);
376                 return null;
377             }
379             for (ResolvedJavaMethod concrete : concreteMethods) {
380                 if (!checkTargetConditions(invoke, concrete)) {
381                     InliningUtil.traceNotInlinedMethod(invoke, inliningDepth(), targetMethod, "it is a polymorphic method call and at least one invoked method cannot be inlined");
382                     invoke.asNode().graph().getInliningLog().addDecision(invoke, false, "InliningPhase", null, null,
383                                     "it is a polymorphic method call and at least one invoked method cannot be inlined");
384                     return null;
385                 }
386             }
387             return new MultiTypeGuardInlineInfo(invoke, concreteMethods, usedTypes, typesToConcretes, notRecordedTypeProbability);
388         }
389     }
getAssumptionInlineInfo(Invoke invoke, ResolvedJavaMethod concrete, AssumptionResult<?> takenAssumption)391     private InlineInfo getAssumptionInlineInfo(Invoke invoke, ResolvedJavaMethod concrete, AssumptionResult<?> takenAssumption) {
392         assert concrete.isConcrete();
393         if (checkTargetConditions(invoke, concrete)) {
394             return new AssumptionInlineInfo(invoke, concrete, takenAssumption);
395         }
396         return null;
397     }
getExactInlineInfo(Invoke invoke, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod)399     private InlineInfo getExactInlineInfo(Invoke invoke, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod) {
400         assert targetMethod.isConcrete();
401         if (checkTargetConditions(invoke, targetMethod)) {
402             return new ExactInlineInfo(invoke, targetMethod);
403         }
404         return null;
405     }
407     @SuppressWarnings("try")
doInline(CallsiteHolderExplorable callerCallsiteHolder, MethodInvocation calleeInvocation, String reason)408     private void doInline(CallsiteHolderExplorable callerCallsiteHolder, MethodInvocation calleeInvocation, String reason) {
409         StructuredGraph callerGraph = callerCallsiteHolder.graph();
410         InlineInfo calleeInfo = calleeInvocation.callee();
411         try {
412             try (DebugContext.Scope scope = debug.scope("doInline", callerGraph)) {
413                 EconomicSet<Node> canonicalizedNodes = EconomicSet.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY);
414                 canonicalizedNodes.addAll(calleeInfo.invoke().asNode().usages());
415                 EconomicSet<Node> parameterUsages = calleeInfo.inline(new Providers(context), reason);
416                 canonicalizedNodes.addAll(parameterUsages);
417                 counterInliningRuns.increment(debug);
418                 debug.dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, callerGraph, "after %s", calleeInfo);
420                 Graph.Mark markBeforeCanonicalization = callerGraph.getMark();
422                 canonicalizer.applyIncremental(callerGraph, context, canonicalizedNodes);
424                 // process invokes that are possibly created during canonicalization
425                 for (Node newNode : callerGraph.getNewNodes(markBeforeCanonicalization)) {
426                     if (newNode instanceof Invoke) {
427                         callerCallsiteHolder.pushInvoke((Invoke) newNode);
428                     }
429                 }
431                 callerCallsiteHolder.computeProbabilities();
433                 counterInliningPerformed.increment(debug);
434             }
435         } catch (BailoutException bailout) {
436             throw bailout;
437         } catch (AssertionError | RuntimeException e) {
438             throw new GraalError(e).addContext(calleeInfo.toString());
439         } catch (GraalError e) {
440             throw e.addContext(calleeInfo.toString());
441         } catch (Throwable e) {
442             throw debug.handle(e);
443         }
444     }
446     /**
447      *
448      * This method attempts:
449      * <ol>
450      * <li>to inline at the callsite given by <code>calleeInvocation</code>, where that callsite
451      * belongs to the {@link CallsiteHolderExplorable} at the top of the {@link #graphQueue}
452      * maintained in this class.</li>
453      * <li>otherwise, to devirtualize the callsite in question.</li>
454      * </ol>
455      *
456      * @return true iff inlining was actually performed
457      */
tryToInline(MethodInvocation calleeInvocation, int inliningDepth)458     private boolean tryToInline(MethodInvocation calleeInvocation, int inliningDepth) {
459         CallsiteHolderExplorable callerCallsiteHolder = (CallsiteHolderExplorable) currentGraph();
460         InlineInfo calleeInfo = calleeInvocation.callee();
461         assert callerCallsiteHolder.containsInvoke(calleeInfo.invoke());
462         counterInliningConsidered.increment(debug);
464         InliningPolicy.Decision decision = inliningPolicy.isWorthInlining(context.getReplacements(), calleeInvocation, calleeInfo, inliningDepth, true);
465         if (decision.shouldInline()) {
466             doInline(callerCallsiteHolder, calleeInvocation, decision.getReason());
467             return true;
468         }
470         if (context.getOptimisticOptimizations().devirtualizeInvokes(calleeInfo.graph().getOptions())) {
471             calleeInfo.tryToDevirtualizeInvoke(new Providers(context));
472         }
474         return false;
475     }
477     /**
478      * This method picks one of the callsites belonging to the current
479      * {@link CallsiteHolderExplorable}. Provided the callsite qualifies to be analyzed for
480      * inlining, this method prepares a new stack top in {@link InliningData} for such callsite,
481      * which comprises:
482      * <ul>
483      * <li>preparing a summary of feasible targets, ie preparing an {@link InlineInfo}</li>
484      * <li>based on it, preparing the stack top proper which consists of:</li>
485      * <ul>
486      * <li>one {@link MethodInvocation}</li>
487      * <li>a {@link CallsiteHolder} for each feasible target</li>
488      * </ul>
489      * </ul>
490      *
491      * <p>
492      * The thus prepared "stack top" is needed by {@link #moveForward()} to explore the space of
493      * inlining decisions (each decision one of: backtracking, delving, inlining).
494      * </p>
495      *
496      * <p>
497      * The {@link InlineInfo} used to get things rolling is kept around in the
498      * {@link MethodInvocation}, it will be needed in case of inlining, see
499      * {@link InlineInfo#inline(Providers, String)}
500      * </p>
501      */
processNextInvoke()502     private void processNextInvoke() {
503         CallsiteHolderExplorable callsiteHolder = (CallsiteHolderExplorable) currentGraph();
504         Invoke invoke = callsiteHolder.popInvoke();
505         InlineInfo info = getInlineInfo(invoke);
507         if (info != null) {
508             info.populateInlinableElements(context, currentGraph().graph(), canonicalizer, rootGraph.getOptions());
509             double invokeProbability = callsiteHolder.invokeProbability(invoke);
510             double invokeRelevance = callsiteHolder.invokeRelevance(invoke);
511             MethodInvocation methodInvocation = new MethodInvocation(info, invokeProbability, invokeRelevance, freshlyInstantiatedArguments(invoke, callsiteHolder.getFixedParams()));
512             pushInvocationAndGraphs(methodInvocation);
513         }
514     }
516     /**
517      * Gets the freshly instantiated arguments.
518      * <p>
519      * A freshly instantiated argument is either:
520      * <uL>
521      * <li>an {@link InliningData#isFreshInstantiation(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNode)}</li>
522      * <li>a fixed-param, ie a {@link ParameterNode} receiving a freshly instantiated argument</li>
523      * </uL>
524      * </p>
525      *
526      * @return the positions of freshly instantiated arguments in the argument list of the
527      *         <code>invoke</code>, or null if no such positions exist.
528      */
freshlyInstantiatedArguments(Invoke invoke, EconomicSet<ParameterNode> fixedParams)529     public static BitSet freshlyInstantiatedArguments(Invoke invoke, EconomicSet<ParameterNode> fixedParams) {
530         assert fixedParams != null;
531         assert paramsAndInvokeAreInSameGraph(invoke, fixedParams);
532         BitSet result = null;
533         int argIdx = 0;
534         for (ValueNode arg : invoke.callTarget().arguments()) {
535             assert arg != null;
536             if (isFreshInstantiation(arg) || (arg instanceof ParameterNode && fixedParams.contains((ParameterNode) arg))) {
537                 if (result == null) {
538                     result = new BitSet();
539                 }
540                 result.set(argIdx);
541             }
542             argIdx++;
543         }
544         return result;
545     }
paramsAndInvokeAreInSameGraph(Invoke invoke, EconomicSet<ParameterNode> fixedParams)547     private static boolean paramsAndInvokeAreInSameGraph(Invoke invoke, EconomicSet<ParameterNode> fixedParams) {
548         if (fixedParams.isEmpty()) {
549             return true;
550         }
551         for (ParameterNode p : fixedParams) {
552             if (p.graph() != invoke.asNode().graph()) {
553                 return false;
554             }
555         }
556         return true;
557     }
graphCount()559     public int graphCount() {
560         return graphQueue.size();
561     }
hasUnprocessedGraphs()563     public boolean hasUnprocessedGraphs() {
564         return !graphQueue.isEmpty();
565     }
currentGraph()567     private CallsiteHolder currentGraph() {
568         return graphQueue.peek();
569     }
popGraph()571     private void popGraph() {
572         graphQueue.pop();
573         assert graphQueue.size() <= maxGraphs;
574     }
popGraphs(int count)576     private void popGraphs(int count) {
577         assert count >= 0;
578         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
579             graphQueue.pop();
580         }
581     }
583     private static final Object[] NO_CONTEXT = {};
585     /**
586      * Gets the call hierarchy of this inlining from outer most call to inner most callee.
587      */
inliningContext()588     private Object[] inliningContext() {
589         if (!debug.isDumpEnabled(DebugContext.INFO_LEVEL)) {
590             return NO_CONTEXT;
591         }
592         Object[] result = new Object[graphQueue.size()];
593         int i = 0;
594         for (CallsiteHolder g : graphQueue) {
595             result[i++] = g.method();
596         }
597         return result;
598     }
currentInvocation()600     private MethodInvocation currentInvocation() {
601         return invocationQueue.peekFirst();
602     }
pushInvocationAndGraphs(MethodInvocation methodInvocation)604     private void pushInvocationAndGraphs(MethodInvocation methodInvocation) {
605         invocationQueue.addFirst(methodInvocation);
606         InlineInfo info = methodInvocation.callee();
607         maxGraphs += info.numberOfMethods();
608         assert graphQueue.size() <= maxGraphs;
609         for (int i = 0; i < info.numberOfMethods(); i++) {
610             CallsiteHolder ch = methodInvocation.buildCallsiteHolderForElement(i);
611             assert !contains(ch.graph());
612             graphQueue.push(ch);
613             assert graphQueue.size() <= maxGraphs;
614         }
615     }
popInvocation()617     private void popInvocation() {
618         maxGraphs -= invocationQueue.peekFirst().callee().numberOfMethods();
619         assert graphQueue.size() <= maxGraphs;
620         invocationQueue.removeFirst();
621     }
countRecursiveInlining(ResolvedJavaMethod method)623     public int countRecursiveInlining(ResolvedJavaMethod method) {
624         int count = 0;
625         for (CallsiteHolder callsiteHolder : graphQueue) {
626             if (method.equals(callsiteHolder.method())) {
627                 count++;
628             }
629         }
630         return count;
631     }
inliningDepth()633     public int inliningDepth() {
634         assert invocationQueue.size() > 0;
635         return invocationQueue.size() - 1;
636     }
638     @Override
toString()639     public String toString() {
640         StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("Invocations: ");
642         for (MethodInvocation invocation : invocationQueue) {
643             if (invocation.callee() != null) {
644                 result.append(invocation.callee().numberOfMethods());
645                 result.append("x ");
646                 result.append(invocation.callee().invoke());
647                 result.append("; ");
648             }
649         }
651         result.append("\nGraphs: ");
652         for (CallsiteHolder graph : graphQueue) {
653             result.append(graph.graph());
654             result.append("; ");
655         }
657         return result.toString();
658     }
660     /**
661      * Gets a stack trace representing the current inlining stack represented by this object.
662      */
getInvocationStackTrace()663     public Collection<StackTraceElement> getInvocationStackTrace() {
664         List<StackTraceElement> result = new ArrayList<>();
665         for (CallsiteHolder graph : graphQueue) {
666             result.add(graph.method().asStackTraceElement(0));
667         }
669         return result;
670     }
contains(StructuredGraph graph)672     private boolean contains(StructuredGraph graph) {
673         assert graph != null;
674         for (CallsiteHolder info : graphQueue) {
675             if (info.graph() == graph) {
676                 return true;
677             }
678         }
679         return false;
680     }
682     /**
683      * <p>
684      * The stack realized by {@link InliningData} grows and shrinks as choices are made among the
685      * alternatives below:
686      * <ol>
687      * <li>not worth inlining: pop stack top, which comprises:
688      * <ul>
689      * <li>pop any remaining graphs not yet delved into</li>
690      * <li>pop the current invocation</li>
691      * </ul>
692      * </li>
693      * <li>{@link #processNextInvoke() delve} into one of the callsites hosted in the current graph,
694      * such callsite is explored next by {@link #moveForward()}</li>
695      * <li>{@link #tryToInline(MethodInvocation, int) try to inline}: move past the current graph
696      * (remove it from the topmost element).
697      * <ul>
698      * <li>If that was the last one then {@link #tryToInline(MethodInvocation, int) try to inline}
699      * the callsite under consideration (ie, the "current invocation").</li>
700      * <li>Whether inlining occurs or not, that callsite is removed from the top of
701      * {@link InliningData} .</li>
702      * </ul>
703      * </li>
704      * </ol>
705      * </p>
706      *
707      * <p>
708      * Some facts about the alternatives above:
709      * <ul>
710      * <li>the first step amounts to backtracking, the 2nd one to depth-search, and the 3rd one also
711      * involves backtracking (however possibly after inlining).</li>
712      * <li>the choice of abandon-and-backtrack or delve-into depends on
713      * {@link InliningPolicy#isWorthInlining} and {@link InliningPolicy#continueInlining}.</li>
714      * <li>the 3rd choice is picked whenever none of the previous choices are made</li>
715      * </ul>
716      * </p>
717      *
718      * @return true iff inlining was actually performed
719      */
720     @SuppressWarnings("try")
moveForward()721     public boolean moveForward() {
723         final MethodInvocation currentInvocation = currentInvocation();
725         final boolean backtrack = (!currentInvocation.isRoot() &&
726                         !inliningPolicy.isWorthInlining(context.getReplacements(), currentInvocation, currentInvocation.callee(), inliningDepth(), false).shouldInline());
727         if (backtrack) {
728             int remainingGraphs = currentInvocation.totalGraphs() - currentInvocation.processedGraphs();
729             assert remainingGraphs > 0;
730             popGraphs(remainingGraphs);
731             popInvocation();
732             return false;
733         }
735         final boolean delve = currentGraph().hasRemainingInvokes() && inliningPolicy.continueInlining(currentGraph().graph());
736         if (delve) {
737             processNextInvoke();
738             return false;
739         }
741         popGraph();
742         if (currentInvocation.isRoot()) {
743             return false;
744         }
746         // try to inline
747         assert currentInvocation.callee().invoke().asNode().isAlive();
748         currentInvocation.incrementProcessedGraphs();
749         if (currentInvocation.processedGraphs() == currentInvocation.totalGraphs()) {
750             /*
751              * "all of currentInvocation's graphs processed" amounts to
752              * "all concrete methods that come into question already had the callees they contain analyzed for inlining"
753              */
754             popInvocation();
755             try (DebugContext.Scope s = debug.scope("Inlining", inliningContext())) {
756                 if (tryToInline(currentInvocation, inliningDepth() + 1)) {
757                     // Report real progress only if we inline into the root graph
758                     return currentGraph().graph() == rootGraph;
759                 }
760                 return false;
761             } catch (Throwable e) {
762                 throw debug.handle(e);
763             }
764         }
766         return false;
767     }
769     /**
770      * Checks an invariant that {@link #moveForward()} must maintain: "the top invocation records
771      * how many concrete target methods (for it) remain on the {@link #graphQueue}; those targets
772      * 'belong' to the current invocation in question.
773      */
topGraphsForTopInvocation()774     private boolean topGraphsForTopInvocation() {
775         if (invocationQueue.isEmpty()) {
776             assert graphQueue.isEmpty();
777             return true;
778         }
779         if (currentInvocation().isRoot()) {
780             if (!graphQueue.isEmpty()) {
781                 assert graphQueue.size() == 1;
782             }
783             return true;
784         }
785         final int remainingGraphs = currentInvocation().totalGraphs() - currentInvocation().processedGraphs();
786         final Iterator<CallsiteHolder> iter = graphQueue.iterator();
787         for (int i = (remainingGraphs - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
788             if (!iter.hasNext()) {
789                 assert false;
790                 return false;
791             }
792             CallsiteHolder queuedTargetCH = iter.next();
793             Inlineable targetIE = currentInvocation().callee().inlineableElementAt(i);
794             InlineableGraph targetIG = (InlineableGraph) targetIE;
795             assert queuedTargetCH.method().equals(targetIG.getGraph().method());
796         }
797         return true;
798     }
800     /**
801      * This method checks invariants for this class. Named after shorthand for "internal
802      * representation is ok".
803      */
repOK()804     public boolean repOK() {
805         assert topGraphsForTopInvocation();
806         return true;
807     }
808 }